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Everything posted by Pneuma

  1. Well I now have a more interesting Red shirt death. I have witnessed the Triumphant Return of the Pandarians first hand! I was CSEC and we were picking up life signs on a life less planet and low and behold Pandarians appear and begin slaughtering the away team. So my team and I begin fighting them to no avail. Whats worse is when I died I wasnt even the target! It was the CMO. I got in the way to shoot one of them (That Rego Character :) ) and I got ripped in two. I was still alive but in shock. So I fired another shot at the Pandarian and got to watch his vest take a blast from my phaser which was set to the Highest setting. At that point I keiled over. In the end the Pandarians Killed everyone and took the ship. I can safely say I was beside myself at that moment though!
  2. Philip Carst Posted on May 1 2006, 10:41 AM I second that Philip! ::Grabs a salmon and hurls it at Finn:: Congrats Ensign.
  3. As Dominick Pneuma got off his shift he was beat. He never realized just how much talking could tire a person out. So he walked to the turbo lift and went to his quarters to catch a few Z’s. As he walked into his quarters he looked around at his new home. Cherub’s ears perked up at the sound of his master walking in and ran to great him. “Wow today was tough. At least I got you to come home to boy” Dom looked around his quarters which had been very much standard up to this point having not had time too truly make it his own. “Man this place is plain I think when I get up I might have to do some redecorating in here” Than Sensing Hunger from Cherub he walked over to the replicator. “Canine Food supplement 45” The Replicator hummed and the dog’s food appeared in front of him. Setting the Food on the floor he spoke to Cherub “There you go Boy enjoy!” With that Dom turned around and went to his bed and fell into a silent restless sleep. Dreams of Alien weaponry attacking the Ship and disappearing Away teams flooded him making it impossible for his mind to truly settle down. After about four hours Dom woke up with a jolt. His last dream really frightened him. He dreamed that he was part of the away team but this time there was no rescue. They were left to fend for themselves in an unknown place and slowly but surely they succumbed to madness and killed each other off one by one. It was horrifying. Realizing it was all a dream, and having about given Cherub a heart attack, he decided to stay awake. “Time to start setting up this place to make it my own”, He stated as he observed the room. First off Lets get a color scheme going here. Having liked black and blue all his life he figured that would be a good place to start on this. With that he began Replicating Bed sheets, Pillows, Furniture, and anything else he could need in black and blue. Next he turned his attention to Cherub who was curiously watching everything take place. “Don’t worry boy I haven’t forgot about you.” With that Dom replicated a small doghouse for Cherub and set it in the corner of his Quarters. Having finished He took a look around the room. “Now this is nice. I finally feel like I am at home.” Dom than looked at Cherub, “Well boy, want to go hunting?” With that Cherubs tail began to wag and the sensation of excitement and joy filled Dom’s being. “Well I take that as a yes!” With that He headed out the door with Cherub to a vacant Holosuite.
  4. Welcome Cadet! Remember to have fun first and foremost. This will save you a bunch of headaches. Oh and dont get so wrapped up in graduation that you forget to have fun. I came pretty close to doing that and when I did graduate I went back into the academy and I realized just how much fun they can be when you arent side track by something as simple as graduation. Trust me you'll get there. Take a look at my log and you'll see what I mean!
  5. Lets hope this prequel is better than the Star Wars ones. Hey what ever happened to looking towards the future anyway? I am starting to think that could be a lost art. I mean it is kinda cool thinking about where our favorite characters are from but come on. How about a new idea like expanding on the mysterious characters that we like but know little about?
  6. Thanks much Sovak!!
  7. Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday mister President. . . Oh sorry wrong person :) Happy Birthday Sir!!
  8. Well Godspeed to you. I hope to see you simming again sometime. But for now, to one of the first friends I made while simming, farewell and good luck.
  9. ::Begin Transmission:: Well I guess I should start from the begining. My name is Dominick R. Pneuma. I have recently finished my time at the academy and as I am quickly finding out it is a whole different ball game now. Before me lays so many options it isnt funny. During my time at the academy I was sure to try every avalible post so I could get a feel for what I would be best at. I liked being in Medical, Security, and Tactical the most. But as I have found out there are other posts that were not avalible at the academy such as Ships councilor and Fighter pilot. Both of these posts are up my ally more than the all the others. I have always enjoyed the thought of flying. Oh well. While I was at the academy I thought that awaiting the time I graduated would kill me. I now see that pales in comparison to being in the inbetweens. There are so many ships that I could join. The USS Reaent seems to have a certain appeal but I cant rule out the option of being posted on Sky Harbor Aegis. Yet there is one other ship that seems to have a draw for me and that is the USS Manticore. Decisions decisions. So here I lay on a cramped shuttle headed for Risa. It was a bit of a gift from my Foster Parents for graduating. Even though I am still ten hours out I am looking forward to arriving there if only to get out and stretch my legs. I hope to be able to forget about my current decision for just a little bit of time while I am there and from what I hear there are places on Risa that can certainly do that for anyone. So I think I might sleep a bit in hopes of passing the time. Better yet I think I might play with Cherub my pet beagle. He has been laying here beside me for the past few hours and I feel that he is getting restless. So for now. . . Dom Pneuma Out. ::End Transmission:: ::Begin transmission:: Well I have arrived at Risa and it is everything I have imagined and more. This place is amazing. Just the sheer beauty of everything the enviroment, the water temperature, the Women! Yeah I must say if there has ever been a place to relax it is here. Even though I am trying to relax after my time at the academy I do tend to think back on it a good deal. Of the personal victories and the mistakes I made. So much for regrets. Part of my goal while here on Risa has been to not worry to much about my first posting but try as I may I have found that almost impossible. I think I have finally settled on what ship I want to try for. The U.S.S. Reaent seems like an awesome ship and I feel that I would fit well on that ship. I did in fact hear from Starfleet and I have submited my application to join a ship and It would appear that may in fact be the Reaent. On a more personal note someone on Risa has a female beagle and I havent seen Cherub since I arrived but I think he is happy and I am sure I will find him soon. Well I am going out to catch some sun. It is amazing how pale you get being at the academy! Dom Pneuma out. ::End Transmission:: ::Begin Transmission:: Good news I found Cherub! I have no clue what he was doing all this time But I found him no less. He was trying to knock over a garbage recepticle for food so I grabbed him took him home and got him some food. I have heard back from Starfleet about my first posting. As of next week I will be offically joining the ranks of the U.S.S. Reaent as Operations Manager. Not only do I get to be posted on an Ambassador class Ship but I get to be a bridge officer as well. Not bad for an Ensign fresh out of the Academy!. So far while I have been here at Risa I have basked in the sun, enjoyed a fair quantity of synthohol, and enjoyed the some company of another sort! For all its lavishness this place does lack one thing. A places to train and practice. I know you go to Risa to relax and get away from the normal everyday routines but I am not one to sit around I gotta do something. perhaps I can sneak off and get some target practice with my phaser on a few birds. :lol: Yeah I am sure the people around here would love watching the birds suddenly fall out of the air. Well I am off to get a massage. Why not right! Dom Pneuma out. ::End Transmission:: ::Begin Transmission:: I have a feeling the Captain is going to have to drag me off of this planet! Today I had about the best Massage ever. I mean I was all but comatose by the time She was done with the massage. Afterwards I decided to go for a swim and perhaps see some of the Risan sea life. The water was the perfect temperature. As I was swimming I seen all different kinds of fish they were so bright and colorful. Of all the memories I am developing of my time here. This is one that will stay with me forever. After that I decided to play with Cherub. I grabbed a flying disc headed out to one of the many beaches. He was in heaven! I kept on throwing the disc out into the shallows of the ocean and he would run out jump up and catch it and come down with a splash. I think he may be haveing more fun here than I am. How nice it would be to not have to care about anything and have someone to feed you give you water and play with you whenever you wanted. This dog as the life I tell ya. Even though I am finally begining to relax I cant help thinking of the USS Reaent. I have only seen starships of that size in the holodeck never in person. It is going to be amazing when I finally see her. Till than though i guess I will have to find solice in the fact that I am stuck on this pleasure planet for another day before I have to get back to my life. Well I will just have to cope with it. There is a Vulcan I met here while at one of the lounges last night. I tell you for a Vulcan He was sure animate. Well I guess if you get enough synthahol in ya it dosent matter what race you are. Anyway this Vulcan was bragging about how great he is at 3d chess so I think I may go and give him a challenge. Why not right. Dom Pneuma out. ::End Transmission:: ::Begin Transmission:: That Vulcan was a push over!! He was all talk and no show. I beat him up one side and down the other. I have to say in the begining he had me on the run but in the end I took all his pieces. That was deffinately fun. Well Today is officially my last day on Risa and as it turns out I am sorta happy to be getting back to my normal life. I recieved a package today from starfleet containing my new uniform. It is alot nicer than that old red shirt was. I am certainly glad to not be associated with that thing any more but in a strange way I am abit attached to it. Where most have found the red shirt to be a death sentance I found it to be a bit of a lucky charm for me. I mean I was only killed off in two sims. Thats gotta count for something. I think Cherub is sad to go though. He had alot of fun here. But sadly it is time for us to depart. I think my destination is DS10. Well I guess it is so long Risa. Dom Pneuma out. ::End Transmission:: ::Begin Transmission:: I walked onto the shuttle and fired it up and let the computer take over. I just passed out cold. I never really thought you could have too much of a good thing until now. Dont get me wrong I wold go to Risa again in a heart beat but I think moderation would be in order. Still it was a nice vacation and Heaven knows I needed it after the academy. Now unto more pressing things. This is the first time I have really had to think about my new posting since I was in transit to Risa. I am really begining to feel the weight of nervousness. In the academy I had did Ops more often than not. Still I think that the simulator would pale in comparisson to the real thing. On the Reaent there wont be a reset button, coming back at the end of the sim if killed off. As I glance through the viewer on the shuttle over pictures of The Reaent and its contengent of Fighters and Shuttles, I cant help thinking did I bite off more than I could chew. The answer to that is a resounding no. I know better than to allow myself to subject myself to negative thinking. That would empower my doubts and fears. That is simply not acceptible. What kind of starfleet officer would I be if I was always fearful. Not a good one I fear so I must keep myself in check. Dom Pneuma Out. ::End Transmission:: ::Begin Transmission:: I still have not arrived at DS10. I didnt realize just how long this shuttle ride would be. Sadly this is a very old shuttle and is only capable of warp 3 otherwise I would have cranked up the speed by now. While I have been sitting around watching dust collect on this shuttle. I have been trying to familiarize myself with the crew of the Reaent. I am finding this a difficult task having only seen one of thier missions from the computer. I tried finding more but at this time it seems to elude me as to how to I can find anything on this ancient piece of machinery perhaps DS10 will dismantle this ancient piece of space trash when I arrive. Also during this long trip I came in contact with a ferengi tading vessel. It wasnt much to right home about. I hailed it pretty much just to chat and see where it was headed. The Captain, Ronk I believe was his name, seemed very interested in trying to sell me stuff. Usual Ferengi dealings I politely refused and asked him where he was headed. He replied DS10. I got a little excited and I asked if perhaps I could hitch a ride considering that Ferengi vessel was bound to have a bit more umph than this prehistoric shuttle. To no ones suprise his reply was the typical whats in it for me? So I offered him 4 strips of Gold pressed Latinum. His response was less than kind but the jist of it was 4 strips isnt worth using the Transporter to beam you off that shuttle and He proceeded to jump to warp and laugh all the way as he did. I think I may have had better luck with a Klingon. But the downside to that would be the Gagh. I honestly dont think I could handle that. So I am stuck on this heap. According to this ancient computer I am within a few hours from the the starbase so hopefully I will get to interact with some normal beings and if I find that Ronk Character I am gonna let him have a piece of my mind. . . The shuttles computer is acting really strange and the veiw screen just went blue. It reads there is an error on the hard drive. I didnt think Shuttles had hard drives! Oh man! Well I guess I should try to contact DS10. . . +DS10+ Hello this is Ensign Pneuma on board a really old shuttle can you read me? DS10> Yes we read you ensign what seems to be the problem? +DS10+ Well My shuttle seems to be malfunctioning I was on course to stay on base for a few days and my computer just went out I have no clue if I am still on course or what. Would it be possible to get a tow to the station? DS10> No that wont be a problem we'll send someone out as soon as we can +DS10+ Thanks Ensign Pneuma out. Phew well at least I wont be on this bucket of bolts much longer. . .oh shoot I left the recorder on. Well I guess whoever listens to this will get a good laugh. Dom Pneuma Out. ::End Transmission:: ::Begin Transmission:: Well I have been on the DS10 for about 24 hours and I must say it is quite interesting. I have not run into that stinkin Ferengi that left my hanging out in space. Oh well I will just have to let it go. Today I recieved word from starfleet to meet with the U.S.S.Reaent at Mars Base so I am off to Mars tonight. Thankfully not on that old beater shuttle but on a Intrepid class Starship. The best part is that mars is the ships destination so There wont be any stops. Thankfully I will finally join the Reaent and start working. While I have been here I have gotten to catch up on my training. Tons of fun I tell you Target practice a litte phaser tag amongst other people here. I have been having a field day. Also I went to the lounge and had a drink. Good stuff too. WHat is it about Ferengi I always see them running buisnesses. I have heard how much there culture revolves around Latinum But this is the first I have really seen just how much. I also feel uncomfortable around them for some reason. I honestly dont know why. I mean most cultures I just feel connected to of course I am a Betazoid so I can feel there emotions to a degree. But no matter how hard I try I cant seem to feel anything around the ferengi. Vulcans I have trouble with too but in the Academy there was this one by the name of Vatric. For some reason I could Sense his feelings. Maybe that is because he is only half Vulcan or maybe there is a little more to him than he lets on. I am still trying to get a handle on this ability seeing as I didnt grow up on Betazed. I still try to use it when ever I can sometimes though it just happens. Oh well off to The ship. Dom Pneuma out. ::End Transmission::
  10. Well all I have updated this log for the last time. From now on my logs will be under the U.S.S. Reaent Heading. later and thanks.
  11. ******************************************************************** SUBSPACE MESSAGE FROM STARFLEET CLASSIFIED ******************************************************************** Starfleet Personnel Bio Name: Pneuma, Dominick R. Species: Betazoid Sex: Male Age: 23 Height: 6’3” Weight: 190lbs. Parents: Unknown Foster Parents Pneuma, Walter R Pneuma, Jane Background: The mystery surrounding the parents of mister Pneuma is still on going. They Gave birth to Dom during a shore leave and were apparently called to return immediately. That was the last time anything was ever heard of them. A family from Earth adopted Dom and raised him as their own. As Dominick grew he found it difficult to fit in with the other Kids partially because of him being a Betazoid but mostly because from the time he learned that his parents were in Starfleet He wanted to join. While other kids were being kids Dom was often training or studying so that one-day his dream could come true. When the day came that he was accepted to the Academy he was overjoyed. As he progressed through the academy Dom made up for lost time and made a lot of friends. He enjoyed his time at the Academy and the day he graduated was one of the happiest days of his life. Medical History: Age 7 Broken Nose Nose was repaired, Scarring is still Visible across the bridge of his nose. Age 17 Broken Leg Bone was reset and healed appropriately. Experiences mild pain in very humid conditions. Age 19 First-Degree Burn the burning was minor and was treated promptly. Dominick was reprimanded for playing phaser tag. Minor burn scars have been seen during routine check-ups that follow suit with low intensity phaser fire. Psychological Evaluation: Dominick is a very interesting character to say the least. Due to his lack of time on Betazed, His empathic abilities are not as advanced as they should be. He is constantly trying to improve his abilities. I suggested that he spends a year on Betazed to enhance his empathy but he would not. He wanted to jump right in to Starfleet and could not pass up the chance to serve on a ship. The downside of this inexperience is that under times of duress and high emotion he can quickly become overwhelmed. Still he is very dedicated to whatever he is doing. Misc.: Dom enjoys being around people and just having fun. He loves to talk and is always willing to learn. Dom keeps a dog, a beagle, Named Cherub which he has had since it was a puppy. Occasionally he will play with Cherub and take him on hunts on the holodeck. He also practices his empathic abilities on Cherub. Service Record: Entered Starfleet Academy 0575.5 Graduated Starfleet Academy 0599.99 Signed onboard U.S.S. Reaent 0602.2
  12. Coming from the perspective of a recent academy graduate, I found that the most effective means of informing a noob (ie. me) Was simply chatting. I chatted with quite a few people about the advanced sims after the academy sims. I asked which ones were set in which era, what the sims needs were, and just talked about them. From that I got alot of information. That combined with checking out the sites of the sims that have them I was able to make a good guess where I wanted to go. When it finally came down to the time of decision I learned of a position that I was interested in and I jumped at it. But I must say the best way for me was to tell me about it. A little PR goes a long long way.
  13. ::HOPS up and down:: Oh you mean the position I should know that by now! :wub: That is a fun post. Hey a good Idea is to try all the areas out. Remember you're in the academy and your prospects for the future are wide open. I made the mistake of having an idea of what I wanted to do when I graduated the academy. Needless to say that completely changed. I am just getting ready to take my first advanced sim post as Operations Manager on board the U.S.S. Reaent. I thought I wanted to be security. :) I found I really liked the OPS/ HOPS position and also TAC. So dont be afraid to try new posts in the Academy. After all whats the worst that can happen. . . :P
  14. Bet you cant tell by lookin' ! :P
  15. HOw about prove that it dosent??
  16. Hey everone I have updated this log so enjoy.
  17. I believe that the stop signified a period at the end of a sentence.
  18. Yes God save the queen from the wrath of Images!!! Maybe you should send her an original Star Trek TOS Red Shirt.
  19. Welcome to the Academy! The key thing to remember is to have fun. . .Oh and make funeral arrangements before the academy. . .Just kidding!
  20. New

    Hey Sulu Welcome! The prime thing to remember is to have fun. . . Oh and make funeral arrangments before attending the academy just kidding. Read the moose tips and the help section. (PR attempt in 3, 2, 1) You may also want to check out some of the cadet logs (i.e. Mine!!) For some personal insight from other cadets. You dont have to make a log while you are in the academy. I just did cause I love to write! There are others who have or are making logs so hunt them down.
  21. Trust the Eagle!! Keyword is: REAENT!!!
  22. If they are lacking in creativity they could turn their eyes to this forum. Heaven knows there are some seriously good ideas coming out of here.
  23. ::Cooking one of those tribles with his phaser:: Sorry they were just so good last night I couldnt wait for another. But what can I say Tribble taste just like. . . :P
  24. Umm Have you seen my cadet Logs?? I have 2 personal deaths in there as well as the untimely demise of an entire away team at the hands of the sadistic Bunnilings. It may sound like I am paranoid but I seriously think the GM's are out to get Cadets. But it just wouldnt be right if I didnt say this. The GMs are quite creative and they deffinately need props for that.
  25. Very nice Kim Keep it up!!