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Everything posted by Duroz

  1. STARGATE never RULES...it's terrible...of course only my opinion...people must like it cuz they keep making it.
  2. -=STARFLEET OFFICER BIOS/USS ARCADIA/ENSIGN PINNER CHASE=- Name: Pinner Chase Race: Human/Cardassian Age: 21 Sex: Male Hair: Black Skin: white Eyes: green Height: 6' 3" Weight: 245 lbs. Rank: Ensign Homeworld: Earth, father was Human mother Cardassian who passed away when he was young. He was raised much like a human child but still studied all the Cardassian history and Rituals. Attended Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, and is currently assigned as the Assistant Science Officer on the USS Arcadia. Area of Expertise: Science/Quantum Flux Theory/Astro-Mechanics/Biology/Energy Source Charting Interests: Avid explorer, science, music, holodeck sims, history, astronomy, Cardassian History, humor, games...etc. Personality: Was lucky to grow up in a caring environment despite his racial differences and is quite the outgoing people person...born leader but enjoys following too, it helps him to learn. Has no reservations about expressing his ideas and opinions. Background: Chase was originally born on a Deep Space Outpost to his Father Dr. Dillon Chase and Mother R'Hal Chase. He was taken back to Earth when he was 3 and began Primary School a year later. From an early age Chase showed a fondness and capacity for Science, he excelled in his school work and finished Primary school top of the class. He was always fascinated by space exploration and truly believed that he was meant for it. At age 12 he began attending a Starfleet Prep-School and continued to excel at his studies. Prior to leaving for the Academy, Chase got word from home of his Mothers death, he attended her funeral but never missed a day of the Academy. Pinner Chase chose to follow the Scientific path while at Starfleet Academy. He took as many science courses as he could while keeping up with other required classes as well. He also attended every science presentation and lecture that went on after hours. For his final thesis and graduation sim-log he did a quantum flux experiment that proved a Vulcan Theory could be used to adapt star ships for time travel. Chase, now 20, became an Ensign and continued his education for another year at the Vulcan Science Insitute on Earth. Upon his graduation he applied for an assignment. Two weeks later he was assigned aboard the U.S.S. Arcadia a distinguished and well commanded starship. In his own words: -=END FILE=-
  3. My mom was always a fan of the original series and from the time I was old enough to hold my eyes open I watched re-runs and the movies from TOS. TNG really was the first Series I fell in love with but I watched ever Star Trek movie and relate more to the Original Crew simpley because they were there when I was growing up.... <_< and I Have always loved it and I doubt that will ever change.
  5. Thanks Atragon...... ;)
  6. This is as close as I have come so far...but I'll keep lookin'. http://ncobs.altrec.com/shop/detail/14925/ACG/photo But good luck finding a new pair...cuz they discontinue shoes for a reason...to make new ones. I can suggest some great alternatives that are simillar to the Ziller's and in my opinion Superior.
  7. I know I recently had mine changed but would you mind doing it for me again I would like.... -=This Is A Revolution Of The Mind=-
  8. Good Job NDak Hope to see more great Sims in the Academy lead by you...
  9. Wow...No wonder I'm always broke...darn dissappearing Dollars.
  10. Ok this may be hard to understand....My sister's best friend's DAD...is a Bookie for the Horse Races here in Lexington...two of his clients are....Woody Harrelson (non-star trek related) And....DUN DUN DUUUUU.....William Shatner....And at a 4th of July party 3 years ago I got the chance to meet both of them.
  11. Because Marijuana causes people to spell "Illegal" wrong....LOL Also...the day smoking is made illegal I'll be sure to kick the CRAP outta your friend....lol
  12. I thought that was from Three Kings but your right....Anyone ever watch the movie... "The Insider" with Al Pacino and Russel Crowe? It's about big tobacco.
  13. I didn't realize Koriban was supposed to be "on this world" lol....J/K
  14. UMMMM??? Simple???? I was terrible at math....can someone demonstrate that Formula?
  15. I recently graduated....It took me 7 sims....and it was pretty tough...but I enjoyed every minute of the academy and plan to attend as many as I can even now that I'm an Ensign.
  16. NEITHER!!!! The original DARTH VADER. Raging Bull or Rocky??
  17. NO NO make Munro's say " Less Talk More Synthol " LOL
  19. Can I please have mine say...... "I Like My Species The Way It Is..."
  20. I had the same problem going through Startrek.com....just by pass it by clicking the Chat icon at the top of the message boards.
  21. Here's one for you: How much wood could a Woodchuck chuck, If a Woodchuck could chuck wood?
  22. They probably kill off the whole crew or something....if it's appauling. I doubt they would end it like that though....I have news however....NASA/an unknown contributor within NASA that is, donated $3 Mill. to Star Trek Enterprise to keep the show going for atleast one more season....and millions of Trek fans are all behind the show so I have reason to believe it will last atleast two more years.
  23. So long it has been such a long and winding road through the years of waiting for the sequels...I AM SO FREAKIN' GLAD that day is upon us....EVERYONE BOW YOUR HEADS FOR A MOMENT OF SILENCE to comemorate those wasted years of wondering what is to come...............AHHHH now back to the show. THANK GOD STAR WARS Ep. III IS NEAR!!!!!! w00t
  24. Name: Pinner Chase Race: Human/Cardassian Age: 18 Sex: Male Hair: Black Skin: white Eyes: green Height: 6' 3" Weight: 245 lbs. Rank: Cadet Homeworld: Earth, father was Human mother Cardassian who passed away when he was young. He was raised much like a human child but still studied all the Cardassian history and Rituals. Currently Enrolled in the Starfleet Academy. Area of Expertise: Science (hoping for an Ops position aboard a vessel) Interests: Avid explorer, science, music, holodeck sims, history, astronomy, Cardassian History, humor, games...etc. Personality: Was lucky to grow up in a caring environment despite his racial differences and is quite the outgoing people person...born leader but enjoys following too, it helps him to learn. Has no reservations about expressing his ideas and opinions.