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Everything posted by CaptainSDavies

  1. Here is the chat log from the informal pre-launch USS Agicnourt chat. ENJOY! 03/9/05 21:47:58 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: hello 03/9/05 21:51:35 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Yo 03/9/05 21:51:39 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Hello 03/9/05 21:51:42 [Ready_Room] Tethra: yo in the Agincourt? 03/9/05 21:51:45 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Yep 03/9/05 21:51:47 [Ready_Room] Tethra: *you 03/9/05 21:51:48 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: On the bridge 03/9/05 21:51:54 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: don't know just what yet 03/9/05 21:52:04 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I'm a doctor 03/9/05 21:52:57 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Cool 03/9/05 21:52:58 [Ready_Room] Cougar: greetinfs 03/9/05 21:53:01 [Ready_Room] Cougar: *greetings 03/9/05 21:53:03 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Hey cougar 03/9/05 21:53:10 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: so I hear tell your not joining this ship 03/9/05 21:53:16 [Ready_Room] Cougar: I see you joined the ship Krasner 03/9/05 21:53:20 [Ready_Room] Cougar: no I am not joining it 03/9/05 21:53:21 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: just here for the free food? 03/9/05 21:53:22 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: sup peeps 03/9/05 21:53:27 [Ready_Room] Cougar: I just joined Challenger 03/9/05 21:53:35 [Ready_Room] Cougar: my first sim was last week 03/9/05 21:53:40 [Ready_Room] Cougar: on the challenger I mean 03/9/05 21:53:53 [Ready_Room] Cougar: I am just here because I am just here 03/9/05 21:54:18 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: yeah 03/9/05 21:54:21 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: congrats 03/9/05 21:54:26 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: I am bridge there, bridge here 03/9/05 21:54:39 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Chell are you on the Agincourt? 03/9/05 21:54:44 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: yea 03/9/05 21:54:47 [Ready_Room] Cougar: :( 03/9/05 21:54:50 [Ready_Room] Tethra: What department? 03/9/05 21:54:57 [Ready_Room] Cougar: meh *) 03/9/05 21:54:59 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Davies! 03/9/05 21:55:02 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: but i'm not offically part of the crew untill June 03/9/05 21:55:07 [Ready_Room] Cougar: :lol: 03/9/05 21:55:22 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: I cant go full time untill school is out 03/9/05 21:55:28 [Ready_Room] Cougar: ah 03/9/05 21:55:29 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Hey all brb in just a sec. 03/9/05 21:55:37 [Ready_Room] Tethra: brb 03/9/05 21:55:38 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: but i'll be able to ge in a sim every now and then 03/9/05 21:55:56 [Ready_Room] Cougar: meh I am already on Excalibur and Challenger 03/9/05 21:56:01 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: who else here si on the Agincourt 03/9/05 21:56:04 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: is 03/9/05 21:56:20 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: I'm on the Excalaber 03/9/05 21:56:31 [Ready_Room] Cougar: I know 03/9/05 21:56:40 [Ready_Room] Cougar: in your sig, you splet Excalibur wrong 03/9/05 21:56:43 [Ready_Room] Cougar: *spelt 03/9/05 21:56:51 [Ready_Room] Tethra: my sig is Aqua 03/9/05 21:57:01 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: I did din't i 03/9/05 21:57:20 [Ready_Room] Cougar: yep 03/9/05 21:57:29 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: if you think thats bad what untill Adm Day forwards my first lof to u 03/9/05 21:57:39 [Ready_Room] Cougar: *) 03/9/05 21:57:48 [Ready_Room] Cougar: lof? 03/9/05 21:58:06 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: I dont have every body's email address so I asked Day to send my log to every body 03/9/05 21:58:08 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Large Oat Field 03/9/05 21:58:11 [Ready_Room] Cougar: a loaf of bread? 03/9/05 21:58:13 [Ready_Room] Tethra: of couse 03/9/05 21:58:14 [Ready_Room] Cougar: lol 03/9/05 21:58:17 [Ready_Room] Cougar: ah 03/9/05 21:58:19 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: log 03/9/05 21:58:23 [Ready_Room] Cougar: ah 03/9/05 21:58:26 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: yea 03/9/05 21:58:33 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: c what i mea 03/9/05 21:58:36 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: mean 03/9/05 21:58:38 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: lol 03/9/05 21:58:56 [Ready_Room] Cougar: they never sent me the mailstring for excalibur, but I found out by clicking reply...... and then I see everyone's email! 03/9/05 21:59:08 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoN_s: Hello all 03/9/05 21:59:10 [Ready_Room] Tethra: So Kansas Jones, you're a female cat right? 03/9/05 21:59:15 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: sup Kansas 03/9/05 21:59:15 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoN_s: yepper! 03/9/05 21:59:24 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: metow 03/9/05 21:59:26 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I'm a male fish! 03/9/05 21:59:28 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: meyow 03/9/05 21:59:36 [Ready_Room] Cougar: I am a cat too 03/9/05 21:59:38 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: I am klingon 03/9/05 21:59:39 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoN_s: a fish and a cat? ooo..interesting 03/9/05 21:59:47 [Ready_Room] Cougar: *) 03/9/05 22:00:01 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: This should be a very um... interesting sim. 03/9/05 22:00:07 [Ready_Room] Tethra: but this Fish can "fix" a Kitty if you're not careful 03/9/05 22:00:10 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoN_s: reno - cat? cool. And yep, Cougar I knew y'all were a kitty 03/9/05 22:00:22 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: me cat> 03/9/05 22:00:23 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: ? 03/9/05 22:00:29 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoN_s: Tethra - noted 03/9/05 22:00:31 [Ready_Room] Cougar: *) 03/9/05 22:00:37 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Harper! 03/9/05 22:00:37 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: ::CAPTAIN ON DECK:: 03/9/05 22:00:43 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Good evening! 03/9/05 22:00:52 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Glad to see so many people came. 03/9/05 22:00:54 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Evening 03/9/05 22:01:03 [Ready_Room] Cougar: I just camke because I just came 03/9/05 22:01:03 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: 'evening 03/9/05 22:01:06 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: how ya doing sir? 03/9/05 22:01:17 [Ready_Room] Tethra: She's like that guy from Kentucky who sold chicken 03/9/05 22:01:21 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Fine, thank you. How is everyone? 03/9/05 22:01:30 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: yea fried chicken 03/9/05 22:01:40 [Ready_Room] Cougar: Kentucky fried harper? *) 03/9/05 22:01:43 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: I'm okiedokie 03/9/05 22:01:44 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: that's Col. Sanders, dude :-) 03/9/05 22:01:49 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: no chicken 03/9/05 22:01:49 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: ::chuckles:: 03/9/05 22:01:50 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Wonderful sir 03/9/05 22:01:51 [Ready_Room] Cougar: oh 03/9/05 22:01:56 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Back...Good evening all. 03/9/05 22:02:03 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoN_s: Hello to everyone 03/9/05 22:02:05 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Wb Davies 03/9/05 22:02:17 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Davies. 03/9/05 22:02:36 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Vectra why are you here? 03/9/05 22:02:48 [Ready_Room] Tethra: you stealing my wallet again? 03/9/05 22:02:50 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Meh, just curious. 03/9/05 22:02:53 [Ready_Room] Cougar: as am I 03/9/05 22:02:54 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: wb JoN's 03/9/05 22:02:59 [Ready_Room] Cougar: but I won't be joining 03/9/05 22:03:09 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: No, eh? 03/9/05 22:03:10 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: back 03/9/05 22:03:14 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: wb 03/9/05 22:03:17 [Ready_Room] Cougar: Already on Excalibur and challenger 03/9/05 22:03:27 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Goodness, Cougar, I think that's the 8th or 9th time you've told us that. 03/9/05 22:03:35 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: lol. 03/9/05 22:03:35 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: lol 03/9/05 22:03:35 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: We've almost got a full crew here, we should just sim. 03/9/05 22:03:37 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Travis is on this sim, he's pretty hot 03/9/05 22:03:40 [Ready_Room] Cougar: restating it for Vectra 03/9/05 22:03:45 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Yeah, he sure is. 03/9/05 22:03:46 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: I know too 03/9/05 22:03:48 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: sounds fun 03/9/05 22:03:56 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Yeah 03/9/05 22:03:59 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: I agree 03/9/05 22:04:07 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: isn't the crew like 15? :-) 03/9/05 22:04:23 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: (not that I would be against simming ;-) ) 03/9/05 22:04:31 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: 15 is a good rounded number 03/9/05 22:04:39 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: I was surprised, but happy, at the number of crew 03/9/05 22:04:44 [Ready_Room] Cougar: actually I only said it 3 times! 03/9/05 22:04:47 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Evening, all. 03/9/05 22:04:55 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I did a crew of 20 sim once 03/9/05 22:04:59 [Ready_Room] Tethra: all by myself 03/9/05 22:05:05 [Ready_Room] Cougar: *) 03/9/05 22:05:06 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: shot 03/9/05 22:05:07 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Welcome, Robair. 03/9/05 22:05:08 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: shoot 03/9/05 22:05:10 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: The crew roster as it currently stands is 15...and probably won't grow anymore than that before launch. 03/9/05 22:05:19 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: 'ello Harper. 03/9/05 22:05:22 [Ready_Room] Tethra: it's Robair! 03/9/05 22:05:28 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: *ok that wasn't in English. 03/9/05 22:05:30 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Greets 03/9/05 22:05:53 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: does that include me Captain or am I not considered part of the crew untill I join full time? 03/9/05 22:05:58 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I think we have the coolest XO in the fleet 03/9/05 22:06:00 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Hello Chief Robair 03/9/05 22:06:21 cdt_T_vin: Good evening all 03/9/05 22:06:38 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Well Chell, you haven't answered my most recent e-mail yet...and you will need to go through personnel to get officially posted. 03/9/05 22:07:02 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: I did send you a reply sir like 2 hours ago. 03/9/05 22:07:06 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Tethra, starting the flattery early? 03/9/05 22:07:11 [Ready_Room] Tethra: 03/9/05 22:07:25 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: And I replied back. 03/9/05 22:07:32 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: realy 03/9/05 22:07:45 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: ok 03/9/05 22:07:45 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: ::Feels like the important guy here:: 03/9/05 22:07:49 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: umm.. 03/9/05 22:07:55 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Travis important 03/9/05 22:08:15 [Ready_Room] Tethra: thats like saying pocket lent is the most valuble thing in Bill Gate's pocket 03/9/05 22:08:36 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: ::rolls eyes:: 03/9/05 22:08:40 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: I'm looking at your reply now sir 03/9/05 22:08:47 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Alright folks...I'd like to officially welcome you to our pre-launch informal chat. Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves. If you have any questions about the Agincourt sim or the GMs, we'll try to answer them the best that we can. 03/9/05 22:09:23 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: Greetings 03/9/05 22:09:33 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Evening Javin. 03/9/05 22:09:34 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Addendum: "The best that we can" may occasionally mean, "Nope, not telling. " 03/9/05 22:09:45 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Am I still the greatest simmer you've ever encountered Grom, and of coure the most Modest? 03/9/05 22:09:46 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Evening Javin. 03/9/05 22:09:59 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: hello Javin 03/9/05 22:10:06 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Hello Javin and anyone else I missed 03/9/05 22:10:12 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: ::looks around:: What ship is this?!?! 03/9/05 22:10:20 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: Tethra is Nem i just know it 03/9/05 22:10:22 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Hmmm...I'm not telling Tethra. 03/9/05 22:10:26 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: OK this is 2397 03/9/05 22:10:37 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: are we equipped with some of voyagers "weapons 03/9/05 22:10:37 [Ready_Room] Cougar: these are weird names lol 03/9/05 22:10:39 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Just what I need, a confused Canadian hitting on me... 03/9/05 22:10:40 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: I think I may have goofed my Application. Odd - I thought I was going to a retirement home. Grrr. 03/9/05 22:10:54 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: like the ones that the future janeway gave them 03/9/05 22:11:02 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: transphasic torpedos for example 03/9/05 22:11:08 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I'm not confused 03/9/05 22:11:20 [Ready_Room] Tethra: confusion is for sane people 03/9/05 22:11:38 [Ready_Room] Tethra: the doctors have medical names for my problems 03/9/05 22:11:50 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: Not mentally sound 03/9/05 22:11:56 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: And oukks tii, 03/9/05 22:11:58 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: ... 03/9/05 22:12:00 [Ready_Room] Cougar: tethra sounds like a Tetherball lol 03/9/05 22:12:02 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Stupid keyboard... 03/9/05 22:12:04 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: I belive they call them "being nuts" 03/9/05 22:12:06 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: I find it interesting - No Neutral Zone - wow. talk about open opportunities to explore 03/9/05 22:12:12 [Ready_Room] Cougar: similiarity in name 03/9/05 22:12:16 [Ready_Room] Tethra: it's from the Celtic god of the sea I believe 03/9/05 22:12:20 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: oy 03/9/05 22:12:25 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: A quick note on bios...those who have already had them approved may send them out and post them to the message boards. Those that have not need to clear them through the GM staff before posting. Thanks! 03/9/05 22:12:36 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: aye 03/9/05 22:13:07 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: ::nods:: 03/9/05 22:14:01 [Ready_Room] Tethra: so Travis is a science officer, and Harper is a Marine, and Davies is a crazy man in the big chair, and Javin is an engineer, and Kansas is a kitty cat? 03/9/05 22:14:09 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: ::looking around ME:: ::whistles:: Amazing. 03/9/05 22:14:28 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: yep - Kansas is a Security Kitty. 03/9/05 22:15:10 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: Is Kansas a marine or a Security kitty? 03/9/05 22:15:17 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: so the fish had best watch the kitty 03/9/05 22:15:37 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Not a marine, regular security, under Robair 03/9/05 22:15:39 [Ready_Room] Tethra: ::looks in the sickbay's medical storage:: man I could make a killing selling these on the black market! 03/9/05 22:15:46 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: ah'ight 03/9/05 22:15:48 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: ::glances at Davies:: JoNs has a point there... 03/9/05 22:15:58 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: how many marines do we have right now>? 03/9/05 22:16:07 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Counting myself -- 4 03/9/05 22:16:08 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: 4, I think 03/9/05 22:16:17 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: thx sir 03/9/05 22:16:24 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: ::note to self - watch medical suplies...unless tethra cuts me in on the deal:: 03/9/05 22:16:28 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: the few, the proud! 03/9/05 22:16:34 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: 4, including Harper? 03/9/05 22:16:40 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Go marines - Ooohhhrahh 03/9/05 22:16:49 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: that's what she just said :-) 03/9/05 22:16:51 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: wow, im lagging 03/9/05 22:16:51 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: ...the NPCs. 03/9/05 22:16:57 [Ready_Room] Tethra: where is Van Roy? 03/9/05 22:16:57 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Hehe, I'm the only one interested in science... 03/9/05 22:16:57 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: yea few is right the inly 4 marines in starfleet lol 03/9/05 22:17:02 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: only 03/9/05 22:17:03 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Oop 03/9/05 22:17:05 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: There's security, there's the marines, and then there's the rest of us. 03/9/05 22:17:15 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I'm a doctor 03/9/05 22:17:17 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: that's why we have NPC's 03/9/05 22:17:21 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I "fix" people 03/9/05 22:17:27 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: They die so we don't have to 03/9/05 22:17:28 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: I'm a doctor on another sim 03/9/05 22:17:32 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: thats cool though Kroells - only science guy means u get the choice assignment 03/9/05 22:17:39 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: *assignments 03/9/05 22:17:51 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: I forsee an interesting few years ahead of us. 03/9/05 22:17:55 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Woooooooo... Sorry I'm late. 03/9/05 22:17:56 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: amen 03/9/05 22:17:58 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: same here Chell - doc with the Hood 03/9/05 22:18:06 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: cool 03/9/05 22:18:08 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: So who is the lucky OPS officer for this multifaceted starship? 03/9/05 22:18:08 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Dr Marks! 03/9/05 22:18:16 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I forsee a lot of cooky highjinks 03/9/05 22:18:17 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Got attacked by some rabid mongooses on nmy way back home 03/9/05 22:18:24 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Hey Kansas 03/9/05 22:18:31 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: mongoose - the bikes or the vermin? 03/9/05 22:18:32 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Yeah, we'll see what happens Kansas. 03/9/05 22:18:33 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: heh 03/9/05 22:18:35 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: 03/9/05 22:18:38 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Vermin... 03/9/05 22:18:44 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: The last time I was a chief, I nearly blew up a ship. 03/9/05 22:18:44 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Wait... 03/9/05 22:18:46 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Hey Precip, specific positions will be revealed on Friday. 03/9/05 22:18:48 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Mongooses or Mongeese? 03/9/05 22:18:54 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Mongeeses? 03/9/05 22:19:16 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: We had a Project Mongoose one time. It fell apart. 03/9/05 22:19:16 [Ready_Room] Tethra: so is this when you reveal to everyone that I'm going to be the real Captain? 03/9/05 22:19:28 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: btw way, Hi Colonel, Hi Captain, Hi Benji, hi Reno, hi Bell, hi... Errrr... (Gets caught in an infinity greetings loop) 03/9/05 22:19:37 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: 03/9/05 22:19:39 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Evening Marks. 03/9/05 22:19:44 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: 'ello Marks 03/9/05 22:19:49 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: ::chuckles:: Evening, Marks. 03/9/05 22:19:52 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: hi Marks hi marks hi marks hi marks hi marks 03/9/05 22:19:55 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Marks, how could you not say hi to me? 03/9/05 22:20:00 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: just incase 03/9/05 22:20:01 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Is there a website to be launched for this ship soon? 03/9/05 22:20:07 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: And hello nurse! Errr... Tethra 03/9/05 22:20:11 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Well given the way Challenger took off, I would say that this sim with even more members will be great 03/9/05 22:20:18 [Ready_Room] Tethra: We're supposed to be tight homies from da eastside of the westside 03/9/05 22:20:20 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Sorry, too much watching Animaniacs as a kid 03/9/05 22:20:28 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: uh... We are? 03/9/05 22:20:39 [Ready_Room] Tethra: :D 03/9/05 22:20:48 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Hopefully sometime early summer Precip...in the mean time we may launch a page similar to Challenger's. 03/9/05 22:20:48 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Oh, thanks a lot Marks! Now I've got the Anamaniacs theme running through my head. 03/9/05 22:20:53 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: LOL 03/9/05 22:20:56 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: lol 03/9/05 22:21:02 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Should work great when we are working in security 03/9/05 22:21:06 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Our theme song 03/9/05 22:21:06 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: ..its time for animaniacs...Dot is cute and Wakko yaks 03/9/05 22:21:14 [Ready_Room] Tethra: is Precip joining? 03/9/05 22:21:31 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: is bill clinton joining? 03/9/05 22:21:39 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Oh I wanted to ask a question regarding my bio 03/9/05 22:21:44 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Poor Bill he has surgery right now 03/9/05 22:22:01 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: he deserves it! 03/9/05 22:22:04 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Would I be allowed to incorporate an artifical limb to my character? Like a bionic arm? 03/9/05 22:22:27 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Bao-Dur! 03/9/05 22:22:29 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: lol 03/9/05 22:22:31 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: lol 03/9/05 22:22:31 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: lol 03/9/05 22:22:37 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Knights of the Old Republic rocks... 03/9/05 22:22:41 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: 1 and 2 03/9/05 22:22:43 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: **raises hand** Have a question for the command staff - since the Neutral zone is kaput, does that mean the Agincourt will be patrolling Klingon and Romulan space? and vice versa for the other powers? 03/9/05 22:22:51 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: no more kotor for you Travis 03/9/05 22:22:52 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Marks, I dunno if that would work. When security comes, we can't go hiding in a watertower. We *are* security! 03/9/05 22:22:58 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: LOL 03/9/05 22:23:01 [Ready_Room] Tethra: It sucks that I won't be here for the first sim 03/9/05 22:23:06 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Hey Porter! 03/9/05 22:23:09 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: ooh thats a goodie Kansas.. 03/9/05 22:23:12 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: I know but I;m thinking of a backstory for my character 03/9/05 22:23:12 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: evening 03/9/05 22:23:21 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: Here's one -- Where on the ship are the Marines stationed? And, what is the "official" division of labor between Marines and ship security? 03/9/05 22:23:24 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: I was disapointed that I coldn't hook up with any of the chicks like I did with Bastila. I mean the romance part of 2 was kinda crappy. 03/9/05 22:23:25 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Doctors rock 03/9/05 22:23:28 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: And I want a reason to wear a Luke Skywalker glove lol 03/9/05 22:23:32 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << thnaks Precip >> 03/9/05 22:23:39 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Thanks for your question Kansas... 03/9/05 22:23:59 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: (Put that on 2nd priority on the queue, I guess...) 03/9/05 22:24:03 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: ok travis it is Star Wars not girls gone wild ok calm down 03/9/05 22:24:07 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: yes they do tethra 03/9/05 22:24:19 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: ..? 03/9/05 22:24:20 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I'm a doctor 03/9/05 22:24:41 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: neva mind we wont go into perverting your sweet inocent mind 03/9/05 22:25:17 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: At this point it's still a non-agression treaty, meaning that each empire retains it's sovereignty. While there may be cooperation, at this point the Agincourt won't be waltzing in and out of Romulan and Klingon space. There is still diplomatic protocol to take into account for. 03/9/05 22:25:48 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: <<I just realized Kansas is with Benji and I in security >> 03/9/05 22:25:50 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: ah.. good times good times 03/9/05 22:26:02 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Did that answer your question? 03/9/05 22:26:05 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Just dont worry about getting shot up by Ndak, thats all. 03/9/05 22:26:06 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: heh 03/9/05 22:26:13 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: yep. thnaks Captian 03/9/05 22:26:34 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << yep Dustin - ur stuck with me >> 03/9/05 22:26:46 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Captain, I know it sounds a bit ridiculous but could I incorporate a missing limb into character development? 03/9/05 22:26:46 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: My partner will be addressing the relationship between Marines and Security officers. 03/9/05 22:27:00 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: <<Not always missing of course>> 03/9/05 22:27:12 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Relationship...::snickers like a school girl:: 03/9/05 22:27:38 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: so is this just a get to know the Agincourt type sim or are we going to have lectures and stuff? 03/9/05 22:27:56 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: maby were just going to talk? 03/9/05 22:28:15 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I like schoolgirls 03/9/05 22:28:20 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Thanks for your question Dustin...we'd have no problem with a character with a bionic arm...as long as it doesn't contain a tiny phaser, convertable power supply and tool storage, for example. It would need to have the same functions as a normal arm. 03/9/05 22:28:28 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: lol! 03/9/05 22:28:30 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Hanna -- The "official" division of labor would be that security handles ship-side matters, while the Marines are more focused on external matters. However, the two divisions will likely be working together on some things, like Away missions. 03/9/05 22:28:38 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: ::thwaps Tethra:: 03/9/05 22:29:14 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Reno...this is a informal chat/question and answers session. 03/9/05 22:29:17 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: No Captain, at most maybe an enhancement in strength but... A miniphoton torpedo launcher... 03/9/05 22:29:28 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: yehaw 03/9/05 22:29:46 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: thank you though 03/9/05 22:29:54 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: As long as the "enhancement" is minor, it's not a problem. 03/9/05 22:30:08 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: built in brass knuckles :-) 03/9/05 22:30:11 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: It will be... Just strong enough to crush beercans or a mans skull... LOL 03/9/05 22:30:13 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: lol 03/9/05 22:30:19 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: **raises hand again** Will the Agin be doing a lot of Ambassador ferrying due to the co op between the major powers? 03/9/05 22:30:23 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: But Davies, I want Marks to carry me around!!! 03/9/05 22:30:44 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: ::shakes fist at his computer:: 03/9/05 22:31:15 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Marines and Starfleet Security..sounds like an interesting relationship will form on Agincourt regarding those two. 03/9/05 22:31:27 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Very likely, Precip. 03/9/05 22:31:29 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: ::Stares at the Marines and sneers:: 03/9/05 22:31:31 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: lol 03/9/05 22:31:34 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: "interesting relationship"..."turf war" ... same thing 03/9/05 22:31:46 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: I forsee....a rousing turf war 03/9/05 22:31:57 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: but all in good starfleet fun 03/9/05 22:32:11 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: What we're trying to avoid are "superhero" characters, those that seem to have no weaknesses. We want to foster an environment where people need to rely on one another, work together. Does that sound like STSF Academy? You bet! We're striving for a true "band of brothers" as our ship motto says. 03/9/05 22:32:19 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: ::looks at Precip:: Either that, or some fun challenges on the holodeck shooting each other. ::shrug:: 03/9/05 22:32:23 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: ...and based on the comments here, I'm starting to think the biggest question is going to be: "Who guards the brig?" 03/9/05 22:32:36 [Ready_Room] Tethra: My character is based on a Superhero 03/9/05 22:32:49 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: I think that'll be security, right, sir? <g> 03/9/05 22:33:03 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Gigantor! Ha ha. 03/9/05 22:33:05 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Not if all of them are in there for brawling. 03/9/05 22:33:05 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: "who guards the brig" -are we expecting many visitors there 03/9/05 22:33:20 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Kansas, we will be dealing with the other races substantially, though Agincourt isn't necessarily a "diplomatic" ship. 03/9/05 22:33:25 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: **Raises hand as well** I also had a question regarding our relationship to other species. What is the political standing of the other major powers in the universe? (IE: Vulcan, the Andorians, the Dominion, etc...) 03/9/05 22:33:34 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << Captain - got it thanks>> 03/9/05 22:33:35 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: If a doctor can heal himself, can a security officer not guard himself? 03/9/05 22:33:36 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Who gaurds the brig, a drunken man eating elf of course 03/9/05 22:33:45 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Ack..the Dominion....::listens:: 03/9/05 22:34:30 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Well, the Vulcans and Andorians are Federation members. 03/9/05 22:34:31 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Marks, that will all be revealed in the "Agincourt Guide to the Future" which will hopefully be out shortly before launch! 03/9/05 22:34:48 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: ** question ** I know that we do have an assignment roster, but will we also have a regular roster that shows everyone by name rather then e mail? 03/9/05 22:34:53 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: I have a stupid question... 03/9/05 22:34:57 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Ah ok. <<I realize that Colonal, but that doesn't neccisarrily mean they are in favor of the alliance>> 03/9/05 22:35:03 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: who's my buddy in ENG? 03/9/05 22:35:07 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: lol 03/9/05 22:35:13 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Kansas, yes. That'll be released when we announce department heads. 03/9/05 22:35:13 [Ready_Room] Tethra: no stupid questions, just stupid people 03/9/05 22:35:19 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: all i have is an e-mail address 03/9/05 22:35:24 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: I'm a temperary eng crewman 03/9/05 22:35:26 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << Colonel - great thank you >> 03/9/05 22:35:37 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Kansas, by lauch we will have everyone's character name. 03/9/05 22:36:09 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: just as long as I have a "mental idea" of who is who and where on the ship 03/9/05 22:36:12 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Perhaps I should ask this question a follow up to Kansas...Is it too late to join? 03/9/05 22:36:22 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Definitely not! 03/9/05 22:36:27 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: (Expect my bio to be release shortly) 03/9/05 22:36:42 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: me too travis 03/9/05 22:36:43 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: ::waves at porter:: 03/9/05 22:36:48 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: (My bios will be out tommorow morning) 03/9/05 22:36:51 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Evening porter. 03/9/05 22:36:57 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: hello there 03/9/05 22:37:05 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Another possibly dumb question, is there any problem in relating a character back to my previous characters? 03/9/05 22:37:08 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: i have been here a while just silently observing tho 03/9/05 22:37:12 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: It's my fav Doctor in Medical 03/9/05 22:37:23 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I'm right here! 03/9/05 22:37:28 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: aahhh thanks prell 03/9/05 22:37:37 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: I have a question 03/9/05 22:37:39 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: ::thwaps Tethra:: I meant Porter 03/9/05 22:37:46 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Marks, as long as you're not using the same character...I have no problem with Marks being related to 20 years ago Marks. 03/9/05 22:37:50 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: (hmmm..my great great great grandfather served on a flying donut the Hood.!) 03/9/05 22:38:06 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: <<LOL Exactly >> 03/9/05 22:38:11 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Krasner? 03/9/05 22:38:27 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Okay great. <<Hmmm... Although it could be interesting to see a 200 year old Marks on the Agincourt LOL>> 03/9/05 22:38:32 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: I have a question Davies, it kinda dumb but I am gonna ask 03/9/05 22:38:45 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: do we need to get new names for the message boards? 03/9/05 22:38:53 cdt_T_vin: ::sipping hot Coffee:: 03/9/05 22:39:01 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Porter, you don't have to, no. 03/9/05 22:39:12 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Ok now the year is 2397 03/9/05 22:39:23 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: You said our rank would be up Friday Captain? 03/9/05 22:39:23 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Some just do it for logs purposes so it's better organized 03/9/05 22:39:34 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: alrighty then 03/9/05 22:39:40 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Hopefully, yes Marks. 03/9/05 22:39:47 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: do we have transphasic torpedos and/or slipstream technology? 03/9/05 22:39:53 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Okay, if it is ok, I will wait to write my bio until I learn my rank. 03/9/05 22:39:59 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I hope not 03/9/05 22:40:17 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: I just use my Precip name for the three ships I am on I suppose it would be a matter of if you wanted people to know that was you ) 03/9/05 22:40:44 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Krasner, thanks for your question...give me a second to answer that. 03/9/05 22:40:57 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Marks, your either going to be an Ensign, or an Lt. Jg. How muchcan that affect your rank? 03/9/05 22:41:00 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Oohh...Krasner...hehe..::anxious to hear this one:: 03/9/05 22:41:18 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Because I have two backstories I am thinking about using 03/9/05 22:41:32 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: ok I have no idea what to name myself for this sim. I was thinking something Klingon. Anybody have any ideas? 03/9/05 22:41:32 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: and depending on my starting rank, it will effect which I use. 03/9/05 22:41:34 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: I'd rather have Transwarp personally...green was always my color... 03/9/05 22:41:38 cdt_T_vin: ::sips her coffee:: 03/9/05 22:41:39 [Ready_Room] Tethra: I'm going to be a me 03/9/05 22:41:43 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Your welcome Precip 03/9/05 22:41:44 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: <<BTW Precip, El ensign Muerto necesita demostrar para arriba en el Agincourt lol>> 03/9/05 22:42:05 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << ahhh! Meurto! Agincourt >> 03/9/05 22:42:13 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Heh, I got everything except Arriba 03/9/05 22:42:16 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: Ensign Death needs to demonstarte what? 03/9/05 22:42:45 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: <<Esa manera él puede ir después de su amor verdadero, Kansas lol >> 03/9/05 22:42:56 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: (NPC character from the Hood..he's a Redshirt..hence the joke) 03/9/05 22:42:59 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: lol some of us understand spanish, if you were trying to keep it hidden 03/9/05 22:43:03 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: As far as slipstream is concerned, it has been notoriously unreliable. I expect that maybe by now it is used on experimental vessels, but no the Agincourt. 03/9/05 22:43:14 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Not hidden, its a Hood joke lol 03/9/05 22:43:28 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Ok 03/9/05 22:43:28 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << Muerto! Gahh! lol >> 03/9/05 22:43:41 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: Can a charracter be klingon in the sim Captain? 03/9/05 22:43:47 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: alright, feel like my little nephew when we spell things out so he doesn't know what we say 03/9/05 22:44:10 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: character* 03/9/05 22:44:25 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: I'll have to get back to you on the torps. The specs aren't yet 100% complete and won't be out until the weekend. 03/9/05 22:44:43 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: That's my fault. 03/9/05 22:44:44 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Ok 03/9/05 22:44:47 [Ready_Room] Lt_Bell-Krasner: Thank you sir 03/9/05 22:44:53 [Ready_Room] Tethra: Well, I got to go, I'll see you all the week after next 03/9/05 22:45:04 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: good question Reno...::listens:: 03/9/05 22:45:06 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: **question ** with regard to the Tal Shiar disbanded...I find it hard to beleive that they wont make an...appearance in this potentially hyper political landscape 03/9/05 22:45:06 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Bye Fishy 03/9/05 22:45:19 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: **Raises hand again** With the Tal Shi 03/9/05 22:45:23 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: LOL 03/9/05 22:45:24 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: ::waves at Yanksfan:: Hey there! 03/9/05 22:45:25 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Nm 03/9/05 22:45:34 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Cya Tethra - remeber to cut me in on the Medical supplies 03/9/05 22:45:35 [Ready_Room] Ens_Yanksfan: Hello 03/9/05 22:45:44 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: TOo funny Kansas, I was going to ask the same question 03/9/05 22:45:53 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << lol! >> 03/9/05 22:46:19 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: lol 03/9/05 22:46:25 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Reno, yes one can play a Starfleet Klingon character since the restoration of the Khitomer Accords in 2386. 03/9/05 22:46:39 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Kansas -- You would think that, wouldn't you? 03/9/05 22:46:39 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: thank you sir 03/9/05 22:46:44 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: oh I will make sure he doesn't ::evil laugh:: 03/9/05 22:46:55 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Would a Romulan be a stretch for Agincourt? 03/9/05 22:46:58 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: +Raises hand+ I was wondering what affect Delta and Gamma quadrant species such as the Kazon, the Borg, and the Dominion will play in the sim, since we're at peace with most of the peoples residing in the Alpha and Beta quadrants. 03/9/05 22:47:06 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << Colonel - yepper! ya just never know....>> 03/9/05 22:47:09 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: OOh, I was gonna ask that . lol 03/9/05 22:47:12 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Precip, no Romulan characters are being allowed. 03/9/05 22:47:25 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Kinda wish they were though... I think they look funny! 03/9/05 22:47:37 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Anything is possible Travis. 03/9/05 22:47:42 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Ah..thanks Robair 03/9/05 22:47:46 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: We're not currently accepting Romulan characters; the Treaty has only been up for 3 years, and that's a bit of a stretch. 03/9/05 22:47:59 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Understandable. 03/9/05 22:48:10 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Another question: Has a uniform concept been designed? 03/9/05 22:48:11 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: I've always had a kinky need to be assimilated. 03/9/05 22:48:24 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: Ok i'm thinking of namming my character Kor'both what do you guys think? 03/9/05 22:48:26 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: ::looks to Harper:: That's your department. ::grin:: 03/9/05 22:48:27 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Ooouuuu! Good question Marks! 03/9/05 22:48:29 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: <<BTW, I recorded the TOS marathon this morning... Awesome episodes>> 03/9/05 22:48:35 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: 03/9/05 22:48:48 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Marks, we're going with the future uniforms and commbadges seen in both "All Good Things..." and the Voyager finale. 03/9/05 22:48:54 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: 03/9/05 22:48:57 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: I like those 03/9/05 22:49:15 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Although I might have an old Velour uniform passed down a few generations... lol 03/9/05 22:49:16 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: Now I'm going to have to dig out those uniforms... 03/9/05 22:49:24 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: or episodes... 03/9/05 22:49:26 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: lol 03/9/05 22:49:27 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: ill hafta brudh myself up on those 03/9/05 22:49:28 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: **non Agin question** Colonel and Captain, how long have y'all been working together and or simming, and what made u decide to do a neat idea like the Agincourt Sim concept? 03/9/05 22:49:41 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: that should be intersting 03/9/05 22:49:44 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: I have a few pics bookmarked, I'll pass them out on the mailstring. 03/9/05 22:49:48 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Indeed 03/9/05 22:49:51 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: ::looks at Kansas:: You dont know who they are? 03/9/05 22:50:12 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << oh ya - Gromvik and Lauara? rite> >> 03/9/05 22:50:19 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: The concept was his; I came on board as the details person. So for concept you need to ask Davies. 03/9/05 22:50:34 [Ready_Room] Chell_Reno: ok I'm going to rename myself brb 03/9/05 22:50:47 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: *Laura 03/9/05 22:50:59 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: I need a good name for Marks... 03/9/05 22:51:13 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Mark Marks.. lol! 03/9/05 22:51:17 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: lol 03/9/05 22:51:21 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: ok i'm back 03/9/05 22:51:28 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: Marcus Mark Marks the III 03/9/05 22:51:29 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: 03/9/05 22:51:44 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: err, right 03/9/05 22:51:45 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << in that case? ur nickname is Triple M 03/9/05 22:51:51 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: lol 03/9/05 22:51:55 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: ::chuckles:: Names are tough. I took forever to figure out a first name for Harper. My friends were *no* help -- one suggested Melody! 03/9/05 22:52:01 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: lol 03/9/05 22:52:13 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Heh 03/9/05 22:52:13 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: for a Marine? wow 03/9/05 22:52:19 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: I'll think of something before the night is over 03/9/05 22:52:22 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: I always turn to shakespeare 03/9/05 22:52:22 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: What *is* Harper's first name? 03/9/05 22:52:26 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: hey, your parents name you :-) 03/9/05 22:52:32 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: The pun bugged me more, Javin. 03/9/05 22:52:34 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: I feel your paion there.. this character is named after two European made cars. 03/9/05 22:52:34 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: I've basically been formulating the concept since I came on board as a STSF GM in 2003. With the addition of Challenger to the fleet, the only sim missing was a future reality sim. I also wanted a Marine battalion on board...so that's how I came up with the unique command structure. 03/9/05 22:52:36 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: *rimshot* 03/9/05 22:52:39 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: pain* 03/9/05 22:52:59 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: <, captain , colonel - thanks for answers >> 03/9/05 22:53:12 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Haha. I have a thing with just putting two of my friends names together into one. 03/9/05 22:53:47 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: My character names come from books. 03/9/05 22:53:48 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Laura has been a tremendous help over the past year or so drafting this up. They say behind every great man is a great woman...well behind every great CO is a great XO. I think you all will be pleased with the product. 03/9/05 22:53:52 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: I did this one before I even thought about Sisko. Now every time I do, it makes me mad. My intent was NOT to be named after anyone in ST, and what do I do? Have the same name as Sisko. ::sigh:: 03/9/05 22:53:53 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: I have a Jonathan Marks, a Dustin Marks (My real name) , and a Mark Marks 03/9/05 22:53:59 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Names? oh yes. My first name "M'rrett" is taken from my real first name - Margaret lol 03/9/05 22:54:01 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: I use a shakespeare name and the first on in the telephone book 03/9/05 22:54:02 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: This will also be the first major experiment with an epic plot too. 03/9/05 22:54:26 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Epic plot? epic plots work very well 03/9/05 22:54:30 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: I realize Davies is going to get me for this...Is there a chance Agincourt may run into the diabolical Pandarians? 03/9/05 22:54:38 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: I remember my first attempt with an epic plot 03/9/05 22:54:42 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: ::snarkles:: 03/9/05 22:54:59 [Ready_Room] Travis_Kroells: I wound up in two ruined characters, and a gapping plot hole in my character... 03/9/05 22:55:07 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: what exactly do you mean by an epic plot? 03/9/05 22:55:08 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: ::chuckles:: Who knows? I hadn't thought of them...but the Tal'Shiar need allies don't they? 03/9/05 22:55:26 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Epic plots can be taxing, but the ride is unbeleivable 03/9/05 22:55:32 [Ready_Room] Lt.(jg)Dustin_Marks: brb, I got a name 03/9/05 22:55:33 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Lol....k 03/9/05 22:55:35 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: what the heck is a diabolical Pandarian? *) 03/9/05 22:55:40 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: but don't Romulans taste too good for the Pandarians to form an alliance iwth them? 03/9/05 22:55:54 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: ::remembers the Pandarians:: 03/9/05 22:56:02 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: ::grins at Hanna:: Does green blood taste good? 03/9/05 22:56:16 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: is that like some sport of english new wave band or something? 03/9/05 22:56:16 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: it's high in... copper 03/9/05 22:56:26 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: sort* 03/9/05 22:56:34 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Ooouu! Hanna knows Chemistry. Nice. 03/9/05 22:56:35 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: Porter -- By epic plot we mean that the missions will all be interwoven to form one long storyline. 03/9/05 22:56:43 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: Pandarians are these big Pandalike race 03/9/05 22:56:50 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: We have an outline that spans... what, Davies, about 2-3 years? 03/9/05 22:56:59 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: gotcha 03/9/05 22:57:06 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Wow...::to Harper:: 03/9/05 22:57:08 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: a 2-3 year outline? wow 03/9/05 22:57:12 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: required course in the academy... hated every moment. ;-) 03/9/05 22:57:17 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: All I can do is make stuff blow up in Chemistry. Its all we really want anyway, isn't it? 03/9/05 22:57:21 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: yowzers, so this has been planning for ages has it? 03/9/05 22:57:29 [Ready_Room] The_artist_formally_known_as_Marks: Okay, I got my name 03/9/05 22:57:30 [Ready_Room] The_artist_formally_known_as_Marks: 03/9/05 22:57:36 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: Oh jeez Marks 03/9/05 22:57:36 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: ::rolls eyes:: 03/9/05 22:57:37 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: That's a long name 03/9/05 22:57:46 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: dustin - thats a long name 03/9/05 22:57:51 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: thats a long time ::counts on his fingers how long 2 to 3 years is:: lol 03/9/05 22:57:52 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: 03/9/05 22:57:57 [Ready_Room] The_artist_formally_known_as_Marks: I will go by this symbol--> % 03/9/05 22:57:58 [Ready_Room] The_artist_formally_known_as_Marks: lol 03/9/05 22:58:01 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: We'll just call him "Prince." 03/9/05 22:58:34 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Well no worries Kansas...Muerto is certain to die on the Hood and hence he shall have no ancestors for Agincourt. 03/9/05 22:59:00 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << Muerto! ahh (I swear the man is living in the sickbay) >> 03/9/05 22:59:03 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: Well, we got five minutes before Moose gives us the boot. Any last pressing questions? 03/9/05 22:59:19 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: No quesitons off the top of my head 03/9/05 22:59:20 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Nah, with Moose i'd say it's more like 20. 03/9/05 22:59:31 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Can I get some new boots, too? I think I stepped in something coming in here. 03/9/05 22:59:31 [Ready_Room] STSF_Precip: Thanks for the forum. 03/9/05 22:59:32 [Ready_Room] dr_mtporter: agreed vectra 03/9/05 22:59:52 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: Vectra's right, We hardly see Moose in here on time 03/9/05 22:59:53 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: one more about uniforms -- by the way Ex Astris Scientia has great pictures of the 2395-2400 ones -- what about the marine uniforms? 03/9/05 22:59:53 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: ::chuckles:: This was fun. 03/9/05 23:00:13 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Thanks to Colonel Harper and Captain Davies for the informal chat. it was nice to check out some stuff before hand 03/9/05 23:00:13 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: ::nodnod:: It was. 03/9/05 23:00:19 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Yeah, it was.. even though all my questions were ansered before I can type them 03/9/05 23:00:24 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: To be honest, Hanna, I'm not sure we've decided on that yet. 03/9/05 23:00:24 [Ready_Room] Javin_Prell: Very informative, thanks 03/9/05 23:00:30 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Saves me the trouble tho. 03/9/05 23:00:36 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Definately. Thanks, Davies and Harper! 03/9/05 23:00:37 [Ready_Room] Col._C.E._Harper: They'll probably be similar in style. 03/9/05 23:00:41 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << Minerva - lol >> 03/9/05 23:00:44 [Ready_Room] Hanna-Beth_Rieve: so, we'll just go naked... 03/9/05 23:00:56 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Hanna Beth -is that wise? 03/9/05 23:00:58 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: O_O 03/9/05 23:01:00 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: It isn't a Betazoid ship, Hanna. 03/9/05 23:01:01 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: 03/9/05 23:01:05 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: streeking party on a star ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yehaw 03/9/05 23:01:14 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: USS Agincourt - flying nudist colony 03/9/05 23:01:14 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: Okay, I got my name 03/9/05 23:01:15 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Hey, we only go naked for weddings 03/9/05 23:01:18 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: Call me Jeff 03/9/05 23:01:27 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Or J.P. 03/9/05 23:01:30 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: 03/9/05 23:01:33 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: oooh, JP could work too 03/9/05 23:01:33 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: << name - nice >> 03/9/05 23:01:35 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: I like that 03/9/05 23:01:45 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Hehehe. 03/9/05 23:01:52 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Jefferson Prescot Marks? Sounds like a politician 03/9/05 23:01:55 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: Okay Benji, we are going to work well together 03/9/05 23:02:03 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: Ha ha. 03/9/05 23:02:17 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: Have you met Dustin on the Hood? He IS a politician at times 03/9/05 23:02:28 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: lol 03/9/05 23:02:38 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: lol 03/9/05 23:02:44 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Well, he certain does have alot of hot air. 03/9/05 23:02:47 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: J.P. Marks 03/9/05 23:02:51 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: lol gee thanks 03/9/05 23:03:23 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Jp Marks.. now that sounds like a cheap thrift shop 03/9/05 23:03:27 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: 03/9/05 23:03:30 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: what are we going to do next week for the Agin. sim? 03/9/05 23:03:33 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: Now sthat just mean 03/9/05 23:03:34 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: lol 03/9/05 23:03:57 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: Kor both - wherever the adventure take us? 03/9/05 23:04:04 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: Oooh this was a good episode... Court Marshall Ben Finney is my hero 03/9/05 23:04:05 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: ::looks at Marks:: Don't worry. Next week, you'll have a phaser. 03/9/05 23:04:05 [Ready_Room] CaptainSDavies: A launch sim...you will get details starting next week. 03/9/05 23:04:17 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: ::Laughs manically:: 03/9/05 23:04:17 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: lol 03/9/05 23:04:28 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: ok 03/9/05 23:04:29 [Ready_Room] LtCdr_Trichon: Hello there everyone 03/9/05 23:04:31 [Ready_Room] Kansas_JoNs: ::looks at Robair:; ooo oo can I have a compression rifle? 03/9/05 23:04:34 [Ready_Room] Kor_both: sounds great 03/9/05 23:04:37 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: I surmise something similiar to Chjallengers first sim? 03/9/05 23:04:44 [Ready_Room] Jefferson_Prescott_Marks: Pfft... You'll be lucky to get a swagger stick Kansas 03/9/05 23:04:48 [Ready_Room] Lt._Vectra_Meriva: Hey Trich 03/9/05 23:04:50 [Ready_Room] Benjamin_Robair: ::to Kansas:: Can I trust you with a compression rifle?
  2. “Orders from Above” Davies Logs Commander Simeon Davies Commanding Officer USS Jerusalem NCC-41009-C January 17, 2397 “Computer, open personal log and begin recording… I’m still in disbelief…. Earlier this morning I received a com from Admiral Gibraldi. Now, normally most coms with the Admiral relate to miscellaneous projects that he wants me to undertake or changes in Starfleet policy that needs to be implemented. Today, however, was different. At 0800 hours this morning Admiral Gibraldi notified me that I was to be transferred to a new command. At first I thought that Starfleet might have been unhappy with my recent performance. I’ve been commanding the Jerusalem now for over two years now and there have been instances where we’re run into some trouble. As it turns out, my fears were unfounded. Apparently, some Admiral had been impressed with my command abilities and recommended me for this position…. It’s not that I doubt my abilities…it’s more like I’m surprised that I was chosen to command such a powerful ship. I will be the first to command the USS Agincourt, a Prometheus class vessel, when it pulls out of spacedock on March 16th. According to Admiral Gibraldi, I will complete my tenure here on January 31st. From there I will be shuttled to Mars to oversee the space trials of the vessel before she is commissioned. I have to admit…no matter how exciting this promotion seems, I will miss the Jerusalem, just as I missed the Sentinel when I left her as Executive Officer two years ago. The Jerusalem has been my home and I’ve established many life long bonds between myself and my loyal crew. This new journey shall be different. One drawback to the new command is that I have been informed that my Executive Officer will be a Starfleet Marine Corps Colonel. I’ve heard reports of tension amongst the command staff on other Starfleet destroyers, but I’m hoping that I will be able to avoid conflict. Anyway, I’m tired and I’ve got a long day tomorrow overseeing several scientific projects. The best method for understanding half the stuff that my science department puts before my eyes is a good night sleep. Good night. Computer close log and save.”
  3. Agreed! It was so good talking to all of you. I can't until launch next week! :(
  4. STSF Community, On Wednesday, March 9th, Captain Davies and Colonel Harper will be hosting a special informal chat session at 10 PM ET (7 PM PT) in the Ready Room. This is a perfect opportunity to get know the Agincourt GMs and some of the players. Feel free to bring any Agincourt-related questions and we will be happy to answer them! In case you were still looking to join the Agincourt crew, it’s not too late! Pre-launch applications are still being accepted. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] to claim your spot today! Sincerely, Captain Simeon Davies Colonel C.E. Harper
  5. Reminder: The informal chat hosted by Davies and Harper is tonight (Wednesday the 9th) at 10 PM ET in the Ready Room!
  6. Reminder: The informal chat hosted by Davies and Harper is tonight (Wednesday the 9th) at 10 PM ET in the Ready Room!
  7. STSF Community, Colonel C.E. Harper and I are pleased to announce STSF’s newest advanced simulation, the USS Agincourt. The USS Agincourt sim is set in the year 2397 (20 years after Voyager) and will run every Wednesday at 10 PM ET beginning March 16th. Details about joining the sim will be made available within the next couple of weeks. Here are some of the features of the sim. • The ship: The sim is a Prometheus class vessel (as first seen in Star Trek: Voyager’s “Message in a Bottle) and is the ninth installment of that class. • The command staff: The sim features a unique command staff setup with an executive officer marine who is also the head of the ship’s marine battalion. • The staff: The sim features the same traditional departments as other simulations, but also as a marine battalion. • The plot: The USS Agincourt sim is set 20 years beyond the return of Voyager during a time of great political and economic cooperation between many previously rivaling powers. The sim features an epic storyline that will not only explore the bonds of peace, but will see them tested beyond imagination. • The possibilities: The possibilities are endless for the Agincourt sim. If you’re excited about encountering and being a part of making the future of Star Trek, then the Agincourt simulation may be for you. We welcome your discussion on this simulation and would be happy to answer any basic questions that have not been answered yet (besides giving away the plot!). Once again, details about joining the simulation will be forthcoming. Sincerely, Captain Simeon Davies Commanding Officer USS Agincourt NCC-81762
  8. How gracious of you to provide them... :(
  9. Colonel Harper, Plus aren't we planning to shoot wandering Marines on sight? :angry: -Davies
  10. Ens Reno, Thank you for your expressed interest. Please note that applications are currently being accepted. The thread can be found at http://www.stsf.net/forums/index.php?showt...t=0entry38534 Please let us know if you have any further questions! Sincerely, Captain Davies
  11. Promo poster for the up and coming sim.
  12. Vex, It was a joint effort. I did the easy stuff, she redid my easy stuff and did the hard stuff. I'd say 50/50. :o -Davies
  13. Murray, I think I prefer the English pronounciation with a silent "t" at the end. It's the best of both worlds (if something can be gained from French...). :P -Davies
  14. Van Roy, There are certainly possibilities of cameo parts on the Agincourt sim in the future. At this point, however, no plans have been discussed. -Davies
  15. Federation-Klingons Mark Ten Year Anniversary October 25, 2396 Location: Qo’noS Galactic News Network By: Marquis Célère It has been ten years since the late Chancellor Mar’tok uttered these famous words, “Today we bridge the gap between these honorable empires. May this be the moment that commands our united destines from glory unto glory.” On July 11, 2386, the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire renewed their commitment to peace and cooperation with the signing of the Third Khitomer Accords. The previous agreement had been withdrawn by former Chancellor Gowron shortly before the beginning of the Dominion War. The two empires marked the ten year anniversary with a grand celebration on Qo’noS. There, representatives from the two respective governments dined together before listening to several rounds of speeches that included Federation President William Swaggart, Klingon Chancellor Kimtor and the Starfleet’s head of intergalactic relations, Rear Admiral GromVik. President Swaggart offered some encouraging words, “As an old American adage once stated ‘united we stand, divided we fall’- this is a phrase that truly reflects our relationship in a universe of increasing uncertainty. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the Klingon Empire for standing with us. Your support has truly been one of honor.” Chancellor Kimtor echoed the sentiments of the Federation President, “When we began this alliance one prominent Governor joked with me and told me that an alliance with the Federation would cost more than it was worth. It turns out that he was absolutely correct. Yet, in comparison to the costs of allying with the Ferengi for example, the Federation isn’t so bad [Laughter]. In all seriousness, we are honored to have found such a reliable ally.” Despite the positive atmosphere in the middle of the capital city, not all were in a joyful mood. Protesters gathered and many had to be physically restrained because of threats and acts of violence. One Klingon from the House of Gimteh remarked, “We are here to stand against the dishonorable alliance. We are a strong self-sufficient people…to be led by a leash by the Federation Empire, it goes against the very nature of what it means to be Klingon.” This minority view seems to be limited to the far right who continue to seek for isolationalism and the removal of the empire from all intergalactic alliances. The faction does, however, seem to be growing with the signing of the 2395 Treaty of Versailles, a non-aggression treaty between the Federation, the Romulans and the Klingons. Some Klingons have vigorously opposed the alliance between former blood enemies. Nevertheless, the bonds between the Federation and Klingons continue to be strengthened and at this point there looks as if nothing could tear these two empires apart. Related Links Klingons Invite Starfleet Marines for Joint Combat Training Starfleet Engineers Offer Insight on New Klingon Vessel Transcript of President Swaggart’s State of the Union Address
  16. Mr. Murray, You are welcome to apply for the Agincourt when applications begin. We understand that from time to time players will not be able to participate for short periods of time and we are willing to work with your situation. Sincerely, Captain Davies
  17. Travis, Very soon. -Davies
  18. Nemesis, You are correct. There are certain advantages to concealing the true firepower of Prometheus class vessels. Don't get me wrong though, Prometheus class vessels are very strong even in docked mode. While there's no canon on their construction, my opinion is that they were built to be a deterence. "Walk softly but carry a big stick" comes to mind. -Davies
  19. Images, Thanks for you comment. In my opinion, there is an ambivalence to Starfleet. While Starfleet seems to be extremely idealistic on one hand, at the same time it is pretty realistic recognizing the balance of power in the galaxy and the necessity of conflict. Starfleet seems to embrace the Grotian approach to international relations, rejecting Hobbes's warlike state of nature and Kant's perpetual peace. Hope this helps, Davies
  20. Vex, An apt description, especially considering their launch after the Dominion war and Wolf 359. It's not paradise out there. :) Thank you for your other comments as well. -Davies
  21. Murray, Thanks for your inquiry. Although the specs are not in their final stage, as it currently stands, the answer is yes. -Davies
  22. Date: September 21, 2395 Location: Romulus "Romulus, New China" With the signing of the 2395 Treaty of Versailles, the final nail in the coffin was hammered into the tr'Llhvae-Tal'Shiar government that had taken over nearly a decade before. The galae forces overthrew the Tal'Shiar government in late 2393 with the unprecedented support of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet. One of the conditions for the Romulans entering the Versailles treaty was the official recognition of the Galae's New Senate as the legitimate head of the Romulan Star Empire. The situation seemed similar to the twentieth century United States' recognition of the People's Repbulic of China and the Communist rule as the legitimate Chinese authority rather than acknowledging the Taiwanese's claim. In that situation, the United States recognized the Communist rule because of prudence, not because of principle. Although the Federation did not necessarily favor the return of the Romulan Star Empire to this new Senate, they found that support for the return was likewise prudent. With the militant Tal'Shiar authorities in power, the Federation had found the Romulans even more difficult to deal with and relations plummeted to their lowest levels in decades. Yet, the Senate led by a charismatic war-hero of a Praetor, promised a new beginning of diplomatic cooperation. Some in the Federation questioned whether the Federation should even get involved in the Romulan crisis, however, the idealists won the day. In an attitude that could only be described as Wilsonian, the Federation idealists envisioned a departure from the fragile balance of power and the embracing of a new level of political and economic cooperation. The Treaty of Versailles was that beginning. Nevertheless, Versailles has remained largely untested, at least politically. Many of the economic barriers that existed between the Romulans, Klingons and Federation have been lifted allowing relatively free trade with minimal regulation and tariffs. Politically speaking, however, the three empires have remained relatively isolated. The true judgment of the success or failure of Versailles will be what happens between the three empires politically.
  23. I like your thinking... ::plotting:: -Davies
  24. The USS Agincourt has two unique tactical advantages. The first is that in its docked mode, most of its armament is cleverly concealed. This has the potential of lulling possible enemies into a false sense of security, especially if they have never encountered a Prometheus class vessel. The second tactical advantage comes form the MV separation. The separation produces virtually three heavily armed vessels. An enemy vessel is bound to be less effective versus three parts than it is versus one single vessel for the simple reason that it cannot focus its attack on just one part without being severely crippled. -Davies
  25. NOTE: This is a special application for one special position, general application information will be available soon. Special Application Second Officer USS Agincourt NCC-81762 STSF community, Colonel Harper and I are offering a special position before general crew applications are taken. Please apply only if you can meet the requirements. Applications are due 2/20/2005. Position Details: • Player would be third in command of the sim as the Chief of Security and would hold the rank of Lieutenant S.G. or Lieutenant Commander (negotiable based on experience). • Player would be responsible for assisting the command staff with creative development including, but not limited to, the development of the plot, assistance with development of background stories, assistance with the running of the simulation, assistance with any miscellaneous tasks the command staff might have. • Player needs to be willing to participate in any recruiting drives for STSF or the Agincourt simulation. • Player needs to be a strong roleplayer, able to create and maintain a complex character. Position Requirements: • Player needs to hold at least the rank of Lieutenant on a STSF advanced sim. Preference will be given to applicants with more experience. • Player needs to be able to commit to 80% attendance of simulations or better from March 2005-March 2006. • Players currently active on 3 or more advanced simulations will not be considered for this position. Application: 1. What is your STSF User Name? 2. How long have you been a member of STSF? 3. Your preferred e-mail address for application-related mail. 4. Are you at least 18 years of age? (being under 18 will NOT disqualify you) 5. Why do you want to become the Second Officer of the USS Agincourt simulation? 6. What skills do you have to fulfill the requirements posted on this application? 7. Please list all of your previous STSF sims. Give GM names, the duration you served (or are serving), and the post held. Please note any sims that you are currently active on. 8. How reliable has your attendance been? What might prevent you from attending a sim? (Regular activities, computer issues, etc.) Please send all applications to [email protected] . Applications are due 2/20/05.