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STSF Precip

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Everything posted by STSF Precip

  1. Happy Birthday Fred! Party Responsibly Fred...Not too many coconuts! -Precip
  2. Image: Typical Display Of Suburban Southern California Sports Utility Vehicle Superiority Complex.... Driver overheard saying: "I can go over anything anywhere anytime whatever the cost! Err...Wait....What's this sinkhole!!! No Problem...Just steer with one hand my cell in the other..dodge the cones...whoopsie! Precip
  3. LoL! Which Airline is the most flexible with Carry-ons!!!! Precip
  4. Thanks Guys! You are all too kind! Odd the Weather Freaks have the same Birthday! Lol! -Precip
  5. Hotel Reservations at the Omni Championsgate Have been made. They were very helpful and had the STSF in their databanks...coolness. Needless to say, I'll be purchasing some sunblock and bugspray..and maybe a disposible camera to catch some goings on. Precip
  6. Oh man....Garnoopy is going to be so P`od about where I parked the plane!! C`mon Triple A I need a can of gas!
  7. Speaking for myself Kbear, Yes I am putting in the Vacation paperwork tommorrow at work. I'll speak to you more at the "show" Sunday Night. -Precip
  8. ::In the 1950's "Fly" Voice:: Heelllp!! We're siiinkinggg!!!!! Heellllp!!!
  9. Actually not all of us drink...Well I guess I can speak for myself only..heh. :lol: Precip
  10. I thought at first if was a dream sequence as well, but that's what I get for watching Star Trek for so many years! After listening to the Podcast, I am convinced we are not in Baltar's head..they explicitly said that wasn't the case. For a Star Trek viewer...for a writer to do something like this on a show is something new...albiet risk taking ..alienating some fans. But I think it's a change from the Sci-Fi norm of waking up from a dream and everything is back status quo. If that doesnt work think this they invested the money in an outdoor refugee camp set such as New Caprica...Galactica has an extremely tight budget..we'll see this place for several episodes. Remember when we thought Pegasus was going to go bye bye real fast? Probably just a midrange arc on New Caprica...my educated guess from reading RDM interviews on boards. The final goal of course is Earth..much to Baltar's chargrin Precip
  11. Question: Am I reading correctly that a caravan to the Space Center would be on the arrival day the 14th of July? Curious. Precip
  12. A very darn good show...A big Gamble I dare say with your core audience. But an opportunity to perhaps draw a new audience in. And according to the Podcasts from the Producers..it wasnt a dream. Indeed they are rolling the dice..and taking risks; Unlike the late Trek shows. BTW Micheal Taylor has just joined the Galactica writing team. Precip
  13. Balloon Guy: My Little Pony..My Little Pony.... (Ack dated myself here) Precip
  14. So is Ron Moore using some Star Trek "tricks" on BSG? I'll comment more on that last 1/2 hour when everyone else sees it. But regarding waiting unitl October... Frak! That's a lot to ask from fans. I was going to have a struggle to make it to July. This is a deviation from SCI-FI's norm of rolling out all of SCI FI Friday shows together as a unit. I think...Galactica would of been ready for 10 epis in July at least like her fellow Friday night shows..but something else to consider perhaps. This show is not 100% SCIFI's. SkyOne and Universal/NBC have a say in things too. Now I honestly cannot say how what time of year SkyOne rolls out the rest of it's programming but an October rollout is consistent with a major network seasonal rollout (give or take three weeks). Battlestar Galactica has recieved much praise from the press. Has NBC decided to actually give it a slot for the fall O6 lineup? The show is filmed HD something SciFi hasnt been utililized but NBC has (recall Battlestar was on NBC as a time filler one night...I believe it was season one finale it's been a while). I admit I dont have anything to back up this hypothesis and it would be odd for NBC to air a show that would of been broadcasted earlier in the week on a Cable network. It does pack a heck of a lot of drama and the tech that would bog down some people on star trek just isnt there. It has recieved a wealth of favorable reviews...maybe someone else wants their piece of the pie in their lineup too. Precip (wanton speculator)
  15. Kbear, You going????!!!! Darn My Boss! Darn Him...and his headquarters is very close to Hurricane Nerd's projected path....hmmm. Frak!!! Precip
  16. "Now Sonny I told you I didn't mind my picture on the Superior Turf-Sod Farm dot com thingy...but you darn put me on some Star Trek Hippie Site!"
  17. Oh boy...that is a clever one there CaptainSDavies Precip
  18. The "Beast" is truely a beast. Pegasus has gone through what..three CO's now? LOL I suppose since we know Apollo will not die...the "Beast" will have to settle for something else. Pegasus took what...Three Nukes in "Captain's Hand". I certainly hope Ron Moore is not going to take us down Voyager lane with the Indestructable ship syndrome. Still it is a huge ship...and if I heard correctly from "Scar" They build Vipers on her. That is amazing. Pegasus is certainly a tough nut to crack from the outside...we'll just have to see as I suspect...and speculate...how she handles a nuke detonating in her, courtesy of Baltar. Precip
  19. Curious where the idea for this game came from..its fun to watch. This particular entry...the Kitten packing some serious sniper heat...has produced some very funny entries. Good Luck to the judge on this one. Precip
  20. And I was told by the Bloody Car Rental Company I was getting an adjustable seat with the car. -Precip
  21. Yes Michelle Forbes did an admirable guest spot as Admiral Cain. I enjoyed the Resurrection ship Epi's. The ship fan in me wanted the space battle to be a bit more expanded; but the creators have made it clear character issues not Galactica Tech are their top priority. Which is probably why the show is getting great reviews. Precip
  22. Ah..The SteamRunner Class... A First Contact CGI Construct..I think the best information on this vessel would be from Star Trek: The Magazine. Nothing of note is in the Star Trek Encyclopedia in terms of a "role" this starship had. Apparently Smaller than the Norway Class yet larger than the agile...Sabre Class Starship (both First Contact CGI Starships). I guess you could break the First Contact Debut Starships down this way... Akira-Heavy Cruiser Norway-Medium Cruiser Steamrunner-Light Cruser Sabre-Destroyer Out of these guys, I think I have made it known the Akira design is my all time favorite amongst all Canon Starships created. An updated, larger Miranda with Teeth! Precip
  23. Aye Caramba Blu! Sorry about this. I hope you heal up quickly! Precip
  24. It took a year and a half for a clever eye to find this little inside Gag ZOIC studios did on Battlestar Galactica. It would seem the colonials are no longer so vulnerable anymore. I apologize for the image size..but they really tried to sneak this one in. Precip PS: Of course it could be the Hood!
  25. Fred, I did some back checking and apparently the shot of the Rag Tag Fleet with the Enterprise floating around was lifted from the End of the MiniSeries. Precip