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Commodore Moose

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Posts posted by Commodore Moose

  1. 3). Your graduation depends really on how good a player you are. Some might take 3, while others take 30.

    Can we revise this a little?


    I know I'm splitting semantical hairs here, but it implies that people who haven't graduated are 'bad' players. That isn't accurate.


    Our game is filled with many conventions and rules, and it takes time to become comfortable with them. How do you differentiate actions from speech? How do you get from one place to another? What is your character allowed to hear and how do you talk to someone in another part of the ship? How do you get something done? What details are you allowed to make up and what details do you have to learn from others? How do you contribute when the action isn't centered around your department?


    These skills come from practice, and that's the purpose of the Academy. You can't master these skills unless you play the game, and you won't have fun in an advanced sim until you have a good grasp on them. Once you get to an advanced sim, your attention changes to building your character, and you can't do that if you're worried about how to maneuver in a chat room or if you don't understand your character's job.


    Good, creative players could still take many academy sessions to graduate while they learn our online conventions.


    So how many Academy sessions does it take? I don't know. It takes as long as it takes. But you're going to have as much fun in the Academy as you are in the Advanced sims, and when you're ready for the next challenge, then you graduate and are put in the other game where there are other skills to learn.


    Don't rush to graduate. Graduation is not a measure of "good" or "bad", just of how quickly you can be assimilated. Relax, have fun, and enjoy the game.



  2. Oh geez, two birthdays on the same day? Ok then, here's two horoscopes. Feel free to exchange them if they don't fit or you want another color.


    For Blu:


    IF DEC. 12 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Musician Grover Washington Jr. (1943) shares your birthday. You're expressive with your body and face. You relate to the world in a physical way, and in particular, you often have a distinctive voice. You are confident, self-possessed and know how to entertain others: You can put on a show! In the year ahead, you will be faced with an important choice. Choose wisely. (Stolen from Georgia Nichols)


    For Andrew:


    IF DEC. 12 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You mine your potential this year, and destiny smiles on you! In February, be open to introductions. By March, an important issue concerning home or family will reach fruition. A spiritual catharsis is headed your way in April. Debts are cleared in June so you can justify that extravagant vacation! Love signs are Cancer and Libra. Your lucky numbers are 3, 15, 28, 50 and 39. (Stolen from Holiday Mathis)


    Happy Birthday both of you.



  3. Are they letting you have another one of these? Good for you.


    I went to my astrologers website to get the birthday prediciton of the day, and in it's place, there was this pithy little quote:


    BIRTHDAY WORDS: "Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from."


    Man, did he see you coming.


    Happy Birthday Admiral.



  4. many people will go around tapping your chest all night because it is apparently highly entertaining. :P

    Usually when I try that I get slapped.


    Every year when I take my son out for trick-or-treats, I pull out this black baseball cap I have with moose antlers on it. It doesn't matter what else I wear, I walk around with the rack.


    This year, my excited cry of "Hey, guess what it's time for?" was met with rolled-eyes and a "not the moose antlers again" groan. But when we were done gorging ourselves on Milky Way bars, he admitted he thought they were pretty special.


    I'm a contented Moose.

  5. Its not that I am unhappy, I am just curious if that ever does happen

    It does happen. But what almost never happens is the funeral scene where everyone cries over the overwhelming loss of the former character. Personally, I'll allow anyone to remake themselves, but I don't allow the funeral scenes.

  6. Mission Brief: October 17, 2154


    The Challenger crew has been detected in the forests on Acamar III. Baruk, leader of Clan Tralesta, is being led to camp where he expects to collect his proper tribue from the odd-looking trespasser. He has no idea that the Acamarian woman is already there, nor that she had been injured at the hand of the Challenger crew.


    Commodore Fitzgerald M. "Bull" Moose

    Commanding Officer

    Challenger, NX-05

  7. First of all, I have to say that I like Enterprise. Is it the best we've seen in 20 years of Trek? That's hard to say. But what it does better than the other Trek shows is that it makes us wonder 'what's coming next', instead of 'what just happened'.


    From everything I can tell, the producers are committed to bringing us unique and interesting stories this season, as opposed to re-hashing old plots. What's been leaked sounds pretty fun.


    You young'uns who don't remember a time when there was no Trek on TV should open up your minds and enjoy the ride. : )



  8. Mission Brief, September 26, 2154


    Due to Suliban interfearance, the Challenger has been transported far into an unexplored region of space. Protein re-sequencers are still off-line. If Challenger is going to avoid returning to Earth, they must suppliment their organic food supply.


    The nearest star is the Acamar system. The third planet appears to be Class M.


    Commodore Fitzgerald M. "Bull" Moose

    Commanding Officer

    Challenger, NX-05

  9. Mission Brief, Stardate 10409.22


    After escaping two-dimensional space, the USS Arcadia has found itself in a parallel universe. In this reality, Axaia has been destroyed by the Coalition's Revelation Device. And the only lifeforms detected are a renegade band of Klingon party girls in a pink Qob Lakotah.


    There is one similarity between their home universe and the parallel one. A human is travelling with the Klingons. They call her Sol Avah, but she is the mirror image of the Arcadia's former first officer Brianna Sullivan. Sullivan left the Arcadia years ago, to travel to an alternate dimension in search of the Arcadia's former CMO, Dr. Khiaara. Molecular scans have not yet proven which universe she comes from.


    But if she is the former Arcadian, why is she travelling with these Klingons? And what business does she have on the prison planet Risa?


    Cptn Moose

    USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E

  10. Oh Drako... I wasn't even there, so all I know about whatever incident there was is what you just wrote. But as an Academy Instructor I just can't pass a opportunity to lecture. ;-)


    The Academy is the place where we teach new players the mechanics of the game. Tenured players and prior graduates are of course, always welcome, and even encouraged to attend. However, their place in the academy is to serve as an example to the cadets of "how it's done right." Grads are held to a higher standard. You're the role-models.


    One of the basic rules is "follow the mission brief." A Ferengi Security Officer sounds like an interesting character indeed, but it doesn't exempt them from following the same mission brief as everyone else. They key point is not that they're Ferengi or Klingon or even an Android. They key point is that they're a member of the crew working towards the same goal as the rest of the crew.


    If a character would naturally work against the group goal towards their own personal agenda, as you claim a Ferengi would in this example, then the character choice is inappropriate for the Academy and a better choice needs to be made. Many GMs insist that players only use human characters in the Academy just to avoid this situation.


    If you weren't asked to be the SGV, then you were asked to be a member of the crew. And that's the most important characteristic in any Academy character.


    Just my two cents. : ) I hope you at least had fun.



  11. If you were born between August 23 and September 22 ...


    You are a TRIBBLE.


    You're precise, refined, clean & hygenic (I mean, have you ever seen a TRIBBLE poop?) You're orderly, conventional, reserved & observant (you can always spot the storage bin that has the quadrotriticale in it.) You're critical (to food stuffs, mostly), patient, undemonstrative & selective (you shriek loudly everytime a Klingon walks into the room.) You're reserved, polite, charming & you're dignified.


    On the down side, you're stressed out & worried all the time (especially when it comes to Klingons.) Purrr, purrr.


    Famous TRIBBLES in Star Trek:

    Aug. 24 - Jennifer Lien (Medical Assistant Kes, VOY)

    Aug. 28 - Gates McFadden (Doctor Beverly Crusher, TNG)

    Sept. 3 - Merritt Butrick (Dr. David Marcus, ST2, ST3)

    Sept. 11 - Roxann Biggs-Dawson, (Lt. B'Elanna Torres, VOY)

    Sept. 14 - Walter Koenig (Cmdr. Pavel Chekov, TOS)

    Sept. 14 - Bruce Hyde (Lt. Kevin Riley, TOS)


    Horoscope courtesy of http://community-2.webtv.net/TrekAdamG/STARTREKzodiac/


    Birthday courtesy of Jami.


    Happy birthday dear.

