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Joe Manning

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Posts posted by Joe Manning

  1. I have an update for you, Marshall. Not sure what to make it of to be honest, but I'm sure you'd want to know about it. Our tech analysts have been poring through the data on Simon's ODRI device and the Quantum Trinities computer mainframe. We've been looking for information, as you requested, about his prior activities and the operations of the Quantum Trinities corporation. They've been finding a good deal of it, all of it unfortunately pertaining to Simon himself and his use of the Rainmakers assets -- no identities of ranking Rainmaker operatives revealed and no specifics about the organization's operating infrastructure. The analysts found something else though ... something curious.


    Some of the timestamps on the mainframe data are awkwardly placed, as though they were modified. It was no accident that we found this; one of the analysts was acting on a hunch. You reported that the Deltan woman was admitted past the blockade because she had right-of-passage credentials granted by the Taurus Brothers years ago. When the Taurus Brothers denied this, we investigated the credentials and determined the methods by which the signature and the timestamp had been forged. Acting on that prior experience, our analyst took a closer look at Simon's data and found similar methods utilized on the timestamps of his records and log entries. We're not sure yet how many of the entries are so altered or for what purpose. It's enough work getting the content decrypted, especially the data on his ODRI, so it's going to take some more time.


    For now, I suggest we assume that at least some of this data was forged. Maybe he was cheating Quantum Trinities. That would go a long way toward clearing them of complicity. But we can't be sure. Simon's pattern thus far suggests an angle that we won't see until it's too late ...


    Minutes before show time and Marshall Savoy was running through her checklist of concerns. From the observation room on the other side of Simon's cell, her team was making last minute checks of the surveillance system that would monitor the call. Despite Savoy's objections -- admittedly mild -- the Taurus Brothers had authorized his deal. Conventional interrogation was simply proving too ineffective, and the idea of threatening Simon's daughter for information seemed redundant considering his request.


    On the other side of the one-way mirror, Simon stared ahead with a blank expression on his face; he would be staring at his own reflection, but where Savoy was standing he appeared to be staring right at her. It was unnerving, but Savoy remained where she stood. It was good to be a little unnerved; unnerved would keep her on her toes, wary of any duplicity by Simon -or- outsiders. The possibility that Simon was not playing an angle here was the most distant one on her mind, so she reviewed her checklist one more time.


    At the top of the list, every time she reviewed it, was the technical expertise Minos had demonstrated on numerous occasions. It had taken the Guardians two years to crack the Rainmakers' communication network after Minos rose to the head of the cult. Under his command, they relayed messages by uploading encrypted data packets into the computer cores of ships traveling through Bull's Head on predetermined courses, usually merchant vessels and Guardian patrol ships, turning those ships' crews into unwitting couriers. For two years these drops remained undetected until one of the packets was discovered in the core of a Guardian vessel. To the day, it was still unknown how the Rainmakers managed to deposit their messages into computer cores undetected. A few of their Adepts had been interrogated on the matter and the answer was always the same -- Minos was the only one who knew.


    A week ago, they discovered another angle to Minos' communications expertise -- his use of Tranquility City's communications network to deliver similarly encrypted transmissions, broken down into thousands of pieces spread around the entire city before being reassembled at the destination. LaHaye and Systems Enterprises managed to catch a few of the fragments and assemble them into a phrase that identified Minos himself; that led to the blockade and the night of terror. Tapped into any comm network, Minos could pull off impressive stunts.


    The background checks on Simon supported this analysis, starting with his role as a Quantum Trinities board member. Quantum Trinities specialized in building computer systems for the city's businesses, and Simon was the company's foremost programmer. His ODRI had been analyzed and found to contain extremely advanced software, including unique modules not previously encountered by either Bull's Head or the Federation. Several Grand Marshalls -- ones that would know -- had told Savoy that Simon would qualify to lead research teams in Federation space, such was the brilliance displayed by his handiwork. He was one of Bull's Head's brightest; a pity, Savoy thought, that he chose a life of crime and fanaticism.


    "Link established with Qutar IX, Ma'am," Savoy's tech expert, Lawman Maybury, reported. He turned back toward Savoy and held out a small palm device, an old-model Starfleet communicator. "The Guardian station there will inform us when they have Ms. McCoy on the line."


    Savoy took the device, glanced down at it, then passed it off to one of the guards beside the interrogation cell door. "He is not, under any circumstances, to touch this device. Place it on the table in front of him so that he can speak into it." She looked down at Maybury. "The first sign that he is attempting to relay any sensitive information to this woman, cut the transmission at once!" Seated next to Maybury was a specialist code-breaker brought in to determine if Simon attempted to relay any subliminal messages; Savoy made sure that he got her message as well.


    Deborah McCoy of Qutar IX fit Simon's description well. She was one of the wealthier sharecroppers of that coreward world. The lives of the sharecroppers on Qutar IX were not without their grind, but McCoy had been kept in comfort thanks to periodic transfers of money into a fund she kept on Aldebaran. Background checks had shown no signs of shady activities on her part, no connections to any cults, no indications that she was anything but an estranged child being supported financially by the mysterious father she had never known well. She was the woman that the Taurus Brothers believed to be the key to breaking up the Rainmaker network by turning its captive leader against it.


    Savoy still thought it was too easy. But years of training and experience had taught her to think that way.


    The Marshall nodded to the guards at the door. They opened the door and stepped inside Simon's cell. Savoy turned her gaze back to the one-way mirror and watched Simon closely. Simon turned his head toward the guards and smiled. The microphones in the cell picked up his voice. "Gentlemen. Am I finally going to get my phone call now? I would cite that the time you've kept me waiting constitutes a violation of my basic rights ... but those have been violated in far worse ways." Simon's eyes turned back to the mirror, back to Savoy, as he said that.


    Savoy reached past Marbury and held down the button that activated the commlink between the cell and the observation room. "We're watching you closely, Mr. Graham. And listening. The call is being piped through our system here, and we will not hesitate to terminate it and the deal if you give us due cause."


    "Far too mistrustful, Marshall Savoy," Simon replied. One of the guards was checking the arm straps on his chair as the other placed the communicator on the table in front of him. "Think that I'm going to hack into Tranquility's net with the powers of my voice? Or ... perhaps ... deliver the code word that will instruct my followers which attacks should be carried out against Bull's Head next?"


    Savoy's face hardened into scowl that she knew Simon could not see. "Whether you are toying with me or attempting to provoke me into withdrawing the deal, you are very close to losing your precious phone call, Mr. Graham."


    Simon frowned; Savoy could not determine if the frown was genuine. "I am sorry, Marshall. That was uncalled for ... and I assure you, I was merely being facetious."


    The guards nodded across the mirror and took up positions beside Simon's chair. Savoy depressed the comm button and looked down at her two experts. "He gets no leash. None. The first suspicion that he's pulling something, you cut the transmission without asking me."


    Marbury nodded and pressed a finger to the earpiece of his comm headset. "Guardian outpost Qutar, Ma'am ... they've got the girl and they have put her on the comm line. She is standing by."


    Savoy crossed her arms and looked into the cell. Simon was simply staring back at her, a small smile on his face now. A small tingle ran up Savoy's spine as she looked at that smile. Now, in the moment of truth, second thoughts were flooding through her. She had her orders from the Taurus Brothers, the people who contracted the Guardians to oversee Tranquility, the people to whom the Grand Marshalls answered. But the closer she got to giving Simon contact with the outside world, the more Savoy worried that this deal was not prudent. She had not reached her position as a Marshall within the Guardians by having instincts that routinely failed her. She had once been compared by one of her superiors to a gazelle, able to sense danger before it showed itself. The sense of danger was throbbing within her now. Minos could not be trusted. Nothing about him suggested a willingness to negotiate with the Taurus Brothers or the Guardians.


    But her orders were clear. Nothing was more important to her than the career she could lose by directly disobeying the Taurus Brothers. She pushed the comm button. "Your daughter is on the line, Simon. Lawman Reese, activate the communicator."


    The guard to Simon's left nodded, reached across the table, and tapped one of the communicator's controls. Silence hung over the observation room as everyone waited for the comm exchange. Simon kept his eyes pointed straight toward the mirror as he leaned over the table and spoke. "Deborah?"


    After a moment, a female voice came over the observation room's speakers. " ... Simon?"


    "Yes." Simon leaned back in his chair. "It is I."


    There was silence again as neither side spoke. Savoy leaned against the bank of computer terminals and stared into the cell like a predator ready to swoop. You've got something up your sleeve, Simon, she thought. What is it? Show it to me. Maybury's finger remained poised over the Terminate control. Savoy could sense his tension as well. No one in the observation room was comfortable with this arrangement. For several seconds, their tension hung over the room like the oppressive haze before a storm. Finally, Deborah McCoy spoke, and her voice was like a crack of thunder.


    "Minos has left Tranquility."


    The line was cut on the other end. "No," Savoy groaned. The room swirled around her, and for a moment she was oblivious to everything but the widening smile on Simon's face. Fury boiled within her until she allowed her control to slip and her palm to slam against the one-way mirror. Simon's smiling face tilted to one side.


    "Have the girl arrested," Savoy barked to Maybury as she moved over to the door and tapped the access code. She burst through the open doorway, reached over the table, grabbed Simon by his collar, and lifted him up so that his arms were wrenched against the chair straps. "Where is he?!" Simon's eyes widened in excitement, but he showed no fear and gave no answer. The guards looked at each other uncomfortably, not sure whether to restrain the Marshall. "Where is Minos?! Tell me or I'll make sure you suffer before you die!"


    "Dear Marshall," Simon replied, his voice as calm as ever. "You should know that I haven't the slightest idea where Minos is or what he's been doing since your blockade started. I was given one distinct job -- be Minos for a few days -- and we Disciples do our jobs without being given or asking for any information but that which we need. As I have told you repeatedly ... you will get nothing useful out of me."


    Savoy threw Simon back into the chair and glanced at the two guards. "Get him back to his holding cell." She turned toward the one-way mirror and the reddening face of her own reflection. "Inform the Taurus Brothers that we do not have Minos and that he is now off world.


    "And find Qob! I want Manning and his crew brought back here!"

  2. To: Pheromone

    Re: Murder Machine


    Swing the relevant info over to my station, Pher. I'll dump the problem in Savoy's lap and make it seem like I'm doing her a favor. Just omit anything that might indicate that this is an assassin's tool, would you?


    P.S. You're probably twelve steps ahead of me on this already, but try to find out how the hell Shane got his hands on something like this. And whether he has any more.





    To: Byblos

    Clean Your Bike


    Good job again on getting past port security, Byblos. Like I told you back at The Maze, if you could pull that off on your own, you can stay aboard. But as soon as your face pops up on anyone's Wanted registry, we plead ignorance and give you up. Just so you know.


    Oh, right, your bike? I've gotten complaints, including my own, about the smell. I'm sure it's a Nausicaan thing. But you're sharing the hold with folks who ain't Nausicaan. Your chief likes to put on a little show down there every night, so let's keep the hold livable, okay?





    To: Amanda Savoy, Tranquility City Central

    Urgent Notice Re: Minos


    Troubling developments and all that, Marshall. I was taking a little peek at that data device that our mutual friend Jerald LaHaye handed off to us (have you found him yet, btw?). Now, even though this device belongs to me now, and I have stated my clear intentions to negotiate a price with the Taurus Brothers, I do have my moments when I prove a generous juppy, and I found something on this device that I'm sure would interest you.


    Turns out that Minos' highest-ranking people (including himself) have some sort of kill-device planted in their bodies, set to go off if they're held captive for a set period of time. I had Pher look it over; she's convinced that it's real and that it's serious. I'm forwarding her findings your way. There seem to be some good indications that the device can be shut down remotely with the right code, but I suppose your medical experts can use the schematics to remove it if Minos ain't feeling talkative.


    Consider this a gift, a show of good faith, an olive branch, what have you.


    All my love



    @Attachment: PoisonPill.Pckg



    To: Pheromone

    Re: Paranoid Mode


    As long as Sal ain't sharing details of his secret Hyades-based weapon manufacturing facility, I don't think we need to worry too much about people snooping about his letters home. I've taken great pains to make sure the Feddies don't have much cause to come after us. Not yet anyway.


    Still, I'm sure our Starfleet friends ain't the only pirates and raiders that can hack into those relays. We'll want to make sure Sal knows that transferring large sums of latinum our way would not be the hottest idea. Nor would making any kind of mention of the wealth his loving family's got back home. Make sure Sal understands this.





    To: Amanda Savoy, Tranquility City Central

    Re: Re: Urgent Notice Re: Minos


    > First of all, Manning, I want to know what business you have

    > snooping around LaHaye's data. That device contains sensitive

    > information, and it should be in the hands of the Guardians. You

    > have no right to be accessing it yourself!


    > Second, I still have not gotten an explanation for what your metal-

    > armed brute was doing with Simon before we took him into custody.

    > I am not impressed with this explanation, Manning.


    > Savoy, Amanda

    > Marshall of Tranquility

    > Guardians


    You need to consider lightening up, Amanda. A person in your position can't let the tension become overwhelming.


    We can debate who LaHaye's data should or shouldn't be in the hands of all year. In it's in my hands now, and I'm the one who decides who has the right to look at it. Don't worry, I won't sell any secrets to any of the wrong people.


    Turns out Shane was checking on Simon. Seeing as how our science chief got wacky on pheromones for a moment and decided to release a gas that could very well have been lethal for all we knew, Shane was concerned for the well-being of our Very Important Package. Shane still needs to learn a thing or two about the proper procedures on our crew, that's all. Pher, bless her heart, took the cautious approach and reported his move to you. Given the aforementioned possibly-lethal gas attack, you can understand her paranoia?


    Do write more often


  3. Joe Manning -> When last we left off ...

    Joe Manning -> We had wrapped up the Minos operation and gotten leave to depart Tranquility

    William Chocox -> Where are we going?

    Joe Manning -> We have just recently taken off and are en route to Xorax colony (which is about five days away)

    Joe Manning -> Nothing much of any great importance is going on, so do as you will


    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> ::Looking over Rosetto's shoulder at the flight station, making sure he's handling the Klingon controls well::

    Pher -> :: Stretching out in her room, figuring that she out to play 'on duty' for the moment. ::

    William Chocox -> ::sitting in engineering making sure the engine remains running::

    Troy Parson -> ::on the bridge, brewing a pot of coffee in an improvised machine wired into the side of the science console::

    Kaara Soora -> ::sitting in sickbay, monitoring the console and reading on her PADD::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: wakes up in Sickbay still attacked to the IVlines::

    William Chocox -> <<Viscious IV's>>

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks over at Nickles:: How are you feeling?

    Kaara Soora -> <<lol. I had to read that a few times to realise what he meant>>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::walks down the main neck of the Qob to the Engineering Hull trying to get as much learning about the ship as he can in while they are enroute::

    Joe Manning -> ::Once he's reassured that Rosetto knows what he's doing, he lifts his arm and taps at his ODRI:: Pher, could you come up to the bridge for a minute? I've got a present for you.

    Pher -> :: Tights under loose coveralls, minimal make up, stick openly worn, heads out into the corridor then down towards engineering ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Rolls his head and neck around slightly:: Stiff?? and one HELL Of a headache.

    Pher -> :: Doesn't get very close to engineering ::

    Pher -> +Pher+ Coming up, Joe. Just a bit.

    Pher -> :: Turns and starts to the bridge ::

    Troy Parson -> ::hears a chime and sees a couple of sparks fly out as the coffee finishes::

    Pher -> ( A present? Likes presents. )

    Kaara Soora -> ::stands and goes over to Nickle's biobed, carring her PADD, and pulling up his chart:: It looks like you're rehydrated, though, so there's one thing going for you. Ready for some food? That might help with the headache.

    Joe Manning -> Troy, why do you even bother? The coffee you get out of that thing tastes like rust mixed with mildew.

    Shane -> <<sorry I'm late, connection problems. Were are we?>>

    Pher -> :: Checks out the restored door opening control. Hopes the thing works ::

    Joe Manning -> << En route to Xorax colony. Do as you will >>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::careful not to touch anything, recalling the days when was first assigned to his father's Raider he just looks around if anything looks of interest he makes a note of it. So far it has been pretty much the entire ship::

    STSF_Nickles -> sure. Have any suggestions? ::starts to sit up:

    Pher -> << We're in deep space flying towards Xorax colony with no crisis at the moment. >>

    Joe Manning -> Door> ::Opens. No one notices the lights flickering in the science lab::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes the pot of coffe out, looking at Joe:: Well, what's the alternative, no coffee at all?

    Pher -> :: Enters the bridge, orients herself ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shrugs and retrieves his canteen from his belt::

    Shane -> ::awakes quietlly on his bunk in his quarters::

    William Chocox -> ::looks over at Byblos:: Hello.

    Pher -> :: Checking for mysterious bad guys about to jump joe. You never know. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a step back as another spark comes out of the machine::

    Kaara Soora -> ::puts a hand on his chest to keep him laying down:: Yes. Stay down for a few minutes, until your body adjusts. After you eat I'll give you another does of the herbs.

    Shane -> ::with a grunt, gets up off his back, stretching and popping his back::

    Kaara Soora -> ::goes to synthesizer, ordering up a simple pb&j sandwich::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Pher:: Hope I didn't break up relaxation time.

    Pher -> OK. The sparks are the result of an evil alien conspiracy likely to change the balance of power in the Quadrant?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::remains Don for the time being:: More Herbs?

    STSF_Nickles -> *down

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::continues slowly down the "neck of the bird and approaches the engineering hull stops when he hears William's voice:: Yes? ::turns to William::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes the canteen and notes that there's still a little bit of bourbon left at the bottom. Nods and brings it over to Troy's coffee maker::

    Pher -> Didn't break up anything. Was heading down to Engineering to get to know Chocox, that's all.

    Joe Manning -> Give her here. ::Holds the canteen out::

    William Chocox -> Just saying hey.

    Kaara Soora -> ::waits, turns to answer Nickles:: Yes. It will help supress the... urges. Best to be taken with a full stomach.

    Joe Manning -> 'Get to know?'

    Shane -> ::gets off the bunk and heads to the ladder out of his quarters, cursing under his breath as his arm bang into things in the confined space::

    Pher -> Not in the Biblical sense. At least, not yet.

    STSF_Nickles -> IS that why I have a Headache??

    Pher -> What weapon does he carry? How does he use it? Just like to know.

    Joe Manning -> Ah. I forgot. You're like a predator. Know they prey before you close in and bed him.

    Joe Manning -> *thy prey

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Hmmm. I see you. NIce to see you out of that Guardian outfit. ::looks around some more and proceeds to the engineering hull::

    Kaara Soora -> Possibly. ::brings him the pb&j:: Most likely its from lack of sleep, no food, and such.

    Pher -> That too. :: Smiles ::

    Kaara Soora -> We're in space now, by the way.

    Shane -> ::squeezes through the tiny door and heads down the corridor towards the ENG hull::

    William Chocox -> It's nice to be out of the uniform.

    STSF_Nickles -> :;takes the sandwich and takes a bite:: How did you know I liked these things?

    Pher -> I was distracted by possibility of presents. Callow and shallow of me, I know. Guy? Present? Guy? Present? How could they compare?

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::hears a clunk..clunk..clunk behind him turns and sees the cyborb .and gives him room::

    Joe Manning -> ::Reaches into the front of his vest and pulls out Shane's iso chip::

    Kaara Soora -> Who doesn't? ::starts removing IV::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pulls back his canteen and wonders why it doesn't feel heavier. Gives Troy a look::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks back at Joe and shrugs innocently::

    Pher -> Hmm... At least it isn't a gownless evening strap.

    Shane -> ::stops short at the sight of Byblos:: What the heck are you doing here?

    Shane -> <<afk>>

    Pher -> :: Looks closer ::

    Joe Manning -> You'll want to have a look at this too, I think, Troy. Might want to run it by Kaara, too ...

    Joe Manning -> This contains details of the device Shane planted on Simon.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos> I applied for a job. And was hired. Although I maybe working off a debt for quite some time.

    Troy Parson -> ::grimaces:: Ah yes, that.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: allows Kaara to remove the IV:: Joe know where I am?

    Pher -> Ah....

    Joe Manning -> Hopefully enough details to figure out what exactly it does, how it works, and how it might be removed.

    Joe Manning -> What we do with this information ... I'm going to decide when I've got it. For now, I trust you two with it.

    Shane -> ::stares at Byblos for a few seconds more then continues on without a word::

    Pher -> OK. I'll give it a shot... but I'd like to borrow Troy more than a little for that.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::let the cyborg by::

    Kaara Soora -> I am certain that he knows. If he didn't, I'm sure the Orion informed him. ::finishes, goes to clean and desanitize near the sink, a few feet away::

    Joe Manning -> ::Hands the iso chip over to Pher::

    William Chocox -> ::still looking at the readout:: Hey Shane.

    Troy Parson -> I'll do what I can...

    Pher -> :: Looks it over visually, seeing that it at least looks like it will fit a standard reader. ::

    Joe Manning -> How much of this do you think it would be safe to let the new girl in on?

    STSF_Nickles -> So Phers been by to check on me?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: eating more of the sandwich::

    Troy Parson -> ::glancing at it:: Considering the potential for messing with our good name?

    Pher -> Hmm... She seems like a fairly straight arrow.

    Shane -> ::enters the two story main ENG room and heads over to the main display:: Choke-up, how are my engines?

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks over at her shoulder, checking to make sure he is still eating:: More like checking up on me. Giving me... advice. Making sure I know what I'm dealing with here.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>;;Looks to William Chocox :: SO what is ship's policy may I enter the engineering spaces to familiarize myslef with the ship. I am well aware..::quiets as SHane speaks::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: Shane stepped out of line here. Quite a bit out of line. But I want to keep him around for now ...

    Pher -> We're going to be learning a lot about everyone on the fly, but so far as I know she isn't tangled at all in local politics yet.

    Joe Manning -> You two understand that, I'm sure. Don't quite have the handle on our Vulcan friend to know for sure.

    rosetto -> <here I be>

    Mitar Precip -> (yeah!)

    Kaara Soora -> <^^>

    Troy Parson -> Of course, of course.

    STSF_Nickles -> I can tell you one thing, If I could get my hands around that Deltans NEck without being hit by her **loverly** scent I would take that opportunity to the fullest.

    Shane -> ::to Byblos:: As long as you don't touch anything.

    William Chocox -> Byblos:: I'm new so I don't know. ::Shane:: They're fine, for seemingly being held together by hopes, prayers, and the laws of friction.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Pher:: If there's a medical aspect to this that you can't crack ... bring her in. But not all the way yet. Don't tell her how Shane ... or, hell, even Minos is involved.

    Joe Manning -> << Glad you got your computer straightened out, Rosetto. 2x4? >>

    Pher -> Can never be sure, but she's been on Earth and New Vulcan. It isn't logical to assume she's hooked up with wierd connections yet.

    Pher -> Got it.

    Kaara Soora -> ::leaves things to be desanitized, and goes to desk to get herb shot ready:: If I ever have the chance to arrange that for you, Chris, I will be sure to.

    Pher -> Want to start on it, Troy?

    Shane -> ::to William:: Thats how the lingons keep em running...

    rosetto -> <<sort of, but I'm here... Troy, can you fill me in @PM?>>

    Pher -> :: offers it to him ::

    Joe Manning -> << We're cruising to Xorax. No pilot needed at the moment, so you're free to do what you want ... >>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::to Shane:: No I am just making notes. I am well aware of being the low man on the ship thing. I should be mopping the deck soon. But the ship amazes me. Her age..and she sounds..good.

    Joe Manning -> << If you're on the Bridge, you may have overheard Pher, Troy and I whispering to each other >>

    STSF_Nickles -> What a sweet gal.

    Troy Parson -> <<There's fresh coffee on the bridge, only slightly moldy and rusty>>

    Joe Manning -> << Which reminds me ... >>

    STSF_Nickles -> ::smiles finishing off the sandwich she had given him::

    Pher -> << watch out for sparks flying from the coffee maker. >>

    Joe Manning -> ::Grabs Troy's pot of coffee and fills up his canteen:: Hopefully the bourbon'll take some of the nasty off this.

    Shane -> If you mean "good" as in "not falling apart at the moment" then yeah.

    Kaara Soora -> ::turns around at his words:: I just know what you're going through, on this side at least. Saw a Vulcan and a few humans go through complete withdrawal. Wasn't pretty.

    Joe Manning -> ::Replaces the pot and dodges a few sparks::

    rosetto -> ::wakes up at science console in lab::Boy, these documents are sure boring::to no one in particular::

    Pher -> Got to make an improvement. :: speaking of the bourbon ::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a sip:: Almost anything would be an improvement.

    William Chocox -> Do they fall apart often?

    STSF_Nickles -> Deltan? Or Orion?

    Mitar Precip -> ::to the engineers:: When I saw this ship for the first time at the spaceport I couldn't believe it. A Bird of Prey. I had heard many stories about them..just never thought I'd see one. Let alone be aboard one. ::writes down a note::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods to Pher and Troy:: My intrepid Lieutenants ... I'll be down in the infirmary. Just visiting.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sips at the canteen as he walks to the back of the bridge::

    Pher -> Good enough. Let me know if Chris is starting to look desperate.

    rosetto -> ::shakes head to clear it and rises to find COFFEE::

    Kaara Soora -> The Vulcan's was Deltan. The humans' were Orion.

    Shane -> ::tapping on the main-screen with his one good hand, pulling up data readouts:: I've blown up plenty of 'em, so yeah they fall apart. Pretty fast when they do.

    Joe Manning -> You sound too hopeful, Pher. ::Disappears through the bridge exit::

    Kaara Soora -> ::comes over with hypo and a full glass of water::

    Pher -> Helpful. Just trying to be helpful. (Coy)

    Joe Manning -> ::Grabs his side (still aching from the riot back on Tranquility) and coughs as he hobbles down the central corridor::

    rosetto -> ::stumbles onto bridge, eyes squinted walking toward Troy:: Is there coffee somewhere?

    STSF_Nickles -> Hopefully this will take effect and hold. ::sits up::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::squints and looks down at his old PADD he brought from his cycle.:: Hmm...I am going to have to ask the Commander for some memory space to catalog my observations.

    Shane -> ::glances at the note-taking of Byblos and scowls:: What are you, a historian or something?

    Kaara Soora -> ::sits up biobed:: Drink half the water, first ::hands him glass::

    Joe Manning -> ::Enters the infirmary, taking another sip at the canteen, trying hard to keep his face straight in the process::

    Troy Parson -> ::gestures to the slightly smoking machine:: Got a fresh pot.

    Pher -> So what we got? I'm not really that much of a techie. I know odd bits of this n that, but if this is funky you might want to make the first pass.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::gives her an odd look:: 1/2?? what kiind of herbs are these aanyway??

    Kaara Soora -> ::glances at door, spotting Manning:: Captain.

    Pher -> :: Accepts with some trepadation the output of the fresh pot. ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Doc. ::Looks down at Nickles:: How ya feelin Chris?

    Kaara Soora -> ::to Chris:: They are herbs from New Vulcan. Its kinda like a... focusing medley.

    rosetto -> ::tries to catch up on status while pouring some coffee::

    STSF_Nickles -> Better for the moment.

    Troy Parson -> ::looking over the data:: I'd have to study this for a while...

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos> No. You might recall when I boarded I did not have an ODRI which is a good thing, given my need for another identity at the spaceport. The last time I was on a ship..it was a wise thing to get to know her. Hmm..::looks at shane ::

    Troy Parson -> When it comes to technical matters, my knowledge is mostly what I can derive from putting theory into practice...

    rosetto -> ::looks over Troy's shoulder::hmmm

    Joe Manning -> Yeah. ::Shuffles over to the biobed:: Pher warned me that the good doctor's remedy might not last too long. Or might have some long term side effects. ::Looks at Kaara::

    Pher -> Do you need an Orion animal woman looking over your shoulder running her fingers through your hair?

    Troy Parson -> Something this complex is a very long way from basic principles indeed.

    Troy Parson -> And no, I find that that's not terribly good for my concentration. But thank you.

    STSF_Nickles -> Side effects?? OK Doc what type of Side effect are we looking at?

    Shane -> ::suspiciously looks the big alien over, then back to the readouts::

    Pher -> :: Smiles :: Just wondering.

    rosetto -> ::laughs at Pher's comment::

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks at Manning:: Taken every day it will last until he is free of DTs.

    rosetto -> Spiced coffee is often better...

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: Emotional issues. ::Looks at Kaara:: Which, as Pher pointed out, would not have been obvious in a Vulcan patient.

    Kaara Soora -> No side effects to speak of, just less libido.

    Pher -> (( Just less libido??? JUST less libido!!!! :D ))

    Joe Manning -> Maybe not physical ... but keep in mind, Doc, we're talking about an addiction here. ::Sips at his bourbon/coffee::

    Mitar Precip -> ::sees Shanes injuries but does not press the issue and simply looks around and adds entries to his obselescent PADD::

    Joe Manning -> << That's a crisis on this ship ;) >>

    Kaara Soora -> << lol >>

    rosetto -> <<lol>>

    STSF_Nickles -> :: grabs Kaaras hand just before she goes to give the hypo::: Emotional?? OK Give it up Doc!

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::entries regarding the ships Warp Drive...looks replaced..could be wrong::

    Pher -> I'll let you take a first look then, Troy.

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks at Manning, raises eyebrow:: Sir, not to be rude, but this has been used with humans as well, many before Chris.

    Shane -> ::reads through the Klingon figures:: Chekov, the main plasma conduit to the bow section is fluxuating too much for my liking. Grab a kit and get to lookin' at it.

    rosetto -> ::slurps some coffee::

    Shane -> <<I butchered that word...>>

    Kaara Soora -> They had no side effects, and still hit on me.

    Troy Parson -> ::already looking at the data:: Will do. ::slightly distractedly::

    Pher -> :: Looks over towards Sal :: And what, or whom, are you laughing at?

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head at Nickles:: Maybe I mispoke just a bit. The treatment ain't harmful, Pher don't think. She just isn't sure that it'll cover every angle to this little obsession of yours.

    Joe Manning -> We could be talking about emotional problems that could crop up months from now. ::Looks at Kaara:: Which standard short-term medical treatment and analysis is not likely to pick up.

    Pher -> :: wanders a bit in his direction ::

    rosetto -> Pher, you make me laugh... That's all.. DOn't take it personally...::smiles::

    William Chocox -> ::grabs a kit:: Yes sir. ::walks out of the engine room::

    Pher -> Well, it's a start.

    Pher -> How you fitting in so far? This old ship meeting expectations?

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks at Chris, then Manning again:: Though I admit that you are right, we haven't done long-term studies on humans, I believe that the treatment is still better than any potential side effects. Any addiction is not a healthy one.

    rosetto -> ::sits down at nav console::Pretty good, so far... Just doing some research... Had network issues back on Tranquility...

    Mitar Precip -> ::to Shane:: The one amazing thing I had heard about these ships were the wings. If you ever need an extra hand..I fix some mechanical things last time on a ship. But as I said I am not touching anything. Looks at the wing power supply joints::

    Shane -> ::once William is gone, turns to the Naucissan, a bit of an annoyed look on his face:: You usually write crap down about everyone you know?

    Joe Manning -> Well, that then begs the question ... do we view Pher's treatment as ... one addiction replacing another.

    Pher -> You active on subspace, doing this research?

    Shane -> <<Whoops, scratch mine>>

    STSF_Nickles -> ::releases Kaaras arm::

    Mitar Precip -> (roger shane)

    Kaara Soora -> Yes. It is like replacing smoking with nicotine gum.

    rosetto -> I was until I fell asleep... What time is it?

    Shane -> ::continues reading through the Klingon:: What ship?

    Pher -> Audrey? Time?

    rosetto -> ::glances down at console::

    STSF_Nickles -> If I remember right that was the general thought and then with the Docs help and PHers, ween me off it completely.

    Joe Manning -> Maybe. ::Sips at his canteen:: But she's quite good, so I understand, at easing someone down. She has had ... 'patients' who were lost for good, but I don't think we can consider Chris that far gone. He only pulled a gun on a crewmate once.

    Kaara Soora -> Once isn't that bad. ::looks at Chris::

    rosetto -> ::taps on console to get course heading, position, etc.::

    Pher -> :: Sighs, to Sal :: Am I allowed to express paranoia?

    Mitar Precip -> ::to SHane right before he was going to leave:: My father's. A Nausicaan Raider, basically a relabel for a Maquis Raider from days of old. It was a tough little ship but not as fierce as this one looks::

    Joe Manning -> How compatible are the two treatments, I wonder. Would Pher treating Chris his way ... impede your treatment? Supplement it? Or would it make no difference ... just adding more of this herbal remedy to an addiction that keeps popping back up?

    rosetto -> Paranoia? Why are you worried? What's up?

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets hope it never happens again.. I Dont think Pher would let it go without consequences.

    Shane -> ::grunts in reply, still focused on the readouts::

    Pher -> If we access the relay nets, we are giving away our position to some extent.

    Mitar Precip -> ::bows his head slightly to Shane and departs with his clunky PADD::

    Kaara Soora -> I actually am not sure. ::allows eyebrows to knit slightly:: I have never had honey dust interference during a treaatment.

    Pher -> Some federation ship out there, looking for someone to board, might pick up where we are.

    William Chocox -> ::walks to the access panel in the tunnel and opens it.:: Let's see what's wrong with you.

    Joe Manning -> Well, how about a little experimentation then? ::Looks at Nickles:: You okay with playing test subject for a while, Chris?

    rosetto -> Ah, that was not an issue... I accessed via my private link... It's traceable ONLY to K'Normia...

    Shane -> ::hits the intership comm on the main console:: +William+ Chekov, what have ya got?

    STSF_Nickles -> I can tell ya one thing Doc, Pher and I go back a ways. We tend to *help* eachother when WE need it.

    Pher -> You're sure on that?

    STSF_Nickles -> I game.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Nickles:: We all look out for one another. It's a lesson every new recruit needs to learn eventually.

    rosetto -> Well, My contacts there could not locate me...

    Kaara Soora -> ::fiddles with the hypo::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::walks back to the neck of the ship and proceeds to his ..for the moment...bunk::

    Pher -> Yah. But there are different levels of trace. :: Considers ::

    Joe Manning -> We'll do both, then. ::Looks at Kaara:: Pher can give him the gentle caress. And you can add the herbs. We'll see if your way makes Pher's job easier.

    Pher -> What you working, anyway?

    William Chocox -> +Shane+ It's Chocox sir. And not much yet I just started looking.

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks up at Manning:: For how long?

    rosetto -> Agreed... ::checks link via console:: It's off-line, Pher...

    Pher -> Appreciated.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::grins:: The best of both worlds, I think Im going to like this.

    Pher -> I don't even know how quiet Joe wants this particular mission kept.

    rosetto -> Just doing some research on the Zoalus language... ruins... maps.... that sort of thing.

    Shane -> +William+ Whatever, just tell me when you've found the problem.

    Pher -> Did he give you a course straight to destination, or did he feint to somewhere else?

    Joe Manning -> ::Leans against the biobed with his free arm and sips at his canteen. Shrugs at Kaara:: At least one ... er, session? Then you analyze his condition and determine if you move forward with the dual treatment, end it, or if you need more sessions to determine.

    Joe Manning -> The good ol' scientific method. With a much more kinky twist.

    Shane -> ::cuts the comm, turns and heads to the stairs::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks around his tiny home for the moment noting some added technologies but curiousity gets the best of him...he removes the mattress of his bunk to see if the original Klingon slab bed is there::

    Kaara Soora -> Alright. ::looks at Chris:: If you're ready? ::prepares hypo::

    William Chocox -> +Shane+ Will do.

    rosetto -> All I received were coordinates... They didn't necessarily coinside with the coords that my data provided...

    Joe Manning -> I'd suggest you confer with Pher first ...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods:: Shoot away

    Troy Parson -> ::still looking at the data, sipping at a now-empty mug of coffee::

    William Chocox -> ::continues looking:: What could possibly be wrong with you.

    Shane -> ::stomps down the stairs and to the med-room::

    Pher -> Hmm... :: Smiles :: Not telling helm where he's going? That sounds like Joe.

    Joe Manning -> You might want to tackle it from different directions. Does he get the treatment beforehand? During? Immediately after? I'm sure Pher will be open to lengthy experimentation.

    rosetto -> There is not a lot of reference data for the expanse...

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks at Manning:: I'll go speak with her after he gets his dose. Let's not have him doing anything rash.

    Shane -> ::turns to the door and stops short at the sight of all the people in the room::

    Joe Manning -> Any psychoanalysis background, Kaara?

    Pher -> I'll see if I can corner Joe at some point.

    rosetto -> ::nods::sounds good

    Kaara Soora -> Of course sir. ::looks over as the door opens, eyebrows raise noticeably::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: looks up at the Door seing Shane:: Looks like you have naother visitor Doc.

    Pher -> :: Lightly places a hand on Sal :: Think I'll check in with troy, though.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Shane:: Don't be shy. Just a little business discussion.

    Kaara Soora -> Aye. ::gives Chris the hypo unceremoniously::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::sure enough underneath the thin mattress is the Klingon original Klingon bed slab::

    rosetto -> ::turns to Troy:Mr. Parsons, did you review the preiminary report that I sent to you?

    Pher -> :: Shifts back to the other side of the bridge ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Kaara:: We've been needing someone to play counselor. Our last two medical chiefs weren't much in the way of people people.

    rosetto -> ^^preliminary

    STSF_Nickles -> ::takes a deep breath as the herb are released into his sytem::

    Shane -> ::grunts at the shy comment and steps in, his arm hissing and whirring:: When ya got a moment, Doc...

    Kaara Soora -> ::turns to newcomer:: Something I can help you with? ::struggles to keep face straight::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up from what he's working on:: Hm? Report? ::checks on his station, giving it a quick glance:: I have now.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods to Shane:: I'm about to free her up, actually

    rosetto -> ::nods::

    Kaara Soora -> ::to Manning:: I am more than happy to fill that role as well. Perhaps that Long character as well.

    Pher -> (( Pher would be glad to get anyone on a shrink's couch.... ;) ))

    rosetto -> ((I bet!))

    STSF_Nickles -> (( ::raises hand:: FIRST DIBS>>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks down at Nickles:: Hang in there, old buddy. We'll get you through this.

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks at Chris:: Drink your water.

    Shane -> ::leans against a counter, waiting without expression, scratching at place where the metal entered his houlder::

    STSF_Nickles -> Thanks Cap.

    Shane -> shoulder*

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Hah! This ship is amazing. ::lies down on the slab barely acomidating his height, and the only reason ot could acomidate him is because a few Klingons were big guys:: Hmm..not off duty time this might not be considered good.

    William Chocox -> ::looking at the conduit:: What if I just hit it? ::whacks the conduit::

    Joe Manning -> ::Sips at the coffee and heads out of the infirmary::

    STSF_Nickles -> ALright alright :: tips the glass and downs the water::

    Joe Manning -> ::Blinks at the metallic banging echoing through the corridor::

    rosetto -> ::to Troy::Show do we have any more data on ZOalus?

    STSF_Nickles -> Doc Real quick. How much longer do you want me to remain here. I have work to do.

    Joe Manning -> ::Forces down the sip of coffee and homes in on the banging::

    Kaara Soora -> Good. ::takes glass:: Now, you can stay here or go to your own bed, or your work. Just take it easy.

    rosetto -> ::places console back on NAV mode::

    Kaara Soora -> I still need to speak with the Orion

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Rosetto:: I fear you're going to be the expert on this one...

    STSF_Nickles -> Easy?? alright whatever.

    Joe Manning -> ::Finds William working on ... something. Engineering was never his strong suit::

    Pher -> :: listening to Troy and Sal ::

    Troy Parson -> I hate to admit it, but my knowledge of ancient cultures has always left much to be desirde.

    Joe Manning -> Havin fun with my ship, William?

    rosetto -> ::laughs:: On me, eh? Interesting...

    Mitar Precip -> ::gets up and moves the thin matress back into place pondering if he should stow the mattress and sleep like a Klingon.:: Klingons..::realizes the absence of one on the ship:: Hmmm....

    STSF_Nickles -> :: gets down off the bed and starts towards the Corridor::

    Kaara Soora -> ::catches Chris by his arm:: I mean that. Don't overstress, don't do any heavy lifting... of any sort.

    rosetto -> I simply have a passing interest...curiousity... I like that sort of thing...

    William Chocox -> ::jumps:: Wha?!? ::turns and sees joe:: Sorry sir. Trying to see why the main conduit was flucuating.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns at his arm is grabbed:: Ok ok.. Ill take it easy

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos> ::belches loudly:: Hmm. I best not do that to the Captain or Commander.

    Joe Manning -> ::Waves his canteed toward the conduit:: I think it always does that. ::Takes another sip::

    Kaara Soora -> Thank you.

    William Chocox -> <<*fluctuating>>

    Kaara Soora -> ::lets go and turns to Shane:: May I help you?

    Shane -> ::watches Chris leave with his stony stare::

    rosetto -> From what I've gathered, everyone is still baffled by the glyphs...

    Kaara Soora -> <<afk>>

    Troy Parson -> I've always found that far too much of what is called archaeology is little more than barely-educated supposition; it's full of tenuous inferences to the best explanation, and suppositions that are little more than artifacts of the investigator's ways...

    William Chocox -> Well sir, Shane instructed me to look at it, so I am.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::steps out into the corridor and decides to go check with Pher and get her oppinion on this herbal treatment::

    Joe Manning -> Yeah ... ::Looks William over carefully for a moment before taking another sip::

    Pher -> Sometimes the stuff can be worth a bit, though.

    Shane -> ::turns to Kaara, standing at his full heighth:: Yeah Doc, I need some blood. AB preferrably.

    rosetto -> Agreed... As I recall, the professor who discovered the ruins was kind of clueless...

    Joe Manning -> How's that workin out for you? Shane as your boss. Gettin along okay?

    Mitar Precip -> ::exits quarters and heads for...bridge pondering if he will find Pher there. Blast he hates ODRIs but he's going to have to get fitted for one if he's to be on this crew::

    William Chocox -> So far so good. The limited time we've been on board.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::heads for the bridge with his PADD again taking a note here or there on an observation::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::enters the Lift:: Bridge::

    rosetto -> All they seemed to know was the species was most likely half again our size...

    Kaara Soora -> ::stares at Shane, trying not to seem rude:: I don't think we've been introduced.

    Joe Manning -> Well, I oughta warn you ... Shane might take some gettin used to. He's a salty goram petaq ...

    Troy Parson -> See, there you go..."most likely".

    rosetto -> exactly... clueless...

    Troy Parson -> They've probably gone and measured a bunch of doorways to reach that conclusion...

    Joe Manning -> Don't let him rub you too much the wrong way.

    rosetto -> doorways and eating tensils... ::laughs::

    Troy Parson -> But for all we know, they just liked to wear tall hats or high shoes. Or had religious reasons for building high doors.

    William Chocox -> I'll try not to, it depends on whether or not he figures out my name.

    rosetto -> ^utensils

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos> ::taps the door activator and enters the bridge..extending to his full height looking around::

    Shane -> ::sighs, rolling his eyes:: I'm Shane, your Soora, right? There, now I need some blood for this thing. ::hold the arm up with a whir:: This thing leaks like a sig.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head:: See ... now, if you're gonna let a little old thing like him gettin your name wrong ... on purpose, probably ... get under your skin, you'll make it too easy for him to twist you around.

    Shane -> you're*

    William Chocox -> Good point.

    Shane -> *holds up his bionic arm*

    rosetto -> The glyphs, to me, seem highly organized... logical...

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::stands aside the lift like someone on his father's ship used to do if he was in security and just watches what transpires::

    Joe Manning -> Just do what he tells you -- he does know his stuff, at least -- and ignore all the rest of the nonsense you get from him ...

    STSF_Nickles -> :: leaving the lift and enters the bridge::

    Kaara Soora -> Hello, Shane. Engineer, right. Alright. ::turns to the fridge where the blood is kept::

    rosetto -> ::sips coffee::

    Joe Manning -> And if you find yourself frustrated by a day of work ... just remember that Pher works out in the cargo hold on occasion. Good show if you want to let off some steam.

    Troy Parson -> Perhaps, but is that really a fact that we can determine about *them*? Or might it, instead, merely tell us something about how *we* perceive them?

    rosetto -> ::notices Chris' entry::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::notes a human male enter the bridge to his right..it appears to be the Commander who had a run in with a Deltan apparently::

    William Chocox -> We'll see what happens.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves past Byblos:: Xucse...

    rosetto -> Yeah, that's the catch...

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::stifens up:: Hello Commander. ::nods and keeps it at that::

    Kaara Soora -> ::sorts through the blood packs, frowning, realising how unorganized it all is::

    Shane -> ::watches her go for the fridge:: You never seen a cyborg before? Or do you always stare at strangers?

    Joe Manning -> ::Grins:: Either you're a man of few words or you still need to find a comfort level on our little space bird ...

    rosetto -> ::to Chris::Hello sir, how you feeling?

    Joe Manning -> Troy made something that might pass for coffee. It's up on the bridge if you want to take a break.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: nods to Byblos::

    Pher -> :: Looks up at Christ, reading his body language ::

    William Chocox -> Maybe a little of both. I tend to clam up until I get comfortable. And if it only resembles coffe I'll pass.

    William Chocox -> <<Having visions Pher?>>

    rosetto -> <<you religious there Pher? LOL>>

    STSF_Nickles -> doing OK at the moment Rosetto. Thanks. ::turns seeing Pher:: Hey Doll

    Kaara Soora -> ::turns to look at Shane:: I've seen one before, but he was dead. I didn't mean to seem rude, you just weren't what I was expecting.

    Pher -> << Hmm... an extra t slipped in there... >>

    Pher -> << She isn't quite THAT enamored of Chris. >>

    STSF_Nickles -> <<Ahhh I thought I wa just THAT Good>>

    Kaara Soora -> I wasn't informed on much of the crew.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at William:: I think I can understand that. More comfortable down here with the engines and whatnot.

    Shane -> ::snorts:: Expected.

    Pher -> :: Examins Byblos as well ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Sips at his canteen and turns around:: I'll leave you to that. But you can expect a call from Pher soon. She's lookin forward to gettin to know you better.

    William Chocox -> Get to know me in what sense?

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::wonders if this crew operates on a first name basis given its size. He'll have to ask Pher about that. ::

    Pher -> << How many senses do you have? >>

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at William:: She'll want to know what kind of a weapon you've got.

    Shane -> What were you told? That we're a bunch of dirty no-good mercs?

    Kaara Soora -> ::Spins around, standing.:: Sir, don't expect me to do anything. I am in no position to judge others, no matter what species they are or how they are mixed.

    Kaara Soora -> I wasn't told anything, except that Pher is an Orion, and I could have seen that for myself at the Maze.

    William Chocox -> Oh, well if that's what she wants then I'm going to be very uninteresting for her.

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher Have a few minutes Doll?

    rosetto -> ::spins back around and looks at console::

    Joe Manning -> ::Smiles and gives a small nod::

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns and heads back up the corridor, whispering:: She's got ways of making you talk, son.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::hears the dialogue between CO and his superior...and is a bit suprised. He'll ask later::

    Mitar Precip -> (*XO)

    Pher -> :: Glances at Sal and Troy. :: A few minutes, sure. Guys? I'll be back in a bit. Try to work Shane's data chip some, Troy, not just the arecheology?

    Shane -> ::grins:: Judge me however you want, Doc. I've gotten used to it. ::nods to the fridge:: Find what you're lookin for?

    Pher -> :: Struts towards Chris ::

    Joe Manning -> << Last lines >>

    rosetto -> ::to Troy::Well, we're on course and will be for quite some time. I'm gonna go back to the lab and do some more research, if that's okay with you...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods to the office::

    William Chocox -> ::turns back to the conduit:: Well I can't see what's wrong with you. ::puts cover back on and walks back to engineering::

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs, attempts to sip coffee despite the mug being empty:: All right...I'll keep working on this data chip.

    Pher -> You look under control.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks at Pher and Commander Nickles and just keeps quiet::

    Kaara Soora -> ::nods, pulling out a pack:: Yes, I have one. You'll have to settle for lesser quality next time

    STSF_Nickles -> ::: walks into the office waiting for Pher to join him::

    Pher -> :: Nods at Byblos as she passes ::

    Pher -> :: Swings into the office with Nickles ::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Joe Manning -> Anyhoo, we'll be headed down to Xorax via their transporters. They don't let ships land on the surface.

    William Chocox -> Do we know who's going down and who's staying with the ship?

    Joe Manning -> I'm going down to discuss the job. I'm sure Rosetto would like to tag along.

    rosetto -> :)

    Joe Manning -> There's some good shopping to be had for high-tech equipment. But it's probably out of our price range at the moment. Might want to do some browsing, maybe find a (questionable) bargain.

    Joe Manning -> Otherwise, it's up to you whether you stay or go.

    STSF_Nickles -> joe Time between sims??

    Joe Manning -> Five days, Nickles

  4. A nice guide, Shane. Good general advice. A few of those terms are already used (in some form) in our slang guide. The others make good additions to the list.


    A good general rule for our Klingon swearing is that non-Klingons in Bull's Head usually mispronounce the words (or warp them into entirely different words). This is mostly done deliberately, to make the slang a unique part of the culture. The Klingons, naturally, are not amused.

  5. "I've never heard of a Bynar colony. Hell, I've never heard of Bynars being that far from their homeworld."


    "Apparently, these Bynars are rebels. Yes, I know, seems impossible. How can they rebel if they're all hooked up to the same computer system? But it's not like we haven't seen examples of this before -- we've seen Borg who managed to break themselves and others away from the collective. Somewhere along the way, these Bynars developed some kind of fundamental disagreement with the rest of the population of Bynarus. So ... they decided to break away."


    "Wouldn't they die if they broke away from their home computer?"


    "That doesn't seem to be the case, does it? Maybe they've found a way to remain tied into the Bolarus computer. Or maybe they've developed their own separate computer. These Bynars that appeared in the Council Chamber -were- quite a bit different from other Bynars we've encountered. Either way, they aren't telling. And we have no business prying."


    "We do have business prying into this colonial venture of theirs. What's their interest in the Hyades cluster?"


    "Unknown. Seclusion from the homeworld? Fear of reprisals from the remainder of the population? The Hyades cluster has not been heavily explored. We know it's rich in tritanium. A few corporate groups back home are talking about launching colonial expeditions in a few years; that doesn't seem to bother the Bynars. They also don't seem to have much interest in the world with the tritanium. They were more interested in one of the cluster's less hospitable worlds -- a barren, irradiated rock."


    "They can survive the environment?"


    "I think they don't plan to. -These- Bynars have a thing for 'underground lairs.' Kinda like in the old superspy vids, right? It's one of the ways they distinguished themselves from the others on Bynarus. Don't ask me why. They're planning to build a fairly elaborate subterranean complex and use it for the purposes of 'shelter and experimentation,' to use their words."




    "Don't ask me."



    Something smelled awful in the cargo hold. Joe's eyes scanned the hold for the culprit several times; each time he found his gaze resting on the Nausicaan's motorbike. That thing would have to be cleaned soon; Pher's exercise sessions wouldn't draw quite so much of a crowd with that thing lingering around, then he'd have to hear it from Pher.


    He looked past the motorbike and noticed that his skis had been knocked down. He shook his head and circled around the bike to pick them back up. He'd made only one purchase before Qob left Tranquility. Four sets of skis had been sitting in the bargain bargain bin at Edger's Emporium, and for good reason -- who in their right minds would think about skiing the irradiated dust mounds of outer Tranquility? They were extremely old and in desperate need of reinforcing, but how could Joe pass up the price? He'd been to Xorax colony twice before; he wasn't going to let the third visit go by without a little skiing.


    For Xorax was a planet covered in snow and mountains -- two things somewhat conducive to skiing. Two other things Xorax was covered in were wind and heavy gravity. Not so conducive to skiing ... but quite conducive to thrilling, dangerous skiing. The dense world's surface gravity of 1.8 G's made for a more rapid downslope, and the winds that swirled heavily against the snow-blanketed slopes demanded cautious control. It was a popular activity for Hyades hobbyists and tourists, though the planet's natives frowned on such frivolity.


    Let them frown, Joe thought. It was not like the natives ever emerged from their subterranean complex.


    Within the longest and highest mountain range on the Xorax surface, a vast network of corridors connected the homes and labs of the colony's elite engineers and scientists (predominantly Bynar and Vulcan) with a visitors' plaza that catered to businessmen looking to fund productive research, shoppers of high-tech merchandise, and the few tourists who were interested in either meeting a Bynar or placing their lives on the slopes above. It was not the thriving center of commerce that Tranquility City or Andus Station boasted, or even the tourist haven of a New Risa or Vega, but the corporate grants seemed to do an adequate job of keeping the colony's economy in good shape. And the scientists certainly preferred the relative isolation.


    After all, the Bynars and Vulcans had left Tranquility when the planet started becoming too crowded. Popular history held that the Bynars founded Tranquility long ago, before the War, before the Beholder invasion, before the Gular Consortium ever began sniffing around the Hyades cluster for tritanium. They had started the colonial buildup with a small research center. As word of the research center spread, the Bynars picked up assistants from various races, most notably the Vulcans. By the time the Gular fleet showed up in the Hyades cluster, the Bynars had already advanced the terraforming process a great deal and half a dozen or so platforms were constructed on the surface. It was said that the Bynars begrudgingly allowed the Consortium to construct a few of their own platforms alongside the research center. From there the colony developed gradually into a city, somewhat out of the Bynars' control. When the Beholder Crisis and, later, the Civil War turned Tranquility into a popular destination for refugees, the Bynars and their assistants decided that they would need to relocate a more secluded area.


    Thus, they found their way to Xorax and began burrowing into the mountain range like moles on hyperstims. How they managed to construct such an extensive network of facilities in so short a span of time was anyone's guess; perhaps they'd begun settling Xorax earlier, around the same time they came to the Hyades cluster. No one knew for sure. The colony's administrators -- leading scientists and engineers in a variety of fields -- were a mysterious lot.


    The underground network suited the inhabitants well. Deep steam vents within the mountains kept the facility well heated; an elaborate piping system shunted most of the heat to the Vulcan quarters, of course. There was no gravity management; the Vulcans preferred the high gravity, and no one would be complaining if it turned away tourists. The Bynars seemed to prefer living underground ... but with the Bynars, who could really be certain?


    Labs were spread throughout the mountain range -- astronomical observatories near the peaks and geological observatories near the active base, experimental physics labs in deep isolated pockets where 'disasters' could be contained, even whole subterranean biodomes where biologists attempted to breed Margosis falcons and botanists attempted to create miracle crops that could feed Bull's Head. Scientific discovery for its own sake was all that drove the colonists. No profiteering, no interference in the politicking of Bull's Head's power groups, not even a desire for accolades. Heck, for all that the Bynars were the rumored founders of Tranquility, the Bynars themselves never took much credit for it; perhaps they weren't proud of what the original colony had turned into. They took in only enough wealth to keep the research funded (or to open new avenues of research) and knowledge gained was the only reward they sought.


    Of course, a little paranoia was injected into the whole equation, the only blemish in an otherwise perfectly sanitized system. Maybe it was a natural byproduct of genius, maybe an attribute specific to the Bynars, or maybe the result of endless feuding between the colony's scientists and engineers, but the colonists by rule trusted no one. There were no ports for ships to land or even exterior entrances to the facility; all visitors needed to remain in orbit of the planet, undergo screening by colonial security, then await retrieval by the colony's matter transport system. The administrators would not even allow ships or craft to land on the surface near the colony; assault drones seeded throughout the mountain range would activate and zero in on any vessel entering the atmosphere. Once inside the facility, visitors needed to suffer ever-prevalent video surveillance -- even within the hotel rooms -- and doors with "Access Restricted: Authorized Personnel Only" stickers could be found at every turn. Woe to anyone who strayed into restricted areas; trespassers, so rumors told, ended up as test subjects in the labs.


    Fortunately, the colony's transport managers allowed access to the surface (and subsequent retrieval, thankfully) for anyone wishing to brave the slopes. It would be dangerous, Joe knew, but he was sure he wouldn't be alone; surely he could find others on the crew crazy enough to join him.

  6. Here is what Windows does.... sigh


    Not sure what the problem is, Sal.


    404.html usually means a page wasn't located, so your IE software may not be locating the chat room properly. You'll need the latest java updates to get the chat working. If those don't work, consider trying a different browser -- Firefox or Chrome.

  7. 1638 hours -- Systems Enterprises is bombed. A blast at a Latinum District skyscraper visible to almost the entire city makes for a good statement. Minos broadcasts his first proclamation a short time later. On the surface, it's a good show -- puts the fear of future attacks into people's hearts. We know better. LaHaye was there; so were the SE techs analyzing the comm transmissions. This attack had purpose.


    1729 hours -- We intercept a GCX loaded with a radiological bomb en route to Freedom District. Two passengers, presumably Rainmakers, fire on our Lawmen and are killed. The driver, a teenage boy, is wounded and arrested. Seems like a victory, but our analysts have doubts now ...


    1832 hours -- Nerve gas release at Sunrise District platform H-7. Moderate casualties. Another form to Minos' terror, good sexy way to fuel increasingly panicky citizens' imaginations. But wait, there's more. We've since learned that LaHaye and his associates had a safehouse ... on platform H-7 in the Sunrise District. We can be almost certain that the attack had an ulterior motive, likely clearing the platform so Minos' operatives could search the safehouse. Again, an attack with a purpose that was not immediately apparent. Noticing a pattern here, Marshall?


    0016 hours -- Central Precinct is hit, bombed from within. Very little has been salvaged from interior surveillance; exterior surveillance shows nothing suspicious. This was an inside job. Our forensics people have gone over the bomb site at least six times; they can account for every Guardian and prisoner who was inside the building ... except the teenage boy arrested at 1729 hours. You reported that you had suspicions about the boy, did you not? Perhaps Minos meant for the boy to be arrested. That's speculation on my part, but it would give the 1729 bombing attempt a purpose, which would fit the aforementioned pattern. The purpose of this attack was clear -- the devastation of our central command center and our available resources, not to mention the deaths of several of Minos' operatives in our custody, effectively silencing them. But who knows. Maybe there was a purpose to this that we're not seeing yet?


    0130 hours -- Same nerve gas is released within the labs at Medical One. An attempt to take out more of our personnel and to further demoralize the guild. Again, that's on the surface. LaHaye was being treated at Medical One; he disappeared during the attack and is still unaccounted for. Again, surveillance was spotty at best, providing no answers. Inside job, and a good one. Minos' people showed very little sloppiness last night, their inability to get Minos off the planet notwithstanding ...


    That was the last attack. The threat of sabotaging the radiation shields came next. By this point, the city was rioting, cultivating the atmosphere Minos was no doubt aiming for. What else was Minos aiming for? Every analyst I'm consulting agrees that there was more going on last night than met the eye. While each attack seemed intended to increase uncertainty and unrest within the city's populace (and Minos' proclamations suggested nothing else), we believe that each attack was another stage in an ongoing plan that had an overarching purpose. What was that purpose? We're unsure. Getting Minos off-world, most likely. But how? Minos is in our custody now. Maybe you can find out.


    The Marshall nodded to the guards flanking the door. One of them tapped a control panel beside the door. Savoy pressed her thumb to the panel's scanner. She waited several seconds while two Lawmen at separate stations on the surface, watching live surveillance feeds of the interrogation rooms, entered their confirmation to release the door's locks. The security countermeasures in this bunker were extensive, and they reached from the entrance all the way to Simon's doorstep.


    The room was a small featureless cube with a single spotlight shining down on the center. There, Simon Graham was slumped over a small table panting. His arm was strapped to his chair and connected by various cables and tubes to a bulky tower of machinery beside the table. Every interrogation technique, physical and psychotropic, that was known to the specialist the Guardians had brought in was being employed. He had not yielded any information; he'd been trained specifically to resist torture. Redera was being far more forthcoming with information. Unfortunately, Redera had little information to give; Minos was extremely careful about isolating his Rainmakers from one another and giving them only the information they needed to know.


    What Savoy needed was a Vulcan. The Guardians had not encountered a technique yet that was capable of resisting a mindmeld. Constable La'nok had been killed in the Central Precinct bombing, however, and it would be at least a week before Guardian Command could send another Vulcan to Tranquility. Calling in a civilian was an extremely unappealing last resort; she would call upon it only if Simon were near death.


    Simon looked up as the Marshall walked through the door. His left eye was swollen and he sported a long gash extending across his chin. He was sweating and he had a drowsy look his his good eye. Still, he smiled as Savoy approached with the two guards. "The good Marshall Amanda Savoy. A paragon among her peers, it is said. Invulnerable to corruption, above the reproach of her superiors, a tireless champion of unwavering justice. Mistress of long knives and potent hallucinogens."


    Savoy strode right up to the table and crossed her arms. She grinned right back down at Simon. "I suppose you believe your beloved Federation would not employ techniques such as these to extract information from a suspect, Simon? I've heard of far worse atrocities committed in their name."


    "I intended no such comparison, my dear Marshall." Simon looked around, as if regarding phantoms that only he could see. "On the contrary, I admire your drive, your willingness to do whatever must be done to achieve an objective. Your ploy at the port was especially admirable, using a rogue Guardian to aid the uniformed Qob crew's escape; a convincing illusion is always an effective means to achieve an objective, even if you must turn your own people against one another to maintain it. I am sure you wonder sometimes ... had you the same drive five years ago, would your daughter still be alive today?"


    Without hesitating, Savoy uncrossed her arms and struck Simon across the face with the back of her hand. His head lurched around and he nearly fell out of the chair. The two guards stepped forward to hold Savoy back, but she waved them off. Her gaze bore through Simon like molten steel. "Mention my family again, Graham, and I will supervise the rest of your interrogation personally."


    Simon's head rolled around and a stream of blood trickled from his lip. "Oh, Marshall ... you disappoint me. Far too impulsive of you. Far too barbaric. I did not mean to offend. I hoped only to illustrate a point ... that you and I have something in common."


    "We have nothing in common." Savoy crossed her arms again, and the guards backed off.


    "Yes, you must think I am incapable of the love that a parent can have for a child. I fit the image of the uncaring monster perfectly, do I not?" Simon lifted his head and regarded Savoy with eyes that seemed distant. "It would surprise you to know that I, too, have a daughter. I care for her deeply, and if she were to meet the same fate as your daughter ... it would not give me the drive that such tragedy has given you. It would only poison and destroy my spirit. It is for her sake, not mine, that I am willing to make a deal with you."


    "Has no one informed you, Simon? This is not a negotiation. You are in no position whatsoever to bargain."


    "I beg to differ, dear Marshall," Simon said. "In my absence, my followers will scatter, disorganized, for a time. They will be quite vulnerable, quite easy to track and apprehend, during this time. But before long, one of the Disciples will step into the power vacuum and provide the guiding hand that will allow the Adherents to regroup and relocate to more secure locations. Business will go on as usual. A new name, a new legend, will replace that of 'Minos,' and, ultimately, very little will have changed due to your recent achievements."


    "And you are willing to prevent this from happening?"


    "For my daughter's sake, yes." Simon nodded slowly. "Her existence is by no means common knowledge ... but a few of the Disciples are aware of her. Now that I am in Guardian custody ... it is only a matter of time before they seek to use her to keep me silent ... just as your daughter was used against you. And If I begin giving you information about my associates, her life will surely be forfeit. Know that I offer you three terms for my willing cooperation. They are all quite reasonable. Reasonable enough that it would be simply pointless and excessive to go on torturing me for information you will not get out of me."


    "I'm not the one to authorize any such agreement," Savoy replied. "But I will listen to your terms. This should be entertaining, at the least."


    Simon laughed softly. He tried to fix his gaze on Savoy, but appeared to be having trouble focusing on her figure. "My first term is simple. My daughter and I did not have the ... closest relationship. I can assure you that she is not aware of my involvement with the Rainmakers. She has no knowledge of the group or of any of my associates. It would trouble me greatly if I were to give you her location only to have this warm VIP treatment bestowed upon her. The only information you are interested in is the information I possess. I want your guarantee that she will not be interrogated."


    "Sounds fair enough," Savoy shrugged. "Assuming we were to find no reason to believe you are lying about her involvement in the cult."


    "You will find no reason," Simon said. "My second term ... I want her protected, not just from the tender loving care of your interrogators, but also from my associates. I want her moved to the most secure and well-concealed location that the Guardians preside over. I would suggest, given recent events, that your central headquarters on Tranquility would be quite an unsuitable location. I want her kept out of the sight of my associates at all times, shielded from any attempts on her life, and her needs provided for fully. I want the duration of this care to be indefinite."


    "You may be asking for a great deal," Savoy said. "But I imagine that giving her the same security blanket our Grand Marshalls enjoy would not be impossible. Your third term?"


    Simon's gaze finally locked on Savoy's face. A small smile appeared to touch his lips during the long silence that hung between them. "My daughter ... she is not a trusting sort. If the Guardians were to appear at her home to forcibly whisk her away, she would no doubt prove resistant. To say nothing of what she will think when said Guardians began telling her all the juicy details about her terrorist overlord father. I do not wish to inflict such a traumatizing wake-up call upon her.


    "My third term, Marshall Savoy, is also quite simple. I want a comm channel opened to her for a mere few minutes so that I may speak to her myself and explain what must happen and why."


    "Out of the question," Savoy said sternly. A pity ... this -had- seemed too good to be true.


    "I do not see why, Marshall Savoy," Simon replied calmly. "It is but a simple phone call ... like they used to allow prisoners even during the days when crude interrogation techniques were considered acceptable. I would give you the comm address; you could check it out yourself first. I could not stop you from listening in on the conversation, of course. You could take whatever measures you wish to ensure that I do not use this phone call for some dubious purpose. I simply wish to speak to my daughter one last time ... explain to her that I am sorry that she must be dragged into all of this ... and let her know that this must be done because I cannot bear the thought that my position could result in harm being brought to her. You can understand that, can you not?"


    Savoy found her expression softening in spite of herself. "I highly doubt that this arrangement is going to fly. But these are the terms you've given, and I am not going to withhold them from the people in a position to accept or reject them. I will pass your request along to the Taurus Brothers."


    Savoy turned and strode out of the interrogation room with the two guards. Simon's head fell to the side and his eyes closed slowly. He whispered softly, "Yes ... you do that ... "

  8. Closing in on his 27th birthday, he felt more like a man in his 50's. He leaned back in his flexible arm chair, turned away from the desk toward the viewport at the back of the office. Between the asteroids that tumbled slowly around the station, the stars of the Hyades cluster twinkled along the full spectrum of colors, a magnificent view. The only sound in the office was the trickling of the Andorian quicksilver fountain off to the side, a pleasant sound more like crystal than water. Relaxing, this office. Built for relaxation. In the palm of his right hand rested a glass of bourbon. The index finger of his left hand circled the rim slowly as he stared out at the Hyades space-vista. Why did he feel like he was 50, even in this lap of luxury? Why couldn't power come without the headache?


    He allowed himself to melt into the stillness, fixating his attention on the twinkling of the stars, the trickling of the quicksilver, and the tickling of the glass. He wished he had something else to tickle ... something softer and warmer. Cherry was always a good time, but she we usually out doing a job for him. He could call on Sensational, the head ... 'masseuse' at the Fountain of Joy. Andorian women could truly do remarkable things with their hands. Having to pay always cheapened the experience for him somehow. What else was he going to do with the money, though -- add another ship to his fleet? No ... blue just wasn't his color. Red wasn't his color either. Now ... green ... green always seemed best. Pher. Pher was his favorite. He stopped circling the rim of the glass to rub at his temples. Twinkling. Trickling. Tickling ... tickling ...


    "Mr. Redding is still waiting for you, sir," the speaker on the desk shattered the stillness and his concentration.


    "I know!" he barked over his shoulder.


    "I'm ... sorry, sir." Poor Debbie. Administrative assistant to a criminal kingpin was no easy task.


    "Put him through."


    The monitor behind him flickered on, but he did not bother to turn his chair. He sipped his bourbon, and then resumed circling the rim with his finger. "What do you have for me, Duke?"


    "Still on Tranquility, Mr. Samus. The ribs are getting better. Word is the blockade will be lifted sometime today. As soon as I'm back on my feet, my crew can get back to work."


    "Why do you sound uneasy, Duke?"


    "Well ... bit of a problem, sir," Duke cleared his throat nervously. "I, uh, had a bit of a chat with your old buddy Joe -- "


    "He's -your- 'old buddy,' Duke," Samus interrupted. "You've known him far longer than I have."


    "Yeah, well, whatever ... " Duke cleared his throat again. "He put me in a tricky spot. It turns out his crew was helpin' out the Guardians with their Minos hunt. Somewheres along the way, they got hold of a data rod that has some sensitive info on it."


    Duke waited for a response. " ... yyyes?" Samus prompted.


    "Well, see ... turns out my name's on it. It's pretty solid proof, by the sound of it, that I been dealin' arms to the Rainmakers."


    "I ... see." Samus lifted his glass and took another sip. Twinkling. Trickling. "And Joe intends to turn you in, does he?"


    "No," Duke answered with a low growl to his voice. "Bastard plans to draw this out. Use the info against me. Hinted he'd want favors from me and that I'd have to pay up or he'd hand that rod right over to the Taurus boys. I don't know what he'll want from me, but I can imagine it won't be pretty and that it'll cost me and my crew more than I'm willing to pay. I ... know we've had this discussion in the past, sir ... but I think it merits revisitin' now -- I'd really appreciate your lettin' me take him and his crew out. For good."


    "No, Duke ... I'm not going to let you do that," Samus circled the rim of his glass a little more quickly and firmly. "I think it best that you take your medicine, so to speak. After what you did to Manning and his crew in the Expanse, it might be said that you deserve whatever they dish out to you. I think it best that you do whatever he tells you to do. And do it without complaint."


    Duke offered no response. All Samus could hear were sounds of exasperation emerging from the monitor. Samus continued, "Tell me ... Duke ... is Manning aware that you sold arms to the Rainmakers at my behest?"


    "No. Of course not," Duke answered. "He remains as convinced as ever that Samus is a do-no-wrong, redeemed criminal who'd never hurt a fly. Whatever favors you done for him in the past, they won him over real good. But, uh ... he did mention that the Marshall here brought up your name. There might be other links between you and Minos that the Guardians picked up on."


    "There are no links between me and Minos," Samus replied with a threatening edge in his voice.


    "No, sir, of course not, I underst--"


    "-You- sold the Rainmakers weapons, that is all you need be concerned with," Samus continued.


    "I understand completely, sir."


    "And you are going to make absolutely certain that no one is given reason to link me to Minos."


    "Yes. Sir. I'll make sure Joe keeps that data in his pocket."


    "I await your return, Duke. Goodbye," the screen behind Samus flickered off. He stared out at the stars, letting the silence back in, steadying his breathing, focusing on the twinkling and the trickling, relaxing his nerves and slowing his heartbeat. He raised the glass of bourbon and touched it to his head, hoping the coolness of the glass might chase away the pain. 27. Oh, to truly be 27 and to do the things that a 27 year old man should do ...


    "Debbie ... open a channel to the Fountain of Joy."


    Tickling ... tickling ... tickling ...

  9. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::exits cab in front of the Maze::

    Joe Manning -> ::Sitting at a table near the bar sipping slowly on a glass of bourbon::

    William Chocox -> ::sitting at the bar sipping a Romulan Ale glad to finally be out of his old Guardians uniform::

    William Chocox -> <<Still took me three weeks to get my official assignment.>>

    rosetto -> ::leaves door open for Pher::

    Robert Long -> ::walks around Tranquility City, making his way to The Maze::

    Pher -> :: Comes in behind Rosetto ::

    Troy Parson -> ::emerges from a conveniently placed shadow behing Pher and heads for the Maze door::

    Joe Manning -> ::Coughs softly after the last sip. Covers up his mouth with a fist and keeps his head turned away from any crew in the tavern::

    Pher -> :: Looks about for riots, snipers, guardians, Mannings and similar distractions ::

    rosetto -> Pher>So, as I was saying, things are pretty much up to date and far as maintenance is concerned...

    Kaara Soora -> ::tucks hair behind ear, standing at the building next to the Maze.::

    Pher -> :: Seeing none of the above, tries to walk in such a way to start a new riot ::

    Pher -> Good nuff. How much do you know about security stuff?

    Troy Parson -> ::sets course for the back of Manning's head, medium impulse-walk::

    rosetto -> ::notes Pher's new stance and laughs to himself::

    rosetto -> Security? Not much...

    Kaara Soora -> ::watches others enter, wondering their intent. Walks to door, pulling it open, letting eyes adjust to light.::

    Robert Long -> ::walks into The Maze and goes up to the bar, sitting down::

    Pher -> Hmm... I know the physical stuff pretty good, but am playing catch up on software and wiring and such like.

    rosetto -> Whatcha drinking?

    Pher -> I might want somebody to verify that everything is as it ought to be.

    Joe Manning -> Pete Gibbons> ::Wiping the top of the bar with a rag. Looks over at Robert:: Technically, we're closed at this hour. But I won't turn away business. ::Smiles:: What can I get you?

    Pher -> Randomberry fizz.

    rosetto -> I could take a look at it when we return...

    Robert Long -> ::Flags down Pete::

    rosetto -> ::steps up to the bar::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: finally makes his way into the tavern still not quite himself from the last dose of Deltan and Orion pheremones..::

    Joe Manning -> ::Listening to the voices as new crew enter the tavern. Notes that he hasn't heard the sound of Shane's bionic arm yet::

    Kaara Soora -> ::walks to bar:: Pete?

    Robert Long -> <<nvm>>

    Mitar Precip -> (afk)

    Pher -> :: Smiles at Chris as he come in ::

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Looks around:: Suddenly, I've gotten popular. ::Smiles at Kaara:: That's me, missy. What can I get for you?

    rosetto -> ::raises his hand to get Pete's attention and notices Kaara::

    Kaara Soora -> ::doesn't smile, but nods:: Can you point me to Captain Manning?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Troy's approach and motions to one of the empty seats around the table::

    Robert Long -> ::waits for Kaara to move away::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks around seeing Pher and Joe and half nodding to them, moving their way::

    Troy Parson -> ::sits down next to Joe, not saying anything right away::

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Kaara:: What business do you have with him? If you don't mind my askin?

    Kaara Soora -> ::pete:: I wish to join his crew.

    Joe Manning -> Ya look like hell, Troy. ::Glances over him and grabs the bourbon bottle::

    rosetto -> ::listens::

    William Chocox -> ::continues sipping his ale::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: sits next to Pher:: Thanks Doll face. At least I can function for a bit.

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Kaara:: Ah, well ... ::Glances toward Joe's table::

    Joe Manning -> Pete> You think you could wait a few minutes? I think he's going to pretty busy for a little while.

    Pher -> Yah. I can keep you functional. Glad to be of service. :: Light smooch ::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a sip from the drink he stole, ever so stealthily, from someone at the bar on the way over:: Can't say you look too great yourself, Cap'n. ::keeping his injured hand in a coat pocket::

    Kaara Soora -> ::Turns to follow his gaze, then looks back at Pete.:: You have my gratitude. ::listens:: I suppose I could. ::sits at Bar::

    Joe Manning -> Yeah ... but I always look this way. You look worse than usual.

    rosetto -> ::hand raises again::

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Kaara:: How about something to whet your whistle in the meantime?

    Robert Long -> ::flags back Pete's attention::

    STSF_Nickles -> HEY PETE Got Any Andorian Tea over there???

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Looks at Rosetto at Robert:: What'll it be, boys?

    William Chocox -> ::glances over at Kaara:: You have to be careful with his crew. It's a bunch of crazy people.

    rosetto -> Could you just send someone over to Joe's table?

    Joe Manning -> Pete> You know I do, Chris ...

    Troy Parson -> ::half-grins:: "Usual" is just a state of mind. So how was Hotel Guardian?

    Robert Long -> ::under his breath::I hear you can hook me up with Qob.

    STSF_Nickles -> WHEN YOu get time PLease?

    Kaara Soora -> ::raises eyebrow slightly:: ::pete:: Perhaps something small, light.

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks at William:: Aye?

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Looks at Sal:: Can do. Who for?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::Joe:: Glad to see ya back out of the can Sir.

    Kaara Soora -> ::turns around to take in the group again::

    Joe Manning -> William? Haven't head much of a chance to get a sense of him.

    rosetto -> Just a round of drinks, Pete.... On me.... ::lays down some latinum::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up at Nickles and Pher:: I have you two to thank for that in part. Take a seat.

    Pher -> :: Settles in at Joe's table ::

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Quickly pours drinks and deposits them in front of the bar patrons. Scoops up Sal's latinum with a briefly freed hand::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns the chair around and stratles it placing his arms across the back and placing his chin on his arms::

    rosetto -> ::eyes Kaara and turns toward table::

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Looks at Robert:: I sure can. Just sit tight for a few minutes and order a drink. I've got to make a living myself. ::Grins::

    Kaara Soora -> ::Takes in Nickles, noting his poor colour::

    Joe Manning -> I've been takin in some of what Pher's been sendin along about the mission up there ...

    Robert Long -> Whiskey then.

    Joe Manning -> Didn't take you long out from under my command to start shootin at each other. ::Grins::

    Pher -> :: Slaps Sal playfully ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Ya that blasted Deltan GOT to me again.

    Pher -> We mostly missed.

    rosetto -> ::walks over to Joe's table:: Service is on the way, Boss...

    Troy Parson -> ::raises good hand:: For the record, I didn't shoot anyone!

    Pher -> Nah... He used gas. :: Smiles ::

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Pouring drinks, looks over at Robert and Kaara:: Those two over there are on Qob's crew ::Indicates in Rosetto (formerly) and Williams' direction:: Why don't you get to know them?

    rosetto -> ::coughs::

    STSF_Nickles -> Thank goodness Redera fell sideways or Pher might have been gone.

    William Chocox -> ::Kaara:: Yeah, the captains a bit unhinged, the xo is a bit strange, and they are crazy enough to allow a former Guardian lawman to be on the crew.

    Joe Manning -> You're all damn lucky you had a Deltan up there to excuse all that crap.

    Pher -> :: Haughty :: The reason Redera fell had little to do with goodness. Naughtiness, maybe.

    Kaara Soora -> ::pete:: Thank you.

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: Seems I will fit in just fine, then.

    rosetto -> ::finds a seat::

    Joe Manning -> I notice our bionic friend hasn't responded to my invitation.

    Pher -> I told him about it. Got the impression he was going to come.

    rosetto -> ::whispers::Hey Joe, That cutie over there is looking for you...

    Troy Parson -> He was acting a bit strange on the bridge, though...

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances over at Sal:: I heard. Just cause I'm old don't mean I don't have sharp ears, Sal ...

    William Chocox -> <<Fumble Steelers recovery Packers!>>

    Joe Manning -> And I'd point out that she's Vulcan. So she probably heard you.

    Kaara Soora -> << lol >>

    Pher -> We can't complain about people being strange, I guess. We'd not have time for much else.

    Robert Long -> <<YES!!>>

    rosetto -> ::smiles::

    Kaara Soora -> ::glances around at the table, raising eyebrow::

    Joe Manning -> Being strange is one thing ...

    Joe Manning -> Doing something that could sabotage a mission that a great deal of planning was put into ...

    William Chocox -> ::Kaara:: Though the craziest people are at the table right now.

    Pher -> Well, she doesn't look as green as a lot of vulcans. Glad for less competition, I guess. :D

    Pher -> :: Becomes more serious at Joe's last comment ::

    Joe Manning -> That'll be dealt with in time. For now, let's keep it under wraps. We need guards -and- engineers and he's a bit of both.

    rosetto -> ::smiles at Pher::yeah...

    Troy Parson -> That's true, he is quite the ape of a grease-monkey, that one.

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: Aye? You know them well?

    William Chocox -> ::hearing Joe's comment and turning:: What am I useful for then?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at William:: You're a bit of both too.

    Kaara Soora -> ::turns around as well::

    Joe Manning -> Our engineers are badasses. In the Klingon tradition.

    Pher -> William, you stayed out of trouble. A rare talent. Amazing.

    Robert Long -> ::takes a swig of ale noticing that the other two rejoined the crew::

    Robert Long -> *whiskey

    William Chocox -> ::Kaara:: I am probably one of the only sane ones on the crew. ::loud enough to carry::

    Pher -> I wouldn't go that far, William. :: Laughs ::

    Kaara Soora -> ::william:: And if I am allowed to join, that stat will stand.

    Joe Manning -> Now I was all set up to go to bed happy. I've had a good night, all things considered ...

    Kaara Soora -> ::allows a small smirk::

    William Chocox -> ::Pher:: Thank you. I try.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::not saying much just sitting there listening sipping his tea every now and then::

    Mitar Precip -> (hurriedly returns from snack bar)

    Joe Manning -> Putting Shane aside for the moment ... do any of you have any bad news to bring to the table? Concerns? The ol' complaints?

    Kaara Soora -> ::william:: what happened to the sick looking one?

    rosetto -> ::speaks with server who approaches table::I'll have a Rom Ale and Randomberry Fizz... Please take everyone elses' orders as well, thank you...

    STSF_Nickles -> Just that damned Deltan but hopefully she will not return.

    Joe Manning -> ::Holds up the bourbon bottle to the server:: I'm set

    rosetto -> ::to Joe::I'm good, Boss...

    Pher -> :: considers... ::

    William Chocox -> <<Who's the sick looking one? For clarification?>>

    STSF_Nickles -> <<Me>>

    Kaara Soora -> <<Nickles >.< >>

    Pher -> I saw this silly poster on the boards outside. Claims you pay crew members? We going to try that at some point?

    rosetto -> <<just LOOK at him!!!>>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: I imagine the law'll be rakin her over the coals for tryin to squeeze info out of her. Pher gave 'em a drug to keep her in line.

    William Chocox -> ::Kaara:: Nasty run in with Deltan and Orion pheromones I believe.

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: That will do it. What medical treatment has he had?

    rosetto -> ::chuckles at Pher's comment::

    Troy Parson -> If you're feeling sorry for him, don't. He tried to shoot me!

    Pher -> Hey. Nasty deltan. I was actualy trying to be nice. Wasn't I? :: Looks to Chris ::

    Mitar Precip -> ::A Nausicaan enters the bar wearing a Guardian coat that clearly does not fit him, he's 7ft tall with a sword strapped to his back and disruptor at waist he walks directly not for the bar ...but for one of those booths...in back...::sits and watches::

    Joe Manning -> There are some payin jobs on the board too last I checked. Y'all might want to have a look.

    Robert Long -> ::goes over to join William and Kaara's conversation::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods to Pher::

    William Chocox -> ::Kaara:: No clue. I've been in the engine room for awhile.

    Pher -> :: Eyes the Nauscian... ::

    Pher -> :: Whispers to Joe. :: Hey. Look. A sparring partner.

    William Chocox -> ::looks over at Robert:: Hello. I'm William. ::extends hand::

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks at Long:: Hello

    Robert Long -> ::shakes William's hand::Robert.

    William Chocox -> ::Robert:: What brings you to the Maze?

    rosetto -> ::says to Pher::Nausicaans 10 - Guardians 0, ay?

    Robert Long -> ::giving a nod to William::Looking for some work.

    Mitar Precip -> ::looks around for a server...figures why not..but he knows waitresses generally shy away from Nausicaans because they tend to be trouble::

    Joe Manning -> I hope the coat ain't stolen. I'll bet anything the sword was.

    Pher -> Normally I'd like that score. Not sure whose on whose side just now though.

    rosetto -> agreed... SNAFU.... ::smiles::

    Kaara Soora -> ::Robert:: As am I.

    Joe Manning -> Since you guys ain't offerin any bad news, I've got some of my own to pass along ...

    rosetto -> ::listens::

    Troy Parson -> Let me guess...we didn't get paid.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Is anyone serving the tables in this joint? ::grumbles out loud and unsheathes his sword...a short one and begins sharpening it just to pass time::

    William Chocox -> I can't speak for the Captain, but I do believe we have some openings.

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises an eyebrow and smirks mysteriously:: Well ... I think some money might find itself arisin' from this night. Eventually.

    Pher -> :: NOds :: I looked at the boards. Have some opinions.

    Joe Manning -> You just ain't gonna see any of it right this moment. You know I'm good for it.

    Joe Manning -> Bad news is we're losing two.

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: When he is finished, I wish to speak with him.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Pher to sit on that thought::

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: and perhaps look at that sick one as well. He is worrying me.

    Pher -> :: sits on that thought ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Loosing two?

    Troy Parson -> Two of what?

    rosetto -> ::thinks to himself, good thing I'm not in this for money::

    Joe Manning -> Two crew ...

    William Chocox -> ::Kaara:: He should be fine.

    Joe Manning -> When I got here, there was a harshly worded letter waitin for me on the bar.

    Joe Manning -> T'aral has apparently gotten fed up with my plakta. She's abandoned us to go join the Guardians.

    rosetto -> ::interested::

    Pher -> :: Wonders who would show so much restraint as to only use harsh language ::

    Troy Parson -> Well, after she left us for dead in that Guardian hospital, I'm hardly surprised.

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: Perhaps. ::to William and Robert:: Excuse me, I have been... rude. I am Soora. ::extends hand to both of them::

    Pher -> Logical. I suppose.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::head still resting on his arms:: not a bright move

    Joe Manning -> It is the logical choice. The clean choice. I think she'll find it a choice she'll regret in time ...

    Robert Long -> ::shakes hands::

    William Chocox -> ::shakes hand:: Nice to meet you. You a doctor?

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head:: I didn't think a Vulcan was capable of that kind of language, really.

    Robert Long -> ::looks at William at the word doctor::

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: Yes.

    Mitar Precip -> ::stands hits his head on the lowered ceiling area of the booth:: Darnnit! Service PLease!!!!

    Pher -> :: smiles at hearing Kaara is a doctor ::

    Robert Long -> ::looks at Soora in disbelief::Don't tell me you are going to apply for medical...

    Joe Manning -> We're also losin' Dash. He wasn't as harsh. Blamed his health. Something like his leg not gettin' him through Qob life quickly enough anymore.

    Kaara Soora -> ::Robert:: Yes, of course.

    William Chocox -> We could always use doctors. Think we might be losing ours if I'm hearing right.

    rosetto -> ::looks very disappointed::dang, I really liked that dude...

    Pher -> That I can understand. Not sure he could have kept up with a lot of what went down.

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: ::nods:: I understand that as well.

    Robert Long -> ::Soora::So was I, actually.

    Joe Manning -> I left the door open for him next time we swing by the city. He -was- a damned good doctor.

    Pher -> Is. Just not so good as infantry anymore.

    Joe Manning -> But I guess he's gonna pursue an independent practice here.

    Kaara Soora -> ::Robert:: There is always a shortage of doctors.

    STSF_Nickles -> Damn two in a week. ::swivels his head back and forth::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: I don't plan for us bein' infantry too frequently. Just sorta happens, you know how it is.

    Troy Parson -> At least neither of them were fatalaties, this time.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::fumes the surveys the faces..he's seen before, albiet in an intoxicated state, He knows these guys are players..a.k.a. Mercs..who clearly have no fear of the Guardians at the moment::

    Robert Long -> ::downs his whiskey::

    Pher -> Happens too much. Maybe ought plan like it will happen again?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: We got our fatalities for the year out of the way in the Expanse. For the next five years. ::Scowls::

    William Chocox -> ::to both:: We need two doctors. Lord knows we have issues with injuries.

    Robert Long -> ::putting the glass back down on the bar sliding latinum onto the bar for Pete::

    Kaara Soora -> << YAY! TD!>>

    rosetto -> ::takes his ale and hands Pher her randomberry thingy::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: I try to get you extra troops, Pher. But all the military sorts join the Guardians ...

    Joe Manning -> Be glad our engineers can handle themselves in a fight now, I guess.

    William Chocox -> <<Hush you.>>

    Robert Long -> <<For who, Pack?>>

    Kaara Soora -> <<Steelers>>

    Kaara Soora -> <<and 2 pt conversion>>

    Robert Long -> <<HUSH SOORA>>

    rosetto -> <<GOOD GAME>>

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: I can imagine::

    William Chocox -> <<I will attempt to airlock your character if you keep it up.>>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::scans and recalls the leader...currently with the Orion and someone who looks ex-feddie::

    rosetto -> <<Tee Hee>>

    Joe Manning -> So where do we go from here? ::Looks at Pher:: What are you thinkin?

    Robert Long -> <<not watching cause the Pack always tends to lose whenever I watch>>

    Kaara Soora -> <<lol>>

    Pher -> I'm thinking I ought to keep an eye on the tall guy.

    Pher -> You go ahead.

    Robert Long -> <<I will stick a hypo in the back if your neck and kill you with a slow poison if you don't stop>>

    Troy Parson -> ::frowns:: Such blatant speciesism.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shrugs:: The 'missing folks' one sounds humanitarian ... also sends us back out to the Expanse, so it's dangerous

    Kaara Soora -> <<I like you Long>>

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe I saw the message on the board... Any takers on that yet??

    Joe Manning -> Gular pays well, but they can't be trusted.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Joe:: Personally, I thought the archaeology mission sounded interesting.

    rosetto -> What about Zoalus?

    Kaara Soora -> ::Turns around to stare at Nickles::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: I thought you and Rosetto might have liked the sound of that one.

    Robert Long -> << lol >>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::notes lack of service and stands this time not hitting his head on the ceiling walks over to the bar....opposite...where Joe, Pher and Nickles are his sword he sheathes..reaching his destination he asks for service::

    Troy Parson -> I mean, missing colonists might have a high feel-good factor, but as you said, it's dangerous, and besides...colonists go missing all the time. It's boring.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Nickles:: Waitin for us at the bar.

    Pher -> Gular owned a resort that owned my contract. Acted like they owned me. I've got prejudices there. :: No real rancor expressed, though ::

    Joe Manning -> William doin his best to keep them entertained. For the most part. ::Glances toward the bar::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::glances at the bar and nods::

    Kaara Soora -> ::nods::

    Pher -> Colonist rescue... all the jobs... have to know what they'll pay.

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: Plus one for scientific discovery ... minus one for savin people then?

    Pher -> The archeology expedition.... Might be boring... might be very weird.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::mutters something about the owner of the establishment with the word qoH involved::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: I don't fancy shoppin myself around. You show your face to these people, then leave them at the altar ... creates bad blood.

    Pher -> Makes sense...

    Kaara Soora -> ::Looks at William:: How much longer?

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: In time, science does the most good.

    William Chocox -> ::Kaara:: Honestly? I have no idea.

    Joe Manning -> Very practical, long-term view. I can't help but think the Vulcan would agree with you.

    rosetto -> There may also be some unseen profits....

    Robert Long -> ::looks at William as well, after glancing at the other table::

    Joe Manning -> But let's find out ...

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Bloodwine....anyone...::fist pounds bar several times:: Hello BLoodwine !!!

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: ::frowns::

    Joe Manning -> ::Calls out toward the bar:: Pete, why don't you send those two applicants over here.

    Pher -> (Whispers) I'm suddenly less interested in the sparring partner.

    Kaara Soora -> ::Face clears, looks over to the table::

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Emerges from the back room and glances at the Nausicaan:: Give it a rest fellow. ::Looks at Kaara and Robert:: I think you two are on call.

    William Chocox -> ::sits back and finishes his ale:: ::Pete:: Can I get another?

    Mitar Precip -> ::looks at the Orion:: What are you looking at? Entertain your boss.

    Robert Long -> ::glances at the table::

    Kaara Soora -> ::Stands, glances at Robert, and walks over to Joe:: Hello, sir.

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Refills William's glass and retrieves another for the Nausicaan::

    Robert Long -> ::fallows Soora::

    Robert Long -> ::nods to Joe::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Yes...Bloodwine...and something else ::said to Pete::

    William Chocox -> ::Pete:: Thank you.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Nickles, Sal, and Troy:: So ... who's going to get extra chair for our guests?

    Joe Manning -> *chairs

    rosetto -> ::stands and retreives chairs::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Stands a bit unsteadily at the approach of the two::

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Throws a rag over his shoulder and gives Byblos an annoyed look:: Like what?

    Troy Parson -> Based on my preliminary observations, they've both got hands...no reason why they couldn't bring their own chairs.

    STSF_Nickles -> Thnks Sal

    rosetto -> No prob...

    Joe Manning -> We can be gracious hosts, Troy. Whole city's goin to hell tonight, we might as well act civilized here.

    rosetto -> ::looks at Kaara and Long::

    Mitar Precip -> ::Lifts out of the Bloodstained Guardians Coat that clearly doesnt fit him..Two Large Bars of Gold Pressed Latinum:: For damages caused in the past.

    Pher -> :: pretends to have difficulty understanding the concept of being civilized ::

    Kaara Soora -> ::eyebrows furrow as she looks at Nickles::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::points to the chairs:: Have a seat folks;

    Robert Long -> ::Troy::You wouldn't want some prospective doctor's hands ruined know would we?

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Shrugs at the Nausicaan:: What damages?

    Troy Parson -> Well, that *is* an awfully unpleasant state...::takes his bad hand out of his pocket to reveal fingers bent at odd angles::

    Kaara Soora -> ::Sits in said chairs, nodding to the table::

    Joe Manning -> ::Motions to the two recruits:: Please ... have a seat

    Robert Long -> ::takes a seat::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: restratles his chair replacing his chin on his arms folded on the back::

    William Chocox -> ::Pete:: What do you have in the way of food?

    Pher -> :: Winces a bit seeing Troy's hand ::

    Troy Parson -> ::wry grin:: Remind me not to leave limbs in doors while they're closing.

    Joe Manning -> So what do you two do?

    Kaara Soora -> ::Joe:: I am a doctor, sir, with some other skills as well.

    Robert Long -> ::raises his eyebrows at Troy::

    rosetto -> ::sits and turns toward new-comers::

    Joe Manning -> Don't let Troy scare you. He's really quite pleasant when he isn't attacking the crew with gas.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>You mean the boss ::gestures to Joe aloud:: Did not tell you I broke into your bar...and partook of quite a bit of your inventory..and glasses. I figured before I leave this pet`aQ of a rock..I best pay my debts.

    Kaara Soora -> Seems he needs some medical attention.

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Joe quickly:: For the record, that was just to make sure that nobody got shot.

    Joe Manning -> ::Kaara:: We like versatility. Seein as how we're a small crew.

    Robert Long -> ::Joe::I was a medic onboard a Starfleet vessel before I decided I...didn't quite like Starfleet life.

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Slips a menu from under the bar to William, shrugs at Byblos:: He didn't mention anything. I'd assumed his crew raided my stores.

    rosetto -> ::nods at Robert's comment::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: raises his head looking around and replaces it::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Robert:: Common enough story. I'm sure it's almost the whole story.

    Kaara Soora -> ::Joe:: Swell. I am also skilled in all weapons, and hand to hand.

    Robert Long -> ::Joe::I also have security training and a little...engineering skills.

    rosetto -> <AFK>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::genuinely looks suprised:: Really? So is it true he's hiring people? I need to get off this blasted planet..

    Joe Manning -> You've got an entire army at your disposal, Pher.

    Pher -> OK. But isn't she a little cute? You don't think she'll distract the guys?

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Nods at the Nausicaan:: That he is. He's got two interested folks over there right now.

    Kaara Soora -> ::Joe:: If its alright, may I attend this one here? ::nods to Nickles::

    William Chocox -> ::looks at the menu:: I'll take some nachos please.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: From you, you mean?

    Pher -> :: winks ::

    Pher -> :: Me? :: Smiles

    Kaara Soora -> ::Raises eyebrows at Pher and Joe::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Hmmm...I don't see my favorite muscleman here...think he needs more muscle?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::half waves her off:: Im fine

    Joe Manning -> ::Kaara:: You could have a look at Chris aboard our ship. But ... he's got some problems that conventional medicine might not be able to fix straightaway.

    Kaara Soora -> ::Nickles:: You are not.

    Troy Parson -> ::chimes in:: He'll live.

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Byblos:: Muscle? Yeah ... you see the Orion gal? ::Nods at William::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::takes another swig of his tea::

    Kaara Soora -> ::Joe:: ::perks:: Have I been accepted, sir?

    Joe Manning -> ::Smiles at Kaara:: ... no, not yet.

    rosetto -> <back... sorry... phonecall>>

    Joe Manning -> He's Starfleet outcast. What's your story?

    Kaara Soora -> I have been ...

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>I'll do whatever I can to get off this rock..to many Guardians want my head around the Unspeakable district. ::hears Pete:: Thanks....::takes the Bloodwine ...leaves the Latinum and approaches the Orion and ..the Guardian? ::

    Pher -> Kaara, I know a little first aid... but am altogether familiar with pheromone overdose. Most things, I'll let you docs handle and pass the surgical implements if you ask, but we'll want to talk about his problem.

    Robert Long -> ::Joe::I just got into a...small, bit of trouble on an away mission.

    Pher -> :: Turns and looks to the big guy ::

    Kaara Soora -> I was born on Earth, raised there. Lost my family, went to New Vulcan. Got an education. Came here.

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::William:: Give me a minute. Why don't you settle down with the others? ::Nods to him and disappears into the back::

    Robert Long -> Broke the Prime Directive, twice, in about 3 hours.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Robert:: Of course you did. Everyone who joins our crew has gotten in-- ::Suddenly interrupted by a fit of coughing::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::to Pher:: Bartender told me to speak to you regarding employment...and getting off this blasted Rock...

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns away from the table to cough toward the floor::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks down at the Orion but does not underestimate her given rumors buzzing around::

    Kaara Soora -> Is that common?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::raises head looking at Joe:: You ok Boss?

    William Chocox -> ::Walks over to the table pulling a chair with him::

    Pher -> :: Nods :: Stands and with a nod to Joe moves just a bit away from the table.

    Joe Manning -> ::Wipes his lower lip and glances back as the Nausicaan strolls up to the table::

    Robert Long -> ::kneels next to Joe and pulls out a starfleet med tric he had smuggled off the ship he was from::

    Joe Manning -> ::Furrows his brow and shakes his head at Kaara:: It's nothin.

    Pher -> How'd you describe your skills?

    Robert Long -> ::scans him::

    Kaara Soora -> Then you've had it a while.

    Joe Manning -> ::Grabs Robert's tricorder quickly::

    Kaara Soora -> I heard you coughing before.

    Joe Manning -> ::Points at Robert with his free hand and puts on a stony face::

    rosetto -> ::watches silently... he knows better already::

    Robert Long -> ::gives Joe a questioning look::

    Joe Manning -> Rule number one, son. Don't scan me unless you got my persmission.

    Pher -> < PHer's last comment was directed to Byblos >

    William Chocox -> ::makes it to the table:: Hey guys.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos> Name is Byblos, I am tall intimidating..I have ...had leadership skill with a cycle gang called the "Cycles of Death"..built rebuilt many engines...designed some vehicles.

    rosetto -> Hi Will

    Kaara Soora -> ::William:: Hello there, again.

    Pher -> Ground craft mechanic? Not starship?

    Robert Long -> Alright...can I at least have my tric back though, I went through a lot of trouble tio get that off of that ship.

    Joe Manning -> ::Lets go of the tricorder and looks up at William:: Just gettin' to know one another. ::Grins::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks at William:: That guy there. has he disavowed the Guardians? ::a bit concern::

    Troy Parson -> ::slides over to Robert:: Ooh, a Tricorder. May I see that?

    Robert Long -> ::picks up the tricorder and puts it back away::

    Robert Long -> ::looks over to Troy::

    Robert Long -> ::frankly::No.

    Joe Manning -> << Oops. Thought we were both grabbing it, Robert. Wouldn'ta dropped it on the ground :P >>

    Robert Long -> <<misunderstood on my part>>

    William Chocox -> ::looks at the Nausicaan:: Yeah, I've disavowed the Guardians. You're fine.

    Troy Parson -> ::frowns:: Well, you're not much good, are you?

    Pher -> Last I knew, yes. You have strong feelings about the Guardians? If so, I can admire your taste so long as you aren't too impulsive about it.

    Robert Long -> <<Hey, whats the score?>>

    Kaara Soora -> ::Troy:: If you would like to see one, he's not the only one.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Before I came to Tranquilty...I was on a Nausican Freighter...fixed moslty mechanical items..gears, lube..engines. Not the warp kind or any Feddie stuff. And kicked the crap out of people who did not pay debts.

    Joe Manning -> << I guess Kaara and Brett Favre are both sad? >>

    Kaara Soora -> brb

    William Chocox -> <<31-25 Packers win.>>

    rosetto -> <<PACKERS just WON>>

    Robert Long -> <<It's over?>>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Sips at his bourbon and looks up at the Nausicaan::

    rosetto -> <<nah we're just saying that LOL>>

    Pher -> OK. I saw the swords. Did you train formally or more street style?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks between Long and Kaara then nods his approval to Joe::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::removes his "acquired Guardian Jacket" ::

    rosetto -> ::gets up and moves to Troy's side of the table; interested in the tric as well::

    Robert Long -> <<YES!! SUPERBOWL WIN NUMBER 4>>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>I would call it a "Street" Style ..I cannot compare it to Klingon Bat`leth combat.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::drinks his bloodwine::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Nickles:: Pher, you gotta sign off on all three of them. ::Looks between them:: We'll have to do some quick background checks. Check out the dirty little details you ain't done a good job of buryin.

    Pher -> Personally, I never liked Bat'leth. Too formal. Too big. Too heavy. Too slow.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>I wanted honestly to work with the guy with the big arm on your crew.

    Pher -> :: Nods to Joe :: I'll do what I can.

    Pher -> Well... He's not the friendliest and most cheerful male in the galaxy, but you two might get along.

    Joe Manning -> << Last lines >>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::impressive..most impressive:: ::turns to Pher:: I do have a record.

    Pher -> I think he'll primarily be engineering. I figure both of you will be engineers and muscle both.

    Kaara Soora -> ::raises eyebrow::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Especially in the Unspeakable District..but...times have changed. ANd its time to leave.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: downs the rest of his tea and places his chin back on his arms::

    Pher -> Time to leave is true.

    Pher -> Could you summarize the record?

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Joe Manning -> OOC, is everyone on board for Zoalus?

    Joe Manning -> That'll mean a trip to Xorax colony first to meet the employers. Maybe we'll get into some trouble there.

    Joe Manning -> I sense that we could use a little more time to get to know one another, if we're going to have three people climbing aboard ...

    Joe Manning -> Let's wrap up business in the city in logs. By next week the blockade will be lifted and we'll be back in outer space ...

  10. I'm looking for a mercenary crew willing to work for more reasonable rates than the Guardians charge to send a ship out near the Expanse. My brother and his family recently joined a colonial expedition headed out that way, and I haven't heard from them in six weeks. Is anyone willing to help?


    - Earnest Pritchard, 25 Whitman, Sunrise District




    Abundant opportunities for gainful employment await hard-working Tranquility citizens of impeccable character. Enlist with the Guardians to demonstrate your loyalty to the Commonwealth and to do your part to keep your family and friends safe. Inquire within the Guardian Recruitment Office at 516 Perseverance in the Freedom District.







    The Aldebaran Distillers Union requires the assistance of mercenaries. Attempts are being made to undermine our Whiskey trade through unlicensed manufacturing and distribution of our product and sabotage of our shipments. Thorough investigation work and a discriminating response are needed. Contact Oiolobon during work hours at 142 Bullion, 12th story, in the Latinum District.


    Continuous supply of our WHISKEY may be offered in payment







    - April 2nd, 2420 -


    By order of the Taurus Brothers, the ports of Tranquility are sealed until further notice. No onA lawman shot my dogt the planet without the Guardians' explicit approval. Anyone wishing to leave Tranquility may put in a request with the local Guardian office.


    Anyone possessing infMINOS CAN BITE ITehension of the criminal mastermind known as Minos is urged to contact the local Guardian office at once.













    Skilled mercenaries needed to crew the starship Qob. Experts in all starship fields being accepted. All species welcome. Good pay, plentiful work opportunities. Inquire with Pete Gibbons, bartender of The Maze.


    Joe Manning

    Captain of Qob





    The Gular Consortium is hiring. Sensitive work. Payment, as always, extremely lucrative. Only the best are contracted; second-rate mercenaries need not apply. Inquire at Goldrock Colony.

  11. "I am looking at a video feed of your bionic-armed friend attempting to plant something on Minos," the holo-image of Savoy's face said. "Our scans have shown no anomalies, so we do not have the grounds to place him under immediate arrest. I demand an explanation, however."


    Joe sighed and rested his chin on his hand. On his other arm, his ODRI was delivering the latest update on the Minos operation. He was seated on a crate in an alleyway near the port realizing how much the fatigue of the past few hours was weighing down on him. In the streets nearby, a few stray rioters were still carrying away whatever they could from storefronts; there was no reason to stockpile for the end of the world, but, hey, if the stores were broken open and unguarded, why not. Joe found himself envying the vigor of youth that kept those folks going even as dawn approached.


    "If your scans say there's nothin' on him, there's nothin' to worry about," Joe pointed out.


    Savoy's holo-face scowled. "I'm worried about the fact that a sensitive operation was placed in the hands of a mercenary crew that appears to be out of its Captain's control."


    "Your 'sensitive operation' was a success," Joe replied. "But I promise you I'll look into it. Why don't get some sleep, Savoy? You look like you could use it."


    Savoy was clearly in no need for games. "To say nothing of the civil unrest which continues in the city, I have to get Minos transported to a secure, fortified location in one piece, and I have no reason to anticipate that his followers will not attempt to free him. Pher insisted that the Deltan underling influenced the exchange of fire which took place during the operation, but can she be certain that none of her crewmates are working with the Rainmakers? Is this Shane character not a new addition to your crew? I want to know what his motivations were and what he was attempting to do, Manning."


    "Like I said, I'll look into it," Joe said. "If I find out anything that I think you need to know, I'll be in touch right away."


    "Not good enough, Manning! I will want a full report of--"


    Joe tapped the ODRI's control panel, cutting the Marshall off. He opened up a new channel to Qob. "Pher, assuming the cleanup over there is wrapped up, bring the crew over to The Maze. I think everyone could use a drink and some sleep. Oh, and ... let go of the Shane thing for now. We'll talk about it over a bottle of bourbon."

  12. At a small medical clinic in an out-of-the-way corner of the Mercenary District, all of the lights had been turned off. Only the azure rays of the fading Cerulean Night that were filtering through the windows lit the interior of the patient care ward. The ward's sole patient was not aware of his isolation, for he was fast asleep, recovering from rib injuries sustained in a bar brawl three nights ago. As a metal chair was dragged sharply to his bedside, the screech awoke Duke Redding.


    The mercenary Captain groaned at the interruption of his sleep (which brought relief from the pain). He looked toward the source of the interruption and saw the face of Joe Manning, seated at his bedside. He groaned again. "Rise and shine, Duke," Joe said. His face looked tired, but content, like a cat who'd found a canary but had done a great deal of running in the process.


    "What are you do--" Duke managed to groan out before he noticed that the ward was empty of all but himself and Manning. "Where are the nurses?"


    "Takin' a break." Joe retrieved a canteen of bourbon from his belt and took a swig. "Flashed my medical credentials at 'em, told 'em drinks at The Maze would be on me for the next hour. Worked wonders. Those poor folks are overworked, you ask me. I guess that makes me your doctor for the next hour."


    "Did you know that back in medieval times, back when there really -were- Dukes living in castles and what-have-you, that the doctors weren't just the castle's physicians, they were also the torturers?" Duke tried to rise from his bed, but his sides protested too much. "Makes sense if you think about it. Who knows better than a doctor how to apply the most pain possible in the shortest time possible ... while keeping the victim alive as long as possible? The ol' Hippocratic oath didn't mean much in those days, but I guess they were called the Dark Ages for a reason, right?"


    "That what you came here for, Manning?" Duke ask, sweat forming on his forhead. "Little bit of blood for blood?"


    "No ... I came here to pass along the good news," Joe said with a smile. "My crew did the Guardians a solid tonight, so they're going to go ahead and ignore all your charges. I'm keepin' my ship and you can go ahead and pay your own medical expenses, because you ain't gettin' a strip from us." Duke threw a look of disbelief at him. "Did you really think that on top of what you pulled in the Expanse, wiping out half my crew and leaving the other half for dead, that I was gonna let you stick me with the bill for a brawl you started?"


    "A brawl -you- started!" Duke clutched his side as a sharp pain knocked him back onto the bed.


    "Not the way the Guardians see it. In fact, I have it on good authority that Pete's going to press charges against you for wrecking his bar, and that might just invite the Guardians to revisit the whole case. You might not be able to hold onto that raider bounty you stole from us after all. But you've got much bigger concerns right now, Duke."


    Duke shook his head and gave Joe a disdainful look. "You ain't gonna kill me. And you ain't gonna torture me. It ain't your style. You ain't got the guts and ain't never had."


    "A point you might one day be sorry to find you're wrong about," Joe said. "But that don't matter now. Now that I'm back in the good graces of the law, I ain't gonna ruin it by waltzing in here and givin' you a few 'accidental' injections. No, I'm gonna keep my nose clean while the Guardians are still in a touchy mood. And my style ... well, let's just say it shows a little more of something you've never been able to grasp -- subtlety. I've got ways of torturin' you that ain't physical."


    Joe reached into the front of his vest coat and pulled out a small black tube. He held it up for Duke to see. "What the hell is that?" the merc asked.


    "Funniest thing," Joe said. "In the process of helpin' out the Guardians, I managed to stumble across this little data rod here. It's quite a valuable piece, probably worth eight times as much as you got for the raider bounty ... seein' as how it contains a great deal of information on Rainmaker activities here in the city." A dark look fell over Duke's face, which Joe was quick to notice. "At some point, I'm fixin' to negotiate a price with the Taurus Brothers for this little piece ... but not yet. For now, I'm gonna hold onto it.


    "For the past three days," Joe continued as he pocketed the data rod. "I've been givin' a lot of thought to something that the local Marshall told me the night of the brawl. For some reason, she had it in her mind that Samus was doin' business with the Rainmakers ... maybe with Minos himself. I couldn't figure this out. Samus? Workin' with a band of terrorists with known pro-Fed inclinations? Now, for all his shortcomings and all his many vices, -that- is not Samus' style. So where was ol' Savoy gettin' this crazy idea from?


    "Then I plugged this here data cache into a computer and started lookin' over some of the names of operatives ... places ... contacts here in the city. And ... could you imagine my surprise when the name 'Jason Redding' popped up at me? But then it all made perfect sense, didn't it? Wouldn't the Guardians think that Samus is in bed with the Rainmakers ... if they found out that his right hand man were supplying arms to them?"


    A long silence hung between Joe and Duke as the mercenaries stared at one another. Finally, Duke spoke up, "Now, you listen, Manning. I ain't no Rainmaker and I ain't never been one. I don't give two damns about them or their cause. Some of their people have come to me in the past to purchase arms from The Web, and there we'n't no way I was turnin' down their price."


    "No, of course," Joe smirked. "You'd have no interest in helping out a group that would love nothin' more than to bring the Federation overlords back into town. But we both know what you do have interest in. You'd sell out this entire city to the Rainmakers if the price were right. Just like you sold me out four years ago. Just like you lured my crew into a raider ambush so you could run away with the cash."


    "It's business," Duke replied, putting an almost proud smile on his face. "Good profitable business. Somethin' you could never understand."


    "Business." Joe repeated, looking down at Duke like a hawk. "I wonder if the Guardians would look at it the same way? ... I wonder if Samus would look at it the same way if he found out about this?"


    Duke's expression then showed a great deal of worry. He watched Joe for a long moment before asking, his tone softened, "What're you gonna do, Manning? Ruin me? Probably ruin Samus too? Why're you even here? To gloat about this?"


    "Just lettin' you know I have it in my pocket," Joe answered, tapping the front of his vest coat. "And that I'll be keepin' it there for a while. You see, Duke ... I do know how to do good profitable business. Not by sticking knives in people's backs or stealing money from them ... but by holdin' on to things that are valuable to them. I'm holdin' on to something the Guardians and the Taurus Brothers would pay good money to get their hands on. And something you desperately want to stay out of their hands. That makes you ... my new lapdog."


    "What are you talking about?" Duke spat out.


    "It's simple, Duke. You're gonna pay for every member of my crew that was killed in the Expanse. And you're gonna pay by showing me, every single day, that your services are worth more to me than this data is to the Taurus Brothers. You've got to convince me to keep it in my pocket. That means if I come to you lookin' for a favor ... you better damn well be ready to pay up. That means no more working against us, no more springin' ambushes, no more settin' us up. You do one thing to tick off me or anyone else on my crew, then this little data rod -will- end up in the Guardians' hands, and you will find yourself floatin' in the plaQta' Creek without a paddle."


    "You son of a bitch," Duke growled, clutching his side again.


    Joe quickly rose from the chair and grabbed the front of Duke's collar. Their eyes locked in hatred. "Don't jyke with me and my crew, Redding. You only get this one warning."


    Joe turned and walked away from the bed, leaving Duke behind in a stupor.


    Joe had been perfectly willing to cash in on LaHaye's intelligence. But seeing Duke's name on the contact list? That was even more than Joe was hoping to get out of this whole situation. It was a good break. A great break. Maybe for the first time in a week, Joe could put his head on a pillow and drift off to sleep in a nice, contented state ... in a peaceful state of mind, rather than haunted by the crew that had been killed in the Expanse. Maybe he would ignore Pher's comms ... order everyone to get some sleep and save the hysteria for the morning ... for the afternoon, even ... maybe for the next night ...


    Joe coughed and reached for his bourbon. Yeah ... not gonna happen. Vacations are overrated anyway. What's a few hours of rest compared to dealing with the drama of a crew of miscreants and malcontents?

  13. Joe Manning -> Okay, when we left off ...

    Joe Manning -> Troy's gas attack knocked out Nickles and (most of) the Guardian personnel ...

    Joe Manning -> Pher and Shane managed to evade the attack

    Joe Manning -> Rosetto is safe and sound up on the Bridge

    Joe Manning -> Nickles, while you're unconscious, do you want to put on a Guardian uniform for at least 10 minutes or so?

    STSF_Nickles -> Sure

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::steadies QoB::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>:: follows Pher and shane onto the brige::

    Shane -> ::standing with his back to the closed bridge door, coughing from the gas::

    rosetto -> <Pher>What the Heck is going on back there?

    Troy Parson -> ::trapped on the other side of the bridge door, working at the control panel's screws with a multi-tool::

    Pher -> :: On the bridge, hitting the locks, making sure the door won't open easily ::

    Mitar Precip -> (squints at print in gallery)

    Shane -> ::glares over at Rosetto:: A party. A real big one.

    Pher -> You missed a nice little skirmish. We're most of who is left on their feed. Sleepy gas.

    Pher -> I hope it is sleepy gas, anyway.

    Pher -> Shane, you know anything about life support on this rig?

    Troy Parson -> ::gets the screws nice and loose and starts prying at the panel, dripping a bit of blood onto the floor in the process::

    rosetto -> There should be some controls at Troy's station

    Shane -> How the heck am I supposed to know?

    Pher -> :: Goes to the security console briefly to get a look at what was left behind. ::

    Shane -> ::moves over to a control panel anyways::

    Troy Parson -> ::finishes taking the panel off, and looks at the wires, trying to work out how to hotwire the door::

    Pher -> Well, if you can, could you try to keep gas out of here and engineering? Maybe blow it out of the corridor?

    Shane -> What do you want me to do? Suffocate someone?

    Pher -> Trying to keep us awake.

    Pher -> Sal? Head us back to Tranquility. Tell everyone mission accomplished, and set her down.

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir... ::enters new coords into helm::

    Pher -> :: Looks to the Guardian :: Hello? You know comm equipment at all?

    STSF_Nickles -> <<OK Having internet issues this evening it appears>>

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> I know some

    Pher -> Sal here will get you on the comm with your people. Tell them what you've seen.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> All I know is that had better bee a sleeping gas or thre will be hell to pay later.

    Pher -> Basically, I want to settle down, get your people on board, secure everything.

    rosetto -> +TRanquility Space Port+Qob to Tranquility Station -- Over

    Pher -> If you can arrange for as little shooting as possible as we settle down, I'd appreciate it.

    Shane -> ::fiddles with the console, quickly accessing life support:: Pa'tahl Klingon systems...make no logical sense...

    Pher -> :: Looks at her security screen ::

    Pher -> Ut oh.

    Joe Manning -> @+Com+ ::To Rosetto:: This is Tranquility Port Authority. ::Hesitates a moment:: Should I ... transfer you to central command?

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> Since you are cooperating I will see what I can do.

    Troy Parson -> ::reaches into the wall and starts cutting wires to splice together::

    Pher -> +Troy+ Troy? That you playing with the door?

    Troy Parson -> ::reaches for the nearest comm panel::

    Shane -> There ::hits a link on the pad:: The bridge and ENG are sealed and running off of auxillary systems. The other sections are being filtered.

    rosetto -> +Com+Yes, Please...::then to Pher::You're on the box Pher...

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>+Com+ Tranquility POrt this is Sampson

    Joe Manning -> @+Com+ ::Rosetto:: I will transfer you to the Marshall. Please stand by.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ It's me...let me in already so that I can clear this gas!

    Pher -> +Troy+ Yes I am.

    Joe Manning -> @+Com+ ::Sampson:: Putting you in touch with Savoy, sir. I hope you've got good news for her.

    Shane -> ::glances over at the door as Troy and Pher converse::

    Pher -> +Troy+ Gas on that side of door. Us on this side. Is that mask working?

    rosetto -> +Com+Marshall Savoy?

    Pher -> Let our guardian friend handle the com, Sal.

    Joe Manning -> @Savoy> +Com+ Savoy here. Lawman Sampson, report. Where is Sergeant Kravitz? Was the mission successful?

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ It's holding for now, but I don't know for how long...I bought it as a decorative item at an antique sale, after all.

    Pher -> Just head us back to Tranquility spaceport.

    Pher -> +Troy+ OK. And was that you that released the gas?

    rosetto -> ::looks at guardian and nods::

    Joe Manning -> @Port> +Rosetto+ Qob, please stand by. We will need to receive the Marshall's okay to clear you for landing.

    rosetto -> Aye, Pher... On our way...

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Would you rather I just let everyone shoot each other, as it seemed that they were about to?

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>+com+ Savory, This is Sampson, The QoB is as secure as it can be at the moment. A few of her Crew went wild and started shooting. Pher is allowing us to take her over but askes that we do it with the least amount of shooting as possible

    Shane -> ::while everyone is distracted, moves quietly over to Simon::

    Pher -> +Pher+ Might have been a good idea at that, but you almost got me. You're making me nervous.

    Joe Manning -> @Savoy> +Sampson+ ::Clearly sounding annoyed:: 'Started shooting?' Give me the casualty report. And what of Minos?

    Shane -> ::squats down beside him, pretending to check his pulse and slipping a small capsule from his pocket::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>+Com+ Half of their crew is unconcious as well as a few of our team.

    Pher -> Shane? Have you got that gas cleared?

    rosetto -> ::continues atmospheric descent::

    Pher -> Shane...

    Shane -> ::looks up, expressionless as usual:: Yep. Its clearing.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Better nervous than...::pauses for a second to catch his breath, losing blood all the while::

    Shane -> Simons still out cold. Shouldn't be a problem.

    Pher -> Didn't think he would be.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>+Com+ Our team has minor injuries, THeirss on the other hand are worse. Minos unknown

    Mitar Precip -> (AFK heads for restroom)

    Joe Manning -> @Port> +Rosetto+ Just hold position over landing pad 18-B, Qob. Once we have the go-ahead from Savoy, we'll give you clearance.

    rosetto -> +com+Acknowledged

    Shane -> ::shrugs and looks back down:: Just checking the merchandise...

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>PHer!! What of Minos?

    Joe Manning -> @Savoy> +Sampson+ You have to do better than that, Lawman. Alive? Dead? At large? Captured?

    Pher -> Could you just stand clear, Shane? After being attacked by both Chris and Troy, I'm being paranoid.

    Pher -> :: Holds a finger up to the Guardian, asking for a moment time. ::

    rosetto -> ::brings QoB into Tranquility airspace and locates 18-B beacon::

    Shane -> ::looks back at Pher, staring her down, then stands::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>+COM+ Checking on Minos. Our team is just unconcious from knockout gas and helping detain one of the QoB Crew who was doing the shooting.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ ::coughs a couple of times:: Sorry about that...are you still there?

    Pher -> :: not easily stared down ::

    Pher -> +Troy+ Still here.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>PHer Savory want to know about Minos before allowing you to set down

    Pher -> :: Glances at the Guardian. :: If you could kindly ask them to expedite.

    Troy Parson -> ::leaning against the wall, putting the multitool back into his pocket::

    Joe Manning -> @Savoy> +Sampson+ He'd better be in one piece after everything we put at stake on this mission! And I want the turnaround of one of Qob's crew explained to me.

    Shane -> ::simply turns and steps back to the life support systems::

    Joe Manning -> @Savoy> +Sampson+ I am enroute to the port as we speak. Stand by and await further orders.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>+COM+ Aye sir.

    rosetto -> ::listens to Savoys com::

    Pher -> I belive we have him, with 90 percent plus certainty. :: She nods to the sleeping Simon ::

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Are you going to let me in? I think I may have...gotten a bit of one of the reagents for mixing that gas into my lungs.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>Pher Savory will be meeting us and wants an explanation.

    Pher -> If this isn't him... well... keeping us in the air won't change anything.

    Pher -> Understood. I'll be straight with her, but want to give it to her in person and ASAP.

    Shane -> ::notes that the gas is filtered out by now and pulls up the controls to the door::

    Joe Manning -> @Port> +Rosetto+ You have clearance to land on pad 18-B, Qob.

    Pher -> Expedite, Sal.

    Shane -> ::hits the unlock control, to open the door suddenly::

    rosetto -> +Com+Acknowledged::to Pher::We're going in... We have clearance

    Pher -> :: Draws stunner, stick, and moves to stand over Savoy ::

    rosetto -> ::Expedites landing proceedures::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees the door open, while still leaning against the wall, and coughs into the mask once::

    Joe Manning -> << Shane, you mean, Pher? >>

    Pher -> If you guys do anything stupid, you'll have to answer to Savoy as well as me.

    Pher -> ( Simon. )

    Joe Manning -> << Gotya >>

    Pher -> ( Too many S characters )

    rosetto -> (lol)

    Pher -> Guardian. I suggest you help me defend this poor sleeping Minos.

    Shane -> <<Joe, did the door open?>

    Joe Manning -> << Sal, Savoy, Simon ... Does Sh really count? :D >>

    rosetto -> ::hovers over 18-B and touches down softly::

    Joe Manning -> << Troy said it did ... >>

    Troy Parson -> <<I was only messing with the outside panel...the inside one should still work, unless Pher wanted to lock it more soundly than that>>

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> As long as things go as planned no one should be harmed.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Four Guardian speeders approach Qob's landing pad

    Shane -> ::yells out a lie as the door slides open:: The gas isn't filtered!

    rosetto -> We're on the ground, Pher

    Pher -> Then close the door, Shane.

    Pher -> Open life support to atmosphere and cycle air.

    Troy Parson -> Hey! ::runs for the door::

    Pher -> Sal, open the main airlock.

    Pher -> :: Will open up on anyone who approaches Minos ::

    Shane -> ::turns back to the control panel and pretneds to attempt::

    rosetto -> ::locate airlock and releases it::

    Troy Parson -> ::pushes his way through the door, heading for Shane:: You don't know what you're doing! Move!

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::keep watch of those on the bridge watching for anyone to looks as if starting something::

    Pher -> Warning. Paranoid crazy animal woman wants no one near her.

    Shane -> ::turns and shoves Troy towards Pher:: Stand back!

    Pher -> :: trys to look paranoid, crazy and sexy ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>Pher What is it with your crew. Are they always this crazy?

    rosetto -> ::turns and stands up, looking quite irritated with this whole mess::

    Pher -> :: If Troy gets close enough to get stick tagged, will stick tag, but does not move towards him ::

    Pher -> Not always.

    Joe Manning -> << If you guys keep ticking Pher off, she's going to make you her slaves ... >>

    Troy Parson -> ::stumbles:: You idiot! How are you going to clear the gas when you don't even know what you're dealing with?

    Pher -> And they're not mine. They're Joe's.

    Mitar Precip -> (returns to gallery from rr)

    Pher -> If you guys don't behave, you're never going to get any.

    Joe Manning -> << See? >>

    Pher -> :: Tries to think up another dire threat. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> If you want this all quiet you better have them settle Down Savroy will not take kindly to this .

    Pher -> I'm hoping a few more of you fellows and they'll behave themselves.

    rosetto -> ::stands with arms crossed shaking his head::

    Joe Manning -> @Savoy> +Com+ Qob, my team has arrived at your landing pad. Is it safe to come aboard?

    Pher -> Troy. Shane. Can both of you manage to stand easy?

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> Sounds like they are approaching

    rosetto -> Pher, that's for you

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>+com+ Sir Your Clear ::to savory::

    Shane -> ::glares at Troy and turns back towards the panel::Pher:: Yeah, whatever...

    Pher -> +Joe+ Almost safe. Come in alert.

    Joe Manning -> @Savoy> +Sampson+ I'll take your word for it. +Qob+ Open the cargo hatch, please.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>Shane OPen the hatch

    Joe Manning -> @Savoy> +Pher+ If you've got crew opening fire, make no mistake -- we will not hesitate to return fire.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Shane:: He's in my way. Other than that, we've got no problem.

    Pher -> +Savoy+ So long as you are set to stun, be my guest.

    Shane -> ::slams a button on the panel and looks back towards the others:: Its open.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Guardians climb the ramp to the cargo hold, sweeping their rifles around as they make their way up the ship's central corridor

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::stands guarding the area making sure it was clear for his boss::

    rosetto -> ::looks cautiosly at all concerned::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>+Savory+ Boss We are on the bridge.

    Pher -> :: Will collapse her stick and vanish her stunner as soon as the main body of the guardians come in ::

    Pher -> +Savoy+ Watch for a bunch of sleepers in the corridor as you near the bridge. One of them is Redera.

    Troy Parson -> ::leaning against the wall with his good arm over his wound and his wounded hand resting in his bocket for added support::

    Troy Parson -> <<*pocket>>

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> +Pher+ If you're referring to the pile of bodies I just left behind? I hope Sampson's report that they are only unconscious was accurate?

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Follows a pair of rifle-toting Lawman onto the Bridge::

    Pher -> +Savoy+ I hope so too. I think it was sleepy gas, but didn't linger to find out.

    Pher -> :: Secures her weapons ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up:: They should survive, unless Mr. Machine over here made a complete mess of taking care of the gas.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Quickly glances around the Bridge::

    Pher -> :: Still standing over Simon, cuffed to a stanshion and unconscious ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::comes to attention as his boss enters::

    rosetto -> No worse for wear in here

    Troy Parson -> ::takes off the mask and looks over at Savoy::

    Shane -> ::just looks at Troy, not refusing to argue::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Motions to Sampson back toward the science lab:: Rejoin the rest of your men. I left two medics behind to look them over. Make sure the Deltan remains unconscious.

    Shane -> *, refusing

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Pher:: What is the status of Minos?

    Pher -> Pretty sure this is your man. He did all the talking. He and Redera were the only two that showed to lift off the planet.

    Pher -> :: very lightly kicks Simon :: Unconscious and cuffed.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> Aye Do you want their men taken into custody as well?

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Moves over to Pher with one of her guards::

    Pher -> :: stands clear to allow Savoy near Simon ::

    Mitar Precip -> #Sheriff "Big Al" Knorr>::responds to his operations officer's frantic calls and arrives in the command center of the West Precinct of the Unspeakable District <OPS officer>That Klingon ship is back..sir it's landed at the port. <Knorr>What the hell !

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> So the mission was successful and we have two perps? Or do we have three perps? ::Looks around::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::moves towards the door where the pile of bodies were::

    Pher -> Some of our people are less happy with Minos here even than you are.

    Kaara Soora -> [[::goes to make sandwich::]]

    Pher -> I'd like to complete our deal and let Joe handle discipline among our own crew.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> :: moves back into the gassed room helping the docs check the others out::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> You will have to elaborate, Pher. I have been lead to believe that one of your people attempted to thwart the operation. Is this not accurate?

    Shane -> ::rolls his eyes at Pher's comment::

    rosetto -> ::stares at Savoy; not looking at Pher or anyone else::

    Pher -> It is incomplete. At least four of us didn't exactly follow the plan, including me.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::pulls Nickles out of the pile and moves him aside for later:: Two of our guys were holding this one down when the gas was released.

    Pher -> If you want to arrest all of us then turn us over to Joe, that's fine.

    Shane -> ::glares at Pher:: Speak for yourself Orion.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> All I need to know is whether one of your crew is a traitor ... or whether the gunfire was the result of botched execution.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Snaps a look over at Shane::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::helps the docs bring their own around before messing with the others::

    Pher -> Sal actually managed to play it straight. :: Nods towards Sal :: Maybe he gets the medal.

    Mitar Precip -> #"Big Al" alright get on the bloodphone..signal Vosh`rok secure line. He probably knows anyways...best show to him not all of us Guardians are corrupt latinum mongers. <OPS>Yes, Sheriff.

    Pher -> Chris acted under pheromone influence to defend Redera. He opposed the plan, but I wouldn't really blame him.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> Better give this one more sedative Shes a danger. ::poiting to Redera::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Aided by the doctors, the affected crew and Guardians regain consciousness

    rosetto -> ::doesn't flinch::

    Pher -> There were other... items of confusion. If you want to take everyone but Sal in, we can straighten things out. I'm not sure of everyone's motives.

    Pher -> But I believe you have what you were looking for.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Frowns deeply:: So pheromones were involved? ::Looks back at the guard and nods down at Simon::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>Keep a phaser on this one ::pointing to Nickles as he awakens:: He shot at his own people.

    Kaara Soora -> [[::made poptarts instead:: ^^]]

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Pher:: Do you think we need to be wary of ongoing effects?

    Pher -> Yes. I'd recommend keeping Redera unconscious.. Either that, or I have a shot that should keep her pheromones quiet.

    Pher -> I think our first officer is the only one who will show lingering effects.

    Pher -> Nickles will be likely to defend Redera. You might want to keep him out until she is well away from here.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Nods:: The shot you mentioned would be appreciated.

    rosetto -> ::looks at Pher, half in shock and whispers::Still?

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> +Sampson+ Lawman, keep the First Mate unconscious or restrained for the time being.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: slowly wakes up, places his now broken hand for being stepped on on the ground to steady himself:: HOLY HELL!

    Pher -> Very good.

    Pher -> Sal, you have the bridge. Shut her down for now.

    Pher -> :: Moves towards her quarters with a jesture for Savoy to follow ::

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Removes the ODRI from Simon's wrist and hands it to Savoy::

    rosetto -> Aye... Will do...::reurns to his station::

    Shane -> ::sighs, leaning against the console with his bionic dangling::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian>+Savory+ ::chuckleing:: Hes a bit incompasitated at the moment

    rosetto -> *returns

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Takes the ODRI and follows Pher. Looks back at the guard:: Keep him sedated. Call in support if you need it.

    Pher -> :: Enters her room... which is very richly decorated and highly exotic. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::to the team:: Tie that one up before he gets any ideas.

    rosetto -> ::begins to shut down systems::

    Pher -> :: pulls out a set of lockpicks and causually opens one of several chests ::

    Pher -> :: Shuffles through and picks up several hypos ::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Enters Pher's quarters, looking down at the ODRI::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> :;bends down to Chris:: sorry Dude Orders are orders. ::places a hypo to his neck and lets him have a good dose.::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> I must say ... no deaths ... and we have our two marks in custody. You are to be commended, Pher. Going by the results, if not the execution, this operation went quite well.

    Pher -> Each of these are good for about 8 hours at full effectiveness. I'll give you a contact where you can get more doses.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: trys to move away but not being able to gets hit and goes back to sleep::

    Pher -> Thank you. It worked. New crew. We've got a lot to work on with regards to execution.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Takes the hypos:: I imagine that getting information out of that one could take days, so that would be appreciated.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Which I will leave to you and your Captain.

    Pher -> Thank you.

    rosetto -> ::makes his way to his quarters passing Pher's::

    Pher -> :: Smiles, and presents a skirtless curtsy ::

    Pher -> :: Or is that we've got lots of executions in the works? ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::standing guard over Nickles and Redera::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> I don't approve of a great deal of the methods you employed tonight. And it still must be determined if any of my people were harmed or killed due to your activities. But a deal is a deal.

    Shane -> ::turns back to the science station console and pulls a older tricorder from his belt, one very similiar to the previous chief engineer:: starts tapping on the console and the tricorder, pretending to syncronize them::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> I will be able to clear all of you and your ship to leave as soon as the Taurus Brothers give the okay to lift the blockade.

    Pher -> :: Nods :: It could have been done better. Easily, it could have been done better.

    Troy Parson -> ::walks over to Shane, speaking quietly:: Can you go play Tetris on someone else's console?

    Pher -> I'll accept a critique, but it did work out in the end.

    Mitar Precip -> #Ops officer>Signal on bloodwine channel sir, basically it says : I know what my people's ships look like. Aware of situation out. <Sheriff Knorr> Klingons being cryptic. Now I have heard it all.

    Pher -> Appreciated. If... Well. One of us has a few questions for him. I know you have other priorities, but might we add these few questions to the list?

    Shane -> ::snaps shut the tricorder as Troy steps over, a remote diagnostic running on its screen:: Jealous?

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> That would depend on the nature of the questions. We will be asking him a great many questions in the days to come.

    Troy Parson -> ::sneaks a peek at the tricorder:: Not jealous, merely territorial.

    Pher -> Very well. I can understand that. I'll be in touch.

    Pher -> You might as well get to it.

    rosetto -> ::finds a much needed change of clothes::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> I have backup standying by to take him back to our headquarters. Do we have your freedom to board and depart the ship at will?

    Shane -> ::stands back, sarcastically motioning with his organic arm for Troy to take his place::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: slumped in a corner hands bound behind his back, the one that is broken being very obvious::

    Pher -> Depart, sure. We might want to escort you if you come back aboard. We'll see what Joe says.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Frowns a bit more:: I would rather he not inhibit our operations any more than he has ... but, yes, I will check with him.

    Pher -> Thanks.

    Troy Parson -> ::heads over to his station, but keeps watching Shane::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> I cannot say how long it will take for the blockade to be lifted. You may wish to join him. He is back at the same port station.

    rosetto -> ::turns on the sonic shower and enters relieved::

    Pher -> I'll contact him shortly, but I've got to figure out some of what happened here. Have a bit of a post mortum to run.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Nods to Pher before turning to hand off the pheromone-suppression meds::

    rosetto -> ::wishes there was REAL water but is just satisfied with the relaxing pulsation::

    Shane -> <<Is Simon still on the bridge?>>

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> +savory+ Sampson to Savory Are we taking oll of them with us?

    Joe Manning -> << Still knocked out and being tended to (kept sedate) by Guardians >>

    Shane -> ::turns away from Troy and the science station, stepping to one of the weapons console but remaining as near as possible to Simon::

    rosetto -> <hauled out with oother trash, I think>>

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Enters the science lab and looks at Sampson:: As soon as our backup is cleared to board the ship by Captain Manning.

    Pher -> Audrey. Open the pink cuffs, please.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Hands off the hypos to the medical officer nearest Redera:: We'll want to give her one of these when she wakes up.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::points to Nickles:: This one is the one that shot at us and his teammate. We taking him also?

    Troy Parson -> ::activates the science station and, wondering what Shane is doing with the ship's systems powered down, tells his console to monitor what Shane does at the weapons station::

    Shane -> ::pulls out the tricorder once more, not facing or looking at Simon and sees that the diagnostic showed good results, hits an activation sequence::

    rosetto -> ::steps out of the shower and dons fresh clothing::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Nickles::

    Pher -> Pheromone poisoning.

    Shane -> ::closes it and puts it back on his belt, pulling up a weapons diagnostic program on the console::

    rosetto -> ::returns to bridge slowly::

    Pher -> I fear I"m the only one really qualified to give treatment.

    Troy Parson -> ::observing the weapons diagnostic, while telling his own console to claim to be running a sensor diagnostic if queried::

    Shane -> ::quietly watches the diagnostic, his face expressionless as usual, though looking a little bored::

    Pher -> As I said, we badly need to run a post mortum on this one. Stun them all, let the Guardians sort them out wasn't Plan A.

    rosetto -> ::enters bridge:: I see you two haven't killed each other yet... Thank the Gods...

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Sampson:: If pheromones were involved, we must cut him a great deal of slack.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::to Pher:: Might want someone look at his hand and wrist. When we cuffed him his hand turned at an odd angle and is a bit off color,

    Pher -> I think I can straighten him out, but it would take a great deal of time.

    Pher -> Will do. Thanks.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Pher:: I have sufficient reason to believe that no one was willfully acting against us. I will not be taking anyone into custody except our two marks. Your crew, I will leave you to and Manning.

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> YOu think you can turn him around? He was very persistant in trying to kill us all.

    rosetto -> ::walks over to Shane::How's the arm, Tank?

    Shane -> ::glances towards Rosetto, than looks back to his console::

    Shane -> ::growls:: How's it look moron?

    Joe Manning -> << Last lines >>

    rosetto -> ::raises hands::OOO-kay, big guy...

    Pher -> Don't think he had lethal weapons? Look. I know a bit about pheromones. I was a New Risan Queen of the Beach. So long as you keep Redera well away from him, I should be able to manage.

    Shane -> ::boinic arm is hanging limp with a sliced hose, covered in dried blood::

    Shane -> bionic*

    STSF_Nickles -> Guardian> ::grabs Redera and tosses her over his shoulder, following the Medics out with her::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  14. Attention, citizens of Tranquility City! Attention, please!


    We are pleased to inform you that the terrorist overlord named 'Minos' has been apprehended. He is presently in Guardian custody. One of his top lieutenants is also in our custody, and most of his cell within the city has been scattered. The Rainmakers no longer pose a threat to Tranquility City. We must urge you to return to your homes or hotels. The ports will be re-opened within the next 38 hours, at such time as traffic in and out of the city may be facilitated in a smooth manner.


    Please disperse and clear the streets of the city. Minos has been apprehended.



    Marshall Savoy waited at the bottom of Qob's cargo ramp, beside the opened side hatch of a GCX armored car. Several Guardian air-speeders circled the landing pad, their occupants alert for any attempts to attack the transfer site. Such attempts were not likely; despite the Guardians' diminished resources, port security had done a commendable job of keeping out intruders the entire night. Still, this was Minos and these were the Rainmakers; a ship uncloaking in the atmosphere and firing on the transfer site would not shock Savoy.


    Lawman Sergeant Kravitz came down the ramp first, held up by two of his men. He looked terrible, like a man who'd been shot in the leg yet still kept himself on his feet doing his duty. A splint and some painkillers would have been the only treatment he needed; the job was too important. Savoy felt a trace of guilt; just a half hour ago, every Guardian in the city had believed that Kravitz was a Rainmaker collaborator, a ruse meant to reinforce the illusion of a break-in at the port. Kravitz would receive an official commendation, Savoy would make sure of it. She allowed herself a nod and a grab of his shoulder as he passed her at the bottom of the ramp. "Good work, Sergeant."


    Four Lawmen, two of them Sergeants, escorted the next passenger. For all of the pomp that surrounded Minos, for all the fanatical devotion that the Rainmakers heaped on him until the man became a myth, Simon Graham was not an impressive looking figure. He was 5'7", light of build, with brown hair neatly combed (she might guess) to cover a bald spot, and round eye-glasses. Intelligence had always painted two pictures of Minos -- the technological wizard who could set up untraceable information networks or hack into any computer system, and the organizer whose charm and force of will had turned a band of pro-Federation terrorists into a quasi-religious cult. This man being brought before the Marshall looked far more like the former.


    Now the task of cracking the man behind Minos would begin. The Guardians were already digging around at the Quantum Trinities office complex, investigating their activities and the history of Simon Graham's business. The company's other board members all insisted that they had no knowledge of any wrongdoing on Graham's part, nor were they complicit in any Rainmaker activities. The Guardians would make that determination themselves. The ODRI that had been taken off Simon would be a help (if it could be decrypted), and search teams were already preparing to enter the bunker from which Simon and his pet Deltan had emerged.


    The Guardian escorts stopped at the bottom of the ramp, where Simon turned his head to lock his gaze on Savoy. Even given his present circumstances, he had the gall to smile. "I might have known that Amanda Savoy would have a hand in this."


    Savoy kept the fury bottled up. The part of her that allowed base emotions to rule her actions had died a long time ago. But thinking back on all the things this man had been responsible for this night -- the bombing of an office building, the destruction of Central Precinct and the deaths of almost every Guardian within, the release of a toxic gas into a residential platform -- stirred some of the demons. "In time, Mr. Graham, you will not find this situation so amusing. You are going to talk, help us take down your own cult. We are going to do whatever is necessary to ensure that you do."


    Simon offered no noteworthy reaction. His expression turned neutral and he turned his head, looking ahead to the GCX. The Guardians ushered him into the armored vehicle, which would protect all of its occupants from any surprises delivered by the Rainmakers in the city. They would be taken to a secure underground bunker which the Guardians were in the process of converting to a substitute Central Precinct.


    Central Precinct would be rebuilt, of course -- maintaining a strong visible presence to the people of Tranquility City, in spite of any attacks, was still a priority. On top of that, the aftermath of the rioting would need to be dealt with. Minos had driven a lot of people, not just Qob's crew, to commit crimes this night, and Savoy guessed that the indiscretions of Manning and Pher would not be the last overlooked. Investigations would cover the entire city to determine how the attacks had been executed and if there were still any leaks to be plugged; Simon's forced cooperation would aid those efforts a great deal.


    Though the night had ended with success, the chaos that had taken place would be keeping the city's Guardians busy for a long time to come ...

  15. Joe Manning -> When we left off, we had departed Tranquility City's port district and made a pickup outside the city

    Joe Manning -> Our human (sort-of) cargo is on board and the Guardian fleet is pretending they don't see a Klingon Bird of Prey in the atmosphere

    rosetto -> We are still in the clouds, right?

    Joe Manning -> That's right


    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::backing off a bit to remain within the cloud bank::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Still on the MeH with Redera just behind him::

    Pher -> :: staying out of the center of things. ::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Circles around the command chair to the station where Troy is working, Redera following close behind:: We are evading the detection of the Guardian vessels?

    Shane -> ::standing in front of the weapons console, his arm hangin limp at his shoulder::

    Pher -> :: Lurking near the exit keeping an eye on things. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looking at the sensors:: They're scanning blindly, but not getting any locks...we're invisible.

    Pher -> Don't count on it lasting forever. Let's not linger. These things can be defeated.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Troy:: That is most excellent.

    rosetto -> ::looks down at his display to locate fleet::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at Simon:: Well, it looks like we're home free for now...what do you say to a tour of our fine vessel?

    rosetto -> ALL>They're well within sensor range...

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Troy:: -Are- we home free? ::Looks at Pher:: We are clear to exit the star system?

    Pher -> We can try. Odds are pretty good. They're sensors aren't Starfleet quality, I hope.

    Pher -> But it's early to pop Champaign corks.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Frowns slightly:: You hope.

    STSF_Nickles -> :glares for a moment still not liking them calling the shots::

    rosetto -> ::taps a few buttons to look busy::

    Troy Parson -> If worse comes to worse, I have an emergency plan that can get us enough distance to get clear...but it doesn't look like we'll need it.

    Pher -> Did we offer you a money back guarantee? If so, we need the money first.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Glances toward Nickles as she slowly glides over to the pilot's station::

    Pher -> :: Slips colose enough to the pilot's station to make Redera think twice... ::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> I merely wish to know what the next step is. These vessels leave trails that can be detected even when cloaked, no?

    Shane -> ::appears to sigh impatiently, keeping Simon in his perephials::

    Pher -> Yep. As soon as they think of it.

    STSF_Nickles -> They Can

    Shane -> <<color change>>

    Joe Manning -> Simon> That would necessitate some sort of contingency, would it not? I will leave nothing to chance. How long can this cloak be maintained.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Stops when Pher makes the sudden move and hmph's under her breath::

    rosetto -> ::looks back momentarily and then shakes his head::

    Pher -> Maintained, indefinitely. Giving them time to acquire a lock would be a bad idea.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Closer to Shane and his weapons station. Takes a step over to him and lets her fingers brush his hair::

    Pher -> :: To Redera :: Let's both stay clear of everybody, eh honey?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves over to the Helm station:: I Have it Pher.

    Shane -> ::growls:: Hands off whore.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Crosses his arms:: Well, what do you suggest we do? I could arrange to have myself discreetly transferred to another ship, if you can keep us concealed long enough.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Glances back at Redera::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Grins at Shane:: Redera is not going to try anything, I guarantee it.

    Pher -> We could drop you anywhere, but I don't think you'll be any better off than here.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: starts letting his guard down slightly, working on the helm::

    rosetto -> ::looks at what Chris is doing::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> As long as you can get me out of the system undetected, I can disappear from the Guardian net easily enough.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Rolls her eyes at Shane's insult as she takes a step back::

    STSF_Nickles -> We are stable and in hiding for the moment lets stay way for a bit.

    rosetto -> Aye, sir...

    Pher -> :: Stays as clear of Redera, tries not to be threatening, but ready to intervene as necessary. ::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Looks at Nickles:: I will provide you with the stellar coordinates of a Rainmaker safehouse where I might be dropped off.

    rosetto -> ::pulls QoB left and down to remain in clouds::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Reaches into the front of his overcoat and retrieves a small data rod::

    STSF_Nickles -> Fine Simon tell me what they are.. the sooner we are rid of you the sooner we go back and Get joe.

    Troy Parson -> ::pressing various buttons on the science console, seemingly tracking the Guardian scans::

    Shane -> ::ignores Redera and glances at Nickles and Pher, waiting for the show to get on the road::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Holds the rod out to Nickles:: Why are we still in the planet's atmosphere? Can we be tracked beyond it?

    STSF_Nickles -> It depends on whos out there. We could be if they know how to find us.

    Pher -> :: Let's Chris handle the space question. Not her field. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher scan the upper atmosphere Let me know who you see out there.

    Joe Manning -> << Welcome, Robert. :) Pull up a seat next to Precip in the audience >>

    Mitar Precip -> (hey Robert..Watching sim...enjoy)

    Pher -> :: Not sure she likes that order... Hopes he knows what he is doing. ::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Crosses his arms and looks around, wondering if the next phase is going to emerge at some point::

    Pher -> :: Takes a seat at an auxilary science station.. (Or is that one of the dozen or so weapons consoles? ) ::

    Shane -> <<being klingon, I would guess weapons>>

    Pher -> :: Makes sure she is staying passive. Does not want to make anyone up there nervous by sending targeting scans their way ::

    rosetto -> (That would be next to me, Pher... FYI))

    Joe Manning -> << There's a flight station, a sensor station, and two weapon stations >>

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at Simon:: Maybe it would be best if I explained the next stage of the plan to you? It's somewhat technical, and the others have work to do...

    Joe Manning -> << 'Auxiliary' will be a chair next to Troy's. Which I'm sure Troy won't mind >>

    Pher -> Patrol frigates, mostly. Starting to spread out some.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Troy:: I -am- wondering. Based on the nature of your port escape, I began to wonder if you were making this all up as you went along. But ... considering its success, I will not be too critical.

    Troy Parson -> ::stands up:: Come, then...I have a chart that should be very helpful for explaining this next stage.

    rosetto -> ::points to a hole in defenses, a possibility::

    rosetto -> ::to PHer::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Shrugs and motions ahead:: Please.

    Pher -> Bout five ships. Frigate class, most of em. I don't think all of them are warp capable.

    Robert Long -> <<sits across from Precip in the Peanut section eating popcorn>>

    Mitar Precip -> (munching on peanuts happily)

    Troy Parson -> ::Leads the way off the bridge, heading to a closet converted into a very compact lab, now somewhat dusty:: In here.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Follows Troy, Redera not far behind::

    Joe Manning -> << You do know we converted the transporter room into a lab for you, Troy? ;) >>

    Troy Parson -> <<The closet has a nice, cozy feeling, though :P>>

    STSF_Nickles -> Simon, you hears Pher. They are starting to spread out. Once you stand down from your threats, Then we will move out furhter.

    Troy Parson -> ::searches around the lab until he finds a chart with a wireframe drawing of the planet and surrounding space, covered with cryptic symbols:: Ah! Here we are...

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Before he leaves the Bridge:: I am threatening no one, Mr. Nickles. Just anxiously awaiting my freedom from the Guardians' attention.

    Mitar Precip -> (AFK..err...exits gallery for more food)

    Shane -> ::discreetly leaves his weapons station, mumbling about something with his arm and heads off the bridge::

    Pher -> There are a few shuttles running around as well, but I wouldn't worry about them too much.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Glances over Troy and the chart:: Mm hmm ... and what is this?

    Troy Parson -> ::puts the chart up on a forcefield in the middle of the room:: This is a gravity chart of our immediate vicinity...

    STSF_Nickles -> Your behind the Terrorists arent you? ::watches as they head out the door;::

    rosetto -> ::uses his hands to try to show Pher his idea:: <Pher>See?

    Joe Manning -> Simon> Yes, and?

    Troy Parson -> These symbols indicate relative strength and direction of the gravetic pull at all these points...now, as you probably know, operation of warp drive requires a strength below RV minus eight...

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Circles around behind Troy and lightly brushes -his- hair::

    Pher -> Worth thinking about, Sal.

    Troy Parson -> In layman's terms, warp and gravit don't mix. Otherwise, we wouldn't need spaceships at all for most purposes...we'd just have trains or something that would warp from planet to planet.

    Troy Parson -> ::glances back briefly at Redera, and continues talking:: Now, the planet that we're on right now is interesting because of its ring system...

    Troy Parson -> ::glances back at Redera again:: As you can see, any matter close to the planet...::gestures towards the chart::

    Pher -> (Are they clear of the bridge?)

    Troy Parson -> ...will fall down to the surface. Any matter further away...::gestures again::...

    Joe Manning -> << They are >>

    STSF_Nickles -> :: doesnt trust them and decides to go see what they are talking about::

    Pher -> If we aren't going to call off anything down below, we might as well take em.

    Troy Parson -> ...gets caught in the gravity of the rings, and becomes part of them.

    Pher -> (they)

    Troy Parson -> But the interesting thing is what you get riiiiiiiight...here! ::makes a circle on the chart with his finger::\

    STSF_Nickles -> :;looks to Pher:: I ould rather turn them over and get Joe back.

    Troy Parson -> At all of these points, the gravity of the planet and the gravity of the rings cancel one another out, creating a circular "track", if you will, where a ship could use warp drive from far closer to the surface than is normally possible.

    rosetto -> ::whispers to Pher::Do what you gotta do, just leave me with instructions...

    Pher -> :: Scans Rosetto's hair to see if he can figure out what drug Redera applied ::

    Shane -> ::leaning up against the bulkhead right outside the lab door, waiting::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> Quite fascinating. And would the Guardians be capable of tracking our exit from the system?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Applied no drugs or pheromones to Rosetto's or Shane's hair::

    Troy Parson -> ::turns and tries to look at Simon, but winds up looking at Redera instead::

    STSF_Nickles -> Im going to go see what they are talking about. ::: moves into the hers::other room with Simon and the ot

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Gives Troy a seductive smile::

    Troy Parson -> Once we make the circle jump, as I've been calling it, the Guardian fleet will be on the wrong side of the planet to track us...

    STSF_Nickles -> Troy Dont give away to much

    Joe Manning -> Redera> Oooh, you're so smart. I find men of intelligence to be so attractive ...

    Shane -> ::watches Nickles enter the room, sighs::

    Troy Parson -> ::glares at Nickles, and dusts himself off, looking back at Redera:: It's merely an application of basic warp theory, ma'am.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Glances at Redera than at Nickles:: My only interest is in getting out of this system undetected, Mr. Nickles. The secrets of your ship and of the knowledge of your personnel does not interest me.

    STSF_Nickles -> If that IS the case then you shouldnt mind staying in one place.

    rosetto -> ::makes more course corrections to enter another cloud bank::

    Pher -> :: Trying to think of a reason they shouldn't be taken down now or sooner... Doesn't expect to be able to convince them to not burn the city. ::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> Note that I might be interested in hiring you long-term if this operation proves successful.

    STSF_Nickles -> Hes OURS Simon!!

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Glances at Nickles and a mischievous smile crosses her lips:: Perhaps you could tell me more about it in private, Troy? In your quarters, perhaps?

    STSF_Nickles -> Troy back to your post!

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Crosses his arms at Chris:: Mr. Nickles, I am not trying to steal any of your people away from you. The offer extends to your entire crew. You as well.

    Troy Parson -> ::glares at Nickles:: Come now...I'm merely trying to be hospitable to our guests.

    Troy Parson -> Surely the sensors can scan on their own for a little while?

    STSF_Nickles -> There is NO Need to be hospitable to them, Back to your post. your giving away too much information.

    rosetto -> ::looks to Pher with a quizzed look on his face::

    Shane -> ::rolls his eyes at Nickles reactions, listening to the conversation::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Redera:: He's awfully unfriendly, isn't he?

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Tilts his head at Nickles::

    Mitar Precip -> (rejoins audience hoping Redera is dead...awh drat..not yet)

    Joe Manning -> Simon> For a guest ... I feel as if I am being treated with an undue amount of hostility by you Mr. Nickles.

    Pher -> (Quietly, to Sal) If I could think of a way to convince him to call off any landside operations, I would. Other than that, delay is gaining us nothing.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> That he is. ::Lets her hand slip around Troy's arm::

    Pher -> The longer we delay, the more likely the ships upstairs will be able to open up.

    rosetto -> ::nods silently::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: sees Redera and moves to step between them:: Troy I said your POST!

    Pher -> As Chris tied me to this console, he apparently doesn't want me bird dogging our guests...

    rosetto -> ::hears the yelling and cringes::

    Pher -> So... His game for the moment.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Rolls his eyes and slips out of the lab:: If you will excuse me, I wish to find out how close we are to getting out of this system.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Cluctching Troy's arm tightly::

    Troy Parson -> ::loses his cool for a second:: I'm quite aware of what you said, Mr. Nickles. I'm just disregarding it.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Wonders who Nickles is protecting from whom::

    Shane -> ::fiddles with his bionic as Simon leaves::

    rosetto -> Yeah, I just don't like that Redera... Not at all... I told you about that 2nd Lieu, right?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Whispers into Troy's ear, but loud enough for Chris to hear:: I think he's jealous.

    Pher -> :: Wonders if she should give a sit report to the guardians aboard. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: gets annoyed:: INSUBORDINATION Mr Troy Will NOT be talerated. :: Pulls Redrea hand off his arm:: Now Move!

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Pher:: Mr. Parson explained the plan to me. How much longer until we hit this ... warp spot?

    Pher -> Sal?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Gives a pained gasp as her arm is grabbed::

    Pher -> I'm scanning. He's flying.

    rosetto -> Pher, I have just learned not to trust them; their kind... Not at all...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::: now hold her her arm finding he cant really let go::

    Troy Parson -> ::grimaces as Redera is pulled away:: You really have no idea what you're doing, do you? Ordering people around like we're on some kind of Federation starship...

    Joe Manning -> Simon> Trust whom I wonder? Hopefully, Nickles' paranoia is not contagious.

    Pher -> I trust them to be trying to scan through our cloak. Let's not wait too long, shall we?

    Shane -> ::gets up off the wall and walks back into bridge, standing near the door::

    STSF_Nickles -> Its in your best interest Troy! GO,

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Smirks slightly as Nickles and Troy fight::

    Troy Parson -> I think I know quite well what is in my own best interests...better than you, at any rate.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Glances back toward the lab and taps his chin, a deeply considerate look on his face::

    rosetto -> ::whispers::Just point to the hole and we're in it, Pher...

    Troy Parson -> Also...::looking at Nickles::

    Pher -> :: leans close to the Nav console, whispers. :: If I don't take him clean, give me a rough ride, please.

    Troy Parson -> You really ought to let go of our guest. It's rude to cling.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Shoots a glance at Shane, then back at the corridor leading out of the Bridge::

    rosetto -> ::nods and whispers::rough, no problem there...

    Pher -> :: Annoyed :: You didn't leave Red with Chris, did you? Don't you know he's going to be obcessed with her? (To Simon)

    STSF_Nickles -> Then if you will not go to your post, them Im taking her with me out there and I will take it. You will be sorry Troy.

    Pher -> :: Gets up, and starts moving back as if to see Redera... but passing close to Simon ::

    rosetto -> ::watches out of the corner of his eye::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: beads of swaet starting to accumulate on his brow::

    STSF_Nickles -> *Sweat

    Joe Manning -> Simon> Chris seems quite well. Whatever treatment you provided broke her influence on him, I would say. Besides, she is under my explicit instructions not to cause any trouble.

    Troy Parson -> I think not. ::goes to take Redera back::

    Pher -> I don't trust Chris not to start trouble.

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Folds his arms behind his back and smirks:: That would be your concern, I am afraid.

    Pher -> :: Draws pain stick, sets to full power stun, tries to tag Simon ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: pulls Redrea out of Troys Reach::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::A jolt shoots through him. He shudders and falls to the deck::

    rosetto -> ::ereadies the controls for hard bank::

    Pher -> :: Quickly cuffs to something solid ::

    Pher -> :: CHecks for weapons, if finds removes ::

    Pher -> That's one..

    Shane -> ::pulls out his sidearm and runs back down the corridor, slows and steps into the lab::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Pulled by Nickles, looks toward the Bridge at the thud::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees Shane enter:: What are you doing?!

    Pher -> :: Collapse stick ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: takes a swing at Troy as he nears Redrea again hitting him in the jaw::

    Shane -> ::points the gun at redera:: Don't move.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Looks at Shane::

    Pher -> :: Glares are Redera :: Wouldn't this be easier if we just kept away from each other?

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Looks down at the gun::

    Pher -> :: Glares at Chris as well ::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Looks at the gun at Nickles' side::

    Shane -> ::sees her look at Nicks gun and shoots her in the knee cap::

    Pher -> :: Looks at Audrey as if she is checking pheromone levels ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::: has a grip on rederas arm, His own breathing beginning to quicken::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> Chris ... kill them ... ::Shot in the knee. Yelps and falls::

    Troy Parson -> ::staggers back into the lab:: You'll regret that...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::pulls his phaser and aims for Shane::

    Pher -> :: Pulls girlie gun. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Firing a shot but its pulled off by Rederas fall::

    Shane -> ::dives to the side, to avoid the beam::

    Troy Parson -> ::reaches for a disk taped to the bottom of one of the lab benches, and pushes it into a wall slot::

    rosetto -> ::pulls QoB in tight bank::

    Pher -> :: Ready to stun them all if necessary, but holding for the moment. ::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Howls in pain, then growls in Nickles direction:: Kill them! Protect me!

    STSF_Nickles -> :: helps Redera up off the ground::

    Pher -> :: Almost sort of expecting the rough flight... Tries to maintain stance ::

    Pher -> Chris, you know I'll have to cash the checks she writes.

    Shane -> ::scrambles up and tackles Nickles, slamming him against the bulkhead::

    Troy Parson -> ::grabbing on to a piece of laboratory equipment hanging from the ceiling, while also reaching for an audio input microphone from the lab:: Computer...activate transfer from disk Parson Emergency One.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Fires again grazing troy as hes tackled::

    rosetto -> ::pulls up quickly and then into another bank::

    Pher -> Her knee is hurt. Best lay her down. You'll hurt her...

    Pher -> +Guardians+ Come join the party.

    Shane -> ::pinning Nickles to the ground by the neck, with his ONE arm:: Little help?!

    Troy Parson -> ::is hit in the arm as the lab doors start to close on their own, not responding to outside controls::

    Joe Manning -> Computer> ::A few words in Klingon emerge from the lab's speakers and the lights dim momentarily. The same sort of thing has been happening on and off for a few weeks::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Arrives at the door to the lab, limping, with his men::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Pher:: Situation?

    rosetto -> ::starts to bring QoB back to level flight::

    Pher -> Simon's down on the bridge. Secure Redera. Watch out for Chris.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: takes his foot and pushes shane backwards::

    Pher -> Didn't get them to stand down the fire below. Wasn't going to happen.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Nods to two of his men:: She looks pretty bad. Define 'down.'

    Pher -> Stunned and cuffed to a chair.

    Pher -> Best get on him, though.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: reaches for his weapon on the floor next to him::

    Shane -> ::falls backwards, landing one his back::

    Joe Manning -> Guardian> ::Crosses over to help Shane keep Nickles pinned:: Is he working with them?

    Pher -> He is confused by honey dust.

    Pher -> Chris, stand down.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Looks up to see the new faces and looks around frantically::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: has weapon in hand trying to gain control::

    Shane -> ::stands up and glares at Pher:: Thanks for the help you goram idiot!

    Pher -> :: Extends pain stick. :: Everybody stand down.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::fighting with the Gaardian trying to regain his weapon entirely::

    Pher -> This is going to hurt you more than it will hurt me.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> Ahhh! Are you backstabbing us?! I know we couldn't trust you! I knew we should have taken the ship!

    Pher -> :: Most concerned with Redera ::

    Pher -> :: Heavy stun charge, tries to tag REdera ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks around his lab for options, and notices a pile of cleaning products in one corner::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Held by two Guardians, she's stunned easily::

    rosetto -> ::wants so badly to interject but remains at the controls::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: kicks the gardian a good one pulling the weapon free and aims it at Pher::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Looks down at Pher:: So ... I suppose I get to transmit good news down to HQ?

    Pher -> :: focused on Redera, ignoring Nickles ::

    Shane -> ::steps up and pistol whips Chris across the face::

    Joe Manning -> Guardian> ::Knocks the weapon aside and keeps Nickles pinned::

    Shane -> <<oh, scratch last line::

    Shane -> >>

    Shane -> <<I'm just feeling violent tonight...>>

    STSF_Nickles -> :: swaeting profusely now pinned to the ground again:: LEAVE HER ALONE!!!! I HAVE TO PROtect her!!!

    rosetto -> <<when are you NOT?>>

    Joe Manning -> << Apparently it's going around ... >>

    Troy Parson -> <<Wait till you see.>>

    Pher -> :: still trying to tag Redera ::

    Pher -> She'll be OK. She just needs to sleep.

    Troy Parson -> ::opens the lab doors:: Hello, everyone.

    Pher -> :: Tries to put her to sleep ::

    Joe Manning -> Computer> ::Rosetto's helm control wavers a bit, his nav sensor data scrambling. It's restored to normal after a few seconds::

    Joe Manning -> Computer> ::Apparently, T'aral was not able to rid the computer of all those glitches::

    rosetto -> What The!... oh,, okay... there...

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Points his rifle in Troy's direction::

    Troy Parson -> ::puts on a gas mask that he took from the laboratory, and throws down two bottles of highly concentrated cleaning solution...one bleach-based, the other ammonia based::

    Troy Parson -> ::ducks back into the lab and shuts the door before Kravitz can fire::

    Shane -> ::looks over to Troy, wiping the sweat from his brow:: Kravitz:: He's on our side.

    Joe Manning -> << Is he ... ? >>

    Troy Parson -> Cleaning solutions> ::mix to create chlorine gas, which was used as a chemical weapon in the first World War::

    Pher -> :: Retreats towards the Bridge ::

    Pher -> :: Quickly :: Everybody, to the bridge, fast.

    Mitar Precip -> (puts on gas mask...setting aside peanuts)

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  16. Joe Manning -> Last week, we had just succeeded in boarding the ship and were on the verge of lifting off

    Joe Manning -> Pher is calling the shots right now while Nickles gets over his last ... err ... 'fit?'

    Pher -> We have a destination, I thought, assuming our 'cargo' has had time to get there. How far away is the rondezvous point?

    Joe Manning -> I thought you'd decided you wouldn't be sending the supplies overland?

    Joe Manning -> Anyway, it's about ten kilometers outside the city perimeter

    Pher -> At this point, Pher is intending on leaving the supplies in the depot, and picking them up after everything else is handled.

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> Distant and very non-communicable, Sal takes his place on the bridge at the helm controls and ensures that all systems are up and operational. There are very familiar to him and he feels very little disorientation as he sorts through the background proces

    rosetto -> processes canceling those that are just 'not needed' as he sets the flight mode and prepares the free flight navigational computer programs....

    Pher -> :: Scrambles to the bridge. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::has somehow made it back to the ship and is perched at the science console on the bridge::

    rosetto -> ::looks over the navigatinal displays searching for a destination beacon::

    Pher -> Can we lift?

    Mitar Precip -> ::Winston and Benson continue to record what is happening from an obscure heat exhaust duct..with the events being seen overiding their discomfort::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: enters the bridge a few moments after Pher:: Are we ready??

    rosetto -> ::glances down at engine readiness panel::

    Pher -> :: Finds something to hang on to, not intending to take a seat ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Guardian speeders are surrounding Qob's landing pad. The ships in orbit are all gathering over the port

    Mitar Precip -> Winston>The Qob? Have I heard of a Bird of Prey called the Qob? Never got to take Klingon history in the academy Sir, No I havent...Qob...is that how you say it?

    Troy Parson -> All sensors online and ready.

    rosetto -> ::looks at Pher and nods::

    STSF_Nickles -> We need to get out of here and Find a way to Grab Joe!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks around:: Wheres Shane??

    Mitar Precip -> Benson>Nevermind...looks like the Bird is getting ready to fly....

    Pher -> Lift as you can. I think you can outrun the speeders. Try to break contact.

    Shane -> ::stumbles down the stairs, to the neck of the Qob:: Wheres that...pah'tal doctor...

    Pher -> Joe isn't with use for a reason, Chris. Minos is our objective, not Joe. We'll trade later.

    rosetto -> Aye, sir... Engines are prepped and ready... Here we go...

    Joe Manning -> <Com> +Qob+ This is Constable Derrick McEnroy to Klingon Bird of Prey. If you attempt to leave this planet, we will open fire.

    Pher -> Lift, try to outrun the atmospheric craft, but don't get high enough in the atmosphere to tempt the orbital guys to start taking shots.

    Mitar Precip -> Benson>::wipes the sweat from his brow..realizing the heat is getting bad in the duct. he reaches for some water hand takes a quick sip then hands to canteen to his partner::

    rosetto -> ::nods::on it

    Troy Parson -> <<Remind me, does this planet have a moon?>>

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Hears the Com:: Are their waepons enough to harm us?

    Joe Manning -> << No. It has a ring >>

    Pher -> Chris, acknowledge the no leave the planet.

    Troy Parson -> <<Alright, thanks.>>

    Pher -> Oh, yah. Assume the orbital guys can hurt us, but the little guys down low will have problems. They don't have space guns.

    rosetto -> ::lifts QoB and turns in hover::

    Mitar Precip -> Winston>You get some stuff on the ODRI? ::takes the canteen and gulps down some water:: Qob ...well if that's her name the moment of truth has arrived ....

    STSF_Nickles -> +COM+ We dont plan on leaving the planet, Yet, Just this area

    Joe Manning -> <Com> +Qob+ You are not authorized to leave the port area.

    STSF_Nickles -> +COM+ We shall see about that.

    rosetto -> Pher, I'm gonna need a direction... ::smiles weakly::

    Mitar Precip -> Winston>Wow...it's moving! <Benson>Yeah I see her..Now the question is where will the fleet take her out.

    Pher -> Nickles, roundezvous point is 10 klicks at 49 degrees from the port true. I'm gonna change out of this guardian get up.

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets go before they try something

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Who'dathunk a rusty old Bird of Prey wouldn't be as easy to handle as a simulation Bird of Prey. The ship jerks around as Sal tries to manage the thrusters

    Pher -> Try not to give away the location we're going to until you've confirmed someone is there.

    rosetto -> <<LOL>>

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up from the sensor console:: I'd like to take a moment to remind you all that this ship isn't exactly in prime condition..

    Pher -> :: Runs to her quarters to try a quick change ::

    STSF_Nickles -> I hope you know what your Diong Girlfriend.

    STSF_Nickles -> *doing

    Shane -> ::turns a corner and runs into Pher:: Sonuva!

    Pher -> Nah. Faking it. If y'all want to surrender, let me know. :: leaves ::

    rosetto -> Aye sir, 49 degrees port... We'll be over rendezvous point in a few seconds...

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The gunmen aboard the speeders fire a few warning shots in front of the ship

    Pher -> You're with me. Got a change out of the guardian gear?

    Mitar Precip -> Winston>Uh....She's faltering...What do we do if it crashes? <Benson>Stary where we are unless it's going to land on us...then we make a break...

    rosetto -> ::tries to steady controls onto 49 degrees::

    Troy Parson -> Not to worry you all, but I'm reading weapons fire off our bow.

    Joe Manning -> ::Watching from a rooftop in the Merc District as Qob lifts up and hobbles around::

    Mitar Precip -> Winston>Guardian groundfire is intense..but that should shoot her down. They were pretty tough ships.

    Pher -> :: Dives into her quarters and quickly pulls coveralls over her guardian get up. ::

    Shane -> ::shakes his head:: Yeah, just point me to the med station first

    Shane -> *to clear it::

    rosetto -> ::looks at Chris before pushing thrusters forward::

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets go ..... ::looks back:: Shane??

    Pher -> :: doesn't like changing during ship to ship action ::

    Joe Manning -> <Com> +Qob+ You have nowhere to go. The fleet has your position locked on and we will use force if you attempt to breach the atmosphere.

    Pher -> Three doors down! :: points ::

    rosetto -> We're gone! ::pushes thrusters forward::

    Shane -> ::angrily at Nickles:: What?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The speeder men take a few shots of Qob's hull, but a few scorch marks are all they have to show for it

    STSF_Nickles -> You dont look so good Man..

    Mitar Precip -> Benson>::looks in utter amazement...a Warship in the Port District...but so few people got on board, were there people already on board?

    Shane -> ::turns and stumbles to the med station:: Pah'tal people and their freakin questions...

    Pher -> +Kravitz+ Keep your people out of site for the moment, will ya?

    rosetto -> ::arms shaking but maintains control::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Lying on a cot in the infirmary:: +Pher+ ::Groans:: I'll pass that along

    Mitar Precip -> Winston>Can our ORDIs get Guardian fleet traffic?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: stumbles over to Shane:: You better sit down.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The fleet follows, maintaining a position above Qob

    Shane -> ::shakes him off:: Just get me some blood!

    STSF_Nickles -> :: grabs an ER Med kit::

    rosetto -> We got bogies at 9 o'cl;ock...

    Mitar Precip -> Benson>No...We are at low power. But the Precinct's comm center should be getting all of this.

    Pher -> :: Heads back to sickbay, makes for Kravitz ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Dont break the Atmosphere

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir... Keeping low and fast...

    STSF_Nickles -> Shane lets fix the leaking area first so you dont loose more.

    Mitar Precip -> Benson>::notes the BoP has left their point of view:: Okay let's get a few moments of footage of the aftermath..then get the heck out of here.

    Troy Parson -> ::directing the sensors towards the general direction of the rendezvous point::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A few Guardian speeders emerge from the city's perimeter and drop down to the planet's surface, attempting pursuit, albeit very slowly in comparison to Qob

    Mitar Precip -> Winston>Aye sir. Good Grief what did we just record?

    Troy Parson -> I'm reading pursuing atmospheric craft...nothing fast enough to catch us, though.

    Pher -> Kravitz. Would you verify what the upstair fleet is briefed for? They know they aren't supposed to blow us? They know we need to get the all clear off?

    Shane -> ::stumbles into the med room, speaking to Chris over his shoulder:: It's fine! I'll get it...

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There are trace amounts of radioactive dust particles in the vicinity of the rendezvous site, but surface scans show no lifeforms or structures

    STSF_Nickles -> :: takes a regenerator and repairs the area in Shanes Bionic arm thats leaking::

    Mitar Precip -> Benson>Something way over your and my heads Lawman Mark Winston. Let's just wrap this up and retreat....

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Looks at Pher with pained expression:: My understanding, yeah. Pretend you're cloaked, that whole deal ...

    rosetto -> We're coming up on the rendezvous point, Sir... Hover?

    Troy Parson -> I'm reading no lifeforms and no structures at the rendezvous point...I have some radioactive dust, though.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> By now the message should have been relayed to all the Sheriffs.

    Joe Manning -> <Com> +Qob+ ::Mechanical voice:: Land at the provided coordinates, please.

    Troy Parson -> ::scans the radiation coming from the site to see if there are any unexplained gaps or voids in the dust::

    Pher -> Good nuff. :: Thinks through :: Well, we're off. I'll get the doc up.

    Mitar Precip -> Winston> Aside from our big armed cyborg Guardian clotheslining friend...I did not recognize anyone on the scope..

    Pher -> :: Breaks for the bridge ::

    rosetto -> ::looks at his display for incoming coordinates::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There are a few lightly shielded exhausts in the ground, suggesting subterranean structures

    Mitar Precip -> Besnon>Noted. Okay let's pack up...move out. Our part in the show is over.

    Shane -> ::starts pulling open cabinets in the med room and finds an all-type synthetic blood pack:: Work for now...

    Mitar Precip -> Winston>Yes sir.

    Pher -> :: Not happy with the rush, but what the hay... ::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Shane:: You're the engineer, right?

    Troy Parson -> My readings indicate that there is most likely an underground structure at these coordinates.

    STSF_Nickles -> OK shane HOw am I supposed to get it stopped if you keep moving about SIT Don for Petes sake.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The fleet holds position above the rendezvous site. The speeders are about ten minutes away

    STSF_Nickles -> *dowm

    STSF_Nickles -> down

    Pher -> :: Hits the bridge and finds something to hang onto ::

    Mitar Precip -> Klingon walking down street>::looks up and sees a Bird of Prey swoop bye:: Q`aqpla!!!!

    Shane -> ::looks at the Guardian and nods, then looks to Chris:: I'll fix the hose later. Its sealed now.

    Pher -> Status?

    rosetto -> Silly tourists! ::laughs::

    Joe Manning -> << That line's about 15 ago, Precip. ;) They're outside the city >>

    Joe Manning -> << 15 minutes, that is >>

    rosetto -> We're over the rendezvous point... I'm waiting on coordinate for touch down...

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> Where can I send my men? Keep them out of sight, but ready to spring an ambush when called?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The coordinates are relayed

    Mitar Precip -> <<retreats to peaunut gallery>>

    Pher -> OK. If they give you somewhere to set down, do it. Keep the tempo up.

    rosetto -> Just got them, Pher... Bringing her down... Slowly...

    Troy Parson -> ::braces for landing::

    STSF_Nickles -> Shane Are you OK for the time being??

    Pher -> Let me know if you see life signs.

    rosetto -> ::smiles at Troy::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Rosetto:: It's not you, it's the ship.

    Shane -> ::with his good hand, pulls off a panel on his bionic and attaches the blood pack to a correct fitting:: Yeah Nickles, just leave me alone for Pete's sake.

    rosetto -> She's fine, Troy... Just a little old and finicky...

    Pher -> Troy, you'll be with me when we touch down. You got along with them before. I'll want you doing the talking.

    Pher -> Rosetto, stay at helm. You too chris.

    STSF_Nickles -> Fine. Ill be on the bridge.

    rosetto -> Aye... Ain't going no where... ::brings QoB down::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Shane:: I'll just send them to the engine area to pose as mechanics

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves back towards the bridge to see why they seem to have sowed::

    Troy Parson -> Can do. ::starts to gather stuff from his station::

    Shane -> ::closes his eyes and sighs in relief as the blood pack drains slowly::

    rosetto -> ::waits for craft to settle::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: In orbit, a small shuttle breaks away from the Guardian fleet and starts descending toward the rendezvous

    rosetto -> We have another bogie entering the atmosphere....

    Pher -> Acknowledged.

    Joe Manning -> <Com> +Qob+ Crew of the Klingon Bird of Prey, you are all hereby ordered to stand down and to submit to a boarding party.

    rosetto -> ::looks to Pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::enters the bridge: Boarding parties??

    Pher -> +Guardians+ We are standing down. We just want to be clear of the city before it gets blown up!

    rosetto -> ::thinks 'this plan is not going so well'::

    Shane -> ::opens his eyes and walks out of the med, his bionic still hanging limp, heading for the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> <Com> +Qob+ Acknowledged ...

    rosetto -> ::shuts down primary flight systems::

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher We are letting them aboard??

    Pher -> Keep them warm, but if you can give the impression we're not intending to lift right this moment, do it.

    Pher -> Minos better get here before that shuttle does. If not? I'll have to ad-lib again.

    Troy Parson -> I rather suspect he's already here...

    Pher -> But we also can assume that the shuttle is in on the ploy.

    rosetto -> <<AFK>>

    Joe Manning -> <Com> +Qob+ ::Mechanical voice:: I will board your vessel when your access hatch is open and you are present to admit me.

    Pher -> Right.

    Pher -> Troy! With me.

    Troy Parson -> ::following::

    Pher -> :: Starts towards the main ramp ::

    Shane -> ::ripps off the remains of his guardian shirt, leaving only a blood soaked green tank, steps into the bridge::

    rosetto -> <<back, sorry>>

    Pher -> Shane. Stay on the bridge. Party will be here.

    Pher -> :: continues on to the hatch ::

    Shane -> ::Pher:: A fun party?

    Troy Parson -> ::also at the hatch now::

    rosetto -> ::places systems into STBY mode::

    Pher -> :: Stands back a bit :: Up to you. Invite our friends int.

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher.... ::shakes his head :: forget it..

    Pher -> :: Hits the controls to open the hatch ::

    rosetto -> ::spins in seat and looks at Chris::Did I pass the audition? ::smiles::

    Pher -> Troy. Your turn.

    Troy Parson -> ::watches as the hatch opens, and starts down the ramp::

    STSF_Nickles -> You did Pete You did, Ill make sure Joe knows if we get him back.

    Pher -> :: Uses Audrey to keep track of life forms in the area ::

    rosetto -> Pete? Who's Pete? <<lol>>

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A bunker hatch disguised like the surrounding dirt swings open nearby

    Troy Parson -> ::Turns towards the bunker hatch and does his best to look welcoming::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Simon Graham and Redera emerge and begin sprinting toward Qob

    rosetto -> ::stands and stretches::

    Pher -> :: tries to take a quick inventory of their weapons ::

    Troy Parson -> ::shouts up:: Here they come!

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Simon appears unarmed to sensors. Redera is carrying her usual energy pistol

    rosetto -> ::hears shout and quickly sits back down::

    Joe Manning -> <Simon> ::Yells out to Troy:: Your ship is not yet cloaked. ::Glances up at the approaching shuttle:: Do you think that is wise?

    Troy Parson -> The cloak won't help us down here...

    Troy Parson -> The moment we accelerated, they'd read the heat differential in the atmosphere, and we'd be fried.

    STSF_Nickles -> I dont like boarding parties.

    Troy Parson -> We've got something else planned, though...

    Joe Manning -> <Simon> Then I will hope for all of our sakes that this ship can travel very fast through the atmosphere.

    Pher -> :: snorts ::

    rosetto -> Yeah, they are usually not in the mood to party...

    Shane -> ::looks for the weapons station on the bridge and steps to it::

    Joe Manning -> <Simon> ::Nods to Redera and steps onto the ramp:: There are also ground-craft approaching this position. We must depart quickly.

    Shane -> ::simply looks at Pete with his stony expression and looks back to the panel::

    STSF_Nickles -> Feeling better Shane?

    rosetto -> ::nods to Shane::

    Troy Parson -> ::leading Simon and Redera onto the ship::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Follows Simon, eyeing Pher with a look of dislike::

    rosetto -> Welcome onboard, Big guy...

    Shane -> ::glances at the empty blood pack on his arm, pulls it off and tosses it aside:: Yeah, a bit.

    Pher -> :: Show mutual regard :: Just two? Can we lift?

    Joe Manning -> <Simon> It is just the two of us.

    Shane -> ::flips the panel shut with his good hand, hearing a hiss as it seals shut::

    rosetto -> ::brings systems back on line::

    STSF_Nickles -> +Pher+ PHer we have vessle approaching Whatever your doing down there make it quick

    Pher -> :: waits for them to be clear of the hatch, and hits close ::

    Joe Manning -> <Simon> ::Glances around the cargo hold:: I received reports of a band of uniformed Guardians breaking into the port and stealing this ship ... lead by a rogue Lawman. I did not overestimate your ability, it seems.

    Pher -> :: As soon as they are more or less aboard... :: +Bridge+ Clear to lift.

    Shane -> ::Nickles:: What weapons are online?

    Pher -> If you stink up my males again, I'll be vaguely annoyed.

    rosetto -> ::looks to Chris::Do we lift off?

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Stares daggers through Pher:: I don't see how that would be possible. Your own stink is practically oozing off the hull.

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets go Pete

    Pher -> Home sweet home.

    Mitar Precip -> <<audience quietly roots for spacing of Deltan>>

    rosetto -> Aye SIr... ::lifts QoB quickly and heads upwards::

    Joe Manning -> <Simon> Now now, ladies. Let's be civil while the Guardians are coming here to arrest us all?

    STSF_Nickles -> Not Many yet Shane Im showing just phasers

    Joe Manning -> <Com> +Qob+ This is Sheriff McEnroy to Bird of Prey, you have been ordered to stand down! We will not warn you again before we open fire!

    Shane -> ::mumbles:: You mean disruptors...

    Troy Parson -> ::heads back to the bridge::

    STSF_Nickles -> HERE We go again.... Do we have Cloaking yet??

    rosetto -> Where to Boss?

    Pher -> :: falls in behind, vaguely waving Audrey near Redera. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Dont break the atmophere yet we have to get Joe back first.

    rosetto -> Okay, we'll just skim the upper cloud layer for a while...

    STSF_Nickles -> Ya Disruptors

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Not giving off any pheromones, aside from the minute amounts always given off by a Deltan::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: on the bridge waiting for Pher::

    Joe Manning -> << Make that *Constable McEnroy. Thank you, Precip >>

    rosetto -> By the way, Sir, we can loose them at any time...

    Joe Manning -> <Simon> ::Nods to Redera and follows Pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> +PHer+ Chris to Pher Did you get rid of the guests??

    Pher -> << Likely should follow troy who is taking the lead >>

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The fleet follows Qob's position. All weapons are locked on to the ship

    rosetto -> Chris, I got a weapons lock... Orders?

    Joe Manning -> <Simon> ::Raises an eyebrow at Nickles' comm::

    Troy Parson -> ::makes it to the bridge::

    Troy Parson -> I have to say, all of these guns are making me very nervous...

    Pher -> +Chris+ Guests are aboard. Shuttle didn't get here in time. We are go for the cloaking lift if you think we're high enough.

    STSF_Nickles -> Dont fire unless we are fired upon first

    Shane -> <<We have cloak?>>

    rosetto -> <<I believe we do Shane>>

    Joe Manning -> << Of course not. Where did you hear that? >>

    STSF_Nickles -> +Pher+ moving up into the cloud ayer and cloaing

    Pher -> << wonders if enough people know the plan... >>

    STSF_Nickles -> *cloaking

    Joe Manning -> << 'Cloak' in this instance would mean informing the Guardian fleet that you're 'cloaking' >>

    Pher -> OK. Let's see if the old thing works.

    Shane -> <<I see, my bad>>

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets go. move into the clouds and cloak and inform our little freinds

    rosetto -> Aye Sir... On it!

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Waits for the others to get to the brdige::

    rosetto -> ::dips QoB into dense cloud bank::

    Joe Manning -> << Given how attendance has been, you might just be the only person who does know about the fake cloak thing, Pher :\ >>

    rosetto -> <<:(>>

    Joe Manning -> << I'll assume the crew has been informed and ACTION it ... >>

    Shane -> <<I was here, I just didn't hear about it>>

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A signal is sent out, informing the Guardian fleet that the faux-cloak has been activated

    STSF_Nickles -> Keep us in the cloud bank as long as possible

    Pher -> :: Arrives at the bridge with company? ::

    rosetto -> No problem... This is one big cloud...

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Follows with Redera. Begins looking around the Bridge to get a good sense of the layout and the present personnel::

    rosetto -> ::starting to get his 'wings' back::

    Shane -> ::turns to look at Pher and guests, letting his eyes rest on Simon::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Guardian ships, as ordered, 'lose' their weapon locks

    STSF_Nickles -> :: turns to see Pher and her "Guests":: PHER !! You brought them here?! ::then sees Redera:

    rosetto -> Weapons lock lost, Sir...

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up from the sensor station:: They're losing targeting contact...now.

    Pher -> Of course. I thought it possible that they might possibly want to send a signal. Optimistic of me, I know.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Her eyes drift to Nickles and the corner of her mouth upturns::

    rosetto -> ::Glances and now notices that Troy has returned. Nods in apology::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> Are we not guests aboard your ship? I would hope we would not be unwelcome on your bridge?

    Pher -> Might be good to maneuver clear first, though.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: takes a deep breath and shivers::

    Troy Parson -> ::stands up and turns to Simon:: I hope you'll excuse him...

    rosetto -> ::looks at CHris::You okay Sir?

    Troy Parson -> He had something of a...trying...experience with your associate.

    STSF_Nickles -> Ya ya ya... ::turns away for a moment::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> ::Looks at Troy:: I can find it within myself to excuse a great deal if you remove me from this system and the attention of the Guardians ...

    rosetto -> ::returns to his controls::

    Joe Manning -> Simon> But I am not unreasonable. Redera ... apologize to the good Mr. Nickles for your rough treatment of him.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::trys not to turn to look at her again but cant resist::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Puts on a phony apologetic face and look:: I'm soooo sorry, Chrissy. Next time I'll try to be gentler.

    Shane -> ::chuckles at Nickles reactions to Redera, turning back to the weapons panel::

    rosetto -> ::keeps his attention to the cloud bank while liostening::

    rosetto -> *listening

    rosetto -> ::shakes his head knowing all too well::

    Joe Manning -> << 5 ... 4 ... >>

    STSF_Nickles -> :: halfway smiles then trys to stop himself:: Ya..... ya.. unmm ok.. PHEr What about Joe?

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  17. Shane -> Troy and I had just left the safe house heading who knows where.

    Joe Manning -> By now, the former prisoners have geared up and left the Guardian station. They may have met up with Shane by now, depending on what Pher plans to do exactly ...

    Dash_Andrews -> I take it we're doing the posing as guards thing?

    STSF_Nickles -> So we have been released, Correct?

    Joe Manning -> Yes to both

    Joe Manning -> You're in Guardian uniform

    Joe Manning -> You're probably in the vicinity of the supply depot where the medical supplies are being kept. Unless you had something different in mind, Pher?

    Pher -> Nope. Joining up with those waiting at the depot was on the agenda.

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Dash_Andrews -> ::feeling itchy::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: in Gardian uniform:: Im glad we do not have these things as Our uniforms.

    Joe Manning -> ::Slips into the supply depot warehouse. Wearing a hooded trenchcoat and carrying a metal briefcase::

    Pher -> Anybody home?

    Dash_Andrews -> We have uniforms?

    Shane -> ::looking generally annoyed with his big robotic arm sticking out of the torn off sleeve and shoulder::

    Joe Manning -> ::Into the relative darkness:: I've got a delivery for an Orion slave girl.

    Pher -> Yes. Can't guarantee fit.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Aside:: Get more attention if we were delivering the slave girls...

    Shane -> ::grumbles at the sound of more uniforms::

    Pher -> Do we want attention?

    Joe Manning -> ::Lowers the hood as he circles a stack of crates to join up with the others::

    Joe Manning -> ::Holds up the briefcase:: One control board for a Klingon Bird of Prey's impulse thrusters.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::shrugs:: He's the one shouting in to the dark...

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe, ::relieved he was released also: So thats where it is.

    Shane -> ::whips out his pistol at the sound of Joe::

    Pher -> :: Looks at the token real Guardian :: How far in might you get us with uniforms and charm?

    Shane -> ::lowers it when he reckognizes the voice::

    Pher -> Shane... He's on our side. I'm fairly sure. :: Smiles ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: A pistol fight with a man whose hands are full ain't fair, Shane.

    STSF_Nickles -> Shane put the weapon away for the time being

    Joe Manning -> So, which one of you's got the knowhow to install this thing?

    Shane -> ::holsters it:: One of these days you thank me...::steps back and scratches at his uniform::

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe who are we to meet with the case?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: The other green lady in our lives, Chris. The birdy-lookin' one.

    Dash_Andrews -> I can transplant a Kidney... but where's the vulcan when you need her

    Shane -> ::waits for someone else to answer, then speaks to Joe:: I can figure it out.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::gives Joe a look:: Your kidding. ... right??

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: ... really? ::Holds the case out to him::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: I don't think Minos'll be expecting a speeder car to pick him up, Chris.

    Shane -> ::steps up and takes the case:: These Klingon systems are crude, but almost barbaric in their simplicity.

    Dash_Andrews -> They have to be... we're talking about Klingons fixing things

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: Well, William probably won't be far behind anyway.

    Shane -> ::opens it up and looks the part over with an experienced eye:: Little worse for wear, but it should run.

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: The Guardians ain't far behind. As soon as they get here you can head out. You need me to do anything in the city?

    Pher -> Nope. I figure the fewer wrinkles at this point the better, and I'm expecting the 'diversions' to start kicking in. Everyone staying close seems to be for the best.

    Pher -> I'd like to start in as soon as I can talk over a few things with the Guardians.

    Joe Manning -> Lawman Kravitz> ::Enters the warehouse with three other Lawmen, all in riot gear::

    Pher -> The further we can get without making a ruckus, the better.

    Shane -> ::blows away some dust and flicks some grime off before closing the case,holding it in his organic left hand::

    Pher -> :: Nods to Kravitz ::

    Joe Manning -> Speakin' of that ... ::Grins and looks over the group::

    STSF_Nickles -> We have company

    Joe Manning -> Ol' Savoy's gonna let the Sheriffs mannin' the fleet in orbit in on our plan

    Joe Manning -> So ... when Qob lifts off, they're gonna pretend like the ship is cloaked.

    Pher -> Good.

    Shane -> ::the claws of his bionic open with a soft whin at the sight of the guardians::

    Pher -> :: Nods ::

    Joe Manning -> Seein' as how the ship can't really cloak and all. ::Looks toward Kravitz::

    Dash_Andrews -> The old cloak still works on this thing... why do we need an armada to be tipped off. Sounds like to many ears with mouths to me

    Joe Manning -> Bein' on the inside, Minos won't know the difference.

    Dash_Andrews -> ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: That's just a rumor that keeps gettin' spread around. You should know better'n to listen to that stuff, Doc.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::nods::

    Joe Manning -> Besides, keeps the hag happy. She can sit nice and comfy knowin' you won't take off with Minos.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Frowns at Joe's comment and looks at Pher:: My men are ready, Ma'am. Whenever you give the 'Proceed'

    STSF_Nickles -> ::watches the Gardians:: Pher you be alright alone?

    Pher -> I'd like everyone to stay together.

    STSF_Nickles -> If your sure you will be alright.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: You lookin' to dodge the danger, Chris? Or a certain bald-headed friend of yours?

    Pher -> :: to Kravitz :: I'd like you to take effective lead to get as close to the ship as possible without causing trouble.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::glares at Joe." shes NO freind trust me.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> Will we be proceeding through the tunnels or topside?

    Pher -> If we're turned back, we'll ad lib, but I'd like to start oug going in obvious and topside.

    Pher -> And you'd be able to work that more effectively than me. I'm too green. Agreeable? If you don't think that'll work, say so now.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> <Enjoy, Qob. Thanks for letting me watch.>

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Nods:: Understood. ::Lifts his weapon arm and taps his ODRI:: I'll send you a secure channel you can use to keep in touch.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::plays his cane back and forth through his hands... impatiently::

    Pher -> Very good.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Nods to his men:: Take up positions at the entrance and wait for the go-ahead.

    Pher -> Audrey, catch the channel, please.

    Pher -> :: Looks about at the Qob people. :: Anyone not coming along?

    Pher -> I'd like us all to stay together and keep it simple.

    Shane -> ::looks around at the others::

    Joe Manning -> ::Reaches into the trenchcoat pocket and pulls out Troy's detonator::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: Get in touch and let me know if you think you could use this.

    Pher -> Give it to shane for the moment, Joe.

    Joe Manning -> ::Pulls the hood back over his head::

    Pher -> OK, all, let's go.

    Pher -> :: Takes her position towards he middle of the group ::

    Pher -> :: Nods to Kravitz ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Holds the detonator out to Shane:: Don't get any ideas about usin' it before I've had a chance to clear the place.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::walks with Joe::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Waves to the other Lawman and proceeds out of the warehouse::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Forms up with the others

    Shane -> ::just raises an eyebrow at Joe and takes the remote in the claws of his bionic::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: This is where we part ways, Chris. Watch Pher's back.

    STSF_Nickles -> Are you Sure Joe?

    Joe Manning -> I think Minos is expectin' me to be dead or stranded in the city. He wants me out of the picture in any event.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods to Chris at the warehouse entrance::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: nods:: As you say. ::turns and goes to follow Pher and her troup::

    Pher -> :: Pher follows, letting Kraitz take lead ::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> +Pher+ The port bridge is just up ahead Ma'am. The crowd is pretty thick up there, and we aren't on good terms with the locals right now.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::To Nickles about Joe:: Couldn't we lock on to his ODRI and beam him out once we're aboard?

    Shane -> ::takes up position in the rear of the group as usual::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves towards the entrance::

    Shane -> ::to Dash:: With what? A transporter?

    STSF_Nickles -> We can try. I have to watch Phers back you watch Joes.

    Dash_Andrews -> No a grappling hook and a shotgun... y'know... you're style

    Dash_Andrews -> Me? I thought I was going with you guys

    Shane -> Wait a minute, you guys have a transporter? Those were banned years ago.

    Pher -> +Kravitz+ Let's try to take it mellow. If you think it isn't going to fly, say so now, and we can try going down to the mud, but I don't want to spend the time for that.

    Pher -> No transporter. That's long gone.

    Dash_Andrews -> Gah... I'm still used to being on a Fed ship.

    Joe Manning -> +Kravitz+ I don't think mellow will fly too easy. Just be warned you may need to push some people aside ...

    Shane -> ::mumbles::Good. Those things were a pain in the butt to work on..

    Joe Manning -> +Kravitz+ Savoy said you or the Rainmakers had distractions planned?

    Pher -> OK, people. We may have to play guardian, here. Stand ready to force our way through the crowd. We don't want to provoke any trouble, but we have to get through.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::: stays withPher::

    Pher -> +Kravitz+ So he said, but he was very vague on what, where and when. We could pause and wait on the distractions.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Rounds an intersection and the crowds at the bridge come into view::

    Pher -> Everyone, close up, tight files, and be ready to support our lead element.

    Shane -> ::to Pher:: I say we move ahead. Minos will be on time. He always is.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: tighens up the line walking behind Pher::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> +Pher+ We probably don't have the time. Stay sharp ... and please avoid any unnecessary bloodshed.

    Pher -> +Kravitz+ Acknowledged.

    Pher -> Hear that everyone? We are pushing through not bashing skulls.

    Pher -> Agreed, Shane.

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets go.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Radios ahead to the bridge station, letting the Guardians there know that he's bringing a squad::

    Shane -> ::looks at Pher and moves up to the front:: Let's get going.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Drops Savoy's contact info and suggests that it's top priority::

    Pher -> Shane, you take right flank right in back of Kravitz's people. I'll take the left. Everyone else, support us as necessary and be ready to form a rearguard.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> +Pher+ I wish we had an armed GCX right now ...

    Shane -> ::moves to the right, holding tight on the control board case::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Yells out:: Everyone please clear aside.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> Important Guardian business at the port.

    Pher -> +Kravitz+ I don't think we should fill out the paperwork and wait on it.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves with the group, sternly but not agressively::

    Pher -> :: Holding pain stick in right hand, not extending or powering it, but will if folks look like they want to press ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The riots amassed at the port form a relatively clear lane, but they crowd around the team and scream at the uniformed figures

    Pher -> :: Looks stern and fit like. ::

    Shane -> ::moves along, arm wirring and hissing::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> +Pher+ We're going to have a problem as soon as we open the gate ...

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Meets up with the station head midway through the crowd::

    Pher -> +Kravitz+ Acknowledged.

    Pher -> OK. If you aren't used to crowds, just try to get through the gate as soon as it's open. Shane? Stay near me and be ready to discourage people.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Reaches the far edge of the crowd and waits for Pher's team to catch up::


    Pher -> Hold rearguard and retreat. Stay right with the forward element. Phalanx, folks. Stay together. TIght fist.

    Shane -> Acknowledged ::moves a bit closer to Pher, watching the crowds with his stony expression::

    Pher -> Do I relly look like a corrupt pig?

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::To Pher when she arrives:: They're probably thinking we're entering the station. What's your strategy when the gate opens?


    Pher -> :: Shane :: that's a good question.

    Shane -> ::grunts in reply, watching the crowds still::

    Pher -> Tight formation. Stay close...

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::To the station head:: Cover our retreat to the port and get that gate closed as soon as we're through. ::Nods to him to open the gate::

    Pher -> :: Checks to see that Nickles is still right with her ::

    Shane -> ::pockets the detonater, flexing the claws of his arm in anticipation::

    Pher -> :: Extends stick at medium pain setting ::

    Joe Manning -> Random Rioter> ::Seeing one of the Guardians approach the gate's keypad:: THEY'RE OPENING THE GATE!!

    Pher -> You don't want to try it, people.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> Double step it, men. ::Runs toward the gate, leading his team::

    Mitar Precip -> Rioter>They're opening the gates!!!!

    Pher -> Holds tight with the lead group.

    Pher -> Stay together.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The crowd rushes toward the gate and the bridge

    Pher -> Ends up double stepping as well ::

    Pher -> :: Ready to tag anyone with the pain stick that gets close ::

    Shane -> ::runs with Pher, shoving people aside that get close::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Snipers on the nearby tower begin firing warning shots over the heads of the rioters. This mostly serves the agitate the crowd further

    Pher -> :: Tight. Get through and help em close ::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Leads his team through the gate and begins running over the platform bridge::

    Shane -> ::Nickles:: Here! ::tosses the case to Nickles::

    Pher -> :: Pauses briefly to defend the gate long enough for it to close ::

    Joe Manning -> Lawman> ::Shakes his head and taps the pad beside the gate. It begins sliding closed:: Hurry!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::catches the case and makes his way with Pher::

    Pher -> :: Gets through gate and waits to tap any rioters that might get through ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Several rioters grab the Lawman. Several more rush Pher

    Shane -> ::turns at the gate with Pher, grabs a rioter with his bionic and throws him screaming over the crowds heads::

    Pher -> :: Keep moving, Nickles ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: looks at the rioters and Pher and moves forward::

    Pher -> Pulls stunner, keeps the tip of the pain stick dancing and threatining, uses it if they insist she has to.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Turns to fire any stun blasts that may help while his team rushes past::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The gate closes leaving about half a dozen rioters on the other side to advance on Shane and Pher

    Pher -> :: Fires a few stun bursts herself ::

    Pher -> :: Switches setting of the stick to stun ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves further inside the gates follwing the Gardian::

    Pher -> :: Uses her girly gun liberally at wide beam light stun to thin them out before they close ::

    Shane -> ::watches the rioters approach, gives a slight grin and charges forward at them::

    Pher -> Guys. You really want to charge me. Charge him, and he'll hurt you.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Three of the rioters fall to Pher's gun. The other three, seeing Shane, turn and run back toward the gate

    Shane -> ::slides to a stop as they run:: Yeah, run you cowards!

    Mitar Precip -> Guardian>::looks through his scope and spots something:: Sir, remember the guy with the big arm? (Older Guardian)Easy...kid ..Remember we are not supposed to be here..just watching for our Klingon friends...

    Joe Manning -> Rioters> ::Jump onto the gate and begin climbing, hoping there's a way into the port past the bionic man::

    Pher -> :: Looks about :: +Kravitz+ Do you have somewhere to hold a few people?

    Pher -> :: Looks to see if it is possible for the few retreating people to cross the gate ::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> +Pher+ Your ship? Your landing pad is not far from here, and we'll be really tight on time from here.

    Pher -> OK. Form up on Kravitz, people. Let the gate people handle the gate situation.

    Shane -> ::turns and runs back towards Pher, yelling at her:: Theres no time, just leave 'em!

    Pher -> Everyone, form up with Kravitz. :: Starts retreating herself at a quick walk ::

    Mitar Precip -> Gurardian>Aye Recording, Jiles..The Klingons were right..Port Authority is corrupt. <Winston>Quiet kid and just watch your scope..on the big man..

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> +Pher+ I'm really hoping that the Marshall briefed anyone who's got their eyes on the port right now. I'd hate to get shot at by my own mates.

    Shane -> ::running towards Kravitz and sees the Qob for the first time::mumbles:: Wow...she's uglier than I expected...

    Pher -> +Kravitz+ Let's stop and talk if challenged. Move if not.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Looks back at Nickles:: I'm thinking you need to transmit the access codes to open her up.

    Pher -> You think that's ugly? Wait till you see the inside. :: smiles ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Only on Joes command

    Mitar Precip -> Jiles Benson>Remember we are just recording you are not using your rifle..Because Mark Winston, we need to know who these guys are...and how the hell they are pulling this off...

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: On Savoy's orders, snipers on the port towers begin firing in the general vicinity of Kravitz' and Pher's teams

    Pher -> OK. :: Moves to cover :: Cover, all.


    Pher -> +Kravitz+ Swee talk would be nice about now.

    Pher -> ( Sweet)

    Mitar Precip -> Lawmen Winston>Sir..Port Authority Long-Arms opening up. <Jiles> Kid...we are just here to record...sit tight..I know this is going to look bad..just keep your scope on your perp.

    Shane -> ::hears the richochets of shots and moves towards cover::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> +Pher+ We can make a good show of taking cover ... but I don't think they're going to hit us ...

    Pher -> +Kravitz+ Try to sweet talk them, would you?

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> Part of Savoy's planning. Makes it look convincing. Every other Guardian in the city thinks I'm a traitor about now, so we need to move fast.

    Pher -> Ah. +Joe+ I need you to tell Nickles open sesame.

    Shane -> ::catches a richochet off the Qobs underside and catches it on his bionic, cutting a hose and spraying thick red liquid everywhere:: Pah'tal!

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Playing along:: +Com+ Stand down! This is Lawman Sergeant Henry Kravitz, ordering you to stand down!

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Winston>Frak I wish I had my rifle I'd give those corrupt long-arms a taste of ...<Lawmen Jiles Benson> Quiet kid....you are doing a good thing right now..and...what the...Interesting ship..keep recording..

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Good grief. Does he think you're going to steal the ship?

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Go ahead and open her up, Chris.

    Pher -> +Joe+ He's just refusing to open the door without....

    Pher -> +Joe+ Thanks!

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Aye ::tapps in the code and opens the case::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ I know. That's gonna get someone killed some day ...

    Shane -> ::grabs the hose with his other hand, trying to keep the liquid from spraying out::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Something wrong with Shane ... ?

    Pher -> Nickles, you're in first. Sprint in and take charge of getting her ready to fly.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Stays in a crouches position as he leads his team up the ramp to Qob's cargo hold::

    Pher -> :: Looks about ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::heads into the Qob, running up the ramp::

    Pher -> +Kravitz+ I think we sprint in, one at a time? I want to start with Nickles and the Engineers. Send your own people in as it seems right.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Several Guardian speeders are making a beeline toward Qob

    STSF_Nickles -> Keep in touch Pher!! :enters the QoB::

    Pher -> Shane, as soon as you're ready to go, go.

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Jiles Benson> Okay shift focus from Mr. Bionic to the ship. Klingons are really going to rip port authority for this one. <Winston>We are outside our jusristiction. What can they do? <BEnson> Maybe bust some Sheriff's chops...embarass the Marshall


    Pher -> :: Thinks about making a play with the speed bikes. ::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> +Guardians+ All Guardian personnel, be advised of an imminent escape attempt at the Port District

    Pher -> :: If they want to make this a show, she could give them a show... but that would ID her.... ::

    Shane -> ::walks quickly to the ramp looking very pale, the escaping liquid slowing to a trickle down his limp bionic:: Yeah... I'm coming...

    Mitar Precip -> Mark Winston>Oh My I remember from my Dad's history PADDs..that's a Bird of Prey!

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> +Guardians+ Lawman Sergeant Henry Kravitz is to be considered a hostile, consorting with the Rainmakers. His authority is not to be recognized.

    Shane -> ::stumbles up the ramp, grabbing the casein his slick wet fingers from where Nickles set it aside::

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Benson> Don't wet your pants kid..just stick to our mission.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> +Guardians+ Do not allow the Bird of Prey designated Qob to leave the Port District. Kravitz and everyone accompanying him is to be captured or terminated immediately.

    Shane -> ::looks about the cargo bay, yells down to Pher:: Engineering on Deck 2?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves to start lift off proceedures:: Shane get that installed As quick as you can.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The speeders are nearing Qob

    STSF_Nickles -> We dont have much time... ::scrambling::

    Mitar Precip -> Lawmen Mark Winston> I wish my Dad could see this ship in my scope now...<Jiles Benson> Honestly kid..in this situation....No.

    Pher -> :: Moves towards the Qob, try to time to arrive about the same time as the speeders ::

    Shane -> ::assumes it is and stumbles quickly up the winding stairs, heading dow the upper ramp to ENG::

    STSF_Nickles -> +Shane+ Times running out how much longer?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Side doors open on two of the speeders and gunmen poke their heads out

    Shane -> ::enters ENG thru the sliding door, looking quickly about until he sees the right location::

    Pher -> :: goes into an acrobatic zig zag ::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Moves halfway down the ramp, watching Pher. Glances at the speeders::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The gunmen start firing toward Pher

    Shane -> ::stumbles over and drops the case on the ground, wiping his hand on his shirt and opeing the case:: +Nickles+ Gimme a sec...

    Mitar Precip -> ::the two Lawmen watching continue to lie low...ODRIs disabled to keep there presence hidden...along with unusual garbage camo::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Yells out:: Tell your Commander to close the ramp!

    Pher -> :: Attempts to get cover behind the ramp, not sure if these guys are part of the show or real hostiles ::

    Pher -> :: Heads up the ramp :: +Nickles+ Close ramp!

    Shane -> ::takes the control panel out and slides it into place, connecting the correct data cables and pressing a few button on the pad next to it::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Fires a few covering shots near the speeder::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::cloaes the ramp per PHer:: glad you decided to come along

    STSF_Nickles -> ( + + )

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::His arm is sliced by an energy beam just before the ramp is sealed shut::

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> ::Falls to the deck with a groan::

    Pher -> +Nickles+ All aboard that's going to get here. Can we stand a siege, or can you lift in a hurry?

    Shane -> ::puts the cover panel back on:: +Nickles+ There! We're good to go!

    STSF_Nickles -> +Pher+ waiting on Shane Ready to start engines

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  18. Joe Manning -> Shane and Troy are heading for the supply depot as I recall

    Pher -> That was what Pher suggested.

    Pher -> As the Maze is compromised, seemed like the next roundezvous point in line.

    Joe Manning -> Alright, let's open with Rosetto and Dash being brought to Pher's interrogation room ...

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::tries to walk carefully in cuffs... not easy::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Leading Dash and Rosetto through the corridors of the port station::

    Pher -> :: Attempting patience. ::

    rosetto -> ::mumbles something unintelligible under his breath::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Nods to a guard at the interrogation room door:: Release their restraints.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Being led... wishing they wouldn't have taken his cane... leaning on Rosetto is undoubtedly getting annoying to Pete::

    Dash_Andrews -> << sal I mean ;) >>

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Moves over to Dash and Rosetto to release them::

    rosetto -> ::shakes his wrists after their release::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Opens the door to the interrogation room and enters::

    rosetto -> ::is silent but wide-eyed::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Pher:: I brought two of your crewmates. The two least complicit in tonight's events, near as I can tell.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::peering in to the interrogation room:: I love what you've done with the place

    Pher -> Sounds about right.

    rosetto -> ::nods to Pher::

    Pher -> Not that I've been keeping up with what everyone has been doing.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Added to a few of my people in plainclothes, that should be enough to operate the ship?

    Pher -> The engineer, T'Aral... She would be really useful.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> We have engineers. I am still trying to ascertain why your Vulcan cut the power in the port district.

    Dash_Andrews -> Operating ships not my thing... I'm really more of a stand around and get air sick kinda guy...

    rosetto -> ::knows engineering but isn't voluteering anything::

    Pher -> She what? That sounds like a real interesting question.

    Pher -> :: Resists urge to facepalm ::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> And no one is answering it. ::Motions to Dash and Rosetto to take a seat::

    Mitar Precip -> (lol)

    rosetto -> ::obliges Savoy's request::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::limps over to the empty seat::

    Pher -> :: considers, decides that her guess wouldn't help improve the situation. ::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Having considered the options you've given me ... allowing your people to spirit Minos from the world, then to grab him when he is off world, seems the best course of action ...

    Pher -> :: Nods ::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Staging a coup for the purpose of ending the blockade would do us little good. Minos would no longer need your ship.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> I want that control over his means of escape.

    Pher -> :: Tilts head a bit, considers, doesn't argue ::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> We have one very large problem however. The port is no doubt being watched by what few people Minos has left.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Your escape will need to be convincing.

    rosetto -> ::still wondering whose side is the 'right' side::

    Troy Parson -> <<Sorry I'm late...there's a Blizzard here>>

    Dash_Andrews -> Then dragging the three of us in to this undoubtedly compromised location isn't helping your cause

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Dash:: You believe Minos has had reason to watch you, Doctor Andrews?

    Dash_Andrews -> He's watching anyone that you're watching... You'd be naive to believe otherwise

    rosetto -> I would think he has as many eyes as you, ma'am...

    Mitar Precip -> (darn Nor`easters)

    Pher -> He is really short on manpower, but we wouldn't be suprised if he's got some infiltrators. We don't really know that, though.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> He is not a god, regardless of what he would have his followers believe. I must think the eyes he has to spare are concentrated on his means of escape.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Pher:: Do you have any personnel available outside this facility?

    Pher -> We are expecting to pick up four people. He is saving only a few core members of the group.

    Pher -> There are two on the loose, yes, one of whom is familiar with the ship.

    Pher -> And they are the two who were with me when we made arrangements.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Where are they now?

    Pher -> Near the port. We stashed some supplies outside the port limits. They are holding there.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::eyeing Pher as she seems to be cooperating more than he would::

    Troy Parson -> ::Hasn't actually been holding position, of course::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Supplies? Are we talking large order? That might come in handy.

    Pher -> Dash, Rosetto, this isn't going to work without cooperation with Savoy. We have to pretend to trust one another for a while, or it goes bad for both of us.

    rosetto -> ::whispers to Dash:: you got that sauce of yours? Oh, yeah.... It's in your cane...

    Pher -> Moderately large order... food and medical stuff, enough for a few months out there.

    rosetto -> I'm only here for the adventure, Pher...

    Dash_Andrews -> ...

    Pher -> That we can arrange, Rosetto.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Nods:: Did you have a plan in mind for boarding your ship? And making it look convincing?

    rosetto -> ::fastens seatbelt::

    Pher -> I'm afraid it might look a lot similar to what T'Aral might have been trying to do. Get as close as we can by tunnels, the dash in.

    Dash_Andrews -> Sure we were going to be arrested and then when they least expected it we were going to magically fight our way out of holding and make a run for it...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::mimes running in his condition::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> And you say Minos will create a distraction?

    Pher -> The question is whether you can arrange the people guarding the QoB to load up with blanks and miss a lot.

    Pher -> He implied that he'll be stimulating riots and blowing bombs.

    Pher -> He wasn't explicit.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> I don't like the sound of that ...

    STSF_Nickles -> << sorry folks just walked in the door. Had to work overtime>>

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> And you know that briefing the guards at the port too extensively could comprimise us all.

    Pher -> Nor do I. That was why I came up with the coup idea, but I understand your reservations on that.

    rosetto -> Perhaps we could fool them?

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Rosetto:: That seems to be the end game. Did you have something specific in mind?

    Pher -> Correct. Lots of trade offs there. You know your guards better than I. I can only say the secret might not have to be held for long.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Pher:: I could have a few trusted people try to draw more attention to the riots than to your ship's landing pad. ::Shrugs::

    rosetto -> Not off the cuff, but we did bribe our way in once...

    Dash_Andrews -> Disguise? Slight of hand?

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Dash::

    Dash_Andrews -> Why not have us BE the guards

    Pher -> :: smiles ::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> That is interesting.

    rosetto -> ::thinks::hmmmm

    Pher -> Have any spare uniforms? And someone senior enough to be convincing to lead the detail?

    Dash_Andrews -> I'm sure replacements are in short order

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> My men here are mostly geared in riot suits. They would conceal you quite well.

    Dash_Andrews -> they would welcome the help... and not even blink at credentials

    Dash_Andrews -> these guys have undoubtedly been up for more than two shifts

    rosetto -> 34 med for me...

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> And Minos would be in no place to question your means of attaining the gear.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> As I said, a few of my people will be accompanying you plainclothes. I will have their riot gear sent to you.

    Pher -> :: Nods approvingly ::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Pher:: Along with one senior officer ...

    Dash_Andrews -> so much at one time?

    rosetto -> ::rubs his wrists::

    Pher -> :: Though not pleased to be encumbered with all that junk... likes to be able to move. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> What is the rub though? What's the cover story?

    Dash_Andrews -> Why the group movement in other words?

    Mitar Precip -> (heads to the RR in theater)

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> If Minos will be creating chaos at the port, it will be justified.

    Dash_Andrews -> If we waltz in, in numbers... we're inviting a lot of chaos from Minos

    STSF_Nickles -> :: wakes up with a bit of a shiver::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Then you will use the tunnels, as Pher suggested ...

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> The uniforms, at least, will allow you to depart this station unnoticed.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::shrugs... nods::

    rosetto -> ::thinking it through in his head::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Pher:: Finally, your supplies. Might it be wise to have a shipment meet Qob at the rendezvous point?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sits up looking around drawing his arms around himself rubbing his arms as trying to warm himself::

    Dash_Andrews -> Why, do you know a good delivery service?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Nickles:: You alright, Chris?

    Dash_Andrews -> I still have the shipment ID tag serials on my ODRI we can beam them aboard after take off

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Dash:: I was thinking of Pher's two accomplices. And also of what might be stashed inside the containers.

    Pher -> Hmm... Minos will not be expecting a supply shipment. It might spook him.

    Dash_Andrews -> Indeed picking up the others won't be as easy

    STSF_Nickles -> I dont know. I feel cold.... I think it cold anyway.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Pher:: If you think so, then you would be wise to meet up with your accomplices once you have departed the station.

    Pher -> We could get them a couple of uniforms and have them go in with the rest of us.

    Shane -> <<Hey everyone, sorry about the lateness>>

    rosetto -> Why would picking up supplies seem out of the ordinary? ::confused::

    Dash_Andrews -> The supply thing isn't a bad idea really... It gives one of them a chance to warm up the ship if we have to run

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Rosetto:: He chose a rendezvous outside the city. Traffic out there is not exactly commonplace.

    Pher -> A truck approaching Minos's secret rondezvous points.... He impressed me as being absurdly paranoid... for good reason.

    rosetto -> Ah... I was thinking of a supply rendezvous off-planet.... sorry.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Crosses her arms and looks at Pher:: Know that my people will all be equipped with transmitter devices. The idea of allowing Minos off world ... seems rather convenient. I myself am a paranoid sort.

    Pher -> I am noting that paranoia is contageous. Understandable.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::looks at his surroundings...:: You don't say

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Is there anything I'm missing before we go ahead with this?

    rosetto -> ::looks around trying to figure out what everyone else is looking at::

    Dash_Andrews -> Just one thing, Boss...

    Dash_Andrews -> I want my cane...

    Pher -> Just... have them bring a second suit of cloths. They don't want to be in uniform once we clear the port.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Dash:: I'm sure the on-site forensics expert has finished analyzing it ...

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> We'll return it to you ... with the riot gear.

    Pher -> Who will be senior among your people?

    rosetto -> ::probably drank all the sauce too!::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::thinks... let's just hope they didn't hurt themselves...::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Starts rubbing his arms harder, while the shivering seems to get a bit worse::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> I will be appointing Lawman Sergeant Kravitz. I've trusted him with my life for years.

    Troy Parson -> ::surfaces from the tunnels outside of the safehouse where he'd been holed up, having retrieved the toy dog en route, and dusts himself off:: Well, that was unpleasant.

    Pher -> Good enough.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances over at Nickles:: I do wonder why the crew has been away for so long.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Very well. I will escort you to the station's locker room. Your gear will be sent there.

    Pher -> Mannings and Nickles? They know the ship best, though Joe hasn't exactly been a good boy lately. You going to hold them?

    STSF_Nickles -> Who all has been caught, Or should I say whos still at large?

    Shane -> ::trying to wipe off some sort of mysterious slime off his metal arm:: Did you you guys pick that safehouse for the smell?

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Pher:: No ... he hasn't.

    Pher -> :: doesn't sound like she is going to argue either way ::

    Joe Manning -> I have no idea. Pher, Troy, and Shane should still be out there. Hopefully, Minos and his people haven't lured them into an ambush.

    rosetto -> ::tries to read Savoy::

    Dash_Andrews -> He's merely trying to accomplish the same thing you are... his methods are simply a bit different

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> As he appears to have been the mastermind of all of the miscreant acts tonight, I plan to hold him. Indefinitely.

    Troy Parson -> ::grins slightly:: Actually, that's just us. And we won't be staying here long, anyway...

    rosetto -> ::conceals a grimace::

    Pher -> I'll trade you LaHays' stash for Nickles. He's going to need med treatment shortly.

    Dash_Andrews -> Indeed, he's been the victim and nothing but a bystander in all of this

    Shane -> ::gives up and wipes his hands on his pants:: Good. 'Bout time we start doing something other than hiding.

    Dash_Andrews -> And is in no shape to be kept in holding

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> You have the contents of LaHaye's strongbox? I will release Nickles for that, certainly. As well as Lawman Chocox if you still want him ... though his loyalties are clearly nothing to hang on.

    Troy Parson -> ::enters the safehouse door and begins searching the place, rather roughly:: I find that in situations like this, the more we keep moving, and the fewer people who know where we're heading, the better.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: breathing startig to quicken slightly:: Umm Joe?? .... I.. I dont think its the cold.

    Pher -> :: Pulls a few data sticks out of her purse, puts them on the table. :: Yes. I'm a bit concerned with the taking of Minos. His best four people might not push over easily. I'd appreciated Nickels and Chocox.

    Shane -> ::enters behind Troy, gives the place a glance:: I agree. Do you guys keep standard slug rounds in stock?

    Joe Manning -> << *cough cough* Pher ... >>

    Joe Manning -> << Those were given to Joe at The Maze :) >>

    Pher -> << I don't remember giving them away... Ah, well. If you say so. >>

    Shane -> <<afk real quick>>

    Troy Parson -> ::searching:: There are probably some around here somewhere...I'm not much of a weapons person myself.

    Joe Manning -> << I remember you handing the data over. As well as something you're forgetting ... >>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Asides to Pher:: Are we really planning to sell out Joe for safe passage?

    Pher -> We will need to talk to Joe. We pulled a few boards from the QoB, and need them to lift shipo.

    Shane -> <<bk>>

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Frowns at Pher:: ... the disabling of your ship that you mentioned?

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets up and moves over to Nickles:: It's not even that cold in here. What's wrong, Chris?

    Pher -> :: To Dash :: If we pull it off, we'll be owed a get out of jail card for Joe. Until we have, I don't think I'm in position to horse trade.

    Pher -> Correct. Manning knows where they are. I can guess, but don't want to do a big search.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::sighs and mumbles a few expletives under his breath::

    rosetto -> ::overhears Pher/Dash::

    Pher -> :: TO Dash :: Do you want to try it?

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Frown deepens:: ... speak to him then.

    Troy Parson -> ::takes some tangled-looking wires from behind an oil painting of an old Klingon:: We'll need these. ::goes back to searching::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Nods to one of the guards in the room to escort Pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::shivering:: I.. Im not sure..... last time I felt.. Like this was when I was found at Thhe Deltans place. :: breathing quickly heart rate starting to climb::

    Shane -> ::moves further into the room and begins shuffling through stuff:: As much as the Qob seems to atract trouble, you might want to become one.

    Dash_Andrews -> I'm a Doctor, and a drunk... But one thing I've learned... you never count out Manning when the going gets tough.

    Pher -> OK. I'd like to be seen by as few as possible, but let's talk.

    Joe Manning -> I thought this was over with ...

    Pher -> :: Goes with the guard ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Walks over to the bars:: Guards, we could use a little help here.

    Troy Parson -> Oh, and if you find what looks like a coffee-flavored ration bar, be very careful with it, and pass it over quickly...it's very important.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Dash and Sal:: Come with me.

    rosetto -> ::does a 'whatever' pose and then follows::

    Pher -> :: to the guard :: Oh, yes. And if Joe decides to try to strangle me, could you lend a hand? (( She might or might not be joking. ))

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Stands roughly:: How bout that Cane chief?

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Glances over Pher as he lets her walk ahead through the door:: Anything you want, miss.

    Shane -> ::catches his foot as he almost steps on a ration bar:: Columbian or Arabian flavored?

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> It will be waiting for you with the uniforms.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::leans back against the wall::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Our conversation was, of course, monitored.

    Pher -> :: Considers trying to walk quietly and inconspicuously... Nah... ::

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Leads Pher into the cell area::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sighs:: Of course... ::follows::

    Troy Parson -> ::Thinks for a moment:: Columbian.

    rosetto -> Monitored?

    Shane -> ::glances back down at the bar and carefully places his foot down beside:: Found it.

    rosetto -> oh, by your uppity ups.... ::smiles::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Motions down a hall:: The changing area is just down there. Everything you need should be waiting for you there by now. I have preparations to make. Gentlemen. ::Nods::

    Joe Manning -> ::Watches the door open:: I say ... we could use some help in here. How many people you got working this place anyway?

    Troy Parson -> ::holds out one hand while focusing retrieving a blue sphere from underneath a lampshade:: Oh, good.

    rosetto -> ::helps doc down the hall::

    Shane -> ::picks it up with caution and sets it in Troy's hand::

    Pher -> A half dozen more.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: shivering getting worse::

    Joe Manning -> My friend here needs medical attention. Pher ... just the person we need. ::Brow furrows:: Pher? What the hell are you doing here?

    rosetto -> ::to Dash::Is this for real?

    Shane -> Triceron?

    Troy Parson -> Better...caffeine. ::unwraps the bar and takes a bite::

    Dash_Andrews -> You certainly aren't asleep if that's what you're asking Sal.

    Pher -> I've decided to work with Savoy to put the endgame in motion. We were down to three people free. I figured we weren't going anywhere without cooperating.

    rosetto -> Well, here we are.... Where's the uniforms?

    Mitar Precip -> Tellarite Guardian>::walks over to Where Joe is and Nickles:: Something going on here..the Marshall needs to know about?

    Shane -> ::Gives a stony glare at Troy and turns to continue searching::

    Pher -> I need the QoB's control boards and LaHaye's stash to make it work, and the rest of the crew if You don't mind.

    Pher -> Savoy isn't inclined to let you go, though. If you want to come along, you might have to, you know, blackmail her or something.

    Mitar Precip -> Tellarite Guardian>::notes his fellow Guardian has placed Pher in the cell and does a quick once over then turns..::

    Joe Manning -> ::Leans against the bars and lets what he's hearing sink in:: Blackmailin' her is exactly what I had in mind ...

    Joe Manning -> Just what in the hell did you negotiate from her?

    Pher -> Even then, I'm not sure it is worth the hagling at this point in the game.

    Pher -> A chance to get to the QoB and lift ship. I have a rondezvous point set up with Minos.

    rosetto -> ::opens some lockers and slams them shut again::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<gonna have to go guys... gotta get a shower before work... see ya' next week>>

    Pher -> No way could that happen without her cooperation.

    Troy Parson -> ::finds a final bunch of wires:: Have you found that ammunition that you were looking for yet?

    Mitar Precip -> (waves)

    Joe Manning -> The ship they've impounded? Plus we're broke. And I'm behind bars. Like hell I ain't haggling.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to Pher:: Ppphheer?? ::teeth chattering from shivering::

    Shane -> ::picks up a disk recording of Klingon Opera, tossing if over his shoulder with a shatter, then spots a box of slugs under an old couch pillow:: Got em.

    rosetto -> ::looks around bewieldered and decides to wait for someone to show up with the supplies::

    Joe Manning -> Kravits> ::Circles a bank of lockers to meet up with Rosetto, phaser rifle in hand:: You're the Qob crew?

    Pher -> What deal you looking for? I was going for a trade of for Minos and his group for you. If you want to turn things upside down again, be my guest.

    Mitar Precip -> Tellarite Guardian>::cannot help but take a second look at Pher then returns to his post::

    rosetto -> ::To Kravitz::Yep.

    rosetto -> Both of us...

    Pher -> :: Looks to Nickles... settles down near him ::

    Troy Parson -> Good. Let's go...it's only a matter of time before someone mentions this place to the Guardians.

    Pher -> :: Whispers a few words to Audrey about safeties off ::

    Joe Manning -> Minos ... and that data cache are worth a hell of lot more than my freedom. These Guardians are cut-throats. They'll hold me to impounding my ship to pay off my fines.

    Shane -> ::stuffs the ammo box in his pockets and heads to the door:: Where to next? The port?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods back at Nickles:: For the moment, you'd better get Chris out of here. He's in bad shape again.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: smilesat Pher:: I need your... help doll... I think...

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> Lawman Sergeant Henry Kravitz. I'll be accompanying you. ::Nods::

    rosetto -> ::To Kravitz::Are you sporting the gear that Savoy promised?

    Troy Parson -> The port is in chaos...and even if we could reach the ship, we'll have trouble making it fly.

    Pher -> Hmm... :: Settles in close, touching and allowing herself to be touched, but her mood isn't entirely amorous ::

    Joe Manning -> Kravits> Just one the other side of these lockers. ::Points the rifle:: I'd dress fast if I were. We're on a tight timetable if I understand right.

    Joe Manning -> Did you convince Savoy to release him at least?

    rosetto -> ::salutes. Then helps Doctor to lockers::

    Pher -> Look, Joe. You want to play hardball, play hardball, but I don't think this is the time or place.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::places his hand on her neck and his other on her leg::

    Pher -> Yes. But not if you want to hold on to the boards and the cache.

    Joe Manning -> ::Crosses his arms:: I beg to differ. Way it sounds to me, you and Savoy need what I've got. I planned to turn this into an opportunity.

    rosetto -> His cane, if you don't mind?

    STSF_Nickles -> :;shaking like a leaf, breathing hard, his heart beat can be felt in the palms of his hands::

    Pher -> Then play hardball.

    Joe Manning -> Kravitz> I believe that's it? ::Points to a cane leaning against the lockers.

    Pher -> :: Goes to the guard :: Tell Savoy we have to start over. Joe is being Joe.

    rosetto -> ::releases doctor and grabs a uniform::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at the guards:: Get him out of here. This cell ain't no place for him.

    Pher -> :: Returns to Nickles ::

    Joe Manning -> Tell Savoy I want to speak to her.

    Troy Parson -> ::stows the bits and pieces inside of his coat, and takes out a cigarette:: If we go to the port, things might work out...maybe. But probably not.

    Troy Parson -> We've got little manpower, limited technology, and worst of all no leverage.

    Joe Manning -> We hold the cards, Pher. And we damn sure could have gotten Minos on the ship without the Guardians.

    Troy Parson -> If we address the last of these, well, our chances of survival go up quite a bit.

    rosetto -> ::reads the label. 38 long... hands it to the doctor... next one; 36 medium:: This one'll do...

    Mitar Precip -> Tellarite Guardian who was fixated on Pher>Mercs....::walks to where the Marshall is to report::

    Pher -> No we couldn't. :: sighs ::

    Joe Manning -> They need me more than I need them. And that's all that matters ...

    rosetto -> This is attractive...::sighs and looks at helmet::

    Mitar Precip -> Tellarite Guardian>::AA:: Marshall, the Mercs...a people of interest wish to speak to you, the Orion then the precieved leader.

    STSF_Nickles -> We all need to get out of here

    Shane -> So we need leverage on the Guardians. And it would seem to me that there's only one person in this city who can give us that...

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes a seat on his bench:: Joe being Joe is how you stay alive and in command in Bull's Head. And that damnable woman better send someone in here to move Chris

    Mitar Precip -> Tellarite Guradian>Also Marshall one of them appeared ill.

    Pher -> No. It's not. Not that we think along the same lines, Joe. I can't do this your way, Joe. If you can't do it mine... :: sighs ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Leans back against the wall:: Which is why I'm in command ...

    rosetto -> ::sees that this 'Kravitz' dude has no sense of humor:: ::finishes getting dressed and looks for a weapon of sorts thining that he's supposed to be a guard::

    Joe Manning -> We'll do things your way. But only after I get myself out of this cell. With my ship. And a paycheck.

    Pher -> See if you can make it happen. Try not to spend too much time on it, though.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  19. Joe Manning -> So it'll be Nickles and me in a Guardian jail cell, and Troy, Pher, and Shane heading out of Simon's office building

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sitting in the Guardian jail cell grumbling that he was captured::

    Joe Manning -> ::Sitting on the lone bench in the cell with Nickles, while the others are presumably interrogated elsewhere::

    Shane -> ::holstering his returned gauss and stooping down to open the hatch to the underground::

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Shane and Pher:: So, any bets on what form of nastiness awaits us at the rendezvous point?

    Mitar Precip -> (afk)

    Pher -> How much do you expect Joe to have stayed out of trouble?

    Joe Manning -> Assuming ... o' course ... the kinda ship that floats on water when it ain't got holes in it.

    Shane -> ::pulls open the heavy door and peers down:: Anythings possible with Minos. As for Joe, you know him better them me.

    Troy Parson -> About as much as I expect the sudden intercession of the Divine Tuna.

    Shane -> ::hops down the hole, landing with a bang on the grating floor and looks about:: All clear.

    Shane -> ::shouting up the others::

    Troy Parson -> ::Jumps down, turning to Shane:: Incidentally, were you serious about the whole "just-run-for-it-amidst-chaos plan for getting back to the ship?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods:: I know.... ::takes a deep breath:: Im just hoping we make it out of this with our hides intact.

    Pher -> Let's see where the other half is.

    Pher -> Supposedly, Joe has as good a set of connections on both side.

    Joe Manning -> Well ... assuming Minos don't scorch the planet, I'll try to let you all off the hook with the Guardians. All except Pher, maybe. They've got surveillance footage of her up to no kinda good ...

    Pher -> I just wish he had as good connections with us.

    Joe Manning -> But I'm still hoping to very soon acquire enough leverage against the Guardians to get us all out of this, off the planet with our ship, and maybe with some extra cash to boot.

    Shane -> ::glances back at Troy as he lands and starts down the tunnel:: ::annoyed::What do you think I'm stupid? I didn't suggest we run out in the open. But the Rainmakers distraction will be useful and gives Minos less to work with.

    STSF_Nickles -> What was Pher caught doing?

    Joe Manning -> Robbin' a bank.

    STSF_Nickles -> Damn

    Joe Manning -> And she ain't been caught yet. She's still out there.

    Shane -> ::to Pher:: Can you not reach Joe on your wrist-thingy?

    Pher -> Could try.

    STSF_Nickles -> well you said caught on tape.

    Pher -> What you think, Troy?

    Troy Parson -> I think that it sounds awfully risky...chaos is typically a double-edged sword, and one that's hard to control at that.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Snatching yer girl Redera out from under them.

    Joe Manning -> They're lookin' for her. I guess they caught wind of her Rainmaker connections.

    Shane -> Well what would you suggest, Parson?

    Shane -> Walk up and ask the Guardians politely?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::shivers at the name of the Redera:: So she found her?

    Pher -> Walking up to the Guardians might even make sense.

    Pher -> Give us the ship and we give them a shot at Minos. That's the end game I think we've been working for.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances around the cell, noting the camera in one corner of the ceiling:: Oh yeah, she did.

    Pher -> But nobody wants to deal clean with anybody.

    Pher -> No trust is left anywhere at this point.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::follows Joes gaze then goes silent::

    Troy Parson -> Personally, I'd rather not go into Guardian custody...I did break into one of their hospitals, after all.

    Joe Manning -> So says the Marshall at least. I wouldn't want to be Redera now in any case.

    Pher -> :: shrugs :: Exactly. Too many double crosses for any sort of teamwork to happen.

    Shane -> And I'll bet you Minos has contacts in the Guardians. He'll know if we double-cross him.

    STSF_Nickles -> In a way d like to get my hands on her neck for what she did to me

    Pher -> So, I guess we had back to the Maze and see if Joe has yet another plan.

    Joe Manning -> ::Peers up at Nickles, rubbing his chin, where stubble is starting to grow pretty thick:: 'In a way?' I'd think you'd want your hands on her neck in every way ...

    STSF_Nickles -> Yes and no. I dont want to be near her enough to get another WHIFF of her but yet I would like to get her back for what she did to me.

    Troy Parson -> That assumes that the Maze is still a safe meeting spot, and that Joe will still be there...neither of which is guaranteed.

    Joe Manning -> ::Smiles:: Well, in that case, it's probably better to keep the two of you separated. Assuming she turns up alive.

    Pher -> Very much true. So we scout the approach careful.

    Mitar Precip -> (takes his seat in the peanut gallery)

    Pher -> Anyone here think they are clean? Would let themselves be seen by the guardians?

    Shane -> ::turns another corner, causiosly checking around:: Any luck reaching Joe?

    Pher -> Haven't tried. Troy, want me to?

    STSF_Nickles -> Thanks to Pher I came out of it, Im not sure if I can manage it again

    Troy Parson -> Hang on...

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out the ODRI that he got from the severed Guardian arm back at the Maze, and presses a couple of buttons on it:: Use this.

    Mitar Precip -> (stinky)

    Pher -> One moment. :: accepts it, transfering over the necessary encryption keys and addresses, but no more than necessary ::

    STSF_Nickles -> <<WB Precip>>

    Pher -> +Joe+ Status, please?

    Pher -> OK, be ready to move. I don't know how good the Guardians are at tracking signals.

    Mitar Precip -> (from the peanut gallery ::waves:: Hello Robert Long)

    Shane -> ::pauses walking and turns to watch Pher with the ODRI::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The ODRI offers no response for the moment

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe... how are we going to get out of here.

    Troy Parson -> Keep an eye on that ODRI...if you see any sign that it's being tracked, we can get rid of it so as to create a false trail.

    Pher -> No response.

    Shane -> No response is not a good sign.

    Pher -> :: Deactivates the Guardian's comm function ::

    Pher -> Possible we might have been traced. Let's move.

    Troy Parson -> All right, pass me that ODRI.

    Pher -> :: Returns it to troy ::

    Pher -> I deactivated the comm function.

    Shane -> <<He stole it! After him!>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: We'll all get out of here if my leverage presents itself.

    Pher -> You'll have to bring it back up if you want to try another message, but I think Joe's ODRI is blown. I wouldn't.

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe I hope your right.

    Joe Manning -> If it doesn't, I'll try to get you and the others out of here. I think I can cut a deal with Savoy.

    Pher -> And if his ODRI is blown, chances are Joe won't be waiting for us casually in the maze.

    Mitar Precip -> (from the audience Welcome Tkar have a seat..::waves:: )

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out the toy dog that he had surrendered back at Simon's as his "weapon", and wraps the guardian ODRI around it, reactivating its comm functions as he does so:: This should throw them off for a bit.

    Troy Parson -> ::puts down the toy dog, which runs off in another direction::\

    Pher -> OK. Well, lets change directions again...

    Pher -> :: Sighs ::

    STSF_Nickles -> And you want us to leave this place without your? Are you crazy? They will..... ;;sighs::

    Shane -> We need to get to the Maze and figure out what happened. ::turns to get moving agian.

    STSF_Nickles -> We will not go without you one way or another

    Pher -> The next step in the logic chain is that if Joe is blown, the Maze is blown too.

    Joe Manning -> Speak yourself, Chris ... ::Leans back against the wall and closes his eyes::

    Joe Manning -> *for yourself

    Pher -> Troy, are you known to the Guardians? Could you do a low risk walk by of the Maze?

    Joe Manning -> I can imagine half the crew cuttin' and runnin' as soon as they get the chance.

    Joe Manning -> And the rest of you ... I won't let you take the heat for me.

    STSF_Nickles -> I think i know most of the crew Joe, I Doubt they will leave without you, THere are ways.

    Pher -> Shane and I, each in our own way, would be kind of conspicuous at this point.

    Troy Parson -> It'd be risky...they might have distributed my image after the break-in at the hospital.

    Shane -> Hard to hide this. ::waves the arm with a hiss::

    Pher -> We're out of low risk options. My next plan is walking into Guardian HQ and asking to talk to Savoy... and as you say Midas probobly has the Guardians infiltrated, so I don't like that either.

    Joe Manning -> ::Crosses his arms:: They've got nothing on any of you. They've got the footage of Pher, but they're holdin' the others with nothing to charge them with ...

    Troy Parson -> Or...or we can get the ship on our own, and get Minos, which puts us in a much better bargaining position.

    Joe Manning -> That's the Guardians for you. What do they care? They do what they want.

    Pher -> Joe has the component which allows us to lift ship. We aren't going anywhere without Joe.

    STSF_Nickles -> Are you sure about that? I mean William and I? we were caught in the motel.

    Shane -> You forget, Joe has the parts to get her runnin'.

    Pher -> And if the Guardians have Joe, we need the Guardians... but all Joe's double crossing wing it plans means the Guardians won't trust us worth nothing.

    Joe Manning -> Caught doin' what? They didn't actually tie you to anything, did they? Aside from grabbin that box from the jolly green giant.

    Shane -> Does Manning have the compnent on him? Could he have left it the Maze?

    Pher -> Worth searching the maze for it. He wouldn't have brought it to their attention.

    Pher -> That's as good a next move as any.

    STSF_Nickles -> Im not sure, I dont know if they connected us or not. One suggested, but Im not sure they believed us when we said we saw the smoke.

    Joe Manning -> ::Blinks::

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances at the camera, then looks back at Nickles:: Chris ... you didn't actually set fire to that motel to grab Duke's stash ... did you?

    Joe Manning -> Cause that ain't what I asked you two to do.

    Shane -> Theres a chance the Guardians won't be guarding the hatch leadin' in.

    Pher -> Let's do it. I think we're stuck talking to the Guardians, anyway.

    Shane -> ::closing in on the tunnels leading under the Maze:: That should be a last resort. We can't expect them to be reasonable.

    STSF_Nickles -> Are you kidding?? No ::looking where Joe did:: But Like I said they didnt beleive us or didnt act like they did

    Troy Parson -> Do you think that we could get the Guardians to find the part for us?

    Pher -> The only way either the Guardians or us win is by working together. I just think Joe has made that impossible.

    Pher -> But it's the only option left.

    Joe Manning -> Well ::Shrugs:: They ain't got no evidence anyway. Still ... the theft ... and running from them? I'm sure Duke'll insist on heavy fines being levied.

    Troy Parson -> I don't like this at all...

    Pher -> Heck, even if we find the missing component, do we have enough crew left to lift ship?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: stands up and paces a bit:: I hate sitting still

    Pher -> OK. Let's try getting back into that Maze bar.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Enters the holding area and marches up to Joe and Nickles' cell with two guards::

    Troy Parson -> Don't you think that it's strange, though?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: sees Savoy approaching and stops to look::

    Joe Manning -> ::Opens his eyes and watches Savoy stride up to the cell::

    Shane -> ::spots the last intersection:: Here we go.

    Troy Parson -> We've been looking for Minos, who the Guardians want found...

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Stops to look in at Joe and Nickles:: Well ... some interesting storytelling we have going on in the interrogation rooms.

    Pher -> Heck, I don't see where we can get from here to there without working with Savoy, and talking to her quietly with minimum chance of the talk leaking.

    Troy Parson -> It's to their advantage for Minos to make a move that they can intercept, which they could do by monitoring us...

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> Each member of your crew is spinning a different yarn about where the two of you were at any given time of the night.

    Troy Parson -> Yet, every step of the way, the Guardians have been obstructing our progress.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::clinches his teeth at the tone of Savoy::

    Joe Manning -> ::Closes his eyes again and leans back against the wall::

    Pher -> Yep. They tried blackmailing us into doing a job, and Joe didn't want to be blackmailed. He had to do it his way.

    Pher -> His way burned a lot of bridges.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves to the other bench and sits with his fist clinched::

    Shane -> ::holds up his real hand to stop the others and peeks around the corner to the ladder leading up to the Maze::

    Troy Parson -> But the thing is, no matter what bridges are burned, it's still to their advantage for us to make contact with Minos, since they know about us via Joe.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> I can't even begin to determine what the truth is, and I don't have the time to dig much deeper.

    STSF_Nickles -> Then release us all and be done with it

    STSF_Nickles -> ::crosses his arms::

    Troy Parson -> If I were running the Guardian operation, and I thought that Joe was going to take Minos offworld, I wouldn't try to stop him at all...

    Pher -> We just had our contact with Minos. We know where he will be and when, and he will be willing to board QoB.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> I will not release any of you until I determine what it is you're hiding.

    Troy Parson -> I'd watch, and I'd wait, and *then*, once Minos himself is on the baord, then I'd move.

    Troy Parson -> <<*board>>

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> All these different accounts of the night's activities suggest that something else has been going on.

    Pher -> Endgame is getting him aboard QoB and seeing who gets off the last betrayal.

    Pher -> But getting the Endgame requires us to work with the Guardians.

    Pher -> Anyone see another path?

    Troy Parson -> What I'm saying is that our assumptions about the motivations of the Guardians don't fit with their actions.

    Pher -> I don't see that, Troy. They have been whipshawed by Minos and Joe all night. Their actions have been reasonable for what they are supposed to do... they've just been playing defense in guerilla conflict... and they're not good at it.

    Joe Manning -> If you're asking my people about my activities, it doesn't surprise me that you're getting different answers. They're on leave, and it's not their job to know what I'm up to.

    STSF_Nickles -> Why would something have to be going on because none of the crew were doing the same thing

    Joe Manning -> I gave Pher a job and I gave Nickles a job. I've told you about both.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Looks at Nickles:: I'm more concerned with their accounts of Manning's activities. And of Pher's activities.

    STSF_Nickles -> LLnods to Joe:: He just told you

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> There are too many inconsistencies. I don't imagine either of you will be willing to tell me the truth?

    Shane -> ::looks back at the other two:: First lets figure out where the heck Manning is and if possible, get our hands on that part.

    Pher -> OK. To the Maze inn then, carefully.

    Pher -> With luck the part is there... but if the part is there and Joe isn't, odds are that the Guardians have him.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sighs and bows his head, not answering::

    Pher -> I can't think of another reason why his ODRI is blown.

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe's already told you the truth.

    Shane -> ::rounds the corner, approaching the ladder as quietly as he can::

    Troy Parson -> That, at least, I'll agree to.

    Pher -> :: falls silent as they make their way to the ladder ::

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Firmly:: Mr. Nickles, would you come with me, please?

    STSF_Nickles -> No I really have a choice? ::looks between the two gaurds::

    STSF_Nickles -> And If I say no?

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> You have a choice. But the alternative is not pleasant.

    Shane -> ::stops at the bottom of the ladder, looks the Pher:: <w> You don't make as much noise as me.

    Troy Parson -> ::hanging back from the trapdoor a bit::

    Pher -> Check. :: Takes the lead, heads up the ladder quietly, stops at the top to scan for life signs with Audry ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There are three lifesigns in the tavern area. None in the backroom

    Shane -> ::pulls his pistol out from the holster, holding it up and ready::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: leans back against the wall again::

    Pher -> :: Checks the lifesigns for power supplies consistent with the weapons guardians typically carry. ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Two have such weapons

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Nods to the guards, who open the cell and enter::

    Joe Manning -> ::Eyes still closed:: Don't give her anything else to hold against you, Chris

    Pher -> :: Compares the life forms with Joe and Nickles, just to make sure they are Guardians ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: On is recognized by Audry. Pete Gibbons, the owner of the Maze

    Joe Manning -> *One

    STSF_Nickles -> ::watches as the guards enter, turns to Joe and back to Savoy:: Im not happy with this! :;stands as the guards get closer::

    Shane -> ::whispers a growl impatiently:: Well?

    Joe Manning -> Guards> ::Move to grab Nickles::

    Pher -> Looks like Pete Gibbons and two guardians. I'm going to go up and push for my Endgame. I'll end up in custody. You two can follow or not. If you want a head start, take it now.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::pulls his arm away from the guards:: Im COMING Im coming!

    Troy Parson -> Right. Best of luck!

    Pher -> You too. Hang with our supplies. If I get endgame, I'll try to pick you up there.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> ::Turns to lead the guards and Nickles toward the interrogation rooms::

    Pher -> Luck!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks back to Joe as they exit the cell::

    Pher -> :: Heads up the ladder ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods to Joe as they move out of sight and gets a nudge:: IM GOING Im going already.

    Shane -> ::listens to the well-wishing and shakes his head in annoyance:: I'm gonna see what happens. hCan ya hang back in the tunnels a bit?

    Pher -> :: Opens door :: Hello, all. Pher the Green, here. Coming out slow.

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Arguing with the two Guardians. Stops when he hears the noise in the back. Circles around the bar to investigate::

    Joe Manning -> Pete> Pher?

    Pher -> :: Leaves door to ladder open ::

    Shane -> ::steps back from the tunnel view::

    Shane -> ladder*

    Pher -> Pher I am. I see you have company, and am coming up anyway.

    Joe Manning -> Pete> They've been asking questions about y-- ::Shoved aside::

    Joe Manning -> Guardians> ::Weapons pointed at Pher:: Hands up, ma'am.

    Pher -> :: Wanders into view of the big room moving slowly with her hands well clear of her body ::

    Troy Parson -> ::heading down the tunnel, getting away from the Maze, not following any particular path::

    Shane -> ::listening with his pistol still ready::

    Pher -> Aye.

    Pher -> Pain stick on belt... stunner... Well. You don't want to know where the stunner is.

    Pher -> Please be careful about calling me in. Maintain comm silence. I have word of Minos.

    Joe Manning -> Guardian> We have orders to place you under arrest, ma'am. And we have been authorized to use lethal force if you make any attempt to ... whatever you Orions do.

    Shane -> ::has heard enough, tunrns and quickkly follows after Troy::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::walking with Savoy being followed by the guards:: What is it you want with me!?

    Pher -> Understood. Not hurting me would be a good idea if you don't want to trigger defense mechanisms.

    Joe Manning -> Savoy> To ask you a few questions. About the Deltan Redera. And your crew. And what you were doing at the motel where you were arrested.

    Joe Manning -> Guardian> ::Looks at his partner:: Prepare the speeder. Don't make any radio contact with HQ yet.

    Pher -> :: Nods approval ::

    STSF_Nickles -> As far as that Damned Deltan, I was kiddknapped. I still want to take care of her with my bare hands... around her throat::

    Joe Manning -> Guardian> Alright, let's go. ::Motions for the door with his rifle::

    Pher -> :: Very slowly drops the pain stick on the floor... then the stunner ::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  20. Joe Manning -> When last we left Nickles and William, they were planting bombs and setting fires ...

    William Chocox -> And being choked.

    Joe Manning -> By an Orion. And not the good kind.

    Joe Manning -> Guardians should be on the scene soon as motel guests flock out ...

    Joe Manning -> Troy, Pher, and Precip, feel free to assume any role that comes to mind.

    Joe Manning -> Shane will be taking charge of the Guardians (once again)

    Joe Manning -> Alright, let's get underway ...

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    William Chocox -> ::is being choked::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Squeezing the Guardian's throat while lifting him off the floor::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: turns the corner looking around for William seeing him with the Orion:: HEY!!

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> Thought you could barge in and take what you want?

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Looks at the open doorway and Nickles::

    STSF_Nickles -> HEY LET HIM GO!!

    William Chocox -> ::can't talk due to his windpipe being crushed:: URGH!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::rushes twards the two::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Narrows his eyes and tosses William to the side, into a nightstand beside the bed::

    Pher -> (Nightstand) :: Crunch ::

    William Chocox -> ::crashes through the stand:: AAGH!

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::unloading from a just arrived speeder with a squad arrayed in firefighting equipement:: This building here! Move in!

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Grunts and points a thick green finger:: Mm. Nickles.

    STSF_Nickles -> Who the hell are you? :: reaches William helping him up:: And how the hell do you..... Wait I have seen you before

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Begins cracking his knuckles as he steps slowly toward Nickles:: And I seen you. And I know all about you.

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> Come here to start trouble with Duke, did you?

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::checks his extinguisher pack strapped to his back once again:: I want us divided into three man squads, one gun per team. This maybe Rainmaker crap and I want us prepared!

    Dash_Andrews -> <<I'm here but not sure for how long...>>

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::bursts into the front door and heads upstairs with his and two other three-man teams::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: helps William to sit on the bed:: Hang on dude. <Urzot> YA what of it?!

    William Chocox -> ::sits on bed feeling sore all over::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Swings his arm toward the door as Nickles circles around him:: Get out of here, both of you, before I pound your heads.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: steps back away from Williams swing:: You will be pounding more than heads when Things are done here. Come on Chocox ::helps him up :: We need to get out of here.

    William Chocox -> ::gets up:: Hopefully the Guardians don't show up. That might be a little awkward.

    Shane -> Lawman Walker>+Snow+ Sir, we found a section of the fire on the second floor and are attempting to contain it.

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Narrows his eyes, trying to puzzle out what one of the Qob crew is doing with a Guardian::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::or why the Guardian is referring to the Guardians in the third person::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Sniffs, detecting the smoke in the air:: What's that smell?

    William Chocox -> Probably smoke from oily rags.

    William Chocox -> That were set on fire.

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>+Walker+ Affirmative. We're approaching the fourth floor. 3rd is cleared.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: helps Chocox out the door:: Figure it out!! ::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Quickly crouches beside the bed to make sure the stash is safe::

    Troy Parson -> Fifi the Dog> ::looks at Snow from down a corridor:: Woof, woof!

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::reaches the fourth floor and sees smoke coming from under the door...along with an annoying poodle::

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::urgently:: Woof!

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>::his ODRI visible despite the smoke....a clever adaptation:: Deputy, this building does confrim to ciry codes...I am baffled why the fire suppression systems are not functional...I think some Rainmaker is up to this! ::to Snow::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Gets up and moves toward the door::

    STSF_Nickles -> William are you Alright?

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Stops as it slowly dawns on him that this could be a trick to distract him ... ::

    STSF_Nickles -> He was hiding something He wouldnt have wanted us out of there so fast if he wasnt

    William Chocox -> Nothing that can't be fixed with some basic first aid.

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Whines slightly as he returns to the bed to grab the stash::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow> Just our luck... Alright, my team will enter first. Precip, take down the dloor.

    William Chocox -> That and my pride is a bit bruised.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: steps into a cross corridor:: Lets see if he flees.

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Grabs his communicator from the nightstand and contacts the rest of the crew:: +Com+ This is Urzot. We've got a problem. The Qob crew is lurking around, up to something ...

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> ::Wields sonic pulse device:: Clear in three...two ....one...::pulse fires pushing the door of hinges into room::

    Joe Manning -> << I could use some of Duke Redding's crew, if anyone doesn't have a part to play >>

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::yelps in surprise as the door is destroyed::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::bursts into the cooridor, firing his extinguisher as he goes:: Go go go!

    Joe Manning -> << Think normal mercenary crew, except rather less ethical and pleasant ... >>

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Tucks the box under his arm as he exits the room::

    STSF_Nickles -> <W>Let wait for him here the other way is blocked by smoke.

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> ::storms the room firing away with his extinguisher:: Deputy! Look the sprinkler is just ...like dead! ::points at fire suppression device::

    STSF_Nickles -> <W> I hear something..shh

    William Chocox -> <<Less ethical? I thought we were the exception not the rule?>>

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::runs into the room and starts pawing at a closed door with smoke coming out from under it::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::sees the dog:: In there!

    Joe Manning -> << Mercs tend to be more unethical than most as a rule ... but some are worse than others >>

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::Frantically:: Rrf, rrf, rrrrf!!!!!

    STSF_Nickles -> :: waiting for Urzot to pass to ambush him::

    William Chocox -> <W> What are we going to do? That guy is freaking huge?

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Wandering through the halls and the smoke, coughing, as he tries to locate Nickles to tail him::

    William Chocox -> <<!*>>

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> gonna have to take the door the old way Deputy...might injure whatever is behind there! Or whatever..::upon hearing dog::

    STSF_Nickles -> <w> Hes hiding something it may be what we need to get out of here

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::to Precip:: You have a point. ::boots the dog out of the way and open the door the normal way.

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::goes flying:: Aaarck!!!

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> ::with big boot kicks door at its lock point::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> +Com+ I'm on my way to the lobby. Meet me there. *cough* I ... think they started the fire.

    Troy Parson -> Door> ::swings open to reveal...a closet!::

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::runs over and grabs a well-chewed toy form the floor of the closet::

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::happily:: Woof!

    STSF_Nickles -> :: sees Urzot pass and steps out behind him with a phase pushed into his back:: The Lobby would not be a good idea. Lets go to the back of the house and exit there

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>Deputy? ::looks quzzical awaiting more commands::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Growls when he feels the pressure in his back::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::motions for William to follow:: Move!

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> My crewmates won't let you get away with this.

    William Chocox -> ::starts to follow::

    STSF_Nickles -> Im not worried abput your crew at the moment.

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::grumbles:: Dumb dog...+HQ+ HQ, this is Deputy Snow, we have some suspicious activity invovling the fire in Section 31. Requesting backup, over

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Turns to move in the other direction::

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>::adjusts breathing apparatus given the smoke and whipes his viewmask clear::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::to Precip:: Take you team and contain the fire down the rest of the cooridor.

    STSF_Nickles -> Now at the end of this corridor Go down the steps/

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Coughs more as the smoke gets thicker::

    STSF_Nickles -> William Call the others tell them we will be coming out the back and we need backup/

    William Chocox -> ::pulls a portion of his shirt and uses it as a makeshift mask:: Gotcha

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> The crew knows what you're up to ... they won't let you get away with this box.

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::suddenly sees Chris and Will with the Orion:: Halt!

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> We worked too hard to get our hands on this.

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>Yes Deputy, uh what....

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Looks over at the Guardian:: Hey! Help!

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::trots over to Urzot and drops the toy at his feet, then looks up at him:: Woof!

    William Chocox -> ::flashes his Guardian credential:: He's with me!

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>::observes the SIZE of the guy:: good grief.

    STSF_Nickles -> Unless you dont want to make it out of here alive.. DAMN MOVE ::pushes Urzot through the door:: MOVE NOW!!

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> He's fake! I heard him say! He's not one of you!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::pushes URzot down the steps ::

    William Chocox -> ::walks with Nickles:: Don't listen to him he's a criminal.

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::puzzled to say the least and step forward to get a better look at the credentials::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Turns so the Guardians can see the phaser in his back::

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> Stairwell to the right is clear :: To STSF_NIckles :: Fire is this direction ::;looks at William :: get them out of here!

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Resists the push::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::to Will:: Your company is stationed at the docks, what are you doing here?

    William Chocox -> ::Precip:: Will do.

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> They broke into my room, tried to steal from me!

    William Chocox -> I was in the neighborhood saw the fire and went to see what I could do.

    STSF_Nickles -> QUIET!!

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>:: So busy in his head firefighting..saving lives he doesnt think to look what his deputy is doing::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> Look at him! He's a merc, like me. ::Thumbs back at Nickles::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::looks to Precip:: I don't like this. Take them all into custody.

    William Chocox -> I had to shanghai some people to help me.

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::motions to the armed members of his crew to take them::

    STSF_Nickles -> This man is dalerious from the smoke.

    William Chocox -> Big lungs more effect.

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>I'll bet. Hand over the weapons.

    STSF_Nickles -> We need to get him out of here

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> Bah! I heard him say they made the fire! Oily rags, he said.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to Will::

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> Deputy...Sir My ODRI detects more lifesigns down the hall.....I think I should clear them out before this place goes!

    William Chocox -> Look I will explain everything later. If you want to mess up an operation sanctioned by the head of the department than go ahead.

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Clutches the stronbox firmly underneath his arm, looking between the real Guardians::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: grabs the Box from Urzot and bolts down the steps::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::steps forward as the armed Guardians point their weapons on the three:: Starighten this out with HQ at the bottom! I'll be there in a minute.

    STSF_Nickles -> LETS MOVE!!!

    Joe Manning -> << I'll need a Strength check for that, Nickles ;) >>

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::heads down the hallway with the rest off his crew, minus the armed Guardians::

    William Chocox -> ::runs after Nickles::

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::interprets Nickles' running as a game, and chases::

    STSF_Nickles -> <surprise hit from behind to dislodge?>>

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> Hey! Wait!::gives chase::

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> See! They're thieves! Don't let them get away!

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> That's the property of Captain Duke Redding.

    William Chocox -> He

    STSF_Nickles -> ::rushs down the steps and out the door into the alley behind the building::

    William Chocox -> He's a mercenary! He'll say whatever he wants!*

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Activates his comm:: +Crew+ Nickles has the payment! He's probably headed toward the back exit!

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::running alongside Nickles:: Woof, woof!

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>::locates lifesigns to room 13 and tunes up audio device:: STAND AWAY FROM THE DOOR PLEASE!

    William Chocox -> ::runs out with Nickles::

    Shane -> Lawman Tehxas Ranjer> ::levels his rifle at the Orion and Will:: Hands on your heads and get downstairs!

    Mitar Precip -> (lol shane!)

    William Chocox -> <<I'm with Nickles.>>

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Ranjer:: I ain't the thief here! You go out there and get that box back!

    Shane -> Lawman Ranjer> Talk to the butt, cause it's the only one that gives a crap! Now get downstairs!

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Joe we met up with an ORion I reconise. Hes one of Reddings cre. He had a box and we have managed to get it from him. Running from the Gardians now. ANy help would be appreciated??

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>::uses the sonic pulse door popper again...and in three seconds he has the door falling inward..:: He enters and finds.......

    William Chocox -> <<Jimmy Hoffa?>>

    Joe Manning -> #+Nickles+ ... I really wish you hadn't chosen just this moment to chime in with that, Chris ...

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> ::burst out the building following Chris and Will:: +HQ+ HQ, I am in pursuit of a two fugiives.! Assistance requested!

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>::spots four Orion slave girls with one Bolian decked out in lots of gold in his bed:: ENough fun !!! Everyone OUt to the RIght!!!!!

    Joe Manning -> Urzot> ::Growls and starts moving toward the stairs with Ranjer:: If we lose that box, you people are gonna pay for it! Yer supposed to keep the law in this city!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns a corner out of site of the chaser:: Will duck in there:: PPoints to an open door:::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> +Walker+ I'm quite aware of it, Lawman ...

    William Chocox -> ::ducks in::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::clearing people out of their rooms:: Fourth floor clear! Everyone move out!

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> +Walker+ I'm standing next to one of the fugitives' Captain.

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>::notes Bolian is secured to bed and rolls eyes:: Get Moving ladies...! Exit to the right and then downstairs....

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::follows through the door::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> +Walker+ I want them both detained and brought to Port Station 5 at once.

    Joe Manning -> #+Nickles+ ... turn yourself in, Chris.

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>::approaches Bolian with pimped out outfit secured to bed...then realizes he is not breating....and notes...green blood from his mouth::

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> Yes sir! ::brings his rifle up and fires a beam near the two's feet:: I said halt!

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ are you Nuts? :: looks up seeing Walker has turned in the same open door:

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip>+ Deputry Snow + I have a possible homicide in room 13...be advised of four scantly clad orion women exiting the building staircase we cleared!

    Joe Manning -> #+Nickles+ I wish I was. Then I could plead insanity. I'm being put in shackles as we speak, Chris. So is Dash. We're both under arrest.

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::coming back down the hallway behind the other tenants, see Precip in the doorway:: Lawman! I want everyone ou...what the ...

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ ;;looks to Walker:: I dont think I have a choice ... now. ::holds one hand up while the other is on the box::

    Mitar Precip -> Lawnan Precip>Sick Sir!! A Bolian with Vulcan Blood in his mouth....lethal to Bolians....WHere the hell they got the blood...who knows...but sir...those four orion women....should be detained!

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::pulling Precip towards the stairs:: We don't have time for this! Suad 4 reports the fire out of control on the upper floors!

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> Yes sir...Yes Sir....Yes Sir...::pulled away from the first homicide he has ever seen::

    Joe Manning -> #+Nickles+ There are far more important things going on on this planet, Chris. The Minos business. Too important for us to be causing a fuss for the good Marshall and her troops.

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> ::keeping his gun up, pulls out shackles and tosses them at the two's feet:: Put them on each other's hands. And don't try anything.

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Aye.

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> I wish we had guys on the roof venting the building Deputy! ::recovering his wits::

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::grabs one pair of shackles off the floor and runs::

    William Chocox -> ::picks up a pair:: What, can't do it yourself? Even I learned how to do that and I'm an engineer.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::reaches of the shackes as the pooch runs off::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::moving down the stairs:: If I had more than twelve men at my disposale then maybe. But right now we just want everyone out alive.

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> ::tries to grab the shackles:: Stupid mutt!

    Mitar Precip -> Four Orion Scantly Clad Women Murderers>::exit stairwell straight into a bunch of Lawmen arriving in a heavy fire unit and are prompty busted::

    Troy Parson -> Fifi> ::walks a significant distance away, drops the shackles, and looks up at Walker:: Woof! Woof!

    STSF_Nickles -> :: looks to Walker:: Ive been ordered to follow your directions, I will do as you say.

    Mitar Precip -> Lawmen Snow>::sorry sir..my ODRI can only determine life signs...not what type of life...sir...

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> +Com+ Lawman Walker, have you been able to identify the two assailants?

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> ::misses the dog:: Gorammit! ::turns his attention back to the two:: Fine, then keep your hands on your head and move out the door!

    Mitar Precip -> + Deputy Snow + This is Deputy Thunder...I have arrived with a Heavy FIre unit and am ready to hose the structure..I suggest vacating the building.

    William Chocox -> ::puts hands on head and starts walking::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::exiting the building:: Don't worry about it Lawman. We all run into that stuff someday>

    STSF_Nickles -> :: places his empty hand on his head while carring the box in the other: and moves towards the door::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::to Will:: I dont understand Joe staying to surender. Something isnt right.

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> +Savoy+ ::checking his ODRI:: Yes sir, I appear to have Mannings first officer and a Guardian thats been missing for a day.

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> I just signed on to fight fires sir...::hears comm:: Deputy Thunder arriving with a Heavy Fire Speeder...some guys have shown up to help I guess.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: steps out of the door and waits to be told where to go::

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>About time...+Thunder+ The building will be evacuated in less than two minutes. Then you may procede.

    William Chocox -> ::to Nickles:: Could the Guardians have caught up with him?

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> +Walker+ One of ours? Intriguing. The depths of this merc band's plots continue to amaze me ...

    Mitar Precip -> Deputy Thunder> Direct water cannon fire on the hotel....range...2o elevation 60. + Snow + Copy Hurry your rears out of there...this hotel doesnt look like its going to maintain structural intergrity...+

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> ::keeping a good distance behind the two:: Back up the alleyway! Towards the hotel.

    STSF_Nickles -> Will> he said he was being arrested

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves in the direction told::

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> +Savoy+ Do you want these two taken to HQ, sir?

    William Chocox -> ::moves with Nickles::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> +Walker+ There is no headquarters at the moment, Lawman. Bring them to Station 5 in the Port District. We'll clear your speeder to pass the rioters.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks back to Walker:: The Hotel?

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> ::to Deputy Snow:: Okay sir...I am back on my wits...::raises ODRI: Lifesigns detected 30 feet ahead..::hears children screaming::

    Joe Manning -> #Savoy> I will meet with you there. I look forward to questioning this apparent defector of ours.

    Shane -> Deputy Snow>::to his assembling men:: Get these people to the safe zone the buildings losing integrity!

    Mitar Precip -> Lawman Precip> I'm on it!!!!! ::rushes to get kids out of room::

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> +Savoy+ Yes sir!

    Shane -> Lawman Walker> Yeah the place you guys just came from.

    Mitar Precip -> Deputy Thunder>::Recieves word that the fire suppression systems of the building have failed completely...notes probable ARSON.::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  21. Two Lawman 'escorted' Joe into what looked suspiciously like an interrogation room, unnecessarily (he thought) maintaining a tight grip on his arms. Marshall Savoy was standing on the other side of a table at the center. "Is this the lounge?" Joe asked as the guards pushed him into the chair on the near side of the table. "Because I don't see a minibar."


    "You've been lying to me, Manning," Savoy said. She nodded to the two guards to stand beside the door. "Your Orion slave girl told us everything. Not much of a slave if you ask me."


    "Well, Pher has a certain naivete about her when it comes to Bull's Head. She's probably got it in her head that the Guardians can be trusted to honor a deal."


    Savoy crossed her arms and stared across the table at Joe. "Yes, wherever could she have gotten such a wild idea?"


    Joe glanced back at the two guards. "So, are you going to torture me now? Try to ... 'extract' the location of the control board? Is that how this works?"


    "If only I had the time," Savoy allowed one corner of her mouth to upturn. "But your people are already preparing for their rendezvous with Minos, and we're minutes away from his deadline. I doubt he'll wait long for his ride out of here to show up. So it would seem that I'll have to listen to what you have to say ... and hope that I get the truth this time."


    "Well," Joe grinned up at the Marshall. "You've hardly been a paragon of honesty yourself, Savoy. If you'd warned me that the Rainmakers were after my ship, we could have taken precautions ... and Nickles wouldn't be needing an impromptu conjugal visit in his cell right now. Unlike you, I had a good reason to lie. I couldn't have you getting in Pher's way while she was meeting Minos. And now ... we've got him. Which was just what you wanted, wasn't it?"


    "Our deal was for you to make contact with Minos through Samus," Savoy replied.


    "I told you ... Samus and I ain't on speaking terms right now. I doubt he'd have known how to find Minos anyway." Joe shrugged. "So I used my own means. And now I get to make a new deal."


    "And you made sure you were sitting on the control board," Savoy shook her head. "Just in case your mercenary buddies tried to screw you out of the deal?"


    Joe laughed, but was stopped by a brief fit of coughing. "I wish I was that forward-thinking. I tend not to account for my senior staff trying to screw me. But ... in retrospect ... stashing that board away turned out for the best. It disrupted Pher's best efforts to form a peace accord with you folks in uniform ... a development that no doubt would have ended with me in prison, my ship broken down for parts, and my crew stranded here without jobs. I know what the gratitude of the Guardians is worth -- enough to make sure to cash in on it -before- doing you any favors."


    "Whatever history you may have with my organization, Manning, does not apply to me. I would have shown you and your crew great leniency if you'd delivered Minos. But if you must play it the hard way, fine ... what is it that you want?"


    "Well, it should go without saying that I want all charges against me and my crew dropped. That goes for everything -- Pher breaking into the bank, Nickles running for your people at the motel, the mysterious disappearance of Mr. LaHaye -- everything that was done to get us to Minos tonight. And, yes, the bar brawl that started all this. Just like the deal went, I don't have to pay any damages or any of Duke's medical bills ... so I get to keep my ship."


    "Given the list of crimes your crew has tallied tonight, you're pushing it." Savoy said. "Questions will need to be asked about how you accomplished some of the things you accomplished, and whether any of my people were hurt or killed --"


    "Not by my crew," Joe quickly interrupted. "Even the bio-attack on Medical One was a Rainmaker op. In fact ... we rescued LaHaye from an assassin. Okay ... we mighta knocked a few of your people out. Maybe ... stolen a vehicle too. But we didn't leave no widows or orphans, so I think you'll find you can look the other way on our miscreant behavior."


    "And if we let you all walk free and without any fines," Savoy said. "You hand over the control board and LaHaye's data cache."


    "Mm." Joe quickly wrenched one eye. "The cache. I was hopin' Pher at least kept that to herself. Never mind that, though. My deal is you get the control board, and only the control board; we get freedom ... and ten thousand credits."


    Savoy's jaw nearly dropped. She uncrossed her arms and leaned against the table. "You want us to pay you as well?!"


    Joe shrugged. "I've got what you need, Marshall. It's not an unreasonable amount. We've incurred some expenses tracking down your terrorist leader ... and it would seem that handing over the most wanted man in Bull's Head should let us live comfortably at the Taurus Brothers' expense for six months or so. Regardless, I'm gonna hold onto LaHaye's cache for now."


    "It's stolen property!" Savoy barked.


    "Well ... " Joe put on a ponderous face. "Not quite. It was pulled out of Jerald LaHaye's bank vault ... by Jerald LaHaye ... then handed over to Pher willingly. We'd arranged such beforehand. So it's safer to say that it was entrusted into our care. Unless ... LaHaye has reported it stolen?"


    "LaHaye has not been seen or heard from in hours," Savoy replied in a biting tone. "I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that? Since you didn't even know who LaHaye was twenty minutes ago?"


    "I believe he and Pher ... parted ways when he gave us what we wanted. I'm sure a skilled PI like him has ... ways of disappearing. Though the Rainmakers -were- after him, mind you." Joe scratched his chin and surveyed Savoy's increasingly reddening face. "Tell you what. Ten thousand does seem a bit steep for the Guardians' budget. So ... have your port crews give our ship a good tuneup, refuel her -- and that includes a replacement dilithium crystal -- and waive the portage fee for this visit, and I'll consider the Guardians' debt to us paid. When we're in the black, we'll negotiate with the Taurus Brothers, find out how much they'd be willing to pay for LaHaye's information. After all, they're the filthy rich ones, ain't they?"


    "And if I don't agree to this ... " Savoy stared daggers into Joe. "I ask you the same question you asked me on the way here. Are you willing to let the city burn, Manning? Are you that desperate to get what you want?"


    "I give you the same answer you gave me," Joe stared back. "Minos is probably bluffing. I guess we don't have to wait much longer to find out ... if you really want to sit here doing the 'playing chicken' thing instead of making a good, fair deal."


    "I've got riots on my hand no matter what," Savoy replied with a look of disdain. "Get out of here, get the piece we need, and make sure it's on your ship by the time Minos sets his meeting place. If it turns out that none of my personnel were killed or seriously injured because of your activities tonight, your crew can leave the planet without grievance."


    "Now that's the gratitude I was hoping to hear." Joe stood up. "It was you who recruited us, after all. And we did get the job done for you."


    "If I show gratitude for nothing else, Manning," Savoy replied bitterly. "It's for the valuable lesson you taught me tonight -- I will -never- turn to mercenaries to do a job for me again."

  22. Simon Graham looked over the three mercenaries of the starship Qob, trying to assess their motives. Trustworthiness could not be easily assumed for any of them, and the unpredictability of an independent spirit could disrupt so much of the night's planning. Still, there were many contingency plans for eliminating the Guardians' rapidly closing net, and Qob was involved in nearly all of them. The cooperation of Qob's crew allowed for the smoothest contingencies, and so this arrangement would be allowed to play out.


    "Let us not dwell too long on Joe Manning," Simon said. "The promised burning of Tranquility City is but twenty minutes away. While I may see fit to delay retribution if you can assure my escape from this world, I will not allow doubts of my sincerity to linger overlong.


    "Whether Manning is removed from the picture or not -- a process I will leave to your discretion -- there is still the matter of averting the Guardians' security force at the port ... to say nothing of their fleet in orbit. The element of chaos is in our favor; the fear of the mob will provide a useful distraction. But I am not inclined to leave anything to chance. I am sure you have a clear plan for gaining access to your ship?"


    "Well, gaining access to the Qob should be easy enough," said Shane casually. "The Guardians are expecting us to try and gain access to the port. So we give 'em what they're lookin' for. Give some of your devout and loyal followers a 'sacrifice for the cause' speech and have them make an open raid on the Guardian post there to draw their forces away. That'll leave us with an open avenue to the ship." Pher remained silent, but nodded a passive approval. Shane's approach needed no elaboration, and if this guy rated her purely as a gold digger, that was fine with her.


    "I have few people left on this planet to spare for such a venture," Simon replied. "Though if you believe it would help you gain access to the ship I might convince them to conduct a lightning raid on the port. The Guardians may just be understaffed enough at this point that the diversion would be adequate. Still ... the port would be watched closely. I have my doubts that you would reach your ship without at least making efforts to conceal yourselves.


    "There is also the matter of the Guardian vessels in orbit. I have provided a distraction for them as well; as we speak, they are searching the asteroid belt for flaws placed in the radiation shield network. My assumption that your ship will not alert their sensors ... this is an accurate assumption?"


    "Once we're out of the atmosphere, we're home free," Troy answered, hoping he'd find that in his absence, Joe had gotten the ship back into a state in which that promise could be kept. "Do you have any additional requirements we should know about, in terms of cargo, accommodations, or communications?"


    "I will be accompanied by three or four of my most trusted associates, but no special cargo. My only requirement is that you get us off this world and out of the Guardians' net. When we are off world, we will discuss our destination and the means of my payment for your services." Simon nodded to the boy, who circled around to the back of the computer bank. "You all have not put quite as much planning into this escape attempt as I had hoped. You are either leaving a great deal to chance or you have assets of which you are not informing me. Either way, I will not put myself at risk. I will send you the channel of an untraceable communications link through which you may contact me. Inform me when you need a diversion created at the port, then again when your ship has departed its landing pad. At that time, I will provide the coordinates of a rendezvous site outside the city.


    "Now I must make preparations of my own, as this may be my final departure from this office complex. If you have nothing else to bring to my attention, Redera will return your weapons and show you the way back to the undercity ... "

  23. Joe looked down at the throngs below the Guardian speeder, some rushing toward the port bridge, others looting stores and inns. With the countdown to doomsday nearly ended, there were not likely to be many people asleep in their beds in this deep of the night. Joe vaguely remembered his role in starting the riot at the port bridge. That one small spark was now lost in the wave of hysteria now sweeping over the entire city. The riot at the bridge had been fated to happen eventually; it just would have taken longer. Joe tried to comfort himself with that thought as the reality of his arrest sunk in. He'd authorized a lot of crimes this night, and while the Marshall's worst suspicions were unfounded, he was in plenty hot water for good reason.


    "Word is they're grabbing what essential supplies they can and retreating to the utility tunnels," Marshall Savoy, seated beside him, pointed out. "A pointless effort. If the planet were irradiated, they would not survive down there long."


    "And you're just going to leave the blockade in place? Let it happen?" Joe asked, even knowing that the blockade remaining in place was his only way out of this legal mess. Everything depended on Troy, Pher, and Shane now.


    "My inclination is not to let this planet burn just to keep Minos here," Savoy answered. "I doubt the Taurus Brothers are so inclined either ... but who knows what moves them? In any event, there are serious doubts that Minos is capable sabotaging the shield network. It stinks of the last desperate gambit of a trapped man and a feat beyond even his capabilities. If his bluff is revealed, he will have nothing left to terrorize these people with."


    "But if he's not bluffing," Joe said. "And if he's just desperate enough to kill everyone on the planet to ensure his escape, you would sentence them all to die?"


    "Guardian affairs are not your concern, Manning." Savoy replied firmly. "And I find your right to judge questionable considering the overwhelming evidence that your crew has been aiding the Rainmakers."


    "Nonsense. I've told you already. I sent Nickles to Duke Redding's hotel to take back the raider bounty that was stolen from us. I don't know why your people showed up at the hotel or why Nickles felt the need to run from them ... but you know full well that where Duke is involved, Chris and I tend to push the law to the back seat. As for Pher, I sent her to hunt down Redera since there was ... 'overwhelming evidence' ... that she had designs on stealing my ship. Designs I now think you knew about ... "


    "And Jerald LaHaye, Manning?" Savoy asked, an angry, impatient tone to her voice. "You still haven't explained what he was doing with your Orion huntress at the bank."


    "I told you ... " Joe raised his shackled hands to rub his temples. "I don't know anyone by that name. I normally leave Pher to her own means on a job. If she had reason to believe that this 'LaHaye' person was the key to reaching the Deltan -- and apparently she was right -- she would have done whatever it took to gain his cooperation. It was unfortunate for us that your people happened to be hunting the Deltan as well."


    "And where are they? We believe LaHaye has information that could lead us to Minos. The Deltan is highly suspected of being a Rainmaker collaborator, possibly one linked very closely to Minos. Where is the Orion? What has she done with them?!"


    Joe kept his expression blank, trying to conceal that he possessed knowledge of the whereabouts of Pher, Redera, the unfortunate LaHaye, and LaHaye's information. "I don't know where they are. And guessing what Pher has done with Redera would only serve to incriminate Pher, so I wouldn't comment if I did know."


    "Mm hmm." Savoy replied as the speeder began descending to the small landing pad beside Port Station 5. The speeder holding Dash and Duff moved up beside it. "We'll see just how much you and your crew are and aren't willing to comment on."

  24. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::mumbling something about his "mother" in a semi conscious state::

    Pher -> :: Off in a corner, trying to make sure no one makes enough noise to wake the kids. ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Picks up the Guardian's severed arm from the floor behind the bar::

    Joe Manning -> This is not something we'd be wise to leave hangin' around.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Watching Joe... while keeping his ODRI on vitals watch for the nausicaan::

    Pher -> Just so you know, Joe, I'm not hungry.

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::personal belongings...messed up around the bar...sure sign he's had a few::

    Joe Manning -> ::Opens an ice storage bin under the bar and drops the arm into it ... until he can figure out a way to dispose of it::

    Joe Manning -> ::Duff:: That's good. I doubt there's any decent restaurants open at this hour. ::Hears glass breaking outside the tavern as the riots intensify::

    Shane -> Savoy>::on her way to the Maze with several other Lawmen, who are armed and ready for the worst::

    Troy Parson -> Lawman Thawsby> ::part of the posse::

    Mitar Precip -> (welcome Drayvend)

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods to Dash:: Let's wake him up. ::Looks at the Nausicaan::

    William Chocox -> Lawman Wilcox> ::walking slightly to the right and behind Savoy::

    Joe Manning -> << Welcome to Qob, Drayvend. Feel free to watch quietly >>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Checks the hypo upping the normal human sized dosage to that of a large nausicaan and injects the unconcious drooler::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pulls out his rusty old disruptor pistol and points it at the Nausicaan's head:: Heads up, Duff

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>::doesn't really notice the prick...but he begins to stir quite soon enough::

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::Wilcox:: Long day, eh?

    Pher -> Sure. Just don't fire that thing. You might wake the kids.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::steps back only slightly and reaches for his disruptor as well::

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> ::checks the charge on his disruptor:: ::Thawsby:: Yeah and it seems to be getting longer.

    Pher -> :: Rouses himself up a bit, moves so he can watch both kids and the Nausicaan, keeps his weapon in reach but not obvious. ::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>What the...::head rises from bar ..half face covered in drool...stretching a bit then he's shaking his head::

    Joe Manning -> Rise and shine, Andre.

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::notices Wilcox's movement:: Do you think we're likely to need these? ::indicates his disruptor rifle::

    Pher -> :: makes not the fellow really does have a name. ::

    Joe Manning -> And don't move. You got three guns trained on you. ::Glances at Duff::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Thinks about what must have happened to the man who's missing the arm...::

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> I don't think so, but I would rather have a full charge and not need it than have no charge and need it desperately.

    Pher -> You need all three? Really?

    Joe Manning -> << Welcome to Qob, Vakhtang. Feel free to watch the game quietly >>

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::doesn't look reassured:: I've never shot anyone before. Nobody alive, at any rate.

    Pher -> :: Shrugs, and gets the third weapon pointed at Andre ::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>What the...Frak!

    Shane -> Savoy>::to Thawsby:: I want us ready for the worst. We still don't know if Manning went with our deal or if he is in league with MInos.

    Joe Manning -> Don't screw around with us. What were you doing here with that recording?

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::::salutes Savoy:: Yes, marm! ::checks the power gauge on his own rifle::

    Mitar Precip -> Nausicaan>Whose Andre?...And the name is Byblos!! ::looks around still a little loopsy::

    Joe Manning -> Shut up and answer the question ...

    Pher -> :: Thinks Andre is easier to pronounce. ::

    Joe Manning -> It's a mighty fine coincidence that you happened to stumble into this bar with a recording of one of my people assaulting a Guardian.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Watches the vitals slowly creep to a standard level for a highly intoxicated Nausicaan...::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Ah...that's right...oh ::notes at least three disruptors at him::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>What recording?

    Shane -> Savoy>::walks up to a Guardian troop speeder and gets in the front, speaking to the driver:: Take us to the Maze bar. ::shows him the address::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>I have many....

    Dash_Andrews -> Not to mention your story about it going viral in the underground... If Shane was such a local celeb... he would have been tagged the moment a Guardian spotted us in the open.

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> ::gets in the back::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods toward Dash and inches the pistol closer::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks around for arm:: HEY! Where is my ARM!!!!

    Joe Manning -> We're asking the questions.

    Joe Manning -> Where's the owner of the tavern? Where's Pete?

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Pete? Who the FRAK is Pete? I just came in here for a drink...since the world is going to end...in about...::says such time::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Glances at Joe::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Why not have an end of the world party...eh? ::starts to stand..but is wobly::

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::riding next to Wilcox:: So, have you ever shot anyone before?

    Joe Manning -> ::Points the pistol at one of the glasses in front of the Nausicaan and shoots, vaporizing it::

    Dash_Andrews -> Unwise friend... ::More of a cautionary statement than a threat::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::kepblunk on barstool seeing the glass get vaporized::

    Joe Manning -> ::Byblos:: Now that I've got your attention ...

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Alright...aliright...::spits on ground:: I'll sit.. And who the FRAK is Pete?

    Joe Manning -> ::Points the pistol back at his head:: You broke into this tavern. My friend's tavern. Now he's missing, and I can't get in touch with him. And you've got a recording that could implicate my people ...

    Joe Manning -> Something isn't adding up here.

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> ::looks at Tawsby:: Not that is on my record with the Guardians.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Oh the ODRI from the Guardian's Arm...well...where is it....? ::starts to look around from a seated position::

    Dash_Andrews -> It's safe...

    Joe Manning -> You won't be if you don't start explaining.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks at JOe:: Listen...I'll do the best I can...but I got a hangover a bit..here...That video...

    STSF_Nickles -> Duff Kids: Dad what was that!?? ::both starteled awake by the phaser blast.

    Mitar Precip -> was caught on a citicam...a slicer grabbed it and boom...Tranquility Web sensation...

    Mitar Precip -> (and AFK I Go)

    Pher -> Just Captain Joe trying to make a point.

    Pher -> (Disruptor)

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::loud whisper:: So, how about off the record, then?

    Shane -> Savoy>::tapping on her seats armrest impatiently as the speeder pulls up next to the Maze::

    Pher -> Not shooting at us.

    Pher -> Joe. Looks like we got company.

    Shane -> Savoy>::gets out and waits for her support to unload::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Looks through the large slat blinds as best he can from his end of the bar::

    STSF_Nickles -> Duff Kid 12> Hey Dad if that was a waepon fire, Can I try it next?

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::unloads::

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> ::w:: There is a reason I'm out here in the Hyades cluter and not in Federation space. ::gets out of the vehicle::

    STSF_Nickles -> Duff Kid 8> If he does I want a try too,

    Dash_Andrews -> <<whoa whoa now Troy... not even a warning shot? :D >>

    Pher -> Not now, kids. Cops are coming. I dunno. Maybe you two should pretend to be kids or somethin.

    Shane -> Savoy>::to the six man group:: Keep your weapons down and keep your cool. I want this to end without a firefight if possibly. ::turns and heads to the doors of the Maze::

    Pher -> :: Slides his weapon down out of sight again. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Looks to Joe for an order::

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> ::keeps his rifle pointed down and follows the Marshall::

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::follows, with a disappointed look::

    Shane -> Savoy>::enters the doorway and pauses with her hands behind her back, looking around the room::

    Pher -> Good evening officer.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::has replaced his blaster with a shot glass::

    Shane -> Savoy>::glances at Duff, then spots Joe and walks toward him::

    Shane -> Savoy>Captain Manning, we need to talk.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::fumbles in his pocket trying to load his hypo with some knock out solution for the nausicaan if he gets too chatty::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<I think Joe has fell over>>

    Shane -> <<Hmm...>>

    Mitar Precip -> (back)

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>I need a drink...

    Dash_Andrews -> <<needs to go back to sleep for an hour :) >>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>err...shower..

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looking at the arrivals::

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::to Byblos:: What are you looking at?

    Mitar Precip -> A Lawman I believe, or shall I say...an armed posse? ::raises his hands up in the air::

    Joe Manning -> << test? >>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>^

    Shane -> <<good>>

    Dash_Andrews -> fail

    STSF_Nickles -> Duff boys sitting listening to whats going on::

    Joe Manning -> << Aww hell ... >>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::hands up::

    Joe Manning -> << Sorry guys. My text wasn't reaching you for some reason :\ >>

    Dash_Andrews -> << Thawsby is inside... I'm hiding my guns... he's talking to you>>

    Drayvend T. McKenna -> (( Evening all, ... I popped in earlier and then went afk, sorry ))

    Joe Manning -> ::Savoy:: Last time we talked, you left the backup outside. I assume they're only here for your protection ... what with the riots and all?

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::thinks...this is way to much heat for him...these guys..questioning him maybe in the heat more than I am::

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> ::still has his rifle pointed down but both hands on it ready to go if necessary::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::glances toward Duff and his boys hoping they don't do anything unwise::

    STSF_Nickles -> "::Duff Kids Elbow eachother and start messing around like boys do::

    STSF_Nickles -> "::Duff Kids Elbow eachother and start messing around like boys do::

    Pher -> Kids. You like your skins the same shade they are now?

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::smiles with his hands up at the bar.....his sword on the floor of the bar...way out of reach::

    Shane -> Savoy>::glances back:: I wasn't quite sure of where your loyalties lie. Some of your crew have been spotted with...unpleasent company.

    Shane -> Savoy>What do you know about Captain Redera?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::Kids in unision:: But Dad theres nothing for us to do.

    Joe Manning -> ::Chuckles a bit as he circles back around the bar:: Don't surprise me. What kinda company you expect them to keep? I shudder to think of who Pher's hanging around these days ...

    Joe Manning -> Funny you should bring that name up.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::mouths "Captain Redera"? in disbelief::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::listens to the senior Guardian...and notes his suspicions were correct..despite being drunk...darn I am good::

    Joe Manning -> ::Retrieves a bottle of bourbon from under the bar::

    Shane -> Savoy>I'll take it that you've met her?

    Pher -> OK. You wanna hassle the cops, go hassle the cops, but don't expect me to bail you out.

    Joe Manning -> It just so happens that my crew has been spending the last few hours chasing her around the city ... on accounta she went and kidnapped my First Mate. ::Pulls up a few glasses::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::notes this Manning character is clearly the guy the heat is after::

    STSF_Nickles -> ALL RIGHT!! ::Both boys stand up to head out the door::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up as one of the boys yells out:: Guess they won't drinkin this round.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<sorry gonna have to head out guys... gotta get ready for work :) >>

    Joe Manning -> << Goodnight Dash >>

    Dash_Andrews -> <<nite all see ya' next week>>

    STSF_Nickles -> ::Both Duff Boys head out the door to the Maze::

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::looks cautiously at the boys as they run past::

    Shane -> Savoy>::takes a seat at the bar, relaxing only slightly:: Our info shows that she disappeared shortly after she was spotted with your chief of security.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::then his foggy mind begins to connect some dots....Part of his crew is the bionic arm guy..who is really wanted by the Guardians..well as led to believe by the web...this.."crew" is serious...best just keep the hands up::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::doesn't make a move as the ...senior officer takes a seat::

    Joe Manning -> Well, that would make sense, wouldn't it? ::Pours the bourbon. Slides one of the glasses to her as he glances at the other Guardians::

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::wonders if maybe, just maybe, he'll get a chance to shoot Joe::

    Pher -> :: happier that they are out of here. ::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::hands still up not making any move..although he looks quite dishelved from his drinking binge::

    Shane -> Savoy>::takes the glass:: If you have your hands on the Deltan, then we need to know about it Manning. We know that she likely has ties with Minos. Unless, of course, you've decided to take up our offer.

    Joe Manning -> Yeah, you know ... it was beginning to occur to me that she might have ties with Minos. She was asking my First Mate all sorts of questions about my ship ...

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::tries to keep a straight face at the mention of "Minos"...That Targ Terd for Brain...::

    Joe Manning -> Almost like her Rainmaker buddies were fixin' to steal it. ::Sips his glass of bourbon as he watches Savoy::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Both boys get ecourted back ino the door of the Maze by a shop keeper holding each of them by their collars::

    Pher -> :: Looks at the kids. That didn't take them long. ::

    Pher -> :: Must be a fast shop keeper ::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::just keeps on listening...and that is Marshall Savoy...she survived...this is really deep::

    Shane -> Savoy>::notices the Nausicaan listening in, nods to Thawsby and the other to take him away from the bar::

    STSF_Nickles -> Shop Keeper: Who do these two juveniles belong to!

    Shane -> Savoy>::indicates the Nausicaan:: Another lovely addition to your crew?

    Pher -> :: Looks up. Considers pointing at Savoy ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Shop Keeper: Anyone!?

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::points his rifle at the Nausicaan from just outside of grappling range:: You, up.

    Pher -> They weren't my idea. Their mother claimed she was on birth control.

    Joe Manning -> ::Watches the two Guardians approach the Nausicaan and looks at Savoy. Puts his glass down firmly:: Just what is it that you're doin here, Marshall? You got something to pin on me and my crew?

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::hands up complies awaiting for a moment to get the heck out of dodge..this is way to deep of situation...maiming a guardian is one thing...talking Minos and Rainmakers is a different league::

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> ::points his rifle at the Nausicaan as well::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::complies with a growl to the Guardians::

    STSF_Nickles -> Shop Keeper ::Looks over to Duff:: Sir you owe me for 2 broken vases and the cleaning of my shop!

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::still hands up and goes where instructed::

    Pher -> I can give you their mother's address.

    Shane -> Savoy>::takes a sip from her glass, then looks back Joe:: I want to know where you stand Manning. Minos is desperate to get off this planet and I'm running low on time. You are the most likely escape option for him.\

    Shane -> Savoy> You and I both know that.

    STSF_Nickles -> Shop Keeper: I Just want the money to get my shop cleaned and the merchandise they broke.

    Joe Manning -> Yeah, I wonder how long you've known that. I wonder how much you ain't been tellin' me ...

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks at the Guardians with disruptors on him:: Wow..bodyguards for the Marshall herself...you guys must be good at your jobs.

    Pher -> Uh huh. :: considers ::

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> I'd like to think so.

    Joe Manning -> ::Realizing that it's critical that keep he Savoy's attention focused on him, not on the group meeting with Minos::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::talking with hands up:: You guys get extra latinum for her protection?

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::to Byblos:: I don't know if I like where you're going with this.

    Pher -> Now, look. Mistress Savoy here is talking about terrorists and cities blowing up, and I want to listen, so just take this and run, OK?

    Pher -> :: Holds out something that might be more or less the right amount. ::

    Shane -> Savoy> You're not the only one wondering that. I'm assuming the rest of your crew isn't out fixing your ship.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::all seven feet of him with hands up looks a bit silly:: You guys ever been to the "Unspeakable District"?

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::sneers:: What's it to you?

    Joe Manning -> What the rest of the crew does in the city is their business. Unless you've got something you can pin on them.

    STSF_Nickles -> Shop keeper takes whats offered and turns to leave:: JUst keep them out of my shop! :::gives the boys a nudge::

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> Just shut up and keep walking.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Oh someone has been doing some nasty things there...in the name of you guys...

    Pher -> OK, Kids. Back to sleep, now. You just burned out your allowance for the next few parsecs.

    STSF_Nickles -> Duff Boys:: AHH DAD!!

    Shane -> Savoy> Does their business include shutting down power to half the port district?

    William Chocox -> <<parsecs? Isn't that a measure distance? Or am I confused?>>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks down at the Guardians as he talks with hands up:: Might want to visit down there...word is...there are corrupt lawmen there. They shoot first ask questions later.

    Pher -> You know you should spread out your vase smashing? Two in the same store? Both at once? What do you expect. Gotta learn discipline.

    William Chocox -> <<of* distance>>

    Shane -> <<parsecs is a time distance I believe>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Snorts as he sips his bourbon:: What makes you think we've got anything to do with your little power outage?

    Pher -> << When you are flying small smuggler ships of dubious repute, a parsec is a unit of time. :) >>

    STSF_Nickles -> Duff boys plop back down in the chairs next to their dad crossing their arms on the table and huffing:: its not fair.

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> That sounds mighty stupid of them...everyone knows that the whole point of shooting first is that you can skip the questions afterwards.

    Pher -> What? Here we are, surrounded by cops, city blowing up, stranded amidst terrorist and flame, and you're talking about fair?

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks down at the Guradians with the heat:: Oh and my condolences on your heavy losses at your HQ....those Rainmaker <INSERT OBSCENE REMARK>

    Pher -> Universe isn't fair. You should know that.

    Shane -> Savoy> ::decides to pull one of her cards:: A certain Vulcan who happens to keep the Qob running.

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes another quick sip of the bourbon. Had hoped T'aral had made it aboard Qob:: What about her?

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks to Thawsby:: But if you are game...for the Lawmen of the Unspeakable district..they dont bother to ask questions...they just shoot...I've seen it.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Corrupt..Oh well that's all I know. ::looks to both lawmen with hands up::

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> Have you got any proof of this?

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>Visit the local cemetary...it's getting full...although with Minos that <OBSCENE WORD> we are all heading to the grave anyways...

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::spits while hands up:: Oops sorry.

    William Chocox -> Wilcox> Just cause more people die doesn't mean that it's corrupt lawmen doing it.

    Shane -> Savoy> We caught your engineer attempting to board the Qob. This coupled with the fact that your has been seen with Lahaye, a man with info on the Rainmakers and most likely has or had Redera puts some sersious suspicions on you.

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> ::gestures at Wilcox:: What he said.

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> Also, there'll be a 4-latinum-strip investigation charge, since we heard your complaint.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head:: I don't know anyone named LaHaye. What are you on about woman?

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks at the lawmen:: They call him the Ghost....once he spots you......your dead. And why is he a "Ghost" because he is nowhere near where his victims are when they drop.

    Troy Parson -> Thawsby> You can pay now, or you can pay at the station later, for an additional 5-strip processing charge.

    Joe Manning -> << Gee, setting something up, Precip? :) >>

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::looks at the two lawmen:: Only a Guardian with some serious heat can take out a man from so far out..but noone's seen him...Hah...stories..you arent going to listen to a Nausicaan.

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::listens to the Lawmen:: Okay...I have an account..:

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM