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Everything posted by STSF NDak

  1. Well I read all the logs for Excal, my other ships, I tend to read the ones of people I know, though if a title looks interesting I'll usually read it :rolleyes: My personal favorites are Sorehl, Laehval t'Temarr, t'Ksa, Blu and Huff, And Harper. Just to name a few B)
  2. ::Shudders at the thought of PBMB sims:: It's certainly something worth being discussed, send a PM or email to Atragon :rolleyes:
  3. Happy Belated Birth Day to all :lol:
  4. http://www.stsf.net/forums/index.php?showt...l=Sims2+Avatars
  5. I went as Sydeny Crosby of the Pens! :lol:
  6. Ahem, let's try and stay on topic, eh? :P
  7. Ahem...I'll make the reminder once more, please keep to the topic. If you want to discuss whether Howard Stern should be on the radio, please do so in another topic. Thanks.
  8. A very general reminder about contraversial topics, try and stay on topic and not delve into side flamings. If a topic becomes too heated it will be closed. Thank You.
  9. What do you mean "Alternate" reality <_<
  10. You know Sketti I was thinking of having pasta for lunch <_<
  11. Due to the Reaent Celebration, there will be no Thursday Night Academy for the Night of October 6. We will resume our regularly scheduled mayhem next week. We enocurage everyone who can to attend the Reaent celebration...I mean it is a party. :rolleyes:
  12. ::blinks as yet another ancient topic from the dark ages is revived, waiting for at anytime, the Pantheon of the STSF Gods to be revived, along with the Black Death::
  13. As I stated earlier, If we do a SL: Beta Site {:snark:} in Canada, I would most likely attend if it were somewhere in Southern Ontario...mostly because I can drive their with out *too* much trouble. However, Montreal is pretty much out for me because I don't want to fly (only to Vegas will I get my rear on a plane) and I last time I went, I didn't care Montreal. So yeah, if we can put togather a SL: Beta Site plan for Toronto, I'm in. We might also look at Niagra Falls. :rolleyes:
  14. That's really ultra leftist literature let me tell you :lol: 17: Is 1984 B) 18: F451 Actually...I think I've had to read all of these at some point or another. The Author of the Giver is Lois Lowery. And it's a great book, though not really a "high school" novel. 9. "Anna Karenina" - Tolstoy 15. "Atlas Shruged" - Ayn Rand [Captialist Manifesto]
  15. If there were a get togather in Canuck Land I would consider going... :P
  16. We're currently experincing difficulty with our chat sever. Have a nice evening. :P
  17. Due to an issue with the chatroom login, there will be no Thursday Night Academy for 9/22/05. Sorry for any inconvience. Thank you.
  18. Actually, I don't support the Moon Mission at the moment. While a lot of great things have came out of the space program, and I am sure would come out of this one, its more an Issue "can we pay for this" with out making some major sacrafices in other areas such as education. This is mostly because we have two huge price tags coming up for Iraq and now Katrina, so can we really afford to invest the 104 Billion that NASA "estimates" it's going to cost, when at least for the next few years, we're going to be strapped for cash. So sending people to the moon really isn't something that we *need*. Just my two cents.
  19. I actually read that the National Hurricane Center (the people who names these things) might run out of names this season....interesting...
  20. And now what Fred, Auckland :(
  21. Also, in the near future. You will be able to purchase alternative-fuel "trucks." Also hybrid fuel trucks will be out soon. :)
  22. Is that bitterness and jelousy I sense...of yes I believe it is. :)
  23. Coming from the Graphics Boy: As long as the images being loaded are relativly low file size, there *shouldn't* be a problem. However, I am all for keeping your siggy nice and simple. No reason to have a life story in them. :) And I've moved this topic to "Questions and Comments" because I think it fits better here.