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Feng Zhu

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Posts posted by Feng Zhu

  1. Feng Zhu looked around in main engineering and sighed. He had just completed 28 diagnostic on the warp core and they reported no errors. The Construction of the ship was coming on nicely. The clock just strucked 3pm. He thought he would at least get a bite and a walk about now. He left his station and crossed over to the dry dock.


    When he walked by a open corridor, he saw something strange, it wasn't human, it wasn't vulcan, and definitely didn't look like Andorian. Wait ... It was a Klingon. Feng's heart jumped and he silently slid in to a hiding place behind two empty anti-matter storage tanks. He watched, he saw a security officer down and the klingon was doing something to her throat. He gasped


    What was he going to do? He couldn't possibly take on a Klingon, and he had a disruptor in his hand, Feng had nothing. He could perhaps bluff his way out with the antimatter tanks but it wouldn't get him far. His mind was racing and his blood pumping, his face was red, and it was hard to breathe. He quivered and tried to stand.


    A clunk noise was made as Feng's frantic foot caught a side of a Bulkhead where he hid. His mind went blank, his foot froze. He could only hope the klingon didn't notice ...


    Please don't hurt me please don't hurt me ... he thought.

  2. Feng Zhu

    Assistant Engineer 21st

    Nx-05 constructions

    Propulsion Division





    The Memo Came through to Feng's data padd, he took his lunch break, the last one he probably will get in a long time, he sat at a desk and begun eating his lunch and reading this Memo from one of the best engineers in the fleet.


    He read -


    Allow me, first, to introduce myself. Effective immediately, I am the new foreman of the Challenger construction project. Commander Murphy did a commendable job during his short tenure as foreman and his services will still be contributed to the project in a reduced role. However, Command feels that changes to the project are necessary, and, I assure you, those changes will come under my supervision.


    He paused and pondered. Wow. He thought, his greatest admiration is actually leading away this Nx project, the Man from mars. Feng haven't had much contact with the colonies of Mars, neither knowing that they've existed, all he knew were vague impressions in the daily news. He continued.


    So, of course, can some sweat and strife. Those of you who are not just recently joining the project are used to a relatively light work schedule. This is the first item that will change. Effective next Monday, June 7, all workers will be expected to report to duty by 7:30 AM EST, and the work day will conclude at 6:00 PM. All workers will be entitled to one 10 minute lunch break. Any workers wishing to contribute more than the required amount of hours is free to do so. All workers will also be required to report to duty on Saturdays, when the work day will run from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Sunday duty is optional.


    "Whoa." he commented as he read this passage. "Thats 13 hours and 30 minutes, with 10 minute lunch break?" He said to the padd as if it was going to answer back. 13 hours was a very long time, plus with only 10 minute lunch break. Feng looked at his coffee, still steaming hot. This could mean the end of his coffee drinking addiction, his coffee usually cool down after 10 minutes, gulping all that is enough to drive a man crazy.


    He bit into his sandwich. Surely 13.5 hours a day, 5 days + another 13 hours on saturday a week, would already drive some people out of their skulls. But Feng couldn't care less, as crazy as the work schedule and dead line was he felt right at home, busy days. At least one crazy goal will solve the other.


    He ate his lunch alone, in bitter thought.

  3. "And so it begins"

    Feng Zhu

    Assistant Engineer 21st

    Nx-05 constructions

    Propulsion Division




    The clock struck 2 am in main engineering, the loading of the warp core skeleton was complete, many other engineering divisions had dispersed and were taking a short break. Feng was hard at work, though Challenger's engines will not be fitted in place just yet, it must be perfect if they were to reach the desired time frame. "3 months to build a warp 5 starship, crazy estimation." And it certainly was. It took months just to build the copit of the famous warp ship, The Phoenix, Cochrane's ship.


    Feng rubbed his temples and focused on his task of balancing current projections and Preliminary studies of this ship, they were on a deadline, but it seemed impossible. But who had a care in the world? Humans always create situations like this, impossibility senarios, it was old news. Feng saw his old friend, a tall fellow specialized in warp theory and mechinics, Feng called out to him, as clock struck 2:06.


    "Over here Davis," He called out to the man. Davis turned and smiles, carefully timing his steps, Davis walked over to Feng, who looked up at him. "Hows it going my friend?" Feng asked in a polite tone, though noticable stess could be heard in his voice.


    "Oh, every thing is coming along nicely, the fresh warp core casing is almost fitted, the plasma relays brought in, soon the outter hull would be added and the rest would be easy!" He exclaimed, so excited to be in the NX projects, proud to be a contributer to a warp 5 starship. "And you know what I'd like to see in the future." Davis winked.


    "Oh yes, you're going to finish up your refined warp theories and submitt them to the insitution?" Feng chuckled vaguely.


    "Sure man, we could do that, but whats the point, the Vulcans will turn it down at the first sight, I mean look at them. They tried to stop the first NX project and look were it gotten us! Enterprise was built late. Now she's the only far reaching ship starfleet has! And look where it is now?" His expression changed from excitement to depression.


    "Yeah, yeah the Vulcans, they could be blamed, but who could blame them it wasn't quite their fault to do everything so logically, its their way of life, their piece of mind. I wouldn't mind if we had a Vulcan engineer aboard." Feng said, quite thoughtfully. "Of course starfleet would immediately object to that."


    "pffff! I don't really give a damn. But hey, sooner or later I will design the warp 6 engine, thaaats my dream - " He said. Pondering the possibilities after being cut off.


    "Warp 6, You? The universe would fall apart, at the seams you know." He said, laughing.


    "Well, laugh all you want, don't cry to me when your warp 5 engine degrades to oblivion and need my help, ehh?" He nudged Feng on the shoulder.


    "Say hello to that girl of yours, I got to get back to my girl, the ship." He moved off after Feng had stopped chuckling. What was it that made this guy serious and humorous at the same time? He did not know, nor did he care about how things now would work around them.


    Build this ship, protect earth, avenge my sister. He thought. For they're were the only things that mattered to him now. Nothing else. The clock struck 2:26.

  4. It's hard to believe that there won't be room for everyone, but who knows, maybe well have to speed up the NX-06 as well. : )


    However, we will not be assigning posts on the ship until summer ends and the launch draws near. Not all of the characters created in the logs will be coming with us. Admiral Forrest is staying on Earth, as will the hundreds of the corps of engineers who build the thing.


    This is a chance to explore some characters that wouldn't normally make it onto a starship. So relax and have some fun experimenting with some new characters. The rest will work itself out.


    Thanks to everyone who's joined in so far. There's been some great logs.

    : )

    Like a book :)

  5. "Ethical Debate"

    Feng Zhu

    Assistant Engineer 21st

    Nx-05 constructions




    Feng looked out the window, to see a beautiful beach, with sand that sparkled like golden bits and pieces. He walked back to the table and read the news on his pad carefully again. Starfleet is accelerating Ship productions.


    "Wow, they're really getting desperate." He retorted to himself, of course he hadn't ment it for real. Feng is a man, about 20's in his age, fresh from graduation in academy trainning and engineering studies. People would glady come to him for help in engineering but they would just go to the big guys. Like Commander Moore.


    "With the Enterprise gone, a station destroyed, people killed, no wonder starfleet wants more ships out there." He said to no one particular, while looking out the window from his apartment. To where did looked? The sky, space.


    "Space, the final frontier? what did we think when we saw this, blackness of space, two hundred years ago? Oh sure, many astronomers created theories of constellations and star arrangements. Physicists created laws of physics, quantum mechanics, and eventually, putting some people on alien soil, the moon, mars. Gee what would they have thought of now? Man, roaming the Galaxies in search for other species of life and technology. But is this what really was about? The Nx-05 to be a war ship instead?" thoughtfully, he sat down and stared at the sky, dawning.


    Peace is and will always be at a price. He thought. Ironic, even earth's history revealed that this was true. The world wars, cold wars, disputes, arguements that leads to war. All fought for in the name of piece.


    "Looks like so it will be done again, the probe that grazed the earth, Enterprise going off to its quest to find these ... what were they called again? Oh, it seems this worl - universe is going mad. When will the sufferings end? Oh, when?" He pleaded to the darkening sky above.


    "Building a ship isn't going to bring those 7 million people back, or sending one after them. But it will save other lives. Heh, I would be grateful to help build a ship, to save the rest of humanity, to ensure that no other will lose a love one during a massacre. I ..." He could have felt his emotions starting to boil, his blood starting to boil, but how could he keep it down? He was no Vulcan. Feng slapped his hand flat onto the padd, sending out a series of beeps of error.


    "This was my dream, to cruise the vast space of the great unknown, to meet new people, but what now? Earth is in danger, people were murdered and ... Oh, Sarah, why did you had to be there ... Oh why." The strain was too much, a minute later, he found himself crying, face down on his arm. Such grief, he was only one man, the lost was too great, but he had to toughen up. He tried, stiffed himself ridgid but he could feel the emptiness of his apartment, the missing cries of laughter which occupied this house for so long. But now? Its gone, gone with the wind, gone with the evapourating sea when that thing killed them.


    "THEY KILLED THEM!" he shouted. At an instant sorrow transformed into anger, he felt all the rage that one man could feel when he has lost a little sister, the way many others probably felt. That's it, be strong, many others are with you. He urged himself to stay with the task at hand, to be useful, to contribute so no one else would have to FEEL what he was feeling.


    "Oh, Sarah, you were so young. The men will pay for this, i swear it, they will pay. But that wouldn't be ethical, but i must ... Its ... Indescribable." At a lost for words, he stood up quickly and closed the shutters and lights. The room immediately fell silent and dark. In this Dark, quiet place, one angry, sad, empty engineer laid on his bed. Soulsearching? Perhaps, but planning, he was planning, to help.