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Posts posted by Images

  1. We feel free when we escape -- even if it be but from the frying pan to the fire.


    - Eric Hoffer



    Every member of Excalibur's knights in golden shirts, the security

    team, was hard at work. The continuing safety of the ship, their goal.

    Lieutenant J.G. Atticus Segami, their temporary "fearless leader",

    stood his post at the bridge's main tactical console studying their

    recent encounter with the Scorpiads. Noting the extensive damage to

    their defensive systems, it looked bad and it seemed for the time

    being that their enemy's weaponry was even stronger than anticipated.


    At the same time as this worried wondering took place, Lieutenant J.G.

    "Left Ear" JoNs exited the turbolift to deck 19 and was moving quickly

    back toward the main security offices where she had left Ensign Doug.

    He was in there completing an inventory of their weapons stock whilst

    waiting for the team to meet up and talk. The Catian flexed her paw as

    she walked, careful not to spring the illegal wrist weapon she'd

    retrieved from her quarters.


    Further on down the hallway was Excalibur's brig: a place for

    reprobates, criminals and all those who'd cause a danger to the ship.

    A place where Chief Segami had minutes ago sent J'Ai, a guest of

    theirs who was begin was beginning to outlive his welcome in a big

    way. Ensign Victria, the Al-Ucardian member of their team was

    delivering him to the drone on duty. He filled out the paperwork with

    the same air one fills out a crossword puzzle, irritated and

    unfulfilled, a grumble always occurring every few seconds.


    J'Ai on the other hand stood motionless. His dark eyes were blank and

    empty. The expression was beyond mere terror, beyond petty fear. It

    was catatonic stare, the look of a man who has not only reached the

    end of the line but has peeked to see what's past it.


    "I'd watch him if I were you. There is more to him than we know,"

    Victria noted dryly to the brig officer, who mumbled a "yeah yeah" as

    he poked at his PADD. Victria studied J'Ai for another moment, then

    smiled a sharp-toothed goodbye to the frightened youth and slipped

    back into Main Security through the connecting passageway.


    When the door closed behind the slender figure of Victria, time

    dragged to a crawl in the mind of the prisoner. Something about that

    satisfied smile of hers and that proud walk triggered something in the

    man. It was something primal, angry and hell-bent on survival. The

    quick, morse-code-like tapping of the brig officer's pen on the report

    PADD began to sound closer to the dreadfully slow tick…tock…tick…tock

    of a grandfather clock. As the minutes passed something in the man's

    brain slowly snapped, like a rope that unravels under too much weight.

    Blood rushed through his veins faster and faster and a vicious anger

    pulsated through him like electricity through a wire. Suddenly as it

    reached its zenith, J'Ai did what he needed to do. He slammed his palm

    into the nose of the man who viewed putting him in a jail cell as a

    mere chore. The officer let out a surprised cry of pain as red poured

    down his chin but was silenced as another punch to the face sent him

    to the floor.


    A hundred feet away, Left Ear's ears pricked as she heard the blood

    curdling yelp echo on the processed air...


    With his man down, the prisoner took his chance to grab the officer's

    phaser off the floor and bolted out the door away from captivity.

    Freedom was at hand. Victria's warning to the now unconscious guard

    had bore fruit so soon it would almost seem farcical if a prisoner

    wasn't now crazed and armed.


    One might find it almost just as humorous, if not lucky, that Ensign

    Doug had chosen this exact moment to leave security and go to the

    bathroom and now simply stared as a man stepped into the corridor in a

    bloodstained tunic.


    "Freeze!" he screamed.


    J'Ai ran. Doug followed suit. Like a terrier must always chase a

    moving car, a cop must always chase any wanted man who goes for a jog

    covered in someone else's bodily fluids.


    Out of direct eyesight but not far behind, the Caitian lieutenant

    began moving more cautiously. Wary of what might be going on, she

    stopped just outside the entrance to the main security offices and

    palmed the door open cautiously. She found herself face to face with

    Victria. The Al-Ucard was wearing a slightly bemused smile.


    "Was that trouble, I heard?" Her icy gaze shifted briefly to the corridor.


    "Aye, It would appear so." JoNs glanced at Victria. "I'm not entirely

    sure what I sensed though."


    "I bet I can guess..." Her gaze shifted in the direction of the brig

    and she gave Left Ear a significant look. "I just left J'Ai there to

    be placed in a cell."


    As fate would have it, at this moment a low moan could be heard coming

    from that room in question, and like greased-lightning the pair were

    moving down the secure passageway that linked the two areas. As they

    got close to "the hallowed hall of holding cells", Victria twitched as

    she sniffed the air.


    "I smell... blood," she said.


    Despite the uncertainty of the situation, JoNs quipped. "You smell

    blood? Well, remember, you have to watch your intake. Don't gorge."


    The Al-Ucardian snorted at JoNs' comment, but didn't respond. They

    took a few more steps forward and opened the security entrance with

    their keycards before taking in the gruesome scene. The brig officer

    was lying on the floor, still alive but very hurt. His breathing was

    shallow and his nose was clearly broken. Like Victria had predicted,

    blood was dribbling out over the floor in torrents and things had

    obviously gone wrong.


    JoNs' tail started to swish in agitation. "Okay, this is not good. Are

    you in the mood for some tracking?" She fixed her partner with a

    smirk. "I think our bird has flown the coop."


    Ignoring the injured guard, Victria headed to the brig door, pausing

    to get a sense of the corridor. "I can also smell our new security

    officer." She said "All fresh and new and squeaky clean. They both

    went this way." Chuckling, she headed into the hallway in pursuit.

    Left Ear nodded in affirmation and followed, her adrenaline starting

    to spike.


    Doug meanwhile, was gaining on his target fast. Though the irritating

    cliché of pedestrians constantly getting in his way hampered his

    process, the distance between him and J'Ai was decreasing rapidly. The

    guy was his.


    J'Ai knew he was being followed closely. He could hear the footsteps

    only a couple dozen feet behind him and knew there was only way out.

    So immediately he stopped his fleeing, turned around to face his

    shadow and stood perfectly still.


    "Please drop the weapon," Doug said calmly as he approached. "I won't

    hurt you if you drop the weapon. I will try to make things go easier

    for you."


    But no convincing seemed to be needed, J'Ai's voice took on a strange,

    unexpected, soft tone.


    "Of course officer. I will come quietly," he stated, bending over to

    daintily place his stolen phaser on the ground. He then held his arms

    out towards Doug. "Please take me away."


    Doug moved warily closer.


    The rest of the security team were not far behind. By now they'd

    called Atticus up on the bridge and told him the situation to which

    he'd replied simply, "hunt the bastard down". If he could see the

    situation he may have thought they were taking it too literally. JoNs

    had actually reverted to a stalking type of pursuit, moving quickly on

    all fours, keeping pace with Victria as the women tracked the escapee

    J'Ai and his pursuer Doug through the confines of Deck 19.


    The corridor was not particularly crowded, but the few scattered

    crewmen that lined the walls left a perfect trail of the chase that

    they sensed, but could not see. Victria glanced briefly at the feline

    form beside her, jogging effortlessly and dodging any stray people

    that were foolish enough to be in the way.


    As she sensed they were close, Lieutenant JoNs rose to her full height

    on the run and triggered the pressure release of her forearm holster,

    sending her non-regulation weapon flying into a paw; she kept it

    pointed downward.


    "Thank you." Doug said, as he took soft, slow steps forward.


    He moved nearer and nearer hoping to get within proximity to

    incapacitate the troublemaker. JoNs and Victria rounded the corridor

    a few moments later, the two of them closing in as well. Seeing his

    chances for escape diminish even further with the addition of two more

    officers, J'Ai acted before anyone could stop him.


    Striking with a frightening speed, the wild eyed fugitive clutched the

    ensign round the throat hard with both hands. With the strength of a

    wounded beast, his iron grip cut off Doug's breath completely and the

    excruciating pain it caused prevented any resistance. He roughly

    shoved his would-be pursuer against the wall. The "sad young man"

    they'd found, almost unrecognizable.


    "Like, HELL I'll go with you Starfleet," he growled menacingly.


    "Please let me go this won't solve any thing," Doug tried to plead

    though choked breaths.


    With a low growl JoNs aimed her small type 1 phaser at the enraged

    prisoner, hanging back a bit, keeping Victria out of her line of site.

    She waited for an opportunity to fire.


    "Flight is a pointless and misplaced measure," Victria ventured as she

    inched forward. "Unlike the Al-Ucard, the Federation does not torture

    and kill its 'guests'."


    "You think I believe that?" J'Ai shrieked. "Look at my face!" He

    turned his head and the bruises Atticus had bestowed upon him during

    the away mission were very apparent. His right eye and cheek were

    still swollen, glaringly black and blue.


    "Your boss is a lunatic, and you, you're no better!" He hissed at her

    before turning back to look at the man in his grasp.


    "Please let me go." Doug said, voice almost a whisper. "I will try to

    do my best for you. Holding me won't solve this. I will speak to the

    Command Staff on your behalf."


    JoNs stayed back a bit, letting the Al-Ucardian negotiate. She

    alternately watched Victria, J'Ai and Doug, fully intending to shoot

    J'Ai if he elevated his attack on Doug.


    Like most Mexican stand-offs the absence of Mexicans wasn't noted.


    Doug continued to try and reason with the man who was hurting him.

    "Please I will do it myself. You have my word. I'm not lying."


    "You'd really do that?" J'Ai's voice dripped with mock sincerity. "Oh

    I truly deeply trust you now! Let me show my gratitude."


    Without any other warning, he headbutted Doug very hard. An audible

    crack was heard as their brows met. People instinctively moved forward

    but the hostage-taker screamed.


    "Back off!" He was beginning to crack. "I want out! Okay?! I Want off

    this ship! Let me off this ship now or…I…I break his neck! Okay?!"


    "He isn't lying," Victria purred, a lift of her chin to indicate Doug.

    "You have a born and bred true-to-life Starfleet officer right there

    in your grasp and he still wants to help you." She didn't bother to

    hide the contempt in her voice as she inched ever closer. "You'll

    only make it worse for yourself."


    "I said back off!!!" He yelled, his control failing.


    Victria glanced briefly to JoNs to gauge her position. Left Ear was

    the superior officer of the three of them, after all, and would be the

    one to take the shot when it was time. Left Ear held her fire,

    however, waiting until Victria got a bit closer to the escapee. Her

    slight nod to Victria indicated her intentions. As quickly as it

    left, Victria's attention shifted back to J'Ai and Doug in his his



    Knowing a preparation to strike when he saw it, J'Ai spun Doug round

    to face them. Putting him in front as a shield, he kept his arm

    tightly around Doug's throat which was now quite red from abuse.


    "Please... I told you I would help you," Doug pleaded. "One of our

    rules of Starfleet is to tell the truth, whether that would be

    personal truth or duty. I would never lie when I'm on duty unless

    ordered by a Captain and I have none such orders right now."


    "I... I... I don't wanna die..." J'Ai cried out, breaking into

    uncontrollable sobs.


    "You won't... we'll see to it," Doug reassured the man who was 10

    pounds of pressure away from killing him. "Now let me go and I will

    contact the Captain."


    But J'Ai wasn't even listening. Tears streamed down his face as he

    stared into nowhere, his sanity gone briefly. Taking advantage of this

    distraction, JoNs took a shot at J'Ai's exposed right knee. He

    screamed and hit the floor with a thump, letting go of Doug in the

    process. The phaser fire seemed to awaken him and he frantically

    tried to crawl away, but to no avail. A pathetic sight.


    Doug moved off and drew his phaser, pointing it at the squirming heap,

    but the Caitian lieutenant put a paw up as she started moving.


    "Ensign Doug! Hold your fire - cover the prisoner only. He's done..."


    The new man followed the order. "I told him he wouldn't die and I keep my word."


    "Noooooooo! Noooooooo!" J'Ai screeched. The voice was manic, awful to

    hear. The cries were soon silenced though as he buried his face in the

    hallway carpet.


    Moving past Doug, Victria approached J'Ai and lifted him off the floor

    by the back of his tunic. She slammed him into one of the walls, the

    reverberation of it causing JoNs to wince as it echoed through the

    corridor. Victria held him there with one hand, glancing to Doug.


    "You didn't happen to bring restraints with you, did you?"


    "I've been held hostage. Of course not!" He answered, slightly annoyed.


    JoNs spoke quietly. "The three of us can handle him without them, I am

    sure." She motioned with her personal phaser back down the corridor.

    "I'll take the rear, keeping the weapon on him. Doug, take point.

    Victria, escort the prisoner."


    They began to move into position as it became clear what J'Ai was

    saying to himself, over and over again.


    "He'll...Kill me. He'll kill me..."


    "No I won't," Doug said.


    "Not you..." J'Ai gasped. "Himmmmm..."


    "Who?" JoNs asked, gazing warily at J'Ai.


    But J'Ai didn't answer. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and

    he passed out, falling into Victria's waiting arms.

  2. I get the zombies often too. If its a nightmare, its gonna be those damn walking dead. I'm usually with a pack of friends and/or family trying to survive in a horribly afflicted city. I get to be kickass and have a winchester rifle but the dreams ALWAYS end with me being torn apart horribly by the ungodly hordes. That's not too bad though since usually my death allows the rest of the team to survive but there was one time where we were holed up in an apartment block and I told everyone, "its clear outside, run for it to the truck and I'll wait here for my girlfriend." They all run outside and I wait at the window. I then see the group get eaten by a swarm of the buggers who popped out of nowhere. Then my girlfriend pops up, tells me she's been bitten, dies right there, bites me, and while more and more walking dead lumber into the apartment I realise I'm screwed so I jump out the window to my demise.


    Now thats a crap night's sleep.

  3. What classic film do you loathe? There's always at least one flick that no matter how many times you see it on those "top 100 films of all time" lists, you still just don't understand at all what people see in it thats so brilliant. My pick: Breakfast At Tiffany's, I just don't like it! Sure Moon River is a class song but everything else, meh!

  4. Falling.


    The ship had been rocked by a torpedo. It wasn’t an extremely damaging hit to Excalibur but they didn’t need to always be to send you hurtling. And that is exactly what had happened to Lieutenant J.G Segami. Even though he’d prepped his stance for the hit, his fingers slipped off the console and he toppled backwards through the air helplessly.


    As his body obeyed gravity’s will and plummeted to the deck, time suddenlt slowed down. The blaring volume of the red alert klaxons was muted. It felt like he was floating rather than being flung. His eyes in a moment flashed around him and caught another person’s. It was a look of terror.




    They’d found him lying in a cargo hold with a friend’s corpse on his lap. He seemed distraught but the expression on his face hadn’t been close to what it was now. That was slightly bizarre. When a force of primed killing machines jumps onboard your vessel and slices the entire crew up, leaving markings on the walls in their blood, the average person would be in tatters.


    Segami knew this for a fact. He had crumbled to pieces when only one person close to him was taken. And it was in this life too.




    He looks down at her face. She looks so peaceful. Almost as if she’s thinking of a memory that gives her comfort and that any second she’s gonna smile so wide.


    But she doesn’t. She stays still. The relaxation in her face just the muscles having given way.


    She’s dead.


    Atticus, an almost two year younger version than we’re used to, stands over her. He stares hard at that face.


    Its not real.


    She can be saved.


    All he needs to do is will it. If he concentrates as hard as he can on that pale face, she’ll feel his pained heart and she’ll open those bright blue eyes and everything will be okay.


    She’s just asleep.


    It will all be okay.


    He reaches over to her, puts his hands on her cheeks. They’re already cold. No blood going through those veins. He cradles them all the same. Perhaps his warmth will go to her.


    “Kathleen” He wimpers. “…Kathleen”.


    His face is manic as he pulls the sheet off further. The man near him thinks about preventing this but realizes it must be done.


    The sheet is dropped to the floor. She now lies in her entirety. And the image stings right to his heart.


    Her Starfleet tunic has been cut down the middle, from the top to the bottom, obviously to give the surgeons access to her injuries. Even after the initial cleanup there is still so much blood.


    The Trill cannot help but just look. Tears are streaming from his eyes and he cannot stop them.


    The wounds are deep. There are six or seven of them. Someone shoved a knife into her over and over and over and over…


    He howls and collapses on her and screams to the heavens. The words are barely distinguishable.


    “Wake up!”


    The man behind him moves forward and grabs his arm.


    “Wake up! Don’t do this! Don’t do this to me! Don’t do this to me!”


    “She’s dead lad.” The man says as he pulls the boy away from the girl. His voice full of sorrow. “She’s dead”


    But all the Trill can do is repeat her name over and over again as a doctor covers her back up.


    There is no answer to his cries.




    Atticus had loved that girl. She may have been a different species but he hadn’t cared. They were going to get married, have children and love happily ever after. She wasn’t meant to die like that.


    But she had. It didn’t matter that Atticus had seen it all, done it all eight times before. Death is frightening, not one’s own as much as the death of the people you care about. Times that by ten if you think you’re next. That’s real fear.


    So why did J’Ai look so much more worse for wear here? And to think about it he seemed more scared as well when he’d been accosted by Atticus back on the away mission. But surely this was a safer situation.


    Unless back in that cargo hold had had nothing to worry about? That he never was in real danger? That the real fear was being trapped with the “feds” where he might get caughtin the crossfire?


    That’s when the other shoe dropped.


    What if J’Ai was supposed to survive the Al-Ucard attack all along? Not only that but what if Excalibur was supposed to welcome him in, supposed to debrief him and supposed to be told all about the ghosts?


    What if the entire mission was a bigger trap than he’d thought? The purpose being, to bring out the only real thorn in the Scorpiad side.


    It all made sense.


    The Ghosts had hidden themselves so well from detection for a long time. So long that they had probably become a nuisance to the Scorpiads who were too busy fighting a war to deal with another front. However if an ‘innocent’ person were to lure an enemy of their enemy close by, a federation ship for instance, the ghosts would immediately step out into the light. They might even send a high ranking delegation of their own onto the federation ship to talk about an alliance. And then…Pow!


    An Assassination!


    Atticus would have mentioned this idea if his head hadn’t slammed into a corner the next second and knocked him unconscious.