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Joe Giliberti

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Everything posted by Joe Giliberti

  1. Debian
  2. There are things I could post, but I'd get kicked off the board...
  3. Spanish
  4. Poker
  5. abbreviations
  6. Finally, I can say "phasers on stun" without looking like a total nerd.
  7. VCR
  8. William Shatner
  9. Ah-choo
  10. Michael Piller, who produced and wrote for TNG, DS9, VGR, ENT, and some of the movies, succombed to cancer today. He was 57. Yet another great Star Trek mind lost in 2005
  11. I meant for this year. Kelley and Lenard were 1999, and of course, Roddenberry, in 1991
  12. crap
  13. pronoun
  14. you
  15. shaving cream
  16. Sorry cat
  17. George Bush's defense of the Iraqi War
  18. not me
  19. inbreed
  20. truck
  21. ask
  22. verbose
  23. Is it just me, or are a lot of people's avatars faces from The Sims 2?
  24. food
  25. Chevy Caprice