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Avery Tynte

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Everything posted by Avery Tynte

  1. Avery stood at the wall in Andrea’s office. His eyes were transfixed on the shelves along the wall he faced. Looking at everything, but focusing on nothing. There were books, some medical texts he had read during his own studies, some books he did not recognize, and some Earth literature he had never read. Earth literature was something that Avery had never really delved into. His eyes flowed over the books and over the many trinkets and keepsakes Andrea had no doubt acquired on various shoreleaves and as gifts from those close to her. “I…I am sorry,” he spoke, remembering the brief but harsh exchange of words between Andrea and himself that had brought him out of his chair, to standing and looking over these shelves. “That was uncalled for.” As he viewed the items on the shelves they all seemed to blend into mere colors and shapes as his eyes defocused. Everything seemed to be cast in a deep shade of red, though Avery knew that was only a delusion in his mind. Brought on by the white-hot emotions building within his mind. Andrea offered a few comforting words. But they only served to fuel the fire. Why?! Avery almost screamed in his mind. Why had he spoken so harshly to Andrea? She had stumbled, yes. But it was not her fault. He considered her his mentor, and he should not have spoken to her that way. She deserved better then that. It was in that moment that Avery realized something. And that realization threatened to flatten him . He had not been truly speaking to Andrea, but to the ghosts of memory. That is when it all fell apart, if only for a moment. The memories, the pain, the anguish…the hate. It all rushed back into him as fresh as it had been almost a decade ago. Avery had to fight hard to keep from shaking. He turned and looked at Andrea, every bit of self-control he had ever taught himself flowing through his veins. And he lied. “That is all, sir.” His voice was even, but strained. Andrea considered him, obviously concerned. Then, she let him go. As he walked towards the office door he stopped short and placed his hand on the doorframe. Feeling the cool metal against his palm. “It is good to have you back, Andrea.” He spoke in truth. She responded, “It is good to be back.” Then he turned and left the office. Miranda was sitting on a biobed in main Sickbay. And Aaron was working on her ankle as Avery walked past them. Under normal circumstances Avery would have stopped, concerned for his colleague. But at present, he was only relieved that the two were occupied. He made it out of Sickbay before it hit him. But only barely. As the double doors closed behind him every bit of the self-control he was so proud of left him. He fell back against the doors and then slide down to the floor. Pulling his knees up to his chest in an almost child-like manner, he looked up. He spoke in Bajoran, the only tongue he seemed to remember at this point. "Why?” He asked in his native language. “Why now?” He was speaking to everyone, and noone. Why, he finished in his thoughts, why when I am so happy? The control was gone, and tears now streaked down the sides of his face. He did not know what had triggered the emotions, the memories, or the…fear. Avery heard the last word in his mind as clearly as if he had spoke it. Could it have been the recent events with the changelings? Avery had dealt with their kind since the incident, and he had been able to control himself then. Besides, he had no way to prove that those changelings were part of the race that had wronged him so long ago. No, that was not it. It was something far more tangible, and far more dangerous, he realized as he stood. His mind was clearing, the tears had subsided. Rage and anguish had given way to calm and focus once more. He started walking down the corridor, not sure of his destination. There was much to consider here. Things he had not considered in years. Thoughts he had pushed from his mind and things he had thought he would never do again. Things he thought he would never feel again. He stopped, realizing he was still on duty. No matter what his personal situation, he had a duty to this vessel. A duty he would fulfil. He turned and walked back towards the double doors. And as he neared them one thing started to become clear in his mind. The time was coming. It would not be immediate and there was no way to predict exactly how far away it was. Though somehow he knew it would be soon. Until then, he would serve his role on this ship. He walked through the doors to Sickbay, once again in control of his emotions, at least on the surface. He knew this was the calm before the storm. And when that storm arrived, Avery knew things would change for him. He could only hope for the better.
  2. Lieutenant, Senior Grade Koshic N'Dak Chief Science Officer USS Arcadia-E Lieutenant, Junior Grade Avery Tynte Assistant Medical Officer USS Arcadia-E Ensign Ariago Sans Assistant Engineering Officer USS Arcadia-E Acting Ensign Naara Assistant Engineering Officer USS Arcadia-E <<OOC: All editing credit goes to Ensign Naara End OOC>> Avery kneeled next to Sans and pulled a hypospray out of the emergency medkit. Filling it with a stimulant, he injected Ariago. Ariago let out a small wince, having just been undrugged with more drugs. Glancing over at the trio of junior officers, Koshic finally sighed. It was a relief to get those blasted Jell-O Molds off the Arcadia, and try and get back to normal. "How are you feeling, Ensign?" Avery asked Sans. "Like I'm having a nervous breakdown" Sans replied. "Do you feel like that often?" Avery questioned. "That's about par for the first mission on Arcadia," Koshic added, smirking. "Happens to me all the time." "Well, mostly when my superior officers yell at me, a changeling kidnaps me, copies me, and then proceeds to talk to me. Other than that, I'm solid." Sans commented. Avery looked up and smirked at Dak. "New people, eh?" Reliving his first few missions quickly. Koshic commented, "Yup. You'll get used to it..." Ariago suddenly realized he was on top of Naara, and jumped off. "Gah!" Filling the same hypospray again, Avery hypoed Naara. Grinning, Koshic made his way over to the trio. “Well you can rest assured the changeling isn't around anymore.” "Does that mean you're not going to be all, 'Grr... Life...' " Ariago asked as he made a stoic face. "I don't believe we've met ... Ensign?" Naara stirred, blinking the cobwebs out of her eyes. The first thing that she saw was the handsome face of her Doctor. "Avery!" She flung her arms around his neck. "You rescued me from the changeling!" Ariago looked over to Naara and Tynte, and made a face. Completely ignoring the Orion. "Ensign?" As Naara flung herself upon him, Avery managed to get out with his escaping breath, "Actually you can think Mr. N'Dak for that." Sans quickly looked back to N'Dak. "Uh yes?" "I said," his tone soft. "I don't believe we've met..." He extended his hand. His eyes lit up, finally meeting a senior officer who doesn't seem mentally ill. He eagerly shook the hand. "Ariago Sans, sir." Naara rubbed her hand against Avery's cheek and pulled away, realizing that she was making him uncomfortable. "Which is N'Dak?" Avery jerked his head towards the Chief of Security. "That one.” "Nice to meet you," he said placing a hand on Sans shoulder. "I am Lt. N'Dak, Chief of Security..." Ariago gave N'Dak a big ole smile. "Nice to meet you also." "Why, sir, you did not say 'it was nice to meet me’ our first encounter," Avery winced a bit. "Of course you were dripping with hot coffee at the time..." Koshic glances at Avery, a slight playful scowl on his face. "I'd forgotten about that." "I thought you had an impeccable memory?" Avery replied, eyebrow raising. Sans tried to keep a straight face, with the mental picture of Koshic doused in coffee playing through his mind. She sat up and gave N'Dak the most charming Orion smile that she could muster. "Thank you, Mister N'Dak." Avery set about scanning Naara and Ariago. Debates for a few moments. "Doctor, check these two out...they've had quite the ordeal. You'll both have to file a report for security...you know. "Avery nodded at N'Dak's order, continuing his scans. Ariago pondered for a second. "It certainly was an ... experience" N'Dak replied, "I am sure they'll both need sometime off to recover. If Trichon complains ... just send him my way." The Orion female neatly pulled her legs under her, still studying N'Dak curiously. "You aren't human. Or Bajoran, for that matter," she added. "I don't recognize your odor. What species are you?" Avery looked at Naara, slight fear apparent upon his face. Orions, N'Dak thought dismisively. "Elasian." "Elasian? I hear your females are even more irresistible than Orions. Pheromones even stronger." "Something like that..." "Huh?" Ariago's ears perked up. Amidst this lovely language, Avery pulled out another hypo and filled it with 20 cc's Netracazine. Then to Ariago. "This should help with any residual side effects." He then hypoed Sans. Avery then choose Pratiline for Naara, considering Netracazine would send an Orion into shock. He then hypoed Naara. Naara nodded in response to Ariago's inquiry. "The tears of Elasian women tie their mates to them for all time." A faint overtone permeated her voice. Awe? Envy of the Elasian females' powers? He smirked at the common myth. "Or so they want you to think." "That sounds...constricting..." Ariago commented. Ty looked up at Dak. "Handy trick, eh?" Koshic bristled, it wasn't something to talk about in idle conversation. "How are you two feeling?" "Less of a mental break down, more of a general confusionness...if that's a word," Ariago replied. Naara blinked. "I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable, Mister Dak, Sir." Her smile was genuine, uncalculating, but with a slightly mischievous streak. Avery just smirked as he realized that Koshic, the big bad security chief, was uncomfortable. Turning his attention to Ariago, he asked, "Oh it is, Sans?" Ariago smiled. "That's good. Otherwise I might have felt embarrassed." Ty clicked the medkit shut and put it aside. Standing, he looked at Dak. "You really think this whole changeling thing is over?” "Great Elaa I hope so," he said with a sigh. "I as well. I had had enough of the gooey things far before I arrived here," the Bajoran supplied. Naara looked at Avery again. "Have you had trouble with the changelings before?" Avery crossed his arms. "It is a long story Naara" He smiled ... but it was a fake smile. “Perhaps you will share another time then?” she asked, sweetly. “Perhaps,” Avery replied. "Why do we have to deal with things like this? I never had to worry about a changeling mimicking myself on the Bozeman..." Ariago asked. N'Dak gave Naara a dismissive look, he knew all to well about Orions. "This is mild ... at least I didn't get possessed this mission," smirking with a laugh. "Just impersonated, eh, Dak?" Avery prodded. Ariago blinked, then whispered, "Does that happen a lot?" Avery looked at Sans. "Depends on your version of a lot...” Dak gave them a noncommittal smirk. Naara smirked, her thoughts drifting back to the Impersonation of N'Dak. "Yes, everyone, including my very self, thought that you had gone crazy, attacking poor Commander Dacotah." She smiled, growing nostalgic. "I wasn't even part of the Arcadia's crew yet..." "I was eating soup. Quite good I might add," Sans shared. A slight glare of irritation flashed over the chief of security's face. "Well...you know..." "You should have heard the things the Commander was saying in surgery..." Avery supplied. "Perhaps another time," N'Dak said. Avery whispered to Koshic. "Think lobster for your next date..." "I'd love to hear those, Avery," Naara remarked loudly, grinning as Sans looked around awkwardly. "I bet you would." Avery winked at Naara as N'Dak's 'glare' flashed and transfixed on the Orion. She reached out a hand to whichever male most wanted to be a gentleman. "Help me up, please." Ty helped Naara up out of habit as Sans pulled her up almost instantly, and Naara imparted one of her most endearing smiles to them. "Thank you, darlings." N'Dak rolled his eyes at the men. Orions -- he thought. Naara narrowed her eyes at N'Dak, noting his glare. "Something wrong, dear?" He waved her off. "Nothing to worry about." Avery felt awkward caught in-between Dak and Naara. Ariago, on the other hand, felt awkward that his shoe was untied, and bent over to fix it. "Oh, very good, then." Her expression relaxed as she glanced at Ariago. Koshic, for his part, felt he needed a drink. As did Avery…that made two of them. Naara yawned. "Anyone else hungry?" "No," Dak said honestly. "Though I could use a drink." "A side effect of the gas, I believe the technical term is, munchies." Avery said in response to Naara. "Drinks ... food ... works for me," the Orion happily nodded, relaxing against a bulkhead. Ariago nodded in agreement. "Nothing like obscene amounts of paranoia, abductions, copyings, and gassings to get that appetite rolling." "Come to think of it, I could use something that isn't made of synthehol." Typically Orion of Naara, always assuming the rules do not apply to her. "Those sort of drinks are illegal..." N'Dak commented. "Oh crap," Ariago said. Naara looked down, sadly. "Yet another privilege left behind at my last starbase home, I fear." It was, in fact, an unspoken rule on Arcadia, that most of the elder crew had secret stashes of real alcohol. Avery, for one, hoped his bottle of Jeral was secure in his quarters. Ariago just hoped no one would find his pina coladas. "I knew all the barkeepers quite intimately. I could have gotten all of you a few cases of ale with just a smile. Romulan ale, mind you," the green one added wistfully, imagining row after row of blue liquid-filled bottles lining the cabinets of her quarters. Ah, the things one could get for a simple smile... "Ugh...." Avery never had had a taste for Romulan drinks. "Romulan Ale is overrated." Speaking as the expert on Vulcanoid culture, Koshic had partaken in his share of Romulan ales. "I have pina coladas in my quarters, if anyone wants to join me?" Ariago volunteered. Avery looked over at Sans, an aghast look on his face. Naara's smile faded to a look of sheer, unbridled terror. "B...b...but ... that's illegal!" She glanced at the Elasian. "And to say that in front of a senior staff member!" "I heard nothing." Avery smirked at Naara. "Do not fret...Dak is quite the selective hearer. What exactly is a pina colada?" Foreign drinks was a course Avery had apparently missed at the Academy. "Well, it's a lovely little drink with coconut and..." He looked over to Koshic. "Uh, not Alcohol." She didn't follow N'Dak's hint. "You were standing right here! How could you not hear? Selective hearer?" Perplexed as she was, she didn't lose any of her charm. He shook his head. "As if half ... no ... all the senior staff don't have a secret stash." "Perhaps we should sample N'Dak's stash," she suggested triumphantly. If innocent and dirty could be formed into a smile, it was plastered on Ariago's face. Avery was the picture of Bajoran innocence as he looked at Dak. "Provided he doesn't mind, of course. I'm sure he has some very exotic beverages," she added with a smirk. "Dear Elaa...what have I become..." "The coolest senior staff member ever?" Ariago shot him a fonzie-style thumbs up. "Is Elaa your woman?" the Orion asked with the complete innocence that only one of her species could muster. "My God..." Avery busted out laughing. Ariago had his lips curled, looking in the oddest fashion from Naara to Koshic. "I need a drink," Dak repeated. She looked around, more befuddled than ever. "Would someone care to enlighten me?" Naara stood there, absolutely perplexed. Ty just laughed. "Lead the way, Sir..." Sans grabbed Koshic's arm. "Come on, I even have tiny drink parasols..." * * * Crewmen Doman and Milton turned the corner, laughing animatedly about a subspace message Milton had received from his ex-girlfriend. "I don't believe she said that," Doman said, still laughing. As he opened the turbolift, something hit the toe of his polished black boot. "What in the world..." He bent over, lifting the tiny object to eye level. He'd be damned if it wasn't a little drink parasol. Milton just stared into the turbolift, where a young Ensign Sans was curled up in a ball covered in tiny drink umbrella.…….. Legal disclaimer: No humans were harmed in the making of this log. Any mentioning of ‘secret stashes’ of illegal beverages belonging to the senior staff is purely hypothetical, of course the senior staff members have no such things. And, of course, all officers were off duty before consuming any intoxicating beverages.
  3. Lieutenant, Junior Grade Avery Tynte Assistant Medical Officer USS Arcadia-E Naara Assistant Engineering Officer USS Arcadia-E Naara stared at the personal data unit containing the Arcadia's diagram and contorted her face. Thank the spirits that she'd studied Federation Standard over the years. Made the adjustment to this life a little easier. So many changes within just a few days. She'd gone from being just another hopeless Orion female on her own, struggling to survive on the measly earnings she could take in from her warp salvage parts operation and irresistible charms to a Starfleet officer. The thought excited her. It hadn't been all that difficult to get back aboard Arcadia. For that matter, it hadn't been that hard to convince Starfleet Command that she'd make a fine addition to their happy family of cadets. And it hadn't been hard for Naara to convince the admiral whose exotic name she couldn't recall to allow her to stay aboard this beautiful ship. The Orion looked with disdain at the yellow accented jumpsuit that currently served as her attire. These Starfleeters had some odd ideas about clothing. So difficult to move in the ugly, unrevealing uniform. How could one properly defend oneself when the entire body is shrouded in unbreathable fabric? Turning a sharp right, Naara arrived at the double doors that she'd come to love. Sickbay. Avery was in the supply closet when she came in. He stepped out as the doors opened, ready to greet whoever stepped through those doors. Whoever, that is, except the Orion who walked though. Seeing her, he pressed himself back against the inside wall of the closet. By the prophets...no this is not possible...it cannot be, he thought. Naara stuck her head through the Sickbay doors and made the most shrill whistling noise to be heard on a Starfleet ship since before the time of Archer. "Avery!" she called out in a singsong voice as a nurse stared at her in dumb shock. "Doctor?" Naara started opening doors to supply closets, peering inside as if a fortune in latinum was lurking somewhere in Sickbay. She finally found the right one. Avery composed himself. "Evening madam," he said. "Are you not suppose to be back on Starbase 331?" He asked, in a level calm voice. Naara shook her head. "Not anymore." Smiling, she took a seat along the length of countertop under the supply cabinets. "No, and I would think Captain Moose wouldn't want me anywhere else." As she spoke Avery noticed that Naara was wearing a uniform. "Ok, I know four years has not elapsed. How exactly did you get that?" He motioned toward the uniform. The Orion made a sound of slight disdain. "Oh, this old thing? Lieutenant Fitz gave it to me." She turned and batted her eyelashes at the doctor coquettishly. "Does it look good on me?" Avery rubbed his temple. "It is not meant to look good, Naara. It is meant to serve as a multipurpose uniform that is comfortable, neat, and clean." He sighed. "So how exactly did you get a posting here?" "Comfortable? No. Neat? Overly so. Clean? I suppose so." Folding her hands demurely, Naara smiled sweetly. "I asked for it." Avery walked by out into Main Sickbay, the closet was beginning to close in around him. His head spun and whirled. He had made his peace with not seeing Naara again, at least for a while. Avery liked plans, liked knowing what was going to happen. This was a curve he had not foreseen. He sat down at the front desk, opened his mouth as to speak then shut it...obviously unable to find the words. Naara blinked, not thinking twice before following the Bajoran. "Aren't you going to kiss me?" He looked up and saw noone was within earshot, but still he whispered. "Naara, what happened outside the hatch...I do not do that kind of thing often." he said as he leaned forward. She blinked. "And? I'm Orion. The pheromones make men do things they don't usually do." Avery looked up. "Yes, and in that vein," he said, regaining his composure. "How do you plan on doing your work," he paused on that word for a moment then continued, "when you leave every man staring...and every woman glaring?" She smiled. "I lean in the direction of liking that. I don't mind the attentions of the crew, and the women around here need a little competition. I've seen some of the crew who don't even try to look attractive." Twirling a lock of hair around her index finger, she laughed a little. "That one Mister Lance Corporal certainly took a liking to me. Such a sweet man." Focusing on Tynte again, she smiled. "Have you met him?" "In passing, yes." Avery looked at her, giving her that 'seriously though' look. "Naara, you cannot go around acting like this. Not if you are going to wear that uniform and take it seriously." He maintained eye contact the whole time he spoke. "I can inhibit your pheromones. That will make it easier to blend in with the crew. Not to mention making it less of a temptation to use them to get your way.” Naara stood and resembled nothing less than a cat which had been stroked the wrong way. "Inhibit them?" she asked incredulously. "Are you out of your Bajoran mind? That's nothing short of altering the very essence what makes me unique!" Naara hung her head and pulled her hair behind her shoulders in an irritated manner. "Dear, are there regulations against my naturally produced pheromones?" "Well, in a round about way yes." He said standing and walking around the desk, sitting down on the corner in front of her, addressing her now as a friend, not a doctor. "Naara, they have a detrimental effect on all those around you. They make the men putty in you hands, and the women incapable of competing with you." He folded his hands. "It would make things a lot easier on everyone including yourself.” "How would men not being putty make my life easier?" "Naara we each contribute to the workings of this vessel. If part of the crew is inhibited, which is what your pheromones do to men, things begin to get backed up, bogged down...to put it frankly the ship ceases to function." "Oh." Naara nodded. "I see." She smirked. "I distract males from their jobs on the ship. And that wouldn't make Captain Moose very happy." Rubbing the toe of her regulation boot on the deck plating, she whispered in a conspiratory fashion. "May I ask for one favor?" "Of course." Avery replied. "I'll agree to a suppressant, but only if it leaves the slightest trace of the pheromones," she signaled for a small with her fingers. "It's only fair." "The slightest trace," Avery conceded. He motioned for Naara to sit beside him on the desk. Then not quite believing what he was saying he said. "Naara, if this is official, and this is really what you want to do. I will help you in your studies, and I will help you become a good Starfleet officer." He looked her in the eye. "But it is going to take changes Naara, it will not be easy. Are you sure you want to do this?" Naara sat, silently thinking of his question. Did she want to change? It all cycled back to whether she wanted to maintain her pointless, petty life and shop on Starbase 331, or whether she wanted to work on maintaining the engines of the beautiful ship she was on. "Of course." She gently took his hand in hers. "I'll be grateful for any help you can give me. My gratitude would be endless." She flashed a smile of pearly white teeth at him. Avery smiled back. "It is going to be a long journey Naara, but you have me as a friend. This I promise you." He looked into that smile for a moment. "A friend." He repeated. She gently pressed her lips to his cheek. "I suppose that will work, Avery." Swiftly and with a charming grace that permeated the medical bay, she moved towards the door. "I'll catch you later, Doctor. And I suppose a routine physical will be on its way soon enough." She left Sickbay as quickly as she entered, leaving Avery sitting on the edge of the desk watching her leave. "I do not believe it...." He sighed closing his eyes. "Stranger things, Avery...stranger things...."
  4. Avery leaned against the front desk, watching Trichon leave. The conversation that had occurred between the two had been brief, but none the less confusing for the young Lieutenant. Had he been talking to Commander Light…or rather had he been addressing himself? This is not the time, Avery. He told himself. This was a phrase that had apparently become his theme lately. He walked around the desk and sat at his usual seat. Logging into the console he began his work. Avery found it oddly reassuring that even in the midst of danger and peril the paperwork…the paperwork of all things…still had to be completed and filed. He started work on the latest of the injury and treatment reports. Avery was running, true, but he could accept that for now. The events with this, or rather these changelings had taken him by surprise. It brought back memories that he would rather not recall. But as he told himself, many times lately, this was not the time. He had accepted this and moved on of course; being able to detach one’s self from the situation, albeit a talent Avery had far from mastered and rarely was able to use, was one of the upsides of being a doctor. Still his subconscious hammered him with nagging thoughts and feelings. He filed Crewman Nata’s treatment for a broken wrist in her file, adding the circumstances that it occurred under, including the accident report from the security department. Reinforcing the knowledge that he could do nothing about the changelings or any of his other personal problems at this point, he closed the book, for the time being, on those long lived and recurring problems in his life. He then turned his thoughts to a more immediate matter. Glancing up at the door to Andrea’s office, Avery continued to tap at the console in front of him. He wondered if all three of them were still in the room behind that door. With all the visitors to Sickbay after Aaron had entered the office, all Avery really knew was that Andrea, Aaron, and Miranda had gone into the room. Everything else, he assumed. He assumed that a conversation, mostly pertaining to Andrea’s recent drug use, was occurring. Drug, that was a word the medical staff had yet to attach to the matter, Avery realized. But that was exactly what it was. Drug use. He assumed that this conversation would culminate in Miranda confronting Andrea about her disappointment in the Chief Medical Officer. He assumed that things would not be the same between Miranda and Andrea for quite some time. Filing Ensign Matro’s tumble in Engineering, and the small surgery that it had taken to correct the damage to his legs and chest, Avery continued assuming. He assumed Andrea would get through this, though how worse for the wear was yet to be seen. He assumed Aaron was acting to try to mend the rift between the medical staff and it’s chief. He stopped tapping for a moment and looked at the door to the Chief Medical Officer’s office again, this time staring for a moment. He did not resent being left out of the conversation. He was new here and he knew bonds took time. Bonds like those between the three people in that office. When those bonds were broken, it took time to rebuild them. It was also an extremely private matter. Avery would offer his support when and where it was needed, but he would not try to insert himself in this further then they needed him too. He would not breach that privacy. It would be hard, he knew. Even in the brief period he had been here, he had grown to like this staff. Andrea had become a role model to him. There is nothing worse in this life then to watch your role model stumble. He resumed his tapping. But Andrea was human, and humans often made mistakes. Pesky little habit, he thought. He also knew that whatever pain or sorrow he felt at watching Andrea go through this was only a pinprick of light in the vacuum of space compared to what Miranda was feeling. Miranda’s feelings had been evident while her and Avery had been testing the compound Andrea was using. He hoped that those issues could be resolved, and that the first steps were being taken behind that door. And meanwhile, while all that Avery assumed was going on behind that door, along with everything else, took place. He would serve as the gatekeeper in Sickbay. He smiled as he thought of the events that role had already led him into. And the assumptions resumed. He assumed that he was not the most beloved person of Nemesis right now. Heck, the Monkien was likely constructing a voodoo doll resembling the doctor even at this moment. Avery assumed that should the changeling be found to be hiding as one of the crew, Nemesis’ finger would be pointed squarely at him. Well he did not really have to assume that one, Nemesis had told him so. How do you get yourself into these positions? He mocked himself. It’s a talent, he thought raising one eyebrow. Next, Avery assumed that Fitzgerald would be calling ahead next time, due to the fact his prescription was not ready when he arrived. And the fact that Avery had been so busy arguing with Nemesis that he hardly noticed Fitz at first. I must polish my multitasking, Avery thought. Indirectly Fitz had brought Avery to his next assumption. Something was going on with Commander Light. He could not put his finger on it, but something was definitely happening. The few conversations between Trichon and himself, while brief, had left him wondering, and the slight bending of words, the use of figurative speaking that did not sound at all figurative, and the double talk and back tracking had led Avery to believe Trichon was hiding something. However, as long as it did not threaten Commander Light’s health, or that of anyone else aboard, it really was not any of Avery’s business. Therefore, he assumed he would find out when and if he needed to. Avery looked up as he finished filing the injury reports for the week. He stared at the edge of the desk for a moment. All of this thought and assuming had brought him right back to the point at which he was leaning there, thinking about the changelings. He found it odd how things found ways to circle around on themselves. He smiled despite the situations around him and stood. Picking up a padd he began walking towards the supply closets. Inventorying the supplies was another one of those unstoppable things that rode right alongside paperwork. Entering the closet Avery made one last assumption. At this point, nothing could surprise him. But that last one drove home the problem with assuming. Sometimes…you are wrong.
  5. Lieutenant, Junior Grade Avery Tynte Assistant Medical Officer USS Arcadia NCC1742-E Lieutenant, Junior Grade Miranda Porter Assistant Medical Officer USS Arcadia NCC1742-E Avery stood there, watching the screen. In just a few moments the results would be back. Miranda and he would know…would know what exactly it was their chief had begun taking, exactly what had brought them to the point of riffling through Andrea's office. Miranda saw the small light on the machine flash. Looking up at Avery she let out a long breath. "Here goes nothing." She tapped a small button and then quickly stopped and looked puzzled at Ty. "I just don't get it, why would she do something like this?" He let out a mournful sigh. "Why does anyone turn to things like these Miranda?" He shrugged. "Pressure can get to us all." And Andrea had been under pressure. Pressure that would have made even a Vulcan crack long ago. He watched as Miranda brought up the results on the small screen. She nodded slightly. "Yeah I know, I just don't get it, I guess." Turning back to the results she brought them up on a small screen that she and Ty stared at for a moment. Miranda tilted her head slightly as she read over the results. "Well at least it is not as bad as it could have been" "True, very true." Avery replied, as he read the results. "Caffeine...." He sighed, "Energy in a ampoule." Then he noticed something. "That's not all though. You see that?" He pointed at a few lines of text on the screen. She looked a little closer at the screen. "Yeah it seems there are slight traces of a morphine like substance. That can't be right." She put the small sample back in the machine "Computer check results again." A slight tone was the computer's response. The tests were run again. The results scrolled across the screen. "Identical..."Avery said slowly...not wanting to believe it. "That is not morphine though. Any ideas?" Miranda stepped back from the machine and sat down on a nearby chair. "It’s a form of narcotic. A close relation to morphine. We should check medical records to see if anything is missing from the supply closet." She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Then to now one in particular she said, "Yes that is what we should do." Avery leaned against a nearby wall half closing his eyes as well. "You know...we are trained for years. Taught to deal with things like this...taught to help...to heal. But you…your just never are prepared for it so close..." He sighed. "We should check the closets…see what is missing." He repeated, twisting his lips a bit. "That is what we will do." Miranda stood up and crossed to a workstation. She pulled up a supply list and held it out for Ty. "Here is a copy of what should be in there. Let’s see what is missing." She paused and the looked at Ty with a hurt look in her eyes. "More than anything I am upset. I would follow her into hell, but now I can't even... it just hurts." Avery walked over to Miranda, took the list from her and grasped her left arm in his right hand. "This is hell for Andrea. But if we have to burn right along with her, we will pull her back Miranda." Avery had not been here long, true. But he knew...he just knew Andrea was beyond this. And she would get through. They just had to be there, be a friend, an ear...even a crutch if she needed it. He looked Miranda in the eye. "I admit I have not known Andrea as long as you have, but rest assured. Where this goes, I will follow." Miranda nodded slowly. "Yeah, your right." A smile crept across her face. "Hey now aren't I the once suppose to be cheering you up?" She took the padd back from Ty and in a stern voice she said "Since Andrea left me in charge it is my duty to order you to help me look over the medical supplies. We will get through this and be fine." Avery smiled a bit at Miranda's change in demeanor. "Aye aye, ma'am." He motioned towards the supply closets. "Ladies first."
  6. <<OOC: A large and hearfelt thanks to my wonderful co-star/guest star. This mini story arc has been a blast, and you have been an amazing writer to co-write with over the past few weeks. Thank you for your time, and your skill. End OOC>> Naara sashayed down the corridor, following Doctor Tynte closely. "Is this really goodbye?" she purred, mourningfully. "Afraid so." Avery said, almost matching Naara's tone. "From what I heard, Captain Moose has ordered all station personal back aboard the station. He plans to pull anchor as soon as possible.” Naara worked up a tear in her eye. This Arcadia was a beautiful vessel, and she'd love to be on it forever. "Technically, I'm not part of the station's ... personnel. Couldn't you take me with you?” The two turned a corner, and Avery looked over at Naara. "You would have to leave everything here behind. You would have to be assigned quarters, move all your things.... I am afraid it would be too much red tape in the short time we have.” "I have few possessions. I can leave them. Take me with you, Doctor!" Naara passionately kissed him to reinforce her plea. Pulling out of the kiss, Avery stopped walking for a moment. "Do you realize what it is you are asking for?" He raised and eyebrow. "Facing death every other day. Mortal danger in-between that." He started walking again. "I just arrived not long ago myself, and have nearly been killed at least twice." "Danger doesn't frighten me. Being away from you does." She worked up a few tears to make it more convincing. "Surely you could afford to care for a slave. I could even help out your ship a bit... I'm handy with engines." Avery smiled at her attempts, but it was a sad smile. "It is just not possible at this time Naara." A voice came over the comm, ordering all non-commissioned persons off the Arcadia. Naara closed her eyes and sighed. So close... yet so far away. She'd never have the chance to be like her brave Doctor... voyaging along on this beautiful vessel, forever among the stars. "Don't forget me, love. I know I'll never forget you," she said, softening her tone as she gentle touched his face. Avery laughed, softly. "My dear, do not fret. You are truly unforgettable." He felt the warmth of her hand against his check. He stood for just a moment, then turned and headed down the corridor once more. What was it about this Orion? Why did he now stop at every corner to talk to her? Only hours earlier, he would have been relived she was leaving. Why now was this pang of remorse hitting him? "Must one train hard to join your Starfleet?" Naara asked. Perhaps, with a few weeks refresher course on combat, or fixing an engine, she could be on the Arc… Arcadia, she thought, the strange name running through her mind. "Four years at the Academy at least." He replied. "Sometimes more." The two walked along, Naara just behind and barely to the right of Avery. "Four years," she repeated, shocked. "That's an awful long time." Her respect for these people multiplied exponentially. "Your woman must be proud of you," she said with the slightest trace of a smile. "I have no woman as you put it. But those in my family are proud, yes." They turned another corner. Avery knew the hatch to the station was drawing closer. Still he could not shake the feeling running though him. What might have been had he not been so distant to this woman. True, he would not have "sampled her entertainments” as she would have put it. But he could have gotten to know her better. Naara gently brushed her hand on the cool bulkheads of the ship, silently calling on the Orion deities to protect it and those aboard her. "Is your next mission dangerous, Doctor?" "I am not sure exactly what it is." He looked over at her again. "But considering the Changelings are bound to be involved, it is possible it could get dangerous." He shrugged. "Danger was in the job description, though they marketed it as "excitement”.” Silently, Naara turned the corner, seeing the hatch that separated the Arcadia from the station. "If you're ever back here..." she began to say, before choking up a little. "I will look you up." He finished for her, as they came to a stop near the hatch. They stood there looking at each other. "And if you ever hear of a ship named Arcadia coming near where you are..." She blinked back tears, genuine ones this time. "I'll be waiting for you when you come through the airlock." Gently, she kissed him again. "Thank you for the respect, Doctor. For... 'admiring from afar', if you will." "And thank you Naara. For 'stumbling' into me and making things all the more interesting." Avery had to work had not to allow his emotion to take control. He blinked back several tears. The pang of guilt and remorse that had been growing all along the walk here reached a crescendo inside him. This is it, he thought to himself. She is about to walk through that hatch, and you may never see her again. Avery was not one to be spontaneous. He liked his plans, knowing what actions and events were going to take place and why they were happening. He hated goodbyes. He sighed. The intensity of the moment and emotion took hold. And in that moment, on this far flung station, Avery did something he would not have dreamed of hours earlier... He leaned in, cupped the left of her head in his right hand. And he kissed her. Not the gentle passionless kisses that had transpired earlier…but a true and pure kiss. Few men had ever kissed her like that. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time... Naara didn't want to leave Arcadia; didn't want to leave her handsome, sweet, and surprisingly passionate Doctor, but she knew it wouldn't make things easier for him if she made a dramatic scene here in the corridor. "I'll see you around, Doctor," she whispered. He smiled at her, a genuine smile. "As I will you," he replied. He moved back a bit, still close, but outside of her personal space. "Perhaps we will meet again in the future." She extended her hand to shake his. "And I wish you well in all your journeys." She reached around her neck and pulled off a small silver-toned amulet on a black cord. "I know you worship the wormhole beings, but please wear this. It will keep you safe in your travels." She smiled. "And who knows... perhaps your Prophets and the Orion deities are one in the same." Avery shook her hand, and took the amulet. "Of course I will accept this." He said as he extended his other hand to her, in it was clutched a small gemstone on a white gold chain. It was green, matching Naara's skin tone perfectly. "I could not resist. It was in one of the shops we visited...you seemed distracted by all the clothing." He smiled. Naara was genuinely touched. "I'll always wear it, and think of you every time I look in the mirror.” She looked at his face, memorizing the features. "See you around, Doctor." "Next shoreleave perhaps," he replied. Avery turned to leave, then stopped and looked back. "Oh, and the name is Avery, by the way." He smiled, then turned and disappeared around a corner. Naara blinked at the shadow of ... 'Avery'... as he disappeared. Silently, she walked through the portal that starkly divided his world and hers. Reputable, and disreputable. People who made a difference, and people who made a living. Sighing, Naara made a pact with herself, that one day, she too would make a difference. Avery... she thought. Such an odd name...
  7. Avery’s Promenade stroll quickly turned to standing. Standing in a bar in the middle of the station, looking on in horror as Captain Moose was arrested for the murder of the Station Commander. Then, just as quickly, standing turned to running. Running towards a restaurant called Martin’s. Screams and cries were filling the sir as Avery neared the restaurant with Sam, Naara, and Ariago. And what he saw, he could hardly begin to make himself believe. Lieutenant N’Dak was running along the Promenade, firing at anything that moved. A phaser in each hand, N’Dak spun, rotated, and dove. Through all of this he never quit firing. Then he was gone, around a corner, out of sight. Avery considered going after him. That was not his place though, and the cries from within Martin’s called to him. When he reached the door to the uptown restaurant his shock turned to a ghastly feeling in the depths of his stomach. “By the…” Avery said in no more then a mumble. Figures where laying everywhere, the wounded, the dead, and the dying. Among the last group was Commander Dacotah. Avery rushed to her side, and quickly began assessing her injuries. “Is this what you call fun?” Ensign Sans asked. Avery remembered making the comment Ariago was referring to earlier, but could not think of a suitable response. He replied to Ariago, but could not even remember what he said. He asked Sans and Naara to find a medkit as Doctor Porter came up beside him. “We need to get her to sickbay, Miranda.” Avery said. Miranda nodded her agreement and after a brief round of conversation with all in the room, the three were transported. At least, it should have been three, but Naara, the Orion who had clung to Avery ever since his shopping stroll had clung once more and was caught in the beam. The four rematerialized in sickbay, Naara in an obvious state of shock after the experience that was the transporter. “Have a seat.” Avery said, motioning towards a biobed. She nodded and sat down. “Wh-what was that?” She asked. “Just calm down, I will explain later.” Avery replied as he moved trays of equipment, fired up the scanners and prepared for whatever Miranda may have to do to grab Dacotah back from death. Miranda worked on Dacotah’s injuries while Avery worked on keeping her conscious. The conversation between the three focused mainly on what Hayden was going to do to Koshic when she found him. Ultimately the conversation culminated into one rather large crustacean. “Then I want a twelve pound lobster. Twelve pounds! Have either of you ever seen a twelve pound lobster?” Dacotah asked. Miranda and Avery both admitted that they had never seen such a creature as Miranda stood fully up. “I think that is it.” She said. She handed Avery the Dermal regenerator and motioned for him to finish. As Avery worked, he began to remember he was in civilian clothes. This realization came from the fact that his feet were killing him. Starfleet standard issue boots were made for this type of thing. But the civilian boots on his feet now were not, and after running, knelling and all the other exertion on the station, they dug hard into his ankles, heels, and toes. “Ok, I believe I am done.” Avery said looking up at Dacotah. Miranda and Hayden nodded and then Miranda spoke. “Contact Aaron, see what is happening on the station.” Avery nodded and walked slightly away from the group now forming in sickbay. He noticed N’Dak talking to Dacotah, and Lieutenant Marx standing there as well. Avery tapped his combadge. “Tynte to Westler.” There was a long pause, then Aaron spoke. “Westler here, go ahead Avery.” “Give me some good news Aaron.” “We believe there is a changeling aboard the station, we are trying to locate it now.” Changeling, the word hit Avery like a physical blow. Emotion rose in him like lava in a volcano. He closed his eyes as he started to tremble. To everything it’s proper time and place he chided himself. He forced himself to realize that this was neither the time nor the place. The anger and hate stilled swirled in him, but he forced it down, forced it back into the place inside himself where he kept it hidden. The time will come he told himself, but this is not it. He regained his composure and opened his eyes. “I said good news Aaron.” Avery only sighed in exasperation. “None to be had, Avery. What about on your end?” “Commander Dacotah is still alive and stabilizing. See how easy that was?” A small grin slide across his face. Aaron only chuckled. The two traded any other relevant and then ended com transmission. “There seems to be a changeling on the station. We are at full lockdown, no one on or off the station without blood scans.” Avery announced to the group before him. They turned towards him, each with there own look of worry or thought. Avery looked back at them, with a thought of his own crossing his mind, a thought of an unavoidable cycle: Shoreleave comes, and shoreleave goes.
  8. <<OOC: This is virtually a joint log with another STSFer who wishes to remain a mystery at this time. Many thanks to my Mysterious Guest Star.>> After excusing himself from the bar, Avery began to walk around the Promenade. He moved in and out of a few stores, before finally coming to a footwear shop owned by a Bolian. He sat down on a stool, and began trying on a pair of boots for size. Naara sat on the edge of the barstool, languidly sipping her Andorian Ale. The sinewy Orion female gazed across the smoky bar at the Bolian's shoe store across the way, barely paying attention to their clientele until she saw what she had been looking for all day: Fresh Meat. Deciding to purchase the boots, Avery stands and walks to the counter. "170 Strips GPL." The Bolian said. "100" Avery bartered. "120" "Deal" Avery laid the strips on the counter, and exited the store, pausing at a directory of the Promenade. Naara, clad in the traditional attire of her species' females, snuck up behind the unsuspecting Starfleeter. Young one; a junior lieutenant by the pins on his collar. Unsuspecting. She'd probably be the first Orion he'd ever laid eyes on. Throwing her arms around his neck, she whispered in his ear. "Looking for someone special, Handsome?" Avery raised an eyebrow. He recognized the skin on the arms hanging around him. Orion. "Actually, I was looking for a good apparel shop." He said as he turned, her arms falling off of him. Utterly unsuspecting. Would be eating out of the palm of her hand within seconds. "Well, that's absolutely splendid! I know the best shops around." Eventually, if they had time, she might take him to a clothing shop. "Is that so?" Another raised eyebrow. Avery had heard stories of Orion females at the Academy. There were two schools of thought. One was that Orions were traitorous, always with an ulterior motive. To put it plainly: not to be trusted. The second was that Orion females were some of the most fun to be had in the galaxy. The latter was a belief held mostly by young, male students, the kind that tended to be juvenile and incredibly gullible to a pretty face. "I think I can manage on my own." He said, with a polite smile. Naara made a pouting face for a moment and then smiled seductively. "You don't really mean that, do you?" She playfully started to run her finger along the ridges on the Bajoran's nose. "All alone... no escort? Not even a friend from your ship?" "I suspect you insist?" Avery said as he turned to walk in the direction of the nearest apparel store. She let her smile become even sweeter. "I absolutely insist, Mister...?" "Tynte, Dr. Tynte." Avery was not sure why he told her his name. "Miss...?" "Naara, but you can call me whatever pleases you." She was charming him, she could tell. Pulling on his arm, she whispered in his ear, "Let's get a drink first, sweetie." "I just came from a bar. I was really hoping to get some shopping done." Avery paused at a window, looking at a display. It was of the newest in a line of a well-known Betazoid designer. "You like that, eh? Beautiful cut... it would look astonishing on you! We can head inside, if you want. There are some beautiful Risan designs for females that I've been just itching to buy, but I haven't had anyone with your chivalry who was willing to purchase them for me before." Naara practically pulled him into the store. Inside the store, Avery looked around. The prices were...elaborate, to say the least. He had to admit however that the clothes were of good quality. "And what makes you think I have any intention of purchasing anything?" She looked shocked. "Are you suggesting that you aren't even planning to reward me for my time with you?" She feigned hurt before becoming coquettish once more. "But of course you aren't. That wouldn't be polite, would it be?" She walked over to a rack of extravagant robes from Betazed. "Now, Doctor, these would be stunning on you." She thrust one of the bejeweled garments into his arms. "Now, stay right there. I'll be back in a moment." She trotted towards the Risan dresses at the opposite end of the store, picking an outrageously expensive and outrageously revealing Risan negligee. Gliding back to Doctor, she held it up. "Won't this look spectacular with my coloring?" "I never have been much of a robe person." Avery said, looking at a rack of dress shirts. He turned as Naara thrust the garment in his arms, only to see her, wearing the most revealing thing he had ever seen. He was a doctor however, and he had long ago adjusted to all manners of species. "Yes, the coloring is perfect." He said calmly and evenly. Naara smiled. "I knew you'd love it. So, what are you buying? Make a choice soon, because we want as much time together as possible before your ship heads out." "I did not say I loved it, madam. I merely stated the coloring was perfect." Again a calm, even tone. "Besides, do you really think I can afford all this? I am a doctor...not a playboy." Naara moved closer to him, then suddenly kissed him passionately on the lips, then whispered throatily, "You don't have to be a playboy to appreciate me." The Orion smiled. "Now, enjoy your shore leave, pick up some comfortable clothing, and sample the station's most skilled female." The two separated from the kiss. Avery replaced the garment in his hands to the rack. "You really have no idea how I am, Naara." He turned smiling. "Trust me, this is not the kind of thing I do." "Loosen up! It can't be healthy for someone to be so repressed all of the time!" She started massaging his shoulders as the other customers stared in mute horror. Avery shrugged away from the massage and faced Naara. "Look, I do not mind a little company. But I am not looking for a 'Good time' as you put it." She frowned. "Well, even your Prophets enjoyed themselves once in awhile. And indeed you need some company. And, hopefully, by the end of the day, you may have changed your mind about a 'good time'. "We shall see..." A shirt hanging on a far rack caught Avery's eyes, and he walked over. It was a deep blue dress shirt, part of the Betazoid's collection. "I think I can afford this." Avery said, then not wanting to seem in polite he added. "I can probably afford something about this price range for you as well. You have, after all, at the very least livened up my shoreleave." Naara smiled. "I'm glad that you at least think that much of me." She brushed her hand across a delicate blouse by the same manufacturer as the one that Doctor had selected. "This is beautiful, and it's not as expensive as some of the other merchandise..." Avery nodded and the two headed to the checkout kiosk. After the transaction was completed the two walked out onto the Promenade each with a new bag in hand. They walked off in down the corridor. "So...you said you knew the best shops?" Avery smiled as he noted that, taken with care and proper tact....even an Orion could be a safe companion.
  9. LOL! Yes, I have returned from the abyss of work and RL. With any luck you will be seeing an increase in my posting. Missed you guys! -Ty
  10. The door shooshed open and Avery walked into his quarters, tossing his phaser onto the bed. To be specific, it was not a true phaser, but rather the kind used in the game of Velocity. He had had that phaser since he was a kid aboard the USS Socoa, one of his mother’s postings. He had just come from the holodeck after a rather intense game of Velocity with Kestra. He hated to admit it, but he was beat. Kes was the best player he had met since his first year in the Academy. He smiled a bit, remembering back to those days, and his old practice partner, Pa’yla. They had been close, but space is vast and she had been assigned to the USS Lamia. Avery stripped off the top shirt of his uniform and lay it aside to be washed later. He stopped at the mirror on the left wall of his quarters. Pulling a small box out of a drawer, he placed his two pips inside. Two he thought, and smiled. Captain Moose had recently “raised Avery’s pay” as he had put it, and promoted him to Lieutenant, Junior Grade. He could not wait to tell his mother, though with her connections in Starfleet, she probably already knew. As he walked into the bathroom part of his quarters, he stripped off the rest of his uniform, tossing his blue undershirt on top of his overshirt. He stepped into the sonic shower, and leaned against the wall as he let it vaporize all the grime and such from his body. When he stepped out, he felt like a new person. Avery loved the sonic showers, the feeling that every bit of dirt and filth had been cleansed. Pulling on more casual clothes, a loose fitting ivory white button up shirt and a pair of loose fitting khaki pants that were long enough to drag on the floor, he walked back into the main part of his quarters. He left the top three buttons of the shirt undone, something he never did in public. As he walked towards the replicator, his thoughts turned to recent events aboard the ship. Starbase 143 seemed like a distant memory. Since then he had met most of the crew, traded blows with Commander Dacotah, witnessed Andrea and Nemesis reach their boiling point, and helped to develop the cure to an alien virus. And those are just the big events Avery thought to himself with a slight sigh. “Juta Tea,” Avery said to the replicator. The drink materialized in a small champagne glass. Taking the beverage Avery walked to the right side of the bed and knelt down to a case about ¾ of a meter long. Taking a sip from his glass, he then laid it to one side. Popping the latches of the case Avery removed the instrument inside. Sitting on the bed, Avery took the bow of the Violin in one hand, shaking his hand as he did so to move the sleeve of his shirt off his wrist. “Computer, access my personal musical data base.” “Database accessed.” “Locate file Tynte-122.” “File located” “Begin playback.” Avery said, he closed his eyes and touched the bow to the strings. As the music filled the room, Avery began to play, with a slow tempo at first. As he played, again his thoughts drifted to recent events. He had met many people, but one who stood out was Lieutenant Miral, or Kes as she preferred to be called. The pace of the music increased slightly. She seemed friendly enough, though Avery sensed there was more things on her mind then she was expressing. All in good time, Avery told himself, you have to let people confide of their own accord. Do not pry. This was something he was constantly telling himself. A side effect of his work…he tried to save everyone. Deciding to let that issue rest, his thoughts drifted to more work related things. It had been a busy time aboard the Arcadia and Avery had been thrust into the thick of it. First was the possession of the Captain and Commander. Avery’s jaw still did not feel the same since Dacotah had landed her left hook. Then came the Revins. Moose and Dacotah’s little stunt left the ship drained, and the Revins were the nearest species that could offer relief. Thus had begun the odyssey that led Avery to where he was now. Sitting in this room, playing this violin, and trying understand what had happened. Kestra had shown him a problem with the gel packs. Avery then discovered that this problem was infact a virus, brought onboard by a Revin intruder. It was discovered by the medical staff that this virus could only be counter-acted by antibodies and the like in Ensign Nemesis’ blood. The tempo increased again, this time greatly. Tensions had run high between the medical staff and Nemesis, culminating in one large argument in Sickbay. As he watched, Lt. Commander Andrea Knlwtchr had “gone ballistic” for lack of a better term. Watching the event unfold in Sickbay, Avery was left to wonder if the events were simply brought on by the stress the virus brought in later stages, or if maybe –and this was the thought that worried him more then a little- maybe he had been watching games of pride and ego play out before his eyes. The music reached it’s crescendo, and Avery played the last note, bringing the bow across the strings and then all the way to rest at his right side. He laid the violin across his lap and opened his eyes. In the end, all had worked out for the best. And Avery knew these were good people. Even if the later of his thoughts were to be correct, pride and ego stood little chance against the bonds he knew existed here. Avery found solace in that thought and allowed a thin smile to cross his face. “Computer,” he said as he brought the bow to rest against the strings once more. “Again.”
  11. Correction to post desricption. SD 20601.2 Not 20612.2
  12. ::Tosses in his Southern 2 cents:: I am in the sunny, however cold at this time, state of Georgia.
  13. Some minor updates.
  14. “Hear that? Your daddy is going to be just fine,” Avery could hear the smile on Miranda’s face as she spoke to Rosie. And, thankfully, she was correct, Lt.(jg) Sema’J was going to be “just fine”. Dr. Knlwtchr and Aaron had exited Sickbay only moments earlier on their way to the bridge. Avery had just finished helping Miranda treat the last of Sema’J’s critical injuries when the call came. “Med team to Shuttle Bay 1,” Avery and Miranda looked up almost instantaneously. “You go, I’ll stay,” Miranda said. Avery nodded his agreement then turned to Nurse Rachet. “Rachet, assemble a team and follow me to the Shuttle Bay.” Rachet nodded and set about the task. Accompanied by Rachet and a male nurse he had yet to meet, Avery shifted his med pack’s strap on his shoulder as they road the turbolift to Shuttle Bay 1. Avery assumed this had something to do with Captain Moose and Commander Dacotah’s recent…possession, for lack of a better term, but had no idea of what to expect. The turbolift came to a halt and the doors opened, with that familiar shoosh, into a long corridor. Moving at a light trot the team made their way to Shuttle Bay 1. As they reached the bay’s door it slid aside to reveal, amongst other things, a single shuttle lying slightly angled on the bay floor. Walking around to the shuttle’s entrance, Avery caught sight of Ensign Kestra Miral hitting the shuttle wall, then falling in a slump to the floor. At the he rushed up into the shuttle, and there she was, Commander Dacotah. No not the Commander, something was…different. Loading a hypospray with a tranquilizer, Avery lunged at Dacotah. However, she whirled on him, an enraged look in her eyes. Her fist caught his left jaw with a clean a powerful blow. Avery flew back onto the deck plating, the world blurring then spinning, then darkening. Somewhere in his subconscious, the term “Knock-out Blonde” no longer seemed so passive. He was vaguely aware of Dacotah moving towards the communications console and speaking, though he could not make out what she said. Avery’s hand fell to one side and hit something…something cold and metallic. The world spun as he opened his eyes and rolled over, and there it was, Ensign Miral’s phaser. Grabbing the small device, he somehow managed to set it to stun, the blur that was the world coming slowly back into focus, bringing with it a headache he was sure to feel once this was all over. Rolling back over, Avery aimed the phaser at Dacotah’s back. Firing, he caught her squarely, and she fell. With a small breath of relief, he allowed the phaser to fall to the plating. Pulling himself to his knees, he moved over to Dacotah. Rolling the commander over, he pulled out his tricorder and began scanning her. As he scanned the Commander, the med team, confused more then anything, entered the shuttle. Avery turned to Rachet. “Please begin treating Ensign Miral,” Rachet nodded. “I’m fine,” Kes, now fully conscious, said. “You should treat Commander Light.” Avery looked to the two other unconcious bodies aboard the shuttle. Nodding to Rachet, he assigned the other nurse to Lt. Meriva. “I’m heading for Main Engineering, they may be in need of assistance,” Kes said. Avery gave her a nod of acknowledgement. A voice then ripped into his dazed mind. “Westler to Tynte, are you with Commander Dacotah?” Avery slapped his combadge. “Aye,” He replied noting a slight taste of blood coming from a laceration on his lower left lip. “You pack quite a punch Commander,” Avery mumbled as he continued scanning. “Is she still in a state of possession?” Aaron’s voice came back threw Avery’s combadge. Just then Avery noted blood staining the back of Dacotah’s hair. Rolling her head over, he found a small quarter sized opening. “The creature, or whatever the heck it was, seems to have exited her. If that is what you are asking.” “Let’s not take any chances, place your combadge on her, and beam her to the brig,” was Aaron’s reply. “Aye,” Avery said as he did as he was told. “Energize.” The whine of the transport carried Dacotah away, and Avery turned his attention to the two others still wounded aboard the shuttle. Moving to Commander Light, he noted that Nurse Rachet had Trichon stable enough for transport, and giving him one last Hypo Avery told Rachet to beam back to sickbay with the commander and continue his treatment there. “Go with her,” he told the other nurse. “Aye,” was the response, and all three beamed back to sickbay. Turning his attention to Lt. Meriva, Avery noted that Vectra still had multiple points of internal bleeding, along with several cracked ribs. He became aware of another presence as he pulled an oblong device from his kit. Nemesis stood at the shuttle door, inquire as too the situation, then left. Avery noticed he seemed to be in quite a rush, as security was most of the time. Avery used the oblong device, moving it slowly along Vectra’s chest and abdomen, to stop most of the internal bleeding. Then selecting another device, he used it in much the same fashion to correct the cracking of the Lieutenant’s ribs. Once he was sure that Vectra was stable for transport, he used the man’s combadge to call for transport back to sickbay. “Standing by,” the transporter operator announced. Avery ran his right hand along his temple. Closing his eyes, he felt the earlier headache catching up to him, the adrenaline running low now. With a faint sigh Avery opened his eyes. “Energize.”
  15. Welcome aboard Dusti. See you in the sims :huh:
  16. It really puts the little stresses of life into perspective for you. It makes you think that while, yes, you do have problems in life, and yes, you do have stress. At least you do have a home to go back to, a job to support yourself. My heartfelt condoleneces to all that were affected and devastated by this latest diaster. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  17. Well, technically I always had a face...now you all just get to see it.....
  18. Snagged
  19. ::Clap clap:: Where have i heard that plot before..hmmmm...hmmm lol Good one Images. 69% I survive ;)
  20. Batman
  21. Nice? Come now, what fun would that be Jami? ;)
  22. From: Ensign Avery Tynte, AMO USS Arcadia To: Lt. Vectra Meriva, OPS USS Arcadia Subject: RE: Wedding Gift I would be happy to contribute. You will find 450 credits awaiting your authorization to be transfered to your account. Please send my best wishes to the happy couple. Sincerly, Avery Tynte
  23. Avery shimmered back into existence in sickbay. After a brief moment orienting himself to his position, he began prepping for the treatment of the patient Dr. Porter and he had just brought in. He looked to the biobed on which the patient lay. He was not sure exactly what species this individual was, what he was sure of was that this being, this person, was dieing. Dieing, the word ran though his head like thunder. As a med student he had seen literally thousands of ill and injured beings. However, most of them were only minor injuries or illnesses and there was always an instructor or a trained professional watching him carefully. But now, the reality of the situation hit him hard: This being was dieing on that bed, Dr. Porter was doing her job…and it was up to him to do his. “Let’s get him stabilized,” Miranda broke into his thoughts. “Yes ma’am,” Avery replied automatically as he began moving equipment, switching on displays and monitors. His eyes moved to Dr. Porter. She was working with the skill and grace of someone that had been doing this a long time. Her hands seeming to move without conscious thought, her mind busy assessing the situation. As the two worked, Dr. Westler came over to assist. Avery noted out of the corner of his eye the first patient of the day, Ensign Sema’J, was now sound asleep on one of the biobeds. Good, Avery thought, remembering the conversation he had had earlier with the helm officer. “He is stabilizing, he should be fine,” Dr. Porter again interrupted Avery’s thoughts. Avery breathed a sigh of relief and began to relax a little. Now realizing he had not done very much to help, but thankful it was over, and the patient stable. At that moment, a high-pitched whine was heard from across the room. Both Aaron and Avery rushed over to Sam’s biobed. Sam had fallen into to deep a sleep, his vitals dangerously low. Dr. Westler immediately injected Sam with a stimulant. Avery moved out of the way as Sam bolted upright. “Whoa, what happened?” Ensign Sema’J asked, a look of bewilderment on his face. As Dr. Westler began explaining to Sam what had transpired Avery again slipped into his thoughts. Not a few minutes ago he had been standing in the Chief Medical Officer’s office. Dr. Andrea Knlwtchr had asked a few questions of him, and explained how she ran her sickbay. Avery was admittedly surprised at how brief the orientation had been. That is not to say he was not relieved however. He was actually quite pleased at how it had gone…until the end. Lt. Anderson had entered the office and after brief introductions the three sat down. Avery winced as he realized what a dunce he must have looked like. He was sure he had turned the brightest shade of red possible when Andrea had looked at him and said, “Could you excuse us for a moment?” Another volley of alerts brought Avery back from the uncomfortable thought. “There seems to be a fire in holodeck 3,” Aaron said over his shoulder to Avery and Miranda. “Could you two go down there and see what is going on?” Aaron finished, still discussing the implementation of induced sleep with Sam. Grabbing the nearest med kit, Avery acknowledged Aaron with a nod. No wonder Dr. Knlwtchr’s orientation is so brief, Avery thought as he turned towards the door, The Arcadia does a pretty thorough one herself. On that thought, Avery dashed out of Sickbay.
  24. Welcome Srell, see you in the Academies.