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Ramdar Goftar

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Everything posted by Ramdar Goftar

  1. Okay heres the first one what is an Arva Node
  2. Okay I am not getting any questions so for your questions still go here but I am making another board that will have a daily technology for review so come see Goftar's Daily Tech
  3. okay all I have been having problems with actions in the academy can someone please tell me what i am not supposed to do without an action beside the obvious blow up the ship
  4. no I keep all my info updated I do my research its not just the Tech Manual
  5. was this sim not the greatest you have been to I had so much fun and by the way I am sorry Tlinna for what was said in there lol
  6. understood
  7. mild profanity!!! holy cow how many times were the F word used in that thing and when it was used it didnt even make sense what is this world coming to that people just stick swears in for no reason at all
  8. oh I thought he had graduated yet sorry eagle
  9. o well I guess you guys are busy sorry for complaining I just wish there were a more efficient way of doing it thats all o well thanks to everyone for all their help and I will take all you suggestions in tonights sim P.S. please no more advise
  10. ::removes himself from group hug after a half hour and pulls out the muffins he brought:: double chocalate chip muffins over here everyone
  11. well that is true but advise is given and the gms sometimes take it sometimest they dont
  12. ok thanks Tlinna and fred the response that they would give me is crucial to the mission
  13. oh no thats not what it is its like they ask me a question and I give them an answer and there is no response
  14. yeah well I have a problem with that at ops to because there are just times when I am ignored completely its kinda annoying I mean I could see if I were doing anything wrong but I was just asking a question
  15. its ok eagle he has already graduated :lol:
  16. well what if its the command staff thats not responding
  17. oooooooooooooooooooooooooook
  18. I know I was there but I also am wondering what do you do if someone doesnt respond to communications and there is no action saying that they were cut
  19. lol thanks eagle
  20. thanks alot all it really helps
  21. interestin theory murdok
  22. mine right now is this site but my next favorite is flashplayer.com it has alot of funny movies dont worry they are clean I know the name sounds funny
  23. this is true
  24. I would definatly wait five to ten just because that was the problem with the last series wasnt it it came out too fast
  25. you know it ;) :lol: