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Posts posted by V'Roy

  1. Favorite Non-Trek Television Show: The new Battlestar Galactica


    Favorite Non-Trek Movie: Gladiator


    Favorite Book: Don't really have one


    Favorite Actor: Probably Morgan Freeman. I remember him back when he did children's shows, and he has a very clear and analytical speaking style.


    Favorite Actress: Natalie Portman. (She has a cute butt.)


    Favorite Musician: Don't really have one but about 10 years ago I would have said Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails)


    Favorite Food: Pizza


    Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Steven Colbert's American Dream from Ben & Jerry's


    Favorite Hero: Batman


    Favorite Politician, Journalist, or Activist: Ronald Reagan - not for his policies specifically but the guy had such a disarming humor and self-confidence that nothing bad would stick to him.


    Favorite Quote: "All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation." - John Adams


    Favorite Occupation: Accountant


    Favorite Car: Anything but the POS I drive now


    Favorite Vacation Spot: Las Vegas. Chicago is a close second.


    Favorite Academic Subject: Economics


    Favorite Quirky Interests: A couple evenings a week I pretend I'm a Star Trek character


    Who would you most like to meet? Either Alan Greenspan or Warren Buffet. I have met Milton Friedman and John Nash (the guy Russel Crowe playes in A Beautiful Mind)

  2. Just in case you're wondering, Phase 1 means you're restricted to base and duty/PT uniforms; Phase 2 means civvies on base, blues off; Phase 3 civvies on and off base; and Phase 4 means when you're released on the weekend, you don't have to report in until the next duty day. You can be phased back for disciplinary actions, and temporarily phased ahead as a reward.


    Sheesh, you Air Force pogues had it easy.

  3. I saw An Inconvenient Truth. Although I think the "science" behind it is wrong, it wasn't the Republican-bashing I thought it would be. Gore said that just as much damage to the environment was done during the Clinton administration as the Reagan administration, and he did point out that the ozone holes are fixing themselves.


    But still, it irks me when someone doesn't practice what they preach.

  4. I seen it, and it is worth seeing. It's like the Batman with Jack Nicholson - not worth all the hype, but definitely worth the 6 bucks (at the time) to go see it.


    There is not really as much CGI as you would expect. Of course the Transformers themselves are CGI because they have to be but all the explosions and stuff are live action.