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Posts posted by Images

  1. We're doomed dude.


    That's all there is to it.




    However I'm going to just enjoy it as long as I can. There are two death of trek scenarios...


    One: Trek fans will slowly die off into something weird till one day we're like those I love Lucy fans and then poof, we're gone.


    Two: The franchise gets re-invented, trek becomes "cool" but we get cast off like people clinging to the past. Trek as we know it dies but a new one gets reborn.


    We are lost. We're the people who argued for ages why klingons changed their headgear. We wanted to know when Sisko would come back. We are lost. Full stop. But we're the happy lost.

  2. Dude there are. They're just not very palatable! Believe me. Back home in Hong Kong if you ever have a stay in a hospital where you get a choice of the western or chinese breakfast, don't be heroic. Otherwise you get stuck with something called congee, a horrible porridge-like substance. Urrrg!




    Oh and Dim Sum is supposed to only be a lunchtime thing like having a sandwich. Its really less often that locals order it at any other time.


    But more importantly, I'm going on my brother's stag night in Amsterdam in April and I have no idea what to say to stop my girlfriend giving me evil looks about it! :blink: