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Everything posted by Elgor

  1. Ughhh!!! You're making a macory of Asimov's groundbereaking theroys
  2. Ah Texas one of the last outposts of math and science. That is the place you are talking about right?
  4. a turkey after your uncle got to it
  5. Mine's a tie between a galaxy-x and soverign. Just imagine what a cross between the two would look like
  6. HALO 3 IS NEAR! PREPARE TO FACE THE FLOOD(and most likely rescue Cortana)now that was said how many shotguns do we need?
  7. William Shatner in 20 years(hopefully more)
  8. The stuff the army said they would never have.....and are making right now
  9. Because and it's obvious the shuttle was broken and the chicken was not important enough for the transporter
  10. I think we all know what's in there! ::opens Wesley's stash it's full of hormones for him to grow:: I knew it!
  11. lol as for popups things Bill Gates made so we would spend money asking him to get rid of them
  12. It's up now
  13. Food places that are horribly misnamed.
  14. Yeah it's online i've wacthed it many times i'll add the link to this post Picard gone mad! The following was edited::I just checked the site video is not avalible right now. L is the lovelight in your eyes. lol
  15. Trek United will save it they saved Enterprise I mean really without them Archer and his crew would never get the glory of reruns like Jean-Luc Picard, James T. Kirk, and the rest did. So StarTrek.com will not die and hopefully it will have the same people. TREK UNITED::Salutes to the invisible always present Trek United Admirals::
  17. New (considering there aren't others.) Wallace and Gromit movie
  18. lol. and y didn't article mention Xanga more? It's pretty good I should know my brother helps update it. All in all good message for young members. I know I killed it!!
  19. HEY I'M TEXAN! So don't go making fun of our stoerytype accent you hear. But I'd say a bad weastern would be a good response
  20. As Wise Men have said before as they will say again DON'T JOIN A SIM WHERE PEOPLE SAY THE GM KILLS PEOPLE!!!
  21. IDIC medallion
  22. As long as gates doesn't rule i'm happy with a United Earth
  23. A giant Dictionary
  24. They have something like it on StupidVideos.com with a nerd predenting to be a jedi. It's funny http://www.stupidvideos.com/Default.asp Go to Star Wars Kid oh and if u click on it again after u wacthed it u get to see Star Wars Kid 2.0
  25. LOL that actually might happen one day if Bill Gates ever does become a admiral with lawyers that can destroy a Borg ship. I mean really if he can do that he can do anything