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Everything posted by slaw11

  1. sry murdok like my name tlinna
  2. that is cool why not name it vulcan we can build the startrek universe MUHAAAAAA lol
  3. did you know that star trek would of not been here if it wasnt for Lucy Ball from Desilou she was the only studio that accept star trek and then it came to paramont when paramount bought desilou
  4. can you caption this one
  5. Spock what time are we It appears to be year Star Wars four by the readings what on earth are you guys talking about
  6. his face is just in a funny position i thought someone could really make a funny one out of it
  7. Yoda of Borg I am, Assimilated you will be
  8. hey ive only died once aliens ate me and the crew YUMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!
  9. The Chef told him to lay off the beans
  10. Man this is a bumber crop here now weres the house
  11. Just sayin his name is Desi Arnez
  12. I wouuld like my title to be The Crazy Helmsman
  13. they are all set on the schedule as eastern time or pacific time