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Joe Giliberti

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Everything posted by Joe Giliberti

  1. beard
  2. spray
  3. razor
  4. DMV
  5. His daughter's name is Brent?
  6. So far: James Doohan Brock Peters Robert Wise Michael Piller Did I miss anyone?
  7. small
  8. Clorox Bleach
  9. murder
  10. cell
  11. pneumonia
  12. phlegm
  13. tweezers
  14. knife
  15. That cake did look good. I would have loved to have eaten Troi
  16. thanks :P
  17. don't believe it is possible, since the whole file is never actually on your computer
  18. stones
  19. microsoft
  20. http://www.therawstory.com/ Wouldn't have thought...
  21. monsters
  22. static electricity
  23. Patrick Stewart's Acting
  24. heat
  25. gas