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Murdok Helios

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Posts posted by Murdok Helios

  1. nice work there!



    AS i was applying to be weopons specailist on the Escalibur i was wondering..


    On a type 2 handheld phaser does energy from the power cell pass through all three modules and is then routed through shielded conduits to the prefire chamber, a sphere of gulium arkenide-reinforced LiCu 521, 1.5 cm in diameter. Or is it the other way around?

  2. I wonder what they are going to name it, if it is a new planet. Since all the others have been named after Roman Gods,


    Jupiter - King of the Gods

    Neptune - God of the Sea

    Pluto - God of Death

    Mars - God of War

    Venus - Goddess of Love

    Mercury - Messenger of the Gods

    Saturn - God of Time

    Uranus - Father of Saturn


    the new planet should be named...


    Vulcan - The BlackSmith God! :lol: Names where found at this site.

  3. I came at the end of FireFly so i didn't see it. I Love Sg-1 been a fan for 3 years, any eps i havn't watched on tv i got the dvd version. All the new characters make the show feel a bit weird, but the up coming eps with a brand new enemy should be great. I watched all of atlantis last year and this season is really growing on me. Poor ford, you'll be ok hang in there bud :lol: . As for BSG, i don't know what to think, so far i've stayed to watch after atlantis, but most of the time i end up changing around, I hope to watch more eps of it.