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Joe Manning

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Posts posted by Joe Manning

  1. Joe Manning -> Last week, we chased off the raider ships (for the moment)

    Joe Manning -> But not before a boarding party was transported to the Verbistul

    Joe Manning -> Said party is now holding hostages in the science vessel's engineering room and we are preparing a rescue team


    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> ::Receiving information from Verbistul over his ODRI's display::

    Pher -> :: Hustles back to the Verbistul with her gun ::

    rosetto -> ::looks at the Captain with concern in his eyes::

    rosetto -> Are they in?

    Troy Parson -> ::making sure that any relevant data gathered from the sensors is relayed to the away team::

    Byblos -> ::having studied the ship upon coming aboard..BYblos retrieves the masks...and returns to Pher's location::

    Pher -> +Joe+ OK, Joe. Just how much of a gung ho hurry are we in?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ No sign that the raiders are returning just yet. We're going to try to power up externals and try to get a better look

    Byblos -> ::Byblos looks at Ethan..then wonders about the numbers game...::

    Shane -> ::pouring over diagnostic reports at the main console in ENG, trying to get an idea of the Qobs condition::

    rosetto -> ::mind is going crazy; thousands of thoughts; looks at the helm controls::

    Pher -> +Joe+ Good nuff for now.

    Joe Manning -> Sal, we're not going anywhere. Help out Troy with the sensors.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: Those are our priority right now. Try to get some extra power out of Shane

    rosetto -> Aye, sir... ::looks controls as part of SOP and walks over to Sensor DIsplay Board::Need any help here?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ According to Captain Mercer, the intruders are threatening to blow the ship. Demands incoming.

    Troy Parson -> ::nods to Joe, then turns to Rosetto:: Here, take this console...::points to the ASCI terminal::

    rosetto -> ::nods::

    Pher -> +Pher+ Oh, wonderful. Nice small stakes game.

    Troy Parson -> You sweep for life-signs; I'll sweep for possible weapons

    Byblos -> ::looks to Ethan:: And now Illogical Non Vulcan Ethan we find out if we are dealing with pros or lackeys.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::just getting off the horn with the Verbistul's CO:: ::to Pher:: Captain of the Verbistul copies engineering doors've been closed per your request.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ They've cut internal sensors in engineering, so I can't give you any more intel. You'll have to do some scouting.

    rosetto -> ::executes sensor sweep and waits for results::

    STSF_Nickles -> (( sorry folks just walked in the door ))

    Pher -> :: Looks from Ethan to Byblos :: Seems they are threatening to blow the ship.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::to Byblos, wryly:: They're both dangerous.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Qob's sensors have difficulty penetrating Verbistul's many tritanium hull layers

    rosetto -> ::is looking at a schematic diagram of the Verbistul::

    Pher -> They are talking big. Surrender or they blow the ship. I think they are mercinary, though. The way they fought the space battle, anyway.

    Joe Manning -> << Away team, kindly grab a @ >>

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::double-checks phaser is set to wide-beam stun::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks to Rosetto:: This thing has got a terribly thick shell...I'm not getting much by way of returns. How about you?

    Joe Manning -> (( And William, since you don't seem to be doing much, you're free to join the team if you'd like ))

    STSF_Nickles -> (( Hi Jamie ))

    rosetto -> Troy, I'm not picking up any signs of life at all... No even the boarding party...

    Cmdr JFarrington -> (Hey, Short Change)

    rosetto -> ((Hi Miss Jami))

    Byblos -> If they are pros they probably got some muscle mixed in, lackeys they got caught off guard something Pher maybe able to work with.

    rosetto -> ^Not

    Byblos -> (Hi Jami!)

    Cmdr JFarrington -> (Greets, Qob.)

    Cmdr JFarrington -> (::slips into the peanut gallery::)

    Troy Parson -> ::shakes head:: The ship's got too thick an outer hull for conventional scans to penetrate. We're going to need to come up with a different method for finding out what's in there.

    rosetto -> ::repeats sweep double-checking his work::

    William Chocox -> <<I figure I'll remain in engineering unless I am needed.>>

    Shane -> <<Guys, I'm pretty busy in the booth, so I apologize>>

    Byblos -> Pher...the Captain is going to leave Qob docked to the ship?? ::Byblos leans his head to the left::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Ethan shrugs; thinks pros are dangerous on virtue of being good at what they do and flackeys just get lucky::

    Joe Manning -> Don't take your eyes off the FTL sensors, Troy. We need advance notice if those ships return.

    William Chocox -> ((I figure I'll remain in Engineering unless I am needed.))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Are you gonna throw peanuts?))

    Pher -> +Joe+ Who do I get rules of engagement from? You or the Verbistul's captain? This is going to be high risk. Don't know if they are going to kill hostages first, or blow the ship.

    Pher -> +Bublos+ I expect he's going to break off at first sign of the Constitution coming back.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Crisis management falls to our jurisdiction on this mission.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ That big ball is our responsibility now.

    Shane -> <<Guys, I'm pretty busy in the booth, I apologize>>

    Byblos -> ::checks his blades, sword behind his back, shanks and his incomplete dagger that will make an utter mess if used::

    Troy Parson -> ::quickly, to Manning:: Aye, sir. ::has the FTL sensor readouts running on an upper monitor::

    Joe Manning -> (( I think one of my bracket lines disappeared. Away team, grab @'s ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @::to Pher:: Is anyone else joining us, ma'am? Or are we it?

    William Chocox -> ::sitting in Engineering working to complete his work on the spare EPS conduit with shield monitors on his console::

    William Chocox -> <<Test>>

    rosetto -> Troy, if we boost power in the correct wave-length then the hull will become transparent...

    William Chocox -> ((It appears if you use the greater than and less than signs it doesn't go through.))

    Pher -> +Pher+ OK. I see no guarantees here. I don't know that they really are willing to kill hostages or blow the ship. I'd guess not, but it would be a big assumption.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Whatever you're sending in arrow brackets isn't showing up.))

    Byblos -> Where is ex guardian WIliam?

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ Engineering ... we need a power boost to both short range and long range sensors. Whatever you can give us. Engines and defenses are not a priority.

    Pher -> Good question, Byblos. See if you can get William or Shane over.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Rosetto:: Could do...depends on whether or not their hull's of a sufficiently uniform material for there to be a "correct wavelength." Let's give it a try, though.

    Pher -> I don't know that we want every last engineer at risk, though.

    rosetto -> ::looks to Parson and nods::On it...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinks four is an improvement over three; at least they'll all have a battle buddy::

    Shane -> +Bridge+ I'm trnasfering shield recharge to sensors now.

    Pher -> OK. :: Starts her own scans using Audrey ::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The tritanium runs thick inside and out, keeping all scans close and narrow

    rosetto -> ::selects sensor frequency control override and adjusts wavelength to match titanium hull::

    Byblos -> +William Chocox+ Get your ex Guardian butt down here at the docking tube now! Have your stunner...

    Pher -> Tritanium? OK. Looks like we're going in blind.

    Byblos -> Pher I want Shane on this ...your call .

    Shane -> ::grumbling about priorities in a combat situation::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Rosetto's adjustments penetrate a few decks, but the sensors still cannot reach engineering at the ship's center

    rosetto -> ::executes sensor sweep again::

    William Chocox -> +Byblos+ Be right there. ::starts walking towards the docking tube.

    William Chocox -> ::*

    Pher -> It's Shane's call. If he can spare somebody, we'll take what we can get.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks over at Rosetto's console:: Getting anything?

    rosetto -> Troy! I've got the party now! But still nothing deeper...

    Byblos -> ::checks his stunner..sets in on...high::

    Pher -> OK. How many masks did we get?

    Byblos -> + Chief Shane + If you are in a position to join a boarding crew...we are at the tube Pher says its your call.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances at Sal and shakes his head:: Consortium ships. Helluva hard to scan.

    rosetto -> Let me fine tune the wavelength.... Perhaps you're correct about the impurities...

    Byblos -> Got...Three.

    Troy Parson -> It's something, at least. If you can't get any deeper, run circular scans around the away team...

    William Chocox -> @::makes it to the docking tube and starts walking towards the engineering section::

    rosetto -> ::looks at Manning::Aye sir...

    Troy Parson -> I want them to know if they're coming up on a possible hostile, or if possible hostiles are coming up on them.

    Byblos -> ::shakes his head:: I know not enough..that's all that was in the locker.

    Joe Manning -> I'll let you deploy a probe for circling, Troy. We should be able to recover it later.

    Shane -> +Byblos+ No, of course not! Do you want this tub combat ready again? Take Checkov.

    Pher -> An awful number. You keep one. I'll keep one. Ethan? You eager to get into the thick of things?

    William Chocox -> ((Scratch the last part))

    Byblos -> +Shane+ Yes Chief Shane.

    rosetto -> Sir, we can do that from here... Just a matter of beam control..

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::frowning:: Ready.

    William Chocox -> @::makes it to the docking tube:: Hello.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ More info from Mercer, Pher. They're demanding that the ship be taken back to the Hyades cluster. They want to talk to Xorax colony, apparently.

    Byblos -> Pher...I've been on the recieving end of this stuff before..gas...best have you short guys put them on.

    Shane -> Checkov, they need you on the boarding party. Head to the docking tube.

    rosetto -> ::creates a conical routine and sets one sensor array to loop upon it::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks at Byblos a bit grimly; takes offered gas mask::

    William Chocox -> ((I'm already at the tube.))

    Pher -> :: looks to Byblos :: OK tough guy. I'll assume you know what you can do.

    Joe Manning -> Awfully difficult with us locked in place right on one side of the ship, Sal.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods at William::

    William Chocox -> ((Byblos told me to be there.))

    Pher -> :: Gestures for Ethan and William to take the other masks ::

    Byblos -> I cry..Hah!....::laughs::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Manning, then at Rosetto:: I believe the Captain has a point...we'll want to be able to cover the away team wherever they are.

    William Chocox -> @::takes a mask:: Thanks.

    rosetto -> ::reopens frequency control override::

    Troy Parson -> Can I trust you to cover the sensors for a second, Sal? I have an...idea...about this probe.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @::wonders if Byblos is biting off more than he can chew::

    Joe Manning -> ::Sends a message to the Lucky Hand, requesting that they perform a warp sweep of the area to look for the raider ships::

    Pher -> OK. I'm intending to use gas and flash bangs. Smoke or no smoke? :: Looks to the other three ::

    rosetto -> ::looks up momentarily at Troy:: Of course... Go for it.. ::stands so he can see all displays::

    Byblos -> We won't see stool in the smoke..::looks to Ethan::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::reiterating from before and nodding at Byblos's comment:: No smoke.

    Troy Parson -> Great. Be sure to let soemone know if you get new contacts on the FTL! ::dashes towards the bridge exit, heading towards the probe storage racks::

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets a rude response about the Lucky Hand being too busy making repairs::

    rosetto -> Right! ::looks over at the Long Range Sensor display::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @^

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We're trying to get you an eye from outside, Pher. What's your team's status?

    Pher -> I'm thinking two points of entry. Ethan and I open first, make noise, attract attention. Byblos and william then pounce from the rear. Any better ideas?

    Troy Parson -> ::arrives at the probe rack, looks at a probe:: Hm.

    Pher -> +Pher+ Together and finalizing plans. Seems high risk but necessary. No guarantees at all. Do we still have a go?

    Joe Manning -> Chris, would you give Troy a hand with the probe? We can't take too much time here.

    Pher -> (+Joe+)

    Byblos -> Should work...unless one of those Mercs is a Klingon..then there's gonna be a fight

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You have a go. But be careful, Pher. We have no idea what means they've got of taking that ship out. If they intend to at all.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ We have a better chance of overwhelming their attention if we all enter at once. ::shrugs; her call::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods to Joe:: Aye Joe. Ready Troy.

    William Chocox -> @I'm ok with that, but just remember I'm an engineer not a soldier.

    Pher -> +Joe+ I'm betting they are mercs. They don't win by blowing their prize. Not too bad a bet, but it's a risk.

    Troy Parson -> ::is down in the probe bay::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out a pocket-held screwdriver and starts undoing the grill over one of the comm speakers on the ship's wall, talking to himself:: It'll have to be enlarged by a few thousand percent, but I can just copy the basic design...

    Pher -> @ Noted, William.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ They want a line to Xorax colony. I think that ship is just their road to a bigger prize.

    Pher -> @ :: Calls up a plans on Audrey, shows them to Byblos :: Here we are. Go there. Move.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: head down to where troy is:: OK troy what do you have.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Does that change the bet at all?

    Troy Parson -> ::finishes disassembling the comm speaker, quickly looking over its parts and thinking of which he can re-use, and which will have to be replaced with other items::

    Byblos -> @Check Boss..

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ It gives us an opportunity to stall for time ...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ But they also want Qob out of the picture. We may need to cut the cord and let Verbistul set off for the Hyades. Be ready to do this on your own.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::falls in and follows Pher; resets phaser to narrow-beam...bad idea to stun his own teammates::

    rosetto -> ::looks at his conical sweep and then bck at Long Range sensors::

    William Chocox -> @::stays with Byblos::

    STSF_Nickles -> Troy What do you need help with

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up when Nickles enters:: Oh good, I was just thinking I could use a hand. Can you get me some fishing wire, a dinner plate, eight omnidirectional actuators, an arc welder, a chocolate bar, and a generic hypercircuit assembly?

    Shane -> +Bridge+ How long are you guys going to be cutting power from the shield recharge? Do we really need the sensor boost?

    Ethan Neufeld -> (( BRB ))

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ OK. I'm in favor of that. We're a minute from ready. You want to do the talking, or should I take it?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Sensors start to get more of a picture of what's going on in engineering. Lifeforms are amassed around the core on the upper level. There appear to be two more on the lower level

    Byblos -> @ Ready to rock William, I'm going to take one of these guys heads preferably...to shooting them.

    rosetto -> Sir! I've got Engineering...

    STSF_Nickles -> Fishing Wire? Dinner plate? Chocolate Bar?? You fixing dinner or what??

    rosetto -> They're amasse around the core...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ It's your show. If you sense they're headed for the point of no return, do your dust thing. Even if you have to hit the engineers.

    Troy Parson -> By the time I finish explaining it to you, it'll be too late. ::goes back to work without further comment::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks at Ethan :: might want to start at wide beam. Our door opens first. We'll have a few seconds of free fire, and I don't much care if you hit a few hostages.

    Byblos -> @::to William:: Not sure how much a stunner damages Equipment.

    William Chocox -> ((Wouldn't be the first time that Troy wanted some weird materials.))

    Pher -> @ :: Sighs.... says to Ethan. :: I think he wants me to seduce all of em at once.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Sal:: Send your readings over to Pher

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We've got some sensor data. They're close to the core.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::ignores the Silly stuff and grabs the actua engineering equipment::

    Byblos -> @::to William:: I usually use a disruptor pistol and that would blow things to heck.

    rosetto -> Aye, sir... ::sends data to Pher's audrey::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ I'll set it when we get there. Wouldn't want to shoot you by accident if they surprise us on the way there. ::faintly smirks at the mention of seduction::

    Pher -> @ :: notes the data update. Examines ::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees Nickles return:: Plate and wire?

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Bunch of folks on the upper level, near the center, the core. The hostages are likely there. Two on the lower level.

    William Chocox -> @::to Byblos:: Aside from some burns it won't do much unless the panels are open, though the consoles might be tricky if they are hit.

    Pher -> @ :: Shows Audrey to Ethan ::

    Byblos -> @::heard the core comment:: Frak.

    Joe Manning -> ::Stands and paces in front of his chair, watching his ODRI display::

    STSF_Nickles -> Wire I can see fishing string is not strong enough to do anything

    Shane -> ::with no response grumbles some more about the Qob getting a disruptor up their arse with half strength shields::

    Byblos -> @::to William Chocox :: They arent stupid..grouping the hostages around the core...good move ::looks at Stunner::

    Shane -> ::grabs a kit and heads to the worst of the power grid interuptions::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ They're getting pushy, Pher. Captain Mercer is getting scared. We may need to disconnect soon.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::reads Pher's Audrey and makes a mental note; one fatal funnel at the door, second fatal funnel at the stairs. The two on the lower level might be easier to take, if they're good with their shots on entry::

    Pher -> @ +joe+ What's their call sign?

    Troy Parson -> ::rolls eyes:: Fine, I'll get it myself. ::hands part of the probe's thruster assembly to Nickles:: Keep this stabilized while I'm gone. It's disconnected from the central circuitry right now, so you'll have to keep it from overloading manually.

    William Chocox -> @::to Byblos:: Unless the core is totally unprotected we should be fine.

    Troy Parson -> ::runs off to fetch the rest of the supplies, muttering to himself:: If you want something done right, you've just got to do it yourself...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Mercer or the intruders?

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Intruders

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Just a second. ::Taps at the ODRI, getting the info from Mercer::

    Troy Parson -> ::stops into the mess hall, grabs plate, heading for the ramp lobby to get fishing wire from the away supply kit::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ ::Passes it along::

    Troy Parson -> ::barely remembers to take chocolate bar on the way out of the mess hall::

    Pher -> @ +Intruders+ This is a good day to make love.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> +Pher+ Who the hell is this?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Really need a copy of the MacGyver theme.))

    Byblos -> @ Ethan Neufeld, how vulnerable is that core they have the hostages around...I mean is it a piece of stool the Vestibule runs on?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::thinks 'what the heck is he doing with this. This ship has a hard time with the things it has much less adding more useless stuff::

    Troy Parson -> ::gets back to the probe bay, noting that Nickles has managed not to get himself blown up:: Oh good, you're alive. ::grabs back the thruster assembly::

    Pher -> @ +Intruders+ Pheromone the Green of Orion, Security humanoid.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::surmising:: Based on Federation technology; same type of shielding. Should hold up under stun.

    Byblos -> @ ::to Ethan:: So noted.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> Security can't get us what we want. And we're still ready to blow the ship if you try anything.

    Troy Parson -> ::affixes the plate to the lower-front of the probe, draping the fishing wire onto it and soldering it there in a fractal pattern, with the ends of the wire running throug a hole in the middle of the plate to connect to some of the circuitry scavenged from the comm node::

    STSF_Nickles -> What are you trying to do here anyway?

    Pher -> @ +Intruders+ You can't get what you want. You'd rather die than make love?

    Byblos -> @Blast when My pappy and me did this thing we beamed aboard..assault from a tube is.....different.

    Troy Parson -> Walking hypersonar probe. If we can't get our sensors through the ship's hull, we'll just have to mak ethe hull part of the sensors.

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a bite of the chocolate bar, so that the sugar will help him work faster::

    Byblos -> @::realizes he needs to shut up...Pher is making love on the ODRI::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::crossing fingers that Pher can successfully negotiate...something; maybe they won't have to make dynamic entry::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> I think with one of Xorax colony's most expensive ships, we can get a great deal from them. And if Mercer won't comply, we are ready to die. We're as good as dead anyway.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> +Com+

    Joe Manning -> How are we doing with those sensors, Sal. I have a feeling we won't be hearing from Troy for a while ...

    Troy Parson -> ::puts together the actuators with some scrap metal to form some improvised insectile legs around the side of the probe:: There we go...we'll just have to program this on the fly...

    Troy Parson -> ::working fast enough to be a bit blurry-looking::

    rosetto -> I've got it under control, sir... No change...

    Byblos -> @ ::checks his arm pit then holds his nose:: Heheh.

    Pher -> @ +Intruder+ I guess you are allowed to dream.

    Troy Parson -> ::hands a chip to Nickles with no explanation of what it is for:: Program this.

    STSF_Nickles -> Fly?? ::steps back looking at what He has made::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::overhearing Pher's conversation; thinks it's going to take a lot of time they don't have to negotiate with these pirates::

    William Chocox -> ((Brb))

    Byblos -> @::listens to Pher and thinks:: Have the bikers would of wanted her by now.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> +Pher+ If you want to have it that way, try us. We've got the core rigged with explosives set to go off if you try to take us out.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::raises brow at Byblos's amusement at his own armpit::

    STSF_Nickles -> Look I came to help you NOT to take orders for your dinner which by the Way a chocolate bar is not an appropriate dinner, and what kind of programming Navigational or what??

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: Never mind. ::takes back the chip, plugs it into his ODRI, and downloads some generic code into it:: That'll do for now...

    Joe Manning -> +Troy+ Troy, we are running out of time here. What kind of progress are you making with that probe?

    Troy Parson -> ::starts assembling things back together:: The reassembly order should be self-apparent, if you want to make yourself useful.

    William Chocox -> ((back))

    Troy Parson -> +Manning+ 31 seconds.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::grimly frowns at pirate's posturing::

    Byblos -> @::the Nausicaan amazingly thinks again:: These Mercs are stalling...they are good..and that Feddie ship is going to come back. This stinks...but not as bad as....

    Pher -> @ +Intruders+ Noted. Would be a waste of a perfectly good core, though.

    rosetto -> ::wishes he knew what Troy was up to::

    Pher -> @ :: Briefly considers asking the captain to blow the core, but not a good solution. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Slef apparent?

    STSF_Nickles -> **self apparent??

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smirks at Byblos::

    Troy Parson -> ::gives the dinner plate/improvised scanner dish a quick prod to make sure that it's secure:: Of course. This isn't exactly quantum field manipulation here.

    Pher -> @ +Byblos+ I think we're going to have to rush em and hope they are bluffing.

    Joe Manning -> @+Pher+ You have one minute to get that Klingon ship out of here and to set a course for the Hyades cluster.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinks the pirates are scrambling for an edge rather than 'good'::

    Troy Parson -> ::Thankfully, didn't take any help from Nickles into consideration when making his time estimate:: Anyway, it's too late now...just a few more bits to go.

    Pher -> ( Was that from the intruders? )

    Byblos -> @ Pher, time is against us. We must act.

    Joe Manning -> (( Yep. Raiders> ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Erases smirk at Byblos; misread))

    Troy Parson -> ::puts the last few pieces on:: And...there she is. She's not strong enough to be fired out of the torpedo tube, though, so we're going to have to do this the windy way. ::picks up the front half of the now-leg-featuring probe::

    Pher -> (( Agree must act, but it seems late sim time wise to jump in now. ))

    STSF_Nickles -> That thing looks hidious ::laughing at the makeshift probe::

    Troy Parson -> Indeed. ::half smile as he leads Nickles towards the ramp with it::

    Joe Manning -> ::Rubbing his chin, listening in on Pher's conversation:: Sal ... take the flight station.

    rosetto -> Aye, sir::moves over to Helm::

    Pher -> @ +Byblos+ Yah. Going to have to go in. When you hear the flash bangs, count on your door opening about 10 seconds later. We'll be wide beam stunning early, then be more careful after.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinks this situation is bad either way; time isn't on their side, but entry is a dangerous job even for the best-trained teams, which they aren't::

    STSF_Nickles -> What kind of info are you going to try to accumulate with this goofy looking contraption

    Troy Parson -> ::puts the probe down on the landing ramp:: Don't open it too wide...I'd rather not be depressurized today, thank you.

    Byblos -> @I'd like to talk to these guys and tell them what I plan on doing with their legs..the three of of them...Annoying Targs.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Pher, we can't take the chance that they're bluffing ...

    Pher -> @ Get that ethan? Coordinate for that to happen if you could.

    Troy Parson -> ::one hand on the probe to make sure it gets going in the right direction::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We're going to break away and let Verbistul head back toward the cluster.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ OK, then give me your rules of engagement.

    Pher -> @ +Byblos+ Abort. Joe's put us on hold.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at Nickles, grins widely:: All right, let's do this.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Once we put some distance between the two ships ... we might rejoin you and stick close ... even if no one can see us ...

    STSF_Nickles -> Troy just opening the door the slightest bit will depressurize the bay We can not be in here when the door opens

    Byblos -> @Aye Boss...stowing the blades and stunners.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods and then waits when Pher calls abort::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Nickles:: Better hang on tight, then! ::gestures that he should push the button::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You can take your time, get a grasp on the situation, see how it unfolds, and try puzzle out a solution.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We'll be close.

    STSF_Nickles -> Trying to Kill us both??

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Are you looking to win in space?

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: The cabin won't depressurize instantly. All I need is a second to get the probe going the right way.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Not in a situation like this. We're just buying you some time.

    Troy Parson -> Now, flush her out!

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Nickles to Joe troy says this thingamajig he has made is ready

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinks time is good in this case::

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Verbistul will be jumping to warp speed soon. Unless you can keep the probe close and undetected ...

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ Don't worry, the probe will be fine.

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ It's quite special.

    Joe Manning -> +Troy+ Launch it then. And make sure Pher gets the feed.

    Pher -> @ +Pher+ OK. I'll get everybody brainstorming.

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ Don't have to say that twice. ::looks at Nickles:: Go!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves back to the safe zone:: ALL yours there TRoy....

    Joe Manning -> Sal, get in touch with Verbistul. Release the airlock seal.

    Pher -> @ +Byblos+ Joe doesn't think we can count on a bluff. He wants us to find a solution that works even if they have explosives on the core.

    Pher -> @ +Byblos+ Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sends a message to Lucky Hand, making it clear that they need to keep a distance from Verbistul::

    Troy Parson -> ::stops, looks at Nickles:: I've only got two hands here, and I'm going to need both of them to keep from being sucked into space. You need to push the button.

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir... ::opens com::+Verbistul+Verbistul, prepared to release docking arm...

    Cmdr JFarrington -> (night, Qob)

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Pher::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Night. )

    rosetto -> ((nite Jami))

    Pher -> @ If you have any ideas, they count too. (To Ethan)

    Byblos -> @+ Pher + Can they cut the power from the bridge of the Vestibul? That is shut the core down from the bridge.

    STSF_Nickles -> Strap yourself in then I will hit it I will not loose you along with that..... thing

    rosetto -> ::looks for relase indicator to illuminate::

    rosetto -> ^release

    Pher -> @ +Byblos+ Might. That might reduce the size of the fireball, but would still leave Vestibule dead in space.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sal:: Prepare a course away from the Verbistul -and- the Lucky Hand. We'll need to be clear of everyone's sensors.

    Troy Parson -> ::rolls eyes, ties himself on with a spare zip-tie:: Happy?

    STSF_Nickles -> Hang on :: hits the button opening the door just enough ready to close it right back again::

    rosetto -> I'm on it, Sir...::plots new course::

    Troy Parson -> ::clinging onto the wall for dear life while nudging the with his body probe so that the wind carries it in the right direction::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Qob breaks away from Verbistul. Troy's probe circles around the ship before clinging onto it. Verbistul engages warp engines ...

    Byblos -> @ I don't think these guys are suicidal..we cut the power...make them sweat...They might break...I know time isnt with us...but these guys are not suicidal my gut tells me. They want to get paid not die.

    Troy Parson -> ::slumps down on the floor for a second when the door closes right back up, breathing heavily:: Well, that was fun.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Byblos might be on to something; they'd only have to cut power to the core long enough for us to get control of the situation. And we could flood the compartment with anesthizine, if they have any. End it without endangering us or the hostages.

    rosetto -> She's away, Sir..

    STSF_Nickles -> :: closes the door repressuizing the bay::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Troy Parson -> So, crawly-sonary-probey-thingy made it onto the Verbistul at the last second?

    Joe Manning -> It did

    Joe Manning -> More detailed sensor data will creep its way onto Pher's ODRI


    William Chocox -> TBS?

    Joe Manning -> Few minutes for Pher's group to discuss and for Qob to clear some space and engage cloak


    Ethan Neufeld -> Hmm, only a comment here: probably should have said 'cut fuel' to the core. Can expound on that later though, I guess.

    Pher -> That sounds like a plausible solution. Might even dump the fuel to space if we want to create a bit more delay.

  2. Joe Manning -> When we left off, our expedition fleet had been attacked by a fleet of raider ships

    Joe Manning -> The Lucky Hand (the other merc vessel) broke formation to engage the four fighters

    Joe Manning -> At which point a Constellation class mothership appeared to attack the Verbistul (which we are moving to defend)

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::move QOB between Verbistul and Constellation::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Constellation class drops out of warp within firing range of the Verbistul and begins unloading a phaser barrage on her shields

    Pher -> :: Focusing her attention on the Constellation ::

    Pher -> Not time to be subtle, Joe.

    Byblos -> ::stares at Redundant systems that William brought up and mentioned...:: Not Shane's work..not A Klingon's work..what idiot did this? Hmmm....

    rosetto -> ::is slightly panicked but very alert::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods toward Pher:: Open fire. Let 'em know the Verb's under our protection

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Awakens after another session with treatments and makes his way towards the bridge::

    Pher -> :: Lines em up and opens up ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::patiently keeps out of the way in ENG waiting for when he'll be needed::

    rosetto -> ::looks to Pher for signals::

    Troy Parson -> ::watching the sensors, making sure the right data gets to the right places::

    Joe Manning -> We'll hope that ship acts its age 'cause its got quite an armament advantage on us.

    Pher -> Sal? Just keep our nose pointed in her vague directions ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Constellation circles around the two vessels, but keeps firing on Verbistul's shields

    rosetto -> ::Nods::On it, Pher

    Byblos -> ::feels ship unloading energy::

    Pher -> :: pounds her as best she can ::

    rosetto -> ::repositions QoB::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up:: I'm reading moderate damage to the Verbistul's shields.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: exits the lift onto the bridge straightening his jacket as he does do::

    Pher -> This isn't very subtle.

    Byblos -> ::walks over to Power Status display noting weapons usage:: Awwh Guardian stool.

    rosetto -> ::places QoB 'BACK' between them::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::thinks he hears/feels the Qob firing through the bulkheads; braces against helm's maneuvering::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes his head at the viewer and looks over at Troy:: Get a message to the Lucky Hand. We need to combine our fire. Those skirmishers are nothing but a distraction.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks at the screen:: Lucky Hand??

    Pher -> Playing with fighters.

    Byblos -> Illogical non Vulcan! Be ready if you know how to fix things...

    rosetto -> I think we were dealt 9's...

    Byblos -> (to Ethan)

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over his shoulder when Chris enters the Bridge:: We're in a bit of a combat situation here, Chris

    Troy Parson -> +opening a channel to Lucky Hand+ Lucky Hand, this is QoB; repeat, Lucky Hand, this is QoB, please acknowledge.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Constellation's shields have taken moderate damage, but the Verbistul's shields are almost down

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::calmly glances at Byblos:: I'll be ready.

    STSF_Nickles -> I see that whos winning

    rosetto -> ::holds position steady::

    Byblos -> By the way...happen to see the torpedo room wandering about the ship?

    Joe Manning -> #Lucky Hand> +Qob+ You may have noticed we're a bit busy, Qob. How about you stop bugging us? Or better yet, give us a hand.

    Pher -> Might want to tell Verbistul to run.

    rosetto -> ::to himself::I would

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: Send them a flight path.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Magazine is under the bridge.

    Troy Parson -> +Lucky Hand+ Actually, I'm hailing because we require you to redirect your attention to the ship attacking the Verstibul...it is our contention that the other vessels are merely diversions.

    Pher -> :: Gives Verbistul a vector away from the fighters, evasive ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Mutters:: Not that it'll do much good. +Com+ Verbistul, withdraw on the course we're providing

    Byblos -> I think...they better use those things. Granted..pricey they be. But ::feels hull manuever:: I think we are shooting a Mugato with one of Pher 's stunners.

    rosetto -> ::move QoB to shadow course::

    Joe Manning -> #Lucky Hand> +Qob+ That'll make 'em easier to mop up. We've already sent one of them limping away.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::smirks at Byblos's metaphor::

    Pher -> Sal, this will force the Connie to get on Verbitul's tail. We get on the Connie's tail.

    Pher -> You should be able to anticipate the COnnie's moves by watching Verbitul.

    rosetto -> ::Nods::Gotcha... ::whips QoB around::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves around the bridge and takes his seat::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Verbistul pulls away from the Constellation, which quickly picks up speed to pursue

    Troy Parson -> +Lucky Hand+ Unfortunately, by the time you're done mopping, Verstibul is likely to have been reduced to space dust. Please adjust your combat vector accordingly.

    rosetto -> ::positions QoB directly behind Connie::

    Byblos -> Ugh...been too long since I have been on a ship doing these type of maneuvers...::holds bulkhead:: Guardian stool must be hitting the spinning blade...yet...I have not felt a hit.

    Pher -> :: continues to pound ::

    rosetto -> Just above the dovetail, Pher... That's Engineering...

    Joe Manning -> ::Checks a tactical readout on his armrest:: It looks like we're at least on an even field impulse-wise.

    Pher -> :: modifies the advised course to the Verbitul to circle around evasively, not to get too far from Lucky Hand ::

    Pher -> Engineering it is.

    Pher -> :: attempts to focus fire on engineering ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances around ENG:: They're probably more interested in the Verbistul.

    Byblos -> ::to Ethan Neufeld:: Clearly we are not the target..Blasted sitting duck geek ship is.

    rosetto -> ::thinks this was a good idea... Connie have weak shields in the rear::

    Byblos -> Hah! Agreed! I would usually say better them than us...but them means a lot of coin which we need.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Verbistul's shields drop and the Constellation picks up speed to close the gap

    Troy Parson -> ::surprisingly level-voiced:: I'm reading shield collapse from the Verstibul.

    Pher -> Stay on her. They'll want to capture. They might want to drop shields to beam.

    rosetto -> Oh no you don't! ::picks up speed to catch Connie::

    STSF_Nickles -> Looks like their shields are failing

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The three fighters break away from Lucky Hand and move to engage Qob. The Constellation also begins targetting Qob with aft phasers

    Ethan Neufeld -> Hmm. ::agrees::

    rosetto -> ::tries to get QoB high on Connie's tail::

    STSF_Nickles -> Hey What are they doing? Attacking us?? We came to help them for Petes sake.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head and retrieves his flask of bourbon:: Let's hope they don't get spiteful and fire a kill shot.

    Pher -> :: Just continues to pound. Not much subtlety here ::

    Byblos -> I wonder who we are shooting at..Pirates, Guardians or Feddies. Sometimes..in the guts of a ship away from the bridge. You start to picuture things in your mind of what is going on.

    Pher -> Kill shots aren't very profitable.

    Pher -> Neither is firing torpedoes, but we might want to consider it.

    rosetto -> Perhaps into one of the nacelles?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The faster Constellation circles around Verbistul and begins to turn toward Qob

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Troy:: How are their shields faring?

    Pher -> We've got their attention.

    rosetto -> ::counters maneuver and tries to keep behind Connie::

    Troy Parson -> ::registering the movement on the sensors:: They've still got some power left in their forward shields, and are coming about to bring them to bear on us. Lovely day, isn't it?

    Pher -> Dogfight, Sal. Furball. You've got to keep her in the firing arc.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::seems contemplative:: No idea. We'll probably find out soon enough.

    rosetto -> I'm trying Pher...::pulls hard left::

    Byblos -> Question for yah Illogical Non Vulcan, so when do you think the word got through to these unknown assailants about our mission Xorax.? Think someone has ratted us out?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Sal:: Let's try to utilize our maneuverability advantage. Outcircle her and keep us on her rear.

    Pher -> :: Fires as much as she can ::

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir... On it...

    Pher -> Have the fighters enough power to hurt us?

    Byblos -> So many bugs on that planet..thought one entered my.....::another move prevents Byblos from being crude::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The fighters begin pecking away at Qob's shields, which are slipping to dangerously low strength

    Pher -> Guess so.

    Pher -> :: concentrates on hitting the connie's engineering. ::

    Joe Manning -> I wonder ... are they hoping to capture both our ships? Or just the biggest one?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow raises at Byblos's question:: Could be either scenario, given where we are.

    Byblos -> ::Nausicaan swear:: That wasn't a move...that was an impact! ::runs to check shield status::

    rosetto -> Pher, what if I circle up and over her?

    Pher -> Hold one angle, Sal. I want to work one shield segment.

    rosetto -> We CAN out maneuver her.

    Pher -> Rear or high rear....

    STSF_Nickles -> Not sure Joe but Im not likeing this

    rosetto -> Okay...

    Joe Manning -> ::Narrows his eyes at the viewscreen::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::stays put but looks mildly concerned::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Sal:: No, don't.

    rosetto -> ::Keeps pulling left::

    Joe Manning -> Break off. Pull us right alongside the Verbistul.

    rosetto -> Aye, sir::glances quickly back::

    Pher -> :: Pounds as she can. ::

    Byblos -> ::looks at Shield status:: Grunts. +Engineering to Pher + Quit having fun up their and do what you want to do. I read shields taking hits..too many little ones.

    Pher -> :: wonders ::

    rosetto -> ::breaks away from dance as ordered::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns to JOe:: Dont???

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Noted.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::knits eyebrows at Byblos's com to Pher::

    rosetto -> ::pulls QoB along side of Verbistul::

    Pher -> :: ceases fire as the connie leaves the forward arc ::

    Joe Manning -> I want us as close to the Verbistul as you can get us, Sal. We're going to lose shields anyway. So drop'em Pher.

    Pher -> Uh huh...

    Pher -> :: drops shields ::

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir...::edges closer::

    Pher -> :: waiting for opportunity to fire ::

    Pher -> Shields down.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances up as shield indicators in ENG fall::

    Pher -> Sal, if you can point nose towards target.

    Byblos -> ::looks at shields:: Uh Non logical Ethan...uh shields critical ...brace for something..I don't think we will handle a decent hit well.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Constellation and the fighters stop firing on Qob

    Byblos -> Blast.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods at Byblos:: Right.

    Byblos -> ::swears he heard an unsusal noise...::

    rosetto -> I can try... Tricky maneuvering this close...

    STSF_Nickles -> A bluff Joe??

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The hostile ships all turn their attention to the Lucky Hand

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Nickles:: They've shown that they want the Verbistul in one piece

    Pher -> Well. That's one way to get the Lucky involved in the fight.

    rosetto -> ::Nods::

    Joe Manning -> Not sure if they want us, but they can't have the Verbistul if they take us out now.

    Byblos -> ::not certain what it was..maybe his imagination..but he thought he heard something::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: Think we can convince them to drop shields and join us?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::notice Byblos listening:: Something wrong?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((notices^))

    Pher -> I don't know that I'm that convincing. Out of dust range, they are.

    Byblos -> Not sure...Thought I felt the ship do something...but as I said when your not on the bridge sometimes you can conjure up stuff that doesnt happen.

    Pher -> We just sit here shields down, and they're going to be able to pick off specific systems.

    Pher -> :: works to get the shields recharged ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Whats the Idea Joe, play dead??

    Joe Manning -> Let's try to focus fire with the Lucky Hand. Take out the fighters.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Just have to trust the bridge crew to play it right.

    Byblos -> +Engineeringn to Pher + Nothing is broken yet. I have not broken anything yet!

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: Play our advantage. They're not willing to destroy our ships. I'm perfectly willing to destroy theirs ...

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up from the sensors and frowns:: You know, I hate to rain on your parade, sir...

    rosetto -> Sir, we'd have to leave Verstibul...

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Joe called a time out. Going back in soon.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Troy::

    Pher -> They've done everything to Verstibul they want to do.

    rosetto -> ::looks over at Troy::

    Troy Parson -> But surely, if it looks like they're going to be destroyed, they'll figure they're better off killing us all and losing their prize than dying themselves.

    Joe Manning -> Send your flight data to them, Sal. Tell them to keep up with us.

    Byblos -> +Pher + Oh did he..potty break for Captain...check! ::realizes he said something stupid again over the COM this time.

    rosetto -> Aye, SIr

    rosetto -> ::processes data and sends it to Lucky Hand::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: Or reaching some kind of truce. I am betting against spite.

    STSF_Nickles -> And if they pick up that com Joe? They know your plan??

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::overhears Byblos's com with Pher. 'Done everything they want to do?' knits brow in thought::

    rosetto -> +Lucky Hand+This is QoB... Keep Up...

    Troy Parson -> I've always found that people live longer when they assume others need a reason *not* to kill them than when they assume the need for a reason *to* do so...

    Byblos -> +Pher+ Roger....if we get out of this scrap recommend someone remains with the ship to focus work on IDF and EPS shunts. I don't think you are getting all the power from the core.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: You're not suggesting we give up the Verbistul to save ourselves?

    Byblos -> Ethan Neufeld...I am not good with talk sometimes...10 years of biking takes a toll on your vocabulary...and common sense.

    Pher -> :: watching the fight. Waiting for someone to commit again, doing what she can to rebuild shields in the meantime. ::

    Troy Parson -> I'm suggesting that, if the situation should be-- and I don't believe we're there yet--

    rosetto -> [[sorry phone]]

    Troy Parson -> but if the situation were to become a choice between losing both ourselves and the Verbistul, and losing only the Verbistul, there would be nothing to recommend the former option.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::just faintly smiles at Byblos::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::is paying more attention to the read-outs now::

    Joe Manning -> You'd rather be incapable of ever getting a job in Bull's Head again than dying, you're saying?

    Pher -> There is a time for foreplay, boys, and a time to drop your dress...

    Byblos -> Captain has to make a decision...is the mission worth losing his ship...or is it worth it risking it all. My Father was a Captain. he told me that once..before...Feddies got the best of us.

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: I can't get a job if I'm dead, either.

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets a confirmation from Verbistul:: Alright, take us in Sal.

    rosetto -> ::looks at Pher questioning::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::smirks to himself; so the Captain was playing possum?::

    Ethan Neufeld -> (( is^ ))

    Joe Manning -> Just fire on whoever the Lucky Hand's targetting, Pher.

    Pher -> Choose a fighter, Sal, and let me rip her.

    rosetto -> In sir? ::looks confused::

    Byblos -> (byblos wish he heard that comment)

    Pher -> Correction, gang up, Sal.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::to Byblos:: Feddies got the best of you?

    Pher -> Hit who Lucky's hitting.

    Pher -> :: Lines up the targeting system ::

    rosetto -> ::look at Pher::Oh, Gotcha...::banks hard and picks a stray fighter::

    Joe Manning -> Into optimal firing position, Sal. Keep us close to Verbistul. But not close enough to bump her.

    Pher -> :: figures the fighters won't have much shielding compared to the connie ::

    STSF_Nickles -> I hope your right Joe, But then again you always are... not sure how you pull it off but you normally are.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances at Nickles:: Tell me that again if we have to abandon the science ship to cover our own asses.

    rosetto -> ::tries to keep QoB pointed at fighter::

    Byblos -> Yeah. our Captain, decided to take on a ship when we had a report of a Feddie vessel was nearby. Given we were near a nebula...he took the risk and we raided the vessel.

    Pher -> :: Pounds as she gets range ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Constellation breaks away from Lucky Hand and the fighters

    Pher -> +Verbistul+ Target the fighter everyone else is targeting!

    Pher -> Somebody watch the Connie!

    Joe Manning -> #Verbistul> +Qob+ I think are weapons are getting installed on Tuesday, Qob ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Was it worth the risk?

    rosetto -> ::sighs::

    rosetto -> [[LOL]]

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::braces as the Qob goes after the fighter::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Constellation drops its shields and a boarding party is transported to the Verbistul

    Pher -> +Verbistul+ You might want to update the installation appointment.

    STSF_Nickles -> Theres transporter activity

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances down at his tactical display::

    Byblos -> Oh we had fun pillaging until the darn Feddie vessel arrived...oh it was a huge haul. Kept the crew..same size as this one occupied..long enough for the bloody feddie patrol vessel to arrive. We took the loot ran...but the Captain did not think the Feddies would send one of their faster ships.

    Troy Parson -> Oh my, it looks like they're taking the Verstibul.

    STSF_Nickles -> Constellation to Verbistul

    Joe Manning -> Target the damn big fish, Pher, quick.

    Pher -> Sal? Bring her to bear...

    rosetto -> ::hears Captain. Moves QoB::

    Pher -> :: opens up as soon as she has the angle ::

    rosetto -> ::moves just over her Engineering::

    Pher -> :: goes for engineering again ::

    Pher -> :: hopes her shields are slow... ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Byblos and seems a bit sympathetic:: That's life.

    Byblos -> ::to Ethan Neufeld :: It was a trap. One of those Borg fighter feddie ships...came out of nowhere..could not get to the nebula fast enough...they ripped us...::Voice trails off a bit:: Well we lost our ship. The Crew..moslty and I floated in space for a while in a POD

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Two disruptor blasts slip past the Constellation's shields just before they're raised. They impact with the vessel's saucer, opening up two hull breaches and setting fires

    Pher -> We hurt her.

    STSF_Nickles -> NICE HIT Pher

    rosetto -> ::Nods::Good Shot Girlie!

    Troy Parson -> Well, that was impatient of them.

    Pher -> :: shifts targeting to the saucer section ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Meanwhile, a second fighter is finished off by Lucky Hand, leaving two

    Pher -> :: Hopes shield projectors are out of line ::

    Byblos -> ::feels more weapons fire from Qob:: I floated in the Nebula for ...a long time..guess the Nebula masked my Lifepod from the Feddies.

    Joe Manning -> ::Frowns a opens the comm:: +Verbistul+ How prepared are you for intruders, Verbistul?

    rosetto -> ::positions QoB Over Connie::

    Troy Parson -> Now I'm reading the ejection of burning atmosphere from multiple hull breaches on their ship...hopefully, we'll never do something that stupid.

    Pher -> Danka, gentlemen.

    Pher -> Sal, I want to hit her where she's hurt.

    Joe Manning -> ::Furrows his brow and looks at Troy:: Either they badly underestimated our speed, or they want the Verbistul a hell of a lot more than they want their own ship.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Lady luck.

    Byblos -> The Captain shoved me in the Lifepod..huh...Dad wanted his son to continue the family adventures.

    rosetto -> It should be in your arc, Pher... To the lower right... See?

    Pher -> Got it!

    Pher -> :: focuses on shield generators on the edge of the damaged areas ::

    Joe Manning -> #Lucky Hand> +Qob+ Shields failing! We are withdrawing, Qob!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::tightly frowns; doesn't have much to say to that::

    rosetto -> ::sighs::

    Byblos -> Don't know if they beamed him out or he died in the subsequent blast of our raider.

    Byblos -> I have assumed he's dead for the past....oh...twelve thirteen years.

    Joe Manning -> #Verbistul> +Qob+ We only have two security people over here. Intruders have taken engineering, Qob!

    Pher -> :: tries to judge if the connie can still maneuver... thinks the rear of the saucer is where their impulse drives are??? ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Shall we take a few of our guys and Gal, sorry Pher, Over thre Joe?

    Ethan Neufeld -> So you've lived like this for most of your life?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: As the Constellation's shields go critical, the ship breaks away and enters warp

    Pher -> If we can finnish the Connie, we've won...

    Pher -> Or... let's see if the fighters follow.

    rosetto -> ::watches Connie disappear::

    Byblos -> Got picked up by a Nausicaan ship....told me to drop me of at Alderbarran (misp) worked my way to Tranquility..

    rosetto -> Dangit!

    Byblos -> And the second cycle of my life began....

    rosetto -> Whimp!

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: One of the fighters pursues the Lucky Hand and the other remains engaged with Qob

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher, take out the fighters..

    Byblos -> On Tranquility...and oh boy was it a ruckus! HAh!

    Ethan Neufeld -> (( Whimp, but how many do they still have on the Verbistul? ))

    Pher -> Go for the guy on lucky, Sal. Play the train game.

    rosetto -> ::WHips QoB around and targets a fighter::

    Joe Manning -> ::Scratches his chin:: Damn this all. +Com+ Verbistul, prepare to extend your docking arm.

    rosetto -> ^THE fighter

    Pher -> :: Locks in the fighter and pounds ::

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Prepare for boarding action.

    Byblos -> ::to Ethan Neufeld:: I suppose the Feddies want me...but NOt as bad as.....

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The fighter weaves around evasively for a few disruptor blasts before breaking away to also enter warp

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Intruders on board Verbistul

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::smirks:: Yeah, I've seen your wanted poster on Tranquility.

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Get as many engineers as you can.

    Byblos -> +Pher+ I want the Guns not the stunners ....the Guns....Now.

    rosetto -> More Whimps...

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: Selek probably knows the Verbistul than we do. And he knows their people.

    Joe Manning -> *better than

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks up at sound of Pher on com::

    Byblos -> ::looks to Ethan Neufeld:: Know how to use a weapon?

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Too much time to reasemble them.

    Ethan Neufeld -> I've fired a few shots.

    Byblos -> +Pher+ Okay Ill just run em through..just get me in postion...

    Joe Manning -> Pher, I want you to lead the team. Chris can take the combat station, at least while we're in the clear.

    Pher -> +Selek+ We're going to have to board Verbitul. Get to Byblos and be ready to tell him the lay out.

    Byblos -> Stunners...Bah!....::unsheaths sword::

    rosetto -> Not to speak out of turn but someone needs to call them...

    Pher -> Chris... over to you.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Pher+ Yes, ma'am.

    Pher -> :: Slaps out and heads for the boarding port ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods to Pher:: got it

    Byblos -> You know the ship we are protecting?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Yeah, I've been on board her a couple times.

    Pher -> :: Quickly checks stik and gun ::

    Byblos -> ::sticks stunner on hip holds blade::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::exits ENG and heads for boarding port to meet Pher::

    Pher -> +Joe+ Try to get me a count of the bad guys, please?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Pher::

    Byblos -> ::walks behind Ethan...sort of towering over him::

    Pher -> :: out of the bridge and heading for the port ::

    rosetto -> ::pulls QoB around to position of docking Arm::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::scans:: Lets see what we come up with How many are on The Vest

    Joe Manning -> Troy, liaison between Verbistul and Pher's team. Get report on their intruder situation.

    Troy Parson -> Aye, sir.

    Troy Parson -> +Verbistul+ Hullo there Verbistul; fancy some company?

    STSF_Nickles -> *Verb

    Byblos -> Shane's going to be pissed about this whole thing. I guess that's normal though.

    Byblos -> ::to noone in particular::

    Byblos -> ::at port::

    Pher -> :: Meets up with Byblos :: He's apt to be pissed anyway.

    Pher -> Everyone got some sort of weapon?

    rosetto -> ::waits for docking arm to appear::

    Joe Manning -> #Verbistul> +Com+ Qob, they've got hostages down in engineering. They're threatening to kill our people if we don't surrender the command center.

    Byblos -> You realize they know we are coming aboard at this point...hope you got a plan.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Yes. ::shows off phaser from Qob's armory::

    Troy Parson -> +Verbistul+ Acknowledged, Verbistul. We'll bring them some tea and biscuts to make them feel less angry. And maybe some death, as well.

    Pher -> Want a situation report before I make a plan.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Pher, this is Troy; I've got data from the Verbistul.

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets up and moves over to the combat station, glancing at the viewscreen:: Chris, can we still track the raider ships? I'm worried that the big one could be a problem for us again.

    rosetto -> ::looks at Troy... waiting to hear the request::

    Pher -> +Troy+ Send to Audrey please?

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Apparently, the boarders have taken hostages in Verbistul's engineering...

    Troy Parson -> ::relaying data to Audrey::

    Pher -> :: Examines lay out and situation. ::

    Byblos -> ::looks at Pher:: Who are we up against..never got the word.

    Pher -> +Troy+ How stable is the space situation? Can I play the hostage situation slow, or are we in a hurry?

    Pher -> Constellation class ship carrying four fighters. We got two fighters and made a big hole in her saucer.

    Byblos -> ::thinks:: Well he's taken hostages..never liberated them before. Always a first

    STSF_Nickles -> As long as they are still in range.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ The hostile ships have withdrawn for now, but I'd not feel comfortable with you taking a vacation over there.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::seems surprised:: Constellation?

    Byblos -> What...stars? ::looks to Ethan::

    Pher -> +Pher+ Understood.

    Pher -> Yep. Federation antique. Seemed to be in pretty good shape for an old girl.

    Joe Manning -> We have to assume they'll be back. With shields at full strength and hull jury-rigged at least ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Yeah.

    rosetto -> ::see docking arm finally extend from Verbistul::

    Joe Manning -> If they get back on the scene with hostages ... or even Verbistul under their control, we're in trouble.

    rosetto -> ::brings QoB close for docking::

    Pher -> Ethan? They have utility tubes on Verbistul? I don't want to charge in the front doo.

    Pher -> (door)

    Byblos -> Oh stool. We're up against someone with resources..hmmm..Pher, like it or not give our few numbers ...you've got to let me loose with a disruptor to kill these guys quick.

    STSF_Nickles -> Dont have to remind me of that

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  3. Joe Manning -> We had just left the Hyades cluster last week en route to Zoalus

    Joe Manning -> We are now on day 6 of a brisk 16 day Warp 6 journey

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Byblos -> I don't think so

    Byblos -> (Back to Bolian color)

    Joe Manning -> ::Sitting in the command chair drinking a cup of morning (for him) coffee as he reads over some of the latest reports::

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Pher, here. Where you at?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::rubs back of head as he heads into the galley looking for water::

    Byblos -> ::In cargo bay looking at hoverbike...displeased::

    Troy Parson -> ::emerges onto the bridge, clearly having just woken up::

    Byblos -> +Pher+In the cargo bay.

    William Chocox -> ::working on an EPS conduit in Engineering::

    Shane -> ::just having left the core area, moving on to another project::

    Pher -> +Byblos+ If this isn't a bad time, I'll be down there for a while.

    Shane -> computer core*

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::quenches thirst::

    Joe Manning -> Top o' the shift to you, Troy. Helped myself to some of your science station coffee.

    Byblos -> +Pher+Bad time, no...no Guardians around. I'm okay.

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Good nuff.

    Pher -> :: Starts out of her room towards cargo bay wearing coveralls ::

    Troy Parson -> ::drowsily:: Mmhmm. ::heads over to the coffee machine, presses a button, stares at it when nothing happens, hits the machine, presses the button again, sighs at the sound of hot water starting to flow over none-too-fresh grounds::

    Byblos -> ::looks at bike::Yet. Mass limits..crap I do not want to ask him that question.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::grabs some kind of fruit... is this fruit...? from the cold storage::

    Byblos -> ::looks at new tool box that brings a smile::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Four blips appear on the edge of sensors, following the expedition fleet and closing distance

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::smells fruit... is this edible?::

    Pher -> :: Steps into cargo bay ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shrugs and takes a bite as he heads out of galley::

    Shane -> ::climbs the stairs to the cooridor leading to MENG, mumbling about needing turbolifts::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out the pot of fresh coffee, gives its greenish tint a bad look, pours a cup anyway, and sits down at the science station, seeing aforementioned blips:: Oh, hm.

    Byblos -> ::turns and sees the Orion enter the bay...he puts his Tank top on:: Sir..or Ma`am shall I always refer to you?

    Pher -> Pher will do. Sir is right out. I know you aren't interested, but could you at least pretend a little bit?

    Troy Parson -> ::taps the sensor console to make sure that the blips aren't just display glitches, and notes that they don't go away::

    Troy Parson -> ::clears throat:: Well, that's interesting.

    Joe Manning -> ::Watching text scroll over his ODRI display:: Well, it seems that Sal 'may have' figured out the Zoalus language. Awfully vague. You know anything about this?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::climbs down to lower quarters::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Troy::

    Pher -> Madam seem to imply over-the-hill. Great damage to self esteme.

    Troy Parson -> Oh yes, the language. Mr. Rosetto was quite keen on making an attempt at decoding it...not really my speciality, I'm afraid. Now, these blips on the sensors, on the other hand...

    Pher -> You have a favorite title or name?

    Shane -> ::enters MENG and tosses his data pad on a shelf:: Checkov! How long have you been workin' on that?

    Byblos -> Wait....::turns hi head sidewise:: Is that a NO to calling you sir? just go with Pher?

    William Chocox -> ::looks over:: I'm not too sure. Half an hour maybe?

    Joe Manning -> I oughta ask him about it. The scientists from Xorax should want to -- ... ::Blinks:: Blips on the sensors?

    Pher -> Yah. Let's go with Pher.

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets up and moves over to Troy's station, his ODRI display shrinking as he lets his arm drop::

    Troy Parson -> Oh yes. Four of them, in fact, trailing us right on the edge of sensor range. ::points::

    Byblos -> ::Regains posture:: Byblos...I don't really have another name. Though my father called my Boy on our..ship.

    Pher -> Sir implies masculine. :: shudders :: That's right out.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::enters quarters; picks up ODRI and looks through plans while finishing fruit::

    Troy Parson -> Closing in, in fact. Fancy that. ::sips coffee::

    Shane -> ::that not being too long for that, grumbles before turning to his console::

    Pher -> Boy doesn't sound right, either.

    Byblos -> OKay No sir..and for me since you are NOT my father...NO BOy.

    Joe Manning -> Moving fast. That means they're not following Fed regulations.

    Byblos -> Keep that to role playing...Orion women do sometimes.

    Pher -> Orion women do lots of stuff sometimes.

    Troy Parson -> Quite.

    Byblos -> What brings you to the Cargo deck Pher?

    Pher -> I'd like to catch up with how the bike is going, and with how you're doing.

    Joe Manning -> #Verbistul> +Com+ Qob, this is Captain Murphy of the Verbistul. We are picking up for fighter-class vessels closing in on our position. Do you copy?

    Pher -> Maybe work a bit on hand signals.

    Shane -> ::speaking as he tapps away at the diagnostics displayed on the main console:: Is that piece from Neck section D4?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::finished with fruit; looks for place to dispose of core::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks down at Troy:: Send a message out to the crew, let them know we've got a situation.

    Byblos -> Bike I have some Mass concerns, on how much weight the anti-gravs can take on her. I think Chief Shane weighs more than I first thought.

    Byblos -> As for myself..I'm ......acceptable.

    William Chocox -> ::pauses and looks over:: Yes, sir.

    Troy Parson -> Very well, sir.

    William Chocox -> ::goes back to fixing::.

    Joe Manning -> ::Moves over to the comm station and opens the channel:: +Com+ Verbistul we are picking up four objects on sensors but we can't get a good read. I imagine your scanners are a bit sharper than ours. We'd appreciate you sharing your sensor data.

    Pher -> Yah. Too much metal. If you can tune for it to carry him, sure, but don't make it your highest priority. Just get it ready to handle most of us.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::finds trash collection; wasn't the best tasting piece of fruit, but oh well::

    Troy Parson -> +All Crew+ Good morning, everyone. Please be informed that we have four unknowns closing on our position at illegal speed.

    Pher -> Acceptable? Not optimal, though. What's right and what's not right?

    Byblos -> Hand signals....I know a human one...that basically means go away or No? ::extends middlefinger to Pher:: and laughs...Humans...Yes..yes we do need to work out some things based on Xorax.

    Joe Manning -> #Murphy> +Com+ Can do, Qob. Stand by while we transmit our sensor feed.

    William Chocox -> ::without looking up:: If I were a betting man I'd say that it was trouble.

    Pher -> Ah... at another time. I've got to go to the bridge, I think.

    Shane -> ::sounds a bit more cheerful:: Good. We're progressing much faster than I expected...::hears comm, looks to Will:: Battle stations.

    Byblos -> ::hears Com and Utters a Nausicaan Swear:: Blasted research ship..sitting duck.

    Pher -> You ever worked a tactical console?

    Pher -> :: Moves towards the bridge rather briskly ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::frowns and puts down the towel he'd picked up; so much for showering::

    Joe Manning -> ::Receives the feed and shunts it over to Troy's station::

    Byblos -> THis ship...no. ::follows Pher::

    Pher -> Yah. We haven't enough time. I'll take bridge duty. You'll want to arm up and support Shane for damage control.

    Pher -> Unless you'd suggest otherwise?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::leaves quarters and climbs back up to main corridor::

    William Chocox -> ::walks over to his station in Engineering:: Ready sir.

    Byblos -> My fathers old Raider was nothing like this ship. Damage control with Shane? Hah! Ill fetch my tools and report to him...whether he wants me or not.

    Joe Manning -> ::Returns to the command chair and sits, looks over at Troy:: You should have the Verbistul's sensor data. Tell me whatever you can about these ships.

    Byblos -> ::runs to cargo deck::

    Troy Parson -> ::routes the feed into an analysis program and looks up at Joe:: Nothing like some unknowns in the morning to go with your coffee, eh?

    Pher -> Good enough. I'll let you know if boarding becomes likely.

    Pher -> :: arrives at the bridge and settles into the security / tactical console ::

    Joe Manning -> If they're trouble, they at least seem like easy pickings. ::Frowns and rubs his chin::

    Pher -> :: logs in and runs initial diagnostics on weapons systems. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees corridor is empty; everyone's where they should be already it seems::

    Byblos -> Four Blips....Raider ambush..curious who has control of four ships...pretty good for a Pirate to amass four ships...::said to self as he grabs his tools and heads to Engineering::

    Pher -> They're easy? Bout time we ran into somebody easy.

    Troy Parson -> Or trying to seem like easy pickings, at any rate. ::always optimistic::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::stops Byblos on his way to ENG:: Anywhere I should be?

    Shane -> I'm not much one myself, Chekov. Just be ready for quick repairs, we don't lknow how this ship handles with disruptor damage...

    Joe Manning -> They're following us, so they must have a good read on us. Awfully bold to come after two larger fish.

    Pher -> Wouldn't leave our front side too exposed, then.

    Byblos -> ::looks to the Vulcan:: Somewhere logical...You best get ready for battledamage repair. Follow me.

    William Chocox -> I'm going to go out on a limb and say that spit, hope, and friction aren't going to hold up for long.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods and follows Byblos::

    Pher -> :: considers :: You want wild Ideas, Captain?

    Joe Manning -> We've got time for them. They seem to be a few minutes off.

    Byblos -> ::Runs and goes through some ladders and pasageways upward to Main Engineering where the Cyborg Shane beat the crap out of him days earlier.::

    William Chocox -> ::looks up from his console and sees Byblos:: Hello.

    Troy Parson -> ::hears the computer bleep:: Ah, there's the analysis now. ::looks it over::

    Pher -> Hmm... Change course for our whole formation. Travelling straight... too predictable.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::keeps on Byblos's heels to keep from getting lost::

    Shane -> ::turns when Byblos enters, looks annoyed:: What are you doing here?

    Joe Manning -> You're not suggesting we all split up? We can't keep the Verbistul undefended.

    Byblos -> ::enters Engineering:: Chief Shane....::looks a moment at William:: Pher said for me to report as a damage control assist. ::looks to the VUlcan:: I figured you might need help so I brought our new Vulcan friend.

    Troy Parson -> ::reading off the analysis:: Looks like four mid-range combat vessels...lightweight, power throughput about what's to be expected from something that size.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::tightly smiles at Shane and William::

    Pher -> Nope. Whole formation changes. We want to stick together. If you don't like it, I'll shut up.

    Byblos -> ::turns to Ethan:: I think you are a friend....

    William Chocox -> ::thinks to himself Why is the Vulcan smiling?::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Right now, I think that's a fair bet.

    Byblos -> ::to Ethan:: You lost your logic smiling like that?

    Joe Manning -> We'll try out a detour, then. ::Opens a channel to the rest of the expedition fleet::

    rosetto -> <<sigh>>

    Ethan Neufeld -> Lost my logic, gained some initiative.

    Byblos -> Just tell us what to do if the ::nausicaan swear:: hits the moving blades.

    Byblos -> ::to Shane::

    Pher -> :: sighs. She's played with sharks and dolphins. This isn't necessarily the same... ::

    Shane -> ::glances at the Vulcan, then back at Byblos:: Just don't get in the way...the kits are on the shelf::turns back to his console::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Verbistul, Lucky Hand, let's see how our new companions react to a course correction. ::Nods back at Pher::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ We'll send you the flight data. Everybody stay together.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks at shelf Shane indicated; moves over and grabs one::

    Byblos -> ::has his own tool kit now Shane might notice...big...new and shiny with lots of stuff::

    Ethan Neufeld -> << grabs a kit^ >>

    rosetto -> ::arrives on bridge looking like he never woke up::

    Byblos -> ::says to Ethan:: Do what he says. And when he says keep out of the way ...KEEP OUT OF THE WAY! Got it Logican?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Got it.

    rosetto -> ::sees situation and rushes to helm::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back:: Sal, I'm sure Pher would appreciate your taking over the piloting controls.

    Pher -> Sure would.

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir!

    rosetto -> ::grabs controls::

    Joe Manning -> Alter our course 50 degrees to port. Share the new flight data with our companion vessels first.

    Shane -> ::thinking of who to send where when things started going wrong:: Byblos, Vulcan, what ENG expeirence do you have?

    rosetto -> ::looks at sensors and gets a handle on enemy positions::

    Pher -> We playing defensive to start? Both mercs defend the science ship?

    Troy Parson -> ::forwarding data to rosetto::

    rosetto -> Aye Sir...:turns QoB::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods back at Pher::

    Joe Manning -> Let's cover some space on this new heading, then we'll drop out of warp.

    rosetto -> ::nods to Troy upon receiving data::

    rosetto -> The convoy is following, Sir..

    Byblos -> 10 years crewman on the Black Death. Mopped decks...did basic battle damage repair Power Couplings...Data network..displaced deck plating.

    Pher -> Klingon design... most of our weapons fire forward. We might want to drop back, get on their tails at some point.

    Byblos -> ::to Shane::

    Pher -> We're designed to attack, not defend.

    Pher -> :: considers ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::to Shane:: Only basic damage control.

    rosetto -> ::considers Pher's comments, then to Joe::Sound advice, sir...

    Joe Manning -> The less defended we leave the Verbistul, the more uncomfortable I'll feel. ::Sighs and rubs his chin::

    Byblos -> My concern chief is ...if anyone attempts to board us. We all best have weapons as well as tools.

    rosetto -> ::speaking out loud::We could drop out of warp and come up behind tehm?

    rosetto -> ^them

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::agreeing with Byblos:: Hmm. It'd be a good idea.

    Joe Manning -> ::Opens a channel:: +Com+ Lucky Hand, let's try to create a flanking opportunity. Reduce speed and let the inbound ships overtake you.

    Troy Parson -> You know, they haven't actually shot at us yet...

    Byblos -> ::takes sword and sheath from toolbox and puts on over his Tank Top:: And if there are any REAL weapons on board this ship....Chief..someone better point me to them.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: Have they closed to firing range, then?

    Troy Parson -> ::checks the sensors:: Not yet...

    Joe Manning -> #Lucky Hand> +Com+ Last I checked, Qob, my crew doesn't take orders from you. I'd suggest you watch how you word your requests.

    Shane -> You can punch, can't ya? ::glances at Will:: Chekov, be ready to head to the bridge/neck section when we has a blowout. That main conduit will be overload with the auxilary on the floor ther.

    rosetto -> ::to anyone listening::If they're following us at warp they don't intent to invite us to dinner...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow rises at Byblos's sword; all he has is a tiny cricket in his waistband::

    Pher -> Sal? Whatever opportunities you can get to point our bow at a bad guy within weapons range, I'd appreciate. I think I'll be following your lead, though.

    Byblos -> ::Nausicaan shuts his trap and just stands aside away from Shane 's work space...ready to be called upon::

    Joe Manning -> ::Curses under his breath at the response from the other merc vessel::

    rosetto -> ::Looks to Pher and considers then nods::Right...

    William Chocox -> Gotcha sir.

    Pher -> :: powers up disruptors, not the torpedo launcher at this point. ::

    Joe Manning -> +Lucky Hand+ Stay close to the Verbistul, and keep those scientists safe!

    Joe Manning -> Sal, start pulling us away from the rest of the expedition fleet and reduce speed to Warp 3.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::leans against a wall::

    rosetto -> Aye SIr...::reduces speed::

    Shane -> ::watching the power readings nervously, knowing the potential problems to pop up with the weakened SI fields::

    rosetto -> ::pulls QoB up and left at the same time::

    Byblos -> ::looks down to Ethan being slightly over 2 meters tall:: Perhaps you can talk them out of pillaging the ship we are escorting...illogical Vulcan.

    Pher -> Joe? Are we weapons free or still being polite?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The four unknowns stay on course and actually pick up speed when Qob breaks formation

    Troy Parson -> ::watching on the sensors:: They're accelerating.

    Joe Manning -> Let's get our weapons pointed at them first.

    rosetto -> ::looks at sensors::See them...

    Shane -> ::speaks without looking up:: He ain't no Vulcan, Byblos...

    Joe Manning -> ::Hails the four ships from the comm panel on his chair:: +Com+ Unidentified craft, do kindly state the intent of your pursuit of our little flotilla.

    rosetto -> ::whips QoB back around targeting four unknowns::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::doesn't look up and folds arms:: If they're raiders, I doubt it.

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ If we don't get assurances of your intention to escort us through these dangerous regions of space ... we'll have to go ahead and target yous.

    Pher -> :: puts targeting systems on stand by... figures Joe will give her go to shoot when the time comes ::

    Shane -> <<I'm going to state that the IDF is not up to par yet, just for info if that works with you Joe>>

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::faintly smirks at Shane's observation::

    Joe Manning -> << Well, this is a Star Trek sim. It can't really ever be at 100%, can it? >>

    Shane -> <<Lol>>

    rosetto -> ::watches vessels steadily move away and looks to Joe for instructions::

    Pher -> :: notes Sal working in three dimensions... is pleased ::

    Byblos -> ::looks to the "illogical Vulcan:: Who the hell are you? ::lifts Ethan Neufeld up with his right arm:: You Guardian????!!!!

    rosetto -> <<four dimensions, Pher... lol>>

    Joe Manning -> Pick up speed, keep us on their tails, Sal. ::Waiting for a reply but getting only silence::

    Pher -> Mind if I play with targeting sensors? Make em nervous?

    rosetto -> Aye Sir... :accelerates to catch back up::

    Shane -> ::glances up at the other two, growls at Byblos:: Put him down ya jyking qoH! We deal with it later!

    Byblos -> ::to Ethan Neufeld:: IF I find out that you are a Guardian agent. I WILL run you through..End of story!

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances at Pher:: Do more than that. Give 'em a warning shot or two.

    Byblos -> ::drops Ethan Neufeld:: Aye Chief.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::eyes go wide as he's hefted up and then he relaxes in Byblos's grip::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::is dropped; rights himself::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ I'm sorry that didn't get your attention, folks. Maybe this will ...

    Pher -> You want me to miss? :: pretends to be hurt. ::

    rosetto -> ::points QoB straight on their tails::

    Joe Manning -> If they think you missed, that may be better for us.

    Pher -> :: Brings up targeting sensors, selects the nearest as primary target, programms an offsett bearing ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::beat and then frankly answers:: I'm not Guardian.

    rosetto -> ::watches Pher from a distance and smiles::

    Pher -> I have a preliminary lock. Waiting on range...

    Shane -> ::watches the power levels closely as juice streams to the disruptors:: Chekov! Pull up the impulse power grid and keep an eye on it, we'll be using the engines here in a bit.

    Byblos -> Good answer. ::doesnt look at him since he's pissed::

    rosetto -> ::pushes a hand quickly through his hair as if it would help::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The four unknowns come into Qob's weapons range

    William Chocox -> ::pulls up grid display on his console:: Have it now.

    Troy Parson -> ::hears the sensors blip:: Weapons range achieved.

    Pher -> :: Fires a warning shot just off the nearest ship ::

    rosetto -> ::looks at sensors bleeping::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::notices Byblos is fuming; faintly smiles to himself::

    Pher -> :: counts to ten ::

    Byblos -> ::hears an EPS shunt noise...probably a weapons shot...but he's not sure with this ship::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The fighters scatter a bit when Qob fires, but they remain in pursuit

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::can't blame Byblos for being angry::

    Pher -> :: fires another brief burst on the offset ::

    Shane -> ::at Ethan:: A man in a mask doesn't have much credit behind his words

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Achieving weapons range themselves, they begin firing energy pulses toward the Verbistul

    Pher -> They'e playing hard to get.

    rosetto -> ::readjsts heading to keep vessels within targeting lock::

    Troy Parson -> I'm reading weapons fire!

    Pher -> Recommend you pick one and eliminate it.

    Pher -> :: sets the offset to zero ::

    Byblos -> ::feels deck wobble a bit:: We're manuevering....Illogical Fake Vulcan.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Lucky Hand turns and breaks away from the Verbistul to attack the raiders

    rosetto -> Your call, Sir...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::leans his head a bit; to Shane:: We all have secrets.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances toward Troy:: Definitely hostiles. Hopefully, Pher's shootin' didn't make them hostile.

    Pher -> :: waiting on a bogy to enter the target envelope. ::

    Joe Manning -> Push us to Warp 7, Sal. We're in danger of getting outrunned.

    rosetto -> Aye::pushes it::

    Pher -> I didn't miss by that much...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::smiles a bit more at Byblos and 'illogical fake Vulcan'; considers something and then decides; to Byblos:: My name's Ethan.

    Shane -> ::narrows his eyes, then looks back as his console bleeps with the increased power readings::

    Joe Manning -> #Murphy> +Com+ Qob, this is Verbistul! We're feeling a bit naked out here without an escort. Should we stop?

    rosetto -> ::notes engineering status going nuts::

    Joe Manning -> ::Furrows his brow:: What is the status of the other merc ship?

    Troy Parson -> ::scans:: They're engaging the hostiles...

    Byblos -> Ethan...huh...Ethan the Illogically fake Vulcan...so noted. BYblos...Nausicaan should be dead by now but isnt pleased to meet you ::said with obvious sarcasm::

    Shane -> ::mumbling nervously with the high Warp speed::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A larger blip appears on the edge of sensors, approaching Verbistul from a position that would have been along the expedition's previous flight path

    Byblos -> ::looks to Shane then towards the core upon hearing more power being demanded of it::

    Pher -> There's mama!

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Lucky Hand, this is Qob! We have the hostiles under control! Maintain escort of the Verbistul.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Byblos the Nausicaan. Hmm. ::beat:: I'm human.

    rosetto -> ::Sees sensor display and banks QoB::

    Troy Parson -> Oh look, new friends. ::relays the data on the latest blip to all::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at the data on the viewscreen:: ... that's big.

    Shane -> ::observing the increasing stress on the EPS grid and Nacelles:: Chekov, increase the radiation shield strength on the nacelle...

    Pher -> :: Focuses her attention on getting a shot off should Sal line anyone up ::

    William Chocox -> ::pulls up the screen and increases the strength:: Happening now.

    rosetto -> Sir? Nail the big Mama?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::watches the activity in engineering; things must be heating up::

    Byblos -> Heh...hears something you should know....::raises middle finger and deploys it at Ethan:: It isnt wise to play games with Nausicaans...my kind tend to get physical very fast. Hah! Until I met the chief..I think he set my back in place a few years!

    Joe Manning -> #Lucky Hand> +Qob+ The faster we get these raiders cleaned up, the faster we can get on with the mission!

    Pher -> Somebody has to take the little fish, someone else takes Mama.

    Byblos -> ::observes Shane...remembering his father's chief engineer years ago...similar manners...but Shane has much more to back them up with.

    William Chocox -> ::looking at his screen:: Sir? You might want to inform the captain to be careful because our auxilary EPS conduit is currently sitting a couple feet away from me.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::grins and makes a sharp exhaling noise like a near laugh:: Guess it's a good thing I didn't try to pass as a Nausicaan. You're not the only one who's bent a little out of shape over this.

    Joe Manning -> Damn this! +Com+ Verbistul, drop out of warp. ::Looks at Sal:: We have to make hooking up with the Verbistul a priority.

    Shane -> +Bridge+ Captain, Warp 7 is gonna wreck my engines!

    Byblos -> ::looks to William Chocox:: You alright over there?

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ We'll only keep it up a minute longer, Shane.

    rosetto -> Aye Sir... ::drops out of warp and follows Verbistul::

    Pher -> :: Decides to stp giving advice ::

    Byblos -> ::mental note...possible top speed warp seven....blasted Federation regs...::

    Pher -> :: Captain has to do it his way ::

    Shane -> +Bridge+ Just try to keep the Neck section from gettin' hit, your aux power line is sittin' in ENG right now...

    William Chocox -> ::without looking up:: I'm fine it's just that I'm worried about blowing out the main EPS conduit with the aux one sitting no more than a few feet away from me.

    rosetto -> ::scans short range sensors for a 'hiding place'::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The larger ship becomes clearer on sensors. It appears to be a refit Constellation class Fleet ship

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::thinks the Qob is definitely what she seems to be; a legend held together with spit and duct tape::

    Byblos -> Who the hell made that design move....Klingons? Sounds like a death wish.

    Shane -> ::Will:: Yeah yeah, I know! We're gonna have to get lucky...I hope you're a bettin' man...

    William Chocox -> <<No duct tape Ethan. Just friction.>>

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::doesn't say much, but thinks the line has to go somewhere::

    Troy Parson -> Hm. ::looking at the readings:: Looks like a Federation ship...Constellation-class.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  4. Congratulations, Sheriff Tibbett. You've been assigned to Rim patrol ... which probably means you've fallen out of favor with Guardian Command. I won't ask. Rimward, we know not to ask.


    Your experience thus far has only entailed patrolling the Coreward Worlds, the planets we've settled between the Hyades Cluster and Aldebaran. Not the greatest places to live. So far from the bustling economy of the Hyades, they're generally run down, isolated from strong swift law, sometimes even oppressed by a corrupt Guardian (maybe you were one of those; again, I won't ask). A lot of folks have compared the Coreward Worlds to the old western American frontier of Earth's pre-WW3 history -- men struggling to get by and living by their own laws, aided I'm sure by plenty of alcohol. And, oh ... of course, the Coreward worlds are closer to Federation space, which is always a cause for tension.


    But the Coreward Worlds at least boast something bordering on 'civilized.' It's a lawless and antiquated form of civilization, but it generally only contributes to the deaths of the rash or the stupid.


    The Rimward Worlds, you'll soon learn, are a whole different animal. Sure, on the Coreward Worlds the people can be hostile -- a traveller who's not careful can find himself beaten and left for dead, his possessions stripped by a local scoundrel. But Rimward, the worlds themselves are hostile. They swallow up explorers, scavengers, and settlers like they've got wills and hungers of their own.


    Take Margosis, for instance. It's a hotspot for phaser marksmen who think they can make a quick buck shooting down some falcons to take back to the restaurants on Vega, New Risa, and Tranq City. But every month we get a request from some young buck's brother, mother, or best friend who wants us to go looking for the poor sod in the jungles. They can never offer enough credits for more than a cursory sensor sweep of the planet -- and the sensor sweeps never turn anything up. Some older hunters say that there are beasts on Margosis who savor the flesh of us humanoids.


    Zoalus? Take my advice ... don't even listen to any crackpot scientists or anthropologists or whatever the hell else that want you to escort them to that accursed world. No price is worth tangling with defense drones, ground to space turrets, buildings that fall on top of you as if the city itself wants you dead, and lord knows what else.


    Then there are the raiders. You've probably heard a thing or two about them. They generally hang out along the Hydran Expanse -- that's the gap between our neck of the galaxy and the next. On the other side of the gap is where the Gorn Hegemony reins. Every now and then the Hegemony sends a few ships across the Expanse to give Federation folks a hard time (and they don't make distinctions between Feddies and 'rebel' Feddies). Guardian Command doesn't want to commit resources to a drawn-out conflict with the Gorn, so we're under orders to keep a distance from the Expanse. That's why the area's so popular with raiders.


    The raiders are mostly a threat only to themselves. There are lot of bands of varying sizes that all have different ideas about which thug should be running things and how the business of pillaging should best be conducted. Hell, some of the raiders are settled Gorns who relish the opportunity to prey on the locals. It's the times when the infighting simmers down that small fleets are sent outward to raid shipping lines and capture explorer ships. The bolder (and the better equipped) even raid as far up as Lakota, skirmishing with our patrol ships and preying along our Klingon trade route.


    The Raiders are a nuisance to us and to the Klingons, and we can't make a concerted effort to clean the Expanse up without the risk of provoking the Gorn. We might not have the numbers to take on all the raiders anyway. We don't know too much about what's going on around the stars alongside the Expanse ... but in the last few years, we've been hearing more and more rumors of an altogether disturbing nature. The name 'Horde' keeps cropping up again and again, and it's a name that even some of the raiders fear. Rumors are that the Horde has emerged as the top dogs in the kennel. They've become more efficient than the other bands at destroying or conquering their competitors. And with every band conquered, the Horde grows some more. Even the Gorns are said to keep their distance. The rumor you keep hearing in these parts is that the Hordesmen aren't quite Human or Vulcan or anything else that we'd consider 'native.' They're something else entirely.


    We haven't been given leave to gather intel on the Horde; again the Guardians don't want us poking our noses around there, and they think the rumors are trumped up anyway. Maybe it's for the best. The Hordefolk don't sound like the types of people I want to be skulking around. But sometimes I wonder if there's a beast taking form along the Expanse, a beast biding its time for something big. I wonder if there might be a danger to Bull's Head being allowed to grow in a region we've decided it's best to ignore.


    Ah, hell. You ain't even gotten settled in, and here I am trying to put a scare in you. It's not something you'll have to worry about -- a stray group of raider privateers might drift close enough to your patrol route for you to have to take action, but you won't have to worry about any missions into the lion's den. We leave suicide forays into the Expanse to the crazy folk -- the mercenaries.

  5. Joe Manning -> We'd hooked up with the Verbistul and the Lucky Hand, the two other ships in our little expedition

    Joe Manning -> We are now proceeding to the edge of the Hyades cluster.

    Joe Manning -> This is the time to make one last check of the new equipment we brought on board and tie up a few loose ends from Xorax


    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::walks up to Troy's quarter's and knocks::You up?

    Byblos -> ::lying flat on deck underneath hoverbike installing a part, to dampen noise::

    Joe Manning -> ::Standing in front of the main viewer looking out at the stars, still fairly clustered together near the Hyades boundary::

    Troy Parson -> ::opens the door:: As ever. What can I do for you, Mr. Rosetto?

    Shane -> ::on the bridge, in the rear behind the weapons console, welding a new EPS conduit pipe in the ceiling::

    Pher -> :: Settled in on the bridge at the security console ::

    rosetto -> I have been poring over this data and discovered something quite unusual...

    Byblos -> ::pauses..stretches back while underneath cycle...some cracks are heard:: Ahhhh....

    Pher -> :: Refamiliarizing herself with controls ::

    rosetto -> There are no pictures, family photo, no images of any kind of the Zoalus...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sitting in the galley going over Zoalus maps and data::

    Joe Manning -> ::Scratches his head and looks back at Pher's station:: Pher ... you had any chance to look over Troy's report on the Bynars?

    Pher -> A little bit, yes.

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks for a second:: I suppose that's somewhat interesting, though hardly without parallel...in Earth history, for instance, there have been plenty of cultures that for one reason or another forbode the depiction of the human form.

    Joe Manning -> What do you make of it?

    Shane -> ::mumbling under his breath about the quality of Xorax products as a few sparks fly off the pipe::

    rosetto -> SO, you think it has a religion content?

    rosetto -> ^religious

    Byblos -> ::slides out from under bike and takes a look at her:: Bland ..disgusting..boring....yet..::turns on engine which makes a electic power up sound:: Functional.

    Pher -> Hmm... A little paranoia is a good thing. It can be over done.

    Troy Parson -> Sometimes the reasons were religious, in the case of cultures who assigned ownership of the human form to their deity; other times more spiritual, for those who thought that an image would take the soul of the one depicted...

    Byblos -> ::sits up and winces::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back toward the exit and the engine roar coming up the central corridor::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::is liking the solitude; doesn't have to feel like the elephant in the room, putting on Vulcan airs::

    Pher -> Though... given the history... one can understand extreme reactions.

    rosetto -> Interesting... Never thought of it in that way...

    Troy Parson -> To be honest, though, I'd be wary of assuming that these aliens think the same way we do...certainly it'd be too hasty to consider only those motives that make sense from a human perspective.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head and walks back toward the exit:: I don't have a problem with their reactions. The Bynars -were- aboard the ship without permission.

    Pher -> Not sure quite what to expect. I'd mix a suspension of judgement with a tad of our own paranoia.

    Pher -> :: Nods :: I was considering asking for an orbit further out, or keeping shields up.

    rosetto -> I totally agree. Have you reviewed Dr. West's analysis on the glyphs? Unlike her predacessors, she has followed a unique theology

    Pher -> But that would likely have agrivated misunderstandings.

    Troy Parson -> For all we know, they evolved from a solitary, territorial, or even cannibal species of animal, which would give them an instinctual aversion to their own appearance...

    Troy Parson -> Ah yes, the glyphs.

    Shane -> ::finishes welding and steps back to examine his handy work, sliding the goggles up on his head:: ::Pher:: I bet that wouldn't stop 'em.

    Pher -> Transporters do have limits.

    Joe Manning -> Colony wouldn't have it. Whatever their angle was, the Bynars -were- colony staff. ::Looks back toward Pher:: That computer device they gave Troy ...

    Troy Parson -> As a matter of fact, I've taken a look at them...

    Byblos -> ::Stands up wincing some more and stretches more pain adjusting himself:: C'mon magical Nausicaan healing powers...activate!

    Pher -> Don't know what their system's limits are, but they have em.

    Pher -> :: looks to Joe ::

    rosetto -> ::looks at Troy, interested in the response to his report::

    Byblos -> ::tilts head and looks at cycle::

    Joe Manning -> Shane and Troy couldn't find anything fishy about it. Data processing enhancements, as best they could tell.

    Joe Manning -> I'm mullin' over whether to install the thing.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: lowly makes his way to the bridge, waking up with a major headache but NOT wanting to go to medical this time.::

    Byblos -> ::powers it down::

    Shane -> ::Looks to Joe:: I wouldn't recomend it till after the EPS upgrades...

    Pher -> That would be one of their strengths.

    Troy Parson -> The analysis of the glyphs in terms of concepts is somewhat interesting in itself, but surely there's far more to meaning than mere association with concepts.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::hitting a proverbial wall with ground plans; wishes they knew more::

    Joe Manning -> After the EPS upgrades, there'll be something else to upgrade. Always is.

    Pher -> But was there something about beware of bynars bearing gifts?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::stands and walks toward the hatchway::

    Byblos -> ::ponders seeing Pher on security issues...thinks otherwise::

    rosetto -> I am begining to believe that. The root language seems highly limited... I am certain that we are missing a lot of data...

    Shane -> ::shrugs, mumbling:: Its your ship. ::picks up the ceiling panel, raising it to to cover his work::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: I can't help but wonder if the thing might be able to help us ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::enters the central corridor; nods to Chris as he passes by::

    Joe Manning -> I wish Troy had asked the Bynars to look into our computer problems. Seems like just when we get them sorted out, they crop back up a few days later.

    Pher -> Try it. If it works well, keep on using it. Don't assume privacy.

    Pher -> Hmm. I have this feeling that computers might belong on that list somewhere not to far away from EPS ducts.

    Troy Parson -> The problem is that you can make a lot of associations by looking at the contexts of symbols, but unless you know the logic for how they interrelate and modify one another, you don't know what they're actually saying, just what they're saying it near.

    Pher -> :: sighs ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::half nods to Ethan, cringing during the process::

    rosetto -> Yeah, makes one look like "Back end of horse"...

    Joe Manning -> I wish we could just get a complete replacement. The Expanse battle totally fried the thing. T'Aral spent weeks on it and couldn't clear out the problems.

    Shane -> ::starts putting the welding tools in his kit:: Yeah, them and the rest of the ship. I'm just keeping from falling apart right now.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::steps on the bridge::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::returns to the lower quarters assigned to him::

    Pher -> Well, will wishing do much good before we've the latinum and time to hire a fairy godmother?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods to Chris when he enters the Bridge::

    Byblos -> ::Grabs BYBLOS TOOL KIT FROM XORAX COURTESY OF PHANTOS and walks to his quarters::

    Pher -> :: Smiles at Chris, almost ::

    rosetto -> Well, I'm gonna go down to the bridge and check our status, if you don't need anything...

    Troy Parson -> Very well...before you go, though...

    rosetto -> ::turns back around, now facing Troy::

    Troy Parson -> What did you make of our guests earlier?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::has learned NOT to nod:: Hi boss. ::looks to Pher ::

    Pher -> Loo... Head firmly attached today?

    STSF_Nickles -> Actually no it feels like its about to explode.

    Shane -> ::looks to Chris as he enters, then back at his kit, closing it up::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::strips off Vulcan robe with obvious irritation::

    rosetto -> Well, off the record, I have never trusted those little duets... The tripliquet made me really nervous

    Byblos -> ::walks down spine of Qob..and decends into lower crewmember quarters with his new Tool Kit..big for a human right..for a Nausicaan::

    Pher -> Hmm. Exploding heads would be bad.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::quinting eyes, breathing a bit faster than normal::

    Joe Manning -> ::Sighs:: Been over a week now, Chris ...

    Pher -> :: Looks at him closely, trying to judge where he is really at ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::has no use for excessively baggy or ceremonial-like clothing::

    Joe Manning -> Where we're going, you'd best have a clear head.

    Troy Parson -> The lab computers were certainly being...interesting...while they were on board.

    rosetto -> I couldn't find anything to link them directly to the computer malfunctions, however... ::frowns::

    Byblos -> ::enters quarters which is tiny for Byblos..but he says nothing about it..this is his place..he sets the Byblos Tool kit in the corner next to the FRESH CHANGE OF CLOTHES THE CREW DEMANDED HE REQUEST....::

    Pher -> :: glances over at Joe briefly ::

    Shane -> ::rolls his eyes at Chris, stands up and looks to Joe:: The upgrades are going faster than I expected. Turns out that the diagnostics systems were messin' up when we scanned the forward section of the ship and givin' me bad readings.

    STSF_Nickles -> Im tryin boss Im tryin... someone grab me a med kit? Im not going back to Sickbay today.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: That'd be another computer issue, I'd bet.

    Troy Parson -> My thoughts exactly. Not to mention, they were awfully curious...and selectively so, while at the same time not at all keen on disclosing the true nature of their interest.

    Joe Manning -> Assuming this trip works out well for us, we'll have enough funds to get it tended to proper.

    Shane -> Yeah, they're messing with everything. It doesn't help that we've who knows how many non-Klingon systems plugged into the core.

    rosetto -> THAT is why I have never trusted them... Always alterior motives... never forthwright with their intentions...

    Joe Manning -> Hope it ain't provin too much for you to handle. ::Smirks::

    Shane -> If we could find something more adaptive, that would be best.

    Byblos -> ::Byblos removes his shirt...and removes the Padd on the bed..figuring a Klingon style flast surface would help heal things up quicker...as he does so..he grabs his PADD brought from Tranquility, provided by a Slicer friend of old who is probably dead.::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::pulls a paperback book 'Sun Tzu: The Art of War' out of his duffle::

    Shane -> ::snorts:: Believe me, I've dealt with worse. Not many though.

    Pher -> What's the time to landing? I'd like to get Chris feeling good before we go down, but he really is right not to depend too much on either Soora or me.

    Byblos -> PADD>Bulky Crude in design..resembles a KLingon data device of 100 years ago

    Pher -> Last trip down... Was not coordinated well.

    Pher -> :: rolls eyes a bit ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::hears people talking through the bulkhead, but it's too muffled to make out::

    Joe Manning -> At least two weeks before we get to Zoalus.

    rosetto -> I had a contract with one Bynar supplier back on K'Normia. I had to finally disolve our interests because they kept showing up and disturbing wine production...

    Joe Manning -> But considering that we'll travelling through the rimward regions ... ::Glances at Chris::

    Pher -> That gives me a feel for timing. :: Decides not to pursue the issue any more here. ::

    rosetto -> <<Hi Jami>>

    JFarrington -> <Hi all>

    Shane -> <<How long since we left Xorax? A week?>>

    STSF_Nickles -> <<Hi Gal>>

    Byblos -> ::inputs password then the random number that prevents it from...self destructing::

    Joe Manning -> << About a single day >>

    Byblos -> (Hi Jami)

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sits on Klingon-style bunk and starts reading::

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<Hey.>>

    STSF_Nickles -> A med kit?? Unless you feel a bit generous Pher?

    Troy Parson -> Hm. Bynars...::thinks for a moment::

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances again at Chris::

    Troy Parson -> It's odd that there were three of them, isn't it?

    Joe Manning -> Pher ... why don't you go check up on Selek?

    Joe Manning -> Make sure he's settlin in alright.

    Pher -> Check on Selek, is it? :: smiles ::

    Shane -> ::watches Chris and Pher::

    rosetto -> Yes, like I said, I was very nervous. I had never seen them perform the 'triple'...

    Pher -> :: Logs out of her terminal ::

    Pher -> How could he be all right with those ears?

    Pher -> :: Wanders away from the bridge. ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Returns the smile:: You -know- your charms won't work on a Vulcan, my dear.

    Byblos -> ::Enters::..Father I tried, and failed the Breaking In..yet I still live, I should be dead..perhaps there is hope.

    rosetto -> It seemed to me that -01 was kind of OFF frequency to, you know?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Reads: Chapter 1: Detail Assessment and Planning::

    Shane -> Our advisor is Vulcan?

    Shane -> <m> Jyking Pointies are taking over...

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Shane:: One of Xorax' finest.

    Pher -> Of course they won't work on a vulcan. :: slightly smug ::

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: Even the fact that he had a negative number in his designation feels...anomalous.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: takes a deep breath, stands, moving over to get the med kit for himself::

    Joe Manning -> That's what the Andorians were sayin' twenty years ago. Be careful you don't go spreadin their bad ideas, Shane.

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<Heh... finest. ::grins::>>

    JFarrington -> <lookin good, Qob. Later>

    Pher -> :: to chris :: Hang in there, luv. It'll come.

    Shane -> ::scowls at the mention of Andorians, but says nothing::

    STSF_Nickles -> <<night Doll>>

    Joe Manning -> You ever been on this side of the Hyades cluster, Shane?

    rosetto -> I could spend more time on the log, if you would like. However, I think we have enough on our hands with the expedition and meetings with the other scientists... What do you think?

    Byblos -> ::Enters:: Unable to locate new memory cell for secure PADD..memory storage low...Must make entries brief. Hovercycle ready for road test. End Entry..Power Off.

    rosetto -> <<nite Jami>>

    Pher -> :: Moves beyond the bridge, heading to where Ethan might be lurking ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Moves slowly over to the navigation station, keeping an eye on Chris::

    Pher -> :: taps on door. :: Room service.

    Troy Parson -> Yes, I'm sure we'll be quite busy...but keep a copy of the log around just the same, in case you should glance at it and have something jump out at you.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: pulls the medkit and opens it, rumedging through it::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks up from book; wonders if it's Soora wanting to play Vulcan riddles again:: ::hears Pher's voice; actually thankful it's not Soora::

    Ethan Neufeld -> It's open.

    Shane -> Its been a few years...::moves to the weapons console, looking it over:: But it was quite a bit different back then.

    rosetto -> I don't throw anything away... Got me in trouble with the misses many a time... ::laughs::

    Byblos -> ::exhales extending his full frame:: The Thrid Cycle continues...I should be dead but alive still...Hope...there must be hope aboard this ship....QOb

    Shane -> Do we have good route? Or are we barrelling straight through?

    rosetto -> ::turns to leave and waves::

    Pher -> :: Slides in, only slightly suggestively :: Captain thought we maybe oughta talk.

    Joe Manning -> Roundabout would take us too long. We're headed straight on for Zoalus. Not sure a roundabout route would do us much good ...

    Pher -> Have any more ideas on landing sites?

    Joe Manning -> The raiders -have- been striking out much further from the Expanse in recent years.

    Byblos -> ::lying down on his bed..he rests not making a move..continuing the healing process::

    STSF_Nickles -> Hey Joe? Where did the pain killers go? They were here 2 weeks ago!!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::gets off bunk and tosses book on duffle:: Not lately. That'd be easier to figure out if we had current scans.

    Byblos -> (I didn't use them..Have no reason too..)

    Shane -> The Qob is ugly, but she should be a match for most raiders. In a good state that is. Right now, I wouldn't be too sure.

    STSF_Nickles -> <<LOL>>

    Joe Manning -> I'd imagine they got used, Chris. You can get more down in the infirmary if you need 'em. I'd just as soon ride it out if I was you. You've got enough in your system.

    Pher -> :: Nods :: That, and some input from the scientists on where they really want to probe.

    Shane -> Is there anything I should know about the disruptor cannons? Are they original issue?

    Pher -> :: Finds a place to settle down for a bit. ::

    rosetto -> ::walks down the open corridor to the gangway leading to the main level::

    Byblos -> ::reaches for his blade and rests it across his chest as he has since he has been on the run::

    Joe Manning -> One of the few parts of the ship that ain't been upgraded. Original Klingon make. Fairly reliable.

    rosetto -> ::thinks he needs a soft drink first and reroutes to the refreshment locker first::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::leans against wall and folds arms:: I'm betting we'll get plenty of input when we get there.

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps at the controls at the nav station, checking their progress through the cluster. Notices that they're just about to cross the recognized boundary::

    Shane -> Good. I've checked the EPS grid in those sections, whoever worked on this ship before was sure to at least keep that maintained.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::glares at Joe:: Joe LOOK, Im trying not to go back to medical Im trying NOT to call on Pher, At least allow me to use pain killers to ease the pain SOMEWHAT.

    rosetto -> ::with soda in hand, slides down gangway::

    Pher -> Sounds like a sucker bet to me... Hopefully the input doesn't come in the form of a disaster or two on the ground.

    Shane -> ::annoyed at Chris, looks at him:: I'll give you some pain if you keep whining like that...

    Joe Manning -> Grabbin painkillers from the infirmary is as good as grabbin them from a medkit, Chris.

    rosetto -> ::walks by crew quarters as sees Ethan's door open; stops:: Hey guys... What's up?

    Pher -> I've a couple of questions I wasn't sure I wanted to ask out in the open down on the planet.

    Pher -> Will I get thwapped for asking em?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: huffs, setting the medkit on the console and leaves for the infirmary::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head:: Gonna be a long two weeks

    Shane -> ::watches him leave, then looks at Joe:: I'd have left him on Tranquility.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::ignore Shane and he moves past::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::flatly smiles; stops from saying something when he hears Sal:: ::to Sal:: Greetings.

    Byblos -> ::notes the blades edge with Shane 's autograrph on it by his neck and chuckles::

    Joe Manning -> ::Continues tapping at the nav controls:: Shane, I think it would serve us both well if I shared a little bit of information with you ...

    Pher -> Rehasing landing site discussion. Have any ideas, Sal?

    rosetto -> ::opens his soda::So, what do you all think of our expedition?::takes a sip::

    Shane -> ::raises an eyebrow:: What about?

    Joe Manning -> Chris has been on this ship as long as I've owned it ...

    Joe Manning -> I've known him since we were both in Starfleet ...

    Pher -> Don't know yet. Not enough information. Figure the information will come the hard way.

    Ethan Neufeld -> I believe it will be most intriguing.

    Joe Manning -> There's quite a bit I'll tolerate, mind you. That includes fights in the engine room between my more violent crew ::Throws a glance back at him::

    rosetto -> From a scientific stand-point, I believe we will gain the most information from Site 1 or Site 2... There is a lot to be said for history.

    Pher -> :: tries not to make a face ::

    Joe Manning -> But when it comes to my First Mate ... you'll show a little respect, won't you?

    Byblos -> ::notes he left the door open..oh well...if someone comes..someone comes::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::is having subtle trouble keeping his own face straight::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Indeed.

    Shane -> ::stares at Joe with the eyebrow raised for a moment, then looks back down at the weapons console and begins tapping:: Aye, Captain...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders who'd still believe he was a Vulcan standing around in a plain t-shirt and utilities::

    Joe Manning -> ::Stares at Shane for a moment, trying to discern his thoughts. Then looks back at the nav console::

    rosetto -> What's your take on their defense systems? Did you receive more data on them? There wasn't much provided to me. But then why would there be...??

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes in a long breath when Qob crosses the Hyades boundary::

    Pher -> My other thought is the agricultural sites... 5, 6 and 7, might be the conservative place to start.

    Shane -> ::reroutes power through the newly installed EPS conduit, re-adjusting and configuring it to the system::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Considering that several expeditions encountered them, I would expect more data. However, that is, of course, not the case.

    Pher -> Might not be the most exciting place to start, but first time down we might want to go low risk.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::to Pher:: I agree.

    rosetto -> ::considers Pher's comments::

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises his arm and taps at his ODRI, opening a shipwide comm::

    Shane -> ::glances back at Joe's back, noting his nervousness::

    rosetto -> Does anyone have anything on the flora and fauna?

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns and heads toward the captain's chair, clearing his throat into the ODRI::

    Pher -> :: looks to Ethan :: I sure don't.

    Byblos -> ::looks at new clothes...Klingon in design..I mean who carries Nausicaan apparel in these parts? Then wonders if he should of had it scanned for bugs::

    Pher -> :: Hears the captain's throat clearing, and fall silent ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees Pher look at him; looks at Sal:: I'm afraid that isn't within my expertise.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: makes his way into the infirmary::

    rosetto -> I just don't wanna beam down into a nest of skyscaping vultures... ::smiles::

    Joe Manning -> +Crew+ Listen up, folks ... I ain't much for speeches, so I'll keep this short and to the point ...

    Byblos -> ::Old speaker comes to life in his quarters ...startling him::

    Troy Parson -> ::listening to the comm somehwat drowsily::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::listening to 1MC::

    rosetto -> ::continues::I mean, what ELSE would live in tree houses of THAT size?

    Joe Manning -> +Crew+ We're out of the Hyades cluster and in the rimward territories now. Most of you are new to me ... so I don't know what kinda experience you've got in this area ...

    Joe Manning -> +Crew+ You might not appreciate the situation we're in now. We ain't just cut off from Starfleet, we're cut off from the Guardians too. We're on our own out here. And it can get pretty rough.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: rumedging through the cabinets for a drug that will do the trick::

    Shane -> <m> Way it should be...

    [Action] Byblos -> winces at the mention of Guardians

    rosetto -> ::looks in direction of captains' voice::

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes a seat:: +Crew+ Make sure the volumes are up on the alarms in your quarters when you sleep at night. You all need to be ready to take your stations quick. And it won't do anyone good to sleep too deeply.

    Joe Manning -> +Crew+ If any of you feel I'm givin' this warning too late ... that I brought you out into dangerous regions without your consent ... well ... ::Smiles softly:: I apologize for that.

    Pher -> :: snorts ::

    Joe Manning -> +Crew+ We needed crew. And I can't help but wonder how many o' you mighta chose to stay behind.

    Byblos -> ::looks at NEW Byblos TOOLKIT provided by PHANTOS as the captain speaks::

    Joe Manning -> +Crew+ Havin' said that, try to keep a bright perspective on things. And remember that big payday we got waitin' for us on the other side of this mission. ::Shuts off the comm::

    Byblos -> Bynars would of put a bug up my rear eventually..that's why...hehe.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::to Sal when Joe finishes; continuing from before the announcement:: It will be of some comfort to you, then, that we will not be beaming down.

    Pher -> Of course we won't be beaming down.

    Shane -> ::continues tapping on the console:: What do we know of the other mercs, Captain?

    Byblos -> ::rembembers his Father giving speeches like that before pillaging vessels..::

    rosetto -> Well, yes, Ethan. This vessel does not have that capability...

    rosetto -> It was just a figure of speech..

    Joe Manning -> Don't know a thing. But we'll be keeping a close eye on them. ::Glances over at Shane::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::lifts head and contemplates:: Indeed.

    Joe Manning -> At best, they're competitors for that bonus we can get for an in-tact defense drone.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: finds what hes looking for and draws the medication up into the hypo::

    rosetto -> ::raises his soda::Well, I should get to the bridge and check on things... Just wanted to pop my head in...

    Byblos -> ::except he knew his Father's ship top down...Qob he wasn't so sure of her readiness..only the crew's...winces:: maybe not.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Of course.

    Pher -> OK. Consider your head to be popped.

    Shane -> Hm..::gets a mischivious glint in his eyes:: You know, if they're ship was disabled in their attempt to get that bonus...I wouldn't mind taking a look at their computer core...

    rosetto -> ::smiles and nods::Cute... ::leaves without another word::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::closes door behind Sal; exhales and leans against it:: ::to Pher:: What'd you want to ask?

    Joe Manning -> ::Rubs his chin as he thinks of Sal, and Robert, and Kaara ... of what he's getting them into::

    rosetto -> ::begins whistling as he makes his way onto the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> ::Gives a quick, flat response to that:: We aren't pirates, Shane.

    Pher -> Hmm... Politics. I can half believe the Bynar seek information for information's sake, but wouldn't be surprised if they are out for something specific.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: places the hypo to his neck and gives himself a double dose, his heaad pounding hard::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::is obviously growing weary of pretending to be Vulcan::

    Pher -> And that might involve economic, military or other awkward motivations that they wouldn't bother to tell us.

    Shane -> Course not Captain. Just saying, it would be nice...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Bynars? ::unaware of what happened on the Qob while in orbit of Xorax::

    rosetto -> ::looks at Captain sitting in his chair as he enters bridge::

    Pher -> Hmm... or perhaps Dr. Phantos, or whomever is setting the goals for the mission.

    Shane -> ::glances back at Sal entering::

    Byblos -> ::unaware Bynars were on board::

    Shane -> <<They aren't anymore>>

    STSF_Nickles -> ::: looks for a bag of hydrosaline, trying to ward off getting drhydrated again::

    Byblos -> (bad grammar..errr unaware they had visited Qob::

    rosetto -> Hello, Captain... Is she flying straight and true?

    Pher -> Any hints at secret agendas that you can speak about? My nightmare is that they want something specific that the drones are programmed to protect, and they don't bother to tell us about it.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Sal:: Followin' your flight path, so true as can be.

    Ethan Neufeld -> There are a lot of interests going into this expedition. I'm convinced Dr. Phantos is completely what he says he is. But the other administrators; I wouldn't be surprised if they're after weapons technology.

    rosetto -> Well, sir. I can only carry PI out to so many decimal places...

    Pher -> Yah. That stands out more than anything else I've heard from this planet.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: finds the hydration fluid and takes it back to his quarters with the pain :meds::

    Pher -> A self repairing system still functional after all this time. Interesting. Makes me wonder if that's the only thing still working.

    Joe Manning -> I was givin' you a compliment, Sal. Accept it for what it's worth. ::Grins::

    rosetto -> ::nods and smiles::Thank you Captain...::walks over and takes a seat at the helm controls::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Probably not. ::moves away from the door and sits on edge of bunk:: Whether or not they're protecting anything specific; well, that might explain why we've got next to nothing on their operations.

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Nickles to Joe.

    Shane -> <<afk>>

    STSF_Nickles -> :: walking towards is quarters::

    Ethan Neufeld -> If they are, the people who want it wouldn't want us to figure that out.

    Joe Manning -> ::Brings up an image of Chris' face over his ODRI:: +Nickles+ What's up Chris?

    rosetto -> ::looks at the display console and sees that the escort vessels are where they are supposed to be, at 10 and 2 O'clock of their position::

    Pher -> :: Considers :: Which implies that if others knew about what they were after others would want it.

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Thought youd want to know Im heading back to my quarters for a bit. Ill be on the bridge for my next duty shift.

    Pher -> Sometimes there are reasons to be secretive, though I have a feeling they keep to themsevles for their own sake.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  6. In the dim lights of Joe's quarters, the holographic display of the Hyades cluster shone brightly over his ODRI's emitter. It was like an exploding light well caught in perpetual freeze-frame, the stars packed close enough together at the cluster's center to appear nearly like a solid globe, then gradually fanning out toward the edges until they were as thinly spaced as most of the stars in the spiral arm. The ODRI was tapped into Qob's navigational computer, so the starmap was a precise real-time display that neglected no details and reflected the arduously slow paths of the cluster's 350 suns. Near the cluster's edge, a red dot periodically radiated rings which expanded and quickly faded away. Approaching said flashing dot was the predictably green dash that represented the Bird of Prey. No more than half of a light year now separated the two position indicators.


    Joe's fingers dove into the controls near the bottom of the display. Rays of light reflected off his fingers and back to the ODRI's emitter, instructing the device to zoom out the starmap. The Hyades cluster transformed from a dazzling light show to a dense mass within an otherwise even field of stars. On the expanded map, Joe recognized the borders of the Klingon, Tholian, and Federation territorities -- the farthest reaches of Bull's Head's more civilized frontier settlements. In those distant regions, the map was not so accurate; Qob's computer was only capable of so much data storage, and accurate, detailed starmaps were among a computer's more notorious memory gobblers.


    Opposite the borders of neighboring civilizations there was the edge of the spiral arm, where the distances between stars continued to widen until naught was left but the void -- the Hydran Expanse. Those thinly spaced stars were the known bastions of assorted raider bands, and the Expanse was all that divided Bull's Head (raiders, explorers, and settlers alike) from the Gorn Hegemony of the neighboring spiral arm. These were the first two reasons that those territories which lied rimward of the Hyades Cluster had a terrible reputation.


    Fortunately, the Expanse was not Qob's destination. At another tap of the controls, the map bloated one of the rimward stars into a clearly visible blue dot. Zoalus was only 23 light years distant from the star cluster, a 16 day voyage at Warp 6. Still, it was far enough away from the cluster and isolated enough from any trade routes to place it in dangerous territory, territory which the Guardians could not envelop in their protective net and which the Federation outright ignored. Joe had never been to Zoalus, but he know that the world was dangerous, as dangerous as any of the rimward worlds this side of the Hydran strongholds.



    Several hours later, the call from the Bridge summoned Joe to the Captain's chair. The viewscreen already showed two vessels that were clearly of Gular Consortium manufacture. Dominating the view was the massive sphere-shaped Verbistul, a Gular science freighter nearly five times the size of Qob. Since it possessed no armaments, Federation regulations had not restricted its construction. A domed viewport marked the ship's command center and its forward facing, but there were long narrow viewports spread around the sphere's surface, observation areas for each of the ship's science departments. The airlock seal of an extendable docking arm was visible on the starboard side; Joe knew that another would be on the port side along with a small shuttle bay at the stern. Warp nacelles bulged awkwardly out of the dorsal and ventral surfaces. A clumsy ship, though well-suited for its job of scientific study, it would make an appealing target and a limited helper in a fight.


    The other ship was 3/4 the size of Qob, a standard Gular Privateer. Its general shape was not much unlike a Bird of Prey's, with more angular downward curving 'wings' that supported a pair of pulse cannons. Its body was more smooth and solid, like that of a Starfleet runabout. Its mauve tritanium hull was unpainted save for the crudely drawn lettering on its starboard side that spelled out (in a red that disturbed the eyes) Lucky Hand. Joe noticed that the letters had been painted over the Gular Consortium symbol -- a stylized talon clutching a gold nugget -- that was stamped on the hull of every Gular vessel. Joe didn't believe in luck. He believed that the only 'lucky' people in Bull's Head were people who were willing to cheat others out of whatever they wanted. Naturally, he found it hard to trust any Captain who would name his ship the Lucky Hand. But then, these days, there were few mercenaries he did trust.



    Five light years away, while Qob and its convoy was preparing to depart the Hyades cluster, another Gular Privateer entered the Xorax system. This one's hull had been painted white with black highlights. Where the talon and nugget had been painted over, there was instead the symbol of a bull's head inside a silver star. Good intelligence had indicated that Qob's crew would be on Xorax accepting a job, but the hours that the crew of the Guardian starship Rushmore would spend jumping through the colony's bureaucratic hoops would be just enough hours for them to be too late to catch up with the mercenaries.

  7. I'm not saying that every scientific idea is "crack-pot". I'm just saying, just like anything, the scientific method can be just as easily be manipulated or misused as anything else.


    Manipulated toward what end? Where are the 'careful fabrications' you're alluding to? Even if individual scientists have beliefs that they might wish to promote, they can only promote those beliefs as far as cold, hard evidence would allow. Do their peers share the same beliefs? Not necessarily. So they're not all going to agree on the same loose standards, thus loose standards cannot go very far. My FSM theory would have no supporting evidence and there's no respected scientific journal in the world that would accept it; that's precisely my point.


    Nobody claims that the scientific method is a magic truth device. We're completely at the whim of what technology will allow us to observe and analyze. So, yes, scientific understanding has changed over the centuries. But a) science does not claim that its findings are indisputably correct and :) it constantly subjects itself to the same process of analysis.

  8. There are (many) instances where people who believe in religion (or the supernatural) do not have scientific evidence, it doesn't make their claims false or untrue.


    Sure. I could claim we were all created by a flying spaghetti monster. As long as I establish that it's 'unknowable,' it's well-shielded against scrutiny. But totally unsubstantiated by evidence, I can't expect others to take the claim seriously.


    Every so-called 'crackpot' idea that scientists have put forth has been rigorously tested before being taken seriously by the scientific community. If you don't believe that the standards applied by that community are acceptable, that's your choice. I believe those standards are quite acceptable and have stood the test of time well. I also consider it important simply that there are standards by which scientific ideas are judged. Religious ideas are rarely judged by followers of those religions.

  9. Supernaturalism (if it exists - a point widely disputed), frustrates scientists because it cannot be measured according to conventional, natural means.


    I would argue that the burning bush or the parting sea are quite measurable, simply based on what we can see and hear. The 'Sea of Reeds' story points out how something quite natural could be misinterpreted (even overglorified?) as supernatural. This gets into the realm of metaphors and symbols in what the Bible otherwise presents as supernatural. Do you take the whole work to be literal (along with all the questions that raises)? Or do you acknowledge the possibility of metaphor? Acknowledging the possibility of metaphor once throws the whole thing into question -- what if it's all metaphor and the idea of God represents little more than early man's awe at the world around him? Faith is the only good answer to that question. So the real debate is Faith vs. Evidence. That debate is similarly futile. True faith cannot be shaken by any evidence.

  10. The political polling analogy is just an awkward one for me. Obviously, the analysts have clear deep-rooted agendas -- one side pushing for re-election, the other pushing against. That supports your point about scientists and theists both working with presuppositions. But to me, the analogy is not applicable. I still see science as a concerted effort to approach questions with professional objectivity. Scientists as a rule do not seek to disprove theist ideas; many of their conclusions have simply tended that way.


    If your only point is that data can often be limited in scope and wildly interpreted, I acknowledge that. The article in the OP merely presents evidence of microfossils in meteorites. The scientist's findings don't really tell us anything definitive (the article itself offers implications). Other scientists are now being invited to analyze. Their analysis can be used as the basis for future study. It's a learning process and one that will take a wide variety of perspectives into account. There will be various interpretations, but those interpretations will be arrived at and further explored scientifically. If evidence is found which proves any of their conclusions wrong, they will admit that they were wrong (something that scientists are capable of doing) and revisit the problem. You see a breakdown where I see advancement and personal bias where I see objectivity.


    The Republican-Democrat analogy would suggest that the conclusion has already been decided and that the analysis will be tailored to support it. Again, the scientific method in reverse, a process that no good scientist would tolerate. The comparison fits religion perfectly. Religion deals in truths that can not be disputed or even analyzed -- they're just truths, and faith is all that's needed to accept them. Religion cannot be 'wrong.' There is no true analysis. If a pious man analyzes the plausibility of God, it's the same as a loss of faith. This, again, is where any meaningful comparison between science and religion unravels.

  11. Joe Manning -> The Xorax group had gathered at Creedo's for drinks from a vending machine (it's a Xorax bar, unfortunately)

    Joe Manning -> Pher was questioned by local security about her unauthorized scans of Selek ... who isn't really a Vulcan

    Joe Manning -> And our scientists got suspicious enough of the Bynar guests on Qob to raise the shields. The colony did not respond well to this ...

    Joe Manning -> About a half hour has passed and the crew has briefing materials that Joe picked up from his meeting with Doctor Phantos. Now is the time to put together a shopping list and some early plans.

    Shane -> Shane will be getting ready to go buy supplies soon, after he meets the new guests...

    Joe Manning -> Gotya. Note that you have a loyal assistant down on the planet who could do your shopping for you :)

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> ( @ for the surface team )

    Joe Manning -> ( I'll be elsewhere on the surface, chatting with Qob, so I'll eschew the @ )

    Shane -> ::stomps down the stairs into Main ENG and stops short at the sight of his misplaced tools:: What the...

    rosetto -> ::poring over more interesting preliminary results::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Gathered around Troy observing another one of his experiments::

    Shane -> ::picks up the cutting torch off a console, then notices with surprise that the shields are up::

    William Chocox -> @::sitting, nursing his drink::

    Mitar Precip -> @::at Creedo's just lounging on the table again::

    Shane -> ::not being in a happy mood with the lump on the back of his, begins to grow even more annoyed::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::sips her water, looking across her table at Byblos::

    Troy Parson -> ::hears stomping, decides to make noise:: And this...is the toxin leak alarm! Here, I'll demonstrate its test functionality. ::presses the butotn to make a loud buzzing sound::

    Pher -> @ :: With Chris, wandering towards Creedo's. ::

    rosetto -> ::decides to send Troy another message:: "PLANET ADMIN WANNA TALK"

    Mitar Precip -> @::to Kaara:: You look at that brief?

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: moving back towards Creedo's with Pher ... Still a bit looped from the drink he had earlier and Phers pleasentries::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Fascinating ... and loud ...

    Joe Manning -> 011> Curious. Why does an alarm require a test button?

    STSF_Nickles -> @You sure its this way? I thought it was over that way? :;points::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Qob, this is Manning. What the heck's going on up there?

    Robert Long -> @::walking along with Nickles and Pher::

    Shane -> ::turns, clenching the torch in his hand and storms to the stairs, mumbling and growling under his breath:: <m>...away for five minutes...jyking ship goes nuts...

    Joe Manning -> << Points awarded for Klingon slang >>

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::nods:: I did.

    Shane -> <<Yay!>>

    rosetto -> +COM+Captain, good to here your voice, sir. You alone?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::returning to Creedo's a bit behind Pher and Chris; pain killers are kicking in::

    rosetto -> ^hear

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ No, I'm not. I'm in the traffic control center down here and these people are staring bullets into me.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the Bynars:: A test button is quite essential! It verifies that the alarm is receiving power.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Cocks his head slightly::

    Troy Parson -> Periodically testing the power flow to the alarm is necessary for proper laboratory safety.

    Joe Manning -> 011> Interesting ... would not a loss of power be reported via computer?

    Pher -> @ :: Tries to place Robert Long ::

    rosetto -> +COM+Well, Troy and I have unexpected guests here. Troy is entertaining them.

    Troy Parson -> Perhaps it would, but I find that simplicity breeds reliability.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>This is a bit....complicated. I need a drink. BUt if I have a drink these guys have rigged some nice thumbprint lift software on the selection devices. I have seen them before at some places I helped "open".

    Joe Manning -> << Robert wandered off a bit, then returned, saw you, hooked up :) >>

    Shane -> ::stomping down the main corridor, steps into the bridge in a huff:: Rosetto, what qoH put the pet'aQ shields up?!

    Robert Long -> <<What Joe said>>

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ What guests? Sal, you're gonna have to tell me exactly what's happening up there.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Hardware I meant..not software. Although it's all there.

    Kaara Soora -> @ That seems... logical. I did not purchase or select my drink, but had Nickles do it for me.

    Shane -> <<Are the bynars in the lab>>

    Joe Manning -> << They are >>

    Joe Manning -> 111> Simplicity? A novel concept ...

    Joe Manning -> 011> In our line of work complexity is more desirable.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> Aye. Such is the very nature of our work.

    rosetto -> +COM+We have three Bynars here. They are suspicious and may have cause some system malfunctions. We raised shields to contain them onboard.

    Mitar Precip -> @I did not try tho old pressure point technique, but given the intelligence gathering systems I have seen so far on this trip...It most likely wont work.

    STSF_Nickles -> @::starts to make a turn he thinks is the correct way to the Crinking place::

    rosetto -> ^caused

    Troy Parson -> I can understand embracing complexity where it is necessary, but surely it is better to follow a principle of parsimony otherwise...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::passes by Pher and Chris and enters Creedo's::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::smirks slightly::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Bynars? From Xorax? How did they get up there?

    Shane -> ::overhears Rosetto on the comm and growls at his back:: What? Where are they?

    Pher -> @ :: wonders if she should say something about Serek... decides not. ::

    William Chocox -> @::to Byblos:: Pressure point technique?

    Troy Parson -> Simplcity, after all, is efficient...it is easier to build, monitor, and maintain, with fewer components to fail.

    Joe Manning -> 111> Unless it is complexity that you are attempting to achieve. For the purposes of your work.

    rosetto -> +COM+Unknown, Sir. I'm guessing a planet-side system. It's the only possibility..

    Troy Parson -> Perhaps this is the difference between a scientist and...whatever you are...

    Joe Manning -> 011> Unless complexity is the goal of the research and design.

    Pher -> :: Steps into Creedo's, steps aside out of way of door to look around. ::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ ::Off to the side:: Did your people send someone to my ship?

    Troy Parson -> When conducting scientific experiments, it is imperative to control as many variables as possible, in order to reduce the number of explanations available for an observed change in some phenomenon.

    STSF_Nickles -> @::Looks back seeing Pher moving into the biulding and quickly catches up::

    Robert Long -> @::follows Pher inside and looks for a place to sit::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Share glances that appear almost nervous::

    Mitar Precip -> @::grunts:: Simple amount of pressure is necessary for a device to send input. Like that Drink selector button. Now..I can apply the same amount of force on the area of the button with the handle of my sword. Problem is...this place is so darn intrusive.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sees Pher come in behind; approaches Byblos:: I trust that your Captain finished his meeting with Dr. Phantos?

    Pher -> @ No riots in progress, at least.

    Mitar Precip -> @It probably wont work.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::calls over Long with a hand wave::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: walks in behind Pher::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Your ... point is a valid one, Doctor Parson.

    Joe Manning -> 011> There are many of us ...

    Joe Manning -> 111> Scientists some. But also some computer engineers.

    Pher -> @ I should likely touch bases with Byblos. (To Chris and Robert)

    Shane -> ::steps over and taps his bionic on the back of Sal's chair, making a loud series of clangs:: Where are the Bynars?

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> The sensitivity of our work dictates that we not elaborate on the circumstances of our achievements.

    Mitar Precip -> @What in the (Nausicaan Obsenity) is going on Pher? ::he stands arms folded...clearly not happy::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ ::Continuing to argue with someone in the control center::

    Troy Parson -> I see...I suppose I can understand that.

    rosetto -> Oh... I didn't know you were on board. Troy has them in the Science lab...

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: has a seat:: OK love Ill wait for you here. ::still half drunk::

    Troy Parson -> When I worked in academia, there was far more of a concern for security than there is in shipboard science...

    Pher -> @ Definitely should touch bases with Byblos. :: Small smile in Byblos's direction ::

    rosetto -> ^<Shane>

    Troy Parson -> After all, everyone wants the credit for achievements, but only a few actually produce those achievements. ::grimaces in rememberance::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::sits with his arms still crossed in a sign of disgust::

    Pher -> @ :: To Byblos :: at the moment... nothing. Would you care to step outside, though?

    Joe Manning -> 111> ::Small grin:: You have never worked on Xorax, Doctor Parson ...

    Joe Manning -> 011> Desire for glory runs rampant among many of our administrators ...

    Joe Manning -> 111> And the security concerns can make life rather ... stifling for us.

    Pher -> @ :: Holds door half open. ::

    Joe Manning -> 011> Your own experience with academia would no doubt seem loose in comparison.

    William Chocox -> @Soora:: Have you enjoyed your stay here?

    Mitar Precip -> @Alirght. ::stands and stretches and follows Pher::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Sal, nobody on the ship gave these Bynars position to beam aboard, right?

    Shane -> ::waves Sal off and storms out of the bridge, mumbling random bits of violence::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::unanswered; sees Pher and Byblos are going to step outside; looks around for someone to address::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks at William:: It has been nothing exceptional. You?

    rosetto -> +COM+Correct, Sir... The just 'arrived'

    Robert Long -> @::sits down next to Chris and considers getting a coffee for him::

    rosetto -> ^They

    Pher -> @ :: Speaks softly as they clear the table mikes :: Information based culture, paranoid, obcessive. I made the mistake of getting caught using a sensor when I shouldn't have.

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Apparently, there are elements of society down here that can do as they please without interference from the local security. ::Sounding annoyed:: Are they posing any threat?

    rosetto -> ::mumbles to himself, 'crap! bionic boy is on the rampage again'::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::All look off to the side and blink three times::

    Pher -> @ Bought myself clean giving them one of the few bits of information I had that they might not have had. This might or might not lead to complications.

    William Chocox -> @Not much spent some time admiring the engineering marvels that are down here, also did some browsing to see if there were any tools we can use to keep the Qob from falling apart at the seams.

    rosetto -> +COM+Undetermined, sir... Presently, no.

    Troy Parson -> ::watching Bynars::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>And I thought my jyking rear would be the first detained.

    Joe Manning -> 111> ::Looks back at Troy:: We are going to have to leave soon, I am afraid.

    Shane -> ::opens the door of the lab, standing in the doorway and staring the Bynars down in cold fury::

    Pher -> @ :: smiles :: Nope. Managed to beat you to it.

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Turn to observe the newcomer::

    Mitar Precip -> @Opinion needed.

    Kaara Soora -> <WB>

    William Chocox -> <<wb Robert>>

    Pher -> @ They do seem ready to make use of other races. In fact, non bynars seem to be frequently in positions of low level authority.

    Pher -> @ Go ahead.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::decides to follow Pher and Byblos:: ::interrupts; talking to Pher:: Please excuse the intrusion.

    rosetto -> +COM+Sir, you might want to be aware that Shane just stormed out of here and has now arrived in the science lab...

    Shane -> ::points the torch around the room, growls:: Which one of you qoHs messed with my tools?

    Troy Parson -> ::sees Shane and starts walking, saying to Bynars::: If you'll excuse me...my associate here will see to your needs temporarily.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>The Nausicaan asks a question relaxing his hands.

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ If there's no reason to think they've caused any damage, we'll have to let them come back down to the planet. Not that I've got to like this.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Shane in passing, while leaving lab:: (w) Watch them. They're up to something.

    Pher -> @ Or... ::Looks to Selek ::

    Joe Manning -> 111> 'Qoh?' That sounds like a Klingon word.

    Joe Manning -> 011> Is that the Klingon name for 'Bynar'?

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: sitting at a table hal::f listening to whats going on

    Shane -> ::sees Troy leaving, panics a bit:: Where the pet'aQ are you going?!

    rosetto -> +COM+Aye sir. I will lower the shields...

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Are these guys going to turn me in? I can only...::grunts::

    rosetto -> ::reaches over to another panel and lowers shields::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly eyes Byblos; then to Pher:: As you are no longer in need of my services as a tour guide, I have other duties to which I must attend. Should you need me you can contact me via the visitor kiosks.

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Thank you, Sal. That will call off the hounds for the moment. Hopefully I don't get hit with a fine.

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ If anyone else comes aboard the ship uninvited, raise the shields again. ::Making sure people off comm get the hint as well::

    Pher -> @ :: To Selek :: I would like to talk you at some length at some point. I just got a summary of the contract from Captain Joe...

    Troy Parson -> <<bleh, bad browser shortcuts! Bad!>>

    rosetto -> +COM+Aye sir... It was an impulse decision up here. <<WB Troy>>

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::the Nausicaan "eyes" the "Vulcan" somewhat in disgust.

    Pher -> @ But I'd like to work through more details at your convenience.

    Robert Long -> <<I wish I hhad a dktang (sp) for my wireless router>>

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ And notify me if it happens. I could do without flight control down here letting me know what's happening on my ship. Manning out.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::eyebrow rises:: Of course; when you are ready. ::bows slightly::

    Troy Parson -> ::to Shane on his way out:: I'm going to see what our esteemed leader thinks of our situation up here.

    Troy Parson -> ::heading for the bridge::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Keeps his mouth shut as Pher talks

    rosetto -> +COM+Aye sir, QoB out...

    Joe Manning -> 011> ::Looks at Shane:: If you are in need of a tool, perhaps one of Doctor Parson's wrenches would serve your purposes?

    Pher -> @ :: cuortsys in replay ::

    Pher -> @ :: Waits a moment to let him get clear of herself and Byblos ::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::chuckles a bit:: That work on a Vulcan?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods head to Byblos and exits Creedo's; give them room to do their thing::

    Joe Manning -> @::Hope back onto the nearest transport car for the ride back to the Visitors' Center::

    Joe Manning -> @*Hops

    Pher -> @ :: Sort of used to too many males being about ::

    Shane -> ::rolls his eyes and rubs them with the back of his real hand:: What the jyke are you talking about?

    rosetto -> ::checks decyphering processes, sighs and gets up; bound for the science lab::

    Pher -> @ No, but then he's not a Vulcan... but he is pretending to be a Vulcan... You never know.

    Joe Manning -> 111> ::Gaze fixed on Shane's bionic arm:: Fascinating ... is that cybernetic?

    Pher -> @ Anyway, a few odd courtsys don't hurt. I have them to spare.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::stands::

    Shane -> ::stuffs the tool in his pocket and stares 111 down:: Yeah, what's it to you?

    Mitar Precip -> @ A fake Vulcan..::chukcles:: Illogical.

    Troy Parson -> ::arriving near the bridge, sees Rosetto:: There you are! Have you been in touch with His Captainness lately?

    rosetto -> ::walks through bridge and checks orbital status briefly, then leaves bridge for Science lab::

    Joe Manning -> 111> ::Blinks three times:: ... to me it is a cybernetic limb.

    Pher -> @ Perhaps. Perhaps not. Perhaps we'll have the opportunity to discover any alleged logic some day.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::begins slowly walking the length of the visitor's center, searching::

    Joe Manning -> 011> Do you maintain full motor control over it? Does it have a processor of its own?

    rosetto -> ::stops in his tracks::Troy! Why yes. I was just chatting with him...

    Pher -> @ At the moment, he is a player of some sort of game that had an element on Tranquility in the not so distant past. All we know.

    Joe Manning -> @::Arrives back at Creedo's and enters the tavern to see who's left. Notices that everyone on the crew is still here::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Oh just great another link to my favorite spot in the cluster.

    William Chocox -> @::looks up:: Hey Joe.

    Pher -> @ In the decent distance for the moment at least.

    Shane -> No, I mean yes yes I do. Why?

    rosetto -> ::Troy::It would seem that we have to just let them go. No one is happy about it. Especially me...

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>If he's a bounty hunter.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::starts walking towards the front of the tavern, stops as she spots the captain. Nods at him::

    Shane -> Who are you people anyways?

    Joe Manning -> @William. It looks like everyone's waiting for the go-ahead from someone.

    Troy Parson -> ::shakes his head slightly:: I have a bad feeling about this.

    Joe Manning -> 111> I am designated One One One.

    Joe Manning -> 011> I am designated Zero One One

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> I am One Zero Negative-One

    rosetto -> ::Troy::So is Shane getting acquainted?

    Joe Manning -> 111 & 011> ::Glance at 10-1::

    Pher -> @ He seems to have a bounty on him, rather than being a hunter. He doesn't impress me as being a hunter of any sort.

    Troy Parson -> ::Grimaces:: Insofar as he is capable of 'acquaintance', I suppose so.

    Pher -> @ He seems a bit lost.

    rosetto -> Well, the tricorder interface is still recording...

    Joe Manning -> @::William:: Did Shane get in touch with you with any equipment requests?

    Troy Parson -> Anyhow, we might not be able to keep our guests here...but that doesn't mean we can't do anything about them. ::heads towards the bridge, indicating for Rosetto to follow::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::reaches the end of the visitor's center; begins tracing length back, still searching::

    rosetto -> ::follows troy::

    Joe Manning -> 111> What role do you serve on this ship?

    Joe Manning -> 011> What is your designation?

    Shane -> Negative? When did you guys start using symbols?

    Pher -> @ Did you have a concern?

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Alright. I'll take your word on that. Lost? He aint the only one lost. I've been waiting with our nice Doc here in this Intelligence gathering trap called a bar...trying to figure out what the jyke the plan is.

    William Chocox -> @Joe:: Not yet, but I'm sure he will once the list is finalized.

    Shane -> I'm the engineer. The name's Shane.

    Joe Manning -> 111> When we began our experiments with positronic computing.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> Which he needs not know about. Being classified. We are being called back to the colony anyway.

    Shane -> Good riddance. Knock next time you come over.

    Pher -> @ I got some preliminary information from Captain Joe. Contract is agreed to.

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods and scratches his chin. Makes his way toward the doctors::

    Pher -> @ Three ships. We're one of two merc escorts accompanying a science ship.

    Robert Long -> @::just drinks a drink he had ordered::

    Troy Parson -> ::comes out onto the bridge, heading for the sensor console:: We might not be able to intercept them...

    Pher -> @ Primary job dig up old stuff. Active unmaned technical defenses abound.

    rosetto -> What do you have in mind, Troy?

    Troy Parson -> But there's no reason why we can't turn the tables where infromation is concerned.

    Joe Manning -> 111> Ah ... yes. ::Sad look::

    William Chocox -> <<That was interesting.>>

    Joe Manning -> 011> We must apologize for the inconvenience we have caused.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::doesn't see any sign of Taurik, but wonders if he's being watched::

    Pher -> @ We're going to need lethal weapons to fight the smaller machines.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks at Joe as he approached::

    Joe Manning -> 111> The protocols of mercenary ships are ... not an area we are familiar with.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>digests the information

    rosetto -> ::watches Troy intently::

    Troy Parson -> If we intercept any signals they send while adding false packets of our own, we can reduce any information they send in realtime to junk.

    rosetto -> hmmm... interesting tactic.

    Joe Manning -> @Doc, did you get the materials I sent along from Phantos' office?

    Shane -> Just don't come in unwelcome. Other ships would have shot you on site.

    Pher -> @ We've got money coming to gear up. Should be able to get the bike in working order. Getting heavier weapons will be hard to implausible.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: decides to move over to Pher since shes been gone so long::

    Joe Manning -> @::Takes a seat at Kaara's (and presumably) Robert's table::

    Troy Parson -> Of course, they might just be recording, for later download...but if that's so, it'll slow down their information gathering quite a bit

    rosetto -> Timing is critical, Troy... You'll have to do it exactly when they beam out...

    Pher -> @ Can't really make detailed plans yet. Need to know more about what the geeks want to do.

    Joe Manning -> 111> Oh ... it is fortunate we chose this ship then.

    Joe Manning -> 011> Yes, your exploits on Tranquility speak well of you.

    Joe Manning -> 111> We would like to say goodbye to Doctor Parson before we leave.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at rosetto with horror:: Oh, I'm not going to scramble the transporter signal...that'd be very dangerous!

    Troy Parson -> I just want to stop them from sending any information before then.

    Kaara Soora -> @ Yes sir.

    Troy Parson -> Get ready to change all the master codes, shield frequencies, and weapons frequencies though...

    Shane -> ::leaning against the doorframe now, messing with the adjustment on his bionic:: Yeah, this time. By the way, who's the best person to buy ship maintenence supplies from?

    Troy Parson -> I want everything that can be cycled, cycled as soon as they beam out.

    Shane -> On the planet below, that is.

    Robert Long -> ::is sitting next to Kaara drinking::

    rosetto -> ::smiles::yeah, I didn't thnk you wanted to do THAT...::chuckles a little bit too much::

    Mitar Precip -> @Well..if I can get the parts for the bike, I can get her running she'll be useful..Until one of those turrets blows her to smitereens. What the heck are active defense systems like that doing on a long dead city? Oh let me guess the geeks know.

    Joe Manning -> @Well, what do you think? Share your medical brains with me? Medical concerns of an archaeological mission to a long-dead city.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: sees Joe sit down a few tables over::

    Pher -> @ On a paranoid planet, I tend to get paranoid. So, yes, I suspect they know more than we've yet learned.

    Joe Manning -> 111> There are a number of outlets where small supplies may be constructed for you

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::eyes the Vulcan tea shop and decides to enter::

    Joe Manning -> 011> According to your specific design requests.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Hey gal ::to Pher:: Joe's back

    Joe Manning -> 111> Larger requisitions may require more dedicated facilities. And more time.

    Shane -> Any for old Kilngon parts?

    Kaara Soora -> @ We have to worry about different species of diseases and such, but if everyone is up on their vaccinations we should be alright.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Another Merc ship? You said. ::looks at Stunner:: This won't cut it, Boss.

    Joe Manning -> 011> Directories are available at the Visitors' Center

    Joe Manning -> 111> The outlets should be capable of meeting Klingon specifications.

    Pher -> @ But the people of that planet seem good at building long runing autonomous defenses... It wouldn't supprise me if that's part of what the Bynar are looking for.

    Joe Manning -> @We're not just talking different species of diseases ...

    Kaara Soora -> @ The dust and such might be a problem as well, but nothing they shouldn't be used to.

    Joe Manning -> @We could be talking diseases no one's ever encounter before.

    William Chocox -> <<Vaccinations? What is this the boondocks? Oh wait...>>

    Pher -> @ In theory, they shouldn't be in better shape than us weapons wise. I'm more worried about the native machines than the other mercs.

    Shane -> Good::turns to leave the lab:: Parson's this way, if you want to pester him more.

    Pher -> @ But there's a lot to worry about, indeed.

    Kaara Soora -> @ I know, Captain. I know.

    Pher -> @ COme on. Let's rejoin.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: pokes Pher:: Capt Joe is back

    Troy Parson -> ::has set up the sensor array to inject scrambling packets into any data being sent down in realtime:: That should do it...I think. I hope. Everything I've seen tells me that I'm not exactly a match for these people in computer skills. ::frowns::

    rosetto -> ::sees Shane coming onto bridge::Shane, please keep them off...::shuts up::

    Mitar Precip -> @You asked me earlier about rifles. This job screams for them. Do you think we can aquire some here? ::follows Pher::

    Joe Manning -> @Do either of you have experience in the field? Combatting unknown infections on the fly?

    Pher -> @ :: Doesn't like all the bugged tables, but if Joe and Chris aren't worrying, what can she do? ::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Form a line to follow Shane::

    Robert Long -> @::watches Kaara and the captain::I believe, correct me if I'm wrong Kaara, that the matertials at the site could themselves be a problem depending what they are made with.

    Pher -> @ We might try. If we can it will be through local contacts. I doubt they'll sell to strangers.

    Kaara Soora -> @ I am used to it in a hospital setting, and I have emergency training... but not without a wide selection of herbs and such.

    Shane -> ::pulls out an old Klingon comm unit that he found on board as he walks to the bridge::

    Mitar Precip -> @::follows Pher to everyone else::

    Shane -> ::stops short at Sal's request::

    Robert Long -> @I have a small amount of on the fly experience...just one or two times.

    rosetto -> ::moves to the NAV console and locks the displays::

    Pher -> @ :: Settles down near Chris and Joe ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Robert:: There are structural integrity problems. Buildings in the ruins have been known to collapse under the slightest stress ...

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks at Long:: My name is Soora. Please use it. And yes, I know. The elements could be an extreme issue.

    STSF_Nickles -> @::follows Pher like a puppy::

    Joe Manning -> @It's more than just a medical concern ... but you're right, the particulate debris could pose a hazard we'll need to be prepared for.

    Shane -> +Sal+ They'll leave as soon as they see Parson again...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::orders a cup 'o tea::

    Mitar Precip -> @::takes a standing position near Pher and close to Joe...I mean he is the boss and he's a guard right?::

    Kaara Soora -> @ For the equipment and the crew.

    Joe Manning -> @You'll have to coordinate with the engineers to identify the materials.

    Pher -> @ :: Is tempted to roll up a newspaper. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::finishes was he was doing, and closes up the sensor console, heading for the bridge door:: On my way!

    rosetto -> ::taps Troy::It's for you...

    Shane -> ::waits in the Main Corridor, turning towards the Bynars:: He's comin"...

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::nods:: I will have words with Shane.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :;pulls up a seat, turns it around and sits on it ::

    rosetto -> ::just wants these Bynars off QoB. Too many bad incidents envolving them::

    Mitar Precip -> @::thinks his name is already on a computer screen...with said reward...and Guardians are on there way::

    Joe Manning -> @::Sighs, a look of reflection on his face:: I worked on Cardassia after the Dominion War ... dealing with a variety of diseases I'd never encountered before. This is going back more years than I can even count at this stage of my life.

    Robert Long -> @::nods::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks up at Joe:: Which reminds me... on the list, we will need to get some higher quality blood.

    Joe Manning -> @Blood supply problems?

    Kaara Soora -> @ The blood quality isn't up to any kind of par.

    Kaara Soora -> @ Kinda important.

    Troy Parson -> ::emerges into the cooridor:: Sorry about that! I had a bit of shipboard business to attend to...surely you can understand.

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Smile and form a row in the corridor as Troy approaches::

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<Aren't you lucky... I'm O-.>>

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::looks around making certain no robes or anyone else comes near::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Of course. It is no inconvenience.

    Shane -> ::steps back, weirded out by the row-forming::

    Joe Manning -> 011> We wanted to apologize to you as we apologized to Engineer Shane.

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods:: I'm not sure if there's a blood bank around here, but ...

    Joe Manning -> @There are medical facilities spread throughout the colony. Not sure what kind of clearance I can secure us.

    rosetto -> ::shakes his head hearing the conversation in the coridor and tries to busy himself an the nav console::

    Kaara Soora -> @ I believe Selek said all medical supplies are available to us.

    Pher -> @ :: suddenly tired ::

    Joe Manning -> @Still ... for blood, I'll probably want to run it past Phantos for clearance. And Nausicaan blood could be an issue.

    Shane -> ::slips away as the bynars talk to Troy, heading towards the bridge with the comm-unit::

    Joe Manning -> @They've got to follow Fed regulations against replicators, same as everyone else.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Selek, the illogical Vulcan..ah.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the Bynars:: Apologize? Whatever for?

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::nods::

    Joe Manning -> 111> We have only just been informed by our colleagues on the planet ...

    Joe Manning -> 011> Our arrival caused ... an incident. ::Frowns::

    Mitar Precip -> @::looks down at at a slanting Orion??::

    Joe Manning -> 111> We were not aware that our unannounced arrival would be a cause for issue.

    Shane -> +William+ Checkov! What's your ODRI code?

    rosetto -> ::sees Shane::You had me worried there, Buddy. I thought you were gonna chew up those little fellas.::smiles::

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<Heh... don't recall saying in that way, exactly.>>

    Troy Parson -> A minor quirk of our security procedures. Once again, I'm sure you can understand, given your own concerns in that regard.

    Pher -> @ :: Not slanting, but not bubbling with talk at the moment ::

    Kaara Soora -> << you did :] >>

    Joe Manning -> @Get me an inventory of how much you'll need of each species and type.

    Mitar Precip -> (retract last line)

    Joe Manning -> 111> We understand entirely. Now we must leave.

    Joe Manning -> 011> We are in trouble ...

    Kaara Soora -> @ I will send it to you promptly ::nods and pulls out PADD again::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Something I'm sure you can understand. ::Grins sheepishly::

    Troy Parson -> ::sympathetic look:: I hope it's not serious.

    Joe Manning -> 111> The administrators will not be pleased with us. We will get a ... 'talking-to'

    Joe Manning -> 011> But it will be nothing overly harsh.

    Pher -> (( Wouldn

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::adds herbs and such to the list as well::

    Pher -> (( WOuldn't that be a talking 10 in Bynar? ))

    Joe Manning -> @... you know, I think we might convince the administrators to add an ODRI to the mission expense budget ...

    Joe Manning -> << Very nice >>

    Joe Manning -> @In case you want to upgrade from that old thing. ::Smile::

    rosetto -> ::getting the usual reponse from Shane, walks away toward the forward Sensor room::

    Troy Parson -> Ah, administration. The same the galaxy over. Well, I wish you all the best.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::finishes tea and pays::

    William Chocox -> @+Shane+ I don't have one sir. Troy destroyed mine when we were making the bomb back in Tranquility.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Bynars give Troy a short bow. 111 and 011 beam back down to the colony. 10-1 remains, staring back at Troy

    Shane -> <<Sorry Sal, missed your line>>

    Mitar Precip -> @I wish I could say more...but I have a bug in my throat....::fake coughs looking at hemisphere on ceiling::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks up:: This is one from New Vulcan.. highly modded and upgraded, with the best security features off the market. But thank you.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at 10-1:: Are you going with them?

    Joe Manning -> @Have it your way. Our last Vulcan crew member was the same way. Wouldn't let go of her tricorder.

    Shane -> +William+ Well why the jyke did you not get another? You're an engineer! Who has one down there?

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> I first thought it might be suitable to offer you some compensation for the troubles we caused, Doctor Parson.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::exits the Vulcan tea shop::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::raises eyebrow:: I am just being practical. Why upgrage to something that is less secure?

    Mitar Precip -> @::wants to say more..but he is no longer a high level organizer...just muscle..so he remains just that silent..and allows the higher ups to discuss::

    rosetto -> ::looks at the monitor and now hears every word between Troy and 10-1::

    Kaara Soora -> **upgrade

    William Chocox -> @+Shane+ I didn't have time to get another one! It was go go go til we got here. And hold on. ::around:: anyone have an ODRI I can borrow?

    Joe Manning -> @Ahhh ... don't trust the ODRI, do you? I can understand that.

    Troy Parson -> Oh, it was really no trouble at all. ::isn't going to trust any sort of "compensation" anyway::

    Kaara Soora -> @ No, indeed I do not.

    Mitar Precip -> @Hah! I agree with the Doc...ODRIs can be sliced. ::looks to Pher:: sorry Ma`am.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> I will offer nonetheless. A piece of equipment and a piece of information.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Reaches into a small pouch at his side and produces a slender rod::

    rosetto -> ::looks over at his decypher processing::

    Mitar Precip -> @::thinks his superior has a slight relationship with hers....she named it, right?::

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> This, added to your computer, will adapt to its specifications and slightly upgrade its performance capabilities. ::Holds it out::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::listening not saying much the drink wearing off::

    Pher -> @ Anything can be sliced... but if there are serious concerns with ODRIs, I'd like to hear about them.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::settles in a seat outside Creedo's; begins studying plans for the expedition to finalize some of his security ideas::

    Troy Parson -> ::accepts the rod with both hands:: I'm sure this will be of great use.

    William Chocox -> @+Shane+ It appears no one has one that I can borrow.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks at Pher:: Easily hacked, no personalised controls.

    Joe Manning -> @It's a Vulcan thing, I'm guessing. But then, in ten years, everyone may look back and realize that the Vulcans were right about ODRI's.

    Mitar Precip -> @::looks to Joe:: Captain..May I speak.

    Shane -> +William+ Is the Captain or Pher with you?

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Picking up on the mistrust:: You may analyze it if you wish. Install it or not. Sell it. Whatever you prefer.

    Pher -> @ It might just be that you haven't seduced the right person, though.

    William Chocox -> @+Shane+ Both actually.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> It is a gift offered in good faith and to express our good intentions.

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<Heh. Wow. ::grins::>>

    Troy Parson -> I am very thankful for your gesture of good faith and your understanding of our security concerns.

    Kaara Soora -> @ I don't think my love life is any of your concern, nor anything to do with the current topic.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Small bow::

    Joe Manning -> @::Raises an eyebrow and glances between Kaara and Pher::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::attention turns from security ideas to the layout of the city - if only he could make sense of it::

    Shane -> +William+ Tell the captain that I'm sending a supplies list down. There are several fabrication facilities from what I've heard, so find one that'll work with Klingon specs.

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks up at Byblos:: What's up, big guy?

    Pher -> @ I didn't really expect you to understand. :: sighs :: Ah, well. This certainly isn't the place to explain it.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> Also, the piece of information, before I part ways with you

    Troy Parson -> ::listening carefully::

    Shane -> +William+ Make sure the EPS conduit material is enforced with nano-polymer and get the top-quality field emmiters. I won't cut short on those. Got that?

    rosetto -> ::turns back to the monitor::

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> You may or may not hear this from others in time ...

    Kaara Soora -> @ How is it logical to go from the topic of security of the ODRI to whether or not I could seduce a male>?

    William Chocox -> @+Shane+ Gotcha. ::walks over to the captain:: Sir? Shane is sending down the shopping list for engineering. +Shane+ Very well.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> But I am sure it would serve you well to have some advance warning.

    Mitar Precip -> @Are we capable...of handling a situation where the other Mercs decide to try to cash in on the job entirely? Our vessel ..I conducted a visual inspection...she's not in shape for a fight. And that is in space. I wont even discuss our lackings on the surfa

    Mitar Precip -> ce.

    Shane -> +William+ Good. Shane out.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> The man that you delivered into the custody of the Guardians ... the man designated Simon Graham ...

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> He is not Minos. ::Beams away suddenly::

    Troy Parson -> ::eyes go wide suddenly::

    Joe Manning -> @Byblos, I don't much like the fact that there -is- another mercenary ship involved.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks left, looks right, stops, thinks for a moment, heads for the bridge::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::isn't an archeologist; can't seem to make out the difference between a political hall and a religious one, if there are any::

    Troy Parson -> ::arrives at the bridge (it's nearby, after all), looking for Rosetto::

    Shane -> ::moves over to the Nav comm, unlocking it without much trouble and brings up the comm system::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks with pity at Kaara :: You wouldn't get it.

    rosetto -> ::stunned, steps over to the control panel and deactivates the tricorder interface; stopping its recording::

    Joe Manning -> @::Keeping an eye on the exchange between Pher and Kaara::

    Troy Parson -> ::heads over to Rosetto:: Did you get all of that?

    Shane -> ::loads the list from his tricorder to Joe's ODRI::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Awhh Ladies dont fight... Not here anyway

    rosetto -> ::heads out of the forward sensor room::Yeah, I did, Troy...

    Mitar Precip -> @I voulunteer as guest referee....Hah!

    Troy Parson -> Good. Initiate the frequency cycling we discussed as soon as possible.

    Troy Parson -> Oh and...

    rosetto -> The captain will be VERY interested...

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: places his hand on his forehead and then rubs the back of his neck::

    Shane -> ::turns and walks out of the bridge, towards the other down the corridor:: Interested in what?

    Pher -> @ :: Looks very amused at the idea of fighting Soora ::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out the "gift":: We're going to need this analyzed...

    Shane -> others*

    Mitar Precip -> @::the nausicaan is amused for the first time in hours over this female disagreement::

    Troy Parson -> Don't let it get within 30cm of anything with an active connection to the ship's mainframe. ::hands it over::

    Joe Manning -> @::Lets Nickles handle the spat for now. Looks back up at Byblos:: I'll tell you one thing, my friend -- Qob is tougher than she looks. She can stand up to any junkbox that the Gular Consortium pumps out of their shipyards

    rosetto -> ::takes rod and then heads torward console::

    rosetto -> ::taps feverously away after placing rod on surface::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Soora do you have anything here for a nasty headache?

    rosetto -> ::picks rod back up::Right away Troy.... Off-line of course. Using ALL precautions...

    Kaara Soora -> ::takes out a black rock and rubs it on his forehead::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::grunts:: I will not go any further with this discussion given the insects in here. But I wish to know...where our ..other teamates are right now.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinks the Qob has been discussing things for quite a while::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ oowACH I said FOR a headache not to MAKE my headache?

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Joe Manning -> By the next sim, we'll be hooking up with the expedition. Three days of shopping on Xorax and departing, two days to reach the Hyades cluster boundary

    William Chocox -> William will be doing the shopping for the engineers. Once he gets the list of course.

    Shane -> Yeah, I've given you our general direction in ENG Will

    Joe Manning -> Feel free to let your own brain do some of the talking, William. I'm sure Shane won't mind if you make your own additions to the list.

    William Chocox -> Will do.

    William Chocox -> Might also look at some new tools as well.

    Kaara Soora -> Oh and Shane we need to talk [engineering in general] about the mission in general and such

    rosetto -> Joe, FYI, Troy and I are gonna work out those questions posed by Pher concerning Zoalus...


    Joe Manning -> And, ah, we'll be escorting 'Selek' to the other expedition ships, which have already gone on ahead of us

    Joe Manning -> Someone will have to show him aboard and set him up with guest quarters

    Kaara Soora -> I want to escort him!

    Kaara Soora -> Ethan?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow rises with surprise:: Uh, sure.


    Mitar Precip -> I just have concerns being a muscle guy...about dealing with Mercs with stunners on the planet. I dont think this is being paranoid..I think it's something anyone would think..You need guns.

    Joe Manning -> Well, Pher has most of the lethal guns stashed away ...

    Joe Manning -> And we -are- going to be far away from Federation space

    Joe Manning -> In territories that Starfleet usually avoids.

    Joe Manning -> Hence 'rimward.' Away from the galactic/Federation core

    Joe Manning -> An emergency supply of them.

    Joe Manning -> Well hidden, of course. And Pher has the key to the lockbox.

    Joe Manning -> We won't reach Zoalus for another 21 days. Plenty of time to converse about the possibility of breaking out the lethal stuff when we get to Zoalus.

  12. I again maintain that both religion and science are always influenced by the current decades and modern mindsets. Whatever that original religious message -- or scientific fact -- happened to be has been changed over the years to suit modern outlook and opinions, or re-taught with a modern connotation.


    Science has a long history of -challenging- modern viewpoints ... often despite the persecution of religious establishments. Yes, the conclusions change over time. What you see as change that is molded to suit modern outlooks I see as a basic advancement of understanding. Technology is a big part of it. More advanced technologies improve our abilities to collect and analyze data.

  13. Nobody approaches the big questions of life with a blank slate.


    That's a pretty broad stroke to paint. Scientists in general (there will always be exceptions) follow a rigid process of data collection and analysis that is designed to filter out presuppositions. Science sets out to advance our knowledge of the universe and existence, whatever that pursuit of knowledge might yield. If a scientist were to uncover compelling evidence of a divine creator, he would not try to bury it or to furiously seek out alternative explanations -- he would happily present the evidence as a leap forward in human understanding (it would be far too good for his career to do otherwise). In centuries of scientific methodology, no such compelling evidence has ever been uncovered. This doesn't suggest that findings are being molded to fit pre-existing beliefs; it just indicates that no evidence has been found.


    Theism absolutely works with presuppositions because it's a belief system. It works with invariable truths that cannot be challenged by any evidence to the contrary. If a theist employs the scientific method, he works in reverse, starting with the conclusion and seeking evidence that supports it. Nothing else could be expected when you're working with beliefs. Science cannot work that way; its conclusions have to be subject to change as new evidence is uncovered ... hence the 'fluidity' of facts.


    Comparing science and theism is just a futile activity. One is a methodology, one is a system of beliefs. They're miles apart.

  14. Joe's had crew-management issues, and he knew it.


    If the Bynars were evaluating the redesigned crew -- Qob 4.0 -- they'd no doubt criticize it for extensive design flaws. The components were all sound; hell, in some cases he was working with the Federation's brightest castoffs and runaways. Those components were not working seamlessly together, though -- software conflicts abound.


    There were tensions between Pher and Kaara. Pher was doing Pher's thing, sizing up and testing her competition for the hearts (among other body parts) of the male crew. Kaara was doing Kaara's thing. It'd been years since Joe practiced psychology, and he'd forgotten more than he'd ever learned over those years, but he sensed that "Kaara's thing" betrayed signs of verbal abuse in her past. For Pher it would be an easy exercise, the standard routine. For Kaara, it might build animosity. A buildup of bad memory threatening an overflow?


    Nickles stepping in to mediate had been a good sign. Joe needed Chris to be a mediator. "The pleasant counterpart to my salty ol' ass," as Joe had once called him. Joe had become more hawkish, more calculating over his (twilight) years in Bull's Head. He'd learned the dangers of even a trusted friend stabbing him in the back, so he'd started making a practice of learning everything he could about his crew, gathering whatever dirt there was to gather, and preparing contingencies for future betrayals. A good amount of his scheming was subconscious, but others had to sense it; they had to be put off by it. Chris cared little for shrewd calculations and manipulations. He was a straightforward, practical sort of guy who got along well with all his friends (reserving his fury for known enemies). The trouble was that Chris hadn't been himself lately. Thanks to a Deltan whose idea of a job interview was kidnapping one of the interviewers and pumping him with drugs and pheromones, Chris was overly obsessed with one of Qob's crew and paying little attention to the others. The sooner his head was cleared (along with his hormones), the sooner he could make sure all the drivers were playing nice with each other. Or most of them at least ...


    Shane and Byblos were the proverbial loose cannon and powder keg, respectively. Gunpowder had no place on a starship. Shane had already established a tendency to tick off his crewmates. He was anti-authority and anti-groupthink -- common enough in a trade that catered to Starfleet outcasts, but Shane had not left his anti's back in the Federation. He'd at least shown that he could be reasoned with, but not without some tooth-pulling. Byblos was playing the subservient hired gun well enough. But could anyone on the crew look at him without thinking that an outburst could come in the next blink of an eye? Tranquility's Unspeakable District Guardians could not have been hunting him for nothing. Even if they were trustworthy, neither of them were comforting sights for the rest of the crew, not yet at least. Sloppy design -- too many resources demanded, even if they were benefits to the system, could produce a crash. Gunpowder was a favored solution to any computer crash -- would it leave anything in one piece, though?


    Rewrite of the software, that's probably what the Bynars would suggest. But the Bynars would likely suggest hooking everyone's minds up to a central brain that could turn each member of the crew into a carbon copy of the next and instruct each of their actions. Not an attractive solution. Many of Joe's crew had already left Starfleet.


    The Bynars weren't interested in crew evaluation though. They were interested in Minos. Specifically, in Minos not being Simon Graham. Simon Graham not being Minos. A =/= B === B =/= A === ticked off Guardians. Joe didn't care about the fact that the Bynars travelled in threes, nor that names with -1 seemed like a good idea to them (calling everyone 'John,' 'Jane,' 'Jim,' and 'Joe' would have to get boring after a while). He did want to know what the hell the Bynars were doing on his ship, why they were allowed to board the ship without his permission, and what they knew about Minos in the first place. Software engineers gone wild -- just what nobody needed.


    If the Bynars were right about Simon Graham, a call from Marshall Savoy would be inevitable. Joe would be tempted to point her in the Bynars' direction. Let her deal with all the secrecy of Xorax. The flight control nitwits hadn't even any idea which administrator's authority the Bynars worked under. Even their requests for information were met with repeated 'Access Denied' 'Strictly Confidential' slaps across the face. Xorax bureaucracy being the nightmare that it was, Joe was sure that the Minos problem was going to get dumped in his lap again.


    He hoped to get out of the Hyades cluster before that time came. Into the rimward regions. The most dangerous territories of Bull's Head. No better place for a crew to bond around a common purpose. No better environment for software errors to cascade to an explosive point. Which direction would Qob 4.0 take? Hopefully, Joe 12.0 would not break down before finding out ...

  15. Joe was sitting alone in the back of the transport car thinking over his meeting with Dr. Phantos. The controls were being operated by another aide provided by the administrator. Phantos had provided quite a bit more. The pay for this Zoalus job was good, better than Joe expected it to be, and the colony was funding all mission expenses; for the first time in a while, Qob could comfortably resupply, and the paycheck waiting at the end of this one would let the crew live comfortably for half a year.


    There was a downside, naturally. Zoalus was one of the rimward star systems, those systems between the densely settled Hyades cluster, pulsing economic heart of Bull's Head, and the Hydran Expanse that separated one arm of the galaxy from another. The rimward territories were not friendly places. An abundance of habitable but as-yet undeveloped worlds made the region a popular destination for settlers; the threat of raiders and the general tendency for said worlds to be unusually hostile to settlers made it unforgiving. Zoalus was one of the worlds from which surveyors always came back uttering that familiar rimward mantra -- 'very mysterious, very dangerous.' Rimward jobs, in short, were for mercenary crews both capable enough to meet its dangers and bold (or crazy?) enough to try; Joe wondered if all of his new recruits knew what they were getting into.


    He tapped at his ODRI to access the briefing materials the colony had compiled. They included detailed reports of previous Xorax expeditions to Zoalus (only five were on record) as well as mission procedures that Qob was going to be expected to follow. Chain of command was going to be a complex arrangement. The commander of the Verbistul was going to have overriding authority over the mission; this authority would be deferred to the 'mercenary escort' in a crisis situation. In other words, this was a Xorax mission and Xorax was going to call the shots, but the mercenaries would be expected to take charge if and when things heated up. Unfortunately, none of the procedures mentioned the second mercenary ship that was going to be accompanying the expedition. They were going to be a problem, Joe just knew it.


    Joe gathered up the relevant files and forwarded them to Chris and the department heads. He also composed a short message: "We've got two days to purchase supplies and equipment for the mission. The colony will be covering these expenses. Look over the briefing materials and get a shopping list together. The facilities here should be able to meet all of our needs."


    Not two seconds had passed from the moment Joe transmitted that an incoming message flashed on his ODRI display. He tapped the receive control and an unfamiliar Vulcan face appeared in holo-image over the ODRI. "Captain Manning of the starship Qob?"


    "Speaking," Joe answered. "What's this about?"


    "There is a ... situation regarding your vessel," the Vulcan said. "It has raised shields without notifying the colony and is currently refusing to either depart from orbit or lower shields to allow our personnel aboard to return."


    Joe blinked and shook his head as this flood of new information was thrown at him. Raised shields? Depart from orbit? Personnel aboard? "I've heard nothing from my crew on the ship. How serious is this?"


    "One of your shipboard crew mentioned system abnormalities as well as an experiment requiring the shields," the Vulcan replied, a hint of skepticism in his voice. "We do not allow any signs of hostile activity from ships in orbit of this planet, and the use of passive defense systems does qualify; we have dispatched two of our planetary patrol vessels to Qob's location. We must insist that you come to the space-traffic control center immediately so that this situation may be resolved without incident."


    Aw hell, Joe thought. "I'm on my way. Don't do anything stupid now, like firing on my ship. It's in bad enough shape as it is."


    He turned the ODRI's comm off and looked up at the aide. "Change of course, kid. You know how to get to the traffic control center?"

  16. Joe could almost feel the chill wind on his face as he looked out over the snowy landscape of the planet. Dr. Phantos' office -- currently empty but for Joe -- was high up one of the mountains of the Qatic range and just beneath the surface; a curved window as tall as Joe stood at the back of the office, looking down the slopes. His bones tingled as he looked down that incline, at flurries that were whipped around violently by the spiraling gusts. He couldn't be certain whether it was snowing or whether snow on the surface was in a perpetual state of being disturbed. Skiing could not seem a worse idea.


    The door to the office slid open and footsteps entered. "Captain Manning."


    The ridges along Dr. Phantos' cheeks and the cleft running down his forehead and chin marked him as unique immediately. He was rather short, dressed in a grey robe and shawl with patterns that could not easily be tied to any known culture. His clear green eyes and his ever-present smile put forth a pleasant demeanor. A light dusting of white hair atop his head was all that indicated his advancing age.


    "I hope you'll excuse me, Doctor Phantos," Joe said, realizing he was behind Phantos' desk. He nodded back at the window. "Was just taking in the view. It's quite impressive."


    "And fabricated, I am afraid," Phantos replied with a small chuckle. "That is a view-screen which shows an admittedly very realistic optic display. We are roughly 800 feet below the surface."


    "800 feet?" Joe was looking back at the 'window' as Phantos spoke. He pointed at the display as he turned back to the archaeologist. "Well, that must keep you sane."


    "An interesting point of view; others might opine that an archaeologist is most at home under the surface," Phantos said with an amused smile as he approached the desk. "I find that the illusion of the view-screen serves as a valuable reminder to me -- take nothing at face value. Such are affairs on Xorax that the reminder serves me well. Please, have a seat."


    Joe circled around the curved desk and seated himself while Phantos settled into his chair. As Joe sat, he could feel the firm-cushioned bench sink slowly into the floor, until he was exactly eye-level with Phantos. He found such a height adjustment amusing. Another illusion on Xorax? "Hoping I don't sound too blunt, Doctor ... but you're a Denobulan, if I'm not mistaken?"


    "Ah, you are familiar with my species. You are correct," Phantos gave a small nod. "There are only a scant few of my people left in the galaxy now. Far fewer than the Vulcans; their population has remained fairly steady over the past one hundred years. The Denobulan population, such as it was after the Romulan War, has only declined."


    "I was fortunate enough to meet one of your people at a medical conference twenty or so years ago. One of the Federation's foremost radiology experts. He impressed the whole room."


    "Yes, our people's tradition of cutting-edge medical advancement was always our strongest point. It pains me to think not only of what my people lost on Denobulus, but of the collective knowledge that was deprived from the galaxy," Phantos shook his head slowly. His eyes seemed to fade out of focus as his mind disappeared into the past. "As a small boy, I visited the ruins of Denobulus with my father. There was very little left -- the large cities had long ago been leveled by atomic attack. Subterranean passages and a few of the smaller settlements, marginally preserved by caretakers of history such as myself, still did remain. I was able to peruse a few fragments of data from the world's largest remaining public information archive. It called to my mind the great sense of loss -- brilliant minds, artists, philosophers, innovators, thousands of years of our cultural history scattered to the void, not only by the attack but also by the decades of looting that followed. So much is lost when a civilization such as ours falls."


    "Enter the archaeologist, I presume?" Joe asked.


    "Indeed," Phantos smiled. "My world is but one of many in the galaxy that has suffered such a tragic fate. I used to work for the Federation ... but alas, these days their interest lies more in exploiting ruined worlds than in digging up knowledge of past civilizations. Not that it is very different here on Xorax, mind you -- I know most of my colleagues only see the potential of Zoalus as a source of technological advancement. But in Bull's Head I enjoy a far greater degree of freedom in my own pursuit -- the pursuit of knowledge of the past. A Starfleet mission to Zoalus would no doubt be headed by an R&D official. That the Xorax administrators have allowed me to organize the Zoalus expedition should tell you a great deal."


    "Tell me about Zoalus, Doctor," Joe said. "What do we know about it?"


    "From an archaeological perspective, woefully little," Phantos answered. "We know that it did not go the way of Denobulus. Its cities remain in tact, though the structures have begun to collapse from simple neglect. Surveys from orbit have revealed no signs of conflict -- either planetary war or bombardment from space -- that could account for the disappearance of its people. The complete absence of -any- evidence of inhabitation -- even deceased lifeforms -- is the greatest mystery. Total population exodus is the most prevalent theory, but it would beg the question 'where did the people go?'


    "The Zoalus system was first surveyed by Starfleet near the middle of the 24th century. Plans to give the ruins greater attention were curtailed by the onset of the Dominion War. In the years between the Dominion conflict and the Beholder invasion -- tense years in the Federation -- a few small expeditions probed at Zoalus IV and received their first introduction to the planetary defense grid."


    Joe shifted position on the bench, listening intently but taking more interest in mention of the defenses. Phantos continued, "The turrets on the surface and the drones that patrol the cities have repeatedly made archaeological study difficult for us. The Ta'lok and Jennings expedition of 2406 was perhaps the most successful exploration of the planet's surface. Still, they only managed to retrieve a scarce amount of data and a few minor artifacts and trinkets before the defenses became too dangerous.


    "In those days, the relationship between Bull's Head and the Federation was still a confused matter -- moreso even than it is now. Although their expedition was organized by Xorax, then a fledgling colony, Ta'lok and Jennings sold most of their findings to Federation buyers! Now, the items they gathered on Zoalus collect dust in Federation museum exhibits where I imagine they do not get the attention they might deserve."


    "They have gotten some attention," Joe said reassuringly. "One of my scientists has seen such an exhibit; in fact, he took notes. He has images of multi-sided blocks with curious symbols, perhaps representing an alphabet. They're kept on K'Normia."


    "Indeed, the K'Normia exhibit!" Phantos' eyes lit up. "Xorax colony has purchased a few of their relics. Alas, our efforts to purchase their entire Zoalus collection have proven very difficult; the Bull's Head credit is not very strong in Federation space I am afraid. But, I digress. Having someone with at least secondhand knowledge of Zoalus on your team should only prove a boon."


    "I'm sure there have been other Xorax expeditions to Zoalus in the last few years?" Joe asked.


    "Very few," Phantos answered with a sigh. "Our 2412 expedition was the first that I oversaw. Personally, in fact. It was ... rather a disaster. Much expensive equipment was lost probing the planet's defenses, and we had to return to Xorax with little more than orbital scans. It should not be difficult for you to understand, Captain, that when an expedition returns not only having recovered little of substance but also having lost many credits' worth of equipment, the Administrators can find little justification for funding further expeditions. Expeditions I've sponsored since have had little financial support from the Administration. I have had to rely more and more on mercenary help ... and mercenaries have proven to offer varying levels of competence ... -and- loyalty to the mission. No offense intended."


    "None taken," Joe replied with a grin. "I'm the first to admit that not all my colleagues are shining examples to follow. I can assure you, for what it's worth, that my crew is an exception. What, precisely, would you require of Qob, Doctor?"


    "Well, you would accompany the Verbistul, the ship that first carried me to Zoalus in 2412, named after one of the larger cities on Denobulus. It is a science vessel, one of many specially built for us by the Gular Consortium. It awaits rendezvous at the Hyades cluster boundary with your ship and one other mercenary vessel that we've already contracted." Joe nodded, but shifted uncomfortably at the unexpected mention of another mercenary ship. "From there, it is a sixteen day voyage to Zoalus at Verbistul's speed. I would like you to stay close to Verbistul the whole way -- raiders have had occasion to make their presence known in the region. For this initial escort, Xorax colony will pay you 50,000 credits on arrival.


    "Generous offer," Joe nodded slowly. "Once we arrive at Zoalus?"


    "We will pay you 5000 credits per day both to guard Verbistul from raider attack and to assist her science team's efforts to penetrate the Zoalus defenses and to explore the ruins and study any significant findings. They may request, and you will be expected to provide, a field team to accompany any personnel on the surface. If you do indeed have scientists of your own, their assistance in the exploration and study of the ruins would be much appreciated. Another 50,000 credits would be paid for escorting Verbistul back to the Hyades cluster on the return trip.


    "We will cover all your basic expenses for the mission, as well as the cost of any special equipment you feel you will need. No more than sixty days will be allotted to the mission; Verbistul has orders to depart Zoalus after no more longer than one month of exploration and study. You may spend the next day or two purchasing whatever supplies you need here at the colony, but Verbistul will be expecting your arrival within the next three days."


    "This is quite a bit more lucrative than I was expecting," Joe said honestly. "The known dangers of both Zoalus and the rimward regions notwithstanding. Now this fee -is- separate, correct? Not shared with this ... other mercenary crew?"


    Phantos' smile widened slightly. "It is indeed separate. A Zoalus mission has not been quite so well funded in some time. We have recently received a boon of funding from benefactors whose identity is not known to me -- high-level Administration business. I do not fool myself into guessing that their interests are scholarly. Verbistul has orders to bring back any useful technology that they may locate and retrieve. I should also pass along that the benefactors are prepared to pay a bonus for one of the planetary defense drones or one of the ground-to-space turrets. If you could bring back either one, in good enough condition to study and possibly replicate the technology, I would make sure that the bonus is passed along to you."


    "Well, I'm certainly interested, Dr. Phantos," Joe said. "If your colleagues are not averse to working with my crew, you can consider us hired."


    "My colleagues will have very little problem working with the crew that captured Minos, I am sure."


    "Aha ... " Joe smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "You heard about that, did you? Here I was hopin' we could fade back into the obscurity of quiet mercenary livin'."


    "Well, I can guarantee that you will find more than enough obscurity in the rimward regions." For a moment, Phantos allowed himself a small frown. "But I speak to you from experience, Captain, when I tell you that there will be nothing 'quiet' about Zoalus."

  17. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Kaara Soora -> <<Mine too!>

    Joe Manning -> << @ for us planet folks >>

    rosetto -> ::continues monitoring the progress of his program while watching the Bynars from afar::

    Joe Manning -> @::Making his way up the corridor from the transport car toward the large cavern housing the visitors' center::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::behind the Captain...resuming his tall intimidating look ...gravity fights it::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::quietly observes Pher and Soora as they wait in the visitor's center::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Shuffling around the lab, moving quickly from one item of interest to the next, looking each over very briefly::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: walking behind Joe::

    Pher -> :: Sees Joe's group, and tries to be conspicuous... Oh so very hard to do. :

    Kaara Soora -> @::Standing by the wall, a little bit from Pher, glancing from her PADD up to Selek and back every few seconds::

    Joe Manning -> @::Glances at his ODRI when he reaches the group:: Still got an hour until meeting ...

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos> I swear I could (Nausicaan word for fart) and some sensor would go off in this place.

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at Ethan:: Sorry, Selek, somehow we got separated and couldn't find our way back to you.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::grins at Pher::

    Troy Parson -> ::pointing out a device that seems to be made out of a combination of wires and old shoelaces:: This is the non-linear recollimator...it's homemade, as you can see, but surprising accurate. ::droning on slightly, taking note of what interests the Bynars::

    Pher -> :: Returns Chris's grin ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods:: No harm has been done.

    Joe Manning -> 111> Quite fascinating

    Joe Manning -> 011> I do not know what that term means. ::Leans over the device and touches it, quickly examines it:: Oh yes, I think I see.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::looks at Selek one moment then returns his gaze forward over everyone's head::

    Joe Manning -> @So, what you recommend to occupy our time, Selek? You know the sites here better than we do. Any particularly ... cheap entertainment for visitors?

    Pher -> @ :: Hopes he doesn't reveal the classified source of all old shoelaces... ::

    Kaara Soora -> @::looks over at Bylblos, puts away PADD and observes everyone once more::

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Crosses his arms and looks over his companions:: Did you ask him about Tranquility? About Minos?

    Mitar Precip -> @::looks to Pher and nods briefly to his superior then returns to keeping an eye on things::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: walks over to Kaara:: See anything interesting?

    Pher -> @ The subject didn't come up.

    rosetto -> ::glances up from his work at the mention of Minos::

    Joe Manning -> 111> I believe the human expression would be ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::lifts a single brow:: Entertainment? ::contemplates:: I believe the cantina is popular attraction.

    Joe Manning -> 011> We were just getting to that?

    Joe Manning -> 111> ::Looks expectantly at Troy::

    Troy Parson -> ::putting the NLRC back on the shelf:: Ah yes, Minos. Unpleasant business, that.

    Kaara Soora -> @::Turns slightly towards Chris:: <w> He's no Vulcan.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Get a good reading on him?

    Joe Manning -> @Hmm ... ::Looks around at the group:: I'd say we had enough of that on Tranquility to last us a life time. But yeah ... throughout the history of sentient species, one fact has remained constant -- booze is cheap entertainment. In moderation, at least.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::kinda perks up at the word cantina then observes the medic passing on words with the XO and changes his gaze to the Captain::

    Joe Manning -> 011> So he mentioned. ::Looking at 10-1::

    Joe Manning -> @Lead on then, Selek. We'll check the place out.

    rosetto -> ::now less focused on work and more on Bynars::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods and leads without saying a word::

    Troy Parson -> ::has to move some other things to get the NLRC back onto the shelf:: Is there something in particular you wanted to know about our minor role in recent events?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::hears Joe and nods towards him to Kaara::

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> They are saying on all of the news vids that he has been caught. ::Tilts a head at Troy::

    Joe Manning -> 111> 'Apprehended' would be the official word.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Lets go we can talk on the way. Hang back.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stops a few minutes later and gestures toward location: a hole-in-the-wall establishment with a bright neon sign: Creedo's Place:: This, then, I believe is sufficiently 'cheap' entertainment, as you put it.

    Joe Manning -> 011> Interesting, that. ::Looks at Troy:: You had a role in those events, we understand?

    Kaara Soora -> @::whispers:: Indeed I did. ::turns away further so Selek could not see her lips or face:: He's... a bit of an idiot. ::looks around to Joe, nods::

    Pher -> @ :: Follows along with the rest, observing. ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Raises an eyebrow:: Well ... we weren't specifically looking for the local dive. But, yeah ... our budget right now kinda dictates it. Hence our pursuit of gainful employment. ::Grins::

    Troy Parson -> A small part...more a chance involvement owing to circumstance than anything else.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Wait until we get inside, then we can talk.

    Joe Manning -> 111 & 011> ::Chuckle::

    Joe Manning -> 111> There is no such thing as chance.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::seems ignorant of the point Manning is making:: Of course.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Shakes head::

    Kaara Soora -> @::nods, lips tight together::

    rosetto -> ::notes the progress of his analysis of the Zoalus scripts::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos>::keeps his mouth shut as he eyeballs things following Joe and this.."Selek" guy::

    Joe Manning -> @::Enters Creedo's with the others:: I didn't think Xorax had places that catered to low-wealth sorts ... but then I guess the corporates have got to offer something for mercs.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Creedo's is deserted at the moment. There is no bartender -- simply a vending machine with a touch-pad control panel

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::enters Creedo's as well:: It is, as you say, 'cheap'.

    Kaara Soora -> @ Enticing.

    Pher -> @ Sort of inpersonal...

    STSF_Nickles -> @agreed

    Joe Manning -> 011> Please, Doctor Parson, tell us more.

    Pher -> @ There is something to be said for a *little* class.

    rosetto -> ::strangely feels hungry at the moment::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Vending machines..I have no coin..::grunts::

    Joe Manning -> 111> ::Finds his attention grabbed by an unlabelled vial of liquid on one counter. Picks it up and examines it::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at 111:: You probably shouldn't touch that.

    Joe Manning -> @Well ... if any of you've got credit, help yourself. We're not technically on the job now.

    Joe Manning -> @::Walks over to the machine to see what's available::

    Joe Manning -> 111> ::Quickly puts the vial down:: My apologies, Doctor Parson.

    Kaara Soora -> @::glances at Chris and goes to sit down at a table in the corner::

    Troy Parson -> It's for your own safety...that stuff's not exactly the most stable of compounds.

    Pher -> @ :: Moves with Joe, apparently interested in a drink, but tries to get into whispering range. ::

    Joe Manning -> 011> You keep an unstable compound in your lab? Aboard a ship? ::Tilts head::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::presents a bag of coins from an unknown location in his robe:: Dr. Phantos instructed that I should give this to you, per his compliments, should you require refreshment.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: follows Kaara and sits across from her::

    Troy Parson -> ::grins slightly:: You never know when you might need to vaporize a small planetoid.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos> ::adjusts his sheath on his back::

    Kaara Soora -> @ Did you want something?

    Joe Manning -> @::Raises his eyebrow at Ethan and takes the bag:: Are you serious? We're not even hired yet, and he's treatin us like guests? I think I like the guy already.

    Kaara Soora -> **to drink/eat etc

    rosetto -> ::knows that if he were to go to the galley, he'd walk right by the science lab. It wasn't worth risking detection.::

    Joe Manning -> @If he thinks the drink'll hurt me at the negotiatin table, he's wrong though. ::Smiles::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods politely::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::whispering in the corner: OK if hes not Vulcan what is he?

    Pher -> @ <Whisper to Joe> The vulcan is no vulcan. Human. Is wanted by no one in particular for unspecified reasons back on Tranquility.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::walks around Cantina looking for....devices::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Actually, the need to vaporize a small planetoid is typically something that can be foreseen quite a bit of time in advance.

    Joe Manning -> 011> I would suggest that only in .6% of such cases is this not so.

    Pher -> @ :: Acquires enough coins for a drink or two. ::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::whispers back:: I don't know. He might be Vulcan, but he's not trained like one. He never went to the Academy.

    Joe Manning -> @::Glances back in Selek's direction, blinking::

    Troy Parson -> Yea, well, it's the .6% you don't expect that'll do you in...Only got to be wrong once, after all.

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks Pher over silently as she grabs the coins::

    Pher -> <W> Other than that, a nice guy.

    Pher -> @ :: bats eyelashes ::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::All stand together at one end of the lab and stare at Troy::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::bows to the group and then retires to a solitary table near the door with a good view::

    Joe Manning -> 111> So ... did you see Minos?

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::accidently drops his stunner...as he bends down to pick it up..he looks under one of the cantina's booth tables to check for a "bug"::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: Sees the coins being handed out and nods toward them:: want anything ??

    Joe Manning -> @::Moves over to the machine with Pher:: How sure are you of this?

    STSF_Nickles -> @I can use a drink

    Kaara Soora -> @ Perhaps a water.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: stands and walks back to Ethan:: May I??

    rosetto -> ::gets up and paces the forward sensor room::

    Pher -> @ <W> The wanted poster back on Tranquility had round ears. He responds to pheromones. Pretty sure.

    Troy Parson -> I talked to someone who called himself Simon.

    Joe Manning -> 011> ::Tilts head:: What was he like?

    Joe Manning -> 111> How did you meet him?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pulls attention from the others and lifts a brow:: Of course.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Two men with black robes and shades enter the cantina. One is a Vulcan, the other Human

    Troy Parson -> We were taken to him by one of his associates...

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Enough for my lady friend and I a drink Please?

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks up at new-comers::

    Mitar Precip -> @ Byblos>I doubt Nausicaan Swill is here.

    Pher -> @ <w> Of course, being wanted on Tranquility might be considered a positive character refrence.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly studies the two men in black robes::

    Joe Manning -> @::Frowns at the selection on the machine::

    Troy Parson -> The plan-- *not* a plan of my design, incidentally-- was to offer Minos transport off-world, and then turn him over to the Guardians.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: turns to see what Ethan is looking at:: Who are they?

    Pher -> @ :: Sips what she hoped would be something like a blush wine. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<Good question.>>

    Troy Parson -> The Rainmaker who handled his side of the deal led us to Simon.

    Joe Manning -> @'Grain alcohol,' 'fruit beverage,' 'synth ... what the hell? ::Glances at Pher:: What do you think's his angle?

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Spies the newcomers

    Troy Parson -> As for what he was like...

    Joe Manning -> 111> Whose plan was this?

    Joe Manning -> 011> Was it Minos' plan?

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks to see where Chris is, then back at newcomers::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Pher...

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::takes the coins and goes to the machine Looking at the choices the chooses a very intoxiating drink and a water for Kaara::

    Pher -> @ <w> Someone doesn't like him. Breaking tail. New start. Have no clue whether his Tranquility problems are related to the archeology job. If so, someone with cash is involved with this in a not so friendly way.

    Pher -> @ :: Turns to Byblos :: Yes?

    Joe Manning -> @Robed Characters> ::Takes seats at a vacant table in the corner::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stares at Chris before handing over a few more coins:: They are members of Xorax's Security Forces.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Pher>New patrons...three o clock.

    Joe Manning -> @::Decides to give 'grain alcohol' a try and pours a cup::

    Pher -> @ :: Nods, tries to spot weapons on the newcomers. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ I see. Thank you for the tokens. :: takes the drinks and moves back to Kaara::

    rosetto -> ::not resting easily on the Bynars' persistence of Minos issues... Wonders what their 'angle' is::

    Joe Manning -> @::Turns with the cup and shoots a quick glance in Ethan's direction before taking a sip::

    Pher -> @ :: W to Byblos :: Try to keep an eye on them. I've got a few other balls in the air.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::watches as the new-comers, thanks Chris quietly for the bottle of water and opens it carefully::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the Bynars:: Is it important whose plan it was?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::seems to scan the group more intently now; apparently aware of why the robed men came, but not telling::

    Joe Manning -> @Newcomers> ::No outline can be seen in the robes. The robes are fairly loose::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Ok those guys are apprently Xorax's Security. <whispering>

    Joe Manning -> @Newcomers> ::Engage in a conversation with each other, though keeping tabs on all the patrons through their shades::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::to Pher:: Under each table is a listening device...so just..uh talk..uh...nicely.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::w:: Interesting uniforms.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Clears his throat::

    Pher -> @ (W to Byblos) Hmmm. Not polite.

    Joe Manning -> 111> If you do not believe it is we will not press.

    Joe Manning -> 011> Please continue with your description.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::intentionally shifts in his seat::

    Joe Manning -> @::Glances between Byblos the robed fellows and Ethan::

    Pher -> @ (W to Joe) Byblos says tables are bugged.

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at Byblos:: The surveillance in this place pales next to Andus station, believe me. But the rivals between the scientists can get rather ... nasty.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at 10-1, then at the other two:: Well, to be honest...

    rosetto -> ::returns to his console and does a routine check of the orbital status::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::folds arms::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::walks around the drink selectors curious if these sneaks are as sneaky as Joe mentioned::

    Joe Manning -> @::Pher:: Probably the local brains keeping tabs on the mercenaries to find out who's working for whom.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ OK so hes not Vulcan can you tell what he is

    Joe Manning -> @I do -not- want to get caught up in the academic politicking on this planet. I want to get the job offer and bolt. Or hit the slopes above.

    Troy Parson -> I didn't find Simon to be terribly impressive. After all, we were able to carry out aforementioned plan with very little by way of forethought, despite some of our crew being incapacitated...

    Kaara Soora -> @ Not just from talking with him. He's been surgically altered, it would seem. Quite odd, to want to be Vulcan in this day and age.

    STSF_Nickles -> @::uncaps his drink and takes a BIG Swig::

    Pher -> @ Just be careful that the slopes don't hit back.

    Pher -> @ Mind if I fish with the 'vulcan' a bit?

    Joe Manning -> @::Leans closer to Pher:: Whatever this guy's angle is ... let's not push it just yet.

    Joe Manning -> @Whatever his agenda, it probably has nothing to do with us. Let's get the Zoalus job and cash in on it before we decide how to handle him ... if we decide to do anything with him.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::runs a finger along the rim of the bottle, then stops herself, taking a drink:: He didn't notice I was a Vulcan. Do you think the honey dust could effect him as well?

    Pher -> @ OK. No fishing. Just don't expect me to take up sliding down icy mountains as an alternative hobby.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::thinks I try to rob an automated banking device..what am I going to do..play with the controls...and hence my prints are now on them...:: I wonder...::looks at selector buttons then turns to the "others" brieflly:: Hmmm

    Joe Manning -> 111> That is most interesting.

    Joe Manning -> 011> You all must be very good at what you do.

    Pher -> @ :: Looks not entirely pleased with Joe's instruction, but rides with it. ::

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> Or it was simply meant to be that you succeed.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::notes Soora's movement and then eyes fall on Pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ If hes not Vulcan I would think so, I know Im feeling quite WELL at the moment ::Grins taking another drink::

    Joe Manning -> @::Leans closer:: This guy works for our new employer. We don't want to tick anyone off yet ...

    Pher -> @ :: Smiles slightly at Ethan ::

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: I wouldn't say we're a particularly adept crew, at this moment...

    Joe Manning -> @If you can work some answers out of him without pushing too hard, be my guest.

    rosetto -> ::wonders how hings are going planet-side::

    rosetto -> ^things

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stares blankly back at Pher for a few moments more, and then moves to Byblos::

    Joe Manning -> @And you're probably noticing that the robed fellows seem more interested in you and me than the rest of us.

    Pher -> @ (W) Understood. Might try. I sort of owe him an appology.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::frowns very lightly, then lets her face smooth again:: That would explain his disappearance. ::looks over Chris's shoulder at Selek::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::the Nausicaan looks funny surveying a simple drink dispenser for so long but his position is turned to robed fellows::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Sal's language analysis program begins to glitch rather badly

    Pher -> @ Well, you are the captain, while I am inherently interesting. :: Smiles ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Lights flicker in various places on the ship

    rosetto -> ::notes process interrupts::(w) WTF.... ::frowns::

    Joe Manning -> @Still, I propose some good old-fashioned deduction. Move elsewhere. Find out who their attentions follow.

    Pher -> @ Sure.

    Troy Parson -> ::sees the lights flicker:: Oh, not this again.

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Look up at the lights::

    rosetto -> ::looks at what the Bynars are doing while typing away at his console trying to isloate the rouble::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Technical problems?

    rosetto -> ^trouble

    Pher -> @ :: Moves in a direcction vaguely towards Ethan, at right angles to the black robes. ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Also splits with Pher, moving toward Chris and Kaara::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ What are the two guys doing? ::leans forward as if trying to geta kiss in, from the view from behind::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::watches Pher and the black robes as well::

    Troy Parson -> ::grimaces:: Our current engineer is more of a need-based selection than a quality-based selection, if you catch my drift.

    Joe Manning -> @Robes> ::Stay subtle and interested in everyone, though show some indications of following Pher's movements::

    Joe Manning -> 011> This ship is very old.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::walks away from dispensors and heads for a seat he extends his long frame so his shoes are on a table..and pretends to...sleep::

    Joe Manning -> 111> It is remarkable that it has remained functioning so long.

    STSF_Nickles -> @::slides back as Joe approaches::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::they're after her, he concludes::

    Joe Manning -> 011> There is something to be said for your crew, I am sure.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks at Chris, her green blood pumping faster, then switches her eyes to the newcomers:: They seem to be talking, but they are watching all of us.

    Troy Parson -> Depends on what you call "functional," I suppose.

    rosetto -> ::immediately suspects Bynar interference::

    Pher -> @ :: Approaches the 'vulcan' :: Sorry.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> You do not seem to be very happy with your current state of existence.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::turns hearing the Captain approaching from behind::

    rosetto -> ::rechecks the error logs::

    Joe Manning -> @::Sips at his drink and cringes:: And I thought Troy's coffee was bad. ::Looks at Kaara:: Never try it, by the way.

    Troy Parson -> Well, it's...it's not exactly what I had planned for myself, I guess.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There are definitely signs of computer troubles

    rosetto -> ::taps fevorously away::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::seems confused:: May I ask for what reason you are apologizing?

    Joe Manning -> 111> Oh?

    Joe Manning -> 011> ::Tilts head::

    rosetto -> ::to self::hmmmmm

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks at Joe:: I haven't had coffee in years. I will keep this in mind ::eyes move to newcomers::

    STSF_Nickles -> <<Hello Cmdr>>

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Rolls eyes and looks elsewhere, not interested in much but Minos::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> <Short change>

    Pher -> It does not seem logical to discuss that at this time and place. I suspect you might deduce it however.

    rosetto -> ::wonders if he should chance contacting Troy::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::in the center of the cantina...in seat with legs kicked up on table looking ..asleep...but he unsheathes his sword and hugs it like a "security blanket"::

    rosetto -> <<Hi Jmi!>>

    Joe Manning -> @How did you and your new friend get along, Doc?

    Mitar Precip -> (Hi Jami)!

    Troy Parson -> ::sees 10-1:: I'm sure you have better things to do than listen to me complain about the state of my life.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> <Hi, all>

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> Hmm? ::Snaps his gaze back at Troy:: My apologies. I was interested in ... er ... ::Points to a machine behind him:: That device.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::is aware of the reason, but doesn't make it apparent:: I'm afraid I do not understand.

    Kaara Soora -> @ I didn't get to speak with him long enough for me to find out. All I know is that he is no Vulcan.

    Joe Manning -> @::Raises his eyebrows at Kaara:: Pher wouldn't have told you that. You figured it out just from talking with him?

    rosetto -> ::sends brief message to Troy via science console in hopes that he sees it 'SUSPECT GUESTS'::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: takes another swing of his alcoholic drink::

    Troy Parson -> ::turns around and walks to the other side of the room:: This? ::takes a wrench off of a shelf:: It's pretty simple.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::wonders if the robed fella's are getting a kick out of him in their bar looking so "dirty merc with a sword as his teddy-bear::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Turn simultaneously to watch Troy::

    Pher -> @ :: Smiles slightly :: I'm the QoB's security lead. When the time is appropriate to exchange notes, we might seek a private conversation. In the meantime I shall strive to avoid problems.

    Troy Parson -> A basic tool, really. ::picks up the unmarked vial from before, uses the wrench to remove its cap, and then drinks it:: See?

    Joe Manning -> @Robes> ::Continue their phantom conversation. Have seen enough not to consider a sword-carrying Nausicaan -too- outrageous::

    rosetto -> ::attempts to stop language processing::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Ah! You rendered the substance within inert.

    Kaara Soora -> @ She did not, and while I wonder why she wouldn't, I will delve into that later. ::switches eyes to Joe:: I only had to speak with him for a minute to realise it. His mind was unfocused-- it did not seem that he realised I was a Vulcan.

    Joe Manning -> 111 & 011> ::Begin to applaud, a very bland rythmic clapping, each to the same beat::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::remains blank, but isn't privately pleased with the implications:: Very well.

    Joe Manning -> @His mind would have been unfocused. ::Deposits his 'drink' on the nearest table::

    Joe Manning -> @Learn anything about him? Or ... infer anything about him?

    Pher -> @ When the time comes. :: A slight curtsy, then she retreats back towards Joe. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::puts down the vial, now empty of the slightly caffeinated but otherwise already inert substance that it had contained:: Useful things, wrenches.

    rosetto -> ::taps again. has 'seemly' no control::

    Kaara Soora -> @ Because of Pher, I am assuming.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Of course. ::briefly looks at black robes again::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::cough..couugh snore.tilts his head towards ROBES..his ugly Nausicaan face on them..but eyes closed...he would add drool..but is not certain he wants to play that angle yet...or his DNA::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Perhaps we might participate in an exchange. If you have such a device to spare?

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Sighs audibly::

    Troy Parson -> Oh, I'm sure I could spare a wrench or two. What do you offer in exchange?

    Kaara Soora -> @::sees Pher coming towards them:: Perhaps I will go and speak with him again.

    Joe Manning -> 011> What interests you?

    Joe Manning -> @Better if you leave this to Pher. ::Smiles:: She's our security expert.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: turns to see what Kaara is looking at:: Ohh Hi Doll face.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::figures Pher willl want to know what the hell he is doing..but somehow she strikes him as one who can tell when one is playing..."possum"::

    rosetto -> ::sighs... wonders if Troy has looked at the console::

    Pher -> @ Hello, Chris, Soora....

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: Grinning starting to feel the effects of the drink::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::leaves face blank as Pher joins them, not commenting on Joe's statement::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Have a Seat You too Joe

    Pher -> @ :: Does not consider a blank face from a vulcan unusual... ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Checks his ODRI's chronometer:: I've got to head out in a few minutes, actually.

    Pher -> @ :: Settles down ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: scoots over so Pher can sit next to him::

    Troy Parson -> ::is standing with his hand resting on the console's monitor:: Well, to be honest, I could really use a polytronic deprocessor...you know, one of those little red ones.

    Pher -> @ :: Doesn't settle down too far, then. ::

    Troy Parson -> There's just one thing, though...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::checks the time and then rises:: Honorable guests. ::waits until he has their attention before continuing::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::does another snore facial adjustment...Robes still there..and hugs his sword looking like a sleeping lazy Nausicaan::

    Troy Parson -> I find it a little unnerving when my trading partners know so much more about me than I know about them. Puts off my predictive abilties, and such.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::looks to Ethan::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks to Selek::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Perhaps we could offer you information in exchange for one of your fine 'wrench'?

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Clears throat uncomfortably::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Pardon the intrusion, but we should depart for your meeting with Dr. Phantos.

    Troy Parson -> That sounds fair enough...

    Kaara Soora -> <<BRB>>

    Joe Manning -> 011> What information interests you?

    Pher -> @ :: Not quite sure where Byblos is going, but so far he hasn't been following the worst of his race's stereotypes. Give no external evidence of concern. ::

    rosetto -> ::tap monitor as its gets fuzzy::

    Troy Parson -> I've told you what I know about Minos, so I'm sure you can understand if you've piqued my curiousity as to what you know about him.

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks over at Ethan:: If I'm not mistaken, it's almost time to go, Selek?

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::head tilted still facing Robes...snores some more for the audio listening devices....::

    Pher -> @ :: Finishes her drink ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Indeed. ::nods:: If you would follow me. ::unceremoniously exits::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::stands and offers a hand to Kaara:: Shalll we? ::Grinning to her and Pher::

    Pher -> @ (W to Chris) We've got to stop meeting like this.

    Joe Manning -> @Robes> ::Glance at Byblos, openly in fact, but don't seem too interested just yet::

    Pher -> @ Certainly.

    Troy Parson -> ::shifts position, taking his hand off of the monitor screen, finally seeing rosetto's message::

    STSF_Nickles -> @But I like it so much. ::offers her his other hand::

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods to the others, looks at Nickles:: Why don't the rest of you stay here? Look around the Center if you want.

    Troy Parson -> ::shifts his hand back over the monitor, giving no outward indication of having seen::

    Joe Manning -> @I'll try to make the exchange with Phantos quick then come back with his terms.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::waits outside Creedo's::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Watch Troy expectantly, having plenty of patience::

    rosetto -> ::monitor finally clears::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: smiles:: Great Ill remain here with the Ladies.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::Stirs a bit adjusting his posture a bit emitting a quick "snort" to go with "snores"::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks at Chris's hand, looks up at Joe::

    Joe Manning -> @::Heads outside with Ethan:: Lead on, my noble guide. I look forward to meeting your boss.

    Troy Parson -> <<I did ask them something, if you scroll up a little :)>>

    Pher -> @ :: Did she just finish her drink prematurely? Is she going to be forced to get another drink? Oh, the sacrifices the job calls for... ::

    Joe Manning -> 111> You wish to know how we know of Minos?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pauses momentarily seeing that Joe is alone, and then accepts with a nod; leads Joe toward the other end of the visitor's center::

    Joe Manning -> 011> We have been following the news vids from Tranquility.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::sits back down and whispers:: How about a bit more Dol face?

    Joe Manning -> 111> He is quite a notable figure, is he not?

    STSF_Nickles -> *Doll face

    Kaara Soora -> @ Should he really be going alone?

    Troy Parson -> Oh, very much so. It's strange, though...

    STSF_Nickles -> @Hes a big boy he can hanndle himself

    Pher -> @ <w> Think we might drift off somewhere a bit more private?

    Pher -> @ <w> You might need a bit more than I'm willing to put in public air.

    Troy Parson -> Normally, I'd put down your interest in him to an aspect of your general curiousity, given his infamy...and yet, your third member seems not to share that curiousity, except in manners related to Minos.

    rosetto -> ::is frustrated that he cannot isloate the issues with the computer::

    Mitar Precip -> @::cuddles his sword trying to amuse the ROBES..as he "snores" some more::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::frowns and stands again, walking towards table Selek was sitting it::

    Kaara Soora -> *at

    Joe Manning -> @::Ethan:: You won't mind if the others stay behind? They can fend for themselves and don't need to be with us to discuss contract terms.

    STSF_Nickles -> @::whispers:: Whoa ya....

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Flat expression:: It is a professional curiosity. Nothing more.

    Pher -> @ :: Slight smooch ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly contemplates:: I have no objection, Captain.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Lets go,

    Pher -> @ Lead on...

    Joe Manning -> 111> Yes ... it is one of the many fields that we are interested in.

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<brb>>

    Troy Parson -> ::loooking at 10-1:: So, you're interested in Minos, but don't want me to know why you're interested in him. I find that fact interesting in itself.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::stands and takes her by the hand and moves towards the doorway:: There was an open door we passed on the way in.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> I am fascinated by the ... social endeavors of the peoples of Bull's Head. It is an area of study.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::knows better to try and look things up on her PADD, but pulls it out anyway, pretending to read as she watches Chris and Pher leave::

    Pher -> @ :: Bumps into Byblos as she walks by. Hopes he really isn't sleeping on the job... ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: slightly intoxicated::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Perhaps you would rather hear about our advances is positronic computing?

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> ::Looks at 111 sharply::

    rosetto -> ::regains interest in conversation in Science Lab::

    Mitar Precip -> @::snort:: What? Where are those Guardian pigs....arght! Uh oh..hello Pher.

    Joe Manning -> @Robes> ::Stand up and move to intercept Pher and Nickles at the door::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::Leads pher out of the door of the cantina and towards the open door across the coridor::

    Troy Parson -> ::makes himself appear satisfied:: Positronic computing? That'd be marvellous. Do you mind if I record this part of dialogue, for later use in device reconstruction?

    Pher -> @ No pigs here... or. Stand easy.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks up sharply::

    Pher -> @ :: Hopes they aren't pigs, entirely. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: bumps into the Robes:: Excuse us fellows.

    Joe Manning -> 10-1> He does not need to hear about our experiments in positronic computing.

    Joe Manning -> 011> Many of those -are- classified.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::looks to Pher and Chris:: Uh ...good bye you two...::not certain what to make of Chris and PHer:: But does not like Robes and turns his face to them..while sheathing his sword::

    Troy Parson -> ::frowns:: Oh, well. ::starts to put the wrench away::

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan Robe> ::Nickles:: Sir. ::Pher:: Ma'am ... I'm going to have to check your ODRI device.

    Pher -> @ :: Looks at the robes ::

    Pher -> @ Certainly.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::hasnt moved but is aware of ROBES and Pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ I dont have one to check ::smartalic like::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::watching carefully, eyes switching to Byblos as well::

    Pher -> @ Audrey, go intert, please.

    rosetto -> ::attempts to review sensor logs of Bynar movements::

    Pher -> @ :: Holds up her left wrist ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<back; sorry, phone>>

    Joe Manning -> 111> Well ... perhaps you could show us more of the lab, then?

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::thinks:: Crap...ODRI...and these guys could crack one if Joe said they are "lab rats"

    Joe Manning -> @Human Robe> ::Takes the ODRI and looks at it:: I am going to have to access its recent activity log.

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: Very well. Allow me to very quickly update the status of one of my virtual experiments before we continue?

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan Robe> Are you aware of the colony's restriction against unauthorized scan attempts, ma'am?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::leads Joe to an elevator and enters::

    Joe Manning -> 111> As you wish. ::Quick nod::

    STSF_Nickles -> @Oh come on Guys, We were just leaving

    Pher -> @ We might wish to go somewhere a bit private. It might reveal something about one of your own.

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to the computer, rapidly typing a text message to Rosetto: "GENERATE FIELD BLOCK TRANSPORT", before pressing a few more buttons and looking up::

    Joe Manning -> @::Steps into the elevator:: So, will you be joining us on the expedition, Selek?

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::rolls off the chair and makes a crashing noise:: OH MY BACK THAT (NAUSCICAAN SWEAR HURT!!!)

    rosetto -> ::sees troys message and responds::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Indeed. As Security Advisor to Dr. Phantos, it is imperative that I accompany the expedition. ::selects a floor::

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan Robe> ::Regards Pher carefully:: Explain.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ We werent scanniGuys>??

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::puts away PADD and comes to Byblos, kneeling beside him:: Are you alright?

    rosetto -> ::by activating a force field that blocks transport::

    Pher -> @ I will be quite willing to explain... somewhere a bit more private?

    STSF_Nickles -> *Scanning Let us go Guys

    Troy Parson -> ::turns back to the Bynars:: I'm especially proud of this...

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Fine Doc just did something STUPID (said loudly)

    Joe Manning -> @Human Robe> I'm sure one of the tables would suffice? ::Motions to the corner table::

    STSF_Nickles -> @::tugs on Pher:: Lets go Doll.

    Pher -> @ :: winces :: I've heard they are all bugged.

    Joe Manning -> << About the only thing I can imagine being capable of that is the deflector shield ... so I'm going to run with that >>

    Pher -> @ Chris? Patience please. I'm doing security doll type stuff.

    rosetto -> <<that's what I was thinking of too....lol>>

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::extends to his full height over Kaara:: Thanks...Im okay. Maybe just getting old.

    Kaara Soora -> @ Byblos, lower your voice, I am right here.

    Joe Manning -> @Human Robe> ::Looks at the tables:: They likely are ...

    Troy Parson -> It's a standardly-displacing linear physical support unit...::reaching for a normal-looking metal bar::


    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks up at him:: Perhaps we could spar one of these days. That would be a welcome challenge.

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan Robe> I would point out to you that if you are here investigating personnel on this colony, that is a matter left to our department.

    Pher -> @ (W) I'm really not trying to be difficult. It's not my secret I'm trying to protect.

    Joe Manning -> @Human Robe> We'll discuss it outside. C'mon. ::Motions to Pher to step out of the cantina::

    STSF_Nickles -> @dang it Fellows, ::acting more intoxicated than he really is:: ::Pulls on Pher:: YOur mine Lets go!!

    Pher -> @ Thank you.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::steps away from him, glancing at Chris and the Orion again::

    Pher -> @ :: moves with the black robes ::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Move over to Troy to look more closely at the bar::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::to Joe; appearing merely curious:: Are you aware that your Orion companion has likely broken colony policies on the use of scanning devices?

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::wonders if she needs to step in to avoid incarceration of Chris or Pher::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::watching Pher more than Kaara..:: Sorry Doc..just Venting...

    Joe Manning -> @::Blinks over at Ethan:: ... is -that- what those curious gentlemen in black were interested in?

    rosetto -> ::looks again at the list of error in the computer log::

    Pher -> @ Audrey, please display a log of activity since beam down. :: Shows screen display to the robes ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: moves with Pher and company::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Qob is hailed by the colony. The administrators want to know why the shields have been raised.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::notes if Pher needs to make a move she would of done it...she must be using that Orion sex trick or something on them::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::follows his eyes:: I know. <w> looks like they're leaving. When they do, we should do some looking around of our own::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Indeed. As members of Xorax's Security Forces, they are charged with investigating such incidences.

    rosetto -> ::hears hail and waits for Troy to respond::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::to Kaara:: They are going to confiscate her ODRI..if that happens...stand back.

    Joe Manning -> @Poor Pher. ::Shakes head:: I got the policy packet, but I neglected to relay that to her. What's those Security Forces' usual procedure?

    Troy Parson -> ::is busy talking to the Bynars:: Quite a versatile piece of equipment, don't you think?

    Joe Manning -> 111> What, precisely, does it do?

    Kaara Soora -> @ I will not hesitate to step in if necessary

    Joe Manning -> << If you're the one controlling shields, I'm assuming you're the one that can answer hails, Sal >>

    Joe Manning -> << Troy's in the science lab >>

    Troy Parson -> All manner of things! For instance, let me input some test parameters for a demonstration...

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan Robe> ::Looks over the data on the ODRI:: You performed a scan of one of your companions.

    rosetto -> <<Yes, I understand... Didn't want to give away that I was onboard>>

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: steps between them and Pher:: Come on guys, I dont normally get her alone...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ If they can prove that she did indeed use her scanning device on colony assets, they will likely confiscate and destroy it.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::to Kaara:: Listen Doctor. (w)Pher will kick some butt if they take her ODRI..and I have a bad feeling there is a lot more on that device than she wants to give up. I'd rather not loose a doc in a bar brawl.

    Joe Manning -> @Even if she explains that her reasons were one of caution for her charges' safety? Is there any kind of due process involved?

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to the computer, noticing that the ship registered an incoming hail, and sends off another text to Rosetto: SAY COMP ERROR::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::looks to Kaara:: Uh...please..(sounds ridiculous coming from the Nausicaan)

    rosetto -> ::decides to risk responding to hail::+ADM+This is QoB. We're experiencing system flunctuations... Working to isolate issues...

    Troy Parson -> ::inputs a few more keystrokes to generate a small, orange forcefield in the middle of the room::

    Kaara Soora -> @ <w> Are you questioning my skills, Byblos?

    Pher -> :: Points at the 'vulcan' :: (W) A human with that person's face is wanted on Tranquility for unspecified crimes. I confirmed he is not a vulcan. Tranquility law being what it is, and as the poster was not issued by the Guardians, I am not sure what

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to the Bynars:: Here we have a standard force field, useful for all manner of physical manipulation. For instance...

    Pher -> action might be appropriate.

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::Kaara:: We haven't really gotten to know eachother.

    Troy Parson -> ::takes his plastic toy dog off of a shelf:: It can support this miniature artificial canine! ::places the dog on top of the force field::

    Kaara Soora -> @ I have a minor from the Vulcan Academy in hand to hand and weapon combat. For your record.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Perhaps, if such a reason can indeed be justified, they might show leniency. However, the corporations do not practice such due processes when their information has been compromised.

    Troy Parson -> But suppose, now, your energy reserves are running low, and you can no longer maintain the force field...what then?

    Troy Parson -> That's where this comes in...

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan Robe> Is he not one of your companions?

    Troy Parson -> ::takes the metal bar, slipping it through the forcefield and under the plastic dog, so that the plastic dog is being supported by the metal bar, then deactivates the forcefield::

    Troy Parson -> See? Structural support without energy consumption!

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>::returns to his seat and watches the Robes and Pher.....ready:: Ah..never underestimate Vulcan strength my father taught me.

    Pher -> He is an employee of an organization on this planet. He is a security advison, and not a member of our crew.

    Pher -> (advisor)

    Joe Manning -> @I seriously doubt that was Pher's intent.

    Pher -> We are seeking employment by his group for an archeological expedition.

    Joe Manning -> @She likes to have a good measure of control over my crew's safety. Wouldn't be doing her job if she didn't.

    Mitar Precip -> @::to Kaara as he watches Pher:: We need to spar then.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: sighs standing next to Pher::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods:: If it is as you say, she, then, might be allowed to retain her scanning device.

    Pher -> I'd rather not raise a ruckus that would put that at risk, but...

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::looks at Byblos as he sits down in the chair. The chair seemed hilariously too small. She resists a smile, goes and sits across from him:: Aye.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  18. Admiral Fuller adjusted the cuffs of his dress uniform while he waited for the turbolift to arrive. It was a nervous tic more than anything. This was the moment of truth -- a ceremony unveiling Starfleet's most secretive engineering project, a project so classified that only perhaps three or four Admirals knew the details. All of Starfleet's top brass were gathered to find out what the Engineer Corps had been building for the past four years.


    Blending in was going to be difficult. Fuller had known many of these men and women before his two year stint on the MIA list ... before his defection to the Syndicate. Keeping his new allegiances buried might prove difficult. But if he could pull it off, he could walk out of this ceremony with one of Starfleet's greatest secrets.


    The turbolift doors open, and Fuller emerged to survey the scene. Admirals, Commodores, wealthy investors, and Federation Councilmembers, shared glasses of fine champagne and snippets of juicy gossip in the crowded upper tier of the USS Churchill's lounge. Fuller put on a pleasant face, nodding and smiling to nearby officers as he strode up to the balcony overlooking the lower level. More officers were seated in rows of chairs leading up to the front dais. They were the most high-ranking of Starfleet's hierarchy; Fuller could see Fleet Admiral Sawyer himself sitting in the front row, looking older and more weary than ever. Behind the dais, the lounge's viewport spanned an entire wall of the lounge. It offered a view of the gentle red haze of the Rose Nebula, which the Churchill continued to cruise through on the way to its mysterious destination.


    Fuller leaned against the balcony's railing and watched as Admiral Thorne approached the dais. Thorne was the project's leader, directly guiding the SFCE's design and construction efforts since the beginning. He was also Starfleet's fastest rising star -- a top advisor to Admiral Sawyer, direct commander of a significant bulk of the fleet, and a popular pick to replace Sawyer as the head of Starfleet. No doubt, this ceremony would be another step forward in his advancement. Sawyer, Fuller noted, did not look up as Thorne approached the dais; the frequent disagreements between the two were not a well-kept secret in the high circles of Starfleet.


    Thorne cleared his throat into the audio amplifier hovering at the front of the dais; it took a position next to his chin and carried his voice throughout the lounge. "If I could have your attention, ladies and gentlemen ... we will be arriving at the heart of the nebula in just a second, so the demonstration will proceed shortly. If you would take your seats, gather around on the top level ... this is a momentous occasion for the United Federation of Planets and a day which Starfleet takes a significant step forward in its efforts to restore its former glory."


    A low hum was beginning to reverberate through the deck. Fuller felt his muscles tense as several officers gathered around him at the railing. He noticed that the haze in the viewport was beginning to thin out. If they were cruising deeper into the nebula, would that be happening? "We will soon be passing through a sonic field which keeps the nebular gasses at bay," Thorne explained, sensing that many of the attendees were asking themselves the same question. "The site of Project Legacy has been sheltered within a globe of sonic energy at the center of this nebula. You can understand how the location might keep the Project out of the sight of prying eyes." Indeed, the 'prying eyes' of the Syndicate had been searching for Project Legacy for four years.


    Thorne stepped to the side and turned to the viewport; the amplifier followed his movement, spinning around his head. In one sudden burst, the hum of the deck plating reached a shuddering crescendo and then faded entirely, and the red haze of the nebula parted completely. The comments shared by the attendees then ranged from excited to stunned to mystified. In the wide open space beyond the sonic field, a space perhaps as large as a moon, two starships faced each other.


    One starship appeared, at first, to be entirely unremarkable. If Fuller was not mistaken, it was Excelsior class, a vessel that had been out of commission for almost a century. At least, there were close similarities to an Excelsior class -- the size, the general shape, the layout of external equipment. What -was- interesting was that the vessel appeared brand new. This was no wreck salvaged from a derelict shipyard; it had been newly built. This was not the ship dazzling the Federation's most prominent individuals, however.


    The other ship bore a resemblance to a Sovereign class. Size was the most immediately apparent departure. It was almost two times the size of a Sovereign. The saucer was proportionately wider, with a curious notch at the bow. Its primary nacelles were also spread wider and angled further back. The secondary nacelles were notable departure #2 -- two more were constructed within the saucer, their exhausts protruding from the stern on the port and starboard sides. As Churchill pulled closer, Fuller's eyes narrowed for a closer look. Departure #3 was not so easy to spot. Where the phaser arrays would generally be found on a Sovereign class, there were ... alternate weapon batteries. Alien weapon batteries. Fuller was sure he recognized the species; the implications disturbed him.


    "Admirals and Commodores, Councilmen and Councilwomen, distinguished Federation guests ... " Thorne turned back to the crowd with a smile. "I give you the USS Caesar, the first prototype of Starfleet's new Dynasty class starship."


    The chatter of the crowd picked up. More of the voices sounded impressed than disturbed. Several attendees applauded. Nothing had changed since the end of the war, Fuller thought. One person who was not chattering or applauding, Fuller noticed, was a figure in a hooded robe moving slowly around the rows of chairs toward the dais. Admiral Thorne continued his presentation as the voices faded, "An impressive piece of Starfleet engineering, I am sure you all agree. The final product of two decades of advanced research, four years of design, and four more years of construction, Caesar utilizes a number of new advancements in warp physics, weapon and shielding technology, organic engineering, and mechanized labor."


    The lights in the lounge faded and a holographic diagram of the ship popped up on one side of the dais. Thorne pointed to glowing displays in the diagram as he continued, "Three warp cores -- one at the usual position in the engineering hull, one at the aft end of the saucer, and one at the fore end -- share the duties of powering the ship advanced technology and generating a warp bubble capable of propelling the ship through subspace at previously unmatched speeds. The need to shrink our sphere of influence will be greatly reduced when our fleet is lead by ships capable of traversing hundreds of light years in mere minutes at a moment's notice."


    The cloaked figure had taken a vacant seat in the front row. The diagram showed a number of small dots roving through the corridors. "Caesar's crew will be supplemented by automated security and repair drones. These small hovering globes, utilized already in many of our shipyards, will perform the mundane tasks of a starship's enlisted crew and will provide immediate crisis-response in environments that have become hostile to the humanoid officers -- sections exposed to engineering coolant, for instance, or corridors that have been exposed to biological attack during a hostile boarding. Receptacles spread throughout the ship allow the drones to regularly recharge, almost entirely eliminating the necessity for crew maintenance. If early tests fare well, the system may be integrated into many of our existing starships, lessening the need for new personnel.


    "Of course, we find ourselves in tumultuous times, when galactic powers grow insular and the Federation is surrounded by uncertainty. The Klingons have grown distant and cold. The Bajorans and Cardassians have formed an alliance, working toward the common cause of opposing us. The Orions gather supporters and openly declare rebellion against the Federation. Who knows what revenges the Romulans plot after the loss of their homeworld? Even our colonies in the Hyades cluster have grown incredibly self-dependent and routinely ignore our decrees. In these troubled times, defense remains our top priority."


    The glistening, translucent shell of a deflector shield formed over the diagram. "Herein lie our greatest advances yet, the results of years of painstaking research by Starfleet's R&D division. For the first time, the data that has been brought back to us from our Delta Quadrant fleet has allowed us to equip a starship with functional Borg technology."


    A wave of whispers coursed through the crowd, and Fuller sensed more unease to the voices this time. "Fear not, ladies and gentlemens, for all the concerns about this technology have been addressed through rigorous testing. The benefits, you will find, will put your minds at ease quickly. Adaptive shielding and particle weapon arrays allow Caesar's defense systems to learn and quickly adjust to the offensive and defensive configurations of enemy ships. A hull combining advanced polymers with semi-organic materials is capable of self-repairing damaging slowly and strengthening itself against future attacks of a similar nature. The ship itself will become more combat-capable after repeated engagements with a specific foe."


    The diagram of the ship expanded to show a view of both ships, the Excelsior also shielded. Through the viewport and in the holo-image, the Dynasty class ship begin firing its beam weapon at the Excelsior. "In addition to the enhanced range of the beam weapons, just over 1.5x the range of a conventional phaser, you may closely observe that each subsequent shot weakens the shield of the USS Alamos by gradually increasing degrees. The beam weapons are making their own adjustments, on the fly, to modulation and energy output. That energy output, when compared to a conventional phaser array at maximum power, is capable of three times the intensity while consuming the same amount of power."


    Thorne looked back at the viewport, where the Caesar ceased its particle barrage of the Alamos' shields. He looked back at the crowd with a pleased grin. "But this is not even the peak of Caesar's offensive capability. Observe the large opening at the nose of the saucer. That opening is tied directly to Caesar's foremost warp core, which was installed especially for the purpose of powering its greatest weapon -- the Plasma Cannon. If beam weapons and torpedoes prove to be no match for a foe, Caesar can go into an emergency power mode in which the two warp drive cores take on the full burden of powering the ship while the forward core stores up its plasma energy for a single burst of the Cannon. You will note that Alamos has diverted all power to her forward shields ... "


    Thorne turned around and stepped almost to the edge of the dais, making sure everyone had a clear view of the two starships. There were anxious mutterings throughout the lounge as everyone waited for something to happen. Finally, the notch in Caesar's saucer emitted a wide beam of searing energy that soared through the space between the two starships. In half the blink of an eye, the beam ripped through Alamos' shields, crashed into the Excelsior class ship, and discarded its shattered fragments in the shockwave of the ensuing explosion. The crowd was stunned into near-silence. Fuller merely gazed ahead at this incredible display with a blank expression.


    Did they construct an entire starship simply to be destroyed in this demonstration?


    "The last Starfleet innovation that any who challenge us, even the Beholders, may ultimately witness." Thorne turned back to the crowd. "The energy discharge of the Plasma Cannon is capable of leveling entire continents."


    "An interesting choice of words." It was the robed figure in the front row who had spoken, grabbing everyone's attention. Fuller had sensed that the crowd would be hearing from that one eventually. Thorne looked down with a slightly bemused face; he seemed to have expected this as well. "'Levelling entire continents.' I am curious, Admiral Thorne ... do you expect any planetary land masses to threaten the stability of the Federation?"


    Thorne looked around the crowd and chuckled. "I was merely giving a general idea of the weapon's energy output. Starship Captains and fleet commanders -are- interested in such things." He turned his gaze back to the cloaked figure. "I hope that after everything the Federation has been through within the past forty years, it is not still going to be disputed that we must prepare to defend ourselves."


    The figure's hooded head tilted slightly. "Is there, then, an initiative to install this weapon on our starbases and colonies, rather than on our starships? Or are we only interested in defending the fleet which has been constructed to defend us? That would seem to me a paradox."


    Thorne smiled like a parent humoring a child's flimsy logic. "If an enemy fleet reaches so deep as our inhabited planets, than I believe we have already lost a major battle. In order to ensure the security of this Federation, we -must- establish borders and our clear intentions to defend them. The Caesar is the first in a line of ships that will stand at those borders and deliver a clear message to would-be foes -- do not even dare to threaten us."


    "Yes, I do indeed see an 'impressive piece of engineering,' to use your words," the hooded head nodded. "I also see an invitation. The foes you are sensing in the shadows will be invited to develop defenses against this mighty weapon, and perhaps your confidence in its capabilities will prove an undoing. But far worse, those foes will be invited to build a starship the equal of Caesar. When they construct their own Plasma Cannon ... I wonder how more willing they will be to ... 'level continents.'"


    Admiral Fuller had seen and heard enough. The politicking interested him little. He turned from the railing and slipped away from the crowd toward the turbolift. He would need to be rest, think on everything he'd just seen, and prepare a report to deliver back to the Syndicate. The chances that he would be able to board the Caesar and sabotage it were remote -- security would be airtight. He would have to content himself reporting the thought that was weighing on his mind the most heavily.


    Within five years, the Federation would be strong enough to begin extending its reach ...

  19. As the transport car soared through the cavernous passages of the sprawling Xorax colony, Joe looked over the small group that had decided to travel with him. All of them were 'new guys.' The majority of his crew was new guys (and one new gal) now. Chris, Troy, and Pher were the only ones left from the Expanse mission. That disastrous battle with raiders had wiped out half his crew, and possibly cost him some of the others.


    Dash and T'aral had decided at some point during the Minos search that the Qob life was a little too much risk for their tastes. They stayed behind on Tranquility, forcing Joe and Chris to give more consideration to recruits like Byblos and Shane than they otherwise would have been inclined to. Now Pher was questioning Joe's judgment and decisions more than ever. And Troy had flat out handed in his resignation before a sudden change of heart when Minos threatened to burn Tranquility. Joe feared that two more of his most trusted advisors, two of the brightest employees he'd ever brought aboard Qob, were also slipping away. Chris remained the image of loyalty ... but who could say what feelings were buried beneath that image.


    Chris, Troy, and Pher had all lost friends in the Expanse. Joe had to keep reminding himself of that as he ran through the millions of scenarios in which the battle could have gone better. Commanding Qob had been becoming more and more wearying as he advanced in years; the Expanse mission slammed that reality against him like a meteor. The feeling that he let down everyone on his crew -- casualties and survivors -- wounded him deeper than the failure to achieve the mission objective.


    Joe was putting on a facade, and it was becoming more and more difficult to maintain. His profile said 70 years of age, most of them under the best medical care Starfleet could provide. A relatively young age. But Joe's body had been giving a different age for years now. And recently, perhaps only in the past few months, his mind was starting to feel older. He tried to hide it. He tried to show the same youthful vigor and enthusiasm he'd shown in his Starfleet days. He worried that the disaster in the Expanse was the first sign that his command ability was waning, that the facade was cracking and the growing infirmity was putting the entire crew at risk.


    Eventually, sooner perhaps than later, he would have to hand the keys to the ship to someone else. He had a candidate in mind, but readying both the candidate and the crew for that was going to take substantial work.


    For now, he would rely on young blood. The new guys. And the old guys for that matter. Pher had taken charge of the Minos mission at the end. Though Joe would not admit it, he admired the decisions she'd made and her skill at carrying them out. Though he would argue with her and question her prudence, he agreed with her decision to cooperate with the Guardians; he merely needed to remain the bad guy to bargain with Savoy. Joe would need to encourage (without appearing to do so) more of such boldness in his advisors. He would need their input more than ever, and their willingness to take charge when needed might prove vital.


    Joe looked around the car at Byblos, Robert, and William. He knew next to nothing about them. Sure, Byblos was a street raider who hailed from the bad part of Tranquility and hated the Guardians. But was there more to him than the wanted posters in the Unspeakable District suggested? Robert was a lot like him -- a Starfleet doctor who'd decided that Federation space wasn't the place for him. But why did he wait ten years to leave Federation space after the end of the war? What about his past was he hiding? William seemed like a simple case -- a Guardian mechanic who removed the uniform because the mercenary price was right. Was there more to his decision, though? His Guardian job had offered security and steady pay. What did the mercenary life offer that suited him better?


    If Joe was going to lean more on the young blood, he would need to get to know them better. This little excursion offered a good opportunity. All of Xorax colony was sprawled out for their exploration. Where did their interests lie? What would they choose to do? The question at the very core of who they were -- what did they want?


    "So," Joe said. "Where should we go?"

  20. Joe Manning -> It turns out that Xorax is not a planet, but the moon of a gas giant. So you can picture that

    Joe Manning -> Qob has just pulled out of warp and taken up synchronous orbit over the colony

    Joe Manning -> We have to prepare to transport down to the colony's visitors' center. Decide whether you're coming with me or staying on the ship

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Pher -> :: Getting dressed ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Sitting in the command chair looking at the icy moon through the front viewer::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: awakens from the sedative and treatments frok Kaara::

    William Chocox -> ::sitting in Engineering reading something on his PADD::

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets the orbit confirmation from Sal and taps his ODRI:: +Com+ We're here, kids. Whoever's heading down to the planet with me, wait for me outside the door to the bridge.

    Troy Parson -> ::running various scans on the moon, more out of curiousity than anything else::

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks up from chair in corner of Chris's room::

    Mitar Precip -> ::In cargo bay currently not wearing a shirt, he secures the tarp to the hovercycle pile, not liking what he must report::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: starts to sit up::

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps at his ODRI some more, reviewing the contact information he received ahead of time::

    Kaara Soora -> ::Chris:: Food on your night table. Eat. Drink.

    Pher -> :: Runs diagnostics on ODRI, tests out her stick and stunner, stretches out a bit. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::not realising Kaara is there, Swings his feet over the edge of the bed holding his head a moment, then jumps hearing her voice:: HOLY!! How did you get in here??

    Pher -> :: Checks her outfit... Attractive but not overly racy. ::

    Mitar Precip -> ::walks over to walll COMM::

    William Chocox -> ::sets down the PADD and starts walking towards the bridge.

    William Chocox -> ::

    Kaara Soora -> ::Raises eyebrow:: I've been here all night.

    Mitar Precip -> +Pher+ Byblos in the Cargo deck. I regret to inform you I have another shopping list.

    Pher -> :: starts towards the bridge, locking up her quarters. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Why? :: no memory of what happened::

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises his eyebrow and glances around at Troy::

    Kaara Soora -> You had a relapse. Withdrawals.

    Pher -> (Ansering via Audry) +Byblos+ Can you forward it, or need you see me. Might best head towards the bridge. Captain is getting the landing party together.

    Joe Manning -> I got ... ::Nods:: Yeah, I think I got that funny feeling again.

    Mitar Precip -> ::swears in Nausicaan:: as he puts on his shirt..then his sword sheath....sword:: The only outfit he has.

    Mitar Precip -> +Pher+ I shall be on the bridge immediately.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up from the scanner:: Which feeling was that, again? The one that indicates that things are about to start going very much not as planned?

    STSF_Nickles -> I'm feeling the NEED to see Pher

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns his ODRI's display off and stands up::

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Or just outside it. Traditional spot for, how do they say it? Beaming?

    Kaara Soora -> Well, they're about to go down to the colony.

    Joe Manning -> No, not that one. That one feels like skin crawling ... goose bumps, that sort of thing. This was more of the 'someone walked on my grave' feeling. Like things -just- went not as planned; I just don't know about it yet.

    Mitar Precip -> ::grabs "Stunner" Pher aquired for him and takes off for the bridge not smelling to good::

    Joe Manning -> Maybe I'll skip the skiing.

    STSF_Nickles -> They'er??

    STSF_Nickles -> **Their

    Kaara Soora -> Yessir.

    STSF_Nickles -> Who's is going?

    William Chocox -> ::makes a detour to his quarters to grab his stun phaser and continues to the bridge::

    Troy Parson -> Ah, I see. That feeling.

    Mitar Precip -> +Pher+ I thought this vessel had no TR...is this Some operator on Xorax beaming us up? ::said walking down the "neck" of Qob toward the bridge.

    Kaara Soora -> I assume the Captain, the Orion, that new guy, and the other one.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: stands and makes his way to his dresser to get his Com::

    Troy Parson -> Well, if it'll help take your mind off of things, here's something else to think about:

    William Chocox -> ::after his detour stops just outside the bridge::

    Mitar Precip -> Byblos arrives at Pher's location thankful Klingons built their vessels for the odd tall Klingon warrior::

    Kaara Soora -> ::stands:: What are you doing?

    Troy Parson -> Normally, with a transporter, you step in, it beams you, you step out, no harm done, right?

    Pher -> :: Smiles at Byblos :: What's with the new list?

    STSF_Nickles -> Going to find out whats going on, Why?

    Joe Manning -> I've heard of exceptions ... but I try not to think of those.

    STSF_Nickles -> I should be there with Joe

    Kaara Soora -> I'll go with you guys then.

    Troy Parson -> Okay, so now think about this:

    Joe Manning -> << Field team can go ahead and start using @'s, so we know who's gathering at the bridge entrance >>

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Nickles to Manning

    Troy Parson -> What if we came up with a new transporter technology which could read off your "pattern" and send it as energy without dematerializing the original?

    Mitar Precip -> @::hands list to Pher written on ...a piece of scrap metal:: Parts required to make the Hovercycle very useful for the crew. unfortunately..as you know I have no funds.

    Troy Parson -> So you'd step into the transporter, and you'd rematerialize at the destination, without ever dematerializing...then wouldn't the one still standing on the origin platform be you?

    William Chocox -> @::standing and waiting til the crew leaves::

    Joe Manning -> ::Blinks:: But ... the pattern is just data, in't it? Information in a computer.

    Pher -> @ :: Nods :: I'm intending to talk to the captain on that. Might get it done. I suspect there will be other priorities.

    Joe Manning -> ::Starts toward the bridge entrance::

    Troy Parson -> Exactly. So what makes you think that the physical thing that emerges from the transporter will really be *you*, and not just an exact recreation?

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe Manning+ Nickles to Joe, Whats Going on Boss.

    Mitar Precip -> @::nods:: Understood. Shall I play big and fearsome given the Cyborg is still at odds with the ship's condition?

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps his ODRI:: +Nickles+ Headed down to Xorax, Chris.

    Pher -> @ You feel ready to play escort?

    Joe Manning -> ::Shrugs at Troy:: Whatever it would be, the Federation would hunt us down for trying it, I'm sure. You want to ask the Xorax people about it?

    Mitar Precip -> @Who is playing the VIP..I would need to defend him/her first.

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ I'l meet you at the TraIs Pher going to be there?nsporter room.

    Troy Parson -> Your transporter-created duplicate can ask them. I'd rather survive, thanks.

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ I'l meet you at the Transporter room. Is Pher going to be there?

    Pher -> @ Captain would be prime target. I think I'd want to ride near him or play point. I'd want someone checking six.

    Joe Manning -> << That was quite a typo, Nickles >>

    Mitar Precip -> @::looks at Pher's outfit:: Nice choice. Aye I'll take six.

    Kaara Soora -> <<laptop?>>

    STSF_Nickles -> <<darn touchy mouse padd>>

    Joe Manning -> @::Joins the others at the door and looks over the group::

    STSF_Nickles -> <<yep>>

    Pher -> @ Good nuff. We're avoiding trouble, not looking for it. Let me know if you spot it.

    Mitar Precip -> @::looks at the Captain:: Sorry no time to shower.

    William Chocox -> @::sees the captain:: Hello Captain.

    Kaara Soora -> ::Goes to door, looks back at Chris, glad to have gone and refilled the hypos::

    Joe Manning -> @::Blinks at Byblos:: You mean you don't always smell that way?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::getting dressed not careing about the DOc being there figures shes seen it all anyway::

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks away quickly::

    Joe Manning -> @William, interested in the advanced engineering that the Xorax boys cook up, are you?

    Mitar Precip -> @::replies with a grunt and readies for transport::

    Pher -> @ If the party splits, I'll likely have you go with the group that doesn't include the captain.

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets go Doc

    Mitar Precip -> @By your command.

    William Chocox -> @A little bit. Also want to see what could be available in the way of tools.

    Kaara Soora -> Aye. ::opens door and walks quickly::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves towards the Door::

    Joe Manning -> @::Pher:: Don't think there'll be any reason to split up. I might pull the plug on the whole skiing thing. Don't know. Got one of my bad feelings.

    Pher -> @ :: A small courtsy. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> : enters the TL:: Transporter room!

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to the captain. :: Noted. I'll work towards the front. I have Byblos checking six.

    Troy Parson -> <<Is the ship big enough to have a turbolift?>>

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods:: Should be okay leaving behind minimal security, since we aren't landing.

    Joe Manning -> << Ladders only, Chris :P >>

    Pher -> (( And hasn't the transporter room been converted into the science lab? ))

    Troy Parson -> ::calls over from the science station:: Don't worry, I'll keep the ship warm for when your duplicate's duplicate gets here!

    Mitar Precip -> @ Hah..minimal security...that beast you have in engineering would wipe the floor with any Guardian or rabid law enforcement official that comes aboard.

    Joe Manning -> << It's been converted into Troy's dangerous chemical storehouse >>

    Joe Manning -> << Er, lab >>

    Troy Parson -> <<Lab, and dangerous chemical storehouse>>

    STSF_Nickles -> :: climbs the last rung and makes way to the Transporter room to meet the captain hopeing Pher is there too::

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<He *is* delirious. ::shrugs::>>

    Troy Parson -> <<And radioactive materials repository.>>

    William Chocox -> <<Even if we had a Turbolift, would it work?>>

    Pher -> << So long as none of the dangerous chemicals leak and ruin the flowers! >>

    Kaara Soora -> ::A step behind Chris, frowning slightly::

    Joe Manning -> << We're at the entrance to the bridge, Chris, but as long as we're together, we're good >>

    Joe Manning -> << Across the two decks they just traversed? I would hope so ... >>

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos thinks ::he is in a foul mood...he would disembowl an intruder with that arm of his::

    STSF_Nickles -> <<OK Make way to the Captain :D >>

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods to Nickles:: Alright is this everyone? It's almost everyone on the ship ...

    Joe Manning -> @Hope Shane doesn't give Troy too much trouble.

    Pher -> @ :: Counts people. Hopes to match what goes down with what comes back up. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: steps over to Pher: A bit of Dust love? to ward off anything happeneing??

    Mitar Precip -> @ ::To Pher quietly::He is not angry with the Captain is he..We don't want our vessel to suddenly leave orbit.

    Joe Manning -> @::Taps his ODRI, taking control of the ship's comm:: +Com+ Xorax colony, this is Qob. I have a team of ... ::Counts heads:: Seven awaiting transport near the source of this signal.

    Pher -> @ Hope not. (To Byblos)

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos ::grunts::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: A very rapid transport beam engulfs the members of the team and shoots them down to the planet

    Pher -> @ :: Smile to Chris :: Need to get on our own, just a bit, or I'd have the captain dusted too. Look for the chance.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::checks her phaser::

    Troy Parson -> ::mock goodbye salute as they beam out::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: They just as quickly materialize in a small transporter room under the planet's surface

    Pher -> @ :: Braces herself against the gravity. ::

    Robert Long -> @::looks around in the Transporter room on the surface::

    Pher -> @ :: Experiments a bit with shifting weight, getting a feel for the balance. ::

    Robert Long -> **under, even.

    Joe Manning -> @::Quickly gets himself acclimated to the heavier gravity. Experience helps. Though his aging bones do not::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: Knees give a bit with the gravity levels:: whoa

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::approaches the rematerialized Qob crew and salutes:: Live long and prosper. Welcome to Xorax.

    Robert Long -> @::adjusts himself to the greater gravity::

    Joe Manning -> @::Does another quick head count and realizes that seven became eight. Blinks::

    William Chocox -> @::rough adjusment to the change in gravity but recovers::

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos>Woah haven't been on a transporter in years...and hello gravity.

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at the Vulcan gentleman who just stepped forward to greet them::

    Pher -> @ :: Checks to see if they have a security team or customs set up. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @::Looks up seeing Ethan:: Hello

    Joe Manning -> @Doctor Phantos I presume?

    Robert Long -> @::looks up to the Vulcan::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::moves around a bit::

    William Chocox -> <<I didn't trip, there was a sudden burst of Gravity.>>

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Vulcanly apologetic:: I am Selek, Dr. Phantos's security advisor. Dr. Phantos is indisposed.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: There is one lone transport operator. A long corridor extends out of the transporter room

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos::Just looks over everyone's heads::

    Kaara Soora -> @::eyes catch the Vulcan's, seeing if she recognised him::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ You are Captain Manning?

    Joe Manning -> @Indisposed? We're here to discuss terms of the Zoalus expedition job. Name's Joe Manning. ::Extends a hand::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks up at the Vulcan. Manages to keep a straight face. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: nudges Pher and nods to a pit secluded corner::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Two more transport beams shoot up to Qob's engine room from another part of the facility

    STSF_Nickles -> *bit of

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::blankly looks at Joe's hand; then stiffly grasps it:: Yes. I am to "show you around."

    Mitar Precip -> @::Quietly maps out the transporter room desk ....corridor..lousy egress situation in a firefight::

    Pher -> @ :: Wanders off a bit with Chris. :: You are the impatient one, are you?

    Mitar Precip -> (in his head)

    Troy Parson -> ::notices a blip on the sensors, and heads for the engine room::

    Joe Manning -> @::Forces Selek's hand up and down and tries to smile:: And do you have any idea how long it will be before we can meet with Doctor Phantos?

    Pher -> @ :: Whispers a bit to Audrey, something about a bio scan of Selek. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly eyes Chris and Pher:: Dr. Phantos indicated that he will be free to meet with you in two hours. ::gestures toward corridor:: If you would follow me?

    Mitar Precip -> @::Thinks:: Something stinks and it isn't his body

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::nods to Kaara:: She said I had a relapse Im craving.... She said she treated me but Im still in need.

    William Chocox -> @::is looking around wondering how deep they are::

    Joe Manning -> @Lead the way, Selek. ::Motions ahead::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Two figures are looking over equipment in the engine room. Little guys. Identical twins. Bynar appearing

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stiffly nods and leads down the corridor::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to the doctor. ::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::heads down the corridor with the group::

    Robert Long -> @::follows down the corridor next to Kaara::

    Joe Manning -> @::Lags behind so he can stay at the back of the group::

    Pher -> @ :: Lingers behind briefly, thinking naughty thoughts, and saying close to Chris ::

    Troy Parson -> ::standing in the door of the engine room, watching the Bynar-looking folks look at the equipment, but not interrupting them yet::

    William Chocox -> @::brings up the rear following the group::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: takes a breath.. then a bit of a deeper one ::

    Joe Manning -> Bynar> ::Blinks at a toolbox that was left on the floor by Shane. Reaches in and extracts a conventional cutting torch::

    Mitar Precip -> @::takes the last position of the group :: I have my orders. ::to William Chocox:: Sitll fighting gravity.

    Pher -> @ (whispers) OK. Hope just to take the edge off. Have to lead if no one else is.

    Joe Manning -> Other Bynar> ::Takes it upon himself to start tapping the controls of one of the computer terminals::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out a cigarette, and looks at it for a second, not igniting it::

    Pher -> @ :: Starts moving, moving up to the forward position, trying not to be too conspicuous about it. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: Takes a good deep breath:: Thanks Doll ::grinning Thanks a lot

    Joe Manning -> Bynar> ::Activates the torch and flinches at the jet of flame::

    William Chocox -> @Byblos:: Gotcha. ::moves in front of the Naussiccan::

    Joe Manning -> Other Bynar> ::Spins around and tilts his head at the torch::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::leads the group in silence through two lengthy corridors; exits ahead of the group in a large cavern several stories tall - it's filled with shops and eateries, and noisy:: This is our visitor's center.

    Pher -> @ Welcome! Just a down payment! :: Moves with a bit of extra hip action. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: stays near the end of the group, feeling REALLY good now::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the Bynar with the torch, and calls out from the doorway:: Hey, you mind giving a fellow a light? ::holds up the cigarette::

    Joe Manning -> @::Rubs his chin as he looks around the cavern complex::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Spin around to look at Troy::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ If there is anything which you desire or need during your stay, or, perhaps, supplies for your ship, you will likely find it here.

    Robert Long -> @::looks around at the cavern::

    Joe Manning -> Bynar 1> We do not possess a lighting device.

    Joe Manning -> Bynar 2> Do you not have one available here?

    Pher -> @ :: Tries not to think of Chris... Though vulcans, females and Byblos will be immune. Trys to stay clear of Joe. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the torch that the Bynar is holding:: I'm afraid I misplaced mine...just done the laundry, see. But what you've got would do the trick, wouldn't it?

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Both look at the torch::

    Pher -> @ :: To Ethan :: I have a few items we're looking for, but let's talk the overall plan first.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::Selek:: Do you have medical supplies?

    Joe Manning -> Bynar 2> I do not believe this would produce a sufficient level of lighting for basic needs

    Joe Manning -> Bynar 1> But if you wish. ::Steps toward Troy and holds out the torch, activates it::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods to Pher; and then turns to Soora:: Indeed.

    Mitar Precip -> @::walks backwards gathering the enviornment in his mind::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::Nods:: Good; we are in dire need.

    Troy Parson -> ::ignites the end of his cigarette on the torch:: Cheers, mate. ::takes a drag::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks over at Byblos and William:: We're probably a few hundred feet under the surface down here.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::allows the group a moment more to view the cavern and then stiffly turns - acting a bit more stiff than before:: This way, please. ::gestures toward another corridor entrance::

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Tilt their heads simultaneous at Troy lighting the cigarette::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: walking with the group ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::enters the next set of corridors::

    William Chocox -> @::continues walking with the group admiring the handiwork::

    Pher -> @ :: Looking for anything that might be a threat. ::

    Mitar Precip -> @::looks around..sniper heaven::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks ahead at Ethan:: Hopefully, you'll give us some time to browse the shops. We'd like to plan ahead for that big paycheck your boss is going to give us.

    Joe Manning -> Bynar 1> You are one of the crew of the vessel Qob

    Joe Manning -> Bynar 2> Are you not?

    Pher -> @ ::: Decides not to offer Joe help in spending money. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods:: Of course. There will be plenty of time to "browse" and secure the supplies you find necessary.

    Robert Long -> @::following with the group::

    Troy Parson -> Suppose so. ::takes out his cigarette box and holds it out, open, with his free hand:: Care for a smoke?

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Each retrieve one of the cigarettes, out of politeness::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::nods, following next to Long::

    Joe Manning -> Bynar 1> I am designated Zero One One.

    Joe Manning -> Bynar 2> And I am designated One One One.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::leads the group two yet another corridor - this one is lined with windows and doors on one side at regular intervals, and behind each set of windows are various labs:: This is where we conduct various scientific studies and experiments.

    Troy Parson -> Three and Seven, eh?

    Joe Manning -> 011> ::Mimicking Troy, lights the end of his and 111's cigarette::

    Mitar Precip -> (lol smoking bynars)

    Joe Manning -> 111> Are you a computer programmer?

    Troy Parson -> A scientist, actually. Tell me...if each of you has a name that's three numbers long, and each digit can be a one or a zero, what do you do when there's more than eight of you?

    Joe Manning -> 011> There are never more than eight us required in any one place at any one time.

    Mitar Precip -> @::looks for a "tail" despite the obvious fact they are being led::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Our most sensitive scientific experiments are, of course, under tight security. ::lightly clears throat:: But you are free to peruse these labs as you desire.

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks up at Selek:: What area of study is covered in this section?

    Troy Parson -> I see. And your designation changes when you are re-tasked? ::takes a long drag on the cigarette, watching to see if the Bynars imitate the action::

    Joe Manning -> 111> That is correct.

    Pher -> <AFK a bit>

    Joe Manning -> 011> The designation is a convenience for our Human, Vulcan, and variously-speciesed colleagues.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ These here focus on Botany, Ecology, and some Soology in general.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Zoology^

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<Heh, odd typo.>>

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks into the labs:: Small. I've heard about the biodomes your bosses keep down here. Sure would love to have a look at one of those.

    Kaara Soora -> ::brb::

    Joe Manning -> @Bynars> ::Simultaneously follow Troy's lead, puffing on the cigarettes::

    Troy Parson -> ::watching intently to see if they cough::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods:: Of course, please follow me. ::leading once again into new corridors::

    Joe Manning -> @Bynars> ::Both begin coughing uncontrollably::

    Joe Manning -> @You're going to show us one of them?

    Joe Manning -> << Whoops, mixing up my tags >>

    Pher -> <BAK>

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ I have been given clearance to show you one; our least sensitive.

    Mitar Precip -> @Pher..one thing..

    Joe Manning -> 111> ::Looks intently at the cigarette:: This substance appears to be quite dangerous to members of our species.

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to Byblos ::

    Joe Manning -> 011> We must decline to continue engaging in this activity, though we do not mean to appear rude.

    William Chocox -> @::amazed at how they can have engineered such labs underground::

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<wb>>

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: You're probably better off for it.

    STSF_Nickles -> << thanks what a boot had to restart PC>>

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Keep the lit cigarettes in their hands, of course::

    Mitar Precip -> @Let us not rule out the possibility that we may be future lab rats..:::spoken hushly and while the Nausicaan is bending down to her level::

    Troy Parson -> Icidentally...if you're designated based on your current task, and you are 011 and 111, then what are the others whose designations fall in between yours doing?

    Mitar Precip -> @Byblos returns his gaze to a patrol pattern.

    Joe Manning -> 111> We are not at liberty to say.

    Kaara Soora -> <<back>>

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::leads them into a corridor housing an underground transport system:: ::gestures for the Qob crew to fill the empty car:: If you would please take your seats.

    Joe Manning -> 011> The task to which we are assigned by the administrators are confidential.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: stands next the Kaara grinning::

    Joe Manning -> 111> It was curiosity that brought us here.

    Pher -> @ (Whispers) Undiscounted.

    Troy Parson -> I can relate to that. So, what in particular are you interested in?

    Joe Manning -> @::Takes a seat at the back of the car:: Nifty

    Pher -> @ :: Continues to move forward. ::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::sits down in a seat against the wall::

    Joe Manning -> 011> ::Tilts his head at Troy:: Your recent encounters on the colony Tranquility

    Robert Long -> @::takes a seat next to Kaara::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::sits next to Kaara:

    Pher -> @ :: Settles in ::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Your operations involving the one called 'Minos'

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::takes a seat at the front and waits for all to be seated before selecting their destination on the console::

    Mitar Precip -> @::takes the back seat and really has to scrunch to fit in::

    Troy Parson -> Ah, that. Quite an unpleasant business, really.

    William Chocox -> @::sits down::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::glances at Chris:: You alright?

    Joe Manning -> 011> We were hoping that you would share some of the details

    Joe Manning -> 111> Whilst giving us a tour of your ship. We do not want to be rude guests.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::whispers: Insteresting place so far... Ya why would you ask that

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::counts those present in the car; gives the command for the car to go::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::whispers:: You didn't eat before we left.

    Kaara Soora -> And you're grinning

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::smiles:: Im fine now.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sits as car takes off - car travels at what appears to be 50kph:: ::subtly tugs at his collar::

    Troy Parson -> ::grins:: Let me show you the science lab. It's not exactly state of the art, but I've managed to improvise a few pieces of equipment that you won't find anywhere else.

    Joe Manning -> @::Quietly:: I'm thinking we need to shake this tour guide. No tour is a good tour if we can't do some lookin' around on our own.

    Pher -> @ :: Strives not to think about chris ::

    Kaara Soora -> @ I

    Joe Manning -> 011> Please lead on.

    Kaara Soora -> will believe you for now**

    Joe Manning -> 111> We will follow.

    Joe Manning -> 011> By what designation may we refer to you?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks up as console beeps, indicating that they are approaching their destination::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::looks foreward grinning:: Im fine

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::Sighs softly and looks towards the front of the car to Selek::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stands once car comes to a stop and turns; gestures toward the doors as they open::

    Pher -> @ :: Decides to neither encourage or discourage the captain. ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks over at Kaara:: I can't help but notice your interest in our tour leader, Doc

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::to Joe:: It is rare I encounter another Vulcan, sir.

    Troy Parson -> ::heading towards the science lab:: My customary designation in contexts similar to this one is "Dr. Parson".

    Joe Manning -> @::Kaara:: Well, I have an idea ::Grins a bit::

    Joe Manning -> 011> Doctor Parson

    Joe Manning -> 111> Recorded.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::joe:: Will I learn to regret this idea?

    Joe Manning -> 011> Thank you Doctor Parson. We look forward to seeing your science lab.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::exits stopped car; speaks in monotone, though it briefly seems to waver:: If you would follow me?

    Pher -> @ :: Checks Audrey to see if the vulcan really is vulcan, or perhaps human? ::

    Joe Manning -> @Naaah. ::Puts on an innocent look:: I was just thinking that you could keep the young man over there occupied ...

    Mitar Precip -> @::Notes his "six" is now the car they are walking from::

    Joe Manning -> @While I and some of my more wandersome crewmates head elsewhere.

    Joe Manning -> @::Gets out of the car::

    Troy Parson -> ::arrives at the improvised lab and opens the door:: Watch your step...I've had to make do with what I could get in terms of wiring, so there are a few data and power channels strung across the floor.

    William Chocox -> @::steps out of the car::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::follows along with Joe:: You wish me to engross his in conversation?

    Joe Manning -> 011> Eep! ::Drops the cigarette as it burns out completely::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Ak! ::Drops his as well::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: climbs out of the car::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::takes the lead again; the entrance to the biodome is ahead and clearly marked::

    Troy Parson -> ::subconsciously put out his own cigarette a while ago:: Oh...are you all right?

    Robert Long -> @::follows out of the car::

    Joe Manning -> @Just give him something to pay attention to. So he doesn't have to worry about the rest of us.

    Pher -> @ Byblos, move with the captain.

    Pher -> @ :: Moves with the guide ::

    Mitar Precip -> @Aye...::walks towards Joe::

    Joe Manning -> 011> The strange device appears harmful to us in more ways than one.

    Joe Manning -> 111> We are sorry for our outburst.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A rapid transport beam shoots through the deck of the science lab, depositing a lone Bynar

    STSF_Nickles -> @ walks behind the captain::

    Troy Parson -> ::waves a hand dismissively:: Good smoking habits take a little while to develop for anyone.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::Gives the captain a dirty look:: Aye, sir. ::Starts to walk a little faster to catch up with Selek::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees the new Bynar appear:: Oh, hello.

    Ethan Neufeld -> <<Bynar... computer-based tribbles?>>

    William Chocox -> <<A lone Bynar? Inconcivable!::

    Joe Manning -> @::Does a double-take as the massive Nausicaan moves beside him:: Ah, Byblos. ::Glances in Pher's direction:: Something wrong?

    Joe Manning -> 011> Late!

    Joe Manning -> 111> As usual!

    Joe Manning -> Bynars> ::Roll their eyes::

    Mitar Precip -> @Pher's suggestion sir..

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::notices Soora approaching:: Doctor.

    Joe Manning -> Third Bynar> ::Quickly takes up a position next to the other two:: I was delayed by the usual busyworks.

    Joe Manning -> 111> We apologize, Doctor Parson. This is One Negative-One Zero.

    Joe Manning -> 1-10> ::Nods:: A pleasure to meet you, Doctor Parson.

    Pher -> @ :: Trying to see if the party is indeed splitting. If Joe is trying to leave the Vulcan, and the Vulcan is allowing this. ::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::Selek:: Security Advisor Selek.

    Troy Parson -> Likewise! I never knew your designations could include negative digits.

    Joe Manning -> @::Quietly to those near him:: Whoever wants to see Xorax -our- way, come with me. ::Breaks back from the rest of the group::

    Kaara Soora -> @ It was a surprise to see you.

    Joe Manning -> 1-10> ::Smirks:: You have not encountered Xorax colony Bynars, then.

    Mitar Precip -> @::obeys the Captain..and follows him::

    William Chocox -> @::follows the Captain discreetly::

    Joe Manning -> 111> ::Shakes head:: Three.

    STSF_Nickles -> @::moves with Joes group::

    Joe Manning -> 011> Three is nothing but trouble.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::puzzled:: Why is it a surprise to see me?

    Robert Long -> @::also discreetly slips out and follows the captain::

    Joe Manning -> 1-10> But vital. ::Grin widens::

    Pher -> @ :: Curious to see how observant Soora turns out to be. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Want to split up Capt?

    Joe Manning -> #::Heads back in the direction of the transport car::

    Kaara Soora -> @ I have not seen another of our species since I left New Vulcan.

    Mitar Precip -> #::follows Joe getting an impression this place stinks worse than he does::

    William Chocox -> #::turns with the Captain::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::surprised:: You are Vulcan?

    Joe Manning -> #Where to, where to. I've heard there's a famous holobrothel on this planet ...

    Joe Manning -> #But considering that one of those nearly took over a space station back in Fed space, we might want to be careful.

    Robert Long -> #::follows at the back of the group::

    Joe Manning -> 111> Please, Doctor Parson, tell us of Minos.

    aara Soora -> @ ::turns towards him, tucking hair behind her right ear, before looking forward again:: Yes, indeed I am.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Ethan Neufeld -> TBS?

    Joe Manning -> A few minutes for Selek to show off the biodome. For the split group to find an interesting venue. And for Troy to chat up the Trinars a bit