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Everything posted by Zephrah

  1. Starbucks next door, is good but nothing can beat Lollicups!!! I love the Boba that you can get in the drinks!!!!
  2. In other words Kirk was a man-whore.
  3. Honestely I'm excited about the New for one reason alone!!! I"m turning 21!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Althought I love all the episodes, I voted DS9, what can I say Sisko was the best CO out of all the shows. Every one of the series had something good about it. Ent - history TOS - creative aliens. TNG - Children DS9 - Gama Quadrent, aliens Voy - Delta Quadrent, aliens
  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
  6. I have one right our my back door, and another acros the sreet at Safeway. Here is an interesting tid bit. In Israel, Starbucks went under. The coffy wasn't strong enough for them!
  7. It looks like Spit and me are only about 20 min. apart!
  8. You'll love it!!! http://lightoflove.net/12PainsOfCmas.htm
  9. Not till I"m there!! Word = Music
  10. Hot Guys!!! :P B) B)
  11. Phase Torpedoes
  12. Hey now Hanukah is just starting!!!
  13. "Grandma got run over by a reindeer"
  14. American
  15. Wait...... you know the secret?
  16. Yes unfortunalely it is. But that's nothing! Just wait untill the Real fighting starts!!!!! Muahahahahaha......................
  17. ::Looks at Eagle, then at Elgor:: What did you do that for Eagle?!?!?! He was just playing. ::Walkes over, and strokes the plant:: Look you hurt his feelings!
  18. Anyone from Colorado? I'm a little north-west of Denver.
  19. That sounds Great! I havn't been around for a whild, but could we include some sort of a menue, or something like that. Also is boxing the only sport in that place? What happened to the good old days, I was one of the first to fight in that place! We had some killer Btleth games going on!!! QamuIs Heg qaq law' lorvIs yInqaq puS (Better to die on your feet than live on your knees) Zephrah
  20. targwIj ghom (Targ & Trible)
  21. tajwIj 'oHbe' chorlIj jeqbogh Dochvetlhe'e (That is not my dagger protruding from your midsection) Please and thank you. If it is to long could I have pIch vighajbe' (It's not my fault) Thank's You are a god!!
  22. I would love to be a more active member, however I'm not sure if I should redo the Acd. ?
  23. LOL Well, Well, Well..... Should I be frightened? ~Sarcastically~
  24. Turbo Lift