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Everything posted by V'Roy

  1. That was from In a Mirror, Darkly (ENT). However, Phlox was *speculating* that the Empire existed prior to First Contact. He did say that Shakespeare was similar in both universes, but since Shakespeare could also be Klingon I tend to doubt the authenticity of this.
  2. Due to the economy, the "Kirk outruning the cop" scene almost looked a little different.
  3. It is better to be pissed off than pissed on. And Kendra Shaw was a much harsher XO than Saul Tigh. Even Adama said so.
  4. Hey, I've said over and over again that what we saw at the begining of In A Mirror, Darkly was the way First Contact was supposed to happen, and would have happened had not Picard and crew interfered. The "natural" timeline is the Mirror Universe one and it is the rest of Trek that is in an altered timeline. The only thing that suggests otherwise is an ENT-era space suit on the moon in place of the Neil Armstrong one, but even then that could be explained by a later astronaut replacing the US flag with a Terran Empire one. That would certainly be characteristic of the Empire to do. (The producers even said at a later point they were simply looking for a graphic of someone putting the Terran Empire flag up and just had a shot of an ENT-era EVA suit handy.) Perhaps it is the *method* of time travel that causes a new timeline to emerge. In most instances whenever someone goes back (or forward) in Trek up to now it has always been a deliberate act on someone's part. It was only when it happened accidently that a new timeline was created.
  5. Can we see the QOB ones? The Reaent one looks very pretty.
  6. I remember those days. College graduate one day, unemployed the next. Congrats anyway.
  7. Ron Moore said that one of the astronauts either on the ISS or one of the shuttles had BSG transmitted to him. So you have a guy *in* space watching a piece of fiction *about* space. When this astronaut returned from space they gave him a cameo in Daybreak.
  8. They did pick the right song for that scene. However, since we now know this version of Kirk is a Beastie Boys fan, the next movie should be about sending the Enterprise back in time to rewrite the lyrics to Intergalactic to remvoe the temporal paradox.
  9. Only in Chicago. That does bring up an interesting point, however. What if someone sends in an absantee ballot and then dies before the official election day? Should the vote be counted?
  10. I hate voting. I don't agree with absentee ballots since something could always happen that would make me change my mind so I vote in person. However, the poll workers are such idiots! They always look for your name under the wrong letter and when they finally get to the page your name is on they don't understand what "It's the last one on the page" means. They go through the list one at a time asking "Is this you?" until you finally point it out to them. If they actually checked IDs as they are supposed to they wouldn't have that problem. I could have voted as my neighbor and they would never know.
  11. They should have played "Intergalactic" instead and had Kirk crash the car right before the line about Mister Spock.
  12. I meant that as sarcasm.
  13. I sleep better knowing the leader of the free world with his finger on the launch button and a crippled economy to contend with owes his political philosophy to a camp 60's science fiction show, don't you guys?
  14. OK, let's consider what DOESN'T change with the new timeline: Gary 7 was still sent to 1960s Earth to stop a nuclear warhead from exploding. Some version of the Enterprise still needs to hook up with 7 somehow to detonate the warhead at exactly 102 miles above the surface. V'Ger is still out there somewhere headed for Earth. The SS Botany Bay, with Kahn and his minions, is still out there waiting to be discovered. The alien probe from The Voyage Home is still out there wondering what happened to the humpback whales. Praxis will most likely still be destroyed because of heavy mining. The Federation is not as big a threat without Vulcan but that means the Romulans are an even bigger threat to the Klingons (especially now that the Klingon armada has been reduced) so they will still need dilithium for their defenses. The Caretaker will still try to bring ships from the Alpha / Beta quadrants. (It might end up being different ships however.) The Borg cube that the Enterprise-E encountered still received the signal from the Borg that Archer's crew destroyed and are still on their way. These things are not erased just because we have a new timeline from the Kelvin's destruction on. They are still going to happen. As of yet the only person who knows any of this is Ambassador Spock.
  15. Don't give MacGuiver the idea.
  16. They probably just wanted to hear Chekov say something about traveling to Wulcan at a high welocity.
  17. This is actually my 3rd "Please Stay Off Topic" topic. The other two didn't survive the various message board upgrades. What was interesting about those other two, however, is they actually formed a core topic fairly quickly.
  18. That's it. You nailed it. We didn't need Kirk and Spock, just send in Bruce Willis and that cute orange-haired chick.
  19. This is not an entry, but you can see how some things can be misinterpreted.
  20. Oh come on, Jar Jar Binks or Batman's sidekick Robin would be a better setup than Wesley. That's not exactly a high standard to aim for. (Wil Wheaton was supposed to have a cameo in Galaxy Quest as a fan complaining about having a "boy wonder" constantly save the ship. It would have been worth the admission price just for that scene.) And Scotty in charge of a beer factory? Maybe Starfleet should rethink that one.
  21. You actually researched how an unknown actor talks? Sheesh. Greenword's portrail of Pike is what I would expect a "senior Captain" to be like - fatherly, has confidence in those he leads, sees potential and promotes it, and a good character judge. I don't think I will warm up to the new Chekhov. No explanation how he got to be an Academy graduate at 19, no explanation for brown, curly hair instead of the Davy Jones / Moe (from 3 Stooges) salad bowl haircut, no explanation as to how he joined the crew so early since he joined TOS in the 2nd season, no need for another math whiz if you already have Spock. The bit with the computer not understanding him was funny, and this makes up for a lot of these inconsistencies, but not all of them.
  22. Exerpts from Precips post (because I'm too lasy to wrap in multiple quotes): And now my responses: 1) Why do you have to add an extra T in BUTT? Atragon even said "ass" in here so it is OK. (You just can't say "arse" in the chat room.) 2) I also liked the Nokia car phome. I am definitely buying their stock now. 3) We didn't actually see the Enterprise be launched into space, just built on the ground. Perhaps it was tractor-beamed into space by the space station while it was still light enough to do. Just a guess. 4) That is a little unfair to Jar Jar Binks, donchathink? He didn't build the Gungan sub, just rode in it. And Spock's ship was even more ridiculous. 5) Give Kirk a break, he did come pretty close to scoring. As insanely HOT as the new Uhura is the Orion chick had bigger... uh, I mean... she had bigger... eyes! Yeah, that will do. She had bigger eyes. 6) Rewinding 7) They already announced the title of the next film. It will be Star Trek XII: The Wrath of Porthos
  23. McCoy was already an MD when he was assigned to the Enterprise, just not a CMO yet. And he was never a Cadet. He was direct-commissioned (or "drafted" as he would probably say it). This is common for doctors and lawyers even in today's military. Uhura received a battlefield promotion to Lieutenant. You are right that Kirk received a battlefield promotion to XO but not to a specific rank. We can deduce, however, that it was probably Lt. Commander since Spock was a Commander and promoted to the Captain position but not the rank. Also, the Romulan mining ship was from even beyond Nemesis's future. Nero's followers weren't even part of the Romulan military. They were an offshoot. But you are talking about what is likely 25th century technology against 23rd century defenses so even civilian technology would whoop ass. (That's rignt, I said "ass". Atragon did it first.)