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Avery Tynte

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Everything posted by Avery Tynte

  1. Pasta... rofl
  2. :D Now you all know two :blink:
  3. Document
  4. (The White House is it's name) Columns
  5. Washington (Yes yes I know, american of me)
  6. Bounce
  7. ::Rolls on floor laughing:: Honestly this is the first thing I thought: Piglet
  8. Soiled
  9. Leaves
  10. Pencil
  11. Books
  12. Knowledgible (Hmm guess I'm thinking in synonyms)
  13. Unknowing
  14. Who?
  15. Yes, never been a fan of that belief either
  16. Canadians have an accent too Digital. And yes Images, Americans have MANY accents (I have one of them :) )
  17. Thanks Garnoopy. But the question is..does it work?
  18. What's E-85?
  19. Yeah it's anywhere from $2.49 to $2.69 a Gallon here. And my Firebird like's it's gas.....
  20. Alas, I will be at work....Have fun guys!
  21. Thank You for the Avatar Kes. I love it!
  22. I'm in agreeance with Kestra, I would give anything Trek a chance, but I'm more likely to enjoy something set futuristic, then pre TOS.
  23. Sounds like fun, I'll be there ;)
  24. It was fun....hectic...but fun. Hope you can make it tonight T'Linna.
  25. Great Sim. It was a blast, I don't think I quit typing the whole time. And the Medical banter was hilarious, lol.