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Nicolas Lepage

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Everything posted by Nicolas Lepage

  1. ::takes hat and puts it on:: Thanks folks I hope you'll all make it to Aegis' anniversary tonight. Drinks will be on me. This is for you Victor...if you try to avoid me again by pretending there's no relief available I'm gonna drag you into Drankum's myself. :D
  2. Happy birthday guys! ::quickly goes to search the house for some bananas::
  3. I just hope you bring the right man 'cos twelve days with the wrong guy...
  4. Well then everyone should go for water food and erm...one personal item...I'd go for a toilet...dang no paper though...
  5. If I have a DVD player and enough good DVDs I can go without food for a long time, trust me.
  6. Happy birthday guys!
  7. Well last time I checked it was round $6.10/gallon (I double-checked this figure.) in Germany. So does anyone still wonder why I can't afford a car?
  8. IM with koolaidman but instead of a VCR I'd bring a DVD player and hope there's electricity in the bunker.
  9. Back in sickbay Nick returned to the desk and picked up a PADD. His thoughts, however, were instantly distracted. He could not help but think about the conversation he had had with Victor. Certainly Dr. Images was right complaining about the way Commander Hawke treated him in front of others. But somehow Nicolas got the feeling that she had a good reason for risking a complaint by the doctor. He did not know what exactly had happened but somehow he was certain that the Commander's story would be very different from what Victor had told him. This thought made him smile. Whenever he heard two different persons' versions of a story it made him wonder about history. Nick tossed the PADD back on the pile, got up and got himself a coffee. Back at the desk he sat down and allowed himself a few more minutes to drink his coffee and think about the past events. He had still not quite gotten over the surprise that Mimi had not been promoted to CMO. He had been sure that was going to happen. Now they had a new chief...for one year. Nick frowned. He didn't have to understand the decision and he was sure whoever made it must have had a good reason. Dr. McKinny seemed like the right person for the job. She had impressed Nick by the way she had handled the incident with Images and the Captain. He grinned and wondered how many more incidents concerning Victor Images Lieutenant McKinny would still have to handle. Images seemed like the kind of person who has a talent for getting themselves into trouble without meaning any harm. Nick's thoughts returned to the new chief. He was glad he was not the only one anymore who was not all too familiar with the facilities. McKinny had also displayed a sense of humour, a trait Nick appreciated a lot in other people. The only thing that made him a bit nervous were those meetings she had scheduled with each of them. Of course, they just served to get to know eachother. Still he couldn't help but think about the Academy on those occasions; and the memories certainly were not good ones. He quickly dismissed the thoughts and finished his coffee. Looking at the pile of PADDs on the desk he sighed and got to work.
  10. Alright folks you convinced me I'll be there.
  11. I love Daryus' idea. What would I do...move to Canada (I think getting a visa wouldn't be a problem anymore), buy me a nice house,a car and make sure I have time during the summer to play in Daryus' sim. I'd probably still want to work cos I don't like the idea of doing nothing productive all my life. But just the idea of being able to quit your job whenever you want would make life so much more fun.
  12. I`ll be among the first men on Mars so I`ll wait until then... seriously if I had the chance to make a trip to the moon (go to the surface actually) I think I`d do it.
  13. Happy Birthday!!!
  14. Food: BBQ chicken, chicken sandwiches, chicken wings...you get the picture Drink: bavarian beer Colour: blue TV show: don't watch much TV, soccer coverage on saturdays and sundays Movie: there are just too many out there Place to live: Montréal, Canada Mode of transportation: plane If I had 1 wish I would wish for: World Peace :P , seriously, see what life will be like in 100 years from now
  15. As long as it's not puppy slush...
  16. If they keep the tradition of Roman names Athena is out. Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, industry, justice and skill and the favourite child of Zeus.
  17. Nick was sitting at the desk in Sickbay. Nothing much had happened during the last few hours and he was definitely not sorry for the lack of disasters. He had also been able to get some rest. Dr. Pavilion had almost threatened to drag him into his quarters. Now he was writing the report of the new Crewman’s physical. It was routine. He had found nothing unexpected and Mr. Jellico was fit for duty. Nick started wondering how long this brief moment of normality would last. At this point he just enjoyed the moment as long as it would last, always alert and prepared for the worst. ‘Oh boy, I watch too many bad movies,’ he said to himself and smiled. The smile faded quickly as he remembered the Rixian delegation. Somehow he got the feeling that this would be something he’d not forget so easily. He dismissed the thought quickly, turning back to the imminent threat of the Dominion. Or was it? Lieutenant Dent and he had found out that the ships that seemed to be Dominion ships must have been controlled from somewhere else. Nick wondered about the implications. What exactly did this mean for Aegis? He decided to go and ask Dent about the latest developments. Maybe the Lieutenant had already found out more about these ships. Nick sighed and got up, leaving Sickbay in search for Lieutenant Dent.
  18. I know the quote that way,too but the idea is the same.
  19. Nick sat in the chair that only moments before had been occupied by Dr. Lanvin. She had left Sickbay promising him to come back at least twice a day to have further scans done. He was glad she had agreed right away. Right now he did not feel like discussing any important matters. Like this he would be able to see if the drug worked and make sure that there were no side effects that caused too many problems. Leaning back in his chair he allowed himself some time to think about the last few days. Nicolas was disappointed. He felt like they had not achieved anything with this temporal cure. He had to admit defeat. There was nothing more they could have done, he told himself. They simply had not had enough time. They had not been able to meet the expectations. No matter how he thought about it at the end there was always defeat. He closed his eyes for a moment listening to the sounds in Sickbay. His body longed for a rest. Nicolas couldn't help but think of his bed. It was tempting to sneak off to his quarters and sleep. He opened his eyes and dismissed the thought. Running both hands over his face he got up and walked to a desk. He still had to write the reports and Lieutenant Dent was probably waiting for him. Dent would still have to wait for him a bit. At least he wanted to write the report about the Rixian Syndrome. Dr. Pavilion had already asked him for it. He grabbed a PADD with the necessary data and started to write.
  20. A tent with wings?I don't see any.
  21. I heard today that they are working on something new but it will take at least until 2014 for the new ship to be ready.
  22. I'm with Dumbass and rompen. My dreams certainly do not feature Data. I do dream about stuff I see on TV occasionally and since I watch a lot of Star Trek it happens that I dream about that, too. But I only really remember my nightmares so I've got no Star Trek dream to share.
  23. Well considering that it's been a long time since I died properly in any academy... yes Dak I think you're not as evil as they say.
  24. Joint Log Tanna Lanvin Nicolas Lepage Nicolas was standing at a console in Science Lab 5. Doctor Lanvin was standing next to him listening to his explanations. He looked at her closely. Her face wore a worried expression. Whatever Ayers had told the Rixians it had obviously not been good news. He felt slightly guilty that he could not present a permanent cure to the Rixian Syndrome. He wanted to help this woman. But he knew that it was beyond him to do so. "As you can see the protein blocker can only be a temporary cure because the cells adjust to its presence," Lepage said. Tanna looked at him with a blank expression, evidently not quite able to follow him so he elaborated. "When the body detects that a certain protein is needed by the metabolism it sends out mediators to make the cell produce and insert those proteins into their membrane. Tanna nodded absently. She was having difficulty focusing on Dr. Lepage's explanation. She knew the research team had zeroed in on the P67 Protein. She was familiar with its function. It intrigued her that the Federation physicians and scientists had chosen to focus on something as simple as a protein to formulate a vaccine. She had to believe someone on Rixis had at least considered this approach but she wasn't sure about that. She wasn't sure about anything anymore. Right now, all she really wanted to do was retreat to her quarters and take a look at the data chip Captain Ayers had given her. The Rixian physician forced herself to concentrate on what Nick Lepage was saying. She had to internalize the information before she left the lab. Her next meeting would be with the Ambassador and Captain Nurani. They would expect a complete and coherent briefing on what the Federation research teams had come up with. They would also expect a cure but Tanna knew there wouldn't be one, at least not now. If Captain Ayers was correct, there might never be one. "Like the group of proteins called Cytochrome P450 in humans," continued Nick. "It is needed to reduce the concentration of antibiotics. If you give someone antibiotics, liver cells will increasingly insert these proteins into their membranes. The same happens with our protein P-67. Once a protein is blocked, the body will make the cells insert even more into their membranes. Therefore, we will also have to gradually increase the dosage of the medication over time. Tanna leaned against the counter and crossed her arms in front of her. She knew what was coming next. This vaccine was a temporary solution to the Rixian problem. It would buy them some time and nothing more. She took a deep breath and looked down at the floor as Dr. Lepage continued. "This, of course means there are limits as to how long we can effectively use the drug. At one point the dosage cannot be increased anymore because it would be lethal." Nick sighed. He did not like this situation at all. He did not feel like this "cure" was a real achievment. The worst was that he had not yet mentioned all of the drawbacks of this drug. He turned to look at the doctor. "There is something else," he paused to consider how to say this best. "There are some...er...side effects." He looked at Tanna, wondering how she would take it. To tell her that this was all they could do, was almost like admitting defeat. Dr. Lanvin looked up at her Federation counterpart. She could see the fatigue etched on his face. But there was something else as well. His eyes gave him away. Dr. Lepage thought of this vaccine as a failure. Granted, it wasn't what they hoped for but it was more than they arrived with. Her thoughts drifted back to the meeting with Captain Ayers. If his information was correct, and that was a big "if," this new vaccine might provide her civilization with enough time to seek a more permanent solution. Of course, that would mean a fundamental shift in both public policy and cultural attitudes toward genetic engineering and reproduction. Tanna wasn't sure her people would be willing to travel that route. She still clung to the hope it wouldn't be necessary. "I expected as much," stated Tanna flatly. "There are always side effects. Of more importance is the question of feasibility. Will this work?" She pushed herself away from the counter and put on the best smile she could muster. "Even if it doesn't, I am most grateful for all you have done for my people. You and the others on the research team are a credit to your Federation. You should be very proud." Drawing a deep breath, Tanna stared Lepage in the eye. "As to my question regarding the viability of the vaccine, I suggest we initiate an immediate clinical trial. I will serve as the patient. While you're administering the drug, you can fill me in on what type of side effects to expect." She grinned sheepishly. "I can deal with almost anything but I really hope I won't loose my hair. Some female Rixians look quite beautiful bald. I am not one them." Lepage looked at her. At first he did not understand the meaning of what Doctor Lanvin had just told him. Suddenly, it dawned on him. Now he understood why she had been so eager to find a cure. "Excuse me, ma'am, but...erm...I mean...I didn't know...I'm sorry to hear you are infected as well," he stammered. He sighed deeply and then turned back to his console. "So now for those side effects," he said trying to concentrate. "The worst is probably going to be a constant fatigue. You might also experience headaches, fever and the like but those symptomes should subside after the first week." Nick looked at Tanna wondering what she thought. Dr. Lanvin smiled bravely as Nick explained what she could expect. "As I said, as long as my hair doesn't fall out, I'll be okay." She lowered her eyes momentarily then again looked up at her counterpart. "However, I have one request," she continued in a more serious tone of voice. "My colleagues are unaware of my condition. I was not diagnosed until after I had been appointed to the delegation. I would prefer you not mention this to them until I have had a chance to inform them. In the meantime, I suggest we begin this trial immediately." Nick hesitated a moment then he shrugged. "All information on patients is considered confidential. I suggest we go to sickbay. In case there are some unexpected reactions, I will have everything there to prevent any further damage." He let Tanna lead the way out of the lab. On their way to sickbay Lepage remained silent. He was thinking about all these things that had happened since he had arrived on Aegis. Before entering sickbay he stopped and looked at Dr. Lanvin. Making sure nobody could hear them he said, "I truly hope your people will be able to find a cure for the disease." Entering sickbay he was glad to see that it was comparatively empty. He motioned for Tanna to sit on a biobed. "I will just have to go and get the medication as well as the necessary equipment." As he returned with what he needed, he again looked at the doctor. "Are you certain you want to proceed? The drug has never been tested before and there might be side effects that we did not foresee." Tanna smiled gamely. "That's why I'm here. Once we are back on Rixis, we will begin clinical trials on a much larger population sample but time is of the essence. Starting my treatment now will provide us with a head start of sorts." She nodded toward a nearby chair. "Do you mind if I sit while you administer the drug?" Nick looked at her and frowned. "Well, if it makes you feel more comfortable." They both moved over to the chair. Lepage picked up the hypospray with the drug and administered to Dr. Lanvin. He took a tricorder and studied the readings. "Please tell me right away if you are not well. I don't want anything to go wrong. You are already taking a high risk." Tanna was well aware of the risks involved. She refused to admit, even to herself, just how frightened she really was. She sat motionless for a couple of minutes after the drug was administered half expecting to keel over but all she felt was a slight flush that passed within a few seconds. "Please let that be the only side effect," she prayed silently. Lanvin took her time standing up. There was no dizziness or queeziness. Her temperature, pulse and blood pressure remained stable. She felt perfectly normal....or as normal as possible under the circumstances. She looked at Nick Lepage and nodded approvingly. "I feel fine," she said quietly. "If you don't mind, I think I will return to my quarters. If I notice anything unusual, I will contact you immediately. And again, thank you for all you've done." Lepage frowned again. "I'd like to monitor you for at least two..." He stopped in midsentence. The look on Dr. Lanvin's face told him that she would not stay to be monitored any longer. "Alright, you can leave but please contact me immediately if you feel anything might be wrong." He sighed and let her walk past him. As Tanna was just about to leave sickbay he turned around. "Doctor, I am sorry we could not do more. I wish..." his voice trailed off. "Take care of yourself." She nodded and smiled at him. Then she turned and left sickbay.
  25. Hi

    Hello and welcome to STSF Troy and eagle. I hope to see you around the Academies!