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Avery Tynte

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Everything posted by Avery Tynte

  1. Hiya, and welcome to STSF O'deff. Hope to see you in the Academys!
  2. Hey Baby. Glad to see you've made it over to the forums. Red Star was FUN! And we need to work on your bio.....
  3. Hiya all, I'm new to the sims, I've already attended one Academy Sim, and I loved it! :lol: My character name is Avery Tynte, 24, Human/Bajoran Hybrid. More to come in teh bio, once I get it written. Hope to see you around.
  4. Who makes the little Bridge Commander looking Avatars?
  5. Ty T'Linna.
  6. Princess: ::Watches as Kirk and Spock materialize via transporter:: Princess: "You came in on that thing?" ::Pause:: "You're braver then I thought"
  7. Wow, quick reponses. Thank you for the warm welcome :lol: First, yes of course Ensign Miral :lol: lol. And second, where do you get those lightsabers on the bottom of some of your posts?
  8. I forgot to add, Male character, lol.