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Posts posted by Tethra

  1. Personal Log

    Lt. (Jg) Tethra Shoeny

    Chief Medical Officer

    USS Agincourt

    Stardate: 110505.13


    >Begin Log<


    The large dark eyes peered down at that PADD which contained the file on Ensign Levy, a crewmember who in the short time that he had known her, he had felt a special bond to her. He could sense the compressed aggression that she had for him when he had confronted her earlier on the issue of the mishandled plant. Why had she had such feelings, why was it that humans could even contain such emotions. Such concepts remained alien to him, he would require some time with her in private to observe. The PADD was gently placed on the desk and his body rose from the chair in which he sat. This ship, with it’s cold sterile appearance had some warmth to it, what it was perhaps could be found with in Levy.


    The pitter patter of feet that echoed within the depths of the vessel could also be what gave it a warmth; a touch a life among the non-living. The slight vibrations felt through the floor paneling gave quite a strange sensation. This ship was beginning to become his second home, even though it would not replace his true home, Minerva, it shall suffice until he can fully embrace the soothing waters. He would come to make great friends, this was sure, alien but for sure.



  2. Personal Log

    Lt. (Jg) Tethra Shoeny

    Assisant Medical Officer

    USS Agincourt

    Stardate: 110505.13


    >Begin Log<


    His light green leg slid gently into the chamber that held his precious Minervan water. The sensation grew even greater as he traveled further and further from his precious homeland. This mission gave him an awkward feeling that many his age were greatly unaccustomed to, where the minutes seemed to feel more like decades. The time cycles he had experienced on Minerva now a distant memory and the sensation of this lukewarm chamber was the only thing that truly made those memories feel like the present.


    As the water slowly absorbed through his porous skin, he drifted into a meditative state back into his memories where he was back in the great oceans of Minerva. The waves take him anywhere they want, he does not care for the sensation of the rushing water all alongside unlike any experience he could feel away from his native the land. The meditation, made it seem as though he were back at home for another hundred years even though he had only been in his chamber for a short hour. The lid opened and he re-entered the painful reality, his skin dry as though he not been in any water for it all stayed with him beneath the surface so he could keep the connection to his homeland until the next meditation cycle.


    He put back on his uniform, it was still uncomfortable as it had always been. The surface lay in discomfort though inside his heart was being warmed with his homeland, so it the surface did not matter for he found his peace within.



  3. Personal Log

    Lt.(Jg) Tethra Shoeny

    Chief Medical Officer

    USS Agincourt

    Stardate: 110505.10


    >Begin Log<


    The clear liquid splashed into Tethra’s face and absorbed into his pores, the sensation was greatly needed after the busy moments with in the confines of the usual peace that occurred in sickbay. It had felt like the center of a whirlpool, all things coming and going colliding with each other as they went through. The normally rational mind on the Minervan taken back by the excitement, so much for a being who does everything with the greatest amount of patience to be presented with at a single instant. Even the other members of the staff appeared to move as organized headless chickens.


    The feel of death wafting itself through the room, only those around the taste often enough have the senses acute enough to detect it, the somber faces of the mourners that had arrived earlier not expecting to learn of the loss of their comrade in arms. The instruments that were once believed to contain life were now proving to be ineffective, the webbed digits had failed in their duty, something that all doctors must experience at some point but the sting of failure when your mission always so critical is nothing less then horrid.


    Water now poured from his left fist which was tightly clenched, as the water poured the grip loosened, the pain inflicted faded as the liquid rolled down the drain. He was now ready for duty, these next moments that lie ahead may warrant another cleansing but such pessimistic thoughts were only harmful. Fins stretched out for an instant before he went back to Levy to prepare for the next phase of their shared destiny.



  4. Personal Log

    Lt. Jg Tethra Shoeny

    Chief Medical Officer

    USS Agincourt

    Stardate: 110503.14


    >Begin Log<


    Tethra took his seat aboard the small transport that would take him into orbit so he could transfer over to one of the Federation vessels. He slowly absorbed the water into his veins relishing in the sensation he would be without for so long, although days, months, and years do not feel long for the Minervan people a single instant with out the feeling of the Minervan waters could feel like an eternity. The memories of those years in the academy flowed back to him, the constant torture of being in the foul air that filled his lungs was devastating for quite awhile. He did adjust towards the end of his academy experience, but would he have to endure the same cruelty aboard the Agincourt? Would those many months of adjustment in the academy mean anything now, would the past years working in the Federation embassy on Minerva cancel all the hard work of making his body adapt to the atmospheric conditions.


    The transport began to move toward the surface of the ocean, as it did it drained its self of all the liquid that filled its hull. The water began to descend; Tethra’s lips unsealed themselves as he started to breathe in the air that increasingly grew around him. Absorbing the very last bit he could before it had depleted itself in the entirety, the final blast of water he had inhaled through his pores bloated his body in away that made him appear as though he had a similar proportions to most other species instead of the normally slim Minervan structure. The water slowly leaked out of him, an experience just as thrilling as the original absorption. He sat there looking out the window next to him, and the disappearing ocean below him.


    The Federation vessel appeared into view, an Aquinas class it appeared to be. This would be the ship that would take him back to Earth, a place he had not seen in a few years. The transport docked with the vessel and Tethra made his way towards the hatch with the very few belongings he had. The hatch opened the officers there to greet him looked wide eyed apparently shocked that he was not wearing clothing, something he could never understand all clothes did was slow your speeds in the water. He nodded to all the officers and allowed them to guide him towards his temporary quarters for the voyage towards Earth and the Agincourt.


    >End Log<

  5. Personal Log

    Lt. Jg Tethra Shoeny

    Chief Medical Officer

    USS Agincourt

    Stardate: 110503.13


    >Begin Log<


    The sun’s rays pierced lightly into the vastness of the Minervan sea. Tethra allowed the currants take him for the moment; this would most likely the last time he would experience this sensation for many tides to come. He slowly absorbed the sea water into his veins through the tiny pores in his skin relishing in ecstasy that was his home. The time had come to say his final goodbyes; the Federation had assigned him to a new starship, the Agincourt it was pronounced Terran tongue. He gracefully swam towards the pristine glimmering pieces of construction that made the sub-aquatic city.


    He swam into one of the buildings, maneuvering through the crowded corridors, making his way towards its top level. He reached the section of the building that towered out the sea; he was now in the world of the air and away from the beauty of the water. Now walking he entered an elevator and requested the top floor, the elevator empty as usual for most Minervans tried to avoid the surface as much as possible due its unfavourable conditions. The elevator doored opened at it’s destination a spacious room with a ceiling that stretched over 20 metres above Tethra’s head, and at the end of the room sat a very tall yet slim man, approximately twice the height of Tethra. His skin a majestic silver, with large eyes that looked more like black diamonds then they ever did eyes, with heavy breathing he stood dwarfing everything in sight even his desk and chair that he was just sitting at.


    ”Great Mentor Omigos” Tethra said aloud as he kneeled to the gigantic Minervan “ I have come to inform you that I will be leaving for my mission with Starfleet very shortly” Tethra slowly rose as Omigos approached him without saying a word but merely placing his hand on Tethra’s shoulder and giving a nod. Using his vague telepathy Omigos had given Tethra his long awaited approval for this mission. “Thank you great Mentor” Tethra bowed his head slightly as Omigos removed his hand.


    “Goodluck, Tethra” Omigos quietly said as he made his way back to his seat at the other end of the room. Although this encounter was short it was all that needed to be said and all that Tethra cared about was completed at that moment he was free to carry out his mission with Starfleet and unite Minerva with some other beings and end it’s isolation for once and for all. Tethra once again entered the depths of the sea in search of the transport that would take him to Earth, the Agincourt, his future, and the future of his people.


    >End Log<

  6. Name: Tethra Shoeny

    Gender: Male

    Age: 324

    Rank: (yet to be determined)

    Species: Minervan

    Home planet: Minerva

    Mentor: Omigos Shoeny

    Pupils: 1240 ranging from conceived state to 623 years of age

    Height: 7’4”

    Weight: 120bs


    Appearance: Tall and thin, body consisting of Amphibious scales, skin complexion a slight green overtone, Eyes large and black, a large extendable fin on his upper back as well as fins on his arms and legs.


    Abilities of his species: Able to swim at high speeds, able to breathe carbon dioxide underwater through special gills, able to absorb more information than Humans due to their massive life spans though information intake tends to be somewhat slower, also having the ability to regurgitate a form of jelly that hardens quickly originally used as a defensive weapon from the many predators in the Minervan waters but is now used mostly to repair small leaks in their vessels. They communicate telepathically underwater though when they are out of their water their telepathy is too weak to be of much use.


    Limitations: They as a species are very weak compared to that of other species, their bodies although able to survive in atmospheric conditions are better suited for the water so strong breeze could knock him over, Required to wear protective eyewear for the depths of Minerva are dimly lit so too much light is dangerous to him, Unable to eat solid food so all nutrients are consumed through tiny pores in his skin in a liquid state, unable to survive without proper hydration a lot more urgent than that for other species. He can however go on away missions and such things just that he has to be more cautious of his surroundings than the others unless of course he has the opportunity for a sub-aquatic mission where he is at an advantage.




    Born on Minerva, and given the wise Omigos as his mentor who would raise him into adulthood with many other pupils. At the tender age of 267 Tethra was accepted to the Minervan naval forces, where he served until her reached the age 310 after that he was placed on a special laison duty to go between talks of the Federation and those on the elderly council who were worried of ending Minerva’s relative isolation. As Minerva joined the Federation Tethra was chosen to be the first Minervan to go through the Starfleet Academy due to his close relations with the Federation diplomats. Tethra accepted the assignment against the voiced opposition of Omigos.