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Posts posted by Images

  1. Personal log of Dr. Victor Images (Midshipman)


    We're trapped. Trapped in our own station, we can't get back to the pandora's box. Right now i'm just leaning against a wall wondering how on earth we got into this situation. The captain and the other big wigs are talking to eachother in the corner probably trying to find a way to get us out of this situation. The situation being that we are currently sitting in a room filled with the corpses of ant people with only a vague idea of what to do next. Yes i said ant people and more importantly i said corpses. What in God's name is wrong with this captain? He is acting like a...like a...well for lack of a better word, a complete and utter loony. To begin with, when he prepared us for the operation he told us, "Vaporise the bastards on sight". "Vaporise the bastards on sight"? Who or what does he think we are? What a completely out of line statement. He says, no stun, only kill. I protested of course but now i get the feeling that i shouldn't of. The Boss, Sheepy, kept looking at me like i'd made a big mistake, said he wanted to talk to me later. Maybe i did make a mistake. Questioning your superiors is not usually looked upon favourably especially when that superior would like nothing better but to roast you on the bbq. But that wasn't the end of it, his further actions could only be described as insane. Charging in here like action heroes. We had no idea what we were facing, there could have been two or two hundred enemies. We ended up having a face off with twelve of these heavily armed antman buggers. Nobody has been badly hurt to my knowledge, Quark was quite amusing though, shouting something about boots being ruined though.

    Anyway I don't know, i just don't know. I just hope that Captain Fred comes to his senses or that the commander will snap him back to reality soon so we can take a sensible course of action. Because in four and a half hours their special meds wear off...


    ...One thing i DO know is that i'm keeping my phaser close and on high stun. Oh yes, i am transferring the information from Doctor sheepy and I's study of these ant people. There are some gaps and a lot is based on guesswork for now but it's better then nothing, doctor jones will probably finish a cleaned up version soon.





    Medical Examination

    Subject(s): Antlike Life form Found On Board Sky Harbor Aegis

    State: 11 dead, 1 alive-unconscious

    Species: Unknown

    Medical Examiner(s): Dr. Sheepy Jones

                                         Dr. Victor Images


    Medical Examiner's Description

    The subjects have many insect-like features. They are carbon based. They can breathe in an oxygen-filled environment. They have antennae. Their bodies are split into the head, the thorax and the abdomen. On their heads are sharp pincers, capable of even cutting through some metals I would assume. They have a hard red exoskeleton. This exoskeleton was probably the reason our phaser shots had difficulty effecting them. It would also be conceivable that the exoskeleton blocked our scanning instruments until they were at close range making it difficult to detect their presence. There are many other similarities to the common ant in this species yet there are major differences.


    1. Vocal cords. The life forms have vocal cords and seem to show a use of a spoken language. This does not match their earth counterparts who lack such ability.


    2. The subject's brain size. The knowledge capacity of these life forms is huge. I would assume that this capacity even extends into telepathic ability. This theory would explain what the use of their antennae is. It sends out telepathic messages like a beacon. That is probably how the reinforcements were called during our earlier skirmish with a group of them. This brain capacity would also explain their use of a phaser rather then a more primitive means of attack.


    3. Bipedal. The subjects appear to walk on two legs like humans and this has affected their body structure. Their third (bottom) set of limbs is a lot larger then the upper sets and is shaped to support the weight of the body.


    4. Hands. The life forms upper sets of limbs do not end in the normal fashion for ants. They end with a set of sharp claws resembling hands. These "hands" are developed enough to hold and use a phaser and to use basic facilities I would conclude.



    These creatures were openly hostile and dangerous. Whether this is part of their neural make up making them naturally violent or because of a personal agenda I have no idea. All I know is that these creatures are anatomically developed enough to be a major threat to any member of this crew. Extreme caution is advised until further testing on the subjects with proper facilities is possible. The one live subject has been kept unconscious with the use of sedatives and attempts to set up restraints are under way.

  2. hello! resident irritant images here!

    I live on the opposite side of THE PLANET from the U.S (Hong Kong, come visit us so what if pnuemonia is spreading like wildfire!) and i love stsf, the good news is that the time most sims come on here is nicely placed at around 11 am the day after which is cool. The bad news is that i actually DO have a life, (okay i don't) and actually have to do stuff during the working weekdays. I was just wondering if anyone else out there suffers a similar time zone problem and would like to try to hug and kiss the gm's till one of them decides it would be a good plan to create more sims on friday and saturday so as to distract us long enough so they can call the cops and charge us with harrasment....that or we could just ask. By the way this is not a request to the Gm's for a new sim, i would never dare try to insult them! this is just me trying to see if anyone has the same problem as...me. anywho that was my whine.

    images whiner extraordinaire

  3. Hey you forgot the really obvious Bush mistake. such as those wonderful words and phrases






    or my favourite


    "Most of our foreign imports come from abroad"


    though i do have to admit that he hasn't said anything REALLY dumb for a while, either he's been replaced by a robot or he finally got that brain he wanted from the wizard!

  4. hey hey hey people! we need the UN, yes i do find that simpsons line "Do you want to be like the real UN or do you just wanna sit around and bicker?" very funny. but the thing is that the without the UN this planet would be more doomed then it already is! think of all the aid programmes, all the peacekeeping operations and all the human rights laws that they have set up. The reason that they don't go charging into war is because the first rule of the UN's policy is to preserve peace and only when the world is in full agreement will they take action. If you allow nations to run around willy nilly, attacking on a whim, then the UN has no reason to exist. They are not the fastest or the best organisation out there but i ask you, how could you make it better without corrupting it?

  5.  Captain ... I guess since "goddess" isn't an option, it will have to do.   :)  



    Nothing will have to do for a goddess! strike them down with your spooky coconut bra powers and demand a new rank or threaten to banish them to your shoe mines until they do!



    by the way everyone it;s 3 am on friday night over here in Hong Kong, and i've gotta lay off the disco dancing and the crazy ladies

  6. When events do fully transpire, please remember to keep our military in your prayers regardless if you believe war is justified or not.  Also remember the families of those who are fighting, they are as much involved as the men and women on the front lines.  God Bless America.

    eh? grom, you don't mind being called grom do you? good, so vick, u don't mind being called vick do you? it's a lot shorter. so grommy baby, you are kinda creepy! i don't think you can really say "whether  you think this war is justified" followed by "god bless america", it just makes my head hurt...what do you mean you don't like being called grommy baby?

  7. I want to complain about these boards. I am stupid, and on behalf of all stupid people, these boards are too complicated for me.

    You go fight for the right of stupid people! without those brave souls, McDonalds would never have been sued for the coffee incident, Bush would not have been elected and survivor would never be taken off the air. Let us hail these ignoramuses for what they have done for us! and once you've done that, proclaim me KING of the morons!

  8. >



    This Is The Personal Log Of Victor Images All Information Within Is Strictly Confidential


    Stardate 0303.15


    I really love my job. It's a strange way to start a log but i when i think about all of the things i could have been, being a member of Starfleet beats them all. I'm so far out in space that i feel like a Viking at the end of the flat world trying to decide whether or not to take a peek over the edge. And as a doctor just by being there to take care of the injured and the sick, i think that i can really make a difference in what happens. It's been a long road getting from there to here. I've just had to keep faith in the heart.


    Anyway, today's been one of those days that just reminds me about why i joined up. I was going into sickbay when I saw Dr. Jones sleeping on the settee. (That man is working so hard he's got to be getting a promotion soon.) After I put a blanket over him, I decided to do some medical tests on our new OPS officer Mr. Mogg. Most of the crew fear medical examinations like death itself and Mogg was no exception within seconds of entering sickbay he was running. I'm a little annoyed i didn't actually get down to testing him but I'll get him soon enough. However with all that faffing about with Mogg i accidently woke up Jones who sent me to give the Commander Ayers and the Captain their medication. Right now I think the Captain thinks of me somewhere between a cockroach and pocket lint, although from what I've heard from the crew that that's what he thinks of everybody so i feel at home with that. Next time i'll happily use my hypo a little more hard then usual just to give him an actual reason to hate me instead of whatever paranoid one he already has in his mind. While i was on the bridge I got to get a glimpse of the Aegis, absolutely beautiful, like a beacon of hope in the cold darkness of space. Little ships were buzzing around it like bugs drawn to a bright light. The Pandora's Box coming back to Aegis is very important to me, we should be going over very soon. Oh yes something strange happened, someone's been making a mess with the medical supplies and nicking stuff. Stupidity at it's best.



    After testing the unknown chemical in my sleep prescription i have discovered exactly what it is. I am definitly going to have a word with Dr. Jones about it.



  9. :::sitting back in a lawn chair on a beautiful beach, Dac in a chair beside him::


    ::Dac dressed in her hula skirt and coconut bra and the shoe of the day::


    ::::both sipping margaritas:::


    Why didn't we do this ages ago Dac??? :*


    <now.. don't all you little underlings feel jealous??> :cool:

    And it would have been so beautiful and romantic too if it hadn't been for the giant tidal wave, the radiatian spillage, the invading pirates and the insane jungle monkeys. They will be missed.

  10. so let me get this straight, i have WILLINGLY joined a forum populated a cocunut bra wearing goddess, someone who wishes to be her slave, someone who knows a little bit too much about ladies shoes, someone talking about leather fetishes and a whole other cast of characters. Up to this point i thought i'd hit an all time low, well let me tell you, I've taken a step up!!!   :)   get out the shoe shiner baby, rura penthe here i come!

  11. thank you, thank you all. It took some very hard thinking to think of that post so i want to thank for their inspiration my mother, my father, my sister, my brother, my daughter, my son, my grandma, my grandpa, my uncle, my auntie, my cousins, my nieces, my nephews, my friends, my co-stars, my dog, my cat, my four pet fish, my pet monkey-butler and Michael Jackson. We did it! We did it! thank you so much ::tear rolls down cheek::...



    ...do i get a check or something?