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Posts posted by MisterSmith

  1. First Lieutenant Brian Smith walked into Science Lab Three. The room was fairly dark. He would have to get with engineering on that. Scientists work best in as much light as possible.


    In the shadows, near a fairly large instrument panel, He saw a body that he hadn't crossed paths with in quite a while.


    "So," he started. "How was that shore leave of yours."


    "Ahh, it was good sir. I went shopping then had a nice dinner at the station's restaurant." Pierre said. He felt bad having shoreleave while Smith had to mind the bridge, but it was one of the few perks of being the low man on the totem pole on a given ship.



    "Yeah. I wish I'd had some. But it comes with the territory. I'm gonna make sure I grab some on our next stop. Whenever that may be."


    He stepped on the other side of the computer monitor, trying to get a closer look at the piece of debris. It was highly damaged, and it was hard for him to tell, by sight, what kind of weapons caused the damage.


    "Have you found anything interesting?"


    "Yes sir. This time, the damage seems to have been caused by a concentrated disruptor type weapon. Origns as of yet are unknown. But is is very strong" replied he.



    "Wow...Let me take a closer look."


    Pierre moved enought to let Smith have a closer look. Smith noticed a pattern in the weapons fire. He knew exactly who had attacked this ship, and he knew he had to tell the Commander.


    "Great work Pierre. I've got to get this to the Commander. Keep working and see if you can't get deeper into this mess."


    Brian headed for the turbolift, PADD in hand, to hand-deliver his findings to the Commander. The readings were that important, and he knew very well that something fishy had transpired in the Hekara sector, for more than just the last few days.

  2. What about a new set of academy's known as Departmental Training Institutes.


    You could rotate the department that is featured for the week, and ask for advanced simmers from that department to assist the GM's in training the academy students. It wouldn't be required for graduation, but it might be used sort of as "extra-credit" for academy simulations, and maybe even some of the GM's could offer points/credits toward promotions, if you went and represented your sim.


    Just a thought...But I'd be glad to help if it happened.


    Mister Smith

  3. Apparently they graduate you even if you can't fix a single system. :lol:

    Just keep the CO's happy.


    I was on a Wed. Sim with Atragon and Dacotah. I was CSEC and we were transporting a very annoying delegate somewhere. All they did was keep asking questions about what all the buttons were for on the bridge. We made it down to Engineering and someone died...somehow (Don't remember...).


    Dac was disappointed, but thankful that I got the nuisance off her Bridge.


    Therefore...I'm alive and kicking...A year and a half later.


    Señor Smith

  4. Brian Smith sat in his Office, located on deck 6. This was the first time he'd found time to sit in there. He had spent alot of time getting acquainted with the various labs and rooms under his control like Astrometrics and Stellar Cartography.


    He pulled a PADD out of the cabinet and began to type:



    =/\= Tholian Investigation Report =/\=

    Science Department, USS Reaent

    1Lt. Brian Smith, M.d., Chief of Science


    Investigation Team Members:

    1Lt. Brian Smith, M.d.

    Ens. Pierre La Toque

    Ltn. Aaron von Scherer


    Findings: On the Tholian Ship, the away team of 1Lt. Smith and Ltn. Scherer discovered a high concentration of Trilithium in a cargo bay. Some of it was in a container and more was radiating from a Structural Forcefield that was protecting a gaping hole in the hull of the ship.


    Analysis: Upon discussion between the Science staff and Ltn. Scherer, our findings are that the Jeffries tube-type structures on the Tholian ship can be used to act as a canal for which to direct an explosion throughout the ship. It is also our finding, that Ambassador Triscan was somewhat purposely given quarters near the tube system, in order to be vulnerable.


    More Information to Follow




    Brian moved out of the office with the PADD in hand and headed to the turbolift.




    And the turbolift sped away.

  5. Yeah...I found the same roster Online...


    Ogawa is Chief Nurse, not CMO...which is suprising to me...She also brings her son along.


    I think it's Melora Pel or something like that that wears a gravity suit...


    Just offering more advice


    Senor Smith



    Oh...and Shelby's not part of the crew...But has anyone read the book...It's either in the A Time to... series or the Double Helix series where Shelby's on as acting XO and she and Riker have some heated fueds...They're great...some of the things he says.

  6. Star Trek: Communicator's latest issue has a few things about the new book series, including a look at the crew.


    The senior staff shapes up quite nicely:


    CO: Riket, of Course

    XO: Christine Vale (She's in the A Time to... series as Worf's Sucessor)

    CNS: Mrs. Riker of Course

    CSEC/2X0: Mr. Tuvok (I was actually suprised by this one...But he provides a veteran feel)


    You'll have to read the books or the magazine for the rest...I don't remember those.


    I do know that it is not a Titan-class ship, it is a Luna-class ship. Apparently, the fans are going to create the ship. If Frakes likes it enough, we might see a movie about the Titan that he would direct...Because the two TNG movies that he directed were more sucessful than the others...


    Hmm...Now that I think about it...I wanna say Commander Shelby was part of the crew...O well...I'll go home and see...

  7. I think Star Trek would be well served to do some sort of mini-series that focuses on the back stories of some of our characters. Some Examples:


    Data's first years as an android with Dr. Soong


    Picard and Crusher's years on the Stargazer with Jack


    Most Interesting: Chakotay, Torres, and Tuvok's time with the Maquis. It'd be a perfect series.


    Star Trek: Maquis


    If Star Trek ever does find a new home, I think the worst problem would be finding a good producer like Manny Coto to take the reigns. I think the Okudas and the Westmores and the rest of the show's crew like Rush and Zimmerman would all love to come back to the job they've been doing for 20 years. Finding the right man to run the show would probably be the biggest problem.

  8. The Reaent is (I Think) an Ambassador Class Refit with a long history.


    It is in the near-TNG Era


    And it is an Exploration-Scientific Vessel


    If you have any more questions, Reno, be sure to stop by a sim, or ask someone from the ship.

  9. I've always wanted to be the first one to offer some good advice...


    Locutus, as a cadet, you should check the schedule on the website, and then attend as many as you can, so that you can learn just what it takes to be on an advanced sim.


    Then, once you graduate from the academy, you can pick an advanced sim (or two) , and attend that sim weekly.


    So, I guess your answer would be...No, you don't have to attend EVERY SIM.


    Mr. Smith


    P.S.: Be sure to check out some advanced sims, such as Reaent on Thursdays, to observe what goes on in the sims.