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Everything posted by Pneuma

  1. Sorry its just been a bit since it was said and I wanted to add my list of phrases. SHUT UP WESLEY!!!
  2. Nice Vatric A picture speaks a thousand words. I do gotta say tho it is a sin to not have Bones. That is like have the Scooby doo with out Shaggy. You just cant do it!
  3. Well I took a cue from from the opposite topic So sue me. Still what is your favorite trek movie episode or charicter.
  4. Some on explain to me the salmon please?? I have had enough salmon hurled at me that I could set up a barbecue for everyone on the message boards.
  5. ::Hands Finn his old Red Shirt:: Here you go try not to get to much blood on it!! Welcome to the academy and remember to have fun. You have heard right! They got it all from Beer to the ::Cough::Romulan Ale::Cough:: You didnt hear that from me though :P Also Live music and a whole lot of fun. So Now that I have done some PR work perhaps Joe will hook me up with a free drink at the Red Star Saturday night!! Later.
  6. I liked the diologue between Picard and Q. Picard: the first time we met you you put us on trial for the crimes of humanity Q: The Jury is still out on that Captain Also I too love that that whole shpeal that Worf says about Klingon mating in The dauphin. That is Priceless. It is also why my recent girl friend dumped me. Just Kidding :P
  7. Hello I just started last night and had a blast so I figured I would come here and tell you a little bit about myself. First off my name is Pneuma and I am from betazed. I am a guy for those that are wondering. I decided to join starfleet because I wanted to help and my talents may come in handy. I am a musician I play the guitar among other instruments, and I enjoy entertaining people and feeling the joy from them while playing. As with another well known betazoid I have aquired a taste for chocolate and often enjoy a hot fudge sundae and such. Last night I did my first academy mission and it was a learning experience. Besides nearly blowing up the ship. I learned alot about how things work on a starship and I look forward to my next mission. I look forward to meeting you all so for the time being goodbye.
  8. Aww dont hold out bring on the pain!! There has only been a handful of academy deaths this week!
  9. Wow ok all the history majors please raise your hands!!
  10. Thanks Kim!!!
  11. Oh shoot does this mean we gotta sit through at least 4 more of these lists??? :lol: My favorite Character is Q. What can I say I am drawn o his arrogant nature. One of my favorite episodes is TNG Hollow persuits. Now for those that have read the other topic you already know how I feel about Guinan but The one who gets under my skin the most is Barclay. Man is that guy annoying to me. In my opinion He is what Wesley will be when he grows up. The reason I like this episode though is because of the very vivid holodeck programs he runs using various ship personel as either lovers or villans. I know when I watch that episode I am in for a laugh.
  12. OK Folks I have been Keeping a record of the stuff I have learned from the Academy Sims since I started and I intend to keep editing it and adding to it till I graduate. oh I almost forgot if you are interested about the stardates that I have listed check out http://steve.pugh.net/fleet/stardate.html That is how I set up my stardates. so with out further ado heres the logs. . . Cadets personal log Stardate 102270.7 Last night was my first academy sim and wow was it grueling. I felt like I was chasing my tail in there. I was asst security officer and boy was I in for a suprise. A few things to remember... 1)Take notice of your surroundings explosions in engineering seldom are a good Idea considering the rather large warp core in there. 2)when communicating always use the abbreviation code for your area. That way You remember who you are and more importantly who your commanding officer is. 3) When talking to someone else say your abbreviation first than thiers. It tips off the other person that you are speaking to them. 4) when using the comminicator type +person or department+ again that helps out everyone esspecially if it is a medical emergency. 5) Make sure you use your actions it makes i more interesting and besides you cant just appear somewhere (unless you are Q of course!!) Those are the basics That I picked up last night I hope the next one I do I dont end up in security again I was not the best at that dept. Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets personal Log stardate 102273.35 Wow last night I had my second Academy sim. It was great this time I didnt even come close to blowing the ship up! I was the asst engineer and I got to do a diagnostic on the enviromental controls of a Defient class ship. That was really cool I never really had the opertunity to get up close and personal with the inner workings of a star ship before. Well I learned something new last night as well. when you are on an away team you gotta type @ before everything you say. Simple enough really I am really looking forward to tonights mission and I hope it goes really well. Who knows maybe Ill get to be a Councellor tonight or maybe at the helm??? Only time will tell. Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal log stardate 102275.46 Last night I attended my third Sim and I must say it was intense. I was Chief of security on the galaxy class Medusa. It was an entirely different ball game for me considering I have never had the chance to play chief anything. But I did it to the best of my ability and In the end I learned a good deal about command even though I didnt have any real people serving under me I did have to give orders to my security team. I also found out that there are no councilors in the academy sadly maybe when I get assigned to a real ship I will have the chance to prove myself in that way. Till than I think I may hone my security and Medical skills I have given some thought to Ops but to me that is a strange science have never had the chance to try it. I just like to talk but I think I would be happy in medical or security. I love the prospects of being able to help people so I think these would fit the bill. Well back to last night a very upset Captain launched a couple photon torpedos at some surrendering vessels and Hit the Medusa destroying the Battle bridge. I tried to stop him from doing this but it was too late sadly. Even though it was only a sim I still feel responsible in some odd way maybe if I could have been just a little quicker to see what was coming I could have stopped him. Oh well so much for regrets. Maybe tonight I will get to have someone under my command. well till next time. Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102276.01 I just couldnt wait until tomorrow to make another entry tonight was really cool. I got to be Chief Medical officer and thats not all I had an assistant and that was just awesome. Tonight was really different it felt as if I had been doing this for a long time everything came naturally to me. We had an ensign in sick bay with an odd strain of the flu but as we soon found out the flu was engineered to not react to our attempts at destroying it. While we were in Sick Bay the Ship was tracking a Romulan vessel that managed to fid its way into federation space. In the end we did discover the antidote for the flu but before we could administer it and see if it would work the ship was destroyed by the Romulan vessel. What did I learn tonight? I think What I learned was to be calm and not loose my head(I mean who wants to see me running around without my head?). Also stay focused on Who I am and what I am doing and most importantly have fun. This is an oppertunity to play a dream dont spoil it by being foolish. Talk to people and be creative but not creative to a point where I try to take over just step up and play the role like I am really doing it. Until tomorrow. Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102277.5 Well my mind is still reeling over last nights sim. It was truely an interesting night considering what happened. I looked over the log of the events that took place. While The bridge was doing thier thing we in the Med bay were haveing our own little side story. The key was we didnt try to alter the story or change anything that The GM set up. We simply painted a picture. We made A real working sickbay where we were working on a cure and trying to revive the sick ensign. Personally I think that could have been the most fun I have had thus far not because of getting to be the CMO. But because I wasnt standing around twiddling my thumbs waiting for something to happen. It is another lesson that is setting in. Dont just stand there get involved. I dont think the academy is looking for a bunch of robots. If that were the case the ships would all be fully automated and there would be no need for the greats that have served on them. Great officers like Captains James T Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard or Chief engineers like Montgomery Scott and Geordi LeForge. The point is the only way that I will get the most out of simming is if I get myself into it. My first sims I was sorta conservitive in the way I acted. This was due to both my inexperience and a fear of failure. Its sort of like when I would go swiming and at first I was scared to get in the water cause it was too cold but when I finally got up the courage and Jumped in I forgot all about the fear I had. That is what has been happening the past two nights I have been jumping in and as I do I am forgeting the fear I once had of messing up. Anyways I think I am going to attend again tonight and this time I am gonna step out of my comfort zone and go for a bridge position. I really would like to go for Ops But I think that the Helm could be fun or even tactical. Also I have started looking over the advanced sims cause I soon hope to graduate. They all look like alot of fun. I love the concepts behind them and thet they all take places at different times and locations I think I may ask a GM or to if I could sit in on one of the advanced sims so I get an even better idea of what to expect when that time comes. Well until the time comes I will just be content with the Academy sims I mean so far they are very fun. Well until after my next sim Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102278.82 Sim 5 is over and done with and it was much more different than I could have imagined. Tonight I was at OPS and it was my first time on the bridge of any ship. I dont think I have typed that fast in my life. It was a lot more fast paced than Security Engineering and Medical. I had to push myself to the limits on this one but it was a learning experience. That position is fun esspecially if the XO is a little on the crazy side. We ended up taunting a Ferengi Freighter which in turn blew us clear out of the sky. That was the sim in a nut shell. I just have to remember to us actions to make it real. I most say I did get to do what I am good at and that is talk alot. So it is all good. I have found that the red shirt curse is still in effect and tonight I got to witness it first hand as my shirt was(You guessed it) Red and lo and behold I ended up dead. Anyway tomorrow is another day and another Academy. Perhaps tomorrow I will be able to Graduate. oh well even if I dont I am haveing a blast with these academy sims. On another note some of the people I was chating with thought I was a bit egotistical. I feel bad for coming off that way cause that isnt me I am just confident in my abilities and I know that I will succeed at the academy. until next time Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102277.31 Last night after I updated my log I sat in on the USS Arcadia. I wanted to get an idea of what it will be like when I finally graduate. I gotta say that the advanced sims appear to be alot more in depth but yet almost the same as the academy. I noticed though that they have ALOT of fun. I mean just the cheap remarks made me wanna join in. What can I say a personality quark of mine. But the story line was real deep. In the academy most so far there has been basically one objective to work towards for an hour. They had three. I thought that my first time in the academy was overwhelming but this was even more so. but after a few minutes I became accustomed to it and was able to follow what was going on. I have been looking at the possible advanced sims I can join after I graduate and I think I wanna join one that is set in the TNG-DS9 era. Yet TOS does have a certain appeal to it but If I were to head that route I would almost certainly be wearing a Red Shirt!! I cant wait till I can join an advanced sim. Well it would appear I have some motivation to be the best at the Academy so I can graduate. By being the best I mean doing my duty as is befitting of a starfleet officer and not trying to be Q. Relying on others to do thier job the same way they are relying on me to do mine. Weither I am an assitant in engineering or if by chance I would end up being the MXO. Its gotta be about teamwork no Ship can operate with only one person. Every Person has thier place. When the time comes when I have people working under my command, if I am acting as a Chief, I cant and I wont try to do it all myself. I've gotta deligate. So say I am acting CMO and we endure a space battle and a whole lot of people are coming to sick bay. I cant attend to all of them myself. I have to use my team weither they are actual AMO's or NPC's. This is a tough lesson esspecially after watching trek for so long and watching all my heros doing everything themselves. Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log stardate 102278.54 I am waiting in anticipation for my next academy. I know there is no way of me knowing how close I am to graduation so I must just do my best. Still I cant help thinking is this the night? As I anticipate whatever comes my way I can feel the butterflys in my stomach fluttering away. Too bad the Red Star Lounge isnt open tonight. I could use the conversation and maybe something extra to calm myself down a bit. Oh well I guess I just need to relax a bit. I dont know if it is me putting on the pressure or if it is everything else but I want so bad to succeed. I mean what can be cooler than being on a Federation Starship. Perhaps there there is a way to redirect my anxiety. Hmm... If there is I cant think of it right now. I have tried watching some Star Trek to see if i could pick up a few pointers from the best. I do gotta say it helped a little I think that maybe I need to mix my own creativity with what I have seen. Gladly creativity is one thing I do not lack in. I am often the first person to come up with names for events and such. It just comes naturally to me. It tends to show esspecially during the sims at the academy. I mean look at the night I was CMO i hardly had to think about what was going on. It is so easy for me to do that stuff but with that I need to keep myself in check cause I could see that causeing grief. Lord knows I would not want to try to draw the sims off course in the academy or when I graduate in the advanced sims. That to me would be most embarrassing let alone the fact that it would look like I was not getting the idea of the game. I dont know where I wanna aim for tonight. I do need the experience on the bridge but I am most comfortable in Medical Security and engineering. The Helm and Ops is great and all but I just dont know than again that was only my first time doing it so maybe I just need to give it another try. So I guess I will go for HOPS, SCI, TAC, or MED. I want to show myself being as versitile as possible. I guess either tonight or tomorrow I will have either good news or bad news. Either way it should be alot of fun! Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102281.52 Well tonight wasnt the night but I did have alot of fun. That had to be the biggest Sim I have been in so far. I got to try out a new dept. I ASCI and we were sent on a mercy mission to a war torn disease ridden planet. Even though I was sort of hopeing to be a chief I still had fun as an assistant. This time I was not as tight lipped as I was before when working in an assistant position. Oh and Score one for the Red Shirts!!! I didnt get killed tonight. That doesnt mean I didnt come close but close only counts in horse shoes and warp core breaches. Even though I was pushing myself to do the best I could it just wasnt my night. Oh well I guess that just means I get to torture the academy GMs some more with my presence!!!. There are only so many ways to off a cadet and I have only experienced two so far so I would say the red shirt is lucky. Perhaps Ill pull a Riker and manage to get through the academy unscathed. Unlikely considering Ive already been killed twice but so far I would say I have been lucky. I mean I wasnt on the Batle bridge of the Medusa when it blew up. I believe thats a step in the right direction. Anyway there is always tomorrow I guess until than Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102283.39 Today I have been thinking alot about the advanced sims. The thought of actually joining a real ship or station is a little overwhelming. Still I know I will enjoy and excell at it when the time comes. For now though I am finding ways to keep myself occupied until the next Academy. As a musician so finely put it The Waiting is the hardest part. I am really looking forward to participating tonight. I find it completely amazing how the GMs come up with all these different ideas for the sims and yet allow them to grow into the end result by the end of the hour. I think I should commend them more often on that. Not to be a suck up, cause lets face it no one like a nose in thier posterier, But to show my appreciation. They dont have to be thier every night to host the academy but they do it anyway. I think that is something I need to improve on. I have also been going over in my mind the different things I have learne thus far and the sims I have done. I am trying to find any areas where I need to improve. If I can find those things and work on them than I believe that could better my chances at geting to graduate. I just cant believe how hard it is to examine yourself and to pick out your own flaws and mistakes. Maybe I need to look up the logs for some of my sims and go over them. Perhaps I am overlooking something? Someday I will probably look back at my time spent at the academy and laugh. Well laugh harder than I am now! Well off I go to study. Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log stardate 102284.28 Tonight had to be the single weirdest SIm I have done yet. The Ship got a Virus and all the systems were going haywire. I was at Tactical and My console got the blue screen of death. That isnt the wierdest part though. In sick bay they were working on a talking corpse! Good Grief is that messed up or what. so of couse I had to ask the question. Was he wearing a red shirt? Anyway I am trying my hardest to impress the GMs and to make some friends. Perhaps if I Make a few friends the waiting wont be so excrushiating. I was talking to some of the crew from the Aegis and it seems they want me to sign up on that sim when I graduate. I was giving some thought to that and I think that may be a good choice for me. It would more than likely give me a chance to get my feet wet in the advanced sims. Oh well for now I guess just gotta focus on graduating. One step at a time. Tonight ends my first week here and being in the academy. I have to say that I have learned a whole lot and I seriously look forward to learning more. Heres hopeing! Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102286.04 Today I have been giving some thought to my persona that I intend to develop after graduation. I think I have an idea as to where Id like to go with it but at this time I can not really do anything with it except plan. When I began working on a back story I didnt realize how easily it started to come to me. I mean one thing lead to another and when I finished I couldnt believe just how in depth I had gone with my charicter. I have feeling that for as much fun as the academys are they pale in comparison to what the Advanced sims will be. Anyway I still am looking back at my time in TAC last night. Even though it was so strange that even now following it is dificult I learned something from it. From now on before I take a post I need to be certain of what the post entails. Last night I didnt and I ended up having to PM one of the GMs. So I suppose after I am done with this log I am going to head over and read over the stations and what is involved in them. For engineering, security, Medical it is simple to me It comes naturally. But sadly the bridge jobs still elude me so I guess I should study harder on them. I supose after I study those posts I should really wash my red shirt considering Vatric vomited last night during the sim and it landed all over my shirt. I dont think the stink will ever come out. Good grief what did he eat. Oh well I guess I will head out to get everything done. Oh yeah red star lounge tonight! I intend to be there with my guitar in hand. Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102290 I tell you these sims just get wierder and wierder. Tonight I was on TAC again as well as the Helm. We were to assist a planet with a race of Rabbit like people in recovering their sphere which they diefied. They were being invaded by a race of Chicken like creatures and they were slaughtering therabbits. So we sent down an away team to save the bunnies and I got to use twenty chicken shaped Ships (yes you Heard right) for target practice. That was a blast I tell you. Those Chickens never saw it coming. That sector of the galaxy is going to be littered with feathers from here to Christmas. I fired everything our constitution class ship could fire including the Kitchen sink at those chickens. They tried to fight back and ended up getting egg all over the haul. But Just when I thought no red shirts were gonna die tonight The rabbits looked at the away team holding the sphere and thought they were stealing it so they drew thier swords and slaughtered the away team. Good Grief what a mess. Aside fom the academy tonight I attended the Red Star night club and had a blast there. I was Playing Guitar and Kat was on the Keys. We had a blast. Tonight really got my mind off of everything including graduation. Infact I still dont feel like thinking about it so for now. Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102291.67 Last night was a double header. Two academys back to back and they were both very interesting but in a good way not like those Bunnilings. In the first of the to I was OPS and I enjoyed every minute of it. Nothing beats being switch board operator for the ship Its great. In that we got attacked by a borg cube and I am still shocked I didnt die. But I got assimilated so I dont know if that is better or worse. Still that was an interesting one. It made me think on my toes a bit more. I hope that dosent happen on a real ship though things would get ugly real quick like. In the second I was at OPS or HOPS as it were Cause I also was steering the ship. In that a renegade ambassador and his pilot sabotaged thier shuttle and tried to force the captain to change headings by force. That was a nice Sim. I got to hang out on the bridge and make long distance hails while the crap hit the fan in sickbay. Yet again no death for me at least and that is always a very good thing. I am truely starting tho think the red shirt is lucky after all! I have been trying hard to push thoughts of Graduation to the back of my mind yet they are always at the forefront. It is killing me. I am so ready to graduate it isnt funny. Oh well I will just have to be content with the Academy until the time comes. Until next time. Cadet Pneuma Out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102294.14 Talk about unique. THe Academy last night was truely unlike any I have attended thus far. It placed us all in a situation that is one that we are still growing accustom to. The Academy. The Scenario was this we were all cadets reporting to Orientation for our first day. In that time, I cant say about the others, I learned somthing about myself. I am not a person to standby and be inactive. I have to get involved and help whenever I can. A shuttle crashed through the roof of the academy and apperantly landed on Admiral Blurox. Instead I cowering in fear like part of my wanted to do considering the shuttle that just made its arrival. I got up and started trying to help the XO who was pinned down by a pole. I know I am not Hurcules by no means so I asked for some help and we got it off of him just as he was being beamed out. I than wanted to look at the shuttle to see what caused it to crash but we got sent out to the lawn by Security where we found that it was all a test. It was one of those situations where you wouldnt know how you would react if you didnt do it. At one point I was thinking I had so much adrenaline coursing through my veins I wouldnt ever need coffee again. It would be awesome to have another sim simular to that one though. That one really got me thinking. I think that is what I liked the most about it. We were forced to think on our own about how to handle the situation. We didnt have the CO or XO to give us orders we had to simply work together to achive the goal. To me that alone has been the greatest challenge I have faced so far in my time at the academy. It went beyond just aknowledging the other posts and following orders. We had to rely on each other to do the diffferent tasks. I know I couldnt have lifted that pole by myself but niether could anyone else but when we worked together it got moved and the XO was free to be transported. It was in no place an "I" event. It was all "We". Well I think I will go and study some more and prepare for tonights Academy perhaps I could be challanged as much as Iwas last night. Cadet Pneuma Out. Cadets Personal log Stardate 102295.17 I messed up tonight. I have a list of things that I should have done but didnt do. Things that I should have thought of but didnt. I have to say that this mission was almost as bad as my first for me. But out of this fiasco I am more determined now than I have ever been. I will not make the mistakes I made tonight again. We were stuck on an asteroid and I was CMO and was at a loss for what to do. I wasnt thinking straight for some reason and even the simplest of things seemed to elude me. I refuse to let that happen again that was completely foolish on my part. It is time for me to take being the best to the next level when the academy rolls around tomorrow I intend to be more than ready for whatever comes. From now on when I am in a Command post I will take command no more pussy footing around trying not to get on anyones bad side. I made a few mistakes which I refuse to even write down because of how angry I am with myself. Tomorrow I intend to study everything I can find so I dont over look the obvious as I did tonight and when I hit the academy tomorrow I will make certain the differance is seen in the way I do my part. I Can do this. I will make it through the Academy. Nothing is going to discourage me from doing this. Pneuma is Greek for spirit and right now mine is showing. Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102296.86 Since last night aside from sleeping I have been going over and over all the mistakes I made in the academy. Among other things I have also started planning ahead for tonight. I know it is impossible to know exactly what will happen but I do know that by coming up with personal contengency plans I will be less like to be caught with my pants down again. Also I have been studying starship designs more than I have in the past. I want to be ready for whatever comes my way with a sound logical plan. As I said last night it is time to step it up. Falure is not an option for me and although I look at my performace last night as such I know that it was not. It was the wake up call I needed. Since las night I have looked at quite a few ships specifically the Galaxy class, Norway class, and Nebula class. I have also tried to dig up some info on other ships such as The romulan war bird, and the Klingon warships. Sadly there is little I have found on the Borg ships. I feel I am more prepared for the academy tonight than any I have attended so far. A lesson I have learned from all of this is every mission is different how you react in one doesnt determine how you will act in another. To loosely quote a movie, "Every prize fighter has a plan until they get hit. After that he has to react. My Friend You've just been hit." Last night I was hit. I came in with a plan but after the hit I couldnt adapt. That is why I am prepareing for almost every possible situation today. As I said earlier I refuse to get caught with my pants down again. Cadet Pneuma out. Cadets Personal Log Stardate 102298.73 Tonight is two things for me. The end and the begining. The end of life as a cadet and hoping to graduate and the begining of my future in starfleet. This will infact be my last log entry because tonight at long last I finally graduated. I now hold the rank of Ensign. Tonight the mission was this. We were on a planet on shore leave and while we were there the Captain got into a fight with a guy who just wanted to fight and she ended up getting drug off to the police station. A few minutes later a pair of suicide bombers went into the bar that was near us and blew it sky high. I was one of the survivors and I gave orders to help out the others while I went to go try to get the captain freed. It was intense but I believe I handled it well. Well I must of the graduated me after all. Still when I got to the police station I asked what it would take to get the captain released and they said I didnt have enough. That is where we paused. SOme things that all of this taught me. Dont slack off study. I am talking to myself most of all when I say that. In the past 24 hours I looked over more specs for star ships than I care to count. It did in fact help me out a good bit. I learned alot about starship design. next I learned to not just be a leader but to BE a leader. Its one thing to hold a command post but it is a completely different story when you take that command post and run with it. Not everyone can sit at a desk. Not everyone can get down and dirty with things like engines or medical. But when in command you have to do both. So now as my time at the academy has wained to a close I am reflecting on my time here. The joys of victory. The Pains of Defeat. The nightmares of Bunnilings with swords. The friends I have made. Perhaps someday I will meet up with them again. So now I am looking forward to my future. What will become of me. Part of me hopes to find adventure. Part of me wants to face the challange of the unknown. But right now the Part that I am dealing with is the part that is saying it is time to go to sleep. So for the very last time Ensign Pneuma out.
  13. Hey Craven I sorta beat you to the punch cause I already read Both the wait and Regression. Very nice indeed.
  14. WOO HOO!! Good bye Cadet Pneuma, Hello Ensign Pneuma!!!! Last night I officially graduated from the academy. Soo now it is on to the avanced sims and I really look forward to getting to know some new people there. Oh and again. . . WOOO HOOO!!!!!
  15. Sorry Craven i just cant help it. And besides it could be worse. I could of said I didnt like Dr. McCoy(not that I ever would :lol: ). Personally I think that we should listen to Q. Q: You should get rid of this creature better yet allow me!
  16. Avery Tynte Posted on Apr 19 2006, 08:08 PM How in the world did you manage that one???
  17. Well folks tonight I posted my last cadets log. I have officially graduated the Academy and I am looking forward to joining an advanced sim. I hope that cadets will read over these logs and learn from my mistakes. It is written that it is wise to learn from your own mistakes but wiser still to learn from the mistakes of others. I hope that is the case for someone.
  18. Even though I am still a cadet I do hope to graduate soon and a Pirate sim would be flippin awesome!
  19. I actually found it on half.com for like $2 I was thinking about jumping at it!
  20. Birthday Greetings to you and I love that name :lol: I hope your B-day has been a memorable one!
  21. Awww I was really hopeing to get devoured by the Fire ants oh welll I guess a new academy time will do. Sooo in the words of the military HOO RAH!!
  22. Yet again Congrats Louis
  23. Vatric Posted on Apr 19 2006, 04:05 PM I have to agree with that one
  24. Good song choice but I think Ive got a better one ::Grabs his guitar and begins playing Enter Dead Man:: (played to the tune of enter sandman) I tell you isnt it fun incurring the wrath of the GM's