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Murdok Helios

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Posts posted by Murdok Helios

  1. ASEC Duty Log

    Lt. Jg Murdok Helios

    “Under my watch.”


    I reported to sickbay as order and took my positions at the door along side Mcknight. I stood there calmly watching the alien stranger. I placed the phaser rifles strap over my shoulder and let it hang. Suddenly movement could be seen coming from the alien. I walked forward and raised my rifle to standard position. Graham had ordered the force field enlarged so that the alien could get up, I felt this was strange but did not question his call. Some time passed as Graham, Chen and others talked with the alien which I found out was named Amun.


    A few minutes passed and by this time Pilot, Eagle, and Laarel had all entered sickbay. I got a little worried as the room became more crowed but I kept my eye on Amun for any strange movements. Finally Corizon entered sickbay and took over the questioning of Amun. I was ordered to guard Amun by Corizon and allow him to make a subspace transmission as he talked to the assembled crew in sickbay. I escorted him over to a empty consol and let him have his privacy. As the day wound up and I went off duty I become more relaxed knowing nothing terrible happened under my watch.

  2. Yeah I agree with you on SG1's season opener. I hope they make it up later on, it seemed way to easy to get ride of the virus. I was wondering how they were going do it. When i looked at the clock there was 6 min left in the episode and i was like, huh is this a three parter? then they magically got saved at the last second so i was a bit let down.



    I also give BSG for the best opener.

  3. I don’t think she is confident in him as a leader. She only used him to get rid of the completion for the presidential race. She also has a lot on her plate with the Silons and trying to keep the new fleet to not go to war with each other.


    I did like how her sickness pushed her to be more cutthroat when it came to the new Admiral.