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Posts posted by JGSL

  1. It was around long before enterprise. It held the key to the future designs of all star fleet ships. It had cool names like the archon, essex, and horizon. Primary and secondary hulls and warp nacells.


    Personally I like the Spherical hull instead of the saucer section, but then again the saucer section of later ships was sleek looking. Still I'd rather have the spherical hull. And thinking about Cost to commission one in 2366, I bet you could drag one up pretty quick. There has got to be a dozen of them in the salvage yard. Although I am betting they aren't as common as the constitution class. Which would be my second choice of a ship. Third being the Constellation. Not to be picky though. Hey, I'd take the arcos(freightor) if it was offered. :) mmmm arcos... if it hadn't been destroyed I'd take her anyday

  2. Thanks for the info on Richter's scale of Cultural Development. I think there was also one on the geological development of a planet as well. Maybe it was just noted that a planet was young. I think though it was mentioned briefly in the Kirk years. :)

  3. well I thought it was a star trek classification... but then I have dreampt so many things I suppose it is possible that I had a very intricate dream in which I recall reading about an unknown topic. Or if your a Universe contingancy expert, then you may know what I mean by realistic de ja vouz. If not thats okay... I can explain. The contingancy theory states basically that one is travelling in a cosmic string of universes that is chaotic (or particular only to the person who is travelling) Chaos theory applies, so does karmatics... but anyways you will see every last universe that you are apart of before the end. Which I have discovered there is no end... it just begins again... you see the memories rarely transfer over from one to the next. They are there but it takes a psycological interuption to recover them. Anyways one might experience that all there wishes be granted from one universe to the next, or perhaps there worst fears will occur even if only in a nightmare. Its real, baby, the universe contingancy, is real. We live our lives in this world but also in the next... and our bodies may differ, but our spirits are always the same.

  4. that wasn't it, but thanks. I guess what I am looking for is a critical peice of information that is only seen in the time during kirks first five year mission. In one episode it talks about the history of a planets development on a scale of a-z. A being the least developed, and Z being the most developed. The name of the system has since sliped my mind, but for the purposes of understanding Earth was thought to be at around the middle some where, and in the twentith century was somewhere like k? thats if my memory serves me right. Its a complex system really... I forget who proposed it. I want to remember, but I just keep drawing a blank.

  5. Hey I am looking for information on planets. Specifically the planetary system of technological development. You know that aphabetical scale of plant-wide development. Not to be confused with the geological system of mesurement which tells how old a planet is and how well geolically it is developed.

  6. Hello I am new here. I would give you my name, rank, and cerial number -but I am not certian that I have a rank or cerial number yet, so I will just give you my sir name


    Mr. Lynch


    Hopefully I can find my way into your academy or maybe take the enlisted way out and be a crewmember... but I think even they go to the academy for two years


    Also I would like to know what the system of measurement for a planets development is called. Its not that important, I am just curious