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Ramdar Goftar

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Everything posted by Ramdar Goftar

  1. "Revenge of the Cockroaches" Man on right- ah theres another one I thought we were safe up here Man on left- its....its.....its....its climbing up me
  2. Congratulations to the two of you or the one of you.....uh.....yeah happy birthday :P :P :)
  3. I can definatly see the people who want to change point because I am in highschool and its coming up soon I am also starting junior year which is the hardest with the most papers and stuff. But I can always go to the ones at nine. So I cant complain but it wouldnt be a bad thing if it changed but its not an immediat thing (look at me I am siding with blu thats a change :P sorry blu its just that we seem to argue alot)
  4. well she said that it didnt because it wasnt really a bunker just a concrete room
  5. I couldnt do it but if I had to I would definatly bring food and water and toilet paper because without it......thats just gross
  6. ha.......ha..........ha very funny just because we are generally peaceful people doesnt mean we dont have spunk look at Chell from Voyager
  7. now now bolians may be few but we are strong we will rise to the top!!!!! .....oops did I say that outloud Oh well I am a bolian thats me Ramdar Goftar Cadet, STSF academy
  8. ooo deals fun fun
  9. also wasnt Uhura who bought the tribbles in the first place
  10. Oh yes ;) :) so transporters they basically break down your molecular struture and store your pattern then send it off somewhere else where its put back together
  11. oh well I do have the Tech Manual so I guess I dont "need" yours but I would still like to see it but anyway anything anyone has on transporters
  12. okay then if there are no objections thats the definition i am taking now onto transporters
  13. Thank you for the entire answer to that I myself would like to see the manual that you have. In a nutshell what that just said is that the Deuterium (matter) and antimatter are compacted and sent to a dilithium crystal which combines it into plasma which is sent through the back of the core and into the EPS conduits that flow throughout the ship giving it power. They also flow to the warp nacelles and by the ammount of plasma that surges into the coils located in the nacelles determines how fast you go so the more plasma the faster you go which is why at high warp the warp core appears to be working harder because it has to make more plasma I think I got it all would anyone like to add anything to that
  14. okay heres the first topic of the new format we'll start at the basics Warp Core Go
  15. Ok I would but all the seasons of star trek ever made (100 million... yeah thats about how much it should cost. :) ;) )
  16. OH yes I understood all that from the start when I said its not this its not that I just meant that that wasnt the answer I was looking for anyway like I said no more on the subject please I just want everyone to come together now so all the information can be put into one. I was even thinking of saveing the definitions we would make an making an STSF Teck Guide it would be fun dont you think
  17. here here thats exactly why I have decided to change the format of this page from a guessing game to a real discussion page where I will name a piece of Technology as a topic and we all say everything we know about it and discuss the correctness of everything said then at the end put it all into one definition what do you think
  18. What I understand that you are all smarter than me when it comes to technobabble and I guess I should step aside I was just trying to have a info page not start any arguments cant we all be friends Anyway albative armor vaporizes when fired upon thereby dissipitating the energy
  19. wow Alright I guess I am going to accept your answers as correct no matter if I think they are or not. (listens to blu) well I guess thats how its going to be okay about the armor correct answer to the question but how does it work?
  20. okay twine would not work because to be effective it would have to encircle the entire area using up too many ships and since you are all giving me soooo much grief about this I will tell you the answer now alright the answer is a gravitic sensor net this finds cloaked vessels by detecting a new gravity signature seeing as all objects even you ane me have a center of gravity. by the way I like how you all are coming up with multiple answers to the questions it just shows you how many alternative one has when dealing with certain things okay heres the next one what is Albative Armor
  21. I must concur
  22. Okay I have never heard of a TACHYON sensor net however you are very close
  23. I must agree with Ndak why are we making such a big deal out of it
  24. okay you are right that the phaser can do that but its not a standard thing in AT kits its....just....standard....in .....away teams ( I know makes no sense but whatever) alright big reveal ::drumroll:: the answer is a Magnesium Nitrate Tablet when crushed it creates a small flame for about 2 seconds but can be use to light fires Okay the next one is...... what is a piece of technology that can detect a cloaked vessel but needs many vessels equiped with it to use it