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Everything posted by Elgor

  1. good enough
  2. well at least you didn't talk in rhyme
  3. hum it would be easier do to that if you gave us the link
  4. what the original Enterprise got
  5. I'm pretty sure it was meant as a long range support vessel by using its torpedos
  6. yep if the Defiant is cute then a klingon Vor'Cha was meant as a vessel for peaceful exploration
  7. ughhh you gave away a secret only moose can how dare you, but at least you didn't give away the graduation secret ::sighs::. Oh and wacth out for the Tavenus Flytrap in the lob- AHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME!!!!!!!!! ACTION::gets eaten by the Tvenus flytrap
  8. refit needed
  9. Love: any parody of 12 days of christmas Hate: the original 12 days of christmas
  10. how about you add them to your signature?
  11. Thank you Seiben for confirmation :P
  12. Hem ya think?!?!
  13. Look if you would just change some words on the last post it would be okay how about changing empire to nation, and we don't know what JFK and Lincoln wanted so please don't speak for them, and yes you are right the constitution is not a sucide pact and it never has been!
  14. yeah but you can use the steamrunner for anything even (and I know it's a strech)actual combat! Oh and Dumbass I just realized you foregot the stations and their support vessles like the Morningstar
  15. By TV dinner do you mean eating dinner in front of the TV or eating a actuall TV for dinner there is a big diffrence
  16. best ship in ST:Armada 2
  17. So true eagle so true. And Ganval if you want to be a part of the Earth Empire you are a couple of hundred years and a universe off
  18. where'd you get the meshs from star trek austrialia.com?
  19. ::grrrrr:: The Enterprise-E
  20. Really I thought you just copied it from a website
  21. something I don't know of (yes that does leave you a lot of options)
  22. Thank you Andrew you are a inspiration to us all oh and if you're testing Halo 3 could you give me a couple of hints :P
  23. really? fine i'll edit to the only one in San Antonio. unless there are people here in san antonio
  24. Hey am I the only one here who lives in Texas?