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Brex X'Dill

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Posts posted by Brex X'Dill

  1. I covet your Alienware!! This...is one of the reasons I play the lottery each week.


    I can afford the dollar....but can't justify just outright buying one right now, due to saving for the kids college funds.


    If you get bored with it....donate it to me!! lol



    Sorry, I'll use Ebay to sell them....and can anyone see my avatar???

  2. Here in the land of Topeka, Kansas, The new record sonw hit of 2-3ft, we have it on WBIW-CBS 12 at 12:35 AM. I use my home built Hard drive-recording machine to record it.


    And Fred you will hate me too because in just my living room I have 7 Alienware Laptops, 8 Area-51 Desktops, around 60 computers laying on the floor in pieces, and a Compaq server I got for a weeks worth of payment.

  3. Ok here It is a written exam you HAVE to take it but teacher choose how much they're worth. Here is my schudule.


    Math: 15%

    PE: 20%

    Band: 0.25% <YEA!!!!>

    Sci: 7%

    Seminar: 0%

    English: 20%

    Consumer skills: 20%

    Soc. Studies: 20% (but can only help you)


    The Best one is band .... They dont grade the tests!!!!! Here is a sample questions on the WRITTEN test.



    1. Spell Chezcloslovica. (I cant spell it)


    2.Who is beried in Bach's Tomb?




    He said, "Study like it was a blood test"

  4. <<Hey, "Never-ending Work" log is set around 2 days after the last log of mine......about 4 or 5 days. Hope you enjoy it:):):) P.S. You might hear a little about Brex secret past:):):)>>


    Assistant Engineer's Log:

    Ensign Brex X'Dill,

    Sky Harbor Aegis,

    Stardate: 0312.05


    ::Working in the Command Tower on one of the OPS panels:: IT has been a long five days. We have all the hull breaches sealed fully or by forcefields thanks to the cardies........sorry I need to stop calling them that since I was one of them for a couple of-----Computer Delete Last Sentence.

    I have gotten, with the help of three other engineers, the command tower up and running. We still have to use the viewsceen made out of many other screens untill the replacements come in on Tuesday. With that shipment we can fix the station completely due to we will have all the parts needed to complete the work to Starfleet "standards". We had to cannablize half the shuttles to fix the parts needed to survive. Um......We got Main Engineering up the 67% power and the generators work at 47% or less, so we have to use the backups also. I will personally break the necks of the people who destroyed this mutch..........back too the real subject. I have been working all 5 days strait, only sleep ing for about 2 hours on the third day.....then a plasma conduit exploded in my quarters blacking out half the station. We go that fixed and I went to Sickbay and the doc treated me. My uniform is now so covered in blood, for not changing in the last week, I have the same color under shirt as Science and Medical...Blue. I have worked so hard i might sleep an hour......In someone elses quaters since mine are being repaired....for the second time in a week...after I change into a new uniform and fix the Commmand Tower.


    Computer Eng Log.

  5. <<Hey, "Never-ending Work" log is set around 2 days after the last log of mine......about 4 or 5 days. Hope you enjoy it:):):) P.S. You might hear a little about Brex secret past:):):)>>


    Assistant Engineer's Log:

    Ensign Brex X'Dill,

    Sky Harbor Aegis,

    Stardate: 0312.05


    ::Working in the Command Tower on one of the OPS panels:: IT has been a long five days. We have all the hull breaches sealed fully or by forcefields thanks to the cardies........sorry I need to stop calling them that since I was one of them for a couple of-----Computer Delete Last Sentence.

    I have gotten, with the help of three other engineers, the command tower up and running. We still have to use the viewsceen made out of many other screens untill the replacements come in on Tuesday. With that shipment we can fix the station completely due to we will have all the parts needed to complete the work to Starfleet "standards". We had to cannablize half the shuttles to fix the parts needed to survive. Um......We got Main Engineering up the 67% power and the generators work at 47% or less, so we have to use the backups also. I will personally break the necks of the people who destroyed this mutch..........back too the real subject. I have been working all 5 days strait, only sleep ing for about 2 hours on the third day.....then a plasma conduit exploded in my quarters blacking out half the station. We go that fixed and I went to Sickbay and the doc treated me. My uniform is now so covered in blood, for not changing in the last week, I have the same color under shirt as Science and Medical...Blue. I have worked so hard i might sleep an hour......In someone elses quaters since mine are being repaired....for the second time in a week...after I change into a new uniform and fix the Commmand Tower.


    Computer Eng Log.

  6. ::Thinking:: I HAD to be incharge of engineering when all hell broke loose........::pulling out of a generator crawlway::


    Computer..Begin Log:


    Assistant Engineer's Log:

    Ensign Brex X'Dill

    Stardate: 0311.29


    Yesterday was the worst day in my life.....even more then that time when I.......nevermind. They hurt our generators so bad I've gonna break the necks of the people who did this personally. I've worked my butt of fixing the power realys and generators for the last two days. Here is the revised damage report:



    =/\=Sky Harbor Aegis Engineering=/\=

    =/\=Damage Report=/\=




    Primary: #1 Starfleet F-394 Cochrane M/AM Reactor Assembly: Not Working

    #2 Starfleet F-394 Cochrane M/AM Reactor Assembly: Running At 16%


    Secondary: #1 Ferengi FC-AA-100 Fusion Reactors: Not Working

    #2 Ferengi FC-AA-100 Fusion Reactors: Running at 89%

    #3 Ferengi FC-AA-100 Fusion Reactors: N/A

    #4 Ferengi FC-AA-100 Fusion Reactors: N/A

    #5 Ferengi FC-AA-100 Fusion Reactors: Running at 14%

    #6 Ferengi FC-AA-100 Fusion Reactors: N/A

    #7 Ferengi FC-AA-100 Fusion Reactors: Running At 45%

    #8 Ferengi FC-AA-100 Fusion Reactors: N/A

    #9 Ferengi FC-AA-100 Fusion Reactors: N/A

    #10 Ferengi FC-AA-100 Fusion Reactors: N/A


    Emergency Backup:

    #1-24 Starfleet Class X Battery Units: At 35% Charge

    #25-57 Starfleet Class X Battery Units: At 0% Charge

    #58-72 Starfleet Class X Battery Units: At 52% Charge


    Scavenged: 14 Shuttlecraft Batteries Charging the Emergency Batteries


    Main Power Grid: Still Off-line


    Auxiliary Power Grid: Working At Minimum Power Levels


    =/\=Computer Pause Log=/\=


    ::Several Hours Later::


    Computer Resume Log:


    The status hasn't changed on the generators or backup power systems. I have been working on the control tower trying to repair the ODN lines on the panels. We've brung up a large amount of small panels and cobbled them together for one working viewscreen. We have put up portable forcefields on the hull breaches while we seal them. Our work in repairs has been slow for too reasons: 1. The extent of the attack, and 2. around half of the engineering personnel are injured or helping the injured. I hope those cardi--cardassians will start helping with the repairs other than the hull breaches. I will be happy ::pulling his head out from under the science panel:: when this is over with. ::pressing some buttons the science panel comes to life:: Ah one less thing to do ::panel hums loudly and a small explosion takes place:: Damn......Computer end log.

  7. What is there to blow up in Main Engineering on a sky harbor? I mean it's not like you have a warp core or anything.

    We have a lot of generators..........The story is I was in charge of engineering at the time we got attaked and engineering fell apart.



    Your Loveable Bolian

  8. Here in Kansas, the weather can and always will change. Just consider this we're in a big valley. Meaning, it can go from a nice sunny day to a rainy day then to a humid day. You just don't want to be here when it snows, because it causes a lot of accidents when the road is icy and that is no fun. It's just fun when we get out of school, because of the snow. B) :) B) B) :)

    Yep we Kansasans say we got differnant seasons......here they are:



    Even Hotter and Muggier Summer



    And my favroite:


    Even Colder Winter


    ......And I where Sandles through all of this. My feet have all there feeling too.



    Your Loveable Bolian

  9. "Do no harm."

    That is the most important ethical principle in medicine. Now, and in all the other Star Trek shows we've seen. So, when McCoy releives his father from suffering in a terminal illness...the decision is a wrenching one to make. (Not to mention the aftermath: a cure found, after the father dies.) So, did Dr. Phlox violate that ethic?

    I do think he did volate the "Do No Harm" Clause, but he is from another spices not in Starfleet yet. So give him some leeway.




    Your loveable bolian :) :) B) B) B) B) B) :)