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Posts posted by CaptainSDavies

  1. NEW YORK — CBS Corp (CBS) and Time Warner Inc.'s (TW) Warner Brothers television network said Tuesday that they will close their respective UPN and WB networks and jointly launch the CW network.


    The announcement was made by exectives from CBS, which owns UPN, and Warner Bros., which owns WB.


    Both UPN and WB had struggled to compete against larger rivals in the broadcast TV business, including Walt Disney Co.'s (DIS) ABC, News Corp.'s (NWS) Fox and CBS Corp.'s CBS. News Corp. is the parent company of the Fox News Channel, which operates FOXNews.com.


    The new network will launch in the fall, the executives said, and both UPN and WB will shut down. It will be a 50-50 partnership between Warner Bros. and CBS, and the network will be carried on stations owned by the Tribune Co. (TRB), which is a minority owner of the WB network.


    Leslie Moonves, chief executive of CBS Corp., said the new network will air 30 hours of programming seven days a week aimed in part at young audiences.


    Moonves billed the CW as a "fifth network."


    The companies expect the station to reach 95 percent of the country.


    Tribune said its 16 UPN broadcast stations signed 10-year affiliate agreements with the new network. Similarly, CBS said its 12 UPN stations signed 10-year affiliate deals. The two station groups reach 48 percent of the country. The companies expect the remainder of the affiliates to come from a combination of WB and UPN stations.


    The CW will use The WB's current scheduling model, which consists of Monday through Friday nights from 8-10 p.m. EST; Sundays from 7-10 p.m. EST; Sunday from 5-7 p.m. EST outside of primetime. It will also include a Monday through Friday afternoon block from 3-5 p.m. EST and a 5-hour Saturday morning animation block.


    Barry Meyer, the head of Warner Bros., said the network would be run by the current executives of UPN and WB.


    Reuters and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

  2. I was under the impression that they in fact don't.


    Edit: Someone suggested to me that I came off a bit testy. I'm not trying to be rude in any of my posts, only direct. Just wanted to clarify that.

    ::nods:: Every advanced sim, to my knowledge, has a welcome packet sent to simmers before they start on that sim. A welcome packet outlines not only setting and policies, but also expectations of an individual simmer. Some are more extesnive than others, but all have that kind of information. Here's an example that's on the message boards:


    USS Republic Introduction: http://www.stsf.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=818

    USS Republic Sim Policies: http://www.stsf.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=820



    Perhaps the solution is to post our welcome packets in a certain area?

  3. Although I'm a little confused what's being asked here, I think I agree with Loami. The internal chemistry of a sim is hard to quantify. If you asked me how to describe my style and the make-up of my crew, I don't think I'd know where to begin. You'd end up getting an answer like this: "The people are cool, but not because of me, and order is maintained." Not very informative.


    Visiting an advanced sim is probably the best way to get a feel for the sim. I've known players that visited several advanced sims for a few weeks after they graduated before finally selecting one.


    I also think that Moore is right: the majority of players are drawn mostly by:

    1) The day of the week/time

    2) The setting of the sim


    That's not to say that there aren't exceptions, as in Lepage's case, but when I was a graduate, those were the two most important things to me! Oh so many moons ago (and suns too)! :rolleyes:

  4. C.S. Lewis was a professor at Oxford University for more than twenty-five years until becoming a professor of medieval and renaissance literature at Cambridge University. Although Lewis was an acknowledged academic, he is most widely recognized for his authorship of numerous works, diverse in their subjects and themes. His fictional works included a trilogy of science fiction novels (Out of the Silent Planet, the first of the series), the hero of which is loosely based off of J.R.R. Tolkien, a close friend of Lewis. More well known are his contributions to children’s literature including The Chronicles of Narnia series.


    C.S. Lewis was able to engage thousands of readers with his unique story telling, vivid descriptions, and his treatment of contemporary societal issues. The C.S. Lewis Excellence in Writing Award is presented every twenty sims to the individual(s) who have best captured the spirit of C.S. Lewis in an individual log or log series.


    Tonight’s recipient captured the spirit of C.S. Lewis in their log this September.


    Therefore, it is my honor and privilege to announce that the C.S. Lewis Excellence in Writing Award is hereby presented to “ Ltjg Kairi for her log “Tragedy from a Different Point of View, a Desperate Mother.”

  5. Wild-Card Match-ups:


    Washington at Tampa Bay

    Winner: Washington. I'm going to go with the upset here, mainly because I don't think that Chris Simms can win yet when it counts.


    Jacksonville at New England

    Winner: New England. Hands down. New England is healthy and ready to make a huge splash in the playoffs.


    Carolina at New York

    Winner: New York. The Giants will have one of their good days. It's good to be in the NFC East these days.


    Pittsburgh at Cincinnatti

    Winner: Cincinnatti. This pick is in no way influenced by my absolute detest for the Steelers. I say that the Bengals get it together at home.


    Divisonal Playoffs


    Cincinnatti at Denver

    Winner: Denver can definitely win this game with their defense. Plus they're at home.


    New England at Indianapolis

    Winner: New England. Am I crazy? Perhaps, but I still think that New England is an extra special team come playoff time. They will shock the Colts.


    Washington at Seattle

    Winner: Seattle. This won't be much of a contest when Alexander runs on them all day.


    New York at Chicago

    Winner: New York. The Giants can win in close games because of their defense up front. Grossman will be forced to throw the ball too much, resulting in a debunked Bears offense.


    Conference Championships:


    New England at Denver

    Winner: New England. Tough choice, but if New England can beat the Colts at home, they can beat Denver too.


    New York at Seattle

    Winner: Seattle. Home field will play an advantage here. This will be a display of Alexander vs. Barber, but it will be Hasselbeck who comes up big when it matters.


    Super Bowl 40:

    New England vs. Seattle

    Winner: Nobody gives Seattle enough credit, but as a Rams fan, I've had to endure them the past few years becoming better and better. I think that this is their year.

  6. Mission Briefing:


    The Agincourt has arrived at Arkanis V and settled into orbit. Now

    begins the tricky part of the mission: walking the tightrope between a

    convincing attempt to infiltrate the local smuggling ring, and a

    successful attempt. Elsewhere, Korix and JoNs need a bit of luck to

    ensure their success with a similar endeavor.


    Meanwhile, Lt. Shoeny's situation becomes more fishy as Chief Prell and his team continue to research how to use the acquired weapon.

  7. Nemesis all the way. Many people don't like it, but I don't care. I love the movie. Could it have been better? Infinitely. But I am satisfied with what we got out of it. :rolleyes: Insurrection was also really good.


    By contrast, many people like to say that II and VIII were the best movies. I'm not a big fan of either.

    II and VIII were the best!


    Strange fellow!

  8. Mission Briefing #38



    One day has passed. The team on the Vacitu was able to successfully remove the large device from one of the lower decks. Members from Security, Engineering, and the Marines are conducting an analysis of the device, hoping to learn what it is and how it works. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Prell and Lieutenant JoNs have gained access to the Romulan ISD. They are hoping to find the rendezvous location that Taellel mentioned during interrogations. Taellel remains confined to sickbay, although his injuries have still not been treated per orders of Colonel Harper.

  9. “Junior Officers: They’re So Excitable”

    A Joint Log

    Colonel C.E. Harper

    Lieutenant Jamie Kroells

    with Taellel




    Taellel sat in the cold metal chair restrained. Seconds before his nose had been broken by a swift blow of Agincourt’s Chief Science Officer. “Like father like son,” he thought to himself as he grimaced from the pain. Taellel, as well as others within the Restoration, felt that Travis Kroells was a traitor to the cause. Now it seemed to him that his son was even worse.


    Jamie Kroells turned back to Colonel Harper unsure of what to do next. His uncertainty was probably due to the limited training of handling prisoners. Harper frowned, believing that breaking the nose was an extreme first step. “


    So..uh, should we question him...or can I uh, loosen him up a bit more?” Jamie asked as Taellel began to feel blood oozing out of his nose and running down his lips.


    Harper stepped forward placing herself between Kroells and Taellel and spoke quietly, “We have only a few simple questions for you. Surely we can be civil about this?”


    Taellel looked up at Harper, “You must realize that I have been trained, just as you, to resist means of information extraction. You know I cannot divulge the information you seek.”


    “As we speak,” Harper replied drawing a smile out of Kroells, “my crew is going over your vessel with a fine-toothed comb. We've already found the device in engineering.”


    “You may find things that once had value on my ship, but I doubt destroyed pieces of equipment can be of any value...,” Taellel said.


    “You would be surprised, I think, what my engineers can do,” answered Harper. She paused for a second and then added thoughtfully, “Particularly those who spent a good deal of time studying Pax Primus.”


    Kroells moved up next to Harper trying to study Taellel’s reaction to the comment and mulled over what bones to break next. Taellel, meanwhile, shifted his eyes away from a direct stare at Harper.


    “You flatter yourself,” Taellel said looking momentarily distant, “but what you do not know is...well, more dangerous than you can possibly imagine.”


    Kroells slowly walked to the back of where Taellel was sitting and answered, “Yes... this whole scheme your and the Remans have cooked up must be rather special, willing to openly bomb the Versailles treaty center and what not.”


    Taellel snapped back, “The Restoration is stronger than you think! What happened at Versailles was minor....”

    A coy smile crossed the face of Kroells, “Restoration? You Tal'Shiar dogs don’t honestly think you're going to accomplish anything by this do you?”


    Harper’s ears pricked up, but she kept her face strictly neutral as Taellel continued his exchange with Kroells, “You just go on believing that you even have a chance. Not only will Romulus be restored to its rightful rulers, but the Federation will fall. Mark my words. There are dark places that even the Federation will not go. These places will be the end of you.”


    “You should know,” Kroells responded, “that your little stunt left your Preator unable to lead ‘your’ people. N'Daks is in charge now. And I know, and hopefully you know that he'll be most brutal in hunting your ilk down.”


    “You worship him as if he were some deity,” Taellel said laughing, “I look forward to the day when he begs for mercy like a mutt.”


    Taellel began to feel woozy prompting Harper to ask solicitously, “Feeling ill? Shall I call for a doctor?”


    Suddenly, Kroells leapt forward and grabbed Taellel by the neck, cutting off his air supply. He spoke with dead seriousness, “You watch your words. The only reason you’re not laying in a bloody heap in the corner because the colonel won’t let me.”


    Taellel felt the squeeze on his neck intensify as he looked toward Harper as if appealing the entire Starfleet handbook with his eyes. Harper watched them contemplatively for a moment – a long moment – then laid a hand on Kroells’s arm. Kroells did not let go completely, but loosened his grip slightly. Taellel felt even more light headed.


    “This is not what I pictured when you asked for a civil conversation,” Taellel whispered.


    “Junior officers,” Harper replied dryly, “They’re so excitable.”


    “Yes, I can relate.”

  10. “High Council vows to continue alliance, combat terrorism”

    Federation News Service

    May 24, 2397



    The High Council today unanimously agreed to support the Alliance and to commit more ships to combat increasing terrorism. A statement released by the High Council stated in part, “We will not let the actions of cowards determine our intergalactic relations. These individuals will be brought to justice. We stand with the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire.”


    The ruling comes as a surprise considering the growing isolationist movement within the Klingon Empire. Analysts have even speculated some High Council members being actively involved in the movement. A majority of the Empire’s citizens, though, do support the Alliance as evidenced by a recent poll conducted by Stanley Research Inc. In this study, 62 percent support the Alliance, 28 percent oppose and 10 percent either were not sure or had no opinion.


    Meanwhile, Chancellor Kimtor returned home after a week long tour of the Vechwa colony near the Federation border. The Chancellor was observing some of the institutional reforms that the colony had undertaken as well as offering greater support to the Colony by the Empire. In a speech the Chancellor said, “I am impressed by your courage and your resolve. You are an honorable people worth the Empire’s continued support.”


    Among the things on the Chancellor’s agenda is another closed door meeting with the High Council addressing the Tal’Shiar attacks on the shipping lanes. He also has a meeting with a Romulan delegation to discuss further cultural exchanges between the two empires.

  11. To: Starfleet Command, San Francisco, Earth

    From: Captain Simeon Davies, Commanding Officer, USS Agincourt

    RE: Tethra Shoeny


    To whom it may concern:


    Tethra Shoeny was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, on 0511.16 after an evaluation of his service. I am proud to have Tethra as a member of my crew.



    Captain Simeon Davies

    Commanding Officer

    USS Agincourt NCC-81762