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Ramdar Goftar

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Everything posted by Ramdar Goftar

  1. perhaps
  2. yeah but its just seeing the moon I can do that on earth I would wait for the surface trip
  3. okay it is not a phaser <sorry to disappoint you all> its not an exploding combadge <again sorry> Its...<see later>
  4. OOORRR it could be one of the GMs trying to make the site more interesting :wub: :lol: :D
  5. Okay heres the next one what is standard in all Away team kits that can be used for momentary illumination or starting a fire hint: its not a lighter
  6. ::sarcastically:: yeah just a bit salty Oh My Gosh i know it was fake (or at least I hope) but that just......is.....weird
  7. ::sighs:: here we go again Stardate 1234.56 The crew has been making fun of the way I talk I have tried to contemplate this Kirk:do I really sound that bad Spock: yes captain you do
  8. ;:vulcan-like:: facinating And again FredM is correct are you sure you are not doing research Fred
  9. whoa weird
  10. hand Daryus a giant ball of yarn
  11. I must agree plus you are always seeing people wait for the turbolift They are usually in the backround when they do but they do watch when emergency crew leave the bridge and when the other people (not main characters of course) leave the bridge
  12. I frankly dont even know loami what is a lepton (dont worry I know what an antilepton is :lol: )
  13. thank you and I know helios time passes fast It seems like just yesterday I started at the academy
  14. now I know what true power is muh ha ha ha ha.....what I said that outloud?
  15. I havent been going to the continuing series but I have been watching is it ok that I come
  16. Do you like toy mice or catnip better
  17. Food: Stuffed Sausage Pizza Drink: Sierra Mist Color: Blue TV show: Star Trek (duh :D :lol: ) Movie: Paycheck Place to live(if you could live anywhere): currently Chicago after Highschool I wouldnt mind Britain Mode of Transportation: Dodge Charger If i had 1 wish i would wish for: World health
  18. Okay everyone here today's tech What can Antilepton particles be used for remember no research!
  19. oh so thats the point :D :lol:
  20. and Fred has the correct answer ::says this while glaring at him about the whole technobabble before born comment::
  21. oh yes bow to the great and powerful Jami :lol:
  22. welcome and mudok is right you wont be able to change your message board name
  23. first of all this is star trek not real life Ndak :lol: :P :) anyway the tech for today is what is the technology that allows you to go back in time using disks but doesnt allow you to come back to the present Hint: from TOS
  24. okay everyone the big reveal an arva node is similar to a ramscoop in that it converts surrounding materials into engery
  25. thats the point you have to guess what it is without research and I post the answer at the end of the day