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Dr. Tom Taker

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom Taker

  1. Well, I'm back. My name is Dr. Tom Taker, formerly known as the CMO on the USS Revolution, commanded by Igor(independent sim). I hope to rise through the ranks and become the CMO of a ship in the fleet. As I work as a cadet, you will see the skills that got me promoted 2 years ago.
  2. Yes, I will be at the accademies, and, just to clear things up, I was promoted on these sims about 2 years ago, not the independent one. I was using a different screen name back then, though. :P
  3. ok, please click this link and check out my site. Then fill out the web form and sign my guest book please. if you want, you can also vote in my polls My Webpage
  4. this was in responce to a comment already deleted made by tovan. and cougar, check your e-mail box
  5. what four?...no, i deleted them all, happy?
  6. Dear Mr. Randy, It has come to my concern that you are taking requests for a 'tag' that is to be put next to your name. If I may, I would request the tag, "take two of these and you'll be fine" if this is too long, then I do not want a tag and i'll just put it as my signature. Regards, Dr. Thomas Taker, CMO U.S.S. Revolution
  7. I personaly would want a new one
  8. no, it is the fact that you refered to pissed on
  9. yo, dumbass, watch you mouth. Pissed off. ok, brass knuckles or boxing gloves?
  10. yea, or that other stupid one from steven king
  11. if there is not going to be a new one, the channel will lose ratings, and soon put back a star trek show(like spike tv with the tng reruns), or try and get ent back
  12. feringi, they love money and deals animations(including computer) or pure video?
  13. are you both crazy?!?!!? to let trek die is like letting our selves, trekies, to die
  14. and maby geordi
  15. i would rtealy love to see a tng-time show w/ warf and o'brian
  16. i have realy been craving a brand new , fresh star trek show
  17. ok, i deleted all the posts. i am sorry for the , and i am sorry for all offencive language.(no, realy, i don't care, but there are little kids around and i have to)
  18. ::Sun falls down on to Images:: ::Taker laughs, and goes to help::
  19. ok, now post 2 choices
  20. ok, pen/ pencile or type writer/computer?
  21. well, who is the real tom taker?
  22. well i am dr. tom taker, and i hapopened to like this game
  23. DVD or VHS?
  24. ok, i will post 2 choices. somone replys by choosing a or b choice, and tells why. then that person gives two choices, then so on and so forth. have fun