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Posts posted by BenP

  1. 98-05-23 02:43:30 EDT

    Doug sat back in his chair. He reviewed some PADDs given to him by Ensign Pearman. He noted some nice work in the theories and applications behind his warp core enhancements. Ben would turn out to be a fine engineer. He was proud of his staff. Time and again they had pulled the ship out of disaster. He was also proud of his staff for the pride they took in their work.

    But he knew they took their job just as serious. He noticed the attention to details. Drummr had them realign the new inner chamber 4 times before they got it right. Ben was visually inspecting the nacelles from the inside out. He knew this ship would be in good hands. And with the modifications they were installing now, he knew it was the perfect opportunity to begin the new modifications he had designed.

    Doug picked up his PADD and walked out into main engineering. "Mr. Pearman, please take these specifications and have them implemented with the new upgrades the the field coils" "Aye Sir, I was just on my way to check them myself. I'll see to it personally", Doug knew he would too. Doug walked around the core and gave it a few visual scans. First a micrographic scan. The inner chamber looked good. No flaws or cracks. He ran a spectral anaylysis next. The material was perfect for Ben's upgrade. He walked around and found Drummr recalibrating the injectors and constrictors. "Mr. Drummr, I have an assignment for you. I need you to go to cargo bay 3 and bring the Tachyon generator from there." "Aye sir, a Tachyon generator?" "Yes, were installing it along with the new warp core modifications." Doug knew that look of confusion. He had given it so many times to Commander Day. But he had experience now. And Doug was confident in his decisions. He watched Drummr walk out of engineering. He knew he would not be totally satisified with the answer he had been given. Humanoids were such an inquisitive species. Always curious of one thing to the next. Never simply taken the moment for what it's worth. Well, he was ready for it, and had the PADD ready for Drummr to read when he got back.

    He walked backed into his office and sat down. He heard the Commander's voice over the intercom. His voice seemed a little troubled. He had several files with voice stress patterns on the commander. He knew when something was up.

    Mr. Gillard, how are the engine upgrades coming?" "Just fine, Captain. We're right on schedule." "I'm coming down."

    "Captain, I assure you that isn't necessary. You'll have your new engines by the time we are scheduled to leave Star Base XII, I guarantee it." "Doug, I'm not checking up on you. I just feel the need to get my hands dirty, you know what I mean?"

    Doug Gillard nodded thoughtfully and grinned, recalling through experience, that Commander Day when he was the Chief Engineer, was always at his happiest when immersed in some engineering problem. "I know exactly what you mean, Captain. I'll have your tool kit ready. It so happens I know a few things that we could use a hand with, Sir."

    Doug did have something he wanted the commander to work on. He knew he would need the commanders insights into the Tachyon project. Drummr had returned and finished the reviewing the notes he was given. Doug could almost make out a gleam in his eye. He knew Drummr had instantly picked up on the theory. And apparantly was in agreement. "Any problems installing this Mr. Drummr?" "No sir, there won't be any problems at all. The EPS conduits to the bridge will need to be reconfigured and maybe some additional IO chips installed to handle the calculations of the field. But I don't see any problems." "Good, let's get this installed then. Commander Day is on his way, he'll be able to help us with the matter/antimatter ratios for the generator." "Aye sir, and with that Drummr was off opening an unused panel to install the generator."

    "Pearman to Gillard. I'ved managed to upgrade and implement your design for the field coils. I have to say sir, a very unusual idea indeed. But, the teams are done and the coils will hold. You have me guarantee." "Thank you Mr. Pearman, return to engineering. We'll be powering up in a few."

    Doug sat back for a moment. He seemed to be taken back slightly by the whole situation. He had never to this point taken the... "What was that phrase he found, 'Taking the bull by the horns' " He knew this project was a big undertaking. But, he knew his team was ready for it. And he knew this ship, its' crew. He knew whatever happened. The Excalibur would, no could pull through. And with that thought, Doug watched the doors slide open and the commander walk through. He recalled all the times he had seen that in the past, and thought it never meant more than it did now.

    The engineering staff seemed complete.


    and with that, he's found himself again. It's amazing what an infusion of "Enterprise" can do for one (I've been watching the episodes now back to back for about 2 days, just finished Season 1).


    If Kris & Wayne would get back to me on my Emails... :-P


    I've been a bit busy, aside from loosing and gaining jobs in the volitile IT industry, I've found something that I hope I can settle in on for a while. I don't start until July 12, but the scheduling is already working in my favor.


    I've been pretty busy with another project that a few of you may be familiar with. It's that deathtrap of an RPG known as EverCra er I mean EverQuest. I'm the web guru on our website as well as "technical support" officer. You can find us on the web at www.lfon.org. My character is (don't laugh, a few of you have heard me mention him) Yawetag Ke'egnolhta, a level 62 Magician. My in-game wife is Desaril Ke'egnolhta, a level 50 Druid. (who also happens to be my real life girlfriend).


    I hope all is well on Excalibur, it was nice to see a few of you two weeks ago when I dropped in for a visit. I miss you guys, and hi to all the new folk. If I have to re-do the academy on STSF just to rejoin Excalibur, I have every intention of doing so. Could learn a few things. :P