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Everything posted by Montague

  1. Personally, I like my type three, I wont get in trouble for using on the unsuspecting public... ^_^
  2. Robot> Prepare to DIE!!!! Paris> Aw, hell, the ONE day im trapped in the 1950's withut a phaser... Tuvok> Worrying is illogical I wil just nerve pinch him. :: pinches robot, nothing happens:; ::realizes his mistake:: Oh yeah, its a robot.... well... in that case... um... we come in peace? ::smiles weakly:: Paris> ::sighs:: Oy....
  3. Computer, access personal log. Begin recording. You cant let your guard down for one second around this ship! :sigh: I'm surprised that anyone on this ship was astute or agressive enough to pursue the course that Connor did... interrogating me at phase pistol point, now that's what I call gutsy.... maybe its this weird blue ale that I got from a large eared salesman talking, but I admire his tenacity... if not his intelligence, he could have picked a better time than when we were infiltrating an enemy ship. In any case... I shouldn't continue, I have other logs to write... ugh, we just got back... End log.
  4. soeone who's name began with an S, perhaps? or maybe a female with a T in the beggining of the name?
  5. Thank god I'm a commander... I can only imagine what they have the ensigns wearing... Note to self: Remember regulation underpants tommorow.
  6. Ok, I have to say that you are ALL wrong, but Tachyon came closer, so it is his question :D I would explain it myself, but I gotta set up my new LifeDrive :D :D :D :D :D
  7. This afternoon while eating some yogurt at knifepoint, I wondered, does anyone else do this?
  8. Lifetime: television for idiots. wad of cash or walletful of cash?
  9. How do shields repel oblects and energy? And a gold star if you dont own the book ^_^
  10. Hey, can you change mine to Eater of the Grapes of Wrath? Please and thank you ^_^
  11. Changeling Shape-shifter Chameloid allasomorph That is four, so live with it ^_^ Just because it is not what you expected does not mean that it is an answer to your question:P
  12. Changeling Shape-shifter Founder allasomorph
  13. Blast, that was my job.... ach! I'm poor now ^_^
  14. BLAST!
  15. ::continues tipping hat:: That I do, mam, That I do. They even gave me this handy guide: Instructions For Eating for Profit Step One: Acquire some tribbles that you desire to consume. Step Two: Produce a knife, or dagger. Step Three: Spear the tribble onto the utensil. Step Four: Bring the Tribble into the mouth and withdraw the knife while leaving the Tribble inside the mouth. Step Five: Chew. Step Six: Chew thoroughly. Step Seven: Swallow. Step Eight: Repeat the proccess until the rest of the ftribbles has been devoured. Step Nine: Chide yourself for needing a guide to such a simple concept. ^_^ ::hat falls:: Ok, I'll stop. n...... ow!
  16. ::tips hat:: Just doin' my job mam'
  17. sector z-6? Well, thats all I've got, pulled it off some mold old TOS episode... cant remember whichone...
  18. I have a love of eating things that are cute and cuddly ^_^ ::remembers those brave tribbles:: Mmmm!
  19. Is the system's name Romii?
  20. Shame on you. ^_^ P2P.... How are they going to make money then? But seriously, how is SciFi going to get a new series when they produce GARBAGE regularly, all of those horrible cliche, low rated movies have to cost something and it seems that they dont want to stop producing this trash.
  21. Ill have to go with Vulcan.
  22. The USS Soverign NCC-7245- F ^_^
  23. ElectroPlasma System Conveys power through the ship ^_^ BLAST! too late!
  24. 24 miles an hour
  25. Computer, access personal log. Begin recording. Four years... Heh, I thought it would be much longer... This Defiant from the future... it is the third most amazing thing I've ever seen. The second being the warp five engine for the first time and the first... ::sigh:: That one will be just for me. This day has brought back many memories that Iwouuld have rather left in the past... It is a wonder that people haven't said anything, especially when I was working with the little hunk of junk that the ISS Challenger's crew had the nerve to call a shield generator. ::sigh:: again with the shields... It seems that I cant escape from my fate and I have had this over my head for four years. Ugh... Maybe I shouldn't have had those drinks... This is becoming less and less of a log and more of a chain of thought so I think I should just -- End personal log.