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Joe Manning

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Posts posted by Joe Manning

  1. I was merely pointing out that within the context of a diverse community, such as STSF, not-so-subtle attacks on a major modern religion and its practices, particularly from an authority figure, should not appear on a public thread within this context. There is no, and should be no, religious litmus test for characters just as there is no and should be no racial, ethnic, or disability litmus test.


    I won't hijack the thread any further. I like the concept of the new QoB quite a bit and these new character suggestions would add tremendous depth to the sim.


    There is no such litmus test on Qob (we accept all types, as evidenced by the current crew), nor was an attack directed at any modern religion. The intent was to avoid a character that would be amply set up for a religious dispute which is prohibited (along with political disputes) by the forum (your signature notwithstanding, apparently). Offering the role was inspired by a character on the Firefly show; we're looking for the same sort of unassuming man of faith in order to keep things respectful and friendly among the crew.


    This is simply how he want it on our sim. There is no offense to be found here unless it's looked for.

  2. The Guardians maintain a rigid chain of command in order to ensure that the guild operates smoothly as membership swells. The ranks a Guardian may hold are displayed here in order of decreasing seniority. The Guardians place prime importance on this chain of command; regions of jurisdiction never supersede rank in matters of seniority.



    Grand Marshall -- Very few Guardians hold the guild's highest rank (so it is believed) at any given time. The number of Grand Marshalls ranges from three to twelve depending on who you ask; the truth is most likely that the number is in constant flux as Grand Marshalls retire and Marshalls prove eligible for promotion. Eligibility can variously be determined based on service time, acts of distinguished service, or generally superior qualifications.


    The Grand Marshalls maintain a veil of secrecy, likely for their own protection. They generally do not perform active work for the guild, only acting as supervisors and organizers, and they usually conduct all their business through lower-ranking intermediaries.


    The chief responsibility of the Grand Marshalls is overseeing the most sensitive and lucrative contracts. When someone with great amounts of cash approaches the guild to perform a delicate or demanding task, the request is relayed to the Grand Marshalls, who set a fee and select the Guardians who will oversee the contract. The more dangerous the work, the higher the fee and the more capable and numerous the Guardians selected. If the contract is significant enough, the intermediaries may be bypassed; it is believed that Grand Marshalls directly negotiated the ongoing contracts with the Taurus Brothers and the Gular Consortium.


    The Grand Marshalls also oversee the general administration of the guild -- the supervision and protection of the guild treasury, the construction of new stations and ships, the training of select Guardians, the funding of recruitment drives when numbers begin to thin, and the appointment of specialized branches of the guild. They are also believed to act as the guild's chief arbiters, resolving disputes between or grievances against high-ranking Guardians. In a time of crisis, they would no doubt apply direct authority over the activities of the entire guild.


    It is not known if there is a rank which supercedes Grand Marshall, if one Grand Marshall has been appointed supreme commander, or if the authority of each Grand Marshall is equal. The details of decision-making between the Grand Marshalls is likewise unknown. It can only be speculated what it would mean for the Guardians and for Bull's Head if two or more Grand Marshalls found themselves at cross purposes (memories of the Federation Civil War still haunt many of Bull's Head's citizens).



    Marshall -- At least one Guardian Marshall can be found in just about any major settlement in Bull's Head, overseeing that settlement's central Guardian precinct as well as the Sheriffs appointed to smaller nearby settlements and the local fleets (within several star systems depending on the Marshall's prominence). Marshall is roughly the equivalent of a Starfleet Admiral.


    Descriptions of the Marshalls range from 'true leaders of the Guardians' to 'administrative faces of the Guardians.' Unlike the Grand Marshalls, you can actually locate a Marshall; they are out in the open, their existence and identities not guild secrets. Thus, the most wealthy clients will usually seek out a Marshall to contract the guild, and the Marshalls are often acting as the Grand Marshalls' intermediaries. It has been noted that the rank of Marshall is not an enviable one -- they have neither the overriding authority of the Grand Marshalls nor the protective secrecy. If a dangerous individual has a bone to pick with Guardian command, they will likely seek out a Marshall to 'air the grievance.'


    Contracts not significant enough for the Grand Marshalls are negotiated by the Marshalls. They usually have a fair number of Guardian ships and personnel under their direct authority. Each specialized branch of the Guardians (variously including intelligence, defense, exploration, etc) is administered by a single Marshall. Beyond this, Marshalls see to the day-to-day operations of the ships and patrolmen under their authority.


    Marshalls may be selected from either Constables or Sheriffs of loyal and distinguished service.



    Constable -- The rough equivalent of Starfleet's Commodores, the Constables act as the commanders of the Guardians' capital ships (of which there are only three or four) and stations. The Constables are also fleet commanders -- every capital ship and station has a small to moderate fleet of Guardian ships attached to it, and a Constable is usually called upon to command any assemblage of ships appointed to a mission (the fleet's most distinguished Sheriff may be promoted for this purpose).


    Some, but not all, Constables answer directly to a Marshall. It is most common for Marshalls overseeing specialized branches to have at least one Constable administering a fleet under their authority. A Constable may also be posted under the Marshall of a large colony, like Tranquility or Aldebaran, acting much like the Marshall's Deputy and aiding in the administration of the colony. In isolated areas of Bull's Head space where a single starbase is the guild's only presence, the local Constable acts in all manners as the region's Marshall, though a Marshall's authority can still override the Constable's at any time (rank superceding jurisdiction at all times).


    The Constables are often viewed as virtually identical to the Marshalls; that the Marshalls officially have seniority is a sore spot for many Constables, particularly those in outlying areas who have had a Marshall come in and pull rank at some point in the past.



    Sheriff -- The glowing aspiration of most Guardian Lawmen, the Sheriffs lay claim to the most prized real-estate in the guild -- the Captain's chair. As the commanders of the guild's starship crews, the Sheriffs are trusted to make vital decisions in tenuous situations far out in the field, free by necessity from the authority of the Marshalls. Only when a Sheriff's vessel is assigned to an outpost or to a fleet lead by a Constable is this coveted sense of independence stripped away.


    In addition to Guardian vessel commanders, some Sheriffs act as supervisors of smaller settlements that are still able to afford a Guardian patrol. This duty is often taken on by volunteers -- older Sheriffs who have decided to retire from the starship life or particularly capable patrolmen who possess admirable leadership qualities but no desire to leave behind the colonial life. It is not unheard of, however, for a starship Sheriff who has gotten into trouble with Guardian command to be reassigned to a settlement as a form of reprimand. Settlements with little or no money to spare for protection often receive these disgruntled overseers.


    In Tranquility City, each district is overseen by a Sheriff who answers to the Constable who answers to the Marshall. This widely branching chain of command is vital in such a large city, and the Sheriffs are all chosen from among patrolmen with distinguished careers. Still, a position of authority in a large city can prove quite profitable, and the Sheriffs (especially of the more lawless districts) are prone to corruption.


    The most distinguished Sheriffs are considered for promotion to fleet Constable, starbase Constable, or Marshall depending on their individual desires (and assuming they desire the greater range of responsibilities or the shift from the command chair).



    Deputy -- Deputies act as assistants to Sheriffs, Constables, and Marshalls. On starships, one or more Deputies will oversee small pockets of the crew, much as department heads would on a Starfleet ship. Deputies to Constables and Marshalls often serve more as administrative assistants. If a starship Sheriff is killed or disabled, a Deputy must take command; on ships with more than one Deputy, disputes are quite possible. Such a role may be made permanent (depending on the Deputy's qualifications). A Deputy may also take the place of a Marshall or Constable when needed, but replacements are usually brought in for these jobs eventually.


    Deputies are selected from among the most capable and loyal Lawmen. Lawmen who desire to be starship commanders must prove capable as leaders of small groups of crew before they can be trusted with the responsibility. Lawmen who aspire to be Marshalls are put in a Deputy position where they may learn administrative duties.


    Deputies most often oversee the training of Guardians. Command training is usually given on a starship at the Sheriff or Constable's discretion. Marshalls in charge of specialized branches often have one or more experienced Deputies handling training under their direct authority.



    Lawman -- Just about anyone can be a Guardian Lawman. The Lawmen are the rank-and-file of the guild, the greenhorns right out of the recruitment office and the journeymen who want no part of leadership. They make up the crews that operate Guardian starships and starbases and the patrols that keep the peace in Guardian-protected settlements. Even the common laborers of the guild hold the rank of Lawmen, though there is an unwritten agreement that they are subservient to the 'officer grade' Lawmen.


    Anyone with the desire can visit the local Guardian recruitment office and receive a uniform. The recruit's skills will determine whether an officer or laborer assignment will be given, though laborers may later receive officer training (depending on the availability of a Deputy). Larger settlements actively seek out capable recruits for patrol duty, while anyone with skills that would prove useful aboard a starship is put on standby for a open assignment.


    A recruitment office will generally be administered by a Lawman or Deputy, with a higher ranking officer determining acceptance. The criteria for acceptance can vary widely. In backwater settlements run by corrupt Sheriffs, anyone with the desire is uniformed; the Lawmen in these cases are often no more than thugs who form a Sheriff's posse that bullies the locals. In settlements where a Constable, a Marshall, or a more scrupulous Sheriff calls the shots, background checks will often be conducted to filter out recruits with criminal records or allegiances. It is not unheard of, however, for Lawmen to be reassigned without any checks into their recruitment methodology (shady backgrounds are, naturally, never mentioned in the profiles); thus, the bad sorts can spread all throughout the region. The Guardians have eschewed forming a central recruitment branch because the logistics involved (especially in distant outposts cut off from the subspace net) would drastically slow the process.


    New recruits are given a uniform, an ID badge, and a gun if one is required. All guns (any type the Guild can get its hands on is utilized, though recruits usually end up with the cheapest ordinance) have their lethal capabilities neutralized per Federation regulation -- officially, that is. Patrolmen and ship crew may be given additional equipment depending on their duties and its availability, but the cost of any equipment will be drawn from the recruit's wages; recruits are strongly encouraged to supply their own equipment.


    If a Lawman is skilled and ambitious enough, there is room for advancement (fatalities often necessitate it). Aboard ships, training or simply raw experience can qualify a Lawman for promotion to Deputy; direct promotion to Sheriff would require either mutiny (which may or may not result in the crew's ejection from the guild) or a mass of fatalities (in which case the guild may intervene with outside assignments). Because a settlement usually contains only a single Deputy and administrator, room for Lawman advancement is far more limited. Many settlements thus recognize a Sergeant rank within the Lawman ranks; Sergeant Lawmen are trusted with the responsibility of leading teams of Lawmen, and they often oversee stations in larger settlements. It is not unheard of for a Lawman to jump ranks, even to as high as Marshall; such advancement is either the result of extraordinary skill and/or achievement, nepotism, or the generous funding of guild projects.

  3. I get it. The character can be a Christian (or a Jew or a Muslim), he just can't practice what he believes. +1 for 'tolerance' (with ironic use of quote marks!)


    Any such character is free to practice his/her beliefs however he/she chooses. Insofar as the practice does not extend to looking down on the crew from a moral perch or trying to convert the crew, two behaviors that would inevitably rub characters and players alike the wrong way, just as they do in real life. If you find the restriction offensive, by all means, choose not to participate.


    Thanks for drawing attention to the thread, btw. We're eager to get more folks involved. :D

  4. The Qob: Tranquility command staff is looking for players to assume the role of 'specialists' aboard the ship, jobs that are not covered by the traditional 4-department model of a Star Trek crew. Just a few examples of roles that could potentially be filled (your own ideas are welcome) are:


    Merchant -- Independent and self-sufficient, Qob's crew must manage its own finances in the cutthroat environment of Bull's Head. Someone who knows how to manage the corporate webs that weave through the Hyades cluster and who knows where to locate the best values on goods available at its ports would be quite valuable to the crew. A merchant would be trusted to manage the ship's finances without skimming off the top (an embezzler would be escorted to the airlock, whether or not we're in port), and would be asked to manage the financing of refits and resupplies.


    Spiritual Guide -- The free society of Bull's Head has attracted priests of all stripes, and one might seek to provide guidance to spaceborne mercenaries. Such a guide would largely serve a role of counselor to Qob's crew of diverse and colorful personalities. We're not looking for a preacher who will annoy everyone with constant urging to 'accept God.' We're more interested in someone who'd be willing to listen and offer sound advice without passing harsh judgement (something just about everyone on the crew would be subject to).


    Klingon Liaison -- There are currently no Klingons aboard Qob. Given how deeply Klingon culture has infused itself into Bull's Head society, this could prove an eventual problem. Simply having a Klingon around would score us massive bragging points against raiders and Guardians (two groups that Klingons generally avoid joining). But if we stop in a Klingon settlement or meet up with a Klingon ship, someone to guide us through their cultural nuances would be especially valuable. Other useful skills would be strongly desired -- fighting, tactical advice, cooking, legal counsel, etc..


    Quarters are also available for rent on Qob. Anyone who wants to live on a starship and travel among the stars can pay a small monthly fee for room and board. This could include small business owners who would prefer the security of a roving office guarded by a crew of mercenaries, scholars seeking to catalogue the wonders of Bull's Head (possibly for the publishing of nonfiction volumes), or bold wanderers who would enjoy the thrill of being carried to the far reaches of Bull's Head. This is a wide-open role-playing opportunity for anyone who would like to try out a character who doesn't have any significant skills to contribute to a starship crew. Just about any type of character you could conceive of would work, within reasonable bounds (the crew would balk at sheltering a known psychotic criminal, for instance). This is also a great option for players who might not be able to commit to the Sunday 9pm timeslot regularly -- a character without a significant role on the crew could more easily be missed.


    Finally, a player who is eager to get involved in the Tranquility setting but cannot sim at all during our timeslot can participate strictly through logwriting. You can create a character based anywhere in Bull's Head and write logs detailing his/her exploits and experiences. This would to allow you not only to take part in the Tranquility universe, but also to enrich and develop the Bull's Head setting. Future encounters between the crew and your character might be possible, opening the door to joint log writing, missions inspired by the content of your logs, or possibly (depending on your availability) a guest role in our sims. This is the most wide-open role-playing opportunity -- even the aforementioned psychotic criminal is a possibility.


    If you're a graduate of STSF's Academy and you are interested in any of these options, send an e-mail to the command staff -- [email protected] & [email protected] -- and share some of your ideas with us. We hope you'll choose to be a part of the Qob: Tranquility universe!

  5. Qob's website has been updated with all the latest mission information.


    Also be advised that if, like Precip, you would like to participate in the Qob: Tranquility universe but cannot commit to the Sunday 9pm timeslot, you may take part in a log writing endeavor like the Winston Chronicles. You can create a character based in Tranquility City, in one of Bull's Head's many other settlements, or aboard a mercenary or Guardian ship or station (to name a few possibilities), and take part by writing logs of your character's exploits. In addition to the opportunity for character development, you could help develop parts of Bull's Head that the crew hasn't visited yet. In time, the character may cross paths with the crew, engage in some joint logging, and (depending on your availability) take part in the sims as a guest player. A wide variety of characters is possible, including many that wouldn't be allowed on the crew (raiders, anyone?). If you're interested, contact me at [email protected].


    Stay tuned for info about other opportunities that will soon be made available ...

  6. Joe Manning -> When we left off, Redera was leading Troy and Co. through the utility tunnels underneath the city platforms ...

    Joe Manning -> Their destination is an office building in the Latinum District where, supposedly, Minos awaits.

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Pher -> :: Behind Redera, keeping an eye on her and monitoring pheremone levels ::

    Shane -> ::trudging along behind the group, glancing down side passages as they move along::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::looks at her companions briefly and presses onward:

    William Chocox -> <<BRB>>

    Troy Parson -> ::following through the tunnels, somehow resisting the urge to whistle::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Steam fills the tunnels from the water pipes surrounding the group

    Pher -> :: Thinking it a bit early for anyone to betray each other... more worried about Red than the Guardians, who are likely far too busy to be patrolling the tunnels. ::

    Pher -> :: Keeps an eye on Red, doesn't let her break from group ::

    Shane -> ::steps in something squishy, gives a low growl as he scrapes it on the metal grating of the floor::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]Watch your step around her, guys... That steam is very HOT...

    Pher -> Some like it hot...

    rosetto -> ^here

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::smirks at Pher comment::

    rosetto -> [REDERA] Through this shaft here... will be bypassing some building security this way...

    Shane -> ::up to Redera:: Are you taking the long route? We should be half-way to Earth with the distance we've traveled!

    Troy Parson -> ::to Redera:: Some, but not all?

    rosetto -> [REDERA] Just avoiding some more inquizative personnel...

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The ladder leads up to the storage basement of a skyscraper

    Shane -> ::climbs through the shaft with the others, looking behind:: We don't have to avoid all of them...

    Troy Parson -> ::climbs up into the storage basement:: Okay, so now we're here...which is where, exactly?

    Pher -> :: Staying close to red ::

    Shane -> ::enters the basement last, climbing out of the hole and closing the hatch quietly::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]This way... There's an elevator around this corner...

    Pher -> :: follows ::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::rounds corner and opens a panel on the wall::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::enters a code into the control panel and the elevator doors open::

    Shane -> ::pulls the strap off of his pistol and follows several meters behind the group::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A security guard crosses a nearby intersection

    Pher -> :: Smiles and shows the guard some curves ::

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Stops at the intersection and looks over the group::

    Pher -> Whacha lookin at?

    rosetto -> {REDERA]::smirks an flashes a badge::

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Continues walking without even looking at Redera's badge::

    Troy Parson -> ::quietly:: Well, that's a welcome change of pace.

    Shane -> ::watches the guard move on and shrugs as he enters the elevator behind everyone::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]Inside... It may mean trouble...

    Pher -> :: Nods and moves ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Redera, then the elevator:: After you.::grins::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::enters lift and looks at the panel inside.:: Everyone in?

    Troy Parson -> ::follows Redera inside:: Ready when you are.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A camera at the top of the elevator car is just one of many that an observant person might have noticed up to this point. They've all been following the group

    Pher -> :: wonders ::

    William Chocox -> The Boy> ::watching the group as they come through the tunnels::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::enters more cryptic entries::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at the camera, winks, and then goes back to riding the elevator passively::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The elevator opens to a short hall that leads into a large warehouse looking room

    Shane -> ::glances up at the camera and sighs as the doors open::

    rosetto -> {REDERA]::steps out cautiously::

    William Chocox -> The Boy> ::looks over at the sound of the opening elevator doors::

    Pher -> :: follows ::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::to the room::We're here....

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The room is empty save for a large bank of computers with a teenage human boy behind it. A shadowy figure stands next to the bank with his back turned to the group

    Pher -> Did we put on a good show?

    Joe Manning -> Figure> We both know you're capable of nothing else, Pheromone of Evenstar.

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::thinks a muzzle for the animal might be a good idea::

    Pher -> :: smiles ::

    Pher -> I try.

    Joe Manning -> Figure> I wonder ...

    Pher -> :: Raises an eyebrow ::

    Joe Manning -> Figure> I was expecting Captain Joseph Manning, former First Officer of the USS Gettysburg, Starfleet ...

    Troy Parson -> ::steps forward:: Erm, well, y'see...

    Joe Manning -> Figure> Instead ... I get Troy Parson ... professor of experimental physics at the University of Europa ...

    Pher -> He seemed to think there were more important things to take care of.

    Joe Manning -> Figure> ::Turns to reveal a plain looking man with sandy hair and spectacles:: Former professor, that is.

    Pher -> :: shrugs ::

    Shane -> ::following behind the others, glancing around room warily with an expressionless face::

    Pher -> :: Stays not to far away from Red ::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::tries to look innocent::

    Troy Parson -> In all fairness, the charges on which I was dismissed were totally...almost all false.

    Pher -> :: Clears the area of the elevator ::

    Joe Manning -> Figure> ::Smiles:: I'm quite aware that they were, Doctor Parson.

    William Chocox -> The Boy> ::moves to stand slightly to the right and behind the figure::

    Pher -> :: waits to see if he has done his homework on the rest of the group ::

    Joe Manning -> Figure> You, of course, won't mind if I disarm you all? You are guests in my home, after all.

    Pher -> :: He started with the easy ones. She'd be impressed if he has the boy. ::

    Pher -> Well, I would. If this works there has to be trust.

    Pher -> If you aren't willing to trust, we can leave now.

    Joe Manning -> Figure> ::Grins at Pher:: And I can trust you a lot more if you aren't armed.

    Joe Manning -> Figure> You came here with the offer.

    Pher -> :: Shrugs :: The feeling is mutual.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Pher:: We should do as he says...

    William Chocox -> The Boy> ::subtle shift that makes it easier to grab a weapon if he has to.

    Troy Parson -> If he wanted us dead, there were plenty of chances in those corridors.

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::steps up to collect weapons::

    Joe Manning -> Figure> Very keen observation, Doctor Parson. Normally, anyone using the basement entrance at this hour is shot before he reaches the ground level.

    Joe Manning -> Figure> I find you all too fascinating to do that.

    Shane -> ::takes his big pistol out of the holster and tosses it to Redera::

    Shane -> ::truns his attention back to the man in front of them::

    Shane -> turns*

    Pher -> :: Donates the pain stick ::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]:catches pistol with both hands with a thud::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a small plastic toy dog out from his jacket and hands it to Redera:: You really should be careful how you handle this.

    Joe Manning -> Figure> ::Looks at Redera:: Keep those safe until our friends leave, my dear. We do not want to damage their property.

    rosetto -> [REDERA]Yessir...::diminitively::

    Pher -> Very good, dear.

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::holds hand out or Pher's sidearm::

    Joe Manning -> Figure> Now you have only the weapons that are attached to you. Or that you are concealing. ::Grins:: But it matters little, as the basic show of trust ::Looks at Pher:: Will suffice.

    Joe Manning -> Figure> Allow me to introduce myself. I am Simon Graham, a managing partner of the Quantum Trinities Shipping Company ... whose offices you now occupy.

    Pher -> :: Reaches out and removes her girlie gun from where she was hiding it... in Red's ear. ::

    Pher -> :: smiles ::

    William Chocox -> The Boy> ::eases a little bit as the group is unarmed, but still able to grab a weapon::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::leaves the room and to place weapons in storage locker::

    Troy Parson -> Plastic Dog> ::vibrates ominously when handled::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> I believe ... you had an offer for me? ::Looks over the group::

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::returns empty-handed and looks at Simon and nods::

    Shane -> ::folds his arms with his bionic whining and glances at Troy::

    William Chocox -> The Boy> ::looks warily at the bionic arm::

    Troy Parson -> Well, here's how it is...

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Folds his arms as well, and looks at Troy::

    Troy Parson -> You want off this rock, yea? We can do it.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> Eloquently stated for a professor of experimental physics. Your Captain chose an interesting sacrificial lamb to oversee these negotiations.

    Troy Parson -> ::shrug:: I find that making things more complicated than they have to be is usually a tactic of people who have some reason not to be understood.

    Pher -> :: Snorts ::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Grins:: Perhaps ...

    Joe Manning -> Simon> For all your inability to explain why your Captain isn't here, for instance. The most simple reason ... is that he intended to be elsewhere in case this goes badly.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> Assuming I'm interested in what you have to offer ... what do you want in exchange?

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::places her hand on her chin; suddenly interested in the proessor::

    Pher -> You are not the only one with multiple balls in the air.

    Pher -> You want to tell us about yours?

    Mitar Precip -> (checks indiglo watch and returns to viewscreen)

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Looks at Pher:: If you are referring to my intentions to scorch this planet ... still on schedule, though delayed out of respect for your offer.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> I do not wish to massacre the people of Tranquility. I simply wish to make them Federation citizens again.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Simon:: And you'd rather kill them than let them go their own way?

    Pher -> The Feds could retake the area any time they felt like it. They don't want to defend this much turf. I have always wondered what you are really up to, the party line being an obvious lie.

    Shane -> ::feels his blood rising a bit at the mention of the Federation::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Looks at Troy:: I'd rather kill them to let me go my own way. Visionaries cannot affect change if they are dead.

    Troy Parson -> I see...

    Troy Parson -> ::wonders if his personal credit balance will be enough to get him out of what he's about to say:: You know, I can kind of relate to that.

    Troy Parson -> Wanting to do the right thing, being willing to do whatever is necessary to bring it about...

    Troy Parson -> So, you know what?

    Troy Parson -> I think that, with the power invested in me by the captain of our ship to offer you a deal...

    Troy Parson -> I'll do what's right for this sector. You can have passage out of here for our usual transport fee, plus a hazard fee of 150%. That's a bargain many times over, especially for someone of your resources.

    rosetto -> [REDERA]:smiles::

    Troy Parson -> Guy like me could stand to do the Federation a favor once in a while, anyhow.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Gazes at Troy for a long moment before answering:: Yes, Doctor Parson ... unless your transport fees are ordinarily outrageous ... that does sound like quite a bargain.

    Troy Parson -> ::not, of course, that the Federation is likely to thank him for what he has planned...but it's a nice line, anyway::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> Your Captain made it sound as if you wanted far more out of the Rainmakers. I would find it hard to believe that he would go along with charging such a miniscule fee.

    Troy Parson -> ::smiles:: Well, he did, but sometimes we have to compromise to do what's right, yea?

    Troy Parson -> Besides...where would *we* be if this deal didn't go through?

    Pher -> Troy. You obviously underbid. Up the price.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Glances at The Boy, feeling a growing sense that Parson could be a problem and might need to be appealed to::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> I wonder, Doctor Parson ...

    Troy Parson -> ::smiles at Pher:: Come now, don't you want us to make a deal? He was never going to agree to Manning's price, anyway.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> If you are willing to do what it takes to do what's right ...

    Shane -> ::shifts his feet a little as he listens to the exchange::

    Pher -> I've got a wardrobe to maintain.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> I wonder if you would be as willing ... to erase your Captain from the picture. In exchange for a bonus -- the identities of your accusers at the university.

    rosetto -> [REDERA]::thinks... and make-p budget::

    Troy Parson -> Well, there's a big difference between offering transport cheap and agreeing to take someone out...::glances at Shane and Pher::

    Shane -> ::raises an eyebrow at the offer::

    Pher -> Captain has the missing part. Could be a bit tricky.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> I'm sure you know where it is Ms. Pheromone and could liberate it easily enough.

    Troy Parson -> ::shoots looks in the directions of Pher and Shane again, then back at Simon:: I'm sure you know what I'm getting at.

    Pher -> You clearly haven't worked with Joe.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> And no one needs to be killed. In the timeframe we would be working with, the Captain would need never know his ship has been taken. ::Looks at Troy::

    Troy Parson -> I suppose there are safer places to put Manning than the command chair of a starship...

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Pher:: I may know more about him than you, my dear. And I know how much he trusts you.

    Troy Parson -> Of course, I have no idea if you really have the information that you claim to have.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> I also know that while Doctor Parson may be content with transport fees and secrets ... you are more fond of ... shiny expensive things. ::Grins::

    Pher -> They have their points.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Troy:: My organization has a great deal of information, Doctor Parson. On whether we have the information you seek, you will simply have to trust me. Is there much downside to letting this opportunity go?

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  7. Joe Manning -> Last week, Nickles and William were planting Troy's booze bomb at a nearby motel (which still needs to be cleared out before we ever set it off, btw) ...

    Joe Manning -> Meanwhile, the rest of us are gathered at The Maze where (in logs) negotiations took place with Redera ...

    Joe Manning -> We're in the common room enjoying our drinks while Redera (under surveillance I imagine) gets in touch with Minos to possibly arrange a meeting.

    Joe Manning -> A Nausicaan gentleman has been causing trouble in the common room all night ...

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> ::Sitting over another glass of ginger ale in the common look, looking at the time display on his ODRI::

    William Chocox -> ::walks into the back entrance of the hotel carrying the bomb::

    Dash_Andrews -> :;Is nearby::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan> Hey you! ::points to Shane:: Yeah you with the Arm!

    Shane -> ::sitting at a table near the bar, rum in hand while trying to ignore the noisy alien at the bar::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: with William::

    STSF_Nickles -> <<William heres your @::

    Pher -> :: Monitoring Deltan Dust levels both on her own Audrey and Joe's ODRI. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> >>

    Shane -> ::turns in his chair:: What do ya want, big nose!?

    William Chocox -> <<::grabs it:: Thanks.>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Peers out the corner of his eye at the Nausicaan::

    Shane -> ::;;his voice an angry growl::

    Pher -> :: Keeping enough distance from Redera to not be easily jumpable but close enough to intervene if she has to. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::watching Shane and the Nausicaan, hoping things don't get unnecessarily ugly::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>Hmm...you sort of look like the guy.....:::reaches for something in a....bag he has::

    William Chocox -> @ ::walks through a hallway:: (m) Hopefully I don't run into someone.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::whispers:: My guess is to place it near the stair well??

    Joe Manning -> ::His hand drifts to his belt underneath his overcoat, where an energy pistol is holstered::

    Shane -> ::stands slowly, hand slipping towards his holstered pistol::

    William Chocox -> @ ::whispers:: Ok. ::starts to walk towards the stairwell::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan> ::pulls out an arm...severed below the elbow from his bag with an ODRI on it::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pulls his hand back up and grabs the ginger ale. Takes a sip::

    William Chocox -> <<brb>>

    Shane -> ::pauses, a little taken back::

    Joe Manning -> ::Quickly glances around, not liking the kind of trouble this Nausicaan is liable to bring down on the tavern, when the Guardians are probably already looking for Pher::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::belches and approaches Shane to show him whats on the Arm::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ once we have it set, we will need to clear the hotel. We can start a small fire and create a lot of smoke to drive folks out

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Eyeing the arm... then looks to Shane::

    Shane -> ::glances down at the arm, then back at the big alien:: Friend of yours?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Shuts off her ODRI and heads out of the back office and into the common room::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the arm, and then at the ODRI on it, thinking::

    Pher -> :: Sort of half notices Joe and Shane interacting with the Nausicaan, but paying little heed. Her focus is on Redera. ::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>Got this from a Guardian Traffic cop...but the image file...I'd like YOUR opinion on...to see if YOU are in it.....::Grins with his ugly teeth::

    Pher -> :: smiles (with assorted overtones) at Redera as she reenters. ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Watches the exchange between the Nausicaan and Shane from his table against the wall::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Aside:: Oh good... for a minute I thought he was going to say it was "your" arm...

    Shane -> ::just looks at the Nausicaan for a moment, then snatches the arm from him with his bionic::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Glances Pher up and down with a sneer::

    William Chocox -> <<back>>

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>Just push PLAY.

    Shane -> ::glances down at ODRI with his stony face unreadable, then hits the play icon::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> Neat little trick, that 'diaper' of yours. Most people seek chemical countermeasures to my ... charms. They would never think of something so ... simple.

    William Chocox -> @ ::sets the bomb in place:: (w) You want to stary the fire, or should I?

    Pher -> :: briefly considers playing girlie status games, but it doesn't seem to be the right time for that. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::whispers:: Ill keep watch you set it. Make it real smokey

    Pher -> Didn't have my full kit with me. Had to improvise.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::smiles as a video is played showing an arrest warrant issued for the individual responsible for the following incident in the video.......::

    Pher -> Wasn't really expecting this leave to get quite so interesting.

    Joe Manning -> << I need more details, @ team ... where is the bomb? Somewhere it could easily be spotted? Somewhere the cleaning staff may find it? >>

    Pher -> Last long enough, you think?

    STSF_Nickles -> << in a stair well hidden is my guess>>

    William Chocox -> @ ::whispers:: Gotcha. ::sets about finding stuff to burn::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::shows a grainy 3d image of a human with a huge arm clotheslining a Guardian..then the ODRI malfunctions a bit and the video replays over and over again...with the Nausicaan starting to laugh::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Smirks and looks around the common room:: Doesn't matter, does it? You're the only one here who can resist my charms. I suppose that makes you their secret weapon?

    William Chocox -> <<Yes. Well hidden.>>

    Shane -> ::watches the video, then looks back at the Nausicaan:: Whats it too you? Never bagged a Gaurdian before?

    Pher -> :: Laughs :: I'm hardly a secret, Redera.

    Joe Manning -> << I'll take your word for it :( >>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shakes head slowly...:: Not like he's the first person in this town to have a warrant on him.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::laughs:: That is you on this video! Hah!! You know this is the rage on the ::Belch:: underground?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Looks her over, not bothering to mask the disdain in her voice:: No, I can see full well that you keep very little about yourself secret.

    Dash_Andrews -> Ya' hear that Shane... You're a celebrity now... ::laughs::

    Pher -> :: tilts her head a bit. :: True, and not true. My life here on Tranquility is pretty much an open book. Before that? Most haven't bothered to look into it.

    Joe Manning -> ::Narrows his eyes toward the Nausicaan and the severed arm::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan> Would you be so.....kind ::Nausicaan Grin:: To sign my sword? ::drops a sharpie on the table and unsheathes his sword landing it on the table..and stands back a foot or so..::

    William Chocox -> @ ::has a pile of oily rags and lights it:: ::whispers:: Let's go.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::scoots back a bit reflexively when the sword is drawn::

    Shane -> ::is innerly relieved that it is just a Guardian arrest warrant, cracks a grin and hands the arm back to the alien::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Shrugs:: In any event ... you're in luck. Minos has agreed to meet with you.

    Shane -> Why not? ::reaches for the sword::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ William hows Im not seeing much smoke

    Dash_Andrews -> Quick question... If it's already uploaded to every Vid-Lover's ODRI... Why risk exposure by romping around with the original... Trying to be caught "Red Handed"?

    Pher -> Ah. Good, though I suspect Joe will want to handle it.

    William Chocox -> @ It'll take a little bit, but it will get smoke going.

    Pher -> :: With a small hair toss, leads Redera towards the captain. ::

    Shane -> ::scratches "Shane" on the hilt with his bionic:: Don't be jealous Doc...

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes his head as Shane grabs the sword, looks at the Nausicaan::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Psssh sound:: Hardly... I'm just sayin'

    Pher -> Some stuff Joe delegates. Your boss? I suspect he isn't often delegated.

    Shane -> ::stabs the sword back into the table after he finishes:: There ya are

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up at Pher as she approaches:: -What- isn't delegated?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::nods:: lets walk around to the front and wait when see see the smoke We will call it. Contact Joe and let him know the bombs set?

    Pher -> Chatting with M'lady's boss. :: Said with a nod to Redera :: She's made arrangements.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>oh the arm...well that actually came from a guardian in the unspeakable zone...hence it is stiff...no it isn't the actually pig this great GREAT citizen of Bull's Head sent on his Arse!!!!

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Stays behind Pher and looks around, taking measure of everyone in the tavern::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> Minos is intrigued by your terms. ::Looks down at Joe:: He's instructed me to lead you to his present location.

    Pher -> :: Some awkwardness if bothe Redera and Pher are trying to stay behind each other. Wants to keep an eye on Redera. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::remembers why he never deals with Nausicaans...::

    William Chocox -> @ Ok. I don't have a communicator. Parson took mine for the bomb.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>Thanks! ::hefts sword up and places arm in bag and walks back to the bar whistling::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Ill contact Joe.

    Shane -> ::sits back down in his chair and takes a gulp from his mug:: No problem

    Troy Parson -> ::absent-mindedly twirling the bomb detonator in his free hand while he drinks::

    William Chocox -> Ok.

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ Chris to Joe

    William Chocox -> @ ::starts to walk to the front::

    Joe Manning -> So ... we have a meeting with the man himself? ::Looks at Pher:: What do you think?

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::sits at bar and....Passes out::

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps his ODRI, sending an automated text response back to Nickles. 'Is it urgent?'::

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ We have the bomb set we have set a small fire in the building and are waiting for it to smoulder up some smoke to clear the building.

    Pher -> This isn't a risk free op, but go for it. This isn't the time for double crosses yet.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: I get the feeling we've failed epicly at keeping a low profile

    Pher -> GO for it.

    Joe Manning -> Of course not. It's a good deal for both sides. I hope Minos realizes that and isn't just looking to screw us ... ::Looks up at Redera::

    Shane -> ::turns his head at the sound of the Nausicaan landing in a heap by the bar:: I never expected we would, Doc. We're not exactly your regular bunch of mercenaries.

    Joe Manning -> I want the two of you to head into the back office and move that moldy old sofa. You'll find a trap door underneath it.

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ Chris to Joe

    Pher -> :: Looks dubiously at her new team mate. ::

    Joe Manning -> And please make it quick. Chris is being insistent ... ::Smiles::

    Joe Manning -> I'll be along with you shortly

    Shane -> ::gets up from the table and walks over to grab the half empty bottle from the unconcious Nausicaan::

    Pher -> Pheromone and Redera, Furniture movers.

    Pher -> :: Starts towards the office ::

    Shane -> ::goes back to Dash's table and pours himself another::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: You'll be taking a route out of here that isn't so obvious.

    Pher -> I somehow thing things have taken a wrong turn somewhere....

    William Chocox -> @ ::standing in front of the motel:: I'm starting to see a little smoke. What do you think?

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Joe here, I got your message ...

    Dash_Andrews -> I would hire that company... ::grins wide:: Two good looking women and a Van is what I'd call it though

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ I hope the fire won't burn the whole place down?

    Troy Parson -> ::chimes in:: You might also want to tell him not to let it get too close to the bomb...

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Frowns and follows Pher to the back::

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Forget that ... will the fire set off the explosive?

    Pher -> :: Flashes a pose briefly at Dash and moves on ::

    Pher -> :: Takes one end of the Sofa, and makes ready to move it ::

    Pher -> You are familiar with couches, I presume?

    Joe Manning -> Troy ... give me the detonator.

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ No Its just for the smoke. to help clear the building.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<hahaha>>

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ And you didn't start the fire close to the explosive?

    Shane -> ::leans back in his chair, sniffing whatever the alien was drinking::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a sip of his drink:: Hey, I wasn't going to set it off too soon... ::hands it over anyway::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Sneers down at the dirty couch. Sighs and crouches beside one end:: Not particularly, no.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::Utterly passed out...drooling a bit on bar...::

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ no its more near a door so the smoke will be seen from Outside.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::turns attention back to shane:: Ya' know you can run a small city on that stuff for about two days...

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes the detonator and looks up at Troy:: I want you to meet with Minos.

    Pher -> :: Lifts and moves her end ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ The smoke is being seen We are bout to call into the building

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ I hope it doesn't bring any emergency response people into the building.

    Troy Parson -> Playing diplomat to a terrorist...I guess it could be interesting.

    Dash_Andrews -> Or... Comatose a Nausicaan for about 2 hours...

    Shane -> ::tests it a bit:: Just about as bad as the warp core moonshine we made on my last ship::

    Shane -> ship.*

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Helps Pher move the sofa, revealing a stretch of carpet that's lifted slightly along the edge::

    Pher -> :: flips the carpet ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: Do you know what the endgame is?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ lets go William

    William Chocox -> @ Gotcha

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shakes head:: I'll stick to the all natural ales and spirits thank you...

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Looks down at the hatch in the floor:: Seeing as how we're on the ground floor, I'd imagine that leads down to the utility tunnels.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::rushes into the front of the building:: HURRY UP YOUR BUILDING IS ON FIRE YOU NEED TO EVACUATE IT!!

    Pher -> That's my guess too.

    Pher -> This as good a way to start out as any?

    Shane -> ::pushes the bottle towards Dash:: It'll definitly help with the headaches you get with that eye-thingy-majigger


    Troy Parson -> We're offering to get him off this miserable rock, yea?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Troy:: Bring Pher and Dash along to run backup for you. You'll need Pher to keep an eye on the bald one.

    William Chocox -> @ ::holding the door open:: OUT THIS WAY! OUT THIS WAY! THIS IS OFFICIAL GUARDIAN BUSINESS. OUT THIS WAY!

    Shane -> ::looks at the glass in his hand as it glows like warp engine coolant::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::ussurung folks out the door::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The few people remaining at the motel as Minos' deadline approaches begin making their way toward the exits

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sips from the bottle slowly...:: It's headaches from being grounded that concern me more

    Pher -> :: Waves Audrey down the hole, making sure there is no other traffic down there. ::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Scratches her bald head:: Well ... I don't know the office complex -that- well ... but I do know there are emergency escape routes leading to the underlevels.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> We might be able to reach his office without emerging to the surface.

    Dash_Andrews -> I'm a spacer... too much gravity and atmosphere is bad for me.

    Pher -> That should work if we can manage it. At this point we are both a bit conspicuous and popular.

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: Remember, you're in it for the money more than anything. Negotiate a price that's painful ... but not outrageous.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::watches as the last few go by:: WILL go locate the fire see id you can put it out!! ::making excuses for Will and himself to go inside::

    Joe Manning -> From there, you can work out where we'll all rendezvous.

    Shane -> Amen to that ::takes another sip to watch the room spin for a bit:: I'm ready to get my feet off the ground.

    Troy Parson -> Painful, but not outrageous. Got it.

    Joe Manning -> Meanwhile, I'll be drawing the Guardians' attention. ::Nods to him:: Good luck.

    William Chocox -> @ ::lets go of door:: Ok. Will do. ::walks into the motel::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ +Joe+ Chris to joe

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ I read you, Chris. How's the bomb squad doing?

    Dash_Andrews -> Less politicking in the black too... No underhanded terrorism to worry about. Just plain simple... Money running. Ship this here... Take that their. Remove this from here... Get paid. The end.

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ The bomb is set and the building is empty except Will and Myself.

    STSF_Nickles -> @We can go out the back to cover

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at the time::

    William Chocox -> @ Let's go. ::starts walking to the back::

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Stay on site and try to make sure no one enters the motel, not even Guardians

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a sip of his drink, gets up, starts to head over to where Pher and Redera are, stops, walks over to the passed-out Nausicaan, steals the ODRI from the severed arm, and then continues on his way::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Looks at Troy as he enters the back room::

    Shane -> ::sets the mug back on the table, spills a little and listens to it sizzle as it hits the wood:: Well, even that gets complicated sometimes...

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ Will do Chris out/

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::too far gone to notice anything ....just drooling on the bar::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out a handkerchief and wipes some decay-ooze off the inside of the ODRI's strap:: Hello, ladies.

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets up and walks over to Shane and Dash's table::

    Shane -> ::looks to the Captain::

    Dash_Andrews -> Did Troy just jack the Nausicaan's trophy?

    Shane -> Looks to be about right.

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ As a bonus ... see if you can't find Duke's room. I doubt the pay for the raider mission is in there, but if you can find something vaulable to steal ...

    Pher -> Good evening, Troy. You know Redera? She'll be our guide for this little trip.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Obviously a bit too much of the booze in his system::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: moves to the front door once more and speaks to those that had left:: Will has found it and is working on getting it out. please remain outside until we let you know it is safe to reenter.

    Troy Parson -> Ah, the lovely Redera...I've heard so much about you. ::grins:: So, time to go meet the boss-man?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Stares back at Troy with blank expression:: We'll be heading to an office building in the Latinum District. ::Looks behind him:: Your Captain?

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: steps back toward the inside:: WILL

    Pher -> No. Apparently Joe has descided to delegate after all.

    William Chocox -> @ Yes?

    Troy Parson -> He's a busy man, y'see...

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at the bar and the Nausicaan:: I don't take it either of you know that guy? Or have ever seen him before?

    Pher -> He hasn't created enough trouble yet, tonight?

    Dash_Andrews -> Not the company I generally keep Boss... You know that.

    Shane -> ::glances to the drunk:: Nope. Never seen him before.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Frowns:: This wasn't the arrangement. You speak for your entire crew?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: In a softer tone :: see if you can find Duke's room. See if the payment for the raider mission is in there, or if you can find something vaulable to steal ......

    Pher -> He does know he isn't going to be able to compete with M'lady's man, doesn't he?

    Shane -> Worried about him?

    Troy Parson -> ::serious expression for a second:: I can speak for all of us.

    Pher -> :: nods in agreement with Troy's comment ::

    Joe Manning -> Shane, why don't you catch up with Troy's group ...

    William Chocox -> @ Ok. What is the raider mission?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Sighs and kneels down to open the latch:: Fine, but if Minos doesn't like this, don't blame me.

    Pher -> What's not to like?

    William Chocox -> @

    Pher -> :: Follows behind ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ MIght as well get him back.. It may be listed under Redding :;mummbes:: the scumbag

    Shane -> ::sighs, takes one last sip and stands up:: Sure Captain.

    William Chocox -> @::starts looking at rooms:: Found it.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Drops down to the ladder and starts descending:: Just follow me ...

    Shane -> ::mumbles:: Long as I get a piece of Minos when we're done with him ::turns and heads to the backroom::

    Joe Manning -> You packin', Dash?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ go to the room see if you find anything there

    William Chocox -> @ ::grabs an unlocking device and walks towards the room:: Back in a bit.

    Dash_Andrews -> The usual... Hypos and a rusty disruptor... What did you have in mind?

    Shane -> ::enters the backroom and stands next to the hatch with the others:: Captain says I'm with you.

    Joe Manning -> Are you any kind of a decent shot?

    Dash_Andrews -> Well... Naturally no. But ugh... ::motions to his visor:: I have a little help ya' see.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Dont get caught Lock those back door on your way... Ill cover the front

    Pher -> Follow along, Shane. Mind taking rearguard?

    Joe Manning -> Seeing the target is one thing. Being able to pull the trigger if you need to ...

    Pher -> I think we're doing ladies first this time around.

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns and moves over to the bar and the Nausicaan::

    Shane -> ::glances over Redera and Pher:: Not at all.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::nods and stands up using the cane to get his legs about him::

    Pher -> :: smiles ::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::totally passed out and just making a puddle of drool on the bar::

    William Chocox -> @ ::locks the back door:: Ok. ::walks into the room::

    Joe Manning -> ::Leans over the Nausicaan's massive body, so his mouth is close to the giant's ear:: I'm thinking ... we might kill this feller here just for kicks.

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ Chris to Joe. Will is completing a search at this time. So far no one seems wiser.

    Pher -> Redera? Guess you're in the lead for the moment, but if you see trouble, we'll rearrange things.

    Shane -> <<brb>>

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: An Orion male ... large even for an Orion male ... is splayed on a huge bed in Duke's room, snoring loudly

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Stops in his tracks:: You're joking right?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Hanging onto the ladder:: Whenever you have things in order, let's go. And don't worry about me ... I can handle trouble.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Dash:: Of course not.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Redera:: We just think it'd be an awful shame to wind up shooting through you, you know?

    Joe Manning -> He broke into Pete's place. I have no reservations whatsoever about cappin' this fool. ::Looks down at the Nausicaan::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ No You cant go back in yet. My partner is putting out the flames wouldnt want you to get overcome with the smoke.

    Joe Manning -> If we're gonna do it ... we might as well do it while he's asleep ... while he can't fight back.

    Dash_Andrews -> He's done nothing that warrants murder as retribution... Atleast not to us... ::regarding the arm on the floor::

    Pher -> :: A bit loudly :: Joe? We're heading out!

    Shane -> <<bk>>

    William Chocox -> @ ::whispering:: What do I do if there is someone in here?

    Joe Manning -> ::Yells back to Pher:: Good luck

    STSF_Nickles -> @::whispers:: Who is it?

    Pher -> Let's roll, everyone.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Lets go of the ladder in the maintenance tunnel below, looks up at Troy:: Just keep your gun in your pants, hotshot.

    William Chocox -> @ ::whispers:: No clue some huge Orion male.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::feels uneasy... almost feels like calling out for Pher's assistance::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausciaan>::BELCH!!!!::

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ Chris to Joe there is a large Orion male alseep in Dukes room.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks down at his ODRI and sighs::

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: Check to see if he's really sleeping, would you?

    Mitar Precip -> Nausciaan>::talks drunkingly:: Where's my money.....

    Joe Manning -> ::Steps away from the bar::

    Shane -> ::takes the strap off his holstered pistol, waiting his turn for the hatch::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::stirs...lifting his head just a bit...::

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Chris ... I feel I have to remind you that you're not the chief doc any more ...

    Pher -> :: Taking second slot behind Redera. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves toward the Nausicaan:: Another round?! ::a bit loudly::

    Troy Parson -> ::third in line::

    William Chocox -> @ ::whispers:: I can shoot him. There is a spare disruptor in here.

    Shane -> ::slides down the ladder after everyone else, barely fitting through the hatch::

    William Chocox -> @ ::whispers:: But that probably wouldn't be prudent.

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ If I give you a job, you've got to take matters into your own hand.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>Oh heck Yeah...::raises huge right arm..not as big as shane's of course::

    Joe Manning -> ::Reaches under his overcoat and pulls out his disruptor pistol. Checks the clip::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves quickly and hypo's the Nausicaan in the back of the neck as he raises up::

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Will Duke had an orion body guard. Just call out fire and get him out of there. chase him out.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Strides casually through the tunnels, leading the others:: At a quick pace, it'll be about a fifteen minute trip

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::kerplunk .sploosh...into his puddle of drool::

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ will do Chris out

    Pher -> Good nuff.

    William Chocox -> @ Ok. ::puts his mouth to the Orions ear:: FIRE! GET OUT OF THE MOTEL!

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Dash:: Don't knock him out. Wake him up.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::turns to Joe... watching him thumb his Pistol::

    Dash_Andrews -> And why would I do that?

    William Chocox -> @ ::jumps back to avoid the Orion if it starts running::

    Shane -> ::walking a little behind the group, keeping an eye on Redera::

    Joe Manning -> Because I want to find out who he really is, what he's doing here, and what he did with Pete.

    Joe Manning -> @Urzot> ::Suddenly wakes up and jumps out of the bed::

    Dash_Andrews -> You won't need that Chief... ::indicating the disruptor::


    Joe Manning -> @Urzot> ::Instead of running out of the room, leaps toward William, grabs him around the throat, and lifts him up::

    William Chocox -> @::gagging::

    Dash_Andrews -> I can get the information you want... it's as simple as point and click ::pulls out a cocktail of his and fits it in the the hypo::

    Dash_Andrews -> Then back to sleep

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  8. Using the smelling salt he'd grabbed from underneath the bar, Joe roused the Deltan from her stun-induced slumber. She awoke on the frayed sofa in The Maze's back room, sitting upright with a wet cloth around her waist and pink-furred handcuffs binding her wrists.


    "Rise and shine, Redera," Joe said. "We're back where we first met, in The Maze. Though, this time, I have the advantage."


    The Deltan tried to conceal her nervousness as she surveyed the room. The pair was alone in the modestly furnished manager's lounge -- Pher was watching a video feed of the exchange from the common room. When it became apparent that her pheromones were not filling the air of the cramped lounge, she looked down at her midsection.


    "Pher thought that might help avoid another 'incident,' like the one that cost Mr. LaHaye his life." Joe held up a slender black cylinder, the size of his index finger -- the data storage device that had been retrieved from LaHaye's bank vault. "But not his legacy. Most fortuitous that I have an expert in the ... sensual sides of biochemistry."


    The Deltan relaxed her pose, sitting up perfectly straight and still, staring up at Joe. She tried not to betray the concern that had been growing since the bank. Being captured by her former marks had worsened a bad situation even further. "What do you want?" the Deltan asked bitterly.


    "I was about to ask you the same thing," Joe turned to the minibar in the corner opposite the couch and retrieved two small bottles. "Here I thought we were all getting along so well, then you went and kidnapped my first mate. Granted, you let him go without too much of a fight. But given that you were asking him about Qob's security and command overrides, I'm not inclined to forgive."


    Joe watched the Deltan as he opened the bottle of whiskey. She simply stared up at him with an adamant expression. "If you were looking to steal my ship," Joe continued, pouring the whiskey over her cloth-covered groin and getting a fair deal of amusement out of her offended reaction. "You and your associates will be disappointed to find it inaccessible. We removed the control board for the thrusters, and we've got it stashed in a nice, safe place. Assuming that Minos, even with his leet computer skills, cannot program a new one in what little time he has, Qob won't be going anywhere until I decide otherwise."


    Redera finally showed some concern in her eyes as she peered up at Joe then. If what he was saying were true, if Minos could not render the ship operable again, her mission -- her original mission, before Minos inexplicably sent her chasing after LaHaye -- was already a failure. Joe smiled and continued, "I see that the ship -is- what you were after. Good. We're finding common ground now. How long have you been after it, I wonder?"


    "Days," Redera finally replied, though with a stubborn edge. "I was brought here specifically for that purpose. My associates identified your ship as a promising escape route within hours of the blockade being imposed."


    Joe glanced off to the side. Marshall Savoy offered him the Minos job just two days ago. If Redera was telling the truth, the Rainmakers already had designs on Qob at the time. Unless Qob were really that noteworthy of a ship, Savoy had known something that she had neglected to tell him.


    "So, what are you going to do to me?" Redera asked again, more insistently.


    Joe looked back at the Deltan and emptied the bottle of whiskey onto her pheromone 'diaper.' He tossed the bottle aside and retrieved the bourbon bottle from his pocket. "For one thing, I'm gonna empty this here bottle just like I emptied the other one. Once it's empty, I'm either gonna kill you for makin' me waste a perfectly good bottle of bourbon on someone we shoulda killed sooner, or I'm gonna take those cuffs off ya. It depends on how friendly our conversation is from here."


    Redera watched the slow trickle of fluid out of the bottle as Joe tipped it over. "I'm also gonna make ya a deal," he continued. "Why do you think I went looking for LaHaye's secrets? I was using what he knew to get to the Rainmakers. I figured if I had something your cult wanted ... I was gonna charge you for it before I let you take it away. This is Bull's Head after all, sweetheart. If you can't steal it, you buy it."


    Redera shot a startled expression at him. "What are you saying? You'll sell us your ship?"


    Joe shrugged. "In a manner of speaking. I'd hazard a guess that Minos has plenty of ships, and I ain't willing to give mine away just yet. But at this particular moment, he needs mine ... badly. I'd also hazard a guess that he has plenty of money. If he saw fit to share a nice big chunk of it with me, I could offer him safe passage off world. If he wants it badly enough, I'd throw this in for an extra fee." He held up LaHaye's data cache again. "Might be wise ... since my understanding is that this could incriminate a lot of his supporters on Tranquility."


    Redera eyed him skeptically. "You don't profile as the mercenary type. Or the type who would help the Rainmakers."


    "Maybe not," Joe replied. "Maybe I seem too much like the jaded Federation officer who thinks this 'independence' idea ain't so bad. But things ain't always so black and white, I'm afraid. You may have heard that my crew ran into some trouble with raiders recently. We were robbed and left for dead in space; I lost half my crew. We barely managed to limp back to Tranquility, but now we're broke and fed up with it all. On top of that, I've gotten myself into a bit of legal trouble with the Guardians. Given all the laws my crew has broken tonight to bring us all together here, I'd say we've all drifted neatly into outlaw territory. We may not support your little pro-Fed rebellion against Bull's Head, but we can recognize a good opportunity when we see one. You can make us rich enough to pay off the Guardians and still live like kings for years ... assuming Minos is feeling as generous as I imagine he will be."


    "Or you could just turn Minos in to the Guardians," Redera narrowed her eyes at him.


    Joe laughed and poured more of the bourbon. "Hon, as we speak, the Guardians are looking for me and Pher. I think they know we broke into their hospital ... and that we snatched you out from under them at the bank. If they find us, they aren't gonna be in much of a mood to bargain. And even if they do ... what would turning you in get me and my crew? Our crimes erased from their records and a pat on the back? No ... now that I'm holding all the cards, I'm gonna decide what the stakes are."


    Redera glanced from LaHaye's data cache, to the emptying bottle of bourbon, to Joe's face. Though a double-cross could not be ruled out here, she appeared to have everything she needed within reach. "Alright, you've made your point. But it's not my place to decide. I can only contact Minos and find out what he thinks of your offer."


    "Ah, you're in direct contact with the big man, then?" Joe asked with a smile. "Fortune certainly smiled on us the day you walked into this bar."


    "Well, would you mind dearly getting these off me?" Redera lifted her cuffed hands and returned the smile bitingly. "The use of my hands would help."


    "Of course," Joe said. He gulped down the last of the bourbon and leaned over Redera to pluck away the wet cloth. "Do keep in mind that you are being watched. If you do anything that Pher doesn't like, she won't see any further reason to keep you alive. Let's all be smart and do some business."

  9. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Shane -> <<do we still need a #?>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Seated at the bar in The Maze, drinking ginger ale for a change::

    Pher -> :: Keeping an eye on Redera, and Duff carrying her... and for guardians, and.... whatever. This is starting to get complicated. ::

    Joe Manning -> << No need. We'll be together soon >>

    Pher -> +Joe+ Have data. Have Redera.

    Joe Manning -> ::Wonders where the hell Pete the owner disappeared to::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at his ODRI::

    Shane -> ::in the Maze, helping Troy put together the Booze bomb::

    William Chocox -> ::sitting in The Maze with some fizzy drink in front of him::

    Troy Parson -> ::assembling various bits of gardening equipment inside a large barrel in order to create a fuel aerosolation device for the bomb. Holds out a beer to Shane:: Here, take this.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Redera ... the Deltan? You're gonna have to explain that one to me.

    Shane -> ::takes the bottle, starts to take a swig::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sitting next to Joe eye turn to he says her name::

    Pher -> +Joe+ Can you imagine the nerver of her? Tried the hit the same bank as we did. As she ticked me off messing with Chris, couldn't resist nabbing her. I'll bet the Guardians are all confused.

    William Chocox -> (m) I know I would be.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances over at Nickles:: +Pher+ ... Guardians? What do they have to do with it?

    Pher -> +Joe+ Wasn't an entirely hot op. Stay clear of the bank. Whatever reserves the guardians can afford are chasing Red and I.

    Shane -> ::wipes his mouth, examining the bottle:: Seems like a waste to use the good stuff on this.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Seated between Duff and Pher in the back seat of another cab::

    Pher -> +Joe+ Redera was exchanging fire with the Guardians before we took her out and ran out the secret tunnel.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Are the Guardians following you? ::Sips the ginger ale::

    Troy Parson -> ::brief chuckle:: You've not given it long enough for the aftertaste to hit you yet.

    Pher -> +Joe+ They are trying. I think we're clear.

    Shane -> ::gets a weird look, beats on his chest with his bionic:: Yeah....your right.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Be certain. If we can dig up info that can lead us to Minos, we have a card to use against them. They can't know we have the Deltan ... yet.

    Troy Parson -> I'm just using that stuff for lubrication, anyway...the alcohol content isn't high enough for it to be part of our little warhead.

    Pher -> +Joe+ Gotcha. Where's the rondezvous?

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns toward Nickles:: Why don't you have another drink, Chris. Your old flame is on her way here.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We're at The Maze. Don't mind the darkness. Either Minos did something or T'aral did.

    Pher -> +Joe+ Can't tell them apart anymore?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Just as difficult to find. And just as cold. ::Sips the ginger ale::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::in a grumpy voice. :: My old flame indeed.

    Pher -> +Joe+ Good enough. I'll check tail and call you.

    Joe Manning -> You're okay now, right, Chris?

    Pher -> :: To Duff :: Got that? How well do you know the Maze area? :: Looks to LaHaye as well ::

    Shane -> I'm assuming thats what the wine is for. I remember using a paint stripper for the core one time when a drink wasn't really available. Now that was a bomb.

    Pher -> :: Points Audrey at Redera to see if she is apt to wake up. ::

    William Chocox -> ::looking over at Parson and Shane:: Anything I can do to help?

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Popular hangout for mercenaries and other visitors who can't afford Freedom District. I farm it for information often.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: decides to get something else anyway:: Bartender another Telarian Brandy.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Quite thoroughly stunned::

    Shane -> ::glances over to Will, raising an eyebrow:: I didn't think your training included bomb building, Guardian.

    Pher -> :: to LaHaye :: Joe wants to be sure we haven't a tail behind us before we meet up. I have a few places in mind for it, but I'm not a native.

    STSF_Nickles -> She wasnt a flame TRUST me

    William Chocox -> I am an engineer though. Starfleet trained.

    Troy Parson -> ::to William, without looking up:: You can pass the limoncello, then.

    STSF_Nickles -> Sandra was a HELL Of a lot better

    Shane -> <<woops, forgot Duff>>

    Shane -> Duff> Better than you would think...

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> With everyone in the district swarming the port area, there are no shortage of places we could find solitude I am sure. I will defer to your judgment my lady.

    William Chocox -> ::grabs the limoncello and walks over to where Parson and Shane are:: Here you going ::holding out the limoncello::

    William Chocox -> <<go*>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets up and circles around the bar to retrieve the bottle of Telarian brandy:: Well ... you -were- calling her name out back in Pher's room.

    Pher -> Fine. :: Speeks to the cab driver, directing him to a bar near an alley where she could check six. ::

    Shane -> ::snorts at the mention of Starfleet:: Starfleet doesn't teach you everything... ::takes the bottle from him::

    Joe Manning -> That kinda devotion don't come easy. ::Refills Nickles' glass::

    Troy Parson -> ::grabs limoncello from Shane, takes a gulp, puts it down next to himself, and goes back to tinkering with the bomb gear::

    William Chocox -> Yeah, but it's not like I'm some hick who thought it would be fun to wear a uniform.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> I am not comfortable with this woman in the cab. She may have been at the bank to track me down after my escape from the hospital.

    Pher -> Or she might have been after the same thing we were. Or she might have been there to kill a bunch of people. I'm not comfortable with her at all.

    Pher -> But she might be a way to reach the guy we want to reach, so we can't just dump her.

    Pher -> This isn't a night for being comfortable.

    Shane -> Could have fooled me, Lawman. ::holds up a piece of equipment for Troy::

    STSF_Nickles -> Thats not fare Joe. :: glaring at him::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Yes. Minos. I still think you are all insane. ::Feels the cab come to a stop::

    William Chocox -> Hey, I was in engineering. I left the security stuff to the meatheads.

    Shane -> ::glances uneasily at the unconcious Deltan, tightens his grip on his rifle::

    Joe Manning -> All's fair in love and war. And I think that Deltan had you right on the cusp of both.

    Pher -> Audrey... pay the man, please. Tripple tip.

    Troy Parson -> ::takes the piece of equipment from Shane and adds it to the bomb:: Almost there...

    Troy Parson -> Who's got the sprinkler head?

    Pher -> :: To the cabbie :: You're hard of hearing, right? Believe me, you don't want to join this party.

    STSF_Nickles -> Dont remind me.

    Joe Manning -> Cabbie> ::A two foot tall humanoid. Climbs over the seat back to look at Pher. Speaks in a high-pitched voice:: Thank you madam! You are most generous!

    Shane -> ::eyebrows lower at the "meathead" comment:: That why you're a Guardian, huh?

    Pher -> :: Smiles. Kisses him on forehead. :: Thanks. You're not so bad yourself, working a night this harsh. Stay safe!

    Pher -> :: Bails out of the cab ::

    Joe Manning -> If everything goes to plan, we'll be off this planet real soon. As outlaws if we can't deliver Minos to the Guardians.

    Pher -> :: Checks 360 then sweeps with Audrey ::

    Shane -> ::climbs out of the cab and get the deltan out of the trunk handing his rifle to one of his boys::

    William Chocox -> I was just looking for a job. The Guardians allowed me a place to continue working on ships.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Pulls his coat tightly around him and glances around nervously for Rainmaker assassins hiding the shadows::

    William Chocox -> Even Guardian ships need service.

    Pher -> :: Swaying not a little as she walks, as if she might need be carried soon too. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Trust me it wont be too soon for me.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Glances at Redera hanging over Duff's shoulder as he follows Pher::

    Pher -> Walk this way. :: Starts into the ally, intending to fall behind to pick up any that is following. ::

    Shane -> ::follows Pher as best as he can, the deltan is heavier than she looks::

    Shane -> Duff>*

    Pher -> Push ahead a bit. I'm going to clear your tail.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A few Guardian air-speeders fly overhead, making their way to the port district where the power grid saboteur has recently been captured

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at William:: Hey, Guardian mechanic boy...got an ODRI I could borrow?

    Pher -> :: Lets them go ahead, monitoring for any pusruit, stealthy or otherwise. ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Frowns and moves ahead, staring nervously in the alley::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Would swear that there are Rainmakers in every shadow of the planet::

    Pher -> :: Using both eyes and Audrey ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Nickles:: None of you have to share my fate, you know. We'll stop off at the nearest port and you can all head out if you want to. Disavow any association with me.

    William Chocox -> ::hands the ODRI to Parson:: Here you go.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Eyes open slowly::

    Shane -> Don't expect that back...

    STSF_Nickles -> And why would I do that?

    Troy Parson -> ::quickly pulls a few of the larger components out of the ODRI, crushes the remainder in his hand, and tosses it over his shoulder:: Thanks! ::starts installing the ODRI bits in the bomb::

    Joe Manning -> You want the Guardians hunting you across Bull's Head? I'm the one in hot water with them, leave it to me.

    Shane -> Duffs oldest> ::sees the deltans eyes open:: Uhh...Dad...

    William Chocox -> You're welcome. ::wishing he hadn't done that.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Takes quick stock of the situation. Sizes up the large man who's holding her. Begins releasing pheromones::

    Shane -> ::watches the remains of the ODRI bounce away, chuckles a bit::

    Pher -> (Let me know when Audrey's pheromone detectors start alarming)

    STSF_Nickles -> Only if thats an order Joe. We've been through a lot together these past few years.

    William Chocox -> (m) Hopefully I can get another on the way to the ship.

    Shane -> Duff> ::starts feeling really strange, stumbles::

    Joe Manning -> Not gonna order anyone to leave the ship. But it seems like the sensible thing to do, don't it? Troy's leaving.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Whispers gently toward Duff's ear:: Hey there, big boy. You going to take me back to your place?

    Shane -> Duff's youngest> Pop, are you okay?

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::exits the restroom looks around and heads back to the bar where he left his drink 40 minutes ago::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at the restroom entrance and the Nausicaan::

    STSF_Nickles -> We will see what happens Joe

    Shane -> Duff> ::eyes clouded a bit:: Uhh....yeah, I think I will. ::starts to tunr aroound::

    Troy Parson -> ::talking as much to himself as to anyone else as he works:: Good, good...they really ought to be careful how they use this...::starts putting the outer case of the booze-barrel-bomb back on::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::near seven feet tall looks odd on a bar stool...he drinks what appears to be beer::

    Joe Manning -> ::Watches the Nausicaan take a seat at the bar:: You get lost in there, partner?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Whispers:: You'll have to protect me. I'm being hunted. By a green woman.

    Shane -> ::notices Joe talking to the Nausicaan, gets a little curious::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>What's it to you human..and your ....Guardian friend. ::spits on ground::

    William Chocox -> <<Where's the bartender?>>

    Shane -> ::stands up to his full height and walks over to the Captain::

    Joe Manning -> << Pete's strangely absent >>

    Mitar Precip -> ::Shane would probably notice the Nausicaan is a typical Nausicaan carrying a bladed weapon in open sight...::

    Joe Manning -> << Joe's got the keys to the place though, so it's open season >>

    Shane -> Duff>::grabs a rifle from one of his boys and points it at Pher, backing away from the group:: Get Back!

    Troy Parson -> ::finishes bolting on the last bit of the bomb, and goes over to Joe:: I really hope you've got a suitably deserted place to set this thing off.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::slurps down some beer and uttters a belch::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Turns and stares wide-eyed at Duff::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: :;watches Joe and the Nausician converse::

    Pher -> LaHaye, keep upwind. Baldie is being stinky.

    William Chocox -> ::starts watching with morbid curiosity::

    Shane -> ::leans on the bar next to Joe::

    Pher -> I'm back, Duff. I'm back.

    Joe Manning -> You know, technically the place is closed. We'll say that drink's on me, though. ::Sips his ginger ale::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::keeps one eye on the Guardian every once in a while::

    Shane -> Duff> I'm supposed to take care of her! None of you can have her!

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Squirms to try to get off Duff's shoulder::

    Pher -> :: Moving slow and easy, and slinky ::

    Pher -> Just remember what she did to Chris, Duff. She makes promises. She doesn't keep them.

    Shane -> Duff> ::surprised:: Oh, sorry mam ::starts to put her down::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Shakes his head. Turns and sprints down the alley away from the group::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>Closed? ...Interesting...I opened it. Felt like I needed a drink given all the.....fear going around.

    Pher -> I'm the one who'll actually take care of your needs.

    Shane -> Duff> ::sees the movement, turns to shoot::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::probably lying::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Shot in the back. Falls forward and crashes into the pavement, dead::

    Pher -> Careful, Redera. Those are my good cuffs. I just hate it when people get dirt in the fir.

    Pher -> :: The heck with this, takes cover and opens up wide angle stun ::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Looks at Pher with a nasty scowl:: Get them off me.

    Pher -> :: Let the first energy being sort them out ::

    Shane -> Duff> ::swings back too Pher and his boys:: I mean it...::gets hit by the beam::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Knocked out cold again::

    Pher -> :: holds fire ::

    Shane -> Duff>::crumples, dropping the rifle::

    Pher -> Boys, take a look at your father. He should be OK.

    Shane -> Duff's boys> Pop! ::runs to him::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at William:: Hey, kid, we could probably use your help again.

    Pher -> The lady here poisoned his mind.

    William Chocox -> ::looks at Joe:: Sure, What do you need?

    Pher -> :: Goes to LaHaye ::

    Shane -> Duff's oldest> Is he gonna be ok?

    Pher -> :: Sees LaHaye can't be helped ::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::takes out his meter long sword and just plunges it into the bar's (wooden?) surface. Uses it as a type of handle...swings his entire bodymass over the bar and just refills his pitcher sized drink::

    Pher -> :: Returns to Duff to make sure he's going to be OK ::

    Joe Manning -> With the power out, the Guardians have learned that a bomb might be planted somewhere in the Cerulean Regency motel, just a few blocks from here.

    Shane -> ::stands back up at the Nausicaan moves, wary::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at the Nausicaan::

    Troy Parson -> ::ever so slightly wondering if he might be able to engineer some sequence of events involving both stealing the Nausicaan's sword and surviving, preferably without being maimed::

    Pher -> +Joe+ Can I have a bit of support :: forwards coordinates. :: Had a bit of trouble. LaHaye is dead.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>Self serve everyone....::eyes the Guardian and laughs ..then belches again..guzzling down more beer::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks down at his ODRI::

    Pher -> +Joe+ I also need a reason to let Redera live.

    Joe Manning -> Shane ... why don't you grab the Guardian speeder and head over to Pher's location.

    STSF_Nickles -> She KIlled LaHaye?

    Joe Manning -> ::Sends the coordinates to him::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::grabs his sword..using as a handle again..literally steps over the bar given his height and takes his seat again just..mumbling about his mother?::

    Pher -> +Joe+ Seduced Duff with dust. Duff killed him.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ I want to have a chat with her. And if the Guardians are looking for her, it's one more barganing chip for us.

    Shane -> ::looks to Joe, then glances back at the Nausicaan:: Whatever yo want. ::heads towards the door::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You have any way of neutralizing that?

    Pher -> +Joe+ Fine. Just let me know if you don't need her any more.

    Pher -> +Joe+ I'm going to give her a wet diaper. Not perfect, but it's a start.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Shane's on his way. Sit tight.

    Pher -> +Joe+ But for the moment she's stunned.

    Shane -> ::once outside, hops into the speeder and shoots off towards Pher::

    Joe Manning -> ::William:: Here's the deal, Guardian ... it's time for your initiation.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>Hey Lawman! ::looks at the Guardian:: Thanks for the beer!

    Pher -> :: Rolls Redera over so dirt will get on her face rather than her cuffs ::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::belches then returns to his drink::

    William Chocox -> ::Joe:: What might that be? ::nervously::

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe what do you want to explose everyone here to her for. Im still suffering her effects. TRUST Me its not fun

    Pher -> :: Heads back to LaHaye... Grabs data items, weapons, anything that might ID him ::

    Joe Manning -> You're going to clear that motel out. Then you're going to head inside and plant Troy's bomb.

    William Chocox -> Ok. Anyone going with me or is it just me?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Chris:: Might not have to expose everyone, Chris.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickels:: In fact, why don't you accompany our young law enforcer to Duke's motel.

    Pher -> :: Hides LaHaye's body... not spending a lot of time on it, but figures the Guardians will be busy tonight ::

    Joe Manning -> I won't leave you in Redera's path in any event.

    Shane -> ::closes in on Phers position, lands the speeder smoothly next to the alleyway shes in::

    Pher -> :: goes to cover until she IDs Shane :: Kids... Down for a bit.

    Shane -> ::rounds the corner into the alleyway, his bionic arm obvious::

    William Chocox -> As long as someone is going with me. I

    William Chocox -> I'm fine.*

    STSF_Nickles -> OK Lets go guardian Chocox

    Pher -> :: Strips off shirt, soaks it in a puddle left over from recent rain ::

    Shane -> Duff's boys> ::hiding behind a dumpster::

    Pher -> Ho, Shane. We'll all want out in a bit, but some precautions first.

    Pher -> Kids, it's OK. He's with us.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: I trust you told him how to set that little brew off?

    William Chocox -> Ok.

    Pher -> :: Ties her wet shirt as an improvised diaper around Redera's middle, to absorb the dust ::

    Shane -> ::notices the group, especially Pher without her shirt:: Will you be greetin me like this often, Orion?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves towards the door looking back at chocox::

    Troy Parson -> No need. ::holds up what looks like an automatic garage door opener::

    Pher -> :: Lets loose her hair to make some pretense of modesty :

    Joe Manning -> What's the range on that?

    Pher -> Maybe not as often as you like... but yah.

    Pher -> :: grins ::

    Pher -> Just don't trust this fine bald lady here. She's the one who messed up Chris.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>Seeya later Lawman..thanks for the drinks! ::Nausicaan laugh::

    Troy Parson -> It's piggybacking on everything it can find with an adaptive Trojan...so long enough.

    Pher -> We need Duff then her in the car. I'll take Redera.

    Pher -> :: Hefts the Deltan, and starts back to the car. ::

    Shane -> I've never had a taste for bald women ::looks to the boys:: Get in the speeder and don't touch anything.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Good. We can set it off anywhere on the planet. Could come in handy in more ways than one.

    Shane -> ::hefts the unconcious Duff over his shoulder and starts back to the speeder::

    STSF_Nickles -> Well Lets go Gardian? :: to Chocox::

    Pher -> :: Is clearly used to using her hair to maintain semblance of modesty... or to tease... ::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::unable to see Pher::

    Pher -> :: figures if there is any of Redera's dust left in the air, she might focus any male attention on her. ::

    William Chocox -> So as long as I don't need to worry about the detonating process I am going to go. ::grabs the bomb and walks after Nickles::

    Pher -> :: Gets everybody loaded and waits on Shane ::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::obscene gesture to the departing guardian:: Pig.

    Shane -> ::tosses Duff in the back seat with his boys, then takes the controls, not at all trying to keep his eyes off of Pher::

    Troy Parson -> Bomb> ::is quite heavy, and makes creaking and sloshing noises when lifted::

    William Chocox -> Oof!

    Shane -> ::punches the throttle and shoots off towards the Maze::

    Joe Manning -> ::Sips his ginger ale and looks up at Troy:: The Guardians are going to be looking for me soon. Only a matter of time before they figure out I grabbed LaHaye -and- Redera.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves out the door out into the side street:: Let see We go this way ::turns the the left::

    Pher -> Hey. Some attenion on driving or I'll have to pretend to be modest.

    William Chocox -> ::turns and follows Nickles::

    Shane -> Can you even do that? ::dodges another speeder::

    Pher -> I am quite an accomplished actress. I admit, that wouldn't be easy...

    Troy Parson -> ::takes another hit of limoncello, then lights up a cigarette, hoping he doesn't have enough alcohol on his breath to make his face explode:: With any luck, we'll be off this miserable rock long before they get around to that.

    Joe Manning -> ::Chuckles softly:: I doubt it'll be that easy. I think I'm gonna give them some help. Let them know where I stand before they find out. ::Sips his ginger ale::

    Pher -> You know what happens next? I'd like to be somewhere we could secure before Redera wakes again.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::belts out...time remaining till Minos frys us all...::states time:: Time for more drinks....::states time:: All going to die someday!!!!

    Shane -> ::lands next to the Maze obrubtly:: Lets found out where the Captain wants the Deltan.

    Shane -> ::throws Duff over his shoulder again and heads into the bar with his boys in tow::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns the corner to the hotel:: Its this way'

    William Chocox -> ::follows:: ::to Nickles:: I don't believe we have been properly introduced. I'm William.

    Troy Parson -> ::finding it hard to think with the noisy Nausicaan around, turns to Joe:: So that's your move?

    Pher -> :: Checks the deltan's level of consciousness before hefting her and following ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Troy as he turns to looks toward the group entering the tavern::

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: If I'm going to bargain with the Guardians, I have to let them know what chips I have ...

    Shane -> ::enters, notices with annoyanxce that the Nausicaan is still there::

    Mitar Precip -> ::Nausicaan Turns his head at new arrivals::

    STSF_Nickles -> Im chris Nickles, QoB .... ::leave the rest unsaid:: Let get this thing set and out of here.

    Joe Manning -> I also intend to use myself as bait. To distract them from the rest of you.

    William Chocox -> Sounds like a plan.

    Shane -> ::finds Dash and brings Duff to him:: He got a wiff of the strong stuff.

    Shane -> Duffs boys> ::staying next to there pop::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: I sent you to get a data cache. You got that -and- an actual living, breathing Rainmaker.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::stands off stool....retrieves his blade embedded in the bar..extends to his full height..and eyeballs Shane...::

    Pher -> Got hit by a girly gun... and a nose full of dust. He should be OK, but might not come around for a bit.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: gets to the hotel;: OK I dont like the front door apppraoch lets go to the service entrance.

    Pher -> :: Puts down Redera, none to gently :: This one has eaten two doses of girly gun.

    STSF_Nickles -> Its around this way

    Troy Parson -> Bomb> ::starts ticking softly::

    Pher -> I'd keep her diaper wet or she'll start throwing dust around whenever she wakes.

    William Chocox -> ::follows::

    Joe Manning -> ::Slides off the bar stool::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::to Shane:: You....it is You?

    Troy Parson -> ::absentmindedly twirling the bomb remote in his non-smoking hand::

    Joe Manning -> Let's get her into the back.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::gets to the service entrance and peeks in the door::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: Be careful with that, would you?

    Pher -> And if anyone has a spare shirt they'd care to lend me, I might put it on.

    Shane -> ::walks over next to Troy and Joe, watching the Nausicaan:: Is that idiot still here?

    STSF_Nickles -> William Coast is clear. Put that thing inside. It sounds like its armed lets move.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nausicaan:: Be a gentleman and give the lady your shirt, would you?

    Pher -> No promises.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks down at the remote:: Oh, right. ::goes back to twirling it as soon as he is distracted by Shane:: Unfortunately, yes.

    William Chocox -> ::moves over to the hotel and puts the bomb inside:: Ok it's in.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>hey human with the robot arm! Your the guy who clotheslined that pig in the riot a few days ago arent you?

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  10. Marshall Savoy followed the armed patrol into the front lobby of the bank. Broken glass crunched underfoot where the Deltan's shots had shattered the front windows. One of the Lawmen emerged from the wide open vault behind the teller's booth and shook his head, indicating that no one was inside. The others were moving up the stairs to search the upper offices. Savoy walked over to the tellers, crouched in a corner behind the booth, too frightened to move.


    "Where did the woman go?" she asked sternly, expecting a response and not having time for a gentle approach.


    An older man in front of the group tentatively looked toward the Marshall and answered, "There's a hidden entrance to the maintenance tunnels, ma'am. The terminal just outside the vault door slides over. They all went down there."


    Savoy frowned deeply. "Why is this access point not shown in the blueprints?" she asked loudly.


    "Begging your pardon, ma'am, but it's a recent addition," the old man replied nervously. "And the managers were, like as not, inclined to keep it out of the records."


    "The same managers we can't reach because they're busy trying to bypass the blockade with their private shuttles!" Savoy roared, her face reddening. She raised her ODRI as she approached the vault, motioning to the Lawmen to follow. "Sheriff, they escaped into the maintenance level. Start moving whatever people you've got left into the tunnels, and seal all the exits."


    As right as everything had been going for the Guardians a few hours ago, they were going just as wrong now. The bombing of Central Precinct had thrown the entire local contingent into chaos; it took an hour just to set up the Latinum District's Sheriff Station as a new center of communications. The attack on Medical One and the capture of LaHaye further dwindled manpower and denied the Guardians their strongest lead.


    Then the new intelligence on "Captain Rede" emerged. The Taurus Brothers were finally contacted, and they indicated that there was no overriding right of passage agreement with any "Simon Graham." The database entry had been a forgery so convincing that only someone with Minos' skills could have created it. The Guardians combed the city for a Deltan matching Rede's description, and surveillance video at a local bank allowed them to pin her down.


    Now she was quite likely beyond their grasps. The only lead the Guardians had left had slipped away. If Minos' latest threat was genuine (and as protectors of Tranquility, the Guardians had to assume so), there were two hours left to find the Deltan and squeeze her for information. Ships were searching the asteroid field in orbit for any means Minos might possess to deactivate the radiation shield, but there were too few ships and too many shield nodes. The Rainmakers had taken a decisive upper hand, and ceding to Minos' demands to lift the blockade was seeming more and more like the only viable approach.


    Savoy glanced around the corridor outside the vault. Her nose could pick up the acrid scent of a unique energy weapon discharge. She'd picked up the same scent in the lobby, lingering over the very spot where the Deltan had fired out at the patrol. Just before the patrol moved into the bank, the Deltan had exited the lobby and a large man briefly took her place, shouting at the hostages. Why was there gunfire exchanged in front of the vault?


    Hadn't weapon alarms gone off inside Medical One while the hospital was being evacuated, and signs left behind of a battle that involved no Guardians?


    Savoy looked over the Lawman. "One of you stay behind and see if you can't access the bank's surveillance feeds."


    There were growing signs that a third party was involved in the chase for Minos.

  11. Joe Manning -> That would be Pher, LaHaye, Duff, and Duff's boys crawling through the maintenance tunnels toward LaHaye's bank ...

    Joe Manning -> While the rest of us are in the general vicinity of one of the port district's bridge stations.

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> #::Seated on the bench inside the Guardian station with Troy and the others::

    Pher -> What a wonderful basement. :: Not a little irony. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Detained with the rest waiting on Joe to figure something out...::

    T'Aral -> :: Down in the drainage system, attempting to move under the port, rather than across it. ::

    Troy Parson -> #::wonders if smoking is allowed in the Guardian station...one way to find out!::

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff> I just stepped in.... something...

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Glances back at Pher:: These tunnels service the entire city platforms with air, water, power ...

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> But I'm sure you knew that. ::Glances back:: You seem the sort who knows her way around a city. ::Leading the group down a tunnel::

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Making sure his boys keep up::

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks over at Troy:: So ... once we're off the planet ... I imagine you'll be leaving us at the next port, right?

    Pher -> :: Nods :: Haven't been that much of a tunnel crawler. I know the theory, but haven't danced the dance down here.

    Mitar Precip -> # William the Guardain>::walks over to the "people" he's supposed to be helping:: ::stands near Joe Manning the presumed leader of this group and whispers:: If he does get in contact with the sheriff I cannot do anything regarding your departure.

    Pher -> I'm actually not that much of a techie type.

    Pher -> :: Looking about ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Stops at a ladder leading up a twenty foot shaft. Looks over at Pher:: That is unfortunate ...

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Joe... hearing the Guardian:: I believe that means it's up to T'Aral...

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Because this shaft is protected by electronic security. Normally, I would use my preferred client status to appease the guards. But this preferred client is a wanted man it seems.

    Pher -> You mean the door between these tunnels and a bank has a few alarms on it?

    Mitar Precip -> #Wiliam the Guardian># quietly to Joe::::you'll be detained..and discovered who you people are. I cannot do anymore unless I shoot the guy.

    Pher -> You're not that preferred, I take it.

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff> I don't like this one bit... we're walking straight in to trouble here...

    Troy Parson -> #::to Joe:: I think we should probably worry about the present right now.

    Joe Manning -> #::William:: We certainly don't want that sort of incident. We're not in too much of a rush though. Not yet.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> If the Guardians are looking for me ... they have no doubt contacted the bank staff.

    Pher -> And you have no where near the clout of the Guardians.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> On Tranquility, the Guardians have the backing of the Taurus Brothers. ::Shrugs:: No one has their clout.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>::can't believe he just suggested such an action::;::to JOe Manning:: I suggest you rebook your travel plans if that shreriff says no. I don't have any authoritiy here in ports...remember where you met me.

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Joe:: If we don't make it off the planet today, I find it hard to believe we'll be getting off for another week... did you SEE the lines out there?

    Pher -> How badly does Joe really need that stuff? We could try to brute force it. I could likely take down two Guardians stationed that close together, but after we do that we wouldn't have a lot of time to secure the stuff and get out.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian ::just stands with his group who is sitting as the other Guardian is on the call::

    Pher -> I'd rather abort, go back to the airport, and come back when we have our techie type.

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff> No way in hell no siree Bob... I'm not about to put my boys in that much heat...

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks at Dash:: If Minos ain't bluffing, we don't have more than a couple of hours.

    Pher -> I'm with you, Duff.

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Joe... sideways grin:: I believe you see my point

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Shrugs:: There is, perhaps ... a way to draw them off? Make them believe I am elsewh-- ::Cut off by the sounds of gunfire up the shaft::

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Sigh of relief::

    Pher -> :: Looks about for cover, then points Audrey towards the noise ::

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Eyebrow raise:: Think someone is beating us to it...

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Audrey sounds off as a recent burst of pheromones gently falls down the shaft

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Huddles in a dark corner back from the ladder with his Sons::

    Pher -> OK. .... Ohhh....

    Pher -> Audrey, hush.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Are they coming down here? ::Looks over at Duff::

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Emerges from the back of the station::

    Pher -> :: Checks to see if these are Deltan flavored... ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: They are

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff> ::Shrugs to LaHaye... Motioning they should find another way around::

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Looks at William and the others:: Well ... got in touch with the Sheriff. He's got no clue about anyone being cleared through here.

    Pher -> Yep. Hush and be prepared to jump a deltan and a few other terrorists.

    Pher -> :: Takes A position not too far from where the shaft to the bank meets the tunnel. ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> A Deltan? ::Puzzled look:: What is going on up there?

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>Not a suprise given what's going on....too much. He has Minos on his thoughts and our HQ in ashes.

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>Deltans? Oh my... ::Motions his eldest to move to the opposite darkened wall for attacking::

    T'Aral -> :: Moving through the under-tunnels ... ::

    Pher -> ( Quietly ) One of Mino's people is delata, and I'm showing Deltan pheromones.

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Shrugs:: If these folk were as important as you make them out to be, the Sheriff would know about it. I've got to stay on the safe side.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The shaft above remains sealed

    Pher -> :: Points to move everyone to one side of the shaft so there is no cross fire problem. ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> You mean to say the Rainmakers are up there? ::Tugs at his collar::

    Pher -> Hmm.... I hope they are going to come down this way.... If they don't...

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::eyes narrow a bit as his boy is redirected as is he::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Listen, this is getting a bit too hot for me now. The Guardians -and- the Rainmakers?

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>::looks to his guest (captors):: then to Wilson. Red Tape. Sometimes one has to cut it.

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff> ::LaHaye:: You said it chief

    Pher -> Yep. Who would you bet to win a fire fight?

    Pher -> And do we join in?

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff's Eldest> Let me at'm...

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks at William:: Let it go, son. ::Nods to the Guardian:: We'll just have to wait like everyone else ::Grins::

    Pher -> Can we open that door brute force and join the fun?

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff> Quiet...

    Pher -> :: Looks at the door ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Sighs:: If you can give me adequate cover ... I may perhaps enter the vault and grab my safebox quickly.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> As I will be dead anyway if all you have told me is true, I have little option.

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff> That's taking quiet a chance...

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian> ::feigns an apology:: I am terribly sorry for this inconvience...the Marshall will give the Sheriff an earful I assure you that.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<quite>>

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Crosses his arms, looking unimpressed::

    Pher -> OK. Let's do that and ad-lib. Can you get the door open?

    Joe Manning -> #Well, let's shuffle off, gentlemen. ::Gets up and moves toward the door::

    Pher -> If so, I'll wander through first, and try to join one side or the other.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>I'll get the door , sir. ::sounds like a butler::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Anyone can. It is not locked. ::Motions up the ladder:: Ladies first, please.

    Troy Parson -> #::follows towards the door, putting out his cigarette against the wall::

    Pher -> :: heads up ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Stands slowly, putting on a show of handicap for the Guard's benefit::

    Pher -> :: Quite rapidly heads up. Ear to the door to judge the fight. ::

    Joe Manning -> #::Heads out ahead of the group::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There are no more sounds of gunfire

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The sound of a female screaming out can be faintly heard

    Pher -> :: Opens a crack and takes a look around. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Back against the wall side steps to the ladderway to look up after Pher::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> I will kill them, I swear! Keep your people the <censored> away from that door!

    Pher -> :: whispers back :: Hostage situation.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>::realizes his usefullness is probably at an end...ponders returning to Wilson and turning these guys in....but then hesitates..they could of killed him already::

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks over the rioters and back at the others:: Well, we won't be ticking any of those people off, at least.

    Pher -> :: tries to see if she can move in without being seen ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Joe:: Not directly anyway...

    Pher -> The woman is a Rainmaker.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Quickly pacing back and forth behind a teller's area, releasing periodic nervous bursts of pheromones::

    T'Aral -> :: ... finally reaches an access point, climbs up to lift a grate to see how far she is from the Qob ... ::

    Troy Parson -> #I think most of them are as ticked off as they get already, anyway.

    Joe Manning -> Guardian> ::Poiting a phaser rifle down at T'aral's head:: Good evening, madam.

    Pher -> :: Waits for her to be heading away, and dashes out of sight if she could. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Grunts a laugh at Troy::

    T'Aral -> :: Lets go and drops back down into the tunnel ... ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Glances around. Crouches and quietly makes his way into the opened vault::

    Pher -> :: Takes cover, and pulls out a small mirror on the stick to use to watch Redera. ::

    Joe Manning -> #Well, if no one has any suggestions ... might we retire to the Maze?

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Pulls his overeager Boy down from the ladder and then heads up himself... slowly::

    T'Aral -> :: ... bolts laterally to gain cover. ::

    Pher -> :: Looks for other rainmakers ::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Pacing a few feet away from the three tellers, crouches in one corner with their hands behind their heads::

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guradian> Listen I don't know what you have in mind..but I basically cannot get you in there....and your team member is right...if Minos that bastard is not bluffing you don't have time to wait around.

    Joe Manning -> << that should read *crouching >>

    Pher -> :: Alternates between the mirror and Audrey to see if there are others with weapons involved, or if it is just Redera. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Mumbling:: where is a transporter when you need it...

    Joe Manning -> Guardian> ::Not pursuing T'aral. Merely keeping the entrance to the landing pad covered::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::The only Rainmaker, it appears::

    T'Aral -> :: ... proceeds to a different drain access further down the line ... ::

    Pher -> :: Wonders if she ought to care about the tellers at all. Wonders if it is the right time to settle with Redera. Mission first. ::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Appears to be trying to think out a solution to this problem::

    Pher -> :: Listens for active guardians. ::

    Joe Manning -> #::Waves to the others:: Let's go. Hopefully, T'aral will come up with something. But if not ... we'll be ready to rush the port with the rest of these people when they get desperate.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>I suppose you could ....::looks at the speeder:: Crash it through....you'll draw fire...but once in the spaceport ...the vastness of the area will work against the Guardians..who are holding the crowd back..looking elsewhere.

    Joe Manning -> Guardians> ::Outside the front of the bank::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Does not like the sound of that one bit... rushing is not his strong suit::

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks at William:: We're not fighting a war against the Guardians, son.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>::You are going to end up with a lot of rioters on your speeders viewshield you realizae that.

    Pher -> :: Looks to see ho LaHaye is doing with the vault. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Joe:: He has a valid point though Boss... they couldn't chase a few for fear of the many... scattering

    Mitar Precip -> #Wililam the Guardian>Could of fooled me. ::thinks of his recent treatment::

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at them:: You're not seriously considering that, are you?

    Pher -> (how)

    Joe Manning -> #We've already incited one riot. Are we desperate enough yet to excite it further?

    T'Aral -> :: Considers the thought of crossing the tarmac out in the open ... opens tricorder and scans ... ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Giving his voice recognition confirmation to the security system on his vault box::

    Troy Parson -> #'Are we desperate enough to save our own skins by driving a speeder through a mass of living people,' you mean.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Looks over at the hostages:: Stay right here!

    Pher -> :: has a cockeyed plan but wants to wait on LaHaye getting his box first. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #Joe, think of it this way... We might be saving more lives than risking in the long run... This whole planet is about to erupt... If we do it on our terms... well.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Turns to head back into the vault, an energy pistol raised::

    Pher -> :: Gestures to dash to hold his position ::

    T'Aral -> :: Locates a junction point where the drain system and the power system for the port share an adjacent wall. ::

    Joe Manning -> #::Grabs his chin:: I have the think the Taurus Brothers are going to lift the blockade before Minos' threat ... real or not ... can be carried out.

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Nods Bolt Rifle held tight against his shoulder::

    T'Aral -> :: Proceeds ... ::

    Mitar Precip -> #Wiliam the Guardian>Listen, coming from a law enforcement point of view..you have not even seen a riot until the next few hours..people are going to rush this port. People will be shot. Many...Guys like Wilson will be there with the snipers.

    Joe Manning -> #But ... knowing as much about the Taurus Brothers as anyone else ...

    Pher -> :: If she has to pass Pher's position... Pher gets ready to take her, watching through mirror. ::

    Joe Manning -> #I guess it couldn't hurt to fan the flames a bit.

    Pher -> :: Girly gun left hand, stun stick right... ::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Closes in on the entrance of the vault, pointing the pistol in::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::suddenly regrets his plan:: This should be interesting

    Pher -> :: Starts with the stunner on high power wide stun, closes with the stick on heavy stun ::

    Pher -> Hello Redera...

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff> ::Sweat drips from his forehead::

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks at William:: Do you -really- think the Guardians would shoot at innocent people?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Spins around, pointing the gun toward Pher. Shocked to see the Orion::

    Pher -> :: If the gun misses, intends to close with the stick. ::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Frozen::

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Fires a shot above the doorway to let his presence be known and hopefully shock Redera::

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian> WHen people start to climb the walls of this port...over the wires..Beating the crap out of eachother to get off this rock...It's going to be bad.

    Pher -> :: Tries to freeze her even more, kicking the gun clear if possible. ::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> What are y-- ::Hearing the shot, spins and points the gun toward Duff::

    Dash_Andrews -> <duff>::Tries to duck down in to the shaftway::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Assuming she's under attack, fires back::

    Pher -> :: Takes another shot ::

    Joe Manning -> #::William:: And you honestly think your colleagues would shoot to kill? Even at a mob?

    Mitar Precip -> #Wiliam the Guardian>Do you think all Guardians have a heart? Most are employed for pay or an ego trip...myself the former...but one of those ego guys is going to be up on one of those towers and weill shoot.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Shot in the back. Falls forward::

    Pher -> :: Rolls to confuse the aim. ::

    T'Aral -> :: Locates the access wall between drainage and utility conduit ... snaps TOS Type-1 phaser into a type-II pistol mounting ... begins to cut through the wall. ::

    Pher -> :: CLoses to seperate Red from her weapons. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Joe:: Have no illussions... he's right someone will get itchy.

    Joe Manning -> #Well, do you know any of them? Do you know which ones might get trigger happy?

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Je

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>Then again...they might abandon their posts..But their will be a hell of a lot people here in a few hours.

    Troy Parson -> #::lights up a new cigarette:: It doesn't matter if he knows or not...

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Joe:: It's not just that... What about someone in the crowd?... they could strike first just as easily

    Troy Parson -> #There'll always be at least one, and once one person opens fire, the rest will follow. It's group thinking at its worst.

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks toward Troy:: No, Troy, it does matter ...

    Joe Manning -> #If he knows which ones might shoot, he could try to relieve them.

    Troy Parson -> #If you push people hard enough, even some of the reliable-seeming ones will break.

    Pher -> Duff, convince the tellers they shouldn't move yet, if you would please.

    Pher -> I've got red.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>Again I am not from this district....I don't know the people personally..but when you go through Guardian Training...it isn't Like the Federation....was or is.

    Pher -> LaHaye... finish what we came for?

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Stands up from his frozen cowering position in the hole...:: Uh... yea...

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guradian>We are mercs...

    Pher -> :: Stands cautiously over Red ::

    Joe Manning -> #Well, you two sounded like you were trying to talk me into this. Now it sounds you're trying to talk me out of it.

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Heads out to the front Lobby Rifle in Hand::

    Joe Manning -> #::Shrugs:: So we wait at The Maze.

    Pher -> Duff, just buy us time to get in and out. Don't let the guardians see you if you don't have to.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Emerges from the vault with a box:: I have the information.

    Pher -> :: Quickly frisks Red. ::

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian> Suit yourselfs..but just dont expect an easy egress to your ship.

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Joe:: I'm on board Joe... Fully. But you have to know the consequences...

    Pher -> :: Pulls out a set of cuffs.... pink fur. applies them to Red ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #Someone will get hurt...

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Only carrying a map of the district and some false ID's, in addition to the ODRI strapped to her arm and the pistol::

    Pher -> LaHaye... Start the exit. We're out of here.

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Pointing his rifle around at the patrons in the bank:: Nobody moves nobody gets hurt!!!

    Pher -> :: Slides the pistol to LaHaye ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Nods. Glances toward the front of the bank and heads down the shaft::

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Can't believe he's doing what he's doing.::

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian> ::tries to understand these guys..they dont sound like common crooks...or mercs ...or a gang...they seem to have...morals? ::

    Joe Manning -> Guardians> ::Perplexed by the sound of a new voice ... ::

    Pher -> :: Makes her weapons vanish somewhere, then throws Red over a shoulder ::

    Pher -> Anyone think of a way to block the tunnel behind us?

    Joe Manning -> #::Shakes head:: I'm not willing to stand by and let people get shot down. Not this soon. Not while we're not sure that Minos intends to burn the entire planet.

    Joe Manning -> Guardians> ::Calling in with a bullhorn:: Who is that? Identify yourself!

    Pher -> Dash, as soon as I'm down, discourage them, and follow. We're gone.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>Just keeps his mouth shut...and allows them to figure what they want to do..he's said all he can.

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Wonders who Dash is :P :: Ugh... right right... ::Points to a the guardians:: You on the ground face down now... ::fires in the air::

    Pher -> :: considers ::

    Troy Parson -> #If this is going to go without bloodshed, we have to find a way to get rid of the Guardians. And I mean all of them...

    Pher -> (( Sorry ))

    Joe Manning -> #Unless anyone can think of a way to minimize the loss of life ::Looks at Troy:: And that includes even trigger-happy Guardians, no rioting yet.

    T'Aral -> :: Cuts through panel, steps aside to allow cut-through panel to drop away - exposing powerline routing. ::

    Pher -> :: Heads down the shaft, following LaHaye ::

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: Well ... the only feasible way to do that ... would be the threat of another terrorist attack. Or even an attack.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>Do you have a slicer? ::to Joe::

    Joe Manning -> #::William:: I'm sure T'Aral does.

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Sighs:: We're only delaying the inevitable, either we insure our survival and someone else suffers... Or we wait around to see if WE are the ones whos' number is called...

    Pher -> Duff, Out of here.

    Joe Manning -> Guardians> ::Begins firing into the bank again::

    T'Aral -> :: ... hyperpower circuitry: mega-voltage which feeds power to the entire grid, routed across the landing pad for convienence's sake. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Backing back to the tunnel entrance... Fires again then dissappears with suprising finesse::

    Joe Manning -> #::Glances up the street::

    Joe Manning -> #Troy ...

    Pher -> LaHaye.... We want to loose pursute. Want to take the lead?

    Mitar Precip -> #::William the Guardian:: Shakes his head...No...sorry Law Enforcement term....Someone who can work with electronics...I mean really well....get into the Guradian COMM system here locally.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Already halfway down the ladder:: I'm waiting on you, sweet lady.

    Pher -> Then don't. Move.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Where do you want me to lead you, exactly? ::Jumping down to the tunnel below::

    Joe Manning -> #How long would it take you to construct a bomb out of some alcoholic beverages?

    Pher -> Away from pursuit, to start. We want to break contact with the guardians.

    Pher -> After that, we'll be heading towards the spaceport.

    Troy Parson -> #How big a bomb?

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>::says nothing about what Joe just said::

    Joe Manning -> #Big enough to get everyone's attention.

    T'Aral -> :: Considers the effects of cutting a hyperpower line ... open mega-voltage ... and standing in a wet culvert. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff>::Drops down and holds position under the ladder a moment:: Well whatever we're going to do... let's do it

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Sighs:: I have never had to evade the Guardians before. When they came looking before, I merely surrendered. ::Guides the group through the tunnels::

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian> ::confused..he thought this guy did not want to kill people::

    Pher -> Always a first time.

    Dash_Andrews -> <duff's Boy> Wow you were so cool Pop... ::makes bang bang sounds::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> When they suspect the hidden access, they will begin scanning down here.

    Pher -> Look, if they are going to catch us they will be moving fast. If they are moving fast without precautions, I can likely jump em.

    Pher -> But I'd rather not.

    Troy Parson -> #Throw some gardening equipment in and give me twenty, and I'll give you a bomb that can get all the attention you want...just make sure you set it off very far away from anyone.

    Pher -> :: Very agile, but carrying the deltan ::

    Pher -> If worse comes to worse, we can leave them this here distraction, but I'd like to keep her.

    Joe Manning -> #We'll use an abandoned building. Evacuated if we have to. I happen to know of a hotel nearby where Duke Redding is staying.

    Dash_Andrews -> <Duff> It's narrow as it is down here... if the ones above pursue a fire fight would be easy enough... ::running along:: But we need to be prepared.

    Pher -> :: Checks for pusuit with Audrey ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> A few blocks away maybe or ... no they will seal the entire platform most likely. Down to the planet's surface?

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>I don't have my ORDI..otherwise Id be looking the name up right now.

    Troy Parson -> #You know that I don't usually approve of such actions...

    Pher -> Surface works.

    T'Aral -> :: Considers the alternative ... the stalemate that everyone appears to be in ... no solution until such time as the Rainmakers decide to make their move ... the potential consequences ... ::

    Troy Parson -> #But if Duke were to somehow miss the evacuation message, I could look the other way.

    Joe Manning -> #Redding's in the hospital. He won't be in the hotel. ::Frowns:: But I'm sure some of the spoils of the raider mission will be in his room.

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Laughs::

    Troy Parson -> #::shrugs:: That works too.

    Mitar Precip -> #Wililam the Guardian>::you guys really need a slicer:: Chuckles...

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Guides the group toward a ladder leading down to the surface:: Always the way to go when police are chasing, no? We can make our way up to another platform and grab a taxi.

    Pher -> Sounds good.

    T'Aral -> :: Determines that a catalyst is needed - something to break the stalemate. ::

    T'Aral -> The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

    Joe Manning -> #To The Maze, then. Pete's the only person who'll let us build a booze bomb in his joint.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<or the one>>

    T'Aral -> :: Takes aim, and fires on the hyperpower circuits. ::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Mitar Precip -> I am confused about Deltans....

    Mitar Precip -> How much pheromones does it take for a Deltan to mess people up....I mean the Rainmaker was spewing them in the bank...yet noone went..well like Nickleles.

    Pher -> I was assmuing the dosage was fairly low. She wasn't really in a sexual situation, so wouldn't be kicking out that strongly?

    Joe Manning -> Redera was releasing pheromones because she was nervous ...

    Joe Manning -> Pher's Audrey is trained to pick up pheromones, so she saw them

    Joe Manning -> Nickles was being pumped with both pheromones and drugs

    Mitar Precip -> oh okay Joe..so normally a person slightly exposed like the team and Pher perhaps would not be effected.

    Dash_Andrews -> well bouncing back to the Motion picture obviously people are drawn to deltans sexually

    Dash_Andrews -> but they are trained to focus them for potency and to protect against it as well

    Pher -> I am assuming females are generally not strongly effected.


    Joe Manning -> I guess the power in the district is going to start flickering, fading, dropping, or whatever backup power can provide for

    Joe Manning -> In that context, preparing to set up a bomb in a nearby building is the task for our group. However you think you can chip in, take the ball.


    Dash_Andrews -> but yes a log about what the heck she was doing there with no goons would be good

    Joe Manning -> That actually brings up an interesting point, Dash ...

    Joe Manning -> There seems to be a recurring feeling that Redera is surrounded by muscle. :)

    Joe Manning -> Redera actually works alone, following the transmitted orders of Minos. She's sort of a covert operative, secret service type

    Dash_Andrews -> ah, I was under the assumption she would still have had some Klingons with her

    Joe Manning -> She used an enslaved Klingon for extra protection when she was holding Nickles

    Mitar Precip -> phermone enslaved?

    Joe Manning -> Yes

    Joe Manning -> Our absent players got into some trouble with a hotel full of enslaved Klingons

    Joe Manning -> Except for the maid. Being female, no, she was not affected. :P

  12. Joe Manning -> We left off two weeks ago (before our flashback) with LaHaye and others enjoying a drink at the hotel bar ...

    Joe Manning -> Meanwhile our sights were set on a bank in the Latinum District. LaHaye has a vault there which contains info that should be valuable to us ...

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances over at Nickles, who's resting off to the side::

    William Chocox -> <<Am I untied?>>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Leaning back in a chair at a round-table at the end of the diner/bar near a wall-monitor flashing News Vids::

    Joe Manning -> << You were last sim, yes >>

    William Chocox -> <<Thanks>>

    Pher -> :: Watching the males cautiously. ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: I want to get Chris back to the ship so Dash can have a better look at him ... also, so we can be ready to lift off if everything goes to hell.

    Shane -> ::asleep in a chair at Dash's table::

    Troy Parson -> ::at the bar, sipping a rather sorry version of tea and brandy::

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::sitting looking around and wondering who he has gotten himself involved with::

    Pher -> Possible. The guardians at the port might not be at their most cooperative. Don't assume that will go easy.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Toys with the handle of his cane as he takes a sip from a Aldeberran Whiskey Sour::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: I'll do my best. If the situation is bad, we might be able to slip through unnoticed ...

    Joe Manning -> You okay with escorting LaHaye to the bank?

    Pher -> Anticipate mild paranoia. Check that. Forget the 'mild.'

    Shane -> Duff>::sitting on the table with his boys::

    Pher -> I'll give it a go. How cooperative is he apt to be?

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Sipping a glass of brandy, looks over at Dash:: Just what kind of horrors did Bull's Head inflict on you, friend? ::Indicating the visor and cane::

    Joe Manning -> We've cut him a deal to get off world. ::Looks toward Duff:: Seems to be a habit we're forming.

    Joe Manning -> That should keep him trustworthy enough since both the Guardians and the Rainmakers are hunting him.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::leg twitching nervously::

    Shane -> ::snorts awake at the sound of Lahaye::

    Pher -> I'm sure we could make a lot of friends that way.

    Pher -> Good nuff.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Crunching a piece of ice:: If you mean my unique demeanor, Bull's Head was not the culprit...

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks toward the Guardian, then back at Pher:: I'll take my kidnap victim, you can take yours. ::Nods toward Duff::

    Dash_Andrews -> Bull's Head has more than assisted in the healing process

    Joe Manning -> ::Pulls off his Lawman vest::

    Pher -> He's mine now? Does that mean I can play? :: Winks ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Leans closer and whispers:: If you can find a way to ditch him without drawing any attention to us, do it.

    Pher -> Got it.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Bull's Head ... healing? First time I've heard of such a thing. You must not be a native of -this- city.

    Pher -> Where do we meet up after?

    Joe Manning -> ::Moves over to shake Nickles awake, looks back at the Guardian:: What's your name, kid?

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: The ship, if we manage to get aboard.

    Joe Manning -> If not, comm me.

    Pher -> :: Nods, and moves over to LaHaye ::

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::leg stops twitching:: Huh? Oh, William.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sighs:: I'm neither a native of this city nor this planet. I came here to forget and find something else in life... Not many jobs in the Federation for Fleet dropouts with irrepairable injuries.

    Joe Manning -> ::Duff:: You ... ::Points toward the door:: Follow her and don't do anything stupid.

    Joe Manning -> ::William:: You work down at the ports, right, William? You could help us get aboard our ship. ::Straightens his regular tunic::

    Shane -> Dash> ::scowls:: What about my boys?

    Joe Manning -> ::Duff:: Bring'em with you. Or keep them wherever you're staying on this planet.

    Shane -> ::half mumbles under his breath:: You got that right Doc...

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Looks up at Pher. Gives her the usual glance down and up::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nods at Shane's remark without looking::

    Pher -> :: Shows him a little something to glance up and down at ::

    Dash_Andrews -> Ah... Pher... Just in the nick-of-time

    Pher -> :: To LaHaye :: I understand we're visiting a bank?

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::Manning:: Yeah I work at the ports, but they might know that I have been kidnapped. If they do they will not allow me in.

    Shane -> Duff> ::looks at his boys, considers:: Lets go.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Glances at Dash:: She ... ::Points at Pher:: Is with you guys?

    Dash_Andrews -> Any longer and I'd have been telling our friend tales of childhood

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nods to LaHaye:: When she wants to be

    Joe Manning -> << Random, you've got a pretty old IM waiting for you :P >>

    Pher -> We manage to keep busy.

    Joe Manning -> ::William:: You can talk fast, can't you William? Convince your buddies that you're working with us?

    Joe Manning -> ::Moves toward the door with Nickles, after Duff::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Pher:: So ... uh ... where's your Captain? The news is saying we're all dead in a few hours.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::walking with Joe:: ::Manning:: I can try.

    Joe Manning -> ::Locks and shuts the door and heads down to the hotel lobby::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Casts a glance of "like I haven't heard that before" to Pher::

    Pher -> :: Nods in the direction of Joe :: He's right there. He's going to visit the ship. We're hoping to join him after our bank trip.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::Manning:: This will all be moot if they don't know that I have been kidnapped.

    Joe Manning -> ::William:: With all the rioting at the port, I'm sure your disappearance could have gone noticed. Besides, we've still got your airspeeder.

    Joe Manning -> Dash, I want you to look at Nickles back in the infirmary.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::Manning:: Yeah, also I'm not exactly high on the list of people to check for to see if someone is kidnapped.

    Dash_Andrews -> So to the ship then Boss?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Elbows Shane awake:: Bought damn time.

    Joe Manning -> Anyone else who wants to come back with me, feel free, or you could head to Mr. LaHaye's bank with Pher.

    Shane -> ::wakes again and restrain the instinct to backhand Dash::

    Pher -> :: To Dash, his kids and LaHaye :: OK. The idea is to nice and peaceful like visit a bank and get stuff out of a safety deposit box. Have I got that right? (The last to LaHaye)

    Pher -> This is no bank job. This is legit. No violence. No trouble. No drawing attention. Got it?

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Looks back at Pher:: Unless the Guardians have found my most hidden assets and frozen them. Very unlikely. ::Puts his brandy down::

    Shane -> ::rubs the sleep out of his eyes, speaks to Pher:: Then I'm assuming you won't need me?

    Pher -> Let's assume not. Any reason for us to go inside?

    Pher -> Not for the bank trip, Shane. We're eventually going to have to move our stash to the ship.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Side to Shane:: Large metal armed boheimoths tend to stick out in banks.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Gets up:: I assumed you wouldn't trust me enough to let me go in alone. ::Smirks:: But no, I can grab the box myself.

    Pher -> :: smiles at Dash's comment. ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: Good luck. ::Nods to the others and heads for the motel's back entrance::

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow :: As their efforts are 'legitimate', then I will aid the Captain with preparing the ship.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::walks with Manning::

    Shane -> ::gets up and heads to the back entrance behind Joe::

    Pher -> Hmm... You want off this rock or not? If you want off, stick with me. I might even show you a good time.

    Pher -> We all set? :: Looks to Duff as well ::

    William Chocox -> <<BRB>>

    Troy Parson -> ::gets up and slides alongside Joe:: Captain, mind if I have a word with you?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Hobbling behind Shane/Joe Speeder bound::

    Shane -> Duff> ::nods to Pher::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Looks at Pher, then at Duff:: I assume you all can handle yourselves in a fight ... which is very likely considering how well Minos and his rabble have this city covered.

    Pher -> Let's go then.

    Joe Manning -> ::Heads out into the parking lot and moves over to the first speeder, the one they grabbed from the port. Climbs into the back::

    Pher -> Yah. I've seen a bit of trouble. I AM a bit of trouble.

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: What's eating at you, Troy?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Continues past to start the speeder...::

    Troy Parson -> Well, y'see...

    Shane -> ::climbs into the speeders pilot seat, shaking the speeder as he settles down::

    Pher -> :: starts everyone out of the room ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Climbs in the front with Shane. shouting back to Joe:: Shotgun!

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks to the front seats:: To the port district. But don't fly over it ... they just might shoot us down.

    Shane -> Duff> ::follows Pher out with his boys, looking increasingly nervous::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Glances back at the children::

    Troy Parson -> ::leans back in the other rear seat:: I know that until I picked the wrong safehouse to hide in, you probably weren't expecting to see me again.

    T'Aral -> :: Silently steps into the speeder, finds a vacant seat in the back and settles. ::

    Pher -> :: Guides everyone out, and locks the door ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> These, uh ... children. They are on your crew as well?

    Pher -> :: Checks stunner and stick ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances over at Troy:: I figured you weren't happy about being stuck on Tranquility ... and wanted my help getting off world ... seeing as how I brought you here in the first place.

    Pher -> Well, they are more passengers than crew. You're not the only one who wants off the rock.

    Shane -> ::once everyone is onboard, starts the speeder, guns the throttle and shoots off::

    Pher -> But we'd best all pull together if that's going to happen.

    Pher -> Not that we're looking to start a fight at this point.

    Troy Parson -> That wasn't my plan, but...yeah, that's how it's turned out. I'm not exactly welcome here among certain sets, as it happens.

    Troy Parson -> And you know that you can use someone with my skills.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Checks his jacket hoping he filled his flask. Pulls out his electric cig::

    William Chocox -> <<Might have to leave in a little bit. Dinner time out here in PDT.>>

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Shrugs:: If I see any sign of the Rainmakers, I will not look out for them, so do not expect me to.

    Pher -> :: Gets everyone on the street, then lets LaHaye start the party towards the bank. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Glances back to Troy:: You have skills??

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::on the speeder::

    Shane -> ::weaving in and out of the increasingly crazy traffic::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Troy:: Of course, you decided that the mercenary life wasn't for you.

    Pher -> I suspect the rainmakers are being kept kind of busy, and will be keeping their heads down a bit themselves.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Looks back at Pher:: Well, since my car is probably buried under rubble at Systems Enterprises ... shall we hail a cab?

    Pher -> They are really pushing their pace tonight. This problem isn't easy from their side, either.

    Pher -> Sure.

    Joe Manning -> ::Feeling the speeder, with its poor inertial dampening, weave to and fro. Hopes the others didn't have -too- much to drink::

    Pher -> Audrey, pop a cab request, please.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::getting a little green in the face::

    Troy Parson -> ::gives Dash an angry eye while talking to Joe:: Let's just say that I might be willing to reconsider that position in return for...well, getting me the ---- out of here.

    Pher -> We'll see if this is an ordinary working day for cab drivers. I have my suspicions we might start walking in the right direction.

    Shane -> ::takes a particularly sharp turn and spots the harbor in the distance::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Grins to himself...::

    Joe Manning -> Ah ... is that how it is, then? Normally you wouldn't stick around, but you have your price like everyone else? ::Looks over at him::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A cab pulls up from one of the few cab drivers who either isn't following the news or doesn't care

    Pher -> :: Gives the cab driver a bit of an eye full as she climbs aboard. ::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The crowds at the port district gates have grown considerably. The Guardians are clearly having a great deal of trouble keeping people out

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: If I hurl i'm aiming for you...

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: Turns out it's hard to have a peaceful life on a planet where your personality and interests cause others to try and have you killed.

    Shane -> Duff> ::climbs into the back::

    Joe Manning -> Ferengi Cabbie> ::Rather old, with very wrinkly lobes:: Where to missus?

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::Dash:: If you hurl I'm going to hurl.

    Shane -> ::growls back to Dash:: Just don't hit the arm...

    Pher -> :: Looks at LaHaye to give directions :: I'm with him.

    Dash_Andrews -> Looks like everyone is in line for tickets.... We should have camped out early. ::indicates the crowds

    Joe Manning -> #Well ... then I'll understand that you're only returning reluctantly and that your continued service will be a show of gratitude. I accept your withdrawn resignation.

    Pher -> :: Leans against LaHaye to indicate who she is with. ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Fishes around for the map to his bank that he received from T'aral, sends it up to the front::

    William Chocox -> <<Gotta go have dinner. See you guys next week.>>

    Dash_Andrews -> << See ya Will>>

    William Chocox -> <<Maybe come back later>>

    Shane -> ::circling low over the port area, talks to the back:: Where to, Captain?

    Joe Manning -> #::Knew that there was no chance Troy would be leaving anyway::

    Dash_Andrews -> Great... more mouths to feed... ::throws up his hands at Troy:: Just kidding

    Joe Manning -> #::Shane:: The port bridge just up the street from The Maze.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Pher:: So ... ::Enjoying the contact, but trying to remain businesslike:: Perhaps -you- could tell me what your friends' interest in Minos is.

    Pher -> :: whispers quietly in his ear, not thinking the cabbie ought to be interested in the conversation. :: He's bad for business. We don't like what he does on general principle...

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at Dash:: I know *I* can pull my weight. Can you?

    Shane -> ::lines the speeder up to the bridge, skimming the crowds heads::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Ah ... I see. So, you're, uh, aiming to 'take him out' then?

    Pher -> But mostly the Guardians have us over a barrel. They aren't letting us sit on the sidelines. We've got to help them out or they intend to make trouble.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Raises eybrow:: Are you kidding? I just saw a sign that said free lunch and jumped at it... No idea it meant I'd have to do something in return.

    Pher -> Ideally, yes. Or make a mighty fine attempt and let the Guardians know about.

    Pher -> But the Captain has his own ideas on what a mighty fine attempt ought to be. We're free lancing much more than cooperating.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Your being bullied by the Guardians? ::Laughs:: You must all be criminals or something. I know a thing or two about the Guardians 'hiring' methods.

    Pher -> The big card is that our ship is as fine a way off the rock as any. We're making it a bit easy for him to come to us.

    Shane -> ::pulls up the bridge gate, slowing as the Guardians wave him to a stop::

    Joe Manning -> #:Hears beating against the hull of the speeder and looks at the viewport. Sees the crowd below:: Ah, Shane ...

    Pher -> Criminals? :: looks sweet an innocent... (ha!) ::

    Joe Manning -> #You're not driving us right into the middle of a riot, are you?

    Pher -> We're an independent spacer. We honor the law as much as anyone. Any more questions?

    Shane -> You mean the one we started?

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Looking around at the helplessly frustrated crowd::

    Troy Parson -> #::looks out the window. takes out a cigarette:: Oh, I'm *so* going to regret this, aren't I?

    Joe Manning -> #We didn't start -this- ::Looking out the viewport:: Not this big.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> You fault me for being curious? Your Captain pulls me out of the Guardian hospital ... rescues me from a Rainmaker assassin ...

    Dash_Andrews -> #An object in motion stays in motion Boss.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> And yet he himself is not a Guardian. I desire to know your interest.

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks at William:: I hope you can get us past the bridge.

    Pher -> I can hardly fault you. But, well, you got a glimpse of where we're at... playing both sides.

    Shane -> I think this is the part where the Gaurdian gets us through ::indicates the Lawman in the back with a nod of his head::

    Pher -> Good way to get stuck in cross fire, but we haven't got a heck of a lot of pretty options. Are you complaining?

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Shrugs:: As long as you can get me away from both sides, I have no complaints at all. I have little love for the Guardians -or- the Rainmakers.

    Mitar Precip -> William the Guardian> I hope so too...depends on who we ..claim to be...::looks at his abductors::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::quietly to Joe:: Maybe you guys shoulda kept those uniforms

    Pher -> Who does?

    Joe Manning -> #::William:: Mercenaries ... on the starship Qob. You're going to give us clearance to get through security. Shouldn't be difficult.

    Joe Manning -> #::Shane:: Pop her open.

    Joe Manning -> Cabbie> Uh ...

    Pher -> :: Smiles at the cabbie and bats eyes :: Yes?

    Joe Manning -> Cabbie> Missus ... Hooman Sir ...

    Mitar Precip -> William the Guardian>You want me to tell them that?

    Joe Manning -> Cabbie> Bit of a pickle. ::Points out the front window as he slows the cab::

    Shane -> ::flips a switch to open the door, instantly is blasted by the roar of the crowd::

    Joe Manning -> #Improvise. You seem like a bright young lad and this -is- your job.

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Watching the backup guardian approach his passenger side...::

    Mitar Precip -> William the Guradian>::thinks his abductors are insane then again..insanity is the situation right now::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Up the road, between the skyscrapers of Latinum District, several Guardian patrol cars are parked outside an office building

    Joe Manning -> #::Pops his head out and glances at Shane:: Well, you got us close to the bridge. Good show.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<insert cardboard cutout for a couple of minutes brb>>

    Pher -> :: examines the pickle ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Brow furrows:: That's where my bank is ...

    Mitar Precip -> William the Guradian>::straightens out uniform...does a quick glance on his hair checks his id::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> In fact ... it looks like they're posted right at the front doors.

    Pher -> Does it look like they are blocking the bank?

    Mitar Precip -> William the Guradian>Wish I had my ORDI right now.

    Joe Manning -> #::Climbs out of the speeder after William::

    Pher -> Hmm. What's the odds they are looking for you? Could you give me keys to get what we need, or do you have to go in?

    Shane -> ::jumps out of the speeder and punches a rioter out of the way:: Need a path cleared?

    Mitar Precip -> William the Guardian>Move Aside...Move Aside! ::to the civilians in the way::

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman Wilson> ::Runs over to the speeder from the bridge station, glancing over at the other Lawmen holding the crowd back::

    Troy Parson -> #::following with the others, giving the rioters a disapproving look::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Shakes head:: Why else would they be here? They must have found out about my vault. ::Curses under his breath:: The vault is voice ID, I'm afraid.

    Joe Manning -> #::Yells out to the rioters:: Excuse us, we have some harsh words to share with the local security!

    Pher -> OK. I am not at all eager to play with those guys again. Have you any ideas?

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardain>::approaches the nearest fellow Lawmen::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> They must be looking for me. If I show my face ... it would not be good, I imagine.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Shrugs:: I have nothing. ::Looks at Pher::

    Pher -> I'm pretty good at distractions, if you can do disguises.

    Shane -> ::moving beside the group, keeping the crowd a good distance away from them::

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Looks at William, then notices the people not in uniform::

    Mitar Precip -> William the Guardian>#I have clearance for these individuals to their dock...Priorities. ::flashes ID::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Disguise? My kit is in Sunrise District ... what kind of distraction do you have in mind?

    Pher -> :: Kisses him :: Guess.

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> That's out of the question. I haven't heard anything from the sheriff, and I can't allow anyone to enter the port.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Eyes roll back momentarily:: The best kind it would seem. What about them? ::Nods to Duff and the kids::

    Pher -> It's a bit thin. I'm open to other ideas.

    Joe Manning -> #We were sent by the Marshall. Communication must be spotty with your headquarters getting bombed.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian> Listen Lawman ...::looks at badge:: Wilson...I dont have time ..nor the reason to contact the sheriff. The situation IS not wonderful with our HQ being blown to bits. Do you know if he is even alive.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> Ah ... what the hell ...

    Pher -> They might also do a bit of distraction. :: She looks at Duff. :: I'm not looking for anything risky, but y'all might do something that might divide attention a bit?

    Dash_Andrews -> <<sorry back>>

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> I'll be off this planet soon anyway. -If- you have time, there is an underground entrance to the bank. We would have to risk the Guardians not knowing about it.

    T'Aral -> :: Discreetly steps out of the speeder, looks about for a culvert. ::

    Shane -> Duff> ::looks confused:: Like what?

    Pher -> Sounds like a better plan than the front door bluff.

    Mitar Precip -> #Wliiam the Guardian> ::to Wilson:: As I said they are priorities...I have to get these men off this rock to find the SOBs behind the attack..they work for the Marshall.

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> Of course he is. And he's up to his elbows with this mess. ::Motions to the rioters::

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> Come inside the station.

    T'Aral -> :: Locates drainage culvert, steps down into it. ::

    Pher -> Cancel the distraction, Duff. I think we're going to go the underground route.

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Turns and heads for the post on this side of the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Looks at the cabbie:: We'll get off here.

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>::looks to his ...abductors quickly.....then follows Lawman Wilson::

    Joe Manning -> Cabbie> ::Checks the meter:: Oh! You owe me ... ::Glances back:: 17 1/2 strips of latinum. ::Has kept the meter running this whole time::

    Joe Manning -> #::Notices T'Aral has disappeared. Nods to the others::

    Joe Manning -> #::Follows William::

    Shane -> ::watches the Lawman turn his back on them, glances at Joe and follows::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Does the follow thing::

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardain> I dont have time for this ......Lawman...

    Pher -> Audrey, pay the man. (Assuming electronic transfer is easy enough.)

    Pher -> :: Smiles :: Let's go.

    Joe Manning -> Cabbie> ::After getting payment confirmation, unlocks the door and deactivates the internal security net::

    Joe Manning -> Cabbie> ::Toothy grin:: Have a nice evening.

    Pher -> :: Hopes the command staff is good for covering expenses ::

    Pher -> Charmed.

    T'Aral -> :: Locates culvert grate, places a series of discreet devices on the securing bolts. ::

    Shane -> Duff> ::follows the others with his boys::

    Mitar Precip -> #William the Guardian>::Hurrridly follows Wilson...wanting to get this over with::

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Guides the group inside the post and motions to a table against the wall:: Have a seat while I get in touch with the sheriff ... or try to.

    Pher -> :: Tries to stay between LaHaye and the Guardians, lets him take the lead ::

    T'Aral -> :: Pushes a small button on a TOS-era communicator ... small thermite charges ignite, burning through the grate mounts.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Glances toward the patrol vehicles as he steers the rest of the group into a nearby alley::

    Mitar Precip -> #William>I wish you extreme luck with that.....::looks angry then turns to the rest of the group then back to Wilson::

    Pher -> :: Walking a bit of a fine line between not attracting too much attention and holding the eye of anyone who is focused on the group. ::

    T'Aral -> :: Holds the grate to keep it from falling as the charges burn through the mounts, sets the grate aside, and steps into the drainage culvert. ::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Stops at a hatch leading to the maintenance tunnels under the platform. Lifts it up and motions to the others:: Ladies first.

    Mitar Precip -> #William>take a seat folks this should..should only take a minute...

    Shane -> ::notes that they are out of site from the crowd, motions towards Wilson with his head, asking a silent question::

    Pher -> :: Smiles and brushes gently past LaHaye, pretending casual while eyes are going over everything. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Sits:

    Mitar Precip -> #William>::wonders if this Wilson Lawman is a recently acquired Lawman::

    Shane -> *#

    Joe Manning -> #::Takes a seat:: I believe T'aral is working on something. ... but it might be prudent to formulate a backup plan here.

    T'Aral -> :: Moves through the drainage system beneath the landing port, moving through a somewhat crooked path towards the Qob. ::

    Troy Parson -> #::sitting::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Several motion sensors stand between T'Aral and the landing pads in the tunnels

    Shane -> #::leans against a wall, crossing his arms::

    Mitar Precip -> #::to Joe:: I apologize for this mess...I assure you I will get you through...even if I need a Slicer to do it....::grumbles the comment to Wilson::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Joe:: Ideas?

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Standing over a console behind the reception desk, looks up at William:: The Sheriff is not receiving right now. You and your band are going to have to wait.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  13. Joe Manning -> The date is ... let's say March 18th, 2420. About a month prior to our current plot

    Joe Manning -> Qob was just lead by the nefarious Duke Redding into a Raider ambush

    Joe Manning -> We managed to survive the battle, but not without sustaining crippling damage, and losing about half the crew

    Joe Manning -> T'Aral's repaired the engines to a point that we're limping our way toward Tranquility, but it's a few weeks away

    Joe Manning -> Repairs continue, and we (the crew) continue lamenting the loss of our crewmates

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    T'Aral -> :: Deep in the hold, with oxy-mask on, repairing coolant leaks. ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Sitting at the conference table in the mess hall, his head buried in his hand, with a shot of bourbon at his side::

    Troy Parson -> ::knocks on the conference room door from the outside::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up at ... the knock?::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::In sickbay - blood splatters covering the front of his quick-scrubs... Smoking an electric-Cig. Seated on a crate::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pulls himself to his feet and staggers around the table to the door::

    Joe Manning -> << Our former First Mate was named Monique LaRue, btw. And T'aral's old chief was named 'Baxter' No one else has been named >>

    Joe Manning -> << Nickles was the medical chief, now the First Mate >>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Trying hard not to look at the bodys - which he has just finished sealing in cryo-tubes awaiting burial orders::

    T'Aral -> :: ... shut off line ... vent ... cut ends off of damaged section ... size up repair piece ... install mating ferrules ... crimp ... test line ... more on ... >>

    Joe Manning -> ::Waves his hand in front of the door's motion sensor::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<crap>>

    Dash_Andrews -> <<well I guess I would have been a Doc still lol>>\

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head and calls out past the closed door:: Who is it?

    T'Aral -> << Senior officers die ... and we all move up in rank. >>

    T'Aral -> << That's how it is in Alternate Timeline Universes. >>

    Troy Parson -> ::standing on the other side of the door:: It's Troy. I need to speak to you.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<Field Commission :P >>

    Joe Manning -> << Only we didn't kill them. I think ... >>

    Joe Manning -> ::Crouches and digs his fingers under the door:: A little help sliding this thing up?

    V'Roy -> <<You're not in a field. You're on a ship.>>

    Troy Parson -> ::reaches one hand under the door-- the other is busy with a cigarette-- and lifts::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Stares at the next-to-last Death Report he's to fill out for review... His mind wandering his hands a bit shaky::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pulls the door upward and holds it up so Troy can enter::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<ForceField Commission?>>

    Troy Parson -> ::ducks under the door to enter the mess hall:: I guess the doors aren't exactly a top-priority repair, yea?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up at his ODRI:: +Com+ T'Aral, the door to the mess hall is on the fritz, just in case it ain't on your schedule yet.

    Joe Manning -> ::Lets go of the door, but it doesn't close. Shakes head and waves a hand at it::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::He takes a long draw from his cig... he has to get out of sickbay. He sets his reports down and heads for the door::

    T'Aral -> +Com+ Joe> Captain, three-quarters of the ship's vital systems are currently 'on my schedule' ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Waves cig smoke away as he circles around the table:: Between you and Dash, smoke'll kill me before the juice does.

    Troy Parson -> I guess what I have to say will probably come as good news to you, then.

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes a seat back in front of his bourbon glass::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<No second hand from Electric Cigs :) >>

    Joe Manning -> Good news? ::Looks up at Troy with one eye half closed:: What's 'good news?'

    Pher -> :: Down on the floor in the main corridor, stretching out. ::

    Joe Manning -> << That's some technology ... >>

    T'Aral -> ... I do not expect to sleep for the next seventy-two hours.

    Troy Parson -> I wanted to give you some advance notice, so that you could find someone...a non-smoker, I s'pose...to fill my post.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Doors swish behind him as he stepsin to the main corridor, he sees Pher right away. He doesn't know how but he manages a half-smile::

    T'Aral -> << That's *current* technology, actually ... >>

    Joe Manning -> ::Sighs and scoops his bourbon off the table, takes a sip::

    Joe Manning -> What is this, Troy? You've decided to leave us after one bad mission? Catastrophic mission ... ::Grumbles::

    Pher -> :: Lets go of her leg, brings her body upright, but holds the split. ::

    Pher -> Ah. You too are strectching unused muscles.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: Yes, I suppose you're right. Not much use for them lately. I forget I'm even able to smile.

    Troy Parson -> Well, you've got to admit, this ship hasn't got a stellar crew-survival rating...

    Troy Parson -> Not now, anyway.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Motions to what she's doing:: I hear that's good for calming your mind...

    Joe Manning -> Well, if you're gonna put it that way, Troy ... I'd say -you've- had a damn fine survival rating since you came aboard.

    T'Aral -> :: Finishes sealing her tenth coolant line, hears a chime from her TOS-style tricorder, reads the message, and actually frowns ... ::

    Pher -> Possibly. They say the same thing about clawing someone's eyes out.

    Troy Parson -> ::snort:: So, what? You expect me to be ready to *die* for you, is that it?

    Pher -> Fewer concequences to this, though.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Coughs...at her remark:: Yes... well. I think I'll stick to this ::holds up his Cig::

    Troy Parson -> Serving on this ship is a job, and far from a first-choice one at that.

    Joe Manning -> Who said I expect you to die. ::Grabs his glass and swirls the bourbon around::

    Pher -> :: Somehow bounces a bit and has her feet under her. Stands ::

    Pher -> Good choice. We have need of eyes.

    T'Aral -> +COM+ Joe> Captain - be advised that the dilithium matrix is beginning to destabilize.

    Troy Parson -> Then don't comment on my survival like it's a bad thing.

    Pher -> Is that a harmless little addiction, those things?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Catches himself staring at her hips:: Well... Speak for yourself

    Joe Manning -> I commented on it like it's a good thing ... ::Raises his ODRI arm:: +T'Aral+ Is that something I should be panicking about, T'Aral?

    Dash_Andrews -> <<to the EYE comment>

    Pher -> Ah. Sorry.

    T'Aral -> +Joe+ Not at the moment, sir - I am considering options.

    Pher -> I guess I'd best avoid the scratching scheme, for the good of my fingernails.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Laughs a dry laugh:: No harm done... but these? Harmless? I wouldn't bother with it if it were...

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up at Troy:: Baxter was drunk, did you know that?

    Troy Parson -> It doesn't surprise me.

    Joe Manning -> T'Aral said so. Dash said his blood/alcohol was off the chart.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pulls his flask from his long jacket pocket:: Now this... This is what we need... ::Offers it outwardly::

    Pher -> :: Smiles :: Yes. What good is a harmless addiction?

    Joe Manning -> Most of the crew we lost were greenhorns. ::Waves his hand, trying to appear as if he doesn't care:: Clowns.

    Pher -> :: Looks him up and down as well ::

    Troy Parson -> Oh, that's a lovely attitude for a Captain to have to his crew.

    Joe Manning -> We lost one good person -- Monique. ::Holds up his index finger:: That's what Duke gets from me.

    T'Aral -> << Have to pull away again - my son's fighting going to bed. >>

    Joe Manning -> ::Puts his bourbon glass back down, hard:: We're survivors. And we've survived.

    Pher -> Somehow, the addictions seem a bit dry just now... but life continues.

    Troy Parson -> Not all of us.

    Mitar Precip -> ::clunk....Clunk...clunk An engineering crewman approaches T`Aral:: Alright Sir..suited up for EVA hull duty..::.it is Crewmate Max...::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shrugs... and drinks from his flask.:: For some... yes, yes it does. Turns away from her gaze a moment trying to fight back images of those entombed in Sickbay::

    Joe Manning -> In the years you've been here, Troy, there hasn't been a mission like this. You know that ...

    Dash_Andrews -> <<missed an ::>>

    Joe Manning -> We had a bad day. We move on. ::Shrugs and sips his bourbon::

    Mitar Precip -> Max>::clunk clunk:: What hole do I patch up first?

    Troy Parson -> So what happens on our next bad day? Half of us die and the rest just...move on? Is your crew something that comes with a half-life, losing bits and pieces of itself over and over until you're the only one left?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Without pause:: How did we screw this up? Where... ::he bites his tongue::

    Pher -> Not sure I've read the post mortum yet. Not sure it has been written.

    Joe Manning -> ::Snaps a look up at Troy:: The 'next' bad day? ::Points at him:: I been runnin this ship for six years, Parson, and I've kept my crew alive! A lot better than any other merc or some Guardian Sheriff ...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shakes his head:: Not really looking for a professional opinion Pheremone... You know what I man.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<Mean>>

    Joe Manning -> This was a -really- bad day. The kind that I ain't never had to deal with, and the kind I plan never to see again.

    Mitar Precip -> Max>::human...big guy...2 meters at least and burly in appearance..:: I hate getting shot up.

    Pher -> What? You want emotional consolation? :: Steps closer. :: That I might know how to handle... if you were truly ready.

    Troy Parson -> ::louder now:: You "plan"? You "PLAN"? So what are you going to do about it? Are you going to give up dangerous work and start shipping food around for a living?

    Pher -> Stuff happens, Dash. You know that.

    T'Aral -> << What a chore that boy can be!>>

    V'Roy -> <<::has seen everything in the peanut gallery, decides to check out the macadamia nut gallery::>>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Raises an eyebrow but does not make an attempt to distance her advance:: I'm no stranger to this Pher... I've seen what happens to people scraping by out here, when there's nothing left to scrap up and suddenly you're the one under the grater.

    T'Aral -> :: Looks to Max :: As you appear to be prepared for it, tether yourself to the #6 airlock and begin repairs on the port lateral's dorsal plating.

    Joe Manning -> I ain't never giving up dangerous work. I've done it just fine for the past six years. If you want to let one screwed mission scare you off of it, then fine. ::Waves a dismissive hand:: Get off my damn ship ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Holds a fist over his mouth as he's suddenly wracked by a fit of coughing::

    T'Aral -> Securing what material is there will be satisfactory for the time being.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Joe without sympathy:: It seems we're in agreement then.

    Mitar Precip -> Max>::carrying EVA Helmet:: What's underneath that I dont want to scratch?

    Pher -> Hmm....

    Dash_Andrews -> But it never gets easier... One minute you're having a conversation like you and I... then you're holding that person's life in your hands watching them slip away.

    Troy Parson -> I'll leave instructions in the lab so that my replacement can learn how to use the third-rate, barely-functional setup we've got down there.

    T'Aral -> :: Considers for a moment :: Rupturing the feed lines to the port disruptor turret is ... inadvisable.

    Joe Manning -> ::Recomposes himself and looks back at Troy::

    Joe Manning -> I'm sure I can find someone qualified. I found you, didn't I?

    Troy Parson -> I'm sure you...::startles a bit as his cigarette burns down to the butt, burning his hand::..I'm sure you can.

    Pher -> Yah. I've played lots of nasty games... but I've been as much the prize as the players. This one... :: Not sure how to continue ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::shifts his weight on his cane and sips from his flask again... turning his face away from her::

    Mitar Precip -> Max>::Begins to attach helmet:: Aye Chief....Cya... ::exits for airlock six::

    Joe Manning -> ::Finishes his shot of bourbon and turns to grab the bottle::

    T'Aral -> :: Moves over to the dilithium chamber, examines the status of the contents, and considers options. ::

    Joe Manning -> Why don't you sit down, have a drink?

    Dash_Andrews -> This isn't a game anymore. Our shipmates in there ::thumbs to the door behind him:: Just found that out.

    Dash_Andrews -> Drink with me. It's all I can think to do now. And I just don't want to do it alone.

    Mitar Precip -> Max>::clunk...clunk...clunk:: Fix...Fix....should not be holes on this ship....what a *(*) up.

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: Fine. ::sits::

    Joe Manning -> ::Grabs another glass:: It wasn't an order, you giant ass. ::Fills both glasses:: If you've got better things to do, go on.

    Pher -> :: Sighs :: Game. Not a game. Play. Don't play. Swimming can be hard. Not swimming, might not be an option.

    Troy Parson -> That's all right, the only experiment I was working on was Riley's pet plasma project, and he's in three pieces now.

    Joe Manning -> ::Slides one of the glasses to him::

    Dash_Andrews -> You and I both know... This is all we know how to do. ::Hands her the flask not taking no for an answer::

    Dash_Andrews -> We made our choice... so we play

    Troy Parson -> ::takes the glass, looks at it for a second, then drinks, makes a face::

    Joe Manning -> That reminds me ... I gotta keep looking for family info. Maybe I'll find some on Tranquility. Half these greenies, I didn't know anything about them.

    Mitar Precip -> Max>::exits via Airlock six....with attached teathers...in not the best shape:: Fun...Stupid...Do I get paid for stupidity?

    T'Aral -> :: Looks in inventory, considering what kind of parts are available. Spare parts for navigational thrusters, matter/energy collectors, etc ... ::

    Joe Manning -> Makes it a little easier when you don't know their life stories. ::Takes a sip::

    Pher -> :: Sips from the flask :: Ah, but that's not true. I can fish. I was a sort of prize fighter once. I was a lab rat, once upon a time. I can give swimming lessons.

    Pher -> There are choices.

    Troy Parson -> You know, if I were still at the University, back on Europa, I'd be trying to drag kids their age away from parties to try and teach them about particle reactions and n-dimensional causality constructs.

    Pher -> There are many ways of getting money.

    Troy Parson -> Not...not picking pieces of them out of my centrifuge.

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: I shouldn't be here.

    Mitar Precip -> Max>:Exits to outer hull via hatch on exterior hull the ship...is ugly looking outside with damage::

    Joe Manning -> Well, you ain't at the University no more. And this sure as -hell- ain't Europa. ::Coughs again, once::

    Pher -> Do you know where you should be?

    T'Aral -> :: Ponders ... eyebrow ... retrieves a skid and begins walking towards the forward hull. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> Well... Perhaps this is all I know how to do then. ::Finds himself getting closer to her... her smell so fragrant::

    Dash_Andrews -> You mean somewhere other than her?

    Pher -> :: Steps closer as well ::

    Mitar Precip -> Max>::spots area to be repaired...loosens tether and floats down damaged wing::

    Troy Parson -> I've been here for a long time, Joe. Long enough that I started to think of this ship as home...but it isn't.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<here* typo city tonight>>

    Pher -> Yes. Can one make a choice without options?

    Joe Manning -> Mm ... and just where is it you're plannin on goin, Troy? Where is home now?

    Dash_Andrews -> I take it you're not one who believe in fate, or predetermined paths in life.

    Mitar Precip -> Max>Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me....::looks at damage:: Awh crying out loud..poor ship.

    Dash_Andrews -> Good.

    Joe Manning -> You ain't smart enough for Xorax colony. ::Sips his bourbon again::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::he brushes her fingers as he hands her the flask once more... he pauses there just a moment::

    T'Aral -> :: Walks by Pher and Dash, leading transport skid ... ::

    Troy Parson -> When we met, I was trying to get my life on Europa back. Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of that.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<Nothing to see here Vulcan move along :P lol >>

    Joe Manning -> Somewhere along the way, you realized you -ain't- gettin that life back, son.

    Joe Manning -> Happens to a lot of us in Bull's Head. ::Takes a big sip, finishing off the shot of bourbon::

    Pher -> Not hardly. I decided a long time ago the First Energy Being didn't create me to be somebody's other half. If not that, why would she give a hoot?

    Mitar Precip -> +T`aral+ This is Max....glancing hit...armor is penatrated however...cables exposed. Going to need to use some of that precious spare hull plating.

    Joe Manning -> ::Blinks and turns, hearing thumping against the hull::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Smiles his attention turns a moment from her to T'Aral as she passes::

    Mitar Precip -> +T`aral+ Someone's going to have to add that to the budget next time in port. ::pulls tether::

    T'Aral -> :: Moves onwards to the bow weapons pod. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::hears the thumping:: Let's hope there's enough hull left outside that wall that the repair crews don't crack it open trying to fix it.

    Pher -> :: glances at the logical one as she goes by.... what a waste... ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Clears his throat:: So... you think I'm in the wrong place?

    Joe Manning -> Let's hope that warp bubble o' T'Aral's holds. ::Shakes head and refills his glass::

    T'Aral -> +Max+ There should be some twisted plating in the vicinity - for the time being try to secure a few 'shield plates' to minimize exposure.

    Mitar Precip -> +T`Aral+ copy. I am demaging my boots to prevent any...discharge from the conduits...tethered secure.

    Joe Manning -> Used to be a man couldn't walk on the hull of a ship at warp speed. Then Vulcan engineers came along.

    Pher -> Hmm.... I don't know. There are sayings where I come from that if one doesn't like the heat, get off the beach. Do you like the heat?

    T'Aral -> :: Secures a torpedo onto the skid, then begins to return to the Aft Engineering center. ::

    Pher -> :: Gets fractionally closer, implying an extra meaning to 'heat'. ::

    T'Aral -> :: Passes Pher and Dash again, this time pushing a dormant Photon Torpedo. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Stands up straighter, and his mechanical view of her makes her no less beautiful::

    Dash_Andrews -> Like I said... It's all I know how to do...

    Troy Parson -> ::chuckles:: I can't understand half of the things she says myself, and I've got more than one physics degree to my name.

    Mitar Precip -> +T'Aral+ Copy. does the job...pivoting left and right...left and right grabbing 'shield plate' to cover hull and the crater left.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sighs and takes a sip:: Duke's probably on Tranquility collecting the bandit bounty about now.

    Pher -> Then one dances the dance on knows?

    Mitar Precip -> (missing :: :: )

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Leans in close to her lips the intoxication of her truly has taken his pain away:: Ca La Vie

    Pher -> (one knows)

    Pher -> :: Decides that she has done one might be done with words, and finds another use for lips ::

    Mitar Precip -> ::Tether::>::wearing significantly on a warped EVA link::

    Troy Parson -> ::sips:: Yeah. ::not sure what to say about Duke::

    Mitar Precip -> Max>::begins plasma torching...as careful as he can be...he does not want to loose that cannon power conduit...or himself::

    T'Aral -> :: Returns to Engineering, begins pulling photon torpedo apart ... ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::He leans his cane against the bulkhead as he presses closer to her continuing the "conversation"::

    Joe Manning -> Oh, I forgot. You ain't in the business no more ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Leans over to refills his glass::

    Troy Parson -> For what it's worth, I'm probably not going to sign up with another freelance ship...so you can rest assured that I won't be flying with him, at least.

    Mitar Precip -> Max>+T`Aral+ Do we get bonus pay for firefights? ::pulls on tether to reach a bit::

    Joe Manning -> Well, I didn't think you were -that- stupid. There's a man you'd end up dead with. As like by his hand as anything else.

    Joe Manning -> I can't imagine -where- you'll find work ...

    T'Aral -> +Max+ Negative - to assume bonus pay exists assumes that there is an additional pool of money to compensate from.

    Pher -> :: Lets herself feel and be felt :: And if one has no choices, then at least one mighte forget for a time.

    Joe Manning -> People just don't pay good money for independent research unless it's well guarded. And you don't strike me as the corporate type.

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs, lights up a new cigarette, thinks:: There's always *someone* out there who needs something science-ish done off the record.

    Mitar Precip -> ::tether hold::...bends....

    T'Aral -> :: Pulls out photon energizer core ... considers ... shakes head at her own one-track mind. ::

    Joe Manning -> And when they need it done, they go to a merc crew with a science staff.

    Joe Manning -> Merc crews get things done. Scientists on their own get killed.

    Troy Parson -> If it's something that requires a ship and a crew, sure.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Her skin like silk on his finger tips, her lips so inviting:: Perhaps, we should clear the corridor?

    T'Aral -> :: Steps over to spare parts bin, begins building a photon emitter. ::

    Troy Parson -> Maybe I'll work for someone who owns a small business. Or a farm, for that matter.

    Pher -> Wouldn't want to get run over by a photon torpedo...

    Troy Parson -> Something that has nothing to do with spaceships and weapons and killing.

    Troy Parson -> ::sips::

    Joe Manning -> ::Laughs:: Willing to work for food then, are you?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Steps with her almost falling over trying to make his way to the nearest bunk... be it hers or his::

    Mitar Precip -> Max>+T`Aral+ fixing asteriod hits is one thing...stupid missions in battle with an old bird...is not me...I'm out after we get to dock::

    T'Aral -> +COM+ Joe> Sir: in fifteen minutes we will need to drop out of warp. Twenty minutes after that, the dilithium core will be restored.

    T'Aral -> +Max+ That is your option, if you wish.

    Pher -> :: Leads him towards hers place... the filters are better ::

    Troy Parson -> Whatever will keep me from starving to death while I look for the people who took my life away.

    Joe Manning -> +T'Aral+ Well, yer gonna have to drop us out. There's no one at the helm right now.

    Mitar Precip -> Max>Stupidity.....::pulls teather to reach conrer of weld::

    Pher -> I really do have a collection of etchings, you know...

    Joe Manning -> You know damn well you'll need cash if you want to make any meaningful progress ...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::His cane almost seems sad as it sits forgotten like his troubles for a time...::

    Joe Manning -> Folks with the know don't give it out for turnips and a smile.

    Mitar Precip -> <<<Tether snaps>>>

    Troy Parson -> ::drinks:: Depends on what's in the turnips. ::brief smile::

    Joe Manning -> You stick with us ... you'll find the people you're looking for ...

    Mitar Precip -> Max>+T`Aral+Reparis complete...I oh )($^!!!!

    Joe Manning -> This ship has a way of sortin out people's problems eventually. ... even if it's by killing 'em.

    Dash_Andrews -> << lol >>

    Troy Parson -> I won't, though. I'll have plenty of "adventures", make a bit of money, maybe even survive...

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  14. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Weaving in and out of the Cardboard Cutout filled room... making his way to the window for air and an electric smoke::

    Joe Manning -> ::Hovering over LaHaye in the back seat of their speeder, trying to keep him alive through their journey back to the hotel::

    Pher -> :: Wondering again why the First Energy Being created males... other than for THAT. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::in the less hot land vehicle::

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::still in the locked closet:: MMPH!

    Joe Manning -> << Well, if Shane isn't going to be here, I'm not going to assume any actions on his part ... >>

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Peers through a nearby doorway, then looks over at Dash by the window::

    T'Aral -> :: Tries to assist Joe as best as she can. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::turns and flashes a glance toward Duff before moving to Nickles asleep and sweating on the couch::

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: Radio ahead to Pher when we're closing in on the hotel

    Dash_Andrews -> <<see how I set up that entrance Hello Chris>>

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: Will do.

    Pher -> :: Wanders back near the door of 'her' room, ready to support Dash if he needs it, or to follow Nickles should he decide to charge off to anybody's rescue. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> <<Hi all Sorry was caught up in traffic>>

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Motions to his boys to be still, then gets up and creeps over to the closet door::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::checking Nickles Vitals with a quick scan of his ODRI::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::hears creeping::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<welcome shane>>

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Opens the door before anyone can notice and looks in at the Guardian::

    Shane -> <<hey guys>>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::turns to the opening closet door and a sneaky Duff::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at T'aral:: How long is that tranq going to last?

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::upon seeing a new face:: mmph, mmph, MMPH!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Duff:: Now you've gone and done it... Get back to the bed... ::reaches for disruptor in pocket::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Jaw drops at the sight of the Guardian:: Sweet angel ...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::starts to wake up.. mumbling:: Pher You have it to hot in here Love

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Turns to Dash:: That's one of the local fuzz. Whattayou got goin on here?

    T'Aral -> Guardian > Stay calm and immobile - all will be well if you remain calm.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::struggling against the bonds::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::still in a kneeling position back to Nickles... Disruptor drawn on Duff:: Trouble you didn't need... Ever hear what curiosity did to the cat?

    Joe Manning -> << Wrong Guardian, T'aral :P >>

    Pher -> :: Steps back in as Nickles apparently isn't going charging off to rescue Captain Joe. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> Bed! NOW!

    Joe Manning -> << Ours was shot dead and left with the shuttle >>

    Shane -> ::comes back into the hotel room to see Duff with open closet door::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nods to Shane to settle the Curious Hostage::

    Pher -> No kidding, Duff. You want him, now that you've got him?

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ... oh, I see how it is now. You're keepin me here to keep me quiet? Got a little secret you want to keep bottled up until this planet gets fried?

    T'Aral -> << Sorry - I thought the Guardian was Mmm mmm MMMPHing at me. >>

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The speeder arrives at the hotel

    Shane -> ::with a low growl advances on Duff, intent on getting him out of the way::

    Pher -> You were the one that wandered back with gun in hand.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Pher, this is Parson. We're arriving at the hotel now.

    Pher -> Guys... Let's not squish each other very loudly, please.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Turns to see Nickles perking back up::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Backs away from Shane a couple of steps, and takes notice of the continuing disagreement between him and Pher::

    Pher -> +Troy+ Ah, good. Things were almost getting quiet for a bit.

    Mitar Precip -> (takes seat in popcorn gallery)

    Pher -> Captain's almost back.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<Waves to Precip>>

    Shane -> ::lands a hard upper cut to Duffs chin with his real arm to disorient him::

    Pher -> All your questions will be answered. Maybe. Well, we are allowed to hope.

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Pher, if you've got those medical supplies up there, we could use them. And the Doctor.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Hears the shot of Fist to Jaw with a meaty splat:: OOOh... ::Turns and hobbles to his feet::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Staggers back a bit at the punch::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sits up still heavy with Sweat:: whats going on Who turned here.up the heat. ::looks around :: looks like more than just the temp i hot in

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Glances over at Shane's other arm, reconsiders fighting back, and just shoots Shane a look of hatred::

    Pher -> +Joe+ We've go some. Come on up and take your chances. Join the brawl. Have some fun.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We've got a patient here that we can't risk moving.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Hears Pher:: What's he saying?

    Pher -> :: Tries to glare at the males :: Could you hold up on that for a while?

    Shane -> ::spins him around and pins him against the wall, gathering up his hands to tie him up:: Someone get me something to tie him up.

    Pher -> He's saying get ready to handle wounded.

    Pher -> They're apparently down in the lobby.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::seeing the punch:: MMPH!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Raises an eyebrow then sighs loudly... Moving to his medical supplies he gathers a few neccesities and some surgical tubing::

    Joe Manning -> T'aral, check the local Guardian net. They've probably found the shuttle and its driver by now ...

    Joe Manning -> Make sure they aren't on our trail.

    Pher -> :: Positions herself in blocking position between the kids and the door :: Hold that thought, Shane. Duff? You still want off planet?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::watching whats going on:

    T'Aral -> :: Steps over to a terminal, and enters more familiar territory. ::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Glances back at Pher:: Of course! That's all I want! To get my boys off the planet before it goes up in flames.

    Shane -> ::pauses as he waits on Pher's command::

    Pher -> And you know the ship is apt to go up in flames if we're the first one up, if we fly stupid?

    William Chocox -> <<I missed something big.>>

    T'Aral -> :: AFK ... boy going to bed. ::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Yeah ... what exactly are you suggestin? We can't just wait around here forever.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Gathers the dermal regenerator and the last of the hypo vials pocketing things quickly and prepares to move::

    Pher -> Mostly I'm suggesting we stop fighting each other every step of the way.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::: starts to stand memory coming back as to what was going on::

    Pher -> The only way you're going to get off with us if you go with the flow.

    Pher -> We can't pull this off if we have to stop and argue with you every step of the way.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Well, what about ... ::Nods in the direction of the closet:: Him? I'm no friend of the law, I can tell you that. But what are you people up to?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Butting in:: Ensuring our exit...

    Dash_Andrews -> <<Insuring? forget it lol>>

    Pher -> Hmm... The poor fellow made the mistake of trying to do his job. I'm not exactly a big fan of the Guardians either, but they get pissed if you start taking them out.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::stands and moves over to Pher wiping the sweat off his face with his shirt sleeve::

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::hearing them talk about him:: MMPH!

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Glances uneasily between the closet and Pher:: Fine ... what is it you want me to do?

    Pher -> I was hoping we could avoid that.

    Pher -> Wait about 30 more seconds, and the Captain will be here. Can you not start another brawl that long?

    Shane -> ::shoots a skin prickling glare at the Guardians mumble::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::still chewing on his Cig waiting for Joe::

    STSF_Nickles -> Dash you need a hand down stairs?

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Pher:: If I was you, I'd be tellin that to your freak buddy over there. ::Nods to Shane:: Seems to be some miscommunication tween the two of you.

    Dash_Andrews -> Oh? Down huh? I thought they were coming up...

    STSF_Nickles -> If I heard right he said something about they cant be moved.

    Joe Manning -> << Let's just assume you knew that and skip ahead, Dash :) >>

    T'Aral -> << Returned >>

    Mitar Precip -> (ruh roh man with big arm just called freak.)

    Dash_Andrews -> Sure, got the strength to grab the rest of the supplies? ::nods to the crate::

    Pher -> Well, if you stand down, Duff, I'll see about seeing if Shane will stand down... but he's got a mean streak.

    STSF_Nickles -> Sure. ::grabs the bag of supplies::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Starts slowly toward the door...::

    STSF_Nickles -> *Crate

    Pher -> But if you more or less behave... we'll see.

    Shane -> ::just locks his jaw in silence, waiting for a decision to be made::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Fast-forwards to the Elevator::

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher Ill need you later Darling

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Fine then. ::Glances again at the closet and sits back down between his boys::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::exits with Dash"::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Ding - Lobby... Looks around for Joe and the others::

    Shane -> ::after letting Duff go, turns and faces Pher::

    Troy Parson -> ::waves at Dash from outside::

    Pher -> :: Smiles suggestively at Nickles :: For what?

    Joe Manning -> ::In the speeder in the parking lot behind the hotel, looks out at Dash:: He's back here

    STSF_Nickles -> ::enters the elevator::

    T'Aral -> Joe > Captain - there are multiple reports of injuries and Guardians regrouping. There appears to be extensive chaos in the port area.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Spots a familiar signature waving... then hears Joe beckon... moves toward him::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::meets up with Dash and moves towards the speeder::

    T'Aral -> By my estimation, we have approximately one hour before the guardians we have encountered are declared 'missing'.

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe you alright?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: I'll live. This guy, I'm not so sure ... ::Motions to LaHaye::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::looking at the patient:: Condition? ::begins to scan::

    Shane -> ::glances at Duff and the boys, speaks to Pher:: What now?

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: He was caught in the skyscraper blast. We managed to revive him, but had to sedate him for the trek back here.

    Pher -> Either the Captain got his lead, or not.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks into the speeder as he gets closer:: He doesnt look good at all

    Dash_Andrews -> So I see... ::Scans from limb to limb from top down for fractures breaks and internal bleeding::

    Pher -> Depending on whether we have a chance at that other passenger joining the party, our next move is way up in the air.

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: You'll have to work him over more, though. I need him on his feet ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets out of the back of the speeder::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sets the crate of supplies down next to the speeder and again wipes the sweat off his face::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Glances at Joe:: Field jump start huh?

    Pher -> I am not in charge of this party. I'm just trying to keep things quiet until we know what's next.

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: Do what you can. He needs to make it to the Latinum District and we need to keep him alive long enough to open a bank vault.

    Shane -> It'll good to get out here::reaches over absently to make a few adjustments to his arm:: I'm tired of sitting around.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sprints into the hotel clutching his side::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pulls the necessary cocktail out and pushes it in to his Hypo:: Well aside from a serious concussion and some slow bleeding around the abdomen he should live. He will feel this though... ::applies the adrenaline kick hypo to wake the man::

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Gasps awake::

    Pher -> Hmm. We'll see about keeping you entertained. I'll try to think of something. I suspect opportunities will arise.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nearly drops the hypo as the kid jumps::

    STSF_Nickles -> Easy dude.

    Joe Manning -> ::Raps on the door to Pher's room before entering::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::LaHaye:: Calm down... we are here to help.

    Shane -> ::just looks at Pher with his stony gaze and goes back to adjusting::

    Pher -> :: Pivots slightly, ready to seduce or stun whomever comes through the door. :: Yes?

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::dejectedly knowing that it won't work:: mmph.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Peers at Dash, not recognizing him. Then looks over at T'aral and recognizes her:: We made it out then?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Pher::

    Shane -> ::looks up to Joe's entrance::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Takes the dermal regenerator and shows it to LaHaye:: You're bleeding inside, I need you to stay still a moment... ::begins to run it over his abdomen::

    Pher -> Welcome to grand central, Captain.

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe went up to the room. This is Doc Dash, Hes good if you do as he says

    Pher -> Meet Duff and his children. They first asked for a ride out, then came in insisting on a ride out.

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: You missed the fun at the hospital. ::Notices the three people on the bed::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Adding:: And if you don't... I'm horrible

    Pher -> They might be useful, but aren't the most easy going of potential passengers we've ever had.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> If I die, it'll be more of Minos' assassins that do the job. If I were you, I'd be watching out for them.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::to LaHaye::Just let him do what he needs to

    Joe Manning -> ::Walks closer to Pher:: I don't get it. Rainmakers?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Ignores the remark, finishing up the regeneration::

    STSF_Nickles -> Damn Minos

    Dash_Andrews -> You're going to have a hell of a headache for a while... But I've stopped the bleeding.

    Shane -> ::shakes his head:: Just civilians.

    Pher -> Not so innocent bystanders. Just want out of this mess. Willing to take risks to get there. Thinks if things get much worse, every ship in port is going to try to make a run for it. Wants to be on one of them.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Steps back to T'Aral:: What about you Pointy... you alright?

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: We don't have time to play shuttle service for them. The hospital lead was good, but we've got another stop to make ... a bank.

    Pher -> They've seen our guest in the closet, though.

    Joe Manning -> Do you think they could be of any use?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Then looks to Troy in succession::

    Pher -> Do you need guns?

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::To no one in particular:: I could use a drink. If you aren't in too much of a hurry to grab that data cache.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Dash:: I'll be fine.

    T'Aral -> I am against releasing him ... but it is up to the Captain.

    STSF_Nickles -> OK LaHayes, want to tr to sit up?

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: I don't think so. It's not a bank robbery. Our patient downstairs as a vault that may contain some info on Minos.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::nods to Nickles and begins to help LaHaye to his feet::

    Joe Manning -> One or two guns to be on the safe side couldn't hurt ... but I don't know the bank's security.

    Dash_Andrews -> I for one ::grunts:: Can always use a drink...

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Swings his legs around slowly to sit upright::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::takes LaHayes arm and helps him up:: Dash call Joe see if he wants him up there

    Pher -> OK. :: Nods to duff :: They know a bit more than I'd like, but we could just release them to try another ride. :: Looks back to Duff :: You want with us? Will you follow lead and stay out of the way, or would you rather try other roads?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: I don't even think Joe wants to be up there...

    Joe Manning -> ::Walks over to the closet and Shane::

    Dash_Andrews -> +Joe+ Captain... Our passenger is up and on his feet...

    Joe Manning -> +Dash+ Will he be able to make it to his bank?

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::looking up:: mmph.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: Get him out of there. ::Nods to the Guardian::

    Dash_Andrews -> +Joe+ He's stable... I wouldn't put him in harms way any time soon, but he's fit to travel.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to LaHayes:: Well he aint turnin plae yet.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Looks up at Pher:: What're you gonna do? Nothin that'll get me collared by the law, I hope? And what about my boys?

    STSF_Nickles -> *pale

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Eyeing LaHaye getting his legs back::

    Joe Manning -> +Dash+ Get his bank info and pass it along to T'aral so she can scout ahead.

    Shane -> ::reaches down into the closet with his bionic and lifts the man out:: Where do you want him?

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: Just get the gag off. I need to talk to him.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves closer to LaHaye for him to transmit the information from Dash's ODRI::

    Shane -> ::sets him down standing and pulls the gag out::

    Pher -> We're hot. We're actually working with the Guadians, but they're being even less cooperative than you are. For the moment, we need to make a withdrawal in an ordinary way, then we'll see what's next. We're heading off world soon... and there will be

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Reaches over to tap at Dash's ODRI:: It's the bottom floor of a twenty-story on the east end of the downtown area. The upper stories are offices.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> Thank you for removing that.

    Pher -> risks. Either you take them with us, or find another set of risks.

    STSF_Nickles -> Hey Dash you got any more of that steroids?? Im sweaten like a mad man.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Motions for Nickles to check the bag::

    Shane -> ::keeps the gag in his hand, ready to put it back in::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Pher:: Yer not gonna do anything that'll get my boys hurt, will you?

    STSF_Nickles -> At least until I ca get back with Pher.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks down at William with a blank expression:: It was not our plan to have to take you into custody like this ...

    Joe Manning -> But as you insisted on accompanying us from the port district, we had no choice.

    Dash_Andrews -> +Pher+ Pher... we just sent you a map and a description of the bank... did you get it?

    William Chocox -> Guardian> Take me into custody? I'm the law enforcement agent here.

    Pher -> Yer not going to try to start another brawl, are you? You tick of my right arm man, there, he'll take a swing at you.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks around in the crate and finds the Vial::

    Pher -> :: Checks Audrey. Spends a few moments looking at her. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: got some?

    Joe Manning -> In Bull's Head, law enforcement ain't a uniform, son. It's whoever's strong and smart enough to take charge.

    Pher -> +Dash+ Got it.

    STSF_Nickles -> Ya heres the Vial.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pulls his hypo out ejecting the spent vial::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Refills:: Alright bend over and unbuckle

    Dash_Andrews -> Joke... ::grins and sticks Nickles in the arm::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> I ain't gonna cause no more trouble ... ::Lowers his head and shakes it::

    STSF_Nickles -> Funny man

    William Chocox -> Guardian> So to prove that you were the biggest baddest man you had to knock me out?

    STSF_Nickles -> Thanks... ::as his breathing slows a bit ::

    Pher -> :: Nods :: Good. Shane here is bored. I'm hoping to point him in more constructive directions.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Leans against the speeder resting his leg::

    Pher -> :: Returns her focus to the bank plans ::

    STSF_Nickles -> TAral. Is that enough info for you to look up the bank?

    Joe Manning -> We had to knock you out to keep you quiet. Believe it or not ... we're working for your boss, the Marshall. But the less she knows about the manner in which we conduct her business, the better. So we can't have you reporting anything to your guildmates.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<I'm confused about where T'Aral is... outside or upstairs>>

    T'Aral -> << Downstairs at a terminal ... >>

    Joe Manning -> << I think she and Troy have checked out, to use hotel terms :\ >>

    STSF_Nickles -> <<Was with us>>

    Dash_Andrews -> << 10-4>>

    Shane -> ::holds up the gag:: Or we'll have to keep working the way we have been.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::seeing the gag:: Please no more gagging. I just got used to being able to breathe properly.

    STSF_Nickles -> How ya feelin LaHayes? Think you can move about?

    Joe Manning -> We're not bullies, son. We're reasonable people. We're hunting down Minos, and we're closer to finding him than your boss is ...

    Joe Manning -> If you can keep quiet ... and even help us out, you can be a hero. And if that ain't enticement enough ... we can pay you.

    T'Aral -> Nickles > Regrettably, there are a few too many banks with attached buildings to lock down the target.

    Pher -> :: stifles a pithy comment in response to the claim that we're reasonable people. ::

    William Chocox -> Guardian> The payment part is what would entice me to help.

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> ::Reaches over to tap at T'aral's terminal:: I'll help you out then. I visit the place at least once a week.

    Joe Manning -> ::Narrows eyes at the Guardian to try to determine if he's being truthful::

    T'Aral -> :: Steps back, watching LaHaye carefully. ::

    Joe Manning -> You've got a price, then?

    T'Aral -> Proceed, but be advised that a false action will be taken badly.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> Yeah. Doesn't everyone?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: Seems mobile enough... ::indicating LaHaye

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods:: Yep

    Joe Manning -> LaHaye> What reason do I have to pull a fast one? You've promised to protect me from the Rainmakers, right?

    Dash_Andrews -> I Promised my Ex-Wife til death do us part to...

    T'Aral -> I promised to do what was possible.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::grins at Nickles::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::chuckles::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods, satisfied:: Alright, then. ::Nods up at Shane:: Let go of his bonds.

    STSF_Nickles -> TAral. once you get the location down, See what kind of Security they have.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  15. "Up until about eight months ago, I was a private investigator. I operated mainly here in the city, though I was open to investigations that took me off world if the pay was right. I can tell you with no ego that I was the best PI anyone in this city could hire. My investigations targeted everyone, from the corporate heads ensconced comfortably in their Latinum District office suites, to deadbeats suspected of infidelity by their wives. And yeah, even to the Guardians. You'd be surprised how many clients wanted me to root out corrupt elements of our local police force. My work was thorough, it was efficient, and by necessity it was clandestine; to hire me, you had to know someone who knew someone.


    "Unfortunately, about eight months ago, the Guardians convinced someone who knew someone to talk; apparently a murderer I was seeking out was also on their wanted list, and I'd beaten them to a few key witnesses, so they weren't happy with me. They followed a trail right back to my office-apartment in the Sunrise District and uncovered my whole operation. Rather than give me the expectable hard time, either for impeding their own operations or for my prior investigations of their dirty agents, they decided to extort my services. They figured that someone with my talents was too useful to them to throw onto a liner to the fringe worlds. They contracted me to investigate the network of Rainmaker operatives active in the city.


    "Now I'd done dangerous work before, but there were lines I wasn't willing to cross. Say some crying dame came asking me to find her missing husband, a guy with a known gambling addiction who was last seen booking a flight to Vega. You know right away that you'll cross paths with the Vega bosses if you take that case, and a good PI isn't stupid enough to cross them. The bosses know plenty of someones who know someone, and they deal with the curious by digging holes for them in the Vega desert.


    "The Rainmakers are worse than the Vega bosses. The bosses at least are motivated by rational goals (namely their security and the attainment of shiploads of latinum). The Rainmakers are just crazy. The dangerous kind of crazy. If I ever found myself following a trail leading onto their turf, I'd go back to the client with a refund (accountability goes a long way in my business) and a strong suggestion to drop the case. The Guardians -- the bastards -- knew that I'd always made sure that no Rainmaker would recognize me, so they had me profiled as the perfect person to infiltrate the cult.


    "What choice did I have? At least I could keep my business running in the city if I cooperated; if I refused, my career would be ruined before I could gather a nice retirement fund. So I put on an identity as a jaded Federation immigrant who was fed up with the system in Bull's Head, and I made it known to the right people that I was a supporter of the Rainmakers; given how many trails I'd unwittingly followed to their turf before, finding the right people wasn't difficult. Earning their trust and picking up information that I could feed back to Marshall Savoy didn't take long.


    "I got results. A few months ago, I helped the Guardians figure out that the Rainmakers were dropping data packets in the computer cores of ships passing through Tranquility. These careful, concealed drops were the cult's chief mode of communication between colonies. When the Guardians put a stop to that, the cult was thrown into disarray; ol' Minos had to scramble to find another way to get his orders out to his disciples. After that little gem, I figured Savoy would let go of my leash, pay me for my efforts, and let me go about continuing my PI practice. She wasn't feeling that generous. She wanted more. She wanted names. High-profile ones. And it was clear that she wasn't going to let go of me until my usefullness had been exhausted.


    "It was about that time that I started digging around looking for ways to disappear. I figured I could relocate to Andus station, continue my practice there without so much Guardian interference. I was careful about it -- didn't want Savoy's bloodhounds to pick up the scent. And I certainly didn't want the Rainmakers hunting me down either. I could sense that a few of the adherents I was working alongside were starting to get suspicious of me. What's more, I'd had strong reasons to believe that there were Guardians working for the Rainmakers. If word got to any of them that I was working undercover for Savoy, I'd have been a dead man.


    "A week ago, I made the discovery that started this whole mess. I had some local telecommunications experts working with me on tracking the Rainmakers' usage of the city's comm relays. It was pretty complex stuff; the Rainmakers were bouncing messages around the relays in small encrypted fragments. Way too many fragments and way too many beacons for the Guardians to get a strong handle on them. But the tech-heads at Systems Enterprises made good progress at putting the pieces together and figuring out what the Rainmakers were saying. The message fragment they managed to decode last week told us something startling. It was an audio conversation between two agents in the city (we couldn't determine their exact location, but we were certain they were inside the city), and one of the agents unmistakably referred to the other as 'Minos.' There could be no doubt -- the leader of the cult himself was somewhere in the city.


    "I figured this was my golden ticket. Give up one of the biggest secrets in The Head -- the location of Minos -- and there was no way Savoy could keep me on her leash. This turned out to my biggest mistake. Savoy responded by sealing off the city (just as I was getting close to securing covert transport off-world), word of my role in the affair somehow reached the Rainmakers (blowing my cover and putting a target on my head), and the ice queen showed her gratitude by insisting that I stay on the investigation and help the Guardians pinpoint Minos' exact location. I was trapped on this rock with a very angry cult after my head.


    "I took refuge in the Systems Enterprises building, working with the techs to gather any useful intel we could from the decoded fragments, but once the Rainmakers knew that that mode of communication was compromised, they made it a lot more difficult to track their messages. I guess a few days was all it took for the Rainmakers to figure out where I was hiding. You know what happened next ...


    "Now here's the part that concerns you. Being a prudent private investigator coerced into working a case against my will, I didn't share all of my intelligence on the Rainmakers with Savoy. I kept certain names, certain locations, certain activities to myself, largely to keep my fellow cultists from getting too suspicious. You see, if every area of Rainmaker business I involved myself in drew the attention of the Guardians, the Rainmakers would start looking for the common thread, and they'd find my name every time. I kept secrets from Savoy to keep myself -- and the investigation -- alive, at least until the time was right to reveal them. I won't lie -- I also figured that if I kept a large enough personal cache of dirt on the Rainmakers, I could use it as a bargaining chip, maybe against the cult, maybe against the Guardians. So when you pull that data cache out of my bank vault, you -will- uncover things that Savoy doesn't know about.


    "Whether there's enough time left for the data to do you any good, I can't say. So take my advice -- be ready to bolt from this rock before the crisis hour arrives. And take me with you ... like in the deal."

  16. Joe Manning -> Jerald LaHaye is just waking up and is about to be interrogated by Troy and T'aral ...

    Joe Manning -> Nickles is (I believe) somewhat lucid at this point?

    Dash_Andrews -> oh is that a real question?

    Dash_Andrews -> yes he's awake

    Joe Manning -> In any event, your group is going to have business to take care of soon, so be packed. :)

    Joe Manning -> Let's get underway then ...

    Joe Manning -> # for the hospital group as usual

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Eyes open slowly::

    STSF_Nickles -> <<Hey Shane just in time dude>>

    Pher -> :: Looks about the hotel room. ::

    Shane -> <<sorry I'm late, laptop problems>>

    Troy Parson -> #::sees LaHeye's eyes open:: Welcome back, lawman.

    T'Aral -> :: Looks down upon LaHaye impassionately. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Checking his ODRI and reading the latest scans taken from Nickles.::

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Looks up into the darkness and focuses on the faces overhead:: What ...

    Troy Parson -> #Don't try to get up; you were badly injured.

    Joe Manning -> #::Due to cardboard T'aral's machinations, the lights remain out in the ICU::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: starting to awaken once again from the light sedative::

    T'Aral -> Your office has been the site of a recent explosion.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: You should eat while you have the chance... ::points to the pancakes on the table::

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Focuses on the woman's face:: ... that what happened? ... ::Holds his head::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods slightly::

    T'Aral -> That is correct.

    Shane -> ::leaned against the inside of the hotel room door, stony faced as usual::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sits up slowly::

    Pher -> I don't suppose a few of those pancakes might be mine?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: The good news is your system is nearly flushed of the Deltan Pheremones... Still going to fell sluggish and a bit sore for a day or so.

    STSF_Nickles -> Go for it Pher. My world is till spinning at the moment

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Vision starting to gain some focus. Looks between T'aral and Troy:: So, what, Savoy sent you in here to question me?

    T'Aral -> That shouldn't suprise you.

    Pher -> :: Grabs a plate and is heavy with the sweetings... She hasn't eaten recently, and has a feeling she might have to move in a while. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to Dash and nods:: Thanks Doc I owe ya one

    Troy Parson -> #Normally, we would let you recover, but...

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Wondering how much they know:: So, what do you want from me?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: No sir... I believe you owe pancake girl one... I just kept u knocked out

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::starts stirring::

    Shane -> ::decides to check on the Guardian prisoner, goes over and opens the closet door::

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher and I go back a long way. ::smiles and winks at Pher:: Dont we sweety

    Pher -> :: raises an eyebrow.. :: Hmm... Well. He's done me the odd favor from time to time as well. :: Smiles suggestively ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: If she hadn't done her magic trick... You'd be sweating it out still, and immobile. We can't afford you to be either at this point.

    T'Aral -> Preferably, the precise location of the targets you were assigned to investigate. The port is on the edge of a full scale riot, and we no longer have time to wait.

    Pher -> Oh, yes... Though back isn't the only direction we've moved.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::snickers a bit:: yep

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Seeing Shane:: Is he still out?

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::looks up:: Hello again::

    Pher -> :: makes a minor production of eating pancakes ::

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Narrows his eyes at T'Aral:: ... I've given you all the information you've asked for. ::Not telling the truth, of course::

    Pher -> :: Looks to the Guardian :: Hello.

    Shane -> ::shakes his head:: Nope. Got any more drugs?

    T'Aral -> That is in error - you and I have not met before, nor have we made contact. Therefore, you could not possibly have given me any such information.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::manages to get himself standing and makes his way over to the table::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: I'd rather not use all I have on the poor guy. We really need to figure out what to do with him. He's heard a lot about who we are.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> Yes let's not drug me again please?

    Shane -> ::puts his hand on the holstered Gauss pistol:: We could take care of him...

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Eyes T'aral and Troy:: Just what's going on here? I shared my intell with Savoy ... ::Glances around the ICU and takes notice of the darkness::

    Troy Parson -> #HQ's been bombed.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> Hold up here no need to get drastic!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: That's a messy thought. But neither you nor I have the authority to make that call

    Pher -> No problem. If the captain's trick works, his superiors will be very pleased with us. If it doesn't, well, they won't be.

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> You're kidding ... ::Pained look, not wanting to give up that he's been holding back information, but not sure how much these two know::

    Pher -> And, no, let's not think about going that way.

    Shane -> ::shrugs and puts his hands down::

    T'Aral -> Mr. LaHaye - whatever you may or may not have shared is not currently in my posession. The situation has become toxic, and I do not have time to discuss this with you logically. ...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to the Guardian.:: who is he?

    T'Aral -> I require your full co-operation. If you will not provide that voluntarily, there are other means available which I would prefer not to engage in.

    Dash_Andrews -> We should probably give him some water in the least... the meds usually sap you dry.

    Pher -> Good question.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::moves to the restroom with a glass to fetch some water::

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> Fine, fine ... ::Rubs his head:: I don't expect either of you to understand the reasons I've been keeping some information to myself ...

    Pher -> Would someone kindly explain why he is here?

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> But I want assurances of protection against the Rainmakers! And transport off world!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Returning:: A liability... that's who. We needed his car and we didn't have much of a choice after that.

    Troy Parson -> #That can be arranged.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Hands the water to the Guardian::

    T'Aral -> You have my assurance that we will make what arrangements we can. The information, please.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<assumes his hands are taped together in the front>>

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::clumsily takes water:: Thank you. ::drinks water::

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Looks at T'aral:: Not here. And only I can get it. You'll have to get me out of here. I'm too exposed here anyway, Minos will know I survived the blast.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::All:: I know one thing. Sitting here without an update from the Captain is getting a bit depressing.

    STSF_Nickles -> <<WB Shane>>

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow ... considers. :: Control would be too obvious - they will be watching for you. We will need to move you to a secure location.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks around ::

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at T'Aral:: Given the situation, it'd be best if we skipped the official procedure for relocating him.

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::T'Aral:: Is a bank secure enough?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::with a mouth full of pancakes:: Wheres the Cap At??

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles... Regarding the awake Guardian:: A little business... with the others.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A loud knock at the door

    T'Aral -> << Knock for who? >>

    Pher -> :: A nod to shane to cover the door. ::

    Joe Manning -> << Pher's room >>

    Pher -> Can't a girl sleep?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Re-Gags the guardian quickly:: Sorry mate.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::shuts closet::

    Pher -> :: Scans with Audrey ::

    T'Aral -> LaHaye: Unfortunately not - we have not been given proper notice to secure the facility.

    Shane -> ::at the knock, pulls his pistol out and gets by the door::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::remains quiet::

    William Chocox -> Gaurdian> Mmph! MMPH!

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Sal stands on the other side of the door. A man is pointing a shotgun at him

    Dash_Andrews -> ::steps back from the door near Nickles::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<haha poor ole' Sal>>

    T'Aral -> If you do not believe this location is secure enough to share your inteligence, we need to relocate you at once.

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::T'Aral:: A bank that I'm a preferred client at should be secure enough ...

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> The bank is where you'll find the information. Only I can access it.

    Pher -> (( Is the door open?))

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods to Pher and to the door::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<?? no>>

    Shane -> ::curses as he stands back from the door:: <w> Rosy is out there with a gun to his back.

    T'Aral -> :: Eyes narrow :: That is against protocol in these situations - you should know better than that.

    Joe Manning -> << Nobody's opened it ... >>

    Pher -> :: Moves to the door to take a peek through the fisheye ::

    Joe Manning -> Sal> ::Looking nervous on the other side::

    Joe Manning -> << Unless you were only scanning for pheromones? >>

    Pher -> Um. Hey. That's rude. He paid.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: stands and moves back to the bedroom to keep a cover story if neeeded::

    Pher -> (whispers) Trouble. Guy holding Sal. Shotgun.

    Pher -> :: Scans to see if there are others. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Raises eyebrow and slips toward the bathroom quietly... removing the disruptor from his jacket::

    Joe Manning -> #::Wheels a gurney up to the door to LaHaye's ICU::

    Joe Manning -> Sal> ::Shoved in the shoulder. Knocks again::

    Shane -> ::aims the pistol in his real hand to the doorway, then nods to Pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::motions to Dash to move to a hiding spot and Shathe door::ne to remain behind

    Joe Manning -> #::Raps on the viewport of the door::

    Pher -> What's up?

    STSF_Nickles -> Shane remain hehiind the door::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<lol Nickles>>

    Joe Manning -> Sal> ::Yells out:: It's Sal ...

    STSF_Nickles -> <<kido sitting on lap>>>

    Joe Manning -> Sal> Sal Rosetto?

    Troy Parson -> #::sees Joe, goes to open door::

    Shane -> ::moves behind the door, pistol still ready::

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Holds his side and looks at T'aral:: Who exactly sent you people anyway?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Whispers to self as he pulls the Disruptor up and closes the door part way:: Dont' know no Sal...

    Pher -> Umm... Tentatively opens the door.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods to Pher that all are in place::

    Joe Manning -> #::Hands Troy the form:: You were asking for this, Doctor Parson?

    T'Aral -> #:: Turns about - nods. :: Transportation has arrived. We will take you to a secure location, after which we will see if we cannot consider your request. For now, we must go.

    Joe Manning -> #::Wheeling the burned Guardian Lawman on the gurney::

    Pher -> :: tries to look a bit confused ::

    Shane -> ::tries to get thinner, as there's not much space back there for his large frame::

    Joe Manning -> Sal> ::Frowning at Pher, moves into the room::

    T'Aral -> # :: Eyebrow ... considers the implications this would have. ::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Follows Sal with the shotgun:: Missy ...

    Pher -> Look, I've done him once tonight... Oh. You again.

    Troy Parson -> #::takes the form, holding it at the ready in case it is needed::

    Joe Manning -> #If anyone's on to my being in here, there'll be hell to pay for all of us.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::steps out of the bedroom:: hey Doll who is it?

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: Get anything out of him?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Can't see the guy or sal yet just Pher stepping back a bit::

    Pher -> It's the guy looking for a ride again.

    Troy Parson -> #He needs to be relocated before he'll talk.

    Pher -> Anything changed?

    Pher -> :: the latter directed to Duff ::

    Joe Manning -> #::Sighs and slumps his shoulders at Troy::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods:: Whos his freind. Tell him your busy your mine.

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks between LaHaye and Troy:: Do you have any idea how hard -that's- going to be. We're already pressing our luck getting this far.

    Pher -> :: Moves close enought that a long weapon might be of problematic use ::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Hey hey! ::Makes a shoving motion with his shotgun:: Stay back. The boys 'n' I decided we weren't too keen on waitin'. You understand?

    Joe Manning -> #::Rolls the gurney over to LaHaye's bed and checks his lifesigns::

    Pher -> Captain isn't here. We aren't lifting without his codes.

    Shane -> ::quickly steps from behind the door and grabs the action section of the shotgun with his bionic, sqeezing it with tremendous pressure::

    T'Aral -> # :: Discreetly moves behind LaHaye, allowing Joe and Troy to distract him. ::

    Pher -> What's the hurry? First ship up is in trouble, anyway.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Pher:: I just might be able to ... ::Shotgun grabbed::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Boys!

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Kicks the door against the wall::

    Pher -> :: Steps aside. :: Now boys. You are both being rude.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A twelve year old boy and a ten year old boy slide over to the doorway with rifles raised

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sighs:: Shane did it this time... ::Stays still a moment::

    Pher -> :: Rolls to the floor and tries to get inside one of the boys, too close for shotguns ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: steps closer to pher Expecting trouble:: THeir Kids!

    Joe Manning -> #::Raises the bedsheet and checks LaHaye's injuries, glacing around the ICU:: I got him in here ... ::Nods to the burned Guardian:: Any ideas of a cover story for getting this guy out?

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> I aint no kid

    Troy Parson -> #::raises paperwork:: Here's one.

    Pher -> :: Applies fingers hard to appropriate pressure points ::

    Joe Manning -> Mitch> ::Ten year old:: Yeah! ::Pointing his rifle at Shane::

    T'Aral -> :: Reaches down and nerve-pinches LaHaye. ::

    Joe Manning -> Mitch> ::Hits Pher on the back of the head with the butt of the rifle::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Steps out from the bathroom with his Disruptor raised::

    T'Aral -> << BRB - have to put my son to bed. >>

    Shane -> ::yanks the shotgun from Duffs hands and shoves Duff at the kid::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Points gun at who ever moves::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: grabs the rifle from the 10 year old:: YA your a kid;

    Pher -> Rolls with blow, draws pain stick sets for stun ::

    Joe Manning -> Mitch> ::Rifle grabbed ... ::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Swings gun at Nic and bops him in the head::

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::freaking out at all the guns:: MMPH!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::All trying to keep them from dying on accident:: HEY! Knock it off!

    Pher -> Guys... Cool it.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Looks in the direction of the tied up Guardian. Eyebrows drop:: What in the ...

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Sneers at Pher:: shut up Pickle face

    Dash_Andrews -> << I shut the closet...>>

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks at Troy:: It should be safe to transfer him. Give me a hand ...

    Pher -> Not time to make noise, people.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: stands up with a hand on the back of his head:: Im glad you aint a big kid.

    William Chocox -> <<My bad>>

    Troy Parson -> #::moves over to the other end of the bed:: Alright.

    Shane -> ::puts his Gauss to the disarmed Duffs head:: Make your kid drop the gun.

    Joe Manning -> #::Moves over to transfer the Guardian to the floor, not having much of a choice::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: removes his hand seeing a bit of blood on it::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::keeps his disruptor plainly visible for Duff and his boys to see::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Still has his gun::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Glances over at Shane:: Yer in over yer heads ... I got more backup waiting outside. They'll be here any minute.

    Pher -> :: Separates to make it hard for them to cover both herself and Shane. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Put the rest of the guns down there , Both of you

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Still wondering about that thumping against the closet door::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Looks at his Pa for directions::

    Pher -> Right. Look. The rest of these folk don't like stun weapons like you do. Calling more backup isn't a good idea.

    Joe Manning -> #::Returns to help Troy transfer LaHaye:: Be careful. Don't want to upset anything.

    Pher -> Let's just stand down.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Duff:: I don't think you or your friends quite thought this through. If I wanted to steal a ship... I'd steal a ship. Not a partial ship's crew

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> no more talkin'

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Glances between Pher, whose quickness surprised him, and Shane, who he didn't notice before. Nods to Bucky to drop the rifle::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Hospital alarms sound

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Drops his rifle:: shoot

    Pher -> :: Slings her stick, Gently safes the gun, pointedly doesn't point it at anyone. ::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Glances between everyone quickly:: Just what is it you people got goin on around here. ::Glances back toward the closet door::

    STSF_Nickles -> Drop the gun Kid! Trust me you dont want tofeel the point f her weapon ::poiting to Pher::

    Shane -> ::with his pistol still to their dad's head, speaks to the boys with a growl:: Both of you get in the room, now.

    Pher -> OK. Let's just quietly settle in and figure out what works.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::picks up the rifle::

    T'Aral -> << Back. >>

    Pher -> I'd suggest you really don't want to be part of what's behind that door. You really want to know, go ahead and look.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Keeps his Disruptor trained on them but takes a seat at the table::

    T'Aral -> # It would seem that they are aware of our presence.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Looks at Pher:: You people are crazy ...

    Pher -> Not all of us.

    Joe Manning -> #::After dropping LaHaye off on the gurney, freezes at the alarm::

    Joe Manning -> #::T'aral:: Can you tap in and get a read on it?

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::frowns::

    Pher -> ALmost all of us. I'm the token sane one.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Duff:: The way I see it that's why you came to us to begin with ::laughs::

    Pher -> :: smiles seductively ::

    T'Aral -> # :: Draws out tricorder, makes a few hasty adjustments. ::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Look, just uh ... ::Glances toward the closet:: Let us go ... and we'll all forget this ever happened ... and we'll find us another ship.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: sits back down at the table:: Hey Doc wanna patch up the back of my head? That kid has a heck of a swing.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: A nerve gas is spreading through the rest of the hospital. Evacuation is underway

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> (m) aint no kid

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The gas doesn't appear to be spreading to the ICU

    William Chocox -> <<Pay no mind to the man behind the door!>>

    T'Aral -> # :: Computes a quick exit strategy. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nods and sets his Disruptor down in front of Nickels and moves to the kit for a Dermal Regen::

    Shane -> ::to Duff:: Not a bad idea.

    Joe Manning -> #Everybody take it easy. If they know we're here, we're not going through the front doors anyway ...

    T'Aral -> # There is a toxin spreading through the hospital - wrap his head with gauze and follow me.

    Pher -> :: Looks to Nicles :: You good to make calls?

    Joe Manning -> #If Savoy's still here ... ::Looks at T'aral::

    STSF_Nickles -> your stuck here now kiddo.

    Joe Manning -> #::Scrambles to find a First Aid kit::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Starts Dermal Patching the small gash in Chris' head::

    STSF_Nickles -> I think I can who are we callin

    T'Aral -> #:: Downloads an emergency benign virus program and steps quickly to a nearby storeroom. ::

    Joe Manning -> #::T'aral:: I'm guessing this isn't an outbreak from their biolabs?

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Sneers at Nickles:: stupid head

    Pher -> Oh, somebody has to figure out our next move, and how many people we need to make it.

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Drops his head back on his pillow and groans:: Here they come ...

    STSF_Nickles -> Watch it kid or you will be in the other closet.

    Pher -> Not in my pay scale.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Glances between Pher and Nickles::

    T'Aral -> # :: Begins acquiring emergency oxygen tanks from the storeroom and passes them among their group. ::

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at LaHaye:: Hang in there, lawman. We're not about to let them have you.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: Stop squirming

    T'Aral -> # Troy:: Tranquilize him, please - my skills appear to be ineffective. ::

    Pher -> :: Stays vaguely close to the new people, but not looking threatening. ::

    T'Aral -> << Spoken >>

    Joe Manning -> #::Pulls a roll of gauze from the medkit and starts wrapping LaHaye's head::

    Shane -> ::keeping his eyes and pistol locked onto Duff:: What do we do with them?

    Troy Parson -> #::Places a hand on LaHaye's shoulder:: We're going to put you out for a little while, to ease the shock to your system...

    Pher -> :: Looks expectantly at Nicles to see how he answers Shane's question ::

    Joe Manning -> #Doctor Death (so to speak)> ::Pulling a rubber glove over one hand as he closes in on the intensive care ward, a gas mask on his face::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Finishes and sets the regenerator back in the kit... then sits down with a groan::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> What are ya collecting peoples now?

    STSF_Nickles -> I Need to know whats going far and with them around :: points the other:: cant talk here.

    Joe Manning -> #::T'aral:: Do you have any details on this toxin?

    T'Aral -> # Negative - however,tThese rescue oxygen bottles should effectively get us past the gas.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Watches Nickles closely, glacing periodically back at the closet door::

    T'Aral -> There is a fire escape route that can be used to access a lower level - after which point our patient is one Anthony Radcliffe; currently being evacuated due to the toxin.

    STSF_Nickles -> Doc how much sedative do you have left?

    Pher -> Will everyone here be patient enough to let us talk to our boss?

    Joe Manning -> #Let's hope the chaos is enough to pull it off.

    Pher -> We're real low on closet space. It's a limiting factor.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Pher:: You mean ... y-yer gonna keep us here? We just want off this damned rock is all! I gotta watch out for my boys!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: Are you kidding? I've got maybe three full doses. The rest of the stuff in the kit is just pain killers and innoculents.

    Pher -> I want off too. We all want off. We'll need some guns, likely enough, somewhere along the line.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::kicking:: Mmph!

    Shane -> ::to Duff:: Shut up. ::to the others:: Just unload their rifles and send them out. Rosy's not down there to be captured more.

    Joe Manning -> #::Takes one of the oxygen tanks and grabs the end of the gurney::

    Pher -> But we can't be arguing about what's next every step of the way. Stakes to high.

    Pher -> Our ship, you want off, you have to follow the leader.

    Joe Manning -> #::Nods to T'aral:: Lead the way, then. And keep an eye out.

    Random Perfect -> ::hears the banging, inches towards the closet::

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: Can you get us some proximity scans on your ODRI, Troy?

    STSF_Nickles -> Shane can you watch all three of them?

    T'Aral -> # :: Secures her own oxy-tank, then secures LaHaye's. Proceeds to lead the group to the rear emergency exit.

    Troy Parson -> #::following::

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Snaps his finger against a syringe as he turns a corner and heads toward LaHaye's ICU::

    Pher -> With a warning... As someone said... we're a bit crazy.

    Shane -> ::glances down at the mangled shotgun in his claws:: Shouldn't be a problem.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Grumbles under his breath, and glances back at the closet::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Places hand on the closet doorknob::

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher, Dash follow me., Rosetto stay with Shane.

    Pher -> You probobly don't want to know. Plausible deniability is a wonderful thing.

    T'Aral -> # :: Turns a corner, opens the access door. :: This way - quickly.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> MMPH!

    Pher -> :: sighs and follows her own advice, and Nickles ::

    STSF_Nickles -> KID NO! ::grabs the kid and pulls him from the door::

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Turns another corner and sees the group fleeing the ICU::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Screams::

    Shane -> ::sees Bucky out of the corner of his eye:: OPen that door kid and I'll break your arm!

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Stops in his tracks and utters a few choice curses::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::following::

    T'Aral -> << You people just don't know how to move fast enough! :P >>

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> kidnapping is a crime!

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Drops the syringe and pulls a disruptor pistol::

    Pher -> Yes. You shouldn't have kidnapped poor Sal.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Hey, get yer hand off my boy!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::doubles back for his Disruptor then hobbles behind Nickles again::

    STSF_Nickles -> Stay away from that door you will be in there too and TRUST me you wont like it

    T'Aral -> # :: Whips out TOS phaser-I and fires. ::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Struggles and kicks::

    T'Aral -> << I like TOS stuff - it's pocket-sized. >>

    Dash_Andrews -> <<sheesh haha>>

    Troy Parson -> #::sees the shooting begin and takes cover::

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Fires back and ducks behind a table of medical supplies::

    Pher -> :: Considers hurting someone. It might feel good about now, even if not productive. ::

    Shane -> ::to Duff and his boys:: Alright! All of you sit on the bed, right now ::puts himself between them and the closet::

    STSF_Nickles -> Make him mind his manors, Come on Pher and Dash

    William Chocox -> <<Old school. That's unusual.>>

    Joe Manning -> #::Cringes at the weapons fire as he pulls LaHaye's gurney into the corridor::

    T'Aral -> # Please focus on our retreat, gentlemen.

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Tossed on the bed::

    Pher -> :: moving more or less with Nickles ::

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Continues uttering a string of curses as he pulls a stun grenade from his belt::

    Pher -> Be nice, everyone.

    Troy Parson -> #::trying to keep moving without getting shot::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves away from the 3:: OK whats going on with Joe>.. Pher have youheard from him in a bit.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Notices of weapons fire inside the hospital eventually reach the evacuating Guardians

    T'Aral -> #:: Adjusts setting, vaporizes the medical supplies. ::

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> Ah! ::Ducks away as the table is vaporized. Chucks the grenade in T'aral's direction::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Leans on his cane as he looks around for 'ears'::

    Pher -> He didn't mention his 'plan'. I'm assuming he's doing something all or nothing and risky, or he wouldn't have been afraid to tell me about it.

    T'Aral -> # :: Dives into the emergency exit corridor - pushing the others through ahead of her. ::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Gives Shane a nasty look:: I swear, if you hurt my boy ... I don't care, I'll give you hell, you freak.

    Troy Parson -> #::in the emergency exit corridor now::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: Oh... You mean you don't know?

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Breathing rapidly, starting to panic::

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Dashes toward the access corridor::

    T'Aral -> # :: Door shuts. Dr. Death can keep his grenade. ::

    Shane -> ::to Duff:: Yeah and you'll be dead. Shut up and sit on the bed.

    Pher -> Nope. He has some sort of lead on the Rainmakers, but other than that, I've been covering loose ends.

    Joe Manning -> #::Pulling the gurney and glancing back:: I need directions T'aral. Is this going on one straight path?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: He took Troy and T'Aral to a Guardian run hospital where a guy with insider info was on the Rainmakers was being held...

    STSF_Nickles -> Do we know wher ehe is?

    Dash_Andrews -> <<I did as I was originally supposed to help>>

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Bashes his elbow against the corridor door. Points the phaser at it and starts cutting::

    T'Aral -> # :: Checks tricorder. :: Down two levels, then go through the right door. ::

    Pher -> :: Nods to Dash :: That's more than I know.

    T'Aral -> << Shouldn't Dr. Death's stun grenade be going off now? >>

    Joe Manning -> << Went off about when you dived :P >>

    STSF_Nickles -> and we dont have the info to find him? Pher can you contact him?

    Joe Manning -> << Which was a great stunt. Stretched the SFX budget >>

    T'Aral -> # :: More alacracy, Gentlemen!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles/Pher:: All I know is it involved sneaking in disguised as Guardian officers... Which is how we wound up with Grunty mcWhiner in the Closet

    T'Aral -> # :: Looking back, watching for when DD shows his face through the door.

    Joe Manning -> #I'm too hungover to know what that means, but I'll haul ass.

    Troy Parson -> #I'm going as fast as I can...I'm a scientist, not a racehorse, you know!

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Sits between his two sons, watching the closet door::

    Shane -> ::standing at his full 6' 5" height with his in his hand, staring the trio on the bed down::

    Pher -> I could. Don't usually like to when he's in the middle of a covert op.

    T'Aral -> # You are a person in mortal danger ... I suggest you become more motivated.

    Pher -> You either have to trust the captain or not.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::kicking some more:: MMPH!

    Pher -> Me, I could go either way at this point.

    Joe Manning -> #::Wheels the gurney down a series of winding ramps::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Looks to his Dad:: (w) they aint right in the head Pa

    Dash_Andrews -> That's why I added that last bit about Sneaking in... Wouldn't want to compromise them. or Us if they're caught.

    T'Aral -> << Wheels? What is this - the dark ages? >>

    STSF_Nickles -> Dash when was he supposed t check in?

    Joe Manning -> << You think we're using hoversleds in a Bull's Head hospital? :P >>

    Shane -> ::throws the mangled shotgun behind at the closet door with a bang::

    William Chocox -> Guardian> MMPH!

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Shane:: Just who you got in there, huh? Someone you ain't wantin found out maybe?

    T'Aral -> << Sighs ... they probably use scalpels and sutures - it's the Spanish Inquisition! >>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: I don't even remember him giving a time. It went quickly. We were just meant to wait and take care of you. And the luggage in the closet. I suspect we won't hear from him til it's over

    Joe Manning -> #::Opens a door on the right and blue light filters in. Looks outside::

    Pher -> << What were you expecting? >>

    Shane -> ::points the pistol at Duff again:: I said shutup.

    V'Roy -> <<Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!>>

    Shane -> <<LOL>>

    Joe Manning -> #::Hears an approaching shuttle. Looks over and sees one circling around the hospital::

    STSF_Nickles -> I dont want to do anything to get him caught but I also dont want to just sit here.

    Joe Manning -> #::T'aral:: Looks like they're on lockdown duty ...

    T'Aral -> # :: Prods group to keep moving - DD is probably breakng through. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> I understand Chris. But we're in no shape to go chasing him. Especially with a the onset of more and more hostages ::sighs::

    T'Aral -> # Currently facing them is preferable to the assassin behind us.

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Looks at Shane:: you a hitman?

    V'Roy -> <<The Inquisition, what a show, The Inquisition, don't cha know...>>

    Joe Manning -> #::Takes a deep breath and drags the gurney out quickly::

    STSF_Nickles -> Dash Go help Shane tie those three up and place in different parts of the room. I dont want them being able to untie eachother.

    Troy Parson -> #I'd rather take our chances with a shuttle than with a psychopath.

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: Start signalling to the shuttle ...

    Troy Parson -> #::waves at the shuttle::

    Pher -> Don't thing of them as hostages. They are allies of opportunity.

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Stalking down the ramps as fast as he can::

    Shane -> Sure kid, I'm a hitman. So quit talking.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves back in the room with the others and whispers to Shane::

    Joe Manning -> #Shuttle> ::Circles back around to approach the party::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane quietly:: We need to tie them up...

    Troy Parson -> #::waves the paperwork at it:: Down here!

    Joe Manning -> #Shuttle> ::Lands beside the party on the thin strip of landing pad::

    T'Aral -> # :: Tucks away phaser and encourages group to move out in the open.

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::squirms::

    Shane -> ::whispers back angrily:: We're kind of running out of room!

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher Im thinking that Joe may be in trouble. Id say lets go see if we can find him and get out of here

    T'Aral -> # :: Steps around shuttle, pulling gurney into complete cover from hospital door. ::

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman> ::Climbs out of the cockpit and looks over the group:: What do we got here?

    Joe Manning -> #::Quickly begins checking on LaHaye, who has apparently passed out at some point during the escape::

    T'Aral -> # Patient transfer to South Medical Four.

    Pher -> OK. And free everybody, or how many guards left behind?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: It's rope you should worry about. I suspect they'll have the "ROOM" to themselves

    T'Aral -> # :: Provides hastily prepared credentials. ::

    Pher -> :: Knows there isn't time for a lot of debate ::

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman> Grabs the forms from Troy and looks them over::

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman> ::or T'aral, or both:: Get him into the back ...

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets see what we have when we get there.

    T'Aral -> # :: Immediately complies. ::

    William Chocox -> Guardian> :still squirming::

    Shane -> ::sighs reluctantly:: Just as long as I'm not stuck guarding them.

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman> Why is he being transferred from ICU? The ICU wasn't hit ...

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Stops in the doorway, then ducks out of it, back into the hospital::

    Troy Parson -> #::shrugs:: Orders are orders.

    Troy Parson -> #Also, there's a psychopath back there trying to kill us.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Snaps a cord from a lamp and sets in to tying up one of the kids... really hoping they don't kick that bad::

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman> ::Looks up at Troy suddenly::

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman> You sighted an assassin?

    T'Aral -> # :: Looks over to Troy ... thinks to herself - That wasn't helpful. ::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::gets up to run::

    Pher -> Just say who stays, who goes and let's move.

    Troy Parson -> #Unpleasant-looking fellow with a mask waving a disruptor around.

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Curses under his breath again. Swings into the doorway and shoots at the Lawman::

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher! ::points to the kid running out of the room::

    T'Aral -> # He has apparently mistaken us for someone else.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::kicks harder::

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman> ::Knocked back and to the ground with a hole in his chest::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Darts::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Isn't much of a chaser... Fires a disruptor blast at the wall::

    Pher -> :: Rolls, inserts a foot where it will cause meyhem, then rolls to her feet again. ::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> :::Screams:: HELP!!

    T'Aral -> # Draws out phaser and fires at DD.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Bucky! ::Glowers at Dash:: You bastards!

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> SOMEONE PLEASE!!

    T'Aral -> # :: Drags lawman into shuttle. :: Someone please remove us from this location!

    Shane -> ::walks to Pher and grabs the kid with his bionic::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Kicks Dash in the face::

    Joe Manning -> #Dr Death> ::Shot as he points at Troy. Slumps against the frame::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Duff:: Oh please... if I wanted to hit him I'd have hit him. ::struggling with the runt::

    STSF_Nickles -> Hey KID! Stop or your dad will be no more!! NOW!!

    Pher -> :: Taps Bucky with the stun stick ::

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Struggles::: HELP HELP!!

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Kicks who ever is touching him::

    Pher -> :: sighs ::

    Joe Manning -> #::Working his ODRI med extensions on LaHaye:: We've got to get him away from all this stress. We might be losing him.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Take his cane and uses it as leverage on the kids back to pin him down::

    T'Aral -> << Pher - does it make that little chimey sound from Demolition Man? >>

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Damn it, you! ::Stands up and moves over to Shane::

    Pher -> << nah... just a bit of a buzz >>

    Shane -> ::aims the pistol at his face:: No.

    T'Aral -> << Aww! I like the chimey sound! >>

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Screams in Pain::

    Pher -> Stand down, you idiots! :: to all males ::

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: Is there room on the shuttle for him? ::Nods at the assassin::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: steps over and grabs Bucky by the collar:: KID QUIET!!!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Hog ties the kid to the best of his abilities... Then grabs his hypo and Sedates him::

    Pher -> << Can't stop a god moder, though >>

    V'Roy -> <<I bet you like the 3 seashells too.>>

    Dash_Andrews -> Jesus... Next time... ::looks at Pher:: You can tie him up

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Stops, but not deterred:: Let go'a my boy, damn you!

    Shane -> ::Duff:: Get back on the bed.

    William Chocox -> Guardian> ::hearing screams:: MMMMMMPH!

    T'Aral -> << I love the 3 Seashells! >>

    Random Perfect -> Bucky> ::Goes limp::

    Troy Parson -> #::peeks into the shuttle:: He'll fit. Let's go!

    Pher -> :: Raises an eyebrow at Duff. Look. Can you convince your group to stand down? ::

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: Grab the wheel ... ::Moves over to grab the assassin::

    T'Aral -> # :: Checks DD's vitals. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Stands up with a lot of effort putting his weight on his cane::

    Joe Manning -> << And no, this wheel isn't a real wheel :P >>

    Pher -> If you want to fight, we have to fight.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::to Duff:: IF you would tell your kids to cooperate we wouldnt have to Do anything. ::points to the now sleeping Bucky:: He will be oK The rest is your choice.

    T'Aral -> # :: Come to think of it, checks Lawman's vitals. ::

    Troy Parson -> #::grabs the shuttle's control tiller:: Get him onboard; we're out of here.

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman> ::Quite dead::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Regarding Nickles... having not seen him take this sort of control in a long while::

    Joe Manning -> #We've got to transfer to another vehicle en route. We don't want the Guardians tracking us ...

    T'Aral -> # :: Drags DD on board - checking vitals. :: We're in - Depart!

    Joe Manning -> #PAUSE SIM

    Shane -> Btw, what's the TBS?

    Joe Manning -> I'm thinking we'll be arriving at the hotel with LaHaye and Dr Death at the start of next sim

    Joe Manning -> About fifteen minutes

    Dash_Andrews -> thank god that's not long enough for the kid's sedative to wear off

    Pher -> And about that time we'll be at the hospital to rescue you. :P

    Joe Manning -> We'll radio ahead, Pher :)

  17. In the overcrowded cafeteria of Guardian Medical One, Joe had shifted back to his old familiar role as Doctor. His gurney left behind in the IC ward by Troy, a nurse had quickly wrapped his midsection and administered a mild pain medication before ushering him out to clear much-needed space. The prescription was several weeks of rest, on account of a shorthanded staff unable to provide any more intensive care. Joe could not rest, however, with wounded Guardians being streamed into the hospital in numbers that necessitated a cafeteria triage. Without a crew to command, he felt the old oaths stir inside of him.


    He was dressing the burns of a Lawman who'd been fortunate enough to be a safe distance from the blast that had hit Tranquility's Central Guardian Precinct. There were no details available to the grunts, but rumors were that the blast was bad; the severity of the burns of a Lawman who'd apparently been outside the building on the opposite side as the blast affirmed this. The general sense Joe was getting from the conscious survivors was one of surprise. The Rainmakers' most recent attacks had been successfully thwarted, and there was growing confidence that they were closing in on Minos himself. An attack on their headquarters had been unthinkable; how the Rainmakers managed to smuggle a bomb into Central Precinct was still a mystery.


    Now things were going from bad to worse. Minos had just promised the world a failproof method of dropping the orbital radiation shields. There were rumors of unrest that was sweeping the entire city. Joe thought of the riot at the port bridge, the riot that he had incited to acquire both the uniform and the bruises that we was wearing. He thought of the 'whatever it takes' mentality that was driving him in Minos' direction. He thought of the bombing of the Systems Enterprises building and how, in a few senses, it had made his search for Minos easier.


    He then looked around at the chaos in Medical One. He had Guardian credentials, but they were not medical credentials. He was not a member of the hospital's staff, whom any of the residents could recognize. Marshall Savoy was in the building and could identify him as a fraud on sight. Yet he tended to a burned Lawman confident that his cover was in no danger of being exposed. Troy was inside the ICU where Jerald LaHaye was being treated. T'Aral was tapping into the hospital's security systems uninhibited. The influx of Guardians from Central Precinct, along with over a dozen doctors who'd been contracted from throughout the city to provide assistance, had made much of this possible. The attack on Central Precinct had been another break for Joe ...


    Was he losing proper perspective? Had he returned to being Doctor Manning in order to keep it in tact? Or were the old oaths still strongly ingrained in him? In his old age, he was becoming less certain.


    Minos had given the world six hours. Whether his bold threat was genuine or whether he truly had the power to carry it out, a boiling point was rapidly approaching on Tranquility. If LaHaye could not provide a clear route to Minos or if Pher could not dig up a lead of her own, Joe saw his only alternative as the very same one being taken by many of Tranquility's citizens. If they could not find Minos in six hours, they would have to board Qob and take off. Many ships would be making forced departures from the planet, and Joe had to think that the Guardians were not so desperate to keep Minos contained (despite all he'd done to them) and not so callous in their disregard for others that they would begin opening fire. The idea of becoming an outlaw was not entirely palatable to him, but the ideas of losing his ship or even being fried by Tranquility's larger sun were worse.


    Joe was struck by a brief fit of coughing. It reminded him that he had to focus on the moment and not dwell overmuch on the future. For the moment, Troy was going to need help getting out of the IC ward, possibly with LaHaye. He looked down at the unconscious Lawman. "Time to go for a ride."

  18. Joe Manning -> When we left off, Nickles was about to be 'treated' for his pheromone addiction.

    Joe Manning -> Any updates on that?

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher has helped as much as she can for the time being... Hes better but still quite on edge.

    Joe Manning -> And at Medical One, Troy is being escorted right into the secure IC ward. It appears he'll be on his own again.

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::finishing his 'cakes an sipping his coffee::

    Troy Parson -> ::heading towards the secure ward to begin guard duty there...well, supposedly::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> ::Guiding Troy through a corridor of the Guardian hospital, deserted despite the latest crisis::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Finished his Coffee and Danish breakfast. Is now watching a holo-vid news report at a kiosk near the entrance.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: after a cold shower gets dressed in some clean clothes that were brought to him, Still a bit shakey slowly walks into the living room area of Pher room::

    rosetto -> So, wht's this Minos have to say now?

    Troy Parson -> #::resists the temptation to look back to see what is happening with Joe::

    rosetto -> ^what's

    Pher -> :: Brushing hair ::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> ::Turns a corner and stops at a door where two other Lawmen are standing guard::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Minos' latest message is being broadcast over the news reel

    Pher -> I gather you still aren't ready for broken field running or firefights?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sits on the couch:: Thank you Pher your a real pal.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Rosetto:: Just coming on now...

    Pher -> :: smiles ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::still shivering a bit:: No not just yet. ::smiles a little::

    rosetto -> ::looks at the monitor::

    Pher -> Hey. You did the same for me, once upon a time. Welcome to the world of the demanding.

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> ::Looks across the three of them:: Listen, gentlemen. Inside this ward, we have a high-security patient whom we need to provide rock-solid protection for. There's a good chance that he could be a target of the Rainmakers.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Rosetto:: To bad he never mistimed one of his own bombs...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::leans back giving her a big genuine smile:: Ya

    Pher -> But not too demanding... I'm a bit much for humans to handle. Play too often, I can be as that baldie.

    Troy Parson -> #::acknowledges the order::

    rosetto -> Yeah, I just don't know what to think of this guy... Too political to me...

    Pher -> :: Smiles :: But... Well... We'll see. I like to pretend it's more art than science.

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> I've got to get out of here to handle cleanup and coordinate a new base of operations. ::Grabs her forhead:: I want you to notify my the moment there's any trouble.

    rosetto -> My wife would love him! ::chuckles::

    STSF_Nickles -> I like ya hun But I dont want to go through that again.

    Pher -> Good.

    Dash_Andrews -> Politics makes the world go round... and round... and round... in circles. ::grins a bit::

    Troy Parson -> #Yes, ma'am.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Guests start clearing out of the lobby in a hurry, heading back to the rooms to start packing

    STSF_Nickles -> Help me get over this and YOU'LL Be MY only friend of phermone type

    rosetto -> Yeah, now you sound like Harry..

    TKAR -> Hi just watching to getsome security ideas for my character

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Watching the movement and hurry::

    Joe Manning -> << TKAR, we're in the middle of a game. You're free to watch quietly from the peanut gallery, if you'd like >>

    Pher -> :: Smiles :: Friends are good. Just be careful of that L word. Can't go all romantic on me at this point.

    Dash_Andrews -> Looks like he's finally scared the populace enough. The Guardians are going to be in trouble soon. This blockade of the planet can't hold much longer

    Pher -> :: quick peck ::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> ::Nods to them and takes off::

    Dash_Andrews -> Soon the wants that want off bad enough... will do what they have to. Even if that means blowing up a guard tower near the docks

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman Kendrick> ::Watches Savoy off then scratches his chest:: What a mess. ::Looks at the other two guards::

    Dash_Andrews -> << Wants = Ones>>

    rosetto -> Well, Doc. I had thoughts about this blockade if we could ever get the QoB launched...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks up at Pher:: Whats going on?

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at Kendrick:: Yea, this day's been bad news from the start, mate.

    Pher -> Not really sure. I seem to be in charge of handling loose ends.

    Mitar Precip -> #Lawman Snipes>Just as long as I get Paid....

    STSF_Nickles -> Wheres the Doc. I was hoping maybe he could give me something for these damned shakes

    Dash_Andrews -> Well if I know T'Aral and Joe, they've got a trick or two in place to get her up and out if we need to make a break for it.

    Joe Manning -> #Kendrick> ::Looks down at his ODRI:: I've got the digital schematics of the ward in case anyone screws with security.

    Pher -> Last I rememered, we shoed him off to get breakfast. Perhaps we can call him in now?

    Troy Parson -> #Hopefully, they won't go so far as to come after the hospital...

    Joe Manning -> #Kendrick> ::Cynical sneer:: Why in the hell not. They took out HQ.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::still shivering:: It would be nice to stop shaking,

    Mitar Precip -> #Lawman Snipes>::checks his ORDI:: Got some sort of news crawl...Rainmakers blasting their message on the general airwaves...

    Pher -> :: Uses Audrey to make sure the dust level is leveling down to negligable. ::

    rosetto -> I would feel a lot better if we just get off this rock...

    Joe Manning -> #Kendrick> ... I'm gettin it now too

    Pher -> Blankets might help some, thought the Doc and I seem to disagree on heat management.

    Dash_Andrews -> Things aren't always that simple Sal...

    STSF_Nickles -> Maybe? I remember being in ice?? That cant be right can it?

    Mitar Precip -> #Lawman Snipes>If I don't get paid...I am off this job. Probably make more credits in a Klingon Casino..as cleaner.

    Pher -> +Dash+ Doc? Prelimiary treatments done. Might want to come back up.

    rosetto -> Sometimes people make things more complex than there really are....

    Dash_Andrews -> +Pher+ I'm on my way.

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at Snipes:: You know, I hate to break it to you, mate...but the way things are going, there's a good chance all the masters will be dead long before the next payday.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves toward the elevator::

    Joe Manning -> #Kendrick> ::Shakes head at message:: I'm thinking of getting off this job immediately. Minos threatenin' to fry the planet. You think Savoy and command'll look out for our butts?

    rosetto -> Well, guess breakfast is over... Come on Big Guy!

    rosetto -> ::follows doc::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There's a knock at Pher's door

    STSF_Nickles -> When did the doc ever start knocking?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Enters Elevator with Shane and Sal in tow::

    Pher -> :: checks her stick, then wanders to the fish eye to see what's out there. ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A beefy bearded dude who looks like he's been in a few fights

    Troy Parson -> #::thinks about what Kendrick has said for a second:: That's a scary line of thought.

    Joe Manning -> #Kendrick> ::Looks through the door's viewport at the unconscious man lying in the ICU::

    Pher -> What's up? :: A bit loudly at the still closed door. ::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Yells over the door:: Anyone in there got a ship? The boys 'n' I are lookin' for a merc crew.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Listening to the horrible Elevator music... Some kind of Risan Soft Pop::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: watches Pher at the door , pulling a cover over himself trying to get the shivering to stop::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Elevator stops... exits::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The lights in the ICU and the outside corridor suddenly go out

    rosetto -> ::follows doc::

    Troy Parson -> #::is plunged into darkness:: Oh, this isn't good.

    Pher -> Have ship. Sorta. Whether the suits will let us fly it again is another question.

    Joe Manning -> #Kendrick> ::Instinctively reaches for his sidearm:: What in the

    rosetto -> ::comes around corner and sees gentleman at Pher's door::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Yelling:: Hell with the suits! We're fixin to get off this rock. If you know someone with a ship, we'd kindly appreciate the help.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::notices the man beating on the door. His visor picking up the details of the individual::

    Pher -> Are you the talker?

    Joe Manning -> #Kendrick> ::Looks down at his ODRI::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Why don't you come out and have a look at me. You'll figger my job out.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> We kin pay ya, missy.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves down the hall slowly but casualy toward the room. Hand in pocket thumbing his Disruptor::

    rosetto -> <<brb... have company>>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Rosetto:: Act natural

    STSF_Nickles -> ::calls over : PHer Who is it??

    Pher -> :: Opens the door, trying to look casual and sexy, but ready to move. ::

    Joe Manning -> #Kendrick> The lights in this ward are down only. The rest of the hospital seems to be okay.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Eyes widen at what answers::

    Pher -> Wants to talk business a bit.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sees the door open as he nears...::

    Troy Parson -> #It could be...them.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Whoa. ::Rubs his brow and pull his cap off:: Didn't know gals like you stayed in motels like this.

    Pher -> :: Looks him up and down, evaluating :: Hmm. You might wash up clean.

    Pher -> Come in for a bit.

    Troy Parson -> #You know, I don't mean to be a downer or anything...

    Pher -> :: Looks about to see if there are others. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher::Got room for more?

    Joe Manning -> #Kendrick> Stay here. I'll check it out. ::Turns around the corner::

    Pher -> Sure. Allie Allie income free.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Alone, turning a bit red faced:: Uh ... ibeen a long night, missy, sorry ...

    STSF_Nickles -> PHer .. ::sees a man enter:: Someone you know??

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Looks at Dash, then back at Pher:: You were sayin you sorta had a ship? You mean you can git one then?

    Pher -> :: steps back. :: A really long night. You have no idea. :: smiles ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sitting on the couch covered up still shivering from the OD::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves in and past Duff and Pher and heads toward Nickles::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Blinks, assuming he's being invited in. Enters the motel room::

    rosetto -> <<bak>>

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at Snipes:: I once audited a course on basic tactics at uni...and I gotta say, on that basis, this situation doesn't look too good for us.

    Pher -> :: Tries to look more sexy than dangerous, but still be taken sort of seriously ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Sees Dash Enter:: Heya Doc Need a hand here please??

    Joe Manning -> #Snipes> ::Looking edgy, holding a rifle. Points it in Kendrick's direction:: He knows what he's doing. He's a Sergeant, you know.

    Joe Manning -> #Snipes> ::Looking into the ICU to make sure no one's disturbing LaHaye::

    Pher -> OK. Want to talk shop, or just oggle for a while?

    rosetto -> ::enters Pher's room looking Duff over::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Chris:: Sorry Nickles. I don't do 'that' kind of treatment ::making a motion toward Pher and smiling::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Looks Pher over once, then steels himself:: Alright, now look missy. If you've really got a way of gettin us off world, we can talk business. I'm not gonna be hustled or anything like that ...

    Joe Manning -> Duff> I've got plenty of experience at that game.

    Troy Parson -> #::looks in the direction where Kendrick went, then turns to Snipes:: D'ya reckon he's coming back?

    STSF_Nickles -> THAT Parts done I neeed something to stop this damn shaking,

    Joe Manning -> #Snipes> I don't see why not ...

    Pher -> :: Nods ::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The lock on the ICU snaps open

    Troy Parson -> #Maybe he decided to take off before the Rainmakers come in and kill us.

    STSF_Nickles -> May some GOOD drugs?

    Pher -> We... might be able to work something out. We can't sit idle forever. Idle costs.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> If you don't got a ship, I'll just be on my way. The boys 'n' I just want off world

    Dash_Andrews -> ::check his ODRI for the time:: Alright, I can give you another mild sedative. When was the last time you ate? Want me to call down for something to be brought up?

    rosetto -> Pher>(w)your muffin is in this bag. I'll set it on the counter for you... Blueberry, right?

    Pher -> At the same time, running the blockade is a huge risk. It would have to be worth it.

    Pher -> Oh, yah. We've got a ship.

    STSF_Nickles -> I dont know when I ate last... What day is this anyway??

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Just about everyone's plannin to run the blockade. The law can't stop us now. They don't even care about us small folk.

    Troy Parson -> #::hears the lock snap open:: That was the lock.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<guessing>> Tuesday...

    Joe Manning -> #Snipes> What?! ::Glances at Troy and notices that the electronic seal is now green::

    Dash_Andrews -> Rosetto... Can you call down and get some more pancakes and some fruit brought up for Nickles?

    STSF_Nickles -> Then if its tue I havent had anything for 3 days?

    Troy Parson -> #If they can control the lights and the door...

    Pher -> Planning is easy. Thinking is easy. Figure, thought, the first guy out is gong to walk into well prepped trap. Third guy out has a better shot.

    Pher -> :: shrugs :: So who is going to jump first?

    STSF_Nickles -> Last thing I had was at the bar before I left with Rebera

    Dash_Andrews -> ::fixes his Hypo and applies it to Nickles neck::

    Pher -> Not my call. Thing is, how desperate are you guys?

    Joe Manning -> Duff> You kiddin'? The ports is flooded already. People gonna be jumping real soon. We wait around, we're gonna miss the flood.

    rosetto -> Sure, Doc... ::looks kinda concerned that he's now employed in the service industry::

    Joe Manning -> #Snipes> What should we do? We have to guard the prisoner, right?

    Pher -> :: nods ::

    Troy Parson -> #::puts on his best nervous expression:: Yeah, yeah...we gotta keep the prisoner safe.

    Pher -> How ready are you to go?

    Troy Parson -> #Maybe...maybe if they're coming here...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::takes a deep breath as the shaking begins to subsides and he gets a bit drozey::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> You been payin' attention to the news, missy? We're all dead if we don't get off this world. We're in this together. You got the ride, but we can pay.

    Troy Parson -> #Maybe we should get the prisoner out of here?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: Have you been drinking much water since you've been up?

    Joe Manning -> #Snipes> And take him where? This is the most secure place in the hospital.

    Troy Parson -> #Mate, the lock just opened *on its own*. If that's your idea of secure, we're probably going to be dead before the end of the hour.

    Pher -> :: Considers :: I think we can do business, but the captain has another iron in the fire.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: breathing slower and eyes half closed:: huh?? drink? um umm no.

    Joe Manning -> #Snipes> ... we should call the Marshall. She said we should call if there's trouble.

    rosetto -> Dash>They said it would be twenty minutes..

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Checks his Pulse and notes that the Hypo is working:: Well we need to keep you hydrated, extra-well. It'll help flush your system.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> ::Scratches the back of his head:: Who's the Captain? ::Glances around the room::

    Pher -> How soon, how many and how much?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nods to Rosetto::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<brb 2 minutes>>

    STSF_Nickles -> ::cloeses his eyes and starts to doze off, but the shaking has stopped::

    STSF_Nickles -> *closes

    Pher -> Not here... but the name is Manning.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> Right now. We only gots six hours is what that Minos said. There're three of my boys ...

    Joe Manning -> Duff> For passage to a local port, we'll pay ya a hundred credits each.

    Troy Parson -> #So she did...

    Pher -> :: considers they must be on the same list as Sal ::

    Troy Parson -> #But, you know...

    Joe Manning -> #Snipes> I think Kendrick knows how to reach her. I'll go find him. ::Marches off to find the other Guardian::

    Troy Parson -> #Right, leave me here all alone! ::shouted::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::breathing, pulse , BP lower than its been since they found him:: ::mummbles:; sooo sleepy ::eyes closed leans head over on the couch::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<back>>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::sits down at a chair as Nickles fades out::

    Joe Manning -> #Snipes> ::Yells back:: Just call for me if anything happens!

    Pher -> Look, I don't make the money calls, but I hope that ain't your best and final.

    Troy Parson -> #If I'm still alive!

    Pher -> Just passengers?

    Joe Manning -> Duff> For space on your ship? Hell, we'll share a single room. Two square a day.

    Troy Parson -> #::waits for Snipes to get out of earshot, and then ducks into the secure ward::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> We travel right. Been in the habit of takin' whatever we've needed and burning through it fast, if you know what I mean. ::Toothy grin::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::listening to the exhcange Pher and Duff are having... Pulls out his Electric Cig and puffs on it::

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::Lying unconscious on a biobed, hooked up to several machines::

    Pher -> :: Nods :: We can handle your bunch, but we're not the Great Leviathon.

    Troy Parson -> #::heads over to LaHaye, seeing his status:: Okay then...

    Troy Parson -> #::looking at all of the different medical machines hooked up to LaHaye::

    Pher -> In principle, we can likely do buisiness. If the rats start jumping ship, well, we're a rat too.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> If I knew what that meant, I'm sure I'd see the reason. You seem like a reasonable gal. We'll go as far as 150 each, but no more.

    Troy Parson -> #::is afraid to touch LaHaye for fear of killing him::

    rosetto -> ::listens closely to Pher's wheeling & dealing::

    Troy Parson -> #::looks over the machines, trying to ascertain if it's practical to move the entire setup::

    Joe Manning -> #LaHaye> ::In stable, but poor condition, having sustained pretty severe internal injuries::

    Pher -> :: considers :: Look. I'm notoriously easy, but you'll have to sell the captain. As I say, he's got another iron in the air. I don't *think* it will get in the way of the obvious.

    Pher -> But, say, come back in a bit ready to move.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Looks around for the medical supplies they picked up for him::

    Joe Manning -> Duff> 'In a bit' ain't gonna give us much room, missy. We're workin on ... hell, bit more than five hours now. We might just shop around a bit.

    Pher -> Say... an hour and a half?

    Joe Manning -> Duff> We'll swing on back. But I ain't promisin' we won't look for other passage.

    Pher -> Good enough. Five hours... Your can shop around, and we might not wait for you.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::mumbles:: fun... Rebrera

    rosetto -> ::shows Duff the door::

    Pher -> But we might be able to do business.

    Joe Manning -> Duff> I hope yer Captain'll be here then. ::Puts his cap back on and tips it. Departs the motel room::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Opens them and pulls out a med kit and a saline solution pouch. Checks for other equipment and then closes it up::

    Joe Manning -> #+Com+ <w> Troy? Copy?

    rosetto -> ::closes door:: Pher>Interesting...

    Pher -> :: Looks to Nickles :: Futz. Are you cleared to wheel and deal? I don't know enough about what Joe is doing to dare commit to anything.

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ (w)I'm here...I'm with LaHaye, and we're alone. He's out cold and in bad shape, though.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves to Nickles and takes his arm... Uses the sanitizer on his arm then attaches the hypo-catheter quickly::

    Pher -> :: Nods :: I think he might be right. First ship up is going to tempt everyone else.

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ T'aral's got her eyes on you, but it might not be long before the Guardians're on to you.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sets the saline-bag at the top back of the couch... best he could do. Then runs the tube::

    Pher -> But... It takes time to warm engines, and the guardians aren't going to like it. First ship to lift is going to walk into trouble. I'm not looking to lead the parade.

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ Hey, Cap'n, do you still have that paperwork I created with the nurses earlier?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::breathing quickens for a moment then slows back down again as he continues to dream::

    Pher -> But that's not my call.

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ I've slipped away, but I can probably head back and grab it.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::overhearing::With our cloak we're the best chance anyone has of making a clean exit...

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ If you can find an unconscious Guardian, you can use that to swap him with LaHeye...with the state security is in here, you should be able to get away with him.

    rosetto -> Pher, if we could get powered up, I could get us out of here and the Guardians would know which way we went...

    Dash_Andrews -> The falsesafe quick start that T'Aral implanted should help get the engines up and running quickly

    rosetto -> ^wouldn't

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ They've got that place locked up real tight, Troy. And I don't want to draw attention to us ...

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ I'll try to work out something, though. With T'aral's help.

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ In the meantime ... is LaHaye in any condition to talk?

    Pher -> :: sighs... :: It may be that we don't have to outrun the Targ... We just have to outrun someone the Targ can catch easier. that we might do.

    STSF_Nickles -> Redera ...... can't..... mummm mnnuumm,. ship....

    Pher -> But I'm not sure I want to be first to jump.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::pauses a moment after taping off the tube:: Has anyone checked on our 'guest' lately? ::motions toward the closet::

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ He's unconscious...I'm not sure if it's possible to wake him up without killing him.

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ Can you send me his vitals?

    Pher -> He's still here? Futz. :: wanders to the closet ::

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ Will do. ::starts looking for a place on the machines where he can interface them with his ODRI::

    rosetto -> It's not a matter of out running, Pher. It's that they can only track so many targets... Outwit them...

    Troy Parson -> #::finds a likely looking port, and plugs in::

    Dash_Andrews -> We knocked him out with a hypo, but it won't be long before he's stirring again...

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ Transmitting now...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves toward the closet where Pher is and scans the guardian::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: with the assistance of the fluids starts to come around slightly::

    Pher -> :: Opens closet door. :: Hush, fellows. Let's not talk of such things just now? :: Looks to see what's at the bottom of the closet. ::

    Joe Manning -> #::Takes a moment to look over the readings:: +Troy+ Reviving him would be risky ... not sure how long he'd last, if he'd be coherent ...

    Pher -> :: Again, showing more curves than threat, but ready to move. ::

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ Then we'll have to get him out of here.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Scans:: He's still sleeping... Atleast if he's not he's a good faker

    Pher -> Hello.

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ He could need days of care and monitoring, Troy. That's time we don't have ...

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ Do you want me to try and move him on my own? Without a substitute or transfer papers, we'd have maybe a 28% chance of getting out of here with him.

    Pher -> Good.

    Dash_Andrews -> if he heard any of that... ::looks at Pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: takes a deep breath and sighs aloud::

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ Leave the transfer to me. I'll try to work something out to get you -and- him out of there. To avoid heat from the Guardians if nothing else ...

    Pher -> :: Closes the door again ::

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ In the meantime, I want to risk waking him up, just to ask him a few questions.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::swallows::

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ You just said that might kill him!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Walks back toward Nickles::

    Dash_Andrews -> Let me guess... throats dry?

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ And we're runnin' out of time and we've got virtually no other options.

    STSF_Nickles -> Hey Doc .... ya

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Picks up a glass from the table and goes to the bathroom to fill it::

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ If this guy knows anything about Rainmakers in the city, we need to find out. He might know where to find Minos.

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ So you're just going to sacrifice someone who's done us no wrong?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Returns and holds out the glass for Nickles::

    Dash_Andrews -> Should have some food soon.

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ I ain't sacrificing anyone, Troy! I'll monitor his vitals from here and let you know if he starts to spike ...

    Dash_Andrews -> I'd like to keep that ::indicates the IV:: In your arm til it's all gone if you can handle it.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: takes the glass:: thanks

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ Fine...but you'd better succeed.

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ You might be able to get a few minutes out of him before that happens. Hell, his condition might not be as bad as it looks.

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ ::Best scary voice::...for your sake as well as his.

    Dash_Andrews -> Which means if you gotta move... try to take it with ya huh?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looking down at his arm and nods:: I can handle it.

    Pher -> Did anyone think to bring up some food? It's all a myth, you know, about our being able to live off love alone...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::takes a drink ::

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ Just get whatever you can out of him and be ready to sedate him. ::Hushed:: And be quick about it. There're more Guardians being flown in.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::unpockets his electric cig and chews on the tip... holding hit in his teeth::

    Troy Parson -> #::gives LaHaye a light shake:: Guardian!

    rosetto -> They should be bringing it up about now...

    rosetto -> And I set your muffin there on the counter...

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  19. "Decrepit citizens of Tranquility and imprisoned visitors, if you have been clinging to the false hope that the Guardians will save you from the cleansing rain, know that the Guardians have been struck down by the Rainmakers. Turn to the news reels to see their stronghold in ruins, to see that your false police, the great pretenders, are not shielded from the will of Minos.


    "The shackles with which the Guardians have kept you restrained on this world have been broken. Their surviving agents are scattered throughout the city concerned only with sparing themselves from our wrath. The vile and weak Taurus Brothers are powerless to help them or you. Now is the time for you to take action, to rise against your oppressors and make your exodus from this corrupted world.


    "Should you need further encouragement, know that the greatest cleansing of all is still to come. In six hours, if the unlawful blockade has not been lifted, the orbital shield which protects the surface of this world from Phaesula's harmful rays will fail. The star's deadly radiation will rain upon Tranquility City, and all that lives upon the face of this decadent rock will be burned away. The means by which we will bring this rain to Tranquility cannot be stopped by the Guardian fleet. Our drones lurk hidden among the planetary ring, ready to sabotage the shield nodes at my command; there are too many and their concealment too great for the Guardians to preserve the shield.


    "My Rainmakers are willing to make this sacrifice to protest the tyranny of false rulers. We are not burdened by conscience, for we know that it will be the Guardians and the Taurus Brothers whose inaction will bring about this terrible purging. Expect no mercy from your jailers; they will retreat inside underground shelters and protective suits, willing to allow an entire city to die if their own safety is ensured.


    "Do not allow their callous disregard to damn you. Your ships await at the port, held against your will by the uniformed thieves. They are weakened and scattered; now is the time to strike against them and take back what is yours! The will of Minos is the will of the people; let it carry on this night as a new struggle to reclaim the Hyades cluster from the tyrants, a struggle fueled by the memory of a murdered populace."

  20. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Dash_Andrews -> <<assumes we got Nickles back on the bed>>

    V'Roy -> <<Well I'm going to the beach tomorrow, so I need to pre-tan.>>

    rosetto -> So, where's that coffee house?

    Joe Manning -> #::Lying on a gurney being rolled into intensive care::

    Pher -> :: Putting parts in a cover bag, and going to visit security briefly ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the wall::

    Troy Parson -> #::doing his best to keep Joe's face hidden as we head into intensive care::

    Pher -> :: Closing up so the missing part won't be too obvious ::

    Shane -> ::leaning by the door inside the hotel room, wearing his green wife-beater with his Gauss pistol holstered underneath his bionic arm::

    Joe Manning -> Lawman Richards> ::Frowns at Sal:: Is this going to be much longer?

    rosetto -> <<someone bang on the closet door and let sakir out>>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Checks the time on his ODRI and decides he should check Nickles' vitals again::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::shivering uncontrollably, starting to come around::

    Pher -> +Sal+ You get yourself lost yet?

    rosetto -> Nah, she's just finishing up...

    Sakir -> ((Sorry im late, I raced home from a meeting.))

    rosetto -> I'm right here, Pher...

    Shane -> <<Theres no reason to move the prisoner at this point>>

    STSF_Nickles -> wwwww wwheeree aaaammm I..?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Noticing eye movement from Chris:: Easy now... easy...

    Pher -> Ah, ok.

    Shane -> <<Oh, never mind>>

    Troy Parson -> #::resisting the temptation to look around and see if anyone was looking at them, instead staying focused on his "patient"::

    Pher -> Any reason not to head back to the hotel?

    Joe Manning -> Dr. Wilson> ::Intercepts Troy en route to the IC ward::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Chris:: It's ok Chris... you're with friends...

    Joe Manning -> #

    Shane -> ::glances over to Nickles bed at the sound of his voice::

    rosetto -> I guess not... would like that coffee though. Even if it is to go...

    Pher -> :: Checks the security logs to make sure no entries or attempted entries. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Huurttssss..... cccooolldd

    Dash_Andrews -> ::grabs a rag from the table and starts to dab the sweat off Chris' brow::

    Pher -> Coffee.... Not the priority just now.

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at Wilson:: Do you have it?

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Pher:: Just, uh ... what is it that you took from there?

    Pher -> :: logs out and starts for the lock ::

    Dash_Andrews -> I know buddy... Just gonna have to hang in there. Can you hear me? Do you know my name?

    rosetto -> This guy's getting kinda ancy down at the bottom of the ramp...

    Joe Manning -> Wilson> ::Looks at Troy:: You're Doctor Audrey? The Lawman mentioned something about you're needing ... ::Shakes head:: It was unintelligible, frankly.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: Can you get me some water?

    Pher -> Audrey, let's be sure as many people exit as came in. Scan the ship for human sized life forms, please.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::opens his eyes then closes them tightly with a gasp::

    Pher -> Then let's not keep him waiting.

    Troy Parson -> #::sighs visibly, still pushing:: An internal refracthing hyperscope. And SOON!

    STSF_Nickles -> oouwwww lliigggghhtt

    Troy Parson -> <<*refracting>>

    Shane -> ::grunts in reply as he gets off the wall and goes imto the restroom::

    Pher -> :: Struts quickly ::

    rosetto -> ::heads down ramp::Hey, Officer... I think we're done..

    Pher -> What do you think. Not as pretty as in the entertainment flicks?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Turns the lamp overhead off::

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> Take it easy. ::Moves alongside the gurney:: One of my people will retrieve one. I can take over the patient's care from here.

    Dash_Andrews -> Chris, can you remember what happened to you?

    Shane -> ::comes out of the restroom with a bottle of water, tosses it to Dash::

    Pher -> :: Steps off the ramp, and makes it secure as she can make it be ::

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Looks up the ramp:: Then let's go. Close it up.

    rosetto -> Well, at least the Klingon stench is gone...

    Pher -> Closed up, she is.

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at Wilson:: He's in bad shape. Have you read up on his condition?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Picks up the bottle, uncapping it and tilting Chris head up he presses it against his lips to drink::

    rosetto -> ::watches ramp raise::

    Pher -> I don't think I have to tell you guys to be paranoid tonight?

    Pher -> :: to Richards ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The city platforms tremble again as Guardian Central Precinct is bombed

    Pher -> :: Feels the vibrations ::

    Pher -> I didn't think so.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::shielding his eyes with his elbow, takes a sip of water still shaking::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::does the hippy hippy shake::

    rosetto -> Whoa... what was that::grabbing the ship::

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> There wasn't much of a condition reported. Fill me in. ::Guides the gurney through a pair of doors into a nearly empty area::

    Shane -> ::hears the faint boom as the room rattles, furrowa his brow aND WALKS TO THE WINDOW FOR A LOOK::

    Pher -> You have to ask, Sal?

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Stops suddenly and looks around as the facility shakes::

    Shane -> <<sorry, caps>>

    STSF_Nickles -> EEexxxppllloossionnnn

    Pher -> Actually, you guys are doing pretty good. They aren't anywhere close to a bomb an hour.

    rosetto -> Not really... It's been a LONG nite...

    Troy Parson -> #::grabs onto the gurney for support:: What...?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: Can you see where it came from?

    STSF_Nickles -> Deltan.... ddarrkkk room

    Joe Manning -> Richards> Hang on! ::Holds an arm out to stop Pher and Sal, speaks into his ODRI:: Precinct, what just happened?

    Troy Parson -> #Was that another...?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Looks back at Chris:: That's good... that's good Chris...

    Pher -> :: Pauses ::

    Dash_Andrews -> Now, do you know my name?

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Frowns at Troy:: Hell ... c'mon just keep it moving. We've got to worry about our patients now.

    Shane -> ::pulls the curtain back and spots the smoke in the distance:: Looks like the Central District. Maybe even Guardian Central.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::shaking so bad cant feel the shake from the newest explosion::

    Troy Parson -> #::pushing:: Right.

    Joe Manning -> Richards> Repeat. ::Looks toward the skyline for any signs of smoke or fire:: Precinct, do you copy?

    rosetto -> ::stands freely on his own::Well, let's press onward, eh?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Hearing Shane:: Good God... they're starting a war out there...

    Pher -> Audrey, is there any jamming present?

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Looks back toward Pher and Sal:: Let's go, double time. ::Nods to the other guards and starts sprinting back toward the port bridge::

    Shane -> ::continues to peer out:: The Rainmakers always mean business

    Pher -> Cause if it isn't jamming (she says to Richards) you may have just lost precinct.

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Ushers the gurney into an empty ICU unit::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: lifts his arm away from his face, squinting :: Dash??

    Pher -> :: joins in the double time ::

    rosetto -> ::takes up the rear::

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Rolls it beside the bed and nods to Troy::

    STSF_Nickles -> Neeedd ssoommettthinnggg foooorr thhisss shhaakkiinnnggg... Caaaanntttt ssttttooopp iiit

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Pher:: They're probably swamped with requests for information right now ...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Smiling:: good... good. Now... I know it hurts, and I know you're cold. But right now there is nothing I can do for you Chris. You're coming off of a very strong helping of Deltan Pheremones.

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Again scans the skyline with his eyes:: Though there's usually a busy tone

    Pher -> We can hope.

    Troy Parson -> #::nods back, and reaches for the gurney's chart...which, Joe not being a real patient, doesn't exist:: Oh, that idiot, what's his name...Barker? Baker? He took the chart.

    Shane -> ::glances back at Chris:: Lucky to be alive right now.

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Arrives at the station at the bridge:: You're on your own from here. I've got to figure out what the hell's going on. ::Enters the station, leaving his men on guard::

    Dash_Andrews -> Your system... ::holding him to keep him from shaking off the bed:: Your system needs to flush the poisons out Chris. If I give you anything else it will only prolong the process

    STSF_Nickles -> sssooommmeeeeetttthhiiinnnggggg gggiiiveeee mmeeeee soommeettthhinnngggg

    Dash_Andrews -> ::to Shane:: Define lucky...

    Pher -> Understood! Thanks, and good hunting!

    Pher -> :: Keeps going at double time. ::

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Waits for the nurses to move Joe to the bed:: Just give me the details.

    rosetto -> Later! Thanks!

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Taps at his ODRI's controls::

    Pher -> :: Looks back to see what sort of shape Sal is in ::

    Shane -> ::looks back out the window:: Not dead.

    rosetto -> I'm doing just fine, Pher... But, why are we still running?

    Pher -> :: continues on, staying in obvious sight of any Guardians untill she clears the port ::

    Troy Parson -> #He's got multiple broken ribs, internal bleeding, possible internal burns...someone hit him with something pretty nasty out there.

    Pher -> I'm in a bit of a hurry. Bombs make me nervous.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::chris:: All I can do is put you back to sleep, and that isn't going to help any of us. If that happens you might not wake back up...

    Pher -> I'll slow back down to a walk when we get out on the streets.

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> And this was ... where? ::Scanning Joe now:: The blast site?

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Rolls around and slowly wakes up and realizes his surroundings, starts screaming, but its muffled because of the gag.::

    Pher -> No need to be too obvious.

    STSF_Nickles -> PPhhheeerrrr Wwhheerress PPhherrrr

    rosetto -> Well, they've been random targets at a distance.. I would think the next one to go off won't be as close...

    Pher -> :: Gets to the door, slows to a walk, waves to the camera and moves on. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> She's with one of the new guys, they went to the ship.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Brings the water bottle back to Chris' face::

    Troy Parson -> #::nods:: We were told he was attacked during the riots.

    Pher -> Yah. We're not exactly hanging out in major target locations.

    Dash_Andrews -> You need to hydrate Chris

    rosetto -> ::waves at camera and smiles::

    Shane -> ::hears a knocking in the closet and moves to the closet door::

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> His ... injuries aren't all that severe. A minor fracture to one of the ribs. Serious bruising. I'm not seeing a lot of internal bleeding ... ::Furrows brow::

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at patient, confused:: I wasn't first on scene...the examination was done in the speeder by the paramedics.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: Sooner or later we're going to have to deal with him... ::nods toward the closet::

    Shane -> I know. ::pulls the door open quickly and stares down imposingly at the Guardian::

    rosetto -> So, did you have any trouble with T'Aral's instructions?

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Leans over Joe and opens one of his eyes. Shines a light from the ODRI::

    Pher -> :: moves briskly on, not trying to draw any more attention than she has too. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: takes another sip from the bottle::

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Tosses and turns in the closet and starts rolling into the door to make a knocking noise.::

    Pher -> No. She knows all about engineering for beginners. Didn't want me near anything too fancy.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: There is a hypo with sedative loaded in it in the bathroom...

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ... this man doesn't appear to be unconscious ...

    Dash_Andrews -> That should shut him up for atleast a few hours

    rosetto -> ::chuckles::As a good engineer should...

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Realizes the door is open and stops banging his head against the wall.::

    Pher -> :: nose briefly in air. :: Engineering is not my proper function.

    Dash_Andrews -> Chris... Do you remember what happened to you? In the room...

    rosetto -> I just tossed my stuff on the couch in the mess hall. I hope that's alright...

    Troy Parson -> #Could be a state of impairment with awareness...maybe he's locked in.

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Taps at his ODRI, configuring the mounted hypospray::

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Rolls over and looks out the door.::

    STSF_Nickles -> Docc.. thhee paaaiinnnnn ;;cringes tightly squints his eyes::

    Dash_Andrews -> Dammit...

    Pher -> Should be. I don't think we'll be keeping points for neatness for a while... if ever.

    Joe Manning -> #PA> All medical personnel stand by for incoming wounded!

    Pher -> Any comments on The QoB?

    Shane -> We may need him awake in a bit. ::standing in the doorway, looking down at the man with his stony expression::

    Dash_Andrews -> Chris you have to calm yourself... Deep breaths... If you fight it it will only get worse.

    Joe Manning -> #PA> Begin moving patients with minor injuries out of care areas as quickly as possible.

    Troy Parson -> #::hears announcement, and turns to Wilson:: You wanted to take over? Well, it sounds like you're going to get your wish.

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Frowns at the announcement:: Doctor Audrey ... based on what I'm seeing, this patient does not require intensive care.

    rosetto -> Oh, plenty... Is the forward lauch bay changed? Is it still dirty and dusty down there?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: If you mean we may have to vacate quickly we'll all be in bad shape... Two men who can't walk on their own, one with a cane, and you can't carry the three of us...

    rosetto -> ^launch

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> Stay here and keep him monitored for the moment. I'm going to get a situation report ...

    STSF_Nickles -> YYyyyyoouuu wwoouullddnntttt sssaayyyy tthhaaat iifff iittt waaas yyoouuuu

    Troy Parson -> #All right.

    Joe Manning -> #Wilson> ::Exits the ICU::

    Pher -> Oh, still functional, and we keep that working, not that we can afford too many torpedoes on a merchantman's budget.

    Joe Manning -> #::Opens one eye and looks over at Troy::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Laughs at Chris:: good thing you're stronger than me Chris...

    Pher -> As for clean? We do what we can, but there are generally more important priorities that spit polishing the chrome.

    Shane -> ::in a flash, grabs the man by the shirt with his bionic and brings him close to his face, dpeaking in a low growling tone:: You will shutup and sit still or I will make you silent. Got it?

    rosetto -> ::laughs:: I can appreciate that.

    Shane -> speaking*

    Troy Parson -> #::bends over as if checking breathing:: This is bad...I was one instant away from trading you in for a more realistic patient.

    Joe Manning -> #::Whispers:: Not good. This ward is where we need to be ...

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Mutters a Ungag me. Cant tell if you hear him or not.::

    Joe Manning -> #T'aral better be able to make good on covering our butts.

    Dash_Andrews -> Because you're right... I'd be dead, or I'd have given in by now. But you're a better man than that Commander... And I won't let you prove me wrong.

    rosetto -> <<sorry was afk>>

    Pher -> :: looking about for trouble somewhat, while trying not to make it too obvious. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: has another spasum of drawing hi knees close to his chest, unable to a breath:::

    Shane -> ::hears a mumble and guesses at the request, drops him and pulls the gag out:: Say it quick.

    Dash_Andrews -> Shane... leave the kid... I need your help.

    Troy Parson -> #If we try and make a break for it, we'll be found out within minutes...it's not enough time to get into the secured area.

    Dash_Andrews -> Grab my kit... ::points to the bathroom::

    Sakir -> Guardian> You realize you have kidnapped a guardian, you better hope to what ever you believe in that they don't find you.

    rosetto -> ::sees a coffee shop::Let's just wander in there until the ruckuss dies down, okay?

    Joe Manning -> #I'm assuming T'aral going's to work something out. Find us a way in and keep prying eyes away ...

    Joe Manning -> #But we might have gotten ourselves a break ...

    Shane -> ::glances over his shoulder at Dash and moves to the restroom to get the kit::

    Joe Manning -> #That blast felt like it was awfully close. And this hospital only services wounded Guardians.

    Dash_Andrews -> Breath Chris... It's in your mind... you're mind is telling you to panic and that panic is telling your lungs to seize up

    Troy Parson -> #Do you think they're going to be bringing in anyone new who needs to get into the restricted section?

    Pher -> Not OK. I want to rejoin the others.

    Troy Parson -> #It looks like this hospital's policy is to have their own doctors take over patients as they're brought in...

    Joe Manning -> #All we can assume from this point forward is chaos. It sounded like they're about to get swamped ...

    Joe Manning -> #Might be just the sort of situation where questions won't be asked.

    Pher -> Strength in numbers, and I want to look in on Chris.

    Shane -> ::speaks to the Guardian as he comes out of the restroom and hands the kit to Dash:: Shut up, kid. I've dealt with worse than your kind.

    Troy Parson -> #Works for me.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Takes the kit and grabs the hypo::

    rosetto -> okay...

    Joe Manning -> #T'aral> ::Sends LaHaye's location and some basic hospital schematics to Troy ... from wherever she's hiding out::

    rosetto -> <<I've got neighbor coming by in a second... may have to leave..>>

    Pher -> This is going to be something of a long night. I'll tell you what, though. If you get me to the lobby, I'll let you run for a snack for the whole of us.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Stares at the Hypo for a protracted moment... sighs... then sticks it to Chris' neck::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::cringing in pain starts taking puff type breaths::

    Troy Parson -> #::receives information, looks at schematics:: We're close...we just need to get into this secured part of the ICU.

    Pher -> That work?

    Shane -> ::watches Dash, speaks sorta sarcastically:: What happened to letting his system flush it out, Doc?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::very very shallow puffs in and out::

    Joe Manning -> #Any plans of approach come to mind?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::waiting for Nickles lungs to catch back up::

    rosetto -> Yeah, sounds good... Hate to burst your bubble though... it's day again... ::looks at sky and smiles::

    Pher -> Again?

    Dash_Andrews -> In the end... he'll have to face it eventually. But he can still harm himself.

    Troy Parson -> #We could try and bluff our way past the guards...

    Pher -> Then we'll need more than just a snack.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: starts coming out of it abit breaths starting to lengthen with every one::

    Pher -> :: Sees the door to the hotel nearby. ::

    rosetto -> yeah, today usually follows yesterday... has for many years... ::laughs::

    Shane -> Thats where the straps come in.

    Joe Manning -> #And if they call the bluff, they'll start wondering what our business is in the secured area.

    Shane -> <<wb>>

    Sakir -> ((Java crash))

    Troy Parson -> #If T'aral can hit their system with some sort of virus, buy a few minutes where they can't verify our story one way or another, the urgency of a medical crisis should get us in.

    Pher -> :: Checks the obvious places where someone might be watching. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: Its not his arms and legs that concern me... it's his mind.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::pulls back the hypo letting out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: taking longer but still shallow breaths::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::shane:: Still want this for our friend? ::holds up the hypo::

    Pher -> Long night.

    Joe Manning -> #::Sighs:: I want to avoid any risks that'll cost us this shot. And maybe more. Talk it over with T'aral, find out what she can and can't -- ::Interrupted by the doors bursting open::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: body starts to relax but goes back to its intense shivering::

    Joe Manning -> #::Several nurses roll in crash carts and empty gurneys::

    Shane -> I think he'll quiet down. But I'll take it just in case. ::takes the hypo and pockets it::

    Troy Parson -> #::heads towards the doors, looking at nurses:: What have we got incoming?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::scans Nickles checking his temperature::

    Pher -> :: Gets within spitting distance of the Hotel lobby, and makes a jesture of release to Sal :: Stay out of trouble, please.

    Pher -> :: Gets through the door, pulls out her key card, and starts up to her room ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::NIP:: Down a point and a half... that's progress

    rosetto -> <<sorry need to leave>>

    Dash_Andrews -> <<see ya Rosetto>>

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Shane:: You think you are so tough don't you? You realize you are nothing! A waste of carbon is what you are! You are worthless when you and your friends get caught. Oh it wont be pretty.

    Pher -> << waves >>

    STSF_Nickles -> ::temp still elevated do to the intense shaking but not as dangerous as before::

    Joe Manning -> #Nurse> ::Troy:: Rumor is Central Precinct was hit. We got lots of incoming. We need all the hands we can get.

    STSF_Nickles -> <<night Rosetto>>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Ignoring the guard ranting in the closet::

    Pher -> :: Up the lift and approaches the door... shows herself to the fisheye lens. ::

    Troy Parson -> #::shakes head:: It's just one of those days, isn't it?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: grabs Dash's arm:: Paaaiinnnn ..... HHeeelllppp

    Shane -> ::turns towards the closet and walks to it, then grabs the guardian by the neck with his bionic and lifts him off the ground:: I said be quiet.

    Pher -> Did someone call for room service? :: knocks gently ::

    Joe Manning -> #::The nurses begin prepping equipment for incoming patients::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::slowly turns towards Phers voice::

    Sakir -> Guardian> Oh what are you going to do hit me? Come on then; Hit me! It will only add assault to kidnapping, you punk.

    Pher -> :: gives up, and uses her key ::

    Shane -> ::drops the Guardian and spins around to the room door, Gauss pistol whipped out and priming with a whine::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Stares at Chris' face his expression does not change... he removes his hand from his arm and places his hand in it instead::

    Pher -> Don't shoot. I'm on your side. You want to stay on my side. Really.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: breathing rapidly, looking towards the door:: PPphhheeerrrrr

    Pher -> :: evaluates just how crazy The Arm is ::

    Troy Parson -> #::pretends to help as much as he can, talking to the nearest nurse:: Maybe we can clear you an extra bed. There's been a mix-up with this guy's ID and chart...

    Shane -> ::lowers the pistol at the sight of Pher:: Or what, Orion?

    Pher -> :: Moves towards Nickles ::

    Shane -> ::not really serious::

    Pher -> :: Smiles briefly at Shane, but focus is on Nickles :: Chris? You more or less conscious?

    Joe Manning -> #Nurse> Huh? ::Looking half-interested as he works. Glances quickly at Joe:: What mix up?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::pher:: It's set in... ::referring to the withdrawl::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::gulps:: oollddd frrrrreiieenndddd hhheeeeeelllpppppp mmmmeeeeee

    Troy Parson -> #Well, the chart here says that he's a "Xavier Benton", with severe internal injuries, internal burns, and possible brain damage...

    Pher -> :: Slips her bag to the floor near the bed ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :;still shaking incontrollably::

    STSF_Nickles -> HHuuurrrrrttttsssss PPhhhhheerrrrrrr

    Pher -> :: Sighs :: If I give him what he needs, the rest of you guys are going to feel itchy. We might need another room.

    Troy Parson -> #But when Dr. Wilson and I examined him, that wasn't his condition...and he kept saying that his name was something else. I couldn't quite catch it...

    Pher -> :: Slips down into the bed with Chris... still over the covers, but holding him close. ::

    Troy Parson -> #It sounded like...LaHie? LaHaye? Something like that.

    Shane -> ::looks back at the Guardian on a heap in the closet:: Anything else?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Raises an eyebrow:: Well you certainly win the "best bedside manner" contest

    Pher -> :: Begins with letting him feel her presence ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::breathing still rapid::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Regards the closet:: You think you can handle the gag in the bag?

    Pher -> I'd hope so... But I'd rather focus on Chris rather than the whole crew.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<to Pher>>

    Joe Manning -> #Nurse> ::Glances toward Troy, not recognizing the name:: If he doesn't belong here, get him out of here. We're going to need the space soon. The speeders will be here shortly.

    Shane -> ::growls back to Dash:: I got this.

    Pher -> I could handle him, but I need all you you out stat.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: No uhh... Shane... let's get a drink bud...

    Troy Parson -> #All right, I've just got to enter the corrections into the system. Can you provide the second signature? We're low on time here.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::takes a deeper breath with the presence of Pher next to him::

    Shane -> ::sighs and pulls out the hypo, more or less slams it into the Guardians neck::

    Sakir -> Guardian> No, you heard it all. The Guardians will be here when they realized I am missing.

    Troy Parson -> #::enters the new information onto a form, hands it to the nurse to sign:: Let's do this quickly...from what you said, things are going to be getting really bad in here soon.

    Joe Manning -> #::Shrugs at Troy:: I'm just a nurse. I doubt my signature counts for much. They won't even tell us what's really going on.

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Grunts and then passes out.::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::soflty:: hhuuurrrttttssss

    Joe Manning -> #Nurse> ::Quickly grabs the form and signs it, hands it back to him::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Hurries Shane out the door before things get obscene and slips a do not disturb holo-tag on the outside::

    Pher -> Audrey, implant to minimum safety..

    Shane -> ::close the door and heads to exit, tossing the hypo back to Dash::

    Pher -> Audrey, implant safeties off ::

    Shane -> DO::to Dash:: Pher do that to all your patients Doc?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::pockets the Hypo:: <q> Remind me to get captured next time...

    Troy Parson -> #::takes the signed form and starts to wheel Joe out of the room, unfolding the form as he does so to reveal that the so-called "first signature line" was just some text folded over itself...meaning the form only has the nurse's signature::

    Pher -> :: Gets under the covers so maintain the PG rating ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::shane:: Only the ones who REALLY need it... now... ::looks down the hall:: About that drink

    STSF_Nickles -> :: inhales deeply the phereomnes::

    Pher -> :: Starts a preliminary massage and attempts to maintain patient warmth. ::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> ::Appears in the doorway to the ICU::

    Pher -> You know you should stay away from baldies, Chris? They're bad for you. Stick with green girls, no?

    Troy Parson -> #::wheeling Joe out, doesn't look at Savoy in order not to attract attention::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> ::After scanning the room, looks toward Troy:: Lawman!

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at Savoy:: Ma'am?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: trys to chuckle:: nnooowwwww yyyouuu tteelllllll mmmmmmeee

    Shane -> Massages the shoulder attached to bionic:: I could use one for sure.

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> With me. ::Motions to him::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Actually looks at the mechanical arm for the first time up close::

    Pher -> :: Smiles ::

    Dash_Andrews -> Interesting craftsmanship... Remind me to ask you about it after I'm drunk...

    Troy Parson -> #::follows, looking back at nurses:: If I'm not back within five, make sure this patient gets where he needs to go!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::hits the elevator button::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> ::Turns and moves away from the ICU, expecting Troy to follow::

    Shane -> ::actually grins a bit:: I'd say. A doctor friend and I came up with it.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: with the heavy dose of pheremones shaking slightly begins to subside, Only Pher would be able to tell::

    Pher -> :: Gives him a close tactile examination, seeing how much energy he has, what sort of dose he needs, how much he needs release. ::

    Troy Parson -> #::following::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Holds up a hand as he enters the elevator... tucking the cane under his arm::

    Dash_Andrews -> I said after

    STSF_Nickles -> ::gasps a bit::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> ::Looks back at Troy:: Central Precinct was just bombed a few minutes ago ... ::Looking livid::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Elevator:: Lobby

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> I was awaiting a team to run guard duty. That team will likely not be arriving.

    Shane -> ::moves in beside Dash:: You one of those that better understands things drunk?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::places his arms around her holding her tightly to him::

    Pher -> Hmm.... OK. I can make you feel better... but this is going to take some time to work out. You have some time?

    Pher -> :: molds her body to his ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Looks at the arm again then up at Shane:: I've just found that all things are easier to swallow with the proper lubrication

    Dash_Andrews -> <<I regret that last line :/ lol>>

    Shane -> <<lol wow>>

    STSF_Nickles -> :: smiles slightly to her:: IIimmm nnooottttt goooiinnnngg annyywwhheeerree

    Pher -> Or would you rather do first talk later ::

    Pher -> Good.

    Troy Parson -> #If you need me to, I can...guard.

    Pher -> :: Begins removing his clothing so she can perform a closer examination. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: In short, I figure we might be down here a while, so save the long stories for last.

    Shane -> ::exits the elevator into the lobby/bar, notices a viewscreen with news of the Precinct Bombing::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Exits the elevator and heads for the bar off to the left::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  21. The boy was dragged by two Guardians to a large duranium barred cell -- little more than a cage -- in the center of the holding area. His interrogation session had ended with no valuable information extracted, not even by the Constable's mind meld. The Guardians opened the door to the cell and tossed the boy inside; weakened by various forms of physical torture, he fell to his knees. Two pairs of hands grabbed his arms and helped him up and to a vacant bench against the back of the cell. This cell had other occupants -- ten of the Rainmakers who had been captured in the previous five days. The Guardians laughed at the jeers that were directed at them as they departed the holding area.


    "He's so young," one of the Rainmakers pointed out.


    "Unspeakable district," a woman answered. "Or maybe an import from the outer colonies."


    "You holding up okay, son?" a man asked. "Did the bastards get anything out of you?"


    The boy ignored their words and considered only their faces. He recognized two of the occupants of the cell. One of them was a local Disciple. That one was by himself, slumped over in a chair in the corner of the cell, with a deeply considerate look on his face, paying not attention to what was happening around him. It was the look of someone who, so far, had held out through interrogation, but was beginning to wonder how much longer he could last ... and whether it was truly worth it to protect the cult's leader.


    The Guardians had had the run of the city for five days, and they'd achieved quite a bit toward deterring the Rainmakers' efforts. It was time for that to change.


    The heavy door to the holding area was loudly unbolted and swung open. Constable La'nok stepped through the open doorway and immediately looked toward the boy. The Rainmakers had considered the boy a lost cause and dispersed back to the bars of the cell. A few of them called out to the Constable, railing against their unfair treatment, but the Vulcan just stared back at the boy. His face was purely Vulcan -- completely devoid of emotion -- but it was tense as if pained.


    La'nok nodded at the guards at the door, instructing them to leave the holding area. They shared a confused glance, but followed the Constable's orders. The Vulcan had a bag slung over his shoulder; he clutched it as he approached the bars of the cell. The boy rose and walked toward the bars as steadily as his weakened legs could carry him.


    "You allowed yourself to be captured," La'nok said. The boy responded by tilting his head and giving the Vulcan a small grin. The Rainmakers watched curiously. "What did you do to me? When our minds became one?"


    The boy ran his hand lazily along one of the bars. "You have no idea what's really going on here, do you? You don't. They don't." He nodded in the direction of the other Rainmakers. "So focused on bombs and chemicals, with no clue about the real conflict taking place beneath the surface."


    The Vulcan watched the boy closely with a raised eyebrow. "You are Minos."


    The boy laughed. "You flatter me, Constable. No. I am but one of his many loyal servants. That a servant is so capable should tell you something about the master." The Disciple in the corner was paying attention now.


    "Who ... what are you?" the Vulcan asked.


    "I am one of the Federation's more dirty little secrets," the boy answered, "from the days of the War, when Andorian Admirals needed a defense against the mental intrusion of Vulcan spies. They began a secret project -- genetically engineering Human proximity bombs. Humans were the perfect subjects -- we were the easiest for them to genetically mold, we allowed them to avoid using their own people, and many of us were on their side in the War. They achieved success with a batch of test subjects that included me. Our purpose was simple. When we are hit by a Vulcan mind meld ... we are able to turn the bond around and exert our wills."


    One of the Vulcan's eyes twitched as it began to dawn on him that he had become a slave in the interrogation room. The boy continued, "The irony that bit the Andorians was that their genetic engineering was designed to make us naturally resistant to exploitation. We were not willing to be used for their purposes any more than we we were willing to be used as intelligence receptacles for the Vulcans, so we escaped the lab where we were held and fled Federation space. A few of us came here to Bull's Head, to follow our -own- causes. I found my cause with Minos. Vulcans are quite common in Bull's Head; it's not difficult for us to find work."


    La'nok glanced down at the bag slung at his side. "Why must I do this?"


    The boy looked back at the prisoners, who were now gathered around puzzling over this strange conversation. "There is some fear that you are going to apprehend someone who really knows something damning. Or ... perhaps ... that you already have. Minos cannot allow his true plans for this night to be discovered."


    The boy nodded to La'nok and, as if a button had been pushed, the Constable retrieved a keycard from his uniform vest and unlocked the cell door. The boy casually strolled out of the cell. A few of the Rainmakers moved to follow, but La'nok immediately blocked the way. The Vulcan entered the cell and closed the door. "I disabled the security systems along the way," he said to the boy. "You will have ten minutes."


    "More than enough," the boy said as he slunk away, using his own considerable means to elude the guards outside the door.


    He was already twenty blocks away when an explosion greater than the one that began the night tore the Guardian Central Precinct in half.

  22. Pher -> Troy and rosetto might try to disable the Qob...

    Troy Parson -> What's the point in disabling it?

    Pher -> The bad guys seem to want to steal it. They won't be able to if one of the wrong parts is missing.

    Joe Manning -> I was thinking Pher and rosetto could do that ...

    Joe Manning -> Troy is getting Dash's job

    Pher -> Logically, Pher would have wanted to stay and watch people left behind, but someone who isn't hear could be delegated.

    Joe Manning -> That could be Dash and Shane

    Joe Manning -> T'aral passed along some instructions to remove a part ...

    T'Aral -> ... so you send a pilot to do an engineer's job?

    Joe Manning -> Troy, you're now Doctor Orson Audrey, Guardian MD

    Joe Manning -> Luckily for you, we got you a uniform and ID. I hope you've been following enough of our hospital break-in plot to know what you have to do

    Joe Manning -> Let's pick it up en route to Medical One in our speeder ...

    Joe Manning -> Pher and rosetto, you'll have to secure your own transportation.

    Pher -> Or walk...

    rosetto -> rosetto has a thumb...

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> Pher's got the legs...

    Joe Manning -> #::In the back seat of the speeder clutching his side::

    T'Aral -> #: Driving :

    Pher -> :: Gives last instructions to those staying behind. ::

    rosetto -> ::collecting his things out of hotel room::

    rosetto -> ::wraps on the closet door to say good-bye to our guest in there::

    Pher -> :: Hope Sal remember his gun this time, as she wants hers back. ::

    Joe Manning -> #T'aral ... how much of the hospital's layout and patient manifest were you able to dig up?

    Pher -> :: Waits at the fish eye in the door for Sal to get back. ::

    rosetto -> We should run by my place first, so I can pick up a few things, okay?

    Troy Parson -> #::In the back of the speeder adjusting his new uniform::

    T'Aral -> # I have the basic layout established, with entrances and egresses noted. The patient roster which I was able to identify are those who we are not interested in. ...

    Pher -> Sure.

    rosetto -> ^Scratch<sorry I was confused again. thought I was still in Pher's hotel room>

    T'Aral -> # ... I was, however, able to locate a group of internal rooms which appear promising.

    Pher -> I'd rather have my might weapon back.

    Pher -> (( No matter. ))

    Pher -> (Mighty)

    Joe Manning -> #What's promising about them?

    Pher -> :: moving with Sal ::

    rosetto -> Okay then let's just leave these guys to it, drop by my place and then head to the ship.

    Pher -> Good nuff.

    T'Aral -> # They are marked 'quarantined', and are part of ICU.

    Pher -> :: Glances one more time at the guardian secured with firm but not uncomfortable fur lined bindings... ::

    Joe Manning -> #That's not good. Getting in is going to be tricky.

    Pher -> So, do you disable ships often?

    Troy Parson -> #::thinks:: Does it say anythin about the type of quarantine?

    Troy Parson -> #Has any special equipment been set up...additional air filters, microparticulate fields, anything like that?

    T'Aral -> # I believe we were aware of the difficulty when you chose this course of action.

    T'Aral -> # Troy > There is not a bacterial quarantine. Rather, the section of ICU is simply quarantined for security purposes.

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: Best bet is to find us a less secure area, preferably away from prying eyes, where we can work out a way through the quarantine.

    Mitar Precip -> (AFK)

    Pher -> And that's all there is to it, Sal. Any questions?

    Troy Parson -> #Hm. What do we know about their security precautions? Is it a checkpoint system? General scanners? Closed metal doors?

    rosetto -> Sorry, T-Storm can ut of nowhere... kicked me off the network

    rosetto -> Question? What did you say Exactly?

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The speeder is approaching Medical One and its adjacent landing pad

    T'Aral -> # Troy > Security personnel, and a ventilation system which would make the sound of an approaching thunderstorm if anyone tried to move through it.

    Pher -> :: smiles :: Just thinking we minimze the extra legal stuff.

    Troy Parson -> #Right, so no sneaking around, then. I guess that's for the best...my kness aren't exactly what they used to be.

    Pher -> Tell them we have decent reasons to make sure the ship doesn't leave without us, and tell just enough truth so they're with us.

    T'Aral -> # :: Sets controls and course for approach. ::

    Joe Manning -> #These uniforms are meant to keep us from having to sneak around too much. But our clearance ain't getting us into a high security area.

    Joe Manning -> #We're gonna have to think of -something-.

    Troy Parson -> #This man we're going to talk to...

    rosetto -> Yeah, okay...::thinks about it. 'Doesn't Joe OWN this vessel?'::

    Troy Parson -> #He doesn't look anything like you, by any chance, does he?

    T'Aral -> # Medical One - appropriated speeder on approach with a priority patient.

    Pher -> Yep. Thing is, the Guardians have pretty much shut down the space port.

    Joe Manning -> #I don't have the slightest idea what he looks like ...

    Pher -> They don't want any ship getting off the ground, so they are keeping people away from their own ships.

    rosetto -> But we should be able to get on board, right?

    Joe Manning -> #T'aral dug his name out of a Guardian database. We haven't learned much more about him than what their reports say.

    Pher -> But they ought to like what we're doing.

    Troy Parson -> #So they maintain a non-pictorial database, then. Good.

    Troy Parson -> #We might have a chance...

    Pher -> Should be able to... but they are excorting folks to their ships.

    Joe Manning -> #They had to. He's been working undercover for the Guardians, gathering intell on the Rainmakers.

    Pher -> The only question is whether they have the people to spare to baby sit us.

    rosetto -> gotcha.

    Pher -> I figue I'll tell them just enough about what happened to Chris to make it a priority.

    T'Aral -> # We are on final approach.

    Troy Parson -> #So is anyone in the room able to verify that their patient actually is who he says he is?

    Pher -> So long as the Captain doesn't make a big enough splash to draw every guardian in the city.

    Joe Manning -> #Medical One> +Com+ Please identify yourself, pilot.

    rosetto -> ::listens::

    rosetto -> So where is the ship?

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: I'm not sure anyone else will be under the security this guy's liable to be under.

    Joe Manning -> #But we'll check into it before we go breakin' anyone's knees.

    Pher -> Got all your stuf? :: Looks around Sal's hotel room? :: If so, let's get on the move.

    Pher -> Ship... one of the main pads at the space port.

    Troy Parson -> #What if we were to suggest to them that there had been something of an administrative error...

    Pher -> There aren't many larger ships that want to touch down.

    rosetto -> ::grabs his bag and slings it over his shoulder::Yeah, I think so...

    Joe Manning -> #::Raises an eyebrow at Troy:: What sort of error?

    Pher -> :: Starts towads the elvator ::

    Pher -> Let's roll then. You have your own gun now?

    rosetto -> ::follows quickly behind::

    Troy Parson -> #That they'd taken the wrong person into their quarantine, leaving poor Mr. LaHaye out on the street to get...::looks at Joe::...rather wounded.

    rosetto -> Yeah, got it right here...::pulls it out to show her::

    T'Aral -> # Medical One > T'Roh, Nurse Practitioner, Level 2 and party.

    Pher -> :: Examines the weapon, evaluating it ::

    Pher -> (( Please describe? ))

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: If you mean me, I'm already Xavier Benton ...

    Pher -> :: Looks but doesn't seek to touch ::

    Joe Manning -> #But that line of thinking gives us a possibility to explore.

    rosetto -> Told you it was just a pea-shooter... Home defense thing.

    Pher -> Lethal?

    rosetto -> Nope..

    Joe Manning -> #::As the speeder lands:: It's show time

    T'Aral -> # :: Settles speeder, composes herself, and steps out to obtain a gurney. ::

    Pher -> OK. Guardians don't like spacers going lethal. It would complicate things.

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: I think T'aral's gettin me some wheels. Hope you don't mind pushing me.

    Pher -> :: Manuvers through the lobby, out on the street. Takes a bit to get her bearings then starts briskly to the space port. ::

    rosetto -> That's good because I don't like going lethal either...

    Troy Parson -> #Not a problem.

    Pher -> I'm in just a bit of a hurry, so I'm not intending to be cute.

    Pher -> Our covers are that we are spacers needing to get back to our ship.

    T'Aral -> # :: Returns with a gurney, gestures for Joe to settle on it. ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The rioting at the ports has settled down, but the crowds have only gotten larger

    Pher -> :: smiling ::

    rosetto -> Not a bad cover, since it's practically the truth...

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: I'm now unconscious ... ::Slings an arm around him::

    Pher -> I'm willing to avoid crowds, but don't want to detour too badly.

    Pher -> Yah. The truth works when you can get away with it.

    Pher -> :: smiles ::

    Troy Parson -> #::grimaces slightly as he takes on Joe's weight:: Sweet dreams.

    rosetto -> ::smiles::

    Joe Manning -> #::T'aral:: I hope you Vulcans are better liars than the rumors go. You might have to put your acting face on.

    Pher -> (( Did you give pher her own gun back? ))

    rosetto -> ::isn't in bad shape but finds himself hurried to keep up with Pher::

    rosetto -> ((She took it back in my hotel room))

    Pher -> (( Good nuff ))

    T'Aral -> # Troy> (w) Settle him on the gurney, and I will push.

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: <w> Remember, broken ribs, a pierced lung, and a helluva lot of internal bleeding. Hit'em with the urgency angle.

    Troy Parson -> #T'Aral (w)> Get ready to give it some back...we're going to go in fast.

    rosetto -> So, what's the plan once we're on board?

    Joe Manning -> #::Puts his head down on the gurney and closes his eyes::

    Pher -> Just remove the part, sweep the ship to make sure everything is good, then head back to the hotel.

    Troy Parson -> #::takes a position by the front of the gurney so that he can direct while T'Aral pushes::

    T'Aral -> # :: Pushes ::

    Pher -> I'd like any excort to not to know exactly what we're doing. We'll see if that's allowed.

    rosetto -> Do you know where the part is located? I mean I can removed it.

    Joe Manning -> #::Breathes the way he should with a pierced lung, finding it ironic that he's the only doctor in the group, yet he's the one on his back::

    Mitar Precip -> (lol)

    Troy Parson -> #::Pulling the gurney towards the hospital at top speed, shouting:: Coming through! Coming through!

    Pher -> Oh, yes. I even recorded T'Aral's instructions on Audrey.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The hospital's landing pad entrance is closed, with two guards standing in front

    rosetto -> okay, then you can keep the escort busy while I put my things away... I.e. get the part.

    T'Aral -> # :: Pushes intently towards the hospital entrance. ::

    Troy Parson -> #::heading straight for the guards, calling to them:: You two! We've got an injured man here...clear us a path!

    Joe Manning -> #Lawman Baker> ::Runs to meet the approaching group:: What happened? Is he from the blast site?

    Troy Parson -> #::turns to Baker, still moving:: The rioters got him...he's got multiple broken ribs, severe internal bleeding, possible blood char...::still moving::

    rosetto -> ::looks and sees the port::It's over there, right?

    Joe Manning -> #Baker> It's true about the riots then? ::Nods to the other guard to open the doors::

    Joe Manning -> #Baker> ::Looks at T'aral:: I

    Pher -> Yep. Open approach.

    Joe Manning -> 'll need to check your security clearances.

    Pher -> :: Considers :: And just how do you think I should be distracting? :: grins ::

    T'Aral -> # :: Pushes through the door. ::

    rosetto -> Well, my good looks and a bar of latinum will get you a cup of coffee most places...

    Troy Parson -> #::holds up Lawman ID, still moving:: It's Dr. Audrey, Lawman rank...That's A-u-d-r-e-y. ::breathless::

    T'Aral -> # Doctor Audrey, Practitioner T'Roh, and he is Sergant Xavier Benton.

    Joe Manning -> #Baker> ::Takes the ID and retrieves the scanner from his belt:: Looks like it's getting pretty bad out there.

    Joe Manning -> #Baker> Do you know your way around the facility?

    Joe Manning -> #Baker> ::Sweeps the scanner over the ID::

    T'Aral -> # Acceptably.

    Troy Parson -> #Wouldn't be much good if I didn't.

    Joe Manning -> #Baker> ::Gets a positive ID and nods to Troy, handing him back the ID:: Good luck with him. I'll send word to the staff that you could use help.

    rosetto -> Speaking of coffee, I could sure use a belt of it about now...

    Troy Parson -> #See if you can get them to send up an internal refracting hyperscope...I could really use it to check for the B.C..

    T'Aral -> # :: Nods :: Please have them identify an ICU ward for the Sergant. He will need monitoring.

    Pher -> :: Looks about for guardians... hoping someone is at the obvious spacer's entrance. ::

    Pher -> On the way back, I think.

    Joe Manning -> #Baker> ::Nods:: Got it. Internal reflecting, uh ... hypo ... and an ICU ward, right. I'll send word along.

    Pher -> They ought to be watching this place really closely.

    rosetto -> Okay, sounds good..

    Troy Parson -> #::serious look:: Make it fast...he's in bad shape.

    Joe Manning -> #Baker> And be on your guard in ICU. We've got a special guest prowling the area ... Marshall Savoy herself.

    rosetto -> ::looks around and ses no one::

    Joe Manning -> #::Opens his eyes::

    T'Aral -> # :: Does not present any sign of comprehension, as if the name meant nothing. ::

    Pher -> Funny thing is, we really are sharing mutual self interest just now.

    rosetto -> (w)This doesn't look good. Where are the guards?

    Joe Manning -> Lawman Richards> ::Prowling on the other side of the bridge to the port platform::

    Pher -> Hmm. :: Continues towards the door. Looks for security cameras, and makes sure they get good looks at her. ::

    Joe Manning -> #<q> Qiyah! Did he just say Savoy?

    Troy Parson -> #(w)Shh, you're supposed to be dying.

    Joe Manning -> #<q> You've got to keep me the hell away from her. She'll recognize me.

    T'Aral -> # :: Directs gurney into a side examination room, then closes the privacy door. ::

    rosetto -> ::looks around trying not to look suspicious::

    Troy Parson -> #::thinks for a moment::

    Pher -> :: Approaches main door ::

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Crosses the bridge now, peering at Pher and rosetto:: Help you folks?

    rosetto -> Morning!

    Pher -> Yah. We've got a problem. Our XO got rolled tonight.

    T'Aral -> # :: Puts a hand on Joe's shoulder to settle him as she runs a tricorder scan over him. Checking readings, she nods. ::

    Mitar Precip -> (Richards..the guy from the Running Man? hmm...watches)

    T'Aral -> # The room is secure - no monitoring devices.

    Troy Parson -> #I wonder...

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Furrows brow at Pher:: ... unless you've got port business, I recommend you move along. There's trouble around here and you're liable to get hurt.

    Pher -> Burglery not the motive. Interrogation drugs were used. We're thinking somebody wants to borrow our ship.

    Troy Parson -> #Why would someone of that high a rank be here now?

    Pher -> Figuring the way this town is running tonight, we thought we'd panic. :: not showing much sign of panic ::

    Joe Manning -> #::T'aral:: You think they'll just let us into ICU? Not getting us past quarantine in any event.

    rosetto -> ::stands there smiling with bag over shoulder::

    Joe Manning -> Richards> I'm sorry ... do you have some reason to believe anyone'd be interested in your ship? We've got a lot of ships at the port that a lot of people would love to get their hands on.

    T'Aral -> Obtaining an ICU room will be no difficulty. Getting into the restricted area, however, is quite another issues.

    T'Aral -> *issue*.

    rosetto -> Richards>With High Warp capabilities?

    Pher -> :: raises an eyebrow :: Well. The motive was NOT robbery. They had a Deltan using pheromones on poor chriss, which isn't cheap and isn't part of the norm.

    Joe Manning -> ::T'Aral:: An ICU room will also be monitored, though, right? Are we sure we want that?

    T'Aral -> # Leave that to me.

    Joe Manning -> Richards> Heh ... ::Corner of his lip curls:: Pheromones you say. ::Looks her up and down:: Is this some kind of gag?

    Pher -> I figure the threat is real. Also, we're the QoB. She's one of the faster and better armed ships on the lot.

    Pher -> :: nose in air :: I just happen to be an expert on the effects of pheromones. No gag.

    Joe Manning -> #You can probably start accessing interal systems from here, right?

    Pher -> :: grins ::

    Joe Manning -> Richards> And I'm an expert on deciding whether anyone is allowed into the port. We've got some dangerous people on the loose and we'd like to keep them here ...

    Joe Manning -> Richards> Are you the Captain?

    T'Aral -> # No, but once you're settled I will be required to report to the Nurse's station to file a summary. At that time, I will have access to the monitoring stations at the source.

    rosetto -> Richards>WHo me? God no! ::chuckles::

    Joe Manning -> #::T'aral:: Excellent ...

    Pher -> Don't blame you. Me too. Look, don't want to bring a full crew aboard. Don't want to start engines or go anywhere near the bridge. Just want to quietly remove a few parts. Insurance, so to speak.

    T'Aral -> # :: Hands Joe a small cylinder, about the size of a 'zip' drive. ::

    T'Aral -> # When this chimes, it will be safe to move about.

    Joe Manning -> #PA> Doctor Audrey to ICU. Doctor Audrey, please report to ICU with your patient.

    Troy Parson -> #That's us!

    T'Aral -> # :: Prepares the gurney to move. ::

    Joe Manning -> Richards> Alright, give me your names and your jobs on the crew. I'll check in with the crew manifest that was put on file when you checked in.

    T'Aral -> # Troy > Stay close to his face through the ICU, monitoring his airway.

    Joe Manning -> Richards> I'll still need to clear this with HQ, though.

    Troy Parson -> #Right.

    Pher -> I'm Pheromone of Evenstar Bay, security chief. He's new hire. Won't be on the lists.

    rosetto -> Pher>(w)oops... I'm not gonna be on that manifest...

    Joe Manning -> #::Frowns up at T'aral:: She's tall and blond and she's wearing all white.

    Pher -> If that bothers you, I'll do the job myself.

    T'Aral -> # Keep one hand on his forehead, covering his eyes. Your other hand should lift his chin. This will keep your hands in a position to obscure his features.

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Looks up from his ODRI at Pher:: ... new hire ... ::Looks at Rosetto::

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at T'Aral:: You know, I can tell where his face is on my own...

    Pher -> Not in the system yet. Hasn't even been paid yet. We've had a bad day.

    rosetto -> This bag is my gear... I was just gonna toss it on board for save keeping...

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Rosetto, noticing his whisper:: You look like you got something to hide. What's your name?

    Pher -> Keep it outside. You'll make the poor man nervous.

    T'Aral -> # Yes, but hopefully this will obscure him from anyone who might recognize him, while still appearing to be proceeding with medical procedures.

    Joe Manning -> #::Troy:: You're a doctor. You can lean over me and hold your ear next to my mouth and no one will question it.

    Troy Parson -> #Just because I don't have pointy ears, doesn't mean I don't know a trick or two...

    rosetto -> ::opens bag::Name's Sal Rosetto, from K'Normia. I have nothing to hide, sir::shows bag contents::

    T'Aral -> # I meant no offense ... I am not aware of what you know or don't know.

    Pher -> A very new hire.

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Running their names through port security:: I take it you both checked in when you arrived?

    Troy Parson -> #::rolls eyes:: Just push the cart.

    T'Aral -> # :: Opens the door, then drives the gurney about to a lift. ::

    Joe Manning -> #I can tell you two are gonna get along just fine. ::Closes his eyes and rolls his head again::

    Pher -> I did when the QoB landed. :: Looks to Sal to give his answer ::

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Looks up from the ODRI at Sal's face. His eyebrow raises::

    rosetto -> Richards>Yes, I went through a security check when my cruiser arrived a week ago...

    Troy Parson -> #::pulling the front of the gurney, frequently checking Joe's eyes and breathing::

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Grins:: Well well ... Mr. Rosetto ...

    Joe Manning -> Richards> I think you know the way this works?

    rosetto -> ::look quizzingly at him::Not really, sir...

    Joe Manning -> Richards> Allow me to enlighten you ... ::Leans forward a bit::

    Joe Manning -> Richards> You're on our special VIP list ...

    Joe Manning -> Richards> Which means there's a port fee of 100 credits for any passage across this bridge.

    rosetto -> ::looks proud of hm self::

    Joe Manning -> Richards> Payable to the on-duty Lawman ... of course.

    Pher -> :: Small smile ::

    rosetto -> Ah... that list... ::carefully reaches for his wallet eying the lawman::

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Smirks as Sal reaches into his pocket::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> ::Standing in the secure ICU ward, looking at the unconscious Jerald LaHaye::

    rosetto -> ::fumbles through his wallet::Sorry, All I have is a 200 note here... ::smiles weakly:::

    Pher -> You could always pay in advance for the trip back.

    Joe Manning -> Richards> ::Pher:: An excellent idea. ::Grins wide and takes the note::

    T'Aral -> << Folks, it's 10:09 pm EST, and I have to go. >>

    Joe Manning -> Richards> Wait here. I'll come in a team to escort you.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM