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Posts posted by Tay

  1. Subject : Alliance Boom

    From : Tay

    To : Harper

    CC : Taboo Cat





    Many Starfleet flock want alliance. Many Romulan flock want alliance. Few taboo Starfleet hate alliance. Few taboo Romulan hate alliance. Taboo people make boom. Not know taboo Starfleet or taboo Romulan. Not know.


    Photon torpedo make big boom. Megaton boom. Antimatter boom. Boom inside ship. Inertial damp stop some. SIF stop some. Not stop enough. No shields. Inside shields. Shields down. Big boom inside ship makes no ship. Should simulate. If photon torpedo warhead boom inside ship, what result?


    Starfleet photon torpedo make funny rays. Why? What inside torpedo makes funny rays? How difficult make funny rays?


    Back engineer bomb. How much boom? How big? How hard hide? Can Romulans build? Can Starfleet build?


    Search Agincourt. Search photon torpedoes. All warheads there? Search antimatter stores. All antimatter there? Verify cargo hold? All things still there? Missing things big enough make boom? Check flight path. When ships close transport? Check transporters. When used? Check power use. Any power surge for transport? Check sensors. Any active scan transporter lock? Look hard taboo Starfleet.


    Romulan flock search Alliance. Look hard taboo Romulan.


    Romulans help Search Agincourt. Starfleet help search Alliance.



  2. I do have a couple of questions, because the Moose Tips and How To Guides don't really cover the information:


    When do I get my stealth Runabout so I can deploy out from the ship and perform secret missions for Section 31?


    I also put in a request for a shoulder mounted rocket launcher, and a specialized cyborg-German Shepherd sidekick so he can provide backup support on the missions?


    I'll probably also do some freelance work as a bounty hunter...


    And there may be the occasions where I instigate a brawl with an entire bar for no good reason just to keep the reflexes sharp, so where do I send the repair bill?


    Other then that, when I'm free and not off on a mission, I can still perform my duties as a Lieutenant Colonel on the 'Court, because, y'know, Super Colonel to the rescue and stuff.


    Just askin' :)


    Hsssssssst! Bad taboo cat!


    Taboo Cat go mirror. Stay mirror!

  3. Simmed just about every position from engineering, security, marine, spec-ops, intelligence, medical, science, operations. From Cadet to Commander, Bartender, Colonist, Pirate, Civilian Frieghter Cptn/Owner.


    Yes I do play the odd character ... Humans .. well .. I guess they are acceptable and have their uses.




    Welcome. Visit Excalibur. Captain dog. XO cat. Need mouse?


    Tay Agincourt. Squeakies wears clothes? Squeakies not prey? Cannot eat Squeakies? Beware bad taboo cat.




    Welcome! Tay kidding. Tay not hungry.



  4. PROGRAM TabooCat



    TayPos, TabooPos = 3d_Vector_meters

    Distance = real_meters



    TayPos := Location(“Ensign Tay”)

    TabooPos := Location(“Commander JoNs”)


    IF ((TayPos <> Null)) AND (TabooPos <> Null))

    Distance := Vector_Subtract(TayPos, TabooPos)


    IF (Distance < 10.0)

    COMM(“Ensign Tay”, “Hsssssssst”)







    END IF



  5. Name : Tay

    Race: The Tay (Nightflyers)

    Height: 4' 3"

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Brown

    Complexion: Brown

    Racial Traits : Wings, slit eyes, finger, wing and heel talons, large pointed and mobile ears, carnivore teeth

    Martial Status:  Single


    Higher Education:


    Primary Specialty: Science

    Secondary Specialty: Helm / Operations

    Current Assignment: USS Agincourt NCC-81762

    Rank: Ensign

    Position: Operations / Science


    Biographical and Species Profile:


    Tay was recruited at a young age into a Starfleet Academy - Manaus College program which absorbs a small number of her species into the interstellar community. Her people are treetop dwelling night hunters. As such, they are focused to sonar and wings while most species focus towards eyes and hands. Their vocal apparatus evolved towards echo sounding. Thus their language -- much like Earth’s dolphins -- is built around sound images rather than words. The high frequencies used allow very dense layered communications, which are totally incomprehensible to species not accustomed to processing three dimensional sound images as a primary sense mode. The Tay are capable of learning the languages used by ground dwelling species, though Tay thought patterns are parallel, and the serial word-by-word syntax and low frequencies are at best awkward.


    Like most females of her species, Tay is highly intelligent, deeply curious, and driven to completely learn her environment. Juvenile females are traditionally scouts and hunters. By instinct, they strive to know their surroundings, to anticipate and detect any threat. The few Tay that have joined Starfleet over the years have served well as helm and science officers.


    The species has a strong sexual division of labor. While the young females are scouts and hunters, it is the male role to defend territory and protect the young. This role specialization does effect the tactics and emotions of conflict. Female Tay, being small lightly built hunters, by inclination pounce from ambush or take prey unaware on the wing. Their small size and bred for flight light weight bone structure makes them very fragile for direct physical conflict, which by inclination they avoid. Defending and protecting is a male role.


    They Tay metabolism is variable, neither purely warm nor cold blooded. They prefer and are most active in a warm environment. Through physical action and an equivalent of adrenalin, they can increase their body temperature and activity level to a high pitch even in relatively cold temperatures. While not strong or heavy by the standards of most species, Tay are very quick when fully active. It takes considerable energy to maintain full metabolism, however. When there is no need, they tend to let body temperatures drop, to assume a pounce hunter’s silent watching stillness. By inclination, Tay will eat many small meals in order to maintain a steady metabolism. While a few transitions between warm active and cold resting states are not problematic, frequent and rapid transitions between the two modes can result in a state similar to insulin shock.


    The Tay wings are optimized for their home world’s .91 G gravity field, and a somewhat thick atmosphere. In the envelope of most Class M planets, the Tay are capable of reasonably acrobatic flight. The higher the gravity, the thinner the atmosphere, the lower the oxygen content, the more the flight capability degrades.




    It is unwise to startle a female Tay. Sudden unexpected physical threats instinctively trigger an painfully loud sonar pulse, a brief but intense flurry with talon and claw, followed by a rapid retreat.


    Low frequency ground dweller words seem slow and clumsy to a Tay. When at all reasonable, they are apt to initiate or respond to conversation with a sonar pulse, the syllable ‘tay,’ which gives the species their name. Depending on context and emphasis, the most common translations for ‘tay’ might be ‘hello,’ ‘sir,’ ‘yes sir,’ ‘sensor contact’ or ‘incoming.’


    In the wild, only the alpha male Tay breed. Only an alpha male can raise a juvenile female Tay to the higher status of matron. As a result, female Tay tend to obsess on the ship’s captain. While most Tay, by the time they reach Starfleet active service, have learned not to present food to the captain as the traditional way to prove their worth, captains are likely to get copies of science reports they might not absolutely need. This is allegedly an improvement over dead rats and birds.




    Ensign Tay’s first assignment was to USS Gideon’s operations department. She transferred to USS Againcourt, and has been serving gamma shift science duty, recently transferred to Alpha shift.


