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Avery Tynte

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Everything posted by Avery Tynte

  1. Hey, I saw Reno's topic, and it got me wondering. How many other Bajorans do we have. (Incase it doesn't go without saying, my character, Avery Tynte, on the USS Arcadia is a Bajoran)
  2. gooey
  3. Ok, that would be my favorite use...I love bagels...
  4. ::Happily munches on his chocolate bar::
  5. Thanks to T'Parek...and all of the nice people.
  6. In actuallity, spaceflight, and space combat more closely resembles naval sailing or naval combat. The main difference being that space flght/combat takes place in a full 3D plane.
  7. I prefer Dr. Pepper over Pepsi Moutain Dew over 7-Up Sprite over Sierra Mist Coke over Pepsi Dr. Pepper and Coke over Mr. Pibb Dr. Pepper and Coke are tied And on a side note...I love cherry coke :D However, this being said, I am much like Mr. Helios...I will drink whatever soft drink is in front of me.....within reason.
  8. (OOC Note: The reason this log is labeled SD 20508.19 though today it is now 20508.21, is that the log was written on the previous date.) As he passed a display screen on one of the corridor walls, Avery glanced at the chronometer and noted the time as 2017. It had been a long day, and Avery was more than happy to return to the Arcadia and begin settling in. As he walked through the corridors, on his way back to his quarters, he passed Commander Dacotah. However, this Dacotah was a much different rendition then he had met not 24 hours before. The commander was dressed in a sleek, flowing black dress, strap heels, and silver hoop earrings. Avery could not help but wonder where the commander was headed. But deciding it was none of his concern, he merely nodded as she passed. “Ensign,” she said, adding a nod of her own. Then, turning a corner, she headed for the station. The first thing Avery did upon entering his quarters was to replicate a cup of coffee, and two croissants. Whatever that dish he ordered from that Ferengi waiter was, he would not be ordering it again anytime soon. Dr. Westler had told him it was a Makatai dish. Avery did not know much of that species, but if that was their food, he did not think he much cared to know. Thinking about that two or so hours at that bar, Morra’s, on Starbase 143 brought back the memories of the day. At first he wasn’t sure what to do after receiving his quarter assignment and duty roster from Commander Dacotah. But upon entering sickbay, Dr. Westler immediately solved that problem, inviting Avery to join him on the Starbase. Dr. Westler introduced him to some of the crew, and Avery ended up sitting around a table with 5 other crewmembers. That is when things got interesting. An announcement over the drone of the crowd had caught everyone’s attention. It was Karaoke Night at Morra’s. A few brave members of the crew had gotten up and given it a try…some more successful then others. The most thought provoking act of the night was a young Vulcan who Avery was later told was Ensign T’vin, a member of the Science Department. The surprise wasn’t that a Vulcan was in fact singing, it was the choice of song. Ensign T’vin stood on stage and sang a song that spoke of deep and emotional love. The punctuation mark to the performance, was the fact that T’vin stopped mid song, hung the microphone back on it’s holder, and walked off stage. The chatter afterward was whether or not T’vin actually understood the song she had choose, or whether she was simply matching the highs and lows, pitch and tone, of the music. Avery kept quiet during this discussion. Avery sighed as he finished his small meal, and turned his thoughts to lighter things. At the table with Avery had two of the Engineering Department, Lt. Junior Grade Fitzgerald Brighton and Ensign Kestra Miral, and someone who he was later told was the helmsman. The most intriguing person he had met today, however, was the very first person he had met, even before boarding the Arcadia. Someone also sitting at his table. This person was the newest addition to the Security Department: Ensign Aceavia Kartanis. As he thought, Avery began unpacking his things, opening a closet door, and hanging up his off duty clothes, as well as extra and dress uniforms along side them. He then moved on to putting up various knick-nacs he had acquired. Ensign Kartanis was at the very least intriguing. True, a Rihan in Starfleet is not unheard of, but almost always accompanied by a story. However, it was not her race that intrigued him at this time…it was her demeanor. Not towards the entire crew…but towards him in particular. Placing a small orb, a Bajoran Calistai gem, on one of the shelves, he muttered, “Maybe she has something against Bajorans…” Not realizing he had said anything out loud, he continued with his unpacking. He had thought she was merely nervous, or maybe just defensive, until he had seen her react to some of the other crew. Shaking his head Avery stopped unpacking for a moment. This time, very much realizing he was speaking out loud he said, “Stop analyzing everything Avery, things will work themselves out, if you let them.” The one thing that kept coming to his thoughts was Aceavia’s performance at the microphone. She had chosen an old Earth song entitled “Think of me”. The song was beautiful, as was the young Ensign’s voice. The thing that nagged at him, made the performance return to his mind…was the emotion in her voice. Such emotion… Shaking his head, Avery turned his thoughts to more duty related things He lay back on the bed, closing his eyes. He had yet to meet the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Andrea Knlwtchr. Aaron had told him a few things about her, most of them good. Nevertheless Avery was still nervous to meet the woman who would be his superior officer for, in all likely-hood, much of his service aboard the USS Arcadia. “Things work themselves out, given the opportunity,” he repeated to himself. Avery opened his eyes and looked around at the bulkheads, at the various pieces of furniture and all the other things in his quarters. Closing his eyes once more, he thought back to all the people he had met, and thought forward to all the people he would. Smiling, he thought to himself I think I’m going to like it here.
  9. Buick (lol)
  10. Year
  11. I must admit...that was rather interesting Yax.
  12. August
  13. Huh, never knew that, sorry T'Linna, you were right. Guess it is true...you learn something new everyday, lol.
  14. Wow, that is cool....I want one I want one I want one... Sorry just came from another thread...lol :D
  15. ::Is still in denile....:: However...I want one I want one I want one
  16. Drop
  17. Hard to explain, kinda like a sprite, but more watered down. Has a slight after taste in my opinion.
  18. ROFL Ok, I'd give the prize to that one for most interesting. Girlfriend and I got to talking about this thread...and now thanks to her I again have "Stacey's Mom" bouncing around in my mind.......
  19. No it's a pepsi product......I promise :D
  20. I believe Mr. Quv hit the nail on the head....I want one I want one I want one I want one I want one.....NOW! :D ::Must now admit he is part Trekkie::
  21. I think we are all forgetting both Mountain Dew...and Dr. Pepper (Yes I know, pepsi products....but not Pepsi)
  22. Congrats Aegis.
  23. Hi Yax, Good to see you made it over to the boards. Welcome to STSF, and I hope to see ya in the Academies.
  24. I 2nd that motion whole heartedly.
  25. Sauce