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Posts posted by Images

  1. Um sorry to be an outrageous limey but I have to correct you on the fingers thing. Over in the UK, its extremely less common to just use the middle finger or "flipping the bird" as you yanks say. The "bird" phrase doesn't really exist over here for young people, we just say "giving someone the finger".


    Now I have to tell you that "the finger" gesture itself isn't really related to the whole 100 years war thing. For that gesture, you're looking at "giving someone the V's". If you raise both the forefinger and middle finger and face the nails TOWARDS a person, you certainly aren't saying v for victory like churchill did! In fact after his ministers informed him what the sign the wrong way round meant, he never did it like that again in public. Its simply our lil way of saying F U to eachother. This is because with the old school bows you definitely needed BOTH fingers to pull it back and so the french cut both off so we flash both at 'em! One finger wouldn't make sense.


    There's often a mix up between the two insult's origins so there's no harm done really. I went to have a look on the old wikipedia and actually found out something quite interesting, that in fact the more widespread "finger" might predate the v's by quite a lot of time! As in the romans! I also suspected another possible link the page mentions with the old Italian "fungoo" bent elbow insult.


    Here ya go.



    "The same story has circulated in the US as a supposed explanation for the use of the middle finger as an obscenity, with the added flourish of saying the slang term for the sign, "flipping/giving the bird," has something to do with feathers on arrows. This is absolutely untrue, as the middle-finger sign dates at least to ancient Rome and definitely symbolizes a ######; "giving the bird" dates to 1800s British theatrical slang, meaning to be driven off stage by goose-like hisses, and was apparently connected to the middle-finger sign by US military pilots in the 1960s"


    Oh and Grommie, we're all Brits anyway so meh. *shrug* :D

  2. I know its all about motivation in training but I slightly feel such chanting for blood and death is not too conducive to a soldier's future psyche when he may be in a tense situation and could end up doing something silly he might really regret. If a grunt thinks back to his training and that's what he remembers the most, triggers could get pulled that don't need to be.


    Sorry to be a killjoy and all. *throws in his two pence*

  3. Okay, from all my friends and family...

    A pirated complete series of "Firefly" and "Carnivale"

    A shower radio with fancy shower gel

    A film studies book

    3 packs of smokes

    A Small cocktail shaker with a book of cocktails

    The little book of lists

    A stylish shirt

    A new computer

    And whatever my girlfriend gives me when I get back home :P

  4. I'm pretty sure Travis once found Santa in his house, thought he was a junkie trying to steal his 24 DVD's so he beat him to death. Only after he'd committed his heinous crime he realised what he'd done so he went outside, shot the assembled frightened deer and proceeded to mash the assembled hodgepodge of victims in his bathtub into some kind of stuffing which he sent to the local shelter for their Christmas dinner.


    That's right kids, santa's dead.


    But the homeless got a tasty meal so really, travis is quite a lovely nice man.


    Its a shame thats rather a moot point though since the big guy in red is currently making his way through ol' drunk freddy's bowels at the moment.

  5. Hmm...actually, what's keeping us from getting together? How many Europeans are there on here; three, four? I mean it's not like we need to accomodate a lot of people. Let's go take over France or something.


    Summer perhaps? Know any geek events happening you know about?


    Haha! We've pillaged this thread!

  6. I'm in images. I mean I don't even have enough relatives to sell in order to pay for a trip to Vegas but anywhere in Britain is actually feasible. Just make sure we go to a place where I can get some good Guinness.


    Arg I'm so irritated. Looking up UK geek events I found out a huge trek thing's happenin' in london on the 5th of january, way too soon. :lol:


    Maybe it should be my new years resolution to stop whining like a child and do something. actually plan an event. :P

  7. Nuns are always up to something. Jesus'll do that to ya...


    Yeah man, of course he's a bad influence. He comes from a messed up family! His dad got his mum knocked up while she was married and went back up North I heard. Typical broken home. He tried to get out of the street life one time when he started a sandwich shop but with only one type of bread available and only fish on the fillings menu it was doomed to fail.

  8. I dont have any holiday wishes, seeing as how my lovely neighbors decided to set up a wireless network for their house, basically allowing me to steal their internet, and hence forth return while I search for permenant liveage.



    Heh, well its their own fault really. Its easy to make a wireless network secure from scrubbers like us by simply putting a password in.


    My student house made sure its the first damn thing we did! In the dodgy area we live in, there are muggings, robberies and hydroponic rooms, I doubt bandwidth stealing is considered rude! :lol:


    There may be a nun living across the road but I'm pretty sure she's up to something too... :P

  9. What does it matter to ya,

    When you got a job to do?

    You gotta do it well

    You gotta give the other fellow hell!


    - Wings



    The district had seen better days. Rubbish was scattered on the ground in piles, the nearby buildings were covered in unsightly cracks and a few of the structures were obviously uninhabited. The occasional piece of rusted, broken machinery lay abandoned in the street. The after-effects of the Dominion war on the local scale were blatantly apparent. Resources that would have been used to keep a place like this going had been siphoned off to keep the front supplied and in doing so had let the area degrade. It was quite pitiful, and most horrible to be about in.




    The rain didn’t help either.




    Atticus crouched behind the wreck of some type of personal transport vehicle, soaked to the bone. But he couldn’t feel the water showering on him, couldn’t sense the icy cold enveloping him, he was concentrating too hard for that.




    He was on the prowl.




    J’Ai had double-crossed them like the Trill knew he would. That meant trouble any way you looked at it.




    The betrayal may have just been a lack of information given. Perhaps there were things J’Ai knew about the mission that his moronic faith in the founders prevented him from telling. Maybe he’d been grabbed by associates with a vicious agenda and was now only realizing how much his silence had damned him. And he’d likely die with that foolishness.




    That was the nicest possibility though by far.




    If there were acquaintances of J’Ai’s here, perhaps their intentions weren’t so unfriendly towards him at all. Perhaps this whole mission was a way for J’Ai to get ferried back to his compadres whilst also getting an opportunity to spy on one of the most important Federation vessels in the Gamma Quadrant.




    That was still not as bad as what Segami began to suspect was the honest truth.




    This was a trap. A deadly one.




    Excalibur had been distracted by something, Al-Ucard were mentioned. That was a major coincidence considering their current situation and as he’d voiced to the team, though he believed in coincidences, that he agreed they happened every day, he sure as hell didn’t trust them.




    With the ship occupied the away team were all on their own, completely isolated. The proverb “divide and conquer” was definitely not far from the security officer’s lips. The entire group could be picked off one by one by the time Excalibur heard about it and in all likeliness if that happened, J’Ai’s helping hand would be involved.




    But not if Segami had anything to say about it.




    If the little rotter had beamed out he could be anywhere, maybe a thousand miles away or on a ship. But if he hadn’t, then there was a chance he was still nearby. A big chance. Popping out of view is easy, it only requires a few moments of opportunity and the nerve to do it. The hard part is getting away.




    Atticus rolled out of his spot and barreled through the torrent of damp towards a nearby pile of rubble. He scoped it out, keeping his body in as small a target size as possible. He didn’t know or care if there were Jem’Hadar in the district, a person in his charge had escaped and he was not going to stand for it. If those horned hotheads did appear and fire on him he’d drop his weapon immediately and raise his hands but he hoped it wouldn’t come to that.




    To explain his determination, it didn’t matter that Laarell had ordered him to back off away from the ‘survivor’, it didn’t matter that he’d only followed procedure by taking the lead in the team to maintain safety. It was still his fault J’Ai had got away. Nobody’s perfect, but every Starfleet officer knows that performing duties with anything less than perfection can always bite them in the ass before a hearing. This escape was a personal insult, a blight on his record which if not resolved quickly would remain forever. Just like Kathleen’s death on his soul.








    The average person would never have noticed it. It had just been a quick, dark blur. A humanoid figure had stood from behind a crate of some sort and darted into an alley. Segami considered staying in place as told for a moment but remembering his duty as well as the motion sensor he’d left on the platform, he sprinted after his quarry.




    He stopped at the alley’s entrance and leaned round the corner. It was dark and foreboding, the exact picture of “perfect spot for an ambush” in any dictionary. Anyone who walked in there surely had the odds against them.




    He tapped his commbadge and spoke in a cold deadpan voice.




    “Commander Laarell, possible threat identified. In pursuit.”




    As he flicked on the rifle’s torch and prepared to step into the black he whispered to himself in jest,




    “Well, no one lives forever, not even me”




    Then considering what Corizon’s instructions were regarding the escapee he added with a lot more menace,




    “And certainly not you J’Ai.”

  10. Hello santa!


    I want...


    A new computer. Something that will live for a while and not be outdated in a month.


    Or a tailored suit. Something that just says "I'm the man". In navy or black. Not one of these lightweight, somewhat tacky things you see in a lot of clubs. If you've seen the end to casino royale you know what I'm talking about. Pure class.


    And why is your lap poking me santa?