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Capt Ayers

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Posts posted by Capt Ayers

  1. Nick enters the holodeck and waits until the doors close behind him before he looks around. He had spent days working on this program, getting the locale, the sounds, the smells and the view just right. And now....he sighs to himself quietly. He glances at the table set for two near the railing before glancing around the rest of the boat. He steps over to the railing and looks out across the water at the night lit Eiffel tower.


    He had created the program for two reasons. The first was that it was how he wanted to celebrate his birthday. He's never been to Paris yet in his life and with living so far away it may be a long time until he can see the real thing.


    The second reason was who he wanted to spend his birthday with. They had precious little time lately just to be alone and be a couple and that was the birthday present he wanted most. Time to eat a lesiourly dinner, perhaps do some dancing or perhaps some other things. Just simply time where Starfleet, the station and the rest of the universe didn't find ways to intrude.


    And yet the universe had found a way to intrude none the less. Ethan was off leading a rescue mission and there would be no celebration, not at least until she got back. And if the distress signal turned out to be as bad as it sounded, she wouldn't feel much like celebrating anyways. He clenches his hand into a fist in frustration, thinking that sometimes the job cost them far too much, even if it was the job itself that brought them together. Perhaps it was time to....


    He shakes his head before saying "Computer, deactivate program and save. Show exit...."

  2. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more,

    Or close the wall up with our English dead!

    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man

    As modest stillness and humility,

    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,

    Then imitate the action of the tiger,

    Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,

    Disguise fair nature with hard-favored rage.

    --Henry V, Shakespeare




    Nick frowns slightly as the mouth of the wormhole opens up and spreads across the display screen of the viewscreen. He knows it's hardly logical or scientific of him but a shiver of fear runs down his spine as it occurs to him that this wormhole appears a bit more...violent and primal then the Bajoran wormhole or the others he's seen in his career. He sighs inwardly as he mentally chastises himself for that thought. Wormholes aren't alive so they couldn't harbor ill will. They were a thing and while the forces that created them could indeed by violent they were still only things. Objects to be careful around...but hardly afraid of.


    Perhaps it's because this wormhole apparently was the means that the Breen used to destroy Aegis and make their escape that was giving rise to these thoughts of his. The same way that simple geometric shapes always made some back corner of his mind think about the Borg and their ships.


    Turning his gaze from the viewscreen he shifts his attention towards Muon standing at the tactical console. With as much calmness as he can muster he says "Ready a probe to be sent into the wormhole ahead of us and go to red alert. And inform the Romulans of our intentions." After a second's glance back at the viewscreen he says "Helm, prepare to enter the wormhole."

  3. Nick sighs as he glances around what was...what used to be the quarters he shared with Ethan on Aegis. All in all it wasn't too bad, at least the quarters hadn't been vented to open space. Still there was obvious signs that the station had been savagely attacked and that the damage extended to their quarters. Part of the ceiling in the bedroom of Ethan's half had been crumpled down enough that he had to nearly stoop to enter it. And one of the support beams embedded in the ceiling had come loose, crashed down through the ceiling and had embedded itself pretty much in the middle of the baby grand piano that Nick had in his half of the quarters. Privately he wonders what sort of hoops he's going to have to jump through to get another one made and taken to his quarters when the station is rebuilt.


    He steps around the remains of the piano to a shelf and examines the remains there. He frowns darkly to himself. He had two crystal globes there before the attack. Each was acid etched to replicate two planets, one Earth and the other the El Aurian home world. Sighing he picks through the pieces of crystal..all that remains of both globes.


    Suppressing the resurgent anger at the Breen for what they had done, he taps his commbadge and says "Ayers to USS Lewis, one to beam back.

  4. USS Lewis

    Observation Lounge


    Nick sighs to himself as he takes a sip of his tea before returning his attention to the stars beyond the windows. He murmurs "A year...such a fragile short thing..and yet..." He sighs again and shakes his head. With the coming holiday his mood had definitely taken a turn for the worse. It was annoying..this Christmas was supposed to be special, the marking of the passing of the first year of his marriage to Ethan. And yet with the destruction of the Aegis and it's subsequent rebuilding, the process of which has just barely started, he had barely any time really to think of something to get her or how exactly to celebrate. And it didn't help that the quarters they were sharing on the Lewis weren't home. What he had considered home was the joint quarters they shared on Aegis...quarters that had managed to escape most of the damage done to the Station but still what they had left behind was likely to remain lost.


    It was going to probably be months before he could even step foot on the new Aegis and get back to some semblance of what had been normal for him. And then..even then it wasn't going to be the same. He wonders how long he's going to feel out of place this time..how long it would be before he felt like he had a home again.

  5. Nick sighs as he stands up. "Excuse me, Ambassador, but I have other things to tend to since we've arrived back home." He steps towards the door leading from the ready room but as he reaches he pauses and says over his shoulder "I do have one suggestion though. I suggest you look up the 20th century's Soviet Union and their practice of assigning political officers, or zampolit as they called them, to military units and naval ships,...and how well that did not work out. Good day, Ambassador."


    With that he walks out onto the Bridge and says "There should be a Cardassian facility near Aegis position now. Put it on screen." Nick idly wonders to himself as to what exactly the Cardassians were giving them. All the Admiral had said was something about some type of space-dock facility.


    Nick glances up at the screen as it switches to show the Cardassian facility. He frowns as he stands, saying "Magnify." The image magnifies several times to show the Cardassian facility. Nick resists the urge to swear outloud as the facility is clearly one that had been mothballed more than a short amount of time. He glances back at tactical "Scan that thing...and get Admiral Goran on the line." As he turns back to the viewscreen he thinks to himself "Never trust a Cardassian promise...."

  6. Nick wakes up shivering in a cold sweat with his heart racing. Even as the nightmare fades he remembers what it was about. The recent temporal incident had caused everyone that had been on the Control Tower to experience what were far too realistic deaths. The nightmare had recounted those..the deaths he had experienced along with the experience of watching and feeling Ethan and the others around him die. Privately he muses that it's no wonder he'd had a nightmare about it. It was pretty much one of the things that he fears the most. The psych test he had faced over twenty years earlier while he was a cadet in the Academy had focused on exactly that fear. He had nightmares for a week after that test. And now it was like it all came roaring back.


    He slips out of bed and moves to his closet to retrieve some clothes to change into. He exits the bedroom and steps towards the door that lead to the corridor. As the door opens he reaches down to catch the kitten that Ethan had adopted. He scratches the kitten behind the ears causing it to purr. He softly murmurs "Furrball, you really need to learn to stop that. This station is much too big for you to run around in." He sets the kitten down and makes sure the door closes without the kitten slipping through. He turns to walk down the cooridor and within a few minutes he finds himself outside one of the holosuites. He has the computer bring up a program and start it. That done, he steps through the doors.


    He finds himself standing on a grassy hill overlooking a field. A lone tree adorns the top of the hill and it's to the tree that he walks. The gentle breeze whips through his hair which seems to be glowing spectrally under the full moon. Reaching the top of the hill he sits down under the tree and then lays down on his back. He stares up at the star lit sky and he does so the breeze picks up a little, bringing a haunted sound to him. He continues to stare up at the stars as he loses himself in his thoughts.

  7. Nick frowns slightly as he reads through some paperwork while in his office. It was amazing, he thought, that even in a crisis paperwork could pile up..in fact it seemed to pile up faster. Granted, he wasn't a neat freak but his desk had gotten a little too messy thanks to various padds and forms and such as of late for even his taste.


    He sets the padds aside and sighs to himself. There is just one last little matter to take care...the disposal of the Rixian that had tried to kill him. What with the Romulans and everything else that had happened, there simply hadn't been time to deal with the dead would-be murderer. After a few moments he taps his comm badge and says "Doctor McKinny to my office please."


    DJ leaned against the back wall of the car as she rode the turbolift up to the Control Tower. She'd been a little surprised by the Captain's summons. He hadn't offered any explanation as to why he wanted to see her but she assumed it had something to do with her impending departure. She decided he must have had enough of Sickbay for a while. Now it was her turn to come to his office.


    The lift came to a slow stop and the doors swished open. DJ stepped out into the controlled chaos that was the station's command center. It never ceased to amaze her how many people were either coming to or leaving from the Control Tower. She wondered how they all managed to move up and down the corridors without some type of traffic signal. She much preferred the more mundane environment in Sickbay. It wasn't as noisy down there either.


    The CMO walked toward the Captain's office, greeting several passersby along the way. The door was open and Nick Ayers was sitting at his somewhat cluttered desk. "Dr. McKinny reporting as ordered, Captain," announced DJ. She smiled politely as looked up but waited for his invitation before entering the office.


    He glances up at the Doctor then gestures to one of the open chairs opposite him. He says "You could have entered after announcing yourself." He waits until she sits down to add "My apologies for summoning you up here like this but I think you may have an objection to what I'm about to ask and I thought it better to deal with that in private rather when in Sickbay or over the intercom. It occurs to me that with everything that's been going on we haven't dealt with the body of Damin yet." He pauses long enough to make sure that no trace of residual anger at what Damin had done leeches into his voice. "I want the body taken out of storage and cleaned up. Once that's done I'm going to have security take the body and put it in a torpedo casing and then I'm going to have it launched into the Cardassian sun."


    He settles back in his chair, awaiting the inevitable objection.


    "It's odd you should bring this up," replied DJ evenly as she walked toward one of the chairs in front of the Captain's desk. "I was asked just yesterday if any decision had been made regarding Damin's body. I assumed it was still....evidence." She shrugged her shoulders slightly. "I guess I was wrong. Sounds like the investigation is now over."


    Captain Ayers said nothing nor did he give any indication that she was right about the investigation. He simply sat quietly and waited for her to continue. He'd been right when he said she might have some objections to his plan. At the same time, DJ was hoping there was a viable reason behind it. She would hate to think Ayers wanted to send the Rixian's remains into the Cardassian sun for nothing more than revenge.


    "Shooting Damin's body into the sun is a bit dramatic, don't you think?" she asked casually, taking her seat. "Wouldn't it be much easier to cremate him and return his ashes to Rixis? I'm sure he has relatives who must be wondering where he is."


    "The investigation is for all intents and purposes over. There is no evidence that he acted with anyone here and it's impossible for us to find out whether the Rixian government or parts of it are responsible or not. Frankly, the Federation is not going to waste the resources to find out over one mere Starfleet Captain. Especially with this situation with the Romulans looming over everyone's heads."


    "As for shipping the body back to the Rixian home world that is likewise out of the question. We'd have to explain how Damin ended up here, how he died and what he did while here. That could at the least cause difficulties for the Rixian reformers like Dr. Lanvin. The Rixians by and large are prone to xenophobia, they were xenophobic over 1,000 years ago and they're just as xenophobic, if not more so, now. The reactionaries in their government would for sure try and pin Damin's death on us and use it to secure the retraction of the Rixian government's request for help. They'd rather die, Doctor, then ask assistance from people who they consider inferior. As much as I would personally like to return him to his family, Doctor, I am not inclined to create a martyr in so doing. Not when it might cost a species their existence."


    "I understand your concerns about returning him to Rixis," replied DJ. "Still, putting that body into a torpedo tube and firing it into the sun....well....that seems excessive." She half expected a rebuttal but the Captain never flinched. "If you're determined to vaporize him, we can do that here, on the station. It would be far more cost effective and require less effort."


    The CMO paused a moment, still focusing on Ayers. "Permission to speak freely?" she asked, hoping he would oblige. She was concerned there was more going on here than met the eye.


    "Of course. You hardly need to ask permission while in private, Doctor." He says that simply, with no trace of annoyance in his voice.


    "We will need to dispose of Damin's body," stated DJ. "But why would you even consider sending it into the Cardassian sun?" She shook her head and frowned slightly. "That's extreme, to say the least. Are you trying to erase any trace of Damin? Because that isn't possible. He's already left an indelible mark on many of us, especially you."


    The CMO leaned forward and lowered her voice slightly. "This idea to send his body into the sun sounds a little like an act of revenge. If it is, I assure you, it won't accomplish much. You may feel better for a little while but that will quickly fade. I understand your animosity toward him. But he's dead, Captain. There's nothing more he can do to you or anyone else for that matter. There is no need to take revenge on a corpse."


    Nick shakes his head slightly. "Doctor, this is not about revenge. And this isn't about my attempting to erase all traces of that Rixian. I am not the type to give into revenge but I think if I did so I'd do so personally. Meaning I'd take a type 3 phaser and go down to where the body is being stored and vaporize the body myself. And frankly..if I was to give into revenge..I wouldn't start with the bottom of my list..I'd start with the top of my list and trust me on the list of people and things that I have animosity towards..that Rixian specifically and the Rixians generally are pretty much near the bottom. I'd start with the Borg. In fact a few members of Starfleet Intel and one or two members of Section 31 I've had the displeasure of dealing with would rank higher then any Rixian. Since we can't send him back, sending his body into space seems the most humane thing to do. It's not like we can bury him somewhere."



    "He would start with the Borg?" thought DJ silently. "And Section 31? What is that all about?"


    But she kept those thoughts to herself. The Captain was part El-Aurian. She knew all too well what happened to their home world. And DJ vaguely recalled that Ayers was a veteran of Wolf 359. His bitterness toward the Borg was understandable. As for Section 31, she had to admit a degree of curiosity but it was none of her business. No matter how badly she wanted to know, she would never ask him what caused his resentment toward the spooks at Intel.


    Ayers seemed sincere when he said his plans for Damin had nothing to do with revenge. DJ didn't completely believe him but, in the overall scheme of things, there wasn't much she could do about it. She found herself wishing she was going to be around for a few more months. She would have kept an eye on Ayers, just to make sure.


    On the other hand, DJ couldn't argue with the Captain's logic when it came to returning Damin to Rixis. It had been a nice idea but even she knew it was highly improbable such a thing would happen. But shooting him into the Cardassian sun? She still considered that a waste of time and resources. It was far too glamorous for an assassin's corpse.


    "Well," said DJ with a grin. "Your hit list isn't that long. And I'm relieved that Damin's name is toward the bottom. I still think it would be much better to vaporize him in the morgue....quick and easy....no fanfare. But you're the boss. If you want to send him into the sun, we'll make the arrangements."


    Nick shakes his head sharply. "No, Doctor...my "hit list" as you describe it is far longer then you think. When I said that if I gave into revenge I'd start with the Borg...I wasn't speaking of one of them, nor was I speak of a thousand or even a million of them...I was speaking about all of them. That is a far larger number then you or anyone else within the Federation realizes."


    Nick frowns slightly as he studies her for a few moments. "Doctor, in case you don't understand..and I suspect that you don't since most people wouldn't treat the body of someone who tried to kill them with any sort of dignity..the reason I am willing to give the Rixian a burial that on face value he doesn't deserve is specifically to treat him better then he treated me. He was a coward for giving into dogma in the face of reality..for being willing to sacrifice his people for that dogma, he was a coward for trying to assassinate me and he died a cowards death but that does not mean that I have to sink to his level in how I treat or dispose of his body. He..his kind and far too many others in the Universe think they're inherently superior to everyone else..that they're better simply better because of what species they are or because of their culture or in the case of the Borg..because of their ability to conquer and assimilate those they can and destroy those they can't. This is simply a small gesture of defiance towards the darkness that breeds those types of beliefs....towards the darkness whose agents destroyed my people's home world..the same darkness that will destroy the Rixians if they don't choose a different path."


    DJ listened intently as the Captain spoke. His words brought with them a new appreciation of the man sitting across from her. She was sorry she hadn't gotten to know Nick Ayers a little better during her tour on Aegis. Yet, she was grateful she'd been able to see this side of him prior to her departure.


    "So, you have a long hit list," she replied lightly. "But other than the Borg, it doesn't sound like you're on the look out for too many bad guys. And I am genuinely impressed that you've held onto your sense of honor and dignity...that you've been able to avoid falling into that angry pit." DJ shook her head slightly and shrugged her shoulders. "Take it from me, it's hard to crawl out of it."


    The CMO leaned forward in her chair. "So, if you want Damin's final resting place to be the Cardassian sun, then so be it. He's already cleaned up. As a matter of fact, the technicians dressed him on one of the better outfits we found in his luggage. Just let me know where you want him sent....and when."


    DJ stood up but remained in front of the Captain's desk. "Somehow, I knew you were targeting all of the Borg," she said in a more serious tone. "If given the opportunity, I would dare say you would eliminate every last one of them.....and I'd cheer you on. But if you were able to destroy their queen at the beginning of your purge, you might not have to kill as many of their rank and file. That said, I sincerely hope you never cross paths with any of them....ever again. It's probably best that you don't."


    Nick smiles faintly "Doctor, if that Rixian had attacked Ethan I'm not entirely sure I'd be quite so magnanimous. As for when...in a few hours will do." The smile disappears as he continues "As for the Borg queen..we've killed their queen before and they remain. I'm afraid, Doctor, that it will come down to killing every last one of them....those that we don't manage to save that is. And I'm equally afraid, Doctor, that I will cross paths with them again. If I live out my natural life span that will be about one thousand years assuming. It is a safe bet, Doctor, that they will come for the Federation sooner or later...because the simple fact is that the Federation is becoming a growing threat to them, one they will be unable to ignore for long..and they will come en masse for the Federation. The Federation can make peace and allies with the Romulans, the Cardassians, the Klingons, perhaps even some day the Breen just to name a few examples. But the one "species" that for sure the Federation will never make peace with is the Borg. They will destroy us or we will destroy them...that is the only choice that exists...light or dark."


    DJ nodded solemnly. "I hope you're wrong, Captain. I hope you live out your natural life without ever seeing them again." She turned and started walking to the door. "We'll notify you when Damin is ready," she continued as she stopped just inside the office and faced him once again. "It's been a pleasure serving with you, Captain. I wish you and Commander Hawke the best of luck. May you both live long and prosper." She grinned mischievously. "And maybe have a couple of kids. There's nothing like children to take some of the starch out of your collar....or so I've been told."


    Nick smirks for a second. "The whole kids bit is up to Ethan. I'm deferring to her on that. And it was a pleasure having you onboard, Doctor. Take care and do keep in touch, please."


    With that, she leaves the office and as the door closes behind her, Nick's smirk fades away into a frown. He murmurs "Doctor, that wasn't a prediction about the Borg. That was a statement of cold hard brutal fact. Fortunately for you..you'll be long dead when what I said occurs."

  8. Blood and destruction shall be so in use

    And dreadful objects so familiar

    That mothers shall but smile when they behold

    Their infants quarter'd with the hands of war;

    All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:

    And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,

    With Ate by his side come hot from hell,

    Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice

    Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war

    --Marc Anthony, William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar."





    Nick frowns as a sense of dread settles somewhere in his stomach. Actually the dread was already there, it had started forming when the message from Starfleet alerting all ships and stations to go to "Code Factor 2" alert status. The "Code Factor" alerts were roughly analogous to the United States Defcon alerts of the 20th and 21st centuries after the invention of the atom bomb. Code factor 2 meant that the Federation and Starfleet believed that an attack and invasion were imminent.


    Nick had seen more then his share of Code Factor 2 alerts over the twenty some years he had spent in Starfleet. From the invasion of the Borg, the Cardassian wars, the Dominion war and others...and now the Romulans. The one question that hasn't been answered yet was why. Why would the Romulans choose to take this path now?


    He knew about the depredations of Praetor Shinzon..about what he had done. That the mad Reman had nearly destroyed Earth and that his subsequent death had left a large power vacuum within the Romulan Empire. And that several different factions within the Empire were vying to fill the hole and claim power for themselves. One of those factions was what could charitably be described as nationalistic and militant. They believed that what the Empire should do is invade and conquer the Federation. Nick had little doubt that at least part of the motivation for that line of thinking was the ages old adage that one of the main ways tyrants hold onto power was to bind the people together with fear..that what the Empire needed was an enemy to fight and to conquer and that would bind the Empire together in the aftermath of the loosening ties that Shinzon had so ruthlessly stretched to the breaking point and beyond. It meant that the Empire was in danger of falling apart and while in a way that was a good thing..it also meant that a large portion of known space would be thrown into chaos and that a lot of Romulan military technology would likely fall into the hands of people that could possibly make Shinzon look tame by comparison.


    Nick glances up at the view screen and his frown darkens. If this was just the militant faction exercising it's power Nick had to admit that it was impressive...and frightening. Currently there is nearly two dozen warbirds hovering just outside weapons range of the Station and Nick is sure there is likely to be more on the way. Nick can't even remember seeing that many warbirds in one spot at any time..not even during the Dominion war. If shooting started Nick is sure that while the Station and the Starfleet task force that had also arrived would put up a strong and ultimately futile defense unless Starfleet sent considerably more ships to help. And if shooting did start the next question became of how much value was Starfleet going to put on defending a Starbase in a system that did not even belong to the Federation. During the Dominion war Starfleet had to decide between trying to protect everything and thus being stretched too thin or retaining enough strength to defend some of the Federation while sacrificing the rest. Nick glances at Ethan briefly at that, knowing that her father's home world had become a victim of that choice.


    The other possibility was that the power vacuum within the Empire had been filled and that whoever had filled that vacuum had promptly turned their attention to perceived external threats to the Empire. That possibility in a way was worse then the first one. It meant that the Federation, with whatever allies, would be facing the full brunt of the Empire's strength and the Federation, after two decades of going from one war to another, was weary and not fully prepared for another war. Even Nick, as much a solider as any of his people ever became, was tired of the seemingly constant fighting. What he wants is peace..at least a long enough peace to give the Federation time to rebuild and to regroup. Nick sighs and murmurs "A peace to go home and start a family and just simply enjoy life."


    There is, of course, the third possibility. That the Federation and the Empire were being manipulated by some as of yet unknown person. Nick can name off the top of his head at least a half dozen powers that would see opportunity in further weakening the Federation and the Romulan Empire. Some of them were known to both sides like the Gorn, the Dominion..even the Cardassians and the Breen. And some like the Chodak were far more enigmatic or only known to his own people.


    Nick glances around at the people around him on the Control Tower, knowing that if this became a war some or all of them, including himself, may not survive.

  9. Nick sighs quietly to himself as he stares up at the ceiling above his bed. After the meeting with Ambassador Joy things had finally settled down enough that Nick left the Control Tower and returned to his quarters to get the rest that the Doctor had told him to get. Though to be honest it was more the looks and the reminders that Ethan had used that convinced him that he had been on duty much too long while still recovering from the injury he had sustained. So with a smart aleck thought that he didn't give voice to, though he was sure Ethan picked up on it, he returned to their quarters. After showering and changing he crawled into bed and fell asleep.


    However, he made one stop along the way and that was to show up in Sickbay and have Dr. McKinny check him over to see if he was well enough to return to duty full time in the morning. That had led to an interesting conversation that stirred up a lot of bad memories for him..and he suspected for her too.


    That conversation had led to him having a rather bad nightmare which had caused him to wake up just a few minutes earlier. It takes him a minute to slow his breathing and it's in that time he notices Ethan sleeping against him. He must have been sleeping quite deeply for her to be able to slip into bed against him without him picking up on it subconsciously.


    Sighing quietly he slips from bed and steps over to the window showing the stars beyond. He stares out the window while in his mind he thinks over the conversation with the Doctor and the memories that talk brought back to the surface. Memories of a friend of his who died believing that one day he would love her as she loved him, even if the only love he felt towards her was that of a brother has for a sister and not the romantic love she felt for and wanted from him. Unbidden, all his memories of that friend come back to him and it's almost enough to overwhelm him. A single tear, however, is all the emotion he shows.


    He senses more then hears Ethan stir behind him. He turns to see her with her head propped on her hand watching him quietly. He sighs quietly and as he steps back towards the bed he starts to apologize. He cuts the apology off short, knowing that it wasn't needed really. She'd understand whether he talked about what made him wake up and slip out of bed or not.

  10. Nick wakes up groggily early the next morning. He resists the urge to throw the clock when it informs him that it's only 6:30 am. Frowning, he glances at the empty spot next to him. He mulls over how he could get so thoroughly used to her presence at night that it invaded his subconcious as he tried to sleep causing him to have a rather restless night. Slipping out of bed he steps towards the bathroom, intending on taking a shower and getting dressed. And then after breakfast he'd head on down to sickbay. It was time he was cleared to return to duty. There was more then a few things that he intended to deal with today and he was not about to have a chat in his quarters with the Ambassadors or the Admiral afterwards. The Ambassadors sure as hell weren't welcome and whatever welcome and good grace Nick felt towards the Admiral had evaporated thanks to the Admiral's childish tirade. As Nick had told Muon the night before, it was time a few people learned their place.

  11. Nick frowns as he watches Ethan walk down the hall accompanied by Muon and the others. Privately he curses the Admiral. If the Admiral was going to be asinine enough to get mad enough at Ethan to put her under arrest for carrying out his orders he at least could have let her remain confined to quarters instead of the brig.


    He hesitates a moment then says in her mind {{Wait...}}} She stops and glances at him. He follows her and stops before her. He brings a hand up to frame her face as he leans in and kisses her briefly. {{Since the proverbial cat is already out of the bag...}}


    She pauses briefly, her eyes unfocused for a moment. Then she smirks slightly, puts her arms around his neck and returns the kiss in much more than 'brief' style. After several seconds, she steps back, and a moment later frowns. "You're supposed to be taking it easy! Go lay back down! Or I'll have Muon get someone to sit on you." And with that, she turns again, and follows the security personnel towards the turbolift.


    He mentally smirks {{You tell me to take it easy and yet you kiss me in such a way as to make me think that it would be a very good idea to lead you back to our quarters and lock the door behind us whether Muon and the others objected or not. Make up your mind there, love.}}


    He watches her leave with the others. He sighs quietly as the turbolift doors close, cutting her off from view. He returns to their quarters and moves to lay down on the couch again. He reaches to turn the computer display towards him and calls up the station logs from the last day or so. He murmurs "Sorry, Admiral, you crossed the line when you called her a wench, whether she is my wife or not. So lets see how much you're going to like me using that as leverage." As he murmurs that the flush of anger that he had felt when the Admiral had originally made the disparaging remark comes roaring back. The only thing that had saved the Admiral from Nick decking him for that was Ethan slapping him first...that and that Nick knows he wouldn't have been able to put any real strength into the action. Which would have robbed it of any actual satisfaction.


    As he reads through the reports he stifles a yawn. He glances at the door to their bedroom and frowns slightly. He knows she's right, he needs to rest and he knows what he should do is go take a quick shower and crawl into bed afterwards and fall asleep. And yet he won't...can't..at least not yet. Maybe when he's tired enough that he can't keep himself awake. Since she had returned from Vulcan there hadn't been a night where they slept apart..well except for the night before the day she proposed to him. He had gotten thoroughly used to having her there, nestled against him. And it was quite annoying that the Admiral decided to interfere in that by being churlish.

  12. Nick slowly wakes up to two realizations. That it's four in the morning...and that someone for whatever reason was ringing the doorbell. He glances down to find Ethan nestled against him, still sleeping peacefully. He knows that won't last long, either she'd wake up because of the doorbell or she'd wake up because she'd subconsciously sense that he was awake. He murmurs audibly and in her mind "Stay sleeping, my love." before slowly and gently slipping out of her arms. He slides to the edge of the bed and stands. He turns and pulls the blanket up to Ethan's shoulder. Reaching for a shirt he pulls it on before likewise slipping on his robe. As he steps towards the door he mutters "There better be a good reason for this."


    In the six months they had been married, Nick and Ethan had seemed to find a balance between work and their personal lives. Still, he wouldn't have minded having more time to spend with her then he did. He sighs and shakes his head, murmuring "I suppose it's a bit selfish of me to think that this station should be able to run itself just so I can play husband to her full time."


    He enters the main room of his quarters and steps towards the door. He keys the door and it opens to reveal the Rixian, Damin, standing there. Nick frowns slightly "My apologies here, Mr. Damin, but as you may not be aware here it is four in the morning station time which makes it quite late. Well, actually it makes it very early in the morning. And as I have to get up in a few hours I hope whatever you want can wait until later."


    Damin frowns and says apologetically "I am sorry Captain, I did not realize. I just have a couple questions regarding my asylum request and I was trying to get to sleep but couldn't because I could not get those questions out of my mind."


    Nick's frown darkens as he studies the Rixian for a few seconds. Privately he wishes he could read the species better then he could. It was something he'd have to talk to Ethan about. He knows he'll never be as strong telepathically as she is but in all honesty, it annoyed him when he was blind to a species or in this case...partially blind. Finally he steps to one side and gestures for the Rixian to enter.


    The Rixian steps past him and what happens next happens blindingly fast. Damin seems to stumble and as Nick reaches forward to steady the Rixian, Damin whirls as a wicked looking knife appears in his hand. Nick barely has time to register the unadulterated hatred on the Rixian's face as he just barely dodges Damin's first attack. The knife tears into the cloth of Nick's robe on the shoulder and catches on the necklace that Nick's wedding ring is hanging from. The clasp of the necklace snaps and the necklace with the ring gets flung a few feet to land on the floor. The knife also leaves a sizable scratch across Nick's shoulder.


    The commotion causes Diamante, who had been sleeping on the couch, to start barking. As Damin takes another swipe at Nick, the husky lunges at Damin but Damin's free hand and arm swipes at the dog and catches him, sending the husky crashing into the couch with a pained yelp.


    Nick uses the distraction to try and dive past Damin, intent on making it to the kitchen and retrieving one of the cooking knives. However, Damin catches Nick by the arm and spins him around. Nick tries catching the knife wielding hand by the wrist but all that happens is that Damin's strike gets deflected a little so it punctures him in the area of his right lung.


    Nick feels an sharp pain as the knife slices into him and his breath escapes him. Damin cuffs Nick sending him crashing to the floor. Nick tries moving but he finds he can't do so. Even breathing was quickly becoming difficult and incredibly painful. Nick hears a set of doors slide open though he can't tell if it's the door to the corridor or the bedroom door. He tries calling out but he finds he can't work his voice. He spots the necklace laying just out of reach. He reaches for it and as his fingers wrap around the ring he calls in his mind with his remaining strength {{Ethan!}}


    Then the darkness starts to close in around him.

  13. Damin glances around the quarters that he had been shown to after being discharged from the station's medical facility. He spends quite a while looking it over, looking for things to exploit. Finally he turns his attention to the computer but it takes him only a short while to discover that while the computer gave him access to information and such..it didn't give him access to what he needed to carry out his task. And as sure as he is that he can hack into the system, given enough time, time was not one of the luxuries that he had right now. Still, he takes a couple hours studying the information that the computer could access, including a schematic of the station.


    Fortunately his bag had already been brought to this room from his ship. He's quite sure that it was scanned and checked, that would be standard operating procedure. Still..there were ways around such things. He retrieves several things from the bag and from hidden locations on what he was wearing. Within a short amount of time he has a knife, a small little cylinder and one or two other items that could prove useful. He checks the cylinder over carefully then picks it up. He regards it for a few seconds before swallowing it.


    Then he walks over to the door and says to the guard standing outside "I could use your help with something in here please. Was a little bored and tried accessing the computer but can't seem to figure it out...."

  14. Nick walks back into the main room of his quarters after showering and changing clothes. He checks on the food he had set to cooking before he went to take his shower. He then sees to setting the table and finishing the other preparations for supper. Returning to the cooking food he lets his thoughts drift back over the last few months as he watches the food. As the food nears ready he turns and strides back to the couch. Retrieving a bouquet of flowers he sets them to one side on the table and then walks back into the kitchen area. As he does so he lowers his mental shields, {{Supper will be ready shortly, love.}}


    {{Supper? Is it that time already?? Well, I've been ignoring the annoying ambassador for three days already... one more won't hurt.}} Her smirk is evident in her tone. {{Be there shortly.}} And with that, she finishes the tasks she was working on, and left the CT for the turbolift.


    He smirks to himself {{Well, I should, as Captain, chide you for ignoring ambassador's and tell you to fix that....but I think I'd rather have your company here with me this night.}} He feigns a sigh then adds {{I suppose it's a bit selfish of me but then I think I'm allowed to be that way at times as a husband, yes?}}


    He glances around checking to see if he left anything out of the preparations. His eyes glance over the table. {{Ah yes...what does m'lady wish to drink?}}


    She states her destination and feels the turbolift engage to descend to the senior officers quarters level. {{Good thing I haven't told the Captain that I'm ignoring the ambassador...}} She grins, then added, {{I've already looked into the situation, but it's not urgent... I'll get to it tomorrow... unless we have yet another crisis. And yes, if you're in our quarters, you aren't the Captain, my love. As for drink... Hmm.... I suppose Romulan ale is out... Perhaps some champange would be appropriate?}} Exiting the turbolift, she strides down the hall to their quarters.


    He blinks and shakes his head before stepping over to the replicator and having it create a container of ice, two glasses and the champagne. {{You know, surprising you is going to be a most difficult thing apparently. Had wanted to keep the reason for dinner a surprise...}} He smirks {{I suppose I should see about strengthening my shields at some point. Kind of would ruin the fun of buying you gifts if you knew what I bought you before you opened it.}}


    He takes the champagne to the table and then moves to bring the food over as well. Checking one last time to see that everything is ready he sits down to wait.


    His wait is short as she strides through the door a moment later, but it almost immediately beset upon by a small gray blur who tries to dart out the door. "Oh no you don't, you little rascal." In a quick motion, she grabs the kitten, holding it firmly until the doors close behind her. "It's funny that she does this... she doesn't ever go anywhere once she's out." With a sigh, she scratchs the kittens ears for a moment and is thanked with a loud, rusty sounding purr. "Go chase Diamante's tail why don't you?" she tells it, setting her back down. A brief head rub on her ankles is followed by a swift departure as the kitten spots something to chase. Ethan removes her uniform jacket, and smiles at Nick, "Smells great."


    "She probably gets a bit scared when she gets outside the door. It is a rather big station beyond those doors." He smiles as he stands and steps towards her. "Good, I'm glad I can still spoil you." He kisses her warmly as his arms slip around her. He breaks off the kiss after a few moments, resisting the temptation to blithely forget about the food he had spent no small amount of time preparing. He smiles again "Happy anniversary, love." He blushes lightly and adds"I hope this will do..."


    He steps away from her and turns to the table, pulling out her chair and waiting for her to sit down.


    She sits down, shaking her head as usual about the courtesy. "This is lovely... Did you tell Brian and Arthur that we're dead so they don't call us every two minutes?" She smiles across at him as he sits. "Has it really been 6 months already? Seems like yesterday. I wonder if Mom has told Grandmother yet...... probably not, or I would have gotten the riot act from her."


    He chuckles "I suspect that if it was just yesterday that we got married we'd still be a bit..less then perfectly comfortable with certain areas of our life." He pauses then adds "Or I guess, remembering, maybe not. Anyways, as for Brian and Arthur no I didn't tell them that we're dead. If I had they'd wonder why I told them that. I did however instruct the computer to only allow anyone to contact us if it's an emergency."


    He pours them both a glass of champagne and watches her start in on her food. He smiles as he says "And as for your grandmother, I have a suspicion that the reason your grandmother hasn't contacted you to give us both the riot act on not having a traditional Betazed wedding is because you're mother hasn't told her..and the reason she hasn't is that she thinks we should be the ones to do so." He smirks "After all..I doubt your mother would willingly go into one of your grandmother's harangues and from what you've told me..your grandmother would probably somehow blame your mother for your less then perfect respect for tradition. Of course, that's ignoring the fact that you would have had to do a lot more then beg, ask, plead or even seduce me to have gotten me to agree stand in front of a bunch of people wearing nothing but a very noticeable blush and a very nervous smile even if you had wanted a traditional Betazed wedding."


    He pauses to take a bite of his food. After swallowing he asks "So..when are we going to announce our marriage to the crew? If we are going to that is. It has been six months though admittedly we've been rather busy since we got back. And to be honest...I'm not exactly inclined to go through a formal ceremony now. But they're going to find out eventually..."


    Ethan grins, "You aren't the only one that chooses not to stand butt-naked in front of people." She, too, pauses to take a bite of food, and savor the excellent flavor, {{Mmmmm. Good.}}. "As for announcing it, I don't think I particularly care. I'll leave that up to you." With another grin as apology for dumping it into his lap, she takes another bite of food.


    He smirks "Gee, thanks. Fine...I'll handle that...but you have to announce it to your grandmother though I'll be there when you do since I'm sure she'll want to send some flak my way. Probably something about me corrupting your respect for tradition. And you, my love, also have to come up with how we're going to celebrate our one year anniversary."

  15. Time: 6 hours after the arrival of the Rixian


    Nick studies the Rixian sitting before him silently for a few minutes. Of all the situations Nick had hoped to never find himself in was to be smack dab in the middle of a Rixian situation again. And yet here he was..considering the aslyum request of one Rixian named "Damin" who, as he had said, was fleeing from the Rixian government as he was a scientist who refused to toe the government line. Privately Nick wonders that if this Damin only represents the first of what will become a flood of Rixian refugees fleeing from their homeworld as their society starts to collapse.


    He sighs inwardly as he mentally goes over everything the Rixian had said over the last hour and a half during the interview. Everything the Rixian said fit within what Nick had expected him to say and was a credible claim for asylum. And yet...something wasn't quite right even if he couldn't actually name what that something was. Maybe it was the Rixian's body language. Nick had some dealings with refugees before and this Rixian's body language was off. He seemed afraid yes but he wasn't terrified, he even seemd angry somehow. "Though...if I had been nearly killed by my own government I would be mad too..." Nick thinks to himself.


    Nick stands as he says "The Admiral will be the one that will decide whether your asylum request will be granted or not, Mr. Damin. I will have you escorted to some guest quarters in the meantime. I do ask that you not go wandering or leave your quarters however. It's a standard security procedure I assure you. Besides, if your government is tyring to kill you as you say then it is possible, however remote, that they may try and send someone here to finish what they started. Two security guards will be posted outside your quarters just in case. If you need anything, feel free to ask them and they will do what they can to assist you, Mr. Damin. And expect one of Dr. McKinny's people to stop by and check on your injuries. You weren't terribly injured but knowing the Doctor I'm sure she will want to keep a close eye on you. Concussions, even minor ones, can be tricky."


    Damin nods in obvious relief "Thank you, Captain. You have been most considerate."


    "I will let you know when the Admiral has reached a decision. Until then, enjoy our hospitality and try to get some rest. Take care, Mr. Damin."


    With that Nick turns to leave Dr. McKinny's office which he had borrwed in order to have the interview with Damin. He doesn't notice the rather predatory smile briefly flash across Damin's face as he exits the door.

  16. Location: Cardassian System

    Time: Present


    The short alien small transport drops out of warp just ahead of two sleeker looking fighter craft. The fighters fire on the transport a few times before deciding that doing so within sight of a Federation outpost might be detrimental to their health. As the fighters start to peel off a secondary explosion is quite visible on the transport. Apparently the transport managed to survive a running battle somehow.


    The fighters escape into warp as the transport struggles towards Aegis. The transport hails the station and a Rixian appears on the screen. He says simply "I request asylum." before the signal is cut off.

  17. Place: Rixian Central Security

    Planet Rixis

    Time: A few days before present.


    Superintendent Damin slams his fist down on his desk causing several knickknacks to go flying to the floor. He tosses a data padd across his office as he mutters under his breath "Damn that incompetent troll. He would go and get his ship blown up before he fulfilled the agreement. And to make matters worse, that damn station is the one that responded to the 'accident."


    It's not that Damin was mad that the little troll and his peons were dead, he had always intended to make sure they were killed. Agreements were so troublesome when one actually lived up to them...especially agreements that involved inferiors. But at least the little troll could have had the good sense to go and get himself killed and somehow fulfill his part of the agreement at the same time.


    Damin turns his attention to the computer on his desk and busilly starts typing. He pauses just long enough to tap the intercom and bark into it "Lira, have a ship prepared for me. I need to make a trip to deal with some unfinished business. I'm not sure when I'll be back." Before Lira can respond he turns the intercom off and regards the computer display. He murmurs "Now how to gain entry..." His eyes light up and he smiles "Ah yes, that should work. That is their weakness after all..."

  18. Superintendent Damin reads over the report from the subordinate that he had sent to watch the meeting between Dr. Lanvin and Dr. Eceem at her family residence. What precious little there was to it. He growls in frustration and just keeps from hurling the report across his office. Not for the first time he curses Dr. Lanvin for her meddling and not for the first time he curses the damn Federation and in particular two particular members of it. Everything was starting to fall apart because of them and his superiors had threatened several various forms of unpleasantness if he didn't contain the situation somehow. But he had been prohibited from making Dr. Lanvin and Dr. Eceem or their families disappear. While that would be the most expedient manner of dealing with the situation, his superiors had concluded that since both were prominent members of their fields and as such prominent members of society it would cause far more trouble then it was worth to dispatch them.


    Damin closes his eyes and mutters "Damn those fools. How do they expect me to solve their problem if they won't let me..." His voice trails off as a thought occurs to him. Perhaps the answer wasn't to deal Dr. Lanvin and Dr. Eceem..perhaps the problem could be solved by dealing with the Federation...or one particular part of it. He smiles coldly as the idea forms fully in his mind. He taps the intercom on his desk and says "Lira, find out if we're still holding that little large eared troll and have it brought here immediately....quietly."

  19.        Nick returns to his quarters from escorting Terra back to her quarters.  At least dinner went well and it had helped start to patch things between Terra and Ethan.  He knows it is going to be a while until the two of them would ever truely trust each other but it was a start and for that he was grateful. 


           He finds Ethan before the windows, staring out at the stars quietly.  He steps up behind her and slips his arms around her.  For a few seconds he looks out at the stars quietly then kisses her just below her right ear and murmurs "Thank you for giving her a chance."  With that he lets go of her and turns and heads for the bedroom.  Entering the bedroom he gets ready for bed and slips between the sheets.  He pulls the blanket up as he lets his thoughts go back to what Ethan had said earlier.


           He sighs quietly as he thinks that apparently the decision about children had already been made.  It was curious in a way but while he had never given any thought really to children or wanting children before but he couldn't help but admit that part of him did want to be a parent.  And what Ethan had said stung a little.  Not that he was in a rush, they had only been married less then a few months and they had a long time ahead of them for the possibility of children.  Still, what she had said seemed to have slammed the door shut permanently or at least for a long while.  He closes his eyes and quietly murmurs "As you wish."  He wasn't about to force the issue so he'd defer to her on it.  Her happiness is paramount to him and if it required a sacrifice on his part that was fine with him. He sighs again and moves so he's laying on his side facing the near edge of the bed and the windows a few feet away as he drifts off to a light sleep.

  20. By: Captain Ayers and DJ McKinny




    Nick approaches the door to Terra's quarters and rings the bell once before keying the code to open the door. He knew that Terra wasn't inside her quarters, she was still on the Promenade shopping or whatever she was doing. He moves to sit down on the couch and stretches his legs along the length of the cushions. Leaning his head back he sighs quietly, wondering exactly what he did to get himself into the situation he's in. He didn't want to go through the next hundred years or so having his wife and his sister at loggerheads just because his sister was being over-protective. Nor did he want to have to choose his wife at the expense of his family. Ethan was right..Terra is being stubborn. And it’s not like the first time Terra had decided to be bullheaded..but this was probably the most costly example of his sister's bouts of bullheadedness. And he knows that it was a trait that he had himself..and one that Ethan had as well. Not that he can blame her, she had every right to be mad at Terra. He frowns slightly, wishing that his sister would bother to realize that she had a lot more in common with his wife then they had in opposition....namely him. Sighing quietly he closes his eyes and waits for his sister's return.


    Terra was so engrossed in her conversation with Andrew, she didn't even sense her brother's presence until she was about to unlock the door to her suite. She backed away, wrinkling her nose as though she smelled something foul seeping from underneath the door.


    "Is something wrong?" asked Andrew, an expectant grin on his face.


    Terra glanced at the young lieutenant and quickly smiled, trying to hide her growing unease. "No," she stammered. "No, there's nothing wrong. It's just...."


    Andrew adjusted the small mountain of packages he was carrying and moved toward the door. Terra instinctively stepped in front of him. She suddenly realized she'd spent the last three hours with this handsome, young officer and she didn't even know his last name. Then again, he didn't know hers either. She'd made a point of not bringing it up.


    Terra had considered telling Andrew who she was while they were strolling along the Promenade. She quickly decided it was best if her true identity remained a secret. She was thoroughly enjoying his company and she doubted Andrew would want to hang around if he knew her older brother was in command of Aegis. So why risk spoiling such a perfect distraction. He hadn't asked for her full name and if he did, she was prepared to lie.


    But that was about to change, unless Terra could figure out a way to dismiss Andrew without having to tell him that Nicholas Ayers was waiting inside to have a little chat with his baby sister. Unfortunately, such a ruse would require a little planning and she didn't have time for that. Nicholas surely knew she was just outside. If she didn't go in soon, he would come out looking for her. And Terra really didn't want to cause problems for Lieutenant Andrew.....whatever his name was.


    She took a couple of packages from her now thoroughly confused escort and set them by the door. "I wish I could invite you in," she said lightly as she returned for more of her purchases. "But a relative is waiting for me inside. I'm leaving tomorrow and I promised him I would spend some quality time with him before I left."


    Terra didn't have to use telepathy to know what Andrew was thinking. It was obvious from his expression that he didn't believe a word she said....especially the part about the relative. When she tried to take the rest of the packages from him, he turned away and refused to let her have them.


    "Please, Andrew," sighed Terra. "Let me have the packages. It was really nice of you to accompany me on my shopping spree but I have to go now and....."


    "You weren't in such a hurry five minutes ago," replied the Lieutenant, his tone reflecting his annoyance. "As a matter of fact," he continued, "you were all for me coming inside for a while."


    Terra didn't have time to respond. She knew Nicholas was opening the door even before she heard the latch release. Terra didn't turn around as her brother stepped into the hallway. Andrew suddenly went rigid. His eyes looked like those of a deer caught in a hunter's flood light.


    Taking a deep breath, Terra walked over to Andrew to retrieve the remainder of her packages. He more than willingly handed them over. "Thank you for carrying these up here for me, Lieutenant," she said politely and then turned toward her now open door. She walked past the Captain without saying a word, hoping he would follow her inside and let poor Andrew leave in peace. There was no reason for him to get dragged into the upcoming battle between Terra and her brother.


    For half a second Nick is tempted to go have a word with the young Lieutenant. Finally he turns and follows Terra inside. Dryly he says "And you're worried about my judgment? Judging by the Lieutenant's reaction..he didn't know who you actually were. I have no problem with you exploring a relationship with someone, sister, but I do have a problem with you doing so while being dishonest and disrupting discipline onboard my station. Thanks to you, that Lieutenant is going to be thinking that I'm going to take action against him for being interested in an admittedly beautiful young woman who just happens to be somehow related to his CO." He steps past her and turns to look down into her face. "You are so worried that Ethan is not being honest with me but you lie to him by omission. Does that make you any better than what you think of Ethan?"


    "Oh spare me the lecture," huffed Terra as she stepped outside to bring in the packages she'd stacked by the door. She glanced up and down the hallway. There was no trace of the Lieutenant. "If you were so concerned about Andrew's feelings, all you had to do was thank him for escorting your sister around the station and making sure she was safe. That would have alleviated any fears he might have had about possible disciplinary action."


    "And I didn't mislead that Lieutenant," continued Terra, dropping the packages on the floor with a thud. "We went shopping and that's all there was to it. Besides, if I'd told him my last name, how long do you think he would have hung around? Had he known you were my brother, I would probably still be wandering around Aegis ....alone."


    Nick turns and walks towards the window. He stares out it for a few seconds then turns to face her. "You were right before. For the last twenty years I have been serious...only focused on work. And not giving much thought to romantic relationships. However, when I have had girlfriends or lovers I do not treat them as disposable. Do you think he would not have eventually figured out who you were? Do you think he wouldn't have eventually have heard through the grapevine that the Captain's younger sister had been onboard and put two and two together? This is a Starfleet station, Terra, not a resort on Risa. You can't just step onboard this station and think that it's nothing more then a shopping mall stocked with young men for you to pick and choose from and that you can eventually return to them the shelf they were sitting on. This is why Phelan and I have been protective of you. Of the three of us you're the one most prone to impulses..to acting without thinking of any possible consequence. You did it with that young man and you did it when you thought you had to come all the way out here to play bodyguard for me against someone you don't really know."


    Terra took a deep breath, trying to calm the anger rapidly building up inside of her. He was questioning her character and that infuriated her. "I went shopping for clothes, Nick. Not for men." She picked up one of the boxes off the floor and opened it. "Would you care to check inside these boxes? I guarantee you will not find a man in any of them."


    She tossed the box onto the nearby sofa. "And let's get one thing straight. Andrew is not my boyfriend. Much less a lover. And I never led him to believe he would ever become either a boyfriend or a lover. So don't hand me that 'disposable' garbage. All that remark shows is that you really don't know me at all."


    Terra's temper was now in full gear. "As far as my unexpected visit is concerned, I came here to protect you from someone I'm not sure you really know. But that's a moot point, isn't it. Because you married her, without so much as speaking to your family about it."


    He narrows his eyes "And you're eventually going to have to come to terms with the fact that you are wrong about Ethan..that you made a mistake and that you owe her an apology. She was looking forward to having a sister and thanks to you she called mom thinking that the rest of our family thought as you did and informed mom that she and I had gotten married by telling her and I quote "Since you probably exercise a great deal of control over your children, I will look into having the marriage annulled, and request a transfer. Then you can impose your will on Nick as you see fit." Thankfully mom's only problem with my marrying Ethan was that she didn't get to attend the wedding."


    "And you call me impulsive?" asked Terra, incredulously. "Your new wife calls your mother, makes wild accusations and doesn't even bother to tell you until after the fact? Don't you think it would have been a bit more respectful had she at least consulted you before contacting your family?"


    Terra didn't wait for a reply. "No, of course you wouldn't. Because you've chosen Ethan and she can do no wrong." She stooped to pick up the remaining packages and then started toward the bedroom. "And I don't know if Ethan was looking forward to having a sister. Maybe she was." She turned to glare at her brother. "But one thing is for certain. She doesn't want me for a sister."


    "It took the better part of three years for Ethan and me to get to this point and you nearly destroyed it in a day. If you actually knew anything about her you'd know how much those undercover assignments that you want to hold against her really hurt her. Those assignments nearly destroyed her and nearly destroyed "us" before we even knew what that could all entail. You judged her without knowing the first thing about her. Put yourself in her shoes and tell me how you would feel."


    Terra continued into the bedroom and carefully set the boxes on one of the chairs. Nick's words stung her more than she was willing to admit. She had behaved impulsively. Although her intentions had been noble, she had to admit she had caused more than a little grief for her brother and that she regretted.


    She'd adored Nick and always would. But now he was married. Another woman had become the most important person in his life. That sudden realization was somewhat concerning. Terra found herself wondering if that was why she came all the way to Aegis to warn Nick about Ethan. Was she jealous?


    "Perhaps," thought Terra. "But maybe not. I knew they were dating but I had no idea Nick was that serious about Hawke." She started to return to the living area but stopped just inside the bedroom. "No," she mused. "It wasn't jealousy that brought me here. I was trying to protect Nick from a woman who might not be what she claimed. That's all there was to it. But have I made a mistake? Is Ethan Hawke the woman Nick believes her to be? Or is she the woman Uncle had been so concerned about?"


    Stepping into the living area, Terra smoothed her tunic and drew another deep breath. "I understand how your wife must have felt," she began slowly. "Looking back on it, I wish you hadn't brought her into our conversation quite so quickly. Perhaps, if we'd had time to hash things out privately, I would have been more open to giving her the benefit of the doubt."


    Terra hurried on, not willing to give Nick a chance to reply. "It's obvious you don't want to give me the opportunity to get to know your wife. Otherwise, why would you have made arrangements for me to leave this station so quickly. As it now stands, I doubt that either of us will ever feel comfortable with each other. It doesn't really matter though. You and your wife will be on one side of the galaxy and I'll be on the other."


    Nick considers what Terra said about the Lieutenant for a minute before privately admitting that what she said was correct. He sighs quietly and shakes his head "You're right, I shouldn't have said what I said about the Lieutenant with regards to you. And I will thank him for playing escort for my sister." He shakes his head again "I guess we're both being protective. My apologies for that."


    Her brother's tone was suddenly conciliatory and that caught Terra by surprise. Try as she might to remain furious at him, she found her resolve weakening. Walking across the room, she sat down on the sofa as he continued talking.


    "As for what Ethan did, yes it was impulsive. She did it because she was mad and felt betrayed. And I didn't say you were the only one prone to being impulsive. We didn't go to Pacifica with the intent of getting married, that was a rather spontaneous decision on our part. Though I had been thinking of proposing since she got back from Vulcan. Her trip there and the reasons for it made it clear to me how much of a part of me she had become. And on face value based on her past in Starfleet Security, yes it is at least somewhat understandable the concern."


    Terra smiled slightly. "Thank you for admitting that," she said softly. "Even though you're far away from your family, I know you remain concerned about us. Why wouldn't you expect that we...that I...would still be concerned about you. Just because you're," she paused, searching for the right words. "Just because you're a hotshot Starfleet Captain doesn't mean that your heart can't be broken. You said it yourself. All these years, you've devoted yourself to your job. You're probably more naive about love than I am."


    "However, the simple fact remains, sister, you don't know her and I do. You only know what is written on a page. I'm the one that was there and held her when she broke down in tears over what a very evil man had done to her years ago. That what he did made her scared of letting me get too close because she was scared that she'd hurt me. I'm the one that's been inside her mind as far as or further than anyone else. I know her feelings as well as I know my own, Sis. We're Imzadi and that can't be faked. If I was a mark to her, sister, the fact remains she's had more then enough time to betray me and she's been inside my mind enough times before we got married that she would have hardly needed to go through a charade marriage. If I was a target to her, sister, she would have turned me in when I tried keeping that El Aurian cruiser out of Starfleet's hands. What more could Starfleet want then what represents the height of the technology and knowledge we once wielded? And the simple fact remains is that she was on this station long before I chose this assignment. If I was nothing more than a target to her wouldn't it have made more sense for Starfleet to send her to where I was? Because it's not like Starfleet sent me here. I chose to come here."


    Terra looked down at her newly purchased shoes and carefully considered her brother's latest remarks. He'd just shared certain, very personal insights into his relationship with Ethan Hawke. Now, Terra was even more uncertain about her feelings toward her new sister-in-law.


    Terra had no idea what her brother was talking about when he referred to an evil man who had done terrible things to Ethan. But Nick seemed to have very intimate knowledge of those events. It was obvious he and Ethan had shared not only their bodies, but their minds as well.


    Nick mentioned an El Aurian ship. Apparently, he'd found one and kept it a secret from everyone but Ethan. Terra knew nothing about Starfleet protocol but even she could understand why Starfleet would want to get their hands on a ship like that. Yet, Hawke kept the secret rather than ratting on Nick. So maybe Ethan was more loyal to him than to Starfleet.


    Terra rose from the sofa and moved to stand in front of her brother. She had to admit the ball was now in her court. She could show him the door, leave Aegis in the morning and be done with it. But that would mean the end of her relationship with her brother, not to mention a possible estrangement from the rest of her family. It was obvious to Terra that Nick's first love was his new wife. So, did she want this to be a permanent good-bye? Was she willing to walk out of her brother's life in order to maintain her pride?


    Terra looked her brother in the eye. "I am a stubborn woman," she began slowly. "And I have been known to behave impulsively. Those traits seem to run in the family so I come by them honestly." To her horror, her bottom lip began to tremble but she was determined to press on. "However, I am willing to admit when I've made a mistake." She took a step back and shook her head. "I'm not sure yet that I've made a mistake, but I'm willing to admit that I might have." She looked at him pleadingly. "I'm leaving tomorrow so I don't know if there will be time to straighten this out."


    He steps towards her and hugs her briefly. "As for your departure in the morning, I did not arrange that actually. You said you would be leaving as soon as possible the last time we talked. You're the one that said you were leaving. That Ethan came down here and told you was merely informing you of what you wanted. And you are wrong. I do want you to get to know Ethan and I want her to get to know you. You two have far more in common then you have in differences." He smiles briefly "You're both stubborn and you both can be impulsive. But more than that is the fact that you both love me and you're both part of me. That should be enough for you two to lay down your differences, yes? If you want to stay you can. If you want to get to know her you can but understand this...you can not get to know someone when you have already made up your mind about them. You weren't interested in getting to know her when you arrived. You had already made up your mind. If you want to get to know her now then you are going to have to discard your preconceived notions about her. And I think it's safe to say that she does want you as a sister still, she laments what has happened. However, the first move has to be yours, Terra."


    "So we should be willing to bury the hatchet because we both love you?" asked Terra sarcastically, folding her arms in front of her. She smiled mischievously. "You certainly think quite highly of yourself, don't you.” Nick rolled his eyes and started to speak but Terra cut him off. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. But you're right. No matter what, Ethan will be a part of your life. I'm the one who could be left on the outside looking in. So, it's up to me to choose."


    Nick was right about something else too. She'd made it clear she wanted to leave Aegis as soon as possible. Now, she wanted nothing more than to stay for a few more days. She just didn't know if that would be possible. She suddenly felt totally miserable...miserable and frightened....even more frightened than when the pirates commandeered the cruise liner.


    He steps back from her and moves to sit down on the couch. "As for right now. if you want to hash things out, to borrow your phrase, between you and me feel free to ask what you want."


    Terra picked up a shopping bag she'd left on the sofa and pulled out a box. It was tastefully wrapped with a bow on top. She'd attached a card to it addressed to Ethan and Nick. Sitting down on the sofa next to her brother, Terra shook her head. "I have nothing to ask you," she said, fighting back the tears. "I came here to save you...to spare you pain and heartbreak. But I'm the one who has caused the pain and heartbreak. I'm so sorry, Nick. And beyond that, I'm not sure what to do."


    She thrust the box toward Nick. "I bought you and Ethan a present...a wedding gift of sorts. I was going to arrange to have it delivered after I left but I guess I might as well give it to you now."


    He looks down at the box and smiles "If you don't mind, I'll open it later with Ethan. And thank you." He sets the box down and turns to hug her tightly. After a minute he leans back and gently brushes away her tears. Leaning forward he kisses her forehead and murmurs "Apology accepted, little one." He smiles, knowing that she had never really liked that nickname. "Well, you have a choice. You can leave here in the morning and we'll see about patching things between Ethan and you next time we come home. Or you can stay and we'll see about that now. I would like it if you joined us for dinner but if you do so or not is your choice. I can say the chef is quite talented, even if he is saying so himself."


    "Dinner?" Terra said the word as though she'd never heard it before. She again looked at her brother. "Maybe you should ask Ethan first. She might not want me at her dinner table."


    His expression sobers and he says quietly "I won't say that Ethan isn't mad, she is. And it may be that she's not ready to forgive yet. But you are going to have to apologize to her. I will be there though, for both of you."


    Breathing deeply to regain her composure, Terra nodded. "I'll apologize. And if it's okay with you, I'll stay on Aegis for a few days. This may be my last opportunity to patch things up with your wife. I doubt I'll be coming back here because Mom is going to kill me as soon as I get home."


    He sighs and shrugs "I will smooth things over with her for you. I think it is time we start putting this little incident behind us. Mom chiding you isn't going to change anything at this point. And I think you're going to have to apologize to Phelan as well. Chances are he's already been chided for his part in this little bout of impulsiveness.


    "Apologize to Phelan?" huffed Terra. "Do you have any idea how many times I've covered for him?" She shook her head and stood, hands on hips. "Not to mention how many times I've gotten in trouble because of him!"


    She rubbed the back of her neck. "But don't worry, I'll straighten things out with Phelan. And I'll be happy to come to dinner if Ethan says it's okay. Just as long as you aren't fixing that raw fish concoction you tried to force us to eat a few years ago."


    He smirks “And how many times has he gotten in trouble because of you? And how many times has he covered for you? And you can stay as long as you want as far as I am concerned. And as for that “fish concoction” it wasn’t raw and you know it. You have no sense of culinary adventure.” His smirk fades into a smile “But don’t worry, was planning something a bit more along the lines of chicken and perhaps pasta or a salad. Ethan likes to think I’m spoiling her when I cook and I see no reason not to indulge that belief when I can.”


    He stands and offers his hand to her as he smiles “Come on, lets go. I’ll ask her on the way.”


    Terra accepted her brother's hand and allowed him to lead her out of the room. "You must think she'll say yes," noted Terra as she closed the door behind them. Nick merely smiled. His younger sister wished she shared his confidence. She was terrified of coming face to face with her sister-in-law. Her heart was already pounding. She knew she had to apologize. But would that be enough? As they walked toward Nick's quarters, Terra could only wonder how this evening would end. She hoped for the best but feared the worst.

  21. Nick slowly opens his eyes and yawns. He tries stretching but doesn't complete the movement as it causes Ethan, who's snuggled against his side, to murmur in her sleep. Not wanting to wake her he watches her quietly for a few minutes. Gently slipping out of her arms he slides to the edge of the bed and reaches for a robe as he stands. He slips the robe on and gathers it around him before turning to look at her again. He leans down to gently kiss her cheek before pulling the blankets up to her shoulders. He murmurs quietly "Sleep a little longer, mon ange."


    He turns and walks out of the bedroom as he strengthens his mental shields. He valued more than he could say that he didn't have to shield his mind from her any longer but there was no point in waking her up early. It wouldn't be too long before she would sense his absence as it was.


    He sits down on the couch and turns the computer display to face him. He instructs the computer to place a call to one Captain Kelain Sinjin at Starfleet HQ. Within a few minutes an older man, who looks quite a bit like Nick, appears on the screen.


    The man smiles "Nick, this is a surprise. It must still be early morning there."


    Nick, who doesn't smile at all, says "Yes it is, Uncle. I have a request to make of you."


    "Oh? And what is this request?"


    Nick frowns darkly and says coldly "Kindly quit thinking that part of your job includes investigating the woman I am involved with. You may be the patriarch of the family, Uncle, but that does not mean you have the right to look into the background of Ethan nor does it grant you the right to interfere in my private life by talking to my mother and somehow getting my sister to come all the way out here to play bodyguard against a threat that only exists in your mind."


    Kelain frowns "What is this about Terra being out there? And I only called your mother because I was concerned because your girlfriend did undercover work for Starfleet Security and thought..."


    "Thought what? That I was her current assignment? Oh please, don't think I'm so stupid that I wouldn't recognize that if it was the case. She is formerly of Starfleet Security, Uncle, which means she doesn't work for them anymore. And the undercover work she did do has hurt her emotionally and it is only as of late that she's gotten past that..with my help. Did you think I didn't know what her past was, Uncle? I've known for quite a while now..and she was the one that told me. In fact if you'd bother to read through the reports you would see she was the one that helped me in my attempt to keep that El Aurian Cruiser out of Starfleet's hands. If she was investigating me..if she was duping me, Uncle, then it stands to reason that would have been a rather good time to betray me wouldn't it? I am not a "mark" to her Uncle and your fear, concern and frankly paranoia about her is completely misplaced. Just because she is formerly of Security does not automatically make her a threat to you, me and our fellow El Aurians. Or would you say that because you are formerly of Starfleet Intel makes you a threat to us? Last time I checked, Uncle, we El Aurians adopted the principle of "Innocent until proven guilty" long before anyone else in this quadrant did. So why is it in your mind that Ethan is guilty without any proof? And yes, Terra is out here. Apparently you were so convincing that she decided that her older brother had become such a doddering fool because of his feelings for one of the people he worked with that he was no longer capable of recognizing truth from fantasy."


    Kelain narrows his eyes "I was only looking out for your well-being..you are young."


    Nick chuckles coldly "Uncle, I am forty years old. Yes, I know that would mean I wouldn't even yet be an adult if I was a full blooded El Aurian but I'm not. I am half human and I long ago reached adulthood. If I was full human I would have lived about a third of my expected life expectancy by now. Just because I have not even lived a tenth of my probable life expectancy does not mean I'm so young that I'd be that blinded by love. I love Ethan dearly and I know her feelings for me are the same..I know that her feelings are genuine. I know her better than you do which isn't hard when you don't know her at all, Uncle. You only know what is written on a page that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the woman I am involved with."


    He pauses briefly before continuing "What you did, Uncle, showed a remarkable lack of trust in your sister's son..and showed a remarkable degree of paranoia about a person you haven't even met. I assure you Uncle, that there will be a day where you will meet Ethan and on that day you are going to apologize to her for your actions. And get used to the idea of that Ethan and I are going to be together for a long time because she is not my girlfriend, Uncle, she is my wife. She blessed me with that honor while we were on Pacifica. We are going to have a long and happy life together, Uncle..whether you are part of it is entirely up to you. Good-bye, Uncle."


    Before Kelain can respond, Nick reaches to the computer display and closes the connection. He takes a few moments to clear his mind of thoughts of the conversation with his Uncle. Standing, he turns and steps towards the bedroom, intending to return to Ethan's side before she woke up and noticed his absence.


    Upon his return to the bedroom, however, Nick understands why Ethan hadn't woken. The warm place he had left was still warm. In his place, his siberian husky, Diamante, has curled up next to his wife, and looks up at Nick with a clear "You left!" look.


    Nick rolls his eyes and shoos the dog from the bed. Nick brushes a few strands of dog fur from the sheets as he watches Diamante curl up on the floor at the end of the bed. He swears for a moment the dog gives him a sour look. As he's slipping into bed after removing his robe he dryly mutters "Go find your own bed and your own m..." Nick stops before finishing the sentence, having noticed Ethan's eyes open and on him. He sighs quietly, not having wanted to wake her up.


    Ethan put on a mock angry look, "Hey! You kicked out my new cuddling partner... You left, so I had to find a replacement, after all."


    He arches an eyebrow and smirks. "A new cuddling partner, hm? Well then..." He leans down to kiss her warmly. After a few moments he breaks off the kiss and murmurs "...I guess I better relearn how to sleep alone." With that he starts to slip out of bed.


    "I'm being abandoned by both of you now..." Ethan laments, with an obviously fake sniffle.


    His voice takes on a fake scolding tone "You're the one that said I got replaced. I'm not the one that said they found a new cuddling partner though perhaps I should go find a new one as well. At any rate, you need to make up your mind..me or him."


    Ethan smiles, then starts laughing for a moment, before asking, "So, how was the conversation with your uncle?"


    He slips back into bed and settles against her, gently wrapping his arms around her. He spends a few moments enjoying the feel and smell of her. Finally he shrugs "It went as well as expected. I told him what I told Terra. That he was being foolish and judgemental and paranoid. And that he owes you an apology for judging your motivations without cause and without having ever met you. And that he owes me an apology for not trusting me, for thinking that I'm still a child. And that if he doesn't apologize by the time he meets you than he was not going to be a part of the life his nephew and his wife are creating for themselves."


    Ethan sighs, "I wish I wasn't causing so much turmoil in your family... and yes, I know it's not ME causing it, but it still feels that way." She pauses, shaking her head, "I knew my former line of work could cause me some problems.. and it has, but I never expected this to be one of them."


    "Well I can't say I expected it to be a problem either. I thought they'd have a problem with us eloping but not this nonsense. They'll come around though..I don't intend to give them a choice." He tightens his arms around her a little as he kisses her shoulder "You, my wife, are the best thing that has ever happened to me and as I know you best of anyone I think I am in the best position to make that judgement. It is our judgement..our wants that counts, not my uncle's and not my sister's."


    She sighs, this time with more contentment, though still with some sadness. "I want them to stop being stupid..." She smiles wryly, "But I guess I can't have everything. We should probably get up and get breakfast before it's time to head to the CT."


    He sighs, in some exasperation, "I just climbed back into bed and now you want me to get out of it again?" He glances towards the end of the bed "Don't suppose we could train him to bring us breakfast in bed..or hire someone..."


    Ethan slips out of bed, "It's not my fault, Captain, that you decided to get up early today." She strides into the bathroom, and begins washing her face, "I'm sure the new Admiral will understand if you show up to work late."


    He watches her for a minute before slipping out of bed and reaching for his robe. As he slips it on he says "Think the Admiral would understand it if the Captain decided that his vacation really was too short by at least several months and that he and a certain Commander really should return to it?" He smirks at her "Though I don't think you had to bring the Admiral in on this conversation. Was a bit unfair to, in effect, pull rank."


    She grins at him, "How often do I get to pull rank on you, Love? You'll get over it." Finishing her morning preparations, she heads out to the living area and orders herself a glass of orange juice. "Can I get you anything?"


    "A couple eggs, toast and juice will suffice, thanks." He steps into the bathroom and gets cleaned up. A few minutes later he steps into the living area and moves to the dining table and sits down. He smirks briefly "I suppose I could overlook you pulling rank on me this time, love. Still, it was a bit improper behavior wise." The smirk returns as he shrugs "Though I suppose you could argue that it was improper, behavior wise, of me to wake up early."


    She smirks "You could say that, yes."

  22.      Ethan sat across from Nick at their dining room table, as they finished dinner. "You know... since your family knows now, we probably should call mine as well."


    He sighs briefly and nods "Yes, you're right. Though forgive me if it's not exactly what I had in mind as for things to do this night." He smiles faintly as he says that. "Still, you are right. It is time they know. I'll clear the dishes while you see to making the call and I'll join you when I'm done." He stands and starts clearing the dishes.


    She nods, moving to the computer console, and giving the instructions to place the call to her parents in Seattle.  It takes a few minutes for the connection to go through. Finally, a woman, a slightly older version of Ethan, appears on the screen, and immediately smiles, "Ethan! It's good to see you.  How have you been?"


    It takes Nick a few minutes to clear the dishes and clean the table. When he's done he steps over to where Ethan is and after a few moments of hesitation he sits down next to her, a discrete inch or two away. Inwardly he frowns, not knowing what to expect from her family. So far he's only ever talked to Ethan's dad and that wasn't exactly the most plesant of conversations as it was basically Nick all but lying to her father on why Ethan was on Vulcan and what Nick had thought had happened to her at the time.


    Celeste sees Nick appear on the screen, next to her daughter, and smiles again, "You must be Nick. Ethan told us about the whole Vulcan thing, by the way... Jacob understands, and so do I.  We would have just worried anyways. Somehow, this seems more than the regular monthly catch-up-on-news call... What's up?"


    Nick blushes lightly and says "Thank you..and I am sorry for what I did." He pauses slightly, collecting his thoughts. "And it is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Hawke." His hand searches out Ethan's hand and squeezes it gently, seeking a little reassurance. Inwardly he muses that under different circumstances he might find it ironic that he was feeling nervous. It's not like he was a teenager asking a girl out for the first time. As he thinks that, it occurs to him this was quite a bit beyond asking a parent's permission to take their daughter out.


    The woman smiled, shaking her head, "You did what you felt was right. And please, call me Celeste... Mrs. Hawke just makes me feel old.  So does Commander.  So," she pauses to smile again, "What is it you're up to?" Ethan blushes briefly, glancing at Nick. Celeste raises one eyebrow, "Did you get engaged?" She narrowed her eyes slightly, though a glint of mischief still is evident, "Or did you just elope?"


    Nick coughs briefly, thinking that it must be a parental thing to be inherently telepathic when it comes to their own children. Trying to force down his blush he tries to find the words to respond. Finally he says "You would be right on both counts Mrs....Celeste." He narrows his eyes slightly, inwardly bracing for what he expects to be a less than pleasant reaction.


    Surprisingly, Celeste clapped her hands with glee, "Wonderful!" She paused, seeing Nick's shock at her reaction, "Well, you make her happy, don't you? You'd better... I still have connections, you know..." She let that trail off in a mock threatening tone.  "I wish I could have been there, but after the fights I had with my mother-in-law.. I don't blame you one bit.  I only wish Jacob and I had resorted to that! It would have been so much easier.  So, while you were on Pacifica? What was the date? I want to remember your anniversary next year."  She paused again, "What do you need? Anything? We'll want to send you a wedding present... I suppose you don't need a toast replicator, being well established, not to mention on a starbase."


    It takes Nick a few moments to digest that Ethan's mother..his mother-in-law's reaction hadn't been what he expected. "Yes, while on Pacifica. And it was on the twenty-sixth of December. Though you don't need to send anything, your blessing is more than enough." He pauses and smiles "And if I make Ethan happy you'll have to ask your daughter."


    Celeste smiles, a smile very similar to the one that Ethan has. "Yes, I can see that you do.  And of course you have our blessing. Would mind if we came to visit? I'm sure I speak for Jacob as well as myself when I say that we'd like to meet you in person.  Ethan is our only child, so we've never had a son--until now."


    His smile slips just a little, picturing in his mind what would probably happen if her parents showed up at the same time his sister was still onboard. He nods "I would like to meet you and your husband as well. We told my parents as well so they may decide that they should visit as well but I'm not sure. And.." He pauses slightly before continuing "..we have discussed having a more formal ceremony at some point."


    She waves her hand in dismissal of that suggestion, "While I'd love to see it, don't do it just on our account. We'd just like to see you both.. as soon as we can arrange some leavetime... in a month or two.  I'm sure you know how that goes."  She smiles again, "So, how soon do I get grandchildren?" Seeing the look of shock on Ethan's face, she laughed, "Ethan, honey, I'm kidding."


    Nick feels the blush return to the back of his neck as Celeste makes that comment. He coughs slightly before saying "We know we don't have to but it would be nice to have something of a celebration for our families and friends. Besides it might help smooth over any ruffled feathers."


    "Whose feathers are ruffled?  Besides my mother-in-laws when she finds out that she still doesn't get a Betazoid ceremony?  Receptions are perfect for celebrating with friends and family. Don't get talked into something you aren't wanting.. this whole process is about the two of you, and what YOU want.. don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. If you want to tell Jacob and I to take a flying leap, you are fully entitled to... and neither of us will resent you for it.  It's your happiness that is the paramount purpose in marriage, not bowing to the whims of overbearing relatives." She pauses, looking momentarily sheepish, "Not that I'm talking about anyone specific...." She winks at Ethan, who chuckles. "Whatever you decide is fine with us.  Now, then, how is my nephew doing out there in the wilderness?"


    Nick sighs quietly "A few in my family have their feathers ruffled apparently. As for your nephew, he's doing fine and is learning quickly." Nick pauses sheepishly "He's a little rough around the edges still but that's expected when one who just graduated out of the academy just a short while ago. Though I think Ethan can better speak about Ronin." He glances at Ethan, shrugging slightly.


    Ethan, too, shrugs, "He's still alive, and I haven't thrown him off the station yet." 


         Celeste nods, "Well, I hate to cut this short, but I do have a date with your father. He's probably waiting for me now. Let us know when or if you want a visit.  I love you both. Welcome to the family, Nick. If there is anything you need, I hope you'll let us know."


    Nick smiles "As I said, I would like to meet my in-laws so if you want to visit it would be nice. And thank you for the warm welcome into your family. Take care, talk to you soon." He reaches to turn the display off and close the connection. He turns to face Ethan "Well, I'm glad that went better than expected and now that only leaves our friends here."

  23. Ethan returns to her quarters on automatic pilot. She steps into her original bedroom and sits on the floor with her back against the foot of the bed as she finally lets her tears fall. As she cries she thinks that the Universe has a terrible cruel streak.


    After a few moments of tears she stiffens her resolve and stands, moving over to the computer console. She has the computer place a call to Earth, to the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ayers. After a few minutes a dark haired middle aged woman appears on the screen. She is frown, apparently concerned.


    Ethan asks "Kiari Ayers?"


    The woman continues to frown slightly and says "Yes? You are?"


    Ethan's jaw tightens slightly as she responds "I think you know who I am..I just want to know if you share your daughter's feelings on the matter."


    Kiari arches an eyebrow "Yes I do know who you are, Ms. Hawke but as we've never been introduced before I was being polite."


    Ethan's jaw tightens further when the other woman uses the same reference of "Ms" that Terra used. "You didn't answer my question...do you feel about things the same as your daughters?"


    "Perhaps if you'd explain what you are referring to I could answer. And how do you know Terra? She's on holiday visiting some friends."


    Ethan rolls her eyes "Right..she has "friends" on Aegis. I see. And I believe that you don't know what I'm talking about just as much as I believed you didn't know who I was."


    Kiari blinks and asks in a surprised tone "On Aegis? She's there?"


    "An El-Aurian surprised? Why do I not quite believe that."


    Kiari blinks again before narrowing her eyes "She told me she was going to visit some friends on vacation. She did not tell me she was going to Aegis. May I ask why the hostility?"


    "Okay, fine..you want to play dumb, I'll play along. yes, Terra came to Aegis..though she nearly didn't make it. She had the unfortunate luck of being on a passenger liner that was attacked by pirates. Being the XO of this station I commanded the rescue mission, and we managed to get everyone off, but Terra seems to believe that I have some ulterior motives in my interest in your son. I just want to know if you share her feelings."


    "Ms. Hawke, I assure you that I am not "playing dumb."


    "You know..you're marring that whole "El-Aurians are all knowing" thing."


    "Do you think if we were all knowing that the Borg could have destroyed our homeworld and scattered us? Now..what is this about my son? And why is Terra there?"


    Ethan ignores that question "Since you persist in using a rather inappropriate method of address, I have to guess that you agree with her sentiments."


    "Rather inappropriate method of address? How should I refer to you?"


    "I am a member of Starfleet, Doctor, as you are probably well aware, with the rank of Commander."


    Kiari blinks "Yes I am aware, my apologies Commander Hawke."


    "Never mind..you've pretty much answered my question." Ethan sighs slightly as she says that.


    "Would you mind answering my question please, Commander?"


    Ethan ignores the question again, saying "Since you probably exercise a great deal of control over your children, I will look into having the marriage annulled, and request a transfer. Then you can impose your will on Nick as you see fit. I guess there is nothing else to really say...good day, Doctor."


    "Say what? Marriage? No, Commander, tell me what is going on please."


    Ethan's voice takes on a sarcastic tone "Oh, yes...I married him...it's all part of my cover, you see..."


    Kiari pales considerably "She didn't..that's why she's there? What Kelain said.."


    "It's all an elaborate trick so I can get into his mind to learn all of your secrets..but darn..you figured it out."


    Kiari frowns "Commander..no matter what my brother suspects and no matter what my apparently foolish daughter did..I trust my son's judgement."


    Ethan is taken aback slightly, not sure if she can believe what she was told. "You don't deny, then, that you knew about all of this...did you ASK your brother to conduct his little investigation?"


    "Did I ask Kelain? Hardly. The only thing I ever told Kelain about you was that you and Nick were seeing each other."


    Ethan sighs "Well, you seem sincere..I'm just not sure I can believe you."


    Kiari shakes her head slightly "And I certainly did not send Terra out there to somehow convey the impression that I or Nick's father disapproved of you. What she did was without my knowledge and I am going to have a long talk with her and her twin brother when she gets home."


    "To give her a medal?"


    "And if you think Nick would listen to me if I told him to stop seeing you then really you should know him better. Medal? What? Do they give out medals for foolishness?"


    Ethan smiles despite herself "Yes, I know him better than that...but..I'm still not familiar with all of the cultural traditions. And yes, I have seen medals given out for foolishness."


    "Fine, then I'll give her a medal for foolishness...right after I ask her what she thought she was going to accomplish."


    "She was trying to save him and your race, I suspect, from me."


    "Commander Hawke, I know of your background because of what my brother did and I apologize for that. However, while Nick is young he isn't so young as to be gulled by any such attempt. He trusts you and I trust my son's judgement."


    Ethan sighs in relief "Okay..I do love him..and yes, I know we didn't tell you, but it was...well..." She blushes slightly before continuing "...kind of a spontaneous decision while we were on Pacifica, and after we got back..it's been nothing but chaos."


    Kiari nods slightly "Commander, I can't say I'm perfectly fine with finding out that you and Nick got married but it's only because I very much wanted to be there when my son did get married." As she says the last she smiles warmly.


    Ethan smiles and nods "We know..and we planned to have a more formal ceremony for both families..just as soon as the galaxy will stop trying to come apart around our ears."


    "Thank you. And again I apologize on behalf of my brother and my daughter. I will have a talk with them when I get a chance I assure you."


    "I'm sorry you found out this way...I..was a little upset by what Terra said."


    "Yes, that I can understand. I would have been too."


    "If Kelain had really done his homework, he would have told you that...things recently haven't been easy for me."


    Kiari shrugs slightly "Kelain doesn't everything...as this demonstrates."


    "I'm sorry if I disturbed you..."


    "You owe me no apologies, Commander. It's my family that should apologize."


    Ethan shakes her head "While her thickheadedness is unnecessary in this case, Terra does see it as attempting to protect her brother."


    "Yes well, neither one of them are children any longer. She should have trusted Nick..and you."


    Ethan sighs quietly, "She doesn't trust me..I'm not sure she ever will."


    "She will. It may take some time but she will. But do know that you have the trust of myself and Nick's father."


    "Thank you, that means a lot to me."


    "If there is nothing else, Ethan..if I may call you that, I imagine you have things to tend to."


    Ethan nods "Please do, and I'm sure you do as well. Thank you for your time."


    Kiari smiles "Take care..of yourself and him. And welcome to the family."


    Ethan smiles, "I intend to. He tends to need it. And thank you."


    Kiari chuckles "Yes he does..and you're welcome." With that she reaches to close the channel.


    As Ethan watches the image fade out she sighs with great relief. At about that moment she hears the doors to their quarters open and she senses NIck approach the bedroom door. She turns away from the computer terminal to see him come in.


    He asks quietly "Are you ok? I am sorry about..."


    She smiles slightly "It's all right."


    He kneels before her, looking a bit anxious. "You sure?"


    She raises a hand to caress his cheek. "Yes, I'm sure..you can tell that. Oh...umm...I called your mother." As she says the last she sounds concerned.


    He leans into the caress. Blinking he asks "You called..why?"


    She says sheepishly "Because I wanted to know if she felt the same way as your sister."


    "What did she say?"


    Ethan smirks "She said you need someone to watch out for you."


    Nick smiles briefly "Sounds like her."


    "She also said she's going to give Terra a medal." Ethan doesn't sound upset by that.


    Nick arches an eyebrow "A medal? For?"


    Ethan nods and says "Stupidity."


    Nick chuckles briefly at that. His expression sobers as he asks "What do you think would have happened if she did say she felt the same as my foolish little sister?"


    "I don't know..I'm glad she doesn't. I don't want to think about it..if she'd insisted..I might have.."


    "I hope you didn't think that I would walk away from you. And you might have what? Thought that I would?"


    "I might have walked away."


    "Do you think I would have let you?"


    Ethan smiles slightly "Do you honestly think you could have stopped me?"


    Nick leans up to kiss Ethan. {{I would have follwed you to the ends of the universe.}}


    Ethan returns the kiss before murmuring "Thank you, love. Now, what do we do about your sister? She'll never accept this..or me."


    "She will in time. If she doesn't then it is her that loses out."


    "Yeah..in a hundred years or so.." Ethan sighs before adding "I've never had a sister..and apparently I still don't."


    Nick smiles "No, it will be sooner than that. She is not so foolish that she won't see and figure out what we have is genuine."


    "Okay...seventy five years."


    He makes a dismissive sound in response to that.


    She says "I wonder if your brother feels the same."


    "Probably not..at least I hope not." He sighs quietly "I am sorry..."


    "Why? You didn't start it."


    He closes his eyes briefly "No..but it is my family that did."


    "Their motives were okay...just their judgement isn't."


    "Yeah..but they still did nearly drive a wedge between us, however briefly."


    "I'm sorry. I didn't react too well to it, did I?"


    "No..but that was understandable. If I got accused by a member of your family of only being involved with you out of some ulterior motive I would have been mad too. And I can't say that it might not have created some doubt on whether you trusted me or not."


    "Yes, well, I hope you still do..."


    He nods "Yes, of course. With my life....and everything that goes along with it."


    She slips her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.


    He returns the embrace, murmuring softly "The only person that can tell me to walk away from you is you, Imzadi."


    She leans back slightly and glances around, smiling. "Hmm..we are in the bedroom...how convenient." She kisses him deeply.


    He returns the kiss as he stands, pulling her against him. {{Sure? Your hand...}}


    By way of reply she turns and pushes him back towards the bed.

  24. By: Commander Hawke, DJ McKinny and Captain Ayers


    After the meeting in the Observation lounge with the Admiral, Nick heads to his office and steps inside when the doors open. He had kept his sister waiting and he was curious as to the real reason she had arrived. He didn't need to be telepathic to know that something was up with his little sister.


    Terra glances up as the doors open. As Nick enters she stands and asks "All finished?"


    He nods "For a while at least. If you want, I'll show you to your guest quarters now."


    "Your Dr. McKinny came by. She said I'm fine. She seems to be nice but I think I like Dr. LePage better. He's more my type."


    Nick frowns when his sister says that, having heard that tone of voice before. "Don't get any ideas, sis." Quietly he thinks that the station did not need another Megan-like disruption to the crew...especially to a certain junior officer in DJ's department. His sister, he would admit only privately, would be seen as desirable and gorgeous to most males..well at least male humans and some of the other species. And it had caused Nick and Phelan to be protective at times. Which had become something of a bone of contention with her.


    "Oh please, Nick. I've come a long way. The least I can do is look, can't I?"


    "As long as that's all you do."


    Terra frowns and turns her gaze from him as she says "Is that all you've been doing."


    "No..but then I live here. You're only here for a few days."


    "I may decide to stay for a while."


    Nick escorts her to the turbolift and orders it to one of the VIP guest suites. In a few minutes they are inside the quarters temporairly assigned to her. Terra had spent the trip wondering how to tell her brother the real reason for her visit.


    As he watches Terra look around the quarters, Nick steps over to the windows and leans back against them. "So...why would you be thinking that you may stay more than a few days?"


    "Oh, you know. It's a long way to come and now that I'm here, I thought I might hang around for a month or so."


    "And school?"


    "School? Oh, school can wait. It's not like I won't be getting an education while I'm here."


    "And yes, I'm sure Mom will just love that idea. Bet you five to one that if you stay here a month she will show up just to chastise you." He moves to sit down in one of the chairs. "So..what makes you come all the way out here?"


    Terra laughs "You really think Mom would come all this way just to yell at me?"


    "Yes..I do. She'll call first and yell at you and if you don't listen I am quite sure she will show up here."


    "Mom can do as she pleases. I'm a big girl now and I think she'll treat me like one."


    "Terra, you're twenty-eight years old. Yes that is adult in a human..with us it is a bit more nebulous and you know it. Now..mind answering the other question?"



    Ethan enters Sickbay, intending to have her hand looked at now that she had the time for it. DJ looks up as Ethan enters and steps towards her.


    Terra sits down on the couch before saying "Tell me something, Nick..how well do you know Commander Hawke?"


    Nick arches an eyebrow before answering "We've worked together for over three years now. And I've have gotten to know her better than everyone else on the station. And you know I am involved with her."


    "Uncle Kelain seems concerned about that."


    Nick blinks "What would Kelain be..why would he be concerned?"




    Ethan smiles "Hello Doctor. I don't suppose you have time for one more patient? It can wait, if you're still busy..."


    DJ chuckles "Oh, there's always room for one more. What did you do to yourself?"


    "The engine room was in flames when I went to get the last two off the passenger liner. One of the consoles had fallen in the way and it was..hot."


    DJ carefully takes Ethan's hand and examines it. "Looks like first and second degree burns. And I know that doesn't feel good, especially on the hand." She turns and walks to one of the empty biobeds. "Follow me. I think we can take care of this relatively quickly."


    Ethan smiles and nods, "Thanks. I appreciate it."


    DJ scans the injured hand after Ethan sits on the biobed. "Yep, first degree with a few spots that are hot enough to call second degree. Wait just a second. I'll gather the magic potions and be right back."


    Ethan rolls her eyes as she chuckles "Don't forget your wand."


    As DJ walks to the med station to gather what she needs before returning to Ethan. "Oh, I carry the wand in my pocket at all times. You never know when an emergency might pop up. Ordinarily, someone would have been available to get these for me, but we're a little busy right now."


    Ethan shakes her head. "Now you know why I avoid doctors."


    DJ treats Ethan's injured hand and after injecting her with an antibiotic, she gives Ethan some pills to take with her. After a minute spent by Ethan asking if she has to take the pills and DJ telling her that its either the taking the pills every six hours or coming down to Sickbay every six hours for another shot of the antibiotic, Ethan exits out of Sickbay. {{I'm done in Sickbay, love. Where are you?}}


    Nick frowns as he waits for his sister to answer his question. {{Finding out why Terra is here.}}


    {{I see...any luck so far?}}


    {{Oh..yeah I think so. You may want to not get involved with anything right now.}}


    {{Uh-oh..that doesn't sound good.}}


    Terra stands and walks towards Nick. Her nervousness is causing her heart to pound but she's determined to continue. "Seems the Commander has quite a reputation."


    Nick frowns darkly "He's been digging in her background?""


    "Do you have a problem with that?"


    "Do I have a problem with an uncle of mine digging into the background of someone I work with and care about? Yes...damn it..I do have a problem with it. It shows a remarkable lack of trust."


    Ethan senses Nick's anger rising and she starts heading in his direction.


    Terra replies "So I don't have to worry about you digging into the background of anyone I might choose to become involved with?"


    "Not unless that person gave me cause first."


    "And what if that person was Starfleet Security..with a heavy background in undercover ops?"


    Nick blinks and can't help but chuckle. Terra frowns and says "I'm so glad you find it amusing."


    When he stops chuckling he taps his commbadge and says "Commander Hawke to my location please." That said he turns his attention back to his sister and says "What I find amusing, sister, is that uncle thought I didn't know."


    "I would rather you not invite her here."


    Nick narrows his eyes "This concerns her, Terra, and I will not have my family talking about her behind her back.


    "And maybe Uncle knew you'd figure it out. But love is ofen blind and I'm concerned that you've become her next undercover assignment."


    Ethan arrives at the door and steps through it in time to hear the last of Terra's comment. "Excuse me?"


    Terra ignores Ethan and looks directly at Nick "I have nothing more to say." She turns to walk out of the room.


    Nick stands and steps after Terra, grabbing her arm with his hand. "No, sister..you have a lot to say and you're going to say it. Or I'm throwing you on the first ship back home whether you like it or not and under guard if I have to."


    Ethan frowns "This is not quite what I pictured when we talked about telling your family.."


    Nick dryly says "I wasn't picturing my family having gone off the deep end since I've been gone."


    Terra looks at Nick's hand on her arm, thinking that her brother may have changed a lot since he started hanging out with Ethan."


    Ethan frowns "Who thinks you're my latest mission, love?"


    "Apparently my sister and my mother's elder brother Kelain does. Kelain, if I haven't told you about before, has worked in Starfleet Intel for a number of years..though lately he's been Captaining a starship. That and certain other things that happened before our arrival in the Federation and immediately afterwards have caused Uncle to be slightly paranoid." He switches his attention to Terra "Now tell her what you told me."


    Terra slips out of Nick's grasp "What's this about telling the family?"


    Nick shakes his head "No..you first." He steps back to the chair he was sititng in.


    "I've already spoken my piece to my family."


    Ethan glances at Nick and asks "What did she say?"


    "As I said, Terra, I will not have you or any other member of my family talking about her behind her back. If you're not going to tell her then I will."


    Terra starts to get that sick feeling as she recalls Ethan's remarks on the Pandora. She glares at Nick "Did you marry that woman?"


    Ethan steps up to Terra "I have a name, dear. Now, what crawled into your shorts and died."


    Nick ignores Terra's question for the moment as he says sadly to Ethan "She thinks that you are on an undercover mission, because of your former work in Starfleet Security, to investigate me and find out what I know concerning, I imagine, among other things that El Aurian ship we found." He glances at Terra and asks "Do you know how ludicrous your concern about Ethan is, Terra?"


    Ethan turns to face Nick and asks "What?" As her anger rises she turns back to Terra and says sharply "How dare you...my work in Starfleet Security nearly destroyed my life! It's only been recently that Nick helped me..get it back. And Now you want to take away the one good thing in my life..because you're paranoid?" Ethan regains her temper with some effort. "Did your precious uncle also tell you that I helped Nick with letting that El Aurian ship get away rather than let Starfleet have it?"


    Terra stands at the door with her arms crossed in front of her and her back to Nick and Ethan. She fights back the tears as she is convinced that all is lost.


    Ethan senses Terra's frustration and steps towards her but doesn't touch her. "Terra, I love your brother. I'm not here to do anything to hurt him, or your family. But I can't force you to believe that, nor would I try. The problem is that you aren't objective anymore. You won't even look at the evidence. You've made up your mind so completely that you're right..all hope is lost..but it's not the hope you think." Ethan sighs quietly.


    Nick shakes his head "Terra, I've known about Ethan's past employ in Starfleet Security for a long time. And I've known about her undercover work. Do you honestly think I'm so blind? Just because she used to work for Starfleet Security does not make her a threat."


    Terra whirls and glares at both of them before addressing Nick "And when were you planning on telling the family that you were romantically involved? Or worse?"


    "Mom and dad have known that I am romantically involved with Ethan for quite a while now. How do you think Kelain knew about her?"


    Terra says softly "You married her, didn't you? That's why she said I was part of the family. Isn't it?"


    Ethan sighs "Yes, Terra, he did me the honor of marrying me, and making my life complete for the first time in over a decade. I'm sorry you are so determined to find evil in my life...especially now that it's finally gone. I only hope that the rest of your family isn't so close-minded." She turns to Nick "I should probably go. I'll see you at home, love?"


    Nick nods "Yes. I'll be there shortly."


    Ethan steps over to him and kisses him {{You know, Imzadi, that she's wrong?}} Ethan is concerned that Terra might have planted some doubts and is going to try and tear them apart.


    Nick returns the kiss {{I've never had any doubts on your motivations, Imzadi.}}


    Ethan tries to smile through the pain of the betrayal. She looks at Terra and says "I hope you're happy that you've tried to destroy my life. What did I ever do to you?" With that she turns and steps through the doors.


    Nick waits until Ethan leaves before saying "How dare you somehow presume that you can judge someone you've never met."


    Terra ignores both their remarks, too lost in her own grief and despair.


    Nick sighs sadly and steps over to the couch to sit next to Terra.


    Terra chokes through her tears "And how dare you marry someone without telling your own family. Were you afraid someone other than me would object?"


    He enfolds her in a hug "No, not that at all. It wasn't that I wasn't going to tell you and the others, it was that..." He sighs quietly, "...that we've been busy since we got back. And the only objection I thought any of you might have was in us eloping. If I had known that Kelain would pull this and you'd do what you've done I would have made sure to talk to you."


    Terra wipes the tears from her eyes "Oh, I'm sure you've been busy."


    "Terra, we've been dealing with the pirates and a new admiral arriving since we got back."


    Terra bites her lip and turns to look at her brother "If I pulled a stunt like this you'd have me drawn and quartered." She pauses then says through the tears "We all thought you would NEVER marry."


    He brushes a hand against her face "Perhaps I would nhave wanted to initially but if the other person made you happy and took good care of you than I would have accepted him." He blinks "Why would you think that?"


    She gives him a "Boy, you're really stupid" look. "Why? Because of the way you are. So serious, all business..you know. No time for romance." She shakes her head "Well you sure fooled us."


    Nick sighs quietly "Terra, Starfleet tends to breed a certain amount of discipline. But I've had girlfriends before while in the Academy."


    "And you were in the Academy how long ago? Practically in the dark ages."


    "Sis, I'm only forty. Not even a tenth of what will be my probable lifespan. I wasn't exactly in a rush."


    Terra turns to face Nick "I'm afraid for you. I love you and I'm afraid for you. Uncle Kelain was very convincing."


    "There's nothing to be afraid of, certainly not of Ethan. As for Kelain..you know full well that he took the Borg attack on homeworld personally..he took that defeat personally and he's watched for the last hundred or so years as at tiems the Federation or parts of it have tried to use us. But just because some people have tried doing foolish or wrong things to us doesn't mean that they all will. If Ethan was untrustworthy she would have turned me over to Starfleet Security or Intel when we discovered that El Aurian ship."


    Tera stares at Nick for a long moment. {{You really love her, don't you?}}


    Nick nods "And she loves me. I don't have any doubt on that. I know her as well as I know myself. She didn't try and hide her past from me."


    Terra leans back on the sofa and faces straight ahead, knowing that Nick means every word he said.


    "Terra, I knew about her undercover missions and what they entailed. And I also know how much some of what occurred during those missions affected her..hurt her."


    She stammers through her tears "I'm still afraid."


    "Of what?"


    "I'm just afraid, that's all.


    He sighs "Well, I want you to stay for a few days and we'll work through things. All I'm going to ask is that you give Ethan a chance. Because like it or not, she is part of my life and is staying that way and there is nothing you or the rest of the family can do or say to change that."


    Terra, feeling like the biggest fool this side of Jupiter and depressed because of it says "I came all this way to warn you..to keep you from doing something stupid. But now that deed is done, I will make no effort to undo it..not that I could even if I wanted to."


    Nick sighs again as he stands "Sooner or later, sister, you will learn that I did not do anything stupid at all. I do appreciate your concern..but it is misplaced."


    Terra draws a deep breath "I suppose time will tell which one of us has done something stupid. As for your new wife, I got a taste of her attitude a few minutes ago. I doubt she'll want anything to do with me."


    "We'll see. Can you really blame her for being mad? At any rate..get some rest. We'll talk more later. And I will let mom and dad know you're here and safe. And I will let them know about Ethan as well."


    Terra shakes her head "No, as long as her anger is righteous. But how do I know if she's angry because I came out here to warn you about her? Maybe she's angry because I just blew her cover."


    "Terra, I am not a undercover assignment to her."


    "I hope you're right. In the meantime, perhaps I should plan to leave as soon as possible." She stands and heads towards the bedroom, not waiting for Nick to respond.


    Nick shakes his head and leaves, heading for his quarters.

  25.      Ethan returns to the bridge of the Pandora's Box, and then goes immediately to the Ready Room.  "Computer, open a secured channel to Captain Nick Ayers, Sky Harbor Aegis."  The computer replies that it is working, so Ethan waits.  After a time, the captain's face appears.  Before he can speak, to ask what is wrong, she speaks, "Terra's here... your sister was on that passenger liner.  She's okay... I think. Physically, at least.  Something... didn't quite seem right, but it may just be the shock of the attack."


      Nick blinks and leans back in his chair in his office. "She's what? What is she." He frowns darkly as he considers what Ethan said. Finally he sighs and says "Well, I guess company will be arriving." He pauses slightly "She give any indication on why she's coming here as she didn't call and let me know. Also..think I should have Muon delay the...one little security project?"


         "She said she wanted to surprise you... but I don't know that I quite believe that. And no, I don't think we should delay that... I think she's already started, actually." She sighs again, "We'll be back in a matter of minutes, but I thought you might want to meet us at the docking port. We have 148 refugees in total.  Unfortunately, we couldn't find the engine trail..."  Ethan sighs again, "Have you informed Fleet of the incident?"    


    Nick sighs and nods "Yes, they've been informed and I'm sending the Lewis out on a patrol of the area. And in twelve hours the Pandora will replace the Lewis in a rotation." He pauses for a few minutes and sighs again "As for Terra...why do I think this will be an interesting visit. There are only a few reasons I can think of off the top of my head for a surprise visit on her part. Did she know who you were?"


    Ethan thinks for a second, then nods, "I think so. At least she knew my name. You should probably inform DJ that we have incoming patients for her. I know Dr. Lepage has been working hard on the worst injuries, but there are a lot of minor ones... including Terra.  Our ETA is 3 minutes."


    He nods "I will do so. And I will meet the two of you at the Pandora's docking port. Anything else, Commander?"


    Ethan shakes her head, "Nothing, sir.  Pandora's Box out." And with that, she closes the communications channel and returns to the bridge.


    Nick frowns as the channel closes. That was not the good-bye he wanted, he wanted to say he loved her but as she had reminded him the other day they were going to have to mind that sort of thing when they were on duty.


    He shakes his head slightly, dismissing that line of thought and turning his attention back to the task at hand. He notifies Sickbay to be prepared for incoming patients and to tell them to have one of the empty cargo bays set up to handle the influx. He then informs Mr. Brown to have guest quarters prepared until a ship could be sent to pick up their unexpected guests. He pauses slightly and says "And..have a VIP suite prepared and put in my name, Mr. Brown." With that he heads for the Pandora's docking port. As the turbolift takes him there he murmurs quietly "So, sister dear, what really brings you all the way out here..."