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Joe Manning

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Posts posted by Joe Manning

  1. My favorite scene in the series was G'Kar's speech in the council chambers after Narn fell.


    "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies can not stand. The Centauri learned this lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be free."


    Pretty much anything he or Marcus said could classify as my favorite quote.


    Honorable mention goes to Ivanova: "You will resist, I hope?"

  2. I'm afraid to say I will *not* be your host for tonight's Red Star. But the club's doors are always open, so feel free to get together anyway. First one behind the bar gets to tend it (except for Vanroy, who, as always, is not allowed behind the bar).


    If there are no GM's in sight at 11pm et, assume that the Academy is cancelled.


    I should be back next week. See you all then! :)

  3. NX-05 Challenger

    Mission Briefing -- May 14, 2156


    Challenger's crew has cleared the hurdle of their would-be slavers and reached Mingavon, an Orion station operated by six Syndicate kingpins. From here, two teams will infiltrate Klingon space separately, one in search of M'ehl and the kidnapped Starfleet officers, the other en route to the Klingon homeworld.


    Mingavon is the place to gather information and resources needed for the perilous voyage ahead. In the station's dark corridors, merchants of every variety peddle their wares and services. Rago will escort Commander Rex and his team to one of The Six, who will, hopefully, provide information that can lead the crew to M'ehl. Captain Moore's team will attempt to acquire a ship and needed supplies.


    Starfleet has assured the crew that The Six can be trusted, but Mingavon remains a dangerous place. Everyone must be on guard, including the crew remaining on board Rago's transport.

  4. Attention Red Star patrons, fans of The Original Series, and everyone else (except those who choose not to frequent these boards)! If you haven't seen the announcement on the main page, take heed!


    From this point forward, the Red Star Nightclub in-character chat will be gin at 10:00 pm eastern time. It will also be whiskey, Andorian ale, Bloodwine, and all the other fine beverages served at Red Star! Additionally, it will begin at 10:00 pm eastern time (I guess we know what A9's favorite drink is). Remember, all STSF players and well-behaved guests are welcome to take part! Ill-behaved guests are welcome to locate Waldo.


    Immediately afterwards, at 11:00 pm eastern time, STSF's only TOS-based Academy on Saturday nights begins! What other night (besides Tuesday) can you see velour uniforms, smooth-headed Klingons, and colored food cubes? It's thrilling, it's educational, and it's in TECHNICOLOR!


    Update your schedules!

  5. As part of its continuing expansion, the most happening place in the space-time continuum now has an official website.


    Originally conceived by former RNBA Champion Dustin Marks and now maintained by bartender Aaron Westler, the Redstar Nightclub website can be located here


    Learn about the club's history, get a preview of upcoming events, and add your name to the roster of regulars... unless you aren't a regular, in which case you should become one. :P