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STSF Precip

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Everything posted by STSF Precip

  1. Woah....Ablative Armor is not standard on Federation vessels. The armor disappates energy over it's surface first , then at a certain energy exposure level the stuff actually boils of at a controlled rate. That is the stuff actually carries a large portion of the energy striking its surface by boiling off into a molecular cloud. The moloculer cloud produced by the "boil-off" may actually disperse incoming beam energy as well. Ablative Armor was unavailable for General Starfleet use before 2372 and it presumably was first installed on Defiant Class Vessels. Prometheus Class Vessels are also known to be equipped with it. -Precip PS...I got the term "Boil-off" From a DS9 book. But from what it they describe happening to the armor when its hit by a beam...it sounds more like Sublimation...a direct shift from the solid phase of matter to gas.
  2. Happy Birthday HD! Keep on Trekkin` !! -Precip
  3. The Toaster shopping comment by Apollo drew a laugh from me as well. The Cylons, although they failed to take out Galactica...certainly won in the body count catagory. I also can understand why they dont use the Centurions too often, must chew up their budget with all that CGI. (hence perhaps the lure to use Six and Boomer so often?) I think the best dramatic point was the Adama "child" scene. A well delivered image by the Six character to Baltar's goofed up mind. Just a head's up....We will be seeing the Battlestar Pegasus in the future...but in what form, or circumstance....we shall have to wait and see! ^_^ -Precip
  4. Galactica has a lot of ...well big shoes to fill after season one. I enjoyed the Second episode....suprised they had a Viper/Raider fight... So few Pilots left... Agree with you on Saul's flashbacks Travis..Glad to see an episode focus on him. And I think we shall see next week these "Reinvented Galactica" Cylon Toasters..are not to be made fun of! Precip
  5. I'll never forget the academy "Ketchup". LoAmi is correct, unless you actually have a shoreleave academy sim...you shouldn't enjoy barbeque on duty. Without a doubt one of the best GM action statements in STSF history. Quite certain Fred was responsible for it...but it was a while back. -Precip
  6. I confess, despite the likely bad voice-overs I prefer watching Anime with them. I tend to like Mecha featured stuff, Robotech, Macross 2; Appleseed (the older version which I thought was hilariously dubbed well). I dont mind the songs left in Japanese, but reading titles draws my attention from the screen. -Precip
  7. Hey all, While I usually am not a fan of resurrecting topics; I found something that suprised me on the Battlestar Galactica homepage. Apparently on July 9th, NBC will be airing in HI-DEF three episodes of Battlestar Galactica's First Season. I thought SCI FI on the major networks was taboo these days. I have no idea why NBC is doing this...For SCI FI though it is a coup, since it will generate "buzz" for the following week's debut of their second season. Not many of us of course have Hi-Def but the idea of one of the big three putting on a cable channel's science fiction show seems quite fascinating. Is NBC looking to fill a void during the summer season with something different than reality TV? Hmmph... -Precip
  8. Hard to pin them down to Just one Album or song, but Ill go with these two- Album- "Straight out of Compton" NWA Song- "Feint" Linkin Park -Precip
  9. My gosh Precip llstens to Music?? Linkin Park Evanescence Mariah Carey Dido Eagles Dr. Dre Eminem The Game Ludacris NWA Jay Z Destiny's Child Korn (first albums) Tears for Fears Enya Enigma Duran Duran Culture Club Human League Rage Against the Machine Kelly Clarkson Metallica
  10. I think Paramount will never allow another studio to produce a Star Trek Television series, and money spent or made will be theirs. If I suspended my belief in the above, Id run into another obstacle for SCI FI to carry Enterprise. The simple fact it already has a sucessful "Space" show ..that is Battlestar Galactica. Battlestar is not cheap to make, and I highly doubt the people at SCI-FI would be willing to spend what was needed to keep Enterprise going. _Precip
  11. Hope ya`ll had a great time in Vegas! Welcome back! I must ask: Was the Monorail working for SLW3? Any Thunderstorms? (seems to recall the last SLWs were stormy) Any clearance sales on Enterprise Merch at the Experience? Did ya'll try that Insanity thing? -Precip
  12. Nice work Tovan! BTW...Given that armament, I dont think any Desk Selling Ferengi will get anywhere near us to exploit the market! -Precip
  13. Wow..thats impressive work there. Now I know what Chief Van Roy look like! -Precip
  14. And only if Bolians were in the Sims Universe! Agh! -Precip
  15. Personal Log Lt Cdr Precip Starbase 9 For the record I am using a personal PADD to record my Log until I have confidence in this Station's Computer System. Once we are presumably reassigned to the USS Manticore...I shall record logs using my standard routine. We have been assigned to Starbase 9 by the Consul General, a highly automated Starbase to test her facilities. From the exterior, the station appears to be a new design; The interior likewise. It appears our mission is to test the capabilities of this large station, using the crewsize we have. I feel however our crew is not quite in shape to test this new station, given our recent exchange with the Liberator. Several severely injured crewmembers have been taken to Station's state of the art Medical facilites. Yet our doctors were not given any additional personel onboard Starbase 9 to assist them, let alone give them some rest time. Combat takes its toll on personel as well as equipment. I dont see why the Consul General didn't think of this. Of course, our physicians are top notch..perhaps I am overtly concerned on this one matter. Clearly however, After the Run-in with the Liberator, I feel the Consul General is not on top of her game. Earlier, The realm of Black Ops which I envisioned her command was simply Manticore herself and perhaps another support vessel to deal with two crises at once. Three Galaxy Class Starships, the Runymede...and the corrupted Liberator have corrected my earlier view. I feel her hidden operations have expanded to the point where they cannot remain hidden. This could be extremely damaging to the Federation. We dodged a bulllet at Wolf 359...or perhaps I should say..the Consul General did. I have commented my thoughts to Captain Sovak. However his response, in my mind suggested the only course of action was mutiny against the Consul General. Has she become so powerful, that this is the only way one can express disagreement with her policies and decisions? Where have the checks and balances in Starfleet gone? I have had these doubts about Black operations before while serving onboard Manticore. I have been able to set them aside when dealing with junior officers, and for the sake of saving many lives. Unfortunately I feel these doubts will forever remain in me..for My career will always be in Special Operations. For I dont see a way for an individual who has seen what I have seen, to blow a whistle..or simply walk away. End log.
  16. First of all....great post. In my opinion you are dead on about what this episode revolved around, loyalty..in respect to two different officers generations apart. I liked how it showed future Federation crewmen actually knowing about NX-01 and her crew. I agree with other posters that this would of been a good season finale...or better a November sweeps scale of episode. As one of those whose watched TNG as it was first being shown; the cut scenes to the Enterprise D didn't bother me a bit. I actually enjoyed them. Seeing the Enterprise D in today's CGI enviornment was royal. Sure the sets at that time weren't decked out like Voyager's...let alone Enterprises..but it was cool to see those Flat LCARS panels, the Holodecks and the even the heavily used ready-room again. (Of course the same statement would probably be made for TOS era fans). In retrospect this episode appeared to be two arcs spliced together...the link being how crewman deal with the issue of loyalty. I would of liked to have seen a stronger sublot than Shran's daughter being abducted...some crisis of greater nature. However, since I feel this script was for a meant for a sweeps period (Nov or Feb) It did the best it could...given it wasnt meant to be I feel...A series finale script. -Precip
  17. Congrats Mithraia Coeur!!! The Kbear and Precip Show would like wish Mithraia Coeur many more exciting adventures in STSF!! Good Luck in the fleet! -Kbear and Precip
  18. Welcome Cadet Taalix! We hope you enjoy your simming experience in our academies, and remember to ask you hosts any questions you might have. They'll be ready to get you up to warp speed on things! -Precip
  19. Retraction System under development? Did I hear that in that report? Yikes!! Utter Insanity indeed. I regret I wont be coming this year, even if I did not for a million dollars would I go on that thing!!! Look forward to hearing all the lowdown from this years events! -Precip
  20. I think we can say with quite certainty, that the Star Trek Franchise will be returning to its "cash cow" state as some would describe a period of time without Trek on TV. Paramount content with revenue generated by books, videos...et al. Anything done in the future..will have to have Mr. Berman's nod...or blessing. This includes the person who takes the reigns when Mr. Berman's contract is up of course. As to who that would be time will only tell. Enterprise was a great risk...The premise fresh. But the premise could not escape tangling with the proberbial concept of "revisionist history." A most disagreeable idea to some, which in my opinion deterred some potential viewers. If it sounds as if I am basically saying it isnt coming back on TV ..I am. And if by miraculous chance I end up being wrong...feel free to pull this up and paste it saying Precip blew the forecast! -Precip Precip
  21. Congradulations Grommie! :P So there is hope for us nerd bachelors! B) -Precip
  22. I thoroughly enjoyed the Season Finale. Although I must admit, I should of seen it coming. And just think..This guy (Ron Moore) Did Trek!....Heck! Shame on B and B! He'll have his hands full for season two...more epis...means more work, maybe some additional Trek writers may migrate Sci Fi's way. -Precip
  23. Mighty Kind of you. Thank you. -Precip
  24. Our Mission: USS Cloverbud has been ordered to retreive an Out of commissioned vessel at Starbase 85 and transport it to the Shipyard for dismantelment. The Ship being decommissoned is the USS Tango. Our Crew: CO->Kbear OPS -->Ens Chase TAC -->Devon Aster HELM->Kaizer 911 SECURITY CSEC -->AdmTlara ASEC1 -->Tovan ENGINEERING CENG -->Cadet T-Vin SCIENCE CSCI -->LtJg Daryud MEDICAL CMO -->Ens M rrrisha
  25. I must confess I am one of those that was getting a bit fatigued at the "Six" running around in Baltar's head. I have been wanting to see Baltar interact with other characters of the show without interruption from "Six". However, the last episode did play "Six" well, steering him into religous belief..instead of satisfying another element of his pysche. This religious aspect adds another aspect to Baltar. A future religous zealot? Stay tuned. The Recent episode where Galactica Stages a raid on a Cylon fuel depot was amazing. It had characters being developed..yet centered on a risky combat mission. My only disappointment was ambiguious mopping up of the Cylon fighter force after they blew the mine. Galactica as posters have already mentioned is getting extremely thin on vipers. Worse pilots. Something has to be done in the future about this. The good news is they (producers) are aware of the Viper/Viper Pilot shortage. They actually keep updated counts on the website. See the Producer's Blogs as well. Foodstuffs are a big...big issue as well. It's unavoidable, It appears though the producers are angling on the need for a Government (aka transition of power..voting representation) to be tackled first. Perhaps once a government is somehow miraculously created, the issue of drafting military personel could be implement. Helping the Viper issue. Food would be the next chapter...for one does not simply run into a McD Colonial Burger Fast food station fatten up at. They would have to secure a planet first for harvest.....Kobol? I am still pleased with this show. I think Ron Moore is doing a fantastic job...and he isnt afraid to mention his old Trek ties in his Blogs...along with other interesting thoughts. The show has made the TV Guide Cover. Things are looking up for this show in the sci fi universe. -Precip