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Posts posted by CaptainSDavies

  1. I basically would think something would be described unfair profitwise, if profits continue to rise if demand is remains flat or worse reduced. That would seem rather seem to violate the axiom of "supply and demand" pricing.


    As to who has the right to make that decision? I think you know the answer. Perhaps you meant who "should" have the right to make that decision?



    Prices never affect demand. Prices only affect quantity demanded. :)

  2. Agincourt Ball Information


    Who: The Agincourt sim is hosting the Agincourt Ball.


    What: The Agincourt Ball is an in-character (IC) simulation open to the entire community of STSF. The hall will be decorated to 18th Century French standards. All characters will be in dress uniforms and connected with either the military or civil government of the Federation, Klingons, or Romulans. Music will be performed by the Starfleet Academy Orchestra (SFO) featuring music from composers such as Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, and Stravinsky. A separate dinning area with a menu full of choices from all over the galaxy will be present.


    Where: The Versailles Diplomatic Center (VDC), Versailles, France, Earth. <<The Ready Room>>


    When: Festivities will begin at 10 PM ET and will conclude exactly at 11 PM ET. Pre-ball chat is welcome in the Ready Room starting at 9:30 PM, while Post-ball chat is welcome in the Lobby.


    Why: Hosting an event like this is a way to bring together the community for a fun IC event. It also allows the Agincourt crew to interact with simmers they may not normally interact with.


    Any questions? Please direct them to [email protected]



    Note to all visitors: The Agincourt timeline is twenty years ahead of most simulations. To preserve fleetwide continuity, please only use established characters if you are certain they would be on Earth twenty years later. The Agincourt Command Staff reserves the right to reject any characters attending. Please consider playing characters that are low in rank or are not connected with Starfleet.

  3. “Will you take me to the ball?”

    Davies’ Logs

    May 16, 2397





    When it came to firing a phaser rifle or performing maneuvers on the Helm, Davies considered himself somewhat of an expert, but when it came to women, he felt like a jack of all spades, that is he seemed to dig more graves for himself than anything he achieved romantically. In joining Starfleet, Davies sacrificed more things than just carrying out a normal life on some planet or colony. He gave up the serious likelihood of ever marrying.


    Many individuals in Starfleet had found love and built successful marriages. For Davies, though, it was not a question of whether or not he could find someone to love and cherish, it is whether he could allow himself to become selfish in an occupation that provided him little assurance of waking up the next morning. How could he honor marital vows if the “’til death do us part” section was frequently challenged?


    There were times in Davies’ life where he did feel lonely; he did long to share his life with another human being. The selfless man that Mrs. Jenkins had described still hung onto many selfish desires and dreams. Many great men throughout history never married. Plato never married. The Apostle Paul never married. These men seemed to have survived, until their deaths that is.


    Despite the occupation he chose, Davies still clung onto a hope that someday he would be able to not only find that love and companionship, but be able to have his own seed carried on by children. Such social occasions as the Agincourt Ball rekindled some of that hope.


    Davies watched himself carefully as he slid on his dress coat and pinned it up. He looked himself over and smiled. “Who knows Simeon?”


    He bowed slightly and retained his smile, “Will you take me to the ball?”


    “Of course Captain, anytime.”

  4. "Carrying the Call"

    May 9, 2397



    Davies inhaled deeply, taking in the morning air and the scenery. The rounded tree-lined Blue Ridge mountains were in front of him and a fairly large twentieth century bricked house was directly behind him. He smiled, this was home. Slowly he turned around and walked up the paved walkway. Rufus, an intimidating Irish wolfhound, stood erect about a hundred yards away and watched Davies suspiciously as he ascended the porch.


    After depressing the doorbell, Davies waited patiently already feeling emotions that he had not dealt with for sometime.


    “Just a minute!” carried a voice, though weak. When about thirty seconds had passed, slowly the door opened to reveal a frail looking woman nearly half the size of Davies.


    The woman’s face brightened almost immediately upon recognition of the man on her porch. “Simeon!”


    Davies returned the smile and bent over to embrace her, “Mrs. Jenkins, how are you?”


    “Oh, not too bad…all things considered.” She invited him into the house and closed the door slowly. “I have trouble doing some of the things I used to, but I manage.”


    The pain in her eyes was evident. In a span of just two years she had lost both her only son, who was killed at Outpost 37 during the Dominion War and her husband, who died of cancer. This was more than twenty years ago, but Davies still could feel that she was searching for an answer, for a purpose.


    “Tell me what you’ve been doing Simeon,” Mrs. Jenkins inquired while offering him a seat on the couch, “Are you still in Starfleet?”


    Davies took the seat and thanked her, “I’m commanding quite a magnificent starship with a top-notch crew.”


    “You are? Simeon that’s wonderful for you!”


    “It’s the fruition of many years of hard work,” Davies replied, almost apologetically.


    “I’m sure Sam would be proud.”


    Mrs. Jenkins let her statement hang in the air and neither of them spoke for some time, each trying to suppress strong emotions that were just waiting for their opportunity to be released. Finally, Davies spoke up, “Mrs. Jenkins, I came here to visit you because I consider you my second mother. You were always kind and gentle with me and you provided the opportunity for Sam and me to build a durable friendship. Josh and John might kill me for saying this, but I considered Sam my brother more than I considered either of them.”


    Water began to fill the eyes of Mrs. Jenkins as memories of Sam and her husband flooded her, “Oh Simeon, I don’t know what to say. You’ve done more for me and my family that I can possibly say. Even though Jim and Sam are gone, you have honored the Jenkins name as if it were your own.”


    “It was the least I could do,” Davies replied, “Sam fought for our freedom, for our defense. In a lot of ways he was a bigger man than I was because he responded to the call to serve. It is every man’s responsibility to protect whom he loves…whether it is his family, his property, his country, his world; he has a moral obligation to protect that which he has. As I have learned from many years in Starfleet, idleness encourages mischief and mischief encourages evil. Eventually all that is good is threatened by all that is evil. Sam saw the threat the Dominion posed to our way of life, to our freedom, to our liberty and he met the challenge. In the end, he did pay the ultimate sacrifice, but he gained so much more.”


    Mrs. Jenkins was sobbing and Davies went over to comfort her. He sat down and held her close to his chest.


    “Never have I seen such selfless love,” Davies whispered, “Never. And that love displayed was the single reason I joined Starfleet. Each advancement in my career is a testimony to what Sam did and I will continue to honor his memory as long as I am living.”


    Mrs. Jenkins looked up at him as the tears continued down her face, “You are a good man Simeon.”


    Davies titled his head back and stared up at the ceiling, only he imagined that he was staring directly at heaven itself. He had pity for this woman, this mother who herself most likely deserved the highest honor for being the recipient of events beyond her control. Nevertheless, he had no words. Instead, he pleaded with his eyes fixed on heaven that peace and comfort would come to her at last.

  5. Look Pretty…Look Tough

    Davies’ Logs

    Sim Date: May 7, 2397



    In all of Davies’ years as a Starfleet officer, he could only count a few times that orders were received that required transit across the quadrant. That’s exactly the orders that the Agincourt received shortly after “completing” their mission with the Pacentrina.


    Yet, Davies had never been called back to Earth from across the quadrant, at least not for duty purposes. The USS Agincourt had been given a new mission; one that was not as difficult as say, making first contact with a race that had an immovable superiority complex. The new mission was to sit…and look pretty. No joke.


    In just a week the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans would celebrate the historic second anniversary of the signing of the 2395 Treaty of Versailles. There was much to celebrate, much to boast and brag. If the previous year’s events were any indication of anything, Starfleet would want to show off its newest and best like the other two species. The Agincourt almost perfectly fit that description, despite some minor blemishes that N’Dak’s Iron Claw had left on the hull.


    Vanity was not the only reason the Agincourt and other formidable ships were there. In 2396, the event attracted prominent political and military figures from across the Alpha and Beta quadrants. The necessity for tight security for these individuals was key because of the unparalleled interaction that the events allowed. The Agincourt would provide not only Security but also Marine personnel to ensure the safety of all of the attendees. In sum, they had to look tough.


    Davies was intrigued by one new event to the itinerary was a formal social gathering at the Versailles Diplomatic Center’s Great Hall. The festivity was a ball, complete with replicated 18th century French décor, music and dancing, and food. Altogether, more than 1,000 individuals were invited, including twenty from the Agincourt.


    From everything that Davies read, the whole celebration promised to be bigger and better than the previous year. And as far as their duties were concerned, he firmly believed that the Agincourt could handle its two primary responsibilities: look pretty, look tough.

  6. STSF Community,


    You are cordially invited to the Agincourt Ball in celebration of the second anniversary of the historic signing of the 2395 Treaty of Versailles. The event will be held on Wednesday, September 7th, 2005 from 10-11 PM ET at the Versailles Diplomatic Center in France (the Ready Room). Dress if formal.


    Come out and have fun with the Agincourt crew! If you have any questions, please e-mail [email protected].

  7. STSF Community,


    You are cordially invited to the Agincourt Ball in celebration of the second anniversary of the historic signing of the 2395 Treaty of Versailles. The event will be held on Wednesday, September 7th, 2005 from 10-11 PM ET at the Versailles Diplomatic Center in France (the Ready Room). Dress if formal.


    Come out and have fun with the Agincourt crew! If you have any questions, please e-mail [email protected].

  8. To: Starfleet Command, San Francisco, Earth

    From: Captain Simeon Davies, Commanding Officer, USS Agincourt

    RE: Jack O'Neill


    To whom it may concern:


    Jack O'Neill was promoted to the rank of Ensign, on 0508.25 due to his consistent attendance, excellent service, and positive attitude. I am proud to have Jack as a member of my crew.



    Captain Simeon Davies

    Commanding Officer

    USS Agincourt NCC-81762