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Murdok Helios

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Posts posted by Murdok Helios

  1. stsflohonewcopy8hi.jpg




    Wanted to go a tottaly different way with it. The other logo seemed to be way to busy this one is a lot more simple. Its using the template of StarFleet departments, Medical, Eng, Sec ect.


    The text was a bit rushed this is a rought one, the final one will be a more polished.


    Any thoughts?



    prototype banner...




  2. When the Silons jumped in and didn't start firing. Then Adama had to make the choice to jump with the fleet, that was nuts!


    I also liked the SG1 ender, i thought they were gona pull another find a great weapon to save us at the end trick but they didn't, while still leaving the door open for it.



    And did anyone believe the Wraight? Come on now..

  3. ASEC Duty Log

    Lt.Jg Murdok Helios

    “First time on Excalibur.”

    SD: 0602.28


    He climbed out of his phaser turret control seat and looked around the control room. There was limited damaged a few wall panels strewn on the ground but nothing extensive. I walked up to the door to exit but the door did not open all the way. Placing one foot on the door frame I braced my self and pulled it open. The Morningstar was damaged heavily from the battle. Just then a young ensign turned the corner and they began to talk about what was going on there was little info on the progress of the battle since the sensor black out.


    I kept moving though the ship helping fallen crew mates, clearing hallways and trying to get security back together to form a plan to get everyone off the ship. I remember seeing Excalibur briefly fly into view during the last throws of the battle. I didn’t believe my eyes the ship I intended on joining was back, and just in the nick of time it appeared.


    Later now on Excalibur I settled in my new quarters, a spaces room to my self I couldn’t believe it. No more cramped barracks I was very excited. I walked the halls looking at the “new” ship with all of its shinny touches and new ship smell. I visited the security office and the mess-hall before heading up to the bridge.


    Cmdr. Graham was as usual standing at the new TAC station. I was wondering how he would like to be standing from now on. After discussing the new ship, some personal banter, and duty rosters we headed down to main security to meet up with the new ensign. I haven’t meet the new ensign but we have talked over the comm. He preformed well under the pressure and was glad to be fighting along side with him.


    We entered the new main security and took our seats. Pilot and Chen came for a visit said hello to Graham and then left us to talk. I let ensign Segami and Graham talk only interrupting a few times. I stat for the most part drinking my coffee. Until Graham asked for our reports to be in by tomorrow. He was surprised I had mine done so fast but he was pleased.



    Once we finsihed up I returned to my quarters to write my duty request so I could get it back to Graham ASAP.