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Everything posted by Pneuma

  1. "Hello I see you've got the board set up how a bout a little game?" I asked with a very smug smirk on my face. The man looked at me and quickly took notice to what race and rank I was and responded, "I am sorry but first off I am a Lt 1st class you which could give me an advantage but I also see that you are a betazoid and I dont think it would be fair for me if you start using telepathy on me to figure out my next move!" "Sounds like Mr LT 1st class is scared but just to inform you 'sir', I can barely handle my empathy let alone telepathy in fact I have never, or even attempted for that matter, to read anyones mind! To me though from my own stand point it sounds like you have a reputation for being the best around here and you are scared of the compitition!" I said in a rather upset fashion. "If we were anywhere else and you said such things I would have you up on charges but since this is a lounge and we both are off duty I will let it slide, But since you think you can take me I think I might school you a little bit! Have a seat. Oh I forgot to mention I have not lost at 3d chess in 3 years and I have played over 90 games." he smiled sharply as if he was king of the whole Universe. I sat down thinking to myself ' It worked!' "Well since we are doing this and you obviously have a lot of pride on this hows about we sweeten it? Lets say 10 credits. . ." "Sure lets do it! Oh by the way my name is James Franklin I serve here on the starbase." "Mine is Dominick Pneuma Most call me Dom or Pneuma. I serve on board the USS Reaent as Sr.Flight Operations and Navigations Manager." "Ok Now that we got that out of the way Lets do this!" Seeing as I was the challenger I went first and he wasnt joking he was a really good player! I had my pieces set up and he punched a whole right through my plans. Than something strange happened it. It was almost like a whisper but I could hear it,". . .if I move the queen the king is in check, if I move the bishop I will leave my queen unprotected . . ." I looked at Mr.Franklin to see if he was talking and he wasnt. I started to get wierded out by it and stood up. "What are you doing Pneuma are you a little scared about the way this is going?"Franklin jested. "Look I am sorry I gotta go heres the credits keep em. I am sorry about this." with that I took off out the door and headed for the Reaent. I didnt look back. I knew that Zafira and V'Roy were in the Lounge I was talking with them before I started the game. I headed for the docking bay and boarded the ship. I ran to a TL and sped to my quarters. I walked in and seen Cherub laying down. He quickly jumped up and greeted me. It started happening again,". . .Play in woods please chase rabbits . . .", I jumped up and looked at the dog. "This is nuts am I losing my mind?" I ran out of the room almost as quickly as I came in. I started to roam the ship and to find a place where I could be away from people and animals and anything else that can think! I worked my way towards one of the Holodecks. I entered the Holodeck to find it empty and undey my breath exclaimed, "Thank God!" I entered and realized I didnt have a clue as to what scenario to run!
  2. I have never been so relieved! If we hadn’t found the flight squad I would never have forgiven myself. That has to be the darkest hour on board the Reaent for me so far. The thought that we could have lost all a number of the crew sends chills down my spine especially since I would be responsible for their loss. This has been a very trying mission and seeing as my shift is over in an hour I intend to go down to the lounge and have something to drink and than I am going to sleep for a bit!
  3. Welcome to stsf You need to deffinately hit the Red Star Night Club!
  4. Well they cant leave out the Uhura undie shots either!
  5. Talk about feeling bad I was one of the people that was picking before the Reaent this past week. Still what are the odds that of all the Dangerous creatures this guy messed with it would be one of the most docile in the animal kingdom that would be the end of him?
  6. This is just a rather crazy Idea I had for a topic. What is the most unique deaths that you have faced in your travels and in the Academy sims. Seeing as we all have had to wear the enigmatic Red Shirt at some point this shoud be interesting.
  7. ::Grabs a difibulator::Clear!!!!!! Well lets see recently I managed to get a team of section 31 agents which I was leading killed by a bunch of Romulans while trying to disable a bomb with a target of san fransisco. Not the greatest of deaths I have to say but it was a red shirt fatality no less. I would have a better ones but is it me or does it seem that the GMs havent been killing people off as much? Than again I havent been in a NDak sim in a while!
  8. My hands fly almost as fast as the ship itself as the battle rages on. The coordinates the Captain had given me have been layed in and the Reaent is moving towards its mark as the group of heavy cruisers sail towards us cutting through time and space. I press the assault,(or is it defense?) with the ship's far more advanced weaponry while I listen to the chatter of the Flight team. This battle is enormous and I can only hope that everyone makes it out alive. My mind is so focused on everything that is happening that for a small time I forget what is coming and that this battle is only the begining.
  9. Pneuma sat at his post trying to figure out just how he was suposed to navigate this Vortex once it was open. The only way he could think was to enter it at high warp but the end results could be disasterous. They had entered the vortex while in persuit of the Oddessy earlier and were accerated out of it at better than warp 9. If they would enter it at high warp they could end up going so fast that the Reaent would simply go to pieces with them inside. He began thinking of any other possibilities but came up dry. He decided to get Mr. Smith's Opinion on what to do here. +Mr.Smith+This is Pneuma I got a small problem that perhaps you could help me out with. . . Smith tapped his commbadge. "This is Lieutenant Smith. Go ahead Ensign. What's your problem?", he began to ask Pneuma. Pneuma Started out "Well I have been going over the entrance to the Vortex when the time comes and have come to the conclusion that if we enter at high warp chances are the ship could tear its self apart on exit due to the speed. On the other side of the coin if we enter to slowly the Vortex could collapse on us. What is your suggestion on going through this thing?" "We're gonna have to take it step by step. We've got to enter at a medium warp, and then if we see that the vortex is holding, we can increase, but we can't take it too high too fast or the vortex will collapse with us inside. It's going to have to be monitored extremely closely, and we've got to make sure engineering is prepared to give us a giant push, if we need it." A Look of fear went across Pneumas face. Was he serious? This situation was getting more and more difficult. Not only did he now have to worry about the speed but also the tradjectory as well. Quickly He started to plan out the route. "Sir I've got one other question for you. Has anything like this ever been done before??" "I don't know. " Replied Smith. "I'm sure it's been done at some time before, but not in a long time. We can do it, it's just gonna take planning and patience. We have to let the computer guide us. If the field stays stable, then we'll continue through at that speed. If it starts to break down, we'll reduce speed, and see if we can hold it."
  10. Alrighty I got an Idea here for yall. How about a Dominion War Sim that takes place on a Joint Federation Klingon, Romulan and whatever Military base. It would send out groups on special assignments and the like. Such as Search and destroy and doing strategic attacks at verious locations.
  11. Pneuma quickly did a check to make certain every coordinate that was sent to the Oddessy was exact. The thought of what would happen if the Reaent would arrive in the middle of a Fleet of enemy warships with out it sent shivers down his spine. Sure the Reaent was more than a match for a few of thier ships but an entire fleet? The idea was preposterous. Even with all fighters deployed and a Kitchen sink on board to throw at them he was just not certain the Reaent could take out that many ships fast enough. Yet again as if going over it with a fine tooth comb He checked the coordinates. It was right on. The Ensign sighed a sigh of relief even though this was only the start of what was to come. Some how he knew that the next couple of hours would be the most difficult yet. He quietly wished he could go and take a nap in his quarters. The events of the day had left him as tired as anything. With everything that happened he just hoped it would all soon end. After this shift he had every intention of heading to the Lounge and relaxing a bit. But that time felt a long way off.
  12. Ok this one belongs to Ankinamuru. Good answer! next ones yours!
  13. Greetings and welcome to stsf! Remember to have fun! Beware of the ferengi they are experts at the art of Double talk!
  14. My favorite ship is the Intrepid class. Not because of Voyager but because I think it has the sleek look of a hot sports car. Personal taste what can I say!
  15. May You and your Future Husband Be happy together forever! Congratulations!
  16. Well you know it takes an intelligence officer to know one and well I dont recall you working for starfleet Intel. Vatric. So the question I must inevitably pose is this, which intelligence office do you work for? :) Oh another tip for you my new Klingon friend, Beware Vatric's lunch in Zero Gravity situations! (I have worn it once before!)
  17. Sorry it took me a few days I havent gotten to check the Message boards. But I have one for yall so. . . Enjoy!
  18. Welcome to the biggest party on the internet! ::walks over to the replicator:: Red Shirt ::Hands the red shirt to Dak::There you go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember the most important thing is to have fun! Oh and um I couldnt help but make note of the Obvious. . . Your First name is very similar to that of NDak. He is a GM and also stsf's Premiere Cadet Killer!
  19. The Red Star is where the cool people come to hang out!!! :blink: It is basically a chance for you to get to know some of the other people around here. Take it from me the Red Stars house bassest, there is all sorts of fun stuff to do and as Finn would be quick to point out It is also the only place in the galaxy to have a WCE (Warp Core Explosion)! Stop by if you can. Last I heard Joe has not Barbecued and served up a cadet in sometime so I think its safe! Later! Lets not forget a little full of himself! :)
  20. There are things that I didnt learn in the academy or is it things I just forgot about? I guess I should have just kept my mouth shut and did my job but I just couldnt let someone make a move like going back over to the Oddessy after the mess its already caused. No, not now, not ever. To be silent would be just allowing something just short of absolute lunicy take place. Why would anyone even suggest going back over to that thing? Of course that was only the begining of my troubles. I sensed I made the captain a little angry which is never good. It is was never my intention to make anyone angry. I only had the best intentions in mind. Both in trying to talk Mr.Scherer out of going back to the Oddessy and in wanting to go and see Simon. I was there when something happened to him. I didnt see anything but I could tell he was telling the truth about what he saw. There was something there. It pains me to think that I could not sense anything. Perhaps the echos of the lives that were shed on that vessel drowned out the sound of the living. If thats the case who knows what could be on that ship still? Who or whatever could be over there was obviously hidden from sight almost as if they had some sort of personal cloaking device. Or they were so small that we just over looked them. Either way Simon believes he saw something and I believe him. I hope he is ok. Yet another poor decision on my behalf, ask the captain to go and check on Simon while he was talking with the senior officers. Where is my head at? While on earth I heard it said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Well if I am not careful my "Good intentions" are gonna get me in a world of trouble thats for sure!
  21. Yup Too bad really and to think 10 grand is such a miniscule amount! ::Sarcastic::
  22. Ohhh Crap! Its NDaks newest vessel of death. . . the Evil, horrendous, vile, 3 inch Frog wielding a lead pipe! Run Cadets run for your lives!
  23. Welcome to the biggest party on the internet! ::Walks over to the replicator:: Red Shirt ::Hands Shirai the red shirt:: Here you go try not to get too much blood on it! Remember the most important thing . . . Have Fun!!! That is the Reason this particular betazoid walks around with one of thoe monsterous ear to ear grins!!! remember not all knives are made of steel some are flesh and blood!
  24. Nice Real nice now it all makes sense . . . I think! The sadwich does look interesting to say the least. The question on my mind though is this: Dumbass did they boil the water in that pool after you left???
  25. Hmm I just cant let this topic die like a red shirt ya know! In fact I think I will add yet another Red shirt fatality. Recently I was acting as AMO in an NDak sim! Enough could be said right there but I gotta remain true to form and give details. We were stranded on a planet with a knife rope and water. We were trying to make it to the transport site when we found a whole slew of holes in the ground which resulted in the other AMO getting injured. Soon we found a bunch of little fuzzy creatures poking up out of the ground. Needless to say our demise was close at hand! They quickly multiplied and attacked us with thier razor sharp squarrel teeth. My death was the result of one of them latching on to my Jugular!