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Posts posted by ScottSabourin

  1. haha SOOO many bus stories... like the guy that started coming on to me one time... yeah.. eww


    but my alltime favourite is...

    a couple of my friends from the outskirts-ish-ness of town (their particular place called Lively)... and we were sitting there, and someone said LIVELY kind of loud...

    and this really wierd lady by us turned to the girl who said it (Sara) and was like, "You live in LIVELY?!"

    and Sara was like, "Yeah..."

    Lady: "Do they have any STORES in LIVELY?"

    Sara: "::laughs:: Yes, lots of stores."

    Lady: "Are there any FLOWER SHOPS in LIVELY?"

    Sara: "I... I think so."

    Lady: "What is the name of this flower shop?"

    Sara: "I don't know."

    Lady: "Oh... that's a shame... I LOVE flower shops..."


    And then we pretended it was our stop, when it wasn't, and walked the rest of the way.

  2. haha i'll try to keep this short... i was asked this once before somewhere else, and it took about half an hour to TELL this person... speaking... o.o;


    haha i like EVERYTHING... except rap.. but I do like eminem... xD


    Pinner... Tethra... Kairi... I love almost all the bands you guys listsed :P

    but SOME of my most favourites are Green Day, Simple Plan, Good Charlottle, Bowling for Soup... and I also love Our Lady Peace and Matchbox 20... and smashing pumpkins..


    I really love punk kinda stuff.. .and classic rock... Ramones are awesome... and I really like 90s rock... 90s was a great decade for music...

  3. 1098996940_waza_sunrider.jpg

    You were destined to have a Red Lightsaber.


    Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, and determination as well as passion and desire. You have seen the Strength and Power of the Dark Side of the Force and have you thirst for more of it.

  4. I'm about to post one of my four favourite works... anyone who has read the Perks of Being a Wallflower should know it.



    Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines

    he wrote a poem

    And he called it "Chops"

    because that was the name of his dog

    And that's what it was all about

    And his teacher gave him an A

    and a gold star

    And his mother hung it on the kitchen door

    and read it to his aunts

    That was the year Father Tracy

    took all the kids to the zoo

    And he let them sing on the bus

    And his little sister was born

    with tiny toenails and no hair

    And his mother and father kissed a lot

    And the girl around the corner sent him a

    Valentine signed with a row of X's

    and he had to ask his father what the X's meant

    And his father always tucked him in bed at night

    And was always there to do it


    Once on a piece of white paper with blue lines

    he wrote a poem

    And he called it "Autumn"

    because that was the name of the season

    And that's what it was all about

    And his teacher gave him an A

    and asked him to write more clearly

    And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door

    because of its new paint

    And the kids told him

    that Father Tracy smoked cigars

    And left butts on the pews

    And sometimes they would burn holes

    That was the year his sister got glasses

    with thick lenses and black frames

    And the girl around the corner laughed

    when he asked her to go see Santa Claus

    And the kids told him why

    his mother and father kissed a lot

    And his father never tucked him in bed at night

    And his father got mad

    when he cried for him to do it


    Once on a paper torn from his notebook

    he wrote a poem

    And he called it "Innocence: A Question"

    because that was the question about his girl

    And that's what it was all about

    And his professor gave him an A

    and a strange steady look

    And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door

    because he never showed her

    That was the year that Father Tracy died

    And he forgot how the end

    of the Apostle's Creed went

    And he caught his sister

    making out on the back porch

    And his mother and father never kissed

    or even talked

    And the girl around the corner

    wore too much makeup

    That made him cough when he kissed her

    but he kissed her anyway

    because that was the thing to do

    And at three A.M. he tucked himself into bed

    his father snoring soundly


    That's why on the back of a brown paper bag

    he tried another poem

    And he called it "Absolutely Nothing"

    Because that's what it was really all about

    And he gave himself an A

    and a slash on each damned wrist

    And he hung it on the bathroom door

    because this time he didn't think

    he could reach the kitchen.



    My others are:

    The Robert Frost one about the two splitting paths (can never remember the name)

    Shakespeare's Sonnet CXLI

    Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven

  5. haha ... frustrating? I think this counts.. haha hah.. hah... o.o


    Last year, for English, we had to put together a poetry anthology with twenty of our favourite poems and such, and than analyze them and such and prepare an entire presentation about these poems to show to the class. WELL... I had just finished mine... except for ONE SENTENCE... and... to figure out what to put, I had to get a book from the other side of the classroom.

    Now, this is a laptop class, so, I lock my computer so no one can f--SCREW with my anthology, and I shut the lid. I go over and get the book. I come back to my seat with the book, and open my computer lid to find a black screen with no lights. O.O;;

    Then I notice the battery had been removed from the computer and was sitting beside it. It turns out the kid sitting next to me wanted to hack my password so he could get in and play around with my work. When he couldn't get it, he thought he'd rip the battery out to try and bypass the lockout. Little did he realize, he'd still have to enter a password anyway to log in... so when he realized that, he gave up.

    I hadn't once saved that 20 page anthology because I'm a big fan of Hibernation... so .. POOF gone... ::murder:: Yeah

  6. Well... another for Tarantino is that in Kill Bill, when Uma Thurman's doing a voiceover, and introducing O-Ren and her people, she says something like, "And see that woman to O-ren's left who's dressed like a villain from star trek?"




    and I'm told that Matt Greoning (producer of the simpsons, and some other good cartoons) is also a Trekkie. Which is why he made Comic Book Guy in the Simpsons a trekkie. Like the one time when CBG is downloading a pornographic picture of Janeway... or the one time when he's surfing, and he sees something and says, "Men? Maybe it's time to go where no man has gone before.."...

    XD or the one time when he gets kicked out of Moe's Tavern, and says, "Is there a word in Klingon for lonliness?" and then he looks in a dictionary for it...

    and there are many others.. but i'm too lazy to put them all down XD

  7. Well, when I am bored.. I go to Neopets.Com and play around. I have two little pets I take care of when I remember to. (They are ALWAYS starving when I go back.. heh.)


    And they have fun games.


    Or, you can do what I do..and write random haiku's for hours on end.


    you know I am bored

    when I hang around this place

    and post this nonsense






    I haven't been there in so long. My pet probably died. :D

    And Haiku's are fun

    I was once obsessed with them

    but I'm over it


    And about the yodelling... I'm..in a library... o.o;




    Wow... that was a somewhat negative post... I'm sorry...

    I'm not normally like that... I'm normally hyper and happy!! ^_^

  8. Hello!... lol, after being a member of STSF for ... wow it's been a year already... I've finally gotten around to the message boards. My goal: to start being an active member.

    Anyway, I'm currently in the library at my school because my teacher told me the class was useless and she likes me so I got out ^_^... but the computers here block a number of sites...

    So... yeah... any suggestions on what I can do for fun?

  9. “What were those sparks?” Neok’el looked at Shamor, who was standing beside both him and Sheng-Ji.


    “Better yet, where are the other three torpedoes?”


    But Flek didn’t pay attention to his Chief’s response; he was staring blankly in the direction of the large windows of Ten-Forward. He had this nagging feeling, but he couldn’t quite figure out what it was.


    He couldn’t say exactly what it was, but from what he was receiving, he didn’t think it was all that friendly.


    He turned his head again, to tell Shamor about the whatever-it-was. However, all he saw to his right was what he thought to be a foggy impression of where Shamor once stood; the place from which he bolted toward the double-doors and was halfway to the turbolift in less than two seconds.


    Neok raised his eyebrow, and turned his head back to the window. He knew he wouldn’t be able to catch up to Shamor, and he wasn’t even going to try like Sheng. He figured if he was going to blow up, then it best be spent doing something other than racing to catch up to the others, which wouldn’t happen in the time he had; he though that whatever-it-was had something to do with this.


    “What are you…” Flek mumbled to himself. He had seemed to have permanently arched his left eyebrow, something he didn’t realize he was doing. The waiter noticed, but Neok’el didn’t. Neok was going to figure out what that thing he felt was…


    He could feel a sense of frustration and a hint of panic on the bridge, a sense of urgency moving rapidly towards the torpedo bay, and other varying emotions throughout the ship… and mixed in with all that was a black cloud… but where it was, Neok’el could not discern.


    Then he did know where it was; for a split second, he had focused in on it, but the second he did, something—and it wasn’t him straining himself, again—made his leg hurt.


    ‘It’s attacking me,’ Flek thought.


    Then he was overwhelmed by the pain, and he fell to his knees, and they made a popping noise as they hit the deck-plating. He could visualize in his mind where this malicious thing was, but then the tingling migrated from his thigh to brain. As he wondered what this curious sensation was, he saw the picture he had stored in his mind slowly being erased from his memory. Then it was gone, and he fell the rest of the way to floor.


    Somewhere, in the far distance it seemed, he heard someone say, “Medical Emergency in Ten-Forward.”


    And he also heard, coming through the com-system, “Mr. Flek, the armed probe has been deactivated, and there is an investigation being started. Please report to the main security office.” But he didn’t recognize the voice; either he’d never heard it before, or he had lost more memory than just the image.

  10. This starts at where the last sim before the Christmas break when the station first came back ended. It will change though…


    Dent and Sabourin walked onto the CT. There were blown-out panels and flashing lights everywhere.

    “Whoa…” Scott was thinking of the large job ahead of them, “It’s times like these when I wish I hadn’t lost that manual.”

    But despite the size of the task at hand, Scott was, in some miniscule way, excited to take it on, and he expected the other Lt. JG was.

    Speaking of Mr. Dent… “Arthur… Guess what! I lost my manual!”

    Dent paused what he was doing for a second, sighed, and started again, not saying anything to Scott.

    “I was thinking maybe we’d do what we could, and then if we realized we needed the manual, I’d go and find it…”

    Arthur grunted.

    Scott, frowning, got to work.


    Now it’s about 5 minutes before the sim that I missed started…


    Scott, lying under his console, was trying to restore the program that would monitor the internal sensors. “That’s it!”

    He switched a chip, and crossed a funky-coloured wire, and the console started whirring. He sat up, got into the chair, and read the display:


    Routing Internal Sensor Readout……Complete

    Rendering Station Schematic……Complete


    Would you like to use scanning mode A, B, C, or D?


    After pondering for a second, Sabourin elevated his voice slightly, “Computer: elaborate. What does each of the scanning modes involve?”

    And the computer responded, “Literary file found; now playing.” And then the computer started to recite Romeo & Juliet.


    "Two households, both alike in dignity,

    In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,

    From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

    Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

    From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

    A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;

    Whole misadventured piteous overthrows

    Do with their death bury their parents' strife."


    “Computer: Stop playback.”

    “There are 5 people on the Control Tower. Now continuing with playback:


    The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,

    And the continuance of their parents' rage,

    Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,

    Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;

    The which if you with patient ears attend,

    What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend."


    “Curious… Computer: How many people are on the Control Tower?”

    “Stopping playback.” And the computer ceased its monotone play, and the console beeped, requesting the prefered scanning mode.

    “Arthur,” Scott looked over to the Flight Ops Officer, “I’m going to find that manual.”

    This time Arthur nodded; Scott stepped into the turbolift, and hoped that when he said “Deck 24,” he not only ended up there, but that that would be where the manual was.

  11. After everything was finished with Doctor Wero’s transport, and Ensign Murray passed the test Neok’el set up for him with flying colours, Flek put Wimbley in charge of tactical; he had some work he had to do in his quarters before the next mission had officially started. He entered the turbolift, and told it to send him to his quarters.

    After a minute, it opened, and Neok’el stepped out. He turned left, and the left again; his quarters was the first door to the left when the turbolift dropped him off, or at least, when it dropped him off there, which it normally did.

    He walked in, and saw the five cases he had left sitting on the floor; his failed attempt at unpacking. He crouched down beside them, and started sifting through the contents of the top-most case. Inside, pressed against the left side, he found a stack of 6 rectangular objects, each separately wrapped in a soft, paper-ish substance. He picked up the first one, knowing what they were; they were pictures! He unwrapped the first one, and it was of his dog that he had when he was in the academy. In fact, it was still alive, just it was with his parents at the moment. Neok’el set the picture on the nearby table. He picked up the second picture, and unwrapped it; it was a picture of him and Kathryn. It was from ten years ago, when Neok’el was lying on a bed, in a hospital, recovering from his injury.

    At age 17, Neok’el had sustained an injury to the back of his right leg while participating in a game of Pareses Squares. A metal rod punctured his clothes and flesh, and dug into the muscle. He had had surgery for it, and still experiences lessened muscle capacity and abilities, and random pains.

    But no pain could compare to the one he felt as he looked at the picture of his now dead girlfriend.

    When they were 18, they had both moved into an apartment together, and lived there for a year. After a year in the apartment, there was a fire, which killed Kathryn. Neok’el, aged 19 at the time, was not injured. He later testified that he was not in the apartment with Kathryn because he was out getting an engagement ring. He was quoted saying, “I was going to ask her to marry me, that night.” Of course, he was that prime suspect since it was determined that the fire was arson, and he was out of the house. But his lawyer aunt, Juliet Triphist, used evidence like the ring he had just acquired to prove him innocent.

    He set this picture beside the other one, but with more care than he gave the other. And although he had let go of it, he was still staring at it, thinking about the past. But then something pulled him back into the present.

    “Lt. JG Flek, could please come back to the bridge?”

    He wasn’t sure who it was, but he acknowledged it, and realized he already held a rank within the lieutenant family; and he was yet to ask the captain for permission to have his dog brought on board. He finally broke his stare at the picture, and wiped away a few random tricklings from his eyes as he stood to leave.

  12. Before entering the Null Space, Neok’el wondered what it was like inside there. But he didn’t actually want to go inside of it! But it happened anyway, and Neok’el was running scan after scan, after scan. He was alone on the bridge, and was tempted to start singing, but he didn’t, because Captain Michaels walked, or rather… stumbled in. “Captain! I wasn’t aware you were cleared from Sickbay. How are you feeling?”


    But of course, it was an unnecessary question… Neok’el was empathic. That’s why he could tell that the captain was lying when he said, “I’m fine, ensign. Report!”


    But Neok’el Flek dared not to question the captain’s capability, unless, of course, he dropped dead. But he didn’t like that thought, so he gave his report. After a few minutes, he witnessed quite a show. Doctor Matthews eventually got the Captain to leave, but he put Doctor Smith in charge first.


    So Neok’el left the bridge as fast as he could, and headed off to science, to meet Payton Hickok. She wasn’t there, but he knew she’d be coming. But in the mean time, he sang. And she eventually came in and they started their scans. Yes, more scans. But for a minute Neok’el thought of trying a different type of scan; he tried to see if he could pick up the empathic readings from the Hawking’s crew. But, he got nothing; well, except his right leg started to hurt. ‘I’ll have to go to Sickbay after…’ he thought to himself. But in the mean-time, he would run scan, after scan, after scan.

  13. Scott sat on the Control Tower. He had just finished talking to Muon, and had sat down at his console. “Computer: Display all visual records I have in my Personal Database.”


    After a minute, after Captain Halloway asked him for the name of a science officer, the computer responded, “Search returned 4096 results.”


    Scott muttered to himself, “I really need to clean out my database… Computer: Transfer the results to my quarters.”


    He sat there for a few minutes doing routine things, when Aegis received a hail. The USS Lewis was requesting to dock, and the Admiral gave permission. Scott transmitted docking information to the Lewis, gave them a standard greeting, and went on with his routine things. A few minutes later, he stood up and left for his quarters.


    When he entered, the first thing he did was, “Computer: Play music from my personal database, and display the results from my earlier search.” When he said that, he pressed a button on the display screen that sat on his coffee table. “4096…I’ll have to narrow my search… Computer: Show only the pictures that contain Lt. JG Jenna Schwartz.”


    “There are no pictures that contain Lt. JG Jenna Schwartz.”


    “Alright… Computer: Show any pictures that contain people who resemble Schwartz.”




    Scott started whistling with the music as he waited.


    He sat there thinking about what was going to happen. Even if Muon was able to prove that he was innocent, the fact that such an accusation occurred would go into his personal record.


    As he waited for the first search to finish, he started a second one. “Computer: Display all information in the station’s database about Jenna Schwartz along with her personnel file.”


    The computer, being stubborn as always, said, “Some files pertaining to Jenna Schwartz are restricted.”


    “Well, show me what you can.”


    “Now showing Lieutenant Junior Grade Jenna Schwartz’s personnel file, please wait for other files.”


    Scott took a look. It showed how she was currently 31 years old, and had turned down numerous promotions and increases in rank, stating that she did not want to give up her current assignment. Yet, after serving 5 years as a Lt. JG science officer onboard a starship, she filed for a transfer to Aegis. She requested this transfer three days after Scott arrived on Aegis.


    He stared at the enclosed picture of Jenna… he knew her from somewhere damn it, and he couldn’t put his finger on it.


    “Search completed. Three visual files were found containing individuals resembling Lt. JG Jenna Schwartz.”


    Scott looked at the list. All three were pictures taken about 9 years ago. Scott was a packrat, never throwing out or deleting anything unless it was necessary.


    He accessed the first one on the list. It was a picture of his dad, standing beside Jenna, with his arm around her! But why hadn’t this picture come up when he asked the computer to show pictures of Jenna. “Computer, why didn’t you display this picture when I asked for pictures of Schwartz?”


    “Lt. JG Jenna Schwartz is not in the current picture.”


    “Yes she is! Maybe… Computer, describe this picture.”


    “The picture is of Maurice Sabourin and his wife Kimberly Wright. It was taken at 0933 on stardate 9507.26 by Scott Sabourin.”


    “KIM!” Scott remembered that day well…




  14. “Against logic there is no armour like ignorance.”

    Laurence J. Peter (1919 – 1988)


    Personal Log

    LtJG Jenna Schwartz

    SD 0408.28


    Jenna was summoned to Security. She was to meet Midshipman V’ran in Security, for questioning related to the ‘incident’. So, since she was doing nothing but sitting on her couch, she got up and left her quarters. She entered the nearby turbolift, and got in. “Computer, Main Security.”


    The turbolift shot through the turboshafts into the Midway, and up to the third deck of the Midway, the first deck of Security. The doors whipped open, and Jenna stepped out to see V’ran crouched down beside a body outside Security. It looked like the body had fallen off the top level.


    Jenna ran up, and shortly after, so did Dr. Images. V’ran told Jenna to wait in the Security office, but she said, “In case you’ve forgotten, I outrank you, Midshipman. And I want to see if this person will be okay.” V’ran looked at her, and after a moment, she felt quite ignorant. He was in a gold security uniform, and he had the right to order her into the office. “Please wait inside,” he repeated.


    She stood up, and entered the office, and sat down. After a minute, V’ran entered, and began questioning Jenna about the ‘incident’.


    She told him everything that she had told Quark earlier, and it wasn’t easy. But, finally, V’ran dismissed her. She went back to her quarters, where she sat on the couch, and cried. She cried tears of laughter; she was laughing!

  15. “I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.”

    - Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)


    Scott followed Muon into the Ready Room. She sat him down, and handed him a padd, asking, “Can you explain this?”

    Scott looked it over.


    “Violate…,” he muttered, but then he became serious, “Violate?! I DID NOT ‘VIOLATE’ ANYONE!” Scott stood up, sending the chair he was sitting on backwards, and slammed the padd down on the desk.


    “Ensign, please sit down and calmly tell me what happened. I assure that I will personally investigate this myself.” Muon replies, uprighting the chair. So Scott listened to Muon and bit his knuckle, the middle joint on his right index finger, and sat down.


    “Ensign?” She looked at him, and then at his knuckle.


    “Oh… old habit… There was no violation. It was a bump; and it was her who bumped into me.” He stared at her.


    “Details Ensign Sabourin, I need details.” Muon replied as she leaned back in her chair. Scott leaned forward, resting his arm on the desk.


    “It was the other day, when the anti-matter containment fields were failing. I was in Drankum’s at the time, and LTJG Schwartz was there too—.”


    “How did you know she was there, were you following her?” Muon cuts in purposefully, to see his reaction.


    Scott was shocked and appalled that she would ask such a thing. His voice changed to a cold tone, “How dare you…,” he bit his knuckle again and became a little less evil, “No, I was not following her… if you would let me finish…”


    Muon motioned for Scott to continue.


    “Thank You. Like I was saying, she was in Drankum’s too, which I didn’t know until she spilled my drink.”


    Muon went to interrupt him again, but he shot her a glance, and she reluctantly backed off. Scott started again, “But before we encountered each other, I was sitting at the bar, drinking a Long Island Iced Tea, Extra Icy, and she ran by me; I assumed she was an engineer. I was just about to stand up and head to the Control Tower, and she elbowed me in the ribs! My drink spilled all over my clothes, and I said something like, ‘Excuse me!’ “So she spins around and says, ‘Excuse me? You’re the one who walked into me!’ LtCdr Quark, I was still sitting!”


    “So you didn’t do anything inappropriate to her, Scott?” Muon asked and made an entry into her padd.


    “Of course not; I would never think of doing anything like that.”


    “Alright… What happened today, when you were in Drankum’s with Captain Halloway and Ensign Zhu?” Muon asked.


    “It was before Eli got there… the Captain and I were talking, when I excused myself from him. I had seen Schwartz enter, so I walked up to her. I wanted to talk to her about what had happened. She again blamed me, and I was about to say something when she lost all of her anger, and grabbed a padd. She put in the location of her quarters, and a time.

    “During our conversation, if you could call it that, Eli walked in and sat down with the Captain. Jenna handed me the padd, and walked away. I joined Halloway and Zhu, and after your little prank on V’ran and Halloway, the Captain departed for the Yorktown. Eli and I talked about the padd for a while, and came to the conclusion that she liked me and wanted to meet me later. I don’t know why she is saying what she is…”


    Muon handed Scott another padd. He looked at that one, and it was a copy of the one Jenna had given Scott in Drankum’s. He looked at Muon, confusedly. So she gave him an explanation, “She gave it to me, hoping that if you went, you would be met by Security instead of her.” Muon answered.


    Scott didn’t know what to say, or what to do. So he sat there, and did nothing. But then a look of extreme concentration came over his face.


    “Is something the matter?” Muon asked frowning.


    “I don’t know… But for some reason, I don’t think this is the first time I’ve seen Jenna…”

  16. “Speak when you are angry--and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret.”

    - Laurence J. Peter (1919 - 1988)



    Neok’el sat in the Observation Lounge… on edge. Not quite knowing what would come next. Neok’el took a drink from his cup, ‘Travis was right, this is good coffee,’ he thought to himself. In the breaks where there was no one talking, Neok’el would try to sort through the empathic feelings he was getting. There was a certain engineer who, amongst other common feelings of stress and anger, felt quite upset with himself, obviously over his error; and there was an ex-temp first officer who was so tired and exhausted he couldn’t care less about what he had done. But when he slammed down his badge, and pips, he wasn’t bluffing; and he was not trying to make someone feel bad. There was extreme relief the second the small circles hit the table… was he glad to be leaving StarFleet? And there was also hate. It wasn’t clear what the hate was at, but Neok’el had a pretty good idea. It would make sense that the anger was at the man screaming at him and throwing coffee cups. But Neok’el wasn’t quite sure what the commander was feeling. It was apparent that he was insane and drunk on anger, but that was determined by his… physical appearance. But Neok’el was having trouble with Ridire; it was like there was some sort of mental block…

    Neok’el made a note in his mind to talk to the commander about this later, after he had cooled down. But for now, all he could do was sit there, sort emotions, and drink some darned good coffee with all the other shocked, eager, anxious and taken aback officers in the Observation Lounge.

  17. Full Name: Neok’el Flek


    Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade

    Gender: M

    Age: 27

    DOB: July 6

    Species: Half Human/Half Betazoid


    Height: 5'9"

    Weight: 162.5 lbs

    Eye Color: Blue

    Hair Color: Bald

    Skin Color: White


    Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia, Earth




    Father: Former Lt. Marcus Flek, Human. He was forced to leave StarFleet because of a medical complication.

    Mother: Deena Flek, Betazoid.

    Aunt: Juliet Triphist, Human; Father’s sister. Juliet is a lawyer, and at the time, defended Neok’el in his murder trial (more information below).




    From ages 14-17 Neok’el was Captain of a Pareses Squares team. At age 17, in the final game of the season, he sustained an injury which postponed the game to a later date (more information about injury below).


    At age 18 he graduated high school, and so did his girlfriend of 2 years, Kathryn Selytsemoh. They both moved into an apartment together, and lived there for a year. After a year in the apartment, there was a fire, which killed Kathryn. Neok’el, aged 19 at the time, was not injured. He later testified that he was not in the apartment with Kathryn because he was out getting an engagement ring. He was quoted saying, “I was going to ask her to marry me, that night.” Of course, he was that prime suspect since it was determined that the fire was arson, and he was out of the house. But his lawyer aunt, Juliet Triphist, used evidence like the ring he had just acquired to prove him innocent.


    Shortly after being found innocent on his 20th birthday, he applied and was accepted into StarFleet Academy. After four years of training in security and computer sciences, he graduated. He subsequently went to the StarFleet Security Academy, where he trained for three years. At age 27 he was given the rank of ensign and assigned as an assistant security officer on the USS Reaent NCC-3345-G.


    Service Record:

    0107.06: Graduated from StarFleet Academy

    0407.13: Graduated from StarFleet Security Academy

    0407.25: Given the rank of Ensign, and assigned to USS Reaent-G as an Assistant Security Officer


    Major Events during Career:

    None as of yet.


    Medical History:

    At age 17, Neok’el sustained an injury to the back of his right leg while participating in a game of Pareses Squares. A metal rod punctured his clothes and flesh, and dug into the muscle. He had surgery for it, and to this date still experiences lessened muscle capacity and abilities, and occasional pains. But despite this, Neok’el continued to play Pareses Squares and eventually became an extremely talented Security officer.



    Neok’el is a calm and collected person. Although he is only half Betazoid, he has telepathic and empathic abilities. He carefully thinks things out before making a decision; anything but hasty. He is a diligent worker; never late or absent, only because of the thorough enjoyment he gets from his work.



    Neok’el is very fond to music of all types. He enjoys reading, and enjoys strategy games. He is extremely good at crossword puzzles, fill-in puzzles, and word-search puzzles.

    Also, he enjoys sports such as badminton, racquetball, volley ball, soccer, football, and golf. And, he is an excellent billiards player.