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Joe Manning

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Posts posted by Joe Manning

  1. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::agreed with Pher's decision to remain outside; remains on watch in the rain::

    Troy Parson -> ::heading, against his better judgement, towards the plasma leak at top scientist speed::

    Byblos -> @::the Big Nausicaan follows the Doctors down the halll to the triage bay with THE BAG::

    rosetto -> ::shaking his head and looking around the room::

    rosetto -> *@

    Ethan Neufeld -> (Who's taking @?)

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Arrives at the cargo bay doors at a mild sprint. Gurneys are already being rolled out with coughing patients::

    Joe Manning -> (( We'll take them on Capricorn ))

    Troy Parson -> (( @rgr ))

    Kerris Kea -> @::Watches quietly, thinking quickly::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::nods:: Sorry; got ahead of myself::))

    William Chocox -> @::is following the group to the cargo bay::

    Byblos -> @ What the Jyke? ::looks to Tomar:: Need some help rolling patients out?

    Kaara Soora -> @::follows behind Kerris, and walks past her::

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Meets up with Tomar's group, a couple of his engineers behind him::

    rosetto -> ::looks intently at the walls and moves away from the altar::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Nods at Byblos:: Please. Wherever you can contribute.

    Troy Parson -> @ ::sees Ford:: What happened?

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Fixes Troy with a bit of a glare before frowning in Tomar's direction:: Our shunt system went awry. Somehow the plasma ended up diverted to the vents in the bay.

    Kerris Kea -> @::goes and directs a group, helping out rolling gurneys, two at a time::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::managed to pull out and put on poncho before the rain got too heavy::

    Byblos -> @::Byblos momentarily attaches THE BAG to his sword handle above his shoulder freeing up his other arm:: Okay hold my breath time again...::enters bay to get gurneys out::

    Pher -> :: Wonders how the geeks are doing. ::

    Troy Parson -> @::thinks that sounds rather serious:: Have you locked down your life support and contained the leak yet?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::notes visibility is down to about 8km::

    Kaara Soora -> @::sees some of the medics coughing and looking ill, and directs them to evacuate, and to let the others relieve them::

    rosetto -> ::looks down to find the dodecahedron lying on the floor::

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Snaps at Troy:: Of course we did, though enough of the coolant is still hovering in the bay that we're going to be lose a lot of people.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::watch position overlooks the creek they crossed earlier::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders how the rain will affect the creek::

    Byblos -> @::As he enters the bay he immediately spots the discolored gas venting into the bay:: Doctors...tell me who needs to go first!

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Shakes his head at Tomar:: This was no mistake. That plasma could not have ended up down here unless it was specifically diverted into the life support systems.

    Pher -> :: Opposite Ethan, which would put her looking towards the bulk of the local settlement ::

    Troy Parson -> @::looks at Ford:: Have you tried ionizing the plasma yet? If you give it a strong enough charge, you could probably suck it out into space using whatever deflector field generators you have left::

    Kerris Kea -> @ Byblos> Priority one. Green is already out, it looks like, or helping.

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> Our deflector generators are near the bottom of a list of priority repairs right now.

    Pher -> :: Tries to get some impression of the lay out, looking for buildings near cover and patterns in drone patrols ::

    rosetto -> ::senses the chanting still going on inside his head::

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> This shunt system -should- have worked. ::Stares at Troy:: Your people were overseeing it.

    Troy Parson -> @ You must have at least a nav deflector left...any sort of external field generator would do.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::eyes slowly travel toward the port city; sees Pher in his periphery before shifting eyes in the other direction::

    Troy Parson -> @ And, for the record, my people were using your equipment, and are on this contaminated ship with you.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The structure is largely in the open, the port city about a dozen kilometers up river

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Crosses his arms and stares into the cargo bay with a stern look::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::can't make out much of the port city due to low visibility from his position::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::passes by the engineers with two gurneys:: While you guys are talking, how about helping too?

    rosetto -> ::reaches down to pick up the dodecahedron::

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> On the ship, yeah, but none of you were in the bay. ::Points angrily into the triage center::

    Troy Parson -> @ If we wanted to kill you all, we could just has easily have put a disruptor blast through your warp core while you were helpless. And if we'd been feeling a little meaner today, that's exactly what we would have done.

    Pher -> :: Not entirely in open, looked for some cover not far from the entrance ::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Raises a hand:: Gentlemen, please.

    Byblos -> Uh yeah priority one! They are labeled? ::nearly floors an orderly::

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::ignoring Tomar:: Oh, but that would have wrecked the ship, wouldn't it ...

    rosetto -> ::thinking that he should probably get back and report::

    Kerris Kea -> @ Byblos> It's almost everyone. They are labeled yellow. Remember, leave the black.

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> One of my people detected tampering in the computer. ::Looks back at Tomar:: Subroutines that seem intended to give someone outside access to our systems.

    STSF_Nickles -> Hi all

    Kerris Kea -> ((hi))

    William Chocox -> ((Hi Nickles))

    rosetto -> (Nickles! Just in Time! LOL)

    Troy Parson -> @ ::to Ford, also ignoring Tomar:: You don't think we could have killed you all without coming over here, if we'd wanted to? Do you have any idea how many toxic compounds I could have snythesized to inject into your ship with a torpedo that would have killed you all without any warning whatsoever?

    Byblos -> @William can the vents be just...closed off manually?!!!! ::coughs:: And grabs one gurney...each arm and tries to do two at once

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey, Chris.))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Sal's partying it up inside by himself.))

    William Chocox -> @Possibly. It depends on the vents themselves.

    Troy Parson -> @::starting to look impatient:: Don't bother answering that. You don't know enough, in all likelyhood, to know the half of it.

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Points at Troy:: What were your engineers doing inside our computer then?!

    Kaara Soora -> @::goes to the supply cabinet and starts handing out respirators to the medics and helpers::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Well, was by himself until you arrived. Heh.))

    Troy Parson -> @ Making sure that you starving pirate types don't take our help and use it to blow us out of the stars!

    rosetto -> ::looks around at the walls trying to reorient himself and finding it difficult::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Calmly:: Mr. Ford ... either assist Byblos and his team with the patients or see to clearing out the leakage.

    William Chocox -> @::to the two arguing men:: Not that I don't enjoy seeing a trainwreck in motion is there a way to manually close the vents?

    Kerris Kea -> @::scoots by much as Soora has done, shooting daggers at the engineers::

    Byblos -> @Byblos realizes he isnt just pulling two gurneys...there are IV bags and other medical stuff....he struggles to pull two towards the door. William You've got to figure out how to ::cough:: Manually shut them off..Else I am going to puke on you!

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Looks over at William, still fuming:: The vents leaking the coolant are closed. We're opening others to flush it out.

    William Chocox -> @Working on it.

    rosetto -> ::talking to himself::Dang! There are symbols everywhere! Where's that door?

    William Chocox -> @How much longer til they are open?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::watches quietly, still concealed by the surrounding brush::

    William Chocox -> @And is there a way to open them faster?

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::About to answer, but a group of engineers runs up with some biosuits:: Here, these can get us in safely.

    William Chocox -> ((brb))

    Troy Parson -> @How many people are still in there?

    rosetto -> ::calls out into one of the walls::Nickles!?!

    Kaara Soora -> @ Too many. ::walking by again with two gurneys::

    Byblos -> @::Reaches the doorway which only can fit one gurney through at a time...:: He shoves on gurney through the door...the other has some sort of medical unit attached to it making it difficult to get through::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> Looks like about half of the original 80. ::Shakes his head slowly:: Who is to say how many have survived in their already meager condition.

    Troy Parson -> @::looks at the suit, then at the door:: By the time I finish putting that on, it'll be too late.

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> Mr. Parson, can I speak to you in private?

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher were did Rosetto go to?

    Troy Parson -> @::glares at Tomar:: Not now!

    Pher -> He's still in the building as far as I can tell.

    Pher -> Came out a while ago, claimed there was no reason to keep watch, and we ought to come in out of the rain.

    STSF_Nickles -> I don't like him being in there alone. Who gave him authorization?

    rosetto -> ::calls out again::Nickles! Pher! Ethan! Anyone?

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Turns on Troy and takes on more forceful tone:: Mr. Parson, I am -urging- you in the interest of cooperation to step aside with me.

    Byblos -> @::coughs:: I find the Pe`taQ who did this...I will take his head.....::lets crewman take the two gurneys he wheeled out and goes back for more::

    Pher -> :: Waves to rosetto ::

    Troy Parson -> @::exasperated:: Fine!

    Joe Manning -> (( Nickles, check your PM ))

    Troy Parson -> @:: steps aside::

    William Chocox -> ((back))

    Pher -> Let's go back to the building for a bit.

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Leads Troy over to an adjoining corridor::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::doesn't hear anything in the rain; not even Pher and Chris chatting::

    Pher -> :: Leaves her cover, retreats to the entrance of the building to consult ::

    Pher -> I thought you were with him.

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Slipping the mask of his biosuit over his head and motioning to the others, before leading them into the bay::

    Troy Parson -> @::follows Tomar into the corridor:: What?

    rosetto -> ::uses some explicit language that he rarely uses::

    Pher -> :: Tries to catch Ethan's eye as she moves in ::

    Byblos -> @::coughs as he runs further down the cargo bay to grab another gurney::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::steps in with Pher listening to her carefuly::

    William Chocox -> @::follows Ford wearing his biosuit::

    Kerris Kea -> @::can only move one gurney at at time, and that's still slow; needs to work out more::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::catches sight of Pher moving, watches::

    rosetto -> ::pans the walls looking for the symbol cluster that is his exit::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> Mr. Parson, my engineers are telling me that I have a saboteur on board my ship. Given your recent observation that turnabout is fair play, I can only find it hard to believe that your team is not in any way responsible for this. I am trying, however.

    Kerris Kea -> @::starting to sweat and her feet change before changing back to human quickly. shakes her head and focuses::

    Pher -> :: Points from herself to the door, then back out to her post. Gives a 'stay' signal to Ethan ::

    Byblos -> @Dr. Soora!!! Which one next??? ::sees so many gurneys with the correct tag but doesn't know who really needs out::

    Pher -> :: Settles into the door, listening to the guys, but still keeping a lot of attention outward ::

    Troy Parson -> @::to Tomar:: Stop thinking with your feelings, and start using your head. I don't gain anything by staging a massively public disaster to wipe out a few of your crew members, no matter how little I may trust you.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods, signals ack::

    Kaara Soora -> @ Byblos> If they're breathing, bring them out.

    Pher -> Find anything, Sal?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Think Sal's trapped in that inner room...))

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Raises a hand:: Very well. Assuming I take you at your word ... and I at least respect your honesty to this point ... can you definitively vouch for the people that are under your command? That none of them are responsible for this leakage or the tampering with our computer?

    rosetto -> ::calls out again::Nickles? You still out there?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::expands his AOR to cover for Pher::

    Byblos -> @Right! So Logical....::coughs again with some fluids Finds two gurneys and pulls::

    Troy Parson -> @I can vouch that none of my people are responsible for the leakage. The computer...::shrugs:: Did you really think we were going to repair your ship to the point where you could fall back on old habits, and not do anything to make sure you didn't do so while we were still around?

    Pher -> Chris? Could you pair up with him? I don't like solo stuff on an unknown world.

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Nods at William and grabs onto a ladder against one wall. Climbs up it toward the maintenance tube above::

    rosetto -> ::tries to remember the sequence of doors that he went through to get here::

    Troy Parson -> @Doing something like that around someone as desperate as you would be first cousin to suicide, no matter how nice we might find your personality.

    Kaara Soora -> @ It is logical, or otherwise it wouldn't be the right course of action. ::glad for her extra strength as she works at removing them from the contaminant::

    Pher -> I want to stay in touch with Ethan, eyes out, but if you could get Sal out here, it might be good to hear if anything interesting is about.

    William Chocox -> @::waits for Ford to get higher on the Ladder and starts to follow him up::

    rosetto -> ::returns to the center of the room and attempts to reorient himself again::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Sighs:: You admit then, that you are responsible for the computer tampering? I will have to relay this to the people under my command, as (and believe me when I say this) they are not nearly the ally to you that I can be. Their mistrust is evident.

    STSF_Nickles -> Let's see if he can hear us in there. ::cups his hands around his mouth:: ROSETTOOOOO!!!

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::steps away after bringing out that last gurney, going to find some water, feeling strange and odd::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow rises; heard Chris shouting::

    Pher -> :: Doesn't like the noise, but doesn't push it. Perhaps she is being excessively paranoid, if that isn't an oxymoron. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders if something is wrong::

    Byblos -> @::The Nausicaan pulling two gurneys slows down and ::coughs loudly:: he moves on towards the door::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::listens waiting to hear a reply::

    Pher -> :: Quickly goes out and in briefly to confirm Ethan is all right ::

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Crawls into the maintenance tube and pops open an access panel:: This terminal should flush the atmosphere in the bay.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::affirms::

    Troy Parson -> @::looks at Tomar:: I'm actually a little curious now...what did you expect us to do?

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::takes one gurney from Byblos, nodding to his silently::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::signs 'what?'::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::points at building::

    Ethan Neufeld -> (WB))

    STSF_Nickles -> Im not hearing anything.

    rosetto -> Nickles!!!!!

    rosetto -> ::shouting as loud as he can::

    Byblos -> @::notes he is pulling a Bolian...the other a human female:: Aye Doctor....::coughs with some yucky stuff::

    Troy Parson -> @Did you expect us to just cry a little bit when we heard your story, come over here, and make everything better?

    William Chocox -> @::moves over to Ford:: Then let's get this bad boy started.

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> I expected you to aid us, because I had no other choice. Our ship was in terrible disrepair and we were under assault. Had you attacked us, the end result for us would have been the same.

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> I expected nothing else. Not pity. Not compassion. Simply assistance that we were dead without.

    Byblos -> @::reaches the door swings the gurney through it...and given his respitrory rate has been exposed to some amount of coolant::

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher I just heard him.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shifts stance; ready to move in if needed::

    Troy Parson -> @Well, that's exactly what you're getting. You're getting assistance, and in return, we're getting a guarantee that our decision to assist you isn't going to come back to bite us in the rear.

    Pher -> :: Sighs... very briefly powers up Audrey to look for the missing Sal life sign. As soon as she gets gets a vector on Sal, shuts Audrey down and points Chris in the right direction ::

    Kerris Kea -> @::spots Byblos and Soora:: How many are left? ::offers them some water::

    William Chocox -> @::starts working on the terminal with Ford::

    Troy Parson -> @Well, that, and a few odds and ends that might be helpful around our ship. Nothing you'll really miss, I assure you.

    Troy Parson -> @But that's not the point, is it?

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Taps at the controls, starting the process of drawing the atmosphere out of the bay:: How well do you know a rig like this?

    STSF_Nickles -> Im going to go get him and get him out here, Im not liking the idea of splitting up.

    Pher -> There. I'm going to hold the watch. Try to keep an eye on him?

    Kaara Soora -> @::waves water away:: Alive? Perhaps about ten.

    Pher -> If you can't get him out, let me know, and we'll get us all in here.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::no impact; has no clue what is happening::

    Byblos -> @::takes water from Kerris and dumps it in his eyes than takes a sip:: Doctor Kaara Soora...a dozen yeah maybe 10.

    rosetto -> ((SIGH))

    Byblos -> @I need....some O2......::coughs::

    STSF_Nickles -> Will do. ::takes a deep breath and enters to buidling further:;

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> If you want insurance, very well. I do not begrudge it. But some of my people are clearly convinced that you are trying to kill them. I do not want a bloodbath on my hands. I believe you do not either. So I ask you not to give them much reason to believe otherwise.

    rosetto -> Nickles? Can you hear me?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: turns looking back to Pher:: Be careful out here to Doll.

    Kerris Kea -> @ I know the feeling. ::takes Byblos and leads him over to the cabinets, searching for extra O2::

    Pher -> So far, no problems keeping wet.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A single drone approaches the structure from the direction Ethan is facing

    STSF_Nickles -> :: stepping further in he can now hear Sal better:: Where are you at Rosetto!!

    Byblos -> @The Big guy leans to the right outside the doorway hacking coughing...::OF COURSE THE STUPID NAUSICAAN FAILED TO WEAR A MASK::

    Pher -> :: Heads back out, thinking to visit Ethan, then spots the drone. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow furrows, puzzled at what's going on; then sees a drone moving in and freezes::

    rosetto -> ::hears Nickles::Okay... Have you entered the GREEN room yet?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The drone stops suddenly when Pher emerges

    Kaara Soora -> @::takes a deep breath and goes back in for two more gurneys::

    Pher -> :: retreats back into the building ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::watches drone, seeing the team is being cornered::

    Byblos -> @::begins to turn around for the door gathering a breath...he runs towards the rear to attempt to get another gurnery::

    Pher -> The drones are good, Chris. One coming in. Even the brief power up caught one.

    Troy Parson -> @You're right...we don't wan't a bloodbath, either. I'm not going to start one, if I can avoid it. But keep your people from doing anything stupid, all right? When people get stupid, all manner of ills stand to come to pass.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::considers::

    William Chocox -> @Mostly theoretical. Starfleet had pretty much stopped using these when I was in the service and the Guardians don't really have a lot of big ships.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::jaw tightens and he powers up his radio - no transmissions - to see if he can attract the drone away from the door::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> They are my responsibility now and I will do everything in my power to keep them under control, you have my word of that.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::entering the green room:: JUST DID!

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Nods to him and re-enters the corridor outside the bay::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: After a few seconds pause, the drone continues moving toward the structure

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::goes and takes Byblos by the arm, leading him back out to the cabinet.:: SIT

    rosetto -> Kewl! Now to your left there is another set of symbols... That leads into a long hall...

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: As it gets closer, it's clear that the drone has the same modifications seen two times already

    Troy Parson -> @::follows into the corridor:: I'm glad we have an understanding.

    Byblos -> @::sees a gurney the pateint looks dead:: Is Tugged by Dr. Kerris Kea ::coughs some more stumbling::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::waits in concealment; recognizes modifications::

    Pher -> :: Stays stationary, just inside the door, entirely powered down, not moving ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((magic edits to 'will be cornered'^))

    STSF_Nickles -> ::calls out to Pher:: Im locating him now Hopefully we will be out shortly

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::attaches an O2 mask forcibly onto Byblos::

    Pher -> Hush. Drone in the area.

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> There are about a dozen left. ::Squints:: They were in there a long time.

    Byblos -> ::Spins around and nearly takes out another orderly and feels O2 in his face which he inhales like a pig (Well he is kinda big)

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Moves further into the building towards Sal::

    rosetto -> ::moves toward Nickles' voice::

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> Well, it sounds like you know Starfleet ships. ::Nods up the tube:: Make sure the vents along this shaft are locked out.

    Troy Parson -> @We should still get them out...everyone has a different level of resistance to things like this; if we get lucky, we might get another survivor out of this last lot.

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> We don't want the plasma leaking to other sections.

    Kerris Kea -> @::growls and sits him down again, keeps hands on his shoulders::

    Joe Manning -> @*plasma coolant

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::watching drone, waiting to see what effect his radio will have::

    William Chocox -> @Will do. ::starts to move up the maintenance tube::

    Byblos -> ::ties to stand up but notes the Doctor is having none of it....::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Holds his arm over his mouth and enters the bay::

    rosetto -> There are three sets of symbols in the corridor... Use the second one... It's on your right... I think?

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Ignoring the radio, approaches to within ten meters of Ethan::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::watches Tomar as she tries to find a patient who is alive still::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::isn't sure if it will have an effect; noticed the drone stop when Pher -appeared- from the doorway::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Looks at Kaara:: How bad does it look?

    STSF_Nickles -> Do I have to press in any sequence?

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out a handkerchief and his canteen, wetting the handkerchief so that it will absorb any soluble toxic gasses, and puts it up to his mouth to breathe through, then enters the bay::

    Troy Parson -> @^

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Stops a few meters from Ethan. Has its sensor tentacle pointed directly at him::

    rosetto -> Nope.. Just press the cluster as you did before...

    Kaara Soora -> @ It could have gone better. As it is... we got most of them out... about 60 in alright condition, who knows long term effects. These people are mostly gone.

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Waves it across the entrance to the structure momentarily before returning it to Ethan::

    William Chocox -> @::continues crawling through the tube making sure that the vents are locked::

    Byblos -> ::removes mask and...just makes a mess on the floor from his breakfast earlier:: Oh my jyking pants my ::cough:: only pair.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::watches drone use it's sensor, thinking maybe using his radio as a decoy worked::

    rosetto -> ::moves again closer to Chris' voice but still doesn't see the cluster on his side::

    Ethan Neufeld -> its^

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Grabs a free gurney and begins wheeling it::

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::can't prevent the change after that, and changes into her half-lizard form, which makes it easier to hold him down::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: hit the cluster of symbols::

    Byblos -> @::looks to Tomar:: Sorry man...

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Two more drones are approaching the structure from roughly the same direction

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees more drones headed in::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Pher to see if she's seen them::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Byblos:: The least of my concerns right now ...

    Pher -> (( Pher is inside the building at the moment. Don't think she is in Ethan's line of sight. ))

    Byblos -> @No your crew....sorry. ::Coughs and puts back the O2 mask::

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Yells up the tube:: It's headed your way. Make sure those vents are sealed, quickly

    rosetto -> Chris... Just press the second set of symbols and you're here...

    Troy Parson -> @::heads over to Byblos:: Mr. Byblos, a word?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Roger. Magic edits Pher to Zap.))

    William Chocox -> @::finishes on the last vent:: Done!

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::to Troy:: Talk quickly.

    rosetto -> You should SEE this place! It's amazing!

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The other two drones are unmodified

    Pher -> (( I think Sal and Chris are near each other kind of away from the door, while Pher is next to the door to the outside. ))

    STSF_Nickles -> :: hits the second set again and the doors open:: THERE you are. Come on lets get out of here/

    Byblos -> @::sitting on the floor Byblos looks quite disgusting with breakfast on his pants and an O2 mask on:: Yes...sir?

    Shane -> ((Hey guys)

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((We still going with no wildlife?))

    rosetto -> ((Hey Big Guy!))

    Joe Manning -> (( Correct ))

    Troy Parson -> @::hears Kea and nods, talking to Byblos:: Clearly, there are some rather unpleasant elements on this ship. For the time being, play it...well, as cool as you can. Don't kill anyone you don't absolutely have to. But stay ready...when the time comes that we find the people who are responsible for you ruining your pants...

    Joe Manning -> Modified Drone> ::Its sensor tentacle remains fixed on Ethan::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::doesn't see any more alive and heads out to help with care of both the medics and the patients::

    Troy Parson -> @Well, you're going to be the first one heading down the corridor to eliminate the problematic elements.

    Joe Manning -> @Ford> ::Yells up the tube:: It's all flushed out. Get back down here. My people will make sure all the rest of the vents are closed.

    Troy Parson -> @Do you understand?

    Byblos -> @Oh they are so dead...::coughs:: I just hope I didn't jyke myself beyond use..

    Kerris Kea -> @ Kill anyone? Why would we need to?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::considers; slowly, quietly turns off radio::

    rosetto -> ::cups his hands::Chris? You still out there?

    Joe Manning -> Regular Drones> ::Stop just behind the modified drone::

    Troy Parson -> @::to Kea:: Look around you. Somebody did this, and whatever the locals may believe, it asn't one of us.

    Joe Manning -> Modified Drone> ::Sweeps the sensor tentacle across the building again::

    William Chocox -> @Okay! ::starts heading back down the tube::

    Kerris Kea -> @ Yes I know but... ::looks down::

    Joe Manning -> Modified Drone> ::Very swiftly raises another tentacle and fires a stun beam at Ethan::

    Kerris Kea -> @ I'm not fond of these people, but who would do this to their own?

    Byblos -> @::lokos disgusting if Kerris is looking at him::

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::was looking at her feet::

    Shane -> ::stomps up behind Kerris:: People loyal to Diklyt

    Troy Parson -> @I don't know. I really...I don't know. But I have a feeling that we're going to be the ones to find out.

    rosetto -> ::door opens before him and Chris appears::Nickles! Come check this place out!

    Troy Parson -> @In all likelihood, the locals are too used to dealing with one another to have an accurate perspective...

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::jumps, but keeps hands on Byblos's shoulders, turns to see Shane:: I see.

    Shane -> , if I were to guess ::looks around at people running to and fro::

    Byblos -> @I swear I will take all their heads...::coughs and makes more mess on his pants:: JYke!!!

    Joe Manning -> Regular Drones> ::Dart forward, around the modified drone::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::face contorts as he's hit and goes down::

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::grabs Byblos a barf bag::

    Byblos -> (recall we just did eat breakfast before all this)

    STSF_Nickles -> Id rather not, Lets get out of here.

    Pher -> :: Decides not to yell expletives aloud ::

    Joe Manning -> Modified Drone> ::Fires beams toward the entrance::

    rosetto -> ::nods and follows Nickles::

    Pher -> :: Very slowly... decides not to go out after all ::

    Byblos -> @::to late:: Doctor...what the hell are you? I saw..you......change...

    Joe Manning -> Regular Drones> ::Hover down beside Ethan and latch onto his armor with hooked tentacles::

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher said something about a drone. So lets hurry

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Carrier; armor plates are inside.))

    Shane -> ::looks to Kerris at Bybloses comment, his expression narrowing::

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::looks from Shane to Byblos:: Now? ::sighs:: I'm a half-lizard. I'll explain it all after all this is over.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::starts jogging to get back to Pher::

    rosetto -> ::listens to the chanting that is still pounding in his head::I think this is an important find, Chris... What's up?

    rosetto -> ::chases after Nickles::

    Pher -> :: Steps far enough from door so as not likely to get hit ::

    Joe Manning -> Regular Drones> ::Make a fairly clumsy show of lifting Ethan up and hovering away from the structure::

    Joe Manning -> Modified Drone> ::Backs away from the structure, still firing::

    Byblos -> @Hah! A changling! ::laughs with an O2 mask on..still sitting on the floor trying to purge the toxic coolant from his lungs::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::helping a medic:: We're all in a bad sort.

    Byblos -> @Shane ...

    Shane -> Great, first a cat, now a lizard. What else wil...::grimaces as some of Bybloses breakfast splashes on his bionic arm::

    Pher -> :: Hopes the stunner fire is loud enough to get a warning up ::

    rosetto -> ::hears the weapons fire and gasps while running::

    Byblos -> @Blargh

    STSF_Nickles -> ::hears firing :: PHER!!!! :: runs faster to get to her::

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::frowns:: No, I have researched that. I can only change from a lizard to a human and inbetween. It is common on my planet.

    Pher -> They have Ethan.

    Troy Parson -> @::to Kea:: How many of the locals saw you transform?

    rosetto -> What! They? The drones?

    Shane -> ::a growl rumbles in his throat as he glares at Byblos::

    Joe Manning -> Regular Drones> ::One of the hooks comes loose, dropping one end of Ethan on the ground. The drones, however, just keep hovering, one shooting away and the other clumsily flailing back as Ethan drags at it::

    Pher -> Three drones. One modified. Using stunners.

    Kerris Kea -> @ In any case, now is not the time. ::changes back quickly to human form::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::steps out of the buidling looking for Pher:: Where are they?

    Joe Manning -> Modified Drone> ::Stops shooting::

    William Chocox -> @::after making it out of the tube heads down the ladder and starts taking the biosuit off::

    Pher -> :: Points out the door. ::

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::looks at Troy:: I don't know.

    rosetto -> ::stays just inside to doorway and looks::

    Joe Manning -> Modified Drone> ::Swings its sensor tentacle toward Ethan::

    Byblos -> @Shane .. my capacity to inflict damage I am afraid has been damaged...I took too much toxic coolant running saving the...injured...I may of took myself off the team...I am ....sorry. ::cough:: Tell Troy.

    Kerris Kea -> @ It was some effect from the coolant.

    Troy Parson -> @Don't show that little trick of yours off any more than you have to, all right?

    Troy Parson -> @It might make a nice surprise if this all comes down around us.

    Joe Manning -> Modified Drone> ::Swings the tentacle between Ethan, being slowly dragged by one drone, and the other drone that's simply hovering away::

    Kerris Kea -> @I have it back under control. Alright. And yes, I'm an experienced fighter.

    Byblos -> @ Pounds deck in frustration...but he thinks he damaged his lungs

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::glares at Byblos:: Cease.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: steps outside of the building looking for the drone::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Weaves his way through the crowd of gurneys in the corridor outside to rejoin Troy's group::

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::milling around, looking nervous::

    Pher -> Three on three, we might win this round, but...

    Troy Parson -> @::sees Tomar approach:: What's the latest?

    rosetto -> ::calls out a Zoalus' sequence of syllables hoping that he'd get it right the first time::

    Joe Manning -> Regular Drones> ::Both suddenly stop. The free drone turns and hovers back toward Ethan::

    Pher -> :: Ready to power up her weapon to back up Chris, but is not looking to start trouble ::

    Byblos -> @ I am supposed to be your guard..not the other way around...::looks to Shane :: Sorry.... Big Guy..

    Ethan Neufeld -> (Four. But cardboard probably won't do much.))

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> We're scattering the patients wherever we can, but space is limited. We're mostly stuck in the corridors at this point.

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> Mr. Ford says he has flushed out the coolant, but we are going to have to double check to be sure.

    William Chocox -> @::after taking off his biosuit starts to walk towards the group::

    STSF_Nickles -> We may have to use fire power on this one. What if we all fired at the same time. Think we might beat it?

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::to Byblos:: I appreciate it. This form isn't as strong in those aspects, but right now I am going to try to get you all better again.

    Troy Parson -> @Of course, of course.

    Joe Manning -> Modified Drone> ::Swings the tentacle drone back toward the structure::

    Shane -> I don't need no guard Nausy. ::turns from Byblos to look to Troy:: I've planted the last of our "insurance" packages during the confusion.. ::holding only the white taped duffle bag now::

    Troy Parson -> @In the meantime...well, let's be frank. You know as well as I that whoever did this is a threat to us all.

    Pher -> The modified one first. Sensor pod first. He may be the only one that can sense us.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Five drones appear at various points on the horizon

    Byblos -> @::wants to kill the guys who jyked him up to the point of putting breakfast on his pants::

    rosetto -> ::checks to see if he has his weapon... he doesn't::

    Pher -> Now or never though. :: looks at the five drones approaching to see if any are modified ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::is 16 years of Special Warfare; stunned unconscious, being dragged through the mud and drowning in the rain::

    STSF_Nickles -> NOw!

    Troy Parson -> @And threats...threats are not good things to leave alone. Threats are things to be identified and rendered harmless in whatever way offers as much of a guarantee as is possible.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::pulls weapon and start firing at the drone::

    rosetto -> ::ducks down::

    Troy Parson -> @In short, we need to find who did this.

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::spots the engineers, and heads over::

    Pher -> :: Raises weapon. Aims. Powers up. Targets the modified one's sensor arm ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The five drones all begin opening fire ... on the three abductor drones

    Pher -> Hold fire.

    Troy Parson -> @So...I need your thoughts. Who on your crew benefits from these people dying? Who benefits from your not having us as friends?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::stops::

    Pher -> (( TOok one shot ))

    rosetto -> ::looks up::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: One of the five new drones breaks off to move toward the structure and scan the new source of gunfire

    Shane -> ::sees Will and Kaara walk up, nods in greeting::Will:: Is the coolant contained?

    Pher -> :: Changes position somewhat ::

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> Mr. Parson, I cannot imagine who on my crew could possibly benefit from all of these people dying! We are fellow colonists

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves to the side behind a bush remaining still::

    Pher -> :: powers down weapon ::

    rosetto -> ::thinks to himself and tries to remember the Zoalus' sequence that he just used::

    Kaara Soora -> @::looks at Shane and nods in return::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns off weapon::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The three abductors scatter and flee the new drones. Ethan remains hooked to one. It drags at him slowly

    William Chocox -> @Yes it is. Ford and I just got finished with it.

    Shane -> (((Ah, lets just say that insurance line^^ was out of Tomars hearing range))

    Pher -> :: If she thinks she can catch and grab Ethan, starts to move to do so ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher! ::points to Ethan::

    Troy Parson -> @Well, who gains influence when you are made to look bad? Who would lose status if things became better for all of you?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The hooking drone is fried by the fire from the new drones. It topples over, leaving Ethan still on the ground, but unharmed

    rosetto -> ::watches, deciding that he may make matters worse::

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::fixes mask better over Byblos's face, as he had it skewed::

    Pher -> :: MOves near Ethan, ready to pick him up, but staying a few meters away until she sees how the new drones behave ::

    Joe Manning -> @Com> +Troy+ Mr. Parson, this is Grotte from Verbistul ...

    rosetto -> Is he okay?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::motions to rosetto to be quiet since hes behind him::

    Troy Parson -> @+Grotte+ Parson here.

    rosetto -> ::shuts up::

    Pher -> :: Looks for major wounds, but is not making noise or touching anything unless he is really in trouble ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The investigator drone moves slowly around the entrance to the structure, scanning in the vicinity of the team. It is unmodified

    Kaara Soora -> @ ::watches Byblos and Kerris and then looks at Tomar::

    Byblos -> @ ::is cursing every Nausicaan foul word there is..as he wheezes a bit...outsmarted by some Dikyt stooge::

    rosetto -> ::watches drone movement carefully::

    Joe Manning -> @Com> +Troy+ I've got bad news ... I just found Gable dead on Deck 12.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: ducks down in the weeds outside of the door trying not to make any noise::

    Joe Manning -> @Com> +Troy+ Looks like he was hit with a disruptor blast.

    Shane -> ::ears perk at Troy's comm::

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::looks up and to Troy::

    Troy Parson -> @+Grotte+ Understood.

    rosetto -> ::leaning against doorway, keeping it open::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::comes to; groggily lifts onto forearms, shakes head and spits out mud::

    Joe Manning -> Investigator> ::Noticing nothing out of the ordinary, moves to rejoin its four fellows, who continue to chase off the remaining two of the first three::

    Troy Parson -> @+Grotte+Who do you have investigating the death?

    Pher -> Hush, Ethan. Play dead, if you might.

    Joe Manning -> @Tomar> ::Frowns as Troy communicates with the engineer::

    Pher -> :: Stays stationary after the quiet comment ::

    rosetto -> ::watches the 'investigator' drone curiously::

    Kerris Kea -> @ ::stands, keeping her hands on Byblos's shoulders, and squeezing slightly::

    Byblos -> @ ::wheezing sounding better::

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> +Troy+ Normally he would. He was the security detail.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Pher's position, wipes mud from mouth and looks around, spotting the drones as they chase each other::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::watches as the drone moves off and sighs a sigh of relief::

    Shane -> ::glances at Tomar::

    Pher -> :: Tries to compare and contrast the two rival drone groups. ::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  2. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: walking with the other team::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Still seated at the table in the mess hall, sipping his tea::

    rosetto -> @::points to the creek ahead and then looks toward Pher::

    William Chocox -> ::sitting at the table minding his own business::

    Kerris Kea -> ::wishing she had kalak::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::has fallen back to bringing up the rear::

    Troy Parson -> ::walking down Capricorn's corridor in the direction of the mess::

    rosetto -> @::notes that the brush is thickening and he is 'high-stepping'::

    Byblos -> ::at table, still with SHANE's duffle bag and trying not to be an arse to Tomar Raj as he had been a little earlier::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks up at the digital chrono on one wall of the mess:: Well, Mr. Parson and Mr. Shane should be arriving shortly. At least ... I believe Mr. Shane will arrive shortly. He was not very commital to meeting with us.

    Pher -> @ You fraid to get your feet wet, Sal? :: small grin ::

    rosetto -> @Nah... been there...::struggles with brush::

    William Chocox -> Tomar Raj:: He tends to be a workaholic sometimes.

    Pher -> @ :: Knows you have to make some noise in the bush, but tries not to get two loud... but crawling through bush isn't her big skill. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks down the table at the previously quiet William:: Ah, a quality best shown only in moderation in my experience ... uh, Mr ... ?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ I just wish we could use the crafts.

    Pher -> @ Never made it through jungle crawling school, either?

    rosetto -> @::approaches the creek::

    Kerris Kea -> ::eats a little more of the slop idly, now that Byblos is behaving himself::

    William Chocox -> Tomar:: Chocox, but you can call me William.

    Pher -> @ Hmm. We could, but I don't expect for long, Chris.

    Byblos -> Byblos ::burps:: Uh..execuse me..

    STSF_Nickles -> @::looks to the crrek and I guess we get to go swiming again? As much as I hate it?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> William. ::Smiles and nods:: One of the engineers, correct? You have all done an outstanding job assisting our own engineers.

    rosetto -> @For some reason our friends here don't like technology...

    Troy Parson -> ::walks through the door into the Capricorn's mess, heading over to Raj's and William's table::

    STSF_Nickles -> @Ive gathered that much Rosetto

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::silent, keeping an eye on the area::

    Pher -> @ They ARE technology. Their builders were just territorial for whatever reason. Not uncommon, but I'd kinda like to know the reason.

    rosetto -> @::steps into creek::It's not deep at all, guys...::smiles::

    William Chocox -> Tomar:: Yeah, I've been helping out where I can.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at the door when Troy enters, then stands:: Mr. Parson, please have a seat and help yourself.

    Byblos -> ::notes Troy's arrival and is relieved...he can do the diplomacy now::

    William Chocox -> ::looks over at Troy:: Hello Troy.

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods to Troy, recogonising him vaguely::

    Byblos -> ::looks out the viewport while seated...over Kerris Kea 's head::

    Troy Parson -> ::nods at the others:: Captain, friends.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::breaks from the brush last; keeps his interval; glances at Sal and then back to surroundings::

    rosetto -> @::looks up at the clouds moving in::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks about one extra time before following Sal through the crick. ::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: In the distance, a few drones can be seen moving into and out of the port city on the horizon. They appear to be going about routine business, oblivious to the team

    rosetto -> @::turns back and looks to the city... sees the drones...::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::ponders the drones in the distance::

    Byblos -> Mind if I stand Troy...these chairs are not built for me ::looks at Troy Parsons..with the real intent to survey the mess and be ready just in case...::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> I apologize for the quality of the fare, but it is all we can manage, even for guests. I'm sure there is much business you wish to discuss anyway.

    rosetto -> @::stops mid-creek and watches::

    Pher -> @ Seem to be behaving themselves. If we behave ourselves, we might be OK.

    Kerris Kea -> ::glances up at Byblos::

    Pher -> @ :: Keeps moving though slowly, just to get under cover a bit sooner. ::

    rosetto -> @::nods to Pher::I think you're right, Pher...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Pher; wonders what 'behaving' means to the drones exactly::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The structure ahead, meanwhile, does not have any drones nearby

    Troy Parson -> ::to Byblos:: Not at all. I expect it's rare for you to find a chair designed for your species...::trails off::

    rosetto -> @::continues through creek::

    STSF_Nickles -> @as long as they dont come this way,::whispers::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::does a slow 360; wondering where their modified friend(s) disappeared::

    Byblos -> Yes..oh Troy this is Doctor....uh...hmmm....KerrKea....

    Troy Parson -> ::to Raj:: No need to apologize...earnest hospitality is always appreciated.

    rosetto -> @Well, they don't seem interested in this structure... ::points ahead::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::finally enters crick/creek a few meters behind the last of the team::

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks at Troy:: Just Kea is alright, sir.

    Byblos -> ::stands up and takes a corner wall overviewing the mess with that bothersome SHANE bag::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Simply nods and smiles at Troy, standing back to allow the guests to get acquainted::

    Pher -> @ Next building look worth a visit? Anyone see signs of recent activity?

    Troy Parson -> ::to Kea:: Well then, good morning, Kea.

    rosetto -> @::leaves water and looks toward building::It looks pretty desolate..

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::keeps his distance at the rear; can't see the building, but can see just about everything behind them::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::turns quick hearing the noise behind them::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Noise?))

    Kerris Kea -> ::to Troy:: ::smiles:: Good morning.

    Pher -> @ :: Takes cover on the far crick bank, turns if she also hears noise. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> (( your stepping through the brush)

    STSF_Nickles -> (quiet noise)

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks between Kerris and Troy:: I must remind myself that there are two ships providing assistance to us. I wonder if the debt my crew will incur will be doubly severe. ::Motions to an empty seat as he retakes his own::

    rosetto -> @::looks at the structure. The architecture is unusual but seems to be humanoid::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((......))

    Pher -> @ :: Wonders if she should daydream about jungle walk training... Nah... ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::furrows brow at Chris::

    Kerris Kea -> ::decides not to comment, instead returning to her meal::

    Byblos -> Kea is from Vestibul...uh well Ill let her introduce herself...::stifles a burp::

    Troy Parson -> ::sits down in what used to be Byblos's chair:: Oh, come now, Captain.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: turna back aroun seeing its Ethan::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::questioning look at Chris::

    rosetto -> @::looks for an entrance::

    Troy Parson -> On to the matter of debts already? I find it's usually best to talk about such things after coffee, not before. If it all, that is.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The grass around the structure is not nearly as trim. The walls appear more cracked and weathered with age

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::follows Rosetto out of the creek and toward the building::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wonders what Chris jumped for; continues through creek/crick::

    Pher -> @ :: Stands still to examine the area around the building, looking for trouble more than clues ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ lawn needs trimming

    Pher -> @ Which might be a good thing.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> There is no need for such discussion, simply an idle point. ::Smiles:: I am sure the discussion of price will come with your Captains later. Though I wonder if you have some idea of what they might want. ::Grabs his tea cup::

    Byblos -> ::ponders if Troy is....comfortable in that very low chair::

    Byblos -> (wb)

    rosetto -> @Guess I shouldn't have touched that building... :)

    Troy Parson -> ::smiles back:: To be honest, Captain, I'm not sure you quite understand what it is that we're doing here.

    Kerris Kea -> ::glances at Troy sitting beside her, and pours him a cup of coffee::

    Byblos -> ::looks around the mess...it seems that Tomar Raj has....closed it for this meeting::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> I do have some idea, in fact. Recall that Diklyt had an agent operating within the Hyades cluster. Now one of your prisoners -- Mr. Holstrum.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::finally exits creek/crick, making no more noise than anyone else::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes the cup of coffee from Kea without looking away from Raj:: Oh, I don't mean it so generally...I mean *here*, on this ship.

    rosetto -> @::follows a long row of windows, looking inside and seeing nothing moving::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::still bringing up the rear; wonders if the team is getting jumpy::

    Pher -> @ Think we're going to want to touch it, Sal. Is this as good a place to poke around in as any?

    Byblos -> ::thinks of another prisoner...errr..trophy in his quarters of that "leader" Diklyt::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey, Tkar))

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Chuckles softly:: Oh, I see. ::Shrugs a bit:: Your Captain seemed sincere in his offering of aid. I do not fool myself that there will not be a cost attached ... but beyond affecting repairs to the ship and providing aid to the wounded ... ?

    rosetto -> @Yeah, just can't seem to find a door... ((Hi TKAR!))

    Byblos -> ::hopes Kerris Kea is ready to hear something she might not like::

    TKAR -> (Hi Just watching)

    Troy Parson -> ::sips coffee:: I'm not in the mood to lie to you, Captain, so I'm going to be direct about this.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::eyes the building from his position at the rear; keeps more of an eye on everything else::

    Troy Parson -> Your lot don't seem like bad people, so we're not going to treat you as such.

    Byblos -> ::forearms crossed shows some muscle::

    Troy Parson -> At the same time, you clearly lack any sort of respect for law or property, and that, too, will be reflected in how we treat you.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods and looks down into his cup. Quickly takes a sip at it before looking back up at Troy::

    Pher -> @ :: Goes far enough around to look at the entire perimeter at some point. ::

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks at Troy now, then to Tomar::

    Pher -> @ Chris? If you lead the poking around, I'll keep eyes out.

    rosetto -> @::slides his hand along the surface of the wall. It feels like concrete, but very smooth::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Pher, wondering if she intends to do that alone::

    STSF_Nickles -> ((sorry phone call back now)) @Sure Pher

    Troy Parson -> We'll help you put your ship back together. For that matter, if I am sufficiently moved, I might even put some thought into possible solutions for your food situation. I was once a fairly well-regarded scientist, after all.

    rosetto -> @It's cold to the touch... strange...

    Byblos -> ::blinks::

    Troy Parson -> But at the same time, if I see anything on your ship that I want, I'll follow your own rules, and just take it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::keeping watch; has no idea what Sal's observations mean::

    Kerris Kea -> ::tries to hide a smile by taking a drink from her cup::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::moves up to sal and places hand on the biulding:: It does seem cold.

    Byblos -> ::looks to the Doctor to see if she is digesting what she ....hmm..she just smiled at what Troy said...that was not expected...::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ there has to be an entrance here someplace.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Puts the tea cup down and looks back at Troy with a confused expression:: Am I to understand correctly ... that your crew means to raid our ship even as you provide assistance?

    rosetto -> @I would think so too... Perhaps it's just on another level...::looks up to the surrounding area::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::along with Sal feeling and poking around the building::

    Kerris Kea -> ::straightens face with some difficulty, as Troy's words amused her, and looks at Tomar.::

    Pher -> @ :: Watches out, letting others peek and poke ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::whidspering:: but where?

    Byblos -> ::drifts away a bit ...thinking of Qob's hold actually having items::

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: You're the one who put raiding on the table. Surely it's only appropriate that you should have to live with it being there.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Pher again while keeping watch; no one has directly told him otherwise::

    rosetto -> @::spies some symbols embedded into the wall::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::signals to Pher that he's moving to another corner to spread out their AORs::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: pulls some of the brush off the building that has been growing there.::

    Kerris Kea -> Is it such a difficult concept?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moves out::

    rosetto -> @Chris, look at this...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((told him to do otherwise^))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey, Shane))

    Byblos -> (S H A N E ! )

    Pher -> @ :: Nods agreement with Ethan with a little relief, not moving herself so he will choose a rational observation point. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: moves back to Sal:: what is it?

    Shane -> ((hey yall, sorry I'm late))

    rosetto -> (Hey, Big Guy!)

    William Chocox -> ((Hey Shane.))

    Kerris Kea -> (hey Shane :]))

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Folds his hands over his lap and puts on a more stern face:: Very well. What is it precisely that your people want? I sincerely hope that it is not something we will be unwilling to part with and, thus, inclined to defend. I will also consider whatever you request to be part of the cost that your Captain assured me would be coming for your help.

    rosetto -> @Not sure, Sir... It's definitely Zoalus Script through...

    rosetto -> @Should I chance pulling out a tricorder?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Are you kidding?

    STSF_Nickles -> @Thats how those things found us before

    rosetto -> @Yeah, I know... But these are High Order Symbols... ::sighs::

    Troy Parson -> Ah, but see, that's the beauty of raiding, Captain. It doesn't involve asking. ::keeps speaking without allowing a reply:: Mind you, there isn't that much I feel like taking from you; after all, one of my objectives right now is to put your ship back together, and taking anything your ship really needs would run counter to that objective.

    Byblos -> Byblos ponders....::Troy is playing hardball...but we still have a weakness that bothers the Nausicaan...lack of manpower to secure whatever aims the Boss put Troy up to. Still Diklyt's personal guard to dispatch with::

    Pher -> @ Make notes, sal. Maybe we can run em through the computers when we get back to the shuttle.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Only way would be is if all of us go back to the brush and hide allowing you here alone to scan and then they can come find you

    Pher -> @ :: Wonders if Sal is really expendable. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Throws his arms up in a shrug:: Then I must wonder at your intent. I assumed you were explaining your reason for caution toward my people, which is perfectly understandable. It sounds more, now, as if you are taking a moral high ground against my people ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::no longer within earshot of team, but can still see Pher's spot at the far edge of his field; sets up behind concealment::

    rosetto -> @::wonders if he is EXPENDABLE::ah, that doesn't sound like a good plan....

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Given your line of work, I must wonder if such ground can support you.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ No it doesnt

    rosetto -> @::touches the symbols::

    STSF_Nickles -> @memorize what you can and recreate it back on the ship

    Byblos -> ::decides to keep an eye on exits and enterances of the mess..::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The material fades away at Sal's touch, revealing the interior of the structure

    Shane -> ::enters the dining room noisely as usual, covered in grease, grime and an cranky expression::

    rosetto -> @Hmmm...

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks up as Shane enters, following him closely with her eyes::

    rosetto -> @I think I found the door...::smiles::

    Byblos -> Hey Chief....glad I felt you coming a few meters ago else I would of done something...

    STSF_Nickles -> @::starts to step away from Sal then turns:: Now what?

    William Chocox -> ::looks over at Shane and raises a hand in greeting::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks Raj in the eye:: Oh, don't get me wrong...there are things I've done that even a desperate, starving pirate such as yourself would consider utterly unthinkable. But whether or not I have the moral high ground, I do have the tactical one.

    Shane -> ::carrying his equipment bags, minus one::Byblos:: Like what Nausy?

    Byblos -> ::leans against the bulkhead with a half smile and holds his bag up for him:: Still have it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly reviews what he thought he knew; wonders if they should consider dumping all their powered gear, given they can't use it - lighten their loads::

    rosetto -> @::catiously enters the structure, looking back at Chris::

    rosetto -> ^cautiously

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::moves back to the opening and looks in::

    Shane -> ::notices Kerris eyeing him and glares back a moment before glancing at Troy::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> I am ... I admit ... somewhat disappointed that you view our present standing toward one another as a battle. But, again, I can understand ...

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: motions to Pher that hes going inside::

    Byblos -> Oh in your case...not much..one of Dikylts men..something entirely artistic. ::grins::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks back to see the two behind making progress ::

    Kerris Kea -> ::tears eyes from Shane at his glare, feeling embarassed again, and plays in her slop with her spoon::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> What advantage is it that you say you have?

    rosetto -> @::walks inside and slowly looks around for movement::

    Pher -> @ :: Nods acknowledgement to Chris ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: enters the building through the opening::

    Pher -> @ :: Shifts position a little so she can see into the interior somewhat ::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: There's no movement. Not much of anything. The rooms are largely bare, any organic furniture having rotted away long ago

    Shane -> ::raises an eyebrow at Byblos:: Huh, well good...I guess.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::notes movement from Pher's spot, but no signals::

    Pher -> @ :: Gestures to Ethan 'come here' with no particular urgency ::

    Troy Parson -> Do you want me to make a list? Your ship is in pieces, and you've only got one; we've been into your systems in the course of making our repairs; we've already proven that we're more than a match for you, just by being here.

    Shane -> ::tosses an equipment bag to Will:: You left this on Deck 10.

    Troy Parson -> And if worse comes to worse and this vessel winds up as space dust and all of us with it, I'm sure you'd mind far, far more than I would.

    rosetto -> @::looks back at the door and sees a similar symbol on the inside of the wall::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pauses, seeing Pher's signal; gets up::

    Byblos -> Chief..that is Dr. Kea from the Vestibul....excellent...engineer..when it comes to putting people back together..

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wonders what he's accomplishing here as he moves back to Pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ an empty building? Im tempted to scan the area but I have a feeling we will have comany REAL fast if we did

    Pher -> @ :: As Ethan gets close enough to hear without yelling, points at the door Chris and Sal went in ::

    William Chocox -> OOF! Was wondering where that went.

    Byblos -> ::looks at Shane still holding his large duffel bag out for him::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Sighs and leans back in his chair:: Okay, Mr. Parson ... you have made your point. If you were aiming to discourage any attempt at treachery, you have succeeded, though I assure you no such attempt was planned ...

    rosetto -> @Yeah, I agree... We hve to do this the old fashion way...

    Pher -> @ They got in. I think two on outer watch is right though. If you want a shot at the inside, we could switch roles in a bit?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> If your aim is, ultimately, extortion ... then some idea of what you will be expecting from my people would be appreciated.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Have any sample containers?

    rosetto -> @::looks into the large barren room and can see the others outside through the windows::

    William Chocox -> ((Sorry people G2G))

    Shane -> ::looks back at Kerris, speaking in his low gruff voice:: The names Shane. I noticed you join on the Verbistul. You stayin with us long?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stops and looks at door; then looks at Zap; shakes head 'no' on wanting a 'shot at the inside'::

    rosetto -> @::checks his pack::Yeah, I have three left...

    STSF_Nickles -> @Lets grab s sample from in here,

    Pher -> @ Good nuff. I'll stay near the door for the moment. You might settle back in near where you were?

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks back up at Shane, keeping her eyes on his face:: Hello, Shane. I might be, at least as long as we are on board here.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::just nods and moves back out::

    rosetto -> @When I find something, I'll put it in a pack...

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: On a metal shelf just beneath a window, a fist-sized object rests

    Pher -> @ :: Gives a thumbs up, then returns to scanning her half of the perimeter. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: walks toward the window and looks out:: not much of a view.

    rosetto -> @::pans the room and sees an object on a shelf::Here's something.... ::walks toward it::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::gets back into position::

    Byblos -> Shane you wuss...do you want your bag back or shall I continue to baby sit it for you?

    Troy Parson -> ::sips coffee:: I'm sure it would be. But, to be honest, this will work better if my people do the retrieval. We don't want you swapping ship-bits on us, after all.

    Kerris Kea -> He's been doing a good job of it though.

    rosetto -> @::pulls out a sample pack::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::looks towards Sal walking towards him.:: what is it?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The object is a block with twenty sides. Each side has the image of one of the Zoalus mandala symbols on it

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smirks at himself, holding a 'dead' weapon at a low ready like he'd actually be able to use it::

    Shane -> ::turns his stony gaze back to Byblos, narrowing his eyes:: Are you too much of a wimp to keep holdin' it?

    STSF_Nickles -> ((how big))

    rosetto -> @I don't know... Looks like a die..

    Pher -> @ :: Moves out to the edge of the clearing, opposite the door, settles in behind cover, continues watch ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Fist-sized, I think.))

    Pher -> (( Should we roll up characters with it? ;) ))

    rosetto -> @I've seen this before!::struggles with his mind::

    Kerris Kea -> ((::grins::))

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Where?

    Byblos -> Do you want more blood on it...It's been through an eight hour triage session. After this meeting..it is going there again..unless you want it kept clean. Otherwise No I can do more curls with it..

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::His expression flat:: So you mean to strip my ship of what you wish and leave? This was your purpose in coming here?

    rosetto -> @Gosh, it's been years, Chris... Back on K'Normia...

    rosetto -> @::picks up the cube and examines it::

    STSF_Nickles -> @Be careful.

    rosetto -> @Aye...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::visually scanning the area::

    Troy Parson -> ::puts down coffee:: If it were up to me, that's exactly what I'd do. I'd leave you with little more than a bedsheet to keep the hard vacuum out and let you meditate on your past decisions.

    rosetto -> @It seems to me that there were more than one...::looks for more objects::

    Kerris Kea -> ::smiles again and refills his coffee::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wonders what he should do if the drones suddenly decide they don't like the team poking around, powered devices or not::

    Troy Parson -> And I'd sleep just fine...as fine as I ever do, at least...when I was done, at that. But, luckly for you, that's not why I was sent here.

    rosetto -> @::looks back at the object and thinks::These are ALL High Order Symbols... ::basically thinking aloud::

    STSF_Nickles -> @more than one. :looks around::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> I am beginning to question why you were sent here, Mr. Parson. I had hoped that the flag of truce could be raised and more positive exchange take place between our peoples ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wishes he had something more solid on the drones than paranoid guesswork::

    Troy Parson -> I'm getting to that, Captain. You see, somewhat to my own dismay, that is exactly why I am here.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> I had hoped that Diklyt's life would have been adequate payment for the decisions he made ... and the loss of our leader adequate payment for our silent cooperation.

    Kerris Kea -> If it wasn't for us, half of your people wouldn't have to be exchanging anything with anyone. ::looks sharply at Tomar::

    Troy Parson -> Allow me to present you with my list of demands.

    Byblos -> ::has to cover his face a second with his free hand with the mention of Diklyt's life::

    STSF_Nickles -> @Im not seeing anything else

    Troy Parson -> Now, these don't come from my Captain; he might have his own needs that have to be taken care of.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Alert klaxons sound throughout the ship

    rosetto -> @Neither am I...::frustrated::

    Troy Parson -> But for my own services...::looks up as the alarm sounds, his hand holding a piece of paper that was in his pocket::

    Kerris Kea -> ::stands up, glances at Byblos::

    Byblos -> Ah ::Nausicaan swear::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((So much for diplomacy 101. ::smirks::))

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: walking around the perimater of the room::

    rosetto -> @We'll hang onto this one...::places the object in a sample bag and then into his pack::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::His comm device sounds in his pocket, reaches for it::

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: I suppose we'd better get to your bridge and see what is going on.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Tomar+ ... we have a huge problem in the triage bay ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::takes a sip of water from camelbak tube::

    Kerris Kea -> ::exits from table:: I should head back to Triage. You know how to find me if you need me.

    Shane -> ::looks to Raj, stepping closer to the two to hear::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Lets get out of here. Im not liking the feel in here.

    rosetto -> @::walks across the room toward Chris::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Stands and glances at Troy. Opens the communicator:: +Ford+ I'm listening. The crew from Qob and Verbistul are here as well

    rosetto -> @Okay, but there is the storm coming...

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Tomar+ The coolant from our shunt system just started leaking into the bay!

    rosetto -> @It's at least warm and dry in here...

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Tomar+ It looks like someone rigged it. We're evacuating whoever we can, but it's chaos down here.

    Troy Parson -> ::overhears:: Oh, not good. We'll continue this another time...that's got to be fixed immediately.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ I dont relish the fact of being in here any longer than needed

    Troy Parson -> ::passes the piece of paper to Tomar::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::blinks thinking he felt water hit his neck::

    Troy Parson -> Think about this when you have time. For now, we've got a coolant leak to fix.

    Byblos -> Diklyt's pe `taQs I bet....

    Shane -> ::turns quickly and heads out the door with his duffel bag, towing Wills cut out:: What the jyking qoh....

    Kerris Kea -> ::glances again at Byblos, wondering if he'll join her again::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::feels another drop of cold water hit his hand::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks up::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Watches the mercenaries get up and file out:: +Ford+ I will be down there shortly ...

    Pher -> @ :: Decides it isn't the right time for a chorus of 'Singing in the Rain'. ::

    Byblos -> ::A Bag is tossed to Shane immediately:: Carry your own diapers big man....I have a job to do....Doctor.....take the lead.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  3. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> @::fumbles with his pack and pulls out his PADD as he approaches Pher::Morning...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::regroups with the others after answering the call of nature::

    Pher -> @ Already?

    rosetto -> That's what they tell me, anyway...::sighs::

    rosetto -> ^@

    Kerris Kea -> ::Yawns, stands and stretches from kneeling beside a bedroll with a wounded on it, glances around for Byblos::

    Pher -> @ :: Gets up and stretches out a bit. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::grabs bag, pulls out a food bar and pinches it in his mouth::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::offers a food bar to Pher::

    Byblos -> ::carries a corpse over the shoulder to the morgue.....:: This one did not make it.

    rosetto -> @I've got another juice-tube here, if you'd like...

    Pher -> @ Figure to work this building for a while, guys?

    Pher -> @ Please. (To Sal)

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks around at building; pulls unwrapped food bar out of mouth:: Might give us some answers.

    Byblos -> ::has Shane's bag in one hand and a bodybag over his shoulder:: I will be back shortly ...::looks down at Kerris and then looks at the Guards who he has no respect for::

    rosetto -> @::reaches in his pack; pulls out various things and then finally the juice::Ah... here ya go...

    Kerris Kea -> ::glances at a nearby medic:: Take over for a while-- I have to find some food.

    Pher -> @ Answers would be nice.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::puts food bar back in mouth and offers another bar to Sal::

    rosetto -> @Breakfast of the Brave, eh?

    Pher -> @ Grabs some food concenetrate out of her own pack.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smirks:: Something like that.

    Byblos -> ::places bodybag on antigrav table while a Capricorn Nurse nods at the tall Nausicaan::

    Kerris Kea -> ::sprints off to the food before anyone can stop her::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Enters the triage center and looks around, his earlier weary expression appearing even wearier::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::puts any unclaimed food bars back in bag and opens the one he was holding in his mouth::

    rosetto -> @::takes the bar::I was reviewing the document last night and found what looks like a list of verbal commands...

    Byblos -> ::looks back to Kerris:: I best stay with...darn it....::runs after the wayward doctor....if anything happens to her::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Verbal commands? As in, we might be able to talk to the drones?

    Pher -> @ Have you figured out 'please' and 'thank you' yet, Sal?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::The aging Bajoran Captain makes his way over to Doctor Percy to get an update on the patients::

    rosetto -> @Well, we could attempt to... You know we have that uncertainty issue...

    Byblos -> ::annoyed at Shane's bag as he attempts to catch up with Kerris:: Yo! Doctor wait up!

    Kerris Kea -> ::hears footsteps and glances around, buckling back up her bag::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::also offered a food bar to cardboard Chris; takes a bite of his own bar:: Right.

    Kerris Kea -> ::visibly jumps, then sees Byblos and nods to him:: Aye. Are you hungry?

    Byblos -> Doctor..I am supposed to watch over you on this ship....this ship is not truly declared friendly by the Boss...Cant have you just bolt like that.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at sleeping Zap who guarded them all night::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::instinctively looks at his watch; frowns remembering he took out the battery::

    Byblos -> Uh Yes....eight hours of doing stuff I usually do not do is meal making.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Finishing his conversation with Percy, notices the two 'guests' and makes his way over to them::

    rosetto -> @We have some simple terms figured out but there is no way to validate a verbal expression... No one knows what the Zoalus sounded like...

    Kerris Kea -> ::frowns, but doesn't move to make him stop:: Let's get some grub then.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::points at Sal's PADD:: I thought that's what your program was for.

    Pher -> @ Hmm.

    Byblos -> Uh...one second.....::stands in front of Kerris as Tomar Raj approaches::

    Byblos -> (in front sort of to the side)

    Pher -> @ So it would be pretty much wild guess?

    Kerris Kea -> ::stops, peers around him to see Tomar Raj::

    rosetto -> @This? It just randomly associates symbols with phonetic sounds... No way to be sure it's correct though...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Not escorted by guards this time, though several are standing in the triage. Notices that Byblos steps ahead protectively, but does not visible react::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Ah ... 'Byblos,' is that correct?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::brow rises then furrows:: Oh.

    rosetto -> @Yeah, Pher... A wild guess... We could tell them to shut off or go F-- themselves... ::sigh::

    Pher -> @ I'd like to be a lot closer to escape before trying anything like that, Sal. I don't want to do anything that draws their attention this far from the shuttle.

    Byblos -> Right. And you must be the New Captain...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods once:: Tomar Raj. And Doctor ... ::Looks around Byblos at Kerris::

    Byblos -> ::wishes he knew what Shane put in the bag he has been forced to log around ...if something were to....::

    rosetto -> @Understood... ::looks saddened but clearly understands the issue::

    Kerris Kea -> Hello Sir

    Byblos -> ::does a once over on Tomar Raj and steps aside a bit for Kerris Kea ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::eats more of his food bar, wondering if there's an academic point of randomly assigning phonetic sounds to unknown symbols::

    Pher -> @ In theory, you'd think that our universal translators could work something out with their universal translators, but clearly I don't understand the word 'universal.'

    Kerris Kea -> ::steps forward but keeps close to Byblos::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Simply grins, having hoped he'd get a name out of her. Looks back at Byblos:: The news from the rest of your team has been good lately. Most of engineering has been cleared of the toxic coolants, and we have regained access to the damaged systems ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::half smiles at Pher:: Could be we're just not on the same wavelength.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> We are in the process of repairing life support so that we can begin patching up the hull.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The cylinders outside the structure rattle a bit

    Pher -> @ Has anyone seen anything that might be drone to drone communications? Clearly they are playing a team game.

    rosetto -> @It has to do with a frame of reference, Pher. The Universal Translator is taught how to assign symbols to phonetic sounds because the person who programmed it knows the language...

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::quiets; looks in direction of rattling, hand on weapon::

    Pher -> @ :: Puts fingers to lips, then moves towards the door. ::

    Kerris Kea -> ::stomach rumbles audibly::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: A drone pops out of the hatch of one of the cylinders

    Byblos -> alright...but I think you need to let the Doc know...when she can eat. She has been non stop eight hours

    rosetto -> @::stops in his tracks::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Ah, yes. ::Smiles amicably:: That is why I am here, actually ...

    Pher -> @ :: Gets ready to run, but for the moment freezes ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::privately, silently curses; doesn't move and watches drone::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> I have invited Doctor Parson to the mess for tea. I figured we might as well make it a breakfast with your entire group. Would you care to join us?

    rosetto -> @::examines the drone very closely::

    Pher -> @ :: Confirms everything she has that might be powered is off. ::

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks at Byblos for confirmation::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Looks identical to the three drones that met the team at the cliffside. No modifications of any sort::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::doesn't have anything left to turn off::

    Byblos -> ::looks down to Kerris..who he simply nods to:: You need to eat.

    Kerris Kea -> As do you.

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Casually floats toward the facility's entrance::

    Pher -> @ :: Considers "take me to your leader" ::

    rosetto -> @::nods to Pher and the door::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::had been hoping that since they weren't bothered overnight, the place might be abandoned by the drones after all::

    Pher -> @ :: Stays out of its way ::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Stops at the entrance and waves its sensor tentacle, first to the ground on one side of the door, then to the ground on the other::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Emits two quick beeps and enters the facility::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::brow furrows as he silently watches, unmoving::

    rosetto -> @::watches::

    Byblos -> Uh...yeah....I suppose...Okay Captain..but I think the Doc here needs to fill you in on a lot....as we...eat...uh...eat and breif...heh..

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods simply::

    Pher -> @ :: Notes the beeps. Tries to get an impression if they are simple tones or possible complex communication. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Of course. ::Nods at Byblos:: We will discuss business if it pleases you. Please ... ::Motions to the bay exit::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Hovers through the facility making no indication of noticing the team members::

    rosetto -> @::turns to adjust his pack, slowly::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The cylinders rattle again

    Joe Manning -> @Zaphod> ::Sleeping in a corner somewhere, snorts a bit::

    Pher -> @ :: Keeps away from any rattling cylinder. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shifts gaze toward the next rattling; wonders if they're about to be overrun::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Stops in the middle of the room and waves its tentacle around::

    Byblos -> Okay Doctor...lead the way. I will be observing

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Guides the two out of the cargo bay and glances back:: Our fare is not very palatable, I am afraid, given the circumstances our colony faces.

    rosetto -> @::notes that Zap is still asleep::

    Kerris Kea -> ::wiggles nose silently and starts behind Tomar:: Any sustenance at this point is wonderful.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Two more drones pop out of cylinders. Their tentacles are completely different from the other's

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Drops its sensor tentacle and moves back toward the facililty entrance::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::relying on his skills with the hope he'll stay undetected; not entirely confident it will work, but still leaning toward the idea Pher was right about power signatures::

    rosetto -> @::oh, shoot the moon::

    Pher -> @ :: Decides to wait a bit longer before waking Zaph ::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The other two drones go about trimming the plants outside the facility

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((edit:: not entirely sure skills will work^))

    Pher -> @ :: Moves to wake Zaph ::

    Byblos -> Uh huh. ::listens to Tomar Raj and thinks he should let the Kerris Kea do the talking because h e really hates these occasional security guards from Capricorn he sees...they are well fed::

    rosetto -> @::watches the drones which confirms his suspicions::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Exits the facility and continues its way up the river::

    Pher -> @ (quietly) I think we might want to be somewhere else? Opinions?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::finds it interesting that the drones -are- gardeners after all::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Travelling without his escort. In fact, no guards are in sight at this exact moment::

    rosetto -> @::To Pher::Ah, Ha! I was correct...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Sal::

    Pher -> @ :: raises an eyebrow in Sal's direction ::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone #2> ::Lifts a tentacle and begins shooting out a wide stream of water::

    Byblos -> ::follows Kerris Kea and looks around:: Okay I got to ask...sorry Doctor..how did you come upon this Federation relic of a ship?

    Kerris Kea -> ::honestly feels better with Byblos there as well, even though she's not overly fearful of the Captain::

    rosetto -> @Don't you get it? They are maintenance Drones...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Enters the mess hall where one long table is set up. A few bowls with porridgy looking slop are laid out including a plate of what appears to be red-brownish scrambled eggs::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::signals agreement with Pher on moving out; opts not to get into a vocal discussion at the moment::

    rosetto -> @No one was left to shut them off...

    Byblos -> ::enters mess hall looks around and gestures the Doc to enter:::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Please, help yourselves. I asked Troy to be here within the next thirty minutes or so, so the others may be a bit later.

    Pher -> @ :: Shakes Zaph (and if necessary Chris) gently awake. ::

    Pher -> @ :: Ready to hush them if necessary ::

    Byblos -> Okay...

    Joe Manning -> @Gardeners> ::Circle the structure, continuing their landscaping duties::

    Kerris Kea -> ::enters mess hall silently, surveying the provisions, then sitting down and serving herself::

    rosetto -> @::help Pher waken the others::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::keeps an eye on drone movements and breaks::

    Byblos -> ::looks at Kerris:: Captain..how did you get this ship ....given your colonies situation?

    Byblos -> ::still has odd duffle bag in right hand that Shane said not to let go of::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly contemplates experimenting on the drone's level of awareness to confirm some of his own suspicions, but thinks better of it::

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks at the Captain, curious as well:: Yes, how did this come to be?

    Ethan Neufeld -> drones'^

    rosetto -> @::thinking to himself; 'Now we just need to figure out their priorities...'::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> An interesting question. ::Grins at Byblos and takes a seat along one of the table's long edges, not at either of the ends:: The Capricorn predates our piratical days. It was the ship that initially took us out to the Rimward Territories to establish a colony of our own.

    rosetto -> @So, is the plan to move further into the city?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> It was found floating adrift near the Hyades Cluster by Diklyt and his old Starfleet buddies. This was before my time.

    Pher -> @ I think all awake and clear of the garden comes first. More talke once we're clear of the drones.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods::

    Pher -> @ :: If everyone is awake, goes to the door, finds a way out of the cultivated area which doesn't require getting too near a drone. ::

    Kerris Kea -> ::mouth full of food::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Hovers down river toward the facility::

    Byblos -> ::grabs a bowl of....slop and sits...his oversized body nest to Kerris Kea...and partakes of food:: Hmmm..that is....interesting...::talks with mouth full:: Diklyt got lucky...back then...or he did something else to come by her..

    rosetto -> @Sounds good... I think we should stay inside, though... Just a thought. Maybe another building...???

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::signals to Pher that he'll take rear::

    Pher -> @ :: If this looks reasonable, starts out with a wave for all to follow. Not going straight towards the non-gardning drone, but to somewhere it might be watched from cover ::

    Pher -> @ :: Nods agreement to Ethan ::

    rosetto -> @::follows Pher and the group::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Sal and shrugs; looks like the decision is already made::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Oh, it was not just luck, so the stories go. The ship was not functional. It needed a great deal of repair work and refurbishing. Apparently, the Gular Consortium supplied some of the materials that went into her reconstruction; they wanted some stake in the new colony, I'd imagine ...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Diklyt had a good group of engineers with him at the time.

    rosetto -> @::watches the drones movements as they proceed::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::last out the door; moving in a low stance::

    Kerris Kea -> ::swallows:: So, this ship wasn't the best put together in the first place, was it?

    rosetto -> ^ drones'

    Pher -> @ :: Gets clear of the cultivated area, looking for a place with cover where they can look around, see what is there, and decide about their next move. ::

    Byblos -> ::eats some slop ..and decides he likes it he goes at it..not very attractive looking::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Shakes head:: Not when we found it. It is a very old vessel -- in tact now, only because it was powered down and unused for so long.

    rosetto -> @::follows Pher into the underbrush::

    Kerris Kea -> Where did you store it? Did anyone do maintenance on it in all that time?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::covering the movement of the others with a 'dead' weapon as best he can while they advance::

    rosetto -> @Oops... Sorry, Chris...::quietly::

    Byblos -> ::burps:: Pardon me. ::listens::

    Pher -> @ :: FInds a decent place to see without being too much seen and settles in. ::

    Kerris Kea -> ::glances at Byblos, then takes another few bites::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Well, let's see ... ::Furrows his brow and scratches his cheek:: If I recall Diklyt's accounts correctly ... it was quite a bit distant from Federation space. Either on the rimward side of the Hyades cluster, or very close to it.

    Pher -> @ Any more thoughts?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::brings up the end of the line, but keeps a small interval::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Why the Federation abandoned it, I cannot say. Possibly they lost it. ::Shrugs:: But once we located it, refurbishing it in security was a simple matter -- Starfleet presence in this region is very slim.

    rosetto -> @::looks for his own perch::I think we should look for more structures... More structures will mean more documents... more information... more references...

    Pher -> @ I think we want to visit buildings, but those housing drones wouldn't be my first choices.

    Byblos -> So he brought it to your colony once operational?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::attention on the drones; shrugs at Pher and finally abandons the ideas he had about their sensor thresholds and priorities - no corroborating evidence::

    Kerris Kea -> ::frowns slightly::

    Kerris Kea -> ::her questions unanswered::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> No no, the colony did not exist then. In fact, the Capricorn was a symbol which Diklyt used to rally a colonization effort to himself.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::quietly:: If what's going on here is anything to go on, more structures will also mean more drones.

    rosetto -> @::settles on a small tree-like plant with large leaves::

    Pher -> @ Yes, but we might want to avoid neatly trimmed gardens.

    William Chocox -> ((Sorry I'm late. Lost track of time. Miss anything important?))

    Kerris Kea -> So this Diklyt, once the colony was established, what did he do then?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> The first voyage brought five hundred strong to Noretia. I was not among that group, but I have heard all the stories. ::Grins::

    Joe Manning -> (( William, I'm not even sure where you are ... ))

    Joe Manning -> (( Join Byblos and Kerris at the breakfast table ))

    Byblos -> ::looks at Kerris..then looks at Tomar Raj::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wonders what'll happen if all the structures have neatly trimmed gardens::

    rosetto -> @Agreed. We don't have any idea what their work schedule is like... And they DON'T take kindly to interuptions... ::smiles::

    William Chocox -> ::sits down at the breakfast table::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Kerris and frowns a bit. Leans over the table for the teapot:: I understand how touchy this is for you, Doctor, you being one of the crew of Verbistul.

    Byblos -> Hey Checkov...

    Byblos -> ::notes the Qob Engineer taking a seat:::

    Pher -> @ Well, if no one has a specific theory to push or thing to look for, supposed we drift gently towards the city center looking for ruins with less fancy gardens?

    William Chocox -> Hello Byblos.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> The colony did not turn to piracy at first. ::Looks back at her:: Nor had they gone that route by the time I joined up with them.

    Kerris Kea -> ::takes another bite and frowns::

    rosetto -> @Sounds good to me...::wants to find more information::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> They ... we ... were peaceful agrarian colonists. We minded our own business even as the rest of the rest of the Hydran Expanse turned into a cesspool of chaos.

    Kerris Kea -> So... how long have you been at it?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::tips head; more of a 'why not' than actual agreement::

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks at William and nods::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Kerris with deep sadness in his eyes at that question::

    Pher -> @ OK. Sal and Ethan... you might take turns leading or selecting places to investigate. I'll be near the front with you looking for trouble.

    Byblos -> How sure are you that the Almighty Diklyt told you...the truth about.....this ...ship....and what he might had planned for your colony?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Glances up when William takes a seat at the table:: It has been two years now since the Horde took Noretia.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::mildly surprised; wonders why he was picked for point; looks at Sal::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods at Byblos:: I got to know Diklyt well before the coming of the Horde. I truly believed that he was a good man, Byblos ...

    rosetto -> @Okay here...::slowly follows Pher looking from side to side in the distance::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> But ... ::Shakes his head slowly:: Having to abandon our way of life ... our homes ... our security. Having to leave everything behind because a marauding fleet of bloodthirsty fiends is on our doorstep ...

    rosetto -> @::looks back at Ethan and cocks his head slightly in a gesture of agreement::

    Byblos -> Believe me he isn't now. ::takes some slop and eats it looking at Tomar Raj::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shrugs at Sal::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> The Nausicaans ... you have a reputation for violence, do you not your people?

    rosetto -> @::notes a cluster of structures off to the left and points them out to the group::

    Kerris Kea -> ::glances at Byblos, and hides behind her cup of tea::

    Byblos -> ::looks at Kerris Kea and gets a bit....uncomfortable returning his glance to Tomar Raj:: You are correct....and?

    Pher -> @ :: If there are no obvious weapons or sensor arrays on Sal's desitnation buildings, nods approval. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Raises his arms and shrugs:: And what? What does that imply? That you are inherently bad people? Or are you perhaps the victims of circumstance? Does life on your homeworld mold your people into a certain archetype?

    Byblos -> ::if Kerris Kea and William Chocox could read minds they can tell Byblos failed diplomacy 101 ::

    Pher -> (( How did he do on personal hygene 101? ))

    Byblos -> Actually...yes.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::keeps a little more to the rear as Sal is leading this time; doesn't have much of an idea on what to look for in prime targets at this point::

    Byblos -> ( another fail )

    rosetto -> @::pops his head above the foliage, still watching the drones who are at a distance now::

    Kerris Kea -> Perhaps it implies that his world is a world that requires such behaviour, and not one that condemns the good, or the wicked, but is an inherent way of life.

    Joe Manning -> @Zaphod> Anyone else see that? ::Points out a very small object on the horizon::

    Byblos -> We are generally thrown out on the streets upon a certain age...from our parentage. We have to survive on our own.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks in direction indicated::

    rosetto -> @::looks in the direction that Zap is pointing::

    Pher -> @ :: Follows Zaphoid's finger with her eyes ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((It's a bird; no a plane. Wait, it's...))

    Joe Manning -> @Zaphod> ::Focuses on the object with his keen eyes:: It's the same one that scanned us before. It's pointing a tentacle right at us.

    Kerris Kea -> ::hides behind cup of tea again::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Heh.))

    Byblos -> So if your are suggesting I am a bad person....yes you are correct.

    rosetto -> @::ducks into the underbrush::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::immediately and smoothly moves for concealment or cover, which ever is closest::

    Pher -> @ OK. Let's hold still for a bit, take cover, and see if it approaches.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Shakes head at Byblos:: I believe you should listen to the good Doctor, Byblos.

    Ethan Neufeld -> whichever^

    Pher -> @ :: does so ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Can the behavior of a Nausicaan be understood ... if one realizes that such harsh circumstances follow him throughout his life?

    Byblos -> ::tightens his grasp on the duffle bag of Shane's letting go of ...normal anger::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::waits::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::patiently::

    Joe Manning -> @Zaphod> It's not moving ... just pointing the sensor at us.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::brow furrows::

    rosetto -> @::mind going crazy... 'what caused them to attack? Should I try a random STOP, or RETURN command? Is it looking for us specifically?'::

    Pher -> @ Safe means slow. I'm not looking to push risk at this point. At some point though, we'll have to decide we've learned enough to return topside.

    Kerris Kea -> Could the Persians understand the Spartans, or could the rest of the Greeks for that matter? ::shakes head, smiling slightly::

    Pher -> @ No where near that point yet, though. I want something to show Joe for the effort.

    Byblos -> Heh..listen...I just carried three of your crew to the morgue in that Bay and they were malnurished in my opinion...And I saw Dikylts men on Vestibule very ...very good shape. Your guy was a pe `taQ.

    Kerris Kea -> Sometimes, we need to realise that we are all inherently different, and nothing can be done for it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Pher's comment reminds him of a saying: 'slow is smooth, smooth is fast, fast is fatal'::

    rosetto -> @::frowns at first and then nods to Pher::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Yes. ::Nods grimly at Byblos:: Yes. Diklyt rationed out food more favorably to those who would conduct the raids. Survival ... under circumstances that demand extreme methods of survival.

    Kerris Kea -> That isn't Darwinism.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> I would ask only that you not judge any of my people too harshly unless you realise what we have been through.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::signals to Zap on the tango, eyes on; wants to know if it's changed yet::

    Joe Manning -> @Zaphod> It's moving away now. ::Looks at the others::

    Pher -> @ Let's wait a bit then move on.

    rosetto -> @I think we should get to those buildings... casually, but get there... you know?

    Kerris Kea -> ::sets down tea cup carefully, her own anger suppressing itself.LL

    Kerris Kea -> ::

    Byblos -> Listen....okay....you mentioned a Horde...did Diklyt reallly think he had a chance defending you with a few well fed men and this ship? You hint they are more powerful than what my Boss has mentioned to me.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stays in concealment/cover; wonders what attracted the drone; was it coincidence?::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::almost considered testing a few theories until it decided to move on::

    Kerris Kea -> ::lays a hand on Byblos', the one holding the bag, a silent sign to cool it::

    rosetto -> @::looks up at the cloudless sky. It was going to be another scorcher, today::

    Pher -> @ Go for it, Sal.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Of course not. ::Shakes head at Byblos:: Which is why we fled, abandoned our colony. Our only aim this past two years has been keeping our people fed. This latest scheme, the hijacking ... it was to ensure an endless supply of sustenance, if Diklyt and Holstrum were correct.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hears the call to move out; slowly begins to move from concealment/cover::

    rosetto -> @::looks at Pher and then nods as he stands slowly and walks in the direction of the cluster::

    Byblos -> ::feels Kerris Kea touch and noticably makes himself less menacing to Tomar Raj ::

    Pher -> @ :: Moves with the others ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stays several paces back behind Sal and Pher to keep from bunching up::

    Byblos -> Uh sorry I am no diplomat...uh Troy will be best to talk to..

    rosetto -> @::stays in the brush but definitely closes in on the structures::

    Byblos -> But this Horde....I know my Boss needs to know about them...and if they are within striking distance...Please . Tomar Raj.

    Kerris Kea -> But, I have to say, Tomar Raj, that... this aim to provide sustenance is causing noticeable problems for others. Your people are not the only ones in need.

    Byblos -> ::Byblos remembers to shut himself up..he is the muscle...the Doctor..Kerris....what was her last name.....is best now to speak...and then Troy for sure.::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods at Kerris, seeming wounded by her words even as he makes an attempt to mask it:: Indeed, Doctor. But ... life in the Rimward Territories, alas, leaves little room for charitable sentiment.

    rosetto -> @::sees more garden drones and raises his hand slowly to signal STOP::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances around, wondering where the modified drone got off to after Zap said it moved on::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  4. "Just give it to me straight, Hawking. None of the technical mumbo-jumbo."


    The Verbistul operative fixed Joe with his curiously red eyes and a blank humorless expression. The humans' development of the field of physics being a subject he'd only briefly studied in Starfleet Academy, it took him a moment to realize why this mercenary Captain just called him 'Hawking.' He considered how to best phrase an explanation. "... before our rendezvous with the Verbistul, during our brief pass over the away team's location, and now as the planet's rotation brings their location back into sight, we have collected scans of their -- "


    "How exactly did we do that?" Joe asked.


    The engineer blinked a dissatisfied blink and his expression grew even more humorless (if it was possible). "You told me you did not want a technical explanation."


    Joe grinned. "Son, since you're new here, I'll excuse your poor grasp of the 'humor thy Captain' commandment."


    The engineer sighed, but only inwardly. "As you know, we cannot sensor probe the surface ... both to avoid inciting the planetary defense network and to conceal the team's presence from the raiders. Thus we must rely on more conventional forms of data collection. In our case, the most reliable is to simply collect visual scans of the surface. For lack of a better way of putting it ... we are using the sensors as eyes. Only eyes capable of magnifying distant objects to thousands upon thousands of times the degree our eyes are capable of. Qob's sensors normally do this continually, watching the ship's surroundings and storing days of visual data in the computer, only with a limited resolution. Not quite as ... magnifyable.


    "With our current lack of active sensors, we have configured the sensors to provide visual scans of a much higher resolution, capable of enough magnification to show us clear and detailed images of the away team and its surroundings. By reviewing the data we collected during our brief windows, we know of the team's two encounters with the drones as well as their current position in a planetary structure. We are watching the surrounding region as well, in order that we might respond to any overwhelming imminent threat."


    "And ... this is affecting the computer?" The light over Joe's head flickered, almost as if it heared his voice and responded in kind.


    "As I said ... " the engineer answered in an annoyed tone. "Days of visual data are normally stored in the ship's computer for later review. On top of that, we have recently collected hours of the more focused visual scans of the planet. Space in your ship's computer core is not what I would call freely available, and at the resolution we are collecting this data, the demand is great."


    "I think we've got to purge our core again soon. I hate freein' up space," Joe said, reaching for his bourbon flask.


    "As I am trying to explain," the engineer continued. "While your computer -is- approaching data overload, it has not quite reached that critical stage yet. I do not think the problems that the ship's systems are experiencing are strictly a result of space shortage. The space shortage is very likely exacerbating the problem ... that is, worsening it ... "


    "I know what it means, son," Joe said, sipping from the flask.


    "Right," the engineer swatted away the interruption and barreled on, "I suspect that there is a larger problem with the data structure of your computer core. The very act of moving data around to assign new nodes to incoming data is causing serious conflicts with the core's higher functions. Thus, things like control of the lights and displays on our terminals are erratic." He motioned to the terminals on the Bridge; on a few, the displays were still distorted, broken up into small boxes that shifted around the screen. "The more data we take on, the more demand is placed on the computer's storage functions, the worse these problems become."


    "So what's causing it?" Joe asked. "I've had two engineers look into it over the past month; they couldn't find anything specific wrong. All I could get from them was quick-fixes that sounded an awful lot like what you just said -- helping the computer move data around."


    "I do not know what is wrong," the engineer said. "Possibly, the age of the core is to blame ... but in such a case, I would expect slow data transmission to begin occurring long before this acutely erratic behavior. I would need to spend a good deal of time analyzing your computer core to pinpoint the problem. How qualified were your engineers?"


    "Well, one was a Vulcan. The other ... the other's got a bionic arm." Joe took another sip from the flask.


    The engineer blinked his red eyes. He shook his head, giving up on trying to understand the relevance of that observation. "Your short answer, no doubt, is that neither was as qualified as I am. Still ... if this problem has been ongoing for weeks undetected as you say, I would likely need a great deal of time to study the core. Based on my cursory diagnostic of the core, this is a deeply rooted problem you are dealing with."


    "Bottom line," Joe said. "If this problem continues to progress ... how bad does it get?"


    "I have no way of knowing without a thorough diagnostic, which would ultimately pinpoint the problem anyway, allowing us to prevent any such progression. If this could get bad enough to affect vital systems, every hour of imaging we collect from the planet is like another tick on a timebomb. Any other strain placed on the computer core could be similarly classified. My recommendation would be to replace the core entirely."


    "Assuming that's not an option right now ... "


    "We'll have to avoid backlogging the visual scans too much," the engineer responded. "Deleting anything older than an hour or so. Either that or establish a data stream uplink with Verbistul; store the data we collect in their core and access it from there as we please."


    "Well, hell, kid," Joe grinned. "Shoulda just said that in the first place instead of hitting me with all this technobabble."


    The engineer looked back at him, flustered.


    "Go ahead and set it up with Maxwell," Joe continued. "And get on them diagnostics. Maybe you can find the problem. Your buddies can keep an eye on the surface team ... "


    The engineer turned away from the command chair and strode toward the Bridge entrance, glad to be done with this exchange. Before exiting the Bridge, he turned back toward Joe. "For your information, I am 718 of your Earth years old."


    Joe leaned around the chair in time to watch the engineer disappear through the door. He took the last sip of bourbon left in his flask, then turned it upside down. With a shake of his head, he said to himself, "Love to get ahold of whatever pill he's been takin' ... "

  5. Joe Manning -> The Capricorn team is approaching the Constellation's shuttle bay. Meanwhile, the planetary team continues to recon the planet. Sunset is approaching down there, btw


    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::walking along with the team, sniffing the air, and listening closely::

    rosetto -> ::looks out at the pending sunset::

    Joe Manning -> (( Planet team, grab @'s please ))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grabs a @::

    Byblos -> ::on shuttle looking over Vestibule's crew on loan who look...concerned::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::maintaining interval to Zap's rear and left; still dedicated to the mission; give up? - that'd be the day::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::perks up his ears listening for any unusual sounds::

    Pher -> @ :: laying low and looking about ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((No moon, right?))

    Joe Manning -> (( No moon ))

    rosetto -> @::ponders the plethra of documents that he'd pored over before they had left QoB, trying to determine if there's something new they could use::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Troy, you reading me?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::narrows his eyes, glad he's got good Caitian night vision::

    Byblos -> Relax Guys...We've got you covered. ::looks to Troy whose COMM just chirpped::

    Troy Parson -> ::clicks on the comm:: +Joe+ Still alive, sir.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::sees nothing of interest, just desert sand, and a few rocks::

    Joe Manning -> +Troy+ Well, that's good to know since you haven't arrived yet ...

    rosetto -> @See anything moving in the trees, Zaphod?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::quietly:: Anyone bring nightvision?

    Byblos -> ::sees Shane..if anyone looked like someone who could be a better bodyguard and make these engineers feel more secure perhaps it would be him...since Byblos is not human::

    Joe Manning -> (( Nice of you to join us Shane :) ))

    Byblos -> (S H A N E ! )

    Shane -> [[Hey guys, couldn't avoid being late]]

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Sal:: ::whispers:: Nothing at all. Keep your eyes peeled though.

    Joe Manning -> +Troy+ I want you to try to size these people up, Troy. Try to determine if they can be trusted. Shane's got any potential betrayal covered.

    rosetto -> @::whispers back::Oh, they are 'peeled'....

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Did we have a clear target for recon?))

    Joe Manning -> (( Is the @ team actually moving inland or are you still? ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Moving, if we go by Zap's first post.))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> (( I thought we were moving inland ))

    Joe Manning -> (( We established a nearby river and a port city up it ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> (Objective: port city then?))

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ Don't worry; I won't let them snow me with any sappy sob story.

    rosetto -> ((we should find some of those 'tree-houses' soon))

    Joe Manning -> (( Whatever you think would be feasible for securing a permanent site ))

    Shane -> [[if no one's piloting, I'll take it...]]

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Capricorn's bay doors open as the shuttle approaches

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: ::Whispers:: How far to the river Selek?

    Joe Manning -> (( You could, Shane. A number of Verbistul crew are aboard too ))

    Pher -> @ OK. We might have the bots semi figured out. I'd like to find... something from the natives.

    Byblos -> Uh...Shane...letme get this straight..you uh brought..something special on this trip? ::leans over pilot seat::

    Kerris Kea -> (Which apparently I am one of. Hi)

    Joe Manning -> (( Kerris may be pitching in as a Verbistul doctor on the shuttle. Make her feel welcome ))

    Pher -> @ It seems early to head into the thick of a city complext, but if anyone locates somewhere worth digging.

    Troy Parson -> ((Wohoo, medical staff!))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Zap; from memory:: Another 300-350 meters.

    Joe Manning -> (( With luck, a future medical chief ;) ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::grins::))

    rosetto -> @::whispers::I suggest we find shelter in those tree-houses for the night...

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods at Byblos::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: ::whispers:: Good, maybe we'll find some of those tree-houses to explore.

    Shane -> ::squeezed into the tiny pilot's chair, deftly handling the shuttle with one hand, winces at Byblos smell::Byblos:: Yeah, you could say that.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::takes in what the others are saying, but doesn't immediately comment::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::listens intently for the sound of the river::

    Byblos -> Jyking wonderful..::gives Shane space as he pilots her in and walks towards Troy::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::spies the dark outline of the port city in the far distance::

    Shane -> ::Shane's massive bionic hisses and whirs as he tries to find a more comfortable position for the umpteenth time::

    Troy Parson -> ::at the back of the shuttle, near the doors; turns to Byblos:: If I'm not mistaken, our cybernetic sidekick has brought a fun surprise for our new friends.

    Joe Manning -> (( Pher, do please go ahead and take command of the team ))

    rosetto -> @^in those tree-houses^

    Pher -> (ack)

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::continues walking, paws scrunching into the sand::

    Shane -> ::mumbles as he bring the shuttle in for a surprisingly smooth landing::Jyking qou seats made for skinny butts...

    Shane -> ::to Troy and Byblos:: Just don't touch the duffel bag with the white tape on it.

    rosetto -> @::can barely see the path ahead of him::

    Byblos -> Uh sir...::to Troy:: Yes...and I best keep my mouth shut about it with these Vestibulees with us. I take it you will be point man for contact with whoever runs that ship?

    Pher -> @ Anyone have a not so far away dig location? If not, let's head up the coast.

    Joe Manning -> Captain Tomar Raj> ::Waiting in Capricorn's shuttle bay with two guards, both wearing the biosuits that were used by the Verbistul hijackers, but without accompanying masks::

    Shane -> ::indicating the pile of black bags stacked in the back of the shuttle::

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: I hope you don't take it personally, but I'm a bit less scary to strangers...

    Byblos -> Aye Chief..we shall inform the Vestibulees.

    Shane -> ::locks down landing clamps on the shuttle and yells to the rest of the shuttle:: We're here, get out!

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ I'd suggest securing shelter. Without a moon or nightvision, this place is going to get real dark fast and flashlights will make us easy targets.

    rosetto -> @::adjusts his back-pack with an audible sigh::

    Byblos -> ::looks at Troy:: (whispers) You want to tell them not to touch the suprise or should I?

    Shane -> ::opens the side hatch from the cockpit::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ We do need to find shelter. It might be a very cold night.

    Troy Parson -> ::whispers back:: Actually, I was about to suggest we all bond over a nice game of footy. Guess what gets to be the ball?

    rosetto -> @That would be most likely in the port...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Or maybe something on the outskirts.

    Troy Parson -> ::steps out of the shuttle, and looks at the Capricornites:: 'ello there!

    Byblos -> Hah! ::doesn't quite get what Troy means but chorttles anyways::

    Shane -> ::gets un-stuck from the cockpit chair with difficulty and with much profanity, baneding the armrests off in the process::

    Pher -> @ Humph. Is there anything at all local worth looking at?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((magic edits: I think we should secure shelter^))

    Shane -> bending*

    Pher -> @ I chose this place for a practice landing.

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Steps forward, the two guards trailing behind, to meet Troy:: Greetings to you. ::Bows slightly to Troy:: I am Tomar Raj, commander of this vessel.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::has no answer to that; he's not the scientist::

    Pher -> @ If there is nothing real hear to dig, we might do another landing in decent walking distance from the city.

    rosetto -> @::looks down squinting at objects on the path::

    Byblos -> Okay Boyz and Girls...time to get off this little boat and stretch in the bay! ::promptly puts hand on sidearm walks off the shuttle behind to where Troy Parson is ::

    Troy Parson -> ::crooked grin:: Troy Parson, scientist at large. We come in peace and friendship. ::hands Raj the toy dog he brought with him::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::starts to feel a slight chill at the end of his tail::

    Byblos -> ::looks at what Troy just handed the Bajoran:: Hrmph.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks at the sky; figures if they start -now- and make good time, they might get back to the shuttle before the sun's gone::

    Kerris Kea -> ::follows silently, a simple pack over her shoulder::

    Shane -> ::steps through the shuttle hatch, bending over to keep from hitting his head::holding the white taped bag in his real hand and three other duffel bags in his bionic claw::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ If we're going to leave, we should go now.

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Furrows his brow and takes the toy:: Ah ... thank you. ::Looks around at the group, noticing the Nausicaan and the heavy armed presence:: You brought medical and repair teams I presume?

    rosetto -> @I would think we need to avoid any more landings for now... It's not THAT far to the port...

    Byblos -> ::lets Troy do the talking::

    Pher -> @ :: to rosetto :: You willing to be that far away from our withdrawal point? Ready for a long retreat?

    Troy Parson -> ::indicates Kerris and Shane:: Medical, repair...::indicates Byblos:: and insurance.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: You really want to dive back to the shuttle this close to dark? It's going to get pretty cold in the next few hours.

    Shane -> ::stands at the back of the group, looking over the Capricorns with his usual stony glare::

    rosetto -> @I am willing... If you are...

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Follows Troy's motions, frowning as Byblos is indicated:: Yes, insurance. So your Captain explained ... though I assure you there will be no need ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Zap:: The cold doesn't bother me. Getting stuck in the open -blind- does.

    Joe Manning -> Raj> We are currently contending with hull breaches on three decks, which have been evacuated. Those decks provide access to vital systems in need of repair. Life support is failing on two nearby decks.

    Pher -> @ OK. There is a risk in the long retreat, but there is a risk in moving the shuttle near the city too. No obvious wins.

    Troy Parson -> ::smiles coldly:: I hope you won't be offended if don't take your word for things right away. Do you have an engineer here to liase with our man?

    Joe Manning -> Raj> We were also forced to seal off an engineering section because of a coolant leak. It is also limiting our repair activities.

    Byblos -> Byblos>::smells unpleasant...must be the only shirt and trousers he has::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::rubs the tip of his tail between his paws:: I'm willing to relocate the shuttle. But, the drones would definately spot us.

    rosetto -> @Once we secure shelter we can always come back for the shuttle...

    Pher -> @ I'll say let's walk it all the way in then, unless I hear serious objection.

    Shane -> ::speaking up in his gruff, low voice:: Which engineering section?

    Joe Manning -> Raj> My engineer is overseeing his team's activities at our triage center in the cargo bay. That is where most of our wounded have been brought. Please, if you will follow me?

    Troy Parson -> Of course. ::gestures for the others to follow::

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Looking toward Shane:: Mr. Ford can give you more details.

    Pher -> @ This won't be the final landing, though. We'll have to go back up for real scientists once we've done a first probe.

    Shane -> Hmph.

    Kerris Kea -> ::Glances quickly at Byblos, Troy, and Shane::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::listens the the others thinking about the thermal blanket in his pack::

    Pher -> @ :: Starts towards the city using what cover she can ::

    Byblos -> ::notices a human female looking at him:: Uh sorry, only shirt I got.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shakes head:: No objections. But where ever we stop is where we should stay through the night. Even nightvision won't work without ambient light.

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Leads the team toward the bay exit, glances back at Troy:: I notice you did not bring any of the prisoners. If you would release Holstrum and Zaphod to us, at least, they could provide invaluable repair assistance.

    Troy Parson -> ::slides over next to Shane, speaking softly:: I do hope you'll indulge me and take a look inside that sealed section, yea?

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Raj, speaking more loudly:: Ah, them.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::agrees with Ethan:: I agree.

    Pher -> @ Agreed. Once we loose real light, we'll look to camp.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::continues toward the city on Pher's nonverbal signal::

    Troy Parson -> Let's just say they're...indisposed?

    Shane -> ::speaks quietly in return:: I indend to.

    Pher -> @ If anyone spots a particularly good spot as it gets dark, point it out.

    rosetto -> @::continues to follow Zaphod::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Pher:: Roger. ::moves smooth and steady::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::follows the rest of the team, looking::

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Absently rubs his shoulder and nods, continuing ahead:: I understand. We will have to purchase your trust before they are returned.

    Troy Parson -> Hazards of piracy, and all that. ::smiles, muttering softly, but loudly enough for Raj to hear:: Poor kitty...

    Byblos -> Ah listen...::the Towering Nausicaan looks down to Kerris Kea:: Uh Doc...you have any ...err ...soap you can spare?

    Pher -> @ But I'd also like to stop if anyone notices an artifact. I'm assuming we're looking for remnants of the civilization, and aren't on a nature jaunt, right?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: A lone drone is visible in the distance, flitting its way toward the cliff edge

    Shane -> ::as he stomps along, comes up beside Byblos::Kerris:: Yeah Doc, he needs it...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins at Pher::

    Byblos -> ::switches attention from the Doc to the faces looking at him and the team getting a read::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pauses; signals stop:: Contact.

    rosetto -> @::notices foliage starting to thicken... a plant here and there..::

    Kerris Kea -> ::Blinks, reaches in bag:: It's my only bar, but I think you need it. I can always get more. ::Hands him what's left of the bar of soap::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::sees the drone, stops::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Front, 500 meters. Heading toward the cliff.

    Byblos -> Oh much appreciated. Hah! Sorry we Nausicaans well....we live daily with what we just got sometimes.

    Shane -> ::hands the white taped duffel to Byblos:: And hold onto this for me as well, will ya? Just don't peek.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: ::whispers:: I see it. ::crouches down::

    rosetto -> @::ducks into some brush::

    Pher -> @ Down :: Finds some cover ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((I'm assuming you meant front, Joe.))

    Kerris Kea -> Understood. Please, use ot wisely.

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Glancing back toward the team:: We do have a small supply of disenfectant in our medical bay, along with any other medical supplies you require. What little we can manage to acquire.

    Byblos -> Don't worry will watch over you...::grabs bag from shane:: and don't mind him he just needs some ..oil every once in a while..heheh.

    Joe Manning -> (( Depends on where you are relative to your entry point ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::has crouched behind concealment::

    Troy Parson -> Very good, very good.

    Joe Manning -> (( It's approaching the coast from inland, not from the port ))

    Troy Parson -> ::to Raj:: How many of your own wounded are we talking about here?

    Pher -> @ Different direction...

    rosetto -> @::whispers::I don't think it has noticed us...

    Shane -> ::humorless:: Ha ha, just don't the bag you jyking idiot.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::keeps an eye on the drone::

    rosetto -> @::stays down and motionless::

    Byblos -> ::carries Shane's bag with ease..although it might be a problem if a firefight errupts::

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Glances back at Troy:: This ship is as much an extension of our new colony as it is ... well, pirate vessel. At peak, we carry about four hundred bodies.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((magic edits front to left^))

    Kerris Kea -> And how many are injured?

    Joe Manning -> Raj> Some eighty have sustained various degrees of injury in the attack. Thirteen have already died.

    Byblos -> I won't you don't decapitate anyone...::to Shane::: Looks around seeing ....people who don't immediately look like threats

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The drone stops. Anyone looking may notice that its scanner tentacle is waving around.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: After a few moments of scanning it begins moving in the direction of the team

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stays motionless and quiet behind concealment::

    Pher -> @ :: stays low, watching ::

    Pher -> @ OK. We seem to have a problem.

    Troy Parson -> Oh, my. Sounds like you've earned yourself quite the butcher's bill on this one.

    rosetto -> @::whispers to Pher:: I think it's looking for its recharge station...

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Steps into a turbolift with the team and pulls the handle::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::hisses low, then sees the drone fly towards the team, moves to a thicker bush::

    Pher -> @ Or it has better scanners than the earlier models.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::frowns; controls breathing and stays quiet::

    Byblos -> Four Hundred? How do you feed so many...

    Joe Manning -> Raj> I will not pass on any of the responsibility for what has happened here, Mr. Parson. ::Frowns deeply:: I merely wish to salvage what I can from this whole mess.

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Glances at Byblos and shakes his head grimly:: This ship is pre-replicator. We barely feed the colonists with what goods we acquire on our raids.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::carefully reaches into pouch and switches off radio; just in case::

    Pher -> @ And if it has better scanners and the same shoot on sense programming, we have a problem.

    rosetto -> @Best we stay put until it leaves then, ay?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::jaw tightens; thinks this isn't the time to be discussing drone design philosophies::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The drone reaches the site of the team. A quick glance reveals that it's received some modifications, including new scanners. Some of the modifications seem rather patched-together

    Pher -> @ Lay very low, but if it starts shooting accurately... :: Considers ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Raj:: Surely you've at least set up some hydroponics?

    Pher -> @ :: Stays silent ::

    Shane -> ::leaning against the back of the TL::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::notices the drones "improvements, ducks down lower::

    Kerris Kea -> ::Standing quietly, listening::

    Joe Manning -> Raj> We have a few hydroponics specialists. None as talented as Holstrum. The Eden Project was to be our salvation ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::notes the it's patch-work appearance; has a bad feeling::

    rosetto -> @::eyes the drone carefully without moving::

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Leads the team off the lift:: We have a few bays here and on the colony proper, but they provide very little sustenance.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The drone glides over to Zaphod's location. Its tentacle drone points directly at him and waves

    Joe Manning -> *sensor tentacle

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::stops breathing as the drone approches::

    Byblos -> ::notes some hull scorch working....repairs on the fly..:: Byblos keeps an eye on the guards who clearly do not trust any Nausicaan let alone what they make of Shane.

    rosetto -> @::is right next to Zaphod... frizen stiff::

    rosetto -> ^frozen

    Pher -> @ :: wonders if it is waving in a friendly way, or is still isolating his location ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::watches::

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Guides the team into the cargo bay, where space has been cleared from the crowd of patients being treated either on the floor or makeshift bedding

    Byblos -> ::keeps his trap shut about Holstrom::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Moves away from Zaphod and waves the scanner around. Moves toward Rosetto::

    Shane -> ::looking around at the general state of dis-repair on the ship and the emptiness of the cargo bay::

    Kerris Kea -> ::To Raj:: Where is the medical equipment?

    rosetto -> @stays perfectly still::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::slowly starts to breath again::

    Byblos -> ::looks to Shane:: This ship is not going to last much longer. ::stated matter of factly::

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::To Kerris:: Doctor Percy is overseeing the patients here. I am not sure where ... ah, there ::Points out a plain-clothed figure over in one end of the bay:: Let him know of anything you need.

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Waves the scanner directly over Rosetto's position::

    Troy Parson -> ::gazing into the bay, thinking it's quite a mess::

    Byblos -> ::Quick look at Dr. Percy::

    rosetto -> @::has an itch but refuses to scratch it::

    Shane -> ::grunts and replies to Byblos:: Ship like this 'ill last forever if they repair it right. Ain't lookin' like they have been.

    Kerris Kea -> Thank you sir. ::Glances at others before making her way to the doctor Raj had been pointed out.::

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Points to a small bank of terminals on the other end:: There is Ford. ::Leads teh team over::

    Byblos -> Crew is dying Chief....She'll die from the insides unless this ship gets somewhere hidden for a long...time.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::keeping a close eye on the drone::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::Shifts the scanner over to Ethan and scans right in his direction::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly wonders how the drones communicate; if they could take it before it could get a signal out::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::remains calm, motionless and very quiet::

    Pher -> @ :: waiting on her turn ::

    Troy Parson -> ::follows Raj to the terminals::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::The tentacle remains pointed at Ethan for some time::

    Byblos -> ::Let me know when you need the bag shane...I have to keep an eye on the..::doctor and others as you know::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::doesn't move or make a sound::

    Joe Manning -> Raj> Mr. Ford, this the team that has been provided to assist us.

    rosetto -> @::is curious about the drone's activity. thinks it knows that they are here::

    Joe Manning -> Percy> ::Doesn't look up from the patient he's treating, a bad burn case:: Yes? What is it? I've got a lot on my plate here.

    Byblos -> ::Byblos gets a sense of misery on this ship...not the hostile ship that attacked vestibule earlier...unless he is being duped...he sees people not well fed, clothed...just the muscle::

    Shane -> ::following Raj, making plenty of noise with his arm::to Byblos softly:: Just keep it with you. And don't let anyone else touch it. I mean anyone.

    Joe Manning -> @Drone> ::After settling its scanner tentacle on Ethan for a good fifteen seconds, it turns and drifts away from the team, back toward the horizon::

    Kerris Kea -> ::To Percy:: Here to provide assistance. Use me as you see fit.

    rosetto -> @::looks at Pher::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::watches the drone leave with only his eyes::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Ford, at Shane, then back to Ford :: Don't worry, he won't bite. Probably.

    Pher -> @ :: waits ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::watches the probe leave::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> They have the engineers with them? If we could clear out the coolant leak in engineering, we can start repurposing systems for life support.

    rosetto -> @::whispers quietly::Think it sensed us?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::waits for the drone to get far enough away before he'll move::

    Byblos -> Understand Chief. ::has a feeling it is "part" of the Boss's leverage on this Captain Raj::

    Pher -> @ Oh, yes. (also quiet)

    Pher -> @ Or at least it definitely spotted you males.

    Pher -> @ :: Not used to not being looked at ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins::

    Joe Manning -> Percy> ::Looks up at Kerris:: The help from the mercenaries, right? ::Looks back down:: Honestly, I can't devote much of my attention to pointing out people who need help. Just grab a body in need. Whatever fits your capabilities.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::notes that the drone only focused on only the members of the team that were male or at least partially human::

    rosetto -> @::smiles even though no one could see him::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Jinx, Pher.))

    Troy Parson -> ::to Ford:: My men will be happy to assist in any way they can.

    Shane -> Whatever. ::to Ford:: The name's Shane. How many do you have in workin' condition? ENG crew that is.

    Ethan Neufeld -> only focused on the members^

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::quietly, now that the drone is far enough away:: Anyone else wearing a watch?

    Byblos -> ::Byblos looks around the security guards who in his opinon look better fed, and taken care of.::

    Pher -> @ OK. Last approach, it definitely knew there was something up, and took some shots, though we were noisier last time around.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Looks at Shane and blinks:: ... twelve all-told, myself included. That includes the manual labor. Only about three skilled engineers. Two of our best are on your ship ...

    Pher -> @ This time... It sensed us better, but did not use weapons.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ This one was different; looked like it'd been modified from the others.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::shows Ethan his wrists:: No watch here. And, my phaser and tricorder are powered down.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> Right now, half of my people are working on a conduit system to flush the coolant into space.

    Pher -> @ I agree. Looked like it was patched up.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ And recently.

    Shane -> ::stepping over to the terminal abruptly:: Well they ain't here, are they?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods at Zap:: I'll bet it can smell now.

    rosetto -> @There must be some kind of automated repair cycle...

    Pher -> @ I'm hoping they haven't got an artificial intelligence capable of improvising, but we have to consider the possibility.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> No ... they're in engineering working on the coolant problem directly. I'm overseeing all of my teams and providing guidance. ::Motions to the terminals::

    Byblos -> Byblos ::looks for the Master Ship's Display these Feddie Vessels use to have::

    Pher -> @ Not repair, but enhancement.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::nods:: They are trying to find a way to sense os after scanning our tricorders.

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Looks over at Troy:: Mr. Parson, do you have any sense of the sort of cost your help is going to carry?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Pher:: They'd have to have some sort of ingenuity to keep people off this planet for so long.

    Shane -> ::looks over the data with a skilled eye:: Me and Will here, ::point over his shoulder to Will's cutout:: Will help on the coolant leak. You guys focus on the life support. Got it?

    rosetto -> @agreed...

    Shane -> We'll*

    Pher -> @ Machines with ingenuity... seems unusual.

    rosetto -> ((BRB nature calls))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thoughtfully looks at the horizon; a beat and then...:: Not if you've met the Borg.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Raj:: Let's just say we like to take the long view where helping those in need is concerned. After all, sometimes friendship can buy what money can't.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ Intellegent machines? Maybe they are sentiant.

    Pher -> @ Not impossible. I've heard of some pretty funky droids. We had a few of Mudd's creations on New Risa... Sorta almost sentient.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Glances between Shane and Raj:: I was ... under the impression that you would be providing assistance ... not taking over the repair efforts?

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Nods slowly:: Then I hope by this day's end, both of us will have proven our sincerity.

    Troy Parson -> Likewise.

    Pher -> @ But they were more sexy than innovative, at least the way the bosses used em.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((magic edits 'the Borg' to Data^ ::better example::))

    Joe Manning -> Percy> ::Looks up at Kerris again:: ... unless you needed anything from the medics here?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shrugs:: Whatever the explanation, they're getting smarter. We should keep moving.

    Shane -> ::turns back to Ford, narrowing his eyes:: You want my help or not? The coolant leak is your most critical issue. So I'm headin' there.

    Troy Parson -> I'll have a word with my engineer, and then, Captain, would you join me in whatever forward observation area you may have for a smoke?

    Kerris Kea -> (I must have missed something-- MIL called)

    Pher -> @ OK. They have better sensors now. Good enough to make us targets. Our only safety at this point is in not ticking them off and hoping they decide not to shoot.

    rosetto -> @I wouldn't discount sentience so quickly... It could explain more...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins:: If they are sentiant. Maybe we could reason with them, communicate. It's only a matter of time before they evolve to point they can find us.

    Joe Manning -> (( Percy just gave you the run of the triage. Provide help where it's needed ))

    Kerris Kea -> (thanks lol)

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Nods, clearly put off:: Then please do. ::Glances at Raj again::

    Pher -> @ Everyone willing to go on under that assumption? And willing to be submissive? :: Looks at each in turn. ::

    Byblos -> @::gives orders to the Vestibul's NPCS security...diverts most to engineering..and a few to medical including himself::

    Joe Manning -> Raj> ::Nods wearily:: As you wish, Mr. Parson.

    Pher -> @ I was almost hoping they'd try to communicate.

    Kerris Kea -> ::To Percy:: I

    Joe Manning -> Raj> Any of my crew can contact me when you wish to meet.

    Kerris Kea -> will get my reports from them **

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: Very well, then.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ I'm willing to go on. But, we do have to stay one step ahead of them.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stares back at Pher::

    Pher -> @ Was that wave of the sensor module communications rather than sensor adjustment?

    Troy Parson -> ::slides over to Shane:: A moment?

    Kerris Kea -> ::Walks over and starts to figure out who is in the most need of care, enlisting a medic for help::

    rosetto -> @Perhaps they are truly guards... meaning, if we don't TAKE anything then we are free to look? Just rambling...

    Shane -> ::turns from Ford, clearly not caring and steps aside with Troy:: Yeah, what?

    Byblos -> ::walks into Cargo Bay/Triage Bay Has NPC Borris placed at the door:: Geesh...

    Pher -> @ How do we stay a step ahead?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The sun is about touching down

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ Don't know Pher.

    Troy Parson -> Well, I was just thinking...I'm sure we'd all feel a lot more comfortable with a form of insurance that wasn't...well, whatever is in that bag of yours.

    Pher -> @ We are what we are. Not reequiping this side of the Qob.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Pher:: The only way to tell is to turn on a tricorder. I don't think they're using the same radio frequencies; I would've heard something on my set.

    Pher -> @ :: Looks at the sun ::

    Byblos -> NPC Jared, Steve>::nearby shane..bu keeping eye on the Capricorn guards::

    Pher -> @ Let's move a little bit... no sense of being exactly where we are known to be...

    rosetto -> @We need to get to shelter.... now...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks toward the sun:: Well, we need to find shelter.

    Pher -> @ But I think it's time to settle in for the night.

    Troy Parson -> If you can get access to the core routines of their system, I'd like you to try changing their prefix and master codes...get things running, but lock them out of the highest level of access.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glad Pher finally gave the word to move out; moves out::

    Pher -> @ Good luck with shelter... but might as well find somewhere with a bit more cover.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::moves out with the team, looking around for cover::

    Byblos -> ::the Nausicaan walks by the wounded ...dying....towards Kerris Kea:: Doctor....here....::gives her the soap bar back:: These people need it more than I do.

    Troy Parson -> If things go well, we can transmit the new codes to them, and all will be well. Until then, the ability for us to fly their ship remotely would be quite useful.

    Joe Manning -> Medic> ::Glances at Kerris:: Right now our need is far outwaying our available hands. We've got most of the criticals bunched up in this section. The first aid cases will have to wait.

    Troy Parson -> Oh and...

    Shane -> ::looks back at the bag and then to Troy again:: That'll be easy once we're in MENG. But the Cap'n ordered me to keep our insurance at hand. And the bag in sight won't let 'em forget it.

    rosetto -> @::Ethan::How far is the port?

    Joe Manning -> Medic> ::Points to a nearby bed:: Another burn case over there, no one's touched it yet.

    Kerris Kea -> ::glances up, then hands the soap back:: Trust me, you're doing everyone a favour.

    Shane -> I'll get yer codes. But the bag stays.

    Byblos -> +Troy+ Byblos I'm in the triage bay for your info. Byblos out.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks down range; Sal:: Another 900 meters, maybe.

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods at medic::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks for a large tree, or rock hang::

    Troy Parson -> If it should just so happen to transpire...purely accidentally, mind you...

    Byblos -> ::looks to Kerris Kea:: listen if you need me to lift anyone let me know I can do that.

    Kerris Kea -> ::heads over to the bed, looking the patient over::

    Troy Parson -> That one pad of their transporters should just so happen to wind up installed on our ship instead of theirs...

    rosetto -> @::thinks in his head::So about 20 minutes walk...

    Pher -> @ That's not that great a distance. Heck. That's closer than I wanted to be when I asked to land far away from the best defended areas. :: frowns ::

    Troy Parson -> Well, all's fair in love, war, and piracy. ::grins::

    Kerris Kea -> ::glances up again:: I might employ your help, so don't go far.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::doesn't remark::

    Joe Manning -> (( Unless your Captain forbids it, Troy ;) ))

    Pher -> @ No wonder we've been spotted so easily.

    Shane -> ::ponders for a moment, then smiles, an unsettling sight:: I like yer thinking Parson. I'll see what I can do.

    Byblos -> ::The Nausicaan just sees refugees ....the guards kept better fed...the thought pisses him off. not like he's seen this done before..but ..:: I will not..Dr. Kerris Kea

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((We've already been walking for the better part of an hour; should be roughly 1800 meters in, right?))

    Troy Parson -> (( Naturally. Though I AM well under my things-stolen quota for this plotline... ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Almost 2km.))

    Joe Manning -> (( Time passes a bit more slowly in our sims, but you can approach the city as you'd like. Just action it ))

    Byblos -> ::Byblos readies himslef for what he's done in the past.:: Uh Doctor Percy???

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::Keeps walking, looking for shelter or cover::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  6. Qob was pulling back into orbit above Zoalus IV, having returned from its rendezvous with the Verbistul at Zoalus II. A Gular-manufactured eight-man shuttlecraft was tucked under her starboard wing, carrying a mixed team of Qob and Verbistul crew within the protective barrier of the Bird of Prey's deflector shield. With a precise thrust, Qob made a sling-shot around the planet, collecting a few passive scans of the landing site before continuing to the location of the Capricorn and the Lucky Hand.


    While the crew on loan from Verbistul analyzed the scans, Joe settled into the command chair and opened a comm channel. He could not think about the team on the surface right now; they were in Nickles' hands now and he would have to trust them to navigate through any troubles that arose. He cursed the timing and manner of Capricorn's arrival in the system before he brought the image of the ship's Captain on his ODRI.


    In front of the command chair, a waist-up hologram of a gray-haired, dark-skinned Bajoran man appeared facing Joe. Though he was standing as proudly as he could manage, fatigue was evident on his face. The hologram remained still even as Joe rested his arms on the chair, the ODRI keeping it in place. "Captain Manning, I presume?" the Bajoran asked, eliciting a nod. "I am Tomar Raj, the acting Captain of the Capricorn. Though, as I understand it, my commanding officer Diklyt is dead?"


    "Your friend Diklyt held a number of people hostage, Captain," Joe bluntly answered. "Forced their cooperation under threat of death. Killing him was deemed necessary."


    "I ... understand, Captain Manning," Raj replied sadly. "Our plan to steal the Verbistul was ill-fated from the start. Though many will mourn Diklyt's passage, I recognize that his decisions and actions of late have tended toward the extreme. Regardless, his death leaves me in command of the Capricorn. As well, I inherit the leadership of the Noretian people, nearly half of whom are living aboard this distressed vessel. As their representative, I must thank you for calling off the mercenaries who have hounded us since our flight into the nearby nebula."


    "We did you no favors, Captain," Joe countered, his expression blank. Not even a disarming smile as he tried to size up the Bajoran and gauge his intentions. "As your man Holstrum might have explained to you in his message, I'm interested in what your people might be able to do for my crew. I'm looking to make a deal with your people. Naturally, I hope the assistance we're giving you now will be repaid in time."


    "To be honest, Captain Manning, I am not sure what my people could offer you. Though the raids Diklyt has lead these past few years have brought in some saleable materials, Noretia is far more a colony in need than a colony capable of repaying favors. But we will not turn away your help, even if it places us in debt. Or do you have terms of the exchange to offer now?"


    "Debt is fine," Manning answered, smiling for the first time. "Just pass along your damage and casualty reports to the shuttle I'm escorting and open up your bay doors for them. They'll help out wherever you need them and I'll do my best to keep the Lucky Hand off your throat."


    "My thanks again, Captain," Raj nodded once.


    "Oh, and Captain," Joe raised a hand quickly. "You've been most gracious and understanding thus far ... so you'll understand if I buy myself and my crew a bit of insurance. Given that you've got transporter technology, and given that trust between us is something that will need to remain lacking at this point, I'll be keeping Qob's shields raised. Furthermore ... the shuttle we're sending over to your ship is carrying an antimatter pod that has had its blast-shielding removed."


    The lines of the aged Bajoran's face creased deeply as he frowned. "Captain Manning ... was such a measure truly necessary ... or in the best interests of future cooperation between our peoples?"


    Joe shrugged. "I hope it isn't necessary, for all of our sakes. But I simply cannot trust you not to hold the lives of my crew over me or to simply open fire on the shuttle as soon it leaves the protection of Qob's shield. Maybe it's excessive. Maybe I'm treating you unfairly; you certainly seem like a reasonable and personable gentleman. But this is my way, Captain. With one hand I offer friendship, and with the other I keep a grenade clutched. You should consider yourself fortunate -- my colleagues on the Lucky Hand prefer grenades to friendship."


    Raj gave a curt nod, the message gotten across. "I ... understand, Captain. Under the recent circumstances, I have little basis to question your methods. I will open Capricorn's shuttle bay and meet your team personally."

  7. Herman Maxwell was what he liked to call 'Mercenary Lite' (all the taste with none of the filling). As he regarded it, there were two types of mercenaries in Bull's Head. The Lite group were basically laborers and experts for hire, jobseekers in the cutthroat market of non-Federation society. They sought long-term jobs with employers who could promise steady pay for relatively safe work. Xorax employed its fair share of mercenaries for colonial security and for assistance with research. The bolder and more capable were among the crop typically selected for deep space missions, and for a truly dangerous excursion like Zoalus only the best were chosen. Maxwell had qualified for this command by virtue of his twelve years crewing and then leading deep space expeditions for the colony. Still, those expeditions were purely scientific, and his responsibilities seldom entailed more than administering planetary security for the scientists and keeping the day-to-day functions of a ship's crew in order. Danger was rare and light and Maxwell never actively sought it out; that more than anything is what defined 'Mercenary Lite' to him.


    Zoalus being a different kind of mission, Dr. Phantos and the other administrators had sought a different kind of mercenary. The Vagrant mercenaries. The ones who lived on starships and drifted from one port to another picking up any lucrative short-term contracts available. The ones who actively sought out danger. The independents. The wildcards. The best. Companies turned to the vagrants when they wanted sensitive jobs done, 'off-the-record' types of jobs. Thus, such jobs paid the best despite typically being one-shot deals, and thus such jobs attracted the most skilled jobseekers. As such, the vagrants were turned to not only to perform dirty work that employers preferred to keep secret, but also truly dangerous work. Even the Guardians, somewhere in between Mercenary Lite and Vagrant, could not be trusted for such jobs.


    But being independents, being wildcards, the vagrant mercenaries could not always be relied on for rational behavior the way a stable employee could. Had Maxwell been running the expedition, the fleet would not have reached Zoalus. The moment the raiders had been overcome, the hostages released, and the bomb disarmed, he would have scrapped the mission and ordered the fleet's return to the Hyades cluster. The presence of the raiders, their knowledge of the particulars of the expedition (thanks to Holstrum), and the unknown whereabouts of the Constellation class mothership would have presented too many dangerous factors for Maxwell to consider continuing the voyage to Zoalus and the month-long study. But the vagrants were running the mission, and they had felt that continuing the expedition was worth the risks. Of course ... had it not been for the vagrants, the raiders probably would not have been overcome, the hostages probably would not have been released, and the bomb probably would not have been disarmed. Verbistul would be on its way back to the Hyades cluster under enemy control ... and thus would not have reached Zoalus.


    Maxwell brought this mixture of unease and gratitude onto the Bridge of the cramped and barely-holding-together Bird of Prey. Four more of Verbistul's crew, operatives in the distinctive white jump suits of Xorax colony, were trailing behind him looking around with obvious distaste. The vagrant Captain to whom many of Maxwell's crew may have owed their lives was standing beside the command chair reading his ODRI display and sipping at a cup. He looked up when the door opened and gave Maxwell a warm smile.


    "Cap'n," he said with a nod. "Welcome aboard my ship. I know she ain't much to look at, but she gets the job done."


    He'd noticed the unimpressed stares of the Verbistul crew, of course, even if he hadn't looked directly at them. Captain Manning was twice Maxwell's age, and he had all the appearances of someone even older -- not much to look at, in other words. Maxwell motioned to the four operatives. "Captain, the extra hands you requested ... in addition to the previous three. At this point, I will soon be facing a crew shortage of my own."


    "Not to worry," Joe replied with his same reassuring smile. "My people will keep your people safe -- you have my guarantee -- and we shouldn't need any extra hands. It's just this business with the raiders and all, you understand. Y'all can get yourselves acquainted with the stations."


    "Yes, the business with the raiders," Maxwell mused, folding his arms behind his back and nodding thoughtfully as his crewmen spread out. "Captain--"


    "Call me Joe." Joe's smiled seemed to have somehow gotten warmer and wider. Maxwell wasn't sure how or why, but the smile simultaneously comforted and outraged him.


    "Ah, yes ... Joe," he continued. "I have to say that I'm not entirely sold on the prudence of your actions. Just a day ago, my ship was under attack by this 'Capricorn.' Her crew held my people hostage and threatened to detonate our warp core. Rendering aid to them after they sustained damage in the process of said attack ... I'm not sure it wouldn't be better to just wipe ourselves clean of this whole affair."


    Joe chuckled softly and looked back down at his ODRI, which he began to tap. Somehow Maxwell knew that this vagrant Captain's gaze was on every one of the Verbistul operatives looking over the Bridge stations. "Captain ... you don't mind if I call you Herman?"


    "Please." Maxwell answered, clearing his throat.


    "Herman ... if I didn't know better, I'd think you were suggestin' that I take hostile action against a disabled ship that's requesting emergency aid. No one is treating them like friends, mind you -- we're taking every precaution imaginable -- but to fire a kill shot on that ship ... or to take their crew to the sword?"


    "That's not what I'm suggesting," Maxwell raised his hands defensively. "I'm not some callous barbarian." The irony of Maxwell arguing this point to a vagrant struck him hard. "But now that you've managed to convince the Lucky Hand to cease her assault, I think we could reasonably expect these raiders to be able to return to their home colony. The damage to their ship is not so extensive as to be critical. Why don't we simply turn the captives over to them and firmly instruct them to remove themselves from our company?"


    "Gut feeling," Joe answered simply, taking another sip from the coffee. Maxwell had feared an answer of such little substance.


    "Would you care to explain, Joe?"


    "I don't think they're bad people," Joe answered with a shrug. He looked up from the ODRI. "A few of the ones who boarded your ship were bad, granted. Holstrum is bad; you can read it all over him. If I had my druthers, I'd keep them locked up until we can turn them over to Xorax colony; but you know we don't have the resources to support four extra bodies for a month. I've talked to all of them, though, and I've talked to Zaphod a lot -- most of the people on the Capricorn were not happy about the methods of the hijacking. They were participants, yes, but they weren't eager participants."


    "That doesn't change what they did," Maxwell replied emphatically. "I agree with you about the necessity of releasing the captives, but delivering a group of our own people onto their ship to repair it to a state where it might renew its assault against us? To say nothing of the risk, should their previous attack on our fleet be so easily excused?"


    Joe returned his attention to the ODRI. "This is Bull's Head, Herman, not the Federation. We don't deal in 'black and white' out here. Especially not in the Rimward Territories. Your enemy one day can be your friend the next, and if you don't open yourself up to that possibility, you'll find that the risk gets greater."


    Maxwell was not pleased at the insinuation that he lacked proper experience in Bull's Head, but he let it pass. "What about the expedition? Every minute we spend dealing with these raiders is more time that your team on the surface is cut off from support. Zoalus should take priority."


    "My people are more resourceful than you might think, Herman," Joe answered matter-of-factly. "They'll be fine. You know that the Capricorn has transporters, don't you?"


    "How could I not?" Maxwell exclaimed, throwing his arms up. "That's how they forced themselves onto my ship."


    "It's just one thing to keep in mind," Joe said with a chuckle, as if finding amusement in the fact that Maxwell's frustration was freely seething. "Right now, Herman, our only way of reaching the surface safely is by dropping a specially configured craft at high speed into the planet's oceans. It ain't pretty, it ain't safe, and it's sure to make for a logistical nightmare when we finally get a dig site set up. That's to say nothing of how difficult it may prove to bring the shuttles back up here. My team can make a site relatively secure, maybe even fish out a way to tame the defense drones. But ultimately, sending the shuttles back and forth using our ocean bubble method would severely limit both the amount of information we can gather in a month and our ability to extract the scientists from imminent danger."


    Maxwell blinked in disbelief. "I don't understand. Are you indicating that your people are going to try to assume control of the Capricorn ... or are you suggesting that we convince these raiders to -let us- use their transporters?"


    "I'm not suggesting anything at the moment," Joe answered with another shrug. "Just considering the vast multitude of possibilities that lie before us, as I am wont to do. Let's see how things unfold on the Capricorn first, shall we? Maybe these people will turn out to be amenable to some sort of exchange of services."


    Maxwell narrowed his eyes. There was that feeling again, the one he couldn't shake when Holstrum was allowed to contact the Capricorn and arrange the turnover of the prisoners. What was it Holstrum had said? 'The Captain of Qob desires a truce, perhaps even cooperation.' That last statement had lingered unexplained. Joe, when asked, had pleaded ignorance with a mysterious grin. Had some deal been made between the raiders and the vagrants? How blurry the line between those two groups could so often become.


    "Herman ... " Joe snapped Maxwell out of his reverie; he was looking directly into the Verbistul Captain's eyes, as if reading his thoughts. "Try not to worry so much. About your people or mine. I've been in this business for quite some time and I like to think I know what I'm doing. We're the hired help for a reason. Let us do things our way."


    Maxwell simply nodded. Of course. Their way. The vagrants' way. The wildcard way. The reminder of the authority that Dr. Phantos had given these mercenaries was not lost on Maxwell. Nor was the fact that their previous dealings with the raiders were the reason that Verbistul was not in enemy hands. Obviously dismissed, he turned and left the Bridge with the same comfortingly, frustratingly, gratefully, infuriatingly resigned thought -- that he had no choice but to trust the judgment of these vagrants, and that the hired help could have been a whole lot worse.

  8. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Zap still got point?))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ((yep))

    Byblos -> btw...guilty as heck focusing only on the stinky guy

    Pher -> :: Scanning for bots or snakes ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::scanning the area while he walks::

    Byblos -> (might be a bit slow catching up yall apologize)

    Joe Manning -> @::Down in engineering, conversing with Shane::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::visually scanning to the left as he maintains an interval behind Zap and slightly to Zap's left::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ((who has @?))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Apparently, they do.))

    Joe Manning -> (( People on Qob. Of which there are very few to be concerned about right now :) ))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Ethan:: Clear so far. No sign of scanners or snakes.

    William Chocox -> @::In engineering monitoring the structural support system of the Qob::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The scans eventually alert the local sensor grid, which sweeps over the team's position

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::stops in his tracks and turns off his tricorder:: We've been made, scanners picked us up.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::quietly:: Roger. ::passes word along to Chris and Pher:: Clear. No contacts.

    Byblos -> Nickels>Blast.

    Pher -> Have we anything worth investigating around?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::noting to himself that the area is strangely devoid of wildlife sounds or the annoying presence of insects::

    Joe Manning -> @::Parts ways with Shane and makes his way over to William:: Mr. Chocox, how are the engines holding up under the strain of our little sublight jaunt?

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::becomes still, looks at Pher:: Only everything!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::pauses shortly after Zap and crouches to one knee::

    Pher -> Can you get more specific than that?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::crouches to and takes a defensive stanse::

    Pher -> If there isn't anything specific we're looking for we could start back to be near the shuttle when the encounter starts.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The sensor beams from the nearest cluster of towers simply continues sweeping over the team's location

    Byblos -> Nickels>::takes a low position:: This dig is on tough dig to dig.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::checks his phaser to make sure it's power is off::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Zap, quietly:: Gotta location, eyes on?

    Pher -> Passive only, everyone. Don't think hostile thoughts, or anything.

    Pher -> I sort of expect something to come take a look.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Ethan:: I'm looking, they were probably alerted by our tricorders.

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> We're the first ones down here in so, so long...can't we look around a bit while they look for us?

    William Chocox -> @::looks up at Joe:: They're doing fine, but there is some strain coming from them. Nothing that wouldn't be unexpected from a bird this old.

    Byblos -> Nickles>Makes sense given how automated this world is. Hopefully just an eye in the sky no weapons.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::group:: I'd suggest we not make any power emmisions, not just comm.

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods:: She'll hold together alright. You'd be surprised the kinda stuff this old bird's endured. ::Scratches the back of his neck:: Anyway, you're gonna be headed over to the raider ship with Shane, William. I'll want you to be battle ready as well as ready to make repairs.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::keeping eyes on AOR to Zap's left::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::looks at Ethan:: Looks like this is going to be a good old visual scan.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::minimally:: Yeah.

    William Chocox -> @Ok. What will we be doing over there? Anything in particular?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::perks up his ears and listens::

    Joe Manning -> @Hopefully more repairing their ship than dodging phaser fire. You'll have Shane, Byblos, and a couple more arms with you for protection. They'll screw with you at their own peril and all that.

    Byblos -> Nickles>Why cant they make binocs (not certain what the Trek term for them is) waterproof?

    William Chocox -> @Very good. As long as the scary looking guys are in front of me I will be fine.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Three objects approach speedily from the northwest horizon, apparently hovering a good ten feet off the ground

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::points at the object, whispers loudly:: Look!

    Pher -> OK. Let's spread out a bit. Here they come.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::lowly:: Contacts. Northwest. 800 meters.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::sees the drones:: Oh fr'mirsa, we've got company. swings his bat'leth around and stands up.

    Pher -> :: Weapon ready but not powered up ::

    Byblos -> Nickels>No power peoples..

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> I'd love to get a close look at one of those...if it has any writing on it, it could help me in my efforts to make sense of their language.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: As they get closer, the objects appear to be metallic squids, with a variety of devices dangling below a central mass like tentacles

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks for cover::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Any large rocks, trees?))

    Pher -> Oh, wonderful.

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods:: Excellent. Come with me, then. ::Heads for the exit::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> Especially if it says something simple, like "power" next to a switch...you know, something self-expanatory. ::hiding behind a tree that isn't quite as wide as he is::

    Joe Manning -> (( Rocks would be reasonable this close to the fjord ))

    Pher -> Never liked tentacles.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::looks at the drones:: ::low:: Ugly critters.

    William Chocox -> @::gets up and follows::

    Pher -> :: Finds cover ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::takes cover behind a large rock, weapon readied, maintaining interval with Zap at about 15 meters::

    Byblos -> Nickels>::in a crouched position :: I hope they dont bite.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::sees Ethan looking for cover and jumps behind the nearest rock::

    Joe Manning -> @So, you never had a chance to get away from Tranquility, William? Guardians never gave you any assignments elsewhere?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::snarls low, and readies his blade::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::has lead contact sighted in; weapon still off::

    Byblos -> @The Nausicaan looks at Security NPCs Boris,Jared and Steve..giving them strict instructions on how important the Vesitbule team is.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: As the drones approach the team's location, they each raise one of their appendanges and begin swinging it around, emitting a tight sensor beam

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::maintains cover::

    Pher -> :: Doesn't react ::

    Byblos -> Nickels>::remailns still not moving::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::ducks lower growling at the back of his throat::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::ducks down lower, continuing to whisper:: Did you know that, according to the artifacts that we've recovered, the people of this planet use a language with meanings expressed at multiple levels of abstraction?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The drones reach the spot where the sensor grid first swept over the team. They stop and spin around slowly in the air, scanning

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: One of the sensor beams swings around to Rosetto's location

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::pulling himself down with one hand while simultaneously straining to get a better look at the drone::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::keeping a close eye on the drones::

    William Chocox -> @With the amount of ships that needed maintenance and repairs there wasn't a need nor was there much time to leave. The only time I traveled was with Starfleet.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: One of the three drones moves away from the rest to move toward that location

    Byblos -> Nickels>::head down but eyes up at the probes::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::maintaining his own cover and silence, hoping Rosetto will STFU::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::sees the drone approaching Sal:: ::growls low::

    Joe Manning -> @Starfleet. Any experience of the sort that might help here? Dealing with pirates and whathaveyou? Or even your garden variety Romulans? ::Entering the neck of the ship::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sights in the drone moving in on Rosetto; rifle still 'off'::

    Byblos -> Nickels>easy...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::wondering if his bat'leth will cut through the drone::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::very, very nearly succumbs to the urge to take a peek at the drone, but pulls himself back a millimeter away from where his head would have stuck out::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Another drone swings its sensor beam in Zaphod's direction and begins moving

    Joe Manning -> Drone #1> ::Stops next to the rock that Rosetto is crouched beside::

    Joe Manning -> Drone #1> ::Slowly waves its sensor tentacle about::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::still keeping prone and low, controlling his breathing::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::hears a drone approaching him, tries to become one with the rock::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::grins::))

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The third drone swings its sensor tentacle in Nickles' direction and moves to investigate

    Byblos -> Nickels>::remains like a rock on the outcroping doing the best he can to look..non interesting?::

    William Chocox -> @Not much. Shortly after I graduated the war broke out and shortly after the war ended I found myself disagreeing with the direction the Federation was headed so I shipped out to Tranquility.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::bares his sharp fangs::

    Joe Manning -> Drone #1> ::Moves slowly over the rock::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::notes that drones have split off after each member who's made a sound; makes extra effort to keep quiet::

    Joe Manning -> @So ... it'd be safe to say that you're capable with a weapon ... but best not to rely on you for any real combat expertise? ::Glances back at him::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::looks up as the drone comes over the rock::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::lowers his bat'leth to try to make it less inconspicuous::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> *conspicuous

    Joe Manning -> Drone #1> ::Its tentacle slowly passes onto ... and over Rosetto's location, without stopping::

    Joe Manning -> Drone #2> ::Moving around Zaphod's location, scanning::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::looking at the drone for any markings, while simultaneously trying not to have a heart attack::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::closes his eyes and tries to be as quiet as possible::

    Joe Manning -> Drone #3> ::Stops a few meters away from Nickles' position and points its tentacle in his direction, waving it around slowly::

    Byblos -> @Byblos>::continues instructions to NPCs Boris, Jared and Steve to be..diplomatic ...the best a Nausicaan can say::

    Joe Manning -> Drone #1> ::Pointing tentacle more or less in Rosetto's direction, but not seeming to pick the scientist up. There is a small panel on one side of the central mass, but nothing else remarkable on the surface::

    Byblos -> Nickels>::mentally telling the drone to go away::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::moves one finger by a tiny amount to see if the drone reacts at all to movement::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::channels old training, still keeping quiet, low and generally immobile::

    Joe Manning -> Drone #1> ::Continues waving the tentacle, not reacting in any visible way to the movement::

    William Chocox -> @I can hold my own with a weapon. Had to use some during the war, but yes my combat skill are lacking when compared to some.

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::starts, very slowly and quietly, to stand up::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: All three drones apparently lose interest, moving away from the team members to reorganize at the site that the team was detected

    William Chocox -> @Especially when compared to Shane or Byblos.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::looks over at Sal, thinking he is nuts, readies his bat'leth::

    Pher -> Let's definitely avoid powering up or active scan. (quietly)

    Byblos -> @Byblos>::mentions Holestrum and suggests playing cool..unless he does make a move in that case priortize defense of the Vesitbule crew...and evac.::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::smiles at Pher and whispers:: Good idea. I think that is what alerted them.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::relieved that Rosetto's trick didn't cause more trouble; observes the drones and remains silent::

    Joe Manning -> @::Arrives at Pher's quarters with William and raises his ODRI entering the access code::

    Pher -> Let's take a break and rest a bit.

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::stands in place for a moment, looking at the drones::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((How far away are the drones from us?))

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The drones begin moving toward the edge of the cliff, their sensor tentacles pointed at the ground

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::slides onto the ground and thanks the mirad of gods in the galaxy::

    Joe Manning -> (( They're moving from the spot that the sensor grid picked you up ))

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> Hey, everyone, I have an idea.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees the drones moving off; wonders if they can detect the team's tracks::

    Pher -> Hmm... Not so dumb. Hope they can't work well through the water.

    Byblos -> Nickles>How on earth Maxwell is going to get the digs started, We've got to shut down this defense system somehow.

    Joe Manning -> @::Glances back at William:: Pher's quarters ... though I won't be surprised if you haven't been inside before?

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> They seem to react to sound, but can't identify *us*...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to team:: I don't think they can visually see us. It looks like they can hear us and see power signatures.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Rosetto as he talks::

    Joe Manning -> (( Don't forget those wonderful goofy hats you're all wearing ;) ))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ((forgot about that lol))

    William Chocox -> @Haven't needed to.

    Joe Manning -> @'Needed?' ::Shrugs and leads him inside::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> If I had to guess...I'd say these ugly radiation hats are doing something to their scans.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::adjust his U.F.O. hat, thinking maybe it was it::

    Byblos -> @::Byblos threatens collecting more heads of the security guards if they mess up..then laughs throwing the NPCs Security team off..wondering if the tall Nausicaan has lost it::

    Joe Manning -> @Generally Pher is the one who does the needing. The gentlemen are in it for enjoyment. ::Moves over to the weapons locker::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grins at Sal:: It could very well be. I know I look like Kreskin in this thing.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The drones stop at the edge of the cliff, where they scan over

    William Chocox -> @::follows:: I haven't had much interaction with our security chief. Only to talk about what weapons I had and that's not really a turn on for me.

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::quickly:: Sorry, everyone, if what I'm about to do doesn't work....

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::finally talks, lowly, eyes in the direction the drones left:: Doesn't mean they won't eventually put things together. We shouldn't linger.

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::whistles at the drones::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::reaches into his pack and drinks a water packet::

    Pher -> Talk about it fir...

    Byblos -> Nickels>::looks to Rosetto::

    Joe Manning -> @She's an Orion, William. ::Taps his ODRI again, disengaging the lock::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> Be right back, saving the shuttle.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The drones swing the sensor beams back around the team

    Pher -> :: Decides it wouldn't be appropriate to shoot him at this point... ::

    Joe Manning -> *around to

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::throws himself to the ground and hisses::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks at Rosetto, shocked; retakes cover though he didn't move to far away::

    Ethan Neufeld -> too^

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::starts walking up to the first drone very, very quietly, figuring it can't "see" him::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: One of the drones moves away from the cliffside while the other two resume scanning over

    William Chocox -> @But she wasn't blasting away with the pheremones either.

    Byblos -> Nickels> in the open not expecting Rosetto's actions...just stands like a tree..

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::growles low at Sal::

    Joe Manning -> @::Grins:: You've never watched one of her dances in the cargo hold. You really oughta try to mingle with the crew more, William. Most of them aren't like Shane.

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Moves slowly back toward Sal and the others, sweeping its sensor tentacle around::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::ever-so-quietly heads for the access panel that he noticed on the drone earlier::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::frowning, eyes back on his sights and the drone::

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Sensor tentacle suddely fixes on the ground beneath Sal::

    Byblos -> Nickels>::can only mentallly curse being caught in the open when Rosetto got the drones attention::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::stops dead::

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Another one of the tentacles swings around::

    William Chocox -> @That's good. I would really hate working here if they all were.

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::holding his breath::

    William Chocox -> ((Hey Nickles!))

    Joe Manning -> (( You can give up the Nickles role now, Byblos ;) ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees the drone's tentacle fix on the ground and Sal stop; wonders if the drone recognized Sal's 'out-of-place' shadow::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::peeks around the rock to see Sal::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ((Hey Chris))

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::The tentacle fires an energy beam at the ground::

    Pher -> :: Hold fire... ::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::fights back the urge to run away from the beam at his feet::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::jaw tightens; holds fire::

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Sorry all Couldnt be helped.>>

    Joe Manning -> @::Pulls a phaser out of the locker and hands it to William:: I think this is yours?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::sees the beam and pulls out his phaser, finger on tthe power button::

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Fires several shots at the ground between Sal's feet, scorching the ground and sending up wisps of smoke::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::debates whether or not he should power up his weapon::

    William Chocox -> @::grabs the phaser and looks it over:: Looks like it. There's the mark on the bottom that I put on it.

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::The sensor tentacle sweeps back and forth at Sal's location::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::runs a claw around the power button, growliing low in his throat::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::desperately trying to fight the urge to cough from the smoke::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::stands still watching the centries , hoping not to cause furthr attention::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders what would happen if Sal laid down::

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::The sensor tentacles follows the progress of the smoke::

    Byblos -> @Byblos>So in conclusion....everyone lives...everyone...::looking at the guards:: lives...hah!

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::looks at the tentacle, watches how it moves::

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::The weapon tentacle suddenly rises to Sal's chest region::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> Uh oh. ::runs::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::jaw tightens more... realizes Sal might be made if the drone figures out his shape from the smoke::

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Fires::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The other two drones move away from the cliff edge

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::stands up and powers up his phaser, pointing it at the drone::

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Follows, scanning the ground where Sal runs as it takes shots::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::Very slowly turns his head seeing Sal and the weapon pointing at Sal::

    Pher -> Move to shadows, everyone.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees Zap stand::

    Pher -> :: Follows her own advice ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Chris:: Fire sir?

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::zig-zagging towards heavier cover:: I guess it's smarter than I thought!

    Byblos -> @Let's go guys...Shane probably has the engineers prepped on that old Federation ship.

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods at William:: You'll be taking that over to the raider ship. And as soon as we get back, you'll return it to Pher, understood?

    STSF_Nickles -> No firing will only draw their attention more.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wants to point out if they fire, they'll give any other drones every reason to come down on their position::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::keeps quiet::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> Aye sir ::powers down his phaser but keeps his finger on the button::

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Continues chasing Sal, firing shots in his general direction, but apparently firing blindly::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves as the drones move away into a shadow near the cliff::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::maintains his cover and concealment, shadows minimized::

    William Chocox -> @Yes sir.

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::suddenly swerves and hides behind a rock::

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Swings up and over the rock and scans Sal's position::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::sees Sal make it to the rock, ducks behind his own::

    Byblos -> @ All right....I swear there is a guardian on board that ship...someone shoot me...

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::lunges for the access panel as the drone gets close::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: whispers to Pher:: If he stays still they should leave him alone correct??

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods and closes the locker:: Alright, get everything you need ready. Shane'll take you over to the Verbistul for transfer to the shuttle

    Pher -> Hope so.

    Byblos -> @On stun...before I try to take his/her head off or an arm....Bad habit I must confess.

    Pher -> They also seem to sense shadows better than the person. Strange sensors.

    STSF_Nickles -> Now to just get HIM the message

    William Chocox -> @Will do sir. ::walks out of the quarters and heads to engineering::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::peeks and sees Sal lung at the drone, growls:: He's gonna get his fool self killed.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The other drones patrol the area near the team, scanning around

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::doesn't think using shadows and smoke is all that strange::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grips his phaser tighter, claw on the power button::

    STSF_Nickles -> Zaphod tell him to remain still

    Joe Manning -> Drone> ::Spins around, scanning in the direction that Sal's hand touched the panel::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::maintains his prone, covered position::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Sal:: Sal, stay still. Lay low.

    Byblos -> @NPC Boris>Execuse me, you want us to shoot you. We see a Guardian on board that ship? <Byblos>I might compromise the mission if I see one of those..so yes Stun me and say it was a misfire.

    Joe Manning -> Drone #2> ::Scans in Nickles' direction::

    Byblos -> (grrr I hate missing those brackets )

    STSF_Nickles -> :: gets lower to the ground and shuts up::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::ducks away from the panel, not wanting to be smoke-scanned again::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wishes the others would STFU before they all get a stupid prize::

    Byblos -> @Three Vestibule NPCs truely think the Nausicaan is insane.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::bites his lip, motioning for Sal to stay low::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Drone 1 continues scanning near Sal and the source of Zaphod's voice. Drone 2 moves toward Nickles and scans near him. Drone 3 patrols

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::is tempted to put Rosetto out of commission temporarily, if he could just get to him; doesn't move from cover::

    Pher -> :: Figures talking is a bad idea ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: backs up under a shadow under a cliff hang::

    Joe Manning -> @::Arrives on the Bridge to take the flight station and dock with Verbistul::

    Byblos -> @ Yes I tend to get a bit agitated when I see one. But the odds of a Guardian on board that vessel are pretty slim. As I have been told we are so off the beaten path the Guardians don't pay visits

    STSF_Nickles -> :;slowly:

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::inching away from the drone::

    Joe Manning -> @::And to write a log::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: After a few seconds, the two hunter drones stop scanning near the team, and start moving around scanning the area

    William Chocox -> @::arrives in engineering grabs a toolkit and heads toward the docking tube::

    Byblos -> @NPC Jared>What about the other pirate vessel...errr protecton vessel. What if she starts to fire on the Constellation.

    STSF_Nickles -> (( WB Pher))

    Byblos -> @The Boss...has said that is an unlikely event.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::motions to Ethan, points to a small rock, then at a larger one 20 meters away, makes a throwing motion, winks::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::waits for them to clear before moving back out::

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::slight sigh of relief::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::continues to control breathing, using cover and concealmeant to his best advantage::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Finally giving up, the drones move back in the direction of the cliff edge

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::frowns at Zap and shakes his head in disagreement::

    Pher -> :: Keeps half an eye out, but moves as little as possible ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::thinks it would give the drones more reason to stick around::

    Byblos -> @NPC Jared> Sorry man, just dont like being on a ship lit up to be blown to pieces.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::nods at Ethan, peeks to see the drones move away, puts his head back on his concealment::

    Byblos -> @ It won't happen. The Boss is on top of things.

    Joe Manning -> @::Completes the docking maneuver and opens a shipwide comm:: +Com+ I want engineering, medical, and the full security detail on that ship. The shuttle is waiting for you in Verbistul's shuttle bay; Shane can show you the way.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::relieved that the drones are moving away again, but not eager to leave cover/concealment just yet::

    Byblos -> @NPC Boris>He's not our BOSS...Captain Maxwell is.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((concealment^; for earlier))

    Pher -> :: Still not sure if they will pick up the shuttle, or if they can do anything about it. ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks over at the sensor station:: Troy, I want you to lead the team over there.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: looks over to Pher ad moves See anything for your post::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The hovering drones drop over the edge of the cliff and disappear from view

    Troy Parson -> @Can do, sir. ::sips coffee::

    William Chocox -> @::Arrives at docking door::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::watches the drones, worried about their means of escape::

    Byblos -> @::Looks at NPC Boris:: My Boss is your Boss so long as you have that gun...now let's get to the tube!

    Pher -> (quietly) Might have to walk home.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::listens for the slight hum of the drones not hearing it::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::carefully begins to break cover after the drones disappear over the cliff and regroup with the others::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grins at Pher::

    Troy Parson -> @::takes a small toy dog and a can of tunafish from a cabinet under the sciense station and heads for the airlock::

    Joe Manning -> @Shane> ::Moves up the neck toward the airlock, the sound of his arm heralding his approach:: Chekov, you got everything you need?

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets hope not

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::heads over to the others:: Drat.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::quietly:: Or at least find another way down. Zap, did you see another way into the fjord before you turned off your tricorder?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::stans and walks over to Ethan, quietly:: I wonder what their range of hearing is.

    STSF_Nickles -> Is everyone okay?

    William Chocox -> @::looks over at Shane:: Yes sir.

    Byblos -> @::Byblos and three NPC security guards arrive at docking tube....Byblos gestures them forward and they comply eager to get away from the "crazy" Nausicaan.::

    Pher -> OK.

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> Each drone's got an access panel on it, and they can't scan us through our protection, but actually getting to the panel is harder than it looks.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> Scares Sh'rresless. But ok.

    Joe Manning -> @Shane> Good. Keep up. I'm not waiting around for the others. ::Hits the airlock panel with his fleshy fist::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Chris:: Yes. ::Zap:: I'd guess close to humanoid range; they didn't hear us before they detected your scan.

    Byblos -> @ +Joe+ Byblos to Boss..

    Joe Manning -> @+Byblos+ What it is, my Nausicaan friend?

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> I saw the panel when they first came to look at me...figured if I could keep them from going off the cliff long enough to get at their wiring, I could keep them away from teh shuttle.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Sal, but doesn't say anything::

    Joe Manning -> (( Last lines ))

    Byblos -> @I understand this correctly...you will be on Qob by yourself?

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::sighs:: Guess they win round one. Interesting technology, though...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Ethan:: Good, I didn't see another way down. Exept for a path a few hundred meters away. We could make it down.

    Troy Parson -> Rosetto> ::perks up a bit at the thought of eventually getting to study such a machine::

    William Chocox -> @::to Security NPC's:: He's not as crazy as he seems. He's more.

    Joe Manning -> @+Byblos+ Don't worry so much, Byblos. Focus on keeping your team secured. I'll have some more Verbistul personnel brought over.

    STSF_Nickles -> We need to be more careful if we are to get back to the shuttle

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  9. As Qob's airlock seal closed around Verbistul's docking arm, Joe opened a shipwide channel on his ODRI. "I want engineering, medical, and the full security detail on that ship. The shuttle is waiting for you in Verbistul's shuttle bay; Shane can show you the way."


    The return of the Capricorn and the Lucky Hand had thrown a wrench in the reconnaissance mission on the Zoalus IV surface, a mission which was otherwise going fairly well. When Joe had asked Holstrum to arrange a rendezvous with his raider buddies on the Constellation class ship, he'd hoped that a meeting would be arranged away from Zoalus, preferably once a secure site had been set up on Zoalus. Capricorn's impromptu arrival, trailed by their (presumed) attackers on the -other- mercenary vessel, had forced Joe into a scramble.


    If anyone -- the raiders, the other mercs, both -- had hostile intentions, then the team on the surface was in a terribly precarious position. Their existence simply could not be given away; the Capricorn would easily be capable of holding them hostage by locking a phaser array on their position and threatening to scorch the earth they stood on. Radio silence needed to be maintained, which meant that Joe could not be kept apprised of the team's progress or any potential dangers and Troy could not advise their next moves. In fact, Qob could not even actively scan the team's position, for any undue interest in the planet's surface would no doubt prompt the raiders to make scans of their own.


    So Joe was preparing to send a group of potential (but not so easily taken) hostages right into Capricorn's shuttle bay. It would be a risky gambit. Joe was banking on the raiders being both willing to negotiate and truly desperate for the aid that the shuttle team could provide. They would not proceed without insurance -- Byblos would bring a strong armed presence over, and Qob's disruptors would threaten to further emphasize the raiders' need for aid -- and the team on the surface would be shielded from any more danger than they were already contending with.


    The Lucky Hand was an enigma that Joe was choosing not to address directly at the moment. For the moment, their apparent desire for raider blood was sated and they were cooperating in keeping a weapons lock on the Capricorn. Their quasi-pirate Captain was a continuing source of agitation, however, and Joe would need to have a conversation with her sooner than later. Joe would have to assume, for the moment, that she had not made some sort of clandestine deal with Capricorn's crew, even as he continued considering cards that he could play against her in case she proved treacherous.


    It would be a tense situation between the three ships, and the presence of wild cards like Shane and Byblos on the relief team could present a complication from the worst possible direction. Joe would need a calming influence on the Capricorn, even if the calming influence was in total disagreement about the sensibility of the plan. He turned to look at the sensor station. "Troy, I want you to lead the team over there."

  10. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::in the back of the shuttle prepairing to engage the force field::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @::in shuttle preparing for swim and over the beach::

    rosetto -> @::pulls up and parks::

    Joe Manning -> ::Watching the progress of the two incoming vessels from the combat station:: I'd say we have about fifteen minutes before they arrive in the system

    Pher -> @:: Hoping this whole airlock things works ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::smirks at 'pulls up and parks'::))

    Shane -> ::walks through the bridge's double doors with his arm making noise as usual:: Whats going on?

    Troy Parson -> ::focuses the sensors on the two ships, trying to learn anything possible about their status::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::to team:: Everyone ready?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods:: Ready.

    Pher -> @ I guess.

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns to look at Shane:: Some old friends are back in town.

    Byblos -> Jyking other escort still alive. Thought they were goners. ::wipes face::

    rosetto -> ::watches the monitor::

    Joe Manning -> Our raider ship in really bad shape, and the Lucky Hand giving chase.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::engages force field, pumps extra oxygen into the airlock::

    Pher -> @ :: notes time to fill the lock ::

    Troy Parson -> Maybe they'll just blow each other up and *not* cause trouble for us, for once...

    Shane -> ::grunts and looks over Troy's shoulder at the sensor data:

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((How long would that be, you think?))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::to team::, everyone take a few deep breaths, and I'll flood it.

    Robert Long -> ::sitting in his infirmary looking through the equipment they have left::\

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods again; readies::

    Byblos -> ::grunts and emitts a brief laugh after Troy Parson 's comment::

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances at Troy and sighs to himself::

    Pher -> @ Good nuff

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::breaths in deep, and floods the airlock, takes about 8 sec to fill, then opens the hatch::

    Shane -> ::looks to Joe:: What kinda arrangement did you make with the raiders?

    STSF_Nickles -> @Lets go

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: We'd return their people to them in exchange for a future favor. I also indicated that we'd look into their food shortage problems, maybe for a more longlasting relationship.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::impressed at how quickly the airlock fills up and how well the airlock works::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::starts swimming to the surface::

    Byblos -> Why would the Feddie hail us? I find that odd given we put some holes in it and then she fled.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::begins to swim out the hatch, keeping close behind Zap::

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps at his ODRI, sending a message to Captain Maxwell::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Byblos:: Their man Holstrum got in touch with them, let them know I was aiming for a truce.

    Pher -> @ :: Kicks gently clear of the group, watching their progress. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::brings his pack in front of him as he nears the surface::

    rosetto -> ::taps the shuttle console::Guys, you should be quick...

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: hates swimming but Kicking away towards the shore::

    Byblos -> Oh...well. Looks like he is interested.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::doing a cat crawl to the surface, looks back to see if everyone is out, then closes the hatch::

    Joe Manning -> I'll have Maxwell get Holstrum back on the horn with them, make sure their intentions here ain't all nefarious ... and remind them that we have some of their people in custody.

    Shane -> Guess the jerk mercs never got the message...we need ta figure out who attacked who.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly glances back at shuttle::

    Pher -> @ :: Gently bringing up rear, keeping an eye on things. ::

    Joe Manning -> I don't think our friends on the Lucky Hand are interested in the whole cooperation thing. And I ain't too keen on opening fire on them to protect the raiders ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::lets his pack act as concealment as he surfaces; trains rifle on beach in the short distance and makes a visual scan::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::breaks the surface to get a look around for trouble::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::looks at the fish swimming around him, and the light from the surface::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods to Shane:: Give Troy a hand with the sensors. I want to know how bust up both of these ships are.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Swim faster. ::grins::))

    rosetto -> ::pulls the shuttle back under the water::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: swims the rest of the way into land::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::surfaces, and checks around for the reat of the team::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::beach appears empty from his vantage; looks around and catches sight of the others::

    STSF_Nickles -> @Now lets hope none of tose driods find us interesting

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::sees the team swimming for land, follows::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::begins swimming toward beach behind Zap::

    Pher -> @ I'll try my best to be ordinary and boring. It's hard, though.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::occasionally glances behind as he swims::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at Shane:: I'll have better luck getting a look under those ships' clothes with a 25% boost in power reserve...think you can manage it?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ I hope we don't set off the sensors either. ::swims::

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns back to the combat station and opens a comm channel to the Lucky Hand:: How good are you at space combat, Byblos?

    Byblos -> ::from the tactical station he still is trying to learn:: How the Unlucky the "Hand" may be if we 'accidently' were to strafe it. Both vessels still closing Boss.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::arrives at beach; exits water::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: making way to the shoreline, stands up in hip deep water::

    Pher -> @ :: Scans horion above the surface, then dives to watch for fish that might think them snacks ::

    Shane -> ::nods and turns to go to ENG:: As long as the cap'n don't want to move anytime soon.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::crawls onto the beach, and breaths deep::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pulls pack on shoulders and readjusts rifle; still visually scanning area::

    William Chocox -> ((sorry I'm late was helping my dad with some laminate flooring.))

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::walks out of the water:: Everyone Make it?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey, Will.))

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Lucky Hand, this is Manning on Qob. We've made an arrangement with the raiders. You can break off your attack. They are no longer a threat to the mission.

    Pher -> @ :: hits the beach ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Yes.

    Robert Long -> ::walks out of the infirmary and makes his way to the bridge::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Nickles:: I'm here. ::starts scanning the area::

    William Chocox -> ::sitting at the main computer keeping an eye on the engines::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::still not seeing any contacts, begins to survey the rock faces for their climb::

    Byblos -> ::looks at the screen and panel ahead of him I can work her in a pinch, the integretated federation tech makes it a bit odd to work with but the basics are understandable. I just assume cloaking the ship is not an option at this console.

    Pher -> @ :: Swaps fins for some light footwear ::

    William Chocox -> ((in engineering*))

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Cliffs loom ahead of the team, though they are not quite as steep in the location Troy picked out

    Shane -> ::exits the double doors and heads down the neck corridor:: +Will+ Chekov, we need a 25% boost on the sensor array. Start cutting into the impulse reserves, I'm on my way.

    Pher -> @ :: Sets audrey to see if there are any active power sources in the area ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Byblos:: It's not an option until the last resort.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::looks at the cliff face:: Well, not too bad. Like Looking Glass back on Earth.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A bald woman with an eyepatch appears on the viewscreen

    William Chocox -> +Shane+ Roger that. ::starts boosting the sensor array::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::agrees with Zap:: Mm.

    Byblos -> NPC Jared Boll>::looks at the cyborg walking down the hall and makes plenty of room as he guards the hatch::

    Shane -> ::passes Robert in the cooridor, rudely bumping him out of the way::

    rosetto -> ::opens com::+Pher+ How's it going?

    Robert Long -> ::walks out onto the bridge::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::begins to pull pack off again in order to get climbing gear out::

    Joe Manning -> Woman> Captain Manning ... I am growing a bit weary of you handing down orders to my crew as if you are in charge of this expedition ...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::wrings water out of his tail and shakes it out of his fur::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Did we forget to tell Sal he was swimming?))

    Pher -> @ +Rosetto+ On beach. No troubles. Minimum communicators please.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Zap:: How about I watch your back, you watch mine on this one?

    Pher -> (apparently)

    Joe Manning -> Woman> I should not need to remind you that we chased off this vessel and have been engaged with them for the past twelve hours. We have been watching your asses.

    Shane -> ::stomps up the metal stairs to the coridor leading to ENG, walks through the sliding door:: Whats yer status?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: No prob.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ OK Which direction do we need to go.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods and pulls rope out of pack::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::checks his gear::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::points at cliff face:: That looks like a good spot to climb.

    Byblos -> NPC Security Boris Koralev>::wonders what that stoming noise was a deck above::

    William Chocox -> ::looks over:: We've boosted the sensor arrays and the ship is holding together by hopes in the laws of physics.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ Looks good Selek. Nice grade, I think everyone could make it up.

    William Chocox -> ((hope*))

    Joe Manning -> ::Smirks up at the viewscreen:: I appreciate the helm, Captain. I do, really. But there's no longer a need. The raiders are defeated, Verbistul was protected, and we're now ready to make peaceful arrangements with these people.

    Pher -> @ :: Knows climbing isn't her thing. Keeps watch in all directions. Keeps checking for active powers sources ::

    Shane -> ::nods approvingly:: Sounds about right. Did you figure out the cause of the flucuations on the main neck EPS conduit?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks in Troy's direction to see if any progress has been made with the scans::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Mm. Looks like it's the only way. Cliffs face the beach for a good distance in either direction.

    Shane -> fluctuations*

    Byblos -> ::a bit concerned how quick the Captain is assuming the Connie's crew have indeed reached total agreement::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::letting Ethan and Zaphod do the climbing:: You two climb up and tell us what you see?

    William Chocox -> Not yet. Steve over there had the helpful idea of replacing the conduit, but other than that we couldn't figure anything out before we were told to report to our stations.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::walks over to the cliff and scans the rocks:: Very stable. We do need to check each foot and hand holds.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods:: Roger. ::Zap:: You object if I take lead?

    William Chocox -> ::nods at Steve at one of the secondary consoles::

    Troy Parson -> ::running more powerful scans as additional power comes into the sensors, noting signs of battle damage all over the raider ship, relaying the results to Joe's ODRI as they come out::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Nickles:: Yes sir. ::Ethan:: Go right a head. I'll be free climbing.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::gives Zap a strange look::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::walks over to Pher:: You picking up anything that can be trouble for them?

    Joe Manning -> Woman> A foolhardy approach. In case you haven't noticed, these thugs are at our mercy. I intend to make them pay for the damages my ship sustained. A Constellation cruiser would make a fine trophy.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Chris:: I'll set up anchors at the top, throw the rope down to you and Pher.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::nods to Ethan::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks down at his ODRI and reviews the scans::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::magic edits taking out rope; got ahead of himself::))

    Pher -> @ So far, no power signs. I'll check for metal and large life forms while we're at it.

    Shane -> ::looks at Steve side-long, grunts:: We don't need to do that if we don't have to. We installed an aux. conduit several weeks ago in an upgrade.

    Pher -> @ :: Pokes at Audrey a bit. ::

    Byblos -> Boss, keep in mind the Lucky Hand's Speed...awfully fast to charge down a four engined cruiser. That pe`taQ of a captain must have a heck of an engineer.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::waits for Ethan::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Climbing. ::starts free soloing up rock face::

    Byblos -> Or she is lying.

    Joe Manning -> ::Without looking up:: I'm sure we could all walk out of this situation with reparations, Captain. I won't presume to cut you out of any bargaining. Do be aware, however, that we -are- going to render aid as requested.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::following Ethan up the face, checking paw holds for loose rocks::

    William Chocox -> Steve> I was just trying to be helpful.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up:: As my tactical advisor just pointed out ... you appear to be breaking the Federation speed limit, Captain ...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Nice hand and foot holds.

    Byblos -> ::byblos wishes he knew the text console applications....that would come in handy..::

    Shane -> The conduit is probably overloaded, as is most everything on the heap of pe'taQ. Transfer some of the conduits work load to the aux and see if that affect it.

    William Chocox -> ((As an aside I may have to leave early because I am planning on having a guest over.))

    Joe Manning -> Being a part of our little mercenary fraternity, I would be more than willing to keep this little secret between us if you show a bit more willingness to play ball.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Zap:: Thanks. ::slips fingers around an edge and hoists himself up using mostly upperbody strength until he can get a better foothold; works smoothly::

    Joe Manning -> Woman> You would blackmail me? You do not want to make enemies of me and my crew, Manning.

    Byblos -> ::notes the distance ...closing and looks up at Troy Parson who has more bridge experience than he does..well...wouldn't just about anyone? ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::slowly makes his way up, not wanting to make mistakes that could cause him to fall::

    Shane -> ::to Steve, raising his gruff voice:: We ain't got the funds, equipment or time to replace a conduit on a wim. We work on a tight budget unlike yer qoh science craft over there.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sends the scans over to Byblos for analysis:: You're right, I don't. And I don't intend to make enemies of you. But I do intend to render aid that ship, so I would advise you to break off your attack and make my job easier.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Talk to you soon, Captain. ::Cuts the comm::

    Shane -> ::truns back to the main console, mumbling under his breath:: Jykin' rich folk...

    Shane -> turns*

    Pher -> @ :: To Chris :: You good at this climbing thing?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hits the halfway mark up the cliff; about ten minutes worth of free soloing without a rope or protection::

    Joe Manning -> ::Frowns deeply and looks around at the Bridge staff:: Well, there we have it

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::shifts his weight, finding a better foothold::

    Troy Parson -> ::swivels around in his chair:: Well, I think that the lady may well have a point, sir...

    STSF_Nickles -> @Not really but I can if I have to

    William Chocox -> ::starts transfering work load:: The workload is adjusted.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hopes Zap is doing okay below him; can't shift is weight to look::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::watching the others climb as he speaks to Pher::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks toward Troy:: And I hope you have in mind a different point than the one she was trying to make.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::secures hand around a grip and it unexpectedly gives away:: Rock!

    Pher -> @ Tie together on one safety rope, or two trips?

    Byblos -> ::imagery pops up on the Tactical screen:: Errrhumm. ..::studies::

    Shane -> ::yells over his shoulder:: Sam, or whatever the qoh yer name is, go to the EPS buffer in grid section 12 and make adjustments to compensate for the new workload.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances back at Byblos:: Is the Capricorn genuinely in distress? Or do you think this could be a setup?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::frowns:: ::Ethan:: You ok up there?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ You and I??

    William Chocox -> Steve> My name is Steve. ::grabs a toolkit and starts walking toward grid 12::

    Pher -> @ I think we're next.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shifts his weight and glues himself to the rock face to keep from falling:: Yeah. Okay. Climbing.

    Pher -> @ I'm athletic enough, but this isn't my thing. Ropes seem good.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Cool. ::slowly starts to climb again::

    Shane -> +Bridge+ ENG to bridge. Whats our situation cap'n?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Aye I agree we use rope, The Cat up there doesnt need it appears/

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::reaches the top and hauls himself over the edge; works rifle around on its sling and visually scans for contacts::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::doesn't see any contacts and surveys area for good anchors::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks back to see if Zap needs any help finishing his climb::

    Byblos -> Both Vessels are running very fast towards our location. The Ex-feddie ship clearly hasn't taken any engine hits..She's lost some atmospheric containment around the saucer section. I suspect that is our doing. Are we sure these two vessels have not decided to broker a deal on the side.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks up and sees Ethan climp up top, follows::

    Pher -> @ How many lives he got left? :: grins ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Zap:: You good?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: I'm good, almost there.

    Joe Manning -> That's what I'm asking you, Byblos.

    Byblos -> I would of hit her in the engines at least once for Jyking sake. Unless...::studies the specs of the Lucky Hand::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods; turns back to find an anchor and decides on a healthy tree near the edge::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ I dont knnow I didnt ask. ::snickers::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::reaches the top and climbs up, cherishing the flatness::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :;calls out:: YOU TWO SEE ANYTHING UP THERE??

    Troy Parson -> ::continues:: It shouldn't be news to anyone that desperate people do desperate things, and desperate people with a history of trying to kill us...well, I'd sleep better without them flying that cruiser, badly damaged or not.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sets up a wrap 3 pull 2::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hears Chris, nears edge:: No!

    William Chocox -> Steve> ::arrives at the buffer and starts working::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::stands:: ::Ethan:: Haven't done that in some years. Glad it's like riding a bike.

    Byblos -> I think Dikylt was their guy...theyy lost him...the rest of the crew or whoever is in charge of the Feddie ship brokered a deal. Frak..theya re literally in formation...


    rosetto -> ::thinks he made a mistake not going ashore::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::finishes tying stopper knots into rope and puts it on the anchor::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smiles at Zap:: How much do you remember? Can you belay?

    Shane -> ::glances at Will as he waits for a reply:: I'm planning on startin' our next set of upgrades after this job; upgrading the Structural Integraty system so this qoh vessel doesn't fall apart the next time we hit Warp 5.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: I've had some training. I think I remember it all.

    Joe Manning -> Everything I've heard tells me that Diklyt was the greatest influence on these people turning bad. That's coming from our new engineer. And the other prisoners we took on Verbistul. They all seem like decent people, even if Holstrum is a bit of a rodent.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Chris:: Fields! No contacts!

    Shane -> What have noticed as far as stresses on the hull and frame structure?

    Shane -> have you*

    Byblos -> I did not meet the individual you negotiated with on the Feddie ship Boss, was he strong enough in character to say No I won't if that Beautiful Woman pointed a gun at him?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods at Zap:: I'll rapppel back down; get them set up for the climb. You belay.

    Troy Parson -> Oh yes, because all murderous, hostage-taking pirates with a sob story are good people deep down. ::rolls eyes::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ +Joe+ Nickels to QoB

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::gets near edge to toss rope over:: Rope! ::waits five seconds and then tosses rope end down::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Sounds good.

    Joe Manning -> (( Radio silence, Nickles, remember? ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> rappel^

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Forgot)))

    Pher -> @ Chirs? Let's keep it quiet.

    William Chocox -> ::looks up:: Not much so far, but I am convinced that this ship will fall apart at some point. Main thing so far is just the conduit, but that is going down and some minor stuff at the wing joints.

    Pher -> @ Don't want to attract attention.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Okay. ::helps secure Zap to anchor and tie a Munter Hitch:: Sorry, don't have anything more fancy.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods to Byblos:: Alright, they should be about here. Let's move to intercept the both of them.

    Byblos -> Boss..the Ex-Feddie ship doesn't have the damage to scream MAMA! ::looks animatedly silly for a second:: That give me a bad feeling.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sets up on rope to rappel with an 8::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: It's ok, we make do. ::prepairs to belay for him as he rappels::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::sighs:: OK I guess we go up there then.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Bit out of order... ::smirks at himself::))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Zap:: Belay on?

    Shane -> Wing joints is a problem, I've noticed a lot of stress on the neck and engineering section joint.

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises the shields and opens a channel to the Constellation ship::

    Pher -> @ Guess so.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins at Ethan:: Belay on. Ready.

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Capricorn, we are ready to assist a ship in distress. But given some past circumstances, you can understand our not trusting you.

    Byblos -> ::looks around:: Oh ::nausicaan swear:: +Extra Security+ Ready weapons...incoming hostile vessels...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::has positioned himself perpendicular to the rock face at the edge::nods at Zap:: Rappelling.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::glad he brought his engineering gloves with him::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::yells to Chris below:: Coming down!

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ We are going to ensure that all of your weapons and engine systems are disabled before we proceed with any relief efforts

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::Ethan:: Ready here. ::braces::

    Shane -> ::notes the raise in shields, looks to Will nodding to the aux. console:: Keep an eye on the shields and weapons systems, make sure they have plenty of power.

    Pher -> @ :: Stands a bit clear of Chris ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances at Byblos and circles around the combat station to take the flight station himself::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::quickly rappels, also glad that he has gloves::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::double checks his belaying gear::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::magic edits in mention of tying a harness for Zap:: Heh, oops.))

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::backs up and looks up::

    Shane -> ::tapps the inter-ship comm:: +Troy+ Parson, I'm dropping yer power boost to the sensors. We need that fer max engine output.

    Byblos -> ::listens to how his Boss works this one out...compared to his Father who would of Gotten out of dodge given the complications::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> (( oops he he ))

    William Chocox -> Will do. ::starts monitoring the systems::

    Troy Parson -> +Shane+ Juice's all yours; we've got what we need.

    Joe Manning -> Troy, get in touch with Verbistul, would you? Advise them to get out of transporter range of the Constellation.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::belaying for Ethan, hand over hand with the rope::

    Troy Parson -> ::nods to Joe:: Aye, sir.

    Byblos -> ::perks up when he hears transporter::

    Troy Parson -> +Verbistul+ Verbistul, this is QoB; acknowledge.

    Joe Manning -> Too bad Zaphod's on the planet. He'd be ideally suited to talking to these people.

    Byblos -> ::Byblos goes from a seated position to a standing positon weapon ready at TAC::

    Shane -> ::moves the power flow from the sensor array to the impulse engines, pulling up monitoring data for the generators as well:: Cheko....whats yer first name anyhow?\

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hits the beach quicker than it took to climb up::

    Joe Manning -> They'll have as much reason to mistrust us as we have of mistrusting them.

    William Chocox -> William.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::turns to look at Pher and Chris:: Ready?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Any sigh of those driods?

    Byblos -> Aye Boss the Caitan is missed here.

    Pher -> @ How we doing it?

    Joe Manning -> Byblos, I want the disruptors on as low a power yield as you can manage.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ None.

    Shane -> ::looks back at him:: Are you Russian?

    William Chocox -> Steve> ::continues working on the buffer::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks down to see that Ethan made it:: I'M READY UP HERE WHEN THEY ARE READY!

    Byblos -> Aye, Boss...low power shots.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Pher:: I'll tie you a harness; Zap will belay.

    Troy Parson -> +Verbistul+ It looks like your playmates are back in town.; we suggest you keep your distance.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ You go first Doll Ill follow you

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Capricorn drops out of warp inside the Zoalus system and proceeds toward Zoalus IV on shaky impulse

    Pher -> @ Good nuff.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hears Zap::

    Byblos -> ::takes longer than Pher would on handling the console but gets the job done::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods and ties Pher a harness out of webbing; then attaches her to the rope:: If you feel like you're going to fall, scream 'falling'. Zap will brake you.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::swishes his tail, remembering now that these harnesses can be a bit um, binding::

    Joe Manning -> Getting us into firing range. ::Opens a channel to Lucky Hand:: +Com+ Be advised, Captain, we are going to assist in disabling the raider vessel. We will be targetting engines and weapons.

    Pher -> @ Good nuff.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Ready?

    Shane -> Well, are ya?

    Pher -> @ :: Moves forward and grabs a first handhold :: Ready.

    William Chocox -> No I'm German.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Careful gal.

    Shane -> ::looks momentarily puzzled:: Then why did ya tell me your name was Chekov?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Lucky Hand also drops out of warp and shows a speed advantage on Capricorn with impulse engines, quickly closing the gap

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Zap:: Belay on?!

    William Chocox -> I didn't. You just changed my name to Chekov.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Belay on. ::anchors his claws into the dirt::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up:: Better do it fast...they're heading for the planet, and if we delay, they'll float into the death zone.

    Pher -> @ Yes sir. :: winks, but starts up, promptly, but not intending to slip ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Climbing!

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::starts belaying Pher, hand over hand, digging into the dirt::

    Byblos -> Hmmmm....Weapons and Engines targeting on the ExFeddie vessel....::hears Troy:: Oh and that too!

    Pher -> @ :: Not her sport, but she is strong and flexible enough. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stands behind Pher at first; then moves back as she climbs out of reach::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods toward Troy:: Going to position us between Lucky Hand and the raiders, try to discourage them as best I can.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::watches Pher make her way up the cliff::

    William Chocox -> I also have some Irish thrown in hence the red hair.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::perks his ears listening for Pher::

    Shane -> ::turns back to the main console, clearing his throat:: Uh...Will then...be sure an see how the new aux. power helps with the power stresses.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::magic edits taking himself off the rope; hurried a bit::))

    Joe Manning -> ::Switches the ship's wings to combat mode and looks over his shoulder and Byblos:: Start firing when you have a lock on their weapons systems.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::notices Chris watching Pher::

    Pher -> @ :: Pauses a few times on the way up, making sure she doesn't do anything stupid ::

    William Chocox -> Will do.

    Troy Parson -> ::bites back a comment about the questionable wisdom of positioning oneself between two none-too-trustworthy vessels that want to shoot each other::

    Shane -> ::taps the comm again, sounding annoyed:: +Bridge+ Captain, what are we doin' up there...

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :waiting for her to clear the top before he gets started::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Lucky Hand also fires on Capricorn, though their shots do not seem as carefully aimed at disabling

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::feels the pause in the ropes, compensating::

    Shane -> ((power grid* two line up))

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ The usual revelry and getting to know our fellows, what else?

    Byblos -> Boss...I think Shane needs to know...we will be in both vessels fields of fire when in position. Aye sir...combat mode engaged...Weapons lock.....::centers on the Impulse Engine complex of Capricorn:: Firing..low power.

    Joe Manning -> Our shields will hold as long as neither ship starts firing on us openly. And if that happens, we've got other concerns.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: a bit nervous but trying not to show it:: ALMOST THERE GAL KEEP IT UP

    Shane -> +Bridge+ ::sighs:: Just don't stress out the hull, we're about to fall apart as it is.

    rosetto -> ((DINNER...))

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ You're not telling me the wings are going to fall off, are you?

    Pher -> @ :: Waggles her rear at Chris ::

    Byblos -> ::looks to Troy Parson:: Uh...is that Fed ship going to have too much momentum and drift into the gun zone of that bloody planet?

    Pher -> @ Working it! Always workin it!

    Joe Manning -> Lucky Hand> +Com+ Qob, get out of our line of fire!

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::grins at Pher::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::hears Chris, glad Pher is doing well, get's a better anchor with his paws::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Chris again, guessing that he must be worried; then starts removing his climbing harness::

    Pher -> @ :: Comes up over the top ::

    Shane -> +Bridge+ We're close to the planets gravity well and I haven't had the time to upgrade the SI systems...just don't fly her like she's twenty.

    Byblos -> Boss I have fired as ordered....she's bleeding fusion materials from her impulse drives ...well It looks like that to me.

    Pher -> @ Not bad, but I prefer swimming

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::smiles at Pher:: Good job.

    Pher -> @ :: Gets clear of the edge then works to get out of the harness ::

    Joe Manning -> +Lucky Hand+ We're both trying to do the same thing here, Captain. Why don't you go check on the Verbistul, we'll take care of these outlaws.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::yells down:: Pher is up. I'll send down the harness.

    Pher -> @ Thanks. Swimming. Rock climb. What's the next event?

    Troy Parson -> ::grins at Byblos:: Sure, why not? Objects in motion, and all.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hands his harness to Chris:: Here. Think we're about the same.

    Pher -> @ :: Turns to let Zaph have access to the knots and stuff ::

    Byblos -> ::instinctively braces himself.....if they are working together now would be their time to pull the fast one on the Qob::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins at Pher:: Hopefully not long distance running for our lives.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::looks to Ethan and takes the Harness and places it on::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Capricorn, this is Qob. As we are nearing Zoalus IV at dangerous speeds, I'll have to go an insist that you disengage your engines. We'll make sure the Lucky Hand don't get too trigger happy on you.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Zap:: Hold on harness!

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: snaps the harness:: It fits. ::steps up tp the cliff::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::zap:: Off rope?!

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Ok, let me know if you need it! ::puts harness and gear to the side. Switches belaying ropes.

    Byblos -> Another volley to Capricorn's engines boss?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Constellation class ship slows down, powering down impulse engines until she comes to a stop

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Off rope! Switching for the next climber.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::waits to make sure Pher is off the rope before tying Chris in::

    Byblos -> Hmmm.....

    Pher -> @ :: Gets clear of the harness and goes into look for enemies mode ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Okay. ::ties Chris into the rope:: Ready?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Byblos:: Keep the weapon lock on her.

    Shane -> ::mumbles under his breath as he compensates for a manuvering turn:: Will, how we holdin' up?

    Pher -> @ I'll let you take care of the climbing end?

    Byblos -> Aye Boss.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Ready here. I need the rope to tie in

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::prepairs to belay for Chris, smiles at Pher:: Ok.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hands Chris rope:: ::Zap:: On belay?!

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Lucky Hand, the raider ship is standing down and surrendering. We are keeping a lock on, but no further action against them is needed.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: On belay!

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :;ties in:: ready here.

    Byblos -> ::looks at scans of the Capricorn...then turns his attention to the approaching Lucky Hand....approaching from our rear.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods to Chris:: ::yells to Zap:: Climbing!

    Joe Manning -> Troy, we should be able to get a full accounting of the Constellation's damage from here.

    Pher -> @ :: FInds cover near Zaph and keeps looking for mostly bots but possibly anything. ::

    Byblos -> Now Boss...We find out if that lady on the Hand is truly a Pe`taq if she opens fire.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::starts climbing grabbing the hand holds and carefully plcing each foot into a foot hold::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Climbing! ::starts belaying for Chris, hand over hand::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::watches Chris go up, waiting for his turn; the rope isn't rated for more than one person::

    Joe Manning -> ::Byblos:: If this is a setup, they aren't in the greatest of positions. We could take the raider ship out with one well-placed shot.

    William Chocox -> ::looks at his screen:: So far so good. The wings are currently holding up, but at the next pit stop I say we either repair it and upgrade the structure systems, or get a butt load of duct tape.

    Troy Parson -> ::running scans of the Constellation, registering moderate engine damage, certain spots of heavy hull damage, an irradiated zone with a decent amount of biological matter but no life signs...::

    Joe Manning -> Power up the disruptors. Make sure the message is clear.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::digs with his paws for a better anchor::

    Byblos -> And they can take us out if she wants the entire paycheck. Sorry Boss I have to show you the angles on scum...well coming from scum...hehe..POWEring up disruptors.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: ,makes it up to the top of the cliff and climbs over::

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets in contact with Verbistul, sending them coordinates to relocate to::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly glances up at the sky, wondering how the Qob is doing::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::smiles at Chris:: Good job sir. ::Ethan:: Climber up!

    William Chocox -> ((Assuming in the intervening years something better than duct tape hasn't been invented.))

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Lucky Hand comes to a stop, keeping a weapons lock on the Constellation vessel

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up from the science station viewer:: She's hurt, all right.

    Shane -> ((lol doubt it))

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Sorry folks I have to bail I have a realitor thats locked out of a house that I have a key to. I need to run over and let her in. See you all next week.

    STSF_Nickles -> ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Zap:: Good! Send down my harness.

    Shane -> ((see ya dude))

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Night all)

    Joe Manning -> Keep an eye on her engines, Troy. I want to know the instant they heat up.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Have a good one.))

    Byblos -> Weapons lock still hot Boss.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Coming down! Harness! ::sends rig down to Ethan::

    Troy Parson -> Aye, sir. If you want any automated firing scripts written for tying the weapons to the sensors, now would be a good time to ask.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::quickly gets his harness back on and ties in:: ::zap:: Belay on?

    Joe Manning -> Well, if you've both disagreed with my actions thus far, you're really not going to like this ...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Belay on! ::digs in::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Climbing! ::stars up the rock face, moving quicker than before::

    Byblos -> Not my place to....

    Joe Manning -> I'm going to string together a team of engineers and doctors to head over there for damage control.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::belaying for Ethan, hand over hand::P

    Troy Parson -> ::nearly swallows his cigarette:: You're right, I don't like it.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::digs his claws in for a better anchor::

    Joe Manning -> We'll swing over to Verbistul, hop aboard and grab their second shuttle. Our shields won't drop as long as we're in transporter range.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moving smoothly but with quicker confidence::

    Byblos -> Uhhh....is Maxwell going to give you his blessing on that one?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::a bit winded as he arrives at top and muscles slightly gassed::

    Joe Manning -> Byblos, you'll watch over the team.

    Troy Parson -> Let's not forget that these raiders like to take hostages, which, incidentally, we will be handing them on a silver platter.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins at Ethan:: We got our workout today.

    Joe Manning -> This falls outside the parameters of the study on the planet, so it's my call.

    Pher -> @ Seems quiet, guys.

    Joe Manning -> A well-armed silver platter.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ :steadys on the top:: Belay off. ::grins back:: Yeah.

    Shane -> ::looking at the power data:: Hm, ain't lookin' like we're gettin' in a fight.

    Ethan Neufeld -> steadies^

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::stretches, and does a little Aikedo to relax his muscles:: ::Ethan:: Belay off.

    William Chocox -> That seems like a good idea.

    Joe Manning -> And if they try anything, we'll give them even more damage and wounded to deal with. They'd be insane to antagonize the help, don't you think?

    Byblos -> I hope you think the Vesitbule's crew has the "nausicaan term for manhood:: to do what you ask.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Pher:: Yeah. ::gets off rope and pulls rifle back around::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::adds:: Thank the maker.

    Pher -> @ I'm figuring find some once upon a time occupied sight and to rapid archeology?

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Byblos -> Tactical scenario as I see it.....The Connie is facing Zoalus all stop. Behind them is the Qob with weapons lock on her. Behind us is the Lucky Hand with teh one-eyed lady who is holding still with a weapons lock on the Connie as well?

    Joe Manning -> Yes. Though we are about to rendezvous with Verbistul well out of transporter range

    Joe Manning -> We'll grab their remaining shuttle to send a team over to Capricorn

    Joe Manning -> This will result in a TBS of 20-30 minutes

    Joe Manning -> Ground team that will give you some room to maneuver

    Joe Manning -> Assume you can proceed and take scans for the next 30 minutes without anything significant occuring (we'll save that fo rnext week)

  11. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Pher -> @ :: Straps in ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::confirming Pher's ROE with cutout of Chris on shuttle:: What're the Rules of Engagement? Are we weapons hold, safe; don't fire unless fired on?

    rosetto -> @::takes a seat::

    Joe Manning -> ::Heading back to the Bridge after briefing the temporary personnel that Verbistul sent over::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::checks his harness again, then checks his remote link with the shuttles systems and forcefield.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::

    William Chocox -> ::monitoring the engineering situation on the bridge::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::gets 'yes' from cutout (hopefully)::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The shuttle bay doors open

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Rosetto+ You are cleared for launch, Qob team

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sitting next to Zaphod, strapped in::

    Pher -> @ Go, sal, go. :: smiles ::

    rosetto -> @+Maxwell+Aye... Launching...

    rosetto -> @::Hopes he programmed the flight path correctly::

    Joe Manning -> (( William, if you want an NPC engineer, feel free to play one of the Verbistul crew that just came over ))

    Troy Parson -> ::on the bridge watching for the departure of the shuttle::

    Joe Manning -> ::Enters the Bridge and looks over at Troy's station:: Has the shuttle launched yet?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::to team:: When we land, everyone stand in the back of the shuttle. I'll pump some extra oxygen in to help with our swim. I'll open the hatch, then everyone make a beeline for the surface.

    Troy Parson -> They should be heading off in just a minute, sir.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods at Zap:: Roger.

    rosetto -> @::free of the doors, begins to look at the planet out the main viewer::

    Pher -> @ Can we get back in that easy?

    Byblos -> ::comes back to bridge after a visit to the head::

    Troy Parson -> I do hope they're careful down there...::lights a cigarette using an overloaded part of the coffee machine as the heat source::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::Pher:: I'll have the remote to open the hatch. Then we'll pump the water out.

    Joe Manning -> ::Walks over to the flight station and takes a seat::

    Pher -> @ Is it a good fast pump? Some of us have to breath, you know.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::brow rises with exchange between Pher and Zap::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back as Byblos re-enters the Bridge:: Your help arrived from Verbistul, Byblos. Three bodies. One an engineer, one with some first aid, but all capable security arms.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((We got our fancy Troy headgear, right?))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Pher:: It'll take about 15 seconds to pump the water out. We'll make it.

    Troy Parson -> ((Yupyup.))

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets in touch with Verbistul from the station's comm, asking them to release the docking arm::

    Pher -> @ OK. Warning. Anyone stops breathing gets mouth to mouth.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smirks::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins::

    rosetto -> @::Announces to crew::We will be entering atmosphere in 10 seconds

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Zaphod, holds out hand with disarming smile:: Hey, Zaphod, no hard feelings?

    William Chocox -> (scratch my first post) ::monitoring in engineering::

    Byblos -> I think it is a good idea Boss.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grabs Ethans hand:: Nope, you were doing your job. I'd have done the same thing.

    rosetto -> @::checks angle of approach one last time::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods:: How's the... ::gestures toward Zap's wound::

    Byblos -> err...Thanks. uh yeah..sir.

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles, Sal+ Troy's got his eye on you, folks. If the guns train on you and start to heat up, you'll get a quick warning. Pull that craft right out of the atmosphere if it comes to that.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins at Ethan:: Only hurts when I meow. ::laughs::

    Pher -> @ Rosetto? You're staying with the shuttle, right?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smirks again; might have almost chuckled::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over his shoulder in Byblos' direction:: Do I need to spell it out, Byblos? You're running the ship's security now. Those three are your responsibility. You wanted them.

    rosetto -> @Pher:: As far as I know, yes...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks out the front of the shuttle at the planet getting larger::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ If he stays with the shuttle, won't that cut our buddy system by a third?

    rosetto -> @::Looks at Chris and nods::

    Joe Manning -> @Macen> ::Looks at Pher:: Actually ... I was explicitly ordered by Captain Maxwell to remain with the shuttle and relay reports from here.

    Pher -> @ Good. I figure we'll unload close to shore, then you pull back a bit deeper and lay quiet until you see us coming back out for you.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::brow rises in surprise at Macen; gets the 'nevermind' look::

    Byblos -> Alright I'll check them out. Hope your plan works as well...::exits the bridge to engineering to see who has been brought along::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ How deep are we planning on deploying?

    rosetto -> @::Crew announcement::120 Seconds to surface contact...

    Joe Manning -> @Macen> ::Shrugs timidly:: I suppose he cleared it with Captain Manning.

    Pher -> @ I don't want to deploy very deep. We'll see the surf conditions and see how well this thing can be controlled.

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets confirmation that Qob is no longer docked, and puts some distance between the two ships::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::hears the announcment and grabs his armrests::

    Pher -> @ I'd like as shallow as we can without risking breaking the surface.

    Troy Parson -> ::tracking the shuttle on the sensors, keeping an eye on spots where turrets emerged in response to the probes::

    Pher -> @ :: Hangs one to something... considers switching to hanging on to someone... ::

    rosetto -> @I'll do my best, Pher...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::braces:: Mm. How tall is this shuttle? 3, 3.5 meters?

    rosetto -> @Say, 3 meters?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy's station:: I'll need you take over weapon control for this, Troy. I don't trust anyone else to make the shot.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods:: I was thinking 7 or 8 meters might be the deepest we want to go.

    Pher -> @ Sounds about right, Ethan.

    Byblos -> ::Byblos wonders what they are armed with as he approaches enginneering where the addition help seems to be gathered near William Chocox ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods again::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Sounds good.

    William Chocox -> ::looks around at the people from the Verbistul:: What's your guys' stories?

    Troy Parson -> Can do, sir. Just let me call my eye doctor and cancel my appointment...::starts transferring weapons control to his station::

    rosetto -> @ 8 meters it is... Get ready for impact....

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Sorry traffic was bad))

    Byblos -> ( Nickles! )

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Glad you made it.))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::braces for impact::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: braces for impact::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ((hey Chris))

    Joe Manning -> Shuttle's almost down ... ::Looks at Troy::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Hang on folks lets hope this rig can stand the pressure

    Troy Parson -> ::powers up the disruptor cannons, programming the computer to fire on sensor linkup when the shuttle is very, very close to impact:: Ready here.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The sensor grid picks up on the shuttle's rapid descent and locks on to it

    Troy Parson -> ::notices a red light flashing on one of his other monitors:: And here comes the welcoming committee!

    rosetto -> @::pulls shuttle nose up just before surace contact::

    rosetto -> ^surface

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances around the cabin at Chris's comment::

    Pher -> @ :: Decides not to give last minute advice to Sal... ::

    Joe Manning -> Fire when the time is right, Troy.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::closes his eyes and says a Caitian prayer::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ PHer are they locked on to us?

    Byblos -> Hey William! These guys bugging you? ::arrrives on scene:: Engineer William help from the Vestibule. Guy on the right is an engineer. The other two are extra muscle for the ship since we are....understaffed at the moment. All I have been told can shoot.

    Joe Manning -> ::Has Qob pointed directly toward the planet and the shuttle's position::

    Troy Parson -> Automated firing should occur...now! ::sees a green light flash on the monitor connected to the weapons::

    Pher -> @ :: Didn't sit at a control sonsole :: There's a red light blinking....

    Byblos -> ::The Nausicaan notes Shane busy in back and decides not to bug him::

    William Chocox -> ::looks over at the engineer:: What's your name?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::tilts head in brief 'here we go' gesture::

    rosetto -> @::taps console light blinking::

    Troy Parson -> ::feels the ship shake a bit as the cannons open up:: I do hope that wire I took from the wing wasn't connected to any of the weapons power buffers...

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: A disruptor blast is fired from Qob's portside weapon

    Pher -> @ :: Hopes that was the diversion rather than an attack... ::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: It tears through the atmosphere, quickly grabbing the attention of the sensors, and races past the shuttle

    William Chocox -> Engineer> My name is Steve.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::more brow raising::

    Byblos -> ::hears a poof he knows:: Errrr..Yes...Hand Manny here can help you...and guard at the same time. I haven't asked his name...You two...Names Now!

    STSF_Nickles -> @ That must have been our cover shot

    rosetto -> @::sees blast on his monitors::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: It impacts with the ocean's surface just ahead of the shuttle, displacing large amounts of ocean water

    Troy Parson -> ::checks on the sensor readouts:: We've got cavitation!

    Pher -> @ Color is right, anyway, to be the Qob.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::feels his fur stand on end as the disruptor blast passes the shuttle::

    Byblos -> Steve...assist William if crap boards this vessel defend this space.

    Pher -> @ Nice big splash. Angle of impact is wrong for a shot from a ground installation.

    rosetto -> @::Crew Announcement::He we go guys! Hang on!

    Byblos -> You two...your names!

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Hit that splash area

    Pher -> @ :: Hangs on more ::

    Pher -> @ :: Likes water. Doesn't usually dive from this high, though... ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets up from the flight station and moves quickly over to Troy's station::

    rosetto -> @::points shuttle into residual wave::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::alternates between human and Caitian prayers, muttering::

    Pher -> @ :: Gives a brief thought to the First Energy Being... ::

    Byblos -> I am Boris Koralev...::said with thick accent

    Troy Parson -> ::has shuttle tracking readouts up on the monitor:: They'd better splash down within a second or so...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly glances at Zap::thinks this is the first time he's been on a drop where the covering fire wasn't directed at an enemy::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Looks like Sal's got it.

    Joe Manning -> He's not as good with my Bird as he thinks he is, but he seems to be a fine pilot with a standard shuttle.

    Pher -> @ :: Continues to resist the urge to be a back seat pilot. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @SPLASHDOWN!!!

    rosetto -> @::pulls shuttle under the ocean surface:: Diving, Chris... depth... 3 meters...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::feels the shuttle hit the water::

    Byblos -> I'm Jared Boll..and you are?

    Pher -> @ :: Decides she can stop practicing holding her breath ::

    Joe Manning -> I hope that thing's got solid inertial dampening ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::a bit startled by how jarring a shuttle dive into water is::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Any leaks sao far?

    William Chocox -> Steve you can take a tool kit and we'll both go look at the EPS conduit running along the neck of this bird. It's fluctuating again.

    rosetto -> @::looks at Pher::You look a little nervous there, gal...

    Pher -> @ :: looks about for leaks ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::scans:: ::Chris:: No leaks, she's holding.

    Byblos -> Just call me Sir. Okay...Boris and Jared you are with me. William Chocox everything set here?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::can't help but visually check the cabin himself::

    William Chocox -> Byblos:: Yep.

    rosetto -> @::To Chris:: Depth... 6 meters... leveling off.

    Pher -> @ Sorry. Haven't done this warp capable submarine thing before.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Good to hear, Lets dive to indicated level and hold for a moment

    William Chocox -> Steve> Ok. ::grabs a toolkit::

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: The most dangerous part of the landing is over now...if they're in one piece at this point, they should be in one piece until the defense grids make them otherwise.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smirks and shakes head at Pher:: Surprisingly, you're not the only one.

    rosetto -> @::smiles at Pher::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: As with the probe, the sensor grid either fails to notice or ignores anything underwater

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::pulls his claws out of the armrest:: Made it.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Lets make sure we are not going to get shot at before we move

    William Chocox -> ::grabs a toolkit and starts heading to the neck::

    Byblos -> Okay...let's go humans...we need to secure the Dock tube area, torpedo magazines and the bridge access..

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::quiets::

    rosetto -> @::To Chris:: We're at 8 meters, sir... Steady as she goes...

    William Chocox -> Steve> ::follows::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Any indication we are noticed??

    Byblos -> Borris and Jared>::follow the Nausicaan whom they both indicate to each other smells::

    rosetto -> @::checks his monitors:: None here, Chris.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: Have a look around down there. Passive sensors still; we don't want to let anything know where we're looking. Find them a good location to scout out.

    Byblos -> Where are you from Borris you talk funny?

    STSF_Nickles -> @OK Lets proceed

    Joe Manning -> Something far from 'civilization' preferably.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::releases seat harness and begins quietly rechecking his equipment::

    rosetto -> @::taps several times and executes underwater flight plan::

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises his ODRI:: +Nickle+ Anybody alive out there?

    rosetto -> @Program loaded and running...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::releases his harness and heads to the back of the shuttle to check the pumps and forcefield again::

    Troy Parson -> Aye, sir. Mind if I start powering down unnecessary systems to get rid of noise for the passives?

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ All good so far Joe

    Byblos -> Borris>Russian province, Earth..recent arrival to this part of space. Yes I defected from Starfleet.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((gear^, equipment; tomato, tomato))

    Pher -> @ :: Settles in near a sensor pannel and starts a survey of ocean sea life in the area ::

    Byblos -> Hah! Good Choice....

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Troy:: Make sure engineering knows about it. Computer tends to go on the fritz when we start shunting power.

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Nice landing. Give Mr. Rosetto my compliments.

    Byblos -> And you..Jared?

    Troy Parson -> Right. ::sends a low-priority electronic memo to engineering through the computer system, and then starts powering down systems without delay...like the lights through most of the ship::

    Byblos -> Jared>Tranquility City ..as for where I was born..I dunno.

    rosetto -> @::hears COM and looks at Chris and smiles::

    STSF_Nickles -> @::grins:: thanks Joe he heard ya

    Byblos -> Jared...you came from your mother's belly that is where you are from. Understood?

    rosetto -> @Just earning my pay...

    Byblos -> Jared>Yes sir.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ +Joe+ You have a spot for us to land?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Some of the consoles on the Bridge static up for a few seconds and segments of the forward sensor arrays black out

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Troy's looking into it. He'll relay coordinates. Just head in the general direction of land for now.

    Byblos -> Borris Starfleet Security?

    Troy Parson -> ::sees the static:: Oh, great. ::goes back to what he was doing: turning down the life support temperature through most of the ship by a good fifteen degrees to reduce thermal emissions::

    Byblos -> Borris>Yes. sir.

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ AYe Joe

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::opens a panel and adjust some duct tape holding a plasma relay to the pumps::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pulls radio out of pouch; checks channel on active matrix touch-screen on front; replaces radio and 'plugs' radio earpiece into ear::

    William Chocox -> ::walking through the neck:: Huh? ::Joe:: Captain? Why is it dark?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Active scanning of the ocean shows far greater abundance of life than was detected on land

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at William, then back at Troy::

    rosetto -> @::To Chris:: This program will bring us within 2 kilometers of the coastline...

    Joe Manning -> As I think Mr. Parson informed your chief. ::Looks back at William:: We're adjusting power levels to make some silent scans.

    Pher -> @ Busy ocean.... Lots of life forms.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ hold on coarse Sal

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::brow rises as he spots duct tape beyond Zap::smirks and shakes head::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Joe and shrugs:: It's a small enough ship that people can probably find their way around in the dark without too many problems.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks at pher:: Anything that can eat us?

    rosetto -> @ETA is about 10 minutes, without incident that is...

    Byblos -> Good You'll have the torpedo and probe launcher access. Jared, you will stand at the Docking port. Despite the fact we are not docked..someone may try to pull a fast entry here.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Lots Pher?

    Pher -> @ A really lot of life forms. No sentient fishing industry for a while I think.

    Pher -> @ Lots

    Troy Parson -> It's also going to get cold, by the way. ::takes out his pack of cigaretes and offers Joe and William one each:: Warm stick?

    STSF_Nickles -> @humm

    Joe Manning -> You know smoking ain't my vice, Troy ...

    rosetto -> @We avoid the real nasty ones, CHris...::chuckles::

    Pher -> @ I haven't spotted any particular fish that might try a diet of humanoids, but it's there. Sal, you might keep a watch for things that might try to eat shuttles.

    rosetto -> ^We'll

    Byblos -> Remember...::The Nausicaan approaches the two men and towers over them:: Don't think by the rules of Bull's Head...Keep in mind Transporters...understood?

    William Chocox -> +Joe+ Very well. We'll use flashlights. ::snaps on his flashlight:: ::Steve:: Let's get to work. ::opens the hatch::

    Byblos -> Borris>Aye.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins at Chris:: Maybe we can come back and go fishing, replenish some of the ship's stores?

    Pher -> @ Anyone good at programming sensors to alarm when something with big teeth gets near?

    Byblos -> Jared>Sir..who has transporters..the Feds will....

    Troy Parson -> Ah, well. More for me, then. ::lights up a new cigarette from the remnants of his last one and goes back to the scanners:: Good, good...much clearer now that we're running silent.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shakes head at Pher's question::

    Pher -> @ I'm OK with sensors, but no scientist.

    Joe Manning -> ::Notices the static on several stations and gets in touch with Shane:: +Com+ Looks like the computer's acting up again. See what you can do, Shane.

    rosetto -> @Pher, there are proximity alerts onboard...

    Pher -> @ :: Starts playing with sensor controls. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinking about things other than fish:: Any chance we can get closer to land? Maybe within 500 meters?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::to Pher:: We could set up a proximity alarm for anything bigger than say 10 feet.

    Pher -> @ I think I'll start bigger than that while we're this far out, go smaller when we're about to put swimmers in the water.

    Pher -> @ :: Continues making adjustments ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Pher:: Good idea.

    Byblos -> Listen ..Jared Boll...this area of space is wild..and I am not expecting to have things played by the rules out there...especially if you have a Horde lurking around.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::watching and listening::

    Pher -> @ Big predators, at least on New Risa, didn't generally come into the surf.

    Troy Parson -> We're getting some nice data from the thermal and radio-imagers now...

    Byblos -> Jared>No need to lecture me on them sir.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::finishes last minute adjusting on the pumps and forcefield::

    rosetto -> @Yeah, they tend to stay in the deeper waters...

    Joe Manning -> Any coastline areas clear of those flying drones?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::doesn't get an answer and goes back to checking his gear::

    Pher -> @ But we likely shouldn't stop to body surf.

    rosetto -> @::chuckles::

    Pher -> @ Ethan, I'm hoping to find a fairly steep beech, not have to swim too far.

    Byblos -> Good....you might need to lecture me on them...you have your coms. I will be by the bridge door. We are very close to eachother on this small ship, If we have intruders....I, Sir. will convey your orders...

    William Chocox -> ::looks at the conduit:: This conduit has been giving us issues the entire time I've been on this ship and I can't figure out why. Any ideas?

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at Joe:: Based on the new data plus topograhic analysis combined with a quick check of the firing lines for the known sensors, I'd say their best bet is probably...here. ::points to a rocky fjord a bit away from the shuttle::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins at Pher, thinking of hanging claw on New Risa::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances up; nods, appreciating he's not the only one thinking these things::

    rosetto -> @::swerves to miss a school of fish::

    Byblos -> Borris and Jared>Yes sir.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Id rahter not have to swim at all if possible

    Joe Manning -> Looks like they wouldn't have to alter course too much.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smiles at Chris's comment::

    Byblos -> Borris>Your hatch is right over here...Jared this is your position.

    Pher -> @ I could tow one person in without trouble. Have flippers will travel.

    Byblos -> Remember...think outside the box..because we are outside the box.

    Joe Manning -> I wonder if the rocks could afford enough protection that they could risk taking the shuttle in a bit closer to land?

    rosetto -> @ If Troy finds a good safe coastline then we won't be swimming at all...

    Troy Parson -> Possibly...it'll be a bit of a climb after they get out of the water, and I still wouldn't recommend letting the shuttle surface close to the coast, but the geography there should be fairly protective.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smirking again at Pher, looks at Chris:: Any word on who's taking point?

    Pher -> @ I'd been thinking if we can take the shuttle up a river or into a harbor, we might be able to risk lifting her onto dry land.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Oh I can swim I just dont like to

    Byblos -> ::two guards are deployed:: Ugh...my head.

    Troy Parson -> And hey, if they can't climb that, they probably don't have any chance of surviving down there anyway. ::grins, smokes::

    Joe Manning -> Climbing wouldn't be as hazardous as tackling deep-sea diving without any proper equipment on hand ...

    Pher -> @ I was actually thinking rearguard in the water... to help whoever is having the most trouble.

    Byblos -> +William Chocox+ Has shane killed your assistant yet?

    STSF_Nickles -> @Good idea Pher

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods in agreement with Chris::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ I can take point if you like.

    Joe Manning -> Find them an incline that's not quite so steep. They don't have decent climbing gear either.

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Chris, I think we've got a nice location set up for you ...

    Pher -> @ :: That's fine with me, Zaphoid. ::

    Pher -> (No colons )

    Pher -> @ :: Turns to hear Joe's voice ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ Where at JOe? Pher had a good idea, go up a river and dock at a port.

    rosetto -> @I guess it all depends on the depth of the coves and inlets, Pher... This shuttle is not small...

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ It's a fjord, so you can shelter the craft close to some rather large rock formations and cut out any tricky swims.

    William Chocox -> +Byblos+ Not yet, but he still has to see him.

    Troy Parson -> The least steep I'd be willing to go is here...::points to a cliff-like structure::

    Byblos -> ::swears as he places his hand on his "stunner" as he arrives at the bridge door::

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ You'd still have to swim a bit and there'd be a bit of a climb, but nothing too dangerous.

    Troy Parson -> There are a few easier climbs, but none that are well-enough protected.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: What do you think of Pher's port idea?


    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::overhears word of a climb::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::ironically, has rope::

    Byblos -> + William Chocox + Well try to keep him alive. If Maxwell loses another man because of our team our bounty is going to get cut.

    STSF_Nickles -> ((sorry fir the caps))

    rosetto -> @Chris, have Troy send down the data he's looking at and I will compare it to what we have here...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins hearing Joe:: Great, marathon swimming now rock climbing. Feel like I'm on vacation.

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ This would be an area clear of drones. Any port area, obviously, would not be.

    William Chocox -> +Byblos+ Will do.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::at Zap:: Heh.

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe compare it+ Phers asking that you send us what e has She wants to

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe + Phers asking that you send us what e has She wants to compare it

    Troy Parson -> Hm. ::thinks, frowns:: It's definitely an additional risk...

    Joe Manning -> Send your data down to the shuttle, Troy.

    Pher -> @ Maybe we should go for a triathalon? Add a bike ride event? Hang gliding? Running?

    Byblos -> ::enters the bridge Byblos makes a quick announcement to Joe:: Security deployed Boss.

    Troy Parson -> ::relaying data complete with annotations::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smirks:: Running.

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: Structures -might- afford extra protection against sensors. And we do want to test out the functions and capabilities of those drones.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods back at Byblos::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::checks the equipment in the back of the shuttle to see if there is any rope or climbing gear::

    Pher -> @ If a bot opens fire... running event?

    STSF_Nickles -> ** Sal Asked not Pher

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::checks that rifle and assault phaser are powered down::

    rosetto -> @::receives Troys data and correlates::

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: Or, structures might contains their own sensors, and it's probably better to test the capabilities of the drones on something that isn't one of us.

    Pher -> @ :: Starts looking at the photos / maps ::

    Byblos -> ::notes the Boss is busy...of course he would be..the insane idea of using a water recon must be putting a strain on him..assumes::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Zaphod:: Looking for something?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Ethan:: Looking to see if we have any climbing supplies. No luck. We'll have to free climb.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::partially pulls coiled rope from pack:: This cover it?

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Extra danger in the city, Chris. But we could get data about the defenses faster. It's your call

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins at Ethan:: Hm, that'll do.

    rosetto -> @::Looks at Pher::Do you see that deep crevace? We could follow it into the cove?

    Byblos -> Boris>::looks around at Qob's rather empty torpedo deck noticing nothing out of the oridinary::

    Pher -> @ No city, please. I want some buildings in the area, but let's try to avoid conflict on the first landing.

    William Chocox -> Steve> Have you thought about possibly replacing the conduit?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::looks to the crew:: OK City or outskirts

    Pher -> @ :: Looks :: That works.

    Byblos -> ::listens to the Bridge talk trying to determine if the others have surrvived::

    Pher -> @ If we get into an area surrounded by higher land, we might risk landing the shuttle on land long enough to pile out...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::grins in return, noting the personal irony that he has -some- climbing gear and no diving gear; small luggage, personal preferences::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Nickles:: I vote outskirts. Probably more drones in the city.

    Pher -> @ But after we get clear, we could submerge the shuttle again.

    William Chocox -> We would if we could, but right now we don't have the money for that so we need to figure out what is going on.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ +Joe+ Votes are going for outskirts.

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Fjord it is.

    rosetto -> @I believe that bringing the shuttle onto land and then back into the water would increase the possibility of detection...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::was in on the outskirts vote ((late))::

    Byblos -> Jared>::looks at the airlock doors and ponders what kinda Captain would hire a Nausicaan like that...the guy must have a record::

    STSF_Nickles -> (( hi Jamie ::blows her a kiss::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::facepaw thinking great, now we climb::

    STSF_Nickles -> ))

    Byblos -> (Jami)

    Joe Manning -> Good sighting, Troy. This cuts out a lot of problems for us. ... assuming the fjords on this planet aren't elaborate traps.

    rosetto -> ((Hi Jami!))

    William Chocox -> Steve> What was that about whether your boss had killed me yet?

    Pher -> @ OK. I'm willing to swim. Not hard to convince.

    JFarrington -> (Hey, Nickles, Qob.)

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey.))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ((Hey Jami))

    Troy Parson -> ::looks over at Joe:: I think if the fjords start snapping shut to crush shuttles, it's time to call this planet a total loss to exploration.

    rosetto -> @::As program ends, points shuttle toward cove::

    William Chocox -> He has a bit of a temper and I wouldn't put it past him to smack somone with his fake arm.

    Joe Manning -> I might just lean that way after all...

    William Chocox -> ::continues examining the conduit::

    Joe Manning -> But hell, artifacts -have- been recovered from this damned world before. Granted, the looters probably had transporters.

    Pher -> @ :: Begins to retune sensors as the shuttle closes to land ::

    Pher -> @ :: Starts watching things like depth of water, surf, wind, currents ::

    Troy Parson -> Aye, that, or the artifacts were faked.

    Byblos -> Your team has guts Boss..::to Joe:: No one would attempt to rob a bank with that much security on Tranquility..let alone from a modified shuttle that can go underwater..

    rosetto -> @We're gonna have to climb a bit as we approach the fjord...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly looks at Zap wondering why he volunteered for point::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head at Troy:: Haven't you looked at Sal's work? Plenty of indications that it's authentic. Different expeditions kept pulling up relics with that weird circle symbol on it.

    Pher -> @ Tide seems to be coming out. You'll have to fight a mild current, Sal.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Every get ready

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::frowns at mention of outgoing tide::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::checking systems again, not wanting to think about climbing::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shrugs at Byblos:: It takes the right people with the right sets of tools. Lots of mercs don't bother hiring on scientists.

    rosetto -> @Yeah, tell me about it::struggles with controls::

    Byblos -> Jared>::ponders taking a holo of the Nausicaan maybe there's a bounty on him::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Qob+ Qob, this is Verbistul ... we are getting a blip on the edge of our long range sensors. Closing in at high warp speed.

    Pher -> @ Sal, gotta get ready to get wet. You're on your own.

    Troy Parson -> ::raises an eyebrow:: I used to work in academia, sir. You'd be surprised what people are willing to put into making fake research look less fake.

    rosetto -> @ Better warn those going to take a swim...

    Byblos -> ::stops leaning against the bridge door frame and straightens up after hearing that::

    William Chocox -> ::not seeing what the problem is he whacks it for old time's sake::

    Pher -> @ :: Turns to everybody :: Mild outbound current. Sal? Might want to drop us a bit upstream of target?

    Joe Manning -> ::Listens to the comm from Maxwell. Nods to Byblos and moves over to the combat station:: +Maxwell+ Relay the sensor readings over here, Captain.

    Joe Manning -> Troy, I think you're going to have to cut your scans and restore normal power levels.

    rosetto -> @::pulls shuttle into crevace::Yeah okay, Pher... I got this... Go get they others ready... ::smiles::

    Joe Manning -> +Qob+ Crew, get to your ready stations. We may have company incoming.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::sits on the floor at the back of the shuttle waiting::

    Byblos -> How fast Boss...in Guardian limits or...beyond?

    Troy Parson -> All right...standing down from silent running. ::starts powering systems back up, hoping the restarts won't involve running into too many glitches::

    Joe Manning -> ::Frowns down at the sensor readings on the station:: Beyond Federation limits.

    rosetto -> @::pulls shuttle to 4 meters of surface:: Depth at 4 meters, Chris...

    Byblos -> +Borris, Jared+ be alert vessel approaching most likely hostile..be alert

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Chris ... we've got someone closing in up here ...

    Pher -> @ OK. Time to flush the system. :: Checks gear... Audrey, long arm, pain stick, small pack of food and other essentials, gets to the departure point and slips on the fins ::

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ We'll keep an eye on you. But we'd best maintain radio silence. Don't want to give your position away.

    Byblos -> What?

    rosetto -> @::hear the COM and checks his monitors... nothing...::

    William Chocox -> +Joe+ Very well sir. ::closes up the hatch and starts back toward engineering:: Come on Steve.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::stands and takes out his pad:: ::Pher:: Ready here.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Byblos:: Looks like Warp 8. See if you can't boost our long range sensors.

    Pher -> @ Ready.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ What's our distance from the beach?

    Byblos -> ::walks over to tactical and ponders the meaning:: Someone outside box..::swears in Nausicaan:: Yes sir...

    rosetto -> @ ETA is 3 minutes...

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The sensor blip resolves into separate objects. One larger. One smaller behind it.

    Pher -> @ Sal? Best guess? How long is the swim?

    rosetto -> @Best guess, 20 meters...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::starts doing breathing exersises::

    Pher -> @ Sounds doable.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods thanks::opts to leave his boots on for the swim::

    rosetto -> @Another 30 meters to the rocks...

    Byblos -> ::can barely sit in the chair:: Jyking situation. I say we let Vestibule put out the scan waves and we remain silent Boss.

    Joe Manning -> ::Frowns as new readings come in from Verbistul:: ... it's the Constellation.

    Pher -> @ :: Notes Zaphoid starting his breathing, and starts a mild hypeventalate, herself. ::

    Joe Manning -> Looks like it's in pretty bad shape. Worse off than we left it.

    rosetto -> @::crew announcement::Surfacing in 2 minutes...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pulls out radio and reduces it's output; no need to reach orbit if they're on radio silence and Chris has his ODRI::

    William Chocox -> ::arrives in engineering:: Steve you take the secondary station. ::moves to the primary engineering station::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A static-filled message reaches Qob from the inbound ships

    Byblos -> ::looks at screen with reflected energy from Vestibule:: Is she being chased? That smaller signal..

    William Chocox -> +Joe+ Engineering is ready if it's go time.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::replaces radio and moves to rear of the cabin; prepares for swim::

    Pher -> @ Surfacing? Not doing the underwater release?

    Troy Parson -> We're getting a signal. ::relays it to the speakers::

    Joe Manning -> Constellation> +Com+ Verbistul ... this is the Capricorn ... we are under attack ... repeat, we are under attack and require assistance ...

    rosetto -> @ Wasn't planning on it...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks to the front of the shuttle::

    rosetto -> (brb phone)

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wonders what happened to the plan::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The second blip resolves into the image of the mercenary ship Lucky Hand, trailing the Capricorn

    Byblos -> ::looks to the Boss for his reaction ::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  12. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::walks through the airlock and heads to the bridge::

    Pher -> :: Hanging out on the bridge ::

    Byblos -> ::Byblos seen leaning on entryway to bridge...ducking his head a bit::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sitting back in an extra chair on the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> ::Behind the command chair, grabbing the back of it and looking at the image of Zoalus on the viewer::

    Shane -> ::stomps onto the bridge through the sliding doors, wiping grease and grime off his bionic::

    Joe Manning -> (( Anyone seen Alex Macen around? ))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::walks onto the bridge and stands in the back::

    Ethan Neufeld -> (( Neg ))

    Shane -> ::Joe:: Shuttles are ready Cap'n.

    Troy Parson -> ::at his bridge terminal, feeling somewhat wired from too much coffee::

    Byblos -> ::notes shane and wonders if that shoulder needs lubricating::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Shane and nods:: I got the message from Captain Maxwell. About the shuttles and his recent plumbing problems.

    Byblos -> It wasn't me boss

    Shane -> ::innocently:: Plumbing problems?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: steps onto the bridge:: Here Joe.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grins and pawface::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Byblos:: No, Byblos, you just ruin our restroom

    Byblos -> Hey a big guy has to eat a lot..

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::listens quietly::

    Byblos -> err yeah boss..::shuts up::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks around at everyone on the Bridge:: Alright. I need six people to take that shuttle down to the planet. The rest of us will be the eye in the sky

    Pher -> Yah, Byblos, but you can't always get what you want.

    Joe Manning -> Sal

    Joe Manning -> Sal's got a seat since he's the resident Zoalus expert

    Pher -> I think you need an experienced life guard.

    Shane -> ::glances at Ethan and eyes him a bit, before turning back to Joe::

    Byblos -> ::thinks the whole concept is insane yet keeps quiet::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Pher::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Joe:: I can go to keep an eye on the airlock seals.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::furrows brow at Shane's glance::

    Joe Manning -> Selek ... I want you down there as well. ::Looks at Ethan::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods:: Aye, sir.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Zaphod:: That would be for your chief to decide, Dracal ...

    STSF_Nickles -> Im game Boss

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Joe:: Aye sir.

    Joe Manning -> Though ::Looks then at Shane:: I want you up here. If something goes wrong with this shuttle and the team is stranded down there, I need you ready to make modifications on the second one

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Shane:: If it's ok with you boss, I can go.

    Joe Manning -> ::Points at Nickles:: It's your team Chris.

    Shane -> ::nods to Zaphod and says to Joe:: Send the cat. He know the shuttle by now.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods::

    Shane -> knows*

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::quietly sighs at mention of being stranded and rubs forehead::

    Byblos -> ::keeps quiet wanting nothing of this::

    Shane -> Will's putting the final touches on the second shuttle as we speak.

    Joe Manning -> For the descent, you'll mostly have to leave things to us. Just fly the shuttle the way the probe was flown and we'll keep in communication.

    Joe Manning -> When you make oceanfall, you'll make for coastline. Preferably in an unsettled area to reduce any risk from the drones. We've got to figure out how to deal with them next.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Pher:: If we are stranded, I'm going to need my phaser that's in your weapons locker.

    Shane -> I'd suggest the team take down comm signal boosters, in case we have a jamming problem.

    Pher -> Joe knows the combination. If you want me to break it out now, I will.

    Byblos -> His Klingon blade probably would come in handy for something up close ::suggests::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Shane:: As much equipment as you can shove into the back of the thing.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::counts:: still need a few more if there are to be 6

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> I'll get it before we leave. Don't want to face the local drones unarmed.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Byblos::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Byblos:: Good idea Nausicaan. Thanks, I'll bring it too.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Joe:: If the captain will alow.

    STSF_Nickles -> Dont bring more than you can carry

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Zaphod and Byblos somewhat nervously:: Gentlemen, are you sure you want to go in there carrying an arsenal with you?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Nickles:: You can cover a lot of the medical needs, Chris, but I'll send Macen along with you too. He's got some medical know-how. And he can keep in touch with Verbistul.

    Troy Parson -> Whatever happened to the old "We come in peace" trick?

    STSF_Nickles -> Agreed

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks between Zaphod and Pher:: Pher's discretion. If she trusts you to get your weapons back, you get them back.

    Byblos -> Who said I was going anywhere..::back to Troy::

    Pher -> Weapons in the shuttle seem fine to me. Dont know that we want them on the beach.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: There's no one to come to.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to group:: I promise I won't shoot anyone.

    Shane -> Cap'n, the shuttle mods need explainin' before they're sent.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::smirks at Zap::

    Troy Parson -> ::to Joe:: Well, except drones running some sort of threat detection...but, I suppose, if they want to be gunned down as possible hostiles, it's not my problem.

    Byblos -> Those geeks on the Vestibule should be sending some people down as well. This ship should be combat ready in case they get jumped again.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grins at Selek::

    Byblos -> ::inserts foot into mouth again and shuts up::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Shane:: Get yourselves ready and meet up in Verbistul's shuttle bay. Shane will brief you on the shuttle there.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Byblos has a point.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Byblos:: That's why Mr. Macen will be aboard.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Joe:: Aye captain. I'll get my gear and meet ya'll in the shuttlebay.

    STSF_Nickles -> Meet you folks at the Verbistuls shuttle bay/

    Pher -> I don't think we're winning any ship to ship actions. I think our objective is to discover when the machines shoot and do not shoot.

    Shane -> ::to the rest of the crew:: I'm talking in ten minutes! Be there if ya want to hear it.

    Joe Manning -> Troy, what do we have or can we rig that can absorb delta-band radiation?

    Pher -> Might want to do the security probe first, scientists after.

    Shane -> ::turns and starts off the bridge::

    Shane -> ((I'm assuming we're docked to the Verbistul?))

    Joe Manning -> (( We are ))

    Byblos -> How few people can keep Qob combat operational...has anyone thought of that? Ah phoeey...I'll be in the cargo bay doing self maintanance

    Troy Parson -> What do we have? Very little... What can we rig? Depends on what you'll let me use.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Joe:: I'll contact you from security to open the locker. ::heads to security::

    Byblos -> Our mission is still to protect the geeks boss..

    Joe Manning -> We can borrow a few people from Verbistul if we need them, Byblos.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::stands after the others; pauses to see if anyone has anything else to say that he needs to know; then shrugs, thinking: 'guess we're dismissed'::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::returns to quarters to get ready::

    Byblos -> I'll keep them in line.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((BRB))

    Troy Parson -> Do we really need the lights in the left wing crawlspace, for instance?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: In the immediate future? Probably not. We have flashlights, after all.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::walks into secuirty:: +Joe+ Ok captain, if you could open the locker, I'll get my duffel.

    Troy Parson -> Ah, good. Then I can probably work up a basic absorption field-cage.

    Shane -> ::walks through the airlock, heading for the Verbistuls shuttle bay::

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises his ODRI arm and links up with the electronic seal on the security locker. Enters his combination::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> +Joe+ Thank you sir. ::grabs his duffel and closes the door::

    Shane -> ::rudels shoves past a scientist that doesn't get out of the way fast enough and enters the shuttle bay::

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: Do you think it would be capable of surrounding the entire team?

    Joe Manning -> Or the shuttle even?

    Byblos -> ::mentions to Pher:: This ship needs to undock from the Vestibule and take up a ready position. She's got too much merchandise for a pirate to pass up...we learned that sort of already.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::walks up to Joe:: Whats the chances of us getting hit on our way down. and What can we do after we get there this thing.

    Troy Parson -> I can make one for each crew member to wear over his or her clothing...

    Pher -> :: Nods to Byblos ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Nickles:: The probe didn't get hit on its way down. We can only hope the additional size won't draw additional attention, as long as it follows the same flight parameters

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::heads to his quarters, takes out his phaser, holsers it, and straps his Bat'leth to his back:: I feel better now.

    Joe Manning -> We'll be watching the guns. And like Troy pointed out, the guns take time to emerge and fire. We'll give you ample warning the second they twitch.

    Troy Parson -> Negative on the shuttle, though. You'd need something a bit more professionally-built than what I have in mind to survive re-entry.

    Shane -> ::steps past Will's cardboard cut-out(working on the second shuttle) and starts looking over the mods once more::

    Pher -> We gonna take the shuttle onto dry land?

    STSF_Nickles -> I hope you right Joe. Im going to get ready

    Joe Manning -> Alright, Troy. Get to work on the personal devices then.

    Troy Parson -> Can do.

    Troy Parson -> Oh! I almost forgot...

    Byblos -> I'm staying onboard here...I dont seee how the heck muscle is going to get you through what you need to do.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: streps off to go get ready::

    Troy Parson -> In addition to new left wing crawlspace lights, we're also going to need some new forks for the mess.

    Pher -> Also, what's the water and air temperature at the landing beach? How do we dress?

    Troy Parson -> I hope you don't mind! ::heads off::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::heads through the airlock and down to the Virtisbuls shuttle bay::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: I don't know about that ... less chance of detection if you leave the shuttle and approach land individually, no?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Shane:: Ok boss, I'm ready.

    Pher -> Sure is, assuming everyone can swim a bit.

    Pher -> We'd likely want to leave one person on the shuttle, though.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Sorry. Sgt called. I miss anything important?))

    STSF_Nickles -> :: makes hid way to the Virtisbuls shuttle bay , walking alone::

    Joe Manning -> ::Frowns:: If anyone on that team can't swim, they deserve to drown.

    Byblos -> ::walks down corridor Qob's neck and down below to his quarters::

    Pher -> :: Smiles :: I know the crawl carry, boss.

    Byblos -> ::stops::

    Shane -> ::turns around to see Zaphod, furrows his brow:: Jyking qoH, cat! Are you fightin' or maintainin' the shuttle?

    Joe Manning -> As for climate, it's Earthlike. Approach a temperate area, and it should be pleasant.

    Troy Parson -> ::makes his way through the ship to the left wing area, stopping off in engineering briefly to liberate the first available wire-cutter::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Take that as a neg.))

    Shane -> ((Not really))

    Byblos -> ::turns back to Qob Bridge::

    Pher -> Good nuff. Well, I think we could use an extra hour or three to plan, but if I'm going to catch the shuttle...

    Pher -> :: Looks to Byblos ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::laughs:: Well, I always come prepaired. Don't want to face those flying hornets unarmeed.

    Pher -> Not your game, big boy?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::exits quarters and heads for the Verbistul::

    Joe Manning -> If we took three hours to plan, we'd come up with some new wrinkle that would require another three hours of planning.

    Byblos -> Pher...are my words nothing on this ship?

    Joe Manning -> ::Grins:: I know this crew, if it doesn't move, it'll get locked into stasis.

    Pher -> :: To Joe :: Ther's that.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::takes out his phaser, pulls back the hood and checks the powerpack:: Good, full charge. ::holsters phaser::

    Pher -> They mean something at least to me. What would you say.

    Shane -> Well I got news for ya, those "hornets" are made o' metal built to withstand lasers, that blade ain't gonna do jyking squat.

    Pher -> :: serious ::

    Troy Parson -> ::whistling softly as he clips away at the light fixtures, removing each light and then disassembling it, keeping some of the tubular components from the inside and some of the wiring, and discarding the rest::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grins at Shane:: But, those snakes aren't. They looked pretty mean.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: gets to the shuttle and enters::

    Troy Parson -> ::clips the last light, leaving himself in darnkess:: Oh, dear.

    Joe Manning -> (( Anyone assembled at the shuttle should grab # ))

    Shane -> #::turns back to the shuttle, barking over his shoulder:: Whatever. Get inside and double-check the airlock forcefield.

    Pher -> ( Still on bridge )

    Byblos -> Once you launch the shuttle and go down there Shane myself and ::tries to think::..The Point is Qob was hired to protect the geeks. We are defenseless docked to this Vestibule science ship. We have to be ready for more raider attacks. You are fullfilling the mission going on the ground..But Qob needs to fullfill her mission up in space to protect the geeks.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> #::climbs into the shuttle and double checks the seals on the airlock::

    Pher -> The geeks are going down, Byblos. We have to be here and there both.

    Joe Manning -> ::Crosses his arms and leans against the back of the chair, looking absently toward the back of the Bridge, but keeping an ear on Byblos::

    Troy Parson -> ::feels his way out of the crawlspace, carrying the components in his pockets, and makes his way to the mess to requisition the necessary quantitiy of forks::

    Shane -> ::calls to Chris:: The meetin's out here Doc!

    STSF_Nickles -> #:: steps on the shuttle:: Im looking around for a moment

    Pher -> And I've got to clear the way. Can you work with joe?

    Byblos -> Right..so why hasnt the Captain ordered Qob to undock and free to move.

    Troy Parson -> ::feeling each fork to get a general idea of how much metal each one contains, picks up the last fork, frowns:: I guess it'll be all of them, then.

    Pher -> Talk him into it. He's not totally crazy. Like me. Sorry. Gotta run.

    Byblos -> The Boss? Okay...

    Shane -> #::scanning with his tricorder in his real hand:: Anything else ya think you'll need?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> # ::sits, secures his Bat'leth and straps himself in::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::quietly enters Verbistul's shuttle bay wearing a maritime CIRAS protective vest with assault pistol in thigh holster, carrying phaser rifle, his radio, etc::

    Troy Parson -> ::pockets every fork in the mess and heads back to the lab to get to work::

    Pher -> :: takes off, giving him a little extra pat as she goes by ::

    Byblos -> ::notes the Orion run...and understands why so many males in the galaxy are would like to take her than just on a date...::

    Byblos -> ::Turns to the Bridge and the Captains Chair::

    Pher -> :: Passes by her quarters on the way, picking up long gun, a set of fins, and a beach bag as she goes ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> #::to Shane:: Nope, tricorder, toolbelt, weapons, swimming certificate. I'm ready.

    Shane -> ::notices Ethan walk in, stares for a moment before looking back to his scans::

    Byblos -> I wasn't to discrete Boss...but you know we have to undock from this Vestibule geek ship.

    Byblos -> ::to Joe::

    Pher -> # :: Scrambles quickly to get aboard the shuttle ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Blinks and looks up sharply at Byblos, as if drawing himself from a daydream::

    Joe Manning -> We can't undock, Byblos. Our people have to move and back and forth until that shuttle's away

    Byblos -> ::Byblos remains where he is not certain what to respect::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::gives Shane a stare in return; then looks around the shuttle bay:: They inside already?

    STSF_Nickles -> #:: steps back off the shuttle to Shane:: So whats so much different on this shuttle.

    Pher -> # :: Waves to Chris with a swim fin ::

    Byblos -> Or course..after that is done...

    Joe Manning -> Once that's done, we'll release the docking seals

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> #::to Shane:: airlock looks good boss, looks like the seals will hold.

    Shane -> #::not looking up from his scans:: Nope. Waitin' on the Orion.

    Troy Parson -> ::working frantically at spinning the metal into a fine mesh, adding in a powder or two from the lab to change the composition slightly, weaving the light components, now reconfigured into devices of some sort, into each one::

    STSF_Nickles -> # :looks to Pher with the fin:: whats tha for?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::hearing Zap's report on the airlock seals:: I hope you didn't use duct tape.

    Byblos -> Boss did not mean to ...errr....talk like that behind your back..but...errr....we are looking at the planet a lot...and not watching our ass.

    Pher -> # Didn't I hear about an air lock so we can get out underwater?

    Pher -> # :: looks to Shane ::

    Joe Manning -> We're watching more than you think Byblos ...

    Pher -> # If so, fins are good.

    Joe Manning -> Long range scanners are no good for scanning the planet ...

    Shane -> #::notices Pher for the first time:: Oh, yeah. All right ever'one! Listen up!

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> #::grins:: Well.... that's an ancient engineerinng secret. ::laughs:: It'll hold.

    Troy Parson -> ::finishes the first of the devices, grabs someting from a lab bench, and heads for the bridge::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::to Pher and her fins:: Is that the only diving gear we have?

    Joe Manning -> Our own are pointed outward, running sentry on this star system. Verbistul's long-range scanners are even better.

    Joe Manning -> We will have advance notice if anyone comes around

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::quiets at Shane's barking::

    Byblos -> ::crosses his arms::

    Pher -> # :: To Ethan, quietly :: Then there's me.

    Troy Parson -> ::emerges onto the bridge, sees Joe and Byblos:: Captain, mind if I borrow him for a second? ::indicates Byblos::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> # ::listens to his cheif::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smirks at Zap's joke about ENG secrets::

    STSF_Nickles -> #:: grumbles under his breath as he hates swimming::

    Shane -> ::to everyone assembled:: Here's the plan! Ya'll head down to surface at a similiar trjectory to the underwater probe.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy, then back at Byblos:: Do you have any other concerns, Byblos?

    Pher -> # :: Listening ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::frowns at Pher; would have prefered having diving gear, too::

    Byblos -> Aye Boss... I wont talk tactics any more...Just call when you need a brawl...

    Shane -> #The Qob will fire its disrupters to create a pocket for entry...

    Joe Manning -> Then we'll resume this discussion later. Give Troy a hand.

    Byblos -> ::looks at Troy:: What do you want?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # The inertial dampeners can handle that kind of entry, right?

    Shane -> #You will enter the water with shuttle shields at maximum, slowing to under 60 kilometers per hour

    Troy Parson -> Ah, good! ::heads over to Byblos and hands him what looks like a metallic spiderweb with various bits of former lightbulb sewn into hit:: Put this over your head.

    Byblos -> ::hears Joe:: Aye Boss...

    STSF_Nickles -> # ::crosses hir arms across his chest hearing the specs so far::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ((Heh, 'hir'. That took me a second.))

    Byblos -> What the heck is this? Some sort of joke? ::laughs::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::doesn't want to become jelly inside a tin can::

    Shane -> :to Ethan:: The shuttle will slow while its in the pocket of air.

    STSF_Nickles -> *His

    Joe Manning -> ::Blinks at the headgear::

    Byblos -> ::puts it on his head:: hehe

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::brow raises but he doesn't say anything else::

    Shane -> Then proceed to the coastline at less than 60 kph. Thats all the shields can handle.

    Troy Parson -> Thank you very much...::takes out a device that looks like a flashlight and shines it on Byblos, noting that the former lightbulb bits glow slightly when he does so but that Byblos is apparently unchanged:: Excellent!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((rises^))

    Troy Parson -> ::smiles and takes the webbing off of Byblos:: Much obliged! ::turns to head back to his lab to make more of the things::

    Shane -> Once you at the coastline, at a depth of less than 100ft, stop the shuttle and let it settle at the bottom.

    Byblos -> What is this some sort of gear one would wear to a bach....

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::takes out his pad and connects it to the shuttles systems to monitor, while listening to Shane::

    Joe Manning -> Looking good, Troy. ::Coughs and quickly raises a fist to block his mouth::

    Pher -> Shallower than that. 100 feet is bends territory, and most of us aren't holding our breath that much.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> *#

    Byblos -> ::takes it off:: No what the jyke was that.

    Byblos -> ::holds it high:: What did you just do.....

    Troy Parson -> Just a quick test, is all. Nothing dangerous, I promise! ::reaches for it::

    Byblos -> Oh no....

    Shane -> #Thats just the max depth. Whatever depth you want above that is fine by me.::turns and opens the back hatch of the shuttle:: Then step into the zone marked with the red paint. Zaphod will activate the forcefield and open the back hatch.

    STSF_Nickles -> # We have to swim and hold our breath?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Pher; he doesn't need to say anything::

    Byblos -> What is it? ::looks down holding the web high::

    Joe Manning -> Just a way to make the team members a little more like those worms on the planet.

    Troy Parson -> Very well, then.

    Pher -> # Has anyone rigged underwater gear? If so, first I heard of it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks surprised at the mention of a forcefield::

    Ethan Neufeld -> #^

    Byblos -> ::hears Joe realizeing he's in the head already...and hands Troy the gear:: Very well Boss..

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::shakes head at Pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> # not I

    Shane -> You should be using EVA suits for that. They should in a jiffy. Whoever is equiped with an ODIR can link with the shuttle and pump out the water after they close the hatch.

    Shane -> #*

    Shane -> should work*

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> # ::brings the forcefield controls up on his remote pad:: Ok, I've got it wired. All I need to do is press one button.

    Troy Parson -> ::scowls slightly at Byblos, muttering:: There's always a reason, you know.

    Troy Parson -> ::takes the webbing back to the lab to work on making some copies of it.::

    Pher -> # If it's just a short trip to the beach, I can help you all in. We New Risa lifeguards actually do life guard in between... other assignements.

    Pher -> # But if anyone just can't swim, I want to know it now.

    Byblos -> How do I know that wasnt some sort of three Imaging device and you just scanned my face for someones records?!

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> # ::to Pher:: I've got Caitian lungs. Been swimming since I was a kit.

    Pher -> # :: Nods ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::frowns at using EVAs for diving::

    Troy Parson -> ::from the bridge doorway:: Because if I wanted an image of your face, I'd never have to resort to such crude means to get it!

    Shane -> I'll leave that up to you and Joe, I just wanted to make sure ya know how the shuttle works and what its entry plan is. Questions?

    STSF_Nickles -> # I can swim I just dont like it

    Joe Manning -> Byblos ... how many extra people do you think you would need on Qob to defend against a boarding attempt?

    Byblos -> ::grunts and turns and storms down the Qob's neck towards engineering::

    Shane -> I'd suggest powering down the shuttle after you leave to not draw attention to it.

    Byblos -> ::stops::

    Pher -> # I know some interesting life guard carries, Chris. It won't be too bad. :: Laughs ::

    Byblos -> ::approahces Joe::

    Troy Parson -> ::back in the lab now, working on producing more of the radiation field meshes::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> # ::to Shane:: Nope, no questions. I can hold my breath. If you want me to wear an EVA I will. But, I don't need it.

    STSF_Nickles -> # Like I said I can swim just dont like it\

    Ethan Neufeld -> # An EVA suit has the grace of a rock in water.

    Byblos -> Depends..on if someone is breaking the rules. Somebody comes in with a transporter...This ship can be captured easily..slicing the computer would take some time.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> # ::laughs:: Anyway, EVA suits crush my tail.

    Pher -> # A rock that floats like a cork of you don't take the time to weigh it down right.

    Byblos -> Via the docking tube we can hold them off with three people...

    Shane -> If you deem it neccesary, we can rig up another probe to take a cable to shore for you to use.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Heh.

    Troy Parson -> ::keeps working on the meshes until he runs out of fork-metal:: Let's see...1, 2...::keeps counting::

    Troy Parson -> ::to himself:: Should be enough, so long as nobody needs a spare.

    Byblos -> A Transporter based attack on us...if you have a diety I'd pray we get some more hands...we need at least 12 weapons ready.

    Joe Manning -> Well, say someone uses a transporter. We've got Shane in Engineering, you to watch over the Bridge. How many other bodies would you need?

    Joe Manning -> ::Grins:: I think with a little savvy, we can cut 12 down to 8. Not every engagement needs to be full-scale battle.

    Byblos -> Another body at the Computer...and the torpedo bay. One little explosive there...no more Qob.

    Joe Manning -> And everybody on my ship can use a weapon. Even me. ::Pulls his vest aside to indicate his pistol::

    Joe Manning -> We have to assume that any hostiles would want to capture us, not destroy us. This is a valuable ship.

    Shane -> ::looks around at everyone:: By the way, who's in charge down there?

    Shane -> #*(dangit)

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::glances in Chris's direction::

    STSF_Nickles -> # I dont think its Nes. to fire a cable that would only alert it to us

    Byblos -> You are taking the Vestibule out of the equation Boss.

    Joe Manning -> We're dealing with pirates in this region, not enemy soldiers. Though, granted, our Constellation buddies were after Verbistul.

    Joe Manning -> Most raiders would value Qob over Verbistul. Zaphod's raiders only valued Verbistul because they planned to ransom it off to Xorax for a specific item.

    Shane -> #Good. I would think you'd just swim to the surface and head in shore from there.

    Joe Manning -> We've already arranged a peaceful rendezvous with that Constellation ship. No answer yet, but we have to hope they'll be willing.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> # ::to Shane:: That would work.

    Byblos -> And all that fancy excavating and science gear is worthless?

    Shane -> #If there's no questions, I'm done. I'll be on the comm if you come up with a snag the cat can't handle.

    Pher -> # :: Nods to Shane ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> # Ok boss.

    Joe Manning -> To your typical raider in the Rimward Territories? I doubt it. A ship with disruptors, maybe even a cloak, looks more juicy.

    STSF_Nickles -> # ::nods::

    Joe Manning -> Their needs are usually more practical. Finding buyers for science gear would be tricky for outlaws.

    Byblos -> In it's prime this ship would be worth a lot.....any pirate would go for it. Oh that invisibiilty device....well that can be stripped.

    Joe Manning -> This is all beside the point anyway. If a hostile ship decides to eliminate us rather than board us, we're fodder for their weapons anyway when our shields are down.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> # ::sits back for the ride, tightens his harness::

    Shane -> #Alright::nods to Sal:: She's all yours. ::walks away from the shuttle and heads out with Will's cutout::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # ::boards the shuttle; glances at Pher's flippers again and wonders if he should start packing some diving gear wherever he goes::

    Joe Manning -> The only contingency we can and should prepare for us a standard boarding action. I'll radio in a few extra security guards from Verbistul.

    STSF_Nickles -> # ::steps up into the shuttle::

    Pher -> # Mine. :: winks at Ethan :: YOur feet are too big.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  13. The modified probe dove through the atmosphere of Zoalus IV, its velocity checked to avoid an excess of atmospheric burn that would prematurely alert the planet's sensors. During the probe's descent toward the ocean, two others danced near the closest continents providing as much of a distraction as they could. The continents' sensor beams followed the two dummy probes while the laser towers remained primed to fire on anything that strayed too close. The ocean probe continued its dive.


    Halfway between penetrating the atmosphere's upper layers and the ocean's surface, the probe finally alerted the sensor grid. Sensor beams emerged from both continents to lock on the probe and track its progress, but the majority of the sensors remained fixed on the two probes flying erratically near the continents. The ocean probe was apparently not close enough to cause alarm, and the sensors would no doubt affirm that it was not a planet-busting weapon to be intercepted immediately.


    As the probe neared the surface, a particle blast from orbit struck the ocean, displacing massive amounts of water in the form of tidal waves that thrust outward from the impact point. Dozens of sensor beams swerved around to scan the event and the (suddenly more intriguing) probe. The blast created a literal dent in the ocean's surface, an envelop of air into which the probe slipped. A short time later the envelop closed, the dent smoothed, as water rushed around the probe. The device had slowed enough to avoid any significant damage; it continued relaying data back to and receiving commands from the same orbital position that had produced the blast.


    At that position, the crew of Qob had monitored the probe's descent and its success in granting access to the planet's surface. Captain Manning nodded at the display on the Bridge sensor station. The sensor beams had swept over the ocean's surface a few times before returning their attention to the two dummy probes; apparently, nothing could be scanned under the ocean's surface. "Whoever suggested touching down on the ocean and approaching land from there gets Bourbon Points. We may just have managed to overcome obstacle #1."


    Tapping at his ODRI, he opened a comm link to the engine room. "Shane, Verbistul's got a couple of craft in their shuttle bay. I want both of them modified for marine excursion. Let me know if it's possible and how long it will take."

  14. That is a good diagram, and it can be used as a general guideline for how Qob is laid out. Obviously, the website's description takes precedence if there are any blatant contradictions. The Captain's quarters would be one example; they're situated with the rest of the crew's quarters which are all roughly the same size. There's also no separate Attack Center; everything is on the Bridge. This basically gives us a larger Bridge, probably with an observation dome overhead. We also have no aft torpedo launcher. Everything might not be placed in exactly the same position, but we don't worry too much about specific placement in game. Whatever helps you visualize. :)


    There have been BoP's of many many different sizes (not just two) on the shows and in the films. My explanation is that the Klingons reused the same ship design (why change something that works?) in various sizes to suit various purposes. Even BoP's of the same size were built to differing specifications. Qob was originally a scout ship that went rogue and was repurposed as a pirate vessel. It wasn't built to require a large crew, and its cargo hold has been kept small (we could never store a whale in the hold) to support quick smash, grab, and sell runs. The crew's philosophy was always that everyone was equal, everyone could serve as a warrior in any boarding action, and the Captain only remained Captain as long as he commanded obedience and demonstrated tactical expertise; thus no fancy quarters.

  15. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Byblos -> Nausicaans the subject of steroptyping!

    STSF_Nickles -> :: makes his appearence on the bridge:: How are the probes coming joe?

    Joe Manning -> ::Off to the side conversing with Captain Maxwell via his ODRI::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::in the torpedo room double checking the probe for launch::

    Byblos -> ::Byblos inspects the strange probe entered into the torpedo launch bay::

    Joe Manning -> ::Aside to Nickles:: Second one is about ready to fly

    Troy Parson -> ::puts coffee down and lights up a cigarette, offering one to Macen:: Smoke?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::preparing to fly second probe while Pher's busy::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Byblos:: It's ready to launch. I'm going to ME to monitor it.

    Byblos -> Bah! More target practice for those guns...I'll stay here..and..control myself. This is frustating.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shuts down the ODRI:: Verbistul is about to send out a message using Holstrum's encryptions. They're going to request a meet with the Constellation ship.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::heads to ME::

    William Chocox -> ::sitting in engineering at a console making sure the duct tape stays in place::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances up at Joe's mention of Holstrum and the Constellation-class ship::

    STSF_Nickles -> ok

    Alex Macen -> ::watches the Caitian with a careful eye as he makes final checks - just incase he happened to got an instruction he made wrong, every shot counted when you simply couldn't replicate more parts. He nodded slowly to himself as he made the final check, wondering where Sal was,::

    Joe Manning -> Problem is we have no idea where it is, so they'll have to broadcast the message to practically this whole region. We'll have to keep our eyes open in case it attracts unwanted attention.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::walks into ME and waves at Will. Sits at the small monitor and brings up telemitry for the probe::

    Joe Manning -> ::Walks over to the science station::

    Byblos -> ::cannot stand upright in the bay so he lays down and does push-ups:: This call for brains....not braun. ::starts pushups::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: How's our probe doing?

    William Chocox -> ::looks over and waves back at the Caitian:: How's it going?

    STSF_Nickles -> I see/

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::might have frowned; hard to tell::

    Troy Parson -> ::is now on the bridge:: They're running final checks on it now, sir.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Will:: Not bad. The probe is ready to launch. Hopefully this one will work.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves towards the ops station::

    Joe Manning -> ::Scratches head:: Who's 'they?'

    Alex Macen -> ::reaches over to his comm:: +Troy+ We're ready when you are, i'll stay down here and help the engineer so he doesn't mess up the telemetry,

    Joe Manning -> Oh, right. Verbistul kid.

    Byblos -> Oh forgot...::smacks COMM:: +Joe+ Boss..launcher ready.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks back at station trying to reacquaint himself with written Klingon::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to Troy::

    Troy Parson -> Indeed. +Macen+ All good up here.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::taps, bringing up sensor data and telemetry for the probe::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over shoulder at the combat station:: Selek, you have a confirmation on the probe readiness?

    William Chocox -> ::Spacebum:: Good luck to ya.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Will:: Thanks.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::doesn't look up, but nods:: Affirmative.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: checks directions::

    Joe Manning -> Fire away, then.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::pushes launch key:: Probe away.

    Alex Macen -> ::watches over Zaphod's shoulder as the probe launches::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::watches the probe launch on the console::

    Troy Parson -> ::sets the science console to display probe telemetry in real time::

    Joe Manning -> So ... did they really disguise it as a bird?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: watches the readings:: Well? it does look like a probe on sencors.

    Byblos -> ::notes loud mechanical noise followed by another noise of discharge of gases into space:: Good Luck birdie..don't know how you are going to get through that place's defenses.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::mimics Pher's previous flight as best he can; slows the probe and adjust entry angle for minimal atmospheric burn::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::taps a claw on the desk, nervous::

    Byblos -> ::looks around launch bay for....torpedoes::

    Ethan Neufeld -> (adjusts^)

    Alex Macen -> ::points to trajectory set by the computer on Zaphod's system:: +Troy+ Can you have them adjust their incoming velocity by 15 degrees to help control the dive pattern I had set in the simulations?

    Joe Manning -> ::Watches the probe break into the atmosphere on Troy's sensors::

    Troy Parson -> +Macen+ Adjusting.

    STSF_Nickles -> Well So far so good.

    Troy Parson -> ::entering the command into the computer::

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Hey Pher))

    Alex Macen -> +Troy+ There we go... She' s coming in nice and steady now....

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: I assume they did what they could to mask the noise from the thrusters?

    Byblos -> ::The Nausicaan now talks to the torpedo:: You wouldn't get through either. retreats to cargo bay not wanting to mess with the bridge:::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Guess I'm not flying the probe?))

    Byblos -> (P H E R !)

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up:: It's as quiet and unobstrusive as we could get it.

    Pher -> (Sorry. Tied up)

    Joe Manning -> (( Keep flying. Don't want to waste your actions thus far :) ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Just noticed adjustments coming from other stations. ::shrugs::))

    Pher -> (Go ahead. Pher isn't supposed to be that much of a techie. )

    Joe Manning -> And what other factors are still unaccounted for?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::keeps his eyes on the data::

    Byblos -> ::not long Byblos arrives in the cargo bay feeling not useful on the bridge he begins push-ups::

    Pher -> :: Slips on to the bridge, seeing what is happening. ::

    Alex Macen -> ::Clenches on his jacket tightly in excitement - and his nerves wracking::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at the imaginary line where Pher's probe attracted attention::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees probe adjust by 15 degrees; tries to keep up::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at Manning:: To be honest, sir...it'd take a book to list them all.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::: Turns seeing Pher and grins::

    Joe Manning -> ::Crosses his arms and sighs:: So we might not be taking the right approach here

    Pher -> :: Returns the smile ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Sensor beams begin sweeping from the island

    Pher -> :: Hoping the geek heads do have more ideas. ::

    Byblos -> ::counts with each push up::...One dead Guardian..Two Dead Guardians Three Dead Guardians....

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::quietly grunts at the read-outs:: We're being pinged.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::watches the probe get sweeped by sensors on his screen, mutters:: C'mon, it's just a little bird. Just ignore it.

    Alex Macen -> ::Sees a system activate in a nearby station, looks at it and frowns, glancing at his comm on his person,:: +Troy+ We might have to resort to a fallback if the probe is detected. I have an idea that might help it mask even further.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Ethan:: Withdraw the probe. Slowly.

    Troy Parson -> +Macen+ Let's hear it, but fast...they're scanning for it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods:: Withdrawing, aye.

    Alex Macen -> +Troy+ Have the captain fire an ionized charge of particles down the trajectory of the probe, the raidation might mask it, like fog. It's our last shot at not being spotted.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The beams begin to close in on the probe's situation, though it appears to be taking longer

    Joe Manning -> *probe's position

    Pher -> Might have to try a continent. Might not have as many sensor stations.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sweeping the probe in a slow 180 degree turn and gaining altitude::

    Troy Parson -> +Macen+ And risk drawing attention to the ship itself? You've got to come up with something better than that.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The sensor beams achieve a lock on the probe

    Byblos -> ::counts:: 30 Dead Guardians..

    Ethan Neufeld -> Enemy has the solution.

    Alex Macen -> +Troy+ What about another torpedo? It might release the same ionization - but it might also destroy the probe,

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::watches the screen:: Oops.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The beams stay locked on the probe, but nothing else happens

    Pher -> :: watches ::

    William Chocox -> ::continues monitoring Engineering noticing that for right now at least nothing seems to be going wrong::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: Our supplies in that regard are rather limited

    Troy Parson -> +Macen+ Captain says no. Besides...this is interesting.

    STSF_Nickles -> Its still there... so far.

    Troy Parson -> +Macen+ They've locked on, but are holding fire.

    Alex Macen -> +Troy+ ::Glances at the screen and back:: Interesting? More like insane

    Byblos -> ::counts:: 56 Dead Guardians..::exhales:: 57..

    Pher -> If you keep running, you might be OK. I wouldn't turn back into them, though.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::slows probe's altitude climb::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grins a big toothy grin:: It's still flying.

    Joe Manning -> Maybe not that insane ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Yeah.

    Joe Manning -> It isn't approaching the island anymore.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::puts probe in a holding pattern::

    William Chocox -> ::from the semi peanut gallery of his console:: That's a first.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Holding position.

    Alex Macen -> +Troy+ I'm coming to the bridge to utilize the station, maybe we can figure out what happened, ::Starts heading to the bridge,::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Ethan:: Let's test her out a bit. Move her around, see how the defense grid responds. Maybe we'll try approaching a different landmass.

    Pher -> Note the range. Can detect but might not fire.

    Pher -> We might want to fly up the mainland coast at about this range and map sensor locations.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Pher:: Another possibility

    Troy Parson -> +Macen+ Very well.

    Byblos -> 89 Dead Guardians...::exhales:: 90

    Ethan Neufeld -> Aye, sir. ::puts probe on trajectory for nearest continent::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::maintains altitude for now::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Will:: It sees the probe, but it's not firing. Interesting.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: continues watching his sensors::

    Joe Manning -> Troy, help me understand their sensor network. What set it off?

    Alex Macen -> ::arrives on the bridge, nodding to the Captain and Troy before scratching his chin in anxiety as he pulls up the station and overhears the captain, looking to Troy:: I was thinking that we start to ping the probe - now that its beyond our radiation signatures - to see if we specifically see what bounces back.

    Pher -> Now, are they holding fire due to no percieved threat or due to out of range? I'd guess the first.

    William Chocox -> ::Zaphod:: Let's hope it stays that way.

    Pher -> Just a guess, though.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Macen:: What are you looking for?

    Alex Macen -> A Correlation.

    Byblos -> 126 Dead...::looks at hoverbike and shakes his head:: 127 Dead Guardians

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: No perceived threat would imply a rather touchy defense grid. If they were worried about a massive threat to the planet, why not fire at anything that moves through the atmosphere?

    Troy Parson -> Hm. ::thinks, turns to Joe:: To be honest, we can't say for certain what sets it off...clearly, they have some sort of passive system to trigger the active scanners...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Pher:: Hard to say. Would the system react this way if we hadn't changed how the probe appears on sensors?

    Alex Macen -> We compare the radiation output of this probe to whatever we last had on the other probe - the difference might tell us why it detected, but not fired.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: List possibilities, Troy. We'll see how many of them we can account for.

    Troy Parson -> Very well. Keep in mind that these are non-exclusive...

    Pher -> :: Nods to Joe and Ethan :: Lots we don't know.

    Troy Parson -> And not necessraily complete, either. But here we go...

    Joe Manning -> Selek, find the coastline farthest from any settlements.

    Troy Parson -> They could be working with video sensors, acoustic detection, infrared, ultraviolet, radar, laser, mass distortion, atmospheric displacement....

    Joe Manning -> ::Holds his hand up to Troy::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods:: Aye, sir. ::adjusts probe's flight plan::

    Alex Macen -> Maybe we're looking too deep into it,

    Joe Manning -> I don't want the list, Troy. I want you to put it together and start preparing probe modifications.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::watching telemetry::

    Alex Macen -> I mean, correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't we be able to easily detect a sensor system utilizing artificial components of the environment - like RADAR, like lasers?

    Byblos -> 200 Dead Gurardians in the Morgue...::pauses and gets into a sitting position::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Macen:: Depends on the power levels...if it's a low-powered system, it could easily blend into the background noise at this distance.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Alex:: We've been avoiding any penetrating active sensor scans, since that would easily alert the grid. Once Selek has the probe in position, we'll run some scans.

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps at his ODRI:: +Eng+ Zaphod, could you get up here?

    Troy Parson -> A low-power net wouldn't have to bring in much information, after all; it can sit there until something crosses the beam or the wave, and then set off the active scanners.

    Alex Macen -> My money's still on some sort of natural scanner - like the electromagnetic grid. We should start there and work our way out to the less likely culprits now that we have a hook in the water.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> +JOE+ On my way sir. ::heads out::

    William Chocox -> ::Zaphod:: See ya. Good luck again.

    Joe Manning -> ::Chuckles:: You know, it's funny ...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::To Will:: See ya Will, thanks::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> .

    Byblos -> ::resumes workout with situps mentally counting dead feddies::

    Troy Parson -> It's possible...but keep in mind that we might have less room to try things out than you expect.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Climbs the laddar and heads to the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> We should be able to bypass all of this with ease. Only reason we ain't on the surface right now is Federation restrictions.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::walks onto the bridge:: You wanted to see me Captain?

    Pher -> :: Looks to Joe, vaguely hoping he will explain. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to JOe:: since when does that count for anything??

    Troy Parson -> ::still to Alex:: I mean, answer me this. If you were designing a defensive grid, and you knew that it was at least conceivable that an enemy would find a way through, how would you prevent them from ever finding that way?

    Pher -> :: Wondering if he is thinking of the cloak ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks up at mention of the Federation:: Landfall in two minutes.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Nickles:: Transporters, Chris.

    Alex Macen -> ::thinks for a moment:: Well, given this is a planetary grid - i'd use something easy to hide and hard to detect, something involve a very low wavelength and a very broad area of accessibility.

    Joe Manning -> Zaphod, we're going to need more information on those lasers. Specifically, what kind of range they might have

    STSF_Nickles -> ::mumbles cureses::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::walks over and sits at the engineering station on the bridge, brings up info::

    Alex Macen -> As for being hard to detect... The easiest thing is to leave a red herring - make them thing they found the solution

    Byblos -> ::feels the burn as he invisions redshirted Feddies...so the story goes..falling to his blade as he works out::

    Troy Parson -> Exactly. The moment we sent the first probe down, the system learned that there was someone probing the defensive systems.

    Alex Macen -> So are you saying this is some sort of trap?

    Troy Parson -> If I were the computer in charge of that system, my next move would be to try and get the ship to come into weapons range, so that it could be destroyed before we find the *real* answer.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Joe:: Not much information on all defense systems. The lasers seem to a on kilometer range. But, they're on multiple towers. So, you have several lasers shooting simultaniouslly.

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: Of course, this is just conjecture. In truth, we have *no idea* what kind of tactics the system is programmed to use.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> *one

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: Let's turn on her active scanners. Start by collecting data at the source of those sensor beams.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::bringing probe over end of continent with desert-like apperance, north of site 5::

    Alex Macen -> no.. No... It's fairly logical to assume a situation like that - but there is always a chink in the armor, we just have to find it in our first shot... What if we assume, just for the moment, that we are blocking SOME of the passive scanning, if not all - as if a distortion - the computer can't decide if we are or are not a target, or just some sort of glitch.

    Pher -> There are no fly zones. The island is one. Stay far enough in open ocean, we might be good.

    Pher -> Might want to find out if every land mass is no-fly.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Joe:: Here goes...we'd better be ready to get out of here if they don't like this.

    Troy Parson -> ::begins active scans at the source of the beams::

    Joe Manning -> We're fine. It's the probe that'll be screwed.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Land in twenty seconds.

    Pher -> :: Sighs. Why does everyone think that being screwed is a bad thing? ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::still maintaining probe's higher altitude::

    Byblos -> ::retires after his visual fantasy of slicing feddies with his blade is interrrupted with what happened with Dikylt:: Couldn't cut through...why..::looks at arms:: Haven't lost that much with age yet...Blade?

    Troy Parson -> ::to Alex:: If that assumption is correct, then it's got fairly safe rules of engagement...

    Troy Parson -> I don't know how well that theory fits with what else we know about the system, though.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Ten seconds.

    Alex Macen -> It's not exactly efficient to fire a laser every time the air temperature changes so rapidly it causes a distortion - especially when laser fire causes that - you can't have a system too sensitive, who knows - we might be such a sensative object.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Joe:: The sensors can see the probe. Maybe the towers are being fooled by it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> The probe is over land. ::briefly wonders what a real pilot would say::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Several energy signatures come to life near site 5. A number of metallic objects emerge from the site on thruster power

    Pher -> (( Feet dry is a current day navy term. ))

    Byblos -> ::walks over to his sheath and pulls out the sword he's had since a teenager:: You need to be sharpened. Better...replaced. But you have Shane's autograph on it..hehe...well I can keep you as a souvenier. Or more like a momento...::grunts and looks at the blade::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees the objects on the sensors:: Oh look, company.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hmm, but Ethan's not a pilot.))

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: On the northern outskirts of Site 5, large turrets emerge from hatches in the ground

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::sees the objects, and cataloges them::

    Pher -> Hmm... Mobile pursuit? Not turrets everywhere?

    Troy Parson -> ::to Pher:: Looks like both.

    STSF_Nickles -> Somethings is interested

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> Oh crud, more turrets. ::adds the new turrets to his info::

    Pher -> OK. Site 5 is no fly. Might want to find out how big the no fly is.

    Joe Manning -> Keep her steady, Selek. Let's just keep scanning.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Alex:: That's now two contacts in a short period of time that the system has deemed worthy of response. If it didn't know we were up here before, it does now.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Zaphod:: This time, we're going to collect data. Find out what makes these things tick and how we might disable them. Or confuse them.

    Alex Macen -> "If we kill all power would it think it's a distortion that went away?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods:: Steady as she goes, aye.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Joe:: Yes sir. ::collecting data, and analysing::

    Byblos -> A sword can only take so much blood...even when cleaned. Blast..I need another sword in addition to a new wardrobe. The Caitan's bat`leth would shatter my old blade ::positions himself:: In a blocking defense.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: I wonder if we can assume these weapons are meant for space-based invaders ...

    Troy Parson -> ::to Joe:: In this case, I'd advise restricting assumptions to what you are willing to bet your life on. And ours, for that matter.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The turrets remain in position, barrels locked on the probe. The drones all hold position outside Site 5

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe only way to tell is to get someone down there

    Alex Macen -> ::To Troy:: Such a strange way to respond to us - the first time we made contact it was just a single laser shot - now we're being toyed with...

    Pher -> OK. There may be a warning radius. If my subtle translating skills are right, they are saying don't get closer.

    Byblos -> ::shrugs..mentally falling into that depression someone once said ....a Bolian Doctor...Hmm..::

    Byblos -> Age sucks...::places sword in sheath and gets in push up position again::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::seeing the sensor data from the probe and twitches his tail:: Hmm, very interesting.

    Joe Manning -> And get closer is exactly what we need to do. We've got to start moving out of the discussion phase and into the proposing plans stage.

    Joe Manning -> Troy, how confident are you that shooting one of these things into the ocean as fast as we can could evade the grid?

    Pher -> Land outside of their shooting range, and see if their ground defenses are any easier?

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks:: The grid will see it if we go in fast, but look at its response time, sir.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: The ground defenses are ignoring those snakes. They've got to be easier.

    Troy Parson -> The weapons have to physically move out of concealment, turn, lock on, and fire.

    Byblos -> ::places hands and feet on the Qob's cargo deck which looks well used and begins:: One dead Guardian...two...

    Pher -> I hope so. Easier might not mean easy.

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Byblos ... I want you to get another probe ready.

    Troy Parson -> The tricky part is keeping the probe from being obliterated when it hits the atmosphere, and then the water, at that kind of speed.

    Byblos -> +Joe+ Seven dead guardians...eight...oh...Probe...okay boss on my way to the launcher.

    Joe Manning -> Then we'll do what you suggested. Blast a bubble ahead of it.

    Byblos -> ::stands up and jogs to torpedo room where he began today....:: I hope that wasnt a bridge wide comm..

    Joe Manning -> Alex ... those creatures down there are attracted to delta-band radiation, right? They feed off it?

    Alex Macen -> ::nods to Joe:: Pretty much,

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::continues flying probe::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Joe:: Sir, I think the turrets are pretty much allowing the probe to fly. Maybe we could cautiously take it in. Put the turrets to the tests?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Zaphod:: Let's get as much as we can before we throw it to the wolves.

    Troy Parson -> A supercavitating particle burst should get the probe through the atmosphere and into the water...if the turrets aren't fast enough to hit it, that is.

    Pher -> Look at the range where they fired at the first probe. I wouldn't get closer than that.

    Pher -> If we start doing nasty stuff, look for engagement range to increase.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Joe:: Yes sir. I'm uploading all the tactical data the probe sends.

    Troy Parson -> At the very least, the fast approach will all be over in a few seconds, so it won't give the defensive systems much time to try and trace the command feed back to us.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::just shakes his head listening::

    Byblos -> ::has to lower his head to get down to the launching room...he notes the #3 Probe and positions it into the launcher, connecting dataports and hoping the probe doesn't fizzle::

    Byblos -> +Bridge+ Probe Three ready for data download,

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  16. Joe Manning -> We've finally arrived at Zoalus IV and we're going to launch a probe down to the surface.

    Joe Manning -> Fortunately, Xorax colony provided us with six probes, so we've got a few to waste frivolously

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::To Macen::DO you think these things present any danger?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::in engineering, studying the QoB's engine schematics::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::catching up::

    Joe Manning -> ::Standing next to the command chair looking over the last reports on his ODRI::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::in galley getting a drink::

    Pher -> :: at the security console at the bridge, sightseeing a bit ::

    Troy Parson -> ::wanders into engineering in search of a pack of filters for the bridge coffee machine, notices Zaphod:: 'Ello, there.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> Troy> Hey. Quite a bit of modifications to this old ship.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks around and notices that Troy is nowhere to be seen::

    Joe Manning -> Pher, I assume you're handling the controls on the probe?

    Pher -> :: blinks ::

    Byblos -> Back...

    Troy Parson -> ::slight laugh:: You can say that again. By the way, I don't believe we've met yet...Troy Parson, scientist at large. ::holds out hand::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::gazes around galley, thinking::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> Zaphod nice to meet ya. ::shakes Troy's hand.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::

    Pher -> Me? Um... I'm better at.. well... other stuff that doesn't need to be done right now.

    Pher -> :: Wonders if Chris needs treatment. ::

    Byblos -> ::puts away scratch n' sniff Byblos Cardboard poster::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::turns back to the monitor, whistling at the modifications to the plasma flow regulators:: Hmm, this is interesting.

    Joe Manning -> It'll be like flying a remote controlled shuttle toy. And the colony provided it, so we can blow it up without feeling much of a sense of loss.

    Alex Macen -> :Looks back at Sal:: Uh - not really sure... ::speaks as he toys with his sensor readings:: they certainly are impeding on our preliminary sensor results but I cannot say if they emit anything hazardous to us necessarily.

    Troy Parson -> 'Interesting' is one word for it...have you seen a pack of coffee filters around here anywhere?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::recalls brief, very brief conversation with Zaphod; wonders if the half-Caitian is harboring ill-feelings over what happened::

    Pher -> Hmm... Well. If I pretend it is kind of like a submarine.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> Look in the equipment locker Troy.

    Pher -> :: Starts punching buttons to call up controls ::

    rosetto -> Well, I have passed on some priliminary info to the captain. We should get on the bridge, now. He'll want to send a probe down...

    Pher -> Got an initial target in mind?

    Joe Manning -> Just aim it for the volcano, in that case.

    Troy Parson -> Eh, there's no way they'd be somewhere so obvious. ::looks between some plasma coils:: So what brings ya to our merry vessel, anyway?

    Pher -> Volcano? :: Considers a 'hard and hot' joke, but reconsiders.

    rosetto -> ::gets up and moves toward the door that leads onto the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up from his ODRI and frowns a bit. Puts up his hands:: No, wait. Don't aim for the volcano. Don't want to cause a premature eruption ...

    Byblos -> ::arrives and stands behind Pher::

    Pher -> Hmm. OK.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grins at Troy:: I was drafted by our galiant captain. It';s looking like a good career move though.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shrugs to himself::

    Pher -> Hello, Byblos.

    Joe Manning -> Just send it somewhere in the general vicinity of the island. If lasers pop out anywhere, be ready to evade. We want to want to see what those weapons are capable of targeting wise.

    Pher -> :: Scans island ::

    Byblos -> Pher, I know you have been wanting to talk to me..::looks at screen::

    Pher -> You want to provoke them?

    Troy Parson -> Ah, the old drafting maneuver. I'm here by accident myself, so you're in good company.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::pulls out data slate from cargo pocket::

    Joe Manning -> That's the idea.

    rosetto -> ::holds door open for Macen::

    Alex Macen -> Right - sounds good to me - we'll need to modify our primary sensor calibrations to accomodate for the lack of the Delta Bandwidth otherwise our scans might be come back incomplete.

    Troy Parson -> Oh, by the way...if you need coffee, be sure to use the machine in the bridge, not the one in the corridor.

    Alex Macen -> ::Follows::

    Joe Manning -> We'll take scans en route, of course. But probe 1 is meant to give us an idea of the defense grid's capabilities.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grabs a spanner and adjusts a conduit in the wall:: I'll remember that troy.

    Troy Parson -> The one in the corridor has some...less than successful experimental modifications. In fact, it's probably better to avoid touching it altogether.

    Troy Parson -> And erm...

    Pher -> :: Pats a seat not far her own and glances at Byblos. ::

    rosetto -> Yeah, we can do that up here.::Enter bridge and nods to captain, making his way to the science console::

    Troy Parson -> It might be best not to look at it for too long, either. ::extracts a package of coffee filters from underneath a section of exhaust ducting::

    Troy Parson -> There we are!

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::looks back at troy:: I've had some really bad coffee before.

    Pher -> OK. Well. Sure. Mind if I take my time getting to the get shot at point?

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ We're about to launch the probe, Shane. You'll want to have a look at the readings, keep an eye out for energy readings.

    Byblos -> ::takes the hint..the Tall Nausicaan takes the seat and adjusts it to accomidate him::

    Pher -> You know I'm a make love not war sort of girl.

    Troy Parson -> Ohh, the coffee is the least of yer problems with *that* machine. ::faint smile::

    Troy Parson -> Anyway, it's been a pleasure meeting ya. ::waves with the coffee filters:: See you around!

    Joe Manning -> Just make sure the scientists don't have to wait too long.

    Byblos -> ::Byblos chuckles...then realizes he's on the bridge and shuts up::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::laughs:L: I'll watch out for that machine. See ya.

    Alex Macen -> ::Follows closely behind Sal, a short nod to the Captain as he mentally visualizes the computer viewscreen, thinking ahead of the necessary modifications required:: Makes sense - it's all software based, we just have to increase the frequencies on the Alpha and Beta Bandwidths and extend the wavelength of the Gamma Bandwidth

    Pher -> :: pushes the run diagnostics button. That one is usually safe. ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Follows Sal and Alex over to the science station::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::gets comfortable in galley, waiting to see what kind of results the probe might get::

    Troy Parson -> ::heads back onto the bridge with the coffee filters:: Here we go.

    Shane -> ::coming back to ENG from the cargo bay, a box in his hands full of random equipment::+Joe+ Yeah, I'll be back in ENG in a sec.

    Joe Manning -> Interesting stuff you found down there, gentlemen.

    rosetto -> We should route the modification to the Weapons control computer as well...Just in case... Agreed?

    Shane -> ::heads up the stairs, his big boots clanging on the metal::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::adjusts his tool belt and crawls into a maintenance duct under the core, just his back paws sticking out::

    Pher -> :: To Byblos :: You know anything about remote flying probes?

    Joe Manning -> ::Sal:: You'll want to run that by Shane, first.

    Pher -> :: Looks for a good flight plan ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::hums as he inspects the regulators::

    rosetto -> ::turns to Manning::Thank you sir. We're going to do some modifcations to the sensors to offset the Delta Bandwidth issues...

    Byblos -> So Noted Pher. Odd my Father's ship was actually I think newer than this one..No. We only carried Torpedoes..no probes...

    Troy Parson -> ::scrapes the layer of moldy particles off of the top of the package of coffee grounds and is about to throw them out, but then thinks twice about wasting coffee, puts them in the machine instead, and starts it::

    Shane -> ::enters ENG the the hatchway, looks around and growls angrily:: to Will cut-out:: Where is that quo engineer?!

    Joe Manning -> Where you see an issue I see an opportunity.

    Alex Macen -> ::Nods to Sal:: Will have to accomodate for the processing power ::hears Joe over his shoulder and - not noticing him follow - turns in surprise:: we'll have to find a way to accomodate power on the probe as well - adding all the power to make up for the lost bandwidth will need a little extra juice - what class probes are these again?

    rosetto -> ::catches Manning's comment::Aye sir. Do you know where he is?

    Shane -> ::shakes his head, mumbling and drops the box on a shelf::walks to the main console::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::hears Shane and calls out:: Under here boss. I'm inspecting the plasma flow regulators.

    Joe Manning -> Your colony provided them, Macen. The one we're sending now is mostly intended to test the defense grid. You can modify the next one.

    Byblos -> I know a Nausicaan who made a remote control Guardian look a like bomb defuser...that was funny...heheh.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sal:: Probably down in engineering, but you can get him on the comm.

    Shane -> ::yells back to him:: We did that already! Get yer furry butt back in here!

    Byblos -> ::quiets noting Pher's seriousness::

    rosetto -> ::taps his console::+SHANE+Hey big guy, you down there?

    Pher -> OK. I'm figuring going down to water level, going in low behind the volcano, then playing strip tease games polking in and out of sensor range.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks over at what Rosetto and Macen are doing as the machine starts brewing:: All well and good with the probe?

    Byblos -> Uh...our probe can do that?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::finishes his work and crawls out of the duct:: Sorry Shane. I noticed a .03 percent variable. What's up?

    Pher -> Can you watch for signs of sensors? Let me know where the sensors are and if they are tracking us and such like?

    rosetto -> I think so Troy.. Just wanna make some last minute mods...

    Alex Macen -> ::Looks flustered :: Oh right - of course, ::mumbles to himself about where else the ship would get its probes:: I'll think of something,

    Pher -> I hope so.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders how many people have grouped on the bridge now::

    Pher -> What's the sense of getting a probe shot at if you can't probe the defense systems?

    Shane -> ::holds up his real hand to Zaphod, motion silence:: +Sal+ Yeah, what do ya want?

    Byblos -> ::rolls chair forward:: I'll try..my Klingon isn't perfect..but I should make out the graphics.

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: There's picture wire and duct tape in the science lab if you need it.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::whipes the grease off his paws, then checks to flow variables on the screen::

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: I'm interested in these snake things down there. If they feed off delta-band radiation, we might be able to follow them back to an energy source on the planet.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::waits for the chief::

    Pher -> :: Sets up a limit on the altitude the probe will fly at so she doesn't accidently land in the ocean. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks over at what Joe is indicating:: Hm...

    Alex Macen -> ::Looks to the Captain:: Or what they emit in their place Captain - we haven't full diagnostics on them yet, we had trouble, due to all that radiation absorption , pinning down what makes them tick

    Alex Macen -> run full Diagnostics**

    Byblos -> How encrypted is our link...I mean those are ancient weapons systems...but they won't be able to track our probe command signals to qob?

    rosetto -> +SHANE+Captain just wanted me to let you know we're gonna do some modifications to the sensor arrays..

    Byblos -> ::to Pher::

    Shane -> +Sal+ What modifications?

    Troy Parson -> I'm not a biologist by trade, but I know a thing or two about experimentation...d'ya think you can get me one of these?

    Pher -> :: Pokes at controls ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::reflects that this reminds him of his days in Starfleet; waiting while others work out the all-encompassing details::

    Joe Manning -> If we aren't given reason to believe they're dangerous to keep around ...

    Pher -> We are encrypted... but not super fancy.

    rosetto -> +SHANE+Just modifying the Delta Bandwidth output.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at the combat station and Pher:: Do we have a plan of approach set?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::sees that the plasma flow is at 98 percent and happily grins::

    Shane -> +Sal+ How much? I gotta keep the power flow steady up there and this ain't no Soveriegn Class, ya can't change stuff so jyking easy.

    Byblos -> ::keeps quiet::

    Pher -> I think so. Mostly I intend to wing it. Head to the surface well away from island. Approach from the direction of the volcano. Find out if they defend from the volcano side, away from their buildings. Probe in from there depending on what we find.

    Pher -> Should I start her down?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Fire away

    Alex Macen -> ::looks to Rosetto:: Are we good to start modding the proves calibrations?

    rosetto -> +SHANE+We'll send down the details once we've worked them out up here, okay?

    Shane -> +Sal+ You do that. Shane out.

    Pher -> :: Glanes at Byblos :: I'll fly. You watch for trouble.

    Shane -> ::turns to Zaphod:: What's yer name again?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::mentally corrects himself; 'ship-size, fleet-size details'::

    rosetto -> ::looks back at Macen::Chatting with the Engineer. We need to let him redistribute the power allocation matrix..

    Byblos -> ::watches the Orion at work...talented..very talented for her species..everyone thinks Orions are just whores..Pher is clearly not the stereotypical Orion::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::looks up from the console:: It's Zaphod. And, you're Shane, the chief engineer.

    Pher -> :: finalizes the checkout before firing sequence. ::

    Alex Macen -> ::Nods to Rosetto:: It's not rocket science... is it?

    Byblos -> Aye Pher..checking for active scan beams from the surface.

    Pher -> :: Not the fastest and smoothest at this, but seems to know basically what she's doing it. ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Crosses his arms, looking down at the science station:: Here's hoping the thing don't get fired on 'well away' from the island.

    rosetto -> ::looks at Macen::no. protocol, sir.

    Pher -> About to launch...

    Shane -> ::glares at him:: What do you think yer funny? GPull up the forward power grid and redistribute the power for a 30% increase on the sensor array.

    Alex Macen -> ::nods to Rosetto, preferring the protocol of "What Science says, goes" on his last posting::

    Pher -> Releases, then starts breaking the probe, slowing it down to lose orbital velocity.

    Byblos -> ::notices where "launch" button is...that would also work for torpedoes Byblos thinks::

    rosetto -> ::Across to Pher::What is the estimated 'Time On Target'?

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Rosetto:: If he takes too long, you could just make the changes yourself...if he asks, just tell him Nickles said it was all right.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::turns back to the console:: Ok. ::pulls up the power grid and redistrubutes the power to the sensors::

    Pher -> :: Slowing it down quite a bit so it doesn't have all that much velosity. No sense in generating a big heat bloom during reentry. ::

    rosetto -> ::to Troy::Yeah. I could, but this shouldn't take that long...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> Power level increased 30 percent. They should have enough power now.

    Pher -> Slow slow slow. Don't get hot yet, little guy. Just foreplay....

    Byblos -> ::Grunts montioring the tracking screen::

    Pher -> :: Checks flight controls, confirming everything is working, that it is doing as she says. ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The probe makes its slow descent through Zoalus IV's atmosphere

    Shane -> ::turns back to the main console, his real hand flying across the screen:: And don't waste your time on individual flow readin's. We just installed new auxillary power condits on most of the grid, so everythin's out of wack until we can fix the auto regulators.

    rosetto -> ::sends report to SHANE's console concerning needed power::

    Pher -> Dropping altitude, trying to put the volcano between the probe and the most built up areas of the island.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::notes the probe has been launched::

    Troy Parson -> ::observing the probe's progress::

    Shane -> +Sal+ You've got a 30% increase to work with.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Pher:: Usually, ships get targetted as soon as they enter the atmosphere ...

    Pher -> Anything looking like active probes at all?

    Joe Manning -> Either size matters ... or things not getting too hot matters.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> Ok. I'll remember that. Just getting a refresher course in BOP engineering.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::briefly reflects that terminal velocity in free-fall on Earth was 55m/s::

    rosetto -> +SHANE+Thanks, dude.. ::to Manning::We're good on power, Sir. Sending updates to probe...

    Joe Manning -> I'm not sure if probes have been used by past Xorax expeditions ...

    Pher -> Or getting close matters. I'm not heading right at a built up area.

    Alex Macen -> ::peers over at Joe eavesdropping on his conversation with the Security Chief:: Or weapons, Captain. That Probe isn't exactly a threat to any security grid.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::monitors power readings::

    Byblos -> Nothing emitting anything at the moment. Is that probe Good at fore play? No one appears to be watching.

    Shane -> ::to Zaphod:: It won't do ya much good. Pretty much nothin's original on this scrap heap, so just keep yer eyes open.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Alex:: But how would that be determined? There are no signs of active sensor sweeps ...

    Pher -> :: notes the speed isn't near critical, and starts some mild evasives. No sense in making it easy. ::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to shane:: I've noticed that. It's a learning experience.

    Joe Manning -> It would have to rely on passive scans. Something obvious like a hot entry. Or a noticeable visual anomaly.

    Shane -> +Sal+ Relay the probes readings down too, I want to know what's goin' on.

    Pher -> Not watching? How rude... But this once I'll accept it.

    Byblos -> Uh Confirmed sir from Tactical station...No signs of active sensor sweeps Boss (to Joe) ::

    Alex Macen -> ::shrugs his shoulders:: Weapons do usually meit a certain bandwidth, like how Disruptors are usually near the Delta or Gamma Wavelengths. It might be like a trip, as opposed to a sweep. Some sort of reaction in the environment from weapons, or something like that.

    Pher -> OK. Getting close to the water.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A number of tight sensor beams shoot out from the island and begin sweeping around wildly

    rosetto -> +SHANE+No problem... Sending telemtry your way.:routes probe telemetry to Engineering console::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees the beams appear on the scanners:: Oh, my.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: They all center on one region, near the probe, and begin closing in

    Pher -> :: starts pulling up. Gently easing into low to the water flight mode ::

    Byblos -> Woah..okay you got stagelights on you...begining to focus on you Pher.

    Shane -> ::watching the data flow across the screen::

    Pher -> Got something?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The sensors lock on the probe

    Pher -> :: Tries to get below the horizon ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees what progress he can of the probe; wonders who's flying it::

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns and raises an eyebrow at the combat station::

    rosetto -> ::looks over at Troy::Whatcha got?

    Byblos -> Pher they are horney for you...

    Pher -> Have they got a sensor on this side of the volcano? Or high up the volcano?

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at rosetto with a wild grin:: Looks like our probe is about to be blasted into little probe-y pieces.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Major activity sweeps over the planet as several concealed hatches open in the side of the volcano and large machines emerge from various points in the city

    Byblos -> Uh Boss...they've got the probe tracked from what I can gather.

    Pher -> Well, that's just proper. Have to play hard to get for a while.

    Byblos -> ::looks what the...::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::watches the readouts on his screen twitching his tail::

    Alex Macen -> ::watches the readings with Troy:: Did someone say open sesame?

    Joe Manning -> Evade as long as you can, Pher.

    Pher -> OK. Hiding is no go.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at the scientists:: Grab as many readings as you can before we lose this thing.

    Pher -> And they are high enough up that we can't hide below the horizon. Rats.

    Troy Parson -> It's goodnight, sweet probe, goodnight...::downloading data at maximum compression::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Major energy spikes coincide with the locations of the hatches and machines

    Alex Macen -> ::Epiphane:: Are we monitoring for any communications? Any wavelengths akin to a hail or warning message? Usually you get a warning shot or message or something to tell you to leave first

    Pher -> :: Starts working closer to the island, but not flying straight towards it and giving it some evasives ::

    Byblos -> Pher...looks like one on our side of the Volcano...and there are more...I just saw.....woah numerous energy spikes....weapons I think Pher!

    Shane -> ::grunts at the energy spikes, perplexed::

    Troy Parson -> ::steps away from the console, on a hunch, and takes out a stopwatch from a pocket, starting the timer right away::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Three of the laser turrets near the volcano's peak manage to get a clear shot and fire red lances of energy

    Pher -> How rude. Show is just beginning.

    rosetto -> ||is having LAG issues||

    Pher -> Gains altitude and starts getting widely evasive.

    Alex Macen -> ::Blinks:: Those look like phaser fire,

    Byblos -> YOu got some incoming..err advances...at least three...very hot.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::sees the energy spikes and hisses:: Darn, there it goes.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The beams follow the probe and it's only two seconds (give or take) before it's fried by one of them

    Pher -> :: Increases range ::

    Alex Macen -> ::Starts racking in the data of the phaser's reaction to the outside air. monitoring how the nitrogenic-rich environment reacts to the lances of energy

    Byblos -> ::swears in Nausicaan::

    Troy Parson -> ::Notes the loss of probe telemetry:: That's all, folks.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::thinks it's curious that there are fortifications in the side of a supposedly active volcano::

    rosetto -> ::looks at his controls and sees that there really isn't anything he can do to help::

    Pher -> Well... That wasn't very polite.

    Alex Macen -> Was it something we said?

    Pher -> :: indignant ::

    Joe Manning -> So we lost the probe?

    Troy Parson -> At long last, yes.

    Pher -> So it seems.

    rosetto -> ::sighs::

    Joe Manning -> ::Grins at Pher:: You got it further down than any ship we know of. Progress.

    rosetto -> And the data?

    Troy Parson -> ::pats the science console, prompting an angry hiss from the now-almost-overflowing coffee machine::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Sal, then at Troy:: Butt heads with engineering. I want plans proposed for dealing with the grid.

    Pher -> :: Grins :: Never did care that much for machines. They just don't show proper appreciation or affection.

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir...

    Shane -> ::grunts again at the probes loss, turns from his console:: Well what do ya jyking expect?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders how many other defenses are cleverly hidden on the planet::

    Joe Manning -> Alex, check in with your people. Find out if probes have been sent by previous expeditions and what their shelf-life was planetside.

    Byblos -> ::looks to Pher:: Okay...I have the turrets mapped that struck you. Also...if this button meant what I believe it does...we have the event recorded...you might be able to get a read on the defense grid we tried to penetrate.

    Byblos -> ::looks at Pher and laughs at his choice of words::

    Pher -> Wasn't even close, though, Joe. Tagged well out. Smaller and more evasive isn't going to do it.

    Alex Macen -> ::Nods to Joe:: I think the Montisque ran by a few years ago - It was a very preliminary report, might have only been a Class II probe for mineral scans. I'll connect to their database and start sweeping

    Pher -> OK. Let's look at the replay and note position of the sensors and weapons.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: What triggered the sensor sweep, I wonder?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::turns from his console:: One down.

    Pher -> Good question. Might want to ask a scientist. Some sort of passive sensor at a guess.

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Com+ Qob, this is Verbistul. Our arrays were all churning out sensor scans during your probe. We'll feed you our data and start brainstorming over here.

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: Most likely...it wouldn't do to underestimate what a good passive network might pick up.

    Byblos -> Aye Pher....

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looking over data slate wondering if proximity is the only thing that triggers a response::

    Alex Macen -> It comes down to how their security system works: I got a feeling that probe set off some sort of reaciton that caused it to be labeled a threat.

    Troy Parson -> What interests me is the amount of time that passed between detection of the probe and opening fire.

    Alex Macen -> What that was... You'll have to get back to me on,

    Pher -> I could try coming down even slower and less hot. If we are already thinking outside the box, could we build a submarine probe?

    Troy Parson -> Once the weapons opened up, the probe didn't last long...

    rosetto -> ||that was rude||

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: Some kind of identify-friend-foe system, maybe? Or pure data collection?

    Byblos -> Vestibule should have some stuff for that right? ::to Pher::

    Troy Parson -> All sorts of hatches had to open, things had to physically...move around quite a bit before they could fire.

    Pher -> Maybe. I didn't look too much for what they have for supplies.

    rosetto -> Sir, I wonder how these snakes avoid the defense systems...

    Joe Manning -> ::Morbid grin:: Which says a lot in itself, doesn't it?

    Alex Macen -> ::taps Troy on the shoulder:: What if we collected no data - that'd be a way to troubleshoot if this was a physical detection or detection from our sensor sweeping.

    Troy Parson -> A good passive grid will pick up any probe I can think of, be it underwater, in the air, quiet, noisy...

    Joe Manning -> The weapons aren't intended to deter. They're intended to ambush.

    Byblos -> I know this is very simplistic thought..but I am still trying to figure out what the heck powers their systems.

    Pher -> Yah.

    Troy Parson -> Look at 20th century Earth submarines, for instance. They fought almost entirely on passive sensors.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::turns back to his console and monitors ships systems::

    Byblos -> jyke with their power grid...we could do something.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Sal:: That's what I'm wondering myself. I don't think the lasers would be after them. I think they only target vehicles approaching the surface. By how do they avoid the drones?

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Macen:: That's good thinking, but we probably shouldn't waste a probe on that...

    Pher -> Enough sensor arrays and enough turrets that we aren't going to find an uncovered angle, I'll bet.

    Troy Parson -> Can you rig up a simpler device that we can use for that test?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: These probes are made to run very quiet. And Pher was taking it slow to avoid too much burn.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders what kind of response they'd get over a less-developed area::

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: And yet...they still registered the probe.

    Troy Parson -> What if we take the opposite approach, though?

    Alex Macen -> ::thinking aloud:: The most effective passive sensor for this planet is its electromagnetic field.

    Byblos -> I should of studied this mission more...whoever built this...Zoalus defense grid seriously did not want to be disturbed.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: How do you mean?

    rosetto -> Perhaps they avoid it because the weapons systems also use a passive mode scanning?

    Troy Parson -> Go in fast, blast a bubble in the ocean with weapons so we don't slow down until we're already beneath the surface...

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods slowly at Alex::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Nice science there, Alex.))

    Troy Parson -> It

    Troy Parson -> would be very risky, though...

    Pher -> How about power level? They sure had enough kick to kill a probe, but they will burn through shields too?

    Alex Macen -> <<Hey thanks :) >>

    Alex Macen -> ((Thanks ))

    Byblos -> ::The Nausicaan reclines interlocking his fingers behind his neck stretching a bit...revealing his..not so pretty physique::

    Byblos -> (well smelling)

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Pher:: Check with Shane. He should have readouts of the energy output and how shields would react.

    Troy Parson -> If we can get through the defense grid in a more...peaceful manner, it'd make more sense.

    rosetto -> We need to 'appear' an non-threatening, eh?

    rosetto -> ^as

    Alex Macen -> The easiest thing to do in that case is to not appear at all.

    Troy Parson -> My vote is that we try Macen's test with a dummy probe of some sort, so that we don't waste all those sensors", and if those fail, we think about the meteoric approach.

    Pher -> +Shane+ Silly question. Was that fire hot enough to burn through Qob's shields?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::monitors ships power levels::

    Alex Macen -> I have an idea that might work.

    Shane -> ::starts picking through the sensor data:: They're gonna be calling down here with strategies here in a sec. I wouldn't expect them to want us underwater soon.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Alex:: Let me hear it.

    rosetto -> ::looks to Macen::Shoot

    Troy Parson -> ::nods for Macen to speak::

    Alex Macen -> The high nitronic environment causes a slight index of refraction in all waves and energy - light, radio waves, and so on. If we make the probe match the index, all energy will pass through unobstructed and it will appear invisible.

    Shane -> +Pher+ Not induvidually. But a sustained fire from several would eat through our shield in a minute or so.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::grins::

    Alex Macen -> Unless someone down there saw the probe, it'd go through all scans as just air

    Pher -> +Shane+ Not surprised. Thanks.

    Byblos -> ::looking at all the weapons points the Qob's limited sensors picked up:: Pher...we'll need data from Vestibule..but these guys were clearly the most paranoid petaqs I would of ever met.

    rosetto -> ::To Macen::THAT may just work

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Alex:: There may be visual scanners that can identify anomalies ... but it -would- rule out a lot of possibilities.

    Joe Manning -> Get started making the modifications to the probe.

    Alex Macen -> Maybe tar and feather it, sir?

    Troy Parson -> Interesting...it's not foolproof, since they might pick up the probe by atmsopheric or magnetic displacement, but it's worth a try.

    Byblos -> (forgot to pull up Klingon curse list tonight..doh)

    Pher -> Well, the island might bive the Vestibule crowd a run for the paranoid petaq title, I think.

    rosetto -> ::turns to his console::Aye, Sir... Let's get to it, Alex.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::running some simulations on his board::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::puts feet up and relaxes, wondering what their next plan of action will be::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Alex:: We ain't had a chicken on this rig in years ... ::Frowns::

    Byblos -> Wasn't this the least expected point of ...resisitance from what we determined? Good grief.

    Pher -> (give)

    Alex Macen -> ::Joe:: Figure of speech - Visually, if we make the probe look like a local species of bird it might also help with any visual distortions

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Byblos::

    Shane -> ::glance at Zap's comnsole, get a puzzled expression::+Bridge+ Have yall figured somethin out yet?

    Joe Manning -> ::Blinks:: Are there any birds that ain't been shot out of the air?

    Shane -> console*

    Pher -> I'm not sure this is the least resistant possible point. The continents are big. We don't know that they have every land mass covered this well.

    Byblos -> ::Byblos clearly looks like he needs new clothes..to Joe's glance::

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ Any input you could provide would be helpful, Shane. I want to know as much as I can about that turret system.

    Alex Macen -> We haven't seen any fly nearby - but that may just be out of coincidence.

    Pher -> :: Turns to Joe :: That might get interesting. Either you let birds through or your turrents get a lot of use.

    Alex Macen -> ::Looks to Sal:: Any ideas about handling the electromagnetic interference the probe's alloy will make?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::looks up at Shane:: Just running some simulated runs for the probe. Altitude, speed and such.

    rosetto -> I don't remember seeing any flying animals in the list of species...

    Byblos -> I need to think this over...like I am trying to break into something. ::Byblos mutters::

    Troy Parson -> They could just wipe them out in advance to keep the turrets from going crazy...

    Pher -> Swimming? We could do a fish.

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: If only we had the slightest idea what these people were trying to do with this grid. And whether it's still carrying out the agenda or it's gone way outside it.

    Troy Parson -> A virus here, some pollution there, and you've got clear skies and good shooting all day long.

    Shane -> +Bridge+ From what I could tell, the turrets were each on an individual targeting system.

    Joe Manning -> The turrets may already have gone crazy, Troy. And we've got to put the straight-jackets on.

    Alex Macen -> Yes... But that seems so unlikely - you wouldn't want a turret system to go off over a balloon someone let go of or toy airplane flying around.

    Byblos -> I tell you what it is...it's overkill...weapons per square decakilometers is riduclous..::Byblos blurts out and regrets it::

    rosetto -> ::to Alex::We could mask it using a holographic emitter

    Byblos -> ::looks to Pher:: (w) Sorry ..forgot I was on the bridge.

    Alex Macen -> ::Nodding over to Sal:: That takes a lot of juice - but if we only use it to mask the electromagnetic aspect of the alloy around the probe it shouldn't take too much.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Alex:: Let's just worry about masking the EM signature for now. We can take other factors into consideration if test #2 fails.

    Pher -> Hey. No problem. Speak up. We need ideas at this point.

    Pher -> ( To Byblos )

    Shane -> +Bridge+ If yer wondering how the guys that made this thing got through, I'd say it was with a code or signal that they constantly relayed. Somethin' that identified them as the good guys.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Pher and Byblos:: It is an interesting question, though...

    Alex Macen -> ::Nods to Joe:: Yes sir - but each modification will take time, The less the better.

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ Where's the nearest Codes R Us?

    rosetto -> I also like Pher's idea; fish. If we can get to the ocean...

    Pher -> Well, they got wiped out, so they had reason to be paranoid.

    Byblos -> I don't get this..How can long dead aliens..build such a network....die..and still works like a charm. Like they are guarding their own bones...

    Troy Parson -> If you think about the expense of so many weapons, and the restrictions on everyday life that they would have imposed...

    Shane -> +Bridge+ Shoot, it could be anything from a comm transmission to an energy output like radiation.

    Pher -> Anyone see anything that might be a hail or a challenge?

    Alex Macen -> The ocean would make the refraction much easier - but also our electromagnetic signature much more prevalent, the water would attract it, make it a giant conductor of our probe

    Troy Parson -> I don't see anything on the probe data...

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Alex:: Make it happen, Mr. Macen.

    Byblos -> ::to Troy who he doesn't really know:: Tell me about it I would be a rich jyking gun tychoon..if I installed this grid.

    Troy Parson -> The ruins were quiet, then they weren't.

    Shane -> +Bridge+ I'd say thos snake thingy-ma-jiggers are the key. Maybe they're emitting something that makes them look like good guys to the turrets.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders about IFF possibilities::

    Byblos -> ::hears Shane:: Point. Arent those things like...pests? Why arent they being shot up!

    rosetto -> ::helps Alex, typing away at his console::

    Troy Parson -> What could they have been fighting against such that a massive stationary net was the solution?

    Shane -> ::looks to Zap:: What do you think?

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ The turrets emit too much energy for ground targets, Shane. That's what hazard #2 -- the drones -- are for.

    Troy Parson -> If it was a straightforward attack they feared, they'd have needed mobile units as well, to guard against ultra-long-range bombardment tactics....

    Pher -> Failed solution, likely.

    Byblos -> Well a laser....::to Troy:: would not of done ::expletetive:: against the borg or beholders.

    Alex Macen -> The Captain brought up a good point - was it for defense or for ambush? It might be triggered by some secondary system

    Troy Parson -> And yet whatever *did* kill them left the weapons behind.

    Shane -> +Bridge+ I'm just thinking they'd use the same system, if the same guys built.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Shane:: We could scan the snakes and see if they radiate anything that keeps them from being fried. Mabye even capture one of the smaller ones.

    rosetto -> Good question, Troy. They are a bit out of the mainstream out here... Unlikely they had visitors...

    Joe Manning -> We're assuming an awful lot when we use words like 'kill' and 'wipe out'. Considering we ain't seen so much as a skeleton.

    Troy Parson -> True...perhaps they left. Or died out some other way. Or were even killed off by their own weapons.

    Joe Manning -> Alex, our probe bay is that way. ::Nods to a hatch at the back of the bridge::

    Troy Parson -> Still, the question of *why* the weapons are there remains...

    rosetto -> Troy, we don't even have a visual representation of them...

    Alex Macen -> ::Nods to the Captain:: Could I possibly get an engineer to assist me with the integration, and uhh, preferably one with hands, not paws.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::starts to wonder if the absorption of the delta radiation is the key; maybe it's not an IFF transmission, but a lack of reflection in certain bands::

    Byblos -> ::looks to Pher:: You know they did put on such a show for just that litle bit of foreplay...I wish I can tell them a whole harem was descending upon them...and see the show that puts on.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Alex:: +Shane+ Our guest from Verbistul needs a helping hand, Shane.

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ Might want to send William. Unless he's off duty ...

    Shane -> Thats what I was thinking. But we got to get in there first.

    Troy Parson -> ::nods at Rosetto:: We know so little about them...it makes it very hard to guess at how the defense network is designed.

    rosetto -> Or why...

    Shane -> +Bridge+ I'll get the new guy busy.

    Pher -> Maybe dropping enough stuff at once could flood the system, but that wouldn't get us down, I think.

    Alex Macen -> ...Sensory overload?

    Shane -> ::nods to Zap:: Can you handle a annoying, no-it-all scientist?

    Troy Parson -> If I only knew what the network is for, I could make a guess at how it's designed, which might give us a clue how to get through.

    Byblos -> We don't have the stuff anyways down below.

    Joe Manning -> << Last lines >>

    Joe Manning -> (( Last lines ))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::to Shane:: I guess. ::laughs::

    rosetto -> Perhaps we need to return to the language for further clues?

    Alex Macen -> ::Starts backing off to the hatch, wondering how he will design the first probe::

    Byblos -> Shane is right Pher those worms or snails dont get shot at ...we need to be a worm or snail.

    Byblos -> Hah what a stupid thought

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::puts some tools in his belt, and heads out of the engine room to the bridge::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::stands in galley thinking maybe he should find out what's going on planning-wise::

    Shane -> ::points to the stairs down the corridor:: The torpedoe bay is on the bottom level of the bridge section. Go keep him out of my hair::yells after him as he leaves:: And don't mess with the power grid!!

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  17. It was the calm before the storm in the space high above Zoalus IV. The engineers were running the final checks on the equipment from Xorax colony, and the scientists were scanning the planet's surface. Reports made their way to Joe's ODRI, where he sifted through last-minute information before committing to a plan of action.


    The latest findings from the science team intrigued him. That there were biological lifeforms on the surface was neither surprising nor mysterious. Previous expeditions to the planet had uncovered a number of species that had learned to adapt to the drone defense systems, one way or another (by staying away from protected zones in most cases). The snake-like creatures discovered by Alex and Sal were unusual for two reasons -- their habitat was the most densely developed area of Zoalus, and they fed off a form of radiation that was not present naturally in the star system.


    Site 8 interested the security staff as much as it interested the scientists. It was a volcanic island, though its imposing cone was not scheduled to erupt for another 6 or 7 months. Skyscrapers lined the northern shore, where they would no doubt offer breathtaking views of the annual eruptions. Pher speculated that this was once a resort site, though without more knowledge of the Zoalus culture, guesses were the best anyone could accomplish. Structures were also built high up in the forests north and west of the volcano, a curious way of living that, perhaps, offered clues about their one-time inhabitants.


    Like any site on Zoalus, Site 8 was patrolled by roaming security drones that opened fire on any intruders. According to the science staff's scans, many of the snakes were moving about on the surface. Could they evade detection by the drones? Such an attribute would certainly interest Joe. Did they possess a means of quickly escaping approaching drones? Or did the drones simply ignore them? The targetting preferences of the security drones were yet another on the list of items to be determined.


    The snakes' taste for delta radiation was even more curious. A biological organism would not develop the ability to derive sustenance from delta radiation lightly. The absence of an alternative menu, such as might be brought about by defense drones that opened fire on anything that moved, could certainly be a contributing factor. The presence of delta radiation upon which to feed would be an essential one. Without any significant concentrations of delta radiation in the Zoalus system, there had to be a source on the planet. After all, it wasn't too often that ships parked in orbit of Zoalus IV and started feeding the creatures with active scans. If something at Site 8 was emitting delta radiation, Joe was interested in it.


    "Mr. Macen, I think your colleagues might agree that Site 8 would be a good starting point for us. Send your findings to Captain Maxwell and find out what he thinks."


    Joe looked over at Pher and Troy. "Meanwhile, let's ready a probe for launch. It's time we give the planet's defenses a little test run."


    The storm. Trying to land on a volcanic island with functional and active ground-to-air laser turrets and flying security robots. This was where the crew would really start earning their paycheck.

  18. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> Drop us out of warp, Sal. Proceed to Zoalus IV at one-half impulse.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @::in sickbay, doing rehab on his arm::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::in the Verbistul's sickbay and waiting to escort Zaphod to the Qob::

    Alex Macen -> @ Waiting outside sickbay as instructed, tapping his boots against the door.

    Joe Manning -> @Captain Maxwell> ::Heading to Sickbay with one of the science staff (Alex)::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> ::Meeting Alex outside Sickbay rather::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ Ethan> I'm ready to go, just let me get a few things to bring.

    Joe Manning -> (( Going with Alex for a name, or something else? ))

    William Chocox -> ::sitting in engineering getting back to work on the EPS conduit that was forgotten with the raider incidents::

    Joe Manning -> +Eng+ Shane, we're about there. I want your team to make sure the equipment from Xorax is ready.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods at Zaphod, but doesn't make any remarks::

    Alex Macen -> ((Sure if that's not a problem))

    Byblos -> ::Byblos enters the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> (( No problem ))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::goes to the locker:: Ethan> Am I allowed to bring my weapons, or am I still under arrest?

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> ::Nods to Alex and enters Sickbay:: Good to see you're ready and on time, Mr. Macen

    Shane -> ((We finished that in my log Will)) +Bridge+ Yeah, I'll get it. What else is there?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at the Nausicaan:: Byblos. Just the man ... or whatever ... I wanted to see.

    Byblos -> ::stands besides door and figures he's going to get some heat here as well so might as well be here::

    William Chocox -> ((scratch that then))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::furrows brow at Zaphod as he considers the question; is armed at a low ready:: If you want.

    Joe Manning -> +Eng+ ::Raises his ODRI arm before Byblos answers:: Sal and Troy aren't on shift yet. I'll keep you apprised

    Alex Macen -> @ ::Follows shortly behind the Captain:: A bad habit of mine sir. Couldn't sleep over - well I'm not sure if its excitement or nervousness - I have not a clue what to expect on the Qob sir.

    William Chocox -> ::looking over diagnostics in Engineering::

    Shane -> +Bridge+ Alright. Shane out.

    Byblos -> ::shuts his trap about to talk::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grabs a dufflebag out of the locker:: Ethan> I promise not to shoot anyone. ::grins::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> They have some good brains operating over on their science staff. One of them is a Zoalus expert apparently. I wouldn't worry. Just don't do anything to ###### them off. They are mercenaries.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks up as Maxwell and Macen enter sickbay::

    Joe Manning -> (( Glad you decided to join us Sal :) ))

    Byblos -> (yeah rosetto!)

    rosetto -> (don't I feel stupid)

    William Chocox -> ((Welcome Sal.))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::throwns the duffle over his shoulder::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> ::Looks over at Ethan and his faux Vulcan ears:: Mr. Selek. ::Glances over at the locker and Zaphod::

    Alex Macen -> @ ::Mutters that last word to himself:: Mercenaries... Will keep that in mind sir, I've seen first hand what they can do, wouldn't want to be on the business end of it all. How long do you expect me needed on board by their team?

    Byblos -> ::remains quiet until summoned by Joe Manning::

    Joe Manning -> (( We're approaching Zoalus IV at impulse ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::expression loosens at Zaphod's promise not to shoot but doesn't change much:: ::to Maxwell:: Captain.

    Shane -> ::turns to Will:: Alright Phil, we need to do a final systems check on the equipment in the Cargo bay.

    rosetto -> ((thanks))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::sees the Captain:: You Captain Manning?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Byblos:: Your chief is annoyed me -- what else is new -- for whatever went down on the science ship. Or maybe becuase I'm allowing one of the raiders on board the ship.

    STSF_Nickles -> (( sorry all having computer issues))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ((hey Nickles))

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> ::Blinks and frowns in Zaphod's direction. Answers shortly:: Captain Maxwell. -This- is my ship.

    Byblos -> (is ...has? Joe?)

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> I've already been acquainted with your friend Holstrum.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey, Rosetto, Chris))

    Byblos -> (NICKLES!)

    Alex Macen -> @ ::glances rather blankly for a moment at the raider - diverting his attention to the Vulcan as he nods to him to distract him from his unhappy disposition:: Sir.

    rosetto -> ::looks at his flight readout... progress::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((I think he meant annoyed with^ me; just a guess though.))

    STSF_Nickles -> (( ::nods to Byblos :: ))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ Maxwell> Sorry. ::get's his medical report and stuffs it in his jacket::

    William Chocox -> ::looks up:: Ok.

    Joe Manning -> (( No, I'm implying that Pher is annoyed at Joe :) ))

    Byblos -> (okay)

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ Maxwell> He's no friend of mine Captain. Just a coworker.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly nods back at Alex::

    William Chocox -> ::starts gathering his toolkit:: I'll head over right now. ::starts to walk towards the cargo bay::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> Well then. Mr. Selek, you are familiar with Qob and her crew. Mr. Macen here will be transferring over to work with their science staff and act as a go-between

    Byblos -> Well, Boss I imagine the captain of the ship we are escorting no doubt mentioned a certain disaster outside his engineering room I was responsible for.

    Shane -> ::grab a kit out the locker with a hiss from his bionic and tosses it to Will, heading for the stairs:: Lets hurry up. Have you finished workin on the new diagnostics for the altered power grids?

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> Make sure he ... and our 'guest' ::Glances at Zaphod:: Arrive safely. We'll be hooking up with them soon.

    rosetto -> ::has Zoalus Prime on his view screen. It's multi-colored cloud banks remind him of Jupiter::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Understood. ::greeting Alex:: Mr. Macen.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::waiting for Ethan::

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances up at the screen:: Establish a -high- orbit, Sal.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::to Zaphod and Alex:: Ready?

    Byblos -> ::shuts up knowing he's being ignored..the price one pays for insolence he believes::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Byblos:: The ship is in one piece, Byblos, and we made it possible. That's our job. Any complaints along the way are of no concern to me.

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir... 300,000 kilometers...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ Ready when ya'll are.

    Alex Macen -> ::Nods again to the security officer:: I just have a duffle bag to carry over in the hallway sir. I'll grab it on our way to the airlock.

    William Chocox -> ((Scratch my last post.)) ::catches the toolkit:: I was working on them when you told me we needed to work on the equipment in the cargo bay. ::follows Shane::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> Gentlemen. ::Nods to Selek and Alex and heads out of Sickbay::

    rosetto -> ::taps in the orbital parameters and presses the GO button::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Captain. ::nods at Alex:: Go ahead. I'll bring up the rear.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::watches Maxwell leave::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Sal:: Verbistul shouldn't be far beyond. Give me a shot of them.

    Shane -> ::stomping down the stairs:: I know that, Chekov. What's yer progress on them?

    Shane -> ::sounding slightly annoyed::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: has gone down to Sickbay to check with b shift making sure everyone is up to speed::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::motions for Zaphod to exit sickbay ahead of him:: Let's go.

    Byblos -> I eliminated a potential source of intelligence. Pher is no doubt displeased. But has not spoken to me. Just give me some ..assignment and I shall stay out of the way.

    rosetto -> ::looks up at Manning and then complies by swinging viewer over toward Verbistul::

    William Chocox -> I currently midway through.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::walks down the corridor twitching his tail, frowning::

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances back at Byblos:: You'll be with me when our new crew member gets here.

    Alex Macen -> @ ::Nods to him:: Thanks. ::Exits sick bay behind Zaphod and reaches for the duffle bag sitting next to the door, eyeing the tail as it twitches ahead of him, waiting on the seucirty officer::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Sal:: Get in touch with them and start docking procedures.

    rosetto -> ::zooms in a bit so that its details can be seen::

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises his ODRI:: +Nickles+ Chris, we're making our pickup from Verbistul shortly.

    rosetto -> Right away, sir...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::follows behind Zaphod and Alex as they head toward the airlock::

    Byblos -> Aye, Boss. ::wearing just a tank top and pants boots....blades and newly aquired DISRUPTOR in view::

    rosetto -> +VERBISTUL+This is QoB, awaiting docking instructions...

    Joe Manning -> ::Sal:: As soon as we're docked, you can consider the Zoalus mission a go. Fire up the sensor suites and start scanning the planet.

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns and nods to Byblos one the way to the door::

    Joe Manning -> *on the way

    Shane -> ::heads down the main corridor, turning sideways to step through the cargobay hatch:: What's that mean? Bridge and neck sections?

    rosetto -> ::Turns to Manning::Sir, do you think we shold do an active sweep this soon? It may activate the defense systems....

    Byblos -> ::follows the Boss::

    Joe Manning -> ::Sal:: No ship's ever been in danger in high orbit. It's the approach that's tricky.

    William Chocox -> ::continues to follow Shane:: Bridge, Neck and the Cargo Bay.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::deep in his thoughts::

    rosetto -> ::nods::

    William Chocox -> Science, Engineering, and Medical were currently working when we left.

    Byblos -> (tosses duct tape)

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> ::Arriving in the command center:: +Sal+ This is Verbistul, Qob. We are about to realign and extend the port docking arm. Stand by to dock.

    STSF_Nickles -> (( grrr dang connection) )

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::watches Zaphod as he walks, apparently thinking about something::

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises his ODRI:: +Nickles+ Chris, we're making our pickup from Verbistul shortly.

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Thanks gonna need it))

    Alex Macen -> @ ::Slows his steps to come alongside Selek, whispering to him quietly as the Caitian appears preoccupied:: Any idea how he went from brig to bridge?

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Meet us at the airlock.

    rosetto -> +Maxwell+Aye, sir... standing by...

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Aye Joe on my way.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::doesn't take his eyes from Zaphod and answers simply:: Captain Manning's request.

    Shane -> ::looks about the bay and spots a stack of equipment crates off the left side:: Good. Now why didn't ya say that in the first place?

    Byblos -> ::checks Diklyt's Disruptor now on his hip holster to make certain it is..ready::

    rosetto -> ::swings QoB around in preparation for docking maneuver::

    William Chocox -> ::starts walking towards the crates:: Because that's not the question you asked.

    Shane -> ::walks over and grabs a crate, easily lifting the heavy piece and setting it aside::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up at Byblos' face:: We might be opening a dialogue with these raiders soon, Byblos. You gonna be okay with that?

    Alex Macen -> @ ::eyes at Selek for a moment - not exactly surprised for the monotone reply - and then looks ahead as they approach the airlock, his eyes still looking at the tail as he wobbles to and fro::

    Joe Manning -> ::Reaches the airlock with Byblos::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::tail twitching as he comes to grips with his future::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: making his way to the airlock::

    Shane -> ::looks at Will and growls angrily:: It is too! Do you think I wanted to ask twenty questions?!

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Sal+ You may proceed with docking, Qob.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::turns another corner behind Zaphod and Alex; sees the airlock up ahead::

    Byblos -> ::follows Joe Manning:: I follow your orders sir. The issue is when they ask where Diklyt is.. which I feel they will.

    Joe Manning -> ::Peers through the airlock's viewports and spies Verbistul's docking arm::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: exits the TL and meets up with Joe and Byblos::

    rosetto -> +Maxwell+Aye, Verbistul... proceeding::sees docking arm extend an stop. ::

    William Chocox -> You only asked if I was done you didn't ask how much I had done until 2 or 3 questions later.

    Joe Manning -> I don't get the impression that their crew was very fond of Diklyt. Not by the end, at least. They were mostly opposed to this hijacking, even the people he brought with him.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: nods to Byblos::

    Alex Macen -> @ ::Remarks to himself, but pretty much loud enough for the trio to hear:: There she blows. Think the Qob has good rations?

    rosetto -> +Manning+Hard Dock in 3-2-1... Hard dock, sir...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::thinks he might ask the union to demand TL privilages for all Qob crew::))

    Byblos -> ::nods to the First Mate::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::grins at Alex's statement::

    rosetto -> ::checks the atmoshperc pressure of the airlock::

    Joe Manning -> (( Nickles wants it, I know ;) ))

    Joe Manning -> (( But we're stuck with rusting ladders ))

    Byblos -> One thing my Father's pirate ship had that I'd give anything this ship had...transporters. So vulnerable docked to that Tub (Vestibule)

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::considers Alex's question:: This long out, not any better than the Verbistul.

    Joe Manning -> ::Braces against the bulkhead as Qob docks with Verbistul::

    William Chocox -> ((We have a Union?))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((We don't? ::grinning::))

    Byblos -> ::long arm on bulkhead::

    rosetto -> ::turns to his sensor panels and starts his initial scan routines::

    Joe Manning -> (( Yeah, and I'm the special fawman, so keep quiet or I'll break your legs ;) ))

    Alex Macen -> @ ::Mumbles to himself for a few moments before speaking loud again:: Don't remind me, if I see another package of preserved Gaakh, I'm going to..

    Shane -> Jyking qoh, what are ya? A robot? If I want yes or no, I'll ask for it. Give me progress report when I ask ya if yer done! ::turns back to the crate, mumbling under his breath::

    STSF_Nickles -> (( * LADDER AND WALKWAY ::))

    Byblos -> Hmm...sorry Must not speak out of line. By bad. ::notes both his bosses and shuts his trap again::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::supresses a smirk at Alex's mention of Gaakh::

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises his ODRI and taps, opening the airlock:: Stop worrying so much, Byblos. Your job is to make other people worry.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::thinks of Gaakh and smiles::

    Joe Manning -> Start doing that job now, by the way. We've got company.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Alex:: Open the airlock.

    Byblos -> As in? ::firms up hand on disruptor::

    William Chocox -> Hey, I answer the questions I'm asked. You can't expect me to be a mind reader.

    Byblos -> (holstered)

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::stops at the airlock and waits::

    Joe Manning -> We're docked with the science ship. They don't plan a hostile boarding. ... I don't think.

    Shane -> ::takes the lid off and takes out a piece of sensor equipment, running over it with his tricorder::

    Alex Macen -> @ ::Nods to Selek as he activates the airlock mechanism and it whirs to life - It begins to pressurize the gateway between the two ships and connect their environments

    Alex Macen -> @ Cats first :: nodding to Zaphod::

    Joe Manning -> ::Watches the other airlock open and looks over at those on the Verbistul side::

    William Chocox -> ::walks over to the crate and removes another piece of equipment and starts scanning it.

    Byblos -> ::looks over Joe Manning's head::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::stands waiting::

    Joe Manning -> ::Standing beside his Nausicaan bodyguard::

    Shane -> Well now ya know. ::grabs a small probe and tosses it to Will:: Quit standin there and get to work. We do more here than the Guardians.

    Joe Manning -> (( Gah. Don't spell out my whole screen name, please :) )

    Shane -> ((Scrach my tossing the probe))

    Joe Manning -> (( Major lag for the sound effect ))

    Byblos -> (yes Boss..sorry..forgot the beep)

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Zaphod:: Go on, Zaphod. ::nodding toward airlock::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks at Ethan and walks through::

    Joe Manning -> ::Watches the half-Caitian::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Stands next to Joe waiting to see who comes through::

    Joe Manning -> ::Crosses his arms:: Welcome to Qob, Mr. Dracal.

    rosetto -> ::reviews the preliminary scans as they become available::

    Byblos -> ::spots what appears to be a caitan. and the illogical non vulcan Ethan::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Joe:: Thank you Captain.

    Alex Macen -> @ ::Waits wondering if he's met with a brawl or an emergency decompression before peering ahead ever-so-slightly to see the Captain and his bodyguard peering over the caitian, conversing with it::

    Byblos -> ::looks to Ethan:: Ethan, clean? ::referring to the Caitan and Alex::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Alex:: And you must be our liaison to the Verbistul crew. Macen, right?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Joe:: But, call me Zaphod. Daryus Dracal was my name in the Federation.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances sharply in Zaphod's direction::

    Byblos -> ::almost spits upon mention of the Federation::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks at Byblos:: Dracal is carrying weapons in that duffel.

    Alex Macen -> ::Steps through the airlock cautiously as he enters Qob airspace - he never did like the idea of crossing ships with a thin bridge, but it beat transporters:: Yes-sir. Alex Macen at your service.

    William Chocox -> ((Senses a disturbance in the force and the mention of the federation.))

    Joe Manning -> Glad to have you aboard, Macen. Selek, why don't you show him up to the Bridge. He'll want to meet Sal.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Byblos; explaining why Dracal has weapons:: I was told not to harrass him.

    Byblos -> ::to the half-Caitan:: You have weapons in your bag?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods at Manning:: Aye, sir. ::Zaphod:: This way.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks at Joe's reaction:: Don't worry Captain. That was a long time ago. I have nothing but loathing for those P'taQs.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances between Byblos and Ethan and looks at Zaphod's bag::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Byblos:: Yes, a phaser and a few blades.

    Alex Macen -> ::nods contently to the Captain, eyeing cautiously his bodyguard as it breathes rathily heavily beside him, hoping he doesn't upset him:: Thank you sir. Captain Maxwell informed me you are going to be conducting a detailed study on the planet

    Byblos -> Open the bag...::says deeply and has hand on disruptor:: I wish to inspect it.

    William Chocox -> ::still scanning:: If you don't mind me asking, why do you have a bionic arm? ::to Shane::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::steps aside allowing Byblos to move forward::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Macen::^

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Byblos:: As you wish. ::opens the bag for his inspection::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Oops.))

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Alex:: We're already getting started on that. Our science team may have a plan to shut down the planet's defense grid. We'll get to that eventually as well. You're right in the fire, son. ::Grins::

    Shane -> ::gets done with the first crate, replaces the lid::sarcastically:: Cause I don't have a real one. Why else?

    Byblos -> ::steps forward and takes the bag from Zaphod:: Care to have a look BOSS?

    William Chocox -> Who's playing twenty questions now? How did you lose you real arm?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::stands back for the large Nausicaan::

    Alex Macen -> ::nods to Manning: Wouldn't have it any other way Captain, ::noticing Selek ushering him: If you'll excuse me Sir. ::heads to follow him::

    Joe Manning -> You have nothing but loathing for the Federation, Dracal?

    Byblos -> ::inspects:: Phaser, cutting weapons....actually not bad cutting weapons. ::swings out tricorder:: No Explosives.

    Shane -> ::counts the rest of the crates. 15 ::snaps at him:: Why the heck do ya want to know?

    rosetto -> ::sees the life form results and notes over 1000 species of animals, little details on any of them::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::leads Macen from the airlock down the central passageway to the bridge::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Byblos see's a bat'leth, a caitian daggar, and a phaser::

    Joe Manning -> Send them over to Pher, Byblos, she'll want to have a look at them.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Heh... still using the @))

    Joe Manning -> For now, I don't think an engineer needs to be ready for a knife-fight.

    Byblos -> Yes, BOSS. ::takes Zaphod's duffle bag and walks them to Pher's quarters::

    Alex Macen -> ::Follows along, glancing carefully at the ship's construction as they head through.

    William Chocox -> ::looking over at Shane::: Just trying to make conversation. Figuredthe elephant in the room would be the easiest place to start.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Joe:: Personal momentos Captain.

    Joe Manning -> I'm sure they are. ::Smirks:: But if our security chief isn't comfortable with you having them, your mementos will be kept in lockup.

    Joe Manning -> This is my First Mate, Chris Nickles. ::Nods in Nickles' direction::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Joe:: Understood sir.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::enters bridge; remarking on the obvious:: This is the Qob's bridge. ::is still carrying his weapon; didn't have a chance to put it away::


    rosetto -> ::looks up as Selek and guest arrive::

    rosetto -> ::stands to greet guest::

    Shane -> ::glares at Will for a few moments, then softens ever so slightly:: Yeah, that would make sense, wouldn't it?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::hates being without his blades, but does understand::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sees Rosetto look up and moves toward helm:: And this is Rosetto: scientist and pilot. Sal, Alex Macen.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods in return::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::swears he'll quit doing that...::))

    Joe Manning -> You're probably wondering what you're doing over here.

    rosetto -> Ah, I seen your name on the ship's manifest...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Sal:: Macen is our liaison with the Verbistul.

    Alex Macen -> That was going to be my guess... Looks, damp. ::Searches around and notices the Science Station, nodding to the officer as he rises:: Nice to meet you, I'll be sure to lend a hand where you need it and relay the data we collect to Captain Maxwell

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::Joe:: I heard that I was joining your crew. Better than being thrown out an airlock.

    rosetto -> ::Macen::WHat is your specialty?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @

    William Chocox -> I hope it would make sense. I try to at all times. ::continues scanning::

    Shane -> ::slides the crate over with his foot:: Ya know what? We check these things when we brought 'em on board. I say they're good to go. Any problems with that?

    Joe Manning -> That much was obvious. But I don't make a habit of pressing captives into my crew ...

    Alex Macen -> ::Rosetto:: I guess I have a pretty broad grasp given the last few hundred years i spent studying - I want to say Xenobiology for the most part though.

    Joe Manning -> I like to build loyalty in my crew, see, and people who were trying to kill my other crew not too long ago don't earn many loyalty points.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ Understood sir. ::looks at the deck::

    rosetto -> Then you may be interested in these initial lifeform scans::points towards his sensor panel::

    William Chocox -> The only problem I could forsee is any shocks they took during the fight, but we had them secured down right?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::leans back on an unoccupied console as the scientists start to chat::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ I make no excuses.

    Joe Manning -> I'm sure you don't.

    Joe Manning -> You probably don't know who I am ... but I've seen you before, Dracal.

    Alex Macen -> ::Drops his dufflebag in a bit of excitement as he slides it along with him to the console, peering over it:: What sort of readings?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::Joe:: Where have you seen me?

    Byblos -> ::returns to the greeting party and makes certain he is in between the BOSS and Dracal::

    STSF_Nickles -> Make note that if you do anything that Defy that loyalty you may find yourself out the airlock.s

    Shane -> Yeah, I'd say ::holsters his tricorder:: Lets get out of here. +Joe's ODRI+ Cap'n, equipment's secure.

    Joe Manning -> It was before the war, if I'm not mistaken. You were a cadet. I saw your face during an Academy tour and it stuck in my mind.

    William Chocox -> ::puts his tricorder away as well::

    rosetto -> ::Macen::Oh, right now, just general scans but we have isolated over 1000 species of animals already...

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ Good. We can get started on trying to pierce the defense grid.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ I do have that kind of a face sir. ::grins::

    Byblos -> ::looks to Joe then the Caitan admiring the Boss' memory::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::frowning at his Star Fleet days:: (Joe) Thase were'nt good times for me sir.

    Alex Macen -> Wow, that was fast. We just got here and barely had time to unpack out probes - So what level biome status are you expecting? My preliminary reports suggested a Level IV system complete with elevent diverse biomes along the equator and Western Hemisphere.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders how Pher is going to respond to Zaphod's duffel; recalls there were some interesting pieces in there when he searched it earlier::

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ Come on up to the airlock, would you, Shane?

    rosetto -> ::Macen::If you'd like, you may take this panel and review them in more detail::motions toward a panel next to his::

    Shane -> ::looks to Will:: +Joe+ Right. I'll be right there soon.

    William Chocox -> ::to Shane:: I'm going to head back to engineering and finish up those diagnostics.

    Joe Manning -> Yeah, I got the point about your disdain for the Federation. That isn't going to be a problem, is it?

    William Chocox -> ::starts walking out of the cargo bay towards Engineering::

    Byblos -> ::says nothing::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ (Joe) No sir, that was my past life. The same with Diklit. My loyalty will be toward this ship and crew.

    Shane -> ::turns and heads towards the hatch::to Will over his shoulder:: Take yerself a break Phil. We'll get to that when I get back.

    Alex Macen -> ::nods to Rosetto:: Definately. What are you mainly scanning for on the colony, so i can adjust my spectrum.

    rosetto -> I know that there are plenty of 'jungle' environments in those latitudes...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::to Sal and Alex:: If you don't need me anymore...? ::gestures toward exit::

    STSF_Nickles -> Anything I need to know about ... about those academy days?

    William Chocox -> ::back to Shane:: Gotcha sir. ::makes a correction and heads toward his quarters::

    Shane -> ::stomps up the stairs and walks down the neck corridor to the airlock, his bionic arm hissing and whirring::

    Joe Manning -> And there wouldn't be any ... ::Waves his hand around:: Criminal records ... or anything of that sort? Because if there is, you tell me, and I'll send you back to your ship with your friends. Because if Starfleet is hunting you down, I won't hesitate to turn you over in a tight spot.

    Shane -> ((Joe, are yall on the Qob?))

    Joe Manning -> (( Yep ))

    rosetto -> First things first... Get a general scope of the planet. We haven't really decided on a specific site as yet. DO you have any suggestions in that matter?

    Alex Macen -> ::Looks over at Selek:: Was I assigned quarters yet sir?

    Shane -> ::comes up on the group behind Zaphod:: Who drug the cat in?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ (Joe) No sir. No record, just a resignation from that dictatorship.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Good, then.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Alex:: Yeah, but if you're more interested in this ::gestures at console:: I can come back later.

    Joe Manning -> ::Points at Shane:: This will be your chief

    Joe Manning -> Shane, this is Zaphod Dracal, your new engineer.

    Byblos -> ::notes if he he thinks the Nausicaan was a sight..the sight of Shane will be very...interesting to the Cat::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::turns to Shane:: Sir.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: looks between Joe and Zap::

    Alex Macen -> ::Looks back to Rosetto momentarily:: I have a heuristical algorithm on my PADD that starts from the Equator and moves outward on a certain patter traditional for most ancient species ::looking back to Selek:: Yeah I've been itching to get my hands on a panel, I'd greatly appreciate getting a few minutes with one before settling in.

    Shane -> ::standing a good head over the Caitian:: Don't call me sir, I ain't a officer. ::to Joe:: Is he the ex-raider?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: That he is.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ (Shane) Right.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods at Alex:: A few minutes. ::exits bridge::

    rosetto -> Interesting::looks at his PADD::

    Shane -> ::looking back at Zaphod:: What's yer experience?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks at Shane's arm, thinking nice work::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees the party around Zaphod as he approaches down the central passageway::

    Byblos -> ::ponders if he should stand in front of Joe in case the Cat get's tossed...he knows how it feels::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Ethan as he approaches:: Everything settled on the Bridge with our guest?

    STSF_Nickles -> Nods to Ethan::

    William Chocox -> ::finally makes it to his quarters sets down the toolkit and picks up his book PADD and starts reading::

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ (Shane) Engineer, Star Fleet ::frowns:: I was Diklit's engineer, and got that old Constillation ship to fly. I also worked for a bit on an old B.O.P in my high school days.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Joe:: For now; he and Sal are digging into the Zoalus data.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods at Chris::

    Byblos -> ::turns to Zaphod with that last remark::

    Alex Macen -> ::Offers Rosetto the PADD as he turns to start working with his panel::

    Shane -> ::scowls at the mention of the Federation::

    Joe Manning -> He was one of the brightest in his class, Shane. He'll be an asset to you ...

    Joe Manning -> And he hates the Federation as much as you do now.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::looks at Shane's reaction::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::briefly eyes Zaphod, Shane and Joe at the mention of Starfleet and hatred of the Federation::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::decides to separate and carry on to the end of the central passage::

    Shane -> ::unbelief:: Yeah, I'll bet... When are you ready for work. I don't believe anything till I see it.

    Byblos -> ::remains next to Joe::

    rosetto -> I believe that Site 8 has the most promise of immediate results... It contains some highly developed areas

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: Why don't you show him to your old quarters. He can get himself settled in there

    Shane -> *work?

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ (Shane) I can start working whenever you wish.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::disappears down the hatchway to the crew quarters below::

    Joe Manning -> Byblos, stay with our new engineer as ... a tour guide, would you? In case he needs help getting around, you know.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ (Joe) Thank you Captain, for the second chance.

    Alex Macen -> Any ruins?

    Joe Manning -> Not that I think you won't like it here, Zaphod ... but don't blow it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::enters quarters and puts phaser carbine away, but decides to keep cricket tucked in his waistband::

    Byblos -> Yes Boss.

    Shane -> ::eyes Joe, unhappy at the request:: Right. ::turns and walks towards the stairway::

    rosetto -> I, personally, want to see these 'tree' houses...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ (Joe) Yes sir.

    Alex Macen -> Tree houses? That wasn't in my preliminary report

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::exits quarters intending to return to bridge::

    Joe Manning -> So ... ::Claps his hands together:: What do you say we go check out Zoalus, Chris?

    rosetto -> Most things are 'intact', Macen. It's as if they just left with dinner on the table...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::turns to Byblos and Shane::

    Byblos -> Okay..let's show you your quarters..should be next to mine. I hope you do not ...snore.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::climbs back up to upper level and central passageway::

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets go boss

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ (Byblos) ::looks up at the expansive Nausicaan and gulps:: I'll try not too.

    Shane -> ::yells over his shoulder down the corridor to Byblos and Zaphod:: You qoh's comin?!

    rosetto -> Are you amiliar with Dr. West's papers?

    rosetto -> ^familiar

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> @ ::follows Shane::

    Byblos -> Cancel that..Shane needs you know.

    Joe Manning -> We will. ::Heads up the corridor to the Bridge:: Might have to take the whole ship down. There'll be huge lasers shootin at us. Fun stuff.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::approaches group in central passageway again; nods at Byblos as he passes by::

    Byblos -> ::follows the Cyborg and Caitan, ::nodding at Ethan::

    STSF_Nickles -> Shootin at us and thet dont know who we are ... yet?/

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::comes up a bit behind Joe and Chris as he heads for bridge::

    Joe Manning -> Ain't been no one down there in thousands of years. They just forgot to turn the lights off.

    STSF_Nickles -> *They

    Joe Manning -> << Last lines >>

    STSF_Nickles -> Ahhh

    Joe Manning -> (( Last lines ))

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::follows Shane to his quarters::

    Byblos -> Don't worry about me so much Caitan...worry about your new boss..Shane.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::enters bridge and leans on a console as he waits for Alex to finish with Sal::

    Byblos -> Just forget the Federation existed..dont go there.

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> ::gulps at Byblos' remark::

    rosetto -> We should get together soon, after you get settled in, Macen...

    Zaphod_the_spacebum -> (Byblos) Forget about who? ::grins::

    Byblos -> He'll make you a splatter on the wall if you irritate him.

    Shane -> ::points down the corridor at the bottom of the stairs with his bionic:: Yer quarters are that way. Come to ENG when your"settled".

    Alex Macen -> Vaguely... Frankly I wasn't entirely well briefed on the colony, but now that you mention it I remember one of the scientists earlier mentioning the high preservation value ::thoughts interrupted by Rosetto:: yeah you're right. We can handle all the briefings and such later, I need to get unpacked then we can share data.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  19. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> Let me know when we're in the clear, Sal. Make sure no one is in sensor range.

    rosetto -> ::at helm looking for orders from the front seat::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::still in ENG; remaining countdown on diagnostic is 2:00::

    rosetto -> ::looks back and nods::Right oh, captain...

    Ethan Neufeld -> V CSEC> So what m'I supposed to call you; Ethan or Selek?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: in medical grabbing a labcoat:: OK Lets see whats going on here shall we?

    Joe Manning -> Shane, I want you to board Verbistul to oversee this personally. Not that I don't trust William, but you know this bomb.

    Troy Parson -> ::at science station, making sure sensor data is relayed to the right places::

    Pher -> @ :: Walking towards the bridge with trigger in hand. With Byblos? ::

    rosetto -> ::pulls QoB away from Verstibul at 1/2 Impulse::

    Joe Manning -> << Byblos will be unresponsive for about ten minutes >>

    Joe Manning -> (( Byblos will be unresponsive for about ten minutes >>

    Pher -> @ :: Taking her time ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shrugs; sees the diagnostic has finished::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @^^

    Joe Manning -> Well, assuming the raiders on the bridge don't do anything stupid and blow up the command staff, we dodged quite the bullet here.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: picks up a chart and begins reading it:: Ok ::looks to the pateint then back to the chart::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::heads to console:: The diagnostic says we're good. ::looks at Ethan::

    rosetto -> ::is always amazed by the blanket of stars in front of him while cruising in open space::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::considers; they can either trust the results or wait another 45 minutes or more for a closer inspection to finish:: Flush the triceron.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::sets computer to flush triceron from around the core and activates:: Okay.

    rosetto -> ::pulls QoB about so that the rich Hyades Cluster is in full view::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pensively watches::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane/Qob+ Qob, Ethan; diagnostic was green; flushing triceron.

    Joe Manning -> ::Leans forward in his chair and frowns:: We're just hours away from Zoalus. I hope they weren't using the place as a staging area.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::: checks around to make sure everything is in order ::

    William Chocox -> @::standing watch over the hostages::

    rosetto -> ::listens to Mannings comments, wondering if they were for him::

    Troy Parson -> ::turns around, looks at Joe:: I doubt that...from what I've heard of that place, these raiders probably wouldn't survive five minutes there, let alone be able to live there.

    rosetto -> ::chuckles at Parson's::

    Pher -> @ +William+ Is your situation stable?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::sees panel indicates procedure finished; conducts quick scan to confirm ship is clean of triceron:: Triceron's gone.

    William Chocox -> @ +Pher+ For the most part. We have one injured raider here but it looks he will live.

    Joe Manning -> You never know. It certainly seems that they knew where we would be and when. Though it would have been more tactically advantageous to strike while we were investigating Zoalus.

    rosetto -> Captain, I have to agree with Troy on this one...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane/Qob+ Triceron successfully flushed. Packing up the bomb. ::nods to V CSEC to lower forcefield and steps up with container::

    Pher -> @ +William+ Good enough. Might want to keep everyone together and out of the way until the bomb thing is well and truly cleared?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::lowers forcefield and helps secure bomb in air-tight container::

    rosetto -> ::looks at his sensor readings. QoB is now 40 AUs from Vestibul::

    William Chocox -> @ +Pher+ Will do.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves out and heads towards the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> +Com to Engineering+ ::Sounding a bit nervous:: This is CC team to Engineering deck. What is the situation?

    Pher -> @ :: Arrives at the V's bridge, and looks things over. ::

    Joe Manning -> (( I'm going to assume you said that rather than just actioning it, Sal ... ))

    Pher -> @ :: checks to see if everyone is in the bridge, or they left someone outside ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: enters the lift:: Bridge

    Joe Manning -> Bring us to a stop, Sal. Prepare for decloaking.

    Troy Parson -> ::reflects on Joe's coment:: Could just be a random act of piracy...or they saw the advertisement for the mission and figured they'd wait for whoever takes the job.

    rosetto -> Aye, sir...

    Pher -> (( Have we installed a lift? :D ))

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: No one is outside the torched-open door to the Bridge

    rosetto -> ::brings QoB to ALL-STOP::

    Joe Manning -> (( I think Nickles was referring to the ladder he lifted himself up :) ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane/Qob+ ::about to report and stops hearing com from raiders:: +Raider+ ::thinking quickly:: We're holding off the mercs, but we need help!

    STSF_Nickles -> (( ::nods:: Yep lifted the ladder))

    Joe Manning -> Shane, disengage cloaking drive. Sal, lay in a new course, back for the Verbistul

    Pher -> @ :: Moves to one side of the torched open bridge, then jestures for Byblos's cardboard cutout to station himself on the other ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::steps onto the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> +Ethan+ Who is this?

    rosetto -> ::taps away at his control panel::On it, Captain.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::to Joe :: Medical is ready Any word on when the wounded may arrive? Or if there is any?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::frowns:: +Raider+ Holstrum.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: At least one wounded raider. Byblos took some shots. Doesn't sound like any hostages were hit.

    rosetto -> Same velocity, Sir? Lazy approach?

    Pher -> @ :: Hearing the conversation in the bridge, but not too clearly ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Good

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane/Qob+ ::text only:: Bomb secure. Repressurize ENG. Raiders getting nosy.

    Joe Manning -> Max velocity, Sal. I'm thinking we can make an entrance, put a little extra square in our two stragglers.

    Joe Manning -> *edit square = scare

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> +Ethan+ We've got the Captain. Tell them we'll kill him!

    rosetto -> Check..::pulls QoB about and engages Warp engines::

    Pher -> @ :: Sighs... not very loudly ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Raider+ ::trying to play it up a bit and sounding genuinely nervous:: Okay, I'll try. ::waits a bit:: They don't believe me! For God's sake, help us! They'll kill me if they find out I was helping you!

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> +Ethan+ I'll show them, then. Where is Diklyt?

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> ::Motions the Captain ahead of him with his phaser:: You, move, now!

    Byblos -> @::Approaches Pher from behind with a toolkit, his blade sheathed but he still looks like a Targ butcher::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Raider+ ::gambling:: I don't know. He never made it down here.

    Pher -> @ :: Thinks that answers one question ::

    Pher -> @ :: Gently puts down rifle and makes ready the stun stick. ::

    Pher -> @ :: Gestures for Byblos to get ready for action ::

    rosetto -> ::sees the Verstibul come into range on sensors::Captain... We're on top of the Verstibul...

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> ::Yells to his partner:: Stay here and keep the rest of them down.

    Byblos -> @Uh...Pher....::whispers:: Beams or poles n' blades?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances around ENG and sets his carbine back to kill; wondering when ENG will be repressurized and soon::

    Pher -> @ (Quietly) I'm going to try for a quick stun. Back me up if necessary. Those suits might protect him.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> Go! ::Shoves the Captain forward and makes for the entrance::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::listening to the goings on, on the bridge:

    Byblos -> @Roger..I have your back sir. ::holsters the disruptor her stole from the corpse::

    Pher -> @ :: Gets ready to jump should the raider leave the bridge ::

    Pher -> @ :: Hopes the captain won't give away their presence ::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> ::Follows the Captain off the Bridge, holding him at gunpoint::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinks the raider went a bit too quiet too soon; glances at V CSEC who shrugs back::

    Pher -> @ :: Stun stick in hand, but not active. Powering it would trigger sound effects. ::

    Byblos -> @ I could roll whatshisname's head into the bridge if you'd like....okay I got the weapon on stun..I think

    rosetto -> ::pulls QoB into dominating position over Verstibul::

    Byblos -> ;;Chuckles::

    Pher -> @ :: Extends stick... first move is to deflect the gun away from the captain ::

    Pher -> @ :: Second move is to get his attention, to leave an opening for Byblos ::

    Pher -> @ Hi.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> ::Arm knocked away, but keeps a hold on the phaser. Quickly shoots a panicked glance in Pher's direction and swings the gun around toward her::

    Byblos -> @::gives Pher some space...he's heard of her stick waving::

    Byblos -> @::fires disruptor on Raider::

    Pher -> @ :: Defensive and tries to be hard to hit. ::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> Ah! ::Feels the back of his biosuit burn up and falls to his knees::

    Pher -> @ :: Caught a bit in the disruptor nimbus... not too happy. ::

    Byblos -> @Pher! He's still squirming! What do you want to do with him?

    Pher -> @ :: Hammers at raider's gun arm with stun stick ::

    Pher -> @ Get ready to go into the bridge.

    Joe Manning -> @Raiders> ::Tilts over to the side::

    Pher -> @ Captain, get clear.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::thinks Pher hammering at the Raider conjured a funny image::))

    William Chocox -> @::continues looking over the hostages making sure everyone stays where they are sitting::

    Joe Manning -> @Captain Maxwell> There's another one in there, he's got my people

    Byblos -> @::looks at Pher:: Nice...

    Joe Manning -> (( Ethan, William, I think you'd better get on with the bomb disposal yourselves ... ))

    Pher -> @ :: tries to get raider's weapon well clear of the raider ::

    Joe Manning -> (( I'm guessing Shane's status has been upgraded from :20 late to absent ))

    Byblos -> @I got your back Pher...::has disruptor ready again::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Roger. Can I get a repessurization request to Pher via Qob?))

    Joe Manning -> (( You can do that, unless she's ordered comm silence ))

    rosetto -> ::wonders about the AT on Verstibul::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Thought she suggested it. Here goes.))

    Pher -> @ Hello the bridge? Are you a professional or as crazy as your bosses?

    William Chocox -> ((Only thing with that is that I am with the hostages.

    William Chocox -> ))

    Joe Manning -> (( Someone might want to use the Verbistul CSEC to ID Holstrum, but engineering should be repressurized soon ))

    Pher -> @ Byblos, if he twitches in a suspicious manner, deal with him. :: Nodding towards the raider that just came out ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::checking comm with bridge/raiders is muted:: +Pher/Byblos+ Repressurize ENG.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider #2> ::Pointing a phaser toward the Bridge entrance:: Who is there? What's going on?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up at Nickles:: By the look and sound of things, Pher will the Bridge soon. Better stand by at the airlock, Chris

    Byblos -> @Yes Ma....yes Pher....::guards Raider 1 who is down::

    Pher -> @ I'm that crazy orion woman.

    Pher -> @ :: Slides trigger device to the bomb into the bridge ::

    Pher -> @ I need to know what this is.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider #2> ::Curses softly:: Look, I'm just doing what Diklyt told me. Not all of us wanted to go along with this

    Joe Manning -> @Raider #2> We just had no choice

    Byblos -> @Oh yeah...and she takes heads! Too!

    Joe Manning -> @Raider #2> It's the remote for the bomb.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::begins to wonder if comms are on the fritz::

    Shane -> <<Hey guys>>

    Pher -> @ OK. I'll be generous. I'll give you a choice.

    Byblos -> @Oh Diklyt!!! Oh he's...::shuts up::

    Shane -> ((Hey Guys))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::to V CSEC:: Think you can override Pher's ORDI from here?

    rosetto -> ((Hi Shane))

    Joe Manning -> Sal put us into position alongside their starboard docking arm.

    Byblos -> ( S H A N E ! )

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey, Shane))

    Pher -> @ Your bosses aren't in a position to make threats at this point. You're the last standing. As far as I can tell, your play is kind of lost.

    Shane -> [[Has my cardboard cutout been moved anywhere?]]

    Pher -> @ Care to cut your losses?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::waiting for injured to be transported in::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::seems uncertain:: I'll try. ::heads to ENG console::

    Joe Manning -> (( You're with Nickles preparing to board Verbistul ))

    rosetto -> Okay, Sir... ::Rolls QoB in a hard maneuver lining up perfectly with the docking arm::

    Byblos -> @::awaits Pher's orders..he's acted too quickly already on this OP::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider #2> What are you going to do to us? ... are my friends dead?

    Byblos -> @Byblos>::begins to laugh at Raider #2::

    Joe Manning -> +William+ William, if you can take control of the ship's docking arms from engineering, we'd appreciate you extending the starboard arm.

    Pher -> @ Diklyt... is dead. Last guy out... needs medical attention... which I'll get him ASAP but you're holding that up.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::after a few moments:: No good. It'd take hours.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider #2> I didn't much care for Diklyt'

    Joe Manning -> s plan anyway.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider #2> I'm coming out.

    Pher -> @ Well, we can agree on that at least.

    STSF_Nickles -> Come on Shane :: med kit under arm::

    rosetto -> Hard-Dock, Sir...

    Pher -> @ Very good. Leave your weapon on the floor.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider #2> ::Slowly moves to the entrance, his weapon down at his side::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider #2> ::Kneels to place it on the deck::

    Byblos -> @::ponders the Raider's comments..Diklyt must of had it coming::

    William Chocox -> @+Manning+ I'll see what I can do sir.

    Pher -> @ :: Peeks around the corner, draws girly gun holds it at ready but not threatening overstly ::

    Byblos -> @::has his knee on the back of the indisposed Raider #1 who is..not looking good::

    Shane -> ::turns and follows Nickles, tossing the comm headset back to Sal:: Do I get my weapon?

    Joe Manning -> @Raider #2> ::Quickly raises his arms and puts his hands behind his head::

    Pher -> @ Thank you. Today has been exciting enough.

    Pher -> @ +William+ We need a medic for a bad guy. Disruptor burn.

    STSF_Nickles -> Aye I may need backup.

    Pher -> @ Captain, are you all right.

    Pher -> @ :: keeps eyes on Raider #2 ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Overhearing the comm:: +Pher+ Do I understand you right, Pher? You've got a wounded raider on the Bridge now too?

    William Chocox -> @+Ethan+ Is Engineering repressurized yet? +Pher+ We're having one sent over as soon as I can get the docking arm etended.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Bridge almost but not quite secure. Give me a minute.

    Byblos -> @Pher I am no medic but this guy is looking pale...::rolls Raider 1 over to inspect wound:: Hmm..setting to high. Sorry Pher.

    Joe Manning -> @Captain Maxwell> Shaken up, but not hurt. I don't have the experience for this kind of situation, ma'am. I'm trained to babysit scientists.

    STSF_Nickles -> +joe+ Joe shane and I are ready to transport.

    Shane -> ::nods and heads to the stairway:: I'll meet you at the docking clamp.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::works left fist, the suit giving off a rubber-against-rubber sound as he thinks:: +William+ Negative. Pher's failed to respond to requests. Can you do something from your end?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Tell me where to send medical help, Pher. Who needs it more?

    Pher -> @ Understood. :: Gestures Raider #@ against a wall. Intends to search for weapons and cuff him. ::

    Byblos -> @::keeps toolkit shut..he does not want a babysitter to see Diklyts face::

    Shane -> ::hurries down the stairs to the weapons locker, which is luckily still open from the rescue::

    William Chocox -> @+Ethan+ I'm just babysitting people right now I don't think I have a console readily available for that.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> ::Complies fully::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::frowns:: +William+ Copy; better that you don't. Thanks anyway.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Have a fairly serious disruptor burn on a raider on the bridge. He's as bad off as anyone. Byblos might want to be looked at but he's functioning very well.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Copy that ...

    Pher -> @ Captain, if you could resume command on the bridge?

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Chris, you'd better split up with Shane and head for Verbistul's Bridge.

    Byblos -> @::observes the Orion searching the Raider..thinks she must of had some law enforcement in her background?::

    Shane -> ::grabs his giant gauss pistol, along with a few solid clips of soft metal and heads to the docking clamp::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> ::Nods and enters the Bridge:: Everyone, back to your stations

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The docking arm extends

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher/Byblos/Qob+ ::text:: Request repressurize ENG.

    Pher -> @ Sorry for the delay, captain, but things got complicated.

    Troy Parson -> ::braces for the impact of docking::

    Byblos -> @::inspects his leg:: I can wait ...this guy..needs it more. ::gestures to Raider 1::

    Pher -> @ :: To raider 2 :: Anything we should know about?

    STSF_Nickles -> OK Shane lets move

    Shane -> ::steps up beside Chris, sliding a clip into his pistol and holstering it:: Right. Whats the plan?

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> I only know what's going on on the Bridge. We lost contact with our engineering team. Diklyt headed down there about 15 minutes ago.

    STSF_Nickles -> :; heads over the docking clamps::

    Shane -> ::following, his cyborg bulk filling up most of the cramped corridor::

    Joe Manning -> +Ethan+ Bridge is under control and Shane is on his way. We'll send the repressurize command.

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps at his ODRI, linking up with Pher's ODRI and sending the command::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::receives no ack; ENG doesn't repressurize:: ::to V CSEC:: What about an overload? Can you just blow that ORDI off the junction? ::receives comm:: Belay that. +Joe+ Roger that. Thanks.

    Pher -> @ Yep. We neutralized the bomb... and Diklyt. I believe the situation is secure. I have to keep you out of the way, though, you understand. Things might still get interesting if your mothership puts in another appearance.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> They were pretty busted up in the battle. They're probably on the way back to the colony.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sees ENG console indicate that ENG is repressurizing before actually beginning to hear it::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::under breath:: Finally.

    STSF_Nickles -> @::moves onto the V::

    Byblos -> @::wants to ask a question about who could afford a Constellation? Is that what Ethan called it?::

    Pher -> @ That would make life simpler. I understand the colony needs something or other? Is there a potential for a deal, or will we not like any possible deal?

    Byblos -> @Yes sir..Dilyt is secure Pher.::taps on toolbox::

    Shane -> ::steps onto the V after Chris:: I'm headin' to ENG. ::peels off and heads for a lift::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::takes off helmet as pressure equalizes at standard; looks at secured package::

    Pher -> @ :: nods to Byblos ::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> I doubt we're getting the same thing Diklyt wanted now ...

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: looks to see who is in need of help::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> All we really want ... what we need is food.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sets package near door and stacks up for exit::

    Pher -> @ Food. :: considers ::

    Byblos -> @::listens but keeps quiet again seeing if Raider #1 is breathing still::

    Pher -> @ Unless your colony is very small, I doubt we could feed the colony and continue our own expedition.

    Shane -> ::with the docking clamp near the middle of the vessel, makes it to the ENG deck quickly::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: walks over to Pher::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Package secure; ENG is repressurized. Preparing to exit.

    Pher -> @ But I'm sure we can talk later.

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to Nickles ::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> Diklyt and Holstrum thought our best bet was the Eden. But I doubt you can get your hands on that.

    Pher -> @ :: Points down at Raider #2 ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::sees a puzzle piece coming together:: Hmm.))

    Shane -> @+Ethan+ I'll meet you in ENG. Shane out.

    STSF_Nickles -> @::nods and moves to the Raider looking for injuries as he approaches::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Roger. ::holds off on egress::

    Pher -> @ I'm doubtful as well.

    Byblos -> @::notes the First Mate:: Nickles..

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Backup should be at your position by now, Pher. Do you have the Bridge under control?

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Situation secure. Nickles is here.

    Shane -> @::steps past Diklyt's bloody mess of a corpse with barely a glance::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: looks to Byblos and notices the tear in the leggins:: Injury there Bud?

    Byblos -> @ Disruptor hit to the side abdomen...I had the setting on to high. Sorry. ::to Nickles::

    Pher -> @ I have one captive. Am I needed anywhere, and can I get Audrey back?

    Byblos -> @It'll need what do feddies call it....a degenerator?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: nods to Byblos

    Shane -> @::doors slide open as he steps into ENG, glancng around. Spots Ethan and moves to him, ignoring the V CSEC:: What's the staus here?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ If the ship's under control, you shouldn't need it linked up anymore. Find a place to tuck the captives away while we figure out what to do with them.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::holding weapon at low ready:: Package is secure; ready to move to airlock as directed.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Actully Byblos its a dermal regenerator. Had to use them all the time back when I was a medic.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Aye.

    Joe Manning -> ::Stands up:: I'm heading over. Anyone want to come with me?

    Troy Parson -> ::shrug:: Not much science to be done here...I'll go.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::to the Radier:: Just remain still we will get you fixed in a hurry

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::indicates container holding bomb with a gesture::

    Byblos -> @Oh heheh...I said degenerate? ::grumbles::

    Pher -> @ :: Steps towards the brige door. :: Captain? I don't suppose you have a brig aboard? Or an empty room with something solid we could attach a cuff to?

    Joe Manning -> There's always science to be done, Troy. You just have to know where to look for it.

    Byblos -> @::removes his pinning knee from the Raider #1 treated by Nickles::

    Shane -> @::glances down at the weapon in Ethan's hand and he bends down and picks up the bomb's container with a whir from his bionic arm:: Expecting trouble?

    Shane -> as he*

    Joe Manning -> @Captain Maxwell> We could move some lab equipment out of one of the storage rooms

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::answers genuinely:: Always.

    Pher -> @ Could you give me a room number?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinks the one who puts his guard down shouldn't get to keep it::

    Troy Parson -> ((Sorry, connection flickered))

    Byblos -> @::eases down on deck wincing:: Sometimes I try to be half my age. I need to stop that. (said to noone in particular..but Nickles is closest::

    Shane -> @::grunts as he examines the container in his claw:: Fine by me. ::turns and heads for an airlock outside of ENG:: Come with me.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::begins working on the Radier:: What happened to you Byblos?

    Joe Manning -> @Captain Maxwell> +V CSEC+ The Qob team is going to need some space. Clear some out in one of the storage rooms.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::gestures for V CSEC to follow and takes up behind Shane::

    Joe Manning -> ::Exits the Bridge and makes for the airlock::

    Troy Parson -> ::refills coffee mug and follows Joe::

    Byblos -> @Tried to be a hero..::spits on deck..unknowningly probablly making Maxwell mad:: Just a graze. But I messed up earlier. I'll hear it for sure from the boss.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +V CO+ Understood. ::to Ethan:: Sorry, you're on your own now. ::takes off in opposite direction::

    Ethan Neufeld -> V CSEC>^

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods at V CSEC and keeps up with Shane::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> ::Pher:: My security chief will let me know where to send them. Get in touch with her.

    Shane -> ::makes his way towards the docking airlock opposite of the Qob, glancing over his shoulder as the V CSEC leaves::

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ Ethan? We're working on a makshift brig. When we get it clear I'll want all prisoners up here. I need a bit of time to set it up. Bridge is secure, though.

    Byblos -> @::to Nickles:: You fine here or should I assist Pher?

    Shane -> ::passes Diklyt again, absently stepping over the body::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::heads for a storage room::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::finishes closing the wound on the Radier:: This one is finished Where are we putting him?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Roger that. Be on it once the bomb is disposed.

    Joe Manning -> ::Makes his way toward the center of Verbistul and the ship's engineering section::

    Byblos -> @I can carry him if need be Nickles

    Pher -> @ We're clearing out a room now. It'll likely take some time to clear it out.

    Joe Manning -> ::Arrives in time to notice Shane and Ethan moving the container with the bomb::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ He should be fine to walk as long s he doesnt do anything stupid to tear the autosutures.

    Shane -> @::to Ethan as he nears the airlock:: Where'd you get standard issue like that Newfield?

    Troy Parson -> ::is right behind Joe; sees container:: Oh, my. Is that it?

    Shane -> @Not many equipped with kill chips these days, unless you know the right people.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::arrives at storage room one level above ENG; emptiest storage room:: +V CO+ I've got a room, Cap'. +V SEC+ Get up to Deck 8 and give me some help.

    Pher -> @ Good. You might want to scan Bublos and I. I caught a bit of disruptor splash, but it's only pain. I think we'll be OK, but...

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods, looking over at Diklyt's headless body:: That's it alright. A cleanly decapitated corpse.

    Joe Manning -> @

    Byblos -> @ Ah...almost forgot his jyking weapon over their...Pher got brushed by it..might want to check on her...::laughs:: She'll kill me for telling you that

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::expression doesn't change:: There's your answer; I knew the right people.

    Troy Parson -> @::glances at the body:: Ugh...actually, I meant the container. Is that...the device?

    Byblos -> (said to Nickles)

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> ::Looking over a Bridge station, glances up at Pher:: You'll have your room on Deck 8. Storage room 8-B.

    Pher -> ( Was also talking to Nickles )

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :;nods and helps the radier up:: You remain there for a moment. ::moves to Pher::

    Joe Manning -> @If you're looking for a chance to study it, you might be a tad late. ::Makes his way over to William and the hostages::

    Byblos -> @Uh ladies first...

    Shane -> @::chuckles a little in a low voice::here's Troy:: It is. We're about to toss it out.'

    Pher -> :: Keeping half an eye on Raider 2, but assumes getting scanned position. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Lets see if Pher.

    Byblos -> @::awaits a pole smack from Pher::

    Troy Parson -> @Well then...don't trip!

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::head on a swivel::

    Troy Parson -> @Or sneeze...

    STSF_Nickles -> @Byblos watch that guy Ill tend to you next

    rosetto -> ((needs to leave, guys... goodnite...))

    William Chocox -> @::looks over at Manning:: Hello Captain.

    Troy Parson -> @Or have a sudden loss of hand dexterity. Did I mention that that happened to me once on an expedition?

    Joe Manning -> @::Steps over the headless corpose and nods to William:: Everything alright over here?

    Shane -> @::waves his hand over his head at Troy as he turns down the corridor::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::gets help clearing out storage room:: +V CO+ All right, send your prisoners; tell them to abandon all hope. ::grins at herself::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at the suited figure kneeling to one side of the group of hostages, and the other lying unconscious beside him::

    Troy Parson -> @::softly:: I hope they heard me...it'd be quite unfortunate if we were to explode.

    Byblos -> @ Yes sir...on Raider 2 ::holsters disruptor and aims at his head::..no moves I've been a bad boy today already.

    William Chocox -> @As far as I know everything is fine. One of the raiders is injured, but other than that everyone seems to be fine.

    Troy Parson -> @::heads over to the decapitated body to search it for anything useful::

    Shane -> ::arrives at the airlock and opens it, setting the container down near the outer hull door::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> I swear I'm not going to do anything

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: scans the area:: Good thing its not bad, It will need some treatment. Up to it now? or want to meet me in SB later.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::briefly watches Shane::

    Byblos -> @oh Nickles...uh..don't open the toolbox...uh biohazard. Yeah...

    STSF_Nickles -> @::chuckles at the Radier:: Smart man

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt - Head> ::Has a tricorder in one pocket::

    Pher -> @ Yah. Biohazard

    Joe Manning -> @::Moves over to the injured raider to check on him/her::

    Shane -> ::steps back and closes the door, then turns to Ethan:: I'm assuming you watched yer girlfriend use her code in ENG, correct?

    STSF_Nickles -> @::looks over to the box:: Ill take your word for it.

    Troy Parson -> @Aha! ::takes tricorder, powering it on to see if it is functional::

    Pher -> @ :: Slightly amused ::

    Shane -> @

    Joe Manning -> @Tricorder> ::Powers up::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::frowns and nods::

    Byblos -> @#Raider 2>I would love to ask you who the heck hired you. But I cant..and how you got to be on a ex-Feddie ship..But I cant

    Joe Manning -> @Have we identified Holstrum, William? ::Looks over the hostages:: Or maybe one of you would care to identify yourself as Holstrum?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::directs SEC where to put items removed from storage/brig room::

    Troy Parson -> @::Eyes light up:: Ooh...this is very nice. ::scans around experimentally::

    Shane -> @::indicates the airlock controls with his head:: Well then overide the airlock. We ain't got all day.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Pher lets take care of this wound

    Pher -> @ Oh, you can ask. Not sure you'll get answers.

    William Chocox -> @Haven't been able to ID anyone yet.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> No one 'hired' me. I'm not a mercenary. I'm doing this for my colony ...

    Pher -> @ Let's. Remember... no scarring. Very important.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moves in and types code into airlock controls with left hand; computer beeps success; moves out of the way::

    Byblos -> @::to Raider #2:: Colony..what you thought this ship was a threat? The Vestibule..

    Joe Manning -> @::Waves his ODRI over the injured raider::

    STSF_Nickles -> @That will take extra care in SB.lets get it healed for the time being

    Shane -> @::steps up and mashes the contro; with his real hands, hearing the woosh of air escaping::

    Pher -> @ :: Wonders if Chris needs a better view of the wound. ::

    Shane -> control...hand*

    Joe Manning -> @Troy, check the Verbistul's databases. See if you can't match Holstrum's face to someone.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ We good here?

    Joe Manning -> @::Tilts his head:: Interesting.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: tears away the fabic to open the wound site to begin his work::

    Byblos -> @::a bit perplexed:: I don't understand did we cross your boundary or something? ::still babbling to Raider 2::

    Troy Parson -> @::nods:: Can do. ::goes over to a nearby terminal, loading Holstrum's data onto it from his ODRI for the purpose of cross-referencing::

    Shane -> @closes the outer hatch after a few seconds, then opens the inner to reveal an empty chamber:: Yep. Yer free to go.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::takes off back the way he came as Shane affirms::

    Joe Manning -> @One of the engineers> ::Starts glancing around nervously::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moves through cooridors back toward William's and hostages' position near ENG::

    Joe Manning -> @::Grabs the top of the raider's mask and tugs, pulling it off. A face totally covered by black fur is revealed::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: places some burn gel on the wound and then runs the dermal regenerator over it::

    Shane -> @::watches Ethan intently, grunts to himself, then heads towards the cargo room:: +Joe+ Cap'n, where do you want me next?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +William/Joe+ Coming up on your position; don't shoot.

    Joe Manning -> @::Studies the face for a moment:: +Shane+ What's the status of the bomb?

    Byblos -> @::to Raider #2:: I understand territory ...and guarding it. Did so myself for a while on Tranquility.

    Troy Parson -> @::tells Verbistul's computer to run a comparison checking both personnel records and internal security footage against the Holstrum data::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> Our new colony has very little fertile soil. Actually ... it has none ...

    Shane -> @+Joe+ Dealt with.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ There you go Pher, We will tend to scar later.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> We can only get by raiding food shipments.

    Joe Manning -> @+Shane+ Since we have to hold the ship's engineering staff captive until we know which one is Holstrum, you're going to have sub for them.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::interval-cuts last corner and joins Joe and others:: ::to Joe:: Captain. ::sees Troy and Joe are looking at personnel files:: Holstrum?

    Pher -> @ Good enough.

    Shane -> @+Joe+ Of course. I'm heading back the the V's ENG.

    William Chocox -> @Looking to ID him right now.

    Joe Manning -> @Finding out which one of these fine folks is him. Unless he ran off.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :;pulls the loosened material back over the wound to cover it slightly until e ship::they get back to th

    Byblos -> @Ahhh...Still you guys are pretty well equipped to keep a feddie ship operating. That would be the bulk of your budget there. ::continues to babble to Raider #2 probably not wisely::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks up at Ethan/Selek and points down at the furry raider:: I'm almost 100% certain I've seen this guy before ...

    Joe Manning -> @Starfleet officer once. And a damned fine one.

    Pher -> @ :: Stretches out a bit... finding her current limits, but trying not to show them. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: moves to Byblos:: OK Lets see that leg of yours, how bad is it

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks at indicated raider, doesn't say anything::

    Byblos -> @ Pher...you got this guy? ::to Raider 2::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> We've had it since we set up our old colony. We were in much better shape back then ... but things change ...

    Pher -> @ I'll take this guy. You have an assignment yet?

    Byblos -> @ Nickles wants to see my leg.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Yes Pher to get his wounds taken care of

    Joe Manning -> @Troy, see him anywhere?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::exhales and scans hostages; returning back to topic of Holstrum:: Don't think he ran off; that'd stand out.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::motions to a female hostage to come to him::

    Pher -> @ He does? Oh. You want to see his leg for *professional* reasons. That I'll allow. :: winks at Chris ::

    Shane -> ::re-enters the V's MENG, steps over to the biggest console and begins reviewing data, mumbling under his breath: A jyking mess if ya ask me...

    Troy Parson -> @The computer's comparing faces now...it should spit something out in a moment.

    Joe Manning -> @Woman> ::Blinks and slowly stands and walks over toward Ethan::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Now Pher darling you know Im all yours honey

    Shane -> [[Guys, I need to go. I'll see yall in the logs!]]

    Byblos -> @ What? Who? What about my leg? Darn it...butt of jokes I am so be it.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::winks ans turns his attention to the pateint::

    Byblos -> @::goes to Nickles for treatment::

    William Chocox -> ((My cardboard stand-in is going to take over see y'all later.))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moves to stand between her and other hostages, speacks lowly:: Don't make any sudden movements. If you see him, point out Holstrum.

    Pher -> @ :: smiles suggestively, then returns attention to Raider 2 ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> speaks^

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Joe Manning -> Next week, we'll arrive at Zoalus

    Byblos -> TBS to arrival?

    Joe Manning -> We were hours from Zoalus, so plenty of time


    Pher -> Can we assume a functional brig and secured prisoners?

    Pher -> And Audrey returned to her proper wrist? :D

    Joe Manning -> That can be assumed

    Byblos -> Can it be assumed the Captain of the Vestibule has Byblos Cleaning the mess he left near engineering?

    Joe Manning -> In fact, new Qob rule -- if it's reasonable to assume and serves the story well enough, you can go on ahead and assume it without waiting on word for me :)


    Byblos -> I missed something..what happened to the other Escort ship?

    Joe Manning -> They split off from the group when Verbistul was taken

    Byblos -> they fled?

    Joe Manning -> They had to split off or Verbistul would have been destroyed, hijackers' demands

    Joe Manning -> Our cloak let us exploit a loophole in that situation ;)

    Pher -> They were hurt quite a bit in the fire fight.

    Joe Manning -> They probably limped their way to Zoalus in case the expedition shows up

  20. A large transparent partition had been erected in Verbistul storage room 8-B, transforming one corner of the room into a makeshift brig cell. The two raiders who'd surrendered were sitting against one wall, their protective body suits stripped away. Francis Holstrum was seated against the other, still wearing his Xorax engineer uniform. They all looked up when Joe entered the room.


    "Stand up, Holstrum," he said, his voice firm but not harsh. "You and I have to talk."


    The raiders' man-on-the-inside looked unsettingly like a ghoul. All of the raiders looked the same way, though it was harder to tell through the fur of the Caitian recovering in the infirmary. Their appearance backed up the stories Joe was hearing from Pher, Ethan, and Byblos. Holstrum seemed to be carrying the weight of exhaustion and defeat as he slowly rose and walked over to the partition. Joe met him on the other side.


    "Your friend over there had a lot to say," Joe nodded toward the raider who'd been captured on the Bridge. "About why you folks are doing this. About something called 'Eden.'"


    At that last word, Holstrum snapped a look back at the raider, whose head dropped. "Too bad he doesn't know what exactly Eden is," Joe continued. "But he pointed out two people who would know -- you and your Captain. Since your Captain lost his head in the engine room, that leaves you to explain why I nearly lost a very substantial paycheck."


    "No one is supposed to know about Eden," Holstrum whispered, looking back at Joe. "It's the only chip my people have left, and the only one I ever wanted! I never wanted to hijack this ship! Diklyt--"


    "Yes, yes," Joe raised a hand to stop Holstrum. "All I've heard is how reluctant you folks were to go along with this operation, how Diklyt went crazy, how none of you wanted to hurt innocent people. Yet here you are, with this ship in one piece only because my people were able to disarm the bomb you strapped to the warp core. For how much you were all against Diklyt, you were awfully willing to follow him into the fire."


    "Diklyt had earned our respect," Holstrum replied with less conviction than he was aiming for. "He'd commanded our fleet since the beginning. He was there when we looked for a world to colonize in the Expanse. When raider activity started picking up in the region, he defended Noretia -- our colony -- on numerous occasions. We were perfectly content to keep to ourselves while the other colonies turned to piracy and infighting; Diklyt was a strong part of that, always advocating a peaceful, insular existence cut off from the chaos that kept growing in the Expanse. This is going back fifteen years; many of us trusted Diklyt and considered him a good friend. But things have changed a great deal over the past year."


    "What happened?"


    Holstrum's head lowered slightly and he peered up at Joe with frightened eyes. He answered in a hushed voice. "The Horde happened."


    Joe felt a chill run briefly up his spine, but he did not let it show on his face. "I've heard that name a few times now. Not much in the way of solid information, but I know they've become the big dogs in the Expanse lately, and they're one of the main reasons that the raiders have been more active near the Hyades cluster."


    "They're all getting desperate," Holstrum nodded. "Some of the raider bands have joined the Horde willingly. The ones who resist are captured or wiped out. But a few, like our colony, just flee outward, away from Horde territory, which just keeps growing. Most are fleeing in the direction of Klingon space and the Hyades cluster. We certainly can't flee across the Expanse -- even if all our ships could make the voyage, Gorn space is on the other side."


    "So now you're all camped out in Bull's Head's backyard," Joe smiled grimly. "Which explains why raider attacks have been picking up over the last year. I'm guessing it explains why Diklyt the Brave changed from Colonial Defender to Terrorist?"


    "Noretia was a world that was ideal for habitation," Holstrum replied. "We did not have much luck finding a replacement. Our new world has a breathable atmosphere, but the topsoil is too hard for anything to take root. After we counted the food stores we'd brought aboard our ships and put together a rationing plan, we projected that we couldn't last more than a year. And we certainly couldn't afford to have Gaia Prime ship food so far outside the Hyades cluster. Our only recourse was to turn to piracy. Since I was the colony's agriculturist, there wasn't much use for me anymore; they sent me to the cluster to seek out employment and feed information back to the colony about food shipments."


    "Verbistul is not carrying a food shipment," Joe pointed out. "It's a science vessel on an archaeological expedition."


    Holstrum gave Joe a wary look and started pacing around the makeshift cell. "I managed to get a job at Xorax colony. It was the ideal position for me to find out if any research projects were being conducted that could somehow help my colony -- advanced terraforming techniques, perhaps. I found out about Eden, even worked on it for a few weeks."


    "What is it?" Joe asked.


    "A ship," Holstrum answered. "A big one, bigger that Verbistul. And it's lined with hydroponics bays. It doesn't require a lot of crew, just enough to shuttle it from world to world. Essentially a giant roaming garden. You can understand how beneficial such a thing would be to Xorax colony, and why the administrators would want to keep it a closely guarded secret."


    "With a fleet of Edens, they could threaten Gaia Prime's monopoly on the food trade."


    "Oh, it goes deeper than that," Holstrum said. "Gaia Prime doesn't have any ships. They rely on the Guardians to shuttle their food shipments throughout Bull's Head, and the Guardians gets a significant cut of the profits. The hydroponics vessels would be product and shipping all in one little package. The Guardians would not be needed."


    Joe crossed his arms. "I can see that they'd have some objections to that."


    Nolstrum grinned. "It gets worse. Gaia Prime has several science teams conducting various research projects in Xorax facilities. The Xorax administrators overseeing the Eden Project have been stealing research data from those scientists -- a blatant violation of the confidence that Xorax clients place in the colony. Gaia Prime has been unknowingly contributing to a project that would ultimately screw them.


    "I tried to convince Diklyt that threatening to go public with details of the project would be enough for Xorax colony to give us the prototype. Diklyt thought otherwise. He wanted a show of force to back the blackmail attempt up. So he planned to set up an exchange -- Verbistul and its crew for the Eden prototype, with the extra threat of blackmail thrown in. And now, sure enough, the hijacking has blown up in our faces and we've lost everything. You see now why none of us have spoken very well of a Captain that had earned our respect. This operation was a terrible mistake."


    "Fortunately for you," Joe replied. "Nobody on my crew or Verbistul's crew paid for it."


    "So ... what happens to us?" Holstrum asked, hopeful for mercy from his captors.


    "That is a difficult question to answer," Joe said. "We still have an expedition to complete; your botched attack did not derail it. Bringing you all back to the Hyades cluster would be too much of a delay. We don't have the provisions to shelter four extra people for a month, and I doubt Captain Maxwell would want to keep you around any longer. I'm sure some of my crew would suggest ejecting the whole lot of you out an airlock."


    Holstrum's face turned even whiter than had seemed possible. Joe continued, "I think that's a bit extreme myself. I recognize that your people are desperate, and taking out your leader makes you less of a threat. My preference would be to arrange a rendezvous with your Constellation ship and release you all."


    "You would just let us go?" Holstrum's eyes widened.


    Joe raised a finger, "Not without a price. We do this pirate style, minus the plank-walking. I return you and three of your friends to your ship, but I keep one of them. I'm in need of crew, and I think I can afford to support one extra body during this mission."


    Holstrum quickly blinked, "I'm sure Petrovic would be open to--"


    "My choice," Joe quickly cut him off. "Petrovic is the human we took down on the Bridge, right? He didn't exactly make a good impression on my security staff. And that was -before- a disruptor blast that there's no guarantee he'll survive. I want the one that got shot up in engineering, the half-Caitian."


    Holstrum did not seem pleased with Joe's choice, but he simply sighed. "So we turn him over to you and the rest of us can go?"


    "There's more," Joe answered. "And this is where it gets a bit complicated. You see, my crew doesn't have much in the way of allies in the Expanse region. And this Horde sounds like a threat that will be reaching the Hyades cluster before it goes away. I think we could do well to forge a relationship with your colony. We can't help you with your food shortage problem now or within the next month ... but in time we'll look into it. And when we find a solution for you, you and all of your people will be indebted to us."


    "Indebted how?" Holstrum gave him a wary look.


    "We'll discuss that when the time comes," Joe replied. "For now, consider this the groundwork for a deal. You're far more likely to get help from us than you are to get ahold of that Eden ship. Hell, we might even find a way to get the ship for you ... after our current contract with Xorax colony is up, of course. But believe me when I say you want us on your side, Holstrum. So no funny business when we return you to your ship. Make it clear to the rest of your raider band that you blew your chance to hijack Verbistul; you won't get another one."

  21. Joe Manning -> Okay, Byblos managed to gain control of the Verbistul's atmospheric systems (undetected we hope) ...

    Joe Manning -> Back on Qob, we're ready to move ahead with our plan to safely disarm the bomb

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::sitting at helm; reviewing QoB status::

    Ethan Neufeld -> (I was hoping for Explosive Ordnance Disposal. ::faint frown::)

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at the flight station:: Sal, have you gotten the frequency of those transmissions the Verbistul mole was using?

    Pher -> @ :: looking dubiously at the imbeded Audrey. ::

    Troy Parson -> ((So long as you take the wide-scope reading of "explosive" in that phrase, you'll be pretty much on track))

    rosetto -> ::looks back at Manning::Working on it, sir...::turns back and presses some buttons::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We're about ready to move ahead, Pher, but there are two possibilities we have to account for ...

    Byblos -> Sorry Pher, I'm not the best slicer around...::quiets::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Either the detonator is sending a constant signal to the bomb and it goes off if the signal is cut. Or the detonator sends the explode sign.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Go ahead...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wondering what the Vulcan told him means; murmuring between himself and V CSEC:: The exchange might take too long and the colony can't afford to wait?

    rosetto -> ::narrows the scan and a spike appears on his display::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Have you tried detecting transmissions?

    Byblos -> @::notes to himself he was never the explosives guy on either of his first two "cycles"::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ ::Looks at Troy:: Find out if the detonator is sending any signals ... if you can.

    Ethan Neufeld -> V CSEC> Could something else be going on? Maybe the ransom is a diversion?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You might have to get close to make a scan yourself. Troy's probe is still showing only sketchy data.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up, having been listening in on the conversation:: I haven't detected any, but you know what they say: It's the one you don't find that gets you.

    rosetto -> ::rechecks his findings and confirms frequency::

    Ethan Neufeld -> V CSEC> Or, maybe, the ransom is their main goal, but something else is happening first?

    Byblos -> ::looks down and puts his palm in his face upon hearing the need of scans::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @^^

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Will do, but the keep alive signal would have to be strong enough to punch through these walls. It can't be subtle. If you can't hear it loud and strong, it isn't there.

    Pher -> @ All follow. We've gotta circle engineering. Who has got a tricorder or Audrey left?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shrugs, wearing a 'beats me' expression::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ They've been keeping the detonator in engineering, so it's tough to say.

    Pher -> @ Anyone?

    Byblos -> @Only one Audrey and she's installed. Wait a minute..this is an archeological ship right?

    Troy Parson -> ::chimes in from the science station:: Not to mention, they could always try and disguise the detonation signal in the background noise. It's what I'd do.

    Pher -> @ Yep. They must have something somewhere.

    Byblos -> @The things should be everywhere onboard a survey ship.

    rosetto -> ::attemptss to demodulate and finds that the message is encrypted with a methodology which his is unfamilar::

    Byblos -> @Just need to find one....::places small lock pick/slicer toolbox in his pocket::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Troy:: Pher can probably confirm up close. ... this bomb's got to have a disarm signal as well, right?

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: Unless they plan on dismantling it in person when it's no longer needed...or don't plan to disarm it at all. Or...well, you get the idea.

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ Ethan? We need a tricorder like thing that can intercept communications well. Audrey is tied up. Can you get one?

    Byblos -> @Also..don't archeologists use explosives...like to get to buried stuff? I bet we can get for sure.

    Pher -> @ Likely. Not sure I have a plan that needs em just yet, though.

    rosetto -> ::Looks back at Manning::Sir? How good are you at Klingon?

    Joe Manning -> Send a comm down to engineering. He knows this type of bomb. Find out if the detonator is typically wired to send a shut-down signal.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Rosetto:: I know enough to understand the basics, though I wouldn't go speaking it at any Klingon Balls.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Copy; we'll bring a tricorder to your position. Also; might be important; a hostage overheard the raiders say 'the exchange might take too long and the colony can't afford to wait'.

    Troy Parson -> ::nods, gets Shane's cardboard cutout on the comm::

    Byblos -> @Well you need a tricorder to make certain your bombs are set right...I presume. hehe...Science geeks being blown up by their own ordinance..::laughs quietly::

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ Noted. Look. I need someone to circle the engineering area trying to see if there is a keep alive signal being sent to the bomb at regular intervals. Could you handle that?

    Byblos -> ( S H A N E ! )

    rosetto -> This message seems to be in that tongue, Joe. Frankly, I can make heads or tails of it...

    Byblos -> ( S H A N E ! )

    Troy Parson -> ((Yay!))

    Shane -> ((Sorry I'm late...))

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps into Rosetto's station with his ODRI and looks over the message::

    rosetto -> ((Thank God the EOD has arrived))

    Troy Parson -> ((It's good you're here...I was just thinking of suggesting that they try setting the bomb on fire.))

    Joe Manning -> Makes sense that they'd share messages in Klingon. An extra layer of security if anyone breaks the encryption.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Affirmative. We'll circle engineering and send you a sitrep.

    Shane -> ::re-enters the bridge after refilling the coffee::speaks gruffly:: What did I miss?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Shane:: How good is your Klingon?

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ I've got ethan circling engineering looking for those comm bursts.

    Shane -> Decent. Are their messages encrypted?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Didn't you have him on intel-gathering?

    rosetto -> Yeah. It's not a very easy language to follow..

    Shane -> ((With a Klongon dictionary that is...))

    Pher -> @ :: to byblos :: OK. What's the next step?

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: We have the frequency and the encryption protocols.

    rosetto -> Big guy, come over here and look at this...::points to his monitor::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Yes. He says we have a time limit. "The colony can't wait."

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Can't wait for what?

    Byblos -> @Well one of those mercs has to be somewhat smart with a bomb...we need to survey the scene again and attempt to ascertain who he is I think...and ..he would ..sorry I think we should deal with him first.

    Shane -> ::steps over and glances at Rosetto's monitor::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ How the heck should I know? That was just an overhead comment, but apparently they need something. What do colonies need?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods to V CSEC who overheard convo and she nods back as ready; he addresses hostages:: Last chance to tell us anything you know about the raiders, folks.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ The smallest detail might be of help.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ If you want any more details, you can try talking to Ethan.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Colonies in this region are generally raider strongholds. I don't stay in touch.

    Byblos -> @Otherwise I'm all for kicking their jyking ass...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Sounds like they do want something for that ship though. I'd bet on the bomb having a disarm code.

    Byblos -> @::keeps quiet again:::

    Pher -> @ +Pher+ Good bet.

    rosetto -> ::Shanes:: It's an interesting alphabet.

    Pher -> @ Joe isn't in the mood to roll dice right now, and I can sort of sympathize. He wants to do it clean at a tech level.

    Pher -> @ If we could be sure there is only one detonater, and take it out, and make sure there are no deadman timers, and if if if if...

    Shane -> Do you want to send one or something?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ ... I need you get the leader away from engineering, Pher. Especially away from our rogue engineer.

    rosetto -> But, to listen to it... sigh. Sorry. It's just all garbled Greek to me..

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Do you know who the leader is? I sort of assumed he was one of those assaulting the bridge.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Shane:: I'm betting on a disarm code; you know the bomb, so correct me if I'm wrong. We need to get it or convince them to send it.

    rosetto -> ::pulls up an earphone::Here, listen to this...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Whoever you were in contact with, I'd bet.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You can probably reach him on the same channel. If he's outside the Bridge, that makes this easier.

    Shane -> ::takes the earphone in his real hand and listens:: Sounds like they're arguing about something...

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ You ready to trace?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::patiently waits to see if the hostages can tell them anything else; but no one is forthcoming and moves for the exit; addresses the Vulcan:: All right. All of you stay here and lock the door behind us; you're safer here. ::opens door and cuts intervals to clear the corridor to the left::

    Joe Manning -> Sal, what's the engineer's name again?

    rosetto -> That's funny... All Klingon sounds like that to me... ::smiles::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::checks corridor to the right and nods::

    Byblos -> @Again I just add...one of those guys in engineering probably knows bombs...and probably will check on the device. That's how we...entered some Tranquility city banks from the sewers....checked on our bombs...then picked our time. :::shuts up:::

    rosetto -> (BRB::checking)

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Getting our Klingon linguist set up.

    Shane -> ::still listening:: Most of it is. Sounds like one of them's getting cold feet.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ It's a long story.

    Byblos -> @::quiets himself up for talking too much::

    rosetto -> It was "Francis K. Holstrum", Joe.

    Pher -> @ :: decides not to answer ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moves out first, heading right and V CSEC follows, eyes on rear::

    rosetto -> The background said that he went by "Frank"

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Shane:: You're Frank. Text communique only ...

    Pher -> @ They've got breaking into the bridge as their active task, guarding a few hostages and the bomb as the secondary.

    rosetto -> ::gets up and lets Shane sit down; walks over to Manning::

    Pher -> @ There was another merc that split off from the bridge group....

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pauses at junction to clear corner; looks toward V CSEC who reminds him with a gesture and he heads in that direction toward equipment storage::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ This is going to buy us seconds if it works, Pher. As soon as they're onto a ruse, they'll re-arm the bomb. Your team needs to be ready to storm engineering in a vacuum. Look for oxygen masks.

    Shane -> ::looks back to Joe with an annoyed look, then back to the console::I'm getting ready to cut Franks transmission to the leader.

    rosetto -> (BRB...getting watermelon... they're cutting it here... lol)

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ Is there a vac suit locker we can raid?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: Good thinking. Prevents his checking with the real Frank.

    Byblos -> @::looks around the hallway for emergency use only cabinets::

    Joe Manning -> As soon as we separate the two, you can transmit.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::comes up on equipment storage; pauses outside door at comm and looks at V CSEC who nods:: +Pher+ Affirmative. How many suits do you need?

    rosetto -> (BACK.. sorry... smelt really good... couldn't resist...)

    Joe Manning -> ::Paces a few steps in front of his chair::

    Byblos -> @Blast...never in Nausicaan size...::looks down again::

    rosetto -> ::Joe::Did you see the list of aliases on that background?

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ Me, You, Byblos, William.. and anyone else who wants to storm engineering in vacuum. Four minimum.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sal:: I didn't give it much time. If this guy was responsible for any other security breaches back home, that's info we can sell.

    Shane -> Here goes nothin'...::cuts Franks transmission and opens up a link to the raiders leader:: [EMERGENCY-DILYT GETTING NERVOUS-NEED DISARMING CODE IN CASE OF TRIGGER COMPROMISE]

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> There should be a storage locker with suits a few sections down from them to port.

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ Premium on Nausicaan size.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::shrugs at mention of Nausicaan size::

    Byblos -> @Boss..what are the odds of their being a suit my size? I guess I just have to have some Jyking luck!

    Joe Manning -> << When we're sure they're separated, Shane. Don't get an itchy finger ;) >>

    Joe Manning -> (( When we're sure they're separated, Shane. Don't get an itchy finger ;) ))

    rosetto -> I'm just kind of concerned. He could have been using anyone of them...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Did you catch that, Pher? Their Chief Security says there's a suit locker a few sections down from you to port.

    Shane -> ((Oh...scratch my last line!!!))

    Pher -> @ +Shane+ Heading there.

    Pher -> @ :: Starts to move with a come hither gesture to Byblos ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shrugs:: Could have been feeding helpful info back to the raiders that compromised a number of people ...

    Byblos -> @::byblos Follows Pher like an obediant Targ::

    Troy Parson -> ::slides up to Shane, taps him on the shoulder:: Erm...quick question.

    Joe Manning -> Unless it affects us, it's no concern of mine. But the victims might pay well if we let them know they've had a mole in their midsts.

    Shane -> ::annoyed:: What?

    Troy Parson -> Well, umm...you told me the ratio of air to explosive needed for this thing to go off, and the answer was "not much air"...

    rosetto -> Yeah, agreed... I question the integrity of spies...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ What about the tricorder; that still a priority?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: A small explosive is detonated at one of the doors to the Command Center. The door is breached, giving the two raiders access

    Troy Parson -> I've been thinking about the way the device is put together, and the way it's made...if it's screwed together tightly, there could be air trapped inside of it.

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ Joe does want to be sure there is no deadman timer being sent to the bomb, and Audrey is unavailable at the moment. We do need a tricorder.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Roger that.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods in Troy's direction:: Which is why we need to remove the casing that Shane mentioned.

    Shane -> ::keeps tapping at Rosetto's console, setting up a comm link to the raider's leader:: Triceron has been used for implanted bombs, so it doesn't need much. I'd say 1:0.5

    Byblos -> @pher if all else fails I just need a mask. I've been in hull breeches in my life.

    Pher -> @ I think we're stuck with that.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::readies to clear equipment storage and with a squeeze on the shoulder from V CSEC, opens the door and goes left:: Clear left.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> Clear right.

    Shane -> ::to Joe:: When are we cuttin' Frank's transmission?

    Joe Manning -> As soon as Pher's ready and the leader's been drawn away from Frank.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::begins sifting through the avaliable tricorders::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::finding a tricorder, tosses it to Ethan:: She said she wanted one that will detect transmissions; that one should work.

    Joe Manning -> ::Checks his chronometer:: Which shouldn't be long now.

    Troy Parson -> ::doesn't really know very much about Triceron bombs:: If I were designing an explosive device, I'd make it go off if the cover is taken off...Do you think that they should put a hole in it first, just to be safe?

    Pher -> @ :: Arrives at the suit locker and begins suiting up. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::catches tricorder and faintly grins; grabs a esuit off the wall and begins suiting up::

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: A general disarm code would cover that, no?

    rosetto -> ::walks back over to Helm to help Shane with transmission::

    Troy Parson -> Depends on how disarmed "disarmed" means. I'd have it rigged to blow up anyway if dismantled too quickly...but maybe that's just me.

    Byblos -> @You know when my father had his ship and our crew he had to spend a heck of a lot of latinum for Nausicaan sized suits. ::grabs a mask an oxygen supply::

    Shane -> ::still listening to the Klingon comm traffic, glnces at Troy::I figgered they'd cut or drill a hole in the case...

    rosetto -> ((Hey Chirakis))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::is suited up; checks that V CSEC is suited also:: +Pher+ Pher, Ethan. We're ready; meet you outside of ENG?

    Chirakis -> (Evening, Qob)

    Ethan Neufeld -> (Evening, Chi)

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes his head slowly:: We'll have Pher run a quick scan ... but we aren't going to have much time before the leader realizes something is up and re-arms it.

    Pher -> @ :: Closes her suit :: Ready. With you, Ethan.

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: Fair enough. ::sips coffee::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Roger. Moving out.

    Shane -> ::concentrates on the comm traffic:: The raider holding the trigger is Diklyt...sounds like he's gettin' nervous.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: You'll talk Pher through it when they reach the bomb. Until they do, keeping the leader away from engineering as long as possible is your priority.

    Byblos -> @::again obediantly readies himself to follow Pher like a Targ..to strike if ordered::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::re-clears corridor and moves out toward ENG with V CSEC::

    rosetto -> Yeah? Really? Glad you understand that...

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: On that note ... make sure -no one- in engineering can get in touch with him, not just Frank.

    Shane -> ::nods to Joe:: If we have ship-wide comm control, I suggest a jamming signal in Engineering after we send the disarming code.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: That should be good enough. Though try to avoid using anything that they can easily detect.

    Pher -> @ Byblos, the witch doctors think they have some way to disarm the bomb, after which things might get interesting.

    Pher -> @ I just don't know what they have in mind, yet.

    Pher -> @ It somehow involves a vacuum.

    Byblos -> @::looks rather silly in a mask with O2 hose:: If we ever get a sniper on board ::unaware of Ethan Neufeld 's skiils :: I'll be happy.

    Shane -> Chalk it up to radiation leaking from the core and we're good.

    Pher -> @ But I'm guessing we'll be storming engineering, neutralizing the few people left behind, then doing something with the bomb.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::is glad he isn't working alone anymore; someone he trusts to double-check his equipment and watch his back::

    Joe Manning -> @+Pher+ We're as ready as we can be over here, Pher

    Shane -> Who's at the ship's comm control over there?

    Joe Manning -> *minus the @

    Byblos -> @::the Bomb guy will no doubt check on the device if it is not functioning properly..I think an immediate kill will be needed. Er.stun I guess.

    Joe Manning -> Someone in the command center, I'd imagine.

    Pher -> @ +joe+ We're just about at the main entrance to engineering. What's happening?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::arrives at a section just outside ENG; keeps cover around the corner, waiting for the word from Pher::

    Byblos -> @pokes around and surveys the scene::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Pher, Ethan. At ENG.

    Pher -> @ Ethan, any sign of a stand down signal being sent?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ As soon as we confirm the leader and the rogue are separated, we're going to flush the oxygen and work on disarming the bomb ...

    Pher -> @ I'm right here, Ethan.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pulling out tricorder and scanning::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You've got to deal with the remaining hostiles. Shane will help you shut down the bomb permanently.

    Shane -> If we can send a quick message from the ship's systems to the main engineering console about radiation, it'll seperate the raiders and distract Frank for a bit...

    rosetto -> ::opens the manifest on a different display::It's Manchester, Kristina Manchester...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Figured we were on the other side of ENG from you. ::grins::))

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Could you have Shane brief Ethan on the bomb thing so I can focus on defense?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ He can hear you and will do.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ ... and Pher ... there's not going to be any oxygen and the hostages won't be protected. Keeping them alive has to be somewhat of a priority here.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ I'm going to take out the bad guys as fast as I can, then represurize. If it isn't going to work, I'll abort.

    Shane -> +AT+ Are you guys flushing the atmosphere out completely or replacing it with something?

    Byblos -> @::thinks:: I'm not used to letting hostages live. This is new.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ No on repressurizing, Pher. Engineering has to be oxygen free until the bomb is dismantled.

    Pher -> @ :: sighs ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::still scanning with tricorder:: We might be able to use a jefferies tube like an airlock; move the hostages out of ENG.

    Shane -> +Pher+ The bomb is a chemical explosive, we can't have anything in there to react with it.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Nobody said this would be easy. Get in touch with your buddy so we can find out where he is. We'll let you know if you need to lure him away from engineering.

    Byblos -> @looks at Pher:: complication?

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Could you seal off a small space just outside of Engineering then? We'll try to get the hostages out in that zone then close up and represurize that.

    Pher -> @ Infinite complications in infinte diversity.

    Byblos -> @Audrey will handle it....::half smiles behind mask::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You're in control. Should work as long as no oxygen reaches the bomb. Or any other sort of atmosphere. Total flush.

    rosetto -> (bend like the wind, Pher)

    Shane -> +Pher+ You need to get the hostages out before you depressurize. Otherwise you'll kill em quick.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Negative. I am not in control. Every time I propose something you tell me I can't. You're the boss, Joe.

    Byblos -> @::looks at Mercs..from around corner...trying to figure out WHO IS THE BOMB DUDE::

    Troy Parson -> ::leans on a nearby console:: If we're desperate for air pressure, we could go for a fire-suppressant flood instead of depressurization...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::completes tricorder scan; not to add to complications, but...:: Pher. Reading a repeating signal on 1250 cycles.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Ethan has a repeating signal on 1250 cycles.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ It's faint; might be localized.

    rosetto -> ::To Manning hearing Pher::That's the same as what we have here, captain...

    Byblos -> @Byblos pulls out from his chest a dagger....holds it in his hand and continues to look out for the BOMB GUY in ENGINEERING::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Sal:: Get that transmission information, Sal.

    Byblos -> @::dagger clearly meant for throwing::

    rosetto -> Oh... we're recording everything, sir... We got it...

    Shane -> ::looks to Troy:: That would work if the bomb doesn't have an internal air tank.

    rosetto -> Shane, what's being said here?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::puts tricorder away, glances at Byblos and slightly repositions his phaser carbine held in low ready::

    Shane -> ::listens:: They're storming the command center...the bomb man, Diklyt, is still nervous and starting to babble...

    Byblos -> @::Byblos clearly intent on heaving his dagger at the Merc who is the bomb specialist in engineering::

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: True...::thinks::

    Joe Manning -> Can you pinpoint sources and figure out where this Diklyt is, Shane? Is he on the Bridge?

    Byblos -> @::Upon Pher's command...::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances down briefly to ensure it's still set to kill; briefly wonders what Pher would say or if he should ask::

    rosetto -> ::taps some buttons::No... not far though...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((to ensure carbine's still set to kill^))

    Pher -> @ :: thinks she'll have to sit down with Joe after this is over. ::

    rosetto -> I'd say it's a room just off the bridge...You?::to SHane::

    Shane -> ::shakes his head:: He's in Engineering. Look at the sensor info for a man with an increased heat signature.

    rosetto -> Ah... okay... yeah... Gotcha.

    Pher -> @ Byblos? Ethan? Everyone? Are we content with a single point of entry, or should we split in two again.

    Shane -> He's gonna be monitoring the explosive...

    Pher -> @ I'm inclined to stay together. This is getting too complicated.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ AGreed. Single entry reduces the chances of laying crossfire on our own people.

    Shane -> ::to Joe:: Are we ready to cut this yet?

    rosetto -> ::To Shane::Could you mimick HIS voice?

    Byblos -> @ Yeah..if you want the hostages to live...::dagger in throwing position::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::is starting to think if they were going to make entry, they should have been doing it already::

    Pher -> @ OK. I'm inclined to go heavy stun as there are hostages in there, but if those suits are armored do what you have to.

    Shane -> ::to Rosetto:: I'm an engineer, not an actor.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes his head:: I don't think Pher is ready ...

    Joe Manning -> Cut his link to the raiders on the Command Center. That should make him wonder.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods::

    rosetto -> I'm thinking 'Diklyt' is in charge....

    Byblos -> @C`mon you pe`taQ...check you bomb ! ::Said hushly but intense::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks back at V CSEC; too bad he didn't have time to introduce her to Pher::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ What do you intend? We're at the door to engineering, but I for one am not sure what you intend.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stacks up on ENG door, waiting for go::

    Shane -> ::to Joe:: Want me to clarify things with Pher?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ I've been waiting for you to lure the leader away from engineering, Pher. We're working on it ourselves from here.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We'll give you the go-ahead when the bomb's been put to sleep.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ........ ::thinks: lure?::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wonders if 'lure' is a job best suited to certain talents::

    Pher -> @ :: Considers. Her usual method of luring won't work too well in a one size fits almost all vac suit. ::

    Joe Manning -> Just cut the link Shane. It's a matter of time before our people are discovered over there.

    Byblos -> @::sorry Pher...your charms are going to work with a space suit wack.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ They're raiders, right? There's always a right price?

    Pher -> @ We have to out bid the worth of the ship.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ We don't have to make good on it; just enough to get them out.

    Shane -> ::shrugs and turns towards the console:: Cuttin' the link between the engineering raiders and the raiding leader.

    Pher -> @ With both him an me in suits, Redera's methods won't work.

    Shane -> ::cuts link::

    Pher -> @ I somehow doubt calling him names and taking a few shots at him will make him leave his post.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wants to rub his face with his hand:: I mean money.

    Pher -> @ Anyone have any inspiring ideas for luring this guy out?

    Joe Manning -> Have our buddy Frank get in touch with a frantic message. Text only, Klingon.

    Pher -> @ Again, we're playing the game for the price of a ship. You have that much spare change?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: It's been confirmed that Diklyt has since joined the raiders in the Command Center

    Shane -> ::waits a few moments and sends text message to raiding leader in Klingon::RL:: [EMERGENCY-DIKLYT GETTING NERVOUS HAS CUT COMM-SEND DISARMING CODE IN CASE OF COMPROMISE-FRANK]

    Byblos -> @I don't understand..three of us ....three of them..three shots they're down. Sorry....this is new to me.

    Shane -> ((I thought Diklyt was the bomb guy...I'll change that))

    Pher -> @ Joe is concerned that this guy will blow the bomb on the first shot... and he might be right.


    Byblos -> @What he knows where bomb man is?

    Shane -> ((fyi, Jom is the bomb guy in Engineering now))

    rosetto -> ((the man with his hand on the triggerr))

    Byblos -> @Bombman has to be the one to drop first boss...that's all I know...but the jyking merc will not give himself away

    Shane -> ((yeah))

    Byblos -> @::does not recall the dead man switch possiblity from days on Tranquility...an error::

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> +Shane+ Kill him! I'm on my way down there

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Do we have a positive ID on the bomb guy?

    Pher -> @ Ethan, you have this door ready to open? I mean, reliably?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::waits to hear if they're going to be given the go or not::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods:: Yes.

    Shane -> ::hears the comm from the leader:: Pe'taQ! Leader is coming down with orders to kill him.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We're in touch with him

    rosetto -> See, I told you Diklyt was in charge... What are we gonna do know?

    Byblos -> @::Nausicann wipes sweat from around mask quickly::

    Joe Manning -> Make it urgent, Shane. Explosion imminent.


    Joe Manning -> And stall him any way you can. He reaches a battle in Engineering, we lost everything.

    Byblos -> @::hmm...the guy on the left...looks a bit spooked:: Guy on the left Pher looks...green? ::realizes he just said that to an orion::

    Shane -> +Pher+ Lock down that level if you can. The leader is heading your way.

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> +Shane+ Then UN-lock it down, damnit! ::Sends the disarm code to the bomb::

    Joe Manning -> Try to stall him, Shane. The infiltration team has a lot on their plate.

    Shane -> ::to bridge:: I've got the code.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: Make sure the bomb is sleeping.

    rosetto -> ::To Shane::Diklyt sent it to the bomb too!


    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Bomb is out. You're good to go.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks expectantly at Pher::

    Pher -> @ Ethan, open it up. Go go go!

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::opens door::

    Shane -> ::sends the disarming code on a wide broadcast in Main ENgineering::

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> +Shane+ If he's still alive when I get down there, I'm going to kill everyone!

    Pher -> @ :: Verifies wide beam heavy stun ::

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> +Shane+ That includes you.

    Pher -> @ :: Comes through, moving to cover, stunning on the fly. ::

    Byblos -> @Byblos stands behind Pher once he sees what she pulls out.....Dagger ready for someone who DOES NOT GO DOWN::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The raiders in engineering scramble for cover when gunfire is opened up

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The stun beam does not affect them. One tries to inform Diklyt


    Pher -> @ :: Hits the ones closest to cover first, stops to see if her fire has effect ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::rushes in after Byblos; goes left and follows wall; uses decisional shooting, quickly assessing who is armed and who isn't::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::fires on kill setting at raider scrambling for cover::

    Joe Manning -> ::Hearing Shane say the message out loud:: Damnit, Shane, we need the bomb asleep! Tell him Jom set it to detonate.

    Byblos -> @::dashes towards the warp Core .....maybe like hit me you fools so my friends can kill you ::

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 1> ::Gets nailed with Ethan's weapon blast and goes down::

    Pher -> @ :: Launches a few flash bangs behind cover if the bad guys get that far ::

    Byblos -> @::very vulnerable to weaponsfire running for the core::

    Shane -> ::to Joe angrily:: He doesn't know its disarmed! We're jamming comm traffic, remember?

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> ::Fires back at Byblos::

    rosetto -> ::sighs... looking useless, prsently::

    Pher -> @ :: Concentrats flash bangs on 2 ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sees raider 2 firing at Byblos; fires back trying to give Byblos covering fire::

    Byblos -> @Byblos ::hit stumbles forward and nearly falls on a hostage tied to the core::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shields eyes when he sees Pher throw flashbangs and hopes suit will protect his ears from ringing::

    Joe Manning -> He disarmed it himself according to Sal.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> ::Momentarily blinded after grazing Byblos with a shot::

    rosetto -> ::points to his sensor indicators. the bomb no longer glowing::

    Shane -> ((Oh, I thought he sent the codes to us))

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> ::Desperately trying to hold the fort::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::continues firing on raider 2 when flashbangs are over; trying to get in a triple tap::

    Joe Manning -> (( You were right. He did both ))

    Byblos -> @Jyking Leg!!!! Die pe` TaQ!!!!! ::throws dagger hard at Raider 2:::

    Pher -> Ethan I'll make him duck. You fire for effect ::

    Shane -> ::turns back to the comm console, grumbling under his breath::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Copy!

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> ::Takes a dagger in the leg. Looks frantically at the others wondering why the bomb hasn't gone off. Throws his weapon aside and raises his hands::

    Pher -> :: Switches to heavy stun fire, rapid, not trying to be overly accurate ::

    Byblos -> @::looks eye to eye with scared hostage:: Oh hello their...MY name is Byblos and I am here to rescue you.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::keeps his groupings tight and his fire well-controlled::


    Joe Manning -> @Raider> ::Dazed by Pher's stun blast, but not out completely. His arms waver a bit, but he throws them back up::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::chuckles at Byblos::))

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> Stop! Stop!

    Pher -> @ :: Moves in on the raider ::

    Joe Manning -> @Hostage> ::Screams into Byblos' face::

    Shane -> ((Nice Star Wars reference Byblos lol))

    Pher -> @ Everyone, out of the room! Move move!

    Byblos -> @::looks at leg..notes it's a graze...thank Nausicaa::

    rosetto -> ::looks at his sensors again and then to Shane:: Shane, direct him HERE and then have Pher head him off...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Is that a good idea? Isn't their leader on his way down?

    Byblos -> @Hostages Pher...cutting them loose!!!!

    Pher -> @ Do it, Byblos!

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The hostages, mostly in a panic, scream and scramble for the doors, conditioned to follow pretty much anyone's commands at this point

    Pher -> @ :: seperates raiders from weapons ::

    Shane -> ::to Rosetto:: He can set off the bomb. Not wise in my honest opinion.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::comes out of cover as the only two raiders in ENG are under control; one is down::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks away from the screens displaying status information, sips coffee to disguise nervousness::

    Pher -> @ Ethan, be ready on the bomb.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: How close is he?

    rosetto -> True...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::frowning; wondering what the hostages will see outside ENG; hoping for the best:: Copy. ::moves toward the warp core::

    Byblos -> @::unweilds hs sword:: NO worries I know I am the ugliest guy you met but we want you to work on that world you are going dig on...not like those other pe`TaQ. Sorry...I was born with this face.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Engineering semi secure. We're clearing people out.

    Shane -> He was on his way down. He hasn't replyed to my last message yet.

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> +Shane+ Almost there. Is it safe to re-arm?

    Byblos -> @::Frees hostage who probably will have nightmares of Byblos the rest of his life::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ how soon before we expect company?

    Byblos -> @::to Fleeing Hostage:: I can't help it if I am ugly!!

    rosetto -> Shane, have him rearm it! Then WE can disarm it again!

    Pher -> @ :: wondering if the vacuum inside will be more or less risky than giving hostages to the bad guy. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinks it's ironic how he normally would have handled hostages and how things turned out; also hoping there wasn't any enemies hiding among them::

    Joe Manning -> @+Pher+ We're working on making it a while. See if William can't seal some doors. Our ruse backs it up.

    Joe Manning -> Sal, send his location to Pher.

    Byblos -> @::stands wincing as he notes his leg wound:: Grrrrrr....


    Pher -> @ Ethan, you'll be in here alone. Byblos and I will protect the hostages.

    Shane -> UNWISE]*

    rosetto -> Aye, sir::sends message to Audrey::

    Pher -> @ William! see if you can seal everywhere but just outside the main door.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Sending you his blip. If he gets too close for comfort, take him out. Don't miss.

    Joe Manning -> @Cardboard William> ::Moves about::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Roger.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ I haven't got audrey. Send verbals to Byblos!

    Byblos -> @::looks to Hostages:: No seriously I am a good guy here..yes I know Nausicaans are ugly and we do tend to be a bit rough sometimes but my boss is the pretty Orion over there..and believe me she's more to worry about than ugly me.

    Joe Manning -> @Hostage> ::Byblos:: Just don't hurt me! ::Scrambling away towards the doors::

    Shane -> +Ethan+::speaking gruffly as usual:: Hey, Vulcan boy, you ready for this?

    rosetto -> ::sighs::Hmmmm

    Pher -> @ :: Pulls out pain stick and addresses hostages. :: MOVE!

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Ready.

    Joe Manning -> @Hostages> ::Cowed away at Pher's urging::

    Byblos -> @::limps a little bit retrieves dagger from Raider 2::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sees V CSEC coming up to keep him company while Pher and Byblos deal with hostages::

    Shane -> +Ethan+ Find a cutting laser. There should be one laying around there somewhere.

    Pher -> @ :: Drags downed raiders out of the room as well. Can't have them recovering inside ::

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> +Shane+ Unseal the engineering section! I can't get through!

    rosetto -> +Byblos+Diklyt in very close...

    Pher -> @ YOu do intend to behave yourselves, no?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::looks around until V CSEC once again produces what he needs, tossing cutting laser to him:: +Shane+ Copy. One in hand.

    Pher -> @ I would appreciate professional courtesy at this point, if at all possible.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> ::Pher:: We didn't want to hurt anyone, I swear! I was just doing what I was told!


    Byblos -> @I want to kill this pe`taQ of a merc...

    Joe Manning -> @Raider 2> ::Was pretty badly fried by Ethan's kill shot, though he may still be breathing::

    Shane -> +Ethan+ HAve you got the cutting laser? We're runnin' low on time here...

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> +Shane+ ::Shouts impatiently:: I'm wearing my biosuit!

    Joe Manning -> @Dilkyt> +Shane+ If you can survive it, I can!

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Affirmative. ::being more precise:: Have cutting laser.


    Pher -> @ Yah. I know. Still, your bosses are playing for high stakes. Just... behave, OK?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::gives V CSEC a look and she shrugs::

    Joe Manning -> @::Leans over the station and looks down at Shane:: Do be carefully you don't accidentally cross up these transmissions, Shane ...

    Byblos -> @Pher how you want to handle the counter attack....stunners or blades and poles?

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> +Shane+ And I'm the one in charge. I'm going to say this one last time. Open these doors!

    Pher -> @ Grab your friend and get him out of the room.

    Joe Manning -> @Raider> ::Takes over dragging the other raider::

    Shane -> Yeah, I won't. +Ethan+ Alright, accordin' to our sensor readin', there should be two small containers on the device. One for the triceron and on for an internal oxegyn tank.

    Pher -> @ :: to Byblos :: Whatever it takes. I'll be trying heavy stun. It does seem to get through the suits, as do daggers. Not battle armor.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Copy. See two containers.

    rosetto -> +Byblos+He's right outside the door...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We're about to flush, Pher.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Ten seconds and we're clear.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Try to not end up down the drain.

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ Air goes in ten!

    Pher -> @ :: Makes encouraging noises to hurry the exit. ::

    Byblos -> @Okay the Pe `taQ is yelling on the other side of that door ::points to door for Pher:: I'll gut him...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Copy. ::double-checks that suit is ready for vacuum::

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> ::Raps his fingers against the door and taps his foot quickly, impatiently waiting::

    Byblos -> @Cant let him get to the bomb...

    Pher -> @ Byblos. Take point then. I'll back you.

    Shane -> +Ethan+ One should be shielded and encased in shock absorbers. Thats the triceron, don't touch it. The other tank in the oxygen. Cut a hole through the casing and into the oxygen tank. before derpressurization.

    Byblos -> @::rather foolishly tries to be a hero..and stands at the door waiting for Diklyt to enter his sword ready to decaptiate the guy::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to confirm everyone is out ::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We're cutting.

    Pher -> @ Devil take hindmost!

    Troy Parson -> ::tries to sip coffee but fails, because the cup is already empty.::

    Troy Parson -> ::Mutters:: Here they go...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Copy. Cutting hole in O2 tank. ::begins cutting into casing of unshielded oxygen tank; begins to hear hissing sound::

    Pher -> @ :: Closes the door to engineering ::

    Shane -> +Ethan+ Tell me once you hear the hissin' stop.

    Joe Manning -> ::Winces at the hissing noise::

    Shane -> ::to Joe:: Don't depressurize till I give the word.

    rosetto -> ::on the edge of his seat::

    Pher -> @ OK, next step, everyone. Get as far away from my big ugly firend as you can. Around the corner and take cover.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Copy. ::finishes cutting and listens:: Tank is cut; hissing has stopped.

    Byblos -> @::has blade ready to swing....:: C`mon you bastard of a Targ!

    Pher -> @ We might have a bit of trouble in a bit.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Shane will send word when you can have Audrey do her thing.

    Shane -> ::to bridge:: Alright, we're ready.

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> +Shane+ I'm still waiting. I thought you had the situation under control.

    Byblos -> @::two handed grip on sword...he trusts Pher for the second move...::

    Pher -> @ +Audrey+ Evacuate air from engineering!

    Joe Manning -> Without the air, you're certain this thing can't explode, right, Shane?

    Pher -> @ :: Stands by a little behind Byblos, thinking he will be the obvious threat. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hears initial loss of air pressure in ENG::

    Pher -> @ :: puts down rifle, goes with girly gun and stick ::

    Shane -> ::shrugs, turning to Joe:: In theory, yeah.

    rosetto -> ::looks at Shane, concerned::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head slowly:: That's good enough for me considering that Mr. Diklyt will probably be pulling the trigger soon anyway.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::mouths:: This going to work?

    Pher -> @ :: looking back to make sure the hostages and captives are more or less behaving themselves, and gestures William to keep his eyes in that direction ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shrugs inside his suit::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You're good to circle around and take down the leader, Pher.

    Shane -> If he does, that could release the triceron into ENgineernin'. We'll have to flush it before we repressurize.

    Pher -> @ :: considers ::

    Joe Manning -> Byblos' program should be able to take care of that.

    Shane -> +Ethan+ Vuclan boy, look to the main engineering console.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Byblos and I have other plans.

    Pher -> @ I'm in no great hurry. Are you?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Roger. ::moves to engineering console; luckily artificial gravity is still working:: Okay, at console.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ However you want to tackle it, you're clear. The detonator is ... probably ... not a threat anymore. ::Glances at Shane::

    Byblos -> @::two handed grip on sword...he trusts Pher for the second move...:: Nope.

    Shane -> +Ethan+ Look for an emergency procedures menu. We need to set up a level ten force field around the core. That should protect the bomb from the rest of engineering until we can move it.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Could you review the positions of the remaining raiders. We have two down here.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Leader is outside your door. The other two are in the Command Center, which is cut off from Engineering comms ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Copy. Level 10 forcefield. ::waves V CSEC over, given he doesn't have the authority::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Those two remain a threat if they figure out anything is up. They can do a lot of harm from up there if you can't lock them out.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::arrives at main ENG console and sets up level ten forcefield around warp core; nods to Ethan when done::

    Shane -> ::to Joe:: The Vulcan's settin' up a force field around the core/bomb. That should keep it in a vacumm for now.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ ::looking over shoulder at warp core:: Forcefield is active.

    Pher -> @ Byblos, take a little time. Get ready to open the door. I'll spray stun, you close, I'll follow.

    Pher -> @ We haven't infinite time.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods in Shane's direction:: If anyone wises up to the atmospheric slice and corrects it, that'll give us an extra layer of protection.

    Pher -> :: Switches to opposite side of door from Byblos ::

    Byblos -> @What the hell is keeping this guy ::to Pher quietly::

    Shane -> +Ethan+ Now look around fer a sealed container with a wide mouth. Something like a chemical container or something. We need somethin' to transport the device.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You can restore atmosphere to engineering safely.

    Shane -> ::to Joe:: Wait wait! Not yet!

    Pher -> @ Don't know. Don't care. See if you can open the door and initiate this.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Copy. ::begins looking around and rubs the back of his...helmet::

    Byblos -> @Roger boss...we okay with the atmosphere to open.

    rosetto -> ::looks questioning at Shane???:::

    Joe Manning -> Forcefield's active ... the atmosphere shouldn't reach the core?

    Shane -> Do you guys want to move the bomb or not?

    Pher -> @ We've got the door to engineering closed. What happens here shouldn't effect Ethan.

    Joe Manning -> One thing at a time, Shane. Let's get it loose first.

    Byblos -> ::reaches for open door latch for Dikylt to enter looking at Pher::

    Joe Manning -> If Pher feels the need to move the hostages, I want her to have the option.

    Shane -> ::shrugs:: Alright...

    Pher -> @ :: Stunner at ready for the moment the door opens ::

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> ::Watches the doors open and glances from Pher to Byblos::

    Pher -> @ :: Opens fire with the stun pistol ::

    Pher -> @ :: Continues until Byblos closes ::

    Byblos -> ::SLASH:: Byblos swings from neck to opposite shoulder of Dyklit::

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> ::Staggers a bit but doesn't go down::

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> ::Hits a button on the detonator before Byblos' strike connects::

    Byblos -> @Byblos>::Jumps on top of Diklyt for a second thrust to the abdomen::

    Pher -> @ :: Waits watching Byblos's sword style to make sure she doesn't walk into it. ::

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> ::Lets go of the detonator before Byblos strikes the killing blow::

    Pher -> @ :: Tries to maneuver to back up Byblos ::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: A series of sparks flare from the bomb ...

    Byblos -> @Die Pe `taq!!! Oh s!!!!!

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::takes a bit longer this time, going through lockers:: +Shane+ Okay, fou... ::sees sparks from bomb:: Stand-by.

    Pher -> @ :: Decides he doesn't need much bak up ::

    Byblos -> @He dropped something PHer! Detonator I think!!!!

    Pher -> @ Hmm. Mildly excessive.

    Shane -> +Ethan+ What? What happened?

    Pher -> @ Well, we're still here.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: With a loud popping noise the bomb falls from the core to the deck in front of it

    Byblos -> @::Byblos realized he just may of messed everything up::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::hurrys up to warp core; turns to Ethan with wide-eyes:: They tried to detonate the bomb!

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Leader is town. Really really down. I think he punched the detonator, though.

    Joe Manning -> ::Leans over Shane's station, listening closely:: Sal, take the helm ... be ready to yank us away and get clear

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Bomb was detonated. Repeat; bomb was detonated. No visible damage at this time.

    Byblos -> @Pher..device on floor...on the right...take a peek....::curses at himself for not thinking ahead::

    Joe Manning -> @Bomb> ::Lies motionless and inert::

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir.. ::pushes Shane out of the way, politely::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pulls out tricorder to scan bomb::

    Pher -> @ :: Kicks the device away from the body. Looks at it. :: Looks like a trigger to me.

    Shane -> ::gets up from the station, still listenin to the comm traffic with the headste on::

    Joe Manning -> @Bomb> ::The chemical was released. It has flooded the force-field shielded area::

    Shane -> headset*

    Pher -> @ :: Checks to make sure the leader is truly down ::

    Shane -> +Ethan+ Did the chemical release?

    Joe Manning -> @Diklyt> ::Is not breathing::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Shane+ Confirm bomb was detonated and is expended. The chemical's trapped inside the forcefield around the warp core.

    Byblos -> @Stupid QoH! What have I done! ::shakes head then withdraws sword and plunges it again into the merc::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Byblos -> Byblos thinks he totally blew the op...with the site of the detonator...lol...he'll need his teddie bear tonight.

    Joe Manning -> Not really, Byblos ...

    Joe Manning -> We'd accounted for the detonator not being a problem. It would have been Shane's fault. ;)


    Joe Manning -> There are still two orders of business, though they are minor compared to the bomb ...

    Joe Manning -> The command center remains held. Command level hostages included.

    Joe Manning -> And questioning the (at least two) captives might yield some answers.

    Joe Manning -> Captives = Raider, Rogue Engineer, possibly the other Raider

    Pher -> And there is still a Constellation out there.

    Joe Manning -> That's one thing to question the captives about


    Ethan Neufeld -> I'm guessing the Rogue Engineer was among the hostages?

    Joe Manning -> He was

    Ethan Neufeld -> That's what I was afraid of...

    Joe Manning -> Though he wasn't about to fight or anything

    Ethan Neufeld -> Doesn't mean he won't try anything behind a turned back though.

    Joe Manning -> He probably tried to contact Diklyt, like one of the Raiders, but Shane was jamming the comms.


    Shane -> Engineering is still depressurized, right?

    Joe Manning -> Yes, Pher never pressurized it

    Pher -> She might have, but she had a brawl to work first. Priorities.

    Joe Manning -> It was there if you wanted to get the hostages to a safer place

    Joe Manning -> I was picturing you caught between engineering and Diklyt

    Shane -> Then Ethan, if you want we can handle the bomb displosal in logs


    Pher -> Pher intends to take Byblos up to the command center and start a little chat, leaving William with hostages.

    Joe Manning -> If you think you could log it, we can do it that way. If not, we'll pick it up next week

    Pher -> How gung ho crazy are the last two?

    Joe Manning -> They have the Captain. They'll use him in a last ditch effort.

    Pher -> If they are told no bomb and no leader, are they still likely to play the hostage game?

    Joe Manning -> But their major card has been played, so they can probably be talked down easily

    Pher -> How much of a hurry is Joe in at this point?

    Joe Manning -> He's worried about what the raiders can do from the command center once they know what's up ...

    Joe Manning -> He does want it wrapped up fairly quickly


    Byblos -> Did Byblos actually decapitate Diklyt..not that he is a mood to gloat he thinks he blew it...but that was his first strike

    Joe Manning -> I think Pher checking rules that out ;)

    Joe Manning -> Though Pher might just be paranoid, I don't know

  22. rosetto -> Am I mistaken, or are we headed back to Xorax? if so, why?

    Joe Manning -> The raiders who boarded the Verbistul demanded that the ship be taken back to the Hyades cluster

    Joe Manning -> We'd certainly like to avoid their reaching it

    Joe Manning -> But for the time being they are headed in that direction

    Shane -> And we're cloaked and tailing, correct?

    Joe Manning -> That's right, Shane


    rosetto -> So that Photon Topedo down there that's wired into the forward sensors is not actually a torpedo? :)

    Joe Manning -> It isn't down there anymore. :) It's actually clinging to Verbistul's hull now ...

    Joe Manning -> And using Verbistul's hull to provide more accurate sensor imagery for Pher's team

    Troy Parson -> Yeah, it's kind of a...spider-ish probe thingy now.


    Joe Manning -> Pher, Byblos, Ethan, William, and Robert are all on Verbistul contemplating how to proceed with the hostage situation

    Joe Manning -> The raiders are holding the engineers and also threatening to blow the warp core

    Shane -> How long has it been since the battle?

    Joe Manning -> Just long enough for Qob (cloaked) to join up with Verbistul


    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::looks down at his sensors::Captain, Verbistul, dead ahead...

    Troy Parson -> ::still breathing a little funny after having somewhat decompressed himself::

    Byblos -> ::in a squatting position stunner in hand::

    Pher -> @ :: Considering ::

    Robert Long -> @::contemplating::

    William Chocox -> @::Standing behind Byblos::

    Joe Manning -> Bring us alongside her, match speed and heading. And hope that the raiders aren't not paying too much attention to external sensors.

    Byblos -> @::awaiting his superiors orders, given rescue missions are not exactly his cup of bloodwine::

    rosetto -> Aye, sir::adjusts QoB heading...:::

    Pher -> @ +away team+ Everybody to me. Let's talk about Plan B.

    Shane -> ::still in Main Eng, monitoring systems and working power bypasses::

    Joe Manning -> @+Pher+ ::Taps at his ODRI:: Away team, do you read?

    Byblos -> @+Pher+ Copy.

    Shane -> <<color change>>

    Joe Manning -> *omit that @

    Joe Manning -> (( Remember, no >> symbols anymore :) ))

    Shane -> ((ah, I see...color change))

    William Chocox -> @+Pher+ Roger that.

    Byblos -> ::the Nausicaan sneaks around..hopefully undetected to Pher's position::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ I read. Might want to think comm silence, though.

    William Chocox -> @::trys his best to sneak to Pher::

    Robert Long -> @::attempts to sneak over to meet with the rest of them::

    Joe Manning -> @+Pher+ They probably think Verbistul is in the clear ... for reasons that should be obvious. I doubt they're watching too closely for comm's.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Troy's got a present for you

    Byblos -> @Eh Ex-Guardian this is more your cup of targ stool..you may have the best suggestions..aside from me killing everyone with a warp core blast!

    rosetto -> ::is thinking about the mission. Mind going at light speed::

    Troy Parson -> ::emerges onto the bridge, still panting slightly:: Well, that was fun.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Gold and jewels? A dress?

    rosetto -> ::looks up at Troy:: Ha...

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Troy:: Do whatever you need to do to get that thing feeding data to Pher's team.

    William Chocox -> @I would say wide beam stun and then clean up with single blast.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We can't pierce Verbistul's deck platings with sensors, so he's rigged a device to tap directly into the ship's deck plating. Don't ask me for specifics, I have no idea.

    Troy Parson -> ::nods, heads over to the console, starts pressing buttons::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Well. I suppose that would be more immediately useful than the dress.

    Ethan Neufeld -> (Back.)

    rosetto -> ::looks over at Troy, kind of imressed::

    rosetto -> ^impressed

    Pher -> @ Audrey, open for incoming data.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::to Pher:: What about Verbistul's internal sensors?

    Pher -> @ :: Keeps an eye on Audrey, helping her, if necessary, connect with any incoming feeds. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @^

    Troy Parson -> ::presses a few more buttons, and looks up at Joe:: The probe should start transmitting shortly...

    Pher -> @ Might be useful, Ethan. If you can hook in, do it, but keep half an ear open.

    Pher -> @ I'm also thinking in terms of small holes in the walls... holes just big enough to see through, and perhaps shoot phasers through.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ ::Overhearing:: Internal sensors are probably what Troy's tapping into. There's very little that can pierce that ship's plating, so their internal systems are all mostly line-based.

    Pher -> @ Plan B might be to open up little holes then try to take em out unfairly.

    rosetto -> ::notices a slight shift in course by Verbistul... corrects QoB::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Noted.

    Pher -> @ Any refinements or suggestions? :: Looks about at her away team. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::gives Pher a look; thinking: any fight that's fair was fought wrong:: Right.

    Joe Manning -> ::Frowns:: Sal ... I want you to run some data analysis.

    rosetto -> ::looks up::Sir? Okay..

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps into Sal's station with his ODRI and transmits data:: These are the personnel records for the Verbistul, courtesy of the Captain.

    rosetto -> ::slides his chair over to sensory displays::

    Shane -> ::activates the comm on his console::+Bridge+ Captain, this is Shane. I've got shields at 30%, though the recharge rate is going to be hampered with cloak and the sensor boost.

    Joe Manning -> Can't say how complete they might be, but you're good at poring over data. Let me know if anything seems suspicious.

    rosetto -> ::sees incoming data and begins to peruse it::

    William Chocox -> @Do we have any stun grenades?

    William Chocox -> ((To Pher*))

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ Not too worried about that as long as we're cloaked. And there's no sign of the Constellation yet.

    Pher -> @ :: Holds up a long weapon which seems to have a grenade launcher barrel ::

    rosetto -> ::looks up at Manning and NOds:: Aye, sir... A careful eye...

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Data starts to flow onto Pher's ODRI display. Five armed assailants in engineering. Two guarding the two flights of stairs, three huddled with the hostages on the upper level

    Pher -> @ smoke, flash bangs or sleepy gas. No stun fields, though.

    rosetto -> ::The document starts with a general manifest::

    Pher -> @ OK. I've got a data feed.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: A device with exotic chemical components is attached to the warp core

    Ethan Neufeld -> (Back, I think.)

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The raiders are all wearing full-body suits with masks

    Pher -> @ Two guarding the stairs, three with the hostages near the warp core and right near the bomb.

    Shane -> ::in a bad mood as usual::+Bridge+ There wasn't a sign when she before showed up either. Shane out.

    Shane -> before she showed*

    Pher -> @ Ach, well equipped. Fully body suits with masks. Gas won't do much.

    William Chocox -> @How much protection would the suits give them.

    William Chocox -> ((?*))

    Robert Long -> <<Pher PM

    Robert Long -> ((Pher PM))

    Shane -> ::stands up straight, re-assesing his priority list for a moment::

    Pher -> @ :: Shows William an image of the suits. :: Don't recognize that model of suit. Can you tell?

    Robert Long -> ((nvm))

    rosetto -> ::looks up to captain::Sir, The person third from the bottom... It seems that he has not been with this party very long.

    Byblos -> @Okay...these guys are EQUIPPED. Hopefully not in the head however. ::the Nausicaan is amazed at how prepared the Raiders were::

    Robert Long -> @Pher, any signs that the hostages are injured at all?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at his ODRI and the item indicated by Rosetto::

    Joe Manning -> An engineer ...

    rosetto -> Yeh.

    Pher -> @ Hostages... might be roughed up a bit.

    Joe Manning -> Any background information? Prior employment history? Vacations in the Rimward Territories?

    Pher -> @ Don't see anyone really laid out, though.

    Pher -> @ :: To Byblos :: Yah. It's almost like they've done this before.

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs, relieved that the probe's pre-written code seems to have given it enough wherewithal to figure out what to do (with a bit of prompting), and heads over to the bridge coffee machine...not having coffee during a crisis simply won't do::

    Robert Long -> @I suggest we move fast, just in case they are hurt badly...we can't be too sure.

    Byblos -> @Weapons? ::watching the back more out of sight since he's a bit tall::

    rosetto -> I'll have to go into the lab to get details, sir. SHouldn't take long though...

    Byblos -> (re Raiders)

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Two of the raiders and a number of the hostages begin moving down one of the stairwells

    Shane -> ::runs his one hand through his dreads and sighs, before tapping away on the main console again::

    Pher -> @ They're moving.

    rosetto -> ::sets NAV to AUTO-TRACK::

    Byblos -> @::observes::

    Pher -> @ Anyone with a screen, tie in and see if you can figure out who is carrying the bomb trigger.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: They file out a door on the far side of engineering and proceed through the corridors

    rosetto -> ::looks at Troy::You got this. It's on auto... I'll be right back, okay?

    Pher -> @ (Expletive) They've bypassed the captain's lockdown.

    Joe Manning -> Troy, grab the flight station before we crash into the Verbistul, would you?

    Troy Parson -> ::nods to Rosetto, sips coffee::

    Troy Parson -> ::slides into the flight station:: Got it.

    Pher -> @ :: Tries to figure out where they are going, sort of assuming they are going for the bridge ::

    Byblos -> @Okay these guys are pros...::whispering:: Targ Stool..might have to blade them individually..if they spread thin enough.

    rosetto -> ::gets up from his seat and let's Troy take over::It's all on auto, Troy... All you'll have to do is monitor..

    Robert Long -> @::waits to be told what to do::

    Troy Parson -> All right. If we're lucky, I might even avoid flying into the sun while you're gone.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The Verbistul diagram indicates they're slowing down in the vicinity of the crew quarters

    rosetto -> ::leaves bridge laughing::

    Pher -> @ Going towards crew quarters...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Verbistul CSEC> ::softly calls as she walks up from the front, toward Pher and Ethan:: Selek. ::tosses a phaser carbine to Ethan::

    Pher -> @ All follow. :: Starts moving so as to get between engineering and the bad guys that left engineering ::

    rosetto -> ::enters Science Lab (right off bridge)::

    Byblos -> @Copy Boss...::follows::

    William Chocox -> @::Moves with Pher::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::catches carbine and immediately checks charge:: Thanks. ::waves for CSEC to follow along::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @^

    Pher -> @ OK. Any reason not to take these guys down as they come back?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Report. What's up over there, Pher?

    rosetto -> ::sits down at the console and logs into the system::

    Byblos -> @::pulls out shanks..about 8 inches long ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the various flashy icons on the navigation console, hoping to find a harmless place to put down his mug::

    Robert Long -> @::follows at the end of the group::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Half the detached hostage group enters their quarters. The raiders and the other half of the hostages continue through the corridors

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Small group of mercs left Engineering. Am positioning to take them out. If they are obliging enough to divide, I'm in a mood to conquer. Comments?

    William Chocox -> @Depending on how well the body suits protect them they may be able to alert their comrades.

    rosetto -> ::types in "Francis K. Holstrum" and then "History"::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::to Pher:: Might alert the others. Depends on how much contact they have with their friends.

    Byblos -> @::tries to get a count on the Raiders::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Continuing to divide.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ If you think it's tactically feasible. And won't result in the ship exploding ...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Troy's bug giving you any better picture in engineering?

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Dropped off some of the hostages in quaters.

    Byblos -> @::Nausicaan gestures to Ethan with one of his Shank Blades with draw across the neck::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Yes.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The raider+hostage group is proceeding in the direction of Verbistul's command center

    rosetto -> ::several results return. Only three are Engineers.::

    Pher -> @ Ethan. Those in quarters seem to be unescorted. Go to them. Find out what they know.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::holds up hand at Byblos to hold and says to Pher:: It might be better if we avoid contact for now and try cutting fuel to the warp core first.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Does the warp core threat appear genuine?

    Byblos -> @::continues to squat walk wishing he were in his 20's again::

    Pher -> @ +V Captain+ There is a raid party heading your way. Secure your doors. Well. Your securing of the Engineering doors didn't work.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Yes.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Yes, ma'am. ::gestures to CSEC to follow him and splits from group::

    Pher -> @ Ethan, talk to the released hostages. Everyone else... we're going to try to come up behind the raid party.

    Joe Manning -> Troy, check out the sensor readings of their engineering section ...

    rosetto -> ::is reading "marital status:single finance:poor"::

    rosetto -> ::thinks he's located his pigeon::

    Byblos -> @Pher ..tell them to weld their bridge door shut...that nearly botched a robbery we did on tranquility.

    Pher -> @ :: Examining floor plans looking for a good place to counter ambush ::

    William Chocox -> @Gotcha

    Pher -> @ +V Captain+ Weld the door shut if you can, or melt down the drive motors.

    Joe Manning -> @Captain> +Pher+ Acknowledged. We are sealing the doors and and preparing a defense ... but if they threaten to kill the hostages again, we're back to square one.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moves down corridor at a steady but cautious pace, stopping at corners and cutting the pie before continuing::

    rosetto -> ::gets up and logs off, convinced::

    Shane -> ::most things secure for the moment, decides to head for a cup of coffee, heading down the stairs outside the Main Eng.::

    Troy Parson -> ::checking the sensors:: From what I see here, it appears to be so, but the ship's sensors aren't very good at getting through their hull.

    Troy Parson -> The probe should be able to find out more, though.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::brings up six behind Ethan::

    rosetto -> ^scratch that... oops!

    Pher -> @ +V Captain+ You want to surrender? If I can't do nothing if they threaten the ship, I might as well retreat into a corner and watch the show.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Use the probe. Maybe we can work out a way of disarming the bomb from here.

    Shane -> ::walks down the neck corridor and ducks into the lab, pouring himself a cup::

    Byblos -> @ ::grunts...thinking...A Feddie ship..fighters...Space suits..and a bomb in force..this crew clearly has CASH::

    Joe Manning -> I'm betting Shane is more an expert on bombs than we'd be comfortable with.

    rosetto -> ::sends data to Mannings ORDI, logs off and rises; convinced::

    Joe Manning -> @Captain> I recommend you do something fast then. These people sound serious.

    Troy Parson -> All right...hopefully, the probe will agree to break stealth and transmit to us as well as to the away team.

    rosetto -> ::returns to bridge, pleased that it's still there::

    Joe Manning -> I doubt they can see out as well as we can see in. Despite my suspicions that they have someone on the crew working with them ...

    rosetto -> I see we're still afloat..

    Joe Manning -> ::Receives the new ODRI data and checks it over::

    Byblos -> @ ::to noone in particular:: Blast they have more guys than I thought. Anyone got a count?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The two raiders stop outside one of the entrances to the command center

    rosetto -> It's okay Troy, I got it...::smiles::

    Shane -> ::walks down the coridor and steps into the bridge, sipping his coffee::

    Pher -> @ OK. Two are just outside the command center. Let's see where the rest are going...

    Byblos -> @::the Nausicaan looks silly trying to hide behind the Orion's silouette::

    Pher -> @ They had a half dozen back in engineering.

    rosetto -> ::sees Shane:: Hey Big GUy...

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The hostages remain huddled around the raiders. Three raiders remain in engineering

    Troy Parson -> Glad you're back...I wasn't sure where to put my coffee on this terminal. ::heads back to the science station to transmit a rquest to the probe::

    rosetto -> ::looks at Troy, then at the coaster on the left; then back at Troy and smiles::

    Robert Long -> ((afk))

    Joe Manning -> @Captain> +Pher+ They're demanding that we open the doors ...

    Joe Manning -> Shane ... you've got some bomb knowledge, I presume?

    Shane -> ::grunts at Rosetto and steps up to the science station, idly glancing at the sensor readings::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::comes up on corridor outside quarters where hostages were stashed, intervals at corner:: ::to CSEC:: Passage is clear.

    Byblos -> @ So six...Got to stop these guys at the bridge doors Pher..the Civilian crew is going to get spooked eventually.

    Shane -> ::answers while still looking at the console:: Yeah.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ They want access to the command center. They have broken up into small groups. While they are better equipped than me, we outnumber any of their small groups.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ I can't give you a guarantee, but if you don't let me play I can't play.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::nods::

    Byblos -> @::wants to gut the guys at the bridge door::

    Shane -> ::moves closer and taps at the console over Troys shoulder, looking at the data:: I assuming thats the supposed bomb on the core?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Best guess ... if you take out the detached group, would the main group be aware?

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises an eyebrow at the ODRI data from Rosetto::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Yes. They're good, and they're well equipped.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::having tapped into the V's com network, frowns at the conversation going on; really doesn't like how this is unfolding::

    rosetto -> ((AFK))

    Pher -> @ +V's Captain+ Stall a bit, please.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stacks up at the door to the quarters where hostages are stashed; waits for signal from V CSEC that she's ready::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ ... keep playing along, then. Gather intel. We're going to look into ways of disarming the bomb.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::squeezes Ethan's shoulder::

    rosetto -> ((back))

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at Shane:: I believe so, yes.

    Pher -> @ +V's Captain+ OK. This isn't the time to fight while they still have the bomb.

    Troy Parson -> I've got some data back from the probe on it...

    Byblos -> @ ::holds his fists tightly around shanks in impatience:: I hate waiting....::looks down on floor::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: Disarming it without touching it would be preferable.

    Pher -> @ +V's Capt+ Say you are trying to open, but you've welded it shut, it'll take time... Stall.

    Joe Manning -> Disarming it from another room would be ideal.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::slaps panel and opens quarters door; rushes in, immedately going left::

    rosetto -> ::looks at Manning::So, what do you think, sir? Definitely our guy? Needs money... loner... perfect profile...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::goes right::

    Joe Manning -> @Captain> +Pher+ Will do, Qob.

    Shane -> ::to the rest of the bridge:: Looks like triceron explosive, enough to take out the ship and then some. If these guys are smart, they've rigged it with a power monitor to the core.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::weapon is drawn on hostages:: Get on the floor!

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Rosetto:: Certainly seems interesting ...

    Pher -> @ :: To the rest of her people :: OK. Let's position to rush them. We're not going to rush for the time being, but let's be ready to go at no notice.

    Joe Manning -> Wish we could tap into the Guardian database and find out where he came from. Might have been running with the group originally.

    Byblos -> @I told Shane to c'mon this frakkin mission...::aggitated clenching shanks::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the data, shaking his head:: To be honest, I'm not sure how to even start disarming something like that...

    Joe Manning -> @Hostages> ::Quickly get down on the floor::

    Pher -> @ I'd like to make them a bit nervous, but not nervous enough to push big red buttons. We'll likely back off in a bit.

    rosetto -> Yeah, unfortunately, we don't own a Feddy Starship... ::smiles::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Left clear.

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> ::Getting down:: Please, we've done everything you've told us!

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> Right clear.

    William Chocox -> @Let's just take care of this and then you can argue with Shane over who should have been here.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Very strong suspicion that one of the engineers is working with these guys, Pher ...

    Byblos -> @ I could use another spinal adjustment...::grins at William at his comment::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::to hostages:: Don't move. Keep your hands where we can see them. Do any of you have weapons or are injured?

    Shane -> ::grunts, thinking:: We could start by emptying the atmosphere in Main Eng. Triceron is a chemical explosive and should require oxegyn to ignite.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Best explanation for how they got a transport signal through to the center of the ship. Someone must have been relaying from inside.

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ One of the engineers may be working with the bad guys.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Noted.

    rosetto -> We could phish the beacon update without being noticed. It's older data, but it might contain just what we're looking or too?

    Shane -> Unless its self-contained, then we're screwed.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Copy. We're at crew quarters and taking care of the hostages now.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: Can you tell if it is?

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ Any information about what's going on would be appreciated.

    Joe Manning -> Apparently these guys are biosuited. They might have been anticipating an atmospheric flush.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::gestures at V CSEC to pat the hostages down one-by-one while he keeps watch::

    Byblos -> @::overhears thinking...these guys are frakking good, only Qob suprised them..then they'd have everything::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC ::nods and begins checking hostages for possible weapons::

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks for a second:: How much oxygen does it need relative to the amount of explosive?

    Shane -> ::shakes his head:: Not from here. We could jam their triggerin' signal. until we could remove it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Copy.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Rosetto:: Short-range comms I'm not worried about, but sending out subspace waves might raise all sorts of red flags.

    Byblos -> @Crap..is the illogical non Vulcan called Ethan handling that by himself Pher or has he met up with ship security?

    Shane -> ::Troy:: Not much. 3 cubic mm is enough to take out the room.

    rosetto -> Sir, we would not be sending out anything... Phishing is essentially listening to the traffic...

    Pher -> @ Don't know, Byblos. Ask if you'd like.

    Pher -> @ :: Thinking ::

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> ::Glances up at Ethan:: We are just engineers. We do not carry arms. Nor would we attempt resistance.

    Byblos -> @+Ethan+ Byblos...you got back up where you at? Need assistance?

    Troy Parson -> ::sips coffee:: I see. Potent stuff, that.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Sal:: Traffic related to the very person we're interested in? It would be one in a million.

    Shane -> If we could empty the atmosphere in their enginerrin' room, then crack the seal on the bomb, that should neutrilize it.

    Troy Parson -> Yes, but as you said, that assumes that it's not self-contained. Which, given the small amount of oxygen needed, it probably would be.

    rosetto -> yeah, it would only contain update inormation... information that has changed... It would be a long shot...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::to hostages, nodding at the Vulcan:: That might be true, but understand that we're not accustomed to taking risks. If you threaten our safety at any time, you will be shot. We're from the Qob and here to rescue you. Do you have any information on the enemy that we can use?

    Joe Manning -> ::Blinks at Shane:: Assuming we could access their atmospheric systems, wouldn't cracking the seal have to come first?

    Troy Parson -> At those ratios, even if they just closed it up tightly when they were making it, there could easily be enough air trapped inside, even without a dedicated tank.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ V CSEC> ::nods that the engineers are clear of weapons, returns to help watch the door::

    Shane -> ::shrugs:: It could. But emptying the atmosphere would keep the raiders in the room from setting it off.

    Pher -> @ If we have to be absolutely certain before we move, how do we become absolutely certain?

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to Byblos and William ::

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> Qob? ::Looks around quickly:: You're here to rescue us? ... we don't know what exactly they want ...

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> They requested that the ship be returned to the Hyades cluster. They intended to ransom us.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Byblos+ Negative. We're good.

    Byblos -> @::looks to Pher :: They know we are aboard...want them to think we are stupid...make them underestimate us...have me rush those two with blades...I get shot ..well I get shot..

    Troy Parson -> That'd require the ability to instantly decompress the entire compartment...

    Shane -> ::furrows his eyebrows:: Where are we gettin' this data from?

    Byblos -> @Illogical Ethan is OK he reports Pher.

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes a deep breath:: Sal ... check the sensor logs. Look for any signals that were transmitted between Verbistul and the Constellation ship

    rosetto -> ::looks at Shane::Troy's 'thingy'...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::to hostages:: You can stand up. ::to Vulcan specifically:: What about the bomb on the warp core?

    Pher -> @ Yah. We may eventually have to roll the dice, but Joe doesn't want to roll dice.

    Pher -> @ :: Nods to Byblos ::

    Troy Parson -> Most of it's coming from the passive data tap and hullmetal ultrasonar on the probe.

    rosetto -> Aye, sir... I will research that history...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Find out if you can't crack into their atmospheric systems, Pher. Be discreet.

    Byblos -> @::most Law enforcement guys think we are stupid ..Nausicaans...I'll play the role if needed.

    Ethan Neufeld -> (( Have I missed any other coms/tags? Lag on this sat is pretty bad atm. ))

    rosetto -> ::calls up sensor logs from the battle::

    Pher -> @ Byblos, think you could break into atmospheric systems?

    Byblos -> @::looks to William .:: You do think I look stupid right? hehe

    Shane -> ::blinks:: Does yer thingy have a cutting torch?

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> ::Gets up slowly, looking at his apparently Vulcan rescuer:: I could not relay any details beyond ... it looks quite sophisticated. They seemed willing but reluctant to use it. They seemed to value the ship.

    Pher -> @ Fraid not. This is a long heavy stunner, not a fleet capable phaser at the moment.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods:: Do you know what kind of eyes they have? Do they have control of internal sensors? How do they communicate with each other?

    Robert Long -> ((back))

    Byblos -> @Your asking me to slice into the Vestibule's atmospheric systems....I've done alarm work...but that would be new...hmmm...Have to see the console to give it a try Pher.

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> From engineering? They have access to virtually any of our systems if they are familiar enough with them.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at Shane:: Unfortunately, it's a contact system only. Basically, it's got a big dish on the front that it presses up against the hull.

    rosetto -> ::thinking to self "Well, what do you know... Mr. Holstrum made a contact just prior to the attack"::

    Pher -> @ Well, they have engineering and we can't access the bridge. Where else would there be a console? Is there a life support room?

    William Chocox -> @Yes I actually do think you are stupid Byblos, but I do know that there is knowledge about a lot of different things behind that ugly face of yours.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Any estimation on how familiar they might be?

    Byblos -> @Your Audrey still down?

    Troy Parson -> I didn't have time to give it anything by way of general-use tools. ::frowns::

    Pher -> @ Audrey is fine.

    rosetto -> I think there's something here, boss... A message sent from Holstrum...

    Pher -> @ I'm not particularly good at breaking into computer systems, though.

    Byblos -> @Find an ODN junction on Audrey....and Ill pay it a visit. Should be some sort of control box there.

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> I ... I do not know. They forced the engineers to do most of the work. Mr. Holstrum mainly.

    Pher -> @ Audrey, plot locations of ODN junctions please.

    Troy Parson -> Why, though...what were you thinking?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Where is Mr. Holstrum?

    Pher -> @ :: Shows the screen to Byblos ::

    Byblos -> @ I haven't sliced an Air Conditioner before...bank electronics and vehicles..yes.

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets up and moves over to Sal's station::

    Byblos -> @Okay 10 meters aft...one deck up.

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> He was not with our group, so he must be in engineering. Unless more of the hostages have been taken from engineering.

    rosetto -> ::notes captains approcah and leans to one side::

    Pher -> @ Take lead, Byblos. Everyone with Byblos.

    Pher -> @ :: Shifts to rearguard ::

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> They may have simply considered him an easy target for intimidation. He is rather ... slight.

    Byblos -> @I'll give it a shot.....::smells his armpit:: This one is getting rough.

    Shane -> ::looks to Joe:: Once the AT has access to atmospheric control, have them connect their comm to the inter-ship systems. We'll need to transmit a jammin' signal. ::to Troy:: We need something to crack the casing on the bomb.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Okay ::to the rest of the hostages:: If any of you have anything that can help us -- about the pirates, their bomb, their capabilities, or the other hostages -- now is the time to tell me.

    William Chocox -> @::moves to the middle::

    Robert Long -> @::goes right in the middle of the others::

    Joe Manning -> ::Narrows eyes at the console and looks at Shane:: I think we might be able to get the frequency of their arming device.

    Byblos -> @::heads towards ODN Junction 10 meters aft:: Pher..I need Audrey to give me an access to the next deck up..a vent..a tube..whatever.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sal:: It looks like these signals were used to receive the transport beam. And they're all on the same coded frequency.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Moving to an ODN junction.

    rosetto -> ::Manning::Yeah... I see...

    Shane -> ::considers that option:: That'd work better. The device might be needin' a constant signal to keep from explodin'.

    Pher -> @ Audrey, release bracelet. :: Hands Audrey to Byblos ::

    Pher -> @ Take care of her.

    Byblos -> @::Byblos looks at the ODRI named Audrey:: Okay...this will help..2 meters got a tube on the right. going to be tight

    rosetto -> He had a perfect opportunity to pull them out of warp at the precise coords....

    Pher -> @ :: Makes a note to equip her people. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ +Pher+ Pher, Ethan; hostages say there's a Mr. Holstrum helping the pirates. If there's a mole, he could be it. The pirates have access to all ship's systems and likely know how to use them. Last known location was ENG.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Holstrum's last known location was ENG.^

    Pher -> @ Audrey, acknowledge Ethan.

    Byblos -> ::appraoches tube access hatch upon hearing new info:: Your call boss

    Pher -> @ Try it.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: Pher's working on the atmosphere controls now.

    Byblos -> ::grunts and gently detaches hatch::

    Joe Manning -> If we can separate the guy holding the remote from Holstrum, I have an idea.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::receives Audrey's acknowledgement and gives V CSEC a look; wonders what exactly is going on::

    rosetto -> ::looks at Manning with a query in mind::

    Byblos -> @::sets hatch aside Okay 2 meters up the ladder..Hops in tube...BARELY::

    Shane -> ::to Joe:: I'm assumin' you there's no one in Engineerin' worth savin'...explosive decompression will do "wonders" to anyone left in there.

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> ::Ethan:: There is one thing that I probably should mention ... though it did not seem terribly relevant to our predicament.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ What is it?

    Robert Long -> ((Joe PM))

    Pher -> @ :: Turns to the others :: OK. Eyes in all directions. I'm blind without Audrey.

    Joe Manning -> @Vulcan> One of the intruders mentioned that the exchange might take too long. That the colony could not afford to wait.

    Byblos -> @::2 meters is about Byblos' height....he is instantly their looks at Audrey ...no blips...opens hatch and spills out on next deck up::

    William Chocox -> @On it ::starts watching::

    Byblos -> ::notes equipment hatch to his right:: Got it.

    Joe Manning -> Until we know more about how that bomb works, I don't want to find out what wonders it could do.

    Pher -> @ :: Up towards Byblos :: Should we follow?

    Byblos -> Okie dokie...C'mon out deploy..Pher have Audrey..she dont like my smell. I got the hatch here...opening...

    rosetto -> Sir, didn't that brief I sent you give mention to an issue that Holstrum had with BlaQ Chemicals?

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Byblos -> Okay so Byblos is ready to attempt to slice the system..he's at the junction box...we just are on another deck up...not sure how you want to cover the big guy

    Ethan Neufeld -> We focusing on the alternate plan to disarm the bomb?

    Joe Manning -> We'll try to scramble whatever remote detonation system is set up then knock out the raiders

    Ethan Neufeld -> Knock how how? Any set plan on that?

    Joe Manning -> Well, you'll hope that Pher's stun at least will work ...

    Joe Manning -> If not, keep them away from the bomb somehow so someone can slip in and remove the casing

    Pher -> And pher isn't at all certain what those suits can do

    Ethan Neufeld -> I had the V' CSEC bring up Ethan's personal rifle. Has a kill chip. You want me to use or not to use?

    Joe Manning -> Might be necessary to use it

    Joe Manning -> That would be at Pher's discretion ultimately

    Shane -> The bomb may have to have a constant signal from one of the raiders. If he's knocked out or incapacitated, it might set off.

    Joe Manning -> Unless we can get the frequency of the signal and replicate it

    Ethan Neufeld -> Might be a good idea to cut fuel to the warp core anyway. Prevent a detonation from unloading tons of antimatter into the ship.

    Shane -> Well, we figured the bomb has a power level monitor

    Shane -> If these guys are well equipped, then its safe to assume they though of everything.